La rougeole est une maladie infantile banale, peut être mortelles quand elle est sous-estimée. Nous avons initié cette étude dont l'objectif général est d'analyser le système de surveillance épidémiologique de la rougeole dans le district sanitaire de Yopougon-Est.MéthodesNous avons procédé à une évaluation normative de la surveillance épidémiologique de la rougeole réalisée en 6 (Six) mois dans ledit district sanitaire. Les critères de sélection nous ont permis de sélectionner 30 personnels de santé impliqués dans la surveillance de la rougeole. RésultatsLes médecins étaient les plus représentés (40%), suivi des infirmiers (33,3%). Les agents avaient plus de 3 ans de service (73,3%). Plus de la moitié des agents étaient formés (56%) la moyenne d'année de service était de 5,33 ans.Dans notre étude, 93,3 % des agents connaissaient la définition d'un cas de rougeole. Les seuils d'alerte et épidémique étaient connus par 56,6% des agents enquêtés. La disponibilité des registres de consultation, fiche de notification hebdomadaire de cas au niveau des structures de santé étaient de 86,7 %. Pour la transmission des données, 70% des enquêtés avaient déclarés que les rapports se transmettaient au district hebdomadairement.Les prélèvements de sang avaient été réalisés chez tous les cas suspects (100%). Les cas confirmés de rougeole représentaient 26,8 % des échantillons.ConclusionLa rougeole est une maladie de l'enfance qui est évitable par la vaccination. Cependant à défaut de vaccination, il est impérieux de mettre en place une organisation pour la détection des cas de rougeole afin d'éviter des épidémies
Humans , Animals , Male , Referral and Consultation , Disease Management , VaccinationABSTRACT
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common heterogenic endocrine illness in women of reproductive age, caused mostly by an excess of androgen and ovarian dysfunction. The present study was carried out to estimate the prevalence of PCOS among Libyan women who attended infertility center Tripoli, Libya, from 2020-2022, evaluate hormonal profile, Body Mass Index, weight and west circumferential before and after treatment and diet management. A longitudinal cross-sectional study conducted in the Tripoli Fertility Center in Tripoli, Libya, the study population targeting output Libyan female patients who presented to the gynecology and obstetrics (OPD) department and therapeutic nutrition department. Data Retrospectively collected from 2020 until 2022 and diagnosed using Rotterdam's criteria. A total of 603 patients visited the gynecology and obstetrics department and the therapeutic nutrition department between January 2020 and December 2022. Out of which 174 women in the PCOS group and 429 in the non-PCOS group. The prevalence of PCOS was 29.56% in 2020, 37.5% in 2021, and 20.27% in 2022. The mean age of PCOS was 34.90 ± 5.5 SD, and all of the PCOS group were married. Worth to mention that all of PCOS cases was insulin resistance type. In terms of weight in the PCOS group, 19.54% were obese BMI >29, 68.96% were morbid obese with BMI >35, and approximately 68.39% of waist circumference measurements were more than 88cm. Hirsutism and oligomenorrhea were the major clinical features, morbid obese seems to be more prevalent in Libyan PCOS patients, low carbohydrate diet and physical activities may play an important role in PCOS management
Humans , Female , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome , Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Hospital , Disease Management , DiagnosisABSTRACT
Introduction.La pratique du football génère de lésions diverses. Leur bonne connaissance permettra une prise en charge adaptée et un gain de temps dans les délais de cicatrisation et de retour sur le terrain. Le but de notre étude était d'identifier ces lésions, puis assurer leur prise en charge et leur préventionau Gabon.Méthodologie. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective traumatisme au football dépend de la qualité de l'intervention initiale. Elle doit être précoce, sérieuse, etles délais d'indisponibilité doivent être respectés, afin d'éviter toute récidive. Le retour à la compétition après blessure doit être géré avec un maximum d'efficacité et un minimum d'arrêt sportifet descriptive portant sur des footballeurs professionnels de sexe masculin participant au championnat de première division et ceux de l'équipe nationale suivis pendant deux saisons sportives, de Septembre 2017 à Septembre 2019 inclus. Elle s'est déroulée d'une part sur le terrain lors des matchs et d'autre part dans le Service de Médecine Physique et Réadaptation de l'Hôpital d'Instruction des Armées Omar BONGO ONDIMBA de Libreville. Résultats.Nous avons colligé 136 cas d'affection liée à la pratique du football de haut niveau, extraits d'un fichier global de 1332 lésions de tous les sportifs confondus suivis pendant deux saisons sportives soit un taux de prévalence de 10,21%.L'âge moyen était de25 ansavec des extrêmes de 17 à 38 ans. Les milieux de terrain étaientles plus touchés à (37%), suivi par les attaquants (25%) et les défenseurs (24%).l'atteinte du côté droit était la plus fréquente(51%) et les articulations les plus touchées étaient les genoux (50%) et les chevilles (37%).Les muscles les plus touchés étaient les adducteurs (29%), les quadriceps (29%), et les ischio-jambiers (24%).Conclusion.Le pronostic d'un
Introduction.The practice of football results in various injuries. A good understanding of them will allow for appropriate management and a shorter healing time and return to the field. The aim of our study was to identify these injuries, provide for their management and prevention in Gabon. Methodology.This was a retrospective and descriptive study involving male professional football players participating in the first division championship and the national team during two sports seasons, from September 2017 to September 2019. It took place both on the field during matches and in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of the Omar BONGO ONDIMBA Army Teaching Hospital in Libreville. Results.We collected 136 cases of injuries related to high-level football, extracted from a total file of 1332 injuries from all athletes followed during two sports seasons, resulting in a prevalence rate of 10.21%. The average age was 25 years, with a range from17 to 38 years. Midfielders were the most affected (37%), followedby forwards (25%) and defenders (24%). Injuries to the right side were the most common (51%) and the most affected joints were knees (50%) and ankles (37%). The most affected muscles were adductors (29%), quadriceps (29%), and hamstrings (24%). Conclusion.The prognosis of a football injury depends on the quality of the initial intervention. It should be prompt, thorough, and the recovery time should be respected to avoid any recurrence. Returning to competition after an injury should be managed with maximum efficiency and minimal time off
Humans , Male , Female , Wounds and Injuries , Disease ManagementABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: to analyze the use of the Practical Approach to Care Kit as a technology adopted in nurses' clinical practice for HIV management in Primary Health Care. Method: an exploratory and descriptive research study anchored in the methodological framework of the Constructivist Grounded Theory. The participants were defined through initial sampling, with 12 nurses, and theoretical sampling, with five managers, totaling 17 participants. The data were collected by means of intensive interviews and documentary analysis, and they were analyzed in two stages: 1) Initial coding; and 2) Focused coding. Results: the professionals identified the Practical Approach to Care Kit as a technological innovation that contributed to expanding the clinical practice and to empowering nurses in the clinical management of HIV infection. They also highlighted its importance as a tool for guiding the different responsibilities and duties while sharing care, contributing to the provision of evidence-based practices. Conclusion: The Practical Approach to Care Kit is a technological innovation that has transformed nurses' clinical practice in HIV management, expanding their scope of activities in carrying out the diagnosis, assessing the health condition and counseling, evaluating adherence to the treatment, adverse effects and prescription of exams, medications, and immunobiological.
Resumo Objetivo: analisar a utilização do Practical Approach to Care Kit como uma tecnologia adotada na prática clínica dos enfermeiros no manejo do HIV na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método: pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, ancorada no referencial metodológico da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados Construtivista. A definição dos participantes foi realizada por amostragem inicial, com 12 enfermeiros, e amostragem teórica, com cinco gestores, totalizando 17 participantes. Os dados foram coletados por entrevistas intensivas e análise documental, e foram analisados em duas etapas: 1) codificação inicial; e 2) codificação focalizada. Resultados: os profissionais identificaram o Practical Approach to Care Kit como uma inovação tecnológica que contribuiu para a ampliação da prática clínica e empoderamento do enfermeiro no manejo clínico da infecção por HIV. Também destacaram sua importância como ferramenta para orientação das diferentes responsabilidades e atribuições no compartilhamento do cuidado, contribuindo para a prestação de práticas baseadas em evidências. Conclusão: o Practical Approach to Care Kit é uma inovação tecnológica que transformou a prática clínica do enfermeiro no manejo do HIV, ampliando seu escopo de atividades na realização do diagnóstico, avaliação da condição de saúde e aconselhamento, avaliação da adesão ao tratamento, efeitos adversos e prescrição de exames, medicamentos e imunobiológicos.
Resumen Objetivo: analizar el uso del Practical Approach to Care Kit como tecnología adoptada en la práctica clínica de los enfermeros en el manejo del VIH en la Atención Primaria de la Salud. Método: investigación exploratoria y descriptiva, basada en el marco metodológico de la Teoría Fundamentada en los Datos Constructivistas. La definición de los participantes fue realizada por muestreo inicial, con 12 enfermeros, y muestreo teórico, con cinco gestores, fueron 17 participantes en total. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas intensivas y análisis de documentos, y fueron analizados en dos etapas: 1) codificación inicial; y 2) codificación enfocada. Resultados: los profesionales identificaron el Practical Approach to Care Kit como una innovación tecnológica que contribuyó a la expansión de la práctica clínica y al empoderamiento de los enfermeros en el manejo clínico de la infección por VIH. También destacaron su importancia como herramienta para orientar las diferentes responsabilidades y obligaciones en la distribución de la atención de los pacientes, contribuyendo a la prestación de prácticas basadas en evidencia. Conclusión: el Practical Approach to Care Kit es una innovación tecnológica que ha transformado la práctica clínica de los enfermeros en el manejo del VIH, ampliando su radio de acción para la realización del diagnóstico, evaluación del estado de salud y asesoramiento, evaluación de la adherencia al tratamiento, efectos adversos y prescripción de exámenes, medicamentos e inmunobiológicos.
Humans , Primary Nursing , Professional Practice , HIV Infections/therapy , Practice Guideline , Disease Management , Nursing, TeamABSTRACT
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease that poses a major healthcare challenge. In China, approximately 5 million patients are reported to have RA. Notably, Chinese patients with RA often experience a prolonged disease course and increased disease activity, leading to a substantial disease burden. The Chronic Disease Management Group of the Special Committee on Rheumatology and Immunology of Cross-Straits Medicine Exchange Association has advocated for an all-encompassing, continuous, and proactive scientific management approach for RA. This initiative has culminated in the formulation of the "Expert Recommendations for the Chronic Disease Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis", a comprehensive guideline developed through extensive consultations and consideration of the unique characteristics of RA. We have outlined 16 expert recommendations, addressing 10 key aspects central to RA management. We aim to enhance treatment outcomes for patients, streamline the distribution of medical resources, and reduce treatment-related burden on society, families, and individuals affected by this condition.
Humans , Rheumatic Fever , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/drug therapy , Rheumatology , Chronic Disease , Disease Management , Antirheumatic Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Introduction. Le cancer du col utérin est le deuxième cancer de la femme au Cameroun. La radiothérapie reste une des modalités thérapeutiques phares dans la prise en charge de cette pathologie et l'État participe en y apportant une subvention. Toutefois, plusieurs patientes n'accèdent pas au traitement en raison des difficultés financières. Notre objectif était d'évaluer le coût réel de la prise en charge afin de servir de support aux politiques d'aide aux patientes. Méthodologie. Uneétude descriptive, transversale portant sur les patientes traitées en radiothérapie à l'Hôpital Général de Douala pour cancer du col de l'utérus a été réalisée d'octobre 2020 à janvier 2021.Résultats. Au total 35 dossiers de patientes ont été inclus. Lespatientes avaient de faibles revenus (<108.810 XAF /mois, 51,3%), étaient sans assurance maladie (88,6%), provenant en majorité des villes hors de Douala (54,3%), avec des cancers localement évolués. Le coût global moyen du traitement était de 511 264 XAF+/-103479 XAF (779,42 +/-157,75 euros) pour chaque patiente. La durée moyenne de traitement était de 57,34 jours, avec un nombre médian de 27 séances. Les frais supplémentaires pendant le traitement provenaient de la chimiothérapie, de la gestion des effets secondaires, notamment des transfusions sanguines, et du bilan de suivi. Plus de la moitié des patientes ont eu besoin d'une prise en charge supplémentaire par chimiothérapie ou chirurgie. Conclusion. La prise en charge du cancer du col utérin par radiothérapie est coûteuse et peu accessible à la majorité des patientes Camerounaises.
Introduction.Cervix cancer is the second cancer among women in Cameroon. Radiotherapy is often warranted in its management. Many patients do not access treatment due to financial difficulties. Our objective was to assess the real cost of care in order to support patient assistance policies. Methodology. A descriptive cross over study of women treated by radiotherapy at the Douala General Hospital from October 2020 to January 2021 was conducted. Results. A total number of 35 patient files were included in the study. Patients generally had low income (<108.810 XAF /month), without medical insurance, lived out of Douala, and were diagnosed at locally advanced stages of their disease. Average cost of treatment for radiotherapy alone was 511,264 XAF +/-103,479 XAF. Average duration of treatment was 57.34 days, with a median number of 27 sessions. Extra cost came from chemotherapy, management of side effects especially from blood transfusions, and imaging. More than half of the patients required additional expense for adjunct chemotherapy or surgery. Conclusion. The total cost of treatment for cervix cancer by radiotherapy is quite expensive, and not accessible to the average Cameroonian
Humans , Female , Radiotherapy , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Health Care Costs , Disease Management , Costs and Cost AnalysisABSTRACT
Introduction. Les hémopathies malignes sont des proliférations anormales et anarchiques de cellules hématopoïétiques à point de départ médullaire ou périphérique. Notre étude qui avait pour objectif de faire le bilan de la prise en charge des hémopathies malignes au Centre national d'oncologie médical et de radiothérapie Alassane Ouattara. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective descriptive d'une durée de 2 ans 3 mois allant du 1er janvier 2018 au 31 Mars 2020 portant sur 80 dossiers de malades porteurs d'hémopathies malignes et prise en charge dans le centre. Résultats. Notre étude a permis de recenser 2,2% d'hémopathies malignes sur les 3650 cas de pathologies cancéreuses recensées au CNRAO, soit une incidence 26,66 cas/an avec un sex-ratio 1,2. Les syndromes lymphoprolifératifs (SLP) sont les plus fréquents (96,25 %), sous trois principales formes: lymphomes malins non hodgkiniens (LMNH) non Burkitt (51,25%), leucémie myéloïde chronique (20%) et le myélome multiple (16,25%). Les LMNH représentent 51,25% des HM recensées avec 41,46 % de lymphomes de haut grade de malignité. La chimiothérapie était de mise chez tous nos patients. Ainsi sur 41 cas de LMNH, seulement 12 (29,27%) ont bénéficié du protocole R-CHOP. On notait 46,34% de réponse complète. Dans notre étude, le LH représentait 8,75% il était traité à 71,43% avec le protocole ABVD avec une réponse complète chez 6 patients. 37,5% des patients porteurs de leucémie myéloïde chronique ont reçu le Rituximab; ils ont été traités par les protocoles COP (31,25%), CHOP (31,25%), RCVP (12,5%) et R-CHOP (25%). La réponse thérapeutique était complète à 68,75%. Le protocole utilisé dans le traitement du myélome multiple a été le VMCD-REV à 76,92% avec pour réponse thérapeutique complète chez 6 patients, 3 réponses partielles et 4 en cours de traitement. Conclusion. Les SLP qui sont les plus fréquents des HM avec trois principales formes: LMNH non Burkitt, leucémie myéloïde chronique et myélome multiple. Nous avons cependant des difficultés quant à la mise en route de la chimiothérapie.
Introduction. Hematologic neoplasms are abnormal and anarchic proliferations of hematopoietic cells with a medullary or peripheral starting point. Our study aimed to report the management of hematological malignancies at the Centre National d'Oncologie Médicale et de Radiothérapie Alassane Ouattara (CNRAO). Methods. This was a descriptive retrospective study lasting 2 years 3 months from January 1st, 2018 to March 31st, 2020 concerning 80 patients with hematologic neoplasms who were managed in the CNRAO. Results. Hematologic neoplasms represented 2.2% of cancers (80/3650) at CNRAO, giving an annual incidence of 26.66 cases. The sex ratio was 1.2. Lymphoproliferative syndromes were the most common subgroups (96.25%). These were mainly non-Burkitt non Hodgkin lymphoma (51.25%), high grade lymphomas (41.46%), chronic lymphocytic lymphoma (20%) and multiple myeloma (16.25%). Chemotherapy was administered to all patients. Among 41 cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 12 (29.27%) benefited from the R-CHOP protocol and full response was observed in 46.34% of them. We found 7 patients with Hodgkin lymphoma (8.75%) and the ABVD protocol was used for 6 cases (71.43%). Six out of these seven patients were in complete response. Among the 16 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, 6 (37.5%) received Rituximab. The distribution of the patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia was as follows: COP 31.25%, CHOP 31.25%, RCVP 12.5% and R-CHOP 25% and 68.75% had full response. The most common treatment protocol for multiple myeloma was VMCD-REV (76.92%). Six patients had complete response, 3 had partial response and 4 were in the course of treatment. Conclusion. In our practice, hematologic neoplasms are mainly lymphoproliferative syndromes and the most common varieties are non-Burkitt non Hodgkin lymphoma, high grade lymphomas, chronic lymphocytic lymphoma and multiple myeloma. We have difficulties in getting chemotherapy started.
Humans , Male , Female , Hematologic Neoplasms , Disease Management , Lymphoma , Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin , Hematologic DiseasesABSTRACT
Introduction. Ces vingt dernières années, on assiste à une augmentation spectaculaire du nombre de cas de diabète de type 1 avec une mortalité plus élevée en Afrique Noire en lien avec les difficultés d'accès aux soins, à la rupture de suivi engendrant un nombre élevé de perdus de vue. L'objectif du travail est de déterminer le profil épidémiologique des enfants diabétiques perdus de vue dans notre pratique. Patients et méthodes. C'est une étude transversale à visée descriptive et analytique qui a concerné les enfants diabétiques perdus de vue de 2002 à 2019 dans le service de diabétologie du CHU de Yopougon. Résultats. Durant l'étude 195 enfants ont été suivi dans le service, 90 ont été considérés comme perdus de vue soit une fréquence de 46,15 %. L'âge moyen des perdus de vue était de 14,6 ± 5,3 avec des extrêmes allant de 2 à 20 ans. Ils sont majoritairement de sexe F dans 50,6 %. Dans 37 % on retrouve un niveau socio-économique faible calculé selon l'indice IPSE avec une association statistiquement significative entre les classes socio-économiques moyenneinferieure et moyenne (p respectivement < 0,01 et 0,001). La plupart des perdus (84,5 %) n'ont pas d'assurance maladie. Le lieu de résidence était urbain (Abidjan) dans 73 %. Ils ont issus d'une famille biparentale dans 79 ,8 % des cas. Une association statistiquement significative a été retrouvée entre la non-scolarisation et la perte de vue (P < 0,05).Conclusion. Le manque de suivi chez les enfants diabétiques a des conséquences drastiques sur le pronostic de la maladie au long cours, marqué par une mortalité de 11 % qui touche essentiellement les populations à revenu faible
Introduction. Over the past twenty years, there has been a spectacular increase in the number of cases of type 1 diabetes with a higher mortality rate in Black Africa due to difficulties in accessing care but also a lack of follow-up resulting in a high number of people being lost to follow-up. Our work aims to determine the epidemiological profile of diabetic children lost to follow-up. Patients and methods. This was a cross-sectional study with descriptive and analytical aims which concerned diabetic children lost to follow-up from 2002 to 2019 in the diabetes department of the University Hospital of Yopougon. Results. During the study period, 195 children were followed up in the department, 90 were considered as lost to follow-up, i.e. a frequency of 46.15%. The average age of the lost to follow-up was 14.6 ± 5.3 years with extremes ranging from 2 to 20 years. The majority of them were male (50.6%). Thirty-seven percent had a low socioeconomic level calculated according to the IPSE index, with a statistically significant association between the lowermiddle and middle socioeconomic classes (p < 0.01 and 0.001 respectively). Most of the lost (84.5%) did not have health insurance. The place of residence was urban (Abidjan) in 73%. They came from a two-parent family in 79.8% of cases. A statistically significant association was found between non-education and loss of sight (P < 0.05). Conclusion. The lack of follow-up in diabetic children has drastic consequences on the prognosis of the disease in the long term marked by a mortality of 11% which affects mainly low-income populations.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Epidemiology , Disease Management , Diabetes Mellitus , Diagnosis , Lost to Follow-Up , Social Class , Continuity of Patient CareABSTRACT
Background: Third-party disability (TPD) has been studied in multiple patients including those with aphasia and hearing loss. Only one study has been done in relation to caregivers of adults with dysphagia. Third-party disability has been analysed using the International Classification of Function and Disability (ICF) framework. This study, therefore, used the ICF model to explore TPD of caregivers of adults with dysphagia for the context of Johannesburg in South Africa. Objectives: To describe how caregivers experience TPD when caring for adults with a dysphagia in Johannesburg. Methods: Data were collected from five primary adult caregivers, who were all family members, from government clinics in Johannesburg. This article reports the findings from the interviews that were analysed thematically using a top-down analysis approach. Results: Caregivers experienced challenges related to TPD mostly related to difficulties of being able to do activities of daily living for themselves, their household chores and attending social engagements. The use of body structure and function from the ICF model was not overtly applicable to the caregiver population. A new visual representation has been suggested to highlight the key themes to augment the social and psychological changes as seen on the ICF framework and demonstrated the specific interaction that these factors had on one another. Conclusion: Third-party disability is present in caregivers of patients with dysphagia. Healthcare workers need to be aware of the impact that this can have when preparing home management strategies. This newly devised representation can assist in creating a locally relevant patient-centred care approach but requires future input.
Deglutition Disorders , Health Strategies , Disease Management , Hearing Loss , Family Characteristics , CaregiversABSTRACT
Introduction. L'accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) est une pathologie fréquente. Le but de l'étude était de décrire les aspects pronostiques des AVC en réanimation. Patients et Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude longitudinale descriptive et analytique, qui s'est déroulée de janvier à avril 2019. Nous avons recruté dans les services de réanimation de trois hôpitaux universitaires de Yaoundé. Etait inclus, tout patient hospitalisé en réanimation pour prise en charge d'un AVC, ayant réalisé un scanner cérébral. Le consentement était obtenu auprès du patient ou d'un parent. Les variables étaient les données sociodémographiques, les données cliniques et pronostiques.Les données étaient analysées à partir du logiciel Epi info 3.5.4 et Microsoft Office Excel 2013. Les proportions étaient comparées par le test de Chi carré ou le test exact de Fisher. Les médianes étaient comparées par le test de MannWhitney. La survie était représentée par une courbe de Kaplan Meier. Résultats. Au total, 34 patients étaient inclus. L'âge moyen était de 59,9±9,7 ans. Le sex-ratio était de 0,7. Le délai moyen d'admission était de 4,5±4,84 jours. L'hypertension artérielle était le facteur de risque dominant (42,5%). Une altération de la conscience était fréquente (73,5%). L'hémiplégie constituait le principal signe neurologique focal. L'AVC hémorragique était retrouvé chez 58,8% des patients. Deux patients étaient intubés (5,88%). Dix-huit décès étaient enregistrés (52,9%). La durée moyenne du séjour était de 21,8±19,4 jours. Les facteurs pronostiques étaient le score de Glasgow <8 (P=0,01), le score de NIHSS≥15 (P=0,001), l'hyperthermie (P=0,04), la présence de trouble de la déglutition à l'entrée (P=0,01) et l'effet de masse au scanner cérébral (P=0,01). Conclusion. Les AVC restent une affection fréquente dans notre pays. La mortalité est élevée.Elle est liée à la gravité clinique et la survenue des complications
Background. Stroke is a frequent pathology. The aim of the study was to describe the clinical, and prognostic aspects of stroke in the intensive care unit (ICU). Patients and Methods. This was a longitudinal descriptive and analytical study, which took place from January to April 2019. We recruited from the intensive care units of three university hospitals in Yaoundé. Any patient hospitalised in the ICU for stroke management who had undergone a brain scan was included. Consent was obtained from the patient or a relative. The variables were socio-demographic data, clinical data, therapeutic data and outcome. Data were analysed using Epi info 3.5.4 and Microsoft Office Excel 2013. Proportions were compared using the Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test. Medians were compared by the Mann-Whitney test. Survival was represented by a Kaplan Meier curve. Results. A total of 34 patients were included. The mean age was 59.9±9.7 years. The sex ratio was 0.7. The mean time to admission was 4.5 days ±4.84. Hypertension was the dominant risk factor (42.5%). Altered consciousness was common (73.5%). Hemiplegia was the main focal neurological sign. Hemorrhagic stroke was found in 58.8% of the patients. All patients received general measures. Two patients were intubated (5.88%). Eighteen deaths were recorded (52.9%). The average length of stay was 21.8±19.4 days. Prognostic factors were Glasgow score <8 (P=0.01), NIHSS score≥15 (P=0.001), hyperthermia (P=0.04), presence of swallowing disorder at admission (P=0.01) and mass effect on brain scan (P=0.01). Conclusion. Stroke remains a frequent condition in our country. Mortality is high. It is related to the clinical severity and the occurrence of complications.
Humans , Male , Female , Disease Management , Stroke , Critical Care , Emergency Medical Services , InpatientsABSTRACT
Introduction: L'objectif général de notre travail était d'apporter une description épidémiologique et clinicopathologique du cancer de l'endomètre au Gabon. Patients et méthode: Cette étude descriptive et rétrospective a été réalisée à l'Institut de Cancérologie de Libreville chez les patientes atteintes du cancer de l'endomètre sur une période de 7 années (de janvier 2012 à octobre 2018). Résultats: Cette étude a inclus 32 patientes et les résultats obtenus ontmontré que ce cancer au Gabon est plus fréquent chez la femme multipare, que histologiquement le type 1 est le plus souvent rencontré et que ce cancer est de haut grade de malignité. De ce travail ressort également la difficulté du suivi des patientes. Conclusion: Le cancer de l'endomètre étant un cancer souvent d'emblée de mauvais pronostic, il est d'intérêt de mettre en place une stratégie de prévention et de management adapté.Mots clés: cancer, endomètre, étude clinicopathologique, suivi, Gabon Abstract:Introduction:The general objective of our work was to provide an epidemiological and clinicopathological description of endometrial cancer in Gabon.
Introduction: The general objective of our work was to provide an epidemiological and clinicopathological description of endometrial cancer in Gabon. Epidemiological and clinicopathological profile of... Patients and method: This descriptive and retrospective study was carried out at Cancer Institute of Libreville in patients with endometrial cancer over a period of 7 years (from January 2012 to October 2018) . Results: This study included 32 patients and the results obtained showed that this cancer in Gabon is more frequent in multiparous women, that histologically type 1 is most often encountered and that this cancer is of high grade malignancy. This work also shows the difficulty of following up patients. Conclusion: As endometrial cancer is often a cancer with a poor prognosis , it is interest to put in place an appropriate prevention and management strategy.
Humans , Female , Methods , Prognosis , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Therapeutics , Endometrial Neoplasms , Aftercare , Disease Management , Endometrium , Hysterectomy, VaginalSubject(s)
COVID-19 , Cameroon , Disease Management , Bilateral Cooperation Programs , Financial Management , Healthcare FinancingABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Cervicofacial infections (CFI) are life-threatening and constitute some of the common emergencies seen by the oral and maxillofacial surgeon on a regular basis. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in reduced human activities for most of 2020 including the first worldwide lockdown. At the height of the pandemic, it was expected that the number of patients presenting with cervicofacial infections would drop as with most health conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the management and outcome of cervicofacial infections in a tertiary maxillofacial institution. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of patients who presented at the Maxillofacial clinic with cervicofacial infections and were subsequently admitted into the ward during the lockdown (2020) was compared with those of the previous year (2019) and the year after (2021).RESULTS: The total number of patients seen and admitted with cervicofacial infections in 2020 was 39(31.2%) which was lower than that seen the preceding year 48(38.4%) but higher than 38(30.4%) of the year after. 116 patients were treated while nine patients left hospital without treatment. All patients presented with extensive cervicofacial infections, involving more than three fascial spaces and were treated using parenteral antibiotics with surgical incision and drainage under local anesthesia. There were more deaths in 2020 (n=10) than in the preceding year (n=8) and the year after (n=7).CONCLUSION: A high percentage of CFI was admitted duringCOVID-19 period compared to the previous and following years. Involvement of multiple fascial spaces was also noted
INTRODUCTION: Les infections cervico-faciales (ICF) mettent la vie en danger et constituent certaines des urgences les plus courantes que rencontre régulièrement le chirurgien buccal et maxillo-facial. La pandémie de COVID-19 a entraîné une réduction des activités humaines pendant la majeure partie de l'année 2020, y compris le premier verrouillage mondial. Au plus fort de la pandémie, on s'attendait à ce que le nombre de patients présentant des infections cervico-faciales diminue comme pour la plupart des problèmes de santé. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer l'impact de COVID19 sur la gestion et le résultat des infections cervicofaciales dans une institution tertiaire maxillo-faciale. PATIENTS ET MÉTHODES: Une analyse rétrospective des patients qui se sont présentés à la clinique maxillo-faciale avec des infections cervico-faciales et ont ensuite été admis dans le service pendant le lockdown (2020) a été comparée à celles de l'année précédente (2019) et de l'année suivante (2021). RÉSULTATS: Le nombre total de patients vus et admis pour des infections cervico-faciales en 2020 était de 39 (31,2 %), ce qui était inférieur à celui de l'année précédente (48 (38,4 %)) mais supérieur à celui de l'année suivante (38 (30,4 %)). 116 ont été traités tandis que neuf patients ont quitté l'hôpital sans traitement. Tous les patients présentaient des infections cervico-faciales étendues, impliquant plus de trois espaces fasciaux et ont été traités à l'aide d'antibiotiques parentéraux, avec incision chirurgicale et drainage sous anesthésie locale. Il y a eu plus de décès en 2020 (n=10) que l'année précédente (n=8) et l'année suivante (n=7). CONCLUSION: Bien qu'un pourcentage élevé de FCI ait été admis pendant la période COVI-19 par rapport aux années précédentes et suivantes, l'implication de multiples espaces fasciaux a également été constatée
Humans , Male , Female , Communicable Disease Control , Disease Management , Ambulatory Care Facilities , COVID-19ABSTRACT
Long COVID is an emerging public health threat, following swiftly behind the surges of acute infection over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is estimated that there are already approximately 100 million people suffering from Long COVID globally, 0.5 million of whom are South African, and for whom our incomplete understanding of the condition has forestalled appropriate diagnosis and clinical care. There are several leading postulates for the complex, multi-mechanistic pathogenesis of Long COVID. Patients with Long COVID may present with a diversity of clinical phenotypes, often with significant overlap, which may exhibit temporal heterogeneity and evolution. Post-acute care follow-up, targeted screening, diagnosis, a broad initial assessment and more directed subsequent assessments are necessary at the primary care level. Symptomatic treatment, self-management and rehabilitation are the mainstays of clinical care for Long COVID. However, evidence-based pharmacological interventions for the prevention and treatment of Long COVID are beginning to emerge. This article presents a rational approach for assessing and managing patients with Long COVID in the primary care setting.
Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Signs and Symptoms, Respiratory , Disease Management , COVID-19 Serological Testing , COVID-19 , Cardiovascular Diseases , SARS-CoV-2ABSTRACT
Diarrhoeadisease is the second leading cause of death in children under 5 years old, and is responsible for killing about 300, 000 children annually in Nigeria. Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) is the preferred treatment for fluid and electrolyte losses due to diarrhoea in children with mild to moderate dehydration. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and use of ORT in the management of diarrhoea in children under 5 years at Seventh Day Adventist Hospital (SDAH, Ife).Method: A structured questionnaire was adopted for this study design and data was collected using a self-structured questionnaire both self-administered and interviewer administered.Results: Of 80 participants, 44 (55%) of the respondents had heard of ORT before this study, while 36 (45%) had not. 48 (60%) responded that they use oral rehydration solution while 32 (40%) of mothers said they had not used ORT. There was significant difference in both outcomes. The result revealed that there was significant difference in morbidity and mortality between mothers who use ORT and those who do not. But there was no significant difference between the knowledge of ORT compared with its use.Conclusion:Appropriate knowledge of the therapy will positively influence its use which will drastically prevent morbidity associated with diarrhoea as well as contain the incidence of mortality
Humans , Dehydration , Mothers , Behavior , Child , Knowledge , Disease Management , Diarrhea, InfantileABSTRACT
Objectif : Décrire la prise en charge anesthésiologique de l'anévrisme cérébral au Mali. Patients et Méthodes : étude descriptive à recueil historique de 8 ans (Novembre 2012 à Octobre 2020) au CHU « Hôpital du Mali ¼ des patients opérés pour anévrisme cérébral avec un dossier médical complet. La saisie et l'analyse ont été effectuées par SSPS version 25. Résultats : Durant la période d'étude, 32 patients répondaient à nos critères soit une prévalence de 2,1%. L'âge moyen était de 45,2 ± 12,5 ans. Le ratio femme-homme était de 2,55. Les patients résidaient à Bamako dans 71,9 %. L'HTA était l'antécédent médical le plus fréquent. Les patients étaient de grade I de WFNS dans 87,5%. La classe ASA II représentait 84,4%. Une prémédication a été faite dans 96,9%. Une anesthésie générale a été faite chez tous les patients. Une antibioprophylaxie a été faite chez tous les patients. La perte sanguine moyenne était de 737,3 ± 460,5 ml. Une transfusion per opératoire a été prescrite dans 46,8%. L'évènement indésirable per opératoire était cardiovasculaire dans 96,9 %. La durée moyenne de la chirurgie était de 267,1±77,1 minute. Celle de l'anesthésie était de 427,9 minutes. En réanimation, une complication a été observée dans 34,4%. La mortalité était de 25%. La durée moyenne de séjour était de 6,3 jours. Conclusion: Au Mali la prise en charge de l'anévrysme cérébral est en progrès malgré une mortalité encore élevée.
Objective: To Describe the anesthesiological management of cerebral aneurysm in Mali. Patients and Methods: This was an observational study, descriptive with historical collection of 8 years (November 2012 to October 2020) at the department of the university hospital "Hôpital du Mali" concerning 32 patients operated for cerebral aneurysm with a complete medical file. Input and analysis were performed by SSPS version 25. Results: During the study period, 32 patients met our criteria, a prevalence of 2.1%. The median age was 45.2 ± 12.5 years. The female-to-male ratio was 2.55. Patients resided in Bamako in 71.9%. High blood pressure was the most common medical history. Patients were grade I WFNS in 87.5o_ièvg%. ASA class II accounted for 84.4%. Premedication was done in 96.9%. General anesthesia was applied to all patients. Antibiotic prophylaxis was given to all patients. The average blood loss was 737.3 ± 460.5 ml. An intraoperative transfusion was prescribed in 46.8%. The intraoperative adverse event was cardiovascular in 96.9%. The average duration of surgery was 267.1±77.1 minutes. That of anesthesia was 427.9 minutes. In intensive care, a complication was observed in 34.4%. Mortality was 25%. The average length of stay was 6.3 days. Conclusion: In Mali, the management of cerebral aneurysm is progressing despite still high mortality.
Humans , Male , Female , Patients , Intracranial Aneurysm , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Hospitals , Disease ManagementABSTRACT
La présente étude analyse les réalités sociales de la prise en charge du paludisme chez les enfants de 0 à 5 ans vivants aux abords du versant gourou d'Abobo Plateau Dokui. Elle a permis de mettre en évidence d'une part, les déterminants sociaux du maintien des populations aux abords du versant gourou mais aussi les mécanismes de prévention voire de protection existant contre le paludisme. D'autre part, elle expose les perceptions socio-sanitaires des riverains du versant gourou face aux insuffisances de la prise en charge du paludisme des enfants de 0 à 5 ans. En outre, selon le principe de la saturation en recherche qualitative, les participants à ce travail ont été sélectionnés selon un recrutement direct et aléatoire sur place. Ainsi, 35 chefs de ménage ou leur représentant légitime, 08 leaders et/ou responsables communautaires et 05 professionnels de santé ont participé à la production des données. Les entretiens de type semi-directif ont été nécessaires pour la collecte des données sur le terrain. Diverses documentations écrites ont également été exploitées afin de circonscrire le problème de recherche. Précédés d'une transcription au terme de leur collecte, les données ont été traitées à travers l'analyse de contenu. Comme résultats, il ressort que les mesures de prévention se résument à la distribution et à la sensibilisation sur leur usage de moustiquaires imprégnées, mais aussi le recours des insecticides. Toutefois, la prise en charge médicale reste limitée car ce sont les parents eux-mêmes qui assurent les frais d'hospitalisation et de médications de leurs enfants.
This study analyzes the social realities of malaria management in children aged 0-5 living on the Abobo Plateau Dokui Guru Slope. It highlighted the social determinants of keeping people near the guru, as well as the prevention and protection mechanisms against malaria. On the other hand, it exposes the socio-health perceptions of residents living on the guru side of the river in the face of the inadequacies of malaria management for children aged 0 to 5 years. In addition, according to the principle of saturation in qualitative research, the participants in this work were selected according to adirect and random recruitment on the spot. For example,35 heads of households or their legitimate representatives, 08 community leaders and/or leaders and 05 health professionals were involved in the production of the data. Semi-directive interviews were required for field data collection. Various written documents have al so been used to identify the research problem. The data was processed through content analysis and was then transcribed when it was collected. The results show that prevention measures are limited to distributing and raising awareness about their use of insecticide-treated nets and also the use of insecticides. However, medical care remains limited as the parents themselves pay for their children's hospitalization and medication.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Disease Management , Diagnosis , Malaria , Perception , PrevalenceABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To build and validate a logical model of the line of care for people with chronic kidney disease. METHODS This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, with documentary research and analysis of primary data collected in interviews with key informants, carried out from May to September 2019, in the Guarani Aquifer Health Region, belonging to the Regional Health Department 13. Based on the theoretical framework proposed by McLaughlin and Jordan, five stages were followed: collection of relevant information; description of the problem and context; defining the elements of the logical model; construction and validation. RESULTS The logical model was organized into three care dimensions - primary health care, specialized care and high complexity care - composed of structure, process and result components. CONCLUSION The constructed logical model has the potential to contribute to the assessment of the line of care for people with chronic kidney disease, in order to achieve better results in the management of this disease, something that favors both the patient and the health system.
RESUMO OBJETIVO Construir e validar um modelo lógico da linha de cuidado da pessoa com doença renal crônica. MÉTODOS Trata-se de um estudo de caráter descritivo e com abordagem qualitativa, sendo feitas pesquisa documental e análise de dados primários coletados em entrevistas com informantes-chave, realizadas de maio a setembro de 2019, na Região de Saúde do Aquífero Guarani, pertencente ao Departamento Regional de Saúde 13. A partir do referencial teórico proposto por McLaughlin e Jordan, foram seguidas cinco etapas: a coleta de informações relevantes; a descrição do problema e do contexto; a definição dos elementos do modelo lógico; e a construção e validação. RESULTADOS O modelo lógico foi organizado em três dimensões assistenciais - atenção primária à saúde, atenção especializada e atenção de alta complexidade - compostas pelos componentes de estrutura, processo e resultado. CONCLUSÃO O modelo lógico construído tem potencial para contribuir com a avaliação da linha de cuidado da pessoa com doença renal crônica, ao visar o alcance de melhores resultados no manejo dessa doença, o que favorece tanto o seu portador quanto o sistema de saúde.