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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e257815, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558741


Este artigo analisa os desafios e estratégias de atuação de psicólogas(os) nos Centros de Referência Especializados de Assistência Social (CREAS) do norte de Minas Gerais durante a pandemia de covid-19. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quanti-qualitativo, de corte transversal e com análise de conteúdo e estatística para a interpretação de dados primários e meio de questionário eletrônico, emergiram os seguintes eixos temáticos: (a) Perfil sociodemográfico das(os) trabalhadoras(es); (b) Medidas de prevenção à contaminação para quem? Impactos da pandemia na práxis da psicologia no CREAS; (c) Chegada das demandas no CREAS; e (d) Tenuidade entre as potencialidades e vicissitudes do uso das tecnologias digitais. Observou-se que a inserção das(os) trabalhadoras(es) nos CREAS é marcada por contratos temporários, altas jornadas de trabalho e baixa remuneração. Além disso, com a pandemia de covid-19, têm enfrentado obstáculos como a falta de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) e de prevenção ao vírus. A chegada de demandas aos CREAS também foi afetada pela pandemia, como apontam as análises estatísticas dos registros mensais de atendimento dos municípios. As tecnologias digitais se configuraram como a principal estratégia adotada no ambiente de trabalho dos CREAS. Conclui-se que, se por um lado, a pandemia engendrou e acentuou obstáculos para a práxis da psicologia; por outro, a imprevisibilidade desse cenário e a potência da psicologia norte-mineira possibilitaram diversas estratégias para assistir os usuários.(AU)

This article analyses the challenges and strategies over the psychologists activity at the Specialized Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CREAS), from the north of the state of Minas Gerais during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a descriptive, quantitative-qualitative study on content and statistics analysis for interpretation of primary and secondary data, with 19 psychologists participating. From interviews made with electronic questionnaires, the following theatrical axes emerged: (a) Social demographic profile of workers; (b) Prevention measures over contamination directed to which public? The impacts of the pandemic over the practice of psychology at CREAS; (c) Demand reception at CREAS; and (d) Tenuity between potentialities and vicissitudes of the use of digital technologies. The workers insertion at CREAS is notably marked by transitory working contracts, long labor journeys, and low wages. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing hindrances such as the lack of personal protection equipment (PPE) and virus prevention. The demands received by CREAS were also affected by the pandemic, as shown in the statistics analysis from monthly county treatment records. The digital technologies were the main strategy enforced by the working environment at CREAS. In conclusion, if on the one hand, the pandemic produced and increased obstacles for the practice of Psychology, on the other hand, the unpredictability of this scenery and the capacity of the psychology of the north of Minas Gerais enabled diverse strategies to attend the users.(AU)

Este artículo analiza los desafíos y las estrategias en la actuación de psicólogas(os) en los Centros de Referencia Especializados de Asistencia Social (CREAS) del norte de Minas Gerais (Brasil) durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, cualicuantitativo, de cohorte transversal, con análisis de contenido y estadísticas para la interpretación de datos primarios y secundarios, en el cual participaron 19 psicólogas(os). De las entrevistas en un cuestionario electrónico surgieron los siguientes ejes temáticos: (a) perfil sociodemográfico de los(as) trabajadores(as); (b) medidas de prevención de la contaminación ¿para quién? Impactos de la pandemia en la praxis de la psicología en CREAS; (c) la llegada de demandas a CREAS y; (d) la tenuidad entre las potencialidades y vicisitudes del uso de tecnologías digitales. Se observó que la inserción de las(os) trabajadoras(es) en el CREAS está marcada por contratos laborales temporales, largas jornadas y baja remuneración. Además, con la pandemia de la COVID-19, se han enfrentado a obstáculos como la falta de equipo de protección personal (EPP) y prevención del virus. La llegada de demandas al CREAS también se vio afectada por la pandemia, como lo demuestran los análisis estadísticos de los registros mensuales de atención de los municipios. Las tecnologías digitales se han convertido en la principal estrategia adoptada en el entorno laboral de los CREAS. Se concluye que si, por un lado, la pandemia engendró y acentuó obstáculos a la praxis de la Psicología, por otro, la imprevisibilidad de este escenario y el poder de la Psicología en el norte de Minas Gerais posibilitaron varias estrategias para asistir a los usuarios.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Psychology, Social , Public Policy , Social Support , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Patient Advocacy , Patient Care Team , Patient Escort Service , Personal Satisfaction , Population , Poverty , Prejudice , Psychology , Quality of Health Care , Rehabilitation , Safety , Sex Offenses , Social Class , Social Control, Formal , Social Environment , Social Isolation , Social Problems , Social Welfare , Socioeconomic Factors , Stress, Psychological , Unemployment , Violence , Population Characteristics , Child Labor , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Unified Health System , Child Abuse, Sexual , Occupational Risks , Activities of Daily Living , Accidents, Occupational , Family , Child Advocacy , Residence Characteristics , Triage , Occupational Exposure , Workplace , Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation , Communication Barriers , Community Health Services , Comprehensive Health Care , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Conflict, Psychological , Cultural Diversity , Life , Health Risk , Personal Autonomy , Whistleblowing , Harm Reduction , Human Rights Abuses , Depression , Economics , Employment , Equipment and Supplies, Hospital , Violence Against Women , Job Market , User Embracement , Measures of Association, Exposure, Risk or Outcome , Ethics , Professional Training , Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services , Family Conflict , Social Networking , Compassion Fatigue , Physical Abuse , Digital Divide , Psychosocial Support Systems , Occupational Stress , Access to Essential Medicines and Health Technologies , Respect , Solidarity , Universalization of Health , Social Integration , Right to Health , Universal Health Care , Empowerment , Mediation Analysis , Social Inclusion , Emotional Abuse , Financial Stress , Neighborhood Characteristics , Sociodemographic Factors , Intersectional Framework , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Socio-Educational Measure , Job Security , Emotional Exhaustion , Time Pressure , Accident Prevention , Health Planning , Health Policy , Health Services Accessibility , Housing , Human Rights , Interpersonal Relations , Leisure Activities , Life Change Events , Masks , Mental Health Services
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(6): e202202976, dic. 2023. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1516351


Introducción. Las estrategias sanitarias basadas en tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) podrían perpetuar la inequidad en salud, especialmente en poblaciones vulnerables. Existen escasas herramientas validadas para evaluar el acceso a las TIC en pediatría en nuestro medio. Objetivos. Construir y validar un cuestionario para evaluar el acceso a las TIC para cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos. Describir las características de acceso a las TIC y evaluar si existe correlación entre los tres niveles de la brecha digital. Población y métodos. Construimos y validamos un cuestionario que luego administramos a cuidadores de niños entre 0 y 12 años. Las variables de resultado fueron las preguntas del cuestionario para los tres niveles de brecha digital. Además, evaluamos variables sociodemográficas. Resultados. Administramos el cuestionario a 344 cuidadores. El 93 % poseía celular propio y el 98,3 % utilizaba internet por red de datos. El 99,1 % se comunicaba a través de mensajes de WhatsApp. El 28 % había realizado una teleconsulta. La correlación entre las preguntas fue nula o baja. Conclusión. Por medio del cuestionario validado, evaluamos que los cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos de 0 a 12 años poseen en su mayoría celular, se conectan por red de datos, se comunican principalmente a través de WhatsApp y obtienen pocos beneficios a través de TIC. La correlación entre los diferentes componentes del acceso a las TIC fue baja.

Introduction. Health care strategies based on information and communication technologies (ICTs) may perpetuate health inequity, especially among vulnerable populations. In our setting, there are few validated tools to assess access to ICTs in pediatrics. Objectives. To develop and validate a questionnaire to assess ICT access among caregivers of pediatric patients. To describe the characteristics of ICT access and assess whether there is a correlation among the three levels of the digital divide. Population and methods. We developed and validated a questionnaire and then administered it to the caregivers of children aged 0­12 years. The outcome variables were the questions in the three levels of the digital divide. We also assessed sociodemographic variables. Results. We administered the questionnaire to 344 caregivers. Among them, 93% had their own cell phone and 98.3% had Internet access via a data network; 99.1% communicated via WhatsApp messages; 28% had had a teleconsultation. The correlation among the questions was null or low. Conclusion. The validated questionnaire allowed us to establish that the caregivers of pediatric patients aged 0­12 years mostly own a mobile phone, access the Internet via a data network, communicate mainly through WhatsApp, and obtain few benefits through ICTs. The correlation among the different components of ICT access was low.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adult , Cell Phone , Digital Divide , Surveys and Questionnaires , Caregivers , Communication , Internet
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536522


(analítico) El proceso educativo se trasladó de las escuelas a los hogares mexicanos como consecuencia de la covid-19. El objetivo planteado fue analizar el impacto económico, familiar y académico de la covid-19 en discentes de comunidades rurales que asisten a la preparatoria. La metodología fue cuantitativa. La muestra fueron 222 estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, en México, que respondieron un cuestionario en línea. Los datos se analizaron por estadística descriptiva y análisis de correlación. En los resultados se destacan tres impactos: económicos, por falta de ingresos para comprar tecnología; familiares, por la falta de apoyo de padres y madres; y académicos, porque hay poca capacitación en el uso de TIC. En conclusión, la covid-19 causó dificultades y puso de manifiesto una brecha digital, inequidad social y rezago educativo.

(analytical) The educational process shifted from schools to the home for Mexicans as a result of COVID-19. The objective was to analyze the economic, family and academic impact of COVID-19 among students from rural communities attending high school in Sinaloa. The methodology used for the study was the quantitative. The statistical sample size was 222 students from the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, in México, who respond to an online questionnaire. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlational analysis. The results showed three types of problems: economic issues due to lack of income to buy the technological items required for online learning; family problems, specifically the lack of support provided by parents to help children with distance education; and academic difficulties, because there was little training provided to students on the use of technology. The authors concluded that COVID-19 caused difficulties and highlighted the existence of a digital divide, social inequality and educational lag.

(analítico) O processo educacional mudou as escolas para lares mexicanos como resultado da covid-19. O objetivo era analisar o impacto econômico, familiar e acadêmico do Covid-19 em algumas comunidades rurais que eles estudam ensino preparatório. A metodologia era quantitativa. A amostra era de 222 alunos da Universidade Autônoma de Sinaloa, no México, eles responderam a um questionário online. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e análise de correlação. Os resultados mostram três problemas: econômicos devido à falta de renda para comprar tecnologia; parentes por falta de apoio dos pais e filhos, e Acadêmicos porque há pouco treinamento no uso das TIC. Em conclusão, da covid-19 causou dificuldades e revelou uma lacuna digital, desigualdade social e atraso educacional.

Rural Population , Socioeconomic Factors , Education, Distance , Digital Divide , COVID-19 , Teaching , Family
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(2): 343-351, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1391358


La crisis sanitaria provocada por el COVID-19 generó la aplicación de medidas de distanciamiento social y confinamiento por largo tiempo, menoscabando la participación en el activismo comunitario y promoviendo el uso de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) para el control y prevención de le enfermedad; no obstante, existe una gran distancia entre quienes tienen acceso a internet y quienes no, y la propagación de COVID-19 solo ha profundizado esta brecha. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y correlacional con el fin de determinar la relación entre la brecha digital y las TIC para el control de la pandemia COVID-19, en 119 usuarios que acuden a un telecentro de la Amazonia Peruana. Se aplicó un cuestionario conformado por 37 items relacionados con la brecha digital y las TIC, evaluados mediante una escala de Likert. Asimismo, se aplicó un instrumento con 15 items para evaluar la búsqueda de información acerca del COVID-19. Para el análisis de datos se empleó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Se encontró diferencias entre lo que se sabe y lo que debe saberse acerca del COVID-19, generando una brecha informativa acerca de la enfermedad; además se obtuvo una correlación entre la brecha digital y las TIC. Se requiere la implementación de programas de inclusión digital, políticas para el acceso y conectividad digital, establecimiento de otros telecentros y desarrollo de una infraestructura adecuada, que aminoren la brecha digital y promuevan el control y prevención del COVID-19(AU)

The health crisis caused by COVID-19 generated the application of social distancing and confinement measures for a long time, undermining participation in community activism and promoting the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for the control and prevention of the disease; however, there is a wide gap between those who have access to the internet and those who do not, and the spread of COVID-19 has only deepened this gap. A descriptive and correlational study was carried out in order to determine the relationship between the digital divide and ICTs for the control of the COVID-19 pandemic, in 119 users who attend a telecenter in the Peruvian Amazon. A questionnaire made up of 37 items related to the digital divide and ICTs, evaluated using a Likert scale, was applied. Likewise, an instrument with 15 items was applied to evaluate the search for information about COVID-19. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Differences were found between what is known and what should be known about COVID-19, generating an information gap about the disease; In addition, a correlation between the digital divide and ICT was obtained. The implementation of digital inclusion programs, policies for digital access and connectivity, establishment of other telecenters and development of adequate infrastructure are required, which reduce the digital divide and promote the control and prevention of COVID-19(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Amazonian Ecosystem , Information Technology , Digital Divide , COVID-19 , Technology , Rural Areas , Internet
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 40(2)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387261


Resumen Durante la pandemia por COVID-19, el sistema educativo costarricense ha adaptado las clases a una modalidad virtual; además, hay evidencia de brechas tecnológicas, digitales y educativas entre la población estudiantil. El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar las características sociodemográficas, psicosociales, tecnológicas y digitales asociadas al nivel de satisfacción de adolescentes en Costa Rica con las clases virtuales durante la pandemia. Se empleó un diseño transversal y se aplicó un cuestionario en línea a adolescentes de entre 14 y 18 años (n = 128, 63.3% mujeres, Medad = 16.2, DEedad = 0.593) de colegios públicos y privados. Se encontró que solo el apoyo percibido, la autoeficacia hacia las clases virtuales y el nivel socioeconómico (NSE) se correlacionan significativamente (de forma positiva) con la satisfacción con las clases virtuales. Además, se halló que un modelo que explica la variabilidad en la satisfacción a partir del apoyo percibido y la autoeficacia hacia las clases virtuales es mejor que uno que también incluya el NSE como variable predictora. Los resultados muestran indicios sobre la forma de hacer más satisfactoria la experiencia de las personas adolescentes en el contexto de clases virtuales.

Abstract During the COVID-19 pandemic the Costa Rican educational system has adapted classes to a virtual model; fur- thermore, evidence has supported the existence of technological, digital, and educational gaps among students. The aim of the present study is to identify sociodemographic, psychosocial, technological, and digital characteristics associated with the adolescents' satisfaction with virtual classes during the pandemic. Using a cross-sectional design, an online questionnaire was filled out by 14- to 18-year-old adolescents (n = 128, 63.3% girls, Mage = 16.2, SDage = 0.593) from public and private high schools. Results showed that only perceived support, self-efficacy, and socioeconomic status (SES) were significantly (positively) correlated with satisfaction with virtual classes. Also, it was found that a model that accounts for satisfaction in terms of perceived support and self-efficacy is better than one that includes SES as another explanatory variable. These results show some insights for making virtual learning a more satisfying experience for adolescents.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Digital Divide , Virtual Reality , COVID-19 , Costa Rica , Education, Distance
ABCS health sci ; 46: e021310, 09 fev. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349417


The objective was to analyze the scientific evidence on assistance strategies provided to women, victims of gender violence, in several countries, in the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a narrative review of the literature, by searching PubMed, Scopus and Virtual Health Library databases, using the keywords "COVID-19" and "women" and "violence". Seventy-six publications were initially found. After the selection, based on the inclusion criteria and the answers to the guiding question, 25 articles were used, submitted to the analysis of semantic content. There were five categories of analysis: Internet accessibility, telehealth and digital exclusion; Emergency telephone lines for reporting violence during the pandemic; Readjustment/expansion of services to combat COVID-19 to assist women victims of violence; Health education and intersectoral actions - interface with media programs; State actions and society responses. It is concluded that the main evidenced actions are anchored in the support and intersectoral actions proposed by the governments. It will help the State to develop strategies, enabling health professionals to rethink their practice, in a contextualized way to the current reality, from welcoming women to notification of suspicion, as well as health education for the empowerment of victims.

Objetivou-se analisar as evidências científicas sobre estratégias assistenciais dispensadas às mulheres, vítimas de violência de gênero, em diversos países, na pandemia da COVID-19. Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa de literatura, por meio da busca em bases de dados PubMed, Scopus e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, usando os descritores de busca "COVID-19" and "women" and "violence". Foram encontradas inicialmente 76 publicações. Após a seleção, baseada nos critérios de inclusão e nas respostas à pergunta norteadora, foram aproveitados 25 artigos, submetidos à análise de conteúdo semântica. Evidenciou-se cinco categorias de análise: Acessibilidade à internet, telesaúde e exclusão digital; Linhas telefônicas de emergência para denúncia da violência durante a Pandemia; Readequação/ampliação dos serviços de combate à COVID-19 ao atendimento às mulheres vítimas de violência; Educação em saúde e ações intersetoriais - interface com programas midiáticos; Ações do Estado e respostas da sociedade. Conclui-se que as principais ações evidenciadas estão ancoradas no apoio e ações intersetoriais propostas pelos governos. Contribuirá para que o Estado desenvolva estratégias, possibilitando que profissionais de saúde repensem sua práxis, de forma contextualizada à realidade atual, desde o acolhimento à mulher até a notificação da suspeita, bem como educação em saúde para empoderamento das vítimas.

Humans , Female , Women's Health , Comprehensive Health Care , Gender and Health , Intimate Partner Violence , Gender-Based Violence , COVID-19 , Hotlines , Health Education , Telemedicine , Digital Divide , Internet Access
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 31(4): e1567, oct.-dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1156356


La tecnología digital en la Sociedad de la Información ha perpetuado los fenómenos de exclusión social antiguos, que los traduce en lo que hoy se conoce como la Brecha Digital, la cual ataca con especial rigor a las comunidades de personas con discapacidad. En este artículo se revisa la evolución de la accesibilidad y la inclusión digital informacional de estas comunidades, tomando el caso de Brasil para ilustrar la historia de sus luchas por la equidad y la autonomía, así como los desafíos que enfrentan en esta área. Partiendo de la teoría crítica aplicada a la tecnología, se usó el análisis de dominio, en el que se combina un estudio de la literatura y las fuentes como revisión bibliográfica integradora, con un estudio histórico. Se evidencian las múltiples barreras culturales y jurídicas, históricas y presentes que convergen en las limitaciones actuales de acceso libre al conocimiento científico, al software de código abierto, en la falta de estímulo al desarrollo de la tecnología asistiva, y en el desfase en las pautas de accesibilidad al contenido Web del Consorcio 3W. Se identifican las principales barreras para la accesibilidad y la inclusión digital. Los problemas de la brecha digital y la accesibilidad Web son tan técnicos como culturales, económicos y políticos. En la medida en que no se perciba a las comunidades de personas con discapacidad como minorías políticas en busca de equidad, empoderamiento y autonomía, el discurso asistencialista y los preconceptos seguirán excluyendo digitalmente estas poblaciones. Transformar esa narrativa es posible con más trabajos de investigación que, de forma crítica, fundamenten las visiones alternativas sobre esta situación(AU)

The digital technology pervading information society has perpetuated long-standing social exclusion problems, transforming them into what is now known as the digital gap, which particularly affects disabled people's communities. The present paper reviews the evolution of information accessibility and digital inclusion in these communities, using the Brazil case to illustrate the history of their struggle for equity and autonomy, as well as the challenges they face in this field. Starting from the critical theory applied to technology, a domain analysis was conducted which combined examination of the literature and an integrating bibliographic search with a historical approach. Evidence was found of a large number of cultural and legal hurdles, both historical and present, which converge in the current limitations to free access to scientific knowledge and open code software, lack of stimulus to assistive technology development, and a phase lag in the guidelines for accessibility to the web content of the W3 Consortium. Identification was made of the main hurdles in accessibility and digital inclusion. Problems related to the digital gap and web accessibility are technical as well as cultural, economic and political. As long as disabled people's communities are not perceived as political minorities in search for equity, empowerment and autonomy, assistentialist discourse and preconceptions will continue to digitally exclude those populations. The transformation of that narrative is possible through more research work critically substantiating the alternative views about this situation(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Disabled Persons , Access to Information , Social Marginalization , Digital Divide , Digital Inclusion , Brazil
Lima; Perú. Ministerio de Salud; nov. 2020. 52 p. ilus, graf.
Monography in Spanish | MINSAPERU, LILACS | ID: biblio-1122243


El documento técnico aborda los principales temas de: visión de la agenda digital del Sector Salud 2025-2030; visión de la salud digital al 2030; objetivos específicos y estrategias: fortalecer el ecosistema de salud digital y su gobernanza, desplegar a nivel nacional la historia clínica electrónica y la telesalud, mejorar a confiabilidad y disponibilidad de la información para su uso en el análisis y la toma de decisiones.

Telemedicine/organization & administration , Access to Information , Innovation and Development Policy , Sustainable Development , eHealth Strategies , e-Government , Electronic Health Records , Digital Divide
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 54(4): 650-662, jul.-ago. 2020. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136968


Resumo A pandemia da COVID-19, por demandar isolamento social, impõe aproximação e coordenação de esforços de entes públicos e privados por intermédio da Internet e dos serviços digitais. O artigo analisa o uso e a operacionalização do ciberespaço pela Administração Pública no combate ao SARS-CoV-2 e apresenta um diagnóstico das vulnerabilidades e desafios referentes a essa crescente operacionalização. A administração pública passou a operacionalizar o ciberespaço com mais afinco a partir da década de 1990, com o e-government. Estratégias de coordenação (inter)governamental impostas pela atual conjuntura seriam impossíveis sem a intensificação da operacionalização do ciberespaço pelo aparato administrativo público, que transpõe para o domínio digital práticas e ações pouco usuais ou mesmo inéditas. Dada sua artificialidade, o ciberespaço só pode ser operacionalizado por detentores de meios para tal. A "democratização" cibernética esbarra na exclusão digital. O atual isolamento social evidencia desafios técnicos e socioeconômicos decorrentes da transposição do aparato de administração pública para o ciberespaço.

Resumen Por exigir aislamiento social, la pandemia de COVID-19 impone la aproximación y coordinación de esfuerzos de las entidades públicas y privadas por medio de Internet y de los servicios digitales. El artículo analiza el uso y operacional actual del ciberespacio por parte de la Administración Pública en la lucha contra el virus SARS-CoV-2 y presenta un diagnóstico de las vulnerabilidades y desafíos relacionados con esta creciente utilización operacional. La administración pública comenzó a usar el ciberespacio con mayor ahínco desde la década de 1990, momento en que surgió el e-government. Las estrategias de coordinación (inter)gubernamental impuestas por la situación actual serían imposibles sin la intensificación de la utilización operacional del ciberespacio por parte del aparato administrativo público, que transpone al dominio digital prácticas y acciones poco usuales o inéditas. Dada su artificialidad, el ciberespacio solo puede ser operado por quienes tienen los medios para hacerlo. La "democratización" cibernética choca con la exclusión digital. El aislamiento social actual destaca los desafíos técnicos y socioeconómicos derivados de la transposición del aparato de la administración pública al ciberespacio.

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic, while demanding social distancing, imposes approximation and coordination of efforts by public and private entities through the Internet and digital services. This article analyzes the use and operationalization of cyberspace by the public administration in the fight against SARS-CoV-2. It presents a diagnosis of the vulnerabilities and challenges related to this growing operationalization. The public administration began to operationalize cyberspace more vigorously from the 1990s, with e-government. Inter-governmental and governmental coordination strategies imposed by the current situation would be impossible without the intensification of the operationalization of cyberspace by the public administration apparatus, which transposes unusual and even unprecedented practices and actions to the digital domain. Given its artificiality, cyberspace can only be operated by those with the means to do so. Cyber-democratization comes up against the digital divide. The current need for social distancing highlights technical and socio-economic challenges arising from the transposition of the public administration apparatus into cyberspace.

Humans , Male , Female , Public Administration , Coronavirus Infections , Internet , Digital Divide , e-Government
Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 61(1): [15], jul. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIBOCS | ID: biblio-1118974


El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir las estrategias educativas y su integración con las tecnologías digitales para el fortalecimiento del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje de docentes y estudiantes. Se abordan diferentes investigaciones, enfoques y conceptualizaciones desarrollados por otras investigaciones; además, se describen las estrategias de enseñanza pre-instruccionales, co-instruccionales y postinstruccionales entre las cuales resaltan los objetivos, organizadores previos, mapas mentales y conceptuales, ilustraciones, analogías y otros; por otra parte, se enfoca en las estrategias que el estudiante emplea en su formación académica como ser el ensayo, elaboración, organización, comprensión, apoyo y aprendizaje significativo. Por otro lado, se destaca las nuevas tecnologías digitales, los recursos de Internet orientadas a la educación y las miradas concernientes a reducir la brecha digital en el contexto educativo. Por último, se enfatiza en la integración de las estrategias educativas y las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación disponibles, y como éstas conllevan a la apertura de nuevos escenarios activos de interrelación e interacción entre docentes y estudiantes.

Teaching , Digital Divide , Learning , Technology , Communication , Internet , Information Technology , Faculty
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 39(1)jun. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, INDEXPSI, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387237


Resumen Ante la era digital, la humanidad se enfrenta a nuevas coyunturas en los ámbitos sociales y psicológicos. La aparición de fenómenos como la adicción a internet, la depresión asociada al uso excesivo de los dispositivos y la pérdida de espacios reales en pro de una virtualidad cada vez mayor, además del desgaste de los recursos naturales, prende las alarmas sobre la salud y el tipo de vida que se lleva en las sociedades. La vida rápida e inmediata parece colocar a las personas en nuevos espacios cu- yos impactos aún salen del conocimiento de las ciencias sociales. La Psicología humanista apareció oficialmente en 1961 y puede brindarnos una mirada más humana. El retorno a las experiencias humanas, a las emociones, al valor del individuo y a los sentimientos de autorrealización pueden cimentar las bases de un nuevo pensamiento que ponga luz sobre las problemáticas actuales. Por eso, el objetivo de este trabajo fue el de señalar algunos problemas que llegaron con la era digital, para después dirigir sobre ellos la mirada que brinda la Psicología humanista con el fin de revitalizar los esfuerzos en pro de una vida más saludable tanto entre los individuos como con el ambiente.

Abstract: Faced with the Digital Age, humanity confronts new junctures in the social and psychological spheres. The appea- rance of phenomena such as Internet addiction, depression associated with excessive device usage and the loss of real spaces in favor of an increasing virtuality, in addition to natural resource depletion, set off alarms about health and the type of life that is carried out in societies. Fast and immediate life seems to place people in new spaces whose impacts still come out of the knowledge of the social sciences. It is here that Humanist Psychology, officia- lly appearing in 1961, can give us a more humane look. The return to human experiences, emotions, the value of the individual and feelings of self-realization can lay the foundations of a new thought that sheds light on current problems. That is why the goal of this work was to point out some problems that arose with the digital era, and then cast on them the perspective offered by Humanist Psychology in order to revitalize efforts towards a healthier life both among individuals, as well as in the environment.

Psychology, Social , Internet Access , Social Networking , Digital Divide
E-Cienc. inf ; 8(1): 101-118, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1089839


Resumen El presente artículo busca ofrecer una mirada comprehensiva a las recientes propuestas en materia de gobernanza digital en Costa Rica, específicamente respecto a la rectoría del sector. Esto se hará mediante un repaso documental, así como siguiendo un método de seguimiento de proceso; luego, el artículo presentará la experiencia nacional con respecto de aquellas de los principales referentes internacionales en la materia. Se concluirá con una serie de recomendaciones a partir de las mejores prácticas observadas en instituciones exitosas en el campo de gobierno digital aplicables al caso costarricense, dado el bajo nivel de éxito que ha tenido la institucionalización del gobierno digital en el país.

Abstract This article aims to provide a comprehensive look at recent proposals of digital governance in Costa Rica, from its institutional design, specifically regarding the ruling entity of the sector. This will be achieved through a documentary review, as well as following a process-tracing method. Then, the article will focus on presenting the national experience with respect of that of the international benchmarks on the subject. Conclusively, it will provide a series of recommendations from the best practices observed in successful institutions in the field of digital Government, applicable to the Costa Rican case given its low success level regarding the country's institutionalization of a Digital Government.

Costa Rica , Digital Divide , Information Technology Management , e-Government , Computer Security
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 29(1): 92-105, ene.-mar. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-900945


Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación han generado transformaciones en las relaciones entre nativos e inmigrantes digitales; por tanto, afectan el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, ya que cada cual usa un lenguaje tecnológico diferente. El objetivo de este artículo es caracterizar a los nativos e inmigrantes digitales e identificar la influencia de la brecha digital en el ámbito educativo de ciencias de la salud. El método empleado fue una revisión sistemática de artículos científicos publicados desde el año 2014, en las bases de datos EBSCO, Google Scholar, Redalyc, Science direct, Scopus y Pubmed entre los meses de agosto y noviembre del año 2017. De 850 publicaciones encontradas, 60 estudios cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Con el fin de disminuir el impacto de la diferencia entre nativos e inmigrantes digitales en educación médica es importante promover la formación permanente de los profesores en el uso y en el manejo adecuado de las nuevas tecnologías, lo cual permite la generación de modelos pedagógicos y las estrategias de enseñanza más interactivas de acuerdo con las necesidades de futuros profesionales de la salud(AU)

Information and communication technologies have brought about transformations in the relationship between digital natives and immigrants. This has affected the teaching-learning process for digital natives and immigrants who use different technological languages. The purpose of the study was to characterize digital natives and immigrants, and identify the influence of the digital gap on health science teaching. A systematic review was conducted from August to November 2017 of scientific papers published in the databases EBSCO, Google Scholar, Redalyc, Science Direct, Scopus and PubMed since the year 2014. Of the 850 publications found, 60 met the inclusion criteria. In order to reduce the impact of the difference between digital natives and immigrants on medical education it is important to foster the permanent training of teachers in the use and adequate management of the new technologies. This will allow the generation of more interactive pedagogical models and teaching strategies in keeping with the needs of future health professionals(AU)

Humans , Health Sciences/education , Digital Divide
Investig. desar. ; 25(2): 100-123, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1090714


RESUMEN Los primeros estudios que indagaron sobre el uso de internet dieron cuenta de la existencia de una brecha digital entre quienes tenían y quienes no tenían acceso físico a internet, con la idea de que la mera accesibilidad aseguraba la inclusión. El interés viró, entonces, a cómo las personas utilizan internet después de obtener acceso. Se realizó un estudio empírico a fin de analizar el uso de internet en Argentina y las diferencias según el género y la edad como variables asociadas a la brecha digital. El estudio es descriptivo-correlacional, transversal, sobre una muestra representativa de adultos (n = 1145). Los resultados muestran la masividad de conexión a internet y las diferencias de uso entre hombres y mujeres, y entre generaciones. Se ratifica la hipótesis de la brecha digital acerca de la mayor conexión y uso entre los más jóvenes.

ABSTRACT The first studies that investigated the use of the Internet revealed the existence of a digital divide between those who had and those who did not have physical access to the Internet. It was held the assumption that mere accessibility ensured inclusion. The interest then turned to how people use the Internet after gaining access. An empirical study was carried on to analyze the use of the Internet in Argentina and the differences in terms of sex and age as variables associated with the digital divide. The study is descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional, based on a representative sample of adults (n = 1145). The results show the mass internet connection and the differences in use between men and women, and generations. It ratifies the hypothesis of the digital divide showing a greater connection and use among the younger.

Humans , Digital Divide , Internet , Internet Use
Rev. Kairós (Online) ; 20(2): 79-99, jun. 2017. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-883969


O envelhecimento é um desafio que, nos últimos anos, tem sido objeto de estudo na sociedade moderna. Todos tentam perceber e compreender o envelhecimento e intervir para reduzir seus efeitos naturais, evitando a exclusão da pessoa idosa; pelo contrário, promovendo a sua integração na sociedade. A questão que se coloca em Portugal e nas sociedades mais modernas é o grande desenvolvimento das tecnologias de informação. Estes processos geraram, em Portugal, uma maior dependência para tratar de assuntos quotidianos, como o acesso aos serviços bancários, finanças, marcação de consultas, levantamento de medicamento nas farmácias e até compras. No presente artigo, destaca-se a questão da infoexclusão e da infointervenção junto do idoso, e apresentam-se alguns resultados do uso de tecnologias de informação por parte dos idosos em Portugal.

Aging is a challenge that in recent years has been the object of study in modern society. We all try to understand and understand aging and intervene to reduce its natural effects by avoiding the exclusion of the elderly and, instead, by promoting their integration into society. One issue that arises in Portugal and in more modern societies is the great development of information technologies. These processes led to greater dependence in Portugal on everyday matters such as access to banking services, finances, appointment of appointments, collection of medicine in pharmacies and even purchases. In this article, we highlight the issue of info-exclusion and infointervention among the elderly and present some results of the use of information technologies by the elderly in Portugal.

El envejecimiento es un desafío que en los últimos años ha sido objeto de estudio en la sociedad moderna. Todos intentamos percibir y comprender el envejecimiento e intervenir para reducir sus efectos naturales evitando la exclusión de la persona mayor y por el contrario promoviendo su integración en la sociedad. Una cuestión que se plantea en Portugal y en las sociedades más modernas es el gran desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información. Estos procesos generaron en Portugal una mayor dependencia para tratar asuntos cotidianos como el acceso a los servicios bancarios, finanzas, marcación de consultas, levantamiento de medicamentos en las farmacias e incluso las compras. En el presente artículo se destaca la cuestión de la info-exclusión y de la información sobre el anciano y se presentan algunos resultados de la utilización de tecnologías de información por parte de los ancianos en Portugal.

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Public Policy , Aged , Aging , Information Technology , Social Marginalization , Digital Divide
Saúde Soc ; 26(1): 218-228, jan.-mar. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-962510


Resumo Este estudo se insere no contexto da inclusão digital de conselheiros de saúde e fortalecimento de suas práticas. O objetivo foi conhecer a percepção dos conselheiros municipais de saúde em relação ao acesso à informação de saúde e inclusão digital de um município de porte médio do interior paulista. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, alicerçada no método de estudo de caso, realizada com 16 conselheiros titulares de saúde. Foi realizada entrevista orientada por roteiro semiestruturado e os dados foram analisados à luz da análise de conteúdo representacional temática. A discussão foi alicerçada nos referenciais da Teoria da Democracia Participativa e os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde, com destaque para a diretriz da Participação Comunitária. Evidenciou-se uma insuficiência da educação permanente para conselheiros tanto na área do controle social quanto em inclusão digital. Ainda é incipiente o acesso às informações no campo da saúde por meio digital, tendo como desdobramento a fragilização democrática e participativa do Conselho. Pode haver algum controle daqueles que detém melhor conhecimento sobre as informações relativas à política de saúde. Os conselheiros reconhecem a importância da inclusão digital e desejam participar dela. Conclui-se que há lacunas no acesso às informações de saúde e uma frágil inserção digital, o que pode comprometer o reconhecimento e a efetividade da participação comunitária nas deliberações em saúde pública.

Abstract This study is part of the context of the digital inclusion of health counselors and the strengthening of their practices. The objective was to know the perception of municipal health counselors in relation to the access to health information and digital inclusion of a medium sized city in São Paulo, Brazil. This is a qualitative research, based on the case study method conducted with sixteen tutelary health counselors. The interview was performed using a semi-structured guide and the data were evaluated in the light of Content Thematic Representational Analysis. The discussion was grounded on the theoretical frameworks of the Theory of Participatory Democracy and the principles of the Unified Health System with emphasis on the policy of Community Participation. It was evidenced an insufficiency of continuing education for directors both in the area of social control as digital inclusion. It is still incipient the access to information in the field of health by digital means, with the unfolding of democratic and participatory embrittlement of the board. There may be some control of those who have better knowledge on health policy information. The members recognize the importance of digital inclusion and want to be included. It was concluded that there are gaps in the access to health information and a fragile digital insertion, which can compromise the recognition and effectiveness of community participation in public health decisions.

Humans , Male , Female , Health Councils , Information Technology , Social Participation , Digital Divide , Internet
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 206-214, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-633440


BACKGROUND: eHealth in the Philippines is poised to take off but adoption of eHealth applications in the country's public health sector is limited in scale. OBJECTIVE: This paper examines the context and status of eHealth policy in the Philippines. The aim is to lay out the domains of policy issues that should be addressed for the successful implementation of eHealth in the Philippines. METHODS: The themes and issues of policies on eHealth cited by Khoja, Durrani, Nayani and Fahim (2012) were used to describe and analyze the status of eHealth policy context in the Philippines. These are: (1) networked care, (2) interjurisdictional practice, (3) diffusion of eHealth/digital divide, (4) eHealth integration with existing systems, (5) response to new initiatives, (6) goal-setting for eHealth policy, (7) evaluation and research, (8) investment, and (9) ethics in eHealth. Documents and policies in the form of enacted laws, memoranda, implementing rules and regulations were retrieved and reviewed to answer whether or not policy themes and issues are addressed currently. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Current policies in the status quo do not adequately address the issues that enable effective implementation of eHealth in the Philippines. While preconditions for eHealth to flourish such as strategic frameworks for ICT and eHealth have been established, they are inadequate in addressing licensing, diffusion of innovation, handling innovation, evaluation and research, and investment.

Humans , Public Health , Investments , Digital Divide , Goals , Telemedicine , Research , Diffusion of Innovation , Public Sector