Dizziness or vertigo is a common clinical symptom, and its underlying etiology is complex. Many clinicians are confused about its diagnosis and treatment. This article presents a case about chronic vestibular syndrome. And case appreciation and academic discussion are conducted by well-known domestic neurologists and otologists, so as to provide a good thinking model and basic ideas for the diagnosis and treatment of dizziness or vertigo, hoping to further improve the diagnosis and treatment level among clinicians.
Humans , Dizziness/therapy , Vertigo/etiology , Vestibular Diseases/complications , OtolaryngologistsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To observe the effect of horizontal penetration needling at vertigo auditory area and balance area on residual dizziness after successful repositioning maneuver in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).@*METHODS@#Sixty-six patients with residual dizziness after successful repositioning maneuver for BPPV were randomly divided into an observation group (34 cases, 1 case dropped off) and a control group (32 cases, 2 cases dropped off). The patients in the observation group were treated with horizontal penetration needling at vertigo auditory area and balance area, once every other day; three times were taken as a course of treatment, and two courses of treatment were given. The patients in the control group received no acupuncture and medication. The dizziness handicap inventory (DHI) and visual analogue scale (VAS) scores were observed before treatment and after 1 and 2 courses of treatment.@*RESULTS@#Except for the emotional score of DHI in the control group after 1 course of treatment, the sub item scores and total scores of DHI and VAS scores in the two groups after treatment were lower than those before treatment (@*CONCLUSION@#Whether acupuncture or not, residual dizziness after repositioning maneuver for BPPV can be relieved within 2 weeks; horizontal penetration needling at vertigo auditory area and balance area could improve dizziness symptoms and shorten the course of disease.
Humans , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/therapy , Dizziness/therapy , Patient Positioning , Vascular Surgical ProceduresABSTRACT
El vértigo posicional paroxístico benigno (VPPB) es reconocido como la principal causa de vértigo de origen periférico en adultos, ya que, si bien la etiología del VPPB aún no se ha demostrado plenamente y se clasifica como la mayoría de los casos, se puede identificar el desprendimiento de otolitos y su desplazamiento en uno de los tres canales semicirculares. Una anamnesis cuidadosa puede abordar el diagnóstico clínico del VPPB, pero la confirmación se obtendrá por medio de maniobras de diagnóstico especificas de acuerdo a cuál de los canales está involucrado. Este trastorno altera la capacidad de llevar a cabo actividades de la vida cotidiana que determinan un aumento significativo en el riesgo de caídas y las consiguientes lesiones. La mayoría de los pacientes se recuperan después del tratamiento, sin embargo, hasta dos tercios de éstos pueden percibir inestabilidad prolongada, aturdimiento y malestar definidos como mareo residual. Esta sintomatología residual después de la resolución del VPPB es variable entre los pacientes, siendo el tiempo de duración de los síntomas residuales de aproximadamente de 1 a 3 semanas, existiendo algunos pacientes que pueden recuperarse más tardíamente. En esta revisión analizaremos el mareo residual, describiendo su expresión clínica, diagnóstica, fisiopatológica y tratamientos actuales de esta entidad clínica.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is recognized as the main cause of peripheral vertigo in adults, although the etiology of BPPV has not yet been fully demonstrated and is classified as idiopathicin most cases, detachment of otoliths and their displacement in one of the three semicircular canals can be identifie. A careful history can address the clinical diagnosis of BPPV, but confirmation will be obtained through specific diagnostic maneuvers according to which canal is involved. This disorder alters the ability to carry out activities of daily living that determine a significant increase in the risk of falls and consequent injuries. Most patients recover after treatment, however, up to two thirds of these patients may perceive prolonged instability, dizziness and discomfort defined as residual dizziness. This residual symptomatology following BPPV resolution is variable among patients, the duration of residual symptoms can last 1 to 3 weeks, with some patients may recover later on. In this review, we will analyze residual dizziness, describing its clinical presentation, diagnosis, pathophysiology and current treatments of this clinical entity.
Humans , Dizziness/physiopathology , Dizziness/therapy , Patient Positioning , Dizziness/etiology , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/physiopathology , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/therapyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Los trastornos vestibulares funcionales se constituyen como una de las causas más frecuentes de consulta por vértigo y trastornos del equilibrio. El mareo postural perceptual persistente (MPPP) es un síndrome recientemente definido, enmarcado en la categoría de síndromes vestibulares crónicos, que agrupa trastornos vestibulares funcionales crónicos como el vértigo postural fóbico, el malestar con el movimiento espacial, el vértigo visual y el mareo subjetivo crónico. El MPPP se manifiesta por síntomas de mareo, inestabilidad y/o vértigo no rotatorio, persistentes, exacerbados por cambios posturales, movimientos y exposición a distintos estímulos visuales. El tratamiento de este cuadro es más sencillo de lo que parece, basado en psicoeducación efectiva respecto a la patología como primer abordaje, adicionando o no rehabilitación vestibular, uso de inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina y/o terapia cognitivo conductual. Se presentan dos casos clínicos de pacientes diagnosticados con MPPP y su respuesta a tratamiento.
ABSTRACT Functional vestibular disorders are one of the most frequent causes of consultation due to vertigo and balance disorders. Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD) is a recently defined syndrome, categorized as a chronic vestibular syndrome, that includes functional vestibular disorders such as phobic postural vertigo, space-motion discomfort, visual vertigo and chronic subjective dizziness. PPPD manifests with dizziness, unsteadiness and/or non-spinning vertigo, which are persistent, exacerbated by postural changes, movements and exposure to various visual stimuli. PPPD treatment is simpler than it may seem initially. It is based on effective psychoeducation related to the pathology in the first place, followed, or not, by vestibular rehabilitation, use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and/or cognitive behavioral therapy. We present two clinical cases of patients diagnosed with PPPD and their response to treatment.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Dizziness/diagnosis , Dizziness/therapy , Posture , Visual Perception , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Vestibular Diseases , Chronic Disease , Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Sertraline/therapeutic use , Dizziness/physiopathologyABSTRACT
El vértigo es definido como la sensación de movimiento ilusorio del cuerpo o de los objetos que le rodean. Es una de las causas más comunes de consulta en los departamentos de emergencia, y 2 a 3% de la población mundial consulta anualmente por este síntoma. De acuerdo al compromiso vestibular en el oído interno o en el sistema nervioso central o ambos, puede clasificarse en vértigo periférico, central o de origen mixto, siendo la principal causa del periférico el vértigo posicional paroxístico benigno. La valoración semiológica y anamnesis es fundamental para el diagnóstico. En el examen físico inicial, la diferenciación de un vértigo de origen central de otro de origen periférico, puede realizarse mediante el análisis del nistagmo, la valoración del impulso cefálico y la desviación ocular, que se integran en un sistema denominado HINTS, por sus siglas en inglés (Head Impulse, Nystamus type, Test of Skew), y por la realización de pruebas que evalúen también la vía vestíbulo-cerebelosa. Además, la realización de una audiometría tonal, aumentaría la sensibilidad diagnóstica de 71 a 89% en la evaluación inicial. El diagnóstico apropiado es la base para el tratamiento y control de esta condición clínica en el mediano y largo plazo.
Vertigo is defined as an abnormal sensation of body motion or of its surrounding objects. It is a common chief complaint in emergency departments comprising 2 to 3% of these consultations worldwide. Vertigo is classified as peripheral or central, according to its origin, and can also be occasionally mixed, the most common cause of peripheral involvement being benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The initial findings on clinical evaluation of patients are the clues for making a correct diagnosis. The differentiation between central and peripheral vertigo can be optimized by analysing nystagmus, by using the skew test and the head impulse test (HINTS), as also by performing the appropriate tests to evaluate the integrity of the vestibular-cerebellar pathway. In addition, tonal threshold audiometry could raise the diagnostic sensibility from 71 to 89% on initial approach. Appropriate diagnosis is the principal key for managing this clinical condition.
Humans , Vertigo/diagnosis , Vertigo/physiopathology , Vestibular Neuronitis/diagnosis , Vestibular Neuronitis/therapy , Dizziness/diagnosis , Dizziness/physiopathology , Dizziness/therapy , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/diagnosis , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/physiopathology , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/therapy , Meniere Disease/diagnosis , Meniere Disease/physiopathology , Meniere Disease/therapy , Migraine Disorders/therapyABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Health-related quality of life is used to denote that portion of the quality of life that is influenced by the person's health. Objectives: To compare the health-related quality of life of individuals with vestibular disorders of peripheral origin by analyzing functional, emotional and physical disabilities before and after vestibular treatment. Methods: A prospective, non randomized case-controlled study was conduced in the ENT Department, between January 2015 and December 2015. All patients were submitted to customize a 36 item of health survey on quality of life, short form 36 health survey questionnaire (SF-36) and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory for assessing the disability. Individuals were diagnosed with acute unilateral vestibular peripheral disorders classified in 5 groups: vestibular neuritis, Ménière Disease, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, cochlear-vestibular dysfunction (other than Ménière Disease), or other type of acute peripheral vertigo (as vestibular migraine). Results: There was a statistical significant difference for each parameter of Dizziness Handicap Inventory score (the emotional, functional and physical) between the baseline and one month both in men and women, but with any statistical significant difference between 7 days and 14 days. It was found a statistical significant difference for all eight parameters of SF-36 score between the baseline and one month later both in men and women; the exception was the men mental health perception. The correlation between the Dizziness Handicap Inventory and the SF-36 scores according to diagnostics type pointed out that the Spearman's correlation coefficient was moderate correlated with the total scores of these instruments. Conclusion: The Dizziness Handicap Inventory and the SF-36 are useful, proved practical and valid instruments for assessing the impact of dizziness on the quality of life of patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular disorders.
Resumo Introdução: Qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde é usada para designar a parte da qualidade de vida que é influenciada pela saúde do indivíduo. Objetivos: Comparar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de indivíduos com distúrbios vestibulares de origem periférica, analisar incapacidades funcionais, emocionais e físicas antes e após o tratamento vestibular. Método: Um estudo de caso-controle prospectivo, não randomizado, foi conduzido no Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia, entre janeiro de 2015 e dezembro de 2015. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a uma pesquisa de saúde personalizada de 36 itens sobre qualidade de vida, ao formulário abreviado de avaliação de saúde 36 (SF-36) e ao Dizziness Handicap Inventory para avaliar a incapacidade. Os indivíduos foram diagnosticados com distúrbios vestibulares periféricos unilaterais agudos, classificados em cinco grupos: neurite vestibular, doença de Ménière, vertigem posicional paroxística benigna, disfunção cócleo-vestibular (exceto Doença de Ménière) ou outro tipo de vertigem periférica aguda (como enxaqueca vestibular). Resultados: Houve uma diferença estatisticamente significante para cada parâmetro de escore no Dizziness Handicap Inventory (emocional, funcional e físico) entre a avaliação basal e depois de um mês, tanto em homens quanto em mulheres, mas sem diferença estatística significativa entre sete dias e 14 dias. Foi encontrada uma diferença estatisticamente significante para todos os oito parâmetros do escore no SF-36 entre a avaliação basal e um mês mais tarde, tanto em homens quanto em mulheres; a exceção foi a percepção de saúde mental nos homens. A correlação entre Dizziness Handicap Inventory e o SF-36 de acordo com o tipo de diagnóstico mostrou que o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman foi moderado quando correlacionado com o escore total desses instrumentos. Conclusão: O Dizziness Handicap Inventory e o SF-36 demonstraram ser instrumentos úteis, práticos e válidos para avaliar o impacto da tontura na qualidade de vida de pacientes com distúrbios vestibulares periféricos unilaterais.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Quality of Life , Vertigo/physiopathology , Vestibular Neuronitis/physiopathology , Disability Evaluation , Reference Values , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Case-Control Studies , Sex Factors , Vertigo/diagnosis , Vertigo/therapy , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Vestibular Neuronitis/diagnosis , Vestibular Neuronitis/therapy , Dizziness/diagnosis , Dizziness/physiopathology , Dizziness/therapy , Meniere Disease/diagnosis , Meniere Disease/physiopathology , Meniere Disease/therapyABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Cervical pain contributes to postural deviations and imbalance. Nanotechnology may be used for the treatment of neck pain by fixing to the skin small rounds silicone patches containing double spiral carbon nanotubes arranged in the form of a coil (Helical), which would then relieve dizziness caused by muscular contraction. Objective The objective of this study is to Evaluate pain and dizziness scores before and after Helical patches effect on cervicogenic dizziness treatment. Methods The selected patients should have neck pain arising from muscle contraction with loss of balance or instability lasting more than 90 days and normal electrooculography. Treatment consisted of placing 10 Helical patches distributed as follows: two in the upper cervical area, two in the lower cervical area (near the 5th and 6th vertebrae), two in the upper trapezius muscle area (between neck and shoulder), and four in the tender point area (as reported by the patient). Using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), we matched pain and dizziness scores from Day 1 to those from Day 15 and Day 30 using Mann-Whitney test. Results There was a significant difference between pain score reported on Day 1 and Day 15 (Z = 2.43, U = 5, p = 0.01). We also found significant differences between dizziness scores reportedondays1 and15 (Z = 2.62, U = 3.5, p = 0.01) and days 1 and 30 (Z = 2.36, U = 5.5, p = 0.01). Conclusion The Helical patches seem to be an effective treatment for cervicogenic dizziness.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Dizziness/etiology , Dizziness/therapy , Nanotechnology/trends , Neck Pain , Chronic PainABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a confiabilidade dos resultados numa versão adaptada do Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) brasileiro para crianças. Métodos: (1) adaptação semântica do DHI, primeira versão, para população infantil; (2) apreciação do DHI por juízes fonoaudiólogos, para adequação semântica da versão adaptada; (3) aplicação do piloto em 15 indivíduos para ajustes semânticos; (4) aplicação da versão adaptada do DHI, em 119 crianças com relato de tontura; (5) teste-reteste de 34 crianças. Resultados: Com relação ao gênero, verificou-se médias mais elevadas do escore total nas crianças do gênero feminino. Não houve associação entre os escores do Dizziness Handicap Inventory-Child/Adolescent (DHI-CA) e a idade das crianças. Foram constatados índices adequados de consistência interna e estabilidade dos resultados na escala total e nas três subescalas. Conclusão: O Dizziness Handicap Inventory-Child/Adolescent mostrou-se confiável para quantificação do impacto da tontura na qualidade de vida das crianças e adolescentes em fase escolar, sendo a confiabilidade dos resultados uma primeira contribuição para a validação desse instrumento.
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the reliability of the results in an adapted version of the Brazilian Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) adapted for children. Methods: 1) semantic adaptation of DHI, first version, for child population; 2) appreciation of DHI by speech therapy judges for semantic appropriateness of the adapted version; application of the adapted version of DHI in 119 children with dizziness report; 4) application of DHI, adapted version, in 119 children suffering from dizziness symptoms; 5) test/re-test of 34 children. Results: In the group, there were higher average total scores in girls. There was no association between the scores of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory-Child/Adolescent (DHI-CA) and the age of the children. Adequate levels of internal consistency and stability of the results were verified in the full scale and the three subscales. Conclusion: DHI-CA appeared to be capable of reliably quantifying the impact of dizziness on quality of life of school-age children and adolescents, and the reliability of results is a first contribution to the validation of this instrument.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Dizziness/diagnosis , Dizziness/therapy , Postural Balance , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Child Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Learning Disabilities , Quality of Life , Sensation DisordersABSTRACT
Introduction Poor diet habits and inadequate intake of nutrients are a concern in the elderly. Nutritional education with guidance may improve the results of the treatment of vertigo. Objective Evaluate the presence of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) associated with feeding habits. Methods Cross-sectional study with elderly people living independently.We evaluated nutritional habits through themethod of dietary 24-hour recall andmanipulation of Dix-Hallpike. Results Based on a sample of 487 individuals, 117 had BPPV. Among the 117 elderly patients with BPPV, 37 (31.62%) had inadequate feeding. From those 370 individuals without BPPV, 97 (26.21%) had inappropriate feeding. No significant association between nutritional habits and BPPV in the total population was observed (p = 0.3064). However, there was significant relation between BPPV and inadequate carbohydrate intake (p = 0.0419) and insufficient fiber intake (p = 0.03), and the diet of these subjects was rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (p = 0.0084). Conclusion These data correlate with the dyslipidemia and hypertriglyceridemia status, making it extremely important to reduce the intake of fats and carbohydrates and increase the fiber intake to stabilize triglycerides and thus minimize harmful effects on the inner ear. Food readjustment is suggested in patients with BPPV, along with the work of a multidisciplinary team to improve the quality of the elderly.(AU)
Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo , Dizziness/etiology , Dizziness/therapyABSTRACT
A vertigem produz impactos significativos na qualidade de vida (QV). É necessário mensurar os efeitos das terapêuticas antivertiginosas na QV. OBJETIVO: Investigar o efeito da manobra de reposicionamento na qualidade de vida de pacientes com vertigem posicional paroxística benigna (VPPB). MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, através da revisão dos prontuários de 21 pacientes com VPPB atendidos no serviço de Reabilitação Vestibular (RV) de uma clínica escola de Belo Horizonte atendidos em 2007-2008. Foram analisados os escores físicos, funcionais e emocionais, pré e pós-terapia de RV com realização de manobras de reposicionamento de Epley, por meio do questionário Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), específico para avaliação da interferência da tontura na QV. RESULTADOS: O intervalo mediano entre as avaliações foi de 21 dias. O número médio de manobras foi 2,3±1,1. A aplicação do DHI mostrou um significante impacto da VPPB na QV dos pacientes em todas as dimensões da vida diária, com os seguintes escores médios pré e pós-terapia: físico (17,5/3,7), funcional (17,3/3,9), emocional (13,2/3,2) e total (48,1/10,9), respectivamente (p<0.001). CONCLUSÃO: Na amostra estudada a manobra de Epley teve impacto positivo na QV, seja nas dimensões física, funcional e emocional do DHI dos pacientes com VPPB antes e depois do reposicionamento.
Quality of life (QoL) is significantly impaired by vertigo. The effect of specific treatments on QoL deserves investigation. AIM: To assess the effect of repositioning maneuvers on the QoL of benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV) patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study design consiting of reviews of charts of BPPV patients in a vestibular rehabilitation unit at a teaching institution in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, from 2007 to 2008. Pre- and post-therapy (Epley's repositioning maneuver) scores on the physical, functional and emotional dimensions of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) were analyzed. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients were included, eighteen (86 percent) were females; the average age was 53.2 years. Ten patients presented bilateral BPPV; in eleven it was unilateral. The mean interval between assessments (pre- and post-treatment) was 21 days. The average number of required maneuvers was 2.3 (±1.1). Pre-treatment DHI results showed a significant impact of BPPV on quality of life. Initial scores for physical (17.5), functional (17.3), emotional (13.2) dimensions decreased with therapy: respectively 3.7, 3.9, and 3.2 (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: In the present sample, Epley's maneuver had a positive and significant effect on emotional, physical and functional dimensions of quality of life, as measured by the DHI scores before and after therapy.
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Dizziness/therapy , Physical Therapy Modalities , Patient Positioning/methods , Quality of Life , Vertigo/therapy , Brazil , Head Movements , Retrospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is the most common peripheral vestibular disorder, especially in the elderly and presents as the predominant etiology in this population of the degeneration of the utricular macula. AIM: To compare the effectiveness of the approaches after Epley maneuver. Study Design: longitudinal cohort. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 53 volunteers with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo of the posterior semicircular canal, divided into Group 1, who underwent Epley maneuver associated with the use of neck collar and post-maneuver instructions, Group 2 underwent the Epley maneuver without the use cervical collar and/or post-maneuver restrictions, and Group 3 underwent the Epley maneuver associated with the use of a mini vibrator, without the use of neck collar and/or post-maneuver restrictions. RESULTS: In the three groups, the number of Epley maneuvers ranged from one to three. We employed the Brazilian Dizziness Handicap Inventory - pre-and post-treatment and observed a statistically significant difference on most scores pre-and post-treatment for both groups. CONCLUSION: Regardless of the post Epley maneuver treatment selected for the treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, it was effective when comparing the Brazilian Dizziness Handicap Inventory pre-and post-treatment.
A Vertigem Postural Paroxística Benigna é a mais comum das vestibulopatias periféricas, principalmente em idosos e apresenta como etiologia predominante nessa população à degeneração da mácula utricular. OBJETIVO: Comparar a eficácia das condutas pós-manobra de Epley. Desenho do Estudo: Estudo de coorte contemporâneo longitudinal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 53 voluntários com Vertigem Postural Paroxística Benigna de canal semicircular posterior, distribuídos em Grupo 1, submetidos à manobra de Epley associada ao uso do colar cervical e orientações pós-manobra; Grupo 2 submetido a manobra de Epley sem uso do colar cervical e/ou restrições pós-manobra, e Grupo 3 submetido à manobra de Epley associada com o uso de um minivibrador, sem uso de colar cervical e/ou restrições pós-manobra. RESULTADOS: Nos três grupos, o número de manobras de Epley variou de uma a três. Aplicou-se o Dizziness Handicap Inventory brasileiro pré e pós-tratamento e observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa na maioria dos escores pré e pós-tratamento para os grupos avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: Independentemente da conduta pós-manobra de Epley selecionada para o tratamento da Vertigem Postural Paroxística Benigna, essa se mostrou eficaz quando se comparou o Dizziness Handicap Inventory brasileiro pré e pós-tratamento.
Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Dizziness/therapy , Physical Therapy Modalities , Vertigo/therapy , Cohort Studies , Head Movements , Longitudinal Studies , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
A tontura é queixa comum na prática médica, especialmente para otorrinolaringologistas. Pacientes com tontura podem descrevê-la como desequilíbrios, mal-estar, tendência a quedas, instabilidade, sensação de flutuação ou sensação rotatória acompanhada de náuseas, vômitos e sinais e sintomas neurovegetativos. A identificação de sua causa é de grande importância para um adequado planejamento terapêutico e a contribuição tecnológica tem-se mostrado muito valiosa para o manejo das vestibulopatias. Sistemas de realidade virtual provaram ser ótimas ferramentas auxiliares tanto no diagnóstico quanto no tratamento de pacientes com transtornos do equilíbrio.Este estudo pretende revisar e comentar a literatura científica recente a respeito dos métodos de realidade virtual direcionados para a avaliação e reabilitação das síndromes vestibulares.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/pathology , Vestibular Diseases/therapy , Dizziness/etiology , Dizziness/therapy , Ear Diseases/diagnosis , Ear Diseases/pathology , Ear Diseases/therapyABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Verificar a efetividade dos exercícios de reabilitação vestibular na melhora do zumbido e da tontura por meio de avaliação pré e pós-aplicação do questionário Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) e Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), ambos adaptados à população brasileira. MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se seis pacientes (dois do sexo masculino e quatro do sexo feminino), na faixa etária de 43 a 70 anos. Os pacientes foram submetidos aos seguintes procedimentos: anamnese, inspeção otológica, avaliação vestibular por meio da vectoeletronistagmografia e aplicação dos questionários pré e pós-reabilitação vestibular, utilizando-se o protocolo de Cawthorne e Cooksey. RESULTADOS: a) com relação às queixas mais referidas, observou-se desequilíbrio à marcha (83,3 por cento), dor de cabeça (66,6 por cento) e depressão (66,6 por cento); b) no exame vestibular todos os pacientes apresentaram alteração na prova calórica, sendo a maior freqüência das síndromes vestibulares periféricas irritativas (83,3 por cento); c) constataram-se no exame vestibular dois casos de síndrome vestibular periférica irritativa, dois casos de síndrome vestibular periférica irritativa unilateral; um caso de síndrome vestibular periférica irritativa bilateral e um caso de síndrome vestibular periférica deficitária unilateral; d) na aplicação do DHI, observou-se melhora nos aspectos: funcional e emocional, mantendo-se inalterado o aspecto físico; e) na aplicação do THI, observou-se melhora em todos os aspectos avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: O protocolo utilizado de reabilitação vestibular promoveu diminuição do zumbido e da tontura, melhorando a qualidade de vida dos pacientes.
PURPOSE: To verify the effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation exercises in the improvement of tinnitus and dizziness through an evaluation carried out before and after the administration of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (DHI) questionnaires, both adapted to the Brazilian population. METHODS: Six patients (two male and four female), with ages ranging from 43 to 70 years, were evaluated. The patients were submitted to the following procedures: anamnesis, otoscopy, vestibular evaluation through vectoelectronystagmography, and administration of the questionnaires, before and after vestibular rehabilitation, using the Cawthorne and Cooksey protocol. RESULTS: a) regarding the most related complaints, imbalance when walking (83,3 percent), headache (66,6 percent) and depression (66,6 percent), were observed; b) in the vestibular exam all the patients showed alterations in the caloric test, and the most frequent syndrome was the irritative peripheral vestibular (83,3 percent); c) two cases of irritative peripheral vestibular syndrome, two cases of irritative peripheral unilateral vestibular syndrome, one case of irritative peripheral bilateral vestibular syndrome and one case of peripheral deficient unilateral vestibular syndrome were verified in the vestibular exam; d) in the administration of the DHI, an improvement in the functional and emotional aspects were observed, with the physical aspect remaining unchanged; e) in the administration of the THI, an improvement was observed in all the aspects evaluated. CONCLUSION: The protocol of vestibular rehabilitation used in the study, promoted a decrease in tinnitus and dizziness, hence improving the quality of life of the patients.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Vestibular Diseases/rehabilitation , Exercise Therapy , Dizziness/therapy , Vestibular Function Tests , Vertigo/therapy , Tinnitus/therapyABSTRACT
A Vertigem Posicional Paroxística Benigna (VPPB) é uma das mais comuns doencas da orelha interna que cursam com tontura, porém o seu tratamento ainda é algo de inúmeras controvérsias. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência das orientacões posturais na evolucão precoce de pacientes com diagnóstico de VPPB de canal semicircular posterior, submetidos à manobra de Epley. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Prospectivo randomizado. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 50 pacientes com diagnóstico de VPPB de canal semicircular posterior submetidos à manobra de reposicão canalicular de Epley, divididos em Grupo de Estudo - 23 pacientes - que receberam orientacões de restricão postural pós-manobra e Grupo Controle - 27 pacientes - que não receberam orientacões. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenca estatisticamente significante entre os grupos estudados quanto à resolucão dos sintomas da VPPB independentemente de sexo e idade. CONCLUSAO: A eficácia da Manobra de Reposicão Canalicular de Epley não é influenciada pelo uso ou não das restricões posturais.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Posture , Physical Therapy Modalities/standards , Semicircular Canals/physiopathology , Vertigo/therapy , Age Distribution , Chi-Square Distribution , Dizziness/etiology , Dizziness/physiopathology , Dizziness/therapy , Electronystagmography/methods , Functional Laterality , Head Movements , Prospective Studies , Sex Distribution , Vertigo/complications , Vertigo/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Tontura em crianças e adolescentes tem sido um sintoma negligenciado quanto à sua importância clínica. A sua prevalência é certamente substimada, principalmente devido à dificuldade de avaliar e classificar a vertigem na infância. Vertigem, desequilíbrio, anormalidades posturais, naúsea, vômito, disacusia neurossensorial, cefaléia, nistagmo, ataxia, trauma crânico, atrasos motores e de desenvolvimento e distúrbios de linguagem säo indicaçöes formais para a realizaçäo sistemática da avaliaçäo funcional do sistema vestibular na criança e no adolescente. Diversos quadros clínicos otoneurológicos característicos podem ocorrer, com diferentes achados à vestibulometria, indicativos de síndrome vestibular periférica ou central, uni ou bilateral, de tipo irritativo ou deficitário. A orientaçäo terapêutica, clínica ou cirúrgica, depende fundamentalmente da etiologia.
Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Dizziness , Vertigo , Vestibular Diseases , Dizziness/diagnosis , Dizziness/etiology , Dizziness/therapy , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Vestibular Diseases/etiology , Vestibular Diseases/therapy , Electronystagmography , Vertigo/diagnosis , Vertigo/etiology , Vertigo/therapy , Vestibular Function TestsABSTRACT
O diagnostico preciso dos pacientes com tontura ou vertigem pode permitir a melhor alternativa do tratamento: tratar a causa sempre que possivel. Portanto, e necessaria uma adequada investigacao clinica. O paciente deve ser submetido a um protocolo racional e progressivo que evite custos exagerados e injustificaveis. Apresentamos um protocolo que atua em seis niveis distintos. Todos sao examinados nos primeiros tres niveis: no nivel 1 sao descartadas alteracoes cardiovasculares; no nivel 2 sao descartadas alteracoes numerologicas (exame otoneurologico) e no nivel 3 avalia-se o nistagmo sem inibicao visual (com oculos de Frenzel). De acordo com o caso sao tambem examinados nos niveis seguintes. No nivel 4 sao feitos exames complementares basicos, como testes audiometricos, exames sanguineos, radiografias de coluna cervical. No nivel 5 sao feitos exames em laboratorio vestibular, como eletronistagmografia, craniocorpografia e posturografia. No nivel 6 estao os exames complementares especiais, como os potenciais evocados auditivos, tomografia computadorizada, imagem de ressonancia magnetica e doppler transcraniano e carotideo. E enfatizado o diagnostico diferencial para sindromes vestibulares perifericas e centrais, e as alternativas existentes de tratamento sintomatico