La púrpura fulminante adquirida postinfecciosa es una entidad aguda y grave, poco frecuente, caracterizada por necrosis cutánea asociada a coagulopatía intravascular diseminada (CID), en ausencia de infección activa o alteraciones previas de la coagulación. Afecta fundamentalmente a la población pediátrica y, en el 90 % de los casos, está precedida por un proceso infeccioso. El mecanismo fisiopatológico es un déficit transitorio de proteína S mediado por autoanticuerpos que favorece un estado de hipercoagulabilidad. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 8 años previamente sano, con lesiones cutáneas purpúricas características de púrpura fulminante asociada a CID en ausencia de sepsis. Se constató deficiencia plasmática transitoria de proteína S. Requirió tratamiento sustitutivo con plasma fresco congelado y anticoagulación; la evolución fue favorable. La actividad de la proteína S permaneció disminuida durante 2 meses.
Acquired postinfectious purpura fulminans is a rare, acute, and severe disease characterized by skin necrosis associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in the absence of active infection or previous coagulation disorders. It mainly affects the pediatric population and, in 90% of cases, it is preceded by an infectious process. The pathophysiological mechanism is a transient autoantibodymediated protein S deficiency that favors a hypercoagulable state. Here we describe the case of a previously healthy 8-year-old boy with purpuric skin lesions typical of purpura fulminans associated with DIC in the absence of sepsis. A transient plasma protein S deficiency was confirmed. He required replacement therapy with fresh frozen plasma and anticoagulation; he had a favorable course. Protein S activity remained decreased for 2 months.
Humans , Male , Child , Purpura Fulminans/diagnosis , Purpura Fulminans/etiology , Protein S Deficiency/complications , Protein S Deficiency/diagnosis , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation/diagnosis , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation/etiologyABSTRACT
The Sepsis Coagulopathy Asahi Recombinant LE Thrombomodulin (SCARLET) trial has many defects, and thus cannot be the terminator of recombinant thrombomodulin (rTM). On the contrary, it provides sufficient evidence for further research. Based on analysis focusing on the failure of SCARLET and several previous anticoagulant studies, it is most important for new studies to grasp the following two points: (1) The enrolled cases should have sufficient disease severity and a clear standard for disseminated intravascular coagulation; (2) Heparin should not be used in combination with the investigated drugs. Multiple post-hoc analyses show that no combination of heparin will not increase the risk of thromboembolism. In fact, the combination of heparin can mask the true efficacy of the investigated drug. Due to the complexity of sepsis treatment and the limitations of clinical studies, the results of all treatment studies should be repeatedly verified, rather than be determined at one stroke. Some research conclusions contrary to disease physiology, pharmacology and clinical practice may be deceptive, and should be cautious rather than be simply accepted. On the other hand, the dissenting voices in the "consensus" scene are often well discussed by the authors and should be highly valued.
Humans , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Thrombomodulin/therapeutic use , Blood Coagulation Disorders , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation/drug therapy , Sepsis/drug therapy , Heparin/therapeutic use , Recombinant ProteinsABSTRACT
Objetivo: verificar a prevalência dos principais eventos vasculares associados a pacientes com COVID-19 admitidos em um hospital público do Recife. Método: trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo, realizado por meio das bases de dados epidemiológicos e prontuários eletrônicos de pacientes, no período de março de 2020 a agosto de 2021. Resultados: analisaram-se 1122 pacientes, (58,8%) com diagnóstico positivo para COVID-19. Os principais eventos vasculares evidenciados foram: Tromboembolismo Venoso Profundo (4,55%); Tromboembolismo Pulmonar (2,5%); Oclusão Arterial Aguda (0,98%) e Isquemia Crítica de Membro Inferior a mais prevalente, sendo 17,64% dos casos. Conclusão: foi possível apontar a prevalência de eventos vasculares associados a pacientes com COVID-19, admitidos em um hospital público do Recife, tal como classificar os principais eventos vasculares, sua repercussão e evolução. Assim, o conhecimento acerca do perfil desses pacientes no contexto da pandemia pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas na área de saúde.
Objective: to verify the prevalence of the main vascular events associated with patients with COVID-19 admitted to a public hospital in Recife. Method: this is a descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out through epidemiological databases and electronic patient records, from March 2020 to August 2021. Results: 1122 patients (58.8%) with a positive diagnosis for COVID-19 were analyzed. The main vascular events evidenced were: Deep Venous Thromboembolism (4.55%); Pulmonary Thromboembolism (2.5%); Acute Arterial Occlusion (0.98%) and Critical Lower Limb Ischemia, the most prevalent, being 17.64% of the cases. Conclusion: it was possible to point out the prevalence of vascular events associated with patients with COVID-19, admitted to a public hospital in Recife, as well as to classify the main vascular events, their repercussion and evolution. Thus, knowledge about the profile of these patients in the context of the pandemic can contribute to the development of new research in the health area.
Objetivo: verificar la prevalencia de los principales eventos vasculares asociados a pacientes con COVID-19 ingresados en un hospital público de Recife. Método: se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal, realizado a través de bases de datos epidemiológicas y registros electrónicos de pacientes, de marzo de 2020 a agosto de 2021. Resultados: se analizaron 1122 pacientes (58,8%) con diagnóstico positivo para COVID-19. Los principales eventos vasculares evidenciados fueron: Tromboembolismo Venoso Profundo (4,55%); Tromboembolismo Pulmonar (2,5%); Oclusión Arterial Aguda (0,98%) e Isquemia Crítica de Miembros Inferiores el más prevalente, con el 17,64% de los casos. Conclusión: fue posible señalar la prevalencia de eventos vasculares asociados a pacientes con COVID-19, ingresados en un hospital público de Recife, así como clasificar los principales eventos vasculares, sus repercusiones y evolución. Así, el conocimiento del perfil de estos pacientes en el contexto de la pandemia puede contribuir para el desarrollo de nuevas investigaciones en el área de salud.
Humans , Thrombosis , Vascular Diseases , Coronavirus Infections , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation , COVID-19ABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Sepsis is an uncontrolled inflammatory response against a systemic infection that results in elevated mortality, mainly induced by bacterial products known as endotoxins, producing endotoxemia. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is frequently observed in septic patients and is associated with organ failure and death. Sepsis activates endothelial cells (ECs), promoting a prothrombotic phenotype contributing to DIC. Ion channel mediated calcium permeability participates in coagulation. The transient reception potential melastatin 7 (TRPM7) non-selective divalent cation channel that also contains an α-kinase domain, which is permeable to divalent cations including Ca2+, regulates endotoxin-stimulated calcium permeability in ECs and is associated with increased mortality in septic patients. However, whether endothelial TRPM7 mediates endotoxemia-induced coagulation is not known. Therefore, our aim was to examine if TRPM7 mediates coagulation during endotoxemia. RESULTS: The results showed that TRPM7 regulated endotoxin-induced platelet and neutrophil adhesion to ECs, dependent on the TRPM7 ion channel activity and by the α-kinase function. Endotoxic animals showed that TRPM7 mediated neutrophil rolling on blood vessels and intravascular coagulation. TRPM7 mediated the increased expression of the adhesion proteins, von Willebrand factor (vWF), intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), and P-selectin, which were also mediated by the TRPM7 α-kinase function. Notably, endotoxin-induced expression of vWF, ICAM-1 and P-selectin were required for endotoxin-induced platelet and neutrophil adhesion to ECs. Endotoxemic rats showed increased endothelial TRPM7 expression associated with a procoagulant phenotype, liver and kidney dysfunction, increased death events and an increased relative risk of death. Interestingly, circulating ECs (CECs) from septic shock patients (SSPs) showed increased TRPM7 expression associated with increased DIC scores and decreased survival times. Additionally, SSPs with a high expression of TRPM7 in CECs showed increased mortality and relative risk of death. Notably, CECs from SSPs showed significant results from the AUROC analyses for predicting mortality in SSPs that were better than the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) and the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that sepsis-induced DIC is mediated by TRPM7 in ECs. TRPM7 ion channel activity and α-kinase function are required by DIC-mediated sepsis-induced organ dysfunction and its expression are associated with increased mortality during sepsis. TRPM7 appears as a new prognostic biomarker to predict mortality associated to DIC in SSPs, and as a novel target for drug development against DIC during infectious inflammatory diseases.
Animals , Rats , Sepsis , Endotoxemia , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation , TRPM Cation Channels , von Willebrand Factor , Calcium , Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 , P-Selectin , Endothelial Cells , EndotoxinsABSTRACT
Introducción: Los trastornos de la coagulación durante el perioperatorio de pacientes oncológicos, son eventos más frecuentes de lo que se conoce en realidad, debido a que un gran número de estos transitan de forma inadvertida. Objetivo: Describir los factores fisiopatológicos que propician la ocurrencia de las coagulopatías adquiridas por consumo durante el perioperatorio del paciente oncológico. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión narrativa, en idiomas español e inglés, se utilizaron como fuente de búsqueda las bases de datos Ebsco, SciElo, Pubmed, Cubmed, Hinary, durante el período de enero a marzo de 2022, y el referenciador Zotero versión 5.0. Resultados: Para comprender qué pasa en el paciente con cáncer en relación con las coagulopatías por consumo es necesario entender la fisiología de los mecanismos de la coagulación. En este sentido, se pueden observar tanto trastornos trombóticos como hemorrágicos, por el incremento del factor tisular que determina la formación de trombina y el fallo de los mecanismos antifibrinolíticos. También, factores como la radioterapia, la quimioterapia y la transfusión de hemocomponentes, aumentan el riesgo de padecerlas. Conclusiones: la coagulopatía por consumo en el paciente oncológico es una entidad multifactorial, compleja y dinámica, en la que se debe pensar y diagnosticar para evitar complicaciones graves en el período perioperatorio.
Introduction: Coagulation disorders during the perioperative period of cancer patients are more frequent events than is actually known, due to the fact that a large number of these go unnoticed. Objective: To describe the pathophysiological factors that favor the occurrence of consumption-acquired coagulopathies during the perioperative period of cancer patients. Methods: A narrative review was carried out, in Spanish and English, using the Ebsco, Scielo, Pubmed, Cubmed, Hinary databases as a search source, during the period from January to March 2022, and the Zotero version 5.0 referer. 96.3. Results: To understand what happens in cancer patients in relation to consumption coagulopathies, it is necessary to understand the physiology of coagulation mechanisms. In this sense, both thrombotic and hemorrhagic disorders can be observed, due to the increase in the tissue factor that determines the formation of thrombin and the failure of antifibrinolytic mechanisms. Also, factors such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy and transfusion of blood components, increase the risk of suffering from them. Conclusions: consumption coagulopathy in cancer patients is a multifactorial, complex and dynamic entity, which must be considered and diagnosed to avoid serious complications in the perioperative period.
Humans , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Introduction : Le choc hypovolémique est une défaillance circulatoire aiguë et critique, mettant rapidement en jeu le pronostic vital. L'objectif de l'étude était de déterminer les aspects épidémio-cliniques et la prise en charge du choc hémorragique periopéraoire au centre hospitalier de Mahajanga. Méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective, descriptive, observationnelle et monocentrique réalisée dans le service de Réanimation Chirurgicale du CHU PZaGa de Mahajanga, sur une période de 52 mois. Les données socio-démographiques, les paramètres cliniques périopératoires, la prise en charge médico-chirurgicale, l'évolution et les retentissements organiques de l'état de choc hémorragique ont été les paramètres étudiés. Résultats : Nous avons collecté 6896 dossiers des patients, dont 70 cas de choc hémorragique ont été recensés (1,02%) pour tout type de chirurgie ; 62 dossiers ont été retenus dans l'étude. La majorité des cas était du genre féminin (87,10%). Les pathologies gynéco-obstétricales étaient la principale source de l'état de choc de (77,4%), dont 59,4% d'hémorragie du post-partum. L'insuffisance rénale aiguë était la principale atteinte viscérale (61%, n=38) suivie de 10% (n=6) des cas des troubles neurologiques. Tous les patients ont bénéficié d'une oxygénothérapie, et d'un remplissage vasculaire par des cristalloïdes et 3,2% ont eu des colloïdes. Les substances vasoactives utilisées étaient l'éphédrine 41,9%, suivie de l'adrénaline 27,4% et de la noradrénaline 17,7%. Vingt-sept virgule quarante pourcent de nos patients étaient décédés, et la cause la plus incriminée était la coagulopathie par défibrination. Conclusion: Les hémorragies obstétricales constituent la première cause de choc hémorragique ; le taux de mortalité reste encore élevé.
Female , Shock, Hemorrhagic , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation , Hemorrhage , Shock , MortalityABSTRACT
Resumen La embolia de líquido amniótico es una condición catastrófica propia del embarazo que ocurre típicamente durante el parto o justo posterior a este, cuyo sustrato fisiopatológico no ha sido aclarado por completo. Se ha estimado, según cifras de los Estados Unidos, que su incidencia rondaría 1 por cada 12.953 partos, y en el Reino Unido 1 por cada 50.000 partos; sin embargo, estas cifras pueden ser imprecisas debido a que no existen una referencia ni un consenso respecto a los criterios diagnósticos, además de que el cuadro clínico se puede confundir con otras emergencias obstétricas. Se presenta el caso de una paciente sin antecedentes mórbidos que presenta un cuadro de embolia de líquido amniótico no fatal, caracterizado por un estado fetal no tranquilizador durante la inducción del trabajo de parto, seguido de un paro cardiorrespiratorio durante la cesárea de urgencia y la rápida y catastrófica aparición de signos clínicos de una coagulopatía de consumo grave. Se describen además las complicaciones posoperatorias y su manejo, entre ellas un síndrome de Sheehan y la aparición de convulsiones tónico-clónicas generalizadas con alteración de neuroimágenes.
Abstract Amniotic fluid embolism is a catastrophic pregnancy condition that typically occurs during or inmediately after delivery, and whose pathophysiological background has not been fully clarified. According to US records the incidence of amniotic fluid embolism could been around 1 for every 12,953 births and in the United Kingdom 1 for every 50,000 births, however these numbers may be imprecise because there is no gold standard as well as no consensus regarding the diagnostic criteria, in addition that the clinical presentation can be misdiagnosis with other obstetric emergencies. We present the clinical case of a patient without a morbid history who presents with a non-fatal amniotic fluid embolism, characterized by an non-reassuring fetal status during labor induction, followed by cardiorespiratory arrest during emergency cesarean section and the rapid and catastrophic appearance of clinical signs of a severe consumptive coagulopathy. Postoperative complications and their management are also described, including Sheehans syndrome and the appearance of generalized tonic-clonic seizures with impaired neuroimaging.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Embolism, Amniotic Fluid/surgery , Heart Arrest/etiology , Hypopituitarism/etiology , Cesarean Section , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation , Emergencies , Heart Arrest/therapy , Hypopituitarism/therapyABSTRACT
@#This is a case of a 65-year-old female diagnosed with appendiceal carcinoma, who underwent cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Profuse bleeding through the peritoneal drains, with hemodynamic instability, warranted a re-exploration on the fourth postoperative day. Intraoperatively, there was 500 mL of blood clots mostly on the right upper quadrant, diffuse muscle oozing along the previously-stripped right hemidiaphragm and right paracolic gutter, and a non-expanding hematoma on the right anterior abdominal wall. Bleeding parameters were checked postoperatively, and derangements pointing to a disseminated intravascular coagulation were noted. The patient was managed with multiple blood transfusions of packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelet concentrates, and cryoprecipitate. Dexamethasone and tranexamic acid were given intravenously. The patient was discharged well on postoperative day 14 after clinical resolution of the bleeding. Eight days after discharge, however, patient succumbed to myocardial infarction.
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation , Oxaliplatin , Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal ChemotherapyABSTRACT
Introducción: Se conoce poco de la forma adquirida del déficit del factor VII y son pocos los casos reportados en la literatura. Objetivo: Presentar el caso de una paciente con déficit aislado del factor VII, en el contexto de una hemorragia digestiva baja. Presentación del caso: Mujer peruana de 82 años que acude a emergencia por presentar hemorragia digestiva baja. Durante los exámenes de rutina se le detecta tiempo de protrombina prolongado y déficit aislado de factor VII. No se evidencia mecanismos patológicos de deficiencia de vitamina K o malabsorción, terapia anticoagulante con antagonistas de la vitamina K, hiperfibrinolisis o coagulación intravascular diseminada. Respondió al tratamiento con plasma fresco congelado y los resultados normales de la prueba hematológica realizada a la hermana, alejan la posible etiología hereditaria. Conclusión: Este caso peruano de déficit aislado del factor VII, en el contexto de una hemorragia digestiva baja, permite sumar información a la escasa evidencia Latinoamericana(AU)
Introduction: Little is known about the acquired form of factor VII deficiency and few cases are reported in the literature. Objective: To present a case of a patient with an isolated deficit of factor VII, in the context of low gastrointestinal bleeding. Presentation of the case: 82-year-old Peruvian woman who comes to the emergency room for presenting with lower GI bleeding. Prolonged prothrombin time and isolated factor VII deficiency are detected during routine examinations. There were no evidence of pathological mechanisms of vitamin K deficiency or malabsorption, anticoagulant therapy with vitamin K antagonists, hyperfibrinolysis, or disseminated intravascular coagulation. She responded to the treatment with fresh frozen plasma and the normal results of the hematological test carried out on the sister remove the possible hereditary etiology. Conclusion: This Peruvian case of isolated factor VII deficit, in the context of low gastrointestinal bleeding, allows adding information to the limited Latin American evidence(AU)
Humans , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Vitamin K Deficiency , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation , Hematologic Tests , Emergency Service, HospitalABSTRACT
Resumen La coagulación intravascular diseminada es un proceso sistémico caracterizado por la activación generalizada de la coagulación, que tiene el potencial de causar trombosis vascular, hemorragia y falla orgánica. En raras ocasiones, las anomalías vasculares, como el aneurisma aórtico abdominal, pueden desencadenar coagulación intravascular diseminada crónica. Los aneurismas aórticos grandes, su disección y su expansión son factores de riesgo. En estos casos predominan los síntomas subclínicos y la coagulopatía solo se identifica mediante pruebas de laboratorio. Existe evidencia limitada basada en la experiencia de series de casos de coagulación intravascular diseminada crónica como complicación en pacientes con aneurisma aórtico abdominal. Además, la duración y la respuesta terapéutica a la heparina no se conocen bien, principalmente en los pacientes con manejo conservador. Se considera un desafío diagnóstico y terapéutico debido a la baja frecuencia de presentación. A continuación, se describen las características clínicas y paraclínicas, así como el tratamiento, de un paciente con aneurisma aórtico abdominal asociado con coagulación intravascular diseminada crónica.
Abstract Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a systemic process characterized by the widespread activation of coagulation with the potential for causing vascular thrombosis, hemorrhage and organ failure. Rarely, vascular anomalies like abdominal aortic aneurysm can trigger chronic disseminated intravascular coagulation. Large aortic aneurysms, dissection and expansion are risk factors. In these cases, subclinical symptoms predominate and coagulopathy is only identified by laboratory tests. Nowadays there is limited evidence based on experience from case series of chronic disseminated intravascular coagulation as complication in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. Furthermore, duration and therapeutic response with heparin therapy are not well known, mainly in those patients with conservative management. It is considered a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge due to the low presentation frequency. The clinical characteristics, laboratory and treatment of a patient with abdominal aortic aneurysm associated with chronic disseminated intravascular coagulation are described below.
Humans , Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation , Blood Coagulation , Risk Factors , Conservative TreatmentABSTRACT
Throughout the past 2020, the pandemic COVID-19 has caused a big global shock, meanwhile it brought a great impact on the public health network. Trauma emergency system faced a giant challenge and how to manage trauma under the pandemic of COVID-19 was widely discussed. However, the trauma treatment of special population (geriatric patients and patients taking anticoagulant drugs) has received inadequate attention. Due to the high mortality following severe traumatic hemorrhage, hemostasis and trauma-induced coagulopathy are the important concerns in trauma treatment. Sepsis is another topic should not be ignored when we talking about trauma. COVID-19 itself is a special kind of sepsis, and it may even be called as serious systemic infection syndrome. Sepsis has been become a serious problem waiting to be solved urgently no matter in the fields of trauma, or in intensive care and infection, etc. This article reviewed the research progress in areas including trauma emergency care, trauma bleeding and coagulation, geriatric trauma and basic research of trauma within 2020.
Female , Humans , Male , COVID-19 , Community Networks , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation/therapy , Emergency Medical Services , Health Services for the Aged , Hemorrhage/therapy , Hemostasis , Pandemics , Public Health , Sepsis/therapy , Time Factors , Trauma Centers , Wounds and Injuries/therapyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical characteristic of coagulation, possible causes and countermeasures of patients with severe corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19).@*METHODS@#The clinical data of the 142 patients diagnosed as COVID-19 at Wuhan Third Hospital in Wuhan, China, from February 10 to February 16, 2020 were collected and analyzed retrospective. Among the patients, 17 cases of dead patients were divided into observe group, and 125 cases of cured patients were divided into control group. The clinical characteristics, laboratory tests, influencing factors, anticoagulant therapy, embolization and bleeding events of the two groups were observed.@*RESULTS@#The average hospital stay time in 142 patients was 22 d. For the 17 dead patients in the observe group, the average hospital stay time was 9.9 d, and the D-dimer, prothrombin time, WBC count and Padua score of the patients in the observe group were significantly higher as compared with the patients in the control group. PT(OR=1.064, 95%CI 1.012-1.119) and D-D(OR=1.045, 95%CI 1.027-1.064) were the independent risk factors that causing the death of COVID-19 patients. Among the patients, 36(25.4%) patients received low-molecular-weight heparin for anticoagulant therapy, with the average course of 9.6 d. The cumulative incidence of the embolism of the patients in the observe group was 7(41.2%), while 2(11.8%) patients developed to deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), 3 (17.6%) patients occurred acute cerebral infarction and 2 (11.8%) patients occurred acute myocardial infarction. 3 (17.6%) dead patients revealed dominant disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).@*CONCLUSION@#Most patients with severe COVID-19 shows a variety of risk factors for thrombus, and those with coagulation dysfunction shows a high dead rate and rapid disease progression. Therefore, coagulation indicators should be dynamically monitored, and mechanical and drug prevention should be actively carried out.
Humans , Anticoagulants , COVID-19 , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation , Retrospective Studies , SARS-CoV-2ABSTRACT
La pandemia COVID-19 provocada por el betacoronavirus SARS-CoV-2 exige rápidas respuestas desde el campo de la medicina. El riesgo de tromboembolismo venoso y arterial está aumentado durante la infección, especialmente en pacientes críticos. En ese contexto se destaca una coagulopatía caracterizada por niveles elevados de dímero D, con tendencia a la falla multiorgánica, y aumento de la mortalidad. Esas anormalidades de la hemostasia responden a varios mecanismos que deben tenerse en cuenta para la toma de decisiones terapéuticas. Analizamos la evidencia científica disponible en la que se fundamenta el enfoque terapéutico de la coagulopatía descripta y sus complicaciones, con el objetivo de diseñar recomendaciones terapéuticas realistas tendientes a disminuir la morbilidad y la mortalidad en pacientes con COVID-19
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic requires rapid medical responses. The risk of venous and arterial thromboembolism increases in critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. There is a hypercoagulable state that includes elevated levels of D-dimer, with an increased risk of organ failure and increased mortality. The abnormalities described in hemostasis should be considered for therapeutic decision making. We analyzed the available scientific evidence for the therapeutic approach of coagulopathy in the course of the disease with the objective of designing realistic therapeutic recommendations aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality in patients with COVID-19
Humans , Male , Female , Thromboembolism , Blood Coagulation Disorders , Cytokines , Coronavirus Infections , Coronavirus , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation , HeparinABSTRACT
Resumo O SARS-CoV-2 é o vírus responsável pela pandemia da COVID-19. Essa doença começou a ser melhor entendida devido a outras manifestações clínicas além das respiratórias. Ao longo dos meses de atendimento aos pacientes infectados pelo vírus, foram identificadas alterações clínicas e laboratoriais que incitaram os pesquisadores a discutir sobre o potencial do SARS-CoV-2 no desencadeamento de uma resposta imunológica exacerbada capaz de alterar a homeostase endotelial, através de mecanismos diretos e indiretos. Com esse intuito, foram revisados os possíveis mecanismos que desencadeiam este fenômeno em pacientes portadores de COVID-19. Dessa forma, torna-se importante o entendimento fisiopatológico dos mecanismos imunológicos relacionados à doença para a compreensão do potencial de dano endotelial que a COVID-19 pode promover.
Abstract SARS-CoV-2 is the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. This disease is beginning to be better understood in terms of its other, non-respiratory, clinical manifestations. Over the course of months caring for patients infected by the virus, clinical and laboratory changes have been identified that have prompted researchers to debate the potential that SARS-CoV-2 has to trigger an exacerbated immune response that is capable of changing endothelial homeostasis through both direct and indirect mechanisms. With the intention of contributing to this debate, a review was conducted of the possible mechanisms that could trigger these phenomena in patients with COVID-19. It is important to understand the pathophysiology of the immunological mechanisms related to this disease in order to understand the potential endothelial damage that COVID-19 can provoke.
Humans , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation/etiology , COVID-19/complications , Endothelium, Vascular/injuries , COVID-19/physiopathology , COVID-19/blood , Hemostasis , ImmunityABSTRACT
La enfermedad producida por el nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 se identificó por primera vez en diciembre de 2019 en la ciudad de Wuhan, en la República Popular China, y en pocos meses se convirtió en una pandemia. Desde el comienzo ha sido un desafío mundial, que amenazó la salud pública y obligó a tomar medidas estrictas de aislamiento social. Como consecuencia de la emergencia sanitaria se ha producido una reducción importante de la actividad asistencial, que puso en riesgo el acceso y la continuidad de los métodos anticonceptivos, exponiendo a mujeres a embarazos no intencionales. Los derechos sexuales y reproductivos resultan esenciales y deben garantizarse siempre. (AU)
The disease caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was identified for the first time in December 2019 in the city of Wuhan, in the People's Republic of China, and within a few months it became a pandemic. From the beginning, it has been a global challenge, threatening public health, having to take strict measures of social isolation. As a consequence of the health emergency, there has been a significant reduction in healthcare activity, putting access and continuity of contraceptive methods at risk, exposing women to unintended pregnancies. Sexual and reproductive rights are essential and must always be guaranteed. (AU)
Humans , Female , Pneumonia, Viral/complications , Coronavirus Infections/complications , Hormonal Contraception/methods , Pneumonia, Viral/pathology , Pregnancy, Unwanted , Coronavirus Infections/pathology , Contraceptive Agents/administration & dosage , Contraceptive Agents/classification , Contraceptive Agents/supply & distribution , Reproductive Rights , Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation/etiology , Venous Thromboembolism/etiology , Pandemics , Betacoronavirus , Health Services AccessibilityABSTRACT
Resumen El SARS (síndrome respiratorio agudo grave) es el estadio grave de la COVID-19 ocasionado por el SARS-CoV-2, que causa infecciones respiratorias en humanos y cuya transmisión se da principalmente por contacto. El virus ingresa a la célula huésped por la interacción de la proteína S con la enzima convertidora de angiotensina II (ACE2), presente en el tracto respiratorio, así como en monocitos, macrófagos, células endoteliales, corazón y tracto gastrointestinal. El aumento de IFN frena la replicación viral y activa la respuesta inmune adaptativa. Así, las manifestaciones clínicas de la infección se presentan frecuentemente a nivel del tracto respiratorio; sin embargo, también pueden involucrar otros sistemas como el hematopoyético. En el hemograma se observan recuentos celulares alterados, principalmente leucocitos y plaquetas. La linfopenia y neutrofilia se asocian con enfermedad severa y la trombocitopenia se presenta de manera heterogénea en la infección. Entre las complicaciones se encuentra la coagulación intravascular diseminada, producida cuando los monocitos y las células endoteliales son activadas por la liberación de citoquinas; esto genera daño endotelial, con la síntesis del factor tisular, secreción de factor tisular, activación plaquetaria y liberación del factor Von Willebrand, así como una condición hiperfibrinolítica especialmente en estadios tardíos de la infección. Las pruebas de laboratorio como el dímero D, los productos de degradación de la fibrina (PDF), tiempo de protrombina (TP), tiempo de tromboplastina parcial activado (TTPA), entre otras, son fundamentales para el diagnóstico, seguimiento y pronóstico de la enfermedad.
Abstract Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is the serious condition of coronavirus (COVID-19) caused by SARS-COV-2 which causes respiratory infections in humans, and whose transmission is given mainly through the contact. this virus enters into the host cell due to the spike protein (S) interaction with the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is not only present in the respiratory tract but also monocytes, macrophages, endothelial cells, the heart, and gastrointestinal tract. The increase in INF stops viral replication and activates the adaptive immune response. The infection's clinic manifestations often occur in the respiratory tract; however, other systems like the hematopoietic may be affected. Altered cell counts, mainly leukocytes and platelets, are seen on the blood count. Lymphopenia and neutrophilia are associated with severe disease; thrombocytopenia is present in a heterogeneous way in the infection. Among the disease's complications are the Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) that results when monocytes and endothelial cells are activated because of the release of cytokines, causing endothelial damage, with the synthesis of the tissue factor, tissue factor discharge, platelet activation, and the von Willebrand factor release, generating a hyperfibrinolytic condition especially in the infection's late-stage. Laboratory tests such as D-dimer (D-D), Fibrinogen Degradation Products (FDP), Prothrombin Time (PT), Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) among others, are essential to the diagnosis, monitoring, and prognosis of the disease.
COVID-19 , Respiratory Tract Infections , Platelet Activation , Coronavirus , Endothelial Cells , Disseminated Intravascular CoagulationABSTRACT
Introducción: La sepsis es un proceso patológico que se caracteriza por un estado inflamatorio desmesurado que puede generar coagulopatías graves como la coagulación intravascular diseminada. Esta coagulopatía se caracteriza principalmente por la exposición del factor tisular que activa la cascada de coagulación y genera un estado protrombótico que puede empeorar la falla orgánica. Objetivo: Analizar criterios diagnósticos e implicación terapéutica con el fin de mostrar una actualización en el abordaje de un paciente con coagulación intravascular diseminada y sepsis. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos en la base de datos PubMed, Science direct y Scielo, utilizando los siguientes descriptores: coagulopatía, sepsis, coagulación intravascular diseminada, criterios diagnósticos y tratamiento. Conclusión: Se ha encontrado una mejora en la mortalidad de los pacientes tratados con anticoagulantes como la proteína C, la antitrombina, entre otros, sin embargo, estos hallazgos no han logrado la trascendencia necesaria para ser recomendados en las guías de tratamiento de coagulación intravascular diseminada(AU)
Introduction: Sepsis is a pathological process characterized by inordinate inflammation which may cause severe coagulopathies, such as disseminated intravascular coagulation. This coagulopathy is mainly characterized by exposure of the tissue factor, activating the coagulation cascade and generating a prothrombotic state which may worsen organ failure. Objective: Analyze diagnostic criteria and therapeutic implications to present an update on the management of patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation and sepsis. Methods: A search was conducted for papers published in the databases PubMed, Science Direct and SciELO, using the search terms coagulopathy, sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, diagnostic criteria and treatment. Conclusion: Improvement was observed in the mortality of patients treated with anticoagulants such as protein C and antithrombin, among others. However, these findings have not achieved the relevance required to be recommended for inclusion in the treatment guides for disseminated intravascular coagulation(AU)