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J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 30: e20230062, 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1550523


Background: Mammary gland tumors are the most prevalent neoplasm in intact female dogs, and they are good natural models to study comparative oncology. Most canine mammary malignancies, as in women, are commonly refractory to conventional therapies and demand continuous new therapeutic approaches. Crotalus durissus terrificus, also called rattlesnake, has more than 60 different proteins in its venom with multiple pharmaceutical uses, such as antitumor, antiviral, and antimicrobial action. Crotoxin, a potent β-neurotoxin formed by the junction of two subunits, a basic subunit (CB-PLA2) and an acidic subunit (crotapotin), has already been reported to have anticancer properties in different types of cancers. Methods: In this work, we describe the cytotoxic potential of crotoxin and its subunits compared to doxorubicin (drug of choice) in two canine mammary carcinoma cell lines. Results: Crotoxin, CB-PLA2, crotalic venom, and doxorubicin decreased cell viability and the ability to migrate in a dose-dependent manner, and crotapotin did not present an antitumoral effect. For all compounds, the predominant cell death mechanism was apoptosis. In addition, crotoxin did not show toxicity in normal canine mammary gland cells. Conclusion: Therefore, this work showed that crotoxin and CB-PLA2 had cytotoxic activity, migration inhibition, and pro-apoptotic potential in canine mammary gland carcinoma cell lines, making their possible use in cancer research.

Animals , Dogs , Mammary Neoplasms, Animal , Crotalus cascavella , Crotoxin , Cytotoxins , Dog Diseases , Elapid Venoms
Rev. patol. trop ; 52(1)2023.
Article in English | LILACS, BVSDIP | ID: biblio-1537795


Adaptation of the vector and displacement of infected dogs to previously disease-free areas challenges visceral leishmaniasis (VL) control, and leads to geographic dispersion and occurrence in urban and peri-urban areas. Continuous VL control measures over time must be applied with a wide geographic reach, along with better diagnosis practices and timely treatment. The high case-fatality of human VL in areas of recent introduction and its growing association with HIV impose the need for an early diagnosis, treatment and the adoption of active search for human and canine cases incorporated into the routine of periodic home visits by health professionals. The increasing on public rejection of canine euthanasia as a control measure, the limitations of canine therapy with the current available drugs, and the controversies regarding available vaccines for canine protection are discussed. Good prospects on the insecticide-impregnated collars as an effective control measure are emphasized.

Humans , Dogs , Dog Diseases , Insecticides/therapeutic use , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/prevention & control
Acta cir. bras ; 38: e383223, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1513547


Purpose: This study compared, through biomechanical evaluation under ventral flexion load, four surgical techniques for ventral stabilization of the atlantoaxial joint in dogs. Methods: In total, 28 identical atlantoaxial joint models were created by digital printing from computed tomography images of a dog, and the specimens were divided into four groups of seven. In each group, a different technique for ventral stabilization of the atlantoaxial joint was performed: transarticular lag screws, polyaxial screws, multiple screws and bone cement (polymethylmethacrylate­PMMA), and atlantoaxial plate. After the stabilization technique, biomechanical evaluation was performed under ventral flexion load, both with a predefined constant load and with a gradually increasing load until stabilization failure. Results: All specimens, regardless of stabilization technique, were able to support the predefined load without failing. However, the PMMA method provided significant more rigidity (p ≤ 0.05) and also best resisted the gradual increase in load, supporting a significantly higher maximum force (p ≤ 0.05). There was no statistical difference in flexural strength between the transarticular lag screws and plate groups. The polyaxial screws method was significantly less resistant to loading (p ≤ 0.05) than the other groups. Conclusions: The PMMA technique had biomechanical advantages in ventral atlantoaxial stabilization over the other evaluated methods.

Animals , Dogs , Atlanto-Axial Joint/surgery , Biomechanical Phenomena , Dog Diseases/surgery
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 38(1): e00272020, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355989


Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a public health problem in Brazilian municipalities. As much as there is a planning of public policies regards VL in São Paulo State, new cases have been reported and spread. This paper aims to discuss how the Center for Zoonoses Control conducts its actions spatially in endemic city of Presidente Prudente, São Paulo State. Data are from the Municipal Health Department of Presidente Prudente, Adolfo Lutz Institute, and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. We spatially estimated the dog population per census tract and used geoprocessing tools to perform choropleth maps, spatial trends, and spatial autocorrelation. We found a spatial pattern of higher prevalence in the city's outskirt and a positive statistically significant spatial autocorrelation (I = 0.2, p-value < 0.000) with clusters of high-high relationships in the Northwest part of the city. Moreover, we identified a different direction in the path of the conducted serosurveys versus the canine VL trend, which stresses the fragility of the Center for Zoonoses Control actions to control the disease. The Center for Zoonoses Control always seems to chase the disease. The spatial analysis may be useful for rethinking how the service works and helps in public policies.

A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é um problema de saúde pública nas cidades brasileiras. Por mais que haja um planejamento de políticas públicas para LV no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, novos casos têm sido notificados e se disseminado. O artigo objetiva discutir como o Centro de Controle de Zoonoses realiza suas atividades espacialmente em uma cidade endêmica, Presidente Prudente, no Estado de São Paulo. Os dados são da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Presidente Prudente, Instituto Adolfo Lutz e Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Estimamos espacialmente a população canina por setor censitário e utilizamos ferramentas de geoprocessamento para produzir mapas coropléticos, tendências espaciais e autocorrelação espacial. Encontramos um padrão espacial de maior prevalência na periferia da cidade e uma autocorrelação espacial positiva estatisticamente significativa (I = 0,2; p < 0,000) com clusters de relação alta-alta no noroeste da cidade. Além disso, identificamos uma direção diferente no caminho dos inquéritos sorológicos realizados versus a tendência na LV canina, o que enfatiza a fragilidade das medidas de controle do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses para controlar casos da doença. O Centro de Controle de Zoonoses parece estar sempre correndo atrás da doença. A análise espacial pode ser útil para repensar o funcionamento do serviço e auxiliar as políticas públicas.

La leishmaniasis visceral (LV) es un problema de salud pública en las ciudades brasileñas. Aunque hay políticas públicas de planificación relacionadas con la LV en el estado de São Paulo, Brasil, se han informado de nuevos casos, además de su propagación. El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir cómo el Centro de Control de Zoonosis dirige sus acciones espacialmente en una ciudad endémica del estado de São Paulo, Presidente Prudente. Los datos proceden de la Secretaría Municipal de Salud de Presidente Prudente, del Instituto Adolfo Lutz, y del Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística. Estimamos espacialmente la población de perros por sector censal y utilizamos herramientas de geoprocesamiento para elaborar mapas de coropletas, tendencias espaciales, y autocorrelación espacial. Encontramos un patrón espacial de más alta prevalencia en la periferia de la ciudad, además de una autocorrelación espacial positiva y estadísticamente significativa (I = 0,2; valor de p < 0,000) con clústeres de relaciones alto-alto en la parte noroccidental de la ciudad. Además, identificamos una dirección diferente en la trayectoria de las encuestas serológicas llevadas a cabo, frente a la tendencia de LV canina, que enfatiza la debilidad de acciones del Centro de Control de Zoonosis para controlar casos de la enfermedad. El Centro de Control de Zoonosis parece siempre estar tras la enfermedad. El análisis espacial podría ser útil para repensar cómo está funcionando el servicio, además de ayudar a políticas públicas.

Humans , Child , Dogs , Dog Diseases/prevention & control , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/prevention & control , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/veterinary , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Zoonoses/prevention & control , Zoonoses/epidemiology , Spatial Analysis
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(1): e016821, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360927


Abstract This study aimed to verify the occurrence of Dioctophyme renale in stray dogs in the city of Pelotas, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas received 146 wandering dogs for necropsy, sent by the City Hall of Pelotas from March 2012 to January 2020. Among the necropsied animals, seventeen dogs (11.64%) were diagnosed with dioctophymosis. Among these dogs, 11 were parasitized with one specimen in the right kidney, two dogs presented two specimens in the right kidney, and in other two dogs, the parasites were in the abdominal cavity. In one dog, two parasites were found in the left kidney; in another dog, both kidneys were parasitized, with two parasites in the right kidney and one in the left kidney. The data obtained in this study showed that the occurrence of D. renale in stray dogs in the city of Pelotas is high, and D. renale mainly parasitizes the right kidney.

Resumo Este trabalho possui como objetivo verificar a ocorrência de D. renale em cães errantes do município de Pelotas, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Universidade Federal de Pelotas recebeu 146 cães errantes para necropsia, encaminhados pela Prefeitura Municipal de Pelotas, no período de março de 2012 a janeiro de 2020. Dentre os cães necropsiados, 17 animais foram diagnosticados com dioctofimose, determinando uma ocorrência de 11,64%. Desses animais, onze estavam parasitados com um exemplar no rim direito, dois animais possuíam dois exemplares no rim direito. Em dois animais, os parasitas estavam na cavidade abdominal; em um animal havia, dois parasitas no rim esquerdo e noutro animal os dois rins estavam parasitados, tendo dois exemplares no rim direito e um exemplar no rim esquerdo. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho permitem concluir que é elevada a ocorrência de D. renale nos cães errantes do município de Pelotas, parasitando principalmente o rim direito.

Animals , Dogs , Enoplida Infections/veterinary , Enoplida Infections/epidemiology , Dioctophymatoidea , Dog Diseases/diagnosis , Dog Diseases/parasitology , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Kidney/parasitology , Animals, Wild
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(1): e021321, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365760


Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of tick-borne pathogens (Ehrlichia canis, Babesia vogeli, Hepatozoon spp. and Rickettsia spp.) in dogs in Vila de Jericoacoara, coastal region of Ceará, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 153 animals and analyzed using molecular and serological methods. Sixty animals were found to be infected or exposed to at least one of the pathogens studied. Babesia vogeli was the most prevalent pathogen (15%), followed by E. canis (13.7%) and Hepatozoon spp. (11.8%), which was identified as Hepatozoon canis through sequencing. Twenty dogs (13%) were seroreactive to Rickettsia spp. Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato was observed on 11.8% of the animals. There were associations between age (< 3 years old) and positivity for B. vogeli, and between habitation (stray dogs) and positivity for H. canis. There were also associations between anemia and infection with H. canis, and between leukopenia and exposure to Rickettsia spp. No association was detected between clinical alterations and infection with or exposure to the pathogens studied. The results confirmed that pathogens of veterinary importance are circulating in northeastern Brazil and showed that dogs are exposed to Rickettsia species with zoonotic potential, thus indicating a need for vector control measures.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de patógenos transmitidos por carrapatos (Ehrlichia canis, Babesia vogeli, Hepatozoon spp. e Rickettsia spp.) em cães na Vila de Jericoacoara, região costeira do Ceará, Brasil. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de 153 animais e analisadas por métodos moleculares e sorológicos. Sessenta animais foram encontrados infectados ou expostos a pelo menos a um dos patógenos estudados. Babesia vogeli foi o patógeno mais prevalente (15%), seguido por E. canis (13,7%) e Hepatozoon spp. (11,8%), que foi identificado como Hepatozoon canis por sequenciamento. Vinte cães (13%) foram sororreativos à Rickettsia spp. Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato foi observado em 11,8% dos animais. Houve associações entre idade (<3 anos) e positividade para B. vogeli, e entre habitação (cães de rua) e positividade para H. canis. Também houve associações entre anemia e infecção por H. canis, e entre leucopenia e exposição a Rickettsia spp. Não foi detectada associação entre alterações clínicas e infecção ou exposição aos patógenos estudados. Os resultados confirmaram que patógenos de importância veterinária estão circulando no nordeste do Brasil e mostraram que cães estão expostos a espécies de Rickettsia com potencial zoonótico, indicando a necessidade de medidas de controle do vetor.

Animals , Dogs , Babesia/genetics , Tick-Borne Diseases/microbiology , Tick-Borne Diseases/veterinary , Tick-Borne Diseases/epidemiology , Rhipicephalus sanguineus/microbiology , Dog Diseases/parasitology , Brazil/epidemiology , Ehrlichia canis
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e241162, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278483


Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum is transmitted by phlebotomine sandflies and a major zoonotic disease in Brazil. Due to the southward expansion of the disease within the country and the central role of dogs as urban reservoirs of the parasite, we have investigated the occurrence of CVL in two municipalities Erval Velho and Herval d'Oeste in the Midwest region of Santa Catarina state. Peripheral blood samples from 126 dogs were collected in both cities and tested for anti-L. infantum antibodies by indirect enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence reaction (IIF) and for the presence of parasite DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in peripheral blood. From examined dogs, 35.71% (45/126) were positive for at least one of the three tests and two (1.6%) were positive in all performed tests. Twelve dogs (9.5%) were positive for both ELISA and IIF, while 21 dogs were exclusively positive for ELISA (16.7%), and 15 (11.9%) for IIF. L. infantum k-DNA was detected by PCR in 9 out of 126 dogs (7.1%) and clinical symptoms compatible with CVL were observed for 6 dogs. Taken together, these results indicate the transmission of CVL in this region, highlighting the needs for epidemiological surveillance and implementation of control measures for CVL transmission in this region.

A Leishmaniose Visceral Canina (LVC) causada pela Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum e transmitida por flebotomíneos e é uma das principais zoonoses do Brasil que se encontra em expansão em estados da região sul do país, sendo os cães o principal reservatório urbano do parasito. O presente estudo investigou a ocorrência de LVC em dois municípios, Erval Velho e Herval d'Oeste localizados no meio-oeste de Santa Catarina. Para tanto, amostras de sangue periférico de 126 cães foram coletadas em ambas as cidades e submetidas à detecção de anticorpos anti-L. infantum por meio de testes de ELISA e imunofluorescência indireta (IFI), bem com a detecção de k-DNA pela reação em cadeia de polimerase (PCR). Além disso, também foram observados os sintomas clínicos e as condições ambientais associadas a esses animais. Dos cães examinados, 35,7% (45/126) foram positivos para pelo menos um dos três testes, dois cães (1,6%) foram positivos em todos os três testes, 12 cães (9,5%) foram positivos tanto no ELISA quanto na IFI, enquanto 21 cães (16,7%) foram positivos para ELISA e 15 (11,9%) para o IFI. A amplificação do k-DNA de L. infantum foi positiva em 9 dos 126 cães (7,1%). Entre os cães positivos seis apresentaram um ou mais sintomas clínicos correlacionados com a LVC. Esses resultados confirmaram a ocorrência de LVC na região e destacaram a importância do monitoramento e implementação de medidas de controle para a LVC nessa região.

Animals , Dogs , Leishmania infantum , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/veterinary , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cities
São Paulo; s.n; 2022. 1-119 p. ilus, mapas, graf, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP, SESSP-ACVSES, SESSP-TESESESSP, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1436553


A leishmaniose visceral canina se trata de enfermidade infecciosa, zoonótica, de caráter insidioso e multissistêmica. Fatores como a ineficácia dos métodos de controle aplicados sobre os reservatórios caninos (incluindo eutanásia) e a toxicidade dos fármacos atualmente disponíveis para o tratamento humano, justificam urgência na busca de novos candidatos a fármacos. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o potencial anti-Leishmania de 25 compostos sintéticos derivados do gibilimbol. Destes, quatro apresentaram atividade em amastigotas sem citotoxicidade a células de mamíferos, com o CE50 em amastigotas variando entre 5,1 e 13,5 µM, e dois (LPM-21 e LPM-22) foram submetidos à predição drug-likeness in silico e ensaios de mecanismo de ação em promastigotas de Leishmania (L.) infantum. Ambos demonstraram alta absorção gastrointestinal, permeabilidade à barreira hematoencefálica, solubilidade moderada e alta (respectivamente), ausência de moléculas de interferência, e perfil drug-likeness favorável para futuros candidatos a fármacos. Nos ensaios de mecanismo de ação, LPM-21 induziu tardiamente a permeabilização plasmática parasitária (220 minutos), além de ter ocasionado a despolarização da membrana mitocondrial, redução nos níveis de ROS, alcalinização dos acidocalcissomos e importante elevação do Ca2+ intracelular, fatos que sugerem um mecanismo de ação tendo como principal alvo de atuação os acidocalcissomos, resultando no extravasamento do Ca2+ e subsequente despolarização da membrana mitocondrial. O composto LPM-22 não alterou a permeabilidade da membrana plasmática, não atuou sobre o potencial de membrana mitocondrial, induziu a acidificação dos acidocalcissomos, elevação do Ca2+ e redução nos níveis de ROS, podendo sugerir danos à membrana mitocondrial e consequente elevação deste íon. A espectrometria de massas por MALDI-TOF revelou aumento na intensidade dos picos em promastigotas incubadas com LPM-21 e LPM-22. Logo, este trabalho concretiza o potencial anti-Leishmania dos derivados sintéticos do gibilimbol, em especial os compostos LPM-21 e LPM-22, os colocando como futuros candidatos para estudos in vivo. (AU)

Canine visceral leishmaniasis is an infectious, zoonotic, insidious and multisystemic disease. Factors such as the ineffectiveness of the control methods applied to canine reservoirs (including euthanasia) and the toxicity of the drugs currently available for human treatment, brings the urgency in search for new drug candidates. The present study aimed to evaluate the anti-Leishmania potential of 25 synthetic compounds derived from gibilimbol, a phenolic isolate extracted from the leaves of Piper malacophyllum. Four compounds showed activity in amastigotes without cytotoxicity to mammalian cells, with EC50 in amastigotes ranging between 5.1 and 13.5 µM, and two (LPM-21 and LPM-22) were submitted to the in silico drug-likeness prediction, and mechanism of action assays in Leishmania (L.) infantum promastigotes. Both demonstrated high gastrointestinal absorption, permeability to the blood-brain barrier, moderate and high solubility (respectively), and favorable drug-likeness profile for future drug candidates, without revealing PAINS molecules. In the mechanism of action assays, LPM-21 induced parasitic plasmatic permeabilization only at later times (220 minutes), in addition to depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane, reduction in ROS levels, acidocalcisomes alkalinization and significant increase in intracellular Ca2+, suggesting a mechanism of action targetting acidocalcisomes, resulting in extravasation of Ca2+ and subsequent depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane. In contrast, LPM-22 did not alter the permeability of the plasma membrane and the mitochondrial membrane potential, resulting in acidification of acidocalcisomes, elevation of Ca2+ and reduction in ROS levels, which may suggest damage to the mitochondrial membrane and consequent calcium elevation. Mass spectrometry by MALDI-TOF revealed an increase in peak intensity in promastigotes incubated with LPM-21 and LPM-22. Finally, this work realizes the anti-Leishmania potential of synthetic gibilimbol derivatives, especially the compounds LPM-21 and LPM-22, placing them as future candidates for in vivo studies. (AU)

Dog Diseases , Dogs/parasitology , Drug Discovery , Vector Borne Diseases , Leishmaniasis, Visceral , Antiparasitic Agents
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(4): 603-609, dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1395576


Nuestro objetivo fue determinar un score que ayude a predecir la probabilidad de infestación canina por Echinococcus en una zona endémica en hidatidosis. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal en 3 anexos de la provincia de Concepción ubicado en los andes centrales de Perú. La infección canina por Echinococcus granulosus fue definido por la presencia de antígeno identificado en la muestra de heces. El modelo predictivo se obtuvo mediante un análisis de regresión logística basado en los parámetros sociodemográficos, esta regla fue internamente validada por remuestreo de tipo bootstrap. Resultados: De 152 canes que se sometieron al estudio de heces, 76 tuvieron infección por Echinococcus confirmada por antígeno reactivo. Se identificaron 4 factores ponderados dentro de la regla de predicción que, en suma, dieron el puntaje: El can que duerme fuera de casa (3 puntos), alimentar con vísceras crudas al can (3 puntos) y sacrificar al ganado dentro de la casa (2 puntos) y el can se alimenta con croquetas (-2 puntos). Se encontró que esta regla de predicción tuvo valor del área bajo la curva ROC 0,78; (IC 95%: 0,70 ­ 0,86). Estos parámetros de predicción con un puntaje ≥ 3 tenía una sensibilidad del 75% y especificidad del 65,8%, con un valor predictivo positivo del 85,3%. Esta regla ayudará al personal de la salud a identificar a los canes infestados por Echinococcus granulosus, para su intervención anti parasitaria y preventiva en sus dueños(AU)

Cystic hydatidosis is an endemic disease in Andean regions, our objective was to determine a score that helps to predict canine Echinococcus infestation in an endemic area with hydatidosis. A longitudinal study was carried out in 3 annexes of the province of Concepción located in the central Andes of Peru. Canine echinococcosis infection was defined by the presence of E. granulosus antigen identified in the stool sample. The predictive model was obtained through a logistic regression analysis based on the sociodemographic parameters, this rule was internally validated by bootstrap type resampling. Results: Of 152 dogs that underwent the stool study, 76 had an Echinococcus infection confirmed by reactive antigen. Four weighted factors were identified within the prediction rule that, in sum, gave the score: The dog that sleeps outside the home (3 points), feeding raw viscera to the dog (3 points), slaughtering the cattle inside the house (2 points) and the dog is fed with croquettes (-2 points). This prediction rule was found to have a value of the area under the ROC curve 0.78 (95% CI: 0.70 - 0.86). At a cutoff point of ≥ 3 points, the prediction rule was found to have a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 65.8%, with a positive predictive value of 85.3%. This rule will help health personnel to identify canes infested by Echinococcus granulosus, for their anti-parasitic and preventive intervention in their owners(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Echinococcus granulosus , Dog Diseases/diagnosis , Echinococcosis/diagnosis , Echinococcosis/prevention & control , Echinococcosis/epidemiology , Peru/epidemiology , Logistic Models , Longitudinal Studies , Endemic Diseases , Feces/parasitology , Forecasting
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(4): 198-205, out./dez. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363471


Os cães idosos são acometidos com frequência por enfermidades no sistema cardiovascular e respiratório, estando muita das vezes assintomáticos até terem indicação para algum procedimento cirúrgico que requer a avaliação pré-operatória, momento este que muitos achados clínicos poderão ser detectados, ao ponto da necessidade de tratamento prévio à intervenção cirúrgica. Diante disso, o trabalho tem por objetivo detectar as principais manifestações cardiorrespiratórias e sua correlação aos dados encontrados nos exames complementares e informações epidemiológicas de 138 cães atendidos em um serviço especializado em cardiologia e doenças respiratórias, no período de 2017 a 2021, para fins de risco cirúrgico. Foi possível observar maior predominância de animais idosos, de pequeno porte e do sexo feminino. Dentre as doenças cardíacas, a doença degenerativa crônica de mitral foi a mais prevalente, seguida da dirofilariose. Em relação as afecções respiratórias, a bronquite crônica e o colapso de traqueia foram mais diagnosticadas, seguidas da broncopneumonia e da síndrome braquicefálica. Quando da observação do ritmo cardíaco por meio do eletrocardiograma, a arritmia sinusal, ritmo sinusal e sinus arrest foram os principais achados. Quanto aos achados laboratoriais, foi possível observar aumento da média de hematimetria, redução da média do hematócrito e das plaquetas. Entretanto, alguns animais apresentaram azotemia, leucocitose e eosinofilia. Observou-se que pacientes com doenças cardíacas em estágios de congestão possuem redução da pressão arterial, aumento da hematimetria e taquiarritmias, como taquicardia sinusal e/ou complexos atriais prematuros. Pacientes com idade mais avançada tendem a ter redução dos valores de leucometria global e maior probabilidade de manifestação de aumento da pressão arterial. Portadores de dirofilariose cursam com aumento de eosinófilos.

Elderly dogs are frequently affected by diseases in the cardiovascular and respiratory system, being often asymptomatic until they are indicated for a surgical procedure that requires preoperative evaluation, at which point many clinical findings can be detected, to the point of need for treatment prior to surgical intervention. Therefore, the work aims to detect the main cardiorespiratory manifestations and their correlation to data found in complementary exams and demographic information of 138 animals treated at a service specialized in cardiology and respiratory diseases, from 2017 to 2021, for risk purposes surgical. It was possible to observe a greater predominance of elderly, small and female animals. Among heart diseases, chronic degenerative mitral disease was the most prevalent, followed by heartworm disease. Regarding respiratory affections, chronic bronchitis and tracheal collapse were more commonly diagnosed, followed by bronchopneumonia and brachycephalic syndrome. When observing the cardiac rhythm through the electrocardiogram, sinus arrhythmia, sinus rhythm and sinus arrest were the main findings. As for laboratory findings, it was possible to observe an increase in mean hematimetry, a reduction in mean hematocrit and platelets. However, some animals showed azotemia, leukocytosis and eosinophilia. It was observed that patients with cardiac diseases in stages of congestion have reduced blood pressure, increased hematimetry and tachyarrhythmias, such as sinus tachycardia and/or premature atrial complexes. Older patients tend to have reduced global white blood cell values and more likely to manifest increased blood pressure. Heartworm patients have an increase in eosinophils.

Animals , Dogs , Respiratory Tract Diseases/veterinary , Cardiovascular Diseases/veterinary , Dog Diseases , Heart Diseases/veterinary
Rev. chil. infectol ; 38(4): 548-554, ago. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388270


INTRODUCCIÓN: Las rickettsiosis son enfermedades emergentes transmitidas por vectores artrópodos cuyos agentes etiológicos corresponden a bacterias patógenas del género Rickettsia y Orientia . Bacterias de este género han sido descritas en el norte y sur de Chile. OBJETIVO: Determinar presencia de Rickettsia spp. en garrapatas colectadas a partir de perros domésticos en Rapa Nui-Isla de Pascua, Región de Valparaíso. MÉTODOS: Fueron muestreados 20 perros callejeros durante octubre del año 2018. Se colectaron ocho garrapatas adultas desde siete animales (prevalencia: 35%); luego de su identificación taxonómica fueron sometidas a amplificación y secuenciación del gen ADNm 16S para garrapata y gltA (citrato sintetasa) para Rickettsia . RESULTADOS: Todos los ejemplares de garrapatas adultas correspondieron genéticamente a Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu stricto lo cual fue confirmado mediante un análisis filogenético. En dos garrapatas (25%) se encontraron secuencias idénticas de gltA compatibles con " Candidatus Rickettsia andeanae", que formaron un clado monofilético con aislados obtenidos en Brasil, Chile y Perú. CONCLUSIÓN: Se documenta la presencia de " Ca. R. andeanae" s. s. en Rapa Nui-Isla de Pascua, asociado por primera vez a garrapatas del complejo R. sanguineus en Chile.

BACKGROUND: Rickettsioses are vector-borne emerging diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria of the genera Rickettsia and Orientia . Bacteria of these genera have been described in northern and southern Chile, respectively. AIM: To determine the presence of Rickettsia spp. in ticks collected from domestic dog in Rapa Nui-Easter Island, Valparaíso Region. METHODS: 20 stray dogs were sampled during October 2018. Overall, eight adult ticks were collected from seven animals (prevalence: 35%); after morphological identification, were submitted to DNA extraction and amplification and sequencing of the tick mitochondrial 16S DNA gene. The screening for Rickettsia was performed targeting the gltA (citrate synthetase) gene. RESULTS: A phylogenetic analysis confirmed the identity of the ticks as Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu stricto. In two ticks (25%), we retrieved identical sequences of gltA compatible with " Candidatus Rickettsia andeanae", which formed a monophyletic group with conspecific isolates obtained in Brazil, Chile and Peru. CONCLUSION: This study proves the presence of " Ca . R. andeanae" in R. sanguineus s. s. at Rapa Nui-Easter Island, which also corresponds to the first report of this Rickettsia spp. in R. sanguineus complex for Chile.

Animals , Dogs , Rickettsia/genetics , Rickettsia Infections/veterinary , Rhipicephalus sanguineus/microbiology , Dog Diseases , Phylogeny
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(3): 167-173, jul./set. 2021. il.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366793


Hematological and serum biochemical characteristics and prevalence of microorganisms in the uterine content of bitches with pyometra were described, according to type and age. This study was carried out at the Veterinary Medicine Hospital Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto of the UFBA with 132 patients diagnosed with pyometra through imaging and laboratory tests, divided into two groups: Group 1 - less than eight years (n=72) and Group 2 - more than eight years (n=60). Both groups were submitted to Ovariohysterectomy (OH), in which blood and uterine lumen secretion samples were collected. The highest incidence of pyometra was found in bitches under 8 years (54.5%), Poodle breed (31.8%) and mixed-breed (27.3%). Open pyometra represented 80.3% of all cases. The death rate (6.0%) did not show significant difference between the types. Anemia (73.0%), thrombocytopenia (41.2%) and leukocytosis (77.0%) were observed. Urea and ALP were above the reference values in 41.8% and 52.2% of each group, respectively, while ALT (94.0%) and creatine (82%) remained normal in most animals. Serum biochemistry did not show significant differences (P<0.05). Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp. grew in 33.3% and 16.7% of the samples, respectively. Therefore, no significant hematological and serum biochemical differences were observed in bitches with pyometra in both age categories.

Descreveu-se características hematológicas, bioquímicas séricas e prevalência de microrganismos no conteúdo uterino de cadelas com piometra, de acordo com o tipo e idade. Realizou-se este estudo no Hospital de Medicina Veterinária Renato Rodenburg de Medeiros Netto da UFBA com 132 pacientes diagnosticadas com piometra, por exames de imagem e laboratoriais, divididas em dois grupos: Grupo 1 ­ menos de oito anos (n=72) e Grupo 2 ­ mais de oito anos (n=60), submetidas a Ovariectomia (OH), quando se coletou amostras de sangue e secreção do lúmen uterino. A incidência maior deu-se em cadelas abaixo de 8 anos (54,5%), da raça Poodle (31,8%) e sem raça definida (SRD) (27,3%), sendo 80,3% de piometra aberta. A taxa de óbito (6,0%) não apresentou diferença significativa entre os tipos. Observou-se a ocorrência de anemia (73,0%), trombocitopenia (41,2%) e leucocitose (77,0%). Os valores de ureia e FA estiveram acima dos valores de referência em 41,8% e 52,2% das cadelas respectivamente, enquanto a ALT (94,0%) e a creatina (82%) mantiveram-se dentro dos valores de referência na maioria dos animais. A bioquímica sérica não apresentou diferenças significativas (P<0,05). Observou-se crescimento de Escherichia coli e Klebsiella sp. em 33,3% e 16,7% das amostras, respectivamente. Sendo assim, não se observou diferenças significativas hematológicas e na bioquímica sérica de cadelas com piometra nas categorias de idade.

Animals , Dogs , Dog Diseases , Pyometra/veterinary , Biochemistry , Age Factors , Endometrial Hyperplasia/veterinary , Hematologic Tests/veterinary
Rev. chil. infectol ; 38(3): 393-400, jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388262


INTRODUCCIÓN: Las mordeduras causadas por animales de compañía constituyen el 5% de las heridas traumáticas registradas en los servicios de urgencias. OBJETIVO: Conocer los principales agentes infecciosos presentes en las mordeduras provocadas por perros y gatos, tanto de forma individual como conjunta; así como los factores que favorecen la infección. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en Pub-Med con la siguiente estrategia de búsqueda: (("Bites, Human"[Mesh]) OR "Bites and Stings"[Mesh]) AND "Infection"[Mesh]. Se incluyeron 24 trabajos en la síntesis cualitativa escritos en lengua inglesa o española, casos clínicos o descriptivos y publicados entre los años 2000 y 2019. RESULTADOS: Las especies más frecuentemente aisladas fueron Capnocytophaga canimorsus en perros y Pasteurella multocida en gatos. La existencia de comorbilidades en el individuo, la mordedura en la mano, o la presencia de signos de alteración del estado general del individuo mordido fueron considerados como factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de la infección tras la mordedura. CONCLUSIONES: Todos los afectados por mordeduras animales deben recibir asistencia médica y considerar la administración de una pauta de profilaxis antimicrobiana con el fin de reducir el riesgo de shock séptico. Por otro lado, es importante advertir al laboratorio de microbiología de la naturaleza de las muestras clínicas obtenidas para alcanzar el mejor diagnóstico etiológico.

BACKGROUND: Bites caused by pets constitute 5% of the traumatic injuries registered in the emergency services. AIM: To know the main infectious agents present in dog and cat bites, both individually and jointly, in humans, as well as the predisposing factors that favor infection and its spread. METHODS: A bibliographic search was carried out in PubMed with the following search strategy: (("Bites, Human" [Mesh]) OR "Bites and Stings" [Mesh]) AND "Infection" [Mesh]. Twenty-four papers were included in the qualitative synthesis written in English or Spanish, clinical or descriptive cases and published between 2000 and 2019. Results: Most frequently isolated species were Capnocytophaga canimorsus in dogs and Pasteurella multocida in cats. The existence of comorbidities in the individual, the bite on the hand, or the presence of signs of alteration of the general state of the bitten individual were considered as risk factors for the development of infection after the bite. CONCLUSIONS: All patients with animal bites should receive medical assistance, and the administration of an antibiotic prophylaxis regimen should be considered to reduce the risk of septic shock. Besides, it is important to advise the microbiology laboratory of the nature of the clinical samples obtained in order to reach the best etiological diagnosis.

Humans , Animals , Cats , Dogs , Bites and Stings/microbiology , Cat Diseases , Dog Diseases , Capnocytophaga/isolation & purification , Pasteurella multocida/isolation & purification
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 81(2): 166-172, June 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287267


Resumen La hidatidosis, causada por el parásito Echinococcus granulosus, es una zoonosis endémica en la provincia de Santa Cruz asociada a áreas de producción ganadera. El hombre puede permanecer asintomático durante un largo período luego de la infección. Una vez desarrollada, la enfermedad representa un importante problema de salud pública debido a la complejidad y el costo de su tratamiento. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron determinar la prevalencia de contaminación ambiental por E. granulosus en zona rural y periurbana de la localidad de Los Antiguos, mediante la detección de antígenos específicos en heces caninas, e identificar factores de riesgo de transmisión. Entre mayo-2016 y abril-2017, se visitaron 38 chacras periurbanas y estancias rurales, definidas como "unidades epidemiológicas". Se analizaron 144 muestras de heces de caninos con téc nica copro-ELISA. Se realizó una encuesta epidemiológica de los pobladores rurales sobre patrones culturales relacionados a la hidatidosis. Se encontró un índice de contaminación ambiental del 17.3% y el 44.7% de las unidades epidemiológicas fueron positivas. Se identificaron prácticas de riesgo como faena domiciliaria (34.2%), alimentación de caninos con vísceras crudas (52.6%), y ausencia de desparasitación de perros (86.8%). Alrededor de la mitad de la población encuestada desconocía las formas de contagio y las medidas de prevención de la enfermedad. Este trabajo muestra un índice alto de contaminación y establece una línea de base para realizar comparaciones a futuro. También refuerza la necesidad de implementar medidas de educación, prevención y control de hidatidosis a nivel local de acuerdo a los programas nacionales.

Abstract Hydatidosis − caused by the parasite Echinococcus granulosus − is a zoonosis endemic to the province of Santa Cruz, associated with areas of livestock production. Once infected, man may remain asymptomatic for a prolonged pe riod but the disease has an important impact on public health owing to the complexity and costs of its treatment. This study aimed at assessing the prevalence of environmental E. granulosus infection in rural and peri-urban areas of the town of Los Antiguos, through the detection of antigens in scattered canine feces, and to identify risk factors for transmission. From May-2016 to April-2017, 38 peri-urban and rural farms, defined as "epidemio logical units", were visited; 144 samples of canine feces were analyzed with the copro-ELISA technique. Rural settlers were enrolled in an epidemiological survey on cultural patterns related to hydatidosis. An environmental contamination index of 17.3% was found and 44.7% of the epidemiological units were positive. Risk practices were found, such as domiciliary slaughter (34.2%), canine feeding with raw viscera (52.6%), and lack of dog de worming (86.8%). In turn, about half of the surveyed population ignored the modes of transmission of the infection and the measures to prevent it. This work shows a high infection index in the area and establishes a baseline for future comparisons. It also reinforces the need to implement education, prevention, and control activities at the local level − according to national program guidelines − in order to reduce the prevalence of environmental contamination of the disease.

Humans , Animals , Dogs , Echinococcus granulosus , Dog Diseases/prevention & control , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Echinococcosis/prevention & control , Echinococcosis/epidemiology , Rural Population , Feces
Rev. cuba. anestesiol. reanim ; 20(1): e681, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1156364


Introducción: El estudio y tratamiento del dolor ha sido una de las preocupaciones más importantes en los últimos 30 años en el ámbito médico mundial. Desde hace varias décadas a nivel internacional se realizan estudios sobre el efecto del tramadol y la lidocaína como analgésicos intraoperatorio, con el fin de obtener una adecuada analgesia durante el procedimiento quirúrgico y el periodo posoperatorio inmediato. Objetivo: Comparar el efecto analgésico del tramadol y la lidocaína durante el período transoperatorio en caninos programados para intervención quirúrgica. Método: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, comparativo, con animales programados para tratamiento quirúrgico por presentar tumores periféricos. Se incluyeron 10 animales divididos en 2 grupos. El grupo control (G-C) que recibió lidocaína sin preservo (lidocaína SP) en infusión continua durante el procedimiento quirúrgico y el grupo 1 (G-1) que se le administró tramadol endovenoso previo al acto quirúrgico. Se evaluaron variables hemodinámicas y de oxigenación como indicadores indirectos de dolor transoperatorio. Resultados: La muestra fue homogénea para la edad y el sexo. El comportamiento de las variables hemodinámicas resultó más estable durante la infusión de lidocaína. La saturación periférica de oxígeno fue similar con ambos medicamentos, así como la temperatura. Conclusiones: La infusión intravenosa de lidocaína SP durante el periodo transoperatorio en caninos oncológico demostró una mejor efectividad analgésica en comparación con el tramadol aplicado preoperatoriamente, según los parámetros evaluados(AU)

Introduction: Study and treatment of pain has been one of the most important concerns in the last thirty years in the worldwide medical field. For several decades, international studies have been carried out on the effect of tramadol and lidocaine as intraoperative analgesics, in order to achieve adequate analgesia during surgical procedures and the immediate postoperative period. Objective: To compare the analgesic effect of tramadol and lidocaine during the intraoperative period in canines scheduled for surgical intervention. Method: A prospective, comparative study was carried out with animals scheduled for surgical treatment due to peripheral tumors. Ten animals were included, divided into two groups: the control group, which received lidocaine without preservation in continuous infusion during the surgical procedure, and group 1, which was administered intravenous tramadol prior to the surgical act. Hemodynamic and oxygenation variables were assessed as indirect indicators of intraoperative pain. Results: The sample was homogeneous for age and sex. The behavior of the hemodynamic variables was more stable during the lidocaine infusion. Peripheral oxygen saturation was similar in both drugs, as well as temperature. Conclusions: Intravenous infusion of lidocaine without preservation during the intraoperative period in oncological canines showed better analgesic effectiveness compared to tramadol applied preoperatively, according to the parameters assessed(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Tramadol/therapeutic use , Anesthesia and Analgesia/methods , Lidocaine/therapeutic use , Prospective Studies , Dog Diseases/drug therapy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921343


Objective@#This study aims to investigate the infection of @*Method@#Infection of the definitive human host and intermediate fish host by @*Results@#In 2016-2020, the average population infection rate of Hunan was 1.38%, while in Tongdao County the rate was up to 26.90%, and the highest fish infection rate was detected in Qiyang County (99.44% in the dorsal fin of @*Conclusion@#The systematically study of

Animals , Cats , Dogs , Humans , Cat Diseases/parasitology , China/epidemiology , Clonorchiasis/veterinary , Clonorchis sinensis/genetics , Dog Diseases/parasitology , Fish Diseases/parasitology , Fishes , Incidence , Prevalence , Species Specificity
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 30(2): e026720, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1288695


Abstract Dogs are the main urban reservoir of Leishmania infantum, the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis (VL), which is transmitted by sand flies. In the state of Paraná, the first detection of a positive dog for VL was in 2014, this year Paraná lost free status for this disease (VL). The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of canine visceral leishmaniasis in Palotina, the occurrence of vectors that may transmit Leishmania infantum, and the number of notifications of human visceral leishmaniasis cases from period 2010 to 2020. To determine the occurrence of canine visceral leishmaniasis, blood samples from 204 dogs were analyzed using the rapid test DPP® to detect anti-L. infantum antibodies. To investigate the occurrence of potential vectors, monthly collections were made at 18 points within the urban area of the municipality. The number of human visceral leishmaniasis cases was investigated from Epidemiological Surveillance records. None of the serologically tested dogs showed positive titration. Only two specimens of Lutzomyia neivai, one of Lutzomyia sp. and four of Brumptomyia brumpti specimens were collected. No human visceral leishmaniasis cases were reported. These results suggest that there is no evidence of circulation of L. infantum in Palotina.

Resumo Os cães são os principais reservatórios urbanos da Leishmania infantum, agente causador da leishmaniose visceral (VL), transmitida por vetores conhecidos como flebotomíneos. No Paraná, a primeira detecção de casos positivos caninos ocorreu em 2014, ano em que o Paraná perdeu o status de estado indene. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência da leishmaniose visceral canina no município de Palotina, a ocorrência de vetores que possam transmitir Leishmania infantum e o número de notificação de casos de leishmaniose visceral humana, no período de 2010 a 2020. Para determinar a ocorrência da leishmaniose visceral canina, amostras de sangue de 204 cães foram analisadas, utilizando-se o teste rápido (DPP®) para detectar anticorpos anti-L. infantum. Com o objetivo de investigar a ocorrência de potenciais vetores, coletas foram realizadas mensalmente em 18 pontos na área urbana do município. O número de casos de leishmaniose visceral humana foi investigado a partir de registros da Vigilância Epidemiológica. Nenhum cão testado foi positivo no teste sorológico. Apenas dois espécimes de Lutzomyia neivai, uma de Lutzomyia sp. e quatro de Brumptomyia brumpti foram coletados. Nenhum caso de leishmaniose visceral humana foi notificado. Esses resultados sugerem que não há evidência da circulação de L. infantum em Palotina.

Animals , Dogs , Leishmania infantum , Dog Diseases/diagnosis , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/diagnosis , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/veterinary , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cities , One Health , Insect Vectors
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 30(3): e006621, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1288698


Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the level of exposure to Leishmania infection in stray dogs in an area of intense visceral leishmaniasis transmission in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Blood samples from 178 dogs were analyzed using serological and molecular assays: rapid immunochromatographic test (ICT), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), and conventional and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (cPCR and qPCR). Positivity values obtained with serological tests were 71.4% (127/178), 70.2% (125/178), and 50.6% (90/178) using ICT, ELISA, and IFAT, respectively, with 38.8% (69/178) of the dogs were simultaneously positive for all three tests. The positivity values obtained with cPCR and qPCR were 20.2% (36/178) and 38.8% (69/178), respectively, with 11.8% (21/178) testing positive in both molecular assays. Overall, 87.1% (155/178) were positive for anti-Leishmania spp. antibodies and/or Leishmania spp. DNA. Positivity to one or more tests was statistically associated with lymphadenomegaly, skin lesions, lymphocytosis, anemia and hyperproteinemia. The results of this study revealed a high level of exposure to Leishmania in stray dogs in an area of intense human visceral leishmaniasis transmission, suggesting that dogs play a role as reservoirs in the transmission cycle of this zoonosis.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o nível de exposição à infecção por Leishmania em cães errantes de uma área de transmissão intensa de leishmaniose visceral no estado de Pernambuco. Amostras de sangue de 178 cães foram avaliadas por testes sorológicos e moleculares: teste imunocromatográfico (IC), ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA), teste de imunofluorescência de anticorpos (RIFI), reação em cadeia da polimerase convencional e quantitativa (cPCR e qPCR). Os valores de positividade obtidos com os testes sorológicos foram 71,4% (127/178), 70,2% (125/178) e 50,6% (90/178) com IC, ELISA e RIFI, respectivamente. E com 38,8% (69/178) dos cães mostraram-se simultaneamente positivos aos três testes. Os valores de positividade obtidos por cPCR e qPCR foram 20,2% (36/178) e 38,8% (69/178), respectivamente. E com 11,8% (21/178) dos cães foram positivos em ambos os testes moleculares. No geral, 87,1% (155/178) foram positivos para anticorpos anti-Leishmania spp. e/ou material genético de Leishmania spp. A positividade a um ou mais testes foi estatisticamente associada à linfonodomegalia, lesões cutâneas, linfocitose, anemia e hiperproteinemia. Os resultados do estudo revelam um alto nível de exposição à Leishmania spp. em cães errantes em uma área de transmissão intensa de leishmaniose visceral humana, sugerindo que eles podem desempenhar um papel como reservatórios no ciclo de transmissão dessa zoonose.

Humans , Animals , Dogs , Leishmaniasis/veterinary , Leishmania infantum/genetics , Dog Diseases/diagnosis , Dog Diseases/epidemiology , Leishmania/genetics , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/diagnosis , Brazil/epidemiology , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/veterinary , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/veterinary , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/epidemiology
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 30(3): e005721, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1288700


Abstract Two lineages of Rhipicephalus sanguineus are known in Brazil: the temperate or southern and the tropical or northern populations. The distribution patterns of both lineages of R. sanguineus have epidemiological implications that can affect vectorial competence concerning Ehrlichia canis, the agent of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis. Intending to identify the microbiomes of both lineages and compare microorganisms in R. sanguineus, we used the 16S rRNA (V4-V5 region) gene-based metataxonomic approach, through NGS sequencing on the MiSeq Illumina platform. We selected specimens of females from the environment and samples of primary embryonic cell cultures, from both lineages, and this was the first study to investigate the prokaryotic microbiome in tick cell cultures. The results showed that many bacterial taxa detected in the samples were typical members of the host environment. A significant diversity of microorganisms in R. sanguineus females and in embryonic cell cultures from both lineages was found, with emphasis on the presence of Coxiella in all samples, albeit in different proportions. The Coxiella species present in the two lineages of ticks may be different and may have co-evolved with them, thus driving different patterns of interactions between ticks and the pathogens that they can harbor or transmit to vertebrate hosts.

Resumo Duas linhagens de Rhipicephalus sanguineus são conhecidas no Brasil: populações da linhagem temperada ou do sul, e tropical ou do norte. Os padrões de distribuição de ambas as linhagens de R. sanguineus têm implicações epidemiológicas, podendo afetar a competência vetorial de Ehrlichia canis, o agente etiológico da erliquiose monocítica canina. Com a intenção de identificar os microbiomas de ambas as linhagens e comparar microrganismos de R. sanguineus, foi utilizada a metataxonomia, baseada no gene 16S rRNA (região V4-V5), por meio do sequenciamento de nova geração na plataforma MiSeq Illumina. Foram selecionadas amostras de fêmeas do ambiente e cultivo primário de células embrionárias, considerando-se as duas linhagens conhecidas do Brasil. Este é o primeiro estudo que investiga o microbioma procariótico de células de cultura de carrapato. Os resultados mostram que muitos grupos de bactérias detectadas nas amostras são membros típicos do ambiente do hospedeiro. Uma diversidade significativa de microrganismos em fêmeas e cultura de células embrionárias nas duas linhagens de R. sanguineus foi encontrada, com ênfase na presença de Coxiella em todas as amostras, ainda que em diferentes proporções. Possivelmente, as espécies de Coxiella presentes nas duas linhagens de carrapatos são diferentes e co-evoluíram com essas linhagens, conduzindo a diferentes padrões de interação entre carrapatos e patógenos que podem abrigar ou transmitir aos hospedeiros vertebrados.

Animals , Female , Dogs , Rhipicephalus sanguineus , Dog Diseases , Microbiota , Brazil , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Cell Culture Techniques/veterinary
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 30(3): e004821, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1288702


Abstract Canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) is a zoonotic disease of high lethality caused by Leishmania infantum in the Americas. In the infected dog, the amastigotes are scarce in blood, especially in the late phase of the disease. This study aimed to report a rare case of L. infantum amastigotes found in neutrophils from peripheral blood of a naturally infected dog in terminal phase of CVL, also describing its clinical status before and after treatment with miltefosine 2%. The dog, which presented as polysymptomatic and with classical signs and symptoms of CVL was submitted to the following tests: Dual Path Platform (DPP) rapid test, ELISA and parasitological examination of peripheral blood. Hematological and biochemical parameters were obtained before and after treatment. All diagnostic tests were positive for CVL. The identification of L. infantum amastigotes inside neutrophils from peripheral blood was confirmed through microscopy, and the species was confirmed by molecular analysis. At the end of the treatment, peripheral parasitemia was not detected, and improvements were observed in clinical and laboratorial parameters. Finally, this atypical finding can be used as example to raise discussions about the real immunological role of neutrophils in late phases of CVL and its clinical/therapeutic implications.

Resumo A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) é uma doença zoonótica de alta letalidade causada por Leishmania infantum nas Américas. No cão infectado, as formas amastigotas são escassas no sangue, principalmente na fase tardia da doença. Este estudo teve como objetivo relatar um caso raro de amastigotas de L. infantum encontradas em neutrófilos do sangue periférico de um cão naturalmente infectado e terminal da LVC, descrevendo também seu estado clínico antes e após o tratamento com miltefosina a 2%. O cão, que se apresentou como polissintomático e com sinais e sintomas clássicos da LVC foi submetido aos seguintes testes: teste rápido Dual Path Platform (DPP), ELISA e exame parasitológico de sangue periférico. Os parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos foram obtidos antes e após o tratamento. Todos os testes diagnósticos foram positivos para LVC. A identificação de formas amastigotas de L. infantum, dentro de neutrófilos do sangue periférico foi confirmada por microscopia, e a espécie foi confirmada por análise molecular. Ao final do tratamento, não foi detectada parasitemia periférica, observando-se melhora dos parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais. Por fim, esse achado atípico pode ser usado como exemplo para levantar discussões sobre o real papel imunológico dos neutrófilos nas fases tardias da LVC e suas implicações clínicas/terapêuticas.

Animals , Dogs , Leishmania infantum , Dog Diseases/diagnosis , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/diagnosis , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/veterinary , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/veterinary , Neutrophils