Introducción. Anudar es una de las habilidades quirúrgicas esenciales y de su correcta ejecución dependen procesos de vital importancia. La adquisición de estas competencias requiere trabajo motor, entornos amigables y realistas. Una estrategia para facilitar el aprendizaje de la técnica de anudado es generar instrumentos de simulación accesibles. Métodos. Se presenta un simulador de nudos quirúrgicos, construido con materiales de bajo costo y asequibles para la población en general, con un presupuesto de aproximadamente $5.000 COP (US$ 1,23). Resultados. Se desarrolló un simulador de nudos quirúrgicos que, al fijarse a la extremidad inferior desde una posición sentada, proporciona una superficie estable para llevar a cabo la práctica de anudado de manera efectiva. Conclusión. La cirugía moderna considera la seguridad del paciente como la principal prioridad, por lo que ya no es apropiado adoptar un método de formación de "ver uno, hacer uno, enseñar uno". Es la práctica constante mediante simuladores, el método más adecuado. Este trabajo presenta una alternativa de aprendizaje ininterrumpido de las técnicas quirúrgicas relacionadas con los nudos.
Introduction. Knotting is one of the essential surgical skills and vitally important processes that depends on its correct execution. The acquisition of these skills requires motor work, friendly and realistic environments. A strategy to facilitate learning the knotting technique is to generate accessible simulation instruments. Methods. A surgical knot simulator is presented, built with low-budget materials and affordable for the general population, with a budget of approximately $5,000 COP (US$ 1.23). Results. A surgical knot simulator has been developed in a way that, when attached to the thigh of a lower extremity from a seated position, provides a stable surface to effectively perform knot tying practice. Conclusion. Modern surgery considers patient safety as the top priority, so it is no longer appropriate to adopt a "see one, do one, teach one" training method. Constant practice using simulators is the most appropriate method. This work presents an alternative for uninterrupted learning of surgical techniques related to knots.
Humans , General Surgery , Teaching Materials , Simulation Exercise , Low Cost Technology , Education, Medical, Graduate , Education, Medical, UndergraduateABSTRACT
Introduction: The Journal Club is an environment for exchanging information within the medical context concerning updated literature and evidence-based medicine. Considering the importance of constantly updating the acquired knowledge and scenarios of social isolation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Journal Club event was held virtually, aiming to expand the understanding of the scientific methodology among medical students by understanding the differences among each type of evidence pyramid study by reading and discussing scientific articles. Methodology: An analytical, prospective, and cross-sectional study was conducted in October 2021. The Journal Club event took place in nine classes where each type of evidence pyramid study was addressed. The sample included 20 medical students. A questionnaire was used at the beginning and end of the event to assess the participants' knowledge from the classes taught and was divided into two parts: participant identification data and 19 questions regarding the types of studies present on the pyramid of evidence. Results: It was found that after the pre- and post-event analysis of the questionnaire among the 19 questions, correct answers increased in 17, among which 3 obtained a statistically significant value: questions 1 (p = 0.031), 15 (p = 0.039), and 18 (p = 0.016). Discussion: An increase in the number of correct answers was noted between pre- and post-classes, which may indicate an improved understanding of the subject among students. Furthermore, the study demonstrated that the students had little involvement in scientific research (only 25% had ever been involved in a project). Conclu-sion: Based on the analysis of the participants' performance in the pre- and post-event questionnaires, it can be concluded that the medical students were able to expand their knowledge of scientific methodology (AU).
Introdução: O Journal Club é um ambiente para troca de informações dentro do contexto médico, diante de uma literatura atualizada e medicina baseada em evidências. Tendo em vista a importância da atualização constante de conhecimentos adquiridos e o cenário de isolamento social imposto pela pandemia da COVID-19, o evento Journal Club foi realizado virtualmente, com o objetivo de ampliar o entendimento sobre metodologia científica entre estudantes de medicina por meio da compreensão das diferenças de cada tipo de estudo da pirâmide de evidências a partir da leitura e discussão de artigos científicos. Metodologia: Estudo analítico, prospectivo e transversal realizado em outubro de 2021. O evento Journal Club ocorreu em nove aulas onde foram abordados cada tipo de estudo da pirâmide de evidência. A amostra foi composta por 20 estudantes de medicina. Um questionário foi aplicado no início e ao final do evento para avaliar o conhecimento dos participantes a partir das aulas ministradas, e foi dividido em duas partes, a primeira com dados de identificação do participante e a segunda com 19 questões sobre os tipos de estudos presentes na pirâmide de evidência. Resultados: Observou-se que, após a análise do questionário pré e pós-evento, dentre as 19 questões realizadas, houve um aumento de acertos em 17 entre as quais 3 obtiveram um valor estatístico significativo: questões 1 (p= 0,031), 15 (p=0,039) e 18 (p= 0,016). Discussão: Notou-se aumento dos acertos de questões entre o pré e pós-aulas, podendo indicar uma melhora no entendimento por parte dos acadêmicos acerca do assunto. Além disso, o estudo mostrou uma baixa atuação dos acadêmicos em pesquisas científicas (apenas 25% já se envolveram em algum projeto). Conclusão: A partir da análise do desempenho dos participantes nos questionários pré e pós-evento é possível afirmar que os estudantes de medicina conseguiram ampliar seu conhecimento sobre metodologia científica (AU).
Evidence-Based Medicine , Information Dissemination , Education, Medical, UndergraduateABSTRACT
La investigación científica es un componente fundamental para la formación de profesionales de la salud. La Metodología de la Investigación que se imparte en el pregrado de la carrera de medicina tiene como finalidad prepararlos en la realización de investigaciones científicas, mediante las tecnologías de la información. Esta incorpora contenidos de Estadística Descriptiva para desarrollar investigaciones, lo que hace necesario que se adquieran habilidades con herramientas informáticas para procesar los datos recogidos, a través de software, preferentemente de libre distribución. El presente artículo tuvo el objetivo de divulgar el uso del software gratuito Jamovi para los contenidos de Estadística Descriptiva en el primer año de la carrera de medicina del Plan E, lo que permite concluir que esta herramienta gratuita utiliza una interfaz sencilla y amigable. Está diseñada en lenguaje R, puede ser modificada según los intereses del investigador y se ha convertido en la preferida de muchos investigadores en el procesamiento, el análisis y la representación gráfica de datos a nivel global(AU)
Scientific research is a fundamental component in the training of health professionals. The purpose of the subject Research Methodology taught s part of the undergraduate medical program is to prepare them to conduct scientific research using information technologies. This includes descriptive statistics contents to develop research, which makes it necessary to acquire skills with computer tools for processing the collected data, through softwares, preferably of free distribution. The present article had the objective of spreading the use of the free software Jamovi for descriptive statistics contents in the first academic year of the medical major belonging to the plan of studies E, which allows concluding that this free tool uses a simple and user-friendly interface. It is designed in R language, can be modified according to the researcher's interests, and has become the preferred tool of many researchers for the processing, analysis and graphical representation of data at a global level(AU)
Humans , Research/education , Teaching/education , Software , Methodology as a Subject , Professional Training , Health Statistics , Education, Medical, UndergraduateABSTRACT
Introducción: El aprovechamiento de los cursos de ciencias básicas puede depender de las percepciones estudiantiles sobre la importancia de estos en su vida profesional, por lo que se hace necesario determinar el grado de importancia que los estudiantes le confieren a este tipo de cursos. Materiales y métodos: Se presentó un cuestionario con 9 declaraciones a 54 estudiantes de odontología y medicina. Las respuestas se pasaron a una escala numérica para su análisis. Se usó una prueba de U de Mann-Whitney con el fin de evaluar diferencias entre estudiantes de ambas facultades. Resultados: Los estudiantes en conjunto mostraron tener una buena opinión de la importancia de las ciencias básicas en la práctica clínica. Se observó también que es mayor la proporción de estudiantes de odontología que consideran que la investigación básica no es útil para su práctica clínica. Conclusión: Los estudiantes consideran las ciencias básicas necesarias para un buen desempeño profesional.
Introduction: The benefit of basic science courses may depend on students' perceptions of the importance of these courses in their professional life, therefore, it's necessary to determine the degree of importance that students give to this type of courses. Materials and methods: A questionnaire with 9 statements was presented to 54 dental and medical students. The responses were converted to a numerical scale for analysis. Using a Mann-Whitney U test, differences between students from both faculties were evaluated. Results: The students showed a good opinion of the importance of basic sciences in clinical practice. It was also observed that the proportion of dental students who consider that basic research is not useful for their clinical practice is higher. Conclusion: Students consider the basic sciences necessary for good professional performance.
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Natural Science Disciplines , Dental Research , Education, Dental , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Science , Students , Knowledge , Biomedical ResearchABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Many students regard neuroanatomy as a terrifying subject due to the complicated neuronal connections. Purpose of this research was to promote the easy and logical learning of neuroanatomy by systematizing a rule "three neurons of afferent nerves." The rule, in which the second neuron decussates and reaches the thalamus, was applied to as many structures as possible. The three neurons are drawn in a constant pattern to intuitively demonstrate the rule. The rule could be applied not only to the spinothalamic tract, medial lemniscus pathway, sensory cranial nerves (visual pathway, trigeminothalamic tract, taste pathway, and auditory pathway) and ascending reticular activating system, but also to the pontocerebellum (afferent to cerebrum), basal nuclei (direct pathway), and limbic system (medial limbic circuit). Exceptionally, some afferent nerves do not exactly follow the suggested rule. This simple rule, which corresponds to many pathways of the neuroanatomy, is expected to make the learning by novice students easier.
Muchos estudiantes consideran la neuroanatomía como un tema aterrador debido a las complicadas conexiones neuronales. El propósito de esta investigación fue promover el aprendizaje fácil y lógico de la neuroanatomía mediante la sistematización de una regla "tres neuronas de los nervios aferentes". La regla, en la que la segunda neurona se decusa y llega al tálamo, se aplicó a todas las estructuras cuando esto fue posible. Las tres neuronas se dibujan en un patrón constante para demostrar la regla intuitivamente. La regla podría aplicarse no solo al tracto espinotalámico, la vía del lemnisco medial, los nervios craneales sensoriales (vía visual, tracto trigeminotalámico, vía gustativa y vía auditiva) y el sistema de activación reticular ascendente, sino también al pontocerebelo (aferente al cerebro), núcleos basales (vía directa) y sistema límbico (circuito límbico medial). Excepcionalmente, algunos nervios aferentes no siguen exactamente la regla sugerida. Se espera que esta simple regla, que corresponde a muchas vías de la neuroanatomía, facilite el aprendizaje de los estudiantes principiantes.
Humans , Neuroanatomy/education , Neurons, Afferent , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , LearningABSTRACT
Introducción: Hoy día se requiere formar a estudiantes de la carrera de medicina que sean competentes en el cumplimiento de sus funciones en los niveles de atención en salud. Como parte de las funciones que se deben desarrollar en el estudiante de medicina, se deben formar competencias para la prevención de la salud. Objetivo: Proponer una metodología para la formación de la competencia prevención de la salud en estudiantes de medicina durante el trabajo comunitario integral. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo de tipo preexperimental. La población estuvo conformada por 669 estudiantes de tercer año de medicina de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín. De ellos se obtuvo una muestra de 100 estudiantes mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple. Se emplearon la observación directa en el terreno y la Prueba de Rangos con Signos de Wilcoxon para constar la hipótesis de investigación. Resultados: Se aportó la competencia de prevención de la salud y la metodología para su formación en estudiantes de medicina durante el trabajo comunitario integral, así como los principales logros y deficiencias demostrados durante las acciones realizadas en la educación en el trabajo. Conclusiones: La competencia prevención de la salud forma parte del perfil de competencias laborales que singularizan a la formación de un médico general competente. Es de tipo genérica y requiere para su formación de la combinación de acciones instructivas, educativas y desarrolladoras desde las potencialidades del trabajo comunitario integral que realizan los estudiantes como parte del componente laboral de la carrera(AU)
Introduction: Nowadays, it is necessary to train medical students to be competent in the fulfillment of their functions at the healthcare levels. As part of the functions to be developed among medical students, health prevention competences should be developed. Objective: To propose a methodology for the formation of health prevention competences among medical students during comprehensive community work. Methods: A quantitative preexperimental study was carried out. The population consisted of 669 third-year medical students from Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín. A sample of 100 students was obtained by simple random sampling. Direct observation in the field and the Wilcoxon's signed-ranks test were used to verify the research hypothesis. Results: The health prevention competence and the methodology for its formation among medical students during comprehensive community work were provided, as well as were the main achievements and deficiencies shown during the actions carried out in education at work. Conclusions: The health prevention competence is part of the profile of occupational competences that singularize the training of a competent general practitioner. It is generic and requires. for its formation. the combination of instructive, educational and developmental actions from the potentialities of comprehensive community work performed by students as part of the occupational component of the major(AU)
Humans , Preventive Health Services/methods , Professional Competence , Knowledge , Professional Training , Health Promotion/methods , Primary Prevention/education , Students, Medical , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: El Movimiento de Alumnos Ayudantes "Frank País" constituye una valiosa cantera de investigadores. Sin embargo, estas potencialidades no siempre generan tal resultado, lo cual torna necesario monitorizar sistemáticamente dicha actividad. Objetivo: Caracterizar la actividad investigativa de los alumnos ayudantes en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Victoria de Girón". Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, en una muestra probabilística estratificada de 131 sujetos. El análisis estadístico fue descriptivo. Se empleó la prueba ji al cuadrado de Pearson y el coeficiente V de Cramer. Resultados: Los estudiantes en el quinto año académico, de las 12 habilidades investigativas exploradas, en 8 alcanzaron las mayores cifras en cuanto a los que expresaron dominarlas. El área clínica fue la de principal interés investigativo (50,4 %); esta variable se asoció con el tipo de especialidad de la ayudantía (p < 0,001; V = 0,710). El 53,4 % de los educandos refirió estar vinculado a la investigación científica, lo cual presentó asociación estadística (p < 0,001; 0,6 ≤ V < 0,8) con las variables: antigüedad en el movimiento de alumnos ayudantes, autopercepción de su importancia en la formación profesional, la autoevaluación de la preparación en ella, incorporación a un proyecto de investigación, pertenencia al Grupo Científico Estudiantil e interés por practicarla en el posgrado. Pocos se encontraban vinculados a proyectos de investigación (n = 22), al Grupo Científico Estudiantil (n = 37) y a la publicación científica (n = 22). Conclusiones: En los alumnos ayudantes de esta facultad se observa una insuficiente actividad en investigación científica.
Introduction: "Frank País" Student Teachers Movement is a valuable pool of researchers. However, these potentialities do not always produce such outcomes; therefore, systematic monitoring of this activity is necessary. Objective: To characterize the research activity of student teachers at Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Victoria de Girón". Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with a stratified probabilistic sample of 131 subjects. The statistical analysis was descriptive. Pearson's chi-squared test and Cramer's V coefficient were used. Results: Of the 12 explored research skills, fifth academic year students expressed that they mastered 8 of them, in which they reached the highest figures. The clinical area received the main interest in research (50.4 %); this variable was associated with the type of specialty of the student teachers (p<0.001; V=0.710). 53.4 % of the students reported that they were involved in scientific research, a condition statistically associated (p<0.001; 0.6≤V<0.8) with the variables service time in the student teachers movement, perception of its importance in self-professional training, self-assessment of training for it, recent involvement into a research project, membership in the students' scientific group, and interest in practicing the specialty during the postgraduate stage. Few of them were involved in research projects (n=22), the students' scientific group (n=37), or participated in scientific publication (n=22). Conclusions: Insufficient activity in scientific research is observed among the student teachers of this medical school.
Humans , Research/education , Scientific Publication Indicators , Scientific and Technical Publications , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Bibliometrics , Observational Study , Academic SuccessABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The COVID-19 pandemic caused several changes in the teaching of human anatomy, among them the use of different teaching methodologies based on E-learning. However, studies evaluating electronic tools have not provided clear evidence of effective student learning. Thus, this was the first study to evaluate medical students after completing human anatomy courses in the E- learning modality. We recruited first term (Group A, n=25) and second term (Group B, n=13) medical students. We applied a practical assessment based on 50 human anatomy markingson real anatomical specimens and cadavers, to be completed in Questionnaire 01 (Phase I). After detecting low scores on Questionnaire 01 by both groups, we applied a practical and face-to-face tutoring system for 14 days (Phase II). Afterwards, we re-evaluated both groups by repeating the same scores (Questionnaire 02, Phase III). According to the paired analysis of questionnaires 01 and 02 by Student's T-test, both groups showed significant increase in the final scores obtained in questionnaire 02 (Phase III). The evidence showed that the remote format lecture system weakened the learning and retention process of basic anatomical knowledge by medical students. On the other hand, in-person practical teaching proved to be efficient in the formative process of the students, a fact proven by the significant increase in the scores of the students in the 02 questionnaire, for both groups.
La pandemia por COVID-19 provocó varios cambios en la enseñanza de la anatomía humana, entre ellos el uso de diferentes metodologías de enseñanza basadas en E-learning. Sin embargo, los estudios que evalúan las herramientas electrónicas no han proporcionado evidencia clara de un aprendizaje efectivo de los estudiantes. Este fue el primer estudio que evaluó a estudiantes de medicina luego de cursar cursos de anatomía humana en la modalidad E-learning. Reclutamos estudiantes de medicina de primer término (Grupo A, n=25) y segundo término (Grupo B, n=13). Se aplicó una evaluación práctica basada en 50 marcas de anatomía humana sobre especímenes anatómicos reales y cadáveres, para ser completado en el Cuestionario 01 (Fase I). Tras detectar puntuaciones bajas en el Cuestionario 01 por parte de ambos grupos, se aplicó un sistema de tutorías prácticas y presenciales durante 14 días (Fase II). Posteriormente, reevaluamos ambos grupos repitiendo las mismas puntuaciones (Cuestionario 02, Fase III). Según el análisis apareado de los cuestionarios 01 y 02 por la prueba T de Student, ambos grupos mostraron aumento significativo en los puntajes finales obtenidos en el cuestionario 02 (Fase III). La evidencia mostró que el sistema de conferencias en formato remoto debilitó el proceso de aprendizaje y retención de conocimientos anatómicos básicos por parte de los estudiantes de medicina. Por otro lado, la docencia práctica presencial demostró ser eficiente en el proceso formativo de los alumnos, hecho que demuestra el aumento significativo de las puntuaciones de los alumnos en el cuestionario 02, para ambos grupos.
Humans , Students, Medical/psychology , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , COVID-19 , Anatomy/education , Teaching , Cadaver , Surveys and Questionnaires , Education, Distance , LearningABSTRACT
PROPÓSITO DEL ESTUDIO: Conocer la experiencia de estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Medicina, Universidad Austral de Chile con respecto a tutorías virtuales de ABP realizadas por tutores pares, durante el segundo semestre del 2021. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa, transversal, descriptiva. Muestra no probabilística, conformada por 45 estudiantes de medicina que participaron en ABP virtual con tutores/as pares. Recolección de datos mediante encuesta de opinión anónima y voluntaria (Google Forms), compuesta por 2 ámbitos: metodología y rol del tutor/a, considerando preguntas abiertas relacionadas con aspectos facilitadores y obstaculizadores. Análisis de datos cuantitativo con programa Excel, utilizando estadística descriptiva con medidas de frecuencia. Los cualitativos con reducción progresiva. Estudio aprobado por Comité Ético Científico, Servicio de Salud Valdivia. Resultados: Existe un alto grado de satisfacción en los dos ámbitos. Tanto en los resultados cualitativos y cuantitativos los participantes valoran positivamente el desempeño del rol del tutor par, destacando: empatía, compromiso, confianza, facilitador, proporciona retroalimentación y buen ambiente de aprendizaje, permitiendo el aprender en forma colaborativa. A diferencia de lo cuantitativo en lo cualitativo se identifica con mayor frecuencia como factores obstaculizadores, la mala conexión a internet, excesiva carga curricular y desconocimiento de la metodología por parte del tutor. CONCLUSIONES: Si bien la preparación de tutores pares para el desarrollo de las tutorías de ABP es fundamental, más aún lo es para la implementación en modalidad virtual, ya que se enfrentan a otros desafíos como el manejo de plataformas y lograr una comunicación efectiva que permita aprender colaborativamente.
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: To know the experience of first-year medical students at Universidad Austral de Chile regarding virtual Problem-Based learning (PBL) tutorials carried out by peer tutors during the second semester of 2021. METHODS: Quantitative and qualitative research, transversal, descriptive. The non-probabilistic sample consisted of 45 medical students who participated in virtual PBL tutorials with peer tutors. Data collection through an anonymous and voluntary opinion survey comprised two areas: methodology and role of the tutor, considering open questions related to facilitating and hindering aspects. Quantitative data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics with frequency measurements. The qualitative ones with progressive reduction. Study approved by the Scientific Ethics Committee, Valdivia Health Service. RESULTS: There is a high degree of satisfaction in all three areas. Both in the qualitative and quantitative results, the participants positively value the performance of the peer tutor, highlighting empathy, commitment, trust, facilitation, feedback, and a good learning environment, allowing collaborative learning. Unlike the quantitative, the qualitative is more frequently identified as hindering factors, poor internet connection, excessive curricular load, and lack of knowledge about the methodology by the tutor. Conclusions: Although the preparation of peer tutors for PBL tutorials is essential, it is even more critical in virtual mode since they face challenges such as managing virtual platforms and achieving effective communication that allows learning collaboratively
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Peer Group , Students, Medical/psychology , Problem-Based Learning/methods , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , COVID-19/prevention & control , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Qualitative Research , PandemicsABSTRACT
En el presente artículo, partimos de dos interrogantes que nos habilitan a repensar las prácticas educativas y los procesos de aprendizaje en Educación Superior, y más concretamente en la Formación de pregrado de los profesionales médicos. Nos preguntamos entonces, ¿qué (es) enseñar? y ¿para qué enseñar?... Lejos de responder dichos interrogantes, buscamos abrir nuevos
In this article, we start from two questions, that enable us to rethink educational practices and learning processes in higher education. And more specifically in the undergraduate training of medical professionals. We ask ourselves then, what (is) to teach? And what to teach? ... far from answering these questions, we seek to open new ones.
Humans , Male , Female , Universities , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Human Rights , LearningABSTRACT
Introducción: la Educación Basada en la Comunidad (EBC) representa una estrategia educativa que acerca la formación médica a la práctica real, y promueve una atención médica de mayor aceptabilidad que contempla la esfera social de los procesos de salud/enfermedad y aborda de forma adecuada las necesidades reales de la población. Existen, a la fecha, escasas publicaciones a nivel regional en las cuales los propios estudiantes reflexionen sobre este tipo de experiencias formativas. Objetivos: identificar y comunicar los principales aprendizajes obtenidos de una experiencia de EBC por parte de estudiantes de grado de Medicina. Metodología: se revisaron las sistematizaciones de experiencias confeccionadas por la primera cohorte que completó esta experiencia en el Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Se reflexionó sobre las principales dificultades observadas y los aprendizajes más significativos obtenidos a partir de dicha experiencia. Se establecieron dominios y codificaron los textos de las sistematizaciones generadas durante la cursada. Finalmente, se generó un mapa de conceptos a partir del cual se escribió este artículo. Resultados: esta experiencia tuvo para los estudiantes tres momentos bien definidos: una etapa inicial, caracterizada por incertidumbre y malestar; una intermedia, con aprendizaje estratégico y algo de transformación; y una avanzada, con aprendizaje profundo y situado. Conclusión: es recomendable que a las experiencias de EBC se les asigne el tiempo suficiente en las planificaciones y que finalicen con un proceso de reflexión promovido por el equipo docente. (AU)
Introduction: Community-Based Education (CBE) represents an educational strategy that brings medical training closer to real scenario practice, and promotes medical care of greater acceptability that contemplates the social sphere of health/disease processes and that adequately addresses the real needs of the population. To date, there are few publications at the regional level in which the students themselves reflect on this type of training experience. Objectives: to identify and communicate the main lessons learned from a CBE experience by Medicine-degree students.Methodology: the systematization of experiences made by the first cohort that completed this experience at the Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires was reviewed. We reflected on the main difficulties observed and the most significant lessons learned from this experience. Domains were established, and the texts of the systematization generated during the course were codified. Then, a concept map was generated from which this work was written. Results: this experience had three well-defined moments for the students: an initial stage, characterized by uncertainty and discomfort; an intermediate one, with strategic learning and some transformation; and an advanced one, with deep and situated learning. Conclusion: it is recommended that EBC experiences are assigned enough time in the planning and that they end with a reflection process promoted by the teaching team. (AU)
Humans , Students, Medical/psychology , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Social Learning , Health-Disease Process , Professional Training , Value-Based Health CareABSTRACT
Introducción: La preparación metodológica de los profesores incluye el criterio de los estudiantes sobre las actividades docentes que imparten. No se trata solo de escuchar sus opiniones, sino de atender sus razones. Sin embargo, este elemento, frecuentemente, no se tiene en cuenta, o se realiza de forma improvisada e incorrecta. Objetivo: Identificar la percepción estudiantil sobre la calidad de las actividades de educación en el trabajo que se imparten durante el tercer año de la carrera. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en un universo constituido por 433 estudiantes de tercer año de medicina del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente León Cuervo Rubio. Mediante un cuestionario, se les solicitó su apreciación sobre las actividades de educación en el trabajo y su criterio acerca de cuáles eran las deficiencias en la impartición de cada una de ellas. Resultados: La sesión de piezas macroscópicas, también llamadas pieza fresca, y el pase de visita fueron evaluados con criterio positivo, con predominio de la calificación de excelente. La discusión de caso, la guardia médica, y la clínico imagenológica y patológica recibieron algunas calificaciones de regular y hasta de mal en la última de ellas. Conclusiones: Predominaron los criterios favorables de los estudiantes, con señalamientos negativos en la discusión de caso clínico y las sesiones clínico patológica e imagenológica (AU)
Introduction: The methodological training of professors includes the students' judgment about the performed teaching activities. It is not only a matter of listening to their opinions, but also of paying attention to their reasons. However, this element is not considered frequently, or it is done in an improvised and incorrect way. Objective: To identify the students' perception on the quality of on-the-job education activities performed during the third academic year of the major. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out with a universe of 433 third-year medical students from Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente León Cuervo Rubio. By means of a questionnaire, they were asked for their appreciation on the activities of on-the-job education and their criteria regarding the deficiencies in the performance of each one of them. Results: The session of macroscopic parts, also called fresh parts, and the morning report session were assessed with positive criteria, with a predominance of the excellent rating. The case discussion, the medical duty, as well as the imaging and pathology clinical practice, received some fair ratings, or even poor in the latter. Conclusions: Favorable criteria from the students predominated, with negative remarks in the clinical case discussion, as well as in the clinical-pathological and imaging sessions (AU)
Humans , Perception , Students, Medical , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Faculty/education , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational Studies as TopicSubject(s)
Humans , Students, Medical , Biomedical Research/education , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Students , Teaching , CurriculumABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Clinical simulation is a strategy with broad support especially when face-to-face medical attention is difficult. In Psychiatry, the use and availability of simulation is lower than in other medical specialties, even for remote teaching. AIM: To report a pedagogical experience whose objective was to develop and implement the simulated patient technique as a teaching strategy for psychopathology and face-to-face Psychiatry for Psychiatry residents and remote for undergraduate medical students. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Six residents and 115 medical students participated in the activity. A descriptive qualitative-quantitative study was designed. Surveys were used to measure the quality and satisfaction of clinical simulation and simulation in psychopathology and psychiatry. In addition, an opinion was requested about the activity. All residents and 104 students participated in the assessment. RESULTS: The simulations were satisfactorily evaluated. The participants perceived that the pedagogical activity favored the development of generic competencies and specific skills for general Psychiatry. CONCLUSIONS: Simulation in Psychiatry does not replace face-to-face practical teaching, but it is a transitional and complementary method for clinical activities.
Humans , Psychiatry , Students, Medical , Patient Simulation , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Teaching , Surveys and Questionnaires , Qualitative ResearchABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Delivering quality medical education is a hot topic. The current discussion essentially addresses content versus competencies. Extensive curricula and matrices, and traditional assessments are against go against the modern concepts of medical education. Remote education stimulated this discussion and brought the opportunity to review the academic load and assessment. REPORT: In January 2021, a pedagogic workshop of the Medicine course of Centro Universitário FMABC was held. It began with a lecture by a visiting professor and coordinator of the medical school accreditation system on remote activities during the pandemic. Next, the person responsible for the Progress Test made a history of the latest assessments, and a professor who is a member of the Accreditation Committee of the Medical Schools presented a summary of the main insufficient points of the last assessment. Afterward, the students presented the last internal evaluations. Finally, the matrices of the course, from the 1st to the 4th year, were presented and compared with those of three other medical schools, and each year coordinator prepared their suggestions for changes to the matrices. Lastly, students, professors, and the course coordination presented a report and proposals, encouraging the integration of the academic community, the reassessment of teaching plans, repetition of content, and recognition of matrices of each year, offering ideas and tools, to reflection on remote learning, and opportunities for change and improvement in teaching, and learning. CONCLUSION: The disciplines showed willingness for integrative activities, extension, and creation of elective disciplines, complementing failures caused by the Pandemic.
INTRODUÇÃO: A entrega da educação médica de qualidade é um tema em ebulição. A discussão atual aborda essencialmente conteúdos versus competências. Currículos e matrizes extensas, e avaliações tradicionais estão na contramão. O ensino remoto estimulou a discussão e a revisão da carga acadêmica e das avaliações. RELATO: Em janeiro de 2021 foi realizada uma oficina pedagógica do Curso de Medicina do Centro Universitário FMABC. Começou com a palestra de um professor convidado e coordenador do sistema de acreditação de escolas médicas, sobre atividades remotas durante a pandemia. A seguir, a responsável pelo Teste do Progresso fez um histórico das últimas avaliações, e um professor membro da comissão de acreditação de escolas médicas apresentaram uma síntese dos principais pontos insuficientes da última avaliação. Na sequência, os discentes apresentaram as últimas avaliações internas. Finalmente, foram apresentadas as matrizes do curso, do 1º ao 4º ano, comparadas com as de mais três escolas médicas, e cada coordenador de ano preparou suas sugestões para alterações de matrizes. Por último, discentes, docentes e a coordenação do curso apresentaram um relatório e propostas, estimulando a integração da comunidade acadêmica, a reavaliação dos planos de ensino, as repetições de conteúdo e o reconhecimento de matrizes de cada ano, oferecendo ideias e ferramentas, para a reflexão sobre o ensino remoto e as oportunidades de mudanças e aprimoramento do ensino e do aprendizado. CONCLUSÃO: As disciplinas mostraram disposição para as atividades integrativas, de extensão e de criação de disciplinas eletivas complementando falhas provocadas pela Pandemia.
Schools, Medical , Teaching , Education, Distance , Education , Education, Medical, UndergraduateABSTRACT
Esse trabalho busca relatar o processo de confecção de peças anatômicas para o ensino da anatomia humana a partir de material cadavérico fetal. Os discentes do curso de medicina da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) Campus Toledo participaram do programa de voluntariado acadêmico e deram atenção especial aos aspectos técnicos do processo de dissecação, bem como a experiência subjetiva desse procedimento como ferramenta de aprendizado ativo. O procedimento foi realizado na sala de preparação de cadáver da UFPR Campus Toledo, utilizando instrumental de dissecação e cadáveres humanos fetais com 20, 17 e 14 semanas de idade gestacional, direcionado de modo a expor as partes constituintes do sistema neural. Foram confeccionadas peças de cérebro, cerebelo, tronco encefálico, medula espinal, nervos espinais e suas estruturas associadas. Os voluntários envolvidos foram capazes de produzir material de estudo de qualidade através da dissecação e fortalecer seu conhecimento em anatomia humana e aptidão manual. Também foi dada atenção à importância e às limitações do processo de dissecação como estratégia de aprendizado em cursos da área de saúde. pôde ser observado que a dissecação pode fazer parte de uma formação completa e bem estruturada dos discentes, que por sua vez irão integrar a sociedade e a academia. Além disso, a exposição da topografia neural fetal pode servir de referencial para posteriores estudos que venham a utilizar essas informações.
This work aims to report the confection process of anatomic pieces for teaching human anatomy from fetal cadaveric material. The students of the medicine course of Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) Campus Toledo, took part in the academic volunteer program and paid special attention to the technical aspects of the dissection process, as well as the subjective experience of this procedure as an active learning tool. The procedure was performed at the cadaver preparation room of the UFPR Campus Toledo, using dissection tools and human fetal corpses of 20, 17 and 14 weeks of gestational ages, directed so as to expose the constituent parts of the neural system. Pieces of the brain, cerebellum, brainstem, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and its associated structures were made. The involved voluntaries were able to produce quality study material through dissection, and strengthen their knowledge in human anatomy and manual skill. Attention was also given to the importance and limitations of the dissection process as a learning strategy in health courses. it was observed that dissection can be part of a complete and well-structured training of students, who in turn will integrate society and academia. In addition, the exposure of fetal neural topography can serve as a reference for further studies that use this information
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo relatar el proceso de confección de piezas anatómicas para la enseñanza de la anatomía humana a partir de material cadavérico fetal. Los alumnos del curso de medicina de la Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) - Campus Toledo, participaron del programa de voluntariado académico y prestaron especial atención a los aspectos técnicos del proceso de disección, así como a la vivencia subjetiva de este procedimiento como herramienta de aprendizaje activo. El procedimiento fue realizado en la sala de preparación de cadáveres de la UFPR - Campus Toledo, utilizando herramientas de disección y cadáveres de fetos humanos de 20, 17 y 14 semanas de edad gestacional, dirigidos de forma a exponer las partes constitutivas del sistema neural. Se realizaron piezas del cerebro, cerebelo, tronco encefálico, médula espinal, nervios espinales y sus estructuras asociadas. Los voluntarios participantes pudieron elaborar material de estudio de calidad mediante la disección y reforzar sus conocimientos de anatomía humana y habilidad manual. También se prestó atención a la importancia y las limitaciones del proceso de disección como estrategia de aprendizaje en los cursos de salud. Se observó que la disección puede formar parte de una formación completa y bien estructurada de los estudiantes, que a su vez integrarán la sociedad y el mundo académico. Además, la exposición de la topografía neural fetal puede servir de referencia para estudios posteriores que utilicen esta información.
Humans , Male , Female , Dissection/education , Fetus/anatomy & histology , Nervous System/anatomy & histology , Spinal Cord/anatomy & histology , Volunteers/education , Brain/anatomy & histology , Cerebellum/anatomy & histology , Dura Mater/anatomy & histology , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , NeuroanatomyABSTRACT
Background: According to the 90-90-90 strategy, the focus is on 90% of people living with HIV and/or AIDS knowing their HIV status, initiated on antiretroviral treatment and achieving viral suppression. The challenge is that only 74% of people living with HIV and/or AIDS are on antiretroviral treatment, and HIV mortality still occurs. Literature recommends the incorporation of a Nurse Initiated Management of Antiretroviral Treatment (NIMART) course within the undergraduate nursing programme to capacitate new nurses to manage people living with HIV and/or AIDS immediately after completion of their training. However, the NIMART course is still not incorporated, and there is dearth of information on this topic in North West Province (NWP). Aim: To explore and describe nurse educators' perceptions regarding the incorporation of NIMART course within the undergraduate nursing programme in NWP. Setting: The setting of this research study was nursing education institutions of the NWP. Methods: Phenomenography qualitative research design was followed. Twelve nurse educators underwent purposive selection and unstructured individual interviews were conducted. The research co-coder verified the findings. There were ethical considerations and trustworthiness maintained throughout the study. Results: Main themes that emerged in this study depicted benefits and challenges associated with NIMART course incorporation within the undergraduate nursing programme as stated in Table 1. Conclusion: This study concluded that NIMART course incorporation within the undergraduate nursing programme is a good and relevant idea, which requires human and non-human resources.
HIV Infections , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Education, Nursing , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Diagnosis , Education, Medical, UndergraduateABSTRACT
Background. University-based research capacity development (RCD) mechanisms tend to focus on staff and postgraduate students, with few structures targeted at undergraduate students. Support for undergraduate research must be tailored to the unique requirements of research at this level, while maintaining links with relevant structures in both the RCD and teaching and learning domains. Objective. To conduct a process evaluation of the Undergraduate Research Office (URO) in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, using RCD and characteristics of excellence in undergraduate research criteria as benchmarks. Methods. A process evaluation of URO's first 6 years was conducted using a logic model of URO's inputs, activities, and outputs. Through a retrospective document review, a descriptive analysis of URO's inputs and activities (narrative) and URO's outputs (statistical) was conducted. Results. Following a description of inputs and activities, results present URO's outputs as a measure of the uptake of these activities. From 2015 to 2020, 259 undergraduate research projects were completed. Research consultations, workshops and undergraduate presentations at the faculty's Annual Academic Day have more than doubled since URO's inception. The Undergraduate Research Ethics Committee has reviewed 243 ethics applications since 2015, with a 1 - 2-week turnaround time. A total of 134 funding applications worth ZAR705 986 have been awarded for research project, conference presentation and publication costs. Conclusion. Results show the potential impact of a formal undergraduate research support entity on the undergraduate research outputs of a Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. This article highlights elements for success for formal undergraduate research support, and identifies gaps going forward.
Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Health Sciences , National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, U.S., Health and Medicine Division , Delivery of Health CareABSTRACT
Teaching clinical skills is core content of the medical and allied health curricula of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FoHS) at the University of the Free State (UFS) in South Africa. A major pedagogical tool used for this purpose across the faculty is peer physical examination (PPE). Objective. To investigate the lived experience and perceptions of students and educators on the use of PPE in undergraduate health professions education at a multicultural and multiracial institution. Suggestions on guidelines for a PPE policy for the FoHS at the UFS were also obtained from the participants.Methods. This research was designed as a qualitative study that used focus group interviews involving 26 participants (19 students and 7 educators) to obtain verbal statements that described their experience and perceptions of the use of PPE in undergraduate health professions education. Results. Participants reported that PPE was useful to create a safe learning environment and to prepare students for the clinical aspects of their training. Enhancing students' empathy, competency and clinical confidence were among the advantages attributed to using PPE; it also encouraged peer-assisted learning. Some of the disadvantages ascribed to PPE were that it made it difficult to maintain classroom discipline, and that it could promote memorisation over understanding. Finally, participants suggested that a guideline for PPE policy should address matters of consent, confidentiality, participation and gender, cultural, religious and racial considerations.Conclusions. The findings of this study reveal that PPE is an acceptable and useful learning strategy for the majority of students and educators. Issues relating to consent, confidentiality and cultural, religious and racial considerations are some of the potential problems associated with the use of PPE at the UFS. We believe that the suggestions given by the participants of this study will inform the establishment of a PPE policy for the FoHS of the UFS