Introducción: La COVID-19 creó desafíos sin precedentes para la comunidad y los trabajadores de la salud, por lo que contribuir a incrementar la percepción del riesgo mediante la capacitación fue una premisa elemental en tiempos de la pandemia. Objetivo: La investigación tuvo la finalidad de contribuir a incrementar el conocimiento en aspectos importantes sobre la COVID-19 en los trabajadores del Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la Defensa Civil. Métodos: Se realizó una evaluación antes y después de la intervención en el período de febrero a abril de 2021. La muestra estuvo conformada por 50 trabajadores divididos en dos grupos: 1) investigadores y técnicos; 2) personal de apoyo. La investigación se desarrolló en tres etapas: diagnóstico, intervención y evaluación. Se conformó una base de datos con la información recopilada y para su análisis se empleó el método de comparación de proporciones de las respuestas entre los grupos, antes y después de la evaluación. Se calculó el porcentaje de apropiación de conocimientos con nivel de significación (p < 0,05) y se aplicó el t-Student para muestras dependientes. Resultados: De 50 trabajadores 35 (70 %) eran del sexo femenino; predominó el nivel escolar universitario con un total de 33 (66 %). Se observó un incremento estadísticamente significativo, tanto en la apropiación del conocimiento en ambos grupos, como en las preguntas adecuadas, después de la intervención (p < 0,05); siendo superior en el grupo del personal de apoyo. Conclusiones: La intervención educativa contribuyó a incrementar los conocimientos acerca de la COVID-19 en los trabajadores del centro, lo que tuvo un impacto favorable.
Introduction: COVID-19 created unprecedented challenges for the community and health workers; therefore, contributing to increase risk perception through training was an elementary premise in times of the pandemic. Objective: The research aimed at increasing the knowledge of important aspects of COVID-19 among the personnel of the Civil Defense Scientific Research Center. Methods: An evaluation was carried out before and after the intervention from February to April 2021. The sample consisted of 50 workers divided into two groups: 1) researchers and technicians; 2) support personnel. The research comprised three stages: diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation. A database was created with the information collected. For its analysis, the compare proportions test of responses between the groups, before and after the evaluation, was used. The percentage of knowledge appropriation was calculated with significance level (p < 0.05), and the t-Student was applied for dependent samples. Results: Out of 50 workers, 35 (70%) were female; 33 (66%) had a university education level. A statistically significant increase in both knowledge acquisition and appropriate questions was observed in the groups after the intervention (p < 0.05), which was higher in the support staff group. Conclusions: The educational intervention contributed to increasing knowledge about COVID-19 among the workers of the center, which had a favorable impact.
Humans , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Education, Medical/methods , COVID-19/prevention & controlABSTRACT
A prematuridade pode causar déficits de desenvolvimento motor nos lactentes apresentando assim a necessidade de intervenção precoce, neste sentido o objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o desenvolvimento motor de lactentes prematuros na aquisição da habilidade do sentar independente após um programa de intervenção motora e de orientação de pais para estímulos domiciliares. Estudo longitudinal e avaliativo sobre o marco motor sentar em 11 lactentes, de ambos os sexos, com diagnóstico de prematuridade e idade cronológica de 6 a 8 meses. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos, o grupo intervenção que recebeu tratamento fisioterapêutico três vezes por semana durante seis semanas; e o grupo orientação, com encontros semanais durante o mesmo período com a fisioterapeuta que disponibilizou uma cartilha estruturada de exercícios a serem realizados pelos cuidadores durante a semana, sendo ambos os grupos com foco no sentar independente e avaliados com a escala AIMS. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os resultados antes e após intervenção (t: -6.8571; p: 0,0012) assim como antes e após orientação (t: - 4.5995; p: 0.0029), sendo que ao analisar a porcentagem do ganho na dimensão sentar pela AIMS, o grupo intervenção teve maior ganho. Conclui-se que a intervenção fisioterapêutica apresentou melhores resultados para a aquisição do marco motor sentar. Apesar disso, a estimulação feita pelos pais após orientação profissional também apresentou valores positivos.
Prematurity can cause motor development deficits in infants, thus presenting the need for early intervention, in this sense the objective of this study was compare the motor development of preterm infants in the acquisition of the ability to sit independently after a motor intervention program and of orientation of parents for home stimuli. A longitudinal and evaluative study on the motor frame sit in 11 infants, of both sexes, with diagnosis of prematurity and chronological age of 6 to 8 months. Participants were divided into two groups, the intervention group that received physiotherapeutic treatment three times a week for six weeks; and the orientation group, with weekly meetings during the same period with the physiotherapist who provided a structured workbook of exercises to be performed by the caregivers during the week, both groups being focused on independent sitting and evaluated with the AIMS scale. There were significant differences between the results before and after intervention (t: -6.8571; p: 0.0012) as well as before and after orientation (t: -4.5995; p: 0.0029); when analyzing the percentage of gain in dimension by the AIMS, the intervention group had greater gain. It was concluded that the physiotherapeutic intervention presented better results for the acquisition of the motor frame sit. Despite this, the stimulation done by the parents after professional orientation also presented positive values.
La prematuridad puede causar déficits de desarrollo motor en los bebés, por lo que se requiere una intervención temprana. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el desarrollo motor de los bebés prematuros en la adquisición de la capacidad de sentarse de forma independiente después de un programa de intervención motora y la orientación de los padres para la estimulación en el hogar. Se trata de un estudio longitudinal y evaluativo del hito motor de la sedestación en 11 bebés de ambos sexos, diagnosticados como prematuros y con una edad cronológica que oscila entre los 6 y los 8 meses. Los participantes se dividieron en dos grupos, el grupo de intervención que recibió tratamiento fisioterapéutico tres veces por semana durante seis semanas; y el grupo de orientación, con reuniones semanales durante el mismo periodo con el fisioterapeuta que proporcionó un folleto estructurado de ejercicios que debían realizar los cuidadores durante la semana, ambos grupos centrados en la sedestación independiente y evaluados con la escala AIMS. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los resultados antes y después de la intervención (t: -6,8571; p: 0,0012), así como antes y después de la orientación (t: -4,5995; p: 0,0029), y al analizar el porcentaje de ganancia en la dimensión de sentarse por el AIMS, el grupo de intervención tuvo mayor ganancia. Concluimos que la intervención fisioterapéutica presentó mejores resultados para la adquisición del hito motor sentado. Sin embargo, la estimulación realizada por los padres tras la orientación profesional también mostró valores positivos.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Infant, Premature/physiology , Child Development , Sitting Position , Motor Skills , Physical Therapists/education , Early Medical Intervention/methodsABSTRACT
O artigo aborda os impasses vividos por um bebê com risco de autismo em seu processo de subjetivação. Estudos afirmam que há bebês que, muito precocemente, recusam-se a estabelecer trocas com o objeto materno, impossibilitando que a mãe entre em um estado de identificação com seu bebê, o que colocaria em pauta que o autismo infantil não se limitaria apenas a uma falha materna, mas se trataria de uma patologia multifatorial. Quais intervenções clínicas seriam necessárias para que a mãe e o bebê possam juntos (re)escrever uma nova narrativa psíquica? Haveria um tipo de intervenção e de manejo clínico específico nos casos de bebês com risco de autismo? E como a psicanálise contemporânea, fundamentada pela leitura da intersubjetividade, nos ajudaria na compreensão da clínica da intervenção precoce?
Este artículo se propone abordar los impases experimentados por un bebé con riesgo autista en su proceso de subjetivación. Existen estudios sobre bebés que precozmente se niegan a establecer intercambios con el objeto materno, imposibilitando que la madre entre en identificación con él, poniendo sobre la mesa que el autismo infantil no se limitaría a una falla materna, sino que se trataría de una patología multifactorial. Se plantea, cuáles intervenciones clínicas son necesarias para que madre y bebé puedan (re)escribir una nueva narrativa psíquica, que posibilite un verdadero encuentro diádico. ¿Habría un tipo específico de intervención y manejo clínico en los bebés con riesgo de autismo? ¿Cómo el psicoanálisis contemporáneo, basado en la lectura de la intersubjetividad y de lo intrapsíquico, ayudaría a entender la clínica de la intervención precoz?
This article addresses the failures of a baby with a risk of autism to develop his subjectivation process. Recent studies show that some babies are not able to develop exchanges with their maternal object, which would show that children autism would not be limited to a failure of the mother to enter into a state of identification with her baby, but would be associated to a multifactorial pathology. In that respect, which clinical interventions would be necessary so that mother and baby can (re)write a new psychic narrative, enabling them to develop a genuine capability to meet together? Is there a type of clinical handling for babies with a risk of autism? How can contemporary psychoanalysis, with focus on intersubjectivity and inter-psychism, could help us to understand early intervention clinic?
Cet article aborde les entraves d'un bébé à risque autistique à développer son processus de subjectivation. Des études récentes montrent que certains bébés ne sont pas capables de développer des échanges avec leur objet maternel, ce qui montrerait que l'autisme infantile ne se limiterait pas seulement à un échec de la mère d'entrer dans un état d'identification avec son bébé, mais qu'il s'agirait d'une pathologie multifactorielle. Ainsi, quelles interventions cliniques seraient nécessaires pour que mère et bébé puissent (ré)écrire ensemble un nouveau récit psychique, qui leur permettrait de développer une véritable capacité à se rencontrer ? Y aurait-il un type de prise en charge clinique spécifique aux bébés à risque d'autisme? Comment la psychanalyse contemporaine, centrée sur l'intersubjectivité et l'inter-psychisme, peut nous aider à comprendre la clinique d'intervention précoce?
Humans , Female , Infant , Psychoanalysis/methods , Autistic Disorder , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Disorders of Excessive Somnolence , Maternal Behavior/psychology , Psychology, Clinical , Psychomotor Performance , Object AttachmentABSTRACT
Introducción: El programa de estimulación temprana en la primera infancia, está diseñado para promover y mejorar el neurodesarrollo. El cuerpo calloso es una masa arqueada de sustancia blanca, compuesta por un haz de fibras transversales, situada al fondo del surco longitudinal que conecta a ambos hemisferios cerebrales. Se asocia con prematuridad y edad materna avanzada. Objetivo: Demostrar la validez de un programa de intervención temprana en la evolución de un paciente con agenesia de cuerpo calloso en las etapas del neurodesarrollo. Presentación del caso: Lactante venezolano, masculino de 4 meses de edad, blanco, producto de un segundo embarazo. Padres jóvenes, no consanguíneos. A las 19 semanas le realizan ecografía fetal: imagen quística cerebral interhemisférica, sugestivo de agenesia del cuerpo calloso. Parto por cesárea de urgencia: 34 semanas por: CIUR, oligoamnios severo, sufrimiento fetal agudo y preeclampsia, con Apgar 7-9, peso: 1800 g. Es traído al Centro Internacional de Salud La Pradera, con el diagnóstico de agenesia de cuerpo calloso más retardo del desarrollo psicomotor. Se inicia programa de intervención temprana cinco veces por semana con evaluaciones cuatrimestrales. Se involucra a los familiares. A los 18 meses de edad alcanza los hitos longitudinales propios de la edad Conclusiones: La intervención temprana favorece los mecanismos de neuroplasticidad cerebral y proporciona una evolución satisfactoria en las etapas del neurodesarrollo independiente de la agenesia de cuerpo calloso. La participación intensiva de la madre del niño es crucial para el éxito de la intervención(AU)
Introduction: The program of early stimulation in the early childhood is designed to foster and improve neurodevelopment. The callused body is a curved mass of a white substance composed by a beam of transverse fibers located in the back of the longitudinal track that connects both brain hemispheres. It is associated to prematurity and advanced maternal age. Objective: To prove the validity of an early intervention program in the evolution of a patient with agenesis of corpus callosum in the stages of neurodevelopment. Case presentation: Venezuelan newborn, 4 months old, masculine, white skin, product of a second pregnancy. Young parents, no blood relation. At 19 weeks of pregnancy, it is conducted a fetal echography: interhemispheric cystic image, suggestive to agenesis of the corpus callosum. Emergency cesarean section at 34 weeks of pregnancy due to: IUGR, severe oligoamnios; acute fetal distress and preeclampsia, with 7-9 Agar, weight: 1800 g. The newborn was admitted in La Pradera International Health Center with a diagnosis of agenesis of the corpus callosum, and delay in the psychomotor development. It was started a program of early intervention five times in the week with four-monthly assessments. Relatives were involved in the program. At 18 months old, the patient achieved the longitudinal milestones of that age. Conclusions: Early interventions favour brain neuroplasticity mechanisms, and provide a satisfactorily evolution in the stages of neurodevelopment, obviating the agenesis of the corpus callosum. Intensive participation of the child's mother is essential for the success of the intervention(AU)
Humans , Male , Infant , Agenesis of Corpus Callosum/diagnostic imaging , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Psychomotor Performance/physiologyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: En el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19 emergen muchas interrogantes sobre la atención al recién nacido con sospecha o infección por dicho virus y si esta afecta la lactancia materna. Objetivo: Diseñar una intervención educativa para la preparación del estudiante de Medicina respecto a la atención al recién nacido con sospecha o infección por COVID-19. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, aprobado por el Comité de Ética de la institución. El universo lo conformaron 80 estudiantes de sexto año de Medicina que realizaron la estancia de Neonatología en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Agostinho Neto" durante el curso académico 2019-2020, de ellos, se seleccionó por conveniencia una muestra de 25 estudiantes. Se estudió su autopreparación respecto a la epidemiologia de la COVID-19 en el recién nacido, su influencia en la lactancia materna y el manejo de la infección en estos. Se diseñó y aplicó una intervención educativa dirigida a corregir las carencias teóricas respecto a estos saberes. Resultados: El mayor porcentaje de los estudiantes tenía un inadecuado nivel de preparación respecto a la atención al recién nacido con sospecha o infección por COVID-19 (88,0 %), que mejoró en el 92,0 % luego de la intervención educativa. Conclusiones: Las carencias teóricas sobre la atención al recién nacido con sospecha o infección por COVID-19 que revelan los estudiantes justifica que se conciba una labor educativa, para lo que resulta adecuada una intervención educativa que enriquece su preparación al respecto, con énfasis en la necesidad de mantener la lactancia materna durante la pandemia COVID-19.
ABSTRACT Introduction: A lot of questions rise in the contest of COVID-19 regarding the care of the newborn suspected to be or infected with the virus, and if this special care affects breastfeeding. Objective: To design an educative intervention for the preparation of the medical student regarding the health care of the newborn with infection or suspected infection of COVID-19. Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out, approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution. The study population was made of 80 students of the 6th year of Medicine School in their internship period in the Hospital Dr Agostinho Neto, during the academic year 2019-2020. From them, 25 students were conveniently selected. Their preparation on the epidemiology of COVID-19 in the newborn, its influence in breastfeeding and the handling of these cases was evaluated. An educational intervention was designed and put into practice, aimed to fix the theoretical deficiencies about the topic in question. Results: Higher percentage of students had an inadequate knowledge about the care of the newborn suspected to be or infected with COVID-19 (88%), improved in a 92% after the educational intervention. Conclusions: The theoretical deficiencies about the care of the newborn suspected to be or infected with COVID-19 found in the students confirms the need of educational work, in the form of an educational intervention to enrich their preparation, with emphasis in keeping the process of breastfeeding during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Humans , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , Students, Medical , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Medical , Early Medical Intervention/methodsABSTRACT
Object The timing of definitive management of ruptured intracranial aneurysms has been the subject of considerable debate, although the benefits of early surgery (until 72 hours postictus) are widely accepted. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the potential benefit of ultra-early surgery (until 24 hours) when compared with early surgery, in those patients who were treated by surgical clipping at the Neurosurgery Department of the Coimbra Hospital and University Centre. Methods A 17-year database of consecutive ruptured and surgically treated intracranial aneurysms was analyzed. Outcome was measured by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). Baseline characteristics were analyzed by the Fisher exact test, the chi-squared and Mann-Whitney tests. Logistic regression was used to assess the impact of good grade according to the World Federation of Neurological Surgeons (WFNS) scale and ultra-early surgery in a good GOS outcome. Results 343 patients who were submitted to surgical clipping in the first 72 hours postictus were included, 165 of whom have undergone ultra-early surgery. Demographics and preoperative characteristics of ultra-early and early surgery patients were similar. Goodgrade patients according to the WFNS scale submitted to ultra-early surgery demonstrated an improvedGOS at discharge and at 6months. Poor-grade patients according to theWFNS scale submitted to ultra-early surgery demonstrated an improved GOS at discharge. Conclusions Ultra-early surgery for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients improves outcome mainly on good-grade patients. Efforts should be made on the logistics of emergency departments to consider achieving treatment on this timeframe as a standard of care.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage/therapy , Intracranial Aneurysm/therapy , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Time-to-Treatment , Subarachnoid Hemorrhage/complications , Chi-Square Distribution , Logistic Models , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Introducción: La pesquisa activa de casos de tuberculosis en la Atención Primaria de Salud como parte del programa de control de la enfermedad en Cuba, tiene retos de implementación que requieren ser estudiados. Objetivo: Explorar las opiniones de los actores de salud involucrados en la implementación de la pesquisa activa de casos de tuberculosis en Las Tunas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, en dos etapas, anidado en un estudio de intervención en Las Tunas. En la primera etapa (septiembre-diciembre, 2010) se entrevistaron médicos y enfermeras de la familia de los municipios Jobabo y Las Tunas; y en la segunda etapa (marzo, 2012), todos los jefes de programa (provincial y municipales) y un experto en tuberculosis. Se utilizaron categorías de análisis deductivas e inductivas. Resultados: La pesquisa activa de casos de tuberculosis se reconoció como un procedimiento novedoso asociado a la búsqueda de sintomáticos respiratorios en el hogar, la dispensarización y el trabajo con grupos vulnerables. Al inicio hubo barreras para la implementación del procedimiento, posteriormente fue aceptado. Las ventajas fueron: diagnóstico oportuno e incremento del número de casos pesquisados, entre otras. La falta de tiempo, el incremento en la carga de trabajo y la fluctuación del personal fueron las principales dificultades. Conclusiones: El estudio proporciona información valiosa para la implementación del procedimiento como parte del programa de control de la tuberculosis. Devela la brecha entre la percepción de los actores involucrados en la implementación de intervenciones en salud en estudios pilotos y la que tienen los implicados en su puesta en práctica(AU)
Introduction: The active case finding of tuberculosis in Primary Health Care as part of the disease control program in Cuba, has challenges at implementation that need to be studied. Objective: To explore the opinions of the health stakeholders involved in the implementation of active case finding of tuberculosis in Las Tunas. Methods: A qualitative study was carried out in two stages, nested in an intervention study in Las Tunas. In the first stage (September-December, 2010) family doctors and nurses in Jobabo and Las Tunas municipalities were interviewed; and in the second stage (March 2012), all program managers (provincial and municipal) and an expert on tuberculosis were interviewed. Deductive and inductive analysis categories were used. Results: The active case finding of tuberculosis was recognized as a novel procedure associated with the screening for respiratory symptoms among all family members during home visits, classification of the entire population into risk groups and working with vulnerable groups. At the beginning there were barriers to the implementation of this procedure, which was subsequently accepted. Timely diagnosis and increase in the number of cases investigated were the advantages, among others. The lack of time, the increase in workload and the staff turnover were the main difficulties. Conclusions: This study provides valuable information for implementing this procedure as part of tuberculosis control program. It reveals the gap between the perception of the stakeholders involved in the implementation of health interventions in pilot studies and from those engaged in their implementation(AU)
Humans , Primary Health Care/methods , Tuberculosis/prevention & control , Health Research Evaluation , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Tuberculosis/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Introducción: la educación del paciente con diabetes mellitus en función del autocuidado de su salud es una exigencia social. Objetivo: diseñar una intervención educativa dirigida a elevar la preparación para el autocuidado de la salud diabetológica de pacientes adultos mayores dispensarizados en el consultorio No. 4 del Policlínico Docente Marcio Manduley Murillo, municipio Centro Habana, La Habana. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, transversal y de intervención educativa. Se estudiaron las siguientes variables: edad, sexo, estado civil, escolaridad, tipo de diabetes, tiempo evolución, control metabólico y complicaciones de esta enfermedad. Se exploró el nivel de preparación de los pacientes para el autocuidado de la salud diabetológica. Se diseñó, aplicó y validó una intervención educativa dirigida a su preparación para el autocuidado de la salud diabetológica. Resultados: fue más común que los pacientes tuvieran 65 a 69 años de edad (48,6 por ciento), fueran mujeres (59,8 por ciento), divorciados (25,0 por ciento), con un nivel escolar de secundaria básica (40,3 por ciento), diabetes mellitus tipo II (90,4 por ciento) de más de 15 años de evolución (40,3 por ciento). El 72,2 por ciento tenía descontrol de la enfermedad y el 52,2 por ciento evidencias de daño de órganos dianas. Solo el 16,7 por ciento tenía un adecuado nivel de preparación respecto al tema diabetes mellitus, que mejoró hasta un 93,0 por ciento luego de aplicar una intervención educativa. Conclusiones: se manifestó la necesidad de educar a los pacientes sobre el tema y la viabilidad de la intervención educativa diseñada para el logro de esta finalidad(AU)
Introduction: the education of patients with diabetes mellitus based on self-care of their health is a social requirement. Objective: design an educational intervention aimed at raising the preparation for self-care of diabetological health of elderly patients dispensed in the office No. 4 of the Teaching Polyclinic Marcio Manduley Murillo, Centro Habana Municipality, Havana. Method: a descriptive, prospective, crosssectional and educational intervention study was carried out. The following variables were studied: age, sex, marital status, schooling, type of diabetes, evolution time, metabolic control and complications of this disease. The level of preparation of patients for self-care of diabetes health was explored. An educational intervention aimed at its preparation for self-care of diabetological health was designed, applied and validated. Results: it was more common for patients to be 65 to 69 years old (48.6 percent), were women (59.8 percent), divorced (25.0 percent), with a basic secondary school level (40.3 percent), type II diabetes mellitus (90.4 percent) over 15 years of evolution (40.3 percent). 72.2 percent had uncontrolled disease and 52.2 ercent evidence of target organ damage. Only 16.7percent had an adequate level of preparation regarding diabetes mellitus, which improved up to 93.0 percent after applying an educational intervention. Conclusions: the need to educate patients about the topic and the viability of the educational intervention designed to achieve this purpose was expressed(AU)
Introdução: a educação de pacientes com diabetes mellitus com base no autocuidado de sua Saúde é uma necesidade social. Objetivo: elaborar uma intervenção educacional com o objetivo de elevar a preparação para o autocuidado da saúde diabetológica de pacientes idosos dispensados no consultório nº 4 da Policlínica de Ensino Marcio Manduley Murillo, município de Centro Habana, Havana. Método: estudo descritivo, prospectivo, transversal e educacional. Foram estudadas as seguintes variáveis: idade, sexo, estado civil, escolaridade, tipo de diabetes, tempo de evolução, controle metabólico e complicações desta doença. O nível de preparação dos pacientes para o autocuidado da saúde do diabetes foi explorado. Foi projetada, aplicada e validada uma intervenção educativa voltada à sua preparação para o autocuidado da saúde diabetológica. Resultados: os pacientes com idade entre 65 e 69 anos (48,6 por cento) eram mais comuns: mulheres (59,8 por cento), divorciadas (25,0 por cento), com ensino médio básico (40,3 por cento), diabetes mellitus tipo II (90,4 por cento) ao longo de 15 anos de evolução (40,3 por cento). 72,2 por cento tinham doença não controlada e 52,2 por cento evidenciam danos nos órgãos-alvo. Apenas 16,7 por cento apresentaram nível adequado de preparo para diabetes mellitus, que aumentou para 93,0 por cento após a aplicação de uma intervenção educativa. Conclusões: expressou-se a necessidade de educar os pacientes sobre o tema e a viabilidade da intervenção educacional projetada para atingir esse objetivo(AU)
Humans , Aged , Self Care , Diabetes Mellitus/prevention & control , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
Ateneo del equipo de la Residencia de Psicopedagogía con sede en el Hospital Carlos G. Durand, de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, donde se reflexiona sobre las intervenciones clínicas en niños y púberes en escolaridad primaria. Se realiza un recorrido teórico sobre conceptos como intervención, niño, sujeto, o juego; y se analiza la relación entre juego y aprendizaje, presentando distintos casos clínicos que reflejan estas intervenciones
Play and Playthings , School Health Services/supply & distribution , School Health Services/trends , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Early Medical Intervention/trends , Learning , Internship, NonmedicalABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of resistance exercise applied early after coronary artery bypass grafting. METHODS: It is a randomized controlled trial with 34 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting between August 2013 and May 2014. Patients were randomized into two groups by simple draw: a control group (n=17), who received conventional physical therapy and an intervention group (n=17), who received, additionally, resistance exercise. Pulmonary function and functional capacity were evaluated in preoperative period and hospital discharge by spirometry and the six-minute walk test. For statistical analysis, we used the following tests: Shapiro-Wilk, Mann-Whitney, Student'st and Fisher's exact. Variables withP<0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: Groups were homogeneous in terms of demographic, clinical and surgical variables. Resistance exercise exerted no effect on pulmonary function of intervention group compared to control group. However, intervention group maintained functional capacity at hospital discharge measured by percentage of predict distance in 6MWT (54.122.7% vs. 52.515.5%,P=0.42), while control group had a significant decrease (59.211.1% vs. 50.69.9%, P<0.016). CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that resistance exercise, applied early, may promote maintenance of functional capacity on coronary artery bypass grafting patients, having no impact on pulmonary function when compared to conventional physical therapy.
Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Coronary Artery Bypass/rehabilitation , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Resistance Training/methods , Exercise Test , Lung/physiopathology , SpirometryABSTRACT
Objective: To characterize the early stages of bipolar disorder (BD), defined as the clinical prodrome/subsyndromal stage and first-episode phase, and strategies for their respective treatment. Methods: A selective literature search of the PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, and ISI databases from inception until March 2014 was performed. Included in this review were articles that a) characterized prodromal and first-episode stages of BD or b) detailed efficacy and safety/tolerability of interventions in patients considered prodromal for BD or those with only one episode of mania/hypomania. Results: As research has only recently focused on characterization of the early phase of BD, there is little evidence for the effectiveness of any treatment option in the early phase of BD. Case management; individual, group, and family therapy; supportive therapy; and group psychoeducation programs have been proposed. Most evidence-based treatment guidelines for BD do not address treatment specifically in the context of the early stages of illness. Evidence for pharmacotherapy is usually presented in relation to illness polarity (i.e., manic/mixed or depressed) or treatment phase. Conclusions: Although early recognition and treatment are critical to preventing unfavorable outcomes, there is currently little evidence for interventions in these stages of BD.
Female , Humans , Male , Bipolar Disorder/pathology , Bipolar Disorder/therapy , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Disease Progression , Risk Factors , Time Factors , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Objective To compare outcomes between elderly (≥65 years old) and non-elderly (<65 years old) resuscitated severe sepsis and septic shock patients and determine predictors of death among elderly patients.Methods Retrospective cohort study including 848 severe sepsis and septic shock patients admitted to the intensive care unit between January 2006 and March 2012.Results Elderly patients accounted for 62.6% (531/848) and non-elderly patients for 37.4% (317/848). Elderly patients had a higher APACHE II score [22 (18-28)versus 19 (15-24); p<0.001], compared to non-elderly patients, although the number of organ dysfunctions did not differ between the groups. No significant differences were found in 28-day and in-hospital mortality rates between elderly and non-elderly patients. The length of hospital stay was higher in elderly compared to non-elderly patients admitted with severe sepsis and septic shock [18 (10-41)versus 14 (8-29) days, respectively; p=0.0001]. Predictors of death among elderly patients included age, site of diagnosis, APACHE II score, need for mechanical ventilation and vasopressors.Conclusion In this study population early resuscitation of elderly patients was not associated with increased in-hospital mortality. Prospective studies addressing the long-term impact on functional status and quality of life are necessary.
Objetivo Comparar os resultados obtidos com a ressuscitação de idosos (≥65 anos) e não idosos (<65 anos) com sepse grave ou choque séptico e determinar os preditores de óbito em pacientes idosos.Métodos Estudo de coorte retrospectivo com 848 pacientes com sepse grave ou choque séptico admitidos na unidade de terapia intensiva entre janeiro de 2006 e março de 2012.Resultados Pacientes idosos representaram 62,6% (531/848) e não idosos 37,4% (317/848) dos pacientes. Pacientes idosos apresentaram maior escore APACHE II [22 (18-28) versus 19 (15-24); p<0,001] em comparação com pacientes não idosos, embora o número de disfunções orgânicas não tenha sido diferente entre os grupos. Não se observaram diferenças significativas na mortalidade hospitalar e em 28 dias entre pacientes idosos e não idosos, embora o tempo de internação hospitalar tenha sido superior nos pacientes idosos, em comparação com não idosos [18 (10-41) versus 14 (8-29) dias, respectivamente; p=0,0001]. Foram preditores de óbito entre pacientes idosos a idade, o local do diagnóstico, o escore APACHE II e a necessidade de ventilação mecânica e vasopressores.Conclusão A ressuscitação de pacientes idosos com sepse grave ou choque séptico não associou-se ao aumento de mortalidade hospitalar. Estudos prospectivos são necessários para avaliação do impacto a longo prazo no estado funcional e qualidade de vida dos pacientes idosos ressuscitados.
Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Hospital Mortality , Resuscitation/mortality , Sepsis/mortality , Shock, Septic/mortality , Age Factors , APACHE , Brazil/epidemiology , Cohort Studies , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Intensive Care Units , Length of Stay , Retrospective Studies , Resuscitation/methods , Survival RateABSTRACT
Introducción: Las infecciones son las complicaciones más importantes asociadas al uso de los Catéteres Venosos Centrales (CVC), representan un riesgo 20 veces mayor de bacteriemias que los catéteres venosos periféricos. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la implementación de un paquete de medidas o "bundle" en las infecciones asociadas a catéteres venosos centrales (BACT- CVC) en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Garrahan (UCI). Métodos: El Programa de Intervención para disminuir las bacteriemias asociadas a catéteres venosos centrales requirió de la aplicación de cuatro paquetes de medidas y un subprograma para aumentar la adherencia a la higiene de manos. Se aplicó en todas las UCI, pero en el presente estudio se presenta como modelo de referencia el que se llevó a cabo en una de ellas. Período del estudio: se compararon 2 períodos: basal (1º Agosto de 2008 - 31 de Diciembre de 2009) y intervención (1º de Enero 2010 al 31 de Diciembre de 2011). La tasa de BACT - CVC se calculó en concordancia con los protocolos utilizados por el sistema NHSN - CDC de los Estados Unidos y el sistema nacional VIHDA. La base de datos utilizada para el estudio fue el software provisto por el programa VIHDA. Se compararon las tasas de BACT - CVC en el período previo y posterior a las intervenciones realizadas. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el programa EPIINFO. Se consideró estadísticamente significativo un valor de p < 0.05. Resultados: en el primer período (Agosto 2008 - Diciembre 2009) se produjeron un total de 44 BACT - CVC, con una tasa promedio de 9.64 BACT-CVC por 1000 días-catéter versus 17 BACT - CVC, tasa promedio de 4.41 BACT-CVC por 1000 días-catéter en el período en que se desarrolla el programa de intervención. Esta disminución resulta estadísticamente significativa (Chi cuadrado; valor P= 0,0048; RR 0,46; IC 95%: 0,26 - 0,80). Conclusiones: La aplicación de los combos y el subprograma para mejorar la adherencia a la higiene de manos según orientación de la OMS y aplicando Estrategias Multimodales, resultaron en una mejora significativa en la tasa de BACT- CVC (AU)
Introduction: Infections are the main complication associated with the use of central venous catheters (CVC), accounting for an infection risk about 20 times that of peripheral venous catheters. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the implementation of sets of measures or "bundle" for the prevention of CVC-associated bacteremia (CVC-BACT) in the ICU. Methods: The intervention program for the reduction of CVC-BACT consisted of four sets of measures and a sub-program to increase adherence to hand hygiene. Bundle use was started in all PICUs, however, in this study implementation of the program in one of them was used as a reference model. Study period: Two periods were compared: Baseline (August 1, 2008 December 31, 2009) and intervention (January 1, 2010 December 31, 2011). The CVC-BACT rate was calculated according to the NHSN-CDC protocols of the United States and the Argentine VIHDA system. For the data base of the study software provided by the VIHDA program was used. CVC-BACT rates before and after the intervention period were calculated. For statistical analysis the EPIINFO program was used. A p < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: In the first period (August 2008 - December 2009) 44 CVC-BACT occurred, with a mean CVC-BACT rate of 9.64 per 1000 catheter days versus 17 CVC-BACT, mean CVC-BACT rate of 4.41 per 1000 catheter days, in the intervention period. This decrease was statistically significant (Chi square 7.94; p = 0.0048; RR 0.46; 95% CI: 0.26 0.80). Conclusions: Bundle use and the subprogram for better adherence to hand hygiene, according to WHO guidelines and applying multimodal strategies, resulted in a significantly lower CVC-BACT rate (AU)
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric/statistics & numerical data , Cross Infection/prevention & control , Infection Control/methods , Bacteremia/prevention & control , Catheter-Related Infections/prevention & control , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Hand Hygiene , Patient Care BundlesABSTRACT
Introdução: A reanimação fluídica da criança queimada é um desafio devido à intolerância à insuficiente ou excessiva oferta de líquidos. Há dúvidas em relação à utilização de solução coloide na ressuscitação volêmica e também quanto ao melhor momento a ser administrada. O momento ideal para a administração de albumina permanece em foco de debate, se deveria ser utilizada como estratégia de resgate, quando o volume de cristaloide infundido se torna excessivo, ou rotineiramente, como intervenção primária em pacientes com queimaduras extensas. Objetivos: Avaliar e comparar quanto a evolução clínica de crianças com lesões térmicas que receberam abordagem de infusão precoce (entre 8 e 12 horas do acidente) de solução coloide natural versus crianças que receberam abordagem de infusão tardia (após 24 horas do acidente) da mesma solução para reanimação na fase aguda. Metodologia: Ensaio Clínico Randomizado Controlado, realizado no Centro de Tratamento de Queimados do Hospital Universitário de Londrina. Foram estudadas 46 crianças (1 a 12 anos), apresentando entre 15% e 45% de Superfície Corporal Queimada, admitidas até a 12a hora após o acidente. Intervenção: Para a ressuscitação hídrica dos pacientes, foi utilizada solução cristaloide baseada na Fórmula de Parkland modificada, ajustada de acordo com o débito urinário. O Grupo Intervenção (23 pacientes) foi randomizado para receber solução de albumina entre 8 e 12 horas do acidente, e o Grupo Controle (23 pacientes) recebeu a mesma solução após 24 horas do acidente. Resultados: Houve possibilidade de redução de infusão de solução cristaloide durante o período de ressuscitação dos pacientes. O grupo Intervenção recebeu um volume de solução cristaloide com uma mediana de -31,99% (P=0,025) no 1º dia, -19,37% (P=0,002) no 2º dia e -45,3% (P=0,002) no 3º dia de ressuscitação. Não foram observadas diferenças significantes entre os grupos em relação à diurese. A incidência acumulada de fluid creep na população...
Introduction: The fluidic resuscitation of burned children is a challenge due to intolerance to insufficient or excessive supply of liquids. There are questions regarding the use of colloids in fluid resuscitation solution as well as the timing of the administration. The ideal time for the administration of albumin, in other words whether it should be used as a rescue strategy when the volume of crystalloid infused becomes excessive, or routinely, as primary intervention for patients with extensive burns, remains in the focus of discussion. Objectives: Evaluate the clinical outcomes of children with burn injuries who have received early infusion treatment (between 8 and 12 hours after the accident) with natural colloids solution compared to the children who have received late infusion treatment (24 hours after the accident) with the same solution, in order to resuscitate them in the acute phase. Methods: Randomized Controlled Trial carried out at the Burn Treatment Center, State University of Londrina. Forty-six children (1 to 12 year olds) who had between 15% and 45% total body surface area and were admitted up to 12 hours after the accident were studied. Intervention: For the fluid resuscitation of patients, a crystalloid solution based on modified Parkland Formula was adjusted according to urine output. The Intervention Group (n= 23) were randomized to receive albumin solution between 8 and 12 hours after the accident and the Control Group (n= 23) received the same solution later than 24 hours after the burn injury. Results: During the resuscitation of patients, it was possible to reduce the infusion of crystalloid solution. The Intervention Group required a volume of crystalloid solution with a median of -31.99% (P = 0.025) on day 1, - 19.37% (P = 0.002) on day 2 and -45.3% (P = 0.002) on day 3 of resuscitation. No significant differences were observed in the groups in relation to diuresis. The cumulative incidence of fluid creep in the population...
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Albumins/therapeutic use , Pediatrics , Burns/therapy , Resuscitation , Receptors, Albumin/therapeutic use , Early Medical Intervention/methodsABSTRACT
Os pacientes portadores de necessidades especiais requerem um tratamento odontológico diferenciado devido às limitações determinadas por sua deficiência. A qualidade da higiene bucal está relacionada ao quadro clínico do paciente, tendo os indivíduos com problemas de motricidade e inteligência, a higiene bucal comprometida.Objetivo: realizar uma revisão da literatura a respeito da importância da abordagem precoce no tratamento odontológico de pacientes com necessidades especiais.Metodologia: a revisão de literatura foi realizada por meio de levantamento bibliográfico no Pubmed e Bireme. Estudos epidemiológicos da condição de cárie e doenças gengivais de pacientes com necessidades especiais demonstram índice de cárie e problemas periodontais elevados. Desse modo, é importante que haja profissionais capacitados e abordagem multidisciplinar adequada, para suprir as barreiras impostas durante o seu atendimento, como a ansiedade dos pais, problemas sistêmicos, discriminação, entre outras.Conclusão: a busca por auxílio, o mais cedo possível, resulta em maior cooperação frente ao tratamento odontológico, e na aquisição de cuidados que se perpetuam por toda a vida do paciente. Um programa de promoção de saúde bucal voltado especificamente a esses pacientes, envolvendo orientações de higiene bucal, dieta, controle de placa, motivação e interação dos pacientes com o profissional, a família e a sociedade, mostra-se como o melhor caminho...
Introduction: the patients with specials necessities need a singular dentistry treatment because they have limitations due to theirs deficiency. The quality of oral health is related to the clinical situation of patient. The individuals with motor and understanding problems have poor oral health.Aim: this study aimed to review the literature about the importance of the early dentistry treatment of pacients with specials necessities.Methodology: the review of literature was made through the Pubmed and Bireme. Studies about dental caries and periodontal disease of patients with specials necessities had shown high index of caries and periodontal disease. Therefore it is important that there are capacity professionals and multidisciplinary treatment. It is necessary to supply the dificulties of treatment like anxiety of parents, systemic problems and discrimination.Conclusion: the early treatment results in good coperation during the treatment, and the aquisition of cares for all life. The best way is a program of oral health with instructions about diet, oral hygiene, control of bacterials, motivation and interaction between patients and professionals...
Humans , Dental Care for Disabled/methods , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Mouth Diseases/prevention & control , Oral Health , Practice Patterns, Dentists' , Time FactorsABSTRACT
This article reviews recent findings on predictors of conversion to psychosis among youth deemed at ultra high risk (UHR) based on the presence of subpsychotic-intensity symptoms or genetic risk for psychosis and a recent decline in functioning. Although transition rates differ between studies, the most well powered studies have observed rates of conversion to full psychosis in the 30-40 percent range over 2-3 years of follow-up. Across studies, severity of subthreshold positive symptoms, poorer social functioning, and genetic risk for schizophrenia appear to be consistent predictors of conversion to psychosis, with algorithms combining these indicators achieving positive predictive power > 80 percent. Nevertheless, a substantial fraction of UHR cases do not convert to psychosis. Recent work indicates that UHR cases who present with lower levels of negative symptoms and higher levels of social functioning are more likely to recover symptomatically and no longer meet criteria for an at-risk mental state. In general, it appears that about 1/3 of UHR cases convert to psychosis, about 1/3 do not convert but remain symptomatic and functionally impaired, and about 1/3 recover symptomatically and functionally. Continued efforts to detect early risk for psychosis are critical for informing early intervention and provide increasing promise of delaying or even preventing the onset of psychosis.
O presente artigo revisa os achados recentes sobre os preditores de conversão para psicose entre jovens considerados de ultra alto risco (UAR) com base na presença de sintomas de intensidade sub-psicótica e risco genético para psicose e declínio recente no funcionamento mental. Apesar das taxas de transição serem diferentes entre os estudos, os estudos de mais peso encontraram taxas de conversão para psicose entre 30 por cento e 40 por cento em pacientes acompanhados por dois a três anos. Entre os estudos, gravidade de sintomas positivos sub-clínicos, pior relacionamento social e risco genético para esquizofrenia parecem ser preditores consistentes de conversão para psicose, com algoritmos combinando esses indicadores alcançando poder preditivo positivo > 80 por cento. Ainda assim, uma fração substancial de casos em UAR não converte para psicose. Trabalhos recentes indicam que casos em UAR que apresentam níveis mais baixos de sintomas negativos e níveis mais altos de bom relacionamento social apresentam maior probabilidade de recuperação dos sintomas e de não mais preencher os critérios para estado mental de risco. Em geral, parece que 1/3 dos casos de UAR convertem para psicose, cerca de 1/3 não convertem, mas se mantém sintomáticos e com comprometimento funcional, e cerca de 1/3 apresentam recuperação sintomática e funcional. Esforços contínuos para detectar risco precoce para psicose são críticos para a intervenção precoce e para fornecer uma promessa cada vez maior de retardar ou até prevenir o início da psicose.
Humans , Psychotic Disorders/diagnosis , Schizophrenia/diagnosis , Algorithms , Early Diagnosis , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Multivariate Analysis , Predictive Value of Tests , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Psychotic Disorders/genetics , Psychotic Disorders/prevention & control , Risk Factors , Schizophrenia/genetics , Schizophrenia/prevention & controlABSTRACT
Over the last fifteen years, attempts have been made to prospectively identify individuals in the prodromal phase of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. The ultra high risk approach, based on a combination of known trait and state risk factors, has been the main strategy used. The validation of the ultra high risk criteria allowed for predictive research in this population in an attempt to identify clinical, neurocognitive and neurobiological risk factors for psychosis onset. It also led to a series of intervention studies in this population, which have included the use of low dose antipsychotic medication, cognitive therapy, and omega-3 fatty acids. Although there is moderate evidence for the effectiveness of specific intervention strategies in this population, the most effective type and duration of intervention is yet to be determined. A current controversy in the field is whether to include an adaption of the ultra high risk criteria (the attenuated psychosis syndrome) in the next version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fifth Edition).
Nos últimos quinze anos, foram feitas tentativas para identificar prospectivamente indivíduos na fase prodrômica de esquizofrenia e outros transtornos psicóticos. A abordagem de risco ultra alto, baseada na combinação de fatores conhecidos de risco de traço e estado, tem sido a principal estratégia utilizada. A validação dos critérios de risco ultra alto levou em conta a pesquisa preditiva nessa população, em uma tentativa de identificar fatores de risco clínicos, neurocognitivos e neurobiológicos para o início de psicose. Também levou a uma série de estudos de intervenção nessa população, que incluíram o uso de medicação antipsicótica em baixa dose, terapia cognitiva e ácidos graxos ômega-3. Ainda que existam evidências razoáveis sobre a eficácia de estratégias de intervenção específicas nessa população, o tipo mais efetivo e sua duração ainda têm que ser determinados. Uma controvérsia atual no campo refere-se à inclusão de uma adaptação dos critérios de risco ultra alto (a síndrome de psicose atenuada) na próxima versão do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (Quinta Edição).
Adolescent , Humans , Young Adult , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Psychotic Disorders/diagnosis , Schizophrenia/diagnosis , Biomedical Research , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Early Diagnosis , Early Medical Intervention/methods , Follow-Up Studies , Neuropsychological Tests , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Psychotic Disorders/psychology , Psychotic Disorders/therapy , Risk Factors , Schizophrenia/therapyABSTRACT
Recent research suggests that early intervention in psychosis might improve the chances of recovery and may even be able to prevent the onset of psychotic disorders. Clinical intervention in subjects at ultra high risk (UHR) of psychosis can have three different objectives. The first aim is to improve the 'prodromal' symptoms and problems that subjects usually present with. The second is to reduce the risk of the subsequent onset of frank psychosis. The third objective is to minimize the delay before the initiation of antipsychotic treatment in the subgroup of UHR subjects that go on to develop a first episode of psychosis. Both pharmacological and psychological interventions appear to be effective in reducing the severity of presenting symptoms in UHR subjects. Clinical trials of the impact of these interventions on the risk of subsequent transition to psychosis have been positive, but have involved small samples, and thus the issue of whether the effects persist in the long term remains to be determined. The monitoring of UHR subjects for the first signs of frank psychosis is an effective means of reducing the delay between the onset of the first episode and the start of antipsychotic treatment. Follow-up studies are required to test whether the reduction in this delay leads to an improved long term outcome. To date, the majority of the interventions that have been used in UHR subjects, such as case management, antipsychotic medication, and cognitive behavior therapy have previously been employed in patients with established psychosis. However, it is possible that treatments that are not normally used in patients with psychotic disorders may prove effective when applied at this stage.
Estudos recentes sugerem que a intervenção precoce na psicose poderia melhorar as chances de recuperação e inclusive evitar o início de transtornos psicóticos. A intervenção clínica para indivíduos em ultra alto risco (UAR) de psicose pode ter três objetivos diferentes. O primeiro é o de melhorar os sintomas e problemas "prodrômicos" que os indivíduos normalmente apresentam. O segundo é o de reduzir o risco de psicose franca subsequente. O terceiro objetivo é o de minimizar a demora antes do início do tratamento antipsicótico no subgrupo de indivíduos em UAR que evoluem para um primeiro episódio psicótico. Tanto as intervenções farmacológicas como as psicológicas parecem ser eficazes para reduzir a gravidade dos sintomas apresentados pelos indivíduos em UAR. Ensaios clínicos sobre o impacto dessas intervenções no risco de transição subsequente para psicose foram positivos, mas envolveram amostras pequenas e, dessa forma, a questão de se os efeitos persistem ou não no longo prazo ainda precisa ser resolvida. O monitoramento dos indivíduos em UAR para os primeiros sinais de psicose franca é uma forma eficaz de reduzir a demora entre o início do primeiro episódio e o começo do tratamento antipsicótico. Estudos de acompanhamento são necessários para testar se a redução desse tempo leva a um desfecho melhor no longo prazo. Até hoje, a maioria das intervenções para indivíduos em UAR, como manejo de caso, medicação antipsicótica e terapia cognitivo-comportamental, foram empregadas anteriormente em pacientes com psicose estabelecida. No entanto, é possível que tratamentos que não são normalmente utilizados para pacientes com transtornos psicóticos possam ser eficazes ao serem aplicados nesse estágio.