Aims: to investigate if individuals, who have already been and/or are still on restrictive diets, present high scores for risk of disordered eating attitudes. Methods: a cross-sectional study was carried out online in the Research Electronic Data Capture platform using social media (Instagram and Whatsapp). The study sample consisted of 539 individuals aged over 18 years and the questionnaire was divided into three parts: sociodemographic data, questions about the practice of restrictive diets developed by the authors, and the Disordered Eating Attitudes Scale. The chi-square test was used to compare categorical variables and the Student's t or ANOVA tests were used to compare averages. The significance level adopted was 5%. Results: the final mean in the Disordered Eating Attitudes Scale was 74.4 (SD=18.6). Individuals who had already been and/or are still on restrictive diets presented higher scores than those who had never been on this type of diet. Conclusions: eating attitudes of individuals who adhere to restrictive diets tend to be less healthy than those who have never been on this type of diet. Our findings demonstrate an increased focus on weight-related concerns following these dietary practices, as well as the challenges faced in maintaining a desired weight
Objetivos: verificar se indivíduos que já realizaram e/ou ainda realizam dietas restritivas apresentam altos escores para risco de atitudes alimentares desordenadas. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo com delineamento transversal, com coleta de dados online, através da plataforma Research Electronic Data Capture divulgado nas mídias sociais (Instagram e WhatsApp). A amostra foi composta por 539 indivíduos com idade acima de 18 anos e o questionário foi subdividido em três partes: uma seção para dados sociodemográficos, outra com questões sobre a realização da prática de dietas restritivas elaboradas pelas autoras, e a última contendo a Escala de Atitudes Alimentares Transtornadas, a qual tem a finalidade de mensurar as atitudes alimentares desordenadas, avaliando crenças, pensamentos, sentimentos, comportamentos e relação com a comida. Foi utilizado o Teste qui-quadrado para comparação entre variáveis categóricas e para comparação de duas médias foi utilizado o Teste t de Student ou Teste de ANOVA para comparação de médias. O nível de significância adotado foi 5%. Resultados: a média de pontuação final da Escala de Atitudes Alimentares Transtornadas foi de 74,4 (DP= 18,6). Com pontuações maiores para os indivíduos que já realizaram e/ou ainda realizam quando comparado com aqueles que nunca utilizaram essa prática. Conclusões: as atitudes alimentares dos praticantes de dietas restritivas são mais inadequadas do que aquelas dos indivíduos que nunca realizaram essa prática. Do mesmo modo, demonstram um aumento na preocupação com o peso após a realização dessas dietas e a dificuldade de manter a redução do mesmo
Humans , Diet Therapy , Feeding BehaviorABSTRACT
Introducción: Los adultos mayores son la población más propensa a presentar desórdenes gastrointestinales, específicamente y en mayor proporción el estreñimiento idiopático. La alimentación es un factor clave, pero poco estudiado a la hora de tratar el estreñimiento. Objetivo: Comprender las diferentes percepciones por parte de los profesionales de la salud, los cuidadores y el adulto mayor acerca del manejo del estreñimiento idiopático, desde un enfoque alimentario, teniendo en cuenta las preferencias y gustos en el adulto mayor institucionalizado de Medellín. Métodos: La técnica de generación de la información se realizó a través de grupos focales, efectuando seis grupos: uno conformado por los profesionales del área de la salud, tres por los adultos mayores y dos por los cuidadores. Resultados: Se identificó que una de las recomendaciones que más se repite es el incremento del aporte de fibra y líquidos. En general, los adultos mayores tienen poca adherencia a las estrategias nutricionales para el manejo del estreñimiento, ya que los alimentos que se les ofrecen no se adecuan a sus preferencias. Conclusiones: No existe una percepción unánime en el personal de salud y los cuidadores con respecto a la efectividad del tratamiento nutricional para el manejo del estreñimiento en el adulto mayor; sin embargo, se identificaron testimonios exitosos sobre el uso de algunas frutas, la inclusión de fibra en la dieta y el aumento en el consumo de líquidos(AU)
Introduction: Older adults are the population most likely to present with gastrointestinal disorders specifically and idiopathic constipation to a greater extent. Diet is a key factor, but it has been little studied when it comes to treating constipation. Objective: To understand the different perceptions by health professionals, caregivers and older adults about the management of idiopathic constipation, from a dietary approach, taking into account the preferences and tastes of institutionalized older adults in Medellín. Methods: The information generation technique was carried out through focus groups, establishing six groups: one made up of health professionals, three for older adults and two for caregivers. Results: It was identified that one of the most repeated recommendations is to increase the intake of fiber and fluids. In general, older adults have poor adherence to nutritional strategies for managing constipation, since food offered to them do not suit their preferences. Conclusions: There is no unanimous perception among health personnel and caregivers regarding the effectiveness of nutritional treatment for the management of constipation in older adults; however, successful testimonies were identified regarding the use of some fruits, the inclusion of fiber in the diet and the increase in fluid consumption(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Constipation/epidemiology , Nutrition Therapy/methods , Diet , Diet Therapy/methods , Feeding Behavior , Nutritional Physiological PhenomenaABSTRACT
O aumento da longevidade humana veio acompanhado de uma maior preocupação com os hábitos alimentares e de uma banalização das dietas prescritas, favorecendo um contexto de medicalização da comida, no qual a fronteira entre alimento e medicamento fica imprecisa. Isto tem sido usado mercadologicamente pelas indústrias alimentícias, farmacêuticas e de suplementos alimentares. Este artigo visa discutir como o ecossistema publicitário contemporâneo e a ciberpublicidade são utilizados para naturalizar a presença de suplementos e medicamentos na dieta cotidiana. Usou-se como estudo de caso uma campanha publicitária vietnamita, em que um comprimido foi posicionado como ingrediente culinário. A partir de outros casos descritos na literatura, discutem-se os resultados encontrados no contexto ocidental. Nas considerações finais, apresentam-se alguns desafios regulatórios; apontam-se perspectivas para pesquisas futuras; e defende-se a educação como elemento fundamental para a construção de uma sociedade em que a saúde seja valorizada e exigida como bem coletivo e direito de todos
As human longevity increases, a greater concern with eating habits is visible. Furthermore, the number of people who trivialize prescribed diets increases. This context favors the medicalization of food, in which the boundary between food and medicine is blurred. Industries take advantage of this situation to promote several products. This article discusses how the contemporary advertising ecosystem and the cyber advertising techniques are used to naturalize the presence of supplements and medications in the daily diet. We used as a case study a Vietnamese campaign, in which a tablet was positioned as a culinary ingredient. Based on other cases described in the literature, the results found in the Western context are discussed. In the last section, some regulatory challenges are presented, prospects for future research are pointed out, and education is defended as fundamental for the development of citizens who value Public Health as a collective good and a right of all
El aumento de la longevidad humana ha venido acompañado de una mayor preocupación por los hábitos alimentarios y de una banalización de las dietas prescritas, favoreciendo un contexto de medicalización de la alimentación, en el que la frontera entre alimento y medicamento se esfuma. Esto viene siendo utilizado comercialmente por industrias alimentarias, farmacéuticas y de complementos alimenticios. Este artículo tiene el objetivo de discutir como el ecosistema publicitario contemporáneo y la publicidad cibernética son usados para naturalizar la presencia de suplementos y medicamentos en la dieta diaria. Se utilizó como estudio de caso una campaña publicitaria vietnamita, en la que se posicionó un comprimido como ingrediente culinario. Con base en otros casos descritos en la literatura, se discuten los resultados encontrados en el contexto occidental. En las reflexiones finales, se presentan algunos desafíos regulatorios; se señalan perspectivas para futuras investigaciones; y la educación es defendida como elemento fundamental para la construcción de una sociedad en la que se valore y exija la salud como bien colectivo y derecho de todos.
Humans , Dietary Supplements , Diet Therapy , Feeding Behavior , Longevity , Food Industry , Public Health , AdvertisingABSTRACT
Ninety days study was conducted in hapas installed in earthen ponds. Fish of an average initial weight (220g) were evenly distributed in triplicate groups within fifteen hapas. Five experimental diets labeled as T1 (25% CP and NRC recommended amino acid level) as control diet, T2 (with 2% low protein and 5% amino acid supplementation), T3 (with 2% low protein and 10% amino acid supplementation), T4 (with 4% low protein and 10% amino acid supplementation) and T5 (with 4% low protein and 20% amino acid supplementation) were prepared. Fish were fed with @3% of their body weight twice a day at 10.00 & 16:00 hour. Significantly higher percent weight gain (420.18 ± 66.84a) and specific growth rate (13499.33±1273.54a) along with improved feed conversion ratio (1.29 ± 0.09b) and hundred percent survivals were recorded during the trial. Furthermore proximate analysis of meat showed significant improvement in the crude protein level (81.77 ± 0.19a) served with diet containing 20% limiting amino acids mixture. Therefore, limiting amino acids can be a source of cost effective feed and use safely in L. rohita diet.
O estudo de 90 dias foi realizado em hapas instalados em tanques de terra. Peixes com peso inicial médio (220 g) foram distribuídos uniformemente em grupos triplicados em 15 hapas. Cinco dietas experimentais rotuladas como T1 (25% de CP e NRC recomendado nível de aminoácidos) como dieta controle, T2 (com 2% de proteína baixa e 5% de suplementação de aminoácidos), T3 (com 2% de proteína baixa e 10% de suplementação de aminoácidos), T4 (com 4% de baixa proteína e 10% de suplementação de aminoácidos) e T5 (com 4% de baixa proteína e 20% de suplementação de aminoácidos) foram preparadas. Os peixes foram alimentados com 3% do seu peso corporal duas vezes por dia às 10h00 e 16h00. Ganho de peso significativamente maior (420,18 ± 66,84a) e taxa de crescimento específico (13499,33 ± 1273,54a) juntamente com taxa de conversão alimentar melhorada (1, 29 ± 0,09b) e sobrevivência de cem por cento foram registrados durante o ensaio. Além disso, a análise aproximada da carne mostrou melhora significativa no nível de proteína bruta (81,77 ± 0,19a) servida com dieta contendo 20% de mistura de aminoácidos limitantes. Portanto, a limitação de aminoácidos pode ser uma fonte de alimentação econômica e usada com segurança na dieta de L. rohita.
Animals , Cyprinidae/growth & development , Cyprinidae/metabolism , Diet, Protein-Restricted/veterinary , Diet Therapy/veterinaryABSTRACT
Introdução: O comer restritivo é relacionado à importantes questões de saúde pública, como obesidade e transtornos alimentares devido às relações com peso corporal; mas há divergência quanto a sua definição e variáveis relacionadas e são sugeridas particularidades para mulheres e homens em relação aos aspectos da imagem corporal, comportamento alimentar e susceptibilidade destes componentes à influência de redes sociais. Objetivo: Avaliar o comer restritivo e seus componentes [descontrole alimentar (DA), restrição cognitiva (RC) e comer emocional (CE)] em modelos teóricos que incluam insatisfação corporal, autoestima, índice de massa corporal e a influência da observação de perfis no Instagram® do tipo "fitness" entre mulheres e homens. Métodos: A partir de desenho experimental online (observação dos perfis de Instagram®), a pesquisa foi dividida em 3 etapas: 1) desenho intra sujeitos que utilizou análises de variância (ANOVAs) com medidas repetidas e covariáveis para comparar mulheres (vs. homens), que observaram perfis fitness no Instagram® (vs. perfis controle), antes (vs. após a intervenção) - distribuídos randomicamente entre os grupos respeitando sexo. A etapa avaliou o interesse por comidas indulgentes (versus não indulgentes) antes e após a intervenção experimental; 2) modelos de regressão linear múltipla para identificar a influência dos grupos experimentais (mulheres que observaram perfis fitness x perfis controle x homens que observaram perfis fitness x perfis controle), da insatisfação corporal, do comportamento de comer transtornado (CCT), da baixa autoestima, idade, renda, índice de massa corporal (IMC) e nível subjetivo de fome sobre os componentes do comer restritivo; 3) proposta de modelo teórico para o comer restritivo e componentes explicados pela insatisfação corporal e moderadores ou mediadores da relação: comportamento de comer transtornado, autoestima, IMC, nível subjetivo de fome e tipo de perfis de Instagram® observado (fitness x controle) por modelagem por equações estruturais (MEE). Resultados: A etapa 1 demonstrou que apenas os homens (H), apresentaram maior interesse por imagens de comidas doces e indulgentes após a observação de perfis fitness no Instagram® (p=0,04, d=0,45) e que tanto mulheres (M) como H apresentaram maior interesse por imagens de comidas doces e não indulgentes após observarem perfis fitness no Instagram® (M: p=0,001, d=0,68; H: p=0,001, d=0,67). A etapa 2 demonstrou que independentemente do perfil de Instagram® observado, mulheres apresentaram maior pontuação para DA, RC e CE. E para todos, a insatisfação corporal foi a variável mais explicativa [DE: ß = 0,25, p≤0,001; RC: ß= 0,26, p≤0,001; e CE: ß= 0,29, p≤0,001]. A etapa 3 revelou que entre a amostra de homens, o poder da teoria foi maior considerando a relação entre a insatisfação com a musculatura (e não para insatisfação geral com o corpo). O modelo para toda a amostra [CMIN =2,13, CFI=0,96, TLI = 0,94, RMSEA (90% IC) =0,06 (0,032-0,090)], apontou que entre as mulheres houve relações significativamente mais fortes entre insatisfação corporal total e comer restritivo (λ=0,54, p<0,001), IMC (λ= 0,28, p<0,001) e CCT (λ= 0,31, p<0,001) e relação significativa entre CCT e comer restritivo (λ=0,21, p<0,01). Porém houve relação significativamente mais forte para os homens entre IMC e comer restritivo (λ= 0,41, p<0,001). Houve moderação das outras variáveis do modelo na relação entre insatisfação corporal total e comer restrito. No entanto, para mulheres a presença das variáveis diminuiu a intensidade desta relação, ao passo que para homens a presença destas variáveis intensificou a relação. O comer emocional para mulheres e homens foi o constituinte mais relevante do comer restritivo nesta análise (M: λ=0,90, p<0,001; H: λ=0,87, p<0,001). Não houve influência dos tipos de perfis de Instagram® nesta etapa. Conclusão: O comedor restritivo foi melhor representado pelas mulheres, e cada sexo apresentou particularidades. Entre as mulheres a insatisfação corporal exerceu influência mais forte sobre o comer restritivo, principalmente afetando o comer emocional. Entre os homens a relação entre o aumento do IMC e maiores pontuações para comer restritivo foi a mais evidente, residindo na insatisfação corporal ligada à musculatura o principal elemento que explicou do comer restritivo entre eles. A autoestima não se revelou um moderador de destaque das relações estudadas e apesar da observação dos perfis fitness ter aumentado o interesse de M e H por imagens de comidas não indulgentes, mas não foi capaz de influenciar atributos duradouros dos indivíduos, como os avaliados nas variáveis pertencentes aos modelos teóricos propostos.
Introduction: Restrained eating is related to important public health issues, such as obesity and eating disorders related to body weight; but there is disagreement regarding its definition and related variables and particularities are suggested for women and men in relation to aspects of body image, eating behaviour and the susceptibility of these components to the influence of social networks. Objective: To evaluate restrained eating and its components [uncontrol eating (UE), cognitive restriction (CR) and emotional eating (EA)] in theoretical models that include body dissatisfaction, self-esteem, body mass index and the influence of observing profiles on Instagram® of the "fitness" type between women and men. Methods: Using an online experimental design (observation of Instagram® profiles), the research was carried out in 3 stages: 1) within-subjects design that used analyzes of variance (ANOVAs) with repeated measures and covariates to compare women (vs. men), who observed fitness profiles on Instagram® (vs. control profiles), before (vs. after the intervention) - randomly distributed between groups according to sex. The stage assessed interest in indulgent (versus non-indulgent) foods before and after the experimental intervention; 2) multiple linear regression models to identify the influence of experimental groups (women who observed fitness profiles x control profiles x men who observed fitness profiles x control profiles), body dissatisfaction, disordered eating behaviour (DEB), low self-esteem , age, income, body mass index (BMI) and subjective level of hunger on the components of restrictive eating; 3) proposed theoretical model for restrained eating and components explained by body dissatisfaction and moderators or mediators of the relationship: disordered eating behavior, self-esteem, BMI, subjective level of hunger and type of Instagram® profiles observed (fitness x control) by structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: Stage 1 demonstrated that only men (H) showed greater interest in images of sweet and indulgent foods after observing fitness profiles on Instagram® (p=0.04, d=0.45) and that both women (M) and H showed greater interest in images of sweet and non-indulgent foods after observing fitness profiles on Instagram® (M: p=0.001, d=0.68; H: p=0.001, d=0.67). Step 2 demonstrated that regardless of the Instagram® profile observed, women had higher scores for UE, RC and EA. And for everyone, body dissatisfaction was the most explanatory variable [DE: ß= 0.25, p≤0.001; RC: ß= 0.26, p≤0.001; and CE: ß= 0.29, p≤0.001]. Step 3 revealed that among the sample of men, the power of the theory was greater considering the relationship between dissatisfaction with musculature (and not general dissatisfaction with the body). The model for the entire sample [CMIN =2.13, CFI=0.96, TLI = 0.94, RMSEA (90% CI) =0.06 (0.032-0.090)], showed that among women there were significantly stronger between total body dis-satisfaction and restrained eating (λ=0.54, p<0.001), BMI (λ= 0.28, p<0.001) and DEB (λ= 0.31, p<0.001) and a significant relationship between DEB and restrictive eating (λ=0.21, p<0.01). However, there was a significantly stronger relationship for men between BMI and restrictive eating (λ= 0.41, p<0.001). There was moderation of the other variables in the model in the relationship between total body dissatisfaction and restrained eating, however, for women the presence of the variables decreased the intensity of this relationship while for men the presence of these variables intensified the relationship. Emotional eating for women and men was the most relevant constituent of restrictive eating in this analysis (M: λ=0.90, p<0.001; H: λ=0.87, p<0.001). There was no influence of the types of Instagram® profiles at this stage. Conclusion: The restrictive eater was best represented by women, and each sex had particularities. Among women, body dissatisfaction had a stronger influence on restrictive eating, mainly affecting emotional eating. Among men, the relationship between increased BMI and higher scores for restrictive eating was the most evident, with body dissatisfaction linked to musculature being the main element that explained restrictive eating among them. Self-esteem did not prove to be a prominent moderator of the relationships studied and although the observation of fitness profiles increased M and H's interest in images of non-indulgent foods, it was not able to influence lasting attributes of the individuals, such as those assessed in the variables belonging to the proposed theoretical models.
Humans , Male , Female , Body Image , Diet Therapy , Feeding Behavior , Social Media , Self Concept , Body DissatisfactionABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como mulheres adultas (acima de 30 anos) diagnosticadas com transtornos alimentares (TAs) vivenciam o adoecer. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, desenvolvido com base no referencial teórico-metodológico da Análise Fenomenológica Interpretativa (AFI). Participaram seis mulheres, com idades entre 34 e 65 anos, atendidas em um serviço especializado. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista aberta, de inspiração fenomenológica, na modalidade remota. As entrevistas foram audiogravadas, transcritas e analisadas seguindo os passos da AFI. Duas categorias temáticas foram identificadas: "Vivendo antes do adoecer" e "Encontrando-se doente." Constatou-se que os sintomas tiveram início anteriormente à vida adulta e que houve dificuldade na confirmação do diagnóstico. Na perspectiva das participantes, conviver com a sintomatologia ficou mais complicado em função de particularidades de manejo dos sintomas na vida adulta, e a idade é percebida como um fator que impacta e dificulta ainda mais a recuperação. As participantes relataram desesperança em relação ao futuro, apesar de a maioria reconhecer melhoras no quadro clínico ao longo do tempo e de valorizar a relação de confiança estabelecida com a equipe multiprofissional.(AU)
This study aimed to understand the experience of illness of adult women (over 30 years) diagnosed with eating disorders (ED). This is a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory study, using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as theoretical and methodological framework. A sample of six women aged 34-64 years, assisted in a specialized service, were recruited to complete a phenomenological in-depth open interview. The data were remotely collected. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and analyzed following the IPA. Two thematic categories were identified: "Living before the illness" and "Finding about the illness." It was found that the symptoms started before adulthood and that there was difficulty establishing the diagnosis. Living with the symptoms became more complicated due to particularities of symptom management in adulthood and age is perceived as a factor that impacts recovery and makes it even more difficult. The participants reported hopelessness about the future, although most recognized improvements in the clinical condition over time and valued the trusting relationship they established with the multiprofessional team.(AU)
El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender las experiencias de las mujeres adultas (mayores de 30 años) diagnosticadas con trastornos alimentarios (TA) respecto a la enfermedad. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio, desarrollado a partir del marco teórico y metodológico del Análisis Fenomenológico Interpretativo (AFI). Participaron seis mujeres, con edades de entre 34 y 65 años, atendidas en un servicio especializado. Los datos se recogieron mediante entrevistas abiertas, de inspiración fenomenológica, en la modalidad a distancia. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas en audio, transcritas y analizadas siguiendo los pasos del AFI. Se identificaron dos categorías temáticas: "Vivir antes de enfermar" y "Encontrarse enfermo." Se constató que los síntomas comenzaron antes de la edad adulta y que hubo dificultades de establecer el diagnóstico. La convivencia con síntomas se complicó debido a las particularidades del manejo de los síntomas en la vida adulta y la edad se percibe como un factor que influye y dificulta aún más la recuperación. Los participantes manifestaron desesperanza sobre el futuro, aunque reconocieron mejoras en el cuadro clínico con el paso del tiempo y valoraron la relación de confianza establecida con el equipo multiprofesional.(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Anorexia Nervosa , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Bulimia Nervosa , Pandemics , Anxiety , Perceptual Distortion , Appetite , Personal Satisfaction , Psychiatry , Psychology , Psychopathology , Quality of Life , Self-Assessment , Self Concept , Shame , Stomach Diseases , Stress, Psychological , Awareness , Therapeutics , Thinness , Beauty Culture , Vomiting , Nutrition Rehabilitation , Body Image , Body Weight , Aging , Menopause , Weight Loss , Family , Hyperphagia , Comorbidity , Mental Health , Mortality , Interview , Cultural Factors , Dehydration , Transcription Factors, General , Malnutrition , Depressive Disorder , Diagnosis , Diet , Diet Therapy , Emotions , Nutritional Sciences , Laxatives , Feeding Behavior , Binge-Eating Disorder , Bullying , Social Stigma , Physical Appearance, Body , Self-Control , Applied Behavior Analysis , Food Addiction , Rumination, Digestive , Mental Health Recovery , Body-Weight Trajectory , Embarrassment , Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder , Body-Shaming , Social Representation , Orthorexia Nervosa , Social Status , Guilt , Health Promotion , Mass Media , Mental Disorders , Metabolism , ObesityABSTRACT
Ezetimibe is an approved drug for lowering plasma LDL (low-density lipoprotein) level via inhibition of cholesterol absorption. Derivatives of ezetimibe reduce inflammatory response and oxidative stress. In the present study, we investigated the effect of dietary supplementation with ezetimibe in response to environmental stressors and found that ezetimibe increases resistance to oxidative stress and ultraviolet irradiation. Ezetimibe also significantly extended lifespan accompanying reduced fertility, which is a common trade-off for longevity in C. elegans. Cellular level of reactive oxygen species was increased and the expression of stress-responsive genes, hsp-16.2 and sod-3, was induced by dietary supplementation with ezetimibe, suggesting a hormetic effect on oxidative stress response and lifespan. Ezetimibe also significantly prevented amyloid beta-induced toxicity and completely reversed increased mortality by high-glucose diet. Nuclear localization of DAF-16 required for the prevention of amyloid beta-induced toxicity was enhanced by ezetimibe supplementation. Lifespan assay using known long-lived mutants, age-1, clk-1, and eat-2, revealed that lifespan extension by ezetimibe specifically overlapped with that of eat-2 mutants, which are genetic models of dietary restriction. Effect of ezetimibe on lifespan of worms fed with diluted bacteria suggested that ezetimibe mimics the effect of dietary restriction on lifespan. These findings suggest that ezetimibe exhibits anti-oxidative and anti-aging effects through hormesis and works as a dietary-restriction mimetic on lifespan extension.
Stress, Physiological , Caenorhabditis elegans , Diet Therapy , Ezetimibe , LongevityABSTRACT
Objetivo: Descrever a experiência vivenciada por meio da oferta de uma ação de orientação nutricional para prevenção do diabetes mellitustipo 2 em uma comunidade rural. Métodos: Relato de experiência de uma ação de orientação nutricional realizada em uma comunidade rural do Rio Grande do Norte. Para execução da ação, seguiu-se o fluxo: recepção e acolhimento dos usuários; triagem e explicação dos serviços que seriam ofertados; anamnese e avaliação de saúde pela equipe multiprofissional e; orientações nutricionais, conforme a necessidade dos participantes. Resultados: Dos 18 indivíduos que realizaram o teste de glicemia em jejum, seisapresentaram alterações glicêmicas significativas, sendo estes direcionados para a orientação nutricional individual para uma conduta mais específica. Asorientações foram realizadas de forma objetiva e acessível por umanutricionista, que explicouo que deveria ser evitado e o que escolher dentro da alimentação para que fosse alcançado o equilíbrio glicêmico, o controle e a manutenção da saúde. Conclusão: A experiência foi relevante para os usuários e a equipe de saúde local, que obteve um reforço no mapeamento de casos de doenças crônicas que agem, muitas vezes, de forma silenciosa. Também foi identificada a necessidade de um profissional de nutriçãoparaacontinuidade da assistência. Descritores: Diabetes Mellitus. Prevenção.Dietoterapia.Educação Alimentar e Nutricional.
Objective: To describe the experience lived through the provision of a nutritional guidance action for the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a rural community. Methods: Experience report of a nutritional guidance action carried out in a rural community in Rio Grande do Norte. To perform the action, the following flow was adopted: reception and welcoming of users; screening and explanation of the services that would be offered; anamnesis and health assessment by the multidisciplinary team and; nutritional guidelines, according to the needs of the participants. Results: Of the 18 individuals who underwent the fasting bloodglucose test, six showed significant glycemic changes, being them directed to individual nutritional guidance for a more specific conduct. The guidelines were carried out in an objective and accessible way by a nutritionist, who explained what should be avoided and what to choose in the diet so that glycemic balance, control and maintenance of health could be achieved. Conclusion: The experience was relevant for users and the local health team, who were given support in the mapping of cases of chronic diseases that often act silently. The need for a nutrition professional for continuity of care was also identified.Descriptors:Diabetes Mellitus.Prevention.Diet Therapy.Food and Nutrition Education.
Food and Nutrition Education , Diabetes Mellitus , Diet Therapy , Disease PreventionABSTRACT
Abstract The present systematic review (PROSPERO: CRD42020148630) hypothesizes the association of excessive weight gain during pregnancywith dietary patterns composed of ultraprocessed foods. Thus, the objective was to investigate the association between dietary patterns after analysis and weight gain during pregnancy. The search for articles was performed in nine databases. Two reviewers selected the articles in the databases and extracted from them the data used in the review. Two scales were used to evaluate the quality of the selected studies: New Castle-Ottawa Quality Assessment for cohort-based studies and Appraisal tool for Cross-Sectional Studies (AXIS) for cross-sectional-based studies. In total, 11 studies were identified with sample size variation (n=173-5,733). Women presenting more adherence to healthy and traditional patterns (fruits, vegetables, salads, nuts, and dairy) recorded less excessive gestational weight gain (GWG). Higher intake ofmixed patterns and western patterns rich in ultraprocessed foods were associated with a higher prevalence of excessive GWG (24.48- 55.20%). Gestational dietary patterns a posteriori-derived that have presented ultraprocessed components rich in fat and sugars presented association with high GWG; healthy and traditional dietary patterns were related to better mother-child health conditions, such as adequate GWG.
Resumo A presente revisão sistemática (PROSPERO: CRD42020148630) tem como hipótese que o ganho de peso excessivo durante a gravidez está associado aos padrões alimentares compostos por alimentos ultraprocessados. Desta forma, objetivou-se investigar a associação entre o padrão alimentar a posteriori e o ganho de peso durante a gestação. A busca de artigos foi realizada em nove bases de dados. Dois revisores selecionaram os artigos nestas bases e extraíram as informações utilizadas na revisão. Duas escalas foram utilizadas para avaliar a qualidade dos estudos selecionados: Escala de Avaliação da Qualidade de New Castle-Ottawa para estudos baseados em coortes e a Ferramenta de Avaliação de Estudos Transversais (escala AXIS) para estudos transversais. No total, foram identificados 11 trabalhos com variação do tamanho amostral (n=173-5.733). As mulheres que apresentaram maior adesão aos padrões alimentares saudáveis e tradicionais (frutas, hortaliças e vegetais, nozes e laticínios) apresentarammenor ganho de peso gestacional (GPG). A maior ingestão de padrões alimentares mistos e ocidentais ricos em alimentos ultraprocessados foi associada a uma maior prevalência de GPG excessivo (24,48-55,20%). Os padrões alimentares gestacionais derivados a posteriori que apresentaram componentes ultraprocessados ricos em gordura e açúcares apresentaram associação como maior GPG; os padrões alimentares saudáveis e tradicionais foram relacionados a melhores condições de saúde maternoinfantil, como GPG adequado.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Diet Therapy , Feeding Behavior , Gestational Weight GainABSTRACT
Background@#Vitamin B12 is a contributing factor in pruritus and peripheral nerve regeneration. Its role in atopic dermatitis (AD) is still unclear. This study aimed to compare vitamin B12 level between AD patients and healthy controls, determine its correlation with pruritus and AD severity, and evaluate dietary pattern with energy, macro and micronutrient intakes.@*Methods@#This was a case control study involving adult AD patients and age-, gender-, ethnicity- and body mass index-matched healthy controls. All adult patients who fulfilled UK Working Party AD diagnostic criteria were included. Exclusion criteria include patients on systemic agents, diseases known to affect B12 level and vegan diet. AD severity was determined using SCORing Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) index. Serum vitamin B12 level were measured. A three-day 24-hour dietary recall was collected and analyzed.@*Results@#A total of 42 AD patients and 42 controls were recruited. Mean SCORAD index was 39.2±16.6, and AD duration was 12.7 ± 8.1 years. Vitamin B12 was lower among AD (215.6 ± 110.2 pmol/L) versus control (295.1± 119.9 pmol/L), p<0.01 despite similar dietary B12 intake in both groups. There were no significant correlations between AD duration and severity with vitamin B12 level. Energy intake (kcal/ day) was significantly lower in AD (p=0.04). There were no significant differences in proportion of main food groups consumed and other macronutrient and micronutrient intakes.@*Conclusion@#Serum vitamin B12 level was significantly lower in AD patients despite similar dietary pattern and nutrient intake with healthy controls. There were no correlations with AD severity or disease duration. Dietary pattern of AD patients should be routinely assessed to ensure adequate nutrition.
Adult , Vitamin B 12 , Diet TherapySubject(s)
Humans , Female , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Enhanced Recovery After Surgery/standards , Perioperative Medicine/methods , Perioperative Medicine/standards , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Body Temperature Regulation , Drainage/standards , Fasting , Practice Guideline , Evidence-Based Medicine/methods , Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting/prevention & control , Dehydration/prevention & control , Diet Therapy , Ileal Diseases/prevention & control , Anesthesia/standardsABSTRACT
A adoção de uma alimentação saudável auxilia no controle e mortalidade por Doenças Crônicas não Transmissíveis (DCNT). Uma alimentação mais saudável pode ser alcançada pela prática de dietas especiais, que podem ser adotadas devido ao diagnóstico de algumas doenças. Conhecer o percentual de quem faz dietas especiais pode ser útil para o monitoramento do cuidado e enfrentamento das DCNT no Brasil. Assim, o presente trabalho objetivou estimar a prevalência do uso de dieta especial na população brasileira segundo tipos de dieta, variáveis sociodemográficas e estado nutricional. Trata-se de um estudo transversal e descritivo utilizando dados do Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação (INA) 2017/2018 (n=46.164 indivíduos com 10 anos ou mais de idade). Os participantes foram questionados se estavam fazendo alguma dieta especial, e para qual finalidade. Foram obtidas as prevalências de prática de dietas de acordo com características sociodemográficas, estado nutricional, uso de sal, açúcar e adoçante de adição, e suplementos nutricionais. Para o cálculo das estimativas, foi utilizado o Software R versão 4.1.0 considerando a complexidade da amostra e os fatores de expansão. Entre a população estudada (n=46.164 indivíduos), 14,3% afirmaram realizar algum tipo de dieta. Quando comparado por sexo, a prevalência foi maior entre as mulheres (17,8%) do que entre os homens (9,6%), sendo a dieta para pressão alta mais prevalente nos homens (3,7%) e a dieta para emagrecer mais prevalente nas mulheres (7,4%). O uso de dietas foi maior entre idosos (homens: 22,4%; mulheres: 31,2%) e obesos (homens: 13,2%; mulheres: 26,0%), para todos os tipos de dietas, e menor entre indivíduos de menor renda (homens: 4,3% vs. 20,4% maior renda; mulheres: 10% vs. 26,1% maior renda) e menor escolaridade (homens: 6,7% vs. 23,6% com maior escolaridade; mulheres: 11,9% vs. 23,9% com maior escolaridade). Os indivíduos que relataram realizar dieta, comparados com os que não relataram, apresentaram menor prevalência de consumo de sal (homens: 12,0% vs. 15,5%; mulheres: 9,6% vs. 12,6%) e açúcar de adição (homens: 53,1% vs. 85,4%; mulheres: 51,1% vs. 81,9%) e maior prevalência de consumo de suplementos nutricionais (homens: 32,2% vs. 13,7%; mulheres: 38,6% vs. 19,2%). O uso de dietas foi maior entre as mulheres, idosos e obesos, e menor entre indivíduos de menor renda e menor escolaridade para todos os tipos de dieta. Embora as DCNTs sejam mais frequentes entre os indivíduos de menor renda e menor escolaridade, o uso de dietas especiais foi menos frequente neste grupo.
The adoption of a healthy diet helps in the control and mortality from Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). A healthier diet can be achieved by the practice of special diets, which can be adopted due to the diagnosis of some diseases. Knowing the percentage of those on special diets can be useful for monitoring the care and coping with NCDs in Brazil. Thus, the present study aimed to estimate the prevalence of special diet use in the Brazilian population according to types of diet, sociodemographic variables and nutritional status. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study using data from the National Food Survey (INA) 2017/2018 (n=46,164 individuals aged 10 years and over). Participants were asked if they were on a special diet, and for what purpose. Prevalence of diet practices were obtained according to sociodemographic characteristics, nutritional status, use of salt, sugar and added sweeteners, and nutritional supplements. To calculate the estimates, Software R version 4.1.0 was used, considering the complexity of the sample and the expansion factors. Among the population studied (n=46,164 individuals), 14.3% stated that they were on some type of diet. When compared by sex, the prevalence was higher among women (17.8%) than among men (9.6%), with the diet for high blood pressure being more prevalent in men (3.7%) and the diet for weight loss more prevalent in women (7.4%). Diet use was higher among the elderly (men: 22.4%; women: 31.2%) and obese (men: 13.2%; women: 26.0%), for all types of diets, and lower among individuals with lower income (men: 4.3% vs. 20.4% higher income; women: 10% vs. 26.1% higher income) and less educated (men: 6.7% vs. 23.6% with higher education; women: 11.9% vs. 23.9% with higher education). Individuals who reported dieting, compared with those who did not, had a lower prevalence of salt consumption (men: 12.0% vs. 15.5%; women: 9.6% vs. 12.6%) and sugar addiction (men: 53.1% vs. 85.4%; women: 51.1% vs. 81.9%) and a higher prevalence of consumption of nutritional supplements (men: 32.2% vs. 13.7% ; women: 38.6% vs. 19.2%). The use of diets was higher among women, elderly and obese, and lower among individuals with lower income and lower education for all types of diet. Although CNCDs are more frequent among individuals with lower income and lower education, the use of special diets was less frequent in this group.
Nutrition Surveys , Nutritional Status , Feeding Behavior , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diet Therapy , FoodABSTRACT
Introdução: O nascimento de um filho com deficiência pode alterar rotinas e influenciar no processo de adaptação dos pais, por se caracterizar como um acontecimento não esperado. Ainda pode produzir nos progenitores sentimentos semelhantes aos vivenciados em um processo de luto. Objetivo: Analisar a relação entre a adaptação parental à filha com cegueira congênita e disfagia, relacionadas à prematuridade extrema, e seu possível impacto no processo de adesão às orientações terapêuticas sobre a alimentação da criança. Método: Trata-se de um estudo de caso de cunho qualitativo. Foi realizada uma análise da adaptação parental à deficiência, e avaliações fonoaudiológicas da linguagem e da disfagia. Resultados: A avaliação fonoaudiológica evidenciou disfagia para líquidos finos e ausência de alterações de linguagem. A restrição alimentar tornou-se evidente a partir da dificuldade parental em aceitar e seguir as orientações quanto à consistência alimentar. A análise dos dados de adaptação parental à deficiência da filha sugere que essa dificuldade esteve relacionada à aceitação da cegueira e da disfagia. A emergência de restrição alimentar esteve relacionada às dificuldades na aceitação das orientações fonoaudiológicas por parte dos pais, considerando a disfagia para líquidos finos. Essas dificuldades encontram um correlato na análise da adaptação parental do pai e da mãe. Conclusão: Evidencia-se a importância do acompanhamento por uma equipe interdisciplinar.
Introduction: The birth of a child with a disability can change routines and influence the parents' adaptation process, as it is characterized as an unexpected event. It can still produce similar feelings in parents as those experienced in a grieving process. Objective: To analyze the relationship between parental adaptation to the daughter with congenital blindness and dysphagia, related to extreme prematurity, and its possible impact on the process of adherence to therapeutic guidelines on child nutrition. Method: This is a qualitative case study. An analysis of parental adaptation to disability as well as language therapy assessments of language and dysphagia were performed. Results: The speech therapy evaluation showed dysphagia for fine liquids and absence of language disorders. Dietary restriction became evident from the parental difficulty in accepting and following the guidelines regarding food consistency. The analysis of the parental adaptation data to the daughter's disability suggests that this difficulty was related to the acceptance of blindness and dysphagia. The emergence of food restriction was related to the difficulties in parents' acceptance of speech therapy guidelines, considering dysphagia for thin liquids. These difficulties find a correlate in the analysis of the father and mother's parental adaptation. Conclusion: The importance of monitoring by an interdisciplinary team is evident.
Introducción: El nacimiento de un niño con discapacidad puede cambiar las rutinas y estilos de vida de los padres, ya que se caracteriza por ser un evento inesperado. Todavía puede producir sentimientos similares en los padres a los que experimentaron en un proceso de duelo. Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre la adaptación de los padres a la hija con ceguera congénita y disfagia, relacionada con la prematuridad extrema, y ââsu posible impacto en el proceso de adherencia a las guías terapéuticas en nutrición infantil. Método: Este es un estudio de caso cualitativo. Se realizó un análisis de la adaptación de los padres a la discapacidad y la evaluación del habla y el lenguaje de la disfagia. Resultados: La evaluación de logopedia mostró disfagia por líquidos finos y ausencia de trastornos del lenguaje. La restricción dietética se hizo evidente por la dificultad de los padres para aceptar y seguir las pautas con respecto a la consistencia de los alimentos. El análisis de los datos de adaptación de los padres a la discapacidad de la hija sugiere que esta dificultad estaba relacionada con la aceptación de la ceguera y la disfagia. La aparición de la restricción alimentaria se relacionó con las dificultades en la aceptación por parte de los padres de las pautas de logopedia, considerando la disfagia por líquidos diluidos. Estas dificultades encuentran correlación en el análisis de la adaptación parental del padre y la madre. Conclusión: Es evidente la importancia del seguimiento por parte de un equipo interdisciplinario.
Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Child, Preschool , Adaptation, Psychological , Deglutition Disorders , Blindness/congenital , Diet Therapy , Parents/education , Parents/psychology , Patient Care Team , Infant, Premature , Qualitative Research , Child Nutrition/educationABSTRACT
Introducción: El etiquetado nutricional es una herramienta gráfica para notificar al consumidor sobre las propiedades nutricionales de un alimento lo que facilita su selección. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la influencia del etiquetado nutricional y los factores socioeconómicos, culturales, demográficos, publicitarios en la selección de alimentos en un grupo de padres de niños entre 5-11 años en dos unidades educativas públicas y privadas de Quito. Métodos: Con diseño mixto, cuantitativo- transversal y cualitativa interpretativa se analizó una muestra de opiniones de 240 padres en las Unidades Educativas (UE) Nueva Aurora (Privada) y 235 padres en la UE Julio María Matovelle (Pública) de Quito. Se realizaron tres grupos focales, grabados y transcriptos de forma textual y se aplicó un cuestionario. El paquete esta-dístico usado fue SPSS v24.0. Resultados: Hubo mayor consumo de alimentos procesados en la UE Privada n=79/240 (32.9%). Selección por fácil preparación (39.2% UE Privada y 46.4% UE Pública). El 54.2 % y 57 % de los padres ven publicidad en la televisión. El conocimiento del etiquetado fue superior en la UE privada (94.9%; n=223). Asociación entre edad [OR: 2.3; IC 95%: 1.08-5.04] instrucción [OR: 3.95; IC 95%: 2.12-7.37], exposición a la publicidad [OR: 0.62; IC 95%: 0.36-1.05] y conocimientos (P<0.05). La actitud se asoció con el nivel de instrucción [OR: 2.57; IC 95%: 1.62-4.09] e ingresos (P<0.05). Análisis cualitativo: grado de conocimiento y publicidad elevados, con un impacto importante en la selección de los alimentos. Conclusiones: El conocimiento sobre el etiquetado nutricional fue elevado; pero no fue el principal factor para seleccionar alimentos. El tiempo de preparación y el sabor fueron más importantes que las especificaciones nutricionales
Introduction: Nutrition labeling is a graphic tool to notify consumers about the nutritional properties of a food, which facilitates their selection. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of nutri-tional labeling and socioeconomic, cultural, demographic, and advertising factors on food selection in a group of parents of children between 5-11 years old in two public and private educational units in Quito. Methods: With a mixed, quantitative-transversal and qualitative interpretative design, a sample of opin-ions of 240 parents in the Educational Units (EU) Nueva Aurora (Fiscal) and 235 parents in the EU Julio María Matovelle (Private) of Quito was analyzed. Three focus groups were carried out, recorded and transcribed textually, and a questionnaire was administered. The statistical package used was SPSS v24.0. Results: There was a higher consumption of processed foods in the private EU n = 79/240 (32.9%). Selection for easy preparation (39.2% Private EU and 46.4% Public EU). 54.2% and 57% of parents see advertising on television. Knowledge of labeling was higher in the private EU (94.9%; n = 223). Association between age [OR: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.08-5.04] instruction [OR: 3.95; 95% CI: 2.12-7.37], exposure to advertising [OR: 0.62; 95% CI: 0.36-1.05] and knowledge (P <0.05). Attitude was associated with educational level [OR: 2.57; 95% CI: 1.62-4.09] and admissions (P <0.05). Qualitative analysis: high degree of knowledge and publicity, with a significant impact on food selection. Conclusions: Knowledge about nutritional labeling was high, but it was not the main factor in selecting food. Prep time and flavor were more important than nutritional specifications.
Humans , Child , Food and Nutrition Education , Diet Therapy , Child Nutrition Sciences , Food Publicity , Nutritional Sciences , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Nutritive ValueABSTRACT
El término escorbuto procede de una palabra del antiguo escandinavo, scorbruck, que significa "hinchazones ulceradas". Es una entidad infrecuente en pediatría, causada por deficiencia nutricional exógena de ácido ascórbico. Los seres humanos, a diferencia de otros seres vivos, no pueden sintetizar la vitamina C y, en consecuencia, dependen estrictamente de su aporte exógeno. El escorbuto puede simular varios desórdenes reumatológicos. Aunque es poco común, puede presentarse como pseudovasculitis o artritis crónica. Para el diagnóstico en pacientes que presentan síntomas músculo esqueléticos se requiere un alto índice de sospecha. Se reporta el caso de un paciente masculino de 9 años que desarrolló la enfermedad por un hábito alimentario selectivo de larga evolución, sin ingesta de frutas ni verduras. El objetivo del presente reporte es alertar al pediatra acerca del desarrollo de escorbuto como potencial consecuencia de las dietas restrictivas, y la importancia de realizar una anamnesis alimentaria completa ante la sospecha diagnóstica
The term scurvy comes from a word from the old Scandinavian, scorbruck, which means ulcerated swellings. Scurvy is an infrequent entity in pediatrics caused by exogenous nutritional deficiency of ascorbic acid. Human beings, unlike other living beings, can not synthesize vitamin C and, consequently, they depend strictly on their exogenous contribution. Scurvy can simulate several rheumatological disorders. Although it is uncommon, it can present as pseudovasculitis or chronic arthritis. A high index of suspicion is required to diagnose patients with musculoskeletal symptoms. We report a case of a 9-year-old male patient who developed the disease due to a long-term selective eating habit, without fruits or vegetables intake. The objective of this report is to alert the pediatrician about the development of scurvy as a potential consequence of restrictive diets, and the importance of performing a complete dietary history to suspect diagnosis
Humans , Child , Ascorbic Acid , Scurvy , Diet TherapyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: el desempeño laboral en algunos puestos de trabajo, determina un alto nivel de carga física por parte de los trabajadores, por lo que se impone la necesidad de disponer de una adecuada dieta alimentaria para mantener la salud física y mental. Objetivo: se desarrolló una investigación para diseñar una dieta alimentaria para soldadores y paileros a partir del gasto energético en actividades laborales. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio de campo que partió de una muestra no probabilística de soldadores y paileros de la Empresa Industrial Ferroviaria José Valdés Reyes. Se ejecutó un procedimiento que permitió la determinación de la dieta alimentaria de los trabajadores a partir del gasto energético de las actividades que desarrollan. Se aplicaron ciertas técnicas de observación directa, entrevistas, tormenta de ideas, medición directa de variables fisiológicas y ecuaciones para el cálculo del gasto energético. Resultados: se diseñaron tres variantes de dietas ajustadas al gasto energético de tres puestos de trabajo de la mencionada empresa. Conclusiones: se espera que la aplicación de las dietas diseñadas contribuya a mantener una buena salud de los trabajadores de esos puestos de trabajo (AU).
ABSTRACT Introduction: the working performance of certain jobs determines a high level of physical load from the part of the workers, for what the necessity is imposed of having an appropriate food diet to preserve the physical and mental health. Objective: to design a food diet for welders and smiths starting from the energy expense in working activities. Materials and methods: a field study was carried out starting from a probabilistic sample of welders and smiths from the Industrial Railroad Enterprise Jose Valdes Reyes. A procedure was performed allowing to determine the energy expenditure of the activities they develop. Several techniques like direct observation, interviews, brain storm, direct measure of physiological variable and equations were used to calculate the energy expenditure. Results: three diet variants were designed adjusted to the energy expenditure of the three working places of the before mentioned enterprise. Conclusions: it is expected the application of the designed diets will contribute to keeping good health of the workers in those working places (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Diet Therapy/methods , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Occupational Groups/classification , Energy Consumption/methods , Motor Activity/physiology , Occupational Health Services/methods , Occupational Health Services/trendsABSTRACT
Objective@#The mandible is the most common fractured craniofacial bone of all craniofacial fractures in the Philippines, with the mandibular body as the most involved segment of all mandibular fractures. To the best of our knowledge, there are no existing guidelines for the diagnosis and management of mandibular body fractures in particular. General guidelines include the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAOHNSF) Resident Manual of Trauma to the Face, Head, and Neck chapter on Mandibular Trauma, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery section on the Mandibular Angle, Body, and Ramus, and a 2013 Cochrane Systematic Review on interventions for the management of mandibular fractures. On the other hand, a very specific Clinical Practice Guideline on the Management of Unilateral Condylar Fracture of the Mandible was published by the Ministry of Health Malaysia in 2005. Addressing the prevalence of mandibular body fractures, and dearth of specific guidelines for its diagnosis and management, this clinical practice guideline focuses on the management of isolated mandibular body fractures in adults.@*Purpose@#This guideline is meant for all clinicians (otolaryngologists – head and neck surgeons, as well as primary care and specialist physicians, nurses and nurse practitioners, midwives and community health workers, dentists, and emergency first-responders) who may provide care to adults aged 18 years and above that may present with an acute history and physical and/or laboratory examination findings that may lead to a diagnosis of isolated mandibular body fracture and its subsequent medical and surgical management, including health promotion and disease prevention. It is applicable in any setting (including urban and rural primary-care, community centers, treatment units, hospital emergency rooms, operating rooms) in which adults with isolated mandibular body fractures would be identified, diagnosed, or managed. Outcomes are functional resolution of isolated mandibular body fractures; achieving premorbid form; avoiding use of context-inappropriate diagnostics and therapeutics; minimizing use of ineffective interventions; avoiding co-morbid infections, conditions, complications and adverse events; minimizing cost; maximizing health-related quality of life of individuals with isolated mandibular body fracture; increasing patient satisfaction; and preventing recurrence in patients and occurrence in others.@*Action Statements@#The guideline development group made strong recommendationsfor the following key action statements: (6) pain management- clinicians should routinely evaluate pain in patients with isolated mandibular body fractures using a numerical rating scale (NRS) or visual analog scale (VAS); analgesics should be routinely offered to patients with a numerical rating pain scale score or VAS of at least 4/10 (paracetamol and a mild opioid with or without an adjuvant analgesic) until the numerical rating pain scale score or VAS is 3/10 at most; (7) antibiotics- prophylactic antibiotics should be given to adult patients with isolated mandibular body fractures with concomitant mucosal or skin opening with or without direct visualization of bone fragments; penicillin is the drug of choice while clindamycin may be used as an alternative; and (14) prevention- clinicians should advocate for compliance with road traffic safety laws (speed limit, anti-drunk driving, seatbelt and helmet use) for the prevention of motor vehicle, cycling and pedestrian accidents and maxillofacial injuries.The guideline development group made recommendations for the following key action statements: (1) history, clinical presentation, and diagnosis - clinicians should consider a presumptive diagnosis of mandibular fracture in adults presenting with a history of traumatic injury to the jaw plus a positive tongue blade test, and any of the following: malocclusion, trismus, tenderness on jaw closure and broken tooth; (2) panoramic x-ray - clinicians may request for panoramic x-ray as the initial imaging tool in evaluating patients with a presumptive clinical diagnosis; (3) radiographs - where panoramic radiography is not available, clinicians may recommend plain mandibular radiography; (4) computed tomography - if available, non-contrast facial CT Scan may be obtained; (5) immobilization - fractures should be temporarily immobilized/splinted with a figure-of-eight bandage until definitive surgical management can be performed or while initiating transport during emergency situations; (8) anesthesia - nasotracheal intubation is the preferred route of anesthesia; in the presence of contraindications, submental intubation or tracheostomy may be performed; (9) observation - with a soft diet may serve as management for favorable isolated nondisplaced and nonmobile mandibular body fractures with unchanged pre - traumatic occlusion; (10) closed reduction - with immobilization by maxillomandibular fixation for 4-6 weeks may be considered for minimally displaced favorable isolated mandibular body fractures with stable dentition, good nutrition and willingness to comply with post-procedure care that may affect oral hygiene, diet modifications, appearance, oral health and functional concerns (eating, swallowing and speech); (11) open reduction with transosseous wiring - with MMF is an option for isolated displaced unfavorable and unstable mandibular body fracture patients who cannot afford or avail of titanium plates; (12) open reduction with titanium plates - ORIF using titanium plates and screws should be performed in isolated displaced unfavorable and unstable mandibular body fracture; (13) maxillomandibular fixation - intraoperative MMF may not be routinely needed prior to reduction and internal fixation; and (15) promotion - clinicians should play a positive role in the prevention of interpersonal and collective violence as well as the settings in which violence occurs in order to avoid injuries in general and mandibular fractures in particular.
Mandibular Fractures , Jaw Fractures , Classification , History , Diagnosis , Diagnostic Imaging , Therapeutics , Diet Therapy , Drug Therapy , Rehabilitation , General SurgeryABSTRACT
Introdução: No decorrer do século XIX surgiram as primeiras informações a respeito das substâncias químicas contidas nos alimentos. A partir dessas descobertas, a higiene alimentar como meio terapêutico estabeleceu critérios para a prescrição de azote (nitrogênio) e carbone (carbono), bem como recomendações alimentares nos diferentes ciclos de vida e estados de convalescença. Objetivos: Este trabalhou buscou analisar como e para que fins eram prescritos alguns alimentos cuja composição química era caracterizada pela presença do azote (nitrogênio) e carbone (carbono). Método: Foram utilizados como fonte de pesquisa os cadernos de visitas (prontuários) de embarcações encontrados no Arquivo Histórico da Marinha Portuguesa, os tratados médicos do período e publicações referentes à história da ciência e nutrição. Resultados e discussão: Nos cadernos de visitas consultados (anos 1859 e1863), as refeições à base de alimentos de origem animal (ricos em azote), como os caldos de carne e de galinha, foram as mais prescritas aos doentes, pois se pautavam nos princípios da dieta fibrinosa, que promovia a reparação tecidual e crescimento da matéria orgânica. Considerações finais: Ao longo dos dois últimos séculos, muitas teorias a respeito da função dos alimentos se modificaram, mas parte significativa de seus pressupostos foram constituídos no decorrer do século XIX.
Introduction: During the 19th century, emerged the first information about the chemical substances contained in food. From these discoveries, food hygiene as a therapeutic mean established criteria for the prescription of nitrogen (nitrogen) and carbon (carbon), as well as dietary recommendations in the different life cycles and convalescent states. Objectives: This work sought to analyze how and for what purposes some foods whose chemical composition was characterized by the presence of nitrogen (nitrogen) and carbon (carbon)were prescribed . Methodology: The visiting notebooks (medical records) of vessels found in the Historical Archive of the Portuguese Navy, medical treaties of the period and publications referring to the history of science and nutrition were used as a research source. Results and discussion: In the consulted notebooks (years 1859 and 1863), meals based on animal foods (rich in nitrogen), such as meat and chicken broths, were the most prescribed to patients, as they were based on principles of the fibrinous diet, which promoted tissue repair and growth of organic matter. Final considerations: Over the past two centuries, many theories about the function of food have changed, but a significant part of their assumptions were made during the 19th century.
Diet Therapy , Nutritional Sciences , Food/history , Food Hygiene , Recommended Dietary AllowancesABSTRACT
RESUMEN La enfermedad de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa corresponden a Enfermedades Inflamatorias Intestinales (EII). En la actualidad aún no se ha establecido la cura de estas enfermedades; sin embargo, se han desarrollado diversas terapias dirigidas a disminuir la inflamación de la mucosa (5 aminosalicílicos) y a disminuir la respuesta del sistema inmune (ejemplo: inmunomoduladores y tratamientos biológicos). Otro pilar de manejo de los pacientes con EII es la nutrición, esta es fundamental en el tratamiento por su capacidad de disminuir síntomas gastrointestinales. La alimentación tiene un impacto en la microbiota intestinal (MI), al asociarse la dieta occidental a un cambio en la biodiversidad de la microbiota. En este sentido, la MI podría tener un rol en la patogenia de la enfermedad, al existir una disminución de la biodiversidad y un aumento de bacterias que podrían favorecer la inflamación y generar una disminución en la producción de ácidos grasos de cadena corta. En EII, los hábitos alimentarios tienden a ser restrictivos y el estado nutricional se caracteriza por desnutrición, pérdida de masa muscular, sarcopenia, déficit de vitamina D y hierro. Por ello en periodos de remisión no se debe restringir la alimentación. En periodos de crisis, las dietas de exclusión de alimentos disminuyen los síntomas y, nutrientes específicos como las antocianinas y ácidos grasos w-3 podrían tener un efecto en la inflamación.
ABSTRACT Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis correspond to Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). At present, its cure is not known, however nutrition is a fundamental pillar in treatment due to its ability to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms. Food has an impact on intestinal microbiota (IM), as the Western Diet is associated with a change in microbiota biodiversity. In this sense, IM could have a role in the pathogenesis of the disease, since there is a decrease in biodiversity and an increase in bacteria that could favor inflammation and generate a decrease in the production of short-chain fatty acids. In IBD, eating habits tend to be restrictive and nutritional status is characterized by malnutrition, loss of muscle mass, sarcopenia, and vitamin D and iron deficiency. Therefore, during periods of remission, feeding should not be restricted. In periods of crisis, exclusion diets decrease specific symptoms and nutrients such as anthocyanins and w-3 fatty acids could have an effect on inflammation.
Humans , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases , Microbiota , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Colitis, Ulcerative , Crohn Disease , Diet Therapy , AnthocyaninsABSTRACT
Los padres que deciden cambiar la dieta habitual de sus hijos por otra más restrictiva deben conocer los riesgos y las ventajas de la alimentación escogida y recibir información que les ayude a ofrecerles una alimentación suficiente. Las dietas vegetarianas pueden realizarse siempre que sean planificadas por especialistas con la inclusión de una amplia variedad de alimentos vegetales y fortificados, y con el suplemento adecuado indicado en cada etapa.El objetivo de este documento es dar a conocer la postura del Comité de Nutrición de la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría y brindar a los profesionales de la salud información adecuada que permita responder a las inquietudes de los padres y los pacientes que deciden escoger una dieta vegetariana como modalidad de alimentación. Se identifican los desafíos para tener en cuenta y se destaca que, sin dichas consideraciones y un seguimiento adecuado, estas dietas no pueden realizarse de manera segura en la infancia
Parents who decide to change the usual diet of their children for a more restrictive one should know the risks and advantages of the chosen diet and receive information that helps them to offer their children a sufficient diet. Vegetarian diets can be adopted as long as they are planned by specialists with the inclusion of a wide variety of plant foods and fortified foods with the appropriate supplementation indicated at each stage. The objective of this document is to present the position of the Nutrition Committee of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics and to provide health professionals with adequate information to respond to the concerns of parents and patients who decide to choose a vegetarian diet as a modality of feeding. The challenges to be taken into account are identified, highlighting that without these considerations and proper monitoring these diets cannot be carried out safely in childhood