The WRKYs are a group of plant-specific transcription factors that play important roles in defense responses. In this study, we silenced 2 GmWRKY33B homologous genes using a bean pod mosaic virus (BPMV) vector carrying a single fragment from the conserved region of the GmWRKY33B genes. Silencing GmWRKY33B did not result in morphological changes. However, significantly reduced resistances to Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea (Psg) and soybean mosaic virus (SMV) were observed in the GmWRKY33B-silenced plants, indicating a positive role of the GmWRKY33B genes in disease resistance. Kinase assay showed that silencing the GmWRKY33B genes significantly reduced the activation of GmMPK6, but not GmMPK3, in response to flg22 treatment. Reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) analysis of the genes encoding prenyltransferases (PTs), which are the key enzymes in the biosynthesis of glyceollin, showed that the Psg-induced expression of these genes was significantly reduced in the GmWRKY33B-silenced plants compared with the BPMV-0 empty vector plants, which correlated with the presence of the W-boxes in the promoter regions of these genes. Taken together, our results suggest that GmWRKY33Bs are involved in soybean immunity through regulating the activation of the kinase activity of GmMPK6 as well as through regulating the expression of the key genes encoding the biosynthesis of glyceollins.
Glycine max/genetics , Disease Resistance/genetics , Biological Assay , Dimethylallyltranstransferase , Gene SilencingABSTRACT
Abstract Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) is one of the major rice diseases in Malaysia. This disease causes substantial yield loss as high as 70%. Development of rice varieties which inherited BLB resistant traits is a crucial approach to promote and sustain rice industry in Malaysia. Hence, this study aims were to enhance BLB disease resistant characters of high yielding commercial variety MR219 through backcross breeding approach with supporting tool of marker-assisted selection (MAS). Broad spectrum BLB resistance gene, Xa7 from donor parent IRBB7 were introgressed into the susceptible MR219 (recurrent parent) using two flanking markers ID7 and ID15. At BC3F4, we managed to generate 19 introgressed lines with homozygous Xa7 gene and showed resistant characteristics as donor parent when it was challenged with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae through artificial inoculation. Recurrent parent MR219 and control variety, MR263 were found to be severely infected by the disease. The improved lines exhibited similar morphological and yield performance characters as to the elite variety, MR219. Two lines, PB-2-107 and PB-2-34 were chosen to be potential lines because of their outstanding performances compared to parent, MR219. This study demonstrates a success story of MAS application in development of improved disease resistance lines of rice against BLB disease.
Resumo A mancha bacteriana das folhas (BLB) é uma das principais doenças do arroz na Malásia. Essa doença causa perdas substanciais de rendimento de até 70%. O desenvolvimento de variedades de arroz que herdaram características de resistência ao BLB é uma abordagem crucial para promover e sustentar a indústria do arroz na Malásia. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi aumentar os caracteres BLB resistentes a doenças da variedade comercial MR219 de alto rendimento por meio de uma abordagem de cruzamento retrocruzamento com ferramenta de apoio de seleção assistida por marcador (MAS). O gene de resistência a BLB de amplo espectro, Xa7 do pai doador IRBB7, foi introgressado no MR219 suscetível (pai recorrente) usando dois marcadores flanqueadores ID7 e ID15. No BC3F4, conseguimos gerar 19 linhagens introgressadas com o gene Xa7 homozigoto e apresentamos características de resistência como genitor doador quando desafiado com Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae por inoculação artificial. O pai recorrente MR219 e a variedade controle, MR263, estavam gravemente infectados pela doença. As linhas melhoradas exibiram características morfológicas e de desempenho de rendimento semelhantes às da variedade elite, MR219. Duas linhas, PB-2-107 e PB-2-34, foram escolhidas como linhas potenciais por causa de seus desempenhos excelentes em comparação com a mãe, MR219. Este estudo demonstra uma história de sucesso de aplicação de MAS no desenvolvimento de linhas de arroz melhoradas com resistência a doenças contra a doença BLB.
Oryza , Xanthomonas , Plant Diseases/genetics , Disease Resistance/genetics , Plant BreedingABSTRACT
Abstract Utilization of modern breeding techniques for developing high yielding and uniform plant types ultimately narrowing the genetic makeup of most crops. Narrowed genetic makeup of these crops has made them vulnerable towards disease and insect epidemics. For sustainable crop production, genetic variability of these crops must be broadened against various biotic and abiotic stresses. One of the ways to widen genetic configuration of these crops is to identify novel additional sources of durable resistance. In this regard crops wild relatives are providing valuable sources of allelic diversity towards various biotic, abiotic stress tolerance and quality components. For incorporating novel variability from wild relative's wide hybridization technique has become a promising breeding method. For this purpose, wheat-Th. bessarabicum amphiploid, addition and translocation lines have been screened in field and screen house conditions to get novel sources of yellow rust and Karnal bunt resistant. Stripe rust screening under field conditions has revealed addition lines 4JJ and 6JJ as resistant to moderately resistant while addition lines 3JJ, 5JJ, 7JJ and translocation lines Tr-3, Tr-6 as moderately resistant wheat-Thinopyrum-bessarabicum genetic stock. Karnal bunt screening depicted addition lines 5JJ and 4JJ as highly resistant genetic stock. These genetic stocks may be used to introgression novel stripe rust and Karnal bunt resistance from the tertiary gene pool into susceptible wheat backgrounds.
Resumo A utilização de técnicas modernas de melhoramento para o desenvolvimento de tipos de plantas uniformes e de alto rendimento, em última análise, estreitando a composição genética da maioria das culturas. A composição genética restrita dessas plantações tornou-as vulneráveis a doenças e epidemias de insetos. Para uma produção agrícola sustentável, a variabilidade genética dessas culturas deve ser ampliada contra vários estresses bióticos e abióticos. Uma das maneiras de ampliar a configuração genética dessas culturas é identificar novas fontes adicionais de resistência durável. A esse respeito, os parentes selvagens das culturas estão fornecendo fontes valiosas de diversidade alélica para vários componentes de qualidade e tolerância ao estresse abiótico e biótico. Para incorporar a nova variabilidade da ampla técnica de hibridização de parente selvagem tornou-se um método de reprodução promissor. Para esse efeito, trigo-Th. As linhas anfiploides, de adição e translocação de bessarabicum foram selecionadas em condições de campo e de casa de tela para obter novas fontes de ferrugem amarela e resistência ao bunt de Karnal. A triagem de ferrugem em faixas em condições de campo revelou as linhas de adição 4JJ e 6JJ como resistentes a moderadamente resistentes, enquanto as linhas de adição 3JJ, 5JJ, 7JJ e as linhas de translocação Tr-3, Tr-6 como estoque genético de trigo-Thinopyrum bessarabicum moderadamente resistente. A triagem Karnal bunt descreveu as linhas de adição 5JJ e 4JJ como estoque genético altamente resistente. Esses estoques genéticos podem ser usados para introgressão da nova ferrugem e resistência ao bunt de Karnal do pool genético terciário em origens de trigo suscetíveis.
Basidiomycota/genetics , Triticum/genetics , Plant Diseases/genetics , Chromosomes, Plant , Disease Resistance/genetics , Plant BreedingABSTRACT
Este discute a representatividade da disciplina Psicologia do Esporte nos cursos de Psicologia e Educação Física em instituições de ensino superior reconhecidas pelo MEC e situadas na região Sul do país. Foi realizado um estudo documental, com base nos currículos das Instituições. Os resultados revelaram que no Sul do Brasil 21,02% dos cursos de Psicologia, 41,96% dos cursos de bacharelado em Educação Física e apenas 14,83% dos cursos de licenciatura em Educação Física apresentam a disciplina Psicologia do Esporte em sua grade curricular. Observou-se que a disciplina é ofertada mais frequentemente em regime obrigatório nos cursos de bacharelado em Educação Física. Nos cursos de Psicologia, quando ofertada, costuma ser optativa. Os resultados evidenciam uma maior oferta da disciplina para os estudantes de Educação Física, em relação aos de Psicologia, o que pode estar relacionado ao próprio contexto de surgimento da disciplina e sua popularização no meio acadêmico. Para que esse panorama possa mudar e se possa oferecer uma formação adequada no curso de Psicologia para fomentar essa opção de carreira, há necessidade de se repensar o currículo e o próprio perfil do egresso, de forma a dar mais oportunidade aos estudantes para que conheçam as bases teóricas e os campos de aplicação da Psicologia do Esporte. Tal lacuna pode acarretar a fragilização da disseminação desse conhecimento aos estudantes de graduação e a consequente ocupação do mercado de trabalho.(AU)
This study discusses the representativeness of Sports Psychology in Psychology and Physical Education courses at higher education institutions from Southern Brazil. A documentary study was conducted based on the institutions' curricula. Results show that 21.02% of the Psychology major, 41.96% of the bachelor's in Physical Education, and only 14.83% of the license in Physical Education offer Sports Psychology in their curricula. Sports Psychology is most often offered as a compulsory subject in the bachelor's program in Physical Education, whereas Psychology courses offer it mainly as an elective. Physical Education students have greater contact with the discipline when compared with Psychology students, which may be explained by its context of development and popularization in the academic environment. To change this scenario and offer adequate education in the Psychology programs to foster this career option, institutions must rethink their curriculum and the graduate profile itself. This would give students better opportunity to get to know its theoretical bases and fields of application. Such a gap can hinder the dissemination of this knowledge to undergraduate students and the consequent labor market occupation.(AU)
El objetivo de este estudio es discutir la representatividad de la materia Psicología del Deporte en los cursos de Psicología y Educación Física en instituciones de educación superior de la región Sur de Brasil, reconocidas por el Ministerio de Educación (MEC). Se realizó un estudio documental, basado en los planes de estudio de las instituciones. Los resultados revelaron que, en el Sur de Brasil, el 21,02% de los cursos de Psicología, el 41,96% de los cursos de licenciatura en Educación Física y sólo el 14,83% de los cursos de profesorado en Educación tienen la materia Psicología del Deporte en sus planes de estudio. Se observó que la materia Psicología del Deporte se ofrece con mayor frecuencia como asignatura obligatoria en los cursos de licenciatura en Educación Física. Cuando se ofrece en los cursos de Psicología, es una materia optativa. Los resultados muestran una mayor oferta para los estudiantes de Educación Física en comparación con Psicología, lo que puede estar relacionado con el contexto del surgimiento de la Psicología del Deporte como materia y su popularización en el ámbito académico. Para que este escenario cambie y sea posible ofrecer una formación adecuada en el curso de Psicología con el fin de fomentar esta opción de carrera, es necesario repensar el plan de estudios y el perfil del egresado, así los estudiantes tendrán más oportunidades de conocer sus bases teóricas y sus campos de actuación. Tal brecha puede debilitar la difusión de este conocimiento a los estudiantes de grado y la consecuente ocupación en el mercado laboral.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Physical Education and Training , Psychology , Curriculum , Educational Measurement , Psychology, Sports , Anxiety , Perception , Appetite , Personal Satisfaction , Personality , Aptitude , Physiology , Professional Competence , Professional Practice Location , Psychology, Educational , Quality of Life , Rehabilitation , Attention , Self Concept , Self-Evaluation Programs , Soccer , Social Change , Social Control, Formal , Specialization , Sports , Sports Medicine , Stress, Physiological , Stress, Psychological , Track and Field , Vocational Guidance , Wounds and Injuries , Bicycling , Biomechanical Phenomena , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Health , Mental Health , Physical Fitness , Liability, Legal , Walking , Relaxation Therapy , Staff Development , Guidelines as Topic , Disabled Persons , Cognition , Cultural Diversity , Creativity , Credentialing , Cultural Characteristics , Decision Making , Government Regulation , Depression , Diet , Education , Emotions , Innovation and Development Policy , Higher Education Policy , National Organizations of Higher Education , Professional Training , Fatigue , Mental Fatigue , High-Throughput Screening Assays , Sedentary Behavior , Athletes , Disease Resistance , Sports Nutritional Sciences , Self-Control , Return to Sport , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Mentoring , Academic Performance , Physical Functional Performance , Burnout, Psychological , Social Defeat , Psychological Well-Being , Group Dynamics , Overtraining Syndrome , Habits , Health Promotion , Homeostasis , Ergonomics , Jurisprudence , Leadership , Leisure Activities , Life Style , Memory , Motivation , Motor Activity , Muscle Relaxation , Muscle Tonus , NeuroanatomyABSTRACT
There are many bidirectional communication and crosstalk between microbes and host plants. The plant-pathogen interaction directly affects the survival of host plants, while the interaction between plants and their probiotics benefits both. Plant miRNA responds quickly to pathogenic or beneficial microbes when they enter the plant tissues, while microbes also produce miRNA-like RNA (milRNA) to affect plant health. These means miRNA or milRNA is an important fast-responding molecular mediator in plant-microbe interactions, and these internal mechanisms have been better understood in recent years. This review summarized the regulatory roles of miRNA in plant-pathogens and plant-probiotics interaction. The regulatory role of miRNA in disease resistance of host plants during plant-pathogens interaction, and the regulatory role of miRNA in promoting host growth and development during plant-probiotics interaction, as well as the cross-kingdom regulatory role of milRNA in host plants, were discussed in-depth.
Disease Resistance , MicroRNAs/genetics , Microbial Interactions , Plants/geneticsABSTRACT
Vegetables are an important source of income and high-value crops for small farmers. Chilli (Capsicum spp.) is one of the most economically important vegetables of Pakistan and it is grown throughout the country. It is a rich source of nutrition especially vitamins A, B, C and E along with minerals as folic acid, manganese (Mn), potassium (K) and molybdenum (Mo). Chilli possesses seven times more amount of vitamin C than an orange. Vitamin A, C and betacarotenoids are strong antioxidants to scavenge the free radicals. Chilli production is restricted due to various biotic factors. Among these viruses, Chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV) is one of the most destructive and menacing agents that inflicts heavy and colossal losses that accounted for 50% yield loss both in quality and quantity. Pathogen-Derived Resistance (PDR) approach is considered one of the effective approaches to manage plant viruses. In this study, ChiVMV was characterized on a molecular level, the coat protein (CP) gene of the virus was stably transformed into Nicotiana benthamiana plants using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The transgenic plants were challenged with the virus to evaluate the level of resistance of plants against the virus. It was observed that the plants expressing CP gene have partial resistance against the virus in terms of symptoms' development and virus accumulation. Translation of this technique into elite chilli varieties will be resulted to mitigate the ChiVMV in the crop as well as an economic benefit to the farmers.
Vegetais são uma importante fonte de renda e culturas de alto valor para os pequenos agricultores. A pimenta-malagueta (Capsicum spp.) é uma das hortaliças mais importantes economicamente do Paquistão e é cultivada em todo o país. É uma rica fonte de nutrição, especialmente vitaminas A, B, C e E com minerais como ácido fólico, manganês (Mn), potássio (K) e molibdênio (Mo). O pimentão possui sete vezes mais vitamina C do que a laranja. Vitaminas A e C e betacarotenoides são antioxidantes fortes para eliminar os radicais livres. A produção de pimenta é restrita devido a vários fatores bióticos. Entre esses vírus, o ChiVMV é o agente mais destrutivo e ameaçador que inflige perdas pesadas e colossais que representam 50% da perda de rendimento, tanto em qualidade quanto em quantidade. A abordagem de resistência derivada de patógenos (PDR) é considerada uma das abordagens eficazes para gerenciar os vírus de plantas. Neste estudo, ChiVMV foi caracterizado em nível molecular e o gene CP do vírus foi transformado de forma estável em plantas Nicotiana benthamiana usando Agrobacterium tumefaciens. As plantas transgênicas foram desafiadas com o vírus para avaliar seu nível de resistência contra o vírus. Observou-se que as plantas que expressam o gene CP apresentam resistência parcial ao vírus em termos de desenvolvimento de sintomas e acúmulo de vírus. A tradução dessa técnica em variedades de pimenta de elite resultará na mitigação do ChiVMV na safra, bem como em benefícios econômicos para os agricultores em termos de melhor rendimento e baixo custo de produção.
Nicotiana/genetics , Potyvirus/genetics , Pakistan , Plant Diseases/genetics , Plants, Genetically Modified/genetics , Disease ResistanceABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: In fish farming, the plant extracts containing antioxidant compounds have been added to the diet for enhancing pathogen resistance. In vitro studies evaluating the antioxidant effect of herbal extracts on fish cell models have focused on ROS production and the respiratory burst mechanism. However, the effects on enzymatic antioxidant defense on salmon leukocytes have not been evaluated. This study aims to evaluate the enzymatic antioxidant defense and ROS-induced cell damage in Salmon Head Kidney-1 (SHK-1) cell line exposed to polyphenol-enriched extract from Sambucus nigra flowers. RESULTS: Firstly, the Total Reactive Antioxidant Power (TRAP) assay of elderflower polyphenol (EP) was evaluated, showing 459 and 489 times more active than gallic acid and butyl hydroxy toluene (BHT), respectively. The toxic effect of EP on salmon cells was not significant at concentrations below 120 mg/ mL and no hemolysis activity was observed between 20 and 400 mg/mL. The treatment of SHK-1 cell line with EP decreased both the lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation induced by H2O2, which could be associated with decreasing oxidative stress in the SHK-1 cells since the GSH/GSSG ratio increased when only EP was added. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that plant extracts enriched with polyphenols could improve the enzymatic antioxidant defense of salmon leukocytes and protect the cells against ROS-induced cell damage
Salmon , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Sambucus nigra/chemistry , Polyphenols/pharmacology , Lipid Peroxidation , Free Radical Scavengers , Reactive Oxygen Species , Aquaculture , Oxidative Stress , Salmo salar , Disease Resistance , Leukocytes , AntioxidantsSubject(s)
Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/genetics , Coronavirus Infections/genetics , Epigenesis, Genetic , Pandemics , Betacoronavirus/genetics , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Receptors, Virus/genetics , Genetic Variation , Haplotypes , RNA, Viral/genetics , HLA-B Antigens/genetics , Genome, Human , Genome, Viral , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Peptidyl-Dipeptidase A/genetics , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/genetics , Disease Resistance/genetics , Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , GenotypeABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Rice sheath blight (caused by Rhizoctonia solani) and tobacco mosaic virus are very important plant diseases, causing a huge loss in global crop production. Paenibacillus kribbensis PS04 is a broad-spectrum biocontrol agent, used for controlling these diseases. Previously, extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) from P. kribbensis PS04 had been purified and their structure was inferred to be fructosan. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of exogenous EPS treatment on plantpathogen interactions. RESULTS: Plant defense genes such as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, catalase, chitinase, allene oxide synthase, and PR1a proteins were significantly induced by exogenous EPS treatment. Moreover, subsequent challenge of EPSpretreated plants with the pathogens (R. solani or tobacco mosaic virus) resulted in higher expression of defenseassociated genes. Increased activities of defense-associated enzymes, total phenols, and flavonoids were also observed in EPS pretreated plants. The contents of malondialdehyde in plants, which act as indicator of lipid peroxidation, were reduced by EPS treatment. CONCLUSIONS: This study comprehensively showed that EPS produced from P. kribbensis PS04 enhances disease resistance in plants by the activation of defense-associated genes as well as through the enhancement of activities of defense-related enzymes.
Plant Diseases/immunology , Rhizoctonia/pathogenicity , Tobacco Mosaic Virus/pathogenicity , Paenibacillus/immunology , Plant Diseases/microbiology , Polysaccharides, Bacterial , Pest Control, Biological , Host-Pathogen Interactions , Paenibacillus/genetics , Disease Resistance/genetics , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Fructose/analogs & derivativesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Piercing/sucking insect pests in the order Hemiptera causes substantial crop losses by removing photoassimilates and transmitting viruses to their host plants. Cloning and heterologous expression of plantderived insect resistance genes is a promising approach to control aphids and other sap-sucking insect pests. While expression from the constitutive 35S promoter provides broad protection, the phloem-specific rolC promoter provides better defense against sap sucking insects. The selection of plant-derived insect resistance genes for expression in crop species will minimize bio-safety concerns. RESULTS: Pinellia ternata leaf agglutinin gene (pta), encodes an insecticidal lectin, was isolated and cloned under the 35S and rolC promoters in the pGA482 plant transformation vector for Agrobacterium-mediated tobacco transformation. Integration and expression of the transgene was validated by Southern blotting and qRT-PCR, respectively. Insect bioassays data of transgenic tobacco plants showed that expression of pta under rolC promoter caused 100% aphid mortality and reduced aphid fecundity up to 70% in transgenic tobacco line LRP9. These results highlight the better effectivity of pta under rolC promoter to control phloem feeders, aphids. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggested the potential of PTA against aphids and other sap sucking insect pests. Evaluation of gene in tobacco under two different promoters; 35S constitutive promoter and rolC phloemspecific promoter could be successfully use for other crop plants particularly in cotton. Development of transgenic cotton plants using plant-derived insecticidal, PTA, would be key step towards commercialization of environmentally safe insect-resistant crops.
Aphids/pathogenicity , Pest Control, Biological , Pinellia/chemistry , Plant Viruses , Nicotiana , Blotting, Southern , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Promoter Regions, Genetic , Plants, Genetically Modified , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Transgenes , Disease Resistance , Crop ProtectionABSTRACT
El complejo mancha de asfalto (CMA) en maíz (ZeamaysL.), causado por los hongos Phyllachora maydis Maubl. Y Monographella maydis Müller & Samuels, es una enfermedad de importancia económica en Guatemala, que ha causado pérdida en el rendimiento entre 30 a 50%, inclusive del 100% si las condiciones son favorables. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar marcadores de un solo nucleótido o SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, por sus siglas en inglés) y genes candidatos asociados a la tolerancia genética al CMA. Para ello se analizaron 463 poblaciones nativas y 329,692 SNP, y se compararon dos modelos genómicos, single markery BayesB, para la identificación de regiones asociadas a la tolerancia genética al CMA. Se identificaron 40 marcadores SNP asociados significativamente a la tolerancia genética al CMA con ambos modelos. La proporción de variación fenotípica total explicada (PVE) por los 40 SNPs fue de 56%, atribuida a efectos genéticos aditivos. Múltiples genes de resistencia a enfermedades fueron identificados en las regiones señaladas por los marcadores SNP. Sus funciones principales son receptores y transductores de señal, factores de transcripción que regulan positivamente la expresión de genes de tolerancia y genes de la familia kinasa, por lo que potencialmente están involucrados en el mecanismo de defensa al CMA.
The tar spot complex (TSC) diseasein maize (ZeamaysL.), caused by the fungi Phyllachora maydis Maubl. And Monographella maydis Müller & Samuels, is an economic important disease in Guatemala, producing yield losses between 30 to 50%, inclusive of 100% if the conditionsare favorable. The objective of this researchwasto identify single nucleoti depolymorphism markers (SNP) and candidate genes associated withgenetictoleranceto TSC. Asetof 463 native populations and 329,692 SNP were analyzed with two genomic models, single marker and BayesB, for the identification of regions associated with genetic tolerance to TSC. Forty SNP markers were significantly associated with the genetic tolerance to TSC with both models. The proportion of total phenotypic variation explained (PVE) by the 40 SNPs was 56%, attributed to additive genetice ffects. Multiple candidate genes for disease resistance were identified in the región sindicated by the SNP markers. Their main functionsare signal transducersand receptors, transcription factors that positively regulatethe expression of tolerance genes and family kinase genes, there fore, they are potentially involved in the defense mechanism to TSC.
Genes, Plant/genetics , Zea mays/genetics , Disease Resistance/genetics , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide/genetics , Chromosomes, PlantABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The infection of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seed coat by the pathogenic fungus Aspergillus flavus has highly negative economic and health impacts. However, the molecular mechanism underlying such defense response remains poorly understood. This study aims to address this issue by profiling the transcriptomic and proteomic changes that occur during the infection of the resistant peanut cultivar J11 by A. flavus. RESULTS: Transcriptomic study led to the detection of 13,539 genes, among which 663 exhibited differential expression. Further functional analysis found the differentially expressed genes to encode a wide range of pathogenesis- and/or defense-related proteins such as transcription factors, pathogenesis-related proteins, and chitinases. Changes in the expression patterns of these genes might contribute to peanut resistance to A. flavus. On the other hand, the proteomic profiling showed that 314 of the 1382 detected protein candidates were aberrantly expressed as a result of A. flavus invasion. However, the correlation between the transcriptomic and proteomic data was poor. We further demonstrated by in vitro fungistasis tests that hevamine-A, which was enriched at both transcript and protein levels, could directly inhibit the growth of A. flavus. Conclusions: The results demonstrate the power of complementary transcriptomic and proteomic analyses in the study of pathogen defense and resistance in plants and the chitinase could play an important role in the defense response of peanut to A. flavus. The current study also constitutes the first step toward building an integrated omics data platform for the development of Aspergillus-resistant peanut cultivars
Arachis/genetics , Proteome/analysis , Transcriptome , Arachis/microbiology , Aspergillus flavus/physiology , Seeds/genetics , Gene Expression , Chitinases , Aflatoxins , Disease Resistance/genetics , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , RNA-SeqABSTRACT
To improve the blast resistance of elite rice restorer line Fuhui 673, 3 blast resistance genes Pi-1, Pi-9 and Pi-kh were introduced into Fuhui 673 from a good-quality restorer line Jinhui 1059 through 3 successive backcrosses followed by one selfing using the technique of marker-assisted selection. Ten near-isogenic lines (NILs) of Fuhui 673 carrying the 3 introduced resistance genes were created. Genotype analysis using 68 SSR markers evenly distributed in the genome indicated that 92.96%-98.59% of the NILs' genetic background had been recovered to Fuhui 673. Both indoor and field resistance tests indicated that the NILs and their hybrids with sterile line Yixiang A were all resistant to rice blast, with resistance levels significantly higher than those of controls Fuhui 673 and hybrid Yiyou 673 (Yixiang A Fuhui 673). In addition, among the 10 hybrids between the NILs and Yixiang A, 2 showed significantly higher yield than and 4 displayed similar yield to that of control Yiyou 673, suggesting that most of the NILs retained the elite characteristics of Fuhui 673. Two new hybrid rice cultivars Liangyou 7283 and Jintaiyou 683 from NIL Line 9 showed high yield, good resistance to blast and moderate growth period in regional trial, suggesting that the NIL Line 9 has a good prospect for application.
Breeding , Disease Resistance , Genetics , Genes, Plant , Genetics , Oryza , GeneticsABSTRACT
A new variety "Zhebei 3(Zhejiao Pharmaceutical 2018002)" was selected and bred from multi seeded Fritillaria thunbergii mutants by systematic breeding method. From 2012 to 2016, the traits assessment, disease resistance appraisal, plot ratios and regional trials of the variety were continuously carried out. The results showed that "Zhebei 3" emerged early and had late seedlings. The average growth period was about 100 days, which was 6 days and 12 days higher than the "Zhebei 1" and "Zhebei 2". The average yield was 5 095.5 kg·hm~(-2), which was 14.42% and 17.71% higher than of the control respectively. The average proliferation rate of bulbs was 261.2%, which was 37.46% and 31.58% higher than that of the control, respectively. The propagation coefficient of bulbs was about 1∶2.6, and the total amount of peimine and peiminine was 0.172 2%, which was 4.49% and 29.47% higher than the control, respectively. The identification of disease resistance showed that it was resistance to bulb stem(soft) rot, better than the control. "Zhebei 3" has stable characters, high yield, good quality, strong disease resistance, and moderate propagation coefficient which is suitable for planting in Zhejiang province.
Disease Resistance , Fritillaria , Plant Breeding , Plant Diseases , Plant RootsABSTRACT
This paper focuses on the criticism of tuberculosis statistics published by the Japanese Government-general in colonial Korea and a research on the reality of tuberculosis prevalence by medical doctors from the Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at Keijo Imperial University (DHPMK). Recent studies have shown that colonial statistics shape the image of colonial subjects and justify the control to them. Following this perspective, this paper explores the process of producing the statistical knowledge of tuberculosis by medical scientists from DHPMK. Their goal was to find out the resistance to tuberculosis as biological characteristics of Korean race/ethnicity. In order to do so, they demonstrated the existence of errors in tuberculosis statistics by the Korean colonial government and devised a statistical method to correct them based on the conviction that the Western modern medicine was superior than Korean traditional medicine as well as the racist bias against Korean. By analyzing how the statistical concepts reflected these prejudices, this paper argues that the statistical knowledge of tuberculosis created images that Japanese people was healthier and stronger than the Korean people and justified the colonial government's control over Korean.
Humans , Asian People , Bias , Disease Resistance , History, Modern 1601- , Hygiene , Korea , Medicine, Korean Traditional , Methods , Population Characteristics , Prejudice , Prevalence , Preventive Medicine , TuberculosisABSTRACT
O melanoma é responsável por menos de 5% dos cânceres de pele, porém, 95% das mortes ocorrem devido a ocorrência de metástases. O melanoma metastático é refratário às terapias convencionais e rapidamente adquire resistência às terapias como as oncogene-dirigidas, como o inibidor de BRAF, da via de MAPK. Estudos prévios de screening in silico do nosso grupo, onde se utilizou as bases de dados TCGA e GEO, identificaram o gene adenosina quinase (ADK) como sendo diferencialmente expresso entre o melanoma invasivo e os nevus. A 5-iodotubercidina (5-ITu) é um potente inibidor farmacológico da ADK que dentre os diversos efeitos relatados na literatura destaca-se pelo potencial genotóxico. Os danos no DNA são os principais ativadores de checkpoint do ciclo celular, que levam a parada do ciclo celular transitória ou permanente, além de induzir morte celular, levando a hipótese de que ADK possa ser potencial agente anti-melanoma. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a expressão do gene ADK em melanomas humanos e quimiorresistentes ao inibidor de BRAF (iBRAF), avaliou os impactos de 5-ITu sobre a proliferação, progressão do ciclo celular e morte celular e por fim avaliamos sua capacidade de aumentar a sensibilidade das células. Foi realizado PCR em tempo real para avaliar os níveis de expressão de mRNA de ADK em linhagens de melanoma e na cultura primária de melanócitos; a fim de avaliar a citotoxicidade de 5-ITu foram realizados os ensaios de exclusão por azul de tripan e de apoptose - Anexina V e PI e em modelo de esferoide, usando live/dead; também foi avaliada a influência de 5-ITu sobre a capacidade clonogênica e seus efeitos sobre a proliferação celular, a partir dos ensaios de ciclo celular e avaliação de marcadores de proliferação por imunofluorescência; as linhagens foram submetidas a diferentes regimes de tratamento com 5-ITu e o iBRAF, a fim de avaliar a curva de crescimento e a sensibilidade ao iBRAF por MTT níveis de expressão de mRNA de ADK maiores nas linhagens tumorais em relação aos melanócitos. 5-ITu mostrou-se capaz de inibir a proliferação (IC50) das linhagens de melanoma em concentrações de 1,9 a 3,5 µM. 5-ITu não foi capaz de induzir inviabilidade celular, apesar de reduzir a quantidade de células viáveis em todas as condições de tratamento, também não foi capaz de induzir aumento significativo de células apoptóticas, nem mesmo necróticas. No entanto, o tratamento com 5-ITu reduziu a capacidade clonogênica de linhagens de melanoma e promoveu parada de ciclo celular nas fases G1 e G2/M, levou ao aumento da população subG1. O tratamento com 5-ITu promoveu a redução da expressão de marcadores de proliferação, como ki67, e a combinação de tratamentos 5-ITu e iBraf foi capaz de aumentar o tempo de dobramento das linhagens de melanoma, embora tenha se mostrado incapaz de sensibilizar as células de melanoma ao tratamento com iBRAF. Desse modo, pode-se concluir que 5-ITu induz o efeito citostático e se mostra um potente agente antiproliferativo para melanoma parental e resistente
Melanoma accounts for less than 5% of skin cancers, but 95% of deaths occur due to metastases. Metastatic melanoma is refractory to conventional therapies and rapidly acquires resistance to therapies such as oncogene-directed, such as the BRAF inhibitor, of the MAPK pathway. Previous studies of screening in silico of our group, using the databases TCGA and GEO, identified the adenosine kinase gene (ADK) as differentially expressed between invasive melanoma and nevus. 5-iodotubercidin (5-ITu) is a potent pharmacological inhibitor of ADK that among the several effects reported in the literature stands out for the genotoxic potential. DNA damage is the main activator of the cell cycle checkpoint, which leads to transient or permanent cell cycle arrest, in addition to inducing cell death, leading to the hypothesis that ADK may be a potential anti-melanoma agent. This work aimed to evaluate the expression of the ADK gene in human melanomas and chemoresistants to the BRAF inhibitor (iBRAF), evaluated the impacts of 5-ITu on proliferation, cell cycle progression and cell death and finally we evaluated its ability to increase the sensitivity of cells. Real-time PCR was performed to assess the levels of ADK mRNA expression in melanoma lines and primary melanocyte culture; in order to evaluate the cytotoxicity of 5-ITu, the trypan blue and apoptosis - Annexin V and PI exclusion and blue spheroid models were performed using live / dead; the influence of 5-ITu on the clonogenic capacity and its effects on cell proliferation, from the cell cycle assays and the evaluation of proliferation markers by immunofluorescence; the cell lines were submitted to different treatment regimens with 5-ITu and iBRAF in order to evaluate the growth curve and the sensitivity to iBRAF by MTT levels of mRNA expression of ADK higher in the tumor lines in relation to the melanocytes. 5-ITu was able to inhibit the proliferation (IC 50) of melanoma lines at concentrations of 1.9 to 3.5 181;M. 5-ITu was not able to induce cell non-viability, although it reduced the amount of viable cells in all treatment conditions, nor was it able to induce a significant increase in apoptotic or even necrotic cells. However, treatment with 5-ITu reduced the clonogenic capacity of melanoma cells and promoted cell cycle arrest in the G1 and G2 / M phases, leading to an increase in the subG1 population. Treatment with 5-ITu promotes the reduction of expression of proliferation markers, such as ki67, and the combination of 5-ITu and iBRAF treatments was able to increase the doubling time of melanoma cells, although it has been shown to be unable to sensitize melanoma cells to treatment with iBRAF. Thus, it can be concluded that 5-ITu induces the cytostatic effect and shows a potent antiproliferative agent for parental and resistant melanoma
Adenosine Kinase/analysis , Melanoma , DNA Damage , Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf/antagonists & inhibitors , Disease Resistance , Cell Cycle Checkpoints , Neoplasms/classificationABSTRACT
Background. Multidrug- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB and XDR- TB) threaten local and global control of the disease. The molecular line-probe assay (LPA) provides rapid diagnosis and early management of MDR-TB. The LPA detects mutations of katG and inhA genes associated with isoniazid (INH) resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates. The katG and inhA genes are associated with high- and low-level INH resistance, respectively, as well as cross-resistance to ethionamide in the case of inhA gene mutations. Patients with MDR-TB due to an inhA mutation could benefit from the use of high-dose INH instead of ethionamide in their MDR-TB regimen.Objectives. To determine the frequencies of katG and inhA mutations that conferred INH resistance among MDR-TB isolates during 2014 - 2016 in Free State (FS) Province of South Africa.Methods. We retrospectively reviewed MDR-TB isolates assayed with GenoType MTBDRplus (Hain Lifescience, Germany) (LPA) at the central TB laboratory of Universitas AcademicHospital, Bloemfontein, FS, and calculated the frequencies of katG andinhAmutations.Results. Among 918 MDR-TB isolates, the prevalence of katG, inhA and katG plus inhA mutations was 63.9%, 13.4% and 22.7%,respectively.Approximately 60% (n=536; 58.4%) of the isolates were obtained from male patients. The patients' ages ranged from 1 to 89 (median 37) years. The Xhariep district had the highest incidence of INH resistance-conferring mutations in the province.Conclusions. katG-associated mutations are the predominant INH resistance-conferring mechanism among MDR-TB isolates in the FS. Patients infected with isolates that harbour the katG mutation are unlikely to benefit from high-dose INH therapy in the bedaquiline (BDQ)-containing modified short MDR-TB regimen. They may, however, benefit from the inclusion of ethionamide in the regimen. Dual katG and inhA gene mutations make these patients unlikely to respond to either high-dose INH or ethionamide and should now be considered for either the BDQ-containing long MDR-TB regimen or an individualised treatment regimen, depending on fluoroquinolone susceptibility. Clinicians should familiarise themselves with interpreting various INH resistance-conferring mutation results and their implications for management of MDR-TB treatment
Disease Resistance , Isoniazid , South AfricaABSTRACT
O presente artigo tem o intento de apresentar os dados obtidos através de uma pesquisa realizada em uma cadeia feminina localizada no interior do sertão pernambucano. Ancorado em uma perspectiva etnográfica, o objetivo foi o de compreender como mulheres encarceradas localizam suas experiências afetivas e sexuais em meio aos procedimentos disciplinares que regulam suas vidas no cotidiano da prisão. Os dados foram coletados a partir de observações no contexto de investigação e de 12 entrevistas realizadas com as internas que ali estavam presas. As informações obtidas foram registradas em diários de campo, transcritas e submetidas a análises etnográficas. Os resultados encontrados apontam para modos heterogêneos de se vivenciar desejos, prazeres e corporalidades na realidade carcerária, materializadas através das visitas íntimas, da troca de cartas e mensagens, da constituição de relacionamentos entre as internas, dos novos arranjos familiares que ali se desenhavam. As sexualidades são, portanto, importantes fios de resistência aos efeitos mortificadores que o cárcere coloca sobre suas trajetórias de vida....(AU)
The present article aims to present the data obtained through a research carried out in a female prison located in the sertão of Pernambuco. Anchored in an ethnographic perspective, the goal was to understand how incarcerated women locate their affective and sexual experiences in face of disciplinary procedures that regulate their daily lives in prison. The informations were collected through observations in the context of the investigation and twelve (12) interviews with women who were in prison. The data obtained were recorded in field diaries, transcribed and submitted to ethnographic analysis. The results found point to heterogeneous ways of experiencing desires, pleasures and corporalities in prison reality, materialized through intimate visits, the exchange of letters and messages, the constitution of a relationship between the internal ones, the new family arrangements that are designed there. Sexualities are, therefore, important threads of resistance to the mortifying effects that the jail puts on these women's lives....(AU)
El presente artículo tiene el propósito de presentar los datos obtenidos a través de una investigación realizada en una prisión femenina ubicada en el interior del sertão pernambucano. Anclado en una perspectiva etnográfica, el objetivo fue el de comprender cómo mujeres encarceladas localizan sus experiencias afectivas y sexuales en medios a los procedimientos disciplinarios que regulan sus vidas en lo cotidiano de la prisión. Los datos fueron recolectados a partir de observaciones en el contexto de investigación y de doce (12) entrevistas realizadas con las internas que allí estaban presas. Las informaciones obtenidas fueron registradas en diarios de campo, transcritas y sometidas a análisis etnográfico. Los resultados encontrados apuntan a modos heterogéneos de vivenciar deseos, placeres y corporalidades en la realidad carcelaria, materializadas a través de las visitas íntimas, del intercambio de cartas y mensajes,de la constitución de relacionamientos entre las internas, de los nuevos arreglos familiares que allí se dibujaban. Las sexualidades son, por lo tanto, importantes hilos de resistencia a los efectos mortificadores que la cárcel pone sobre sus trayectorias de vida...(AU)
Humans , Female , Prisons , Psychology , Women , Sexuality , Disease ResistanceABSTRACT
Brazil is the largest passion fruit producer in the world. However, the yield is still considered low, and the cultivation of unsuitable varieties is one of the factors directly influencing this trait. As a consequence, breeding studies have been developed with the purpose of obtaining genetic materials with high yield, high fruit quality, and disease resistance. The objective of this study was to characterize and quantify the genetic variability in 18 genotypes of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) with different levels of yield and disease resistance, using RAPD markers. The RAPD markers were obtained from 10 decamer primers and converted into a matrix of binary data. Estimations of the genetic dissimilarities between different genotypes and cluster analysis were performed. A total of 58 markers were generated, 63.80% of which were polymorphic. The genetic distances among genotypes varied from 0.040 to 0.354 and genotypes were subdivided into at least 5 groups of similarity. The dispersion graphs showed a low clustering tendency for yield and resistance to different diseases (septoriosis, anthracnose, scab, bacterial spot, and passion fruit woodiness disease). These results demonstrate a high genetic variability among the evaluated genotypes, which is valuable information when selecting promising materials to be used per se or as parents in genetic breeding programs.
O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de maracujá. Entretanto, a produtividade ainda é considerada baixa e o cultivo de variedades inadequadas é um dos fatores que influenciam diretamente esta característica. Como consequência, trabalhos de melhoramento genético tem sido desenvolvidos com a finalidade de obter materiais genéticos com alta produtividade, qualidade de frutos e resistência a doenças. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar e quantificar a variabilidade genética em 18 genótipos de maracujazeiro azedo (Passiflora edulis Sims) com diferentes níveis de produtividade e resistência a doenças, utilizando marcadores moleculares RAPD. Os marcadores RAPD, obtidos por meio de 10 iniciadores decâmeros, foram convertidos em uma matriz de dados binários. Estimativas de dissimilaridades genéticas entre os diferentes genótipos e análises de agrupamento foram realizadas. Um total de 58 marcadores foram gerados, dos quais 63,80% foram polimórficos. As distâncias genéticas entre os genótipos variaram de 0,040 a 0,354 e os genótipos foram subdivididas em pelo menos 5 grupos de similaridade. Os gráficos de dispersão mostraram uma baixa tendência de agrupamento para produtividade e resistência à septoriose, antracnose, verrugose, bacteriose e virose do endurecimento dos frutos. Estes resultados demonstram uma alta variabilidade genética entre os genótipos estudados, que é uma informação valiosa para a seleção de materiais promissores para serem utilizados per se ou como parentais em programas de melhoramento genético.
Breeding , Passiflora , Disease Resistance , Plant BreedingABSTRACT
O gênero Candida compreende leveduras redondas ou ovaladas que acarretam em uma diversidade de infecções que recebem o nome de candidíase. O curso dessas infecções depende muito do sistema imunológico do indivíduo. Candida albicans é a principal espécie envolvida em infecções no ser humano. Estudos indicam que esta espécie é responsável por 60% dos isolados de amostras clínicas. As infecções fúngicas causadas por leveduras do gênero Candida são frequentemente tratadas com antifúngicos azólicos, principalmente, o fluconazol. A resistência a agentes antifúngicos, como a que acontece com o fluconazol, pode ter diferentes origens, dentre elas cita-se a alteração da enzima alvo, que por consequência diminui a ligação do fármaco, redução dos efeitos tóxicos da droga, aumento da quantidade de enzima alvo ou também pela acumulação intracelular da droga. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa avaliou o perfil de sensibilidade de isolados de Candida albicans frente ao fluconazol, com diferentes grupos de pacientes e diferentes sítios anatômicos. A avaliação da suscetibilidade das leveduras com determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) ao fluconazol foi realizada utilizando - se o E-test em ágar Mueller-Hinton suplementado, seguindo o documento M44-A2, do Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Os critérios para a classificação dos padrões de suscetibilidade seguiram o documento M27-A3. Nesta pesquisa foi constatado que 100% dos isolados de Candida albicans eram sensíveis ao fluconazol e que não houve diferença estatística nos valores de CIM, quando confrontado ao gênero, faixa etária, tipo de paciente, a única diferença encontrada nos valores de CIM, ocorreu quando se comparou ao sitio anatômico, pois os isolados de corrente sanguínea apresentaram os maiores valores de concentração inibitória mínima frente ao fluconazol.
The Candida genus comprises gram-positive round or oval yeasts, which lead to a diversity of infections known as candidiasis. The course of such infections depends greatly on the individual's immune system. Candida albicans is the main species involved in the infection in humans. Studies indicate that this species is responsible for 60% of isolates from clinical samples. Fungal infections caused by yeasts of the Candida genus are often treated with azole antifungals, mainly fluconazole. Resistance to antifungal agents such as fluconazole can have different origins, among which the alteration of the target enzyme, which consequently decreases the drug's binding, the reduction in the toxic effects of the drug, the increase in the amount of enzyme or intracellular accumulation of the drug. Within this context, this study assessed the sensitivity profile of Candida albicans isolates against fluconazole, with different patient groups and different anatomical sites. The assessment of yeast susceptibility with the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) to fluconazole determined using the E-test on supplemented Mueller-Hinton agar, following the M44-A2 document from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). The susceptibility patterns were classified according to criteria in document M27-A3. In this study, 100% of Candida albicans isolates were sensitive to fluconazole, and no statistical difference were presented in MIC values when compared to gender, age and patient type, with the only difference found in MIC values occurring when compared to the anatomical site, since bloodstream isolates presented the highest values of minimum inhibitory concentration against fluconazole.