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Rev. ADM ; 81(3): 152-157, mayo-jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566737


Introducción: el hecho de que una persona no puede acceder a un servicio de salud puede favorecer la automedicación, que es la administración de fármacos según la autopercepción del individuo sobre su posible diagnóstico y solución. Aunque es una situación considerada como problema de salud pública, por medio de la educación o futuras investigaciones que generen propuestas, se podrá erradicar las barreras al acceso de la salud oral. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de la automedicación en odontología en adultos de Macas, Ecuador, durante el año 2021. Material y métodos: estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, documental, comunicacional y transversal actual, donde se trabajó sobre la población de edad adulta de Macas, Ecuador; los datos se recolectaron mediante una encuesta online, para luego ser analizados en prevalencia, frecuencia y chi cuadrado. Resultados: 49% de los encuestados respondió que se automedican, los analgésicos fueron el tipo de medicamento más consumido (44.2%); 27% de los individuos respondió que el dolor dental era una causa para tomar medicamentos sin receta, el principal motivo para automedicarse y no acudir al odontólogo fue por indicación del técnico de farmacia (26%). Conclusiones: los datos epidemiológicos obtenidos en esta investigación demuestran la marcada tendencia de las personas a consumir medicinas sin receta médica, por lo que, se deduce que existe una barrera para acceder a los servicios de salud oral; por ello, debería darse la importancia y atención oportuna (AU)

Introduction: the fact that a person cannot access a health service, may favor self-medication, which is the administration of drugs according to the individual's self-perception about their possible diagnosis and solution. Although, it is a situation considered as a public health problem, through education or future research that generates proposals, it will be possible to eradicate the barriers to oral health access. Objective: to determine the prevalence of self-medication in dentistry in adults in Macas, Ecuador, during the year 2021. Material and methods: a descriptive, quantitative, documentary, communicational and current cross-sectional study was carried out on the adult population of Macas, Ecuador; data were collected by means of an online survey and then analyzed in terms of prevalence, frequency and chi-square. Results: 49% of those surveyed responded that they self-medicate, analgesics were the most consumed type of medicine (44.2%), 27% of the individuals responded that dental pain was a cause for taking medicines without prescription, the main reason for self-medicating and not going to the dentist was because of the indication of the pharmacy technician (26%). Conclusions: the epidemiological data obtained in this investigation show us the marked tendency of people to take medicines without a medical prescription; therefore, it can be deduced that there is a barrier to accessing oral health services, and for this reason it should be given importance and timely attention (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Drug Prescriptions , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Surveys and Questionnaires , Nonprescription Drugs/therapeutic use , Ecuador/epidemiology , Effective Access to Health Services , Mouth Diseases/drug therapy
Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 81-87, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567543


Background and Objectives: antimicrobial resistance is one of the main public health concerns worldwide. Intensive Care Units have a high prevalence of resistant microorganisms and infections, and the rational use of antibiotics is one of the main strategies for tackling this problem. This work aimed to describe patterns associated with antimicrobial drugs as well as the resistance profile of microorganisms. Methods: an observational study was carried out using data from patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit who used antimicrobial agents. Results: respiratory and cardiological causes were the most frequent reasons for admission, with cephalosporins (29.02%), with penicillin (25.84%) and macrolides (16.10%) being the most used classes of antibiotics. The predominant microorganisms were Klebsiella pneumoniae (13.98%), Staphylococcus aureus (13.44%) and Acinetobacter baumannii (11.83%). Urine cultures and tracheal aspirate were the culture tests with the highest growth of gram-negative microorganisms. Patients with bacteria isolated in tracheal aspirate had longer hospital stays; 20 patients had positive surveillance cultures; and the mortality rate found was 55.45%. Conclusion: the study combined the institution's epidemiological profile with patient characteristics, isolated microorganisms and outcomes.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivos: a resistência antimicrobiana é uma das principais preocupações de saúde pública em todo o mundo. As Unidades de Terapia Intensiva têm uma alta prevalência de microorganismos resistentes e infecções, e o uso racional de antibióticos é uma das principais estratégias para lidar com esse problema. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever padrões associados a medicamentos antimicrobianos, bem como o perfil de resistência dos microorganismos. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo observacional utilizando dados de pacientes hospitalizados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva que utilizaram agentes antimicrobianos. Resultados: causas respiratórias e cardiológicas foram os motivos mais frequentes de admissão, com cefalosporinas (29,02%), penicilina (25,84%) e macrolídeos (16,10%) sendo as classes de antibióticos mais utilizadas. Os microorganismos predominantes foram Klebsiella pneumoniae (13,98%), Staphylococcus aureus (13,44%) e Acinetobacter baumannii (11,83%). Culturas de urina e aspirado traqueal foram os testes de cultura com maior crescimento de microorganismos gram-negativos. Pacientes com bactérias isoladas no aspirado traqueal tiveram internações mais longas; 20 pacientes tiveram culturas de vigilância positivas; e a taxa de mortalidade encontrada foi de 55,45%. Conclusão: o estudo combinou o perfil epidemiológico da instituição com características dos pacientes, microorganismos isolados e resultados.(AU)

Antecedentes y Objetivos: la resistencia antimicrobiana es una de las principales preocupaciones de salud pública en todo el mundo. Las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos tienen una alta prevalencia de microorganismos resistentes e infecciones, y el uso racional de antibióticos es una de las principales estrategias para abordar este problema. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo describir patrones asociados con medicamentos antimicrobianos, así como el perfil de resistencia de los microorganismos. Métodos: se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional utilizando datos de pacientes hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos que utilizaron agentes antimicrobianos. Resultados: las causas respiratorias y cardiológicas fueron las razones más frecuentes de admisión, con cefalosporinas (29,02%), penicilina (25,84%) y macrólidos (16,10%) siendo las clases de antibióticos más utilizadas. Los microorganismos predominantes fueron Klebsiella pneumoniae (13,98%), Staphylococcus aureus (13,44%) y Acinetobacter baumannii (11,83%). Los cultivos de orina y el aspirado traqueal fueron las pruebas de cultivo con mayor crecimiento de microorganismos gramnegativos. Los pacientes con bacterias aisladas en el aspirado traqueal tuvieron estancias hospitalarias más largas; 20 pacientes tuvieron cultivos de vigilancia positivos; y la tasa de mortalidad encontrada fue del 55,45%. Conclusión: el estudio combinó el perfil epidemiológico de la institución con las características de los pacientes, los microorganismos aislados y los resultados.(AU)

Humans , Drug Prescriptions , Brazil , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Laboratory Test , Intensive Care Units , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Drug Utilization
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(63): 110-120, jan-abr. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566925


O cirurgião-dentista (CD) é o profissional habilitado para prescrever agentes antimicrobianos destinados à profilaxia ou ao tratamento de infecções bacterianas. No Brasil, a comercialização demanda a retenção de receita e é notificada no Sistema Nacional de Gerenciamento de Produtos Controlados (SNGPC). O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o consumo de antimicrobianos prescritos por CDs, a partir dos dados disponibilizados pelo SNGPC entre 2015 e 2021. Amoxicilina, azitromicina, amoxicilina-ácido clavulânico, cefalexina, metronidazol, eritromicina, clindamicina, ciprofloxacino, ampicilina e tetraciclina foram os mais vendidos e os cinco primeiros contaram por 92% de todas as comercializações. Os estados com maior comercialização foram São Paulo e Minas Gerais, com Rio Grande do Sul e Rio de Janeiro alternando entre as terceira e quarta posições. A menor comercialização ocorreu nas regiões norte e nordeste, em especial no Acre, Amapá, Roraima e Piauí. Ainda que não seja possível conhecer o motivo da prescrição, pois a indicação clínica não é informada no SNGPC, o estudo traz um panorama nacional sobre a prescrição de antimicrobianos por CDs. Observa-se que o maior consumo se deu nas regiões de maior índice de desenvolvimento humano, o que pode refletir o maior acesso dos habitantes à assistência odontológica.

The dentist is the professional qualified to prescribe antimicrobial agents intended for the prophylaxis or treatment of bacterial infections. In Brazil, sales require prescription retention and are notified in the National Controlled Products Management System (SNGPC). The objective of this study was to analyze the consumption of antimicrobials prescribed by dentists, based on data provided by the SNGPC between 2015 and 2021. Amoxicillin, azithromycin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, cephalexin, metronidazole, erythromycin, clindamycin, ciprofloxacin, ampicillin and tetracycline were the top sellers and the top five accounted for 92% of all sales. The states with the highest sales were São Paulo and Minas Gerais, with Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro alternating between third and fourth positions. The lowest sales occurred in the North and Northeast regions, especially in Acre, Amapá, Roraima and Piauí. Although it is not possible to know the reason for the prescription, as the clinical indication is not reported in the SNGPC, the study provides a national overview on the prescription of antimicrobials by dentists. It is observed that the highest consumption occurred in regions with the highest human development index, which may reflect greater access to dental care.

Drug Prescriptions , Dentists , Data Analysis , Anti-Infective Agents
Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 25(1): 86-94, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1532993


Background: The inappropriate use of antibiotics results in the emergence of antimicrobial resistance and adverse clinical and economic outcomes in hospital in-patients. A lack of institutional and national antibiotic guidelines promotes inappropriate antibiotic use. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the appropriateness of antibiotic prescribing, and the quality of antibiotic use in medical wards of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria. Methodology: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study of patients admitted and placed on antibiotics in the medical wards of Lagos University Teaching Hospital between July 2013 and August 2014. The appropriateness of antibiotic therapy was determined by compliance with the guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). Results: A total of 350 hospitalized patients on antibiotic therapy during the period of the study were reviewed, including 197 (56.3%) males and 153 females (43.7%). The mean age of the patients was 48.7±17.6 years and a total of 539 initial antibiotics were empirically prescribed. Antibiotic therapy was considered inappropriate in 290 (82.9%) patients, of which 131 (37.4%) patients had no evidence of infection. Pneumonia (23.1%) was the most common indication for antibiotic use, out of which 59.3% had inappropriate antibiotic therapy. Overall, the most frequently prescribed initial empirical antibiotic classes were imidazole derivatives (32.4%) and cephalosporins (22.0%), while the most frequently prescribed inappropriate antibiotic classes were carbapenems (100.0%) and quinolones (89.3%). Conclusion: The study revealed a high rate of inappropriate antibiotic therapy. There is an imperative need to establish antimicrobial stewardship programmes to curb the inappropriate use of antibiotics in the hospital.

Male , Female , Drug Prescriptions , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Drug Overdose , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(2): 653-665, Maio-Ago. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424872


Objetivo: Avaliar interações medicamentosas (IM), em que os riscos se so- brepõem aos benefícios (nível I) ou os benefícios se sobrepõem aos riscos (nível II); a partir da análise retrospectiva de prescrições médicas em um Hospital Universitário no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Métodos: Foram analisadas 19762 prescrições médicas des- tinadas à farmácia do hospital, de janeiro a setembro de 2009; com o auxílio de programas sobre IM, para categorizar IM de nível I e II. Resultados: Na análise 26,53% apresentaram IM, em que 23,64% foram classificadas em nível I e 76,35% em nível II. Dentre as IM com maior frequência no nível I, estavam: ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) e clopidogrel, AAS e heparina, captopril e espironolactona, digoxina e hidroclorotiazida. Houve uma redução em percentual de IM de nível I, comparando janeiro representado por 26,5% e setembro representado por 18,4%. Já nas IM de nível II, tem-se as seguintes associações com maior frequência: AAS e propranolol, AAS e insulina regular humana, AAS e ate- nolol, AAS e enalapril, AAS e carvedilol. Conclusão: A atuação dos farmacêuticos cola- borou à redução de IM de nível I, devido à intervenção por meio de comunicação estabe- lecida com os prescritores; sinalizando a importância da equipe interprofissional em saúde.

Objective: To evaluate drug interactions (MI), in which risks outweigh the benefits (level I) or benefits outweigh the risks (level II); from the retrospective analysis of medical prescriptions in a University Hospital in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: 19,762 prescriptions destined to the hospital pharmacy were analyzed, from January to September 2009; with the help of programs on MI, to categorize level I and II MI. Results: In the analysis 26.53% presented MI, in which 23.64% were classified in level I and 76.35% in level II. Among the most frequent level I MI were: acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and clopidogrel, ASA and heparin, captopril and spironolactone, digoxin and hydrochlorothiazide. There was a reduction in the percentage of level I MI, comparing January, which accounted for 26.5%, and September, which accounted for 18.4%. As for level II MI, the following associations were more frequent: ASA and propranolol, ASA and regular human insulin, ASA and atenolol, ASA and enalapril, ASA and carvedilol. Conclusion: The role of pharmacists collaborated to the reduction of level I MI, due to the intervention by means of communication established with the prescribers; signaling the importance of the interprofessional health team.

Objetivo: Evaluar las interacciones medicamentosas (IM), en las que los riesgos superan a los beneficios (nivel I) o los beneficios superan a los riesgos (nivel II); a partir del análisis retrospectivo de las prescripciones médicas en un Hospital Universitario del estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Métodos: Se analizaron 19.762 prescripciones destinadas a la farmacia del hospital, de enero a septiembre de 2009; con la ayuda de programas sobre IM, para categorizar los IM de nivel I y II. Resultados: En el análisis el 26,53% presentaron IM, en el que el 23,64% se clasificaron en nivel I y el 76,35% en nivel II. Entre los IM de nivel I más frecuentes estaban: ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) y clopidogrel, AAS y heparina, captopril y espironolactona, digoxina e hidroclorotiazida. Hubo una reducción del porcentaje de IM de nivel I, comparando enero, que supuso el 26,5%, y septiembre, que supuso el 18,4%. En cuanto a los IM de nivel II, fueron más frecuentes las siguientes asociaciones: AAS y propranolol, AAS e insulina humana regular, AAS y atenolol, AAS y enalapril, AAS y carvedilol. Conclusiones: El papel de los farmacéuticos colaboró a la reducción de las IM de nivel I, debido a la intervención mediante la comunicación establecida con los prescriptores; señalando la importancia del equipo sanitario interprofesional.

Drug Prescriptions , Drug Interactions , Pharmacy , Drug Evaluation , Interprofessional Education , Inpatients
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(4)dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559857


Introducción: El uso de fármacos con potencial cardiotóxico para tratar enfermedades no cardiovasculares coexistentes resulta un agravante evitable. Objetivo: Evaluar la prescripción de 5 fármacos cardiotóxicos en pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal (enmarcado en los estudios de utilización de medicamentos) de marzo a diciembre de 2020 en el Policlínico Santa Cruz (Artemisa, Cuba), en una población de 234 sujetos con enfermedades cardiovasculares que habían sido tratados con domperidona, azitromicina, ciprofloxacina, ibuprofeno y diclofenaco. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, edad, consumo de fármacos cardiotóxicos, motivo de indicación, enfermedades cardiovasculares, forma farmacéutica, dosis diaria, intervalo de las dosis y duración del tratamiento. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Resultados: Los fármacos más prescritos fueron la azitromicina (n= 63), el ibuprofeno (n= 59) y la ciprofloxacina (n= 57). Sus principales motivos de indicación fueron, respectivamente, la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (38,1 por ciento), las infecciones de piel y tejidos blandos (28,8 por ciento), y las infecciones del tracto urinario (43,8 por ciento). La principal enfermedad cardiovascular fue la hipertensión arterial. Para los 5 fármacos seleccionados se reportó su esquema terapéutico (forma farmacéutica, dosis diaria, intervalo de dosis y duración del tratamiento). Conclusiones: Aunque en todos los casos el motivo de indicación es el adecuado, los fármacos pueden sustituirse por otros de menor riesgo cardiovascular. En su mayoría, los esquemas terapéuticos son correctos, salvo en los casos de la domperidona (duración prolongada) y el diclofenaco (altas dosis)(AU)

Introduction: The use of drugs with cardiotoxic potential to treat coexisting noncardiovascular diseases results in avoidable aggravation. Objective: To assess the prescription of 5 cardiotoxic drugs in patients with cardiovascular disease. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study (framed in the studies of drug utilization) was carried out from March to December 2020 in the Policlínico Santa Cruz (Artemisa, Cuba), in a population of 234 subjects with cardiovascular diseases who had been treated with domperidone, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, ibuprofen and diclofenac. The variables studied were: sex, age, consumption of cardiotoxic drugs, reason for indication, cardiovascular disease, pharmaceutical form, daily dose, dose interval, and duration of treatment. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Results: The most prescribed drugs were azithromycin (n= 63), ibuprofen (n= 59) and ciprofloxacin (n= 57). Their main reasons for indication were, respectively, community-acquired pneumonia (38.1 percent), skin and soft tissue infections (28.8 percent), and urinary tract infections (43.8 percent). The main cardiovascular disease was arterial hypertension. For the 5 selected drugs, their therapeutic scheme (pharmaceutical form, daily dose, dose interval and duration of treatment) was reported. Conclusions: Although in all cases the reason for indication was adequate, the drugs can be substituted by others of lower cardiovascular risk. For the most part, the therapeutic regimens are correct, except in the cases of domperidone (prolonged duration) and diclofenac (high doses)(AU)

Humans , Drug Prescriptions , Cardiovascular Diseases/drug therapy , Cardiotoxins/toxicity , Pharmacovigilance , Ciprofloxacin/therapeutic use , Diclofenac/therapeutic use , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Azithromycin/therapeutic use , Domperidone/therapeutic use
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(6): 599-608, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530005


INTRODUCCIÓN: El uso de tigeciclina ha ido en aumento en los últimos años, debido al incremento de la resistencia bacteriana y la escasez de alternativas terapéuticas. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar y evaluar las prescripciones de tigeciclina en pacientes internados en un hospital universitario, durante los años 2017 y 2018. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio observacional retrospectivo, donde se caracterizaron los pacientes, las terapias, la microbiología asociada, los desenlaces clínicos y las reacciones adversas asociadas a los tratamientos con tigeciclina. Se determinó la proporción de prescripciones apropiadas por un comité de expertos y el consumo de tigeciclina medido en DDD/100 camas-día. RESULTADOS: Se caracterizaron 89 pacientes, de los cuales 67 (75,3%) cumplieron los criterios de selección. El 53,7% de los pacientes eran hombres, con una edad promedio de 60 ± 15 años. El principal motivo de hospitalización fue quirúrgico (65,7%). El 67,1% de los tratamientos con tigeciclina se inició en una Unidad de Paciente Critico y el foco de infección predominante fue abdominal (64,3%). El 50% de las terapias con tigeciclina fueron dirigidas según la microbiología identificada. En 65,7% de los casos se usó tigeciclina como monoterapia en la dosis habitual (62,9%). Náuseas (8,6%), diarrea (7,1%) y vómitos (4,3%) fueron los efectos adversos más reportados. El 84,3% de los tratamientos se consideraron apropiados. El año 2017 se consumió 0,4 DDD/100 camas-día y 0,6 DDD/100 camas/día el 2018, siendo la UCI el servicio que presentó el mayor uso en ambos años. DISCUSIÓN: Tigeciclina fue utilizada principalmente en monoterapia para el tratamiento de infecciones intraabdominales en pacientes hospitalizados, por motivos quirúrgicos, en una unidad de paciente crítico, en las dosis habituales recomendadas de 100 mg como dosis de carga seguida de 50 mg cada 12 hs IV. En 50% de los casos, la terapia fue dirigida según microbiología. Los eventos adversos más habituales fueron los gastrointestinales. CONCLUSIÓN: La mayoría de las terapias prescritas fueron consideradas apropiadas por el comité de expertos.

BACKGROUND: The use of tigecycline has been increasing in recent years, due to increase in bacterial resistance and the scarcity of therapeutics alternatives. AIM: To characterize and evaluate the tigecycline prescriptions of patients hospitalized in a university hospital, during the years 2017 and 2018. METHODS: A retrospective observational study was carried out, where the patients, the therapies, the associated microbiology, the clinical outcomes and the adverse reactions associated with tigecycline were characterized. The proportion of appropriate prescriptions was determined by committee of experts and the consumption of tigecycline measure in DDD/100 bed-days. RESULTS: 89 patients who used tigecycline were characterized, of which 67 (75.3%) met the selection criteria. 53.7% of the patients were male, with a mean age of 60 +/- 15 years The main reason for hospitalization was surgical (65.7%). 67.1% of the treatments with tigecycline were started in a critical patient unit and the predominant focus of the infection was the abdomen (64.3%). 50% of the therapies with tigecycline were ordered according to the identified microbiology. In 65.7% of the cases, tigecyclin was used as monotherapy at the usual dose (62.9%). Nausea (8.6%), diarrhea (7.1%) and vomiting (4.3%) were the most reported adverse events. 84.3% of the treatments were considered appropriate. In 2017, 0.4 DDD/100 bed/days were consumed and 0.6 DDD/100 bed/days in 2018, with de ICU being the service that presented the highest use in both years. DISCUSSION: Tigecycline was mainly used as monotherapy for the treatment of intra-abdominal infections in patients hospitalized for surgical reasons in a critical patient unit at the usual doses of 100 mg loading followed by 50 mg every 12 hours IV. In 50% of the case the therapy was directed according to microbiology. The most common adverse events were gastrointestinal. CONCLUSION: Most of the prescribed therapies were considered appropriate by the expert committee.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Tigecycline/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Drug Prescriptions , Chile , Retrospective Studies , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Intraabdominal Infections/drug therapy , Tigecycline/administration & dosage , Tigecycline/adverse effects , Hospitals, University , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Anti-Bacterial Agents/adverse effects
RFO UPF ; 28(1)20230808. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1526602


Objetivo: avaliar do conhecimento dos alunos de odontologia sobre os protocolos de atendimento para as urgências endodônticas. Método: 182 alunos dos últimos anos do curso de Odontologia do Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio, responderam a um questionário contendo perguntas referente ao protocolo adotado em casos de urgência de origem endodôntica. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste de Qui-quadrado de Pearson (p<0,05). Resultados: foram observadas diferenças entre a conduta relata pelos alunos do quarto e quinto ano de graduação quanto a indicação da incisão para drenagem em abscesso periapical agudo submucoso (evoluído), indicação de antibióticos nos casos de flare-up e indicação de antibióticos na dor com edema póstratamento endodôntico. A prescrição de antibióticos foi excessiva para os casos de dor entre consultas (flareup) e dor no pós-operatória. Para as patologias da polpa, a maioria dos alunos indicou protocolos de urgência recomendados na literatura. Conclusão: os resultados indicam a necessidade de melhoria dos programas de treinamento dos alunos em urgências endodônticas, principalmente quanto aos protocolos farmacológicos. (AU)

Objective: to evaluate the knowledge of dentistry students about care protocols for endodontic emergencies. Method: 182 students from the last years of the Dentistry course at Doctor Leão Sampaio University Center answered a questionnaire containing questions regarding the protocol adopted in urgent cases of endodontic origin. Data were analyzed using Pearson's Chi-square test (p<0.05). Results: differences were observed between the conduct reported by fourth- and fifth-year undergraduate students regarding the indication of incision for drainage in submucosal acute periapical abscess (evolved), indication of antibiotics in cases of flare-up and indication of antibiotics in pain with edema after endodontic treatment. The prescription of antibiotics was excessive for cases of pain between appointments (flare-up) and postoperative pain. For pulp pathologies, most students indicated emergency protocols recommended in the literature. Conclusion: the results indicate the need to improve student training programs in endodontic emergencies, especially regarding pharmacological protocols. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Dental/statistics & numerical data , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Emergency Treatment , Endodontics , Drug Prescriptions , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Pulp Diseases/therapy , Education, Dental
Medisan ; 27(2)abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440577


Introducción: La satisfacción de prescriptores y usuarios es un aspecto importante a tener en cuenta durante la prescripción de fitofármacos. Objetivo: Evaluar la satisfacción de prescriptores y usuarios de fitofármacos en un servicio de estomatología. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva y transversal de 35 prescriptores y 22 usuarios de fitofármacos, seleccionados a través de un muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple, atendidos en el Servicio de Estomatología del Policlínico Docente 30 de Noviembre de Santiago de Cuba, desde marzo del 2020 hasta igual mes del 2021. Las variables analizadas fueron categoría ocupacional del prescriptor, satisfacción de prescriptores y satisfacción de usuarios; para las 2 últimas se establecieron criterios, indicadores y estándares. Asimismo, se emplearon la encuesta como método para la recogida de la información y el porcentaje como medida de resumen. Resultados: En cuanto a la categoría ocupacional, 20 prescriptores (57,1 %) resultaron ser estomatólogos especialistas de primer grado en estomatología general integral. Al evaluar la satisfacción de estos prescriptores, se observó que en un solo criterio el indicador superó ligeramente (91,4 %) el estándar prefijado (90,0 %) y en el resto los valores fueron inferiores a 50,0 %. La evaluación de la satisfacción de los usuarios arrojó que en ningún indicador se alcanzó el estándar prefijado de 90,0 %. Conclusiones: En la institución señalada la satisfacción de prescriptores y usuarios de fitofármacos resultó inadecuada.

Introduction: Prescriptors' and users' satisfaction is an important aspect to take into account during the phytopharmaco prescription. Objective: To evaluate the satisfaction of prescriptors and phytopharmaco users in a stomatology service. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional investigation of 35 prescriptors and 22 phytopharmaco users was carried out. They were selected through a simple random probabilistic sampling and assisted in the Stomatology Service of 30 de Noviembre Teaching Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba, from March, 2020 to the same month in 2021. The analyzed variables were occupational category of the prescriptor, prescriptors satisfaction and users satisfaction; for the last 2 variables, approaches, indicators and standards were established. Likewise, the survey as information collection method and the percentage as summary measure were used. Results: As for the occupational category, 20 prescriptors (57.1%) were first degree specialist stomatologist in general comprehensive stomatology. When evaluating the satisfaction of these prescriptors it was observed that in a single approach the indicator overcame discreetly (91.4%) the preset standard (90.0%) and in the rest the values were inferior to 50.0%. The evaluation of the users' satisfaction showed that in any indicator the preset standard of 90.0% was accomplished. Conclusions: In the appointed institution the prescriptors' and phytopharmaco users' satisfaction was inadequate.

Drug Prescriptions , Consumer Behavior
HU rev ; 49: 1-10, 20230000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561952


Introdução: A alta prevalência do uso de medicamentos na população brasileira pode interferir na prescrição odontológica. Objetivos: Identificar os medicamentos em uso por pacientes atendidos em uma clínica de cirurgia oral menor e estimar os riscos de interações medicamentosas (IM) potenciais com fármacos comumente prescritos em procedimentos cirúrgicos. Materiais e Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo piloto analítico e transversal, sendo incluídos 24 pacientes atendidos na Clínica de Cirurgia Oral da Faculdade de Odontologia de uma universidade pública brasileira. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário exploratório. Todos os medicamentos foram classificados no sistema Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC). As IM potenciais foram analisadas no banco de dados do Drugs® após correlação entre os medicamentos em uso pelo paciente e os medicamentos comumente prescritos em cirurgia oral.Resultados: Observou-se prevalência de 66,7% (n= 16) no uso de pelo menos 1 medicamento dentre os pacientes atendidos na clínica de cirurgia oral, com média de 3,5 (±2,2) medicamentos, sendo a polifarmácia identificada em 16,6% pacientes (n= 4). A média de idade dos usuários de medicamentos foi de 52 (±16) anos e totalizou-se 56 medicamentos. Os fármacos mais prevalentes foram aqueles atuantes nos sistemas nervoso e cardiovascular. Quando simuladas as adições dos fármacos comumente prescritos em cirurgia oral (anti-inflamatórios, analgésicos e antimicrobianos) aos medicamentos em uso pelos 16 pacientes, identificou-se 75 IM potenciais diferentes, sendo 61 (81%) de gravidade moderada e 14 (19%) de gravidade alta. As IM potenciais mais frequentes foram de anti-hipertensivos com anti-inflamatórios, enquanto as de importância clínica grave envolveram fármacos de ação central e analgésicos opioides. Conclusão: Observou-se alta prevalência na utilização de medicamentos pelos pacientes atendidos na clínica de cirurgia oral, com importante risco de interações com medicamentos prescritos em procedimentos cirúrgicos.

Introduction: The high prevalence of drug use in the Brazilian population can interfere with dental prescriptions.Objective: To identify drugs being used by patients seen at a minor oral surgery clinic and to estimate the risks of potential drug interactions (DI) with drugs commonly prescribed in surgical procedures. Materials and Methods: An analytical and cross-sectional pilot study was carried out, including 24 patients treated at the Oral Surgery Clinic of the Dental School of a Brazilian Federal University. Data were collected through an exploratory questionnaire. All drugs were classified in the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) system. Potential DI were analyzed in the Drugs® database after correlation between the drugs used by the patient and the drugs commonly prescribed in oral surgery.Results: There was a prevalence of 66.7% (n= 16) in the use of at least 1 medication among patients seen at the oral surgery clinic, with a mean of 3.5 (±2.2) medications, with polypharmacy identified in 16.6% patients (n= 4). Mean age of medication users was 52 (±16) years, totaling 56 medications. The most prevalent drugs were those acting on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. When the additions of drugs commonly prescribed in oral surgery (anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and antimicrobials) to the drugs used by the 16 patients were simulated, 75 different potential DI were identified, 61 (81%) of moderate severity and 14 (19%) of high gravity. The most frequent potential DIs were antihypertensives with anti-inflammatory drugs, while those of serious clinical importance involved centrally acting drugs and opioid analgesics. Conclusion: There was a high prevalence of medication use by patients seen at the oral surgery clinic, with a significant risk of interactions with prescribed medications in surgical procedures.

Oral Surgical Procedures , Drug Interactions , Drug Prescriptions , Surgery, Oral , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Drug Utilization , Prescription Drugs
Rev. ADM ; 80(1): 49-51, ene.-feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512273


La receta médica es la materialización del acto médico a través de la cual el profesional de la salud prescribe a su paciente los fármacos necesarios para aliviar su enfermedad. Existen numerosas sustancias o fármacos que, por sus efectos, no pueden ser ofrecidas al público en general si no es mediante la expedición de una receta médica; por tanto, existen numerosas legislaciones y normas que regulan la prescripción médica con el objetivo de tener un control sobre los fármacos prescritos. A su vez, la receta médica debe tener una estructura específica, misma que está establecida por numerosas leyes y reglamentos sanitarios y que interesantemente es ignorada por múltiples médicos u odontólogos. El objetivo del presente artículo es definir el concepto de prescripción médica, así como indagar en todas las leyes y normas vigentes que regulan la prescripción médica en México (AU)

The medical prescription is the materialization of the medical act through which the health professional prescribes to his patient the necessary drugs to alleviate his illness There are numerous substances or drugs that, due to their effects, cannot be offered to the general public, except through the issuance of a medical prescription, and therefore, there are numerous laws that regulate the medical prescription with the aim of having control over prescribed drugs. In turn, the medical prescription must have a specific structure, which is established by numerous health laws and regulations, and which, interestingly enough, is ignored by many doctors and dentists. The aim of this article is to define the concept of medical prescription as well as to investigate all the current laws and regulations that regulate the medical prescription in Mexico (AU)

Humans , Drug Prescriptions/standards , Forensic Dentistry/legislation & jurisprudence , Legislation, Dental , Mexico
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(1): 50-72, Jan-Abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414723


Através da edição da Norma Operacional de Assistência à Saúde realizada em 2001 e da publicação do Pacto pela Saúde realizado em 2006 o processo de acesso à saúde, ganhou maior ênfase no quesito de inovações e melhorias do sistema de saúde. A assistência farmacêutica sobreveio como parte fundamental nos serviços e programas de saúde. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo foi de expor as principais políticas públicas acerca da temática de medicamentos essenciais. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão integrativa de literatura, tendo como base de dados o Ministério da Saúde, as Resoluções da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, artigos científicos e as publicações da Relação Nacional de Medicamentos (RENAME). No ano de 1998 através da portaria nº 3.916, de 30 de outubro 1998, apresenta-se a população a terminologia de Políticas públicas e, como resposta às diretrizes resultantes desta política, no presente artigo teremos ênfase na RENAME, criada através da portaria nº 3.047, de 28 de novembro de 2019, a qual atende aos princípios básicos e fundamentais do Sistema Único de Saúde: universalidade, equidade e a integralidade, para atender aos tratamentos das diversas doenças e agravos que acometem a população brasileira. Sendo assim, conclui- se que não se trata apenas de políticas públicas, e sim de manter o direito do cidadão estabelecidos pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, para que o paciente consiga adquirir a medicação adequada e na quantidade necessária, permitindo aos profissionais alcançar mais aproveitamento no gerenciamento do ciclo da assistência farmacêutica.

Through the edition of the Operational Norm for Health Care carried out in 2001 and the publication of the Pact for Health carried out in 2006, the process of access to health gained greater emphasis on the issue of innovations and improvements in the health system. Pharmaceutical assistance emerged as a fundamental part of health services and programs. In this sense, the objective of the present study was to expose the main public policies on the subject of essential medicines. Therefore, an integrative literature review was carried out, using the Ministry of Health, the National Health Surveillance Agency's Resolutions, scientific articles and the publications of the National Medicines List (RENAME) as a database. In 1998, through ordinance nº 3.916, of October 30, 1998, the public policy terminology is presented to the population and, in response to the guidelines resulting from this policy, in this article we will emphasize RENAME, created through ordinance nº 3.047 , of November 28, 2019, which meets the basic and fundamental principles of the Unified Health System: universality, equity and integrality, to meet the treatments of the various diseases and conditions that affect the Brazilian population. Therefore, it is concluded that it is not just about public policies, but about maintaining the right of the citizen established by the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, so that the patient can acquire the appropriate medication and in the necessary quantity, allowing professionals to achieve more use in the management of the pharmaceutical care cycle.

A través de la edición de la Norma Operativa de Atención a la Salud realizada en 2001 y de la publicación del Pacto por la Salud realizada en 2006, el proceso de acceso a la salud ganó mayor énfasis en el tema de innovaciones y mejoras en el sistema de salud. La asistencia farmacéutica surgió como parte fundamental de los servicios y programas de salud. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente estudio fue exponer las principales políticas públicas sobre el tema de los medicamentos esenciales. Para ello, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica integradora, utilizando como base de datos el Ministerio de Salud, las Resoluciones de la Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria, artículos científicos y las publicaciones de la Lista Nacional de Medicamentos (RENAME). En 1998, a través de la ordenanza nº 3.916, de 30 de octubre de 1998, se presenta a la población la política pública de terminología y, en respuesta a las directrices resultantes de esta política, en este artículo haremos hincapié en el RENAME, creado a través de la ordenanza nº 3.047, de 28 de noviembre de 2019, que cumple con los principios básicos y fundamentales del Sistema Único de Salud: universalidad, equidad e integralidad, para atender los tratamientos de las diversas enfermedades y afecciones que afectan a la población brasileña. Por lo tanto, se concluye que no se trata sólo de políticas públicas, sino de mantener el derecho del ciudadano establecido por la Constitución de la República Federativa de Brasil, para que el paciente pueda adquirir el medicamento adecuado y en la cantidad necesaria, permitiendo que los profesionales logren un mayor aprovechamiento en la gestión del ciclo de atención farmacéutica.

Public Policy/legislation & jurisprudence , Drugs, Essential/pharmacology , Drug Prescriptions/nursing , Unified Health System , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Drug Design , Review , Database , Fee Schedules
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970640


This study aimed to explore the underlying framework and data characteristics of Tibetan prescription information. The information on Tibetan medicine prescriptions was collected based on 11 Tibetan medicine classics, such as Four Medical Canons(Si Bu Yi Dian). The optimal classification method was used to summarize the information structure of Tibetan medicine prescriptions and sort out the key problems and solutions in data collection, standardization, translation, and analysis. A total of 11 316 prescriptions were collected, involving 139 011 entries and 63 567 pieces of efficacy information of drugs in prescriptions. The information on Tibe-tan medicine prescriptions could be summarized into a "seven-in-one" framework of "serial number-source-name-composition-efficacy-appendix-remarks" and 18 expansion layers, which contained all information related to the inheritance, processing, origin, dosage, semantics, etc. of prescriptions. Based on the framework, this study proposed a "historical timeline" method for mining the origin of prescription inheritance, a "one body and five layers" method for formulating prescription drug specifications, a "link-split-link" method for constructing efficacy information, and an advanced algorithm suitable for the research of Tibetan prescription knowledge discovery. Tibetan medicine prescriptions have obvious characteristics and advantages under the guidance of the theories of "three factors", "five sources", and "Ro-nus-zhu-rjes" of Tibetan medicine. Based on the characteristics of Tibetan medicine prescriptions, this study proposed a multi-level and multi-attribute underlying data architecture, providing new methods and models for the construction of Tibetan medicine prescription information database and knowledge discovery and improving the consistency and interoperability of Tibetan medicine prescription information with standards at all levels, which is expected to realize the "ancient and modern connection-cleaning up the source-data sharing", so as to promote the informatization and modernization research path of Tibetan medicine prescriptions.

Medicine, Tibetan Traditional , Knowledge Discovery , Drug Prescriptions , Databases, Factual , Algorithms , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1526344


Introduction. L'accessibilité à des médicaments de qualité constitue un véritable problème de santé publique en Afrique. Cela est dû à des besoins énormes en soins de santé associés à des ressources limitées. La prescription de médicaments qui est un acte médical pour traiter les malades après avoir posé le diagnostic, est réservée aux professionnels de santé. L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier la provenance des prescriptions de médicaments reçues dans les officines de Dakar. Matériels et méthodes. Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive et transversale. Elle porte sur l'exploitation de prescriptions médicales reçues dans des officines du département de Dakar. Résultats. Les résultats révèlent que plus de la moitié des prescriptions soit 61%, provient du secteur privé et 30.52% sont faites par des médecins généralistes. De plus, la classe de la parasitologie et infectiologie est la plus prescrite (18.26%). Conclusion. L'analyse de ces paramètres nous aide à mieux évaluer la situation sanitaire pour estimer les besoins en médicaments et ainsi faire des recommandations pour une meilleure accessibilité.

Introduction. Accessibility to quality drugs is a real public health problem in Africa. This is due to huge health care needs associated with limited resources. The prescription of drugs, which is a medical procedure for treating patients after having made the diagnosis is reserved for health professionals. The objective of this work is to study the origin of prescription of drugs received in the pharmacies of Dakar. Materials and methods. This is a descriptive and cross-sectional study. It is based on the use of medical prescriptions received in pharmacies in the department of Dakar. Results. The result reveal that more than half of the prescriptions are 61%, come from the private sector and 30,52% are made by general practitioners. In addition, the class of parasitology and infectiology is the most prescribed (18,26%). Conclusion. The analysis of these parameters helps us to better assess the health situation in order to estimate the drug needs and thus make recommendations for a better accessibility.

Humans , Male , Female , Drug Prescriptions , Therapeutics
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e220048, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1448793


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate and compare antibiotic prescriptions for endodontic infections of last-year undergraduate Dentistry students and dental surgeons from Brazil. Material and Methods: A questionnaire comprised of 15 questions was applied, including a series of hypothetical clinical cases through multiple choice questions. The survey respondents had the option to respond in favor or against the prescription of antimicrobials in each case. Afterwards, the commented answer keys of all topics contained in the survey form were released for educational purpose. Results: A total of 42 undergraduates and 115 dental surgeons answered the survey. Regarding the questions about antimicrobial prescriptions, 91.3% of the professional dentists and 69.8% of the dentistry students indicated that they prescribe antibiotics for a limited number of patients. However, when they responded about drug recommendations, most professionals (76.5%) and students (76.7%) chose to recommend antimicrobials without any clinical recommendation. Conclusion: In the groups herein evaluated, many antibiotic prescriptions could have been avoided. The rational use of these drugs is still a conduct that needs further disclosure and commitment among prescribers.

Humans , Male , Female , Drug Prescriptions , Students, Dental , Anti-Bacterial Agents/immunology , Brazil/epidemiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Observational Studies as Topic
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438287


OBJECTIVE: To compare information on the risks of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) for older adults in the Beers criteria with data in the package inserts made available by the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency. METHODS: This is an observational, cross-sectional study that compared information on the package inserts of 33 brand-name drugs in the Brazilian market with specific recommendations for older adults contemplated in the Beers criteria, categorizing them into: complete, incomplete, absent, or discrepant. RESULTS: Among the analyzed package inserts, 21.21% did not present a specific section dedicated to the use of these drugs by older adults and data were scattered throughout the text; 63.64% were classified as incomplete; 33.33% lacked data; and 3.03% had discrepant information. CONCLUSION: The analyzed package inserts presented incomplete data or lacked information characterizing the drugs as PIMs for older adults. This study demonstrated that some package inserts of drugs used in Brazil are not satisfactory, warranting higher caution in the medical community when prescribing these medications and guiding patients

OBJETIVO: Comparar as informações sobre os riscos de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados (MPIs) para idosos contidas nos critérios Beers com as informações presentes nas bulas para profissionais de saúde disponibilizadas pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária no Brasil. METODOLOGIA: Estudo observacional e transversal que comparou informações das bulas para profissionais de saúde de 33 medicamentos de referência no mercado brasileiro com recomendações específicas para idosos contempladas nos critérios Beers e que foram categorizadas em: completas, incompletas, ausentes ou discrepantes. RESULTADOS: Dentre as bulas dos MPIs analisadas, 21,21% não apresentam seção específica destinada ao uso desses medicamentos por idosos, nas quais as informações estão dispersas pelo texto; 63,64% delas foram classificadas como incompletas; 33,33% tinham informações ausentes; e 3,03% com informações discrepantes. CONCLUSÃO: As bulas analisadas apresentaram dados incompletos ou não apresentam qualquer informação que caracterizasse o medicamento como MPI para idosos. Este estudo demonstra que algumas bulas de medicamentos utilizados no Brasil não estão satisfatórias, sugerindo maior cautela à comunidade médica na prescrição e na orientação aos seus pacientes

Humans , Aged , Drug Prescriptions/standards , Health of the Elderly , Medicine Package Inserts , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors
Arq. odontol ; 59: 132-140, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1518975


Objetivo: Foi avaliado o conhecimento acerca do conceito, princípios e itens fundamentais para a prescrição baseada no URM de estudantes dos últimos períodos de graduação de odontologia. Métodos: Estudo de natureza descritiva, corte transversal e abordagem quantitativa, através da aplicação de 152 questionários on-line, sendo aprovado no CEP/UPE nº 4.240.435/2020. Atribuiu-se notas para os acertos das questões, sendo nota igual ou superior a 7 a de "nível de conhecimento bom"; igual ou superior a 5 e inferior a 7 "conhecimento básico" e menor que 5 "conhecimento insuficiente". A taxa de retorno de respostas foi 51,31%. Resultados: 69,2% dos estudantes compreendem satisfatoriamente os conceitos fundamentais acerca da prescrição baseada no URM e os itens necessários A sua elaboração, reconhecendo que o uso inadequado dos medicamentos pode ocorrer durante a prescrição, dispensação e uso por parte dos pacientes. Porém, 64,1% apresentam lacunas no entendimento da proposta da OMS sobre o URM e 66,6% deficiência quanto à identificação/prevenção de interações e efeitos adversos. Fato que põe em risco a seleção de fármacos e conduta clínica farmacológica, ameaçando a segurança do paciente. Conclusão: Apesar do conhecimento adequado sobre os itens importantes para a elaboração de uma prescrição, os princípios e aplicações clínicas que regem e norteiam o URM é frágil. O estudo destaca a importância de melhorar a formação dos estudantes em relação ao URM, integrando o conhecimento sobre medicamentos ao longo do curso de Odontologia para aprimorar a prática prescricional e garantir a segurança dos pacientes.

Aim: The knowledge about the concept, principles, and fundamental items for prescriptions based on the URM of students in the final periods of undergraduate studies in dentistry was evaluated. Methods: This work was a descriptive study, with a cross-sectional and quantitative approach, conducted through the application of 152 questionnaires online, which was approved by CEP/ UPE no. 4,240,435/2020. Scores were given for the correct answers to the questions, with a grade equal to or greater than 7 being "good knowledge"; equal to or greater than 5 and less than 7 being "basic knowledge", and less than 5 "insufficient knowledge". The response rate was 51.31%. Results: 69.2% of the students showed that they can satisfactorily understand the fundamental concepts regarding prescriptions based on the URM and the necessary items for its preparation, recognizing that the inappropriate use of medicines may occur during prescription, dispensation, and use by patients. However, 64.1% showed gaps in the understanding of the WHO proposal concerning the URM, and 66.6% showed a deficiency regarding the identification/prevention of interactions and adverse effects. This fact impairs the selection of drugs and clinical pharmacological conduct, threatening patient safety. Conclusion: Despite adequate knowledge about the important items for the elaboration of a prescription, the principles and clinical applications that govern and guide the URM are fragile. This study highlights the importance of improving students' education regarding the URM, as well as of integrating knowledge about medications throughout the dentistry course in order to improve prescription practice and ensure patient safety.

Drug Prescriptions , Students , Dentistry , Drug Utilization
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 31: e3296PT, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449529


Resumo Este artigo aborda as condutas preconizadas pelos conselhos de medicina do Brasil relacionadas à "alta médica a pedido". Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental e exploratória, que buscou identificar e analisar diversas manifestações dos conselhos acerca de questionamentos e dúvidas suscitadas pelos médicos quando se deparavam com pedidos de alta médica. Para tanto, utilizou-se o método de análise hipotético-dedutivo. A partir da problemática apresentada (insegurança ético-jurídica dos médicos no deferimento dos pedidos de alta), levantaram-se as soluções propostas às questões atinentes ao tema destinadas aos conselhos de medicina. Elas foram analisadas criticamente à luz do ordenamento ético-jurídico, com vistas a proporcionar ao médico maior segurança e tranquilidade na condução desse procedimento.

Abstract This paper examines the procedures recommended by Brazilian medical councils regarding "discharge against medical advice". An exploratory and documentary research was conducted to identify and analyze several council publications regarding questions and doubts raised by physicians when faced with discharge requests. Solutions proposed to the issue at hand (ethical-legal insecurity of physicians in authorizing discharges) were analyzed based on ethical-legal frameworks, aiming to provide physicians with greater security and tranquility in conducting this procedure.

Resumen Este artículo discute la conducta recomendada por los consejos de medicina de Brasil respecto al "alta médica por solicitud". Se trata de una investigación documental y exploratoria, que pretendió identificar y analizar diversas manifestaciones de los consejos sobre los interrogantes y dudas planteadas por los médicos ante las solicitudes de alta médica. Para ello, se utilizó el método de análisis hipotético-deductivo. Con base en el problema presentado (inseguridad ético-jurídica de los médicos en la concesión de solicitudes de alta), se plantearon propuestas de solución a cuestiones relacionadas con el tema dirigidas a los consejos de medicina. Se utilizó la perspectiva ética-jurídica, con el objetivo de brindar mayor seguridad y tranquilidad al médico en la realización de este procedimiento.

Humans , Male , Female , Patient Discharge , Physician-Patient Relations , Drug Prescriptions , Personal Autonomy , Patient Rights , Decision Making , Hospice Care
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e237790, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in English | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1512158


Oral health in pregnant and lactating women can affect maternal and child health. Dental treatments in this period should not have adverse effects on maternal and child health. This study was conducted to investigate the last-year dental students' knowledge of the prescription of analgesics and antibiotics for pregnant and lactating mothers in Isfahan city, Iran. Methods: A total of 104 last-year dental students of Khorasgan Islamic Azad University and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences were recruited in this descriptiveanalytical study. They completed a 16-item questionnaire on the prescription of analgesics and antibiotics for pregnant and lactating mothers. Data were analyzed by SPSS (Version 22) statistical software(t-test). Results: The total mean score of students' knowledge was 9.02±1.91. The highest level of knowledge about the safest analgesic (acetaminophen) was reported for the pregnant patients so that 100% of them had correct information in this regard. Further, the lowest level of knowledge was found for the use of dexamethasone during lactation, as only 10.6% of respondents were able to provide a correct response in this regard. Conclusion: The dental students had average knowledge about the prescription of antibiotics and analgesics for pregnant and lactating patients. To prevent the possible risks for these patients, further information should be provided to dental students

Humans , Male , Female , Drug Prescriptions , Students, Dental , Surveys and Questionnaires , Knowledge , Pregnant Women , Infant