Humans , Sweetening Agents/adverse effects , Weight Loss , Chronic Disease/prevention & control , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Feeding Behavior , Patient Preference , Sweetening Agents/administration & dosage , World Health Organization , Risk Factors , Risk Assessment , Dietary Sucrose/adverse effects , Food Preferences , GRADE ApproachABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Asociar grupos de alimentos con "atención dental por caries" y "por gingivitis" en adolescentes de entre 12 y 24 años de edad de escuelas públicas en Morelos, México. Las variables dependientes: "atención dental por caries" y "por gingivitis" se definieron por auto-reporte. Los grupos de alimentos se obtuvieron de un cuestionario de consumo en el último año. La ingesta diaria se estimó calculando cada peso correspondiente a la frecuencia de consumo del alimento ajustado al tamaño de la porción utilizando tablas de alimentos y después fueron sumados según al grupo que pertenecían (lácteos, frutas, verduras, leguminosas, cereales, carne y huevo, pescados y mariscos, comida rápida, bebidas carbonatadas y jugos embotellados y golosinas). Para el análisis se utilizaron modelos logísticos multinivel para mediciones repetidas para identificar as ociaciones (RM) entre ingesta de cada grupo de alimentos con cada variable dependiente por separado. En el análisis ajustado "atención dental por caries" se asoció con: frutas (RM 1.70), bebidas carbonatadas y jugos embotellados (RM 1.38) y golosinas (RM 1.44), mientras que cereales se mantuvo en el nivel marginal (RM 1.34). No se encontró asociación con "por gingivitis". Los alimentos con altos contenidos de hidratos de carbono refinados son determinantes para acudir a servicios dentales por caries.
ABSTRACT: Associate food groups with "dental caries care" and "for gingivitis" in adolescents between 12 and 24 years of age from public schools in Morelos, México. The dependent variables: "dental care for caries" and "for gingivitis" were defined by self-report. The food groups were obtained from a consumption questionnaire in the last year. The daily nutritional intake was estimated calculating each nutritional content of the foods using food tables and then they were added according to the group they belonged to (dairy, fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, meat and eggs, fish and seafood, carbonated drinks and bottled juices and sweets. Multilevel logistic models for repeated measurements were used for the analysis to identify associations (OR) between intake of each food group with "dental caries care" and "for gingivitis". In the adjusted analysis, "dental caries care" was associated with: fruits (OR 1.70), carbonated drinks and bottled juices (OR 1.38) and sweets (OR 1.44), while cereals remained at the marginal level (OR 1.34). No association with "for gingivitis" found. Foods high in refined carbohydrates are essential to go to dental services for dental caries.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Gingivitis/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Beverages , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Dietary Sucrose/adverse effects , Mexico/epidemiologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective. To characterize the design of excise taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in Latin America and the Caribbean and assess opportunities to increase their impact on SSB consumption and health. Methods. A comprehensive search and review of the legislation in effect as of March 2019, collected through existing Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization monitoring tools, secondary sources, and surveying ministries of finance. The analysis focused on the type of products taxed, and the structure and base of these excise taxes. Results. Out of the 33 countries analyzed, 21 apply excise taxes on SSBs. Seven countries also apply excise taxes on bottled water and at least four include sugar-sweetened milk drinks. Ten of these excise taxes are ad valorem with some tax bases set early in the value chain, seven are amount-specific, and four have either a combined or mixed structure. Three countries apply excise taxes based on sugar concentration. Conclusions. While the number of countries applying excise taxes on SSBs is promising, there is great heterogeneity in design in terms of structure, tax base, and products taxed. Existing excise taxes could be further leveraged to improve their impact on SSB consumption and health by including all categories of SSBs, excluding bottled water, and relying more on amount-specific taxes regularly adjusted for inflation and possibly based on sugar concentration. All countries would benefit from additional guidance. Future research should aim to address this gap.
RESUMEN Objetivo. Caracterizar el diseño de los impuestos selectivos al consumo de bebidas azucaradas en América Latina y el Caribe, y evaluar las oportunidades de aumentar su impacto en el consumo y la salud. Métodos. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda y una evaluación exhaustivas de legislaciones vigentes a marzo del 2019, recopilada mediante las herramientas de seguimiento ya existentes de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud y de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, fuentes secundarias, así como mediante una encuesta a ministerios de finanzas. El análisis se centró en el tipo de productos gravados y la estructura y la base de estos impuestos selectivos. Resultados. De los 33 países evaluados, en 21 se aplican impuestos selectivos al consumo de bebidas azucaradas. En siete países también se aplican impuestos selectivos al consumo de agua embotellada y en al menos cuatro, se incluyen las bebidas lácteas azucaradas. Diez de estos impuestos selectivos al consumo son de tipo ad valorem con algunas bases imponibles fijadas al principio de la cadena de valor, siete son de tipo específico y cuatro son de estructura combinada o mixta. En tres países se aplican impuestos selectivos al consumo en función de la concentración de azúcares del producto. Conclusiones. Si bien el número de países en que se aplican impuestos selectivos al consumo de bebidas azucaradas es prometedor, existe una gran heterogeneidad en su diseño en cuanto a la estructura, la base imponible y los productos gravados. Se podrían aprovechar aún más los impuestos selectivos existentes a fin de que tengan un mayor impacto sobre la salud y el consumo si se incluyen todas las categorías de bebidas azucaradas, excluyendo el agua embotellada, y recurriendo más a impuestos de tipo específico ajustados frecuentemente según la inflación y basados posiblemente en la concentración de azúcares del producto. Todos los países se beneficiarían si hubiera mayor orientación. Las próximas investigaciones deberían abordar esta brecha.
RESUMO Objetivo. Caracterizar o modelo dos impostos especiais de consumo sobre bebidas açucaradas na América Latina e no Caribe e avaliar oportunidades para aumentar o impacto desses impostos no consumo de bebidas açucaradas e na saúde. Métodos. Realizou-se uma pesquisa ampla e a análise de legislações vigentes em março de 2019, com informações obtidas por meio de instrumentos de monitoramento da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS) e da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) já existentes, fontes secundárias e levantamento junto aos ministérios da Fazenda. A análise centrou-se no tipo de produtos tributados e na estrutura e base desses impostos especiais de consumo. Resultados. Dos 33 países analisados, 21 aplicam impostos especiais de consumo sobre bebidas açucaradas. Em sete países os impostos especiais de consumo incidem também sobre água engarrafada e, em pelo menos quatro, incluem bebidas lácteas açucaradas. Dez desses tributos especiais são ad valorem com algumas bases tributárias estabelecidas no início da cadeia de valor, sete são de tipo específico e quatro têm uma estrutura combinada ou mista. Em três países os impostos especiais são estabelecidos com base na concentração de açúcares do produto. Conclusões. Apesar do número promissor de países com impostos especiais de consumo sobre bebidas açucaradas, verifica-se grande heterogeneidade nos modelos de tributação em termos de estrutura, base tributária e produtos tributados. Os impostos especiais de consumo vigentes poderiam ser mais bem aproveitados para aumentar o impacto no consumo de bebidas açucaradas e na saúde: incluir todas as categorias de bebidas açucaradas, excluir água engarrafada e recorrer mais a impostos de tipo específico com a correção periódica pela inflação e, possivelmente, com base na concentração de açúcares do produto. Todos os países se beneficiariam em receber mais orientação. Pesquisas futuras devem ter como objetivo abordar essa lacuna.
Humans , Taxes , Sugar-Sweetened Beverages/economics , Sugar-Sweetened Beverages/legislation & jurisprudence , Sweetening Agents , Caribbean Region , Dietary Sucrose/adverse effects , Latin AmericaABSTRACT
Objetivo: Identificar o perfil sociodemográfico, clínico e os diagnósticos de enfermagem pessoas com diabetes mellitus estabelecidos em consultas de enfermagem à beira do leito. Método: Estudo observacional descritivo, realizado em 2017 com 37 participantes, amostra não probabilística, em unidade de clínica médica ou cirúrgica de um hospital escola do sul do Brasil. Variáveis do estudo: dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e diagnósticos de enfermagem da North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, submetidos à estatística descritiva simples. Resultados: 89,21% dos participantes diabéticos tipo 2; tempo médio de diagnóstico de 9,6 anos; 70,2% hipertensos; 56,7% tabagistas; 16,2% insulinodependentes; 32,4% faziam uso de açúcar refinado; 59,45% associavam dois ou mais carboidratos na mesma refeição. Os diagnósticos mais frequentes: Risco de glicemia instável (97,37%), Risco de infecção (97,37%), Conhecimento deficiente (81,58%), Estilo de vida sedentário (60,53%), Controle ineficaz da saúde (60,53%). Conclusão: A identificação do perfil e dos diagnósticos de enfermagem possibilita melhor planejamento de enfermagem
Objective: To identify the sociodemographic, clinical profile and nursing diagnoses established through bedside nursing consultation in people with diabetes mellitus. Method: Descriptive observational study, conducted in 2017 with 37 participants (non-probabilistic sample), in a medical or surgical clinic unit of a school hospital in southern Brazil. Study variables: sociodemographic, clinical and nursing diagnoses according to the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, submitted to simple descriptive statistics. Results: 89.21% type 2 diabetic; mean time of diagnosis of 9.6 years; 70.2% hypertensive; 56.7% smokers; 16.2% insulin-dependent; 32.4% used refined sugar; 59.45% associated two or more carbohydrates in the same meal. The most frequent diagnoses: Risk for unstable blood glucose level(97.37%), Risk for infection (97.37%), Deficient knowledge (81.58%), Sedentary lifestyle (60.53%), Ineffective health management (60.53%). Conclusion: The identification of profile and nursind diagnoses enables better nursing planning
Objetivo: Identificar el perfil sociodemográfico, clínico y diagnósticos de enfermería establecidos en la consulta de enfermería a la beira del lechoen personas con diabetes mellitus. Método: Estudio observacional descriptivo, realizado en 2017 con 37 participantes (muestra no probabilística), en unidad de clínica médica o quirúrgica de un hospital escuela del sur de Brasil. Variables del estudio: datos sociodemográficos, clínicos y diagnósticos de enfermería según la North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, sometidas a la estadística descriptiva simple. Resultados:89,21% diabéticos tipo 2; tiempo promedio de diagnóstico de 9,6 años; 70,2% hipertensos; 56,7% fumadores; 16,2% insulinodependientes; 32,4% hacía uso de azúcar refinado; 59,45% asociaba dos o más carbohidratos en la misma comida. Diagnósticos más frecuentes: Riesgo de glucemia inestable (97,37%), Riesgo de infección (97,37%), Conocimiento deficiente (81,58%), Estilo de vida sedentario (60,53%), Control ineficaz de la salud (60,53%). Conclusión: La identificación del perfil y de los diagnósticos de enfermería posibilita mejor planificación de enfermería
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Health Profile , Nursing Diagnosis/methods , Dietary Sucrose/adverse effects , Diabetes Mellitus/nursing , Feeding Behavior , Life StyleABSTRACT
El dramático aumento de la prevalencia e incidencia de la obesidad sugiere que factores ambientales y cambios en el estilo de vida contribuyen de forma importante a su tendencia epidémica. En humanos, se han reportado diferencias interindividuales en los umbrales de detección y preferencia del sabor dulce, lo que podría afectar la ingesta habitual de azúcares, y por ende al estado nutricional. Objetivo: El presente estudio busca determinar la relación entre el estado nutricional y la preferencia al sabor dulce en la comunidad de un establecimiento de educación superior. Método: Muestra fue constituida por estudiantes, funcionarios y docentes, entre 18 y 60 años, pertenecientes a la Universidad Mayor, Sede Temuco. Para determinar preferencia al sabor dulce se empleó prueba organoléptica que mide grado de satisfacción frente a solución dulce, junto a ello se realizaron mediciones de peso y talla para determinar el Índice de Masa Corporal. Resultados: Muestra final comprendió de 319 personas, de las cuales un 30,1% fueron hombres y 69,9% mujeres. No se observaron diferencias significativas en la preferencia hacia las soluciones con mayor concentración de sacarosa según el estado nutricional. Sin embargo, el modelo predictivo desarrollado arrojó que hombres prefieren las soluciones con mayor concentración de azúcar independiente de la edad y estado nutricional. Conclusiones: Es necesario desarrollar nuevos estudios que permitan aclarar si la preferencia al sabor dulce favorece el desarrollo de obesidad y sobrepeso, o si es la composición nutricional de los alimentos procesados o ultraprocesados, lo que está teniendo un mayor impacto negativo en el estado nutricional de la población(AU)
The dramatic increase in the prevalence and incidence of obesity seems to suggest that environmental factors and lifestyle changes are contributing significantly to the epidemic trend of this pathology. In humans, inter-individual differences in the thresholds of preference of sweet taste have been reported, which could affect habitual sugar intake, and therefore the nutritional status. Objective: The present study seeks to determine the relationship between nutritional status and the preference of sweet taste in the population of a higher education establishment. Method: Sample was constituted by students, officials and teachers between 18 and 60 years, belonging to the Universidad Mayor, Temuco. To determine the perception of the sweet taste, an organoleptic test was used that measures the degree of satisfaction with the sweet solution, along with this, weight and height measurements were made to determine the Body Mass Index. Results: Final sample comprised 319 people, of which 30.1% were men and 69.9% women. No significant differences were observed in the preference for solutions with a higher concentration of sucrose according to nutritional status. However, a predictive model developed showed that men prefer the solutions with the highest concentration of sugar regardless of age and nutritional status. Conclusions: It is necessary to develop new studies to clarify whether the preference for sweet taste favors the development of obesity and overweight, or if it is the nutritional composition of processed or ultraprocessed foods, which is having a greater negative impact on the nutritional status of the population.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Nutritional Status , Dietary Sucrose , Food Preferences , Dietary Sugars , Chronic Disease , ObesityABSTRACT
El azúcar de mesa, que se obtiene de la caña de azúcar, es el edulcorante más utilizado en la elaboración de los alimentos. El azúcar es importante en la obtención de energía, es necesario para la síntesis de ácidos grasos, de ácidos nucleicos, evita el estrés oxidativo y el desarrollo de anemia. Puede ocasionar caries, diabetes, obesidad, arteriosclerosis y otras patologías. En el presente trabajo se valoró el efecto que tiene la ingesta crónica de agua endulzada con sacarosa al 30% sobre el consumo de alimento balanceado, el perfil lipídico, la concentración de glucosa sérica, y sobre algunos marcadores del estado nutricional como el peso y las proteínas séricas totales, en machos de ratas Wistar. El agua endulzada con sacarosa al 30% se administró a un grupo de 9 ratas Wistar durante 3 meses y se tomó como grupo control a un grupo de 9 ratas que bebieron agua natural. El consumo de alimentos por ambos grupos, así como los marcadores de química sanguínea se analizaron al final del tratamiento. Los niveles de glucosa, lípidos y proteínas séricas totales se midieron mediante espectroscopía. Los resultados mostraron que el consumo de agua endulzada con sacarosa al 30% redujo en más de un 90% el consumo de alimento balanceado; sin embargo, no afectó el perfil lipídico ni el nivel de glucosa en sangre, así como tampoco el nivel de proteínas séricas totales. El consumo de agua endulzada con sacarosa podría provocar desnutrición a largo plazo ya que ocasiona una reducción en la ingesta de alimento rico en nutrientes.
Sugar, obtained from sugarcane, is the most commonly used sweetener in food processing. Sugar is an important food for energy generation and it is necessary for the synthesis of fatty acids and nucleic acids. It prevents oxidative stress and anemia development. However, its consumption can cause dental caries, diabetes, obesity, arteriosclerosis and other pathologies. In the present work, the effect of chronic intake of water sweetened with 30% sucrose on balanced food consumption, lipid profile, serum glucose concentration, as well as some markers of nutritional status such as weight and total serum proteins was assessed in male Wistar rats. The water sweetened with 30% sucrose was administered to a group of 9 Wistar rats for 3 months, having 9 rats as a control group that drank natural water. Food consumption between both groups as well as blood chemistry markers were analyzed at the end of the treatment. Glucose, lipid levels as well as total serum proteins were measured by spectroscopy. The results showed that the consumption of water sweetened with 30% sucrose reduced the consumption of balanced food by more than 90%, however, it did not affect the lipid profile, the level of glucose in the blood or the level of total serum proteins concentration. Consumption of sucrose-sweetened water could lead to long-term malnutrition by reducing the intake of nutrient-rich food.
O açúcar comum, obtido a partir da cana de açúcar, é o adoçante mais utilizado na elaboração dos alimentos. O açúcar é importante para a geração de energia; necessário para a síntese de ácidos graxos e de ácidos nucleicos. Previne o estresse oxidativo e o desenvolvimento de anemia. No entanto, seu consumo pode causar cárie dentária, diabetes, obesidade, arteriosclerose e outras patologias. No presente trabalho, foi avaliado o efeito da ingestão crônica de água adoçada com sacarose a 30% sobre o consumo de alimentos ricos em nutrientes, perfil lipídico, concentração sérica de glicose e alguns marcadores do estado nutricional, como o peso. e as proteínas séricas totais em ratos Wistar machos. A água adoçada com sacarose a 30% foi administrada a um grupo de 9 ratos Wistar por 3 meses, tendo como grupo controle um grupo de 9 ratos que beberam água natural. O consumo de alimentos entre os dois grupos e os marcadores de química sanguínea foram analisados no final do tratamento. Os níveis de glicose, lipídios e proteínas séricas totais foram medidos por espectroscopia. Os resultados mostraram que o consumo de água adoçada com sacarose a 30% reduziu em mais de 90% o consumo de alimentos ricos em nutrientes, no entanto, não afetou o perfil lipídico, o nível de glicose em sangue nem o nível de proteínas séricas totais. O consumo de água adoçada com sacarose poderia levar à desnutrição no longo prazo, visto que produz uma redução na ingestão de alimentos ricos em nutrientes.
Animals , Arteriosclerosis , Spectrum Analysis , Blood , Nucleic Acids , Rats, Wistar , Dietary Sucrose , Saccharum , Fatty Acids , Anemia , Sucrose , Therapeutics , Water , Affect , Dental Caries , Malnutrition , Growth and Development , Diabetes Mellitus , Sugars , Food , Food HandlingABSTRACT
This study aimed to identify gross and microscopic changes, caused by high-energy diets, in the rumen environment and hoof of confined beef cattle. The study sample comprised 40 confined heifers (Bos taurus) with no disease history divided into four experimental groups using different diets: Group 1 (D1, control), 48:52 forage:concentrate ratio; Group 2 (D2), 30:70 forage:concentrate ratio; Group 3 (D3), 30:70 forage:concentrate ratio + sucrose; Group 4 (D4), 100% concentrate. All animals underwent clinical examination, assessment of ruminal fluid pH and lameness, and sample collection after slaughter for histopathology of the hoof laminae and digital cushion and ruminal tissue. All dependent variables of the study were compared using the SPSS 20.0 statistical software. The variables that did not show normality (HR, RM, ST, and CRT) were compared with application of the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Dunnet's multiple comparison test. All other variables were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey's test. The different diets had an impact on the rumen environment (p<0.05) of the heifers assessed, with momentary general depression in the first 12 h after sucrose induction (D3), as well as mild clinical signs in D4. The animals in D3 and D4 presented lower motility (p<0.05) and ruminal pH (p<0.01) than those in D1. Of the 40 heifers, 27.5% (n=11) showed gross lesions in the epithelium of ruminal pillars, whereas 22.5% (n=9) of those in D3 and D4 presented these lesions. Sole corium thickness varied between heifers in D3 compared with those in D1 and D2 (p<0.05). Therefore, high-energy diets, as used in this study, alter some clinical parameters and the rumen environment, causing lesions in the rumen mucosa, and of lesser intensity, in the hoof corium and laminae, suggestive of laminitis.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar alterações macroscópicas e microscópicas provocadas por dietas de alto valor energético no ambiente ruminal e casco de bovinos de corte (Bos taurus) em confinamento. Foram utilizadas 40 novilhas mantidas em confinamento, sendo divididas em 4 grupos experimentais: Grupo D1(controle) - 48% de volumoso e 52% de concentrado; Grupo D2 - 30% de volumoso e 70% de concentrado; Grupo D3 - 30% de volumoso e 70% de concentrado + sacarose; Grupo D4 - 100% de concentrado. Foi realizado exame clínico dos animais, avaliação do pH ruminal, da claudicação, além de coletas de amostras post-mortem para análises histopatológicas da região laminar do casco, coxim digital e do rúmen. Todas as variáveis dependentes do estudo foram comparadas por meio do software estatístico SPSS 20.0. As variáveis sem normalidade (FC, MR, Tc e TPC) foram comparadas pelo teste de Kruskal Wallis, seguido pelo teste de comparação múltipla de Dunnet. Todas demais foram submetidas a análise de variância (ANOVA), seguida pelo teste de Tukey. Foi observado impacto das distintas dietas ao ambiente ruminal (p<0,05). Os grupos D3 e D4 exibiram menor motilidade (p<0,05) e pH ruminal (p<0,01). 27,5% (n=11) dos animais tiveram registros macroscópicos de lesões no epitélio dos pilares ruminais enquanto que os submetidos às dietas 3 e 4 foi observada ocorrência de 22,5% (n=9) de lesões macroscópicas no rúmen. As espessuras do córium solear variaram entre os grupos que receberam a indução de sacarose em relação ao grupo controle e novilhas alimentadas com a dieta 2 (p<0,05). Sendo assim dietas com elevada densidade energética, na condição em que foi empregada, alteraram alguns parâmetros clínicos e o ambiente ruminal, provocando lesões na mucosa do rúmen e de pouca intensidade no córium e tecido laminar, sugestiva de laminite.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Acidosis/veterinary , Dietary Carbohydrates/adverse effects , Dietary Sucrose , Diet/veterinary , Foot Diseases/etiology , Foot Diseases/veterinary , Animal Feed/adverse effectsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of commercial sweeteners on root dentin demineralization using a microcosm biofilm model. Bovine dentin specimens with pre-determined surface hardness were randomized into six groups according to the studied sweeteners: sucralose, stevia, saccharin, aspartame. Sucrose was used as a positive control and an untreated group as a negative control. The specimens were submitted to biofilm development from one saliva donor and the cariogenic challenge occurred on subsequent five days, twice a day. At the end, the percentage of surface hardness loss (%SHL) and biomass was determined and submitted to ANOVA followed by Tukey's test. Sucrose presented the highest rate of demineralization, however, all sweeteners tested lead to a statistically higher root demineralization compared to the negative control (p <0.05). Sucrose caused greater demineralization in root dentin, however, the sweeteners were also able to induce it under this biofilm model.
RESUMEN: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto de los edulcorantes comerciales en la desmineralización de la dentina radicular utilizando un modelo de biofilm microcosmo. Se asignaron al azar muestras de dentina bovina con una dureza de la superficie predeterminada de acuerdo con los edulcorantes estudiados: sucralosa, estevia, sacarina, aspartame. La sacarosa se utilizó como control positivo y un grupo no tratado como control negativo. Las muestras se enviaron al desarrollo de biopelículas de un donante de saliva y el desafío cariogénico se produjo en los siguientes cinco días, dos veces al día. Al final, se determinó el porcentaje de pérdida de dureza de la superficie (% PDS) y biomasa y se aplicó un estudio estadístico de ANOVA seguido de la prueba de Tukey. La sacarosa presentó la mayor tasa de desmineralización; sin embargo, todos los endulzantes probados condujeron a una desmineralización de la raíz estadísticamente mayor en comparación con el control negativo (p<0,05). La sacarosa causó una mayor desmineralización en la dentina de raíz, sin embargo, los edulcorantes también fueron capaces de inducirla bajo este modelo de biofilm.
Animals , Cattle , Sweetening Agents/pharmacology , Tooth Root/drug effects , Cariogenic Agents/pharmacology , Tooth Demineralization/chemically induced , Dentin/drug effects , Tooth Root/microbiology , Analysis of Variance , Tooth Demineralization/microbiology , Biofilms/growth & development , Dietary Sucrose/pharmacology , Dentin/microbiologyABSTRACT
Objective: To evaluate the sweetness taste preference levels and their relationship with the nutritional and dental caries patterns among preschool children. Material and Methods: The participants of this cross-sectional study were 191 children aged 4 to 5 years, who were regularly attending public Child Education Centers of a city southern Brazil. Children's preference for sugar was evaluated by the Sweet Preference Inventory; caries prevalence, according to the World Health Organization criteria, and nutritional status, by anthropometric weight and stature measurements, in accordance with child growth standards of the World Health Organization. Results: High levels of sweetness preference were identified. The majority of children (67.5%) opted for the most concentrated sucrose solutions. Excess weight was recorded in 27.7% of the preschoolers. The prevalence of caries was 51.8%, with the mean dmf-t equal to 1.92 (± 2.72) and the decayed (c) component responsible for 94.2% of the index. No significant association between sweetness preference and the nutritional or the oral health patterns could be established. In addition, no association between excess weight and dental caries was identified. The diseases studied were only associated with sociodemographic variables. Excess weight was associated with maternal age (p=0.004) and caries experience with family income (p=0.013). Conclusion: No significant associations could be stablished between the sweetness taste preference and the diseases studied, nor between excess weight and dental caries. However, the findings of high patterns of sweet preference, excess weight and untreated caries experience, highlight the need for the implementation of integrated public policies aimed at controlling both nutritional and of oral health problems in the studied population.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Brazil , Eating , Nutritional Status , Dietary Sucrose , Dental Caries/diagnosis , Feeding Behavior , Chi-Square Distribution , Child , Child Development , Anthropometry/methods , Oral Health , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Health PolicyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Excessive sugar consumption may increase the risk for development of several diseases. Although average dietary sugar intake of Koreans is within the recommended level, an increasing trend has been found in all age groups. This study aimed to evaluate the population attributable fractions (PAF) to dietary sugar for disease and death in Korea, and to estimate the socioeconomic effects of a reduction in dietary sugar. MATERIALS/METHODS: The prevalence of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) overconsumption (≥ 20 g of sugar from beverages) was analyzed using the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015. Disease-specific relative risks of excessive SSB consumption were obtained through reviewing previous studies. Using the prevalence of SSB overconsumption and each relative risk, PAFs for morbidity and mortality were calculated. Socioeconomic costs of diseases and death attributable to SSB overconsumption were estimated by using representative data on national medical expenditures, health insurance statistics, employment information, and previous reports. RESULTS: Disease-specific PAF to SSB consumption ranged from 3.11% for stroke to 9.05% for obesity and dental caries, respectively. Costs from disease caused by SSB overconsumption was estimated at 594 billion won in 2015. About 39 billion won was estimated to be from SSB consumption-related deaths, and a total of 633 billion won was predicted to have been saved through preventing SSB overconsumption. CONCLUSIONS: Sugars overconsumption causes considerable public burdens, although the cost estimates do not include any informal expenditure. Information on these socioeconomic effects helps both health professionals and policy makers to create and to implement programs for reducing sugar consumption.
Humans , Administrative Personnel , Beverages , Carbohydrates , Dental Caries , Dietary Sucrose , Employment , Health Expenditures , Health Occupations , Insurance , Korea , Mortality , Nutrition Surveys , Obesity , Prevalence , Public Health , StrokeABSTRACT
Objetivo: avaliar se os hábitos alimentares maternos relatados durante a gestação influenciam a ingestão de sacarose das crianças nos primeiros dois anos de vida. Sujeitos e método: participaram da pesquisa 204 díades mãe-filho acompanhadas por um programa de atenção odontológica materno-infantil em uma cidade no sul do Brasil. As variáveis independentes foram obtidas por meio dos prontuários odontológicos disponibilizados pelo programa. Os hábitos alimentares maternos foram coletados durante a gestação e a ingestão diária de sacarose pelas crianças foi baseada em um questionário alimentar de frequência, dicotomizado em < 4 vezes/ dia e ≥ 4 vezes/dia. A análise multivariada foi realizada com modelos de regressão de Poisson, com variância robusta para estimar a razão de prevalência e os intervalos de confiança de 95%. Resultados: a prevalência do consumo de sacarose nos primeiros dois anos de vida, com uma elevada ingestão de sacarose (≥ 4 vezes/dia), foi detectada em 90,69% das crianças. Após o ajuste, o desfecho (alta ingestão de sacarose) foi 10% maior para as crianças cujas mães relataram beber bebida açucarada para satisfazer sua sede durante a gestação [RP = 1,10 (IC95%: 1,02-1,18)]. Conclusões: a maioria das crianças apresentou alta ingestão de sacarose em idade precoce. A triagem de mulheres grávidas para consumo de bebidas açucaradas pode ser uma maneira possível de reconhecer crianças em risco futuro de alta ingestão de sacarose na primeira infância. (AU)
Objective: to assess whether maternal eating habits reported during pregnancy influence their children's sucrose intake in the first two years of life. Subjects and method: a total of 204 mother-child dyads followed-up by a maternal and child oral care program in southern Brazil participated in the study. The independent variables were obtained from dental records provided by the program. The maternal eating habits were collected during pregnancy and the daily sucrose intake of the children was based on a frequency food questionnaire dichotomized in <4 times/day and ≥4 times/day. The multivariate analysis was performed using Poisson regression models with robust variance to estimate the prevalence ratio and the 95% confidence intervals. Results: the prevalence of sucrose intake in the first two years of life was high. A high sucrose intake (≥4 times/ day) was detected in 90.69% of the children. After adjustment, the outcome (high sucrose intake) was 10% higher for children whose mothers reported drinking sugar-sweetened beverages to satisfy their thirst during pregnancy [PR = 1.10 (95%CI: 1.02-1.18)]. Conclusion: most of the children presented a high sucrose intake at an early age. Screening pregnant women for sugar- -sweetened beverage intake may be a potential way to recognize the children at risk for future high sucrose intake in early childhood. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Adolescent , Adult , Dental Care/statistics & numerical data , Dietary Sucrose , Feeding Behavior , Mother-Child Relations , Brazil , Multivariate Analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sociological Factors , Sugar-Sweetened BeveragesABSTRACT
Objetivo: o presente trabalho tem por objetivo a realizaçãode uma revisão de literatura sobre a utilizaçãodo diário alimentar para diagnóstico do uso de sacarosee para o controle da cárie. Revisão de literatura:a cárie dentária está intimamente relacionada à dietaalimentar, principalmente à ingestão de carboidratos.Uma dieta rica em sacarose, além de promover umdescontrole no biofilme, descontrola as funções fisiológicasda saliva, a microbiota bacteriana, bem comoa saúde bucal por completo. Os hábitos presentes nadieta infantil constituem um fator importante para a determinaçãoda etiologia e o desenvolvimento da cáriedentária, por isso é fundamental a orientação quanto àsaúde bucal e, principalmente, ao consumo racional deaçúcar. Considerações finais: diante disso, os cuidadoscom os elementos dentários e a prevenção da cárie deveminiciar desde a infância. Para este fim, são de sumaimportância, além de uma boa higiene oral, uma dietaadequada às crianças e mudanças de atitudes dos paissobre a alimentação infantil. (AU)
Objective: the present study aims to perform a literature review on the use of the food diary to diagnose the use of sucrose and to control caries. Literature review: dental caries is closely related to diet, especially to carbohydrate intake. A diet rich in sucrose promotes the lack of control of biofilm and the physiological functions of saliva, bacterial microbiota, and the entire oral health. The habits present in the infant diet are important factors to determine the etiology and development of dental caries, so it is essential to instruct children about oral health and especially about the rational consumption of sugar. Final considerations: therefore, the care for dental elements and caries prevention should start at childhood. Hence, proper oral hygiene, as well as an adequate diet for children and changes in the attitudes of parents regarding infant diet habits is of utmost importance. (AU)
Humans , Child , Diet Records , Pediatric Dentistry , Dietary Sucrose , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Diet, Cariogenic/statistics & numerical data , Feeding BehaviorABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To compare the effects of fermented kefir on the nutritional, physiological, and biochemical parameters of rats. Methods Grains of milk kefir (whole and skimmed) and water kefir (brown sugar) were used. The chemical composition analysis was performed on substrates and fermented beverages. The rats were evaluated for weight gain, body mass index, as well as their food, water, kefir, and calorie intake. We also evaluated their energy efficiency coefficient, weight of organs, in addition to their serum, and hepatic biochemistry. Results Fermentation increased the acid content index owing to degradation of lactose and brown sugar. The animals consumed more kefir, reducing the intake of chow and water. Kefir did not alter body and organ weight, while improving the lipid profile. Conclusion Water kefir with brown sugar was more effective in improving the lipid profile.
RESUMO Objetivo Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar os efeitos dos fermentados de kefir sobre parâmetros nutricionais, fisiológicos e bioquímicos de ratos. Métodos Foram utilizados grãos de kefir de leite (integral e desnatado) e de água (açúcar mascavo). A composição química foi realizada nos substratos e fermentados. Foram avaliados nos ratos: ganho de peso; índice de massa corporal; ingestão de ração, água, kefir e calorias; coeficiente de eficiência energética; peso dos órgãos; e bioquímica sérica e hepática. Resultados A fermentação elevou o índice de compostos ácidos a partir da degradação da lactose e do açúcar mascavo. Os animais consumiram mais kefir, diminuindo a ingestão de ração e água. O kefir não alterou o peso corporal e dos órgãos, melhorando ainda o perfil lipídico. Conclusão O kefir de água com açúcar mascavo foi mais eficaz na melhora do perfil lipídico.
Animals , Rats , Cholesterol , Rats, Wistar , Dietary Sucrose , Fermentation , Kefir , Anticholesteremic AgentsABSTRACT
Introduction: Morocco has recently developed a plan of reducing sugar consumption to reinforce prevention of non-communicable diseases and to contribute to the achievement of global voluntary targets for non-communicable diseases set by ICN2 by 2025. The objective of the present study was to assess acceptance of yogurts with different percentage reduction of sugar by the Moroccan population.Methods: a total of 201 participants (age > 15 y.) were recruited to determine the level of sugar reduction in yogurt. Sucrose was added to a plain yoghurt in the following different concentrations 166.5; 149.8; 133.2; 116.5; 99; 83.2 mM/l, corresponding to the reduction of sugar of 0%, -10%, -20%, -30%, -40% and -50%, respectively, compared available yogurt in local market. Overall, the acceptability scores of the different yoghurts were based on liking, "Just About Right" (JAR) and purchase intent scales was used to score the different yoghurts.Results: yogurts containing -20% and -30% added sugar were highly accepted by 81% and 74% of respondents. Based on JAR score, yoghurt with 20% (133.2mM/l) and 30% (116.5 mM/l) reduction were considered as "just about right" by 42.7% and 44.3% respectively. Best average score of purchase intent was obtained for sucrose concentration of 149.8 mM/l. 35.8% and 40.3% for yoghurt with sucrose concentration of 133.2 mM/l and 116.5 mM/l respectively.Conclusion: the finding from this study indicated that yogurts containing -20% and -30% added sugar were most accepted by respondents. Advocacy before dairy industry to have them commit towards sugar reduction in yogurt is needed, in order to help achieving the national sugar reduction strategy in Morocco
Consumer Behavior , Dietary Sucrose , Food Quality , Morocco , Population , Yogurt/analysis , Yogurt/standardsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the high consumption of sucrose on the levels of DNA damage in blood, hippocampus and bone marrow of rats. Male Wistar rats were treated for 4 months with sucrose (10% for 60 initial days and 34% for the following 60 days) in drinking water, and then, glycemia and glycated hemoglobin (A1C) were measured. Levels of DNA damage in blood and hippocampus were evaluated by the comet assay. The micronucleus test was used to evaluate chromosomal damages in the bone marrow. The sucrose treatment significantly increased (p<0.01) the serum glucose levels (~20%) and A1C (~60%). The level of primary DNA damage was significantly increased (p<0.05) in hippocampal cells (~60%) but not in peripheral blood leukocytes (p>0.05). Additionally, it was observed a significative increase (p<0.05) in the markers of chromosomal breaks/losses in bone marrow, as indicated by the micronucleus test. This is the first study that evaluated DNA damage induced by high sucrose concentration in the hippocampus and bone marrow of rats. Sucrose-induced DNA damage was observed in both tissues. However, the mechanism of sucrose toxicity on DNA remains unknown.
Animals , Male , Rats , Bone Marrow/drug effects , DNA Damage , Hippocampus/drug effects , Bone Marrow/pathology , Micronucleus Tests , Rats, Wistar , Dietary Sucrose/adverse effects , Comet Assay , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/complications , Disease Models, Animal , Hippocampus/pathologyABSTRACT
Resumen: Objetivo: Examinar la publicidad de alimentos dirigida a la audiencia infantil en la televisión chilena. Material y métodos: Estudio de diseño transversal. Se registró la publicidad de alimentos emitida por cuatro canales de televisión de señal abierta, durante 12 horas diarias, en 12 días seleccionados aleatoriamente. Los avisos se clasificaron según grupos de alimentos y nivel de procesamiento. Se comparó la frecuencia de avisos de alimentos dirigidos a la audiencia infantil con los destinados a adultos. Se describió el perfil de nutrientes de los alimentos publicitados. Resultados: En 144 horas de grabación aparecieron 530 avisos de alimentos; 53.2% estaban dirigidos a la audiencia infantil. Los alimentos más publicitados entre los niños fueron lácteos azucarados (28.4%), bebidas azucaradas (25.5%) y cereales azucarados (17.7%). De dichos alimentos, 75% supera el criterio para azúcares libres. Conclusiones: En la televisión chilena se publicitan alimentos ultraprocesados que superan los límites de azúcares libres.
Abstract: Objective: To examine food advertising aimed at childhood's audience broadcast on Chilean television. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study. Food advertising broadcast by 4 open signal TV channels was recorded for 12 hours daily on twelve days randomly selected. Notices were classified according to food groups and level of processing. The frequency of food advertisement aimed to childhood audience was compared with those for adults. Nutrient profile of foods advertised was described. Results: In 144 hours of recording appeared 530 food advertisement; 53.2% were aimed to childhood audience. The most advertised foods were sugary dairy (28.4%), sweetened beverages (25.5%), and sweetened cereals (17.7%). Of the foods advertised to childhood audience, 75% exceeds the criterion for free sugars. Conclusions: Chilean television advertises ultra-processed foods that exceed the limits of free sugars.
Humans , Child , Television , Advertising , Food , Child Nutrition Disorders/prevention & control , Child Nutrition Disorders/epidemiology , Psychology, Child , Chile/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dietary Sucrose , Food Analysis , Nutritive ValueABSTRACT
Abstract: Objective: To estimate the dietary contribution of taxed beverages and foods. Materials and methods: Using 24-hour diet recall data from the Ensanut 2012 (n=10 096), we estimated the contribution of the items which were taxed in 2014 to the total energy, added sugar, and saturated fat intakes in the entire sample and by sociodemographic characteristics. Results: The contributions for energy, added sugar, and saturated fat were found to be 5.5, 38.1, and 0.4%, respectively, for the taxed beverages, and 14.4, 23.8, and 21.4%, respectively, for the taxed foods. Children and adolescents (vs. adults), medium and high socioeconomic status (vs. low), urban area (vs. rural), and North and Center region (vs. South) had higher energy contribution of taxed beverages and foods. The energy contribution was similar between males and females. Conclusions: These taxes covered an important proportion of Mexicans' diet and therefore have the potential to improve it meaningfully.
Resumen: Objetivo: Estimar la contribución dietética de las bebidas y alimentos con impuesto. Material y métodos: Con el recordatorio de 24-horas de la Ensanut 2012 (n=10 096), estimamos la contribución de los productos con impuesto en 2014 al consumo total de energía, azúcar añadido y grasa saturada en toda la muestra y por sociodemográficos. Resultados: La contribución de energía, azúcar añadido y grasa saturada fue 5.5, 38.1 y 0.4%, respectivamente, para bebidas con impuesto y 14.4, 23.8 y 21.4%, respectivamente, para alimentos con impuesto. Los niños y adolescentes (vs. adultos), nivel socioeconómico medio y alto (vs. bajo), área urbana (vs. rural), y región Norte y Centro (vs. Sur) tuvieron una contribución de energía mayor de bebidas y alimentos con impuesto. La contribución fue similar entre hombres y mujeres. Conclusión: Estos impuestos cubren una proporción importante de la dieta mexicana y por lo tanto tienen el potencial de mejorarla de manera relevante.