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Rev. méd. Maule ; 39(1): 27-31, mayo. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562964


Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is one of the most common congenital defects. It has a wide variety of clinical spectrum of presentation depending on the location and size of the defect. Generally, small restrictive VSDs present spontaneous closure during follow-up. A clinical case is presented with suspected persistent perimembranous VSD, with described intraoperative anatomical findings of aneurysmal cribriform membrane, ruling out VSD.

La comunicación interventricular (CIV) es uno de los defectos congénitos más comunes. Tiene una amplia variedad de espectro clínico de presentación dependiendo de la localización y tamaño del defecto. Por lo general, en los CIV restrictivos pequeños presentan un cierre espontáneo durante el seguimiento. Se presenta un caso clínico con sospecha de CIV perimembranosa persistente, con hallazgos anatómicos intraoperatorios descritos de membrana cribiforme aneurismática descartandose CIV.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular/surgery , Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular/diagnostic imaging , Thorax/diagnostic imaging , Echocardiography , Intraoperative Care
Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 16(1): 17-21, Marzo 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1551135


Introducción: Los leiomiomas uterinos son un tipo de neoplasia benigna de frecuente aparición en mujeres de edad reproductiva, relacionados con enfermedad tromboem- bólica venosa. Este vínculo surge del efecto producido por la compresión de fibromas que genera estasis venosa en la región pelviana. Sin embargo, este pareciera no ser el único factor que lo relaciona con el desarrollo posterior de hipertensión pulmonar, sino que su presencia es gatillo de una serie de fenómenos que influyen sobre la vasculatu - ra pulmonar y también a nivel sistémico. Método: Revisión de una serie de casos (seis) atendidos en nuestra unidad, seguido de una revisión sobre la relación entre leiomio- mas y distintas formas de hipertensión pulmonar con una revisión desde la fisiopatología. Resultado y conclusiones: Encontramos sustento bibliográfico en los múltiples caminos fisiopatológicos que relacionan los mediadores vasculares comunes, que parecieran ser el punto clave en la relación entre estas dos patologías.

Introduction: Uterine leiomyomas are a type of benign neoplasm that frequently appears in women of reproductive age, related to venous thromboembolic disease. This link arises from the effect produced by the compression of fibroids, which generates venous stasis in the pelvic region. However, this seems not to be the only factor that re- lates it to the subsequent development of pulmonary hypertension, but rather its presence is a trigger for a series of phenomena that influence the pulmonary vasculature and also at a systemic level. Method: Review of a series of cases (six) cared for in our unit, followed by a review on the relationship between leiomyomas and different forms of pulmonary hypertension with a review from the pathophysiology. Result and conclusions: We found bibliographic support in the multiple pathophysiological paths that relate the common vascular mediators, which appear to be the key point in the relationship between these two pathologies.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Uterine Neoplasms/physiopathology , Venous Thromboembolism/physiopathology , Hypertension, Pulmonary/physiopathology , Leiomyoma/physiopathology , Echocardiography , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Biomarkers , Review , Computed Tomography Angiography/methods
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;89(1): 48-51, feb. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559721


La anomalía de Ebstein es una cardiopatía congénita rara y poco frecuente caracterizada por el adosamiento de los velos valvulares tricuspídeos; en la etapa prenatal se estima que su incidencia corresponde a un 3% de todas las cardiopatías diagnosticadas. Se presenta el caso de un feto con diagnóstico de anomalía de Ebstein a quien se le realizó un diagnóstico prenatal adecuado, lo que permitió planificar el nacimiento neonatal con un equipo multidisciplinario integral. Debido a la rareza del diagnóstico prenatal de esta entidad, se describe el caso clínico y los hallazgos imagenológicos representativos.

Ebsteins anomaly is a rare and infrequent congenital heart disease characterized by the attachment of the tricuspid valve leaflets; in the prenatal stage it is estimated that its incidence corresponds to 3% of all diagnosed heart diseases. We present the case of a fetus diagnosed with Ebsteins anomaly who underwent an adequate prenatal diagnosis, which made it possible to plan the neonatal birth with a comprehensive multidisciplinary team. Due to the rarity of the prenatal diagnosis of this entity, the clinical case and the representative imaging findings are described.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adolescent , Echocardiography , Ebstein Anomaly/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Outcome , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Watchful Waiting
Zhonghua xinxueguanbing zazhi ; (12): 58-63, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045789


Objective: To explore the feasibility of using two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography for measuring right ventricular strain and function in healthy adults, and to analyze the impact of age and gender. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study. Healthy adults who underwent physical examination in the Physical Examination Center of Beijing Hospital from January 1, 2020 to January 1, 2021 were included. Two researchers independently measured various right ventricular longitudinal strain indices using the Echopac software, including (global longitudinal strain (GLS), apical longitudinal strain (ALS), midventricle longitudinal strain (MLS), basal longitudinal strain (BLS), free wall GLS (FWGLS), free wall ALS (FWALS), free wall MLS (FWMLS) and free wall BLS (FWBLS)) as well as tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) and right ventricle-fraction of area change (RVFAC). The above indicators were taken as the average of two physicians. The consistency of the measurements by two physicians was evaluated by the within-group correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: A total of 233 subjects were included, including 137 males, aged (58.5±14.2) years. ICC values was all above 0.8 with excellent agreement. The values of FWGLS and GLS in healthy adults were -26.63% and -21.89%, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in TAPSE ((2.06±0.41)cm vs. (2.10±0.39)cm, P=0.510) and RVFAC ((51.17±9.91)% vs. (50.89±8.65)%, P=0.826) between males and females. The values of various right ventricular long axis strain indicators (GLS, ALS, MLS, BLS, FWGLS, FWMLS, FWMLS, FWBLS) in females aged 18 to 40 and 41 to 65 years were higher than those in males of the same age (all P<0.05), while there was no statistically significant difference in the values of various right ventricular long axis strain indicators between the sexes in subjects aged 65 years and above (all P>0.05). In females, the right ventricular GLS, ALS, MLS, FWGLS, FWALS, FWMLS, and FWBLS values in the groups aged 18 to 40 and 41 to 65 years were significantly higher than those in the group aged 65 years and above (all P<0.05). In contrast, no significant differences were found in these indices among different age groups in males (all P>0.05). Conclusions: Using two-dimensional speckle tracking technology in echocardiography to measure right ventricular strain indicators is feasible and highly reproducible. Gender and age have an impact on right ventricular strain indicators.

Adult , Male , Female , Humans , Ventricular Function, Right , Cross-Sectional Studies , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , Echocardiography/methods , Heart Ventricles/diagnostic imaging , Ventricular Dysfunction, Right
Zhonghua xinxueguanbing zazhi ; (12): 58-63, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046112


Objective: To explore the feasibility of using two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography for measuring right ventricular strain and function in healthy adults, and to analyze the impact of age and gender. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study. Healthy adults who underwent physical examination in the Physical Examination Center of Beijing Hospital from January 1, 2020 to January 1, 2021 were included. Two researchers independently measured various right ventricular longitudinal strain indices using the Echopac software, including (global longitudinal strain (GLS), apical longitudinal strain (ALS), midventricle longitudinal strain (MLS), basal longitudinal strain (BLS), free wall GLS (FWGLS), free wall ALS (FWALS), free wall MLS (FWMLS) and free wall BLS (FWBLS)) as well as tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) and right ventricle-fraction of area change (RVFAC). The above indicators were taken as the average of two physicians. The consistency of the measurements by two physicians was evaluated by the within-group correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: A total of 233 subjects were included, including 137 males, aged (58.5±14.2) years. ICC values was all above 0.8 with excellent agreement. The values of FWGLS and GLS in healthy adults were -26.63% and -21.89%, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in TAPSE ((2.06±0.41)cm vs. (2.10±0.39)cm, P=0.510) and RVFAC ((51.17±9.91)% vs. (50.89±8.65)%, P=0.826) between males and females. The values of various right ventricular long axis strain indicators (GLS, ALS, MLS, BLS, FWGLS, FWMLS, FWMLS, FWBLS) in females aged 18 to 40 and 41 to 65 years were higher than those in males of the same age (all P<0.05), while there was no statistically significant difference in the values of various right ventricular long axis strain indicators between the sexes in subjects aged 65 years and above (all P>0.05). In females, the right ventricular GLS, ALS, MLS, FWGLS, FWALS, FWMLS, and FWBLS values in the groups aged 18 to 40 and 41 to 65 years were significantly higher than those in the group aged 65 years and above (all P<0.05). In contrast, no significant differences were found in these indices among different age groups in males (all P>0.05). Conclusions: Using two-dimensional speckle tracking technology in echocardiography to measure right ventricular strain indicators is feasible and highly reproducible. Gender and age have an impact on right ventricular strain indicators.

Adult , Male , Female , Humans , Ventricular Function, Right , Cross-Sectional Studies , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , Echocardiography/methods , Heart Ventricles/diagnostic imaging , Ventricular Dysfunction, Right
Rev. Hosp. El Cruce ; (33): 1-6, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1565999


[RESUMEN]. Introducción: A pesar de ser extremadamente raros, los tumores cardíacos conforman un importante desafío diagnóstico de la práctica cardiooncológica. Los lipomas son la segunda neoplasia primaria benigna en orden de frecuencia, representan entre un 8 a 12% de los tumores cardíacos primarios benignos en adultos. Materiales, métodos: Presentamos un caso clínico de una paciente estudiada y diagnosticada en nuestra institución. Descripción: Se presenta a una paciente de 21 años, de género femenino, sin factores de riesgo cardiovasculares, que fue referida a nuestra institución con diagnóstico de lipoma cardíaco. Su presentación inicial incluyó taquicardia ventricular sostenida con descompensación hemodinámica, que respondió favorablemente a la cardioversión eléctrica. Tras su ingreso, se llevaron a cabo estudios diagnósticos adicionales para obtener una caracterización más precisa de la masa y facilitar la toma de decisiones terapéuticas. El ecocardiograma transtorácico reveló la presencia de una masa en el septum interventricular basal, con extensión a la pared inferior de ambos ventrículos. La resonancia cardíaca posterior confirmó la naturaleza lipídica de la masa, que se presentaba de manera homogénea, con lí- mites definidos, sin realce en ninguna fase del contraste endovenoso y encapsulada, sin afectar estructuras adyacentes. La ausencia de realce precoz y tardío permitió descartar la vascularización y la presencia de tejido fibroso, respectivamente, consolidando así el diagnóstico de lipoma. Después de una evaluación exhaustiva por el equipo cardiovascular de nuestro hospital, se decidió de manera conjunta no proceder con una intervención quirúrgica debido a la ubicación anatómica del tumor y al elevado riesgo de morbimortalidad asociado. La alternativa consensuada fue la implantación de un cardiodesfibrilador, considerando el historial de arritmia severa y el riesgo de recurrencia en esta paciente. Conclusión: Se presenta un caso infrecuente de tumor cardíaco, que genera grandes desafíos diagnósticos y terapéuticos. Se optó por un tratamiento conservador con el propósito de prevenir la recurrencia de eventos arrítmicos.

[ABSTRACT]. Introduction: Despite being extremely rare, cardiac tumors pose a significant diagnostic challenge in cardio-oncology practice. Lipomas rank as the second most common primary benign neoplasm, accounting for 8 to 12% of primary benign cardiac tumors in adults. Materials and Methods: We present a clinical case of a patient studied and diagnosed at our institution. Description: A 21-year-old female patient, without cardiovascular risk factors, was referred to our institution with a diagnosis of cardiac lipoma. Her initial presentation included sustained ventricular tachycardia with hemodynamic decompensation, successfully managed with electrical cardioversion. Following admission, additional diagnostic studies were conducted to achieve a more precise characterization of the mass and guide therapeutic decision-making. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed a mass in the basal interventricular septum, extending to the inferior wall of both ventricles. Subsequent cardiac resonance confirmed the lipid nature of the mass, presenting homogeneously with well-defined borders, no enhancement in any phase of intravenous contrast, encapsulated, and without involvement of adjacent structures. The absence of early and late enhancement ruled out tumor vascularization and fibrous tissue, respectively, confirming the diagnosis of a lipoma. Following a comprehensive evaluation by our hospital's cardiovascular team, a joint decision was made to refrain from surgical intervention due to the anatomical location of the tumor and the associated high risk of morbidity and mortality. The consensus alternative was the implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator, considering the patient's history of severe arrhythmia and the risk of recurrence. Conclusion: An infrequent case of cardiac tumor, that is associated with diagnostic and therapeutic challenges, is described. A conservative treatment was chosen aiming to prevent the recurrence of arrhythmic events.

Cardio-Oncology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Echocardiography , Tachycardia, Ventricular , Lipoma
In. Taranto, Eliseo; Nuñez, Edgardo. Esenciales en emergencia y trauma. Montevideo, Bibliomédica, 2024. p.323-342, ilus, tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1567463
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 42(2): 90-101, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515100


Antecedentes: El ejercicio de alta intensidad induce hipertrofia miocárdica necesaria para adaptar al corazón a la mayor demanda de trabajo. Se desconoce si correr una maratón induce de forma aguda factores humorales asociados al desarrollo de hipertrofia miocárdica en atletas. Objetivo: Evaluar cardiotrofina-1 (CT1) y el factor de crecimiento análogo a insulina-1 (IGF-1), conocidos inductores de hipertrofia, en maratonistas previo y justo después de correr una maratón y su relación con hipertrofia cardíaca. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo ciego simple de atletas hombres que corrieron la maratón de Santiago. Se incluyó un grupo control sedentario. En todos los sujetos se realizó un ecocardiograma transtorácico estándar. Los niveles de CT1 e IGF-1 se determinaron en plasma obtenidos antes (basal) y justo después de haber terminado (antes de 15 minutos) la maratón, usando test de ELISA. Resultados: Los atletas tenían frecuencias cardíacas menores que los controles, asociado con una mayor hipertrofia miocárdica, determinado por el grosor del septo y pared posterior del corazón, y volúmenes del ventrículo y aurícula izquierda. Los niveles basales de CT1 e IGF-1 fueron similares entre atletas y controles sedentarios. El correr la maratón aumentó los niveles de estas dos hormonas en un subgrupo de atletas. Solo los atletas que incrementaron los niveles de IGF-1, pero no de CT1, tenían volúmenes de ventrículo izquierdo y derecho más grandes que los otros atletas. Conclusiones: IGF-1 que se incrementa de forma aguda por el ejercicio, pero no CT1, estaría asociado con el aumento de los volúmenes ventriculares observado en los atletas.

Background: High intensity exercise induces the development of myocardial hypertrophy necessary to adapt the heart to the increased work demand. Whether running a marathon is associated with acutely induced humoral factors responsible for the development of myocardial hypertrophy observed in athletes is not known. Objective: To evaluate the levels of cardiotrophin-1 (CT1) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), known hypertrophy inducers, in marathon runners before and just after running a marathon and their relationship with cardiac hypertrophy. Methodology: Single-blind prospective study of male athletes who ran the Santiago's marathon. A sedentary control group was included. All subjects underwent a standard transthoracic echocardiogram. CT1 and IGF-1 levels were determined in plasma obtained before (basal) and just after finishing (within 15 min) the marathon using ELISA assays. Results: Athletes had lower heart rates than controls, associated with greater myocardial hypertrophy, as determined by thickness of the heart's septum and posterior wall, and left atrial and ventricular volumes. Basal CT1 and IGF-1 levels were similar between athletes and sedentary controls. Marathon running increased the levels of these two hormones in a subgroup of athletes. Only the athletes who increased IGF-1 levels, but not CT1, had larger left and right ventricular volumes. Conclusion: IGF-1 acutely increased by exercise, but not CT1, was associated with the augmented ventricular volumes observed in athletes.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Insulin-Like Growth Factor I/analysis , Cytokines/analysis , Athletes , Cardiomegaly, Exercise-Induced , Insulin-Like Growth Factor I/physiology , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Echocardiography , Single-Blind Method , Prospective Studies , Cytokines/physiology
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 36(1): e20230013, abr. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452547


O choque circulatório é caracterizado por um estado de ineficiência da oferta de oxigênio tecidual e disfunção múltipla de órgãos. Necessita de diagnóstico e terapias rápidas e assertivas para redução de sua alta letalidade. O ecocardiograma já se estabeleceu como método fundamental no manejo do paciente com choque circulatório. Auxilia de forma crucial no diagnóstico etiológico, prognóstico, monitorização hemodinâmica e estimativa volêmica desses pacientes, tendo como potenciais vantagens a portabilidade, ausência de contraste ou radiação, baixo custo e avaliação em tempo real e de forma seriada. Em ambiente de UTI, demonstra alta correlação com formas invasivas (cateter de artéria pulmonar) e minimamente invasivas (termodiluição transpulmonar) de monitorização hemodinâmica. Atualmente, outras técnicas, como ultrassom pulmonar e VExUS score, têm se agregado à avaliação ecocardiográfica, tornando o método mais abrangente e acurado. Essas técnicas acrescentam dados relevantes na estimativa da volemia do paciente crítico, influenciando na decisão probabilística de fluidoresponsividade e agregando informações no raciocínio diagnóstico das causas do choque, otimizando o prognóstico desses pacientes. O point of care ultrasound (POCUS) tem como objetivo tornar mais acessível, ao médico não especialista em radiologia, habilidades para se obter informações a beira leito, por meio do ultrassom, que o ajudem na tomada de decisões. Esse artigo aborda as diversas aplicabilidades do ecocardiograma em pacientes com choque circulatório, incluindo avaliação prognóstica e diagnóstico etiológico por meio dos parâmetros encontrados nas principais causas de choque, além da monitorização hemodinâmica, avaliação de fluido-responsividade e utilização prática do ultrassom pulmonar.(AU)

Circulatory shock is characterized by a state of inefficient tissue oxygen supply and multiple organ dysfunction. Patients with circulatory shock require fast and assertive diagnosis and therapies to reduce its high lethality. Echocardiography has already been established as a fundamental method in managing patients with circulatory shock. It provides crucial assistance in etiological diagnosis, prognosis, hemodynamic monitoring, and volume estimation in these patients; its potential advantages include portability, absence of contrast or radiation, low cost, and real-time serial assessment. In the intensive care unit setting, it demonstrates a high correlation with invasive (pulmonary artery catheter) and minimally invasive (transpulmonary thermodilution) forms of hemodynamic monitoring. Currently, other techniques, such as pulmonary ultrasound and VExUS score, have been added to echocardiographic assessment, making the method more comprehensive and accurate. These techniques add relevant data to blood volume estimation in critical patients, influencing the probabilistic decision of fluid responsiveness and providing additional information in the diagnostic reasoning of the causes of shock, thus optimizing these patients' prognosis. Point of care ultrasound (POCUS) aims to make abilities to obtain information at the bedside more accessible to physicians who are not specialists in radiology, by means of ultrasound, which assists them in decision-making. This article addresses the diverse applications of echocardiography in patients with circulatory shock, including prognostic evaluation and etiological diagnosis by means of the parameters found in the main causes of shock, in addition to hemodynamic monitoring, evaluation of fluid responsiveness, and practical use of pulmonary ultrasound.(AU)

Humans , Shock, Cardiogenic/complications , Shock, Cardiogenic/etiology , Shock, Cardiogenic/diagnostic imaging , Ventricular Function/physiology , Shock, Cardiogenic/prevention & control , Stroke Volume/physiology , Echocardiography/methods , Cardiac Imaging Techniques/methods , Hemodynamic Monitoring/methods
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 36(1): e372, abr. 2023. tab.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451685


Fundamento: O exercício intenso e continuado em atletas provoca fenótipos de remodelamento adaptativo, cujos parâmetros podem ser avaliados pela ecocardiografia convencional, e de deformação miocárdica. Assim, foi comparado o remodelamento miocárdico em atletas do sexo feminino (grupo atletas) com mulheres sedentárias da mesma faixa etária (grupo-controle) e entre atletas com maior e menor tempo de treinamento. Métodos: Foram selecionadas 57 futebolistas femininas (grupo atletas) e 25 mulheres sadias sedentárias (grupocontrole). As atletas foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo principal, com 32 atletas, e grupo sub-17, com 25 atletas. Foram determinadas, através de ecocardiografia, as dimensões, a função sistólica e diastólica das câmaras cardíacas e a deformação miocárdica (strain longitudinal, circunferencial, radial e mecânica rotacional), utilizando a estatística Z com significância de p < 0,05. Resultados: A idade dos grupos atletas, controle, principal e sub-17 foi de 22,1±6,3; 21,2±5,0; 26,5±5,1; e 16,5±0,6, respectivamente. O peso, o índice de massa corporal e a frequência cardíaca foram menores no grupo atletas. A espessura das paredes, o índice de massa do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), o volume do átrio esquerdo (AE), a fração de ejeção e as dimensões do ventrículo direito (VD) foram maiores no grupo atletas, mas dentro de valores normais. A deformação miocárdica mostrou diminuição do strain radial, da rotação basal, da rotação apical e do twist, sugerindo mecanismo de reserva contrátil. Esses parâmetros foram menores no grupo principal, que também apresentava maior espessura das paredes, maior volume do AE e maior tamanho do VD, sugerindo que o aumento da reserva contrátil se relaciona com maior tempo de treinamento. Conclusões: As atletas do sexo feminino com treinamento intenso de longa duração apresentam remodelamento adaptativo das câmaras cardíacas e aumento da reserva contrátil observada em repouso, com esses parâmetros mais acentuados nas atletas com maior tempo de treinamento.(AU)

Background: Intense continuous exercise provokes adaptive remodeling phenotypes in athletes, the parameters of which can be evaluated through conventional echocardiography and myocardial deformation. We compared myocardial remodeling in female athletes (athlete group) with sedentary women of the same age range (control group) and between older and younger athletes. Methods: A total of 57 female soccer players and 25 healthy sedentary women were selected. The athlete group was subdivided into a main group and those under 17 years of age (< 17 group). The dimensions and systolic and diastolic function of the cardiac chambers and myocardial deformation (longitudinal and circumferential, as well as radial strain and rotational mechanics) was determined through echocardiography, using the Z statistic with a significance level of p< 0.05. Results: The mean age of the athlete, control, main, and < 17 groups was 22.1 (SD, 6.3); 21.2 (SD, 5.0); 26.5 (SD, 5.1); 16.5 (SD, 0.6) years, respectively. Weight, body mass index and heart rate were lower in the athlete group. Wall thickness, left ventricular mass index, left atrial (LA) volume, ejection fraction, and right ventricular dimensions were higher in athlete group, but remained within normal ranges. Regarding myocardial deformation, there was decreased radial strain, basal rotation, apical rotation, and twisting in the athlete group, suggesting a contractile reserve mechanism. These parameters were lesser in the main athlete group, who also had greater wall thickness, greater volume in the left atrium (LA) and larger size in the right ventricle (RV), suggesting that increased contractile reserve is related to longer time spent in the sport. Conclusions: In female athletes who had undergone intense long-term training, we observed adaptive remodeling of the cardiac chambers and increased contractile reserve (at rest), and these changes were more pronounced in those with longer involvement in the sport.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Athletes , Atrial Remodeling/physiology , Heart/physiopathology , Heart/diagnostic imaging , Echocardiography/methods , Sedentary Behavior , High-Intensity Interval Training/adverse effects , Global Longitudinal Strain/radiation effects
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 36(1): e20230002, abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452586


A prática regular de esportes pode induzir adaptações no coração, sendo essa condição comumente chamada de "coração de atleta". As alterações observadas incluem dilatação das câmaras cardíacas, aumento da espessura miocárdica, melhora do enchimento ventricular, aumento da trabeculação do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), dilatação da veia cava inferior, entre outras. Essas alterações também podem ser observadas em algumas doenças cardíacas, como cardiomiopatia (CMP) dilatada, hipertrófica e outras. Dessa forma, os exames de imagem cardíaca são fundamentais na identificação dessas alterações e na diferenciação entre o "coração de atleta" e uma possível cardiopatia.(AU)

Exercise-induced adaptation may occur in amateur and professional athletes. This condition is commonly named "athlete's heart". The alterations observed include dilation of the heart chambers, increased myocardial thickness, improved ventricular filling, increased left ventricular trabeculation, dilation of the inferior vena cava, among others. These changes can also be observed in some heart diseases, such as dilated, hypertrophic and other cardiomyopathies (CMP). Thus, cardiac imaging tests are fundamental in identifying these alterations and in differentiating between "athlete's heart" and possible heart disease. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Cardiomyopathy, Dilated/diagnosis , Cardiomegaly, Exercise-Induced/physiology , Heart/anatomy & histology , Heart/diagnostic imaging , Echocardiography/methods , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/methods , Radiography, Thoracic/methods , Echocardiography, Doppler/methods , Exercise/physiology , Electrocardiography/methods
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 36(1): e282, abr. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509332


Coração em criss-cross (ou coração entrecruzado) foi descrito pela primeira vez em 1974. Trata-se de uma malformação cardíaca congênita, rara, ocorrendo 8 casos a cada 1.000.000 de crianças, e representando somente 0,1% das malformações congênitas. Os métodos diagnósticos de escolha são o ecocardiograma transtorácico, a ressonância magnética cardíaca (RMC), a angiotomografia (TC) e, eventualmente, o cateterismo cardíaco. Neste relato, descreve-se o caso de um recém-nascido com coração em criss-cross somado à dupla via de saída do ventrículo direito (VD), com vasos mal posicionados, além de comunicação interatrial (CIA), comunicação interventricular (CIV), displasia de valva tricúspide e veia cava superior esquerda persistente. Não se sabe a etiologia exata dessa malformação, mas parece ocorrer pela rotação dos ventrículos em seu eixo longitudinal, não acompanhada das rotações atrial e das valvas atrioventriculares (AV). Esse movimento produz uma alteração das vias de entrada dos ventrículos, determinando que o VD se posicione em plano superior e o esquerdo em plano inferior. Apesar de ainda não se saber a exata causa dessa anomalia, acredita-se que uma alteração genética possa estar levando a esses casos: a mutação do gene Cx43. O diagnóstico do caso em questão foi dado pela ecocardiografia transtorácica e da TC de aorta e artérias pulmonares, que mostraram, além do criss-cross, outras alterações, como dupla via de saída do VD, CIA e CIV amplas.(AU)

Criss-cross heart was first described in 1974. It is a rare congenital heart malformation that occurs in 8 cases per 1,000,000 children, and represents only 0.1% of congenital malformations. The diagnostic methods of choice are transthoracic echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), computed tomography angiography (CT) and, sometimes, cardiac catheterization. This report describes the case of a newborn with a criss-cross heart in addition to double-outlet right ventricle (RV), with poorly positioned vessels, in addition to atrial septal defect (ASD), interventricular septal defect, tricuspid valve dysplasia and persistent left superior vena cava. The exact etiology of this malformation is not known, but it seems to occur due to rotation of the ventricles in their longitudinal axis, not accompanied by rotation of the atrial and atrioventricular (AV) valves. This movement produces abnormal ventricular inlets, determining that the RV be positioned on a superior plane and the left ventricle on an inferior plane. Although the exact cause of this anomaly is still unknown, it is believed that a genetic abnormality may be leading to these cases: mutation of the Cx43 gene. Diagnosis of the case concerned was given by transthoracic echocardiography and computed CT of the aorta and pulmonary arteries, which showed, in addition to the criss-cross heart, other abnormalities, such as double-outlet RV, large ASD and ventricular septal defect (VSD).(AU)

Humans , Male , Infant, Newborn , Crisscross Heart/etiology , Crisscross Heart/diagnostic imaging , Heart Defects, Congenital/diagnosis , Heart Ventricles/abnormalities , Double Outlet Right Ventricle/diagnosis , Echocardiography/methods , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava/diagnosis , Heart Septal Defects, Atrial/diagnosis
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 42(1): 23-30, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441373


Introducción: En nuestro medio, el implante percutáneo de prótesis aórtica (TAVI) se encuentra limitado a pacientes más añosos o de mayor riesgo quirúrgico, en quienes frecuentemente se retarda la intervención hasta que presenten signos avanzados de enfermedad. Objetivo: Evaluar el grado de compromiso miocárdico en pacientes sometidos a TAVI y determinar si la magnitud de este compromiso predice los resultados alejados del procedimiento. Métodos: Registro de pacientes sometidos a TAVI en 2 instituciones de Chile. Según la clasificación propuesta por Genereux el año 2017, se clasificaron desde el punto de vista ecocardiográfico como: 1) compromiso de ventrículo izquierdo; 2) compromiso de aurícula izquierda; 3) hipertensión pulmonar / insuficiencia tricuspídea significativa y 4) disfunción de ventrículo derecho. Resultados: Se incluyeron 209 pacientes. Se logró un procedimiento exitoso en 98,6%, registrándose una mortalidad intrahospitalaria de 2,9%. El compromiso cardíaco se extendió más allá de las cavidades izquierdas en 24,7% de los casos (estadíos 3 y 4). A una mediana de seguimiento de 650 días se registró una mortalidad de 26,8%. El compromiso de cavidades derechas (estadíos 3 y 4) se asoció a una mayor mortalidad (39,6% vs 22,1%, log rank p=0,015). En análisis multivariado, este compromiso fue el único factor que de forma independiente predijo mortalidad (HR 1,87, IC 1,01-3,44, p=0,044). Conclusiones: El compromiso de cavidades derechas se asocia a una mayor mortalidad alejada en pacientes sometidos a TAVI. Estos resultados debiesen estimular una derivación precoz de estos pacientes que, aunque añosos y de alto riesgo, tienen buenos resultados intervenidos precozmente.

Background: Locally, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) is limited to very old or high-risk patients, whose intervention is frequently delayed until they develop signs of advanced disease. Aim: To evaluate the degree of myocardial compromise in patients undergoing TAVI and to determine whether the level of this compromise can predict results during follow-up. Methods: Registry of TAVI patients from 2 institutions in Chile. According to the classification proposed by Genereux in 2017, patients were classified based on the echocardiogram as 1) left ventricular compromise; 2) left atrial compromise; 3) pulmonary hypertension / severe tricuspid regurgitation; 4) right ventricular dysfunction. Results: The study included 209 patients. A successful procedure was achieved in 98.6% of cases, with an in-hospital mortality of 2.9%. Cardiac compromise extended beyond left chambers in 24.7% of cases (stages 3 and 4). During follow-up (median of 650 days) mortality was 26.8%. Right chambers involvement (stages 3 and 4) was associated with increased mortality (39.6% vs 22.1%, log rank p=0.015). In multivariate analysis, this compromise was the only factor that independently predicted mortality (HR 1.87, IC 1.01-3.44, p=0,044). Conclusions: Right chambers involvement was associated to increased mortality during follow-up of patients undergoing TAVI. These results should stimulate earlier referral of these high risk and older patients in order to obtain better results following the intervention.

Humans , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aortic Valve Stenosis/surgery , Aortic Valve Stenosis/mortality , Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement/adverse effects , Aortic Valve Stenosis/classification , Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency , Severity of Illness Index , Echocardiography , Survival Analysis , Multivariate Analysis , Follow-Up Studies , Hospital Mortality , Forecasting , Myocardium/pathology
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 42(1): 59-64, abr. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441378


Presentamos el caso de un paciente quien presentó un evento presincopal en el que destacan 3 patologías asociadas a muerte súbita de forma independiente: miocardiopatía hipertrófica, origen anómalo coronario y enfermedad arterial coronaria epicárdica; diagnósticos coexistentes. Se describe las patologías, diagnóstico, manejo médico y terapéutico y se revisa la literatura.

A patient presented with a presyncopal event. Three conditions independently associated with sudden death, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, anomalous origin of coronary arteries and epicardial coronary artery disease were found. Diagnosis, and medical management are described, followed by a review of the literature.

Humans , Male , Aged , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/complications , Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic/complications , Atherosclerosis/complications , Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Echocardiography , Coronary Vessel Anomalies , Coronary Vessel Anomalies/diagnostic imaging , Atherosclerosis/diagnostic imaging