La reticulohistiocitosis multicéntrica es una enfermedad inflamatoria, una histiocitosis de células no Langerhans, poco frecuente y de etiología desconocida. Se clasifica como multicéntrica al presentar compromiso multisistémico. La enfermedad afecta predominantemente a la piel y las articulaciones, pero es posible la afectación visceral. Las manifestaciones cutáneas se caracterizan por múltiples nódulos y pápulas de color eritemato-marronáceas, pruriginosas en la cara, manos, cuello y tronco. Se asocia a enfermedades autoinmunes y neoplasias malignas, observándose entre el 20 y el 30% de los pacientes con reticulohistiocitosis multicéntrica. Su diagnóstico se realiza sobre la base de la histopatología de tejidos afectados. Al ser una enfermedad poco reportada, no existe tratamiento estandarizado. Se reporta un caso de reticulohistiocitosis multicéntrica como manifestación paraneoplásica a un cáncer ductal de mama, siendo tratadas con éxito, sin recidivas luego de dos años de seguimiento. Pocos casos se han reportado en la literatura de reticulohistiocitosis multicéntrica asociado a cáncer mamario.
Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis is a rare non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis of unknown etiology. It is classified as multicentric because of multisystem involvement. The disease predominantly affects the skin and joints, but visceral involvement is possible. Multiple erythematous-brownish, pruritic nodules and papules on the face, hands, neck, and trunk are characteristic. It is associated with autoimmune diseases, or malignant neoplasms are seen in 20% to 30% of patients with multicentric reticulohistiocytosis. The diagnosis is based on histopathology of affected tissues. As it is an underreported disease, there is no standardized treatment. A case of multicentric reticulohistiocytosis is reported as a paraneoplastic manifestation of ductal breast cancer, being successfully treated with no recurrence after two years of follow-up. Few cases of multicentric reticulohistiocytosis associated with breast cancer have been reported in the literature.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Histiocytosis, Non-Langerhans-Cell/diagnosis , Histiocytosis, Non-Langerhans-Cell/pathology , Dermoscopy/methods , Paraneoplastic Syndromes/diagnosis , Paraneoplastic Syndromes/pathology , Follow-Up Studies , Carcinoma, Intraductal, Noninfiltrating/diagnosis , Carcinoma, Intraductal, Noninfiltrating/pathologyABSTRACT
Introduction: The umbilicus is a unique physiologic scar of human body. Its absence leads to an unnatural abdominal appearance and can cause psychological and social complexes. Objective: To present a case of neoumbilicoplasty with vertical island pedicle flap for a large pigmented umbilical nevus. Clinical case: A healthy 50-year-old female patient with a history of a pigmentated nevus on the umbilicus since childhood that complains of changes in size and color of it. She also referred notice a lump in the upper umbilical region which was an umbilical hernia. The patient underwent an omphalectomy with oncological margins, an umbilical hernia repair and a neoumbilicoplasty with vertical island pedicle flap. Seroma was the only postoperative complication. Aesthetic results were acceptable and satisfied the patient. Conclusions: This is a rare case not only because the umbilical skin lesions are uncommon but the neoumbilicoplasty technique is rarely used(AU)
Introducción: El ombligo es la única cicatriz fisiológica del cuerpo humano. Su ausencia provoca un aspecto abdominal antinatural y puede provocar complejos psicológicos y sociales. Objetivo: Presentar un caso de neoumbilicoplastia con colgajo pediculado vertical en isla para un nevo umbilical pigmentado de gran tamaño. Caso clínico: Paciente femenina sana de 50 años con antecedentes de nevo pigmentado en ombligo desde la infancia, que refiere cambios en el tamaño y color de este. También refirió notar un bulto en la región umbilical superior que era una hernia umbilical. La paciente fue sometida a onfalectomía con márgenes oncológicos, reparación de la hernia umbilical y neoumbilicoplastia con colgajo pediculado vertical en isla. El seroma fue la única complicación postoperatoria. Los resultados estéticos fueron aceptables y satisficieron a la paciente. Conclusiones: Es un caso raro, no solo porque las lesiones cutáneas umbilicales son poco comunes, sino que la técnica de neoumbilicoplastia, rara vez se utiliza(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Umbilicus/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Dermoscopy/methods , Hernia, Umbilical/diagnosis , Nevus, Pigmented/surgery , Seroma/complicationsABSTRACT
Introducción: La fotomarcación es una técnica no invasiva que consiste en la aplicación de un fotosensibilizador y la posterior visualización con lampara de Wood para determinar los márgenes de cáncer de piel no melanoma. Esto podría ser de utilidad en conjunto con la cirugía micrográfica de Mohs, al definir de manera más precisa los márgenes histológicos tumorales. Objetivo: Comparar los límites tumorales entre la demarcación clínica, la dermatoscópica y la demarcación con ALA en carcinomas cutáneos, y corroborarlos con el defecto quirúrgico obtenido por la CMM. Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y prospectivo. Se compararon las áreas tumorales de cáncer de piel no melanoma observadas por clínica, dermatoscopía, fotomarcación y defecto quirúrgico final. Resultados: El promedio del área clínica fue 1,77 cm2 (DE 0,55), el promedio de área dermatoscópica fue 1,93 cm2 (DE 0,55), el promedio del área por fotomarcación fue 2,14 cm2 (DE 0,55) y el promedio del área del defecto quirúrgico final fue 4,41 cm2 (DE 1,12). Conclusiones: No se logró comprobar que la fotomarcación tenga una ventaja estadísticamente significativa respecto a la marcación clínica y dermatoscópica. Se requieren más estudios para determinar el rol de esta técnica.
Introduction: Photomarking is a non-invasive technique that involves the application of a photosensitizer and subsequent visualization with a Wood's lamp to determine the margins of non-melanoma skin cancer. This could be useful in conjunction with Mohs micrographic surgery by more precisely defining the histological tumor margins. Objective: To compare the tumor limits between clinical demarcation, dermatoscopic demarcation, and ALA demarcation in cutaneous carcinomas, and corroborate them with the surgical defect obtained by MMS. Method: Observational, descriptive, and prospective study. The tumor areas of non-melanoma skin cancer observed by clinic, dermatoscopy, photomarking, and final surgical defect were compared. Results: The average clinical area was 1,77 cm2 (SD 0.55), the average dermatoscopic area was 1,93 cm2 (SD 0,55), the average area by photomarking was 2,14 cm2 (SD 0,55), and the average area of the final surgical defect was 4,41 cm2 (SD 1,12). Conclusions: It was not possible to demonstrate that photomapping provides a statistically significant advantage over clinical and dermatoscopic marking. Further studies are needed to determine the role of this technique.
Introdução: A fotomarcação é uma técnica não invasiva que envolve a aplicação de um fotossensibilizador e a subsequente visualização com lâmpada de Wood para determinar as margens do câncer de pele não melanoma. Isso poderia ser útil em conjunto com a cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs ao definir de forma mais precisa as margens histológicas tumorais. Objetivo: Comparar os limites tumorais entre a demarcação clínica, a demarcação dermatoscópica e a demarcação com ALA em carcinomas cutâneos, e corroborá-los com o defeito cirúrgico obtido pela CMM. Método: Estudo observacional, descritivo e prospectivo. Foram comparadas as áreas tumorais de câncer de pele não melanoma observadas por clínica, dermatoscopia, fotomarcação e defeito cirúrgico final. Resultados: A média da área clínica foi de 1,77 cm2 (DP 0,55), a média da área dermatoscópica foi de 1,93 cm2 (DP 0,55), a média da área por fotomarcação foi de 2,14 cm2 (DP 0,55) e a média da área do defeito cirúrgico final foi de 4,41 cm2 (DP 1,12). Conclusões: Não foi possível comprovar que a fotomarcação tenha uma vantagem estatisticamente significativa em relação à marcação clínica e dermatoscópica. Mais estudos são necessários para determinar o papel dessa técnica.
Skin Neoplasms , Mohs Surgery , Aminolevulinic Acid , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Dermoscopy , Observational StudyABSTRACT
La calcinosis escrotal es una enfermedad benigna e infrecuente que se presenta en adultos de mediana edad, con múltiples nódulos asintomáticos a nivel de la piel del escroto. Algunos autores vinculan la aparición de estas lesiones a la calcificación secundaria de quistes epidérmicos o ecrinos. Cuando no se encuentra relacionada con dichas entidades ni con alteraciones del metabolismo fosfocálcico, el cuadro se considera idiopático. El tratamiento de elección es quirúrgico, en caso de impacto en la calidad de vida o relevancia estética para el paciente. (AU)
Scrotal calcinosis is a rare, benign disease that presents in middle-aged adults with multiple asymptomatic nodules on the skin of the scrotum. Some authors link the appearance of these lesions to the secondary calcification of epidermal or eccrine cysts. When it is not related to these entities or to alterations in phosphocalcic metabolism, the condition is considered idiopathic. The treatment of choice is surgical, in case of impact on the quality of life or aesthetic relevance for the patient. (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Scrotum/diagnostic imaging , Calcinosis/diagnostic imaging , Genital Diseases, Male/diagnostic imaging , Scrotum/anatomy & histology , Scrotum/pathology , Calcinosis/pathology , Dermoscopy , Genital Diseases, Male/pathologyABSTRACT
Introduction@#Acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) is the most common type of cutaneous melanoma in Asians that is not associated with ultraviolet radiation (UV) exposure. Dermoscopy enables clinicians to distinguish between benign and malignant acral melanocytic lesions, with some dermoscopic characteristics playing a role in staging and have prognostic implications, which allows for appropriate surgical intervention. The difficulty of making an early diagnosis of ALM is highlighted by this case. ALM’s destructive nature, alongside the patient’s lack of awareness and vigilance, and healthcare access inequality, influences its prognosis. @*Case Report@#This is a case of a long-standing acral lentiginous melanoma with no palpable lymphadenopathies in which it was not immediately detected through biopsy. Upon detection, wide excision with 2 cm margins and disarticulation of the 5th digit of the right foot reconstructed with a fasciocutaneous advancement flap with split thickness skin graft, grafted from the right anterior thigh was done.
@#A 32-year-old Filipino male managed as a case of acute myeloid leukemia presented with a 6-month history of generalized, red-brown papules. After chemotherapy, the patient was advised 30-minutes daily sun exposure as a form of natural phototherapy. On follow-up, most lesions flattened. This case demonstrates chemotherapy’s potential role in controlling the patient’s inflammatory state and using ultraviolet light therapy in the form of sunlight to manage generalized purpuric lichen nitidus.
Lichen Nitidus , Dermoscopy , PhototherapyABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Despite being widely used in different areas of dermatology, there have been few studies evaluating the benefit of dermoscopy in the interpretation of patch tests, especially in weak and doubtful reactions. Objectives: To evaluate the role of dermoscopy in the interpretation of patch tests and describe the main findings of the reactions. Method: Prospective study, carried out in dermatology reference centers in southern Brazil, which evaluated the final results of patch tests analyzed with the aid of dermoscopy. Results: 77 patients and 160 reactions were included. The most prevalent substances were nickel sulphate (23.8%), kathon CG (9.4%), and perfume mix (8.8%). The main dermoscopic findings were reaction area greater than half of the chamber site (90%), homogeneous erythema (86.9%), vesicles (30%), crusts (21.3%), perifollicular erythema (35%), pore reaction (19.4%) and pustules (8.8%). Dermoscopy was found to facilitate the definition of erythema in reactions on black skin and when due to substances with deposition of pigment. Of the 64 weak or doubtful reactions, 36 (56.25%) showed a change in the final result after dermoscopy evaluation; of the 36 doubtful reactions, 33 (91.6%) showed a change in the final result after dermoscopy evaluation (p < 0.001). Study limitations: The probable limitation of the study is its sample size. Though certain significance levels have been reached, other possible relationships may not have been observed. Conclusion: Dermoscopy improves significantly the interpretation of patch tests, especially in weak and doubtful reactions.
Humans , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact , Dermoscopy , Patch Tests , Prospective Studies , ErythemaABSTRACT
Abstract In addition to the infestations and bacterial infections reported in part I, the study of entomodermoscopy also involves descriptions of dermoscopic findings of a growing number of viral and fungal infections, among others. In this article, the main clinical situations in viral infections where dermoscopy can be useful will be described, that is in the evaluation of viral warts, molluscum contagiosum, and even in recent scenarios such as the COVID-19 pandemic. As for fungal infections, dermoscopy is particularly important, not only in the evaluation of the skin surface, but also of skin annexes, such as hairs and nails. The differential diagnosis with skin tumors, especially melanomas, can be facilitated by dermoscopy, especially in the evaluation of cases of verruca plantaris, onychomycosis and tinea nigra.
Humans , Foot Diseases , COVID-19 , Tinea , Dermoscopy , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2ABSTRACT
Abstract Dermoscopy is an essential in vivo diagnostic technique in the clinical evaluation of skin tumors. Currently, the same can also be said about its implications when approaching different clinical situations in Dermatology. A growing number of reports on dermatological scenarios and diseases have been published, in which dermoscopy has been of great diagnostic help. The term ‟entomodermoscopy" was coined to describe dermoscopic findings in skin infestations and also in dermatoses of infectious etiology. In part I of this article, the main dermoscopic descriptions of zoodermatoses and bacterial infections will be addressed. In many of them, such as scabies, pediculosis, myiasis, and tungiasis, it is possible to identify the pathogen and, consequently, attain the diagnosis more quickly and use the technique to follow-up therapeutic effectiveness. In other situations that will be described, dermoscopy can allow the observation of clinical findings with greater detail, rule out differential diagnoses, and increase the level of confidence in a clinical suspicion.
Humans , Skin Diseases , Skin Diseases, Parasitic/diagnosis , Skin Neoplasms , Bacterial Infections , DermoscopyABSTRACT
El hemangioma elastótico adquirido (HEA) es una patología vascular benigna, poco frecuente y de reciente descripción. Se presenta en individuos de entre 50 y 82 años, con una incidencia similar entre hombres y mujeres. Desde su primera descripción, en 2002, solo se publicaron 50 casos. Comunicamos 2 casos de hemangioma elastótico adquirido observados en nuestro Servicio de Dermatología a los efectos de contribuir con la caracterización de esta entidad.
Acquired elastotic hemangioma (AHE) represents a rare, benign vascular pathology of recent description. It occurs in individuals between 50 and 82 years old, with a similar incidence in men and women. It was initially described in 2002, since then only 50 cases have been published. We report two cases of elastotic hemangioma observed in our Dermatology Department in order to contribute to the characterization of this entity.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Hemangioma/diagnosis , Dermoscopy , Keratosis/diagnosisABSTRACT
Abstract The penile localization of pigmented Bowen's disease has been rarely reported and has been mostly related to human papillomavirus infection. Early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent progression to invasive squamous cell carcinoma. However, diagnosis can be challenging because it may be difficult to distinguish from melanoma, even using dermoscopy. Reflectance confocal microscopy may be useful in suggesting the bedside diagnosis before the histopathological confirmation. A case of penile pigmented Bowen's disease is described along with its dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy findings and their correlation with histopathology.
Humans , Skin Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Bowen's Disease/diagnostic imaging , Microscopy, Confocal , Dermoscopy , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
Abstract Total body mapping comprises photographic documentation of the entire body surface followed by digital dermatoscopy of selected melanocytic lesions, aiming to compare their evolution over time and identify new lesions. As this is an exam based on comparative analysis of serial dermoscopic body images, standardization of the technique for performing total body mapping is essential. Prepared by specialists from the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, using the modified Delphi method, this article provides recommendations for carrying out total body mapping in Brazil, regarding its indications, technical aspects, and the issuing of the report.
Humans , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Dermatology , Melanoma/diagnosis , Nevus, Pigmented/diagnosis , Brazil , Follow-Up Studies , Dermoscopy , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
Abstract Neurofibromatosis is a common genodermatosis, whose diagnosis often involves the participation of a dermatologist. A case of a 38-year-old female patient with four café-au-lait macules and eleven neurofibromas on clinical examination is presented. Dermoscopy allowed the identification of Lisch nodules in the iris, bilaterally. The combination of these findings allowed the diagnosis of neurofibromatosis type 1, according to NIH criteria. Lisch nodules are melanocytic hamartomas of the iris, which must be evaluated through a visual augmentation method, usually employed in ophthalmology. Alternatively, dermoscopy can be used and contribute to the early diagnosis of neurofibromatosis type 1.
Humans , Female , Adult , Neurofibromatosis 1/diagnostic imaging , Hamartoma , Iris , Cafe-au-Lait Spots/diagnosis , DermoscopyABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Pemphigus foliaceus is exceedingly rare around the world, except within the few regions where it occurs as an endemic variant. Various factors can trigger immune mechanisms that induce pemphigus foliaceus or worsen its course. Objective: To determine the demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients with pemphigus foliaceus in a large series from a non-endemic country, investigate the triggering factors, and seasonal patterns. Methods: The data of the patients diagnosed with pemphigus foliaceus in the study's center between 1989-2018 were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Sixty-eight patients (mean age, 45.7 ± 14.5 years) were included in the study. The number of onsets reached its peak in spring-summer (p = 0.008). A total of 117 relapses occurred in 42 patients and were most common in spring-summer (not significant). Specific trigger factors were detected in 45 relapses. In the other 72 relapses, the peak was observed in spring-summer (p = 0.005). There were no significant differences in the demographic and clinical variables investigated between relapsed and non-relapsed patients. Study limitations: Retrospective design. Conclusions: Triggering factors could not be identified in more than half of the relapses in the study's series. The subgroup of relapses (without identified causes), as well as the onsets of the disease, showed a significant seasonal variation with a peak in spring-summer; however, the seasonal variable did not justify the total group of relapses. Although the seasonal variation may be caused by a combination of factors, UV radiation should be considered a trigger factor for the peaks in spring-summer, particularly in Turkey.
Humans , Skin Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Acanthoma/diagnostic imaging , DermoscopyABSTRACT
Introducción: La precisión diagnóstica de los nevus pigmentados ha sido una constante preocupación por los dermatólogos. Objetivo: Identificar la utilidad del dermatoscopio en la correlación de las características clínicas y los patrones dermatoscópicos de nevus pigmentados y su asociación con el diagnóstico histológico. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, analítica, de tipo correlacional, con pacientes de la zona sur de Ciego de Ávila que acudieron a la consulta de dermatología del Hospital Provincial General Docente Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola en el periodo de abril 2017 a diciembre 2019. Resultados: Predominó el sexo femenino, el grupo de edad de 21 a 30 años, el fototipo II de piel y la zona expuesta (cara y V del escote) (18 ;35,3 por ciento) sin relación entre estas variables. El diagnóstico histológico de nevus de la unión se encontró asociado a la simetría (p < 0,004), la pigmentación homogénea (p < 0,000), así como al patrón dermatoscópico reticular (p < 0,000), globular (p < 0,002) y homogéneo (p < 0,008). El nevus intradérmico se observó asociado a la característica clínica de pigmentación homogénea (p < 0,007), y al patrón dermatoscópico reticular (p < 0,000) y homogéneo (p < 0,005). El nevus compuesto no presentó relación con las características clínicas ni dermatoscópicas. El nevus azul solo se correlacionó con el patrón dermatoscópico homogéneo (p < 0,025). Conclusión: Los patrones dermatoscópicos fueron útiles para el diagnóstico clínico e histológico de los nevus pigmentados(AU)
Introduction: The diagnostic precision of pigmented nevi has been a constant concern of dermatologists. Objective: To determine the usefulness of the Dermatoscope in the correlation of the clinical characteristics and the dermoscopic patterns of pigmented nevi and their association with the histological diagnosis. Methods: An analytical observational investigation of a correlational type was carried out in patients from the southern area of Ciego de Ávila who attended the Dermatology consultation at the Antonio Luaces Iraola Provincial Hospital in the period from April 2017 to December 2019. Results: The female sex, the age group of 21 to 30 years, skin phototype II and the exposed area (face and V of the neckline) (18; 35.3 percent) predominated with no relationship between these variables. The histological diagnosis of junctional nevus was found associated with symmetry (p <0.004), homogeneous pigmentation (p <0.000), as well as the reticular dermoscopic pattern (p <0.000), globular (p <0.002) and homogeneous (p <0.008). The intradermal nevus was observed associated with the clinical characteristic of homogeneous pigmentation (p <0.007), and with the reticular (p <0.000) and homogeneous (p <0.005) dermoscopic pattern. The composite nevus was not related to clinical or dermoscopic characteristics. The blue nevus only correlated with the homogeneous dermoscopic pattern (p <0.025). Conclusions: The dermoscopic patterns were useful for the clinical and histological diagnosis of pigmented nevi(AU)
Humans , Pigmentation , Clinical Diagnosis , Dermatology , Nevus, Pigmented , Dermoscopy/methodsABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Reportar un caso de esporotricosis linfocutánea contraída en Chile y realizar una revisión de la literatura con énfasis en los hallazgos dermatoscópicos de las lesiones y en los casos reportados en el país. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente adulto mayor con lesiones nodulares ulceradas siguiendo trayecto linfático en extremidad superior derecha. RESULTADOS: Estudio micológico confirmó la presencia de Sporothrix schenckii. Se inició tratamiento con antifúngico oral con buena respuesta terapéutica. CONCLUSIONES: Existe un escaso número de reporte de esporotricosis linfocutánea contraída en Chile con confirmación micológica. Este es el único caso chileno con descripción dermatoscópica de las lesiones.
OBJETIVE: To report a case of lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis adquired in Chile and provide a review of the literature with emphasis on dermoscopic findings and previous cases reported in the country. CLINICAL CASE: An elderly patient presented with ulcerated nodular lesions following lymphatic vessels in his right upper limb.RESULTS: Mycological work-up confirmed the presence of Sporothrix schenkii. Oral antifungal treatment was initiated with good therapeutic response. CONCLUSIONS: Few case reports of lymphocutaneous sporotricosis adquired in Chile can be found in literature. Until now this is the only chilean case with dermoscopic description of the lesions.