Introducción: Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar y determinar la efectividad del uso de plasma rico en fibrina (PRF) como tratamiento para las lesiones de osteonecrosis de los maxilares asociadas a medicamentos (MRONJ). Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en Epistemonikos, la mayor base de datos de revisiones sistemáticas en salud, la cual es mantenida mediante el cribado de múltiples fuentes de información, incluyendo MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, entre otras. Extrajimos los datos desde las revisiones identificadas, analizamos los datos de los estudios primarios y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Resultados y conclusiones: Se identificaron siete revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyeron 14 estudios primarios, de los cuales, solamente uno corresponde a un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, y el resto a estudios observacionales. No es seguro establecer con claridad si el uso de PRF mejora o contribuye a la resolución de lesiones de osteonecrosis de los maxilares asociados a medicamentos, debido a que el nivel de certeza de la evidencia es muy bajo.
Introduction: This research aims to evaluate and determine the effectiveness of using platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) as a treatment for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ). Methods: A search was conducted in Epistemonikos, the largest database of systematic reviews in health, maintained through the screening of multiple information sources, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, among others. Data were extracted from the identified reviews, analyzed from the primary studies, and a summary of findings table was prepared using the GRADE method Results and conclusions: Seven systematic reviews were identified, which together included 14 primary studies, of which only one was a randomized clinical trial, and the rest were observational studies. It is unclear whether the use of PRF improves or contributes to the resolution of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws due to the very low certainty of the evidence.
Humans , Osteonecrosis/chemically induced , Osteonecrosis/therapy , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/therapy , Platelet-Rich Fibrin , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized/adverse effects , Systematic Reviews as TopicABSTRACT
El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática consistió en la búsqueda de medidas preventivas y de tratamiento de osteonecrosis asociada a medicamentos y anticuerpos monoclonales para proponer un nuevo protocolo en caso de ser necesario. Esta revisión bibliográfica se realizó en PubMed/MedLine, Cochrane, SciELO y EBSCO; delimitando la búsqueda desde el 1 de enero de 2017 al 22 de septiembre de 2022. Se incluyeron un total de 8 artículos. A pesar de que se incluyó la mayor cantidad de evidencia certera se obtuvieron resultados no significativos, actualmente hay un protocolo de la Asociación Americana de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial sin embargo se necesita más evidencia clínica.
The objective of this systematic review was to search for preventive and treatment measures for osteonecrosis associated with medications and monoclonal antibodies to propose a new protocol if necessary. This literature review was conducted in PubMed/MedLine, Cochrane, SciELO, and EBSCO; limiting the search from January 1, 2017 to September 22, 2022. A total of 8 articles were included. Although the greatest amount of accurate evidence was included, non-significant results were obtained. There is currently a protocol from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, however, more clinical evidence is needed.
Humans , Osteonecrosis , Osteoporosis/drug therapy , Teriparatide , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Denosumab/adverse effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Introdução: A literatura tem apontado uma possível relação entre diversas condições sistêmicas e as doenças periodontais. Dentro das doenças sistêmicas que podem gerar o uso crônico de medicamentos, com potencial associação com as doenças periodontais, destacam-se a hipercolesterolemia e o uso de estatinas; e as doenças do metabolismo ósseo e o uso de bisfosfonatos. Objetivo: Dessa maneira, o presente estudo objetivou revisar a literatura sobre o efeito das estatinas e dos bisfosfonatos nos parâmetros clínicos e radiográficos periodontais de indivíduos adultos. Resultados: Apenas estudos observacionais em humanos foram incluídos. Um estudo mostrou que, em pacientes que apresentam doença periodontal e usam estatina, houve 37% menos bolsas periodontais (profundidade de sondagem ≥4mm) quando comparadas aos que não utilizam a medicação, além de apresentarem menor índice de carga inflamatória e menor perda de inserção clínica. Em relação aos bisfosfonatos em indivíduos com doenças que envolvem o metabolismo ósseo, sugere-se que a utilização do fármaco tem obtido resultados positivos nos parâmetros periodontais, como menores sinais clínicos de inflamação gengival, menor profundidade de sondagem, menor perda de inserção clínica e maior nível de osso alveolar, quando comparados aos que nunca realizam essa terapia. Conclusão: Dessa forma, as estatinas e os bisfosfonatos apresentam efeitos promissores, em pacientes sob tratamento para suas respectivas condições sistêmicas, na melhoria dos parâmetros periodontais, porém é importante salientar que são necessários mais estudos sobre o assunto para melhor entender os reais efeitos a longo prazo do uso desses fármacos.(AU)
Introduction: The literature showed a possible relationship between several systemic conditions and periodontal diseases. Within the systemic diseases that can generate the chronic use of these drugs, potentially related with periodontal diseases, it may be cited the hypercholesterolemia and the use of statins; and bone metabolism diseases and the use of bisphosphonates. Objective: In this sense, the present study aimed to review the literature about the effect of statins and bisphosphonates in the periodontal parameters of adults individuals. Results: Only observational studies in humans were included. A study showed that, in patients with periodontal disease and users of statins, there 37% fewer periodontal pockets (probing depth ≥4mm) when compared to those who do not use the medication, as well as having a lower rate of inflammatory burden and less loss of clinical insertion. Regarding the bisphosphonates in individuals diagnosed with diseases involving bone metabolism, it was suggested that the use of the drug has obtained positive results in periodontal parameters, such as a greater absence of plaque, less clinical signs of gingival inflammation, less probing depth, lower level of clinical insertion and higher level of alveolar bone when compared to those who never undergo this therapy. Conclusion: Thus, statins and bisphosphonates have promising effects in patients under treatment for their respective systemic condition in improving periodontal parameters, but it is important to emphasize that further studies on the subject are needed to better understand the long-term effects of the use of these drugs.(AU)
Humans , Periodontal Diseases/chemically induced , Periodontium/drug effects , Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors/adverse effects , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/complications , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/drug therapy , Risk Factors , Hypercholesterolemia/complications , Hypercholesterolemia/drug therapyABSTRACT
Introducción: dada la alta prescripción de bifosfonatos, presentamos sus efectos adversos en la esfera odontológica, siendo una complicación poco frecuente, pero de difícil tratamiento. Sin necesidad de suspender el tratamiento, dado el importante beneficio en cuanto a la prevención de fractura por fragilidad. Estas fracturas causan una alta morbimortalidad en contraposición al bajo riesgo que conlleva la Osteonecrosis mandibular asociada a bifosfonatos. Objetivo: orientar al personal de salud que maneja estos fármacos y quien asiste dichas complicaciones a poseer conocimientos para la prevención de osteonecrosis. Identificar y diferenciar los pacientes con mayor riesgo, de acuerdo con la dosis de bifosfonatos y la frecuencia del tratamiento. Materiales y Método: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en las siguientes fuentes: Scielo, Google académico, Medline/Pubmed, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (Brasil), desde el año 2005 a la fecha, idiomas español, portugués e inglés. Los descriptores utilizados son bifosfonatos, mandíbula, maxilar, odontología, osteonecrosis, osteonecrosis de los maxilares asociada a bifosfonatos. Resultados: las últimas pautas de tratamiento fueron modificadas en 2014, por consenso de la Asociación Americana de cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial. La patogénesis de la osteonecrosis maxilar asociada a bifosfonatos no está completamente definida, aunque las publicaciones tratan de explicarla. El riesgo de desarrollarla por terapia oral es menor que por su administración vía intravenosa. Discusión: el médico que prescribe el antirresortivo debe conocer el estado de salud dental de su paciente y, en lo posible, remitirlo a examen con el odontólogo antes de iniciar la terapia con bifosfonatos.
Introduction: Given the high prescription of bisphosphonates, we present their adverse effects in the dental sphere, being an infrequent complication, but difficult to treat. There is no need to suspend treatment, given the important benefit in terms of prevention of fragility fractures. These fractures cause high morbimortality as opposed to the low risk associated with bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw. Objective: To orient the health personnel who handle these drugs and who assist these complications to have knowledge for the prevention of osteonecrosis. To identify and differentiate patients at higher risk, according to the dose of bisphosphonates and frequency of treatment. Materials and Method: A literature review was performed in the following sources: Scielo, Google academic, Medline/Pubmed, Virtual Health Library (Brazil), from 2005 to date, Spanish, Portuguese and English languages. The descriptors used were bisphosphonates, mandible, maxilla, dentistry, osteonecrosis, osteonecrosis of the jaws associated with bisphosphonates. Results: The latest treatment guidelines were modified in 2014, by consensus of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The pathogenesis of bisphosphonate-associated maxillary osteonecrosis is not completely defined, although publications try to explain it. The risk of developing it by oral therapy is lower than by intravenous administration. Discussion: The physician who prescribes the antiresorptive drug should know the dental health status of his patient and, if possible, refer him for examination by a dentist before initiating bisphosphonate therapy.
Introdução: dada a alta prescrição de bisfosfonatos, apresentamos seus efeitos adversos na esfera odontológica, uma complicação rara, mas de difícil tratamento. Sem a necessidade de suspender o tratamento, dado o importante benefício em termos de prevenção de fraturas por fragilidade. Essas fraturas causam alta morbidade e mortalidade, em contraste com o baixo risco associado à osteonecrose da mandíbula associada aos bisfosfonatos. Objetivo: orientar a equipe de saúde que manipula esses medicamentos e que atende a essas complicações para que tenham conhecimento sobre a prevenção da osteonecrose. Identificar e diferenciar os pacientes de maior risco, de acordo com a dose de bisfosfonatos e a frequência do tratamento. Materiais e Método: foi realizada uma revisão da literatura nas seguintes fontes: Scielo, Google acadêmico, Medline/Pubmed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (Brasil), de 2005 até a presente data, idiomas espanhol, português e inglês. Os descritores utilizados foram: bisfosfonatos, mandíbula, maxila, odontologia, osteonecrose, osteonecrose dos maxilares associada a bisfosfonatos. Resultados: as diretrizes de tratamento mais recentes foram modificadas em 2014, por consenso da Associação Americana de Cirurgia Oral e Maxilofacial. A patogênese da osteonecrose da mandíbula associada a bisfosfonatos não está totalmente definida, embora a literatura tente explicá-la. O risco de desenvolvê-la com a terapia oral é menor do que com a administração intravenosa. Discussão: o médico que prescreve o medicamento deve estar ciente do estado de saúde bucal do paciente e, se possível, encaminhar o paciente para ser examinado por um dentista antes de iniciar a terapia com bisfosfonatos.
Humans , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Bone Density Conservation Agents/adverse effects , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/prevention & control , Risk Factors , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/etiology , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/drug therapyABSTRACT
El uso de bifosfonatos es un excelente tratamiento para pacientes con artritis reumatoide y enfermedades óseas, por ejemplo, osteoporosis. Se realiza un reporte de caso de paciente femenino, quien estuvo bajo consumo de este fármaco por prescripción de su médico para la prevención de artritis reumatoide postmenopausia. La paciente acude a consulta para la colocación de implantes en zona desdentada y comenta haber terminado el tratamiento de bifosfonatos hace un año. Se tomaron pruebas de diagnóstico y se realizó la colocación de implantes sin ninguna complicación. Sus citas de control fueron más frecuentes en cuatro meses, sobre todo por el detalle de consumo de bifosfonatos, pero en ninguna cita hubo algún detalle alarmante, la cicatrización iba en forma. Se dio de alta a la paciente después de sus citas periódicas y de asegurar su buena cicatrización a un implante bien situado (AU))
The use of bisphosphonates is an excellent treatment for patients with rheumatoid arthritis and bone diseases such as osteoporosis. Here is a case report of a female patient, who was under consumption of this drug by prescription of her doctor for the prevention of post-menopausal rheumatoid arthritis. The patient went to the consultation for the placement of implants in the edentulous area and comments having finished the bisphosphonate treatment one year ago. The diagnostic tests were taken, and the implant placement was performed well without any complications. The control appointments were more frequent in four months, especially due to the detail of bisphosphonate consumption, but in no appointment, there were any alarming details, the healing was in good shape. The patient discharged after her regular appointments and to ensure that she was healing well and that implant was well placed (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/complications , Patient Care Planning , Bone Diseases/drug therapy , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Bisfosfonatos são medicamentos que reduzem a reabsorção óssea, inibindo a atividade enzimática dos osteoclastos. Por essa razão, são amplamente utilizados no tratamento de várias doenças, como a osteoporose. Durante o tratamento ortodôntico, a aplicação de forças compressivas no dente promove a reabsorção e remodelação óssea, permitindo sua movimentação. Vários estudos in vivo observaram a diminuição da movimentação ortodôntica por bisfosfonatos, tornando o tema relevante devido à crescente demanda de tratamento ortodôntico em idosos principais usuários dessa droga. Assim sendo, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar evidências do uso de bisfosfonatos no decorrer do tratamento ortodôntico e, mais especificamente, examinar seus efeitos na movimentação ortodôntica através de mensurações clínico-laboratoriais. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão sistematizada na base de dados Pubmed através dos descritores Ortodontia e Bisfosfonatos. Buscou-se estudos em inglês entre 2015 e 2020. De 39 artigos compatíveis à proposta, 8 artigos passaram pelos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Desses, a maioria dos autores é categórica em se referir ao uso de bisfosfonatos como um fator relevante para índices inferiores de movimentação. Porém, tais dados devem ser vistos com cautela, pois os métodos utilizados são variados, havendo uma grande heterogeneidade. Ademais, pequenas amostras e tempo curto dos experimentos não permitem uma generalização para pacientes de rotina. Como conclusão temos que a administração de bisfosfonatos associada à movimentação ortodôntica aparenta provocar uma duração prolongada no tratamento devido, fundamentalmente, aos índices inferiores de movimentação dentária planejada. Entretanto, os fatores específicos para tal não estão plenamente explicados.
Bisphosphonates are drugs that provide bone resorption by inhibiting the enzyme activity of osteoclasts. For this reason, they are widely used in the treatment of various diseases, such as osteoporosis. During orthodontic treatment, the application of compressive forces on the tooth promotes bone resorption and remodeling, allowing its movement. Several in vivo studies observed a decrease in orthodontic movement caused by bisphosphonates, making the topic relevant due to the growing demand for orthodontic treatment in the elderly - the main users of this drug. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate evidence of the use of bisphosphonates during orthodontic treatment and, more specifically, to examine their effects on orthodontic movement through clinical and laboratory measurements. For this, a systematized review was performed in the Pubmed database using the descriptors Orthodontics and Bisphosphonates. Studies in English between 2015 and 2020 were sought. Of 39 articles compatible with the proposal, 8 articles passed the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Most authors are categorical in referring to the use of bisphosphonates as a relevant factor for lower movement rates. However, such data must be viewed with caution, as the methods used are sundry, with great heterogeneity. Furthermore, small administrations and short experimental times do not allow generalization to routine patients. In conclusion, the administration of bisphosphonates associated with orthodontic movement seems to cause a prolonged duration of treatment, fundamentally due to the lower rates of planned tooth movement. However, the specific factors for this are not fully explained.
Orthodontics , Therapeutics , Tooth Movement Techniques , Diphosphonates/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Desórdenes sistémicos de la homeostasis mineral o fallas en la mineralización de la matriz extracelular pueden afectar tanto a las piezas dentarias como a su aparato de sostén, conduciendo al fracaso de los tratamientos odontológicos. Existe poca evidencia científica sobre modelos animales que permitan es-tudiar la respuesta de tejidos dentarios/paradenta-rios frente a este tipo de desórdenes. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar experimentalmente al-teraciones de la biomineralización inducidas por bis-fosfonatos en ratas Wistar. Para ello, 20 ratas Wistar hembras y machos (35±10 g) fueron tratados con 20 mg/kg de etidronato bisódico (EHBP) o solución fi-siológica (control) vía intraperitoneal 5 veces por se-mana durante 3 semanas. Luego de la eutanasia, se extrajeron las mandíbulas para su procesamiento y análisis histológico (H&E). Mediante microfotografías digitales se evaluó: área ósea/área total, espesor de ligamento periodontal, áreas de dentina y de cemen-to. Los resultados se analizaron estadísticamente mediante el test T de Student para comparaciones entre grupos y el test ANOVA de 2 vías para las com-paraciones intersexo. Los grupos EHBP presentaron mayor proporción de osteoide, dentina y cemento no mineralizados respecto a los controles, siendo más marcadas las diferencias en las hembras. Las hem-bras del grupo EHBP mostraron una disminución significativa en el espesor del ligamento periodontal respecto de los controles, aunque esta tendencia no se observó en machos. Los resultados del presente estudio demuestran que el EHBP, en la dosis y tiempo estudiados, altera los procesos de biomineralización tanto del tejido óseo como de los tejidos dentarios (AU)
Systemic disorders of mineral homeostasis or alterations in the mineralization of the extracellular matrix can affect both dental and supportive tissues, leading to the failure of dental treatments. There is a lack of scientific information about animal models that allow to study the response of dental/paradental tissues in this type of disorders. The aim of the present work was to study the biomineralization alterations induced by bisphosphonates in Wistar rats and to study the response of dental and paradental tissues. Twenty Wistar rats (35±10 g) were divided in control (females, males) and EHBP (females, males) groups. The EHBP group received 20 mg/kg of ethidronate bisodium intraperitoneally 5 times a week for 3 weeks, while the control group received saline solution. After euthanasia, mandibles were resected and processed histologically to obtained oriented sections for H&E staining. Photomicrographs were used to evaluate: Bone area/total area, periodontal ligament thickness, dentin and cement area. Results were statistically analyzed using the Student's T test for comparisons between groups and the 2-way ANOVA test for male and female comparisons. The EHBP groups showed a higher amount of non-mineralized osteoid, dentin and cement compared to control groups, being more evident in females. Females in the EHBP group showed a significant decrease in periodontal ligament thickness compared to controls, although this profile was not observed in males. The results of the present study demonstrate that EHBP, at the dose and time studied, alters the biomineralization processes of both bone and dental tissues (AU)
Animals , Rats , Tooth/drug effects , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Biomineralization/drug effects , Data Interpretation, StatisticalABSTRACT
Abstract Bisphosphonates are widely used in the treatment of osteoporosis but predispose the patient to the appearance of atypical fractures. The femoral subtrochanteric region is usually affected, but other bones can be as well. Atypical tibia fractures in patients with severe gonarthrosis is a therapeutic challenge. The present work reports the case of an elderly patient with advanced gonarthrosis who presented atypical tibial fracture. The patient made prolonged use of bisphosphonates for osteoporosis, presenting with pain and functional limitation resulting from gonarthrosis, which progressed to sudden pain in the right tibial metaphysis, preventing ambulation. The radiographs showed bilateral severe arthrosis; marked varism; tibial and femoral medial erosion; and fracture in the proximal third of the right tibial diaphysis. The fracture and arthrosis on the right side were treated by osteosynthesis with blocked plaque and total knee arthroplasty with posterior stabilization and fixed base. After physical rehabilitation, significant improvement of pain and function was reported, independent gait was reacquired and a range of motion of 0 to 100º was reached. After one year, the radiographs showed fracture consolidation and satisfactory alignment of the lower limbs' axes. The coexistence of severe arthrosis and atypical fracture made treatment difficult. However, the result was satisfactory and the approach with simultaneous osteosynthesis and arthroplasty proved to be adequate.
Resumo Bifosfonatos são amplamente usados no tratamento da osteoporose; porém, predispõem ao surgimento de fraturas atípicas. A região subtrocantérica femoral é usualmente acometida, mas outros ossos também são afetados. Fraturas atípicas da tíbia em pacientes portadores de gonartrose grave são um desafio terapêutico. O presente trabalho relata o caso de uma paciente idosa com gonartrose avançada que apresentou fratura atípica tibial. A paciente fazia uso prolongado de bifosfonatos para osteoporose, com quadro de dor e limitação funcional decorrentes da gonartrose, que progrediu para dor súbita na metáfise tibial à direita, impedindo a deambulação. Radiografias evidenciaram artrose grave bilateral; varismo acentuado; erosão medial tibial e femoral; e fratura no terço proximal da diáfise tibial direita. Trataram-se a fratura e a artrose à direita por osteossíntese com placa bloqueada e artroplastia total do joelho com estabilização posterior e base fixa. Após reabilitação física, relatou-se melhora significativa da dor e da função, readquiriu-se a marcha independente e alcançou-se arco de movimento de 0 a 100º. Após um ano, as radiografias mostraram consolidação da fratura e alinhamento satisfatório dos eixos dos membros inferiores. A coexistência de artrose grave e fratura atípica dificultou o tratamento. Contudo, o resultado foi satisfatório e a abordagem com osteossíntese e artroplastia simultâneas mostrou-se adequada.
Humans , Female , Aged , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Fractures, BoneABSTRACT
Aim: The purpose of the study was to analyze the knowledge of dentists in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, about bisphosphonates and their clinical implications. Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted with a convenience sample of dentists in Belo Horizonte, in a period of 8 weeks. The questionnaire was self-applied and was structured with 10 items about the dentists' demographic characteristics, professional profile, and knowledge about bisphosphonates. Associations in the data were analyzed by with the Fischer's exact test with a significance level of 5%. Results: Of the 214 participating dentists, 163 (76.17%) were women, and 51 (23.83%) were men, with age ranged for 21 to 73 years (mean of 30 years) and mean of 6 years of professional activity. Nearly half (106/49.53%) reported having knowledge about bisphosphonates, and undergraduate courses were the primary source of such information (73/34.11%). Osteoporosis was the most identified indication for use (75/35.04%), although no participants correctly identified all indications. Regarding the drugs' side effects, only three dentists (1.40%) could correctly identify all responses, with bone necrosis being recognized by the majority (88/41.12%). Sodium alendronate (54/25.23%) and sodium ibandronate (15/7.01%) were the most identified examples of bisphosphonates. Last, only nine dentists (4.20%) could identify all examples of the drugs, and their capacity was associated with self-reported knowledge (p<0.05). Conclusions: More information about bisphosphonates should be disseminated in Belo Horizonte, ideally via better approaches in local undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Until then, knowledge of the basic aspects of bisphosphonates will remain limited
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Awareness , Surveys and Questionnaires , Knowledge , Dentists , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Drug UtilizationABSTRACT
RESUMEN: La osteonecrosis también conocida como una necrosis avascular del hueso, es una condición degenerativa producida por la pérdida en la irrigación sanguínea, debido a la toxicidad directa en los tejidos óseos provocadas por quimioterapia, radioterapia, daño térmico, fumar y en la última década con la aparición de medicamentos como los bifosfonatos (BF), denosumab y medicamentos antigiogénicos, con los cuales hemos ido conociendo más sobre esta patología. La principal hipótesis de la fisiopatología de esta enfermedad es la inhibición de la angiogénesis, pero también se considera como hipótesis la toxicidad de los tejidos blandos o la disfunción adquirida de la inmunidad. En el año 2003 fue relatada por primera vez la relación entre BF y osteonecrosis maxilar (ONM). Ese mismo año fue descrito que pacientes con mieloma múltiple que recibían pamidronato podrían desarrollar necrosis avascular de los maxilares. Otras publicaciones informaban sobre pacientes que requerían tratamiento para necrosis ósea intra-oral de ocurrencia espontánea después de extracciones dentales o trauma oral. La primera denominación a esta patología fue (BRONJ) por sus siglas en inglés, se refería a ONM relacionada a BF. En 2014 la Asociación Americana de Cirujanos Orales y Maxilofaciales (AAOMS) publicó una nueva definición (position paper) renombrándolo como MRONJ (osteonecrosis de los maxilares relacionada a medicamentos) ONMRM. El rol en la identificación de pacientes con riesgo de ONMRM es fundamental. Los estudios han demostrado que el riesgo de desarrollar la afección se puede reducir sustancialmente si los pacientes son evaluados por un profesional dental y se toman medidas preventivas. La presente revisión narrativa realiza un recorrido desde la historia, los medicamentos involucrados, y diferentes estrategias de tratamientos propuestos, haciendo hincapié en la conducta que debemos seguir los cirujanos dentistas para enfrentar estos casos de forma temprana y prevenir su evolución.
ABSTRACT: Osteonecrosis is also known as avascular necrosis of the bone, it is a degenerative condition produced by the loss of blood flow, due to direct toxicity in the bone tissues caused by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, thermal damage, smoking and in the last decade with the arrival of drugs such as bisphosphonates (BP), denosumab and antigiogenic drugs we have been learning more about this pathology. The main hypothesis of the pathophysiology of this disease is the inhibition of angiogenesis, but soft tissue toxicity or acquired immunity dysfunction are also considered as hypotheses. In 2003, the relationship between BP and osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ) was reported for the first time. In the same year it was described that multiple myeloma patients receiving pamidronate could develop avascular necrosis of the jaws. Other publications reported about patients requiring treatment for spontaneously intra-oral bone necrosis after dental extractions or oral trauma. The first name for this pathology was (BRONJ) for its English acronym, it referred to ONJ related to BF. In 2014 the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) published a new definition (position paper) renaming it MRONJ (drug-related osteonecrosis of the jaws) ONMRM. The role of identifying patients at risk of ONMRM is fundamental. Studies have shown that the risk of developing the condition can be substantially reduced if patients are evaluated by a dental professional and preventive measures are taken Exposure of bone or fistula that can be probed down to the bone in the maxillofacial region that persists for more than 8 weeks, with these conditions it is considered that there is a diagnosis of ONMRM This narrative review takes a journey from history, the drugs involved, and different proposed treatment strategies, emphasizing the behavior that dental surgeons must follow to face these cases early and prevent their evolution.
Humans , Osteonecrosis/chemically induced , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/diagnosis , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/etiology , Osteonecrosis/surgery , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/surgery , Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons , JawABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: Pazopanib, an antiangiogenic agent, has shown promising results in controlling tumor growth and metastasis in patients with renal cell carcinoma. The use of pazopanib in the management of malignancies has increased over recent years, with more patients at risk of developing medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). This paper presents the first case report of MRONJ associated with pazopanib monotherapy. A 59-year-old man was referred to the dental clinic with complaints of dysphagia and dysgeusia. The patient was prescribed pazopanib (400 mg) daily following surgical treatment and chemotherapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma. He had undergone extraction of the maxillary left second premolar nine weeks previously. Intraoral examination revealed exposed necrotic bone, which was treated effectively with leukocyte and platelet-rich fibrin (LPRF). The patient was followed up for 150 days after dental treatment with no signs of relapse.
RESUMEN: Pazopanib, un agente antiangiogénico, ha mostrado resultados prometedores en el control del crecimiento tumoral y las metástasis en pacientes con carcinoma de células renales. El uso de pazopanib en el tratamiento de las neoplasias malignas ha aumentado en los últimos años, con más pacientes en riesgo de desarrollar osteonecrosis de la mandíbula relacionada con la medicación (MRONJ). Este artículo presenta el primer reporte de caso de MRONJ asociado con la monoterapia con pazopanib. Un hombre de 59 años fue remitido a la clínica dental con quejas de disfagia y disgeusia. Al paciente se le prescribió pazopanib (400 mg) al día tras tratamiento quirúrgico y quimioterapia por carcinoma metastásico de células renales. Había sido sometido a extracción del segundo premolar superior izquierdo nueve semanas antes. El examen intraoral reveló hueso necrótico expuesto, que fue tratado eficazmente con leucocitos y fibrina rica en plaquetas (LPRF). El paciente fue seguido durante 150 días después del tratamiento dental sin signos de recidiva.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/diagnosis , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/therapy , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Bone Density Conservation Agents/adverse effects , Indazoles/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar el conocimiento y la conciencia que tienen los médicos sobre la osteonecrosis relacionada con bifosfonatos. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal, en el cual se encuestó a médicos generales y especialistas con la finalidad de identificar el nivel de conocimientos y conciencia que tienen sobre el tema. Resultados: Se entrevistó a un total de 475 médicos generales y especialistas, de los cuales 210 (44.2%) mencionaron prescribir bifosfonatos, de este grupo 58.1% no envía a los pacientes con el odontólogo para eliminar factores de riesgo, a pesar de que 61.8% de los mismos mencionó conocer las reacciones adversas; 36 médicos (17.4%) han visto a algún paciente con osteonecrosis por bifosfonatos. El 37% de los médicos que prescriben medicamentos consideran que no es necesario remitir a los pacientes al odontólogo. Conclusiones: La prescripción de bifosfonatos en la práctica médica va en aumento, los médicos deben tener el conocimiento adecuado sobre las reacciones adversas de estos medicamentos para así poder referir oportunamente al odontólogo, educar al paciente y poder prevenir complicaciones como la osteonecrosis relacionada con bifosfonatos (AU)
Objectives : To evaluate the knowledge and awareness of physicians about bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws. Material and methods: A cross-sectional survey was carried out among general practitioners and specialized physicians to determine their knowledge and awareness of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws. Results: Of the 475 interviewed general practitioners and specialized physicians, 210 (44.2%) claimed to prescribe bisphosphonates. A total of 58.1% of these physicians did not refer their patients to the dentist for the elimination of risk factors, despite the fact that 61.8% of them reported knowledge of the adverse reactions of these drugs. Thirty-six physicians (17.4%) had seen some patient with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws. A total of 37% of the physicians that prescribed drugs considered it not necessary to refer patients to the dentist. Conclusions: Bisphosphonate prescription is increasingly common in medical practice, and physicians must have adequate knowledge of the adverse reactions of these drugs in order to ensure opportune patient referral to the dentist, educate their patients, and avoid complications such as bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Physicians/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw , Referral and Consultation , Awareness , Cross-Sectional Studies , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Risk Factors , Health Surveys , MexicoABSTRACT
Bone-modifying agents currently include bisphosphonates and desumumab, which are the main drugs for the treatment of malignant tumor bone metastasis, hypercalcemia and osteoporosis. Due to its wide clinical application, the adverse events of this kind of drugs are gradually increasing and affecting the quality of life of patients. Therefore, it needs to arouse the attention of the majority of medical personnel. Based on the substantial evidence, the expert committee has thoroughly discussed the management of adverse reactions of bone modifying agents and put forward reasonable suggestions, to guide clinicians in the safety management of such drugs.
Humans , Bone Density Conservation Agents/adverse effects , Consensus , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Osteoporosis/drug therapy , Quality of Life , Safety ManagementABSTRACT
La osteonecrosis maxilar relacionada con medicamentos (ONMM) es una patología de características clínicas objetivas con signo-sintomatología patognomónica. El criterio clínico aceptado es la presencia de hueso necrótico expuesto y visible sobre el reborde óseo maxilar que no ha cicatrizado luego de 8 semanas, en pacientes con antecedentes de tratamiento antirresortivo. La denominación "relacionada con medicamentos" se utiliza por el creciente número de casos asociados con otros fármacos antirresortivos como denosumab y con terapias antiangiogénicas, más allá de la conocida relación con bifosfonatos.Si bien la incidencia de ONMM en pacientes tratados por osteopatías metabólicas es muy baja, la situación se torna más compleja en pacientes oncológicos con altas dosis de antirresortivos para tratamiento de metástasis ósea. Varios in-formes de casos describen cuadros de ONMM en pacientes con cáncer que reciben terapias dirigidas, específicamente TKI (inhibidores de tirosina quinasa) y anticuerpos monoclonales-VEGF (anticuerpos dirigidos al factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular). La ONMM afecta negativamente la calidad de vida del paciente oncológico y produce comorbilidad significativa. Resulta imperioso identificar a los pacientes en riesgo y diseñar un protocolo de atención odontológica específico para estos casos. En este artículo se presentan dos casos de ONMM asociado con altas dosis de denosumab y administración simultánea de anticuerpos monoclonales específicos para el tratamiento del cáncer. Ambos casos sorprenden por la prematura instalación de la necrosis y su cuadro insidio-so. El protocolo de tratamiento descripto permitió controlar el cuadro inicial, limitar el avance de la lesión, asegurar el control del dolor y la infección, y finalmente, la curación total de la lesión. (AU)
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) is a pathology with objective clinical characteristics, with pathognomonic signs and symptoms. The accepted clinical criterion is the presence of exposed and visible necrotic bone on the maxillofacial region that has not healed after 8 weeks, in patients with history of antiresorptive treatment.The name "medication-related" is justified by the growing number of cases associated with other antiresorptive drugs such as denosumab and antiangiogenic therapies, beyond the known relationship with bisphosphonates. Although the incidence of MRONJ in patients treated for metabolic osteopathies is very low, the situation becomes more complex in cancer patients who receive high doses of antiresorptives for the treatment of skeletal metastases. Several case reports describe the presence of MRONJ in cancer patients receiving targeted therapies, specifically TKI (tyrosine kinase inhibitors) and monoclonal antibodies-targeting VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). MRONJ negatively affects the quality of life in cancer patients and produces significant comorbidity. It is imperative to identify patients at risk and design a specific dental care strategy for these cases.In this article, we present two cases of MRONJ associated with high doses of Denosumab and simultaneous administration of specific monoclonal antibodies. Both cases are surprising due to premature onset of necrosis. The described treatment strategies made it possible to control the initial symptoms, limit the lesion progression, ensure pain and infection control, and finally, the total healing of the lesion. (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Bone Density Conservation Agents/adverse effects , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/therapy , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/diagnostic imaging , Neoplasm Metastasis/diagnostic imaging , Ovarian Neoplasms/complications , Breast Neoplasms/complications , Radiography , Dental Care/methods , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/physiopathology , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/prevention & controlABSTRACT
La Asociación Americana de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons [AAOMS]): define el concepto de osteonecrosis maxilar asociada a drogas antirresortivas (MRONJ) como: «área ósea necrótica expuesta al medio bucal con más de ocho semanas de permanencia, en presencia de tratamiento crónico con bifosfonatos en ausencia de radioterapia en cabeza y cuello¼. El objetivo de este artículo es asociar la enfermedad oncológica en relación con las drogas antirresortivas consumidas por pacientes, la prescripción de dichas drogas y el depósito de ellas en el organismo. Al mismo tiempo, la interacción médico-odontológico debe implementarse en favor de la salud de nuestros pacientes (AU)
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons AAOMS defined Medication Related of the Jaw (MRONJ) as «necrotic bone area exposed to the oral environment with more than eight weeks of permanence, in the presence of chronic treatment with BPs, in the absence of radiation therapy to the head and neck¼. The objective of this article is associate oncology antiresorptives treatments prescribed by physicians, their prescription and body accumulation in patients whose are treated with them. Interdisciplinary dental and physician clinical treatments must be implemented in patient favours (AU)
Humans , Female , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Bone Density Conservation Agents/adverse effects , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw , Radiotherapy/adverse effects , Breast Neoplasms/complications , Risk Factors , Diphosphonates/pharmacokinetics , Interprofessional RelationsABSTRACT
La acción terapéutica favorable que los antirresortivos (bifosfonatos BPs, denosumab DS) y drogas antiangiogénicas ocasionan en el tejido óseo en aquellos pacientes que presentan como causa etiológica cáncer o discrasias óseas incluyen hipercalcemias malignas o si requieren el consumo de dicha droga a baja concentración como ser: osteoporosis, osteopenia, enfermedad de Paget, displasia fibrosa, Osteogénesis Imperfecta. (1) La presente actualización pretende relacionar el tratamiento odontológico con prescripción crónica y drogas antirresortivas, para lo cual American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons AAOMS: define el concepto de Osteonecrosis Maxilar Asociada a drogas Antirresortivas (MRONJ) como: «Área ósea necrótica expuesta al medio bucal con más de ocho semanas de permanencia, en presencia de tratamiento crónico con bifosfonatos en ausencia de radioterapia en cabeza y cuello¼. La AAOMS estableció los siguientes grupos de acuerdo con sus características clínicas en 4 estadios (0, 1 ,2 y 3) de acuerdo con el aspecto clínico y radiológico de la lesión osteonecrótica. Estadío 0: lesión osteonecrótica sin evidencia de hueso necrótico en pacientes bajo consumo de drogas antirresortivas. Estadío 1: lesión osteonecrótica con signos clínicos y ausencia de sintomatología clínica. Estadío 2: lesión osteonecrótica con signo y sintomatología clínica evidente. Estadío 3: lesión osteonecrótica con signo y sintomatología evidente que compromete a estructuras nobles: fracturas patológicas, anestesia del nervio dentario inferior, comunicación buco-nasal, comunicación buco-sinusal, fístulas cutáneas (2) (AU)
It is known the favourable action which antiresorptive (Bisphosphonates BPs, Denosumab: DS) and Antiangiogenic drugs produce in bone tissue. High concentrations are primarily used as an effective treatment in the management of cancer-related disorders, including hypercalcemia of malignant. Besides, low concentrations are used for other metabolic bone diseases including Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Paget's Disease, Fibrous Dysplasia, Imperfect Osteogenesis. (1) The update relate relationship between dentistry and chronic treatment with antiresorptive drugs. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS), MRONJ is defined as exposed or necrotic bone in the maxillofacial region that has persisted for more than 8 weeks in association with current or previous BPs or DS therapy and with a lack of head and neck radiotherapy. AAOMS divided the MRONJ into 4 stages (0,1, 2 and 3) according to the clinical and radiological aspect of the osteonecrotic lesion: Stage 0: osteonecrotic lesion without sign-pathognomonic evidence of osteonecrosis. Stage 1: osteonecrotic lesion with clinical signs and absence of clinical symptoms. Stage 2: osteonecrotic lesion with sign and evident clinical symptoms. Stage 3: osteonecrotic lesion with signs and evident symptoms that involve noble structures: pathological fractures, anaesthesia of the lower dental nerve, oral-nasal communication, oral-sinus communication, skin fistulas (2) (AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Bone Resorption , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Bone Density Conservation Agents , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw , Bone Diseases , Dental Care for Chronically Ill , Angiogenesis Inhibitors , Denosumab , Mouthwashes/therapeutic useABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is still the most prevalent type of osteonecrosis with clinical relevance. In Brazil, bisphosphonate use is high but there is a lack of epidemiological studies on BRONJ. OBJECTIVE: To determine the clinical profile of BRONJ in a Brazilian population through an integrative review. DESIGN AND SETTING: Integrative review of BRONJ in a Brazilian population. METHODS: Cases and clinical research on Brazilians with BRONJ between 2010 and 2019, indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science and LILACS were reviewed. Age, sex, type and time of bisphosphonate intake, administration route, related diseases, region of the BRONJ, diagnostic criteria, staging, triggering factor and type of treatment were analyzed. RESULTS: Fifteen articles on 128 subjects were included. Most patients were women (82.03%); the mean age was 63 years. Intravenous zoledronic acid was mostly used (62.50%), for breast cancer treatment (46.87%). The main localization of BRONJ was the mandible (54.68%), associated mainly with tooth extractions (45.98%). The diagnostic criteria were clinical (100%) and radiographic (89.06%), mostly in stage II (68.08%). The surgical treatments were sequestrectomy (37.50%) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) (36.71%). Microbial control was done using chlorhexidine (93.75%) and infection control using clindamycin (53.90%). CONCLUSIONS: BRONJ had higher prevalence in Brazilian women receiving treatment for breast cancer and osteoporosis. The mandible was the region most affected with a moderate stage of BRONJ, particularly when there were histories of tooth extraction and peri-implant surgery. Sequestrectomy with additional drugs and surgical therapy was the treatment most accomplished.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Tooth Extraction , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Bone Density Conservation Agents/adverse effects , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/surgery , Osteoporosis/drug therapy , Brazil , Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Dental Care , Treatment Outcome , Angiogenesis Inhibitors , Diphosphonates/administration & dosage , Bone Density Conservation Agents/administration & dosage , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/etiology , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
La osteonecrosis de los maxilares está definida como la exposición de hueso necrótico en la región maxilofacial al menos por ocho semanas en pacientes que están recibiendo medicamentos antirresortivos para el tratamiento del cáncer primario o metastásico hacia el hueso, osteoporosis o enfermedad de Paget, sin historia previa de radiación. Desde el año 2003, la terminología utilizada estaba en relación con los bifosfonatos, en la actualidad ha sido introducido el término osteonecrosis de los maxilares relacionada por medicamentos (OMAM). La cirugía oral (implantología o cirugía periapical) incrementa el riesgo de OMAM, así como los desbalances concomitantes de la salud oral (inflamación dental y formación de abscesos). Las estrategias conservadoras en el tratamiento varían desde el cuidado local conservador hasta la resección quirúrgica radical del hueso necrótico. En el presente artículo se expone un análisis sistemático retrospectivo de la literatura en páginas como PubMed, ScienceDirect y Springer, Cochrane Library. Con el objetivo de resaltar el aumento de la incidencia de OMAM a nivel mundial con el uso de antirresortivos y otros medicamentos asociados en su patogenia en el Hospital Regional «General Ignacio Zaragoza¼ del ISSSTE, UNAM, en la Ciudad de México (AU)
Osteonecrosis of the jaws is defined as the exposure of necrotic bone in the maxillofacial region for at least 8 weeks in patients receiving antiresorptive medications for the treatment of primary or metastatic cancer towards the bone, osteoporosis, or Paget's disease, without previous history of radiation. Since 2003, the terminology used was related to bisphosphonates, the term medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws has now been introduced. Oral surgery (implantology or periapical surgery) increases the risk of avascular necrosis, as well as concomitant imbalances in oral health (dental inflammation and abscess formation). Conservative strategies in treatment vary from conservative local care to radical surgical resection of the necrotic bone. In this article, a systematic retrospective analysis of the literature is presented on pages such as PubMed, Science Direct and Springer, Cochrane Library. And in which the objective is to highlight the increase in the incidence of medication related osteonecrosis of the jaws worldwide with the use of antiresorptive, and other associated medications in its pathogenesis at the Hospital Regional «General Ignacio Zaragoza¼ ISSSTE, UNAM in Mexico City (AU)
Humans , Diphosphonates/adverse effects , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw , Osteoporosis , Bone Neoplasms , Angiogenesis Inhibitors , Dental Service, Hospital , TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases , Bevacizumab , Sunitinib , MexicoABSTRACT
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw is a disease where there is necrotic bone exposed or that can be explored by means of a fistula in the maxillofacial region. It has been associated with the use Biphosphonates and denosumab for osteoporosis. Although its etiology is unclear, it may be related to a decrease in bone turnover produced by these drugs, rendering the bone more prone to generate cell necrosis during invasive dental procedures, especially in the posterior region of the jaw. There is no consensus about the prevention and treatment of this condition. The aim of this paper is to present a review of the literature with the main characteristics of osteonecrosis of the jaws associated with drugs, together with a proposal for prevention and treatment for these patients.