El 31 de agosto de 2023, el Gobierno de Chile puso fin a la alerta sanitaria por COVID-19. Este hito invita a reflexionar sobre lecciones aprendidas respecto a la preparación y respuesta ante emergencias, que sean sensibles e informadas sobre la experiencia de la población migrante de nuestro país. En este marco, se presentan tres perspectivas. La primera se centra en evitar la responsabilización individual en el incumplimiento de las medidas de prevención del contagio, ya que este enfoque ignora las inequidades estructurales e históricas. Las recomendaciones de emergencia se deben construir bajo un abordaje colectivo y con la consideración de los diversos contextos socioculturales y políticos. La segunda perspectiva llama a tomar en cuenta y abordar la migración como determinante social de la salud de la población en la preparación y respuesta ante emergencias. Durante la pandemia, los cambios en la gobernanza de la migración en todo el mundo precarizaron los procesos migratorios, con riesgos para la salud física y mental de las personas que migran. Esto requiere una mejor planificación y decisiones informadas en evidencia científica para futuras pandemias. La tercera perspectiva se enfoca en promover la interculturalidad, dado que la comunicación de los riesgos de contagio y de las medidas preventivas se vio dificultada entre poblaciones migrantes con diversas cosmovisiones e interpretaciones de los procesos de salud y enfermedad. Asimismo, el responder a las necesidades de aquellas comunidades históricamente marginadas, requiere establecer modos de vida que respeten la diversidad en las narrativas y las prácticas cotidianas. Los gobiernos y sistemas sanitarios deben incorporar la migración a sus estrategias de preparación y respuesta ante emergencias, con la construcción de las condiciones para su cumplimiento óptimo.
On August 31, 2023, the Chilean government ended the health alert for COVID-19. This milestone invites us to reflect on lessons learned in emergency preparedness and response regarding migrant populations in the country. In this context, three perspectives are presented. The first focuses on avoiding pointing to individual responsibility for non-compliance with prevention measures, as this approach ignores structural and historical inequities. Emergency recommendations should be constructed considering a collective approach and diverse sociocultural and political contexts. The second perspective calls for considering and addressing migration as a social determinant of health. During the pandemic, changes in the governance of migration around the world made migration processes more precarious, with risks to the physical and mental health of migrants, which needs better planning and evidence-based decision-making in future pandemics. The third perspective focuses on promoting intercultural health, as effective communication of contagion risks and preventive measures were hampered among migrant populations with diverse worldviews and interpretations of health and disease processes. Responding to the needs of historically marginalized communities requires establishing ways of life that respect diversity in narratives and everyday practices. Governments and health systems must incorporate migration into their emergency preparedness and response strategies, creating the conditions for optimal compliance.
Humans , Transients and Migrants , Disaster Planning , COVID-19/prevention & control , COVID-19/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Pandemics/prevention & controlABSTRACT
A crucial lesson gained through the pandemic preparedness and response to COVID-19 is that all measures for epidemic control must be law-based. The legal system is related not only to public health emergency management per se but also to all aspects of the institutional supporting system throughout the lifecycle. Based on the lifecycle emergency management model, this article analyses the problems of the current legal system and the potential solutions. It is suggested that the lifecycle emergency management model shall be followed to establish a more comprehensive public health legal system and to gather the intelligence and consensus of experts with different expertise, including epidemiologists, sociologists, economists, jurist and others, which will collaboratively promote the science-based legislation in the field of epidemic preparedness and response for the establishment of a comprehensive legal system for public health emergency management and with Chinese characteristics.
Humans , China , Pandemics/prevention & control , Public Health , Emergencies , Disaster PlanningABSTRACT
A atuação em situações de emergências e desastres apresentam-se como um dos grandes desafios na atuação dos profissionais da Psicologia, demandando intervenções singulares, desde o primeiro contato com as vítimas e o com entorno afetado pelo ocorrido, passando pelo trabalho interdisciplinar e interinstitucional junto aos órgãos públicos de segurança, justiça, assistência e saúde. O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar, por meio da experiência na assistência às vítimas na Escola Estadual Raul Brasil, as particularidades e adversidades enfrentadas durante o primeiro semestre de intervenções emergenciais que antecederam a contratação de psicólogos por parte do poder público municipal para continuidade das ações. Por meio de relatos de experiência em intervenções psicológicas, obtidos em diferentes instituições para a assistência às vítimas, este trabalho também visa apresentar alternativas que possam servir de referências para a intervenção do psicólogo e da psicóloga em situações de emergências e desastres, especialmente ocorridas na comunidade escolar. Observou-se que a realização do trabalho interdisciplinar e interinstitucional somado à participação da direção da escola no planejamento das ações e a realização de plantões psicológicos e rodas de conversa junto à comunidade escolar foram fundamentais para a assistência às vítimas do ocorrido.(AU)
Timely response to emergency and disaster situations is a major challenge for Psychology professionals and require particular interventions, from initial contact with the victims and the affected environment to interdisciplinary and interinstitutional collaboration with public security, justice, assistance and health agencies. Based on the experience of providing assistance to the victims of the State School Raul Brasil, this paper presents the adversities and specificities faced during the first semester of emergency interventions implemented before psychologists were hired by municipal officials for the continuity of care. By analyzing experience reports on psychological interventions obtained from different institutions for victim assistance, this paper proposes alternatives to be used as reference for psychological intervention in emergency and disaster situations, especially those experienced by the school community. Interdisciplinary and interinstitutional collaboration with the school board for planning actions and offering psychological services and conversation circles for the school community was fundamental to assist the victims.(AU)
La actuación en situaciones de emergencias es uno de los grandes desafíos a los profesionales de la psicología, pues demanda intervenciones singulares desde el primer contacto con las víctimas y con el contexto afectado por lo ocurrido, pasando por la interdisciplinaridad e interinstitucionalidad junto a los organismos públicos de seguridad, justicia, asistencia y salud. Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar, por medio de la experiencia de la asistencia a las víctimas del colegio estadual Raul Brasil (en São Paulo, Brasil), las particularidades y adversidades enfrentadas durante el primer semestre de las intervenciones de emergencia que antecedieron la contratación de psicólogos por parte del municipio para continuidad de las acciones. Por medio de reportes de experiencia en intervenciones psicológicas, obtenidos en diferentes instituciones para la asistencia a las víctimas, este estudio también pretende presentar alternativas que puedan servir de referencia en la intervención de psicólogos y psicólogas en situaciones de emergencia y desastres, especialmente ocurridas en la comunidad escolar. Se verificó que la realización del trabajo interdisciplinar e interinstitucional, la participación de la dirección del colegio en la implementación de acciones y la realización de guardias psicológicas y círculos de conversación con la comunidad escolar fueron fundamentales para una asistencia a las víctimas.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Psychology , Schools , Emergencies , Anxiety , Panic , Parent-Child Relations , Politics , Prisons , Psychiatry , Psychology, Educational , Psychology, Social , Psychopathology , Punishment , Reality Therapy , Religion , School Health Services , Self Mutilation , Social Change , Social Problems , Socialization , Stereotyping , Violence , Social Control Policies , Bipolar Disorder , Alcohol Drinking , Bereavement , Adaptation, Psychological , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Attitude , Child , Child Abuse , Child Rearing , Residence Characteristics , Adolescent , Police , Panic Disorder , Domestic Violence , Rescue Work , Life , Crime Victims , Eulogy , Substance-Related Disorders , Internet , Crime , Criminal Law , Crisis Intervention , Terrorist Assault , Terrorism , Death , Defense Mechanisms , Delivery of Health Care , Information Dissemination , Law Enforcement , Friends , Minors , Aggression , Depression , Disaster Planning , Emergency Medical Technicians , Humanization of Assistance , User Embracement , Mass Casualty Incidents , Fear , Bullying , Apathy , Emergency Shelter , Fires , Emotional Adjustment , Peer Influence , Harassment, Non-Sexual , Emotion-Focused Therapy , Survivorship , Academic Failure , Ethnocentrism , Extremism , Cyberbullying , Frustration , Gun Violence , Respect , Psychological Distress , School Mental Health Services , Internet Addiction Disorder , Disinformation , Family Support , Suicide Prevention , Group Processes , Guilt , Homicide , Hostility , Human Rights , Jurisprudence , Anger , Life Change Events , Mass Media , Mental Disorders , Motivation , Neurotic Disorders , Antisocial Personality DisorderABSTRACT
Abstract Brazil has experienced several major epidemics of influenza, and the most destructive was in 1918-1919. This article focuses on mortality, mitigation policies, and the consequences of pandemic influenza during the national period. We provide the first mortality estimates for the 1890-1894 influenza pandemic and correct figures for later epidemics. The 1918-1919 episode cost more lives than assumed, although some cities suffered less, possibly because of public health actions. Influenza caused pandemics in 1957, 1968, 1976, and 2009, but these did not cause unusual outbreaks in Brazil.
Resumo O Brasil passou por várias epidemias importantes de influenza, a mais letal em 1918-1919. O artigo focaliza a mortalidade, as políticas de mitigação e as consequências das pandemias de influenza no período nacional. Fornecemos as primeiras estimativas de mortalidade para a pandemia de 1890-1894 e corrigimos números de epidemias posteriores. O episódio de 1918-1919 custou mais vidas do que se considerou anteriormente, embora algumas cidades tenham sofrido menos, possivelmente devido a ações de saúde pública. A influenza gerou pandemias em 1957, 1968, 1976 e 2009, mas elas não causaram surtos incomuns no Brasil.
Public Health , Mortality , Disaster Planning , Influenza, Human/history , Pandemics/history , History, 20th Century , COVID-19ABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: En Colombia se estima que existen 7 675 032 víctimas del conflicto armado. Uno de los departamentos del país con mayor afectación de personas es Huila. Debido al impacto del conflicto sobre la salud, es necesario realizar la caracterización de la población para identificar las necesidades derivadas de este y orientar las intervenciones. Objetivo: Elaborar un programa de atención psicosocial y salud integral a víctimas del conflicto armado residentes en la cabecera municipal de Algeciras (Huila), Colombia. Métodos: Diseño cuantitativo cross-sectional con fase descriptiva retrospectiva. Se realizó búsqueda activa en el municipio para el reconocimiento de la población víctima del conflicto. Para el análisis se utilizó Excel 2016 y SPSS versión 24. Resultados: La prevalencia para la población víctima del conflicto armado fue del 80,0 %. El tipo de violencia al que estuvieron expuestos fue desplazamiento (51,0 %) con un periodo de afectación entre diez a veinte años (35,8 %). Según grupos de edad predominaron las edades entre los 30 a 34 años con un 11,7 %. Conclusiones: 1) La prevalencia estimada para la población víctima del conflicto armado puso de manifiesto el reto psicosocial para dar respuesta desde una pespectiva individual, familiar y comunitaria. 2) Las intervenciones planteadas estuvieron orientadas hacia la atención psicosocial y desarrollo de habilidades individuales y sociales, las cuales deben complementarse con acciones interinstitucionales e intersectoriales para el mejoramiento de los determinantes sociales de la salud.
Abstract Introduction: In Colombia it is estimated that a total of 7,675,032 victims exist due to the armed conflict. Huila is one of the departments in the country with the greatest impact on people. Due to the impact of the conflict on health, it is necessary to characterize the population in order to identify the needs derived from the conflict and to orient the interventions. Objective: To design a program of psychosocial attention and integral health to victims of the armed conflict whom are residents of Algeciras (Huila), Colombia. Methods: Quantitative-based cross-sectional with a retrospective descriptive phase. An active search was performed in the municipality to identify victims of the conflict amongst the population. Excel 2016 and SPSS version 24 were used for the analysis. Results: The prevalence of victims was 80.0 %. The type of violence experienced by victims was displacement (51.0%) with an affected period between ten to twenty years (35.8%). Regarding age groups, those aged between 30 to 34 years were predominately affected (11.7%). Conclusions: 1) The estimated prevalence of the victim population highlights the psychosocial challenge to provide an individual, family and community response. 2) The proposed practices are oriented towards psychosocial care and the development of individual and social skills, which must be complementary with inter-institutional and intersectoral actions for the improvement of social determinants of health.
Humans , Male , Female , Nursing , Comprehensive Health Care , Armed Conflicts , Disaster Planning , Psychosocial Impact , ColombiaABSTRACT
With the progress of globalization, the public health emergencies represented by major infectious diseases have become a major challenge for the public health management in China. The article briefly describes the emergency response capability assessment tools in China, and introduces two emergency response assessment tools with complete content structure and wide application in the world. Then the advantages and disadvantages of the tools are compared and discussed in order to provide reference for improvement of the assessment tools for public health emergency response capability in China.
Humans , China , Disaster Planning , Public Health , Public Health AdministrationABSTRACT
In 2020 the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria initiated a new funding modality, the COVID-19 Response Mechanism, to mitigate the pandemic's effects on HIV, TB and malaria programmes and health systems in implementer countries. In 2021 UNAIDS introduced an innovative technical virtual support mechanism for COVID-19 Response Mechanism proposal development to help countries quickly implement COVID-19 interventions while at the same time adapting HIV and related services to the pandemic's circumstances and mitigate its impact while maintaining hard-won gains. It also intended to ensure more attention was paid to communities, human rights and gender considerations in proposal development, resulting in successful proposals to mitigate COVID-19's impact, bring human rights-based and people-centred HIV programmes back on track and even expand their reach through using new delivery platforms. In 2021, applications from 18 sub-Saharan African and Asian countries received in-depth remote peer reviews. We discuss the reviews' key findings and recommendations to improve proposal quality and identify future opportunities for virtual technical support. The model was successful and contributed to better quality funding applications, but also highlighted challenges in pandemic mitigation, adaptations and innovations of HIV programmes. Countries still fell short on comprehensive community, human rights and gender interventions, as well as innovations in HIV service delivery, especially in prevention and gender-based violence. Several other weaknesses meant that some countries would have to refine their programme design and implementation model in the final version of their funding application. There are implications for future assistance to countries trying to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on their health programmes and innovative ways to deliver technical support using new technologies and local expertise.
Tuberculosis , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , COVID-19 , Malaria , Disaster Planning , Social ProgramsABSTRACT
En este trabajo nos proponemos compartir algunas reflexiones sobre las experiencias de los distintos Equipos que llevaron y llevan adelante el Dispositivo de Acompañamiento a Operadores/as del CeTeC: "Cuidar a los/as que Cuidan". Este dispositivo continúa las acciones de cuidado que, en pandemia, desarrolla la Subsecretaría de Salud Mental, Consumos Problemáticos y Violencias en el ámbito de la salud en los Hospitales de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (PBA). Esta política no se restringe solo a este tipo de instituciones sino que se extiende a otros dispositivos para alcanzar a trabajadores/as de la salud, en este caso particular, a operadores y operadoras de los Centros de Telemedicina de (PBA). El propósito de este dispositivo es acompañar a los/las trabajadores/as luego de observar el impacto subjetivo que la labor en la emergencia sanitaria les produce intentando favorecer su atravesamiento con el menor sufrimiento posible. En esta producción se rescatan algunas recurrencias de las experiencias realizadas en los diferentes espacios de acompañamiento. También las formas en que las coyunturas de acompañamiento se ven trastocadas por las múltiples y diversas experiencias, vivencias, representaciones e imaginarios sociales que se van produciendo en el devenir. Esta presentación se desarrolla en dos direcciones. Por un lado, aquella que permite en esa trama, recuperar los movimientos en la subjetividad de los/las trabajadores, movimientos que se nombran aquí como pasajes: de la subjetividad heroica de los primeros tiempos a la resonancia de los afectos y efectos del trabajo en esta situación inédita, momento en que el Cuidar llega a su máximo nivel de demanda. Por otro, el trabajo reflexivo sobre las propias prácticas del Cuidar a los que cuidan. Algunas de ellas, se ciñen alrededor de definiciones propias, a saber: ¿qué es acompañar? ¿Qué se acompaña? ¿Urgencia o emergencia? ¿Urgencia para quién? Finalizada la catástrofe, despejada la anomalía ¿Qué o hasta cuándo acompañar? ¿Asistencia, promoción y/o prevención? En síntesis, el desarrollo de esta producción busca volver a transitar por el trabajo realizado para dejar trazadas algunas líneas que permitan discernir, aquí y ahora, posibles alcances y límites de este dispositivo que emerge en la emergencia y traza desde allí nuevos horizontes para el cuidado
Mental Health , Public Health , Telemedicine , Disaster Planning , COVID-19 , Community Health WorkersABSTRACT
Resumo O artigo apresenta o projeto De Nosso Território Sabemos Nós, em duas comunidades das cidades serranas fluminenses que sofreram o desastre de 2011, com o objetivo da criação de dispositivo para comunicação on-line, associado à cartografia social, buscando pôr em diálogo gestão e cidadãos de maneira permanente e dinâmica. O dispositivo permite que as necessidades locais sejam visíveis para deliberação de políticas públicas. A constituição das Comunidades Ampliadas de Pesquisa, composta por moradores e suas associações, participantes da gestão municipal e pesquisadores em regime de ecologia dos saberes, se realizaram através de oficinas cartográficas. A identificação das vulnerabilidades e potencialidades das comunidades, o aflorar das memórias e conhecimentos locais permitem o fortalecimento da resiliência comunitária. Dessa forma, a valorização da experiência na elaboração das cartografias sociais faz emergir a autoconsciência do grupo. O processo de mapeamento demonstrou o quanto os territórios são desconhecidos para a gestão municipal e até mesmo para seus moradores.
Abstract The article presents the project "Of Our Territory, We Know" (De Nosso Território Sabemos Nós), carried out in two communities in the mountain cities of the state of Rio de Janeiro that suffered the 2011 disaster, aiming at creating a device for online communication, associated with social cartography, seeking to establish a dialogue between the city management and citizens in a permanent and dynamic way. The device allows local needs to be visible for the creation of public policies. The implementation of the Extended Research Communities (Comunidades Ampliadas de Pesquisa), consisting of residents and their associations, participants of the municipal management, and researchers in a regime of ecology of knowledges, took place through cartographic workshops. The identification of the vulnerabilities and potentials of the communities, the emergence of memories and local knowledges allow the strengthening of community resilience. Therefore, the appraisal of the experience in the creation of social cartographies brings out the group's self-awareness. The mapping process demonstrated how unknown the territories are to the municipal management and even to their inhabitants.
Humans , Disaster Planning , Disasters , Brazil , Cities , Communication , EmergenciesABSTRACT
No hay fórmula única para enfrentar una pandemia. La diversidad de liderazgos, objetivos sanitarios, escenarios, culturas, financiamiento, y organizaciones de sistemas de salud existentes obligan a cada país a buscar sus propias estrategias. La pandemia causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 y la tremenda cantidad de información que se ha generado a su entorno ha motivado la necesidad de evaluar la preparación de los sistemas de salud para enfrentar, responder y sobrevivir a un evento de esta naturaleza. Este artículo aporta consideraciones al respecto.
There is no "one size fits all" solution for healthcare systems when it comes to pandemics. Different and diverse scenarios with regards to financing, healthcare system structure, cultural issues and political orientation force countries to seek the most appropriate strategies for their particular case. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the tremendous amount of information that is has generated pressures the need for healthcare systems to seriously evaluate how prepared they are for facing, responding and emerging from an event of this nature. This article offers considerations on the subject.
Humans , Health Systems/organization & administration , Pandemics , COVID-19/epidemiology , Patient Isolation , Quarantine , Communicable Diseases/epidemiology , Contact Tracing , Health Strategies , Disaster Planning , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administrationABSTRACT
La pandemia en Chile generó un desafío de modernización y gestión de los Cuidados Intensivos, haciendo necesario que las unidades de pacientes críticos realizaran un aumento de su capacidad hospitalaria, lo que requiere preparar una infraestructura, un equipamiento mínimo, protocolos y un equipo humano preparado y alineado, para garantizar la seguridad y calidad de atención a los pacientes. Una forma de lograrlo es la incorporación de la estrategia militar de Sistema de Comando de Incidentes, utilizado para enfrentar distintos tipos de desastres, con una estructura modular de comando y sus seccionales de trabajo, con diferentes equipos y líderes para hacer frentes a los variados desafíos. El objetivo de este artículo es describir la instauración del sistema de comando de incidentes en un hospital privado, detallando su conformación y los resultados logrados.
The pandemic in Chile has been a real challenge in terms of modernization and management of intensive care. Critical care units have been forced to increase their hospital capacity in terms of infrastructure, equipment, protocols and human team, while guaranteeing safety and high-quality patient care.One approach to achieve this objective is to develop the army strategy called incident command system that has been used to face different types of disaster. A modular command structure is developed based on the creation of teams each lead by an expert in different areas in order to cope with a variety of upcoming challenges.The objective of this article is to describe the setting up of a successful incident command system in a private hospital, detailing its formation and results obtained.
Humans , Health Systems/organization & administration , COVID-19 , Intensive Care Units/organization & administration , Chile , Hospitals, Private/organization & administration , Critical Care , Disaster Planning , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2ABSTRACT
While armed assailant attacks are rare in the hospital setting, they pose a potential risk to healthcare staff, patients, visitors and the infrastructure. Singapore hospitals have well-developed disaster plans to respond to a mass casualty incident occurring outside the hospital. However, lack of an armed assailant incident response plan can significantly reduce the hospital's ability to appropriately respond to such an incident. The authors describe various strategies that can be adopted in the development of an armed assailant incident response plan. Regular staff training will increase staff resilience and capability to respond to a potential threat in the future. The aim of this article is to highlight the need for the emergency preparedness units of all hospitals to work together with various stakeholders to develop an armed assailant incident response plan. This will be of great benefit for keeping healthcare facilities safe, both for staff as well as for the community.
Humans , Delivery of Health Care , Disaster Planning , Emergency Service, Hospital , Hospitals , SingaporeABSTRACT
Resumo A temática irresponsabilidade social empresarial (IrSE) ganhou destaque na literatura mundial. No Brasil, o desastre causado pela Samarco Mineração S.A. em 2015 foi alvo de repercussão, constituindo uma oportunidade para estudar a IrSE. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar se a identificação social com a empresa, que surge em função dos benefícios econômicos, reduz a intenção punitiva e a atribuição de culpa. O instrumento de pesquisa contém escalas com indicadores psicométricos aplicados a 1.616 indivíduos. Constatou-se que os benefícios para a economia local reduziram a intenção punitiva nas cidades de Anchieta-ES, Guarapari-ES e Mariana-MG. O que não ocorreu nas cidades de Colatina-ES e Linhares-ES, que não recebem benefícios econômicos, mas foram afetadas pelo desastre. Identificou-se, ainda, que a severidade do evento aumentou a atribuição de culpa e a intenção punitiva aumentou a intenção de comentários negativos. Como principal conclusão, onde a empresa gerou benefícios, as pessoas estavam menos propensas a puni-la.
Resumen La temática irresponsabilidad social empresarial (IrSE) ganó prominencia en la literatura mundial. En Brasil, el desastre causado por Samarco Mineração S.A. en 2015 fue objeto de repercusión, constituyendo una oportunidad para estudiar la IrSE. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar si la identificación social con la empresa, que surge en función de los beneficios económicos, reduce la intención punitiva y la atribución de culpa. El instrumento de investigación contiene escalas con indicadores psicométricos aplicados a 1.616 individuos. Se constató que los beneficios para la economía local redujeron la intención punitiva en las ciudades de Anchieta, ES; Guarapari, ES y Mariana, MG. Lo que no ocurrió en las ciudades de Colatina, ES y Linhares-ES, que no reciben beneficios económicos y fueron afectadas por el desastre. Se identificó además que la severidad del acontecimiento aumentó la atribución de culpa y la intención punitiva aumentó la intención de comentarios negativos. Como conclusión, donde la empresa generó beneficios, la gente estaba menos propensa a castigarla.
Abstract The issue of corporate social irresponsibility (CSIR) has gained prominence in world literature. This study analyzes the 2015 environmental disaster caused by Samarco Mineração S.A. in Mariana (MG), Brazil, as an example of CSIR. The objective was to understand whether the population's social identification with the company, which is translated into the economic benefits, reduced punitive intention, and blame attribution. The research instrument uses scales with psychometric indicators applied to 1,616 individuals. It was verified that the benefits to the local economy reduced the punitive intention in the municipalities of Anchieta and Guarapari (ES), and Mariana (MG). This was not the case for Colatina and Linhares (ES). Also, it was observed that the disaster's severity increased blame attribution, and the punitive intention increased the intention to engage in negative word-of-mouth (WOM) about the company. As the main conclusion, people were less likely to punish the company in the municipalities where it generated economic benefits.
Humans , Male , Female , Social Responsibility , Disaster Planning , Disaster Evaluation , Sanction , Damage Liability , EnvironmentABSTRACT
O presente artigo propõe uma reflexão crítica no que tange ao cha-mamento do Serviço Social para intervenção em desastres, considerando que, majoritariamente, o exercício profissional de assistentes sociais neste campo encontra-se voltado para o atendimento da população após a ocorrência de impactos, o que contribui para o reforço de características presentes na pro-fissão desde a sua gênese, como o caráter subalterno e a ênfase na dimensão técnico-operativa, desvinculada das demais dimensões profissionais. Com base em situações recentes e no levantamento de pesquisas e estudos sobre o tema, são realizados apontamentos que buscam a alteração desta realidade, a partir de um maior alinhamento entre as ações desenvolvidas por assistentes sociais na gestão de desastres e o projeto ético-político que vem sendo construído por segmentos da categoria desde as últimas décadas do século XX
This article proposes a critical reflection regarding the call of the Social Work for intervention in disasters, considering that, mostly, the professional prac-tice of social workers in this field is focused on attending the population after the occurrence of impacts, which contributes to the reinforcement of characteristics present in the profession since its genesis, such as the subordinate character and the emphasis on the technical-operative dimension, unrelated to other profes-sional dimensions. Based on recent situations and the survey of researches and studies on the subject, notes are made that seek to change this reality, from a greater alignment between the actions developed by social workers in disaster management and the ethical-political project that has been built by segments of the category since the last decades of the twentieth century
Social Work , Disaster Planning , Disasters , Social WorkersABSTRACT
Desastre é um conceito complexo, envolvendo fatores sociológicos e psicológicos. Sua compreensão inclui a gestão dos riscos e o manejo da relação de diferentes grupos com suas vulnerabilidades. Estudos sobre a atuação dos psicólogos na gestão integral de riscos e desastres são recentes no Brasil. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática qualitativa que visou mapear na literatura acadêmica orientações para a atuação de psicólogos na área. Foram analisados 14 trabalhos utilizando-se a técnica de leitura e de classificação em tabela por meio do protocolo Prisma. Nota-se que não há consenso sobre a atuação do psicólogo e que as orientações estão concentradas no pós-desastre, quando surge relevante debate sobre a aplicabilidade do debriefing psicológico. Concluiu-se que é necessário ampliar os estudos e a participação do psicólogo na gestão de riscos e na prevenção, além da sua inclusão em equipes que atuem não apenas nos desastres, mas também na gestão pública.
Disaster is a complex concept concerning sociological and psychological factors. Its understanding includes risk management and managing the relationship of different groups with their vulnerabilities. Studies on the psychologists' practice on risk and disaster management are recent in Brazil. A systematic qualitative review was conducted to outline the academic literature about the guidelines for psychologists in the field. A total of 14 studies were analyzed using the technique of reading and table classification using the PRISMA protocol. It is noted that there is no consensus on the psychologist's practice and that the guidelines are focused on post-disaster when there is a relevant debate on the psychological debriefing's applicability. It was concluded that it is necessary to expand the studies and improve the psychologist's participation in risk management and prevention withal her inclusion in teams that work not only in disaster management but also in public management.
Disaster Planning , Sociological Factors , Psychology , Risk Management , Risk , Disasters , EmergenciesABSTRACT
O presente estudo aborda as mudanças necessárias que devem ser implementadas para que toda a população brasileira possa ser beneficiada pelo uso de dentifrícios fluoretados em termos de prevenção de cárie dentária. Foi realizada uma busca da literatura sobre concentração de fluoreto em dentifrícios brasileiros, nas bases de dados Lilacs, PubMed, SciELO e nos arquivos do laboratório de Bioquímica Oral da FOP-UNICAMP. Os resultados mostram que desde o início da década de 1980, quando se iniciou o acompanhamento das concentrações de fluoreto em dentifrícios brasileiros, muitos dentifrícios não são capazes de manter uma concentração mínima de fluoreto solúvel para fornecer benefício anticárie. Este é um problema recorrente não só com os dentifrícios de livre venda presentes no comércio, mas principalmente com aqueles comprados por licitação pública pelo SUS e distribuídos para a população. A regulamentação brasileira vigente (Resolução 79, Anvisa, 28/08/2000) estabelece apenas a concentração máxima de fluoreto total que um dentifrício deve conter, mas não a mínima solúvel necessária para garantir o benefício anticárie da formulação. Uma mudança, estabelecendo a concentração mínima de fluoreto solúvel que um dentifrício deveria manter por determinado tempo após sua fabricação, não só beneficiaria o consumidor brasileiro, mas principalmente todos os usuários do SUS, porque poderia ser referendada nos editais de licitação de compra de dentifrícios. (AU)
The present study explores the necessary changes that should be implemented to benefit the entire Brazilian population by using fluoride toothpastes in terms of dental caries prevention. A literature search on fluoride concentration in Brazilian toothpastes was performed in Lilacs, PubMed, and SciELO databases and in the files of the Laboratory of Oral Biochemistry from FOP-UNICAMP.The results show that since the early 1980s, when the monitoring of fluoride concentrations in Brazilian toothpastes began, many toothpastes have not been able to maintain a minimum concentration of soluble fluoride to provide anticaries benefit. This is a recurring problem not only with over-the-counter toothpastes present in the market, but especially with those purchased by public bidding by SUS and distributed to the population. The current Brazilian regulation (Resolution 79, Anvisa, 8/28/2000) establishes only the maximum total fluoride concentration that a toothpaste must contain, but not the minimum soluble fluoride necessary to ensure the anticaries benefit of the formulation. One change, establishing the minimum concentration of soluble fluoride that a toothpaste should maintain for a certain time after its manufacture, would not only benefit the Brazilian consumer, but mainly all SUS users, because it could be countersigned in the toothpaste bidding documents. (AU)
El presente estudio aborda los cambios necesarios que deben ser implementados para que toda la población brasileña pueda beneficiarse del uso de dentífricos con fluoruro en términos de prevención de la caries dental. Se realizó una búsqueda en la literatura sobre la concentración de fluoruro en dentífricos brasileños en las bases de datos Lilacs, PubMed, SciELO y en los archivos del laboratorio de Bioquímica Oral FOP-UNICAMP. Los resultados muestran que, desde principios de la década de 1980, cuando empezó el monitoreo de las concentraciones de fluoruro en los dentífricos brasileños, muchos dentífricos no son capaces de mantener una concentración mínima de fluoruro soluble para proporcionar beneficio contra la caries. Este es un problema recurrente no solo con los dentífricos presentes en el comercio, sino especialmente con aquellos comprados por el SUS y distribuidos a la población. La normativa brasileña actual (Resolución 79, Anvisa, 8/28/2000) establece solo la concentración máxima de fluoruro total que un dentífrico debe contener, pero no la mínima soluble necesaria para garantizar el beneficio anti-caries de la formulación. En cambio, estableciendo la concentración mínima de fluoruro soluble que un dentífrico debe mantener durante un cierto tiempo después de su fabricación, no solo beneficiaría al consumidor brasileño, sino que especialmente a todos los usuarios del SUS, ya que, podría ser refrendado en los documentos de licitación de dentífricos. (AU)
Dentifrices , Fluoridation , Disaster Planning , Dental Caries , JurisprudenceABSTRACT
PURPOSE@#To explore the epidemiological and clinical profile of patients admitted to the trauma and emergency department (TED) of a tertiary care hospital due to tropical cyclone Fani and highlight the challenges faced by the hospital in this natural disaster.@*METHODS@#A retrospective study was conducted in the TED in the affected zone. Data of all victims affected by the cyclone Fani on May 3, 2019 were obtained from disaster records and medical case sheets. All patients except death on admission were included. Clinical variables included anatomical sites and severity of injuries which was assessed by revised trauma score (RTS) and injury severity score (ISS). Trauma injury severity score (TRISS) was also calculated.@*RESULTS@#Of 75 patients, 74 were included and the other one was brought dead and thus excluded. The age, median ± interquartile range (IQ), was 41.0 (27.7-53.0) years. The male to female ratio was 2:1. Most of the wounded were transported by the police control room vans on day 1: first 10 h, 50.0%; 10-24 h, 20.3%. The median ± IQ range of RTS, ISS and TRISS were 20 (14-28), 7.84 (7.841-7.841), and 97.4 (91.6-98.9), respectively. Simple external injury was the dominant injury type. Polytrauma (ISS >15) was seen in 67% cases and spine injury in 14% cases (7% cervical and 7% thoracolumbar). Injury causes included sharp flying objects (broken pieces of glasses and asbestos) in 31% cases, followed by fall of trees in 20.3%. Twenty-four patients were discharged after primary treatment, 30 admitted to the indoor-trauma ward or intensive care unit and 20 deferred or transferred to another center. There was no in-house mortality. Challenges were related to electricity failure, mobile network breakdown, infrastructure collapse, and delay in expertise repair from outside due to airport/railway closure.@*CONCLUSION@#In cyclonic storm like Fani, sharp flying objects, fall of trees/poles and collapsing walls constitute the common mode of injuries causing harm to more than one body regions. Polytrauma was seen in the majority of patients though external injury was the commonest. The affected hospital had the uphill task of treating hospitalized patients as well as disaster victims.
Adolescent , Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Cyclonic Storms , Disaster Planning , Disaster Victims , Emergency Service, Hospital , Multiple Trauma , Epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Tertiary Care Centers , Trauma Centers , Trauma Severity IndicesABSTRACT
@#<p><strong>BACKGROUND:</strong> Increasing incidence of natural and man-made disasters emphasize the need to assess home disaster preparedness of pediatricians.</p><p><br /><strong>OBJECTIVES:</strong> To determine degree of family disaster preparedness and association of demographic characteristics of active consultants of a tertiary hospital for children in Quezon City.</p><p><br /><strong>METHODS:</strong> Cross-sectional study where participants were selected using purposive type of sampling. Fifty-eight active consultants for children answered a self-administered questionnaire on home disaster preparedness. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 24.0.</p><p><br /><strong>RESULTS:</strong> Total of 36 (62.06%) participants scored 70 and above, indicating family disaster preparedness. A total of 22 (37.94%) participants scored below 70, indicating lack of home disaster preparedness. The age of participants 35 to 40 (OR 108.57), 41 to 45 (OR 36.01), 51 to 55 (OR 11.4) and 56 to 60 (OR 17.93) are more likely to be family disaster ready (p value <0.05). Male participants were 7 times more likely to have higher overall family disaster preparedness.</p><p><br /><strong>CONCLUSIONS:</strong> This study has shown that 36 consultants in a tertiary hospital for children in Quezon City are prepared for home disasters. Males and younger population are the demographic characteristics associated with an increased degree of family disaster preparedness.</p><p><br /><strong>RECOMMENDATIONS:</strong> Basics of home disaster management should be included in continuing medical education of the hospital staff. Health education management system should encourage participation of hospital staff in disaster management programs. Bigger sample size of the pediatric society is recommended. Determine association of other demographic variables on home disaster preparedness. Address issues to overcome response bias.</p>