BACKGROUND@#With an increasing proportion of multiparas, proper interpregnancy intervals (IPIs) are urgently needed. However, the association between IPIs and adverse perinatal outcomes has always been debated. This study aimed to explore the association between IPIs and adverse outcomes in different fertility policy periods and for different previous gestational ages.@*METHODS@#We used individual data from China's National Maternal Near Miss Surveillance System between 2014 and 2019. Multivariable Poisson models with restricted cubic splines were used. Each adverse outcome was analyzed separately in the overall model and stratified models. The stratified models included different categories of fertility policy periods (2014-2015, 2016-2017, and 2018-2019) and infant gestational age in previous pregnancy (<28 weeks, 28-36 weeks, and ≥37 weeks).@*RESULTS@#There were 781,731 pregnancies enrolled in this study. A short IPI (≤6 months) was associated with an increased risk of preterm birth (OR [95% CI]: 1.63 [1.55, 1.71] for vaginal delivery [VD] and 1.10 [1.03, 1.19] for cesarean section [CS]), low Apgar scores and small for gestational age (SGA), and a decreased risk of diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, preeclampsia or eclampsia, and gestational hypertension. A long IPI (≥60 months) was associated with an increased risk of preterm birth (OR [95% CI]: 1.18 [1.11, 1.26] for VD and 1.39 [1.32, 1.47] for CS), placenta previa, postpartum hemorrhage, diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, preeclampsia or eclampsia, and gestational hypertension. Fertility policy changes had little effect on the association of IPIs and adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. The estimated risk of preterm birth, low Apgar scores, SGA, diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, and gestational hypertension was more profound among women with previous term births than among those with preterm births or pregnancy loss.@*CONCLUSION@#For pregnant women with shorter or longer IPIs, more targeted health care measures during pregnancy should be formulated according to infant gestational age in previous pregnancy.
Infant , Pregnancy , Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy Outcome/epidemiology , Premature Birth/epidemiology , Gestational Age , Pre-Eclampsia , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced , Eclampsia , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Birth Intervals , Risk Factors , Diabetes MellitusABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To review the literature and synthesize evidence on pathophysiological interactions attributed to the simultaneous occurrence of COVID-19 and preeclampsia. Methods: A systematic review was conducted from November (2021) to January (2022) to retrieve observational studies published on the PubMed, LILACS, SciELO Brazil and Google Scholar databases. The search was based on the descriptors [(eclampsia OR preeclampsia) AND (COVID-19)]. Quantitative studies that pointed to pathophysiological interactions were included. Literature reviews, studies with HIV participants, or with clinical approach only were excluded. The selection of studies was standardized and the evaluation was performed by pairs of researchers. Results: In this review, 155 publications were retrieved; 16 met the inclusion criteria. In summary, the physiological expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) receptors is physiologically increased in pregnant women, especially at the placental site. Studies suggest that the coronavirus binds to ACE-2 to enter the human cell, causing deregulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and in the ratio between angiotensin-II and angiotensin-1-7, inducing manifestations suggestive of preeclampsia. Furthermore, the cytokine storm leads to endothelial dysfunction, vasculopathy and thrombus formation, also present in preeclampsia. Conclusion: The studies retrieved in this review suggest that there is a possible overlap of pathophysiological interactions between COVID-19 and preeclampsia, which mainly involve ACE-2 and endothelial dysfunction. Given that preeclampsia courses with progressive clinical and laboratory alterations, a highly quality prenatal care may be able to detect specific clinical and laboratory parameters to differentiate a true preeclampsia superimposed by covid-19, as well as cases with hypertensive manifestations resulting from viral infection.
Resumo Objetivo: Revisar a literatura e sintetizar evidências sobre interações fisiopatológicas atribuídas à ocorrência simultânea de COVID-19 e pré-eclâmpsia. Métodos: Uma revisão sistemática foi conduzida entre novembro (2021) a janeiro (2022) para recuperar estudos observacionais publicados no PubMed, LILACS, SciELO Brasil e Google scholar. A busca foi baseada nos descritores [(eclâmpsia OR pré-eclâmpsia) AND (COVID-19)]. Estudos quantitativos que apontaram interações fisiopatológicas foram incluídos. Estudos de revisão, com participante HIV e apenas com enfoque clínico foram excluídos. A seleção dos estudos foi padronizada com avaliação por duplas de pesquisadores. Resultados: Nesta revisão, 155 publicações foram recuperadas; 16 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Em síntese, a expressão fisiológica de receptores da enzima conversora da angiotensina-2 (ECA-2) é fisiologicamente potencializada em gestantes, especialmente no sítio placentário. Os estudos sugerem que o coronavírus se liga à ECA-2 para entrar na célula humana, ocasionando desregulação do sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona e da razão entre angiotensina-II e angiotensina-1-7, induzindo manifestações sugestivas de pré-eclâmpsia. Ademais, a tempestade de citocinas conduz à disfunção endotelial, vasculopatia e formação de trombos, também presentes na pré-eclâmpsia. Conclusão: Os estudos recuperados nesta revisão sugerem que a superposição de alterações fisiopatológicas entre a COVID-19 e a pré-eclâmpsia envolve, principalmente, a ECA-2 e disfunção endotelial. Tendo em vista que a pré-eclâmpsia cursa com alterações clínicas e laboratoriais progressivas, a atenção pré-natal de qualidade pode ser capaz de detectar parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais importantes para diferenciar a pré-eclâmpsia verdadeira sobreposta por COVID-19, bem como os casos que mimetizam a doença hipertensiva consequente à infecção viral.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pre-Eclampsia/etiology , Eclampsia , COVID-19ABSTRACT
La preeclampsia/eclampsia constituyen una manifestación de la enfermedad hipertensiva que se puede presentar después de la semana 20 del embarazo. Esta tiene la capacidad de generar múltiples complicaciones en la gestante y el feto. Su diagnóstico oportuno y la toma de medidas preventivas ante sus factores de riesgo tienen la potencialidad para reducir la morbimortalidad por esta causa.
Preeclampsia/eclampsia is a manifestation of a hypertensive disease that can occur after the 20th week of pregnancy by generating multiple complications in the pregnant woman and the fetus. Its timely diagnosis and the taking of preventive measures against its risk factors can reduce morbidity and mortality.
Humans , Female , Adult , Pre-Eclampsia , Pregnant Women , Eclampsia , Disease , Risk Factors , DiagnosisABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the incidence of preterm birth based on pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) stratification and explore the associated factors of preterm birth among pregnant women at different BMI stratifications. Methods: From February 2018 to December 2020, pregnant women who participated in China Birth Cohort Study (CBCS) and gave birth at Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital were enrolled as the study subjects. Electronic Data Capture System and standard structured questionnaires were used to collect data related to pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and delivery for pregnant women. Pregnant women were divided into the low-weight group, normal-weight group and overweight group based on their pre-pregnancy BMI. A Cox proportional hazards model was used to analyze the associated factors of preterm birth among pregnant women with different BMI before pregnancy. Results: A total of 27 195 singleton pregnant women were included, with a preterm birth rate of 5.08% (1 381/27 195). The preterm birth rates in the low-weight group, normal-weight group and overweight group were 4.29% (138/3 219), 4.63% (852/18 390) and 7.00% (391/5 586) respectively (P<0.001). After adjusting for relevant factors, the Cox proportional hazards model showed that the risk of preterm birth in the overweight group was 1.457 times higher than that in the normal-weight group (95%CI: 1.292-1.643). Preeclampsia-eclampsia (HR=2.701, 95%CI: 1.318-5.537) was the associated factor for preterm birth in the low-weight group. Advanced maternal age (HR=1.232, 95%CI: 1.054-1.441), history of preterm birth (HR=4.647, 95%CI: 3.314-6.515), vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy (HR=1.613, 95%CI: 1.380-1.884), and preeclampsia-eclampsia (HR=3.553, 95%CI: 2.866-4.404) were associated factors for preterm birth in the normal-weight group. Advanced maternal age (HR=1.473, 95%CI: 1.193-1.818), history of preterm birth (HR=3.209, 95%CI: 1.960-5.253), vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy (HR=1.636, 95%CI: 1.301-2.058), preeclampsia-eclampsia (HR=2.873, 95%CI:2.265-3.643), and pre-gestational diabetes mellitus (HR=1.867, 95%CI: 1.283-2.717) were associated factors for preterm birth in the overweight group. Conclusion: Pre-pregnancy overweight is an associated factor for preterm birth, and there are significant differences in the associated factors of preterm birth among pregnant women with different BMI before pregnancy.
Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Female , Humans , Body Mass Index , Overweight/epidemiology , Premature Birth/epidemiology , Pre-Eclampsia/epidemiology , Cohort Studies , Eclampsia , Incidence , Risk Factors , Thinness/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the association between coagulation function indicators and placental abruption (PA) in different trimesters of pregnancy among preeclampsia-eclampsia pregnant women. Methods: From February 2018 to December 2020, pregnant women who participated in the China birth cohort study and were diagnosed with preeclampsia, eclampsia and chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia in Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital were enrolled in this study. The baseline and follow-up information were collected by questionnaire survey, and the coagulation function indicators in the first and third trimesters were obtained through medical records. The Cox proportional hazards model was used to analyze the association between the coagulation function indicators and PA. A restrictive cubic spline curve was used to draw the dose-response curve between the relevant coagulation function indicators and PA. Results: A total of 1 340 participants were included in this study. The age was (32.50±4.24) and the incidence of PA was 4.4% (59/1 340). After adjusting for relevant factors, Cox proportional hazards model showed that compared with the high-level classification of fibrinogen (FIB), participants within the middle-(HR=3.28, 95%CI: 1.27-8.48) and low-level (HR=3.84, 95%CI: 1.40-10.53) classification during the first trimester and within the low-level classification (HR=4.18, 95%CI: 1.68-10.39) during the third trimester were more likely to experience PA. Compared with the middle-level classification of pro-thrombin time (PT), the risk of PA in the participants within the low-level classification (HR=2.67, 95%CI: 1.48-4.82) was significantly higher in the third trimester. The restrictive cubic spline analysis showed a linear negative association between FIB and PA in the first and third trimesters, while PT and PA showed an approximately L-shaped association . Conclusion: Among pregnant women diagnosed with preeclampsia-eclampsia, the middle-and low-level classification of FIB in the first and third trimesters and the low-level classification of PT in the third trimester could increase the risk of PA.
Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Abruptio Placentae/epidemiology , Pregnant Women , Eclampsia , Cohort Studies , PlacentaABSTRACT
Contexte et objectif . L'éclampsie étant une cause majeure de mortalité maternelle, notre objectif était de décrire l'évolution et identifi er les facteurs prono stics des éclampsies admises en réanimation. Méthodes. Etude rétrospective, analytique portant sur les cas d'éclampsie admis du 01 janvier 2015 au 31 décembre 2019. Les données étudiées étaient d'ordres épidémio-clinique, thérapeutique et évolutif. L'analyse a été réalisée à l'aide du test de Fisher au seuil de signifi cativité 5%. Résultats. Soixante-douze (72) dossiers ont été retenus et la prévalence était de 5,46%. L'âge moyen était de 23,87 ans ± 1,52. Les crises étaient survenues en anté partum à 52,78%. Une césarienne a été réalisée dans 65,28% des cas. Les anticonvulsivants les plus utilisés étaient le phénobarbital (51,39%), le sulfate de magnésium (38,89%) et le diazépam (26,39%). La ventilation mécanique a été indiquée dans certains cas : 38,89%. Nous avons observé des complications dans 59,72% des cas dont les plus fréquentes étaient le syndrome d'hémolyse, de cytolyse hépatique et de thrombopénie (30,56%), l'état de mal convulsif (25%) et l'insuffi sance rénale aigüe (19,44%). La mortalité était de 12,5%. Les facteurs de mauvais pronostic étaient la ventilation mécanique et la présence de certaines complications. Les facteurs améliorant le pronostic étaient l'éclampsie du post partum et le sulfate de magnésium. Conclusion. Les complications étaient fréquentes, la mortalité élevée et les facteurs pronostics concernaient la période de survenue des convulsions, le type de complications associées et les moyens de prise en charge
Context and objective. Eclampsia being a major cause of maternal mortality, our objective was to describe the evolution and identify the prognostic factors of eclampsia admitted to intensive care. Methods. R0etrospective, analytical study of cases of eclampsia admitted from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019. The data studied were epidemiologicalclinical, therapeutic and evolutionary. The analysis was carried out using Fisher's test at the 5% signifi cance level. Results. 72 fi les were retained and the prevalence was 5.46%. The mean age was 23.87 years ± 1.52. The seizures had occurred antepartum in 52.78%. A caesarean section was performed in 65.28% of cases. The most used anticonvulsants were phenobarbital (51.39%), magnesium sulphate (38.89%) and diazepam (26.39%). Mechanical ventilation was indicated in some cases: 38.89%. We observed complications in 59.72% of cases, the most frequent of which were hemolysis syndrome, hepatic cytolysis and thrombocytopenia (30.56%), convulsive status epilepticus (25%) and insufficiency acute renal (19.44%). Mortality was 12.5%. The poor prognostic factors were mechanical ventilation and the presence of certain complications. The factors improving the prognosis were postpartum eclampsia and magnesium sulphate. Conclusion. Complications were frequent, mortality high and the prognostic factors concerned the period of onset of the seizures, the type of associated complications and the means of management.
Therapeutics , Epidemiology , Eclampsia , Intensive Care Units , Critical Care , DiagnosisABSTRACT
Pre-eclampsia is a major public health problem and is one of the main causes of maternal-fetal morbidity. The main objective of this study is to describe the clinical and evolutionary aspects of severe pre-eclampsia. Methods: This was a retrospective, monocentric, descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study of 6 months, from January 01, 2019 to June 30, 2019, conducted at the level of the resuscitation service of the university hospital of gynecology obstetrics Befelatanana (CHU GOB). Results: Three hundred and fourteen (5.10%) cases out of 6153 admissions of severe pre-eclampsia were collected in the study; the average age was 27.29 ±7.47 years. Eclampsia (30.25%, n= 95), retroplacental hematoma (13.38%, n= 42) and acute renal failure (7.96%, n= 25) were the most frequent maternal complications. Maternal prognosis was favorable in 92.36% of cases (n= 290). Maternal death represented 3.18% (n= 10). Prematurity (44.82%, n= 95), fetal hypotrophy (37.26%, n= 79) and fetal asphyxia (14.15%, n= 30) were the most common fetal complications. Fetal death was 26.47% (n= 81). Conclusion: It is necessary to reinforce the information and education of parturients on the first signs for an early detection, diagnosis and management
Humans , Infant, Premature , Eclampsia , Maternal Death , Pre-Eclampsia , HematomaABSTRACT
L'éclampsie est une complication neurologique majeure de la pré-éclampsie sévère, responsable d'une lourde morbidité et mortalité maternelle. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les facteurs associés aux morbimortalités maternelles de l'éclampsie. Patients et Méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective, transversale, descriptive et analytique ; sur une période de 36 mois, allant de Janvier 2019 à Décembre 2021, réalisée à la maternité de Befelatanana. Les paramètres cliniques et obstétricales, la prise en charge, les complications et l'évolution maternelle ont été les paramètres étudiés. Résultats : Sur 21 514 accouchements, 461 cas (2,14%) d'éclampsie ont été recensé dont 288 cas inclus dans l'étude. L'âge moyen était de 23,29±6 ans ; l'âge gestationnel était > 37 semaine d'aménorrhée dans 60,10% (n= 173) des cas et la grossesse étaient mal suivies dans 49,70% (n=143) des cas. Les complications maternelles dominées par : la détresse respiratoire aigüe sur pneumopathie d'inhalation; le coma prolongé ; une hémorragie intracérébrale et l'association à d'autres complications tel que : un HELLP syndrome, un hématome rétroplacentaire et une insuffisance rénale oligo-anurique aigue. Les facteurs associés aux décès étaient : l'existence de trouble de la conscience postcritique (p=0,026 ; OR=3,2 [1,09-9,37]), l'existence de coma prolongé ≥24h (p=10-8 ; OR=34 [11,47-100,71]), l'existence d'une insuffisance rénale aigue (p=10-4 ; OR=4,42 [2,08-9,4]) et l'association à un HELLP syndrome (p=10-8 ; OR=29,16 [12,08-70,41]). Conclusion : La morbi-mortalité de l'éclampsie reste encore très élevé à Madagascar ; une éducation de la population Malagasy doit être renforcer sur le suivi médical rapproché de la grossesse
Humans , Coma , Eclampsia , Acute Kidney Injury , HELLP Syndrome , TATA-Binding Protein Associated FactorsABSTRACT
Introduction: Eclampsia, a hypertensive disorder, is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in developing countries like Nigeria. We evaluated the relationship between the pattern of liver enzymes and maternal mortality in eclamptic women. Method: A retrospective study of 55 eclamptic women admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), University College Hospital, Nigeria, was conducted. Data were obtained on their demographic, obstetric, and clinical characteristics, liver enzyme patterns, and maternal outcome. Analysis was by descriptive statistics, univariate analysis, and non-parametric tests with level of significance set at p<0.05. Results: Maternal deaths occurred in 27.3% and elevation of liver enzymes was observed more among the dead patients compared with those who survived. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) was the most commonly elevated liver enzyme, occurring in almost all (90.9%) the patients. Maternal mortality was significantly associated with age (p=0.001), saturated oxygen levels (p=0.007), elevated alkaline phosphatase (p=0.008), alanine aminotransferase (p=0.013), aspartate aminotransferase (p=0.016), and total bilirubin (p<0.001). Conclusion: Maternal mortality due to eclampsia was clinically associated with age, elevated liver enzymes and a lower serum level of total bilirubin. Liver transaminases are therefore important prognostic indicators associated with eclampsia.
Critical Care , Pregnant Women , Eclampsia , Enzymes , Patient Admission , Maternal DeathABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the validation of the Logical Model of Reception and Risk Classification for women with pre-eclampsia/eclampsia in a high-risk maternity hospital. Method: Evaluative research with a quantitative approach. The elaboration and validation of the Logical Model were systematized in stages related to the scope review, preparation of the document guided by the Donabedian model and validation by 12 stakeholders, aiming at the assessment of the Content Validation Index. Results: The problem that gave rise to the intervention was elaborated, supporting the construction of the Logical Model. Agreement was reached on 24 items, reaching a Content Validation Index of 0.99. Stakeholders included contributions regarding correlations between elements of the structure and process. Conclusion: The document achieved high content validity and could contribute to decision-making by managers in the Reception and Risk Classification sectors for women with pre-eclampsia and/or eclampsia.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir la validación del Modelo Lógico de Acogida y Clasificación de Riesgo de mujeres con preeclampsia/eclampsia en una maternidad de alto riesgo. Método: Se trata de una investigación evaluativa de enfoque cuantitativo. La elaboración y la validación del Modelo Lógico se sistematizaron en etapas relacionadas con la revisión de alcance; la preparación del documento se basó en el modelo de Donabedian y fue validada por las 12 partes interesadas, con foco en la apreciación del Índice de Validación del Contenido. Resultados: Se elaboró el problema que dio origen a la intervención, favoreciendo la construcción del Modelo Lógico. Se llegó a un acuerdo sobre 24 elementos, alcanzándose un Índice de Validación de Contenido de 0,99. Las partes interesadas hicieron aportaciones sobre las correlaciones entre los elementos de la estructura y el proceso. Conclusión: El documento alcanzó un alto nivel de validez de contenido y podría contribuir a la toma de decisiones por parte de los gestores de los sectores de Acogida y Clasificación de Riesgos de mujeres con preeclampsia y/o eclampsia.
RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever a validação do Modelo Lógico do Acolhimento e Classificação de Risco às mulheres com pré-eclâmpsia/eclâmpsia em uma maternidade de alto risco. Método: Pesquisa avaliativa de abordagem quantitativa. A elaboração e validação do Modelo Lógico foram sistematizadas em etapas relacionadas à revisão de escopo, elaboração do documento norteado pelo modelo Donabediano e validação por 12 stakeholders, visando à apreciação do Índice de Validação de Conteúdo. Resultados: Foi elaborado o problema que deu origem à intervenção, subsidiando a construção do Modelo Lógico. Foi alcançada a concordância de 24 itens, alcançando Índice de Validação de Conteúdo de 0,99. Os stakeholders incluíram contribuições quanto às correlações entre elementos da estrutura e processo. Conclusão: O documento alcançou elevada validade de conteúdo e poderá contribuir com a tomada de decisão pelos gestores dos setores de Acolhimento e Classificação de Risco às mulheres com pré-eclâmpsia e/ou eclâmpsia.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Validation Study , Obstetric Nursing , Eclampsia , User EmbracementABSTRACT
Objetivo: analisar a distribuição e autocorrelação espacial das taxas de mortalidade materna por pré-eclâmpsia e eclâmpsia no Brasil. Método: estudo ecológico, transversal, das taxas de mortalidade por pré-eclâmpsia e eclâmpsia de mulheres residentes no Brasil, em 2019. Foram calculadas as taxas, segundo estado e região de residência. A dependência espacial foi analisada pelo coeficiente de autocorrelação de Moran Global e Local. Resultados: foram analisados 278 óbitos (9,7/100 mil nascidos vivos). A autocorrelação espacial indicou um aglomerado alto-alto envolvendo o Norte e Nordeste e um único aglomerado baixo-baixo no Sul. Houve predomínio de óbitos em mulheres de 20 a 34 anos (60,79%), com oito anos ou mais de estudo (55,04%), sem companheiro (63,31%), ocorrência no ambiente hospitalar (92,81%), e de cor preta/parda (70,50%). Conclusão: as disparidades na distribuição das taxas de mortalidade materna mostram a necessidade de políticas públicas que considerem as especificidades de cada local para ações de prevenção
Objective: to analyze the distribution and spatial autocorrelation of maternal mortality rates from preeclampsia and eclampsia in Brazil. Method: an ecological, cross-sectional study of mortality rates from preeclampsia and eclampsia in women residing in Brazil in 2019. Rates were calculated according to state and region of residence. Spatial dependence was analyzed by the Global and Local Moran autocorrelation coefficient. Results: 278 deaths were analyzed (9.7 deaths/100.000 live births). Spatial autocorrelation indicated a high-high cluster involving the North and Northeast regions and a single low-low cluster in the South. There was a predominance of deaths in women aged 20 to 34 years (60.79%), with eight or more years of study (55.04%), without a partner (63.31%), occurring in a hospital environment (92.81%) and black/brown (70.50%). Conclusion: the disparities in the distribution of maternal mortality rates show the need for public policies that consider the specificities of each location for prevention actions
Objetivo: analizar la distribución y autocorrelación espacial de las tasas de mortalidad materna por preeclampsia y eclampsia en Brasil. Método: estudio transversal ecológico de las tasas de mortalidad por preeclampsia y eclampsia en mujeres residentes en Brasil en 2019. Las tasas se calcularon según el estado y la región de residencia. La dependencia espacial se analizó mediante el coeficiente de autocorrelación Global y Local de Moran. Resultados: se analizaron 278 defunciones (9,7 defunciones/100.000 nacidos vivos). La autocorrelación espacial indicó un grupo alto-alto que involucraba las regiones norte y noreste y un solo grupo bajo-bajo en el sur. Predominaron las defunciones en mujeres de 20 a 34 años (60,79%), con ocho o más años de estudio (55,04%), sin pareja (63,31%), ocurridas en ambiente hospitalario (92,81%) y negras/ marrón (70,50%). Conclusión: las disparidades en la distribución de las tasas de mortalidad materna muestran la necesidad de políticas públicas que consideren las especificidades de cada localidad para las acciones de prevención
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pre-Eclampsia , Maternal Mortality , Eclampsia , Pregnancy , Disease PreventionABSTRACT
A morte materna é definida como aquela que ocorre, por qualquer causa na gravidez, parto ou puerpério (até 42 dias após o parto), ou até 1 ano, por causas obstétricas. A maioria destes óbitos poderiam ser evitadas com estratégias de cuidado voltadas para as principais causas de óbitos. Sendo assim, este Relatório de Tendência de Indicadores Estratégicos analisa a série histórica de RMM (Razão da Mortalidade Materna) com a finalidade de traçar sua tendência até 2030 para o nível estadual, identificar os principais grupos de morbidades que provocam os óbitos maternos na série histórica 2011-2021 e avaliar o impacto dos óbitos que tiveram a COVID-19 como informação da causa da morte entre os óbitos ocorridos nos anos de 2020 e 2021
Maternal death is defined as that which occurs, from any cause during pregnancy, childbirth or the postpartum period (up to 42 days after birth), or up to 1 year, due to obstetric causes. The majority of these deaths could be avoided with care strategies aimed at the main causes of death. Therefore, this Strategic Indicator Trend Report analyzes the historical series of MMR (Maternal Mortality Ratio) with the purpose of tracing its trend until 2030 at the state level; identify the main groups of morbidities that cause maternal deaths in the 2011-2021 historical series and assess the impact of deaths caused by COVID-19 as information on the cause of death among deaths occurring in the years 2020 and 2021
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Maternal Mortality/trends , Pre-Eclampsia/mortality , Eclampsia/mortalityABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To review literature and estimate the occurrence of preeclampsia and its complications in Brazil. Methods We performed an integrative review of the literature, and included observational studies published until August 2021 on the SciELO and PubMed databases that evaluated preeclampsia among pregnant women in Brazil. Other variables of interests were maternal death, neonatal death, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome, and eclampsia. Three independent reviewers evaluated all retrieved studies and selected those that met inclusion criteria. A metanalysis of the prevalence of preeclampsia and eclampsia was also performed, to estimate a pooled frequency of those conditions among the studies included. Results We retrieved 304 studies after the initial search; of those, 10 were included in the final analysis, with a total of 52,986 women considered. The pooled prevalence of preeclampsia was of 6.7%, with a total of 2,988 cases reported. The frequency of eclampsia ranged from 1.7% to 6.2%, while the occurrence of HELLP syndrome was underreported. Prematurity associated to hypertensive disorders ranged from 0.5% to 1.72%. Conclusion The frequency of preeclampsia was similar to that reported in other international studies, and it is increasing in Brazil, probably due to the adoption of new diagnostic criteria. The development of a national surveillance network would be essential to understand the problem of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in Brazil.
Resumo Objetivo Revisar a literatura e estimar a ocorrência de pré-eclâmpsia e suas complicações no Brasil. Métodos Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura, com a inclusão de estudos observacionais publicados até agosto de 2021, nas bases de dados PubMed e SciELO, que avaliavam pré-eclâmpsia em mulheres brasileiras. Outras variáveis de interesse foram morte materna, morte neonatal, síndrome de hemólise, enzimas hepáticas elevadas e plaquetopenia (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count, HELLP, em inglês) e eclâmpsia. Três revisores independentes avaliaram os estudos identificados e selecionaram aqueles que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão. Foi realizada uma meta-análise da prevalência de pré-eclâmpsia e eclâmpsia, para estimar sua frequência acumulada com relação aos estudos incluídos. Resultados Foram identificados 304 estudos, 10 dos quais foram incluídos na análise final, num total de 52.986 mulheres. A frequência acumulada de pré-eclâmpsia foi de 6,7%, com um total de 2.988 casos. A frequência de eclâmpsia variou de 1,7% a 6,2%, ao passo que a ocorrência de síndrome de HELLP foi pouco relatada. A prematuridade associada a hipertensão foi de 0,5% a 1,7%. Conclusão A frequência de pré-eclâmpsia foi similar à de estudos internacionais; no entanto, ao longo dos últimos anos, ela vem aumentando no Brasil, possivelmente como reflexo da adoção de novos critérios diagnósticos. A criação de uma rede nacional de vigilância seria fundamental para entender o problema da hipertensão na gestação no país.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Brazil/epidemiology , Eclampsia/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: identificar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre o papel da enfermagem na assistência as gestantes com síndromes hipertensivas na gestação. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa baseada na estratégia PICO, realizada com 13 artigos indexados nas bases de dados LILACS, SciELO, BDENF, MEDLINE. Os critérios de inclusão consideraram artigos disponíveis na íntegra e publicados entre 2009 a junho de 2021. Resultados: Para análise, os estudos foram divididos em 3 categorias: 1. O conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem sobre as síndromes hipertensivas na gestação; 2. Os cuidados de enfermagem à gestante com síndromes hipertensivas na gestação e seus neonatos; 3. A sistematização da assistência em enfermagem no cuidado as síndromes hipertensivas na gestação. Conclusão: Os estudos analisados demonstram as interfaces e desafios da enfermagem no cuidado às gestantes com síndromes hipertensivas na gestação, apontando o papel primordial da enfermagem na atenção à saúde da gestante.(AU)
Objective: to identify the evidence available in the literature on the role of nursing in assisting pregnant women with hypertensive syndromes during pregnancy. Method: This is an integrative review based on the PICO strategy, carried out with 13 articles indexed in the LILACS, SciELO, BDENF, MEDLINE databases. Inclusion criteria considered articles available in full and published between 2009 and June 2021. Results: For analysis, the studies were divided into 3 categories: 1. Nursing professionals' knowledge about hypertensive syndromes during pregnancy; 2. Nursing care for pregnant women with hypertensive syndromes during pregnancy and their newborns; 3. The systematization of nursing care in the care of hypertensive syndromes during pregnancy. Conclusion: The analyzed studies demonstrate the interfaces and challenges of nursing in the care of pregnant women with hypertensive syndromes during pregnancy, pointing out the primordial role of nursing in the health care of pregnant women.(AU)
Objetivo: identificar las evidencias disponibles en la literatura sobre el papel de la enfermería en la asistencia a las gestantes con síndromes hipertensivos durante el embarazo. Método: Se trata de una revisión integradora basada en la estrategia PICO, realizada con 13 artículos indexados en las bases de datos LILACS, SciELO, BDENF, MEDLINE. Los criterios de inclusión consideraron artículos disponibles en su totalidad y publicados entre 2009 y junio de 2021. Resultados: Para el análisis, los estudios fueron divididos en 3 categorías: 1. Conocimiento de los profesionales de enfermería sobre los síndromes hipertensivos durante el embarazo; 2. Atención de enfermería a las gestantes con síndromes hipertensivos durante el embarazo y sus recién nacidos; 3. La sistematización de los cuidados de enfermería en la atención de los síndromes hipertensivos durante el embarazo. Conclusión: Los estudios analizados demuestran las interfaces y desafíos de la enfermería en el cuidado de la gestante con síndromes hipertensivos durante el embarazo, señalando el papel primordial de la enfermería en el cuidado de la salud de la gestante.(AU)
Pre-Eclampsia , Nursing , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced , Eclampsia , Nursing CareABSTRACT
La preeclampsia es una patología que surge de forma desconocida comprometiendo el estado de salud del binomio materno neonatal, provocando daño multiorgánico. La característica principal es la relación con múltiples factores de riesgo tales como la hipertensión en familiares de primer grado, obesidad, alimentación, falta de controles obstétricos durante la gestación, entre otros; Objetivo: Validar el cuestionario diseñado para evaluar los factores que influyen en preclamsia, Determinar los factores de riesgo que influyen en su incidencia. Materiales y métodos: Se aplico una metodología cuanti cualitativa, corte transversal, exploratorio; la validación se efectuó a través del juicio de expertos, utilizando dos tipos de instrumentos uno para cada tipo de investigación, se valoran por separado, en el plan piloto se utiliza parte de la muestra seleccionada para la investigación macro. En el caso de la cualitativa se utiliza una técnica de entrevista a saturación, con una investigación de tipo fenomenológica, organizada por categorías. Resultados: El instrumento cuantitativo obtiene un puntaje 93% de confiabilidad, con un alfa de crombach de 0,7, el instrumento cualitativo 95%, dentro de los factores de riesgo se distingue los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo, se asocia con un espectro de gravedad que va desde la hipertensión leve inducida por el embarazo hasta la eclampsia. Conclusión: Durante el estudio piloto se obtiene los datos con rapidez y efectividad, no existen conflictos en su comprensión, su confiabilidad garantiza el trabajo científico, la validación de instrumentos justifica el proceso, de inicio resultó conflictivo por la ausencia de instrumentos para medir los factores que influyen en esta patología, se encuentran los valores causales y en especial en las vivencias de cada uno de los actores e involucrados, La preeclampsia es un fenómeno frecuente cuya patología conlleva graves complicaciones para la madre y el feto con este tipos de estudio se aporta a su control y erradicación(AU)
Preeclampsia is a pathology that arises in an unknown way, compromising the health status of the maternal-neonatal binomial, causing multi-organ damage. The main characteristic is the relationship with multiple risk factors such as hypertension in first degree relatives, obesity, diet, lack of obstetric controls during pregnancy, among others; Objective: to validate the questionnaire designed to evaluate the factors that influence preeclampsia, to determine the risk factors that influence its incidence. Materials and methods: A quantitative, qualitative, cross-sectional, exploratory methodology was applied; The validation was carried out through the judgment of experts, using two types of instruments, one for each type of research, they are valued separately, in the pilot plan part of the selected sample is used for the macro research. In the case of qualitative, a saturation interview technique is used, with a phenomenological type investigation, organized by categories. Results: The quantitative instrument obtains a 93% reliability score, with a crombach alpha of 0.7, the qualitative instrument 95%, within the risk factors distinguishes hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, it is associated with a spectrum of severity ranging from mild pregnancy-induced hypertension to eclampsia. Conclusion: During the pilot study the data is obtained quickly and effectively, there are no conflicts in its understanding, its reliability guarantees scientific work, the validation of instruments justifies the process, initially it was conflictive due to the absence of instruments to measure the factors that influence this pathology, are the causal values ââand especially in the experiences of each of the actors and involved, Preeclampsia is a frequent phenomenon whose pathology entails serious complications for the mother and the fetus with this type of study is provided to its control and eradication(AU)
Pre-Eclampsia/pathology , Risk Factors , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced , Eclampsia/pathology , Health Services Programming , Research , Pilot Projects , Incidence , Data Collection , FetusABSTRACT
Objetivo: Presentar las características clínicas y las secuelas de un caso de desprendimiento de retina (DR) seroso en preeclampsia. Diseño del estudio: Observacional. Material y métodos: Mujer de 17 años, embarazada de 36 semanas, presentó tres días previos a la visita oftalmológica disminución de la agudeza visual de ambos ojos, así como dolor abdominal. A su llegada se diagnosticó preeclampsia con datos de gravedad, por lo que se decidió interrumpir el embarazo. Su agudeza visual de ambos ojos fue contar los dedos a 50 centímetros. El examen de fondo de ojo derecho reveló un DR inferior y temporal, también líquido que se extendía hacia la mácula. El ojo izquierdo se observa con DR superior, nasal y temporal. Se decide iniciar tratamiento con esteroides, presentando mejoría visual y anatómica al tercer día. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico oportuno y seguimiento son el pilar para tener un buen pronóstico visual en pacientes con preeclampsia.
Objective: To present clinical characteristics and the sequelae of a case of serous retinal detachment in preeclampsia. Study design: Observational. Material and methods: We presented a 17-year old, 36-weeks pregnant, female without other ocular history, who reported 3 days previous of the ophthalmologic visit a reduction in visual acuity of both eyes, as well as abdominal pain. Upon arrival, preeclampsia was diagnosed with severity data, so was decided to terminate the pregnancy by cesarean. On examination, her visual acuity of both eyes was counting fingers at 50 centimeters. Fundus examination of the right eye revealed an inferior and temporal retinal detachment, also fluid extending into the macula. The left eye was observed with a superior, nasal and temporal detachment. It was decided to start steroid treatment, presenting visual and anatomical improvement. Conclusions: Timely diagnosis and follow-up are the pillar to have a good visual prognosis in preeclampsia
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , EclampsiaABSTRACT
Background: Preeclampsia is one of the hypertensive disorders in pregnancy that contributes significantly to maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality, with the impact felt more in developing countries. It is characterized by endothelial dysfunction and vasospasm of vessels which can be observed by an ocular fundal examination. The aim of this study was to determine the ocular fundus findings of women with preeclampsia. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, carried out at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital involving a total of 220 pregnant women. The women were divided into two groups of 110 pregnant women (A&B).Their Age and Gestational age was cross-matched and retinopathy graded according to Keith and Wagner classification. Group A was made up of Preeclamptic women and Group B was made up of healthy pregnant women. Visual acuity was measured using Snellens' chart, and the fundus was examined with direct ophthalmoscope. Results: This showed that the retinal changes observed in the preeclamptic women were associated with their age (P = 0.009), gestational age (P = 0.044), blood pressure (P = 0.001), Proteinuria (P = 0.001), Severity of the disease (P = 0.001), visual acuity (P = 0.035) as well as with the visual symptoms (P = 0.001) but not statistically significant with the gravida (P = 0.799). Conclusion: Our study highlights the importance of timely ophthalmoscopy which helps to assess severity of disease (pre-eclampsia) which affects the decision of induction of delivery to predict and prevent possible complications which in turn immensely helps in judicious management of disease. Also, the study revealed that preeclamptic women who are multigravida are more likely to have retinopathy than primigravid
Retinal Detachment , Eclampsia , Patients , Pre-Eclampsia , Retinaldehyde , Hypertensive RetinopathyABSTRACT
Objective:To evaluate factors associated with Pregnancy-related KidneyInjury(PRAKI) inwomen admitted to high dependency care unit at Women and Newborn Hospital in Lusaka, ZambiaMethodology:This was an unmatched case-control study conducted in the high-dependency care unit at Women and Newborn Hospital in Lusaka. Study participantswererecruitedconsecutivelybyconveniencesampling.Participants'medicalrecords were reviewed to capture serum creatinine levels;whileastructuredquestionnairewasadministeredto eligible andconsentedstudy participants to capture data on sociodemographic, obstetric, and medical factors. Serum creatinine levels above 84µmol/l were used as criteria for classifying PRAKI. Excel was used for data cleaningandStatav13usedforanalysis.Descriptive statistics were done for all variables followed by univariate and multivariable logistic regression to determine association. 95% CI was usedand p value of<0.05 was consideredsignificant.Results:Thestudy comprised of185 study participants, split into 85 women with PRAKI (cases) and 100 women without PRAKI (controls). The median age was 29 years with 11years interquartile range. 75.3%of the study participants wereinmarriagerelationships.Pre-existinghypertension was the most prevalent medical condition in both the cases (51.8%) and the controls (38%). Sickle celldisease was much less common at 1.2% in cases and 8% in controls. Among the obstetric conditions, preeclampsia was the most common condition at 77.6% and 60% in cases and controls respectively. Eclampsia was found in 38.8% of cases and 11% of controls. Sepsis was least common at 4.7% of cases. This study found that obstetricfactorssuch as eclampsia (AOR = 5.12, 95% CI [2.14 12.23]; p≤0.0001), preeclampsia (AOR = 2.46, 95% CI [1.12 5.39]; p = 0.025), and postpartum haemorrhage were associated with the development of PRAKI. Medical conditions were not associated with PRAKI.