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Gac. méd. Méx ; 156(5): 426-431, sep.-oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249941


Resumen Introducción: El jabón para el aseo cutáneo es de empleo común entre la población, sin embargo, es posible que cause daño a las células de la piel y modifique la barrera cutánea. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto citotóxico de los jabones en queratinocitos cultivados in vitro y correlacionarlo con la irritación clínica. Método: Se realizó una encuesta para conocer los jabones comerciales más utilizados y su cantidad; posteriormente, se evaluó su citotoxicidad en cultivos de queratinocitos humanos mediante el método de resazurina. Los jabones con mayor y menor citotoxicidad se aplicaron en piel de voluntarios sanos para evaluar su efecto en la barrera cutánea mediante ensayos de colorimetría y pérdida transepidérmica de agua. Resultados: De los jabones analizados, 37 % demostró ser tóxico para los queratinocitos in vitro. El jabón con mayor toxicidad indujo el mayor índice de eritema y pérdida transepidérmica de agua, en comparación con el jabón menos tóxico y el vehículo empleado como solución control. Conclusión: Los jabones comercializados para el aseo cutáneo pueden incluir ingredientes químicos que dañan los queratinocitos humanos y causan irritación subclínica de la barrera cutánea. Su utilización puede agravar dermatosis preexistentes, generar dermatitis xerósica o de contacto irritativa y causar atrofia y dermatoporosis.

Abstract Introduction: The use of soap for skin cleansing is common among the population. However, it is possible that it causes damage to skin cells and disrupts the skin barrier. Objective: To determine the cytotoxic effect of soaps on in vitro-cultured keratinocytes and to correlate it with clinical irritation. Method: A survey was conducted to find out the most widely used commercial soaps and their number. Subsequently, their cytotoxicity was evaluated in human keratinocyte cultures using the resazurin assay. The soaps with the highest and lowest cytotoxicity were applied to the skin of healthy volunteers to assess their effect on the skin barrier using colorimetry and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) assays. Results: Of the analyzed soaps, 37 % were shown to be toxic to keratinocytes in vitro. The soap with the highest toxicity induced the highest rate of erythema and TEWL, in comparison with the least toxic soap and the vehicle used as the control solution. Conclusion: Soaps marketed for skin cleansing can contain chemical ingredients that damage human keratinocytes and cause skin barrier subclinical irritation. Their use can worsen preexisting dermatoses, generate xerotic or irritant contact dermatitis, and cause atrophy and dermatoporosis.

Humans , Soaps/adverse effects , Keratinocytes/drug effects , Skin Irritancy Tests , Irritants/adverse effects , Skin/drug effects , Soaps/chemistry , Body Water , Cells, Cultured , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Colorimetry , Erythema/chemically induced , Healthy Volunteers , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
An. bras. dermatol ; 94(2): 147-156, Mar.-Apr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001140


Abstract: BACKGROUND: Occupational dermatoses are common, especially contact dermatitis. Epidemiological studies on these dermatoses are scarce in Brazil and they are necessary as part of the public policy to protect workers' health. OBJECTIVES: To identify sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients with occupational contact dermatitis seen between 2000 and 2014 at an occupational dermatology service. METHODS: It is a cross-sectional and retrospective study, based on information obtained from the service's database. RESULTS: Of 560 patients with conclusive patch test, 289 (46.9%) presented occupational dermatoses and 213 occupational contact dermatitis with predominance of the allergic type in relation to the irritative type (149:64 respectively). The odds of occupational dermatoses were higher among men and lower among patients aged 50 years or older and with higher level of education. Regarding the possibility of presenting occupational allergic contact dermatitis, only the gender variable was statistically significant. The professions most seen were cleaners, construction workers, painters, mechanics/metallurgists and cooks. The commonest allergens were nickel sulfate, potassium dichromate, cobalt chloride, carba-mix and formaldehyde. STUDY LIMITATIONS: The main limitations of this study are the fact that it was carried out in a tertiary service of occupational dermatoses and the lack of access to some allergens outside the patch test baseline series. CONCLUSIONS: It was possible to identify the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients with suspected occupational contact dermatitis seen at the Service, beyond the professional groups and allergens related to a high risk of occupational contact dermatitis in this population.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/epidemiology , Dermatitis, Occupational/epidemiology , Potassium Dichromate/adverse effects , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Patch Tests/statistics & numerical data , Caustics/adverse effects , Construction Industry , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Age Factors , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Dermatitis, Irritant/epidemiology , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/etiology , Dermatitis, Occupational/etiology , Educational Status , Hand Dermatoses/chemically induced , Hand Dermatoses/epidemiology , Irritants/adverse effects , Nickel/adverse effects
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 16(3): 352-360, may.-jun. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901729


Introducción: La Dermatitis ocupacional es una inflamación de la piel provocada por el entorno laboral o contacto de una sustancia perjudicial, siendo considerada el problema de salud más frecuente en el ámbito laboral. Objetivo: Describir las características de los pacientes con Dermatitis ocupacional atendidos en una consulta de Dermatología durante 2015. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal con una muestra de 56 personas diagnosticadas con esta enfermedad y que acudieron a consulta de Dermatología del Policlinico Pedro Fonseca durante todo 2015. Resultados: El 58,9 por ciento fue del sexo femenino, quienes llevaban más de 5 años de trabajo e iniciaron los síntomas más de 12 meses antes. El 100 por ciento de los pacientes tenían lesiones eritematosas y 94,6 por ciento presentaron liquenificación. La presentación de las lesiones costrosas fue de 69,6 por ciento más evidente en manos y muñecas. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con diagnóstico de Dermatitis ocupacional fueron los más frecuentes en la consulta de Dermatología de nuestra área de salud durante 2015. La Dermatitis ocupacional atópica superó en número de casos diagnosticados y en severidad de las lesiones a la Dermatitis ocupacional irritativa, siendo además la de mayor tiempo de evolución de los síntomas(AU)

Introduction: The occupational Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by the labor environment or contact of a harmful substance, being considered the more frequent health problem in the labor environment. Objective: To describe the characteristics of the patients with occupational Dermatitis assisted in a consultation of Dermatology during 2015. Material and Methods: He/she was carried out a traverse descriptive investigation with a sample of 56 people diagnosed with this illness and that they went to consultation of Dermatology of the Policlinic Pedro Fonseca during everything 2015. Results: 58,9 percent was of the feminine sex who had more than 5 years of work and they began the symptoms before more than 12 months. 100 percent of the patients had erythematous lesions and 94,6 percent of them presented lichenification. The presentation of the scabby lesions was of 69,6 more evident percent in hands and risks. Conclusions: The patients with diagnostic of occupational Dermatitis were the most frequent in the consultation of Dermatology of our health area during 2015. The atopic occupational Dermatitis overcame in number of diagnosed cases and in severity of the lesions to the occupational irritating Dermatitis, being also the one with the bigger time of evolution of the symptoms(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Dermatitis, Occupational/diagnosis , Dermatitis, Occupational/epidemiology , Dermatitis, Atopic/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology
An. bras. dermatol ; 89(6): 996-997, Nov-Dec/2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-727632


The cosmopolitan beetles of the Paederus genus (potós) cause a severe dermatitis when the insect is crushed against the skin of exposed areas (the cervical region is the most affected). Toxins (pederin and others) from the hemolymph of the insect cause plaques and/or bizarre, linear lesions with erythema, edema, blisters, pustules, crusts and exulcerations. There may be a burning sensation and severe conjunctivitis. Lesions disappear after 10 days and may leave hyperchromic macules. Treatment is made with topical corticosteroids and intensive washing.

Animals , Female , Humans , Animals, Poisonous , Arthropod Venoms/poisoning , Coleoptera , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Dermatitis, Irritant/pathology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-38921


BACKGROUND: The Government Pharmaceutical Organization of Thailand (GPO) has developed many products using liposome nanotechnology and Thai herbal extracts. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the irritation potential of GPO products on human skin using the single application closed patch test under occlusion. The authors also studied the moisturizing efficacy of a commercial curmin extract cream (GPO curmin cream). MATERIAL AND METHOD: Thirty-six female volunteers were tested with 12 test materials developed by GPO including liposome, curmin extract: tetrahydrocurcuminoids (THC), and commercial curmin cream. Two and a half percent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was used as positive control. Standard Finn chambers on Scanpor tape with webril cotton were used as occlusive patch test devices. Cutaneous irritation responses were graded after patch removal and the incidence of irritation compared to the positive control was used for evaluation. Corneometer was used to measure skin hydration before and after application of curmin cream. RESULTS: All volunteers completed the present study. The skin irritation effects from the test materials were significantly lower (p-value < 0.001, McNemar statistic test) than the positive control. Measurement of skin hydration after twice daily application of GPO curmin cream was significantly higher (p-value < 0.001, paired t-test) than the control skin. CONCLUSION: The test materials and finished products developed by the GPO are not likely to induce skin irritation under normal conditions of use. Furthermore, twice-daily application of the commercial GPO curmin cream can significantly increase skin hydration.

Adult , Curcumin/adverse effects , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Exanthema/chemically induced , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Pilot Projects , Plant Extracts/adverse effects , Skin Care , Skin Irritancy Tests , Thailand
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol ; 2007 Jan-Feb; 73(1): 13-5
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-52071
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 14(4): 229-35, 1998.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-245416


Las dermatosis ocupacionales constituyen un amplio grupo de enfermedades que se presentan con frecuencia en la práctica dermatológica. Este artículo expone las patologías relacionadas con los diferentes ámbitos de la actividad laboral, sus aspectos clínicos más relevantes y los mecanismos etiopatogénicos involucrados

Humans , Dermatitis, Occupational/diagnosis , Latex Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Coal Tar/adverse effects , Cold Temperature/adverse effects , Cumulative Trauma Disorders/complications , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/immunology , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Dermatitis, Occupational/etiology , Halogens/adverse effects , Hot Temperature/adverse effects , Mineral Oil/adverse effects , Skin Neoplasms/etiology , Vibration/adverse effects
Arch. argent. alerg. inmunol. clín ; 27(4): 279-82, 1996. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-193281


Estudio epidemiológico de cohorte con 1030 escolares de 4to. y 5to. grados de dos Municipios de la Ciudad Habana, diferenciados por el grado de exposición a la contaminación ambiental. Se realizaron pruebas funcionales respiratorias a una submuestra, de los alumnos (104 en cada Municipio) y se confeccionó un registro diario de morbilidad en cada aula. Se encontró un porciento mayor de pruebas positivas en los niños con antecedentes patológicos personales, residentes en la zona de mayor exposición. Se halló un riesgo relativo mayor que 1, en el asma bronquial y en la obstrucción nasal en el Municipio Cerro de mayor exposición, en relación al Municipio Habana del este, de menor exposición.

Humans , Male , Female , Air Pollutants/adverse effects , Environmental Pollution/adverse effects , Air Pollution/adverse effects , Environmental Health/statistics & numerical data , Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , School Health Services , Asthma/etiology , Bronchitis/epidemiology , Bronchitis/etiology , Cohort Studies , Cuba , Dermatitis, Photoallergic/etiology , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Dermatitis/etiology , Hypersensitivity/etiology , Pharyngitis/etiology , Common Cold/epidemiology , Common Cold/etiology , Respiratory Tract Infections/epidemiology , Tonsillitis/etiology
Dermatol. rev. mex ; 39(supl 5): 21-6, sept.-oct. 1995. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-162032


La elección de un jabón sobre otro depende principalmente de preferencias individuales, sin embargo, el tipo de piel que tiene cada paciente influye en esta elección. En este estudio investigamos el efecto irritativo de los jabones utilizados para la piel delicada. Se expusieron 15 sujetos de piel sensible (con prueba del parche positiva para lauril sulfato de sodio al 0.13 por ciento) a emulsiones de jabón al 8 por ciento durante cinco días seguidos y se registró la aparición de eritema, descamación y fisuración. De esta manera se evaluaron 22 jabones y sustitutos de jabón. Además se estudiaron las características de cada producto, su pH, contenido de detergentes, perfume y exceso de grasa. Los resultados indicaron que la mayor parte de los jabones y sustitutos de jabón poseen un pH demasiado alcalino, y que una gran cantidad de ellos no reúnen las característicasadecuadas para rotularse como jabones neutros y mucho menos útiles para piel sensible. Sin embargo, cinco de ellos prácticamente no produjeron irritación. Podemos concluir que en nuestri país contamos con productos adecuados para el aseo cotidiano en personas con piel sensible

Humans , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Erythema/diagnosis , Erythema/etiology , Skin , Skin Diseases/etiology , Soaps/adverse effects , Soaps/analysis , Soaps/chemistry