ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the fiber intake and the relationship with cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents with juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus. Methods: This is a cross-sectional in which adolescents with juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus were evaluated. The dietary consumption was assessed by the 24-hour recall; nutritional status was classified according to the Body Mass index/Age by Sex; abdominal obesity was assessed through waist circumference, waist-to-height ratio and glucose and lipid metabolism. The data were analyzed using Statistical Software for Professionals 14 and all statistical analyses used an alpha error of 5%. Results: 52 patients were evaluated, with a mean age of 16.7±1.5 years. Inadequate fiber consumption occurred in 61.5% (n=32) of them. Average of waist circumference measures (81.4 vs. 75.5 cm; p=0.02), waist-to-height ratio (0.51 vs. 0.47; p=0.02) and systolic blood pressure (122.1 vs. 114.8 mmHg; p=0.03) were higher in those who had inadequate fiber intake. Among the cardiovascular risk factors evaluated, the waist/height ratio showed a significant negative correlation with fiber consumption (r=-0.3; p=0.04), that is, the higher the fiber consumption, the lower the value of the waist ratio /stature. Conclusions: Low dietary fiber intake in adolescents with systemic lupus erythematosus juvenile is related to higher abdominal adiposity and consequently with increased cardiovascular risk.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o consumo de fibras e analisar a sua relação com os fatores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes portadores de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal em que foram avaliados adolescentes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado pelo recordatório de 24 horas; o estado nutricional, classificado de acordo com o índice de massa corporal/idade, segundo o sexo; e a obesidade abdominal, analisada por meio da circunferência da cintura e razão cintura/estatura e do metabolismo glicídico e lipídico. Os dados foram analisados no Statistical Software for Professionals 14, e todas as análises estatísticas usaram erro alfa de 5%. Resultados: Foram avaliados 52 pacientes, com média de idade de 16,7±1,5 anos. O consumo inadequado de fibras ocorreu em 61,5% (n=32) dos adolescentes e evidenciou que a média das medidas da circunferência da cintura (81,4 vs. 75,5 cm; p=0,02), a relação cintura/estatura (0,51 vs. 0,47; p=0,02) e a pressão arterial sistólica (122,1 vs. 114,8 mmHg; p=0,03) foram maiores naqueles que tiveram consumo inadequado de fibras. Entre os fatores de risco cardiovascular avaliados, a relação cintura/estatura apresentou correlação negativa significante com consumo de fibras (r=-0,3; p=0,04). Ou seja, quanto maior o consumo de fibras, menor o valor da relação cintura/estatura. Conclusões: A baixa ingestão de fibras da dieta nos adolescentes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil está relacionada com maior adiposidade abdominal e, consequentemente, com maior risco cardiovascular.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/complications , Energy Intake , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Waist Circumference , Waist-Height Ratio , Obesity/complicationsABSTRACT
Extruded breakfast cereals they have low nutritional and high energetic values. The aim of this study was to develop extruded breakfast cereals by replacing part of corn meal by different proportions of by-products of grape (5-10%) and peach palm (7.5-15%). Samples were sweetened with xylitol while moisture was controlled with grape juice. Six formulations, which were produced in a 22 experimental design, were analyzed regarding their composition, besides their technological, mechanical, antioxidant and sensory properties. Addition of different amounts of flours, produced with the wastes of grape (GF) and peach palm (PF), increased the dietary fibers and antioxidant contents of cereals formulations. However, at the highest levels addition, there was a decrease in expansion and an increase in hardness and water solubility properties. Thus, the incorporation of grape and peach palm by-products at smaller proportions showed higher viability, since they exhibited satisfactory sensory acceptance, technological properties and bowl life.
Os cereais matinais apresentam baixo valor nutricional e alto valor energético.O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver cereais matinais extrusados substituindo parte da farinha de milho por diferentes proporções de subprodutos de uva (5-10%) e palmito pupunha (7.5-15%). As formulações foram adoçadas com xilitol e a umidade controlada com suco de uva. Seis formulações foram produzidas utilizando o delineamento experimental 22,onde foram analisados com relação à composição proximal, propriedades tecnológicas, mecânicas, antioxidantes e sensoriais. A adição de diferentes quantidades de farinhas produzidas com os subprodutos de uva (FU) e palmito pupunha (FP) aumentou as fibras dietéticas e o conteúdo de antioxidantes nas formulações de cereais matinais desenvolvidas. No entanto, nos mais altos níveis de adição ocorreram um decréscimo na expansão e aumento na dureza e solubilidade em água. A incorporação de subprodutos de uva e palmito pupunha em menores proporções mostrou alta viabilidade, pois apresentaram satisfatória aceitação sensorial, propriedades tecnológicas e bowl life.
Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Edible Grain , Arecaceae , VitisABSTRACT
The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of replacing corn silage with sugarcane in the diet of lactating Saanen goats and to determine their intake and digestibility of nutrients, ingestive behavior, milk yield and composition. The experimental diets were composed of increasing levels (0, 33, 66 and 100%) of substitution in dry matter (DM). Twelve multiparous Saanen goats, with an average body weight of 45.2kg, average milk yield of 3.0kg day-1, distributed in a triple latin square experimental design (4 × 4) were used. The dry matter intake (DMI) and other nutrients were estimated through the difference between the total nutrient in the food offered and its total in the leftovers. The DMI, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and total digestible nutrients were not influenced, but the apparent digestibility of DM and NDF decreased. Feeding time and feeding efficiency were not influenced, the rumination and total chewing times increased, and the leisure time decreased, both linearly. Milk yield was not influenced by substitution levels, but corrected milk yield to 3.5% fat decreased. Sugar cane represents a dietary alternative for goats with medium milk yield in critical periods of forage, since it does not change the consumption of DM and milk yield, even with the apparent declining digestibility of some nutrients, influencing the ingestive behavior of the animals.(AU)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da substituição da silagem de milho por cana-de-açúcar na dieta de cabras Saanen em lactação e determinar a ingestão e a digestibilidade de nutrientes, o comportamento ingestivo, a produção e a composição do leite. As dietas experimentais foram compostas de níveis crescentes (0, 33, 66 e 100%) de substituição na matéria seca (MS). Doze cabras Saanen multíparas, com peso corporal médio de 45,2kg, produção média de leite de 3,0kg dia-1, foram distribuídas em delineamento experimental triplo quadrado latino (4 × 4). A ingestão de matéria seca (IMS) e de outros nutrientes foi estimada por meio da diferença entre o total de nutrientes nos alimentos oferecidos e o total nas sobras. A IMS, a proteína bruta, a fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e os nutrientes digestíveis totais não foram influenciados, mas a digestibilidade aparente da MS e da FDN diminuiu. A produção de leite não foi influenciada pelos níveis de substituição, mas a produção de leite corrigida para 3,5% de gordura diminuiu. A cana-de-açúcar representa uma alternativa alimentar para cabras com produção média de leite em períodos críticos de forragem, pois não altera o consumo de MS e a produção de leite, mesmo diminuindo a digestibilidade aparente de alguns nutrientes e influenciando o comportamento ingestivo dos animais.(AU)
Animals , Female , Goats/metabolism , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Saccharum , Animal Feed , Digestive System Physiological Phenomena , EatingABSTRACT
Foram determinados os valores energéticos e a composição bromatológica do resíduo seco de fecularia (RSF) para frangos de corte, na fase de crescimento, utilizando ou não enzimas carboidrases. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em esquema fatorial 2x4 + ração referência, sendo uma RR sem adição de RSF e quatro tratamentos experimentais com 10%, 20%, 30% e 40% de inclusão do RSF e a suplementação ou não com carboidrases. A composição química encontrada para o RSF, na MN, foi de 89,86% de matéria seca, 0,98% de proteína bruta, 3519kcal kg-1 de energia bruta, 0,19% de extrato etéreo, 27% de fibra em detergente neutro, 19,5% de fibra em detergente ácido, 0,33% de cálcio, 0,43% de fósforo, 0,46% de potássio e 0,12% de magnésio. O uso de carboidrases proporcionou um aumento de 173 e 213kcal kg-1 nos valores de EMA e EMAn, respectivamente, resultando em 1828kcal kg-1 EMA e 1840kcal kg-1 EMAn. Concluiu-se que os maiores níveis de EMA e EMAn foram encontrados para o nível de inclusão médio do RSF de 35% e que a suplementação enzimática pode promover aumento desses parâmetros em até 12% em dietas para frangos de corte na fase de crescimento.(AU)
The energetic values and the bromatological composition of the dry residue of cassava (DRC) were determined for growing broilers with or without carbohydrase enzymes. The treatments were distributed in a 2x4 + reference diet factorial scheme, with one RD without addition of DRC and four experimental treatments with 10, 20, 30 and 40% inclusion levels of RSF and supplementation or not with carbohydrases. The chemical composition found for DRC in natural matter was 89.86% dry matter, 0.98% crude protein, 3519kcal kg-1 gross energy, 0.19% ether extract, 27% neutral detergent fiber, 19.5% of acid detergent fiber, 0.33% of calcium, 0.43% of phosphorus, 0.46% of potassium and 0.12% of magnesium. The use of carbohydrase resulted in an increase of 173 and 213kcal kg-1 in EMA and EMAn values, respectively, resulting in 1828kcal kg-1 EMA and 1840kcal kg-1 EMAn. It was concluded that the highest levels of AME and AMEn were found for the mean inclusion level of the DRC of 35% and that enzymatic supplementation may promote the increase of these parameters by up to 12% in broiler diets in the growth phase.(AU)
Animals , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Chickens/growth & development , Diet/veterinary , Starch and Fecula , Animal Feed/analysis , Energy Metabolism , Glycoside Hydrolases/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Conocida es la influencia de la fibra dietaria sobre los efectos mecánicos a nivel gastrointestinal, la composición y modulación de la microbiota intestinal y su función en la actividad metabólica y nutricional en adultos. En niños y adolescentes estos efectos son menos conocidos, generando interesantes áreas de investigación y desarrollo científico que nos puedan entregar mayor conocimiento de sus repercusiones a nivel fisiológicos y fisiopatológicos. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo entregar información actualizada sobre las diferentes clasificaciones de fibra, sus principales funciones digestivas y metabólicas, así como las recomendaciones de ingesta diaria en pediatría.
Among adults, the influence of dietary fiber on mechanical effects at the gastrointestinal level, the composition and modulation of the intestinal microbiota and function in the metabolic and nutritional activity is known. However, in children and adolescents, these effects are less known, generating interesting areas of research and development that could provide additional knowledge at the physiological and pathophysiological level. The aim of this review was to provide updated information about the different classifications of fiber, the principal digestive and metabolic functions, as well as recommendations for daily intake for pediatric populations.
Humans , Child , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Dietary Fiber/classification , Gastrointestinal Tract/physiology , Gastrointestinal Tract/metabolism , Recommended Dietary Allowances , Whole GrainsABSTRACT
La escasez de recursos alimenticios en época seca afecta negativamente la producción lechera del hato bovino. El fruto de morro (Crescentia alata Kunth) es una opción en la zona oriental de Guatemala para la suplementación de vacas en lactación. Se evalúo el efecto del morro fresco más urea sobre el consumo total de materia seca (MS) del suplemento y la producción de leche total vaca/día, aplicándose el diseño cuadrado latino en sobre cambio con cuatro tratamientos y tres repeticiones, utilizándose 12 vacas encastadas de doble propósito, en el cuarto parto y el segundo mes de lactación con promedio de 8 kg leche/día. Los tratamientos fueron: TI = napier morado picado (3.12 kg MS), alimento balanceado comercial (1.21 kg MS) y melaza; TII = TI más morro (1.0 kg MS), TIII = TII más urea (0.1 kg) y TIV = TI más morro (2.0 kg MS) más urea (0.1 kg). Después de 60 días, se observó un efecto sustitutivo parcial y un efecto descendiente sobre el consumo de MS de napier morado, respectivamente. Así mismo, se observó un incremento en el consumo total de MS del suplemento cuando se aumentaron los nive-les de morro, no así al adicionar urea en la misma. La producción de leche aumentó significativamente cuando se incrementaron los niveles de morro. Sin embargo, a un mismo nivel de morro, la inclusión de urea causó una reducción baja (3%) pero significativa (p < .001) sobre el consumo de MS total del suplemento.
The shortage of food resources in the dry season negatively affects the milk production of the herd. The fruit of morro (Crescentia alata Kunth) is an option in the eastern region of Guatemala for the supplementation of cows in lactation. The effect of the use of fresh morro plus urea on the total Dry Matter consumption (DM) of the supplement and the production of total milk of cows/day. A Latin Square statistical design was used with four treatments and three replications, using 12 crossbreed cows in the fourth childbirth and the second month of lactation with an average production of 8 kg milk/day. The treatments were: TI = minced purple napier (3.12 kg DM), commercial balanced feed (1.21 kg DM) and molasses; TII = TI plus nose (1 kg DM), TIII = TII plus urea (0.1 kg) and TIV = TI plus morro (2 kg MS) plus urea (0.1 kg). After 60 days, a partial replacement effect and a decreasing effect on the consumption of purple napier DM were observed, respectively. Likewise, an increase in the total consumption of DM of the supplement was observed when the morro levels were increased, but not when urea was added to it. Milk production increased significantly when morro levels increased. However, at the same morro level, the inclusion of urea caused a low (3%) but significant (p < .001) reduction on the total DM consumption of the supplement.
Animals , Cattle , Urea , Cattle/growth & development , Milk , Animal Feed/supply & distribution , Molasses/supply & distribution , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Dry Season , Eating , FruitABSTRACT
Abstract This study was conducted to evaluate the inclusion of new prebiotics in the diet on performance and metabolism (liver protein, glucose and glycogen) of Nile tilapia. For 60 days, 720 Nile tilapia (3.4 ± 0.60 g) were maintained in 24 polypropylene tanks (280 liters). Fish were fed with experimental diets with addition of 2.5 and 5 g kg-1 of dietary fiber of citrus pulp (DFCP), dietary fiber of linseed (DFL) and Actigen®. The experimental design was completely randomized with a 3x2 factorial arrangement. At the end of the period, there was higher final weight of tilapias fed on diets containing DFCP and DFL, and regardless of prebiotic, the best results in the final weight and length were observed for inclusion of 2.5 g kg-1. There was higher body protein deposition in tilapia fed on diets containing DFCP, without differences from those with inclusion of DFL. Total fat deposition was higher for the lowest level of inclusion (2.5 g kg-1). The digestive somatic index was higher for the diet with inclusion of DFCP, which did not differ from the diet with inclusion of Actigen®. There were higher concentrations of liver glycogen in the diets containing DFCP and Actigen®. Faced with the search for alternative growth promoters, this study confirms the possibility of using the new prebiotics (DFCP and DFL) in nutrition of Nile tilapia, because they showed efficiency equivalent to the prebiotic Actigen®.
Animals , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Cichlids/growth & development , Cichlids/metabolism , Animal FeedABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Bioactive compounds are substances present in low doses in foods mostly from the plant kingdom. Their consumption can influence physiological or cellular processes and has a beneficial effect on health. Fucoidans and beta-glucans are bioactive compounds that share the characteristic of being carbohydrates of the polysaccharide type, specifically of the soluble fiber kind. These compounds can be found in foods available in Chile and part of the Chilean diet; foods include, brown algae and some cereals. The concentration of these compounds in foods is variable, and depends on factors like season, cultivation, germination, and method of preparation and conservation. The current literature shows the potential beneficial effects of fucoidan and beta-glucans compounds in human health, which include: anticoagulant, immuno-modulator and antidiabetic and immunomodulating. The effects depend, among other factors, on their bioavailability and molecular weight. The objective of this review was to describe the potential beneficial effects of these bioactive compounds, analyze their characteristics and properties, and provide consumption recommendations that may lead to achieving the expected beneficial effects. To that end, relevant and recent scientific literature was analyzed.
RESUMEN Los compuestos bioactivos corresponden a aquellos elementos presentes en los alimentos, que influyen en procesos fisiológicos o celulares, cuyo consumo produce un efecto beneficioso para la salud, encontrándose en alimentos principalmente del reino vegetal y cuyas concentraciones en los alimentos son en mínimas dosis. Los fucoidanos y los beta-glucanos, son compuestos bioactivos que comparten la característica de ser un carbohidrato, de tipo polisacárido, específicamente fibra de tipo soluble, encontrándose presente en alimentos disponibles en nuestro país y que son parte de nuestra dieta, como las algas pardas y algunos cereales. La concentración de estos compuestos en los alimentos, es fluctuante y depende de factores como la estacionalidad, cultivo, germinación, método de preparación y conservación. En la bibliografía actual, se evidencian los potenciales efectos beneficiosos de fucanos y beta-glucanos para la salud humana como anticoagulante, antidiabético e inmunomodulador, la intensidad de estos efectos dependen de su biodisponibilidad y del peso molecular. El objetivo de esta revisión fué profundizar respecto a los potenciales efectos beneficiosos de estos compuestos bioactivos, analizar sus características, propiedades, además de relacionar una recomendación de consumo que permita alcanzar los efectos beneficiosos esperados. Para ello se analizó la bibliografía científica atingente, relevante y reciente.
Humans , Polysaccharides/administration & dosage , Polysaccharides/chemistry , beta-Glucans/administration & dosage , beta-Glucans/chemistry , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Phytochemicals/administration & dosage , Phytochemicals/chemistry , Immunologic Factors/administration & dosage , Immunologic Factors/chemistryABSTRACT
Objetivou-se avaliar três períodos de adaptação, cinco, 10 e 15 dias, a dietas com baixa ou alta fibra sobre a digestibilidade e características fecais. Foram utilizadas duas dietas, uma contendo 0% de casca de soja (0%CS) e outra com 15% de casca de soja (15%CS), fornecidas a 12 cães adultos. Ao final de cada período, houve coleta total de fezes para avaliação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA), energia metabolizável (EM) e características fecais. Além disso, foi avaliada a palatabilidade das dietas. Como resultado, não houve efeito do período de adaptação sobre a digestibilidade das dietas (P>0,05). A dieta 15%CS apresentou menor CDA da matéria seca (MS) e EM, em relação à dieta 0%CS (P<0,05). A consistência fecal dos cães não diferiu entre as dietas e os períodos (P>0,05). Houve redução no pH e na amônia fecal dos cães alimentados com a dieta 15%CS (P<0,05), após 10 dias de alimentação. Não houve diferença na palatabilidade das dietas (P>0,05). Períodos de adaptação à dieta superiores a cinco dias não alteram a digestibilidade e a maioria das características fecais de cães, exceto a amônia fecal. A inclusão de 15%CS na dieta reduz a digestibilidade da MS e a EM, bem como o pH e a amônia fecal.(AU)
This study aimed to evaluate three periods of adaptation, 5, 10 and 15 days, to diets with low or high fiber on digestibility and fecal characteristics. Two diets were used, one containing 0% (0% SH) and one containing 15% soybean hulls (15% SH). Diets were provided to 12 adult dogs. At the end of each period there was total collection of feces to evaluate the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC), metabolizable energy (ME) and fecal characteristics. We also evaluated diet palatability. There was no effect of the adaptation period on digestibility of diets (P> 0.05). The 15% SH diet reduced ADC of dry matter (DM) and ME, compared to the 0% SH diet (P< 0.05). Fecal consistency of the dogs did not differ among diets and periods (P> 0.05). There was a decrease in fecal pH and ammonia in dogs fed the diet with 15% SH (P< 0.05) after 10 days of feeding (P< 0.05). There was no difference in diet palatability (P> 0.05). Diet adaptation longer than 5 days did not alter the digestibility and most fecal characteristics of dogs, except for fecal ammonia. The inclusion of 15% SH in diet reduces DM digestibility and fecal pH and ammonia in dogs.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Dietary Fiber/analysis , Soy Foods/analysis , Feces , Animal Feed , Nutritive ValueABSTRACT
Concentrados com alta proteína bruta e minerais e com menor concentração de energia poderiam ser utilizados em menores quantidades no balanceamento de dietas com volumosos tropicais. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar o consumo de matéria seca, a resposta produtiva e econômica de vacas da raça Girolando mantidas em pastagem de Tifton 85 durante o período de seca, as quais receberam diferentes concentrações de suplementação proteica. Foram utilizadas 12 vacas da raça Girolando em lactação, com produção de leite média inicial de 18,00±1,615kg/dia. Os animais foram distribuídos em três quadrados latinos (4x4), constituídos de quatro tratamentos e quatro períodos experimentais, com duração de 15 dias cada. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma dieta controle, apenas sal mineral e três níveis de suplementação proteica com 40; 50 e 60% de proteína bruta (PB) sendo fornecidas nas quantidades de 2,5kg/animal/dia. Observou-se que os fornecimentos de suplementos proteicos proporcionaram um efeito substitutivo da forragem em relação à suplementação mineral. O uso de suplementação concentrada com teor de 40% de proteína bruta foi mais eficiente em termos produtivos, econômicos e de produção de proteína bruta no leite.(AU)
Concentrates with high crude protein and minerals and lower energy concentration could be used in smaller quantities in balancing diets with tropical bulk. The objective of this study was to evaluate the dry matter intake, the productive and economical response of Girolando cows kept in Tifton 85 pasture during dry season receiving different concentrations of protein supplementation. Twelve lactating Girolando cows with initial mean milk yield of 18.00±1.615kg/day were used. The animals were distributed in three Latin squares (4x4), consisting of four treatments and four experimental periods, each lasting 15 days. The treatments were composed of control diet with only mineral salt, and three levels of protein supplementation with 40, 50, and 60% crude protein (CP) being supplied in the amounts of 2.5kg/animal/day. It was found that the protein supplement supplies provided a substitutive effect of forage relative to mineral supplementation. The use of concentrated supplementation with 40% crude protein content was more efficient in terms of production, production of crude protein in milk and economically.(AU)
Animals , Female , Cattle , Dietary Supplements , Diet/veterinary , Animal Feed , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Dairying/economicsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic functional condition, which main symptoms of pain, discomfort and abdominal distension, constipation, diarrhea, altered fecal consistency and sensation of incomplete evacuation can be influenced by the presence of dietary fiber and fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAPs). This study aimed to assess the relationship between the quantity of fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAP) and fiber consumed by individuals diagnosed with IBS, and their classification according to the Rome III criteria. METHODS: A transversal study was carried out in the Intestinal Outpatient Clinic of the Gastroenterology Discipline of UNIFESP. The nutrients of interest for the study were: fiber, general carbohydrates and FODMAPs, with intake quantity measured in grams, analyzed through portions consumed. A nutrition log was used, along with a semi-quantitative questionnaire of consumption frequency. RESULTS: The sample included 63 adult patients; 21 with constipated IBS, 21 with diarrhea IBS, and 21 with mixed IBS. Carbohydrate intake was suboptimal in 55.6% of patients in all groups; excessive consumption was identified in 38.1% of the diarrhea group, 14.3% of the mixed group and 38.1% of the constipated group. Low consumption of carbohydrates was found in 28.6% of diarrhea patients and 47.6% of the mixed group. A mean intake of 23 g of fiber per day was identified, lower than recommended. CONCLUSION: The study identified a number of inadequacies in the consumption of different nutrients, excessive carbohydrate intake, especially FODMAPs, identified by the respondents as responsible for a worsening of their conditions. By contrast, other food groups such as meat, eggs and dairy were consumed by the sample population in insufficient quantities.
RESUMO CONTEXTO: A síndrome do intestino irritável é um distúrbio funcional crônico, no qual a dieta, principalmente o teor de fibra dietética e presença de carboidratos fermentativos (FODMAPs) podem influenciar nos principais sintomas: dores, desconforto e/ou distensão abdominal, constipação, diarreia, alteração na consistência das fezes, sensação de evacuação incompleta. OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as quantidades de carboidratos fermentativos (FODMAP) e fibras consumidas por indivíduos com o diagnóstico de síndrome do intestino irritável e relacionar com seu modelo da classificação, segundo os critérios Roma III. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, realizado no Ambulatório de Doenças Intestinais da Disciplina de Gastroenterologia/UNIFESP. Os nutrientes de interesse para o estudo foram: fibras, carboidratos em geral e FODMAPs, calculando-se suas quantidades em gramas, analisadas através das porções consumidas. Os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados: ficha de acompanhamento nutricional e questionário de frequência alimentar semi-quantitativo. RESULTADOS: A amostra incluiu 63 pacientes adultos, com síndrome do intestino irritável constipado (21), diarreico (21) e misto (21). O consumo de carboidratos mostrou-se inadequado em 55,6% dos indivíduos em todos os grupos; os que tinham alto consumo (38,1%) pertenciam ao grupo diarreia, 14,3% ao misto e 38,1 % ao constipado. Baixo consumo deste nutriente foi 28,6% nos casos de diarreia e 47,6% do misto. Observamos uma ingestão média de fibras equivalente à 23 g/dia, nos três grupos, inferior ao recomendado. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo permitiu reconhecer várias inadequações no consumo dos diferentes grupos de alimentos, particularmente excesso de carboidratos, incluindo os classificados como FODMAPs, identificados pelos doentes como responsáveis pela piora das suas queixas. Em contrapartida, nutrientes fundamentais, como carnes, ovos, leite e derivados estiveram referidos em níveis abaixo do recomendado.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Dietary Carbohydrates/adverse effects , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/physiopathology , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Fermentation/physiology , Dietary Carbohydrates/analysis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/etiology , Middle AgedABSTRACT
ietary fiber (DF) consumption is related with several healthy benefits such as the decreasing risk of colon cancer development. The DF is not digested by the digestive enzymes and reach to colon where is fermented by the colonic microbiota. The fermentation process releases metabolites as short chain fatty acids (SCFA) such as butyrate, propionate and acetate. Besides the fermentation process, the DF can directly interact with intestinal epithelial cells inducing mechanism that can also be related with the associated DF consumption benefits. The lack of information regarding DF and colon cancer are due to the complexity of both the cancer and the DF structure. The papayas DF are derived from the fruit cell wall, and they are probably naturally modified during ripening through a massive polysaccharide hydrolysis, because papayas show a very fast pulp softening. Due to the lack of information about DF and their beneficial effects to human health as well as the possibility of the natural papaya ripening to modifying the DF presented in the fruit pulp, the present thesis had as the primary objectives: 1) to evaluate how the cell-wall degrading enzymes affect the fruit cell wall solubilization and molecular weight; 2) to investigate the direct effects of the papaya pectin derived from unripe to ripe papayas in cancer cell lines, in galectin-3 interaction and in HEK cells expressing pattern recognition receptors (PRR); 3) to evaluate the human colonic in vitro fermentation using DF from unripe and ripe papayas as substrates; 4) to conduct an in vivo experiment using rats with pre-neoplastic colon lesions while receiving a diet with DF from unripe and ripe papayas. The endopolygalacturonases were the main enzymes acting on the solubilizing papaya cell wall pectin affecting both the papaya firmness and pectin structure. Overall, the papayas DF showed a ripening dependent structureeffects. In the cancer cell lines experiments, the ripe papayas pectin showed a more pronounced effects in inducing cancer cell death, inhibiting cancer cells migration and aggregation, activating PRR as toll-like receptors and inhibiting the pro-metastatic protein galectin-3. The DF from papayas also showed different aspects in colonic in vitro fermentation regarding the DF utilization by the bacteria and the bacteria abundance profile. Lastly, the animals receiving the diet with the DF from ripe papayas had less aberrant crypt foci in colon than the animals that received the DF from unripe papayas or cellulose (AIN-93G DF). Therefore, the study of papaya DF was carried out both during papaya ripening and its biological effects in vitro and in vivo, generating unprecedented results relating the endogenous biochemical changes of the fruits during maturation with the possible beneficial effects of their ingestion for health human
O consumo de fibras alimentares (FA) está relacionado com vários benefícios à saúde como a diminuição no risco do desenvolvimento de câncer de cólon. A FA não é digerida pelas enzimas digestivas do trato gastrointestinal sendo fermentada pela microbiota intestinal do cólon. Como subproduto do processo de fermentação há a liberação de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (SCFA) - como o butirato, o propionato e o acetato. Além do processo de fermentação, a FA pode interagir diretamente com as células epiteliais do intestino, induzindo mecanismos que também podem estar relacionados com os benefícios associados ao consumo de FA. A falta de informação sobre a FA e o câncer de cólon é, em partes, devido à complexidade de ambos, tanto do câncer quanto da estrutura da FA. As FA do mamão papaia são derivadas da parede celular da fruta apresentando diferentes estruturas dependendo do ponto de amadurecimento do fruto. Esse fato ocorre, pois, durante o amadurecimento do mamão papaia, existe uma extensa hidrólise dos polissacarídeos presentes na parede celular, diminuindo rapidamente a firmeza da polpa do fruto. Devido à falta de informações sobre FA e seus efeitos benéficos à saúde humana que são dependentes da sua estrutura, bem como a possibilidade do amadurecimento do mamão papaia naturalmente modificar as FA presentes na polpa dos frutos, a presente tese teve como principais objetivos: 1) avaliar como as enzimas que degradam a parede celular do mamão papaia afetam a solubilização e o peso molecular da parede celular do fruto; 2) investigar os efeitos diretos da pectina derivada de mamões verdes e maduros em linhagens de células de câncer, na interação com a galectina-3, e em células do tipo HEK que expressam receptores de reconhecimento de padrões (RRP); 3) avaliar a fermentação colônica humana in vitro utilizando as FA de mamões verdes e maduros; 4) avaliar em ratos com lesões pré-neoplásicas no cólon o efeito do consumo de ração com ou sem FA de mamões papaias verdes e maduros. As endopoligalacturonases foram relacionadas como as principais enzimas que atuam solubilizando a pectina da parede celular do mamão, afetando tanto a firmeza da polpa do fruto quanto a solubilização da pectina durante o amadurecimento. De modo geral, as FA dos mamões exerceram um efeito estruturadependente de acordo com a maturação do fruto. Nos experimentos utilizando linhagens de células de câncer, a pectina do mamão papaia maduro apresentou efeitos mais pronunciados na indução da morte e na inibição da migração e da agregação das células, bem como ativando os RRP, como por exemplo, os receptores do tipo toll-like, além de inibir a proteína pró-metastática galectina-3. As FA dos mamões também apresentaram diferentes resultados na fermentação colônica in vitro quanto à utilização das FA pelas bactérias do intestino, e também no perfil de crescimento dessas bactérias. Por fim, os animais que receberam a dieta com as FA dos mamões maduros apresentaram menor incidência de focos de criptas aberrantes do que os animais que receberam as FA provenientes de mamões verdes ou de celulose (FA da ração AIN-93G). Portanto, o estudo das FA dos mamões foi efetuado tanto durante o amadurecimento dos mamões quanto dos seus efeitos biológicos in vitro e in vivo, tendo gerado resultados inéditos relacionando as alterações bioquímicas endógenas dos frutos durante o amadurecimento com os possíveis efeitos benéficos da sua ingestão para a saúde humana
Animals , Male , Female , Rats , Dietary Fiber/adverse effects , Colonic Neoplasms/pathology , Carica/metabolism , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Cell Wall/classification , Eating , FermentationABSTRACT
RESUMO Para atender as necessidades nutricionais de pacientes admitidos às unidades de terapia intensiva, é necessário estabelecer um plano dietético. As complicações associadas com a nutrição enteral administrada por tubo não são incomuns e podem reduzir o fornecimento das necessidades nutricionais a pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva. Encontram-se em andamento pesquisas relativas a osmolaridade, gorduras, intensidade calórica e conteúdo de fibras das fórmulas, e muitos estudos têm focado na tolerabilidade ao conteúdo de fibras ou na redução de sintomas. Conduzimos uma revisão sistemática do uso e segurança das fibras dietéticas em pacientes críticos, que envolveu oito estudos e teve como base diarreia, outros sintomas gastrintestinais (distensão abdominal, volume gástrico residual, vômitos e constipação), microbiota intestinal, tempo de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva, e óbito. Discutimos os resultados encontrados na literatura científica, assim como as recomendações atuais. Esta abordagem contemporânea demonstrou que o uso de fibras solúveis em todos os pacientes graves hemodinamicamente estáveis é seguro e deve ser considerado benéfico para redução da incidência de diarreia nesta população.
ABSTRACT To meet the nutritional requirements of patients admitted to intensive care units, it is necessary to establish a diet schedule. Complications associated with enteral nutrition by tube feeding are not uncommon and may reduce the delivery of required nutrient to patients in intensive care units. Research on the osmolality, fat content, caloric intensity and fiber content of formulas are under way, and a substantial number of studies have focused on fiber content tolerability or symptom reduction. We conducted a systematic review of dietary fiber use and safety in critically ill patients in 8 studies based on diarrhea, other gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal distension, gastric residual volume, vomiting and constipation), intestinal microbiota, length of stay in the intensive care unit and death. We discussed the results reported in the scientific literature and current recommendations. This contemporary approach demonstrated that the use of soluble fiber in all hemodynamically stable, critically ill patients is safe and should be considered beneficial for reducing the incidence of diarrhea in this population.
Humans , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Enteral Nutrition/methods , Intensive Care Units , Dietary Fiber/adverse effects , Critical Illness , Enteral Nutrition/adverse effects , Critical Care/methods , Diarrhea/etiology , Diarrhea/prevention & control , Length of Stay , Nutritional RequirementsABSTRACT
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sweet potato vines as a source of fiber on the plasma parameters in healthy rabbits. For this, 15 rabbits were allocated into five groups, and each group was fed a different diet for a period of 46 days. The diets were as follows: diet without sweet potato vines (0SPV), and experimental diets with 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of sweet potato vines in replacement of alfalfa hay respectively (25SPV, 50SPV, 75SPV and 100SPV). Triglycerides and VLDL-cholesterol concentrations were approximately 53% lower in rabbits fed the 100SPV than in rabbits fed 0SPV. In addition, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and total-cholesterol concentrations were lower approximately 40% and 14%, respectively, in rabbits fed the 100SPV than in rabbits fed 0SPV. No significant differences were found among HDL-cholesterol, glucose, proteins, albumin and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) concentrations of the five groups. These results demonstrate that the consumption of sweet potato vines reduces the triglycerides, VLDLcholesterol and total cholesterol while maintains HDL-cholesterol levels. Therefore, sweet potato vines consumption may be another option to prevent coronary heart diseases in rabbits(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar com base no plasma sanguíneo o efeito do baraço de batata-doce como fonte de fibra. Para tal, dividiuse 15 coelhos em cinco grupos, onde cada grupo foi alimentado com uma dieta diferente por 46 dias. As dietas foram: sem baraço de batata-doce (0SPV), e dietas experimentais com 25%, 50%, 75% e 100% de baraço de batata-doce em substituição ao feno de alfafa, respectivamente (25SPV, 50SPV, 75SPV e 100SPV). As concentrações de triglicérides e VLDL-colesterol foram aproximadamente 53% menores em coelhos alimentados com a dieta 100SPV do que os coelhos alimentados com 0SPV. Além disso, as concentrações de aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e colesterol total foram inferiores em aproximadamente 40% e 14%, respectivamente, nos coelhos alimentados com 100 SPV do que em coelhos alimentados com 0SPV. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as concentrações colesterol-HDL, glicose, proteínas, albumina e alanina aminotransferase (ALT) dos cinco grupos. Estes resultados demonstram que o consumo de baraço de batata-doce reduz os triglicerídeos, colesterol VLDL e colesterol total, enquanto mantém os níveis de colesterol HDL. Portanto, o baraço de batata-doce pode ser uma opção viável para prevenir doenças coronarianas(AU)
Animals , Rabbits , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Cholesterol/analysis , Ipomoea batatas , Fatty Acids/analysis , Medicago sativa , Diet, Food, and NutritionABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective The present investigation sought to evaluate the potential association between dietary fiber intake and blood pressure (BP) in adult patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Subjects and methods A cross-sectional study was carried out in 111 outpatients with T1D from Porto Alegre, Brazil. Patients were predominantly male (56%) and white (88%), with a mean age of 40 ± 10 years, diabetes duration of 18 ± 9 years, BMI 24.8 ± 3.85 kg/m2, and HbA1c 9.0 ± 2.0%. After clinical and laboratory evaluation, dietary intake was evaluated by 3-day weighed-diet records, whose reliability was confirmed by 24-h urinary nitrogen output. Patients were stratified into two groups according to adequacy of fiber intake in relation to American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommendations: below recommended daily intake (< 14g fiber/1000 kcal) or at/above recommended intake (≥ 14g/1000 kcal). Results Patients in the higher fiber intake group exhibited significantly lower systolic (SBP) (115.9 ± 12.2 vs 125.1 ± 25.0 mmHg, p = 0.016) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (72.9 ± 9.2 vs 78.5 ± 9.3 mmHg, p = 0.009), higher energy intake (2164.0 ± 626.0 vs 1632.8 ± 502.0 kcal, p < 0.001), and lower BMI (24.4 ± 3.5 vs 26.2 ± 4.8, p = 0.044). Linear regression modelling, adjusted for age, energy intake, sodium intake, and BMI, indicated that higher fiber intake was associated with lower SBP and DBP levels. No significant between-group differences were observed with regard to duration of diabetes, glycemic control, insulin dosage, or presence of hypertension, nephropathy, or retinopathy. Conclusion We conclude that fiber consumption meeting or exceeding current ADA recommendations is associated with lower SBP and DBP in patients with T1D.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Blood Pressure/physiology , Energy Intake , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/physiopathology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Recommended Dietary AllowancesABSTRACT
No Brasil, as Doenças Cardiovasculares são as principais causas de morte, fenômeno que ocorre mundialmente. Dentre os fatores de risco considerados de maior importância para a aterosclerose estão: hipertensão arterial, dislipidemias,obesidade, diabetes mellitus e alguns hábitos relacionados ao estilo de vida, como dieta pobre em fibras e rica em calorias, gorduras saturadas, colesterol e sal (NaCl). A pectina é uma fibra dietética solúvel, podendo também ser classificada como fibra funcional, ou seja, que possui benefícios adicionais à saúde humana. Na fabricação de produtos cárneos, a pectina vem sendo avaliada em razão da capacidade de associação com moléculas de água, favorecendo a capacidade de retenção de água, aumentando o rendimento dos processos e melhorando a textura dos produtos. O cloreto de potássio (KCl) tem sido amplamente estudado como principal substituto do sal comum (NaCl), a fim de garantir alimentos voltados à população portadora de desordens no aparelho circulatório.
In Brazil, cardiovascular diseases are major causes of death, a phenomenon that occurs worldwide. Among the risk factors considered most important for atherosclerosis are hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, diabetes mellitus and certain habits related to lifestyle such as diet low in fiber and rich in calories, saturated fat, cholesterol and salt (NaCl). Pectin is a soluble dietary fiber, may also be classified as functional fiber, ie, which has additional benefits to human health. In the manufacture of meat products, the pectin is being evaluated because of the capacity of association with water molecules, by promoting water retention, increasing the efficiency of processes and improving the texture of products. Potassium chloride (KCl) has been widely studied as a main substitute for common salt (NaCl), to ensure foods aimed at people suffering from disorders of the circulatory system.
Potassium Chloride/administration & dosage , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Pectins , Meat , Food Production , Food Industry , Industrialized FoodsABSTRACT
Duas amostras de sorvete sabor baunilha foram produzidas, uma com substituição de parte da gordura por fibra vegetal insolúvel "Z Trim" (com reposição de sólidos) e outra sem substituição de gordura (tradicional). As amostras foram analisadas em relação às quantidades de gorduras totais, saturadas e trans, assim como amostras de sorvetes similares, de outras marcas, comercializados em municípios de diferentes regiões do Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo foi verificar as quantidades de gorduras dos sorvetes encontrados no mercado e comparar com as informações declaradas nos rótulos. A amostra com fibra apresentou redução de 18% de gorduras totais e de 14% de gorduras saturadas. Para trans, a alteração não foi significativa porque a amostra tradicional foi produzida com gordura low trans. Constatou-se que a fibra é uma alternativa interessante para sorvetes. Quanto à rotulagem, ao comparar-se as informações declaradas com os resultados de análises, observou-se que cinco marcas estavam em desacordo com a RDC n° 360, de 23 de dezembro de 2003 da ANVISA (BRASIL, 2003a).
Two samples of vanilla ice cream were produced. In one, part of the fat was replaced by an insoluble dietary fiber called "Z Trim" (with solids replacement) and in the other it wasn't done (traditional sample). Both samples were analyzed for the amount of total fats, saturated fats and trans fats. Samples of similar ice cream, of various brands, marketed in cities of different regions of Rio Grande do Sul, were analyzed too. The objective was to verify the amounts found in the market and compare them with the values declared on labels. The sample with fiber decreases 18% total fats and 14% saturated fats. For trans, the change was not significant because the traditional sample was produced with low trans fat. It shows that the fiber is an interesting alternative for ice cream. As for labeling, when it was compared the declared information with the analysis results, it was observed that five brands were in disagreement with ANVISA.
Fat Substitutes/administration & dosage , Trans Fatty Acids/administration & dosage , Food Labeling , Ice Cream , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Food Industry , Sampling Studies , Fats/analysisABSTRACT
Uma Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição (UAN) tem o objetivo de fornecer refeições equilibradas nutricionalmente e com qualidade higienicossanitária adequada. O Programa de Alimentação ao Trabalhador tem como objetivo melhorar a alimentação dos trabalhadores. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar se o valor energético, valor de gordura saturada, fibras e sódio do cardápio do almoço de uma Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição, seguem os valores preconizados pelo Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador (PAT). Foram analisados 5 cardápios, do turno do almoço, de uma UAN terceirizada que presta serviço a uma empresa na cidade de Estrela, Rio Grande do Sul. Após foram comparados os valores encontrados de calorias, gordura saturada, fibras e sódio com os valores recomendados pelo PAT. Pode-se verificar que os valores de calorias, gordura saturada, fibras e sódio analisados não estavam de acordo com os valores preconizados pelo PAT.
A Feeding and Nutrition Unit (FNU) has the purpose to provide nutritionally balanced meals and with hygienic-sanitary quality. The Worker Feeding Program (WFP) has the purpose to improve the workers nourishment. The aim of the present work was to analyze if the caloric energy content, saturated fat, fiber and sodium of the lunch menu in a Feeding and Nutrition Unit are in accordance with the values recommended by the Worker Feeding Program. Five meals were analyzed, of lunch shift, from an outsourced FNU that provides service to a company in the city of Estrela, Rio Grande do Sul. After the values of calories, saturated fat, fibers and sodium were found, they were compared with the ones recommended by WFP. It was observed that the analyzed value of calories, saturated fat, fibers and sodium were not in accordance with the values established by WFP.
Nutrition Programs , Occupational Health , Food Services/organization & administration , Menu Planning/standards , Nutritive Value , Sodium, Dietary/administration & dosage , Dietary Fats/administration & dosage , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Food CompositionABSTRACT
Estudio descriptivo y transversal primero en reportar la ingesta dietética de energía y de macronutrientes en mujeres en gestación en la zona noreste de México. Muestra por conveniencia de 125 mujeres embarazadas (15-45 años) en el tercer trimestre, que acudieron a consulta prenatal del Hospital Regional Materno Infantil, Nuevo León, México. Se reportaron último nivel de estudios, estatus marital y profesional, peso, talla, e índice de masa corporal (IMC). Se evaluó la dieta mediante la técnica de recordatorio de ingesta del día anterior, en 3 días no consecutivos. Se valoró la ingesta de energía y la contribución calórica porcentual de macronutrientes según las recomendaciones de ingesta de mujeres embarazadas. La ingesta energética fue de 1683,8 Cal/ día. La contribución calórica de grasa saturada fue mayor a la recomendación en 53,6 % de las mujeres. 76,8 % de las participantes consumieron más de 55 % de la energía de hidratos de carbono, mientras que 86,4 % consumió azúcares por arriba de lo sugerido. La mediana de consumo de proteína fue de 12,0 % de la energía total. 75% de las participantes consumieron menos de 22,5 g de fibra dietética total. La importancia de conocer la ingesta de energía y de macronutrientes en mujeres embarazadas se debe a la posible influencia que la dieta tiene sobre la programación del apetito del niño y las complicaciones de la madre. Los resultados sugieren brindar recomendaciones nutricias adecuadas para cada mujer desde el primer trimestre de gestación, según su estado nutricional y entorno social.
Descriptive and transversal study, first to report the dietary intake of energy and macronutrients in pregnant women in the northeast of Mexico. Convenience sample of 125 pregnant women (15-45 years of age) in the third trimester, who were prenatal patients in the Hospital Regional Materno Infantil, Nuevo León, Mexico. It was reported the level of studies, marital and professional status, weight, height and body mass index (BMI). Diet was evaluated by 24-hour food recalls, in 3 non-consecutive days. There were analyzed the intake of energy and the percentage contribution of calories from macronutrients according to the recommendations of intake of pregnant women. Intake of energy was 1683,8 Cal/day. The caloric contribution of saturated fat was higher than the recommendation in 53,6 % of women. 76,8 % of participants ate more than 55 % of energy from carbohydrates, while 86,4 % ate more sugars than the amount suggested. The median intake of protein was 12,0 % of total energy intake. 75% of participants consumed less than 22,5 g of total dietary fiber. The relevance of knowing the intakes of energy and macronutrients in pregnant women may be due to the possible influence of diet over the childs appetite and maternal complications. Results of this study suggest the need to provide women with adequate nutritional recommendations since the first trimester of gestation, according to their nutritional status and social environment.