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Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559531


Resumo O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os fatores associados à multimorbidade em idosos de 60 a 69 anos, em 2010 e 2021. Trata-se de um estudo transversal comparativo, composto por dois estudos transversais. Ambas as coletas de dados foram realizadas de forma individual por entrevistadores treinados e deu-se por inquérito domiciliar, no município de Coxilha-RS, Brasil. Utilizou-se para análise inferencial bivariada, exato de Fisher e qui-quadrado, e multivariada o teste de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta com nível de significância de p 0,05. Detectou-se que a prevalência de multimorbidade teve uma diminuição significativa, passando de 66,5% em 2010, para 41,6% em 2021. Ser dependente para atividades básicas e instrumentais da vida diária associou-se a maior prevalência para a multimorbidade no ano de 2010, contudo no ano de 2021 o ser dependente para atividades instrumentais, não saber ler/escrever e não trabalhar apresentou maior prevalência para a multimorbidade. Por fim, concluise que as condições de saúde dos idosos diferiram significativamente apontando que os cuidados de saúde também precisam ser reavaliados para tornarem-se mais efetivos

Abstract The present study aimed to compare the factors associated with multimorbidity in older adults aged 60 to 69 years, in 2010 and 2021. This is a comparative cross-sectional study, comprised of other two cross-sectional studies. Both data collections were individually conducted by trained interviewers through household surveys in the municipality of Coxilha-RS, Brazil. Bivariate inferential analysis was conducted using Fisher's exact test and chi-square test, while multivariate analysis employed Poisson regression with robust variance with a significance level of p 0.05. It was observed that the prevalence of multimorbidity significantly decreased, decreasing from 66.5% in 2010 to 41.6% in 2021. Dependency for basic and instrumental activities of daily living was associated with higher prevalence of multimorbidity in the year 2010. However, in 2021, being dependent on instrumental activities, being unable to read/write, and being unemployed showed higher prevalence for multimorbidity. In conclusion, it is evident that the health conditions of older adults differed significantly over the years, highlighting the necessity for a reevaluation of healthcare practices to become more effective

Humans , Aged , Aged , Activities of Daily Living , Delivery of Health Care , Quality of Life , Underregistration , Educational Status
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 24: e20230055, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BVSAM | ID: biblio-1558980


Abstract Objective: to determine the association between breastfeeding and associated factors with neuropsychomotor development of children living in social vulnerability. Methods: cross-sectional study within a socially vulnerable community. Households with children aged seven to 72 months, and their biological mothers were included. Sociodemographic, anthropometric and breastfeeding variables were collected using questionnaires, and neuropsychomotor development was assessed using the Denver II screening test. Adjusted prevalence ratios were calculated using multivariable models, oriented by directed acyclic graphs. Results: from the 654 households visited, 224 mother-child binomials were included. The mean age of children was 28 (18.7) months, and 143 (63.8%) of them presented suspected delay in neuropsychomotor development. Mothers presented a median of 8 years of formal schooling and 64 (28.6%) had performed exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. Exclusive breastfeeding was not associated with neuropsychomotor development (PR=0.92; CI95%=0.84-1.00). A significant association was observed only with years of formal maternal education (PR=0.98; CI95%=0.97-0.99). A mediation analysis did not show any clear mediator between maternal education and neuropsychomotor development. Conclusions: children living in social vulnerability presented a high prevalence of suspected delay in neuropsychomotor development. Maternal education was the only variable associated with such condition.

Resumo Objetivos: determinar a associação entre o aleitamento materno e fatores associados ao desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de crianças em extrema vulnerabilidade social. Métodos: estudo transversal conduzido em uma comunidade em vulnerabilidade social, envolvendo crianças de sete a 72 meses, e suas mães biológicas. Variáveis sociodemográficas, antropométricas e de amamentação foram coletadas por meio de questionários e o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor foi avaliado por meio do teste de triagem Denver II. Razões de prevalência ajustadas foram calculadas usando modelos multivariáveis, orientados por grafos acíclicos direcionados. Resultados: dos 654 domicílios visitados, foram incluídos 224 binômios mãe-filho, com média de idade de 28,8 (18,7) meses, em que 143 (63,8%) crianças apresentavam suspeita de atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e 64 (28,6%) haviam realizado aleitamento materno exclusivo até o sexto mês. Aleitamento materno exclusivo por 6 meses não se associou ao desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor (RP= 0,91; IC95%=0,83-1,00). Houve associação significativa observada apenas com anos de escolaridade materna formal (RP=0,97; IC95%=0,96-0,99). Análise de mediação não mostrou nenhum mediador entre escolaridade materna e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Conclusões: destaca-se a alta prevalência de crianças com suspeita de atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. A escolaridade materna foi a única variável associada à esta condição.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Breast Feeding , Developmental Disabilities , Educational Status , Social Vulnerability , Anthropometry , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Sociodemographic Factors
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 24: e20230273, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558979


Abstract Objectives: to analyze neonatal deaths according to avoidability and to analyze the temporal trend of neonatal mortality rate (NMR) in Niterói/RJ, 2012-2022. Methods: ecological time series study. Data from Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos and Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade. NMRs were calculated according to maternal and neonatal variables and trends were estimated using the joinpoint regression. Results: the annual number of live births (LB) fell, with a decreasing trend among adolescents and those with low education level. Of the 324 deaths, most occurred early (0-6 days), by preventable causes in 68.6%, predominating those reducible by adequate care during pregnancy. The overall NMR remained stable, ranging from 4.2 to 6/1,000 LB, being higher at the extremes of maternal age (12.7 and 8.6/1,000 LB in 2022, adolescents and over 35 years old, respectively), in low education level mothers (27.6/1,000 LB in 2022), in neonates <1,500g and <32 weeks (293.1 and 250/1,000 LB in 2022, respectively). NMR trend was upward in low schooling women, white-colored, adolescents and those ≥35 years, in babies weighing <1,500g and >2,500g, and for avoidable causes. Conclusions: the high proportion of preventable causes reveals the reduction potential. There was inequality in NMR and its trend, demanding more equitable health actions.

Resumo Objetivos: analisar os óbitos neonatais segundo evitabilidade e a tendência temporal da taxa de mortalidade neonatal (TMN) em Niterói/RJ, de 2012-2022. Métodos: estudo ecológico de série temporal. Dados provenientes do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos e Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade. As TMN foram calculadas segundo variáveis maternas e neonatais e as tendências estimadas pela regressão joinpoint. Resultados: o número anual de nascidos vivos (NV) diminuiu, com tendência decrescente entre mães adolescentes e de baixa escolaridade. Dos 324 óbitos, a maioria ocorreu precocemente, por causas evitáveis (68,6%), predominando aquelas reduzíveis por adequada atenção à gestação. A TMN global mostrou estabilidade, entre 4,2 e 6,0/1000NV, mais elevada nos extremos etários maternos (12,7 e 8,6/1.000 NV em 2022, adolescentes e maiores de 35 anos, respectivamente), nas mães com baixa escolaridade (27,6/1.000 NV em 2022), nos neonatos <1.500g e <32 semanas (293,1 e 250/1.000 NV em 2022, respectivamente). A tendência da TMN foi crescente entre mulheres de baixa escolaridade, brancas, adolescentes e ≥35 anos, nas faixas de peso <1.500g e >2.500g, e por causas evitáveis. Conclusões: a elevada proporção de causas evitáveis revela o potencial de redução. Houve desigualdade da TMN e sua tendência, demandando ações de saúde mais equânimes.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy in Adolescence , Infant Mortality , Time Series Studies , Cause of Death , Educational Status , Ecological Studies , Live Birth/epidemiology , Brazil , Health Status Disparities , Health Information Systems , Sociodemographic Factors
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e259089, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558743


Este estudo analisa o estresse ocupacional entre psicólogos que atuavam na Atenção Primária à Saúde durante a pandemia ocasionada pela covid-19, assim como as características sociodemográficas e laborais dos participantes e sua relação com o estresse ocupacional. Participaram da pesquisa 70 psicólogos atuantes em 51 unidades básicas de saúde das regiões Oeste e Extremo Oeste catarinense. Para coleta de dados, um questionário sociodemográfico e a versão reduzida da Job Stress Scale (JSS) foram aplicados. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio da estatística descritiva e inferencial. Identificou-se que 35,7% dos psicólogos apresentaram alto desgaste no trabalho; 28,6% baixo desgaste; 27,1% se mostraram em trabalho passivo; e 8,6% em trabalho ativo. No modelo de regressão linear, os fatores associados à dimensão Demanda da JSS foram: possuir filho (a) (coeficiente -1,49; IC 95% -2,75 a -0,23) e afastamento do trabalho nos últimos 12 meses (coeficiente 1,88; IC 95% 0,60 a 3,15). Os psicólogos com hipertensão arterial sistêmica autorreferida apresentaram, em média, 3,96 pontos a menos no escore de Apoio social (IC 95% -7,06 a -0,85), quando comparados aos não hipertensos, e entre os psicólogos que trabalhavam no turno da manhã identificou-se aumento de 4,46 pontos, em média, no escore de Apoio social (IC 95% 0,90 a 8,02) em relação aos profissionais do turno manhã e tarde. Evidenciou-se que um número significativo de psicólogos apresentava-se em alto desgaste no trabalho, com potenciais implicações para sua saúde e atuação profissional.(AU)

This study analyzed occupational stress among psychologists who worked in Primary Health Care during the COVID-19 pandemic and participants' sociodemographic and work characteristics and their relationship with occupational stress. In total, 70 psychologists working in 51 basic health units in the West and Far West regions of Santa Catarina participated in this research. A sociodemographic questionnaire and the short version of the Job Stress Scale (JSS) were applied to collect data. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. In total, 35.7% of psychologists showed high stress at work; 28.6%, low burn out; 27.1%, passive work; and 8.6%, active work. The factors in the linear regression model that were associated with the JSS demand dimension referred to having children (coefficient −1.49; 95% CI −2.75 to −0.23) and absence from work in the last 12 months (coefficient 1.88; 95% CI 0.60 to 3.15). Psychologists with self-reported systemic arterial hypertension showed, on average, 3.96 points lower in the Social Support score (95% CI −7.06 to −0.85) than non-hypertensive ones and psychologists who worked in the morning shift, an average increase of 4.46 points in the Social Support score (95% CI 0.90 to 8.02) in relation to professionals working in the morning and afternoon shifts. A significant number of psychologists had high stress at work, with potential implications to their health and professional performance.(AU)

Este estudio evalúa el estrés laboral entre los psicólogos que trabajaron en la atención primaria de salud durante la pandemia provocada por la COVID-19, así como las características sociodemográficas y laborales de ellos y su relación con el estrés laboral. En la investigación participaron setenta psicólogos que trabajan en 51 unidades básicas de salud en las regiones oeste y lejano oeste de Santa Catarina (Brasil). Para la recolección de datos se aplicó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y la versión corta de la Job Stress Scale (JSS). El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Se identificó que el 35,7% de los psicólogos presentaban alto estrés en el trabajo; el 28,6% tenían poco desgaste; el 27,1% se encontraban en trabajo pasivo; y el 8,6% en trabajo activo. En el modelo de regresión lineal, los factores asociados a la dimensión demanda de la JSS fueron: tener hijo (coeficiente -1,49; IC 95% -2,75 a -0,23) y baja laboral en los últimos 12 meses (coeficiente 1,88; IC 95% 0,60 a 3,15). Los psicólogos con hipertensión arterial sistémica autoinformada presentaron un promedio de 3,96 puntos más bajo en la puntuación de apoyo social (IC 95% -7,06 a -0,85) en comparación con los no hipertensos, y entre los psicólogos que trabajaban en el turno de la mañana, se identificó un aumento promedio de 4,46 puntos en la puntuación de apoyo social (IC 95% 0,90 a 8,02) con relación a los profesionales que laboran en el turno de mañana y tarde. Quedó evidente que un número significativo de psicólogos se encontraba en situación de alto estrés en el trabajo, con posibles implicaciones para su salud y desempeño profesional.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Psychology , Occupational Health , Occupational Stress , Organization and Administration , Organizational Innovation , Anxiety , Pathologic Processes , Personnel Loyalty , Poverty , Professional Practice , Quality Assurance, Health Care , Aspirations, Psychological , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Signs and Symptoms , Social Conditions , Psychological Distance , Social Isolation , Social Problems , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Task Performance and Analysis , Therapeutics , Unemployment , Viruses , Vocational Guidance , Women, Working , Work Schedule Tolerance , Behavioral Symptoms , Population Characteristics , Work Hours , National Health Strategies , Health Services Administration , Occupational Risks , Burnout, Professional , Activities of Daily Living , Power, Psychological , Adaptation, Psychological , Career Mobility , Organizational Culture , Family , Indicators of Quality of Life , Mental Health , Liability, Legal , Staff Development , Health Strategies , Workload , Mental Competency , Employment, Supported , Health Personnel , Workplace , Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation , Time Management , Efficiency, Organizational , Coronavirus , Conflict, Psychological , Life , Self Efficacy , Counseling , Health Management , Credentialing , Psychosocial Impact , Personal Autonomy , Delivery of Health Care , Friends , Depersonalization , Depression , Air Pollutants , Education , Educational Status , Efficiency , Empathy , Employee Grievances , Employee Incentive Plans , Employee Performance Appraisal , Employment , Environment and Public Health , Workforce , Disease Prevention , Health Status Disparities , Job Market , Ethics, Institutional , Mental Fatigue , Resilience, Psychological , Emotional Intelligence , Capacity Building , Remuneration , Hope , Karoshi Death , Compassion Fatigue , Emotional Adjustment , Self-Control , Work Performance , Alert Fatigue, Health Personnel , Work-Life Balance , Work Engagement , Economic Status , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Caregiver Burden , Physical Distancing , Financial Stress , Induced Demand , Psychotherapists , Statistical Data , Social Vulnerability , Working Conditions , Overtraining Syndrome , Workforce Diversity , Psychological Growth , Coping Skills , Job Security , Emotional Exhaustion , Time Pressure , Guilt , Health Occupations , Health Promotion , Health Resources , Health Services Accessibility , Health Services Research , Ergonomics , Interpersonal Relations , Interprofessional Relations , Job Satisfaction , Labor Unions , Leadership , Motivation , Occupational Groups , Negativism , Occupational Diseases , Occupational Health Services , Occupations
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e260417, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558746


The Inventory of Father Involvement (IFI) was developed to examine paternal involvement among men with children from 5 to 10 years of age. However, father involvement affects child development starting in the child's infancy. In Brazil, a revised version of the instrument (called the IFI-BR-27) was developed to use with fathers of children in a wider age group (2 to 10 years). Thus, in this study we aimed to investigate evidence for validity of this revised version based on internal structure, measurement invariance, and evidence of convergent validity. For this purpose, 572 Brazilian fathers completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the IFI-BR-27, and either the Father Engagement Questionnaire (FEQ; for fathers of children in early childhood education settings) or the Inventory of Parenting Practices (IPP; for fathers of children in elementary school). Results of confirmatory factor analyses indicated the plausibility of a second-order internal structure for the IFI-BR-27 (χ 2 / df = 3.526; CFI = .937; TLI = .929; RMSEA = .066). Composite reliability for the nine factors varied from .65 to .84. Invariance analyses indicated that the structure is independent of the child's educational setting. Evidence of convergent validity was also found ( r = .67 - FEQ; r = .58 - IPP). Therefore, the IFI-BR-27 is an adequate tool to assess the quality of father involvement for fathers of children in preschool or elementary school. The IFI-BR-27 can contribute to further scientific research, aiding in longitudinal studies, as well as helping professionals to evaluate and encourage specific dimensions of father involvement.(AU)

O Inventory of Father Involvement (IFI) foi desenvolvido para avaliar o envolvimento paterno de homens com filhos de 5 a 10 anos. No entanto, envolvimento paterno afeta o desenvolvimento de crianças desde a primeira infância. No Brasil, uma versão revisada dessa medida (chamada de IFI-BR-27) foi desenvolvida para uso com pais de crianças em uma faixa etária mais ampla (2 a 10 anos). O objetivo deste estudo foi, portanto, investigar evidências de validade dessa versão revisada com base na estrutura interna, invariância de medida e evidências de validade convergente. Para isso, 572 pais brasileiros preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico, o IFI-BR-27 e o Questionário de Engajamento Paterno (QEP; para pais com filhos no Ensino Infantil) e o Inventário de Práticas Parentais (IPP; para pais com filhos no Ensino Fundamental 1). Os resultados de análises fatoriais confirmatórias indicaram a plausibilidade de uma estrutura interna de segunda ordem para o IFI-BR-27 (χ 2 / gl = 3,526; CFI = 0,937; TLI = 0,929; RMSEA = 0,066). A confiabilidade composta para os nove fatores variou de 0,65 a 0,84. Análises de invariância indicaram que a estrutura é independente do ciclo escolar da criança. Também foram encontradas evidências de validade convergente ( r = 0,67 - QEP; r = 0,58 - IPP). Assim, considera-se o IFI-BR-27 uma medida adequada para avaliar a qualidade do envolvimento paterno de pais de crianças do Ensino Infantil ao Fundamental 1. O IFI-BR-27 poderá contribuir para melhorias científicas, viabilizando estudos longitudinais e ajudando profissionais a avaliar e promover dimensões específicas do envolvimento paterno.(AU)

El Inventory of Father Involvement (IFI) se desarrolló para evaluar la participación paterna en la crianza de hijos de entre 5 y 10 años de edad. Es sabido que la participación paterna contribuye al desarrollo infantil desde la primera infancia. En Brasil, una versión brasileña de este instrumento (la IFI-BR-27) se desarrolló para aplicarse a padres con hijos de un grupo de edad más amplio (de 2 a 10 años). Este estudio tuvo por objetivo comprobar evidencia de validez de esta versión revisada con base en la estructura interna, la invariancia del instrumento y la evidencia de validez convergente. Para ello, 572 padres brasileños completaron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, el IFI-BR-27 y el Cuestionario de Involucramiento Paterno (CIP; para padres de niños en el jardín de infantes) y el Inventario de Prácticas Parentales (IPP; para padres de niños en la primaria). Los resultados de los análisis factoriales confirmatorios indicaron la plausibilidad de una estructura interna de segundo orden para el IFI-BR-27 (χ 2 / gl = 3,526; CFI = 0,937; TLI = 0,929; RMSEA =0,066). La confiabilidad compuesta para los nueve factores varió de 0,65 a 0,84. Los análisis de invariancia indicaron que la estructura es independiente del ciclo educativo del niño. También se encontró evidencia de validez convergente ( r =0,67 - CIP; r = 0,58 - IPP). Por lo tanto, el IFI-BR-27 es un instrumento adecuado para evaluar la calidad de participación paterna de padres con hijos en edad preescolar o en la primaria. El IFI-BR-27 permitirá un mayor desarrollo científico, permitiendo estudios longitudinales y ayudando a los profesionales a evaluar y fomentar dimensiones específicas de participación paterna.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Paternity , Personality Development , Self-Testing , Psychological Growth , Parent-Child Relations , Paternal Behavior , Paternal Deprivation , Play and Playthings , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Psychometrics , Psychosocial Deprivation , Punishment , Quality of Life , Reading , Reinforcement, Psychology , Reinforcement, Verbal , Aspirations, Psychological , Safety , Schools , Self Care , Social Behavior , Social Identification , Social Sciences , Social Values , Stress, Physiological , Financial Support , National Health Strategies , Activities of Daily Living , Divorce , Family , Marriage , Child Abuse , Child Care , Child Development , Child Guidance , Child Language , Child Rearing , Child Welfare , Mental Health , Reproducibility of Results , Parenting , Intergenerational Relations , Time Management , Communication , Life , Eulogy , Behavioral Disciplines and Activities , Counseling , Affect , Culture , Education, Primary and Secondary , Paternalism , Personal Autonomy , Damage Liability , Gift Giving , Trust , Comprehension , Dependency, Psychological , Educational Status , Emotions , Empathy , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Family Therapy , Father-Child Relations , Fathers , Resilience, Psychological , Physiological Phenomena , Emotional Intelligence , Social Skills , Social Theory , Peer Influence , Paternal Inheritance , Work-Life Balance , Cultural Diffusion , Social Construction of Gender , Androcentrism , Freedom , Respect , Emotional Regulation , Social Integration , Empowerment , Gender Role , Family Support , Psychological Well-Being , Psychological Safety , Happiness , Health Services Needs and Demand , Holidays , Household Work , Human Development , Income , Individuality , Leisure Activities , Life Style , Loneliness , Love , Men , Mental Processes , Morals , Mothers , Motivation , Object Attachment
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3941, ene.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1441981


Objetivo: caracterizar el perfil sociofamiliar de niños y adolescentes negros con problemas de salud mental y describir desde un enfoque interseccional quién es responsable de su cuidado. Método: estudio exploratorio descriptivo de enfoque cualitativo, llevado a cabo en un Centro de Atención Psicosocial Infantil y Juvenil de la región norte del municipio de São Paulo. La recolección de datos se realizó con 47 familiares de niños y adolescentes negros, con el soporte de un guion con variables predefinidas, sometidas a análisis estadístico. Resultados: se realizaron 49 entrevistas, 95,5% con mujeres, con edad promedio de 39 años, 88,6% madres, 85,7% negras. La renta familiar procede del salario para el 100% de los cuidadores hombres y el 59% de las mujeres. Entre las cuidadoras negras, 25% tienen casa propia y, entre las pardas, 46,2%. Del total de cuidadores, el 10% vive en casas ocupadas, el 20% vive en viviendas cedidas, el 35% tiene casa propia y el 35% alquila. La red de contención social es mayor entre los blancos (16,7%), seguidos por los pardos (3,8%) y está ausente entre los negros (0%). Conclusión: las responsables por el cuidado de niños y e adolescentes negros atendidos en el CAPSij, son, casi en su totalidad mujeres, "madres o abuelas" negras (o mulatas), con acceso desigual a educación, trabajo y vivienda, derechos sociales constitucionales en Brasil.

Objective: to characterize the sociofamily profile of black-skinned children and adolescents with mental health problems and to intersectionally describe who assumes responsibility for their care. Method: a descriptive and exploratory study with a quantitative approach, developed in the Psychosocial Care Center for Children and Adolescents from the North region of the municipality of São Paulo. The data were collected from 47 family members of black-skinned children and adolescents, using a script with predefined variables submitted to statistical analysis. Results: a total of 49 interviews were conducted: 95.5% women with a mean age of 39 years old, 88.6% mothers and 85.7% black-skinned. Family income comes from wages for all the male caregivers and for 59% of the women. Among the black-skinned female caregivers, 25% live in their own house, whereas this percentage is 46.2% among the brown-skinned ones. Of all the caregivers, 10% have a job, 20% live in transferred properties, 35% in houses of their own and 35% in rented places. The social support network is larger among white-skinned people (16.7%), followed by brown-skinned (3.8%), and absent among black-skinned individuals (0%). Conclusion: those responsible for the care of black-skinned children and adolescents monitored by the CAPS-IJ are almost entirely women, black-skinned (black or brown) "mothers or grandmothers", with unequal access to education, work and housing, constitutional social rights in Brazil.

Objetivo: caracterizar o perfil sociofamiliar de crianças e adolescentes negros com problemas de saúde mental e descrever interseccionalmente quem se responsabiliza por seus cuidados. Método: estudo descritivo exploratório de abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil da região norte do município de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados com 47 familiares de crianças e adolescentes negros, utilizando um roteiro com variáveis pré-definidas, submetidas à análise estatística. Resultados: foram realizadas 49 entrevistas, sendo 95,5% com mulheres, média de idade de 39 anos, 88,6% mães, 85,7% negras. A renda familiar é proveniente de salário, para 100% dos cuidadores homens e para 59% das mulheres. Dentre as cuidadoras pretas, 25% possuem casa própria, sendo que, dentre as pardas, 46,2%. Do total de cuidadores, 10% vivem em condições de ocupação, 20% habitam moradias cedidas, 35% casas próprias e 35% alugadas. A rede social de suporte é maior entre os brancos (16,7%), seguido pelos pardos (3,8%) e ausente entre os pretos (0%). Conclusão: as responsáveis pelo cuidado de crianças e adolescentes negros acompanhados pelo CAPSij, são na quase totalidade mulheres, "mães ou avós" negras (pretas ou pardas), com acesso desigual à educação, trabalho e moradia, direitos sociais constitucionais no Brasil.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adult , Brazil , Mental Health , Educational Status , Grandparents , Gender Identity , Mothers
Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 37(135): 128-142, jul.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1556783


Resumo. Objetivo. Identificar os preditores sociodemográficos, laborais, estressores psicossociais, foco regulatório para a obtenção das metas no trabalho, trabalho emocional e a síndrome de burnout para a intenção de abandono profissional em professores brasileiros de acordo com os cinco níveis de ensino: Infantil, Fundamental, Médio, Graduação e Pós-graduação. Método. Utilizou-se uma amostra não probabilística de 1284 professores brasileiros distribuídos em cinco níveis de ensino que responderam a um instrumento on-line que continha cinco seções: questionário de dados sociodemográficos e laborais, Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo, Escala Geral de Focus Regulatório, Escala de Emoções no Trabalho e a Escala de Avaliação de Estressores Psicossociais no Contexto Laboral. Resultados. Os resultados obtidos por meio da análise de regressão linear múltipla revelaram preditores diferenciados de acordo com os níveis de ensino. As variáveis que explicaram os modelos foram maiores índices de síndrome de burnout, pressão pela responsabilidade, conflito e ambiguidade de papel, sobrecarga de papéis, insegurança na carreira, variabilidade emocional, maior formação acadêmica e remuneração e menores índices de satisfação com a vida, menor tempo de trabalho e idade, não ter outra atividade profissional e trabalhar em instituição privada. A síndrome de burnout foi preditora em todos os níveis.

Abstract. Objective. To identify the sociodemographic, work predictors, psychosocial stressors, regulatory focus to achieve goals at work, and emotional labor for professional abandonment intention in Brazilian teachers according to the five levels of education: kindergarten, elementary, secondary, undergraduate, and postgraduate. Method. A non-probabilistic sample of 1,284 Brazilian teachers distributed across five levels of education was used, who responded to an online instrument that contained five sections: sociodemographic and labor data questionnaire, Burnout questionnaire, General Regulatory Focus Scale, Emotions Labor Scale and the Psychosocial Stressors Assessment Scale in the Work Context. Results. The results obtained through multiple linear regression analyses revealed different predictors according to educational levels. The variables that explained the models were higher rates of burnout syndrome, pressure for responsibility, role conflict and ambiguity, role overload, career insecurity, emotional variability, higher academic training and remuneration and lower rates of satisfaction with life, lower length of work and age, not having another professional activity, and working in a private institution. Burnout syndrome was a predictor at all levels.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Stress, Psychological , Burnout, Professional/psychology , Intention , School Teachers , Educational Status
Rev. Ciênc. Saúde ; 13(3): 40-46, 20230921.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510858


Objetivo: Analisar a tendência da mortalidade por paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) e caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico no Brasil e suas regiões geográficas numa série temporal de 25 anos. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo ecológico de séries temporais. Considerou-se como participantes do estudo a população brasileira dividida em faixas etárias, que tiveram como causa básica do óbito a PCM. Para calcular a variação percentual anual (VPA) dos coeficientes, na análise de tendência, foi utilizada a regressão de Prais-Winsten. Os coeficientes de mortalidade foram calculados a nível nacional, segundo as regiões geográficas, sexo e faixa etária e proporcional para as demais variáveis. Resultados: De acordo com os resultados deste estudo, ocorreram 2.101 óbitos por PCM no Brasil. A tendência ao longo dos 25 anos evidenciou um comportamento estável nas regiões Norte e Nordeste. Já no Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste houve uma tendêndia de queda. A mortalidade média no Brasil foi de 84,04/100 mil hab., VPA -3,29 (IC 95% -2,43; -4,14). Levando em consideração a análise dos aspectos sociodemográficos, houve um predomínio de escolaridade ignorada (764; 36%), raça/ cor da pele branca (1.109; 53%), estado civil misto: casado (942; 45%) e solteiro (640; 30%), local de ocorrência do óbito predominantemente no âmbito hospitalar (1.852; 88%). Conclusão: Tanto no Brasil como nas regiões geográficas Sudeste, Sul e Centro-Oeste a mortalidade por PCM apresentou-se com tendência temporal decrescente. Já nas regiões Nordeste e Norte a tendência foi estacionária. O perfil sociodemográfico dos pacientes que foram a óbito apontou para sexo masculino, adultos, de baixa escolaridade, brancos e casados.

Objective: To analyze the trend in mortality from paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) and characterize the sociodemographic profile in Brazil and its geographic regions in a 25-year time series. Methods: This is an ecological time series study. The study participants were the Brazilian population divided into age groups whose underlying cause of death was PCM. To calculate the annual percentage change (VPA) of the coefficients in the trend analysis, the Prais-Winsten regression was used. National mortality coefficients were calculated according to geographic regions, sex and age group and proportional to the other variables. Results: According to this study, there were 2,101 deaths from PCM in Brazil. The trend over the 25 years showed stable behavior in the North and Northeast regions. In the South, Southeast, and Midwest, there was a downward trend. The average mortality in Brazil was 84.04/100,000 inhab., VPA -3.29 (95% CI -2.43; -4.14). According to the analysis of sociodemographic aspects, there was a predominance of ignored schooling (764 deaths; 36%), white race/skin color (1,109; 53%), mixed marital status: married (942; 45%) and single (640; 30%), and place of death predominantly in the hospital environment (1,852; 88%). Conclusion: In Brazil and in the Southeast, South, andMidwest geographic regions, mortality from PCM showed a decreasing temporal trend. In the Northeast and North regions, the trend was stationary. The sociodemographic profile of the dying patients indicated males, adults, with low education, white, and married.

Humans , Paracoccidioidomycosis , Sociodemographic Factors , Mortality , Adult , Educational Status
Psicol. teor. prát ; 25(3): 15019, 10 jul. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451191


Bullying at school affects the health and development of children and adolescents. This study aimed to describe evidence about the characteristics of boys and girls identified as bullies in bullying situations. This is a review with publications from 2015 to 2020, operationalized in SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, and PsycINFO. Data were independently extracted by two reviewers and submitted to methodological quality assessment. The corpus was composed of 27 primary studies. It was found that boys do more bullying and are more engaged in physical aggression. Girls engage more in verbal or psychological type violence. Social/cultural issues are factors consistently associated with such differences. Regarding the consequences of the aggression perpetrated, bullies, regardless of gender, may also have mental health problems. This study gathers quantitative evidence on characteristics of boys and girls who engage in bullying at school. Differences/similarities should be considered in anti-bullying intervention programs.

El acoso afecta a la salud y el desarrollo de niños y adolescentes. Este estudio tenía como objetivo describir las características de los chicos y chicas identificados como agresores. Se trata de una revisión desarrollada entre 2015-2020 en las bases SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science y PsycINFO. Dos revisores extrajeron los datos y los sometieron a una evaluación de la calidad metodológica. La revisión incluyó 27 estudios primarios. Se descubrió que los chicos practican más el acoso y se dedican más a la agresión física. Las chicas ejercen más violencia de tipo verbal o psicológico. Las cuestiones sociales/culturales son factores que se asocian sistemáticamente a estas diferencias. En cuanto a las consecuencias de la agresión perpetrada, los agresores, independientemente del sexo, también pueden presentar problemas de salud mental. Este estudio reúne pruebas cuantitativas sobre las características de los chicos y chicas agresores. Los datos deben tenerse en cuenta en los programas de intervención.

O bullying escolar afeta a saúde e desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes. Este estudo objetivou descrever evidências sobre as características de meninos e meninas identificados como agressores(as) em situações de bullying. Trata-se de uma revisão da literatura que abarcou publicações entre 2015 e 2020, operacionalizada nas bases SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science e PsycINFO. Os dados foram extraídos de forma independente por dois revisores e submetidos à avaliação de qualidade metodológica. O corpus foi composto por 27 estudos primários. Verificou-se que meninos praticam mais bullying e estão mais engajados em agressões físicas. Meninas envolvem-se mais em violência do tipo verbal ou psicológica. Questões sociais/culturais são fatores consistentemente associados a tais diferenças. Sobre as consequências das agressões praticadas, agressores, independentemente do sexo, também podem apresentar problemas de saúde mental. Este estudo reúne evidências quantitativas sobre características de meninos e meninas que praticam bullying na escola. Diferenças/semelhanças devem ser consideradas em programas de intervenção antibullying.

Humans , Violence , Child , Educational Status , Bullying , Health , Adolescent Health
Rev. Asoc. Med. Bahía Blanca ; 33(1): 20-28, jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1436104


Un clima escolar (CE) percibido negativamente facilita la ocurrencia y el sostenimiento de las situaciones de intimidación escolar (IE). No hay evidencia sobre cómo varía la percepción del mismo según la participación del alumno en dichas situaciones en el ámbito escolar a lo largo de un ciclo lectivo. El objetivo fue comparar la variación de la percepción del CE en los alumnos según el dinamismo de su participación en situaciones de intimidación. Fue un estudio descriptivo realizado en 2015 en niños/as de 8-12 años de edad de escuelas primarias de Bahía Blanca. Se utilizaron los cuestionarios PRECONCIMEI (versión niños) y ECLIS. Variables estudiadas: tipo de participación en IE, participación en IE, dinamismo de la participación en IE, percepción del CE. Se realizó test de ANOVA, prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y de la mediana. La media de las diferencias para la percepción del CE global entre los participantes fue de -3.91 (IC 95% -8,02; 0,21). La diferencia de clima global no difirió significativamente entre categorías de dinamismo (P=0,38). Se observó un empeoramiento del CE en las categorías de dinamismo de participación en IE respecto a la de los niños no participantes, quienes no experimentaron cambios en su percepción del CE a lo largo del ciclo lectivo. No se detectaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el análisis global y por dimensiones de la variación de CE entre ambas tomas.

A negatively perceived school climate (CE) facilitates the occurrence and maintenance of situations of school bullying (IE). There is no evidence on how the perception of it varies according to the participation of the student in said situations in the school environment throughout a school year. The objective was to compare the variation of the perception of the CE in the students according to the dynamism of their participation in bullying situations. It was a descriptive study carried out in 2015 in children aged 8-12 from primary schools in Bahía Blanca. The PRECONCIMEI (children's version) and ECLIS questionnaires were used. Variables studied: type of participation in EI, participation in EI, dynamism of participation in EI, perception of CE. ANOVA test and Kruskal-Wallis test were performed. The mean of the differences for the perception of the global CE between the participants was -3.91 (95% CI -8.02; 0.21). The global climate difference did not differ significantly between dynamism categories (P=0.38). A worsening of the CE was observed in the categories of dynamism of participation in IE with respect to that of the non-participating children, who did not experience changes in their perception of the CE throughout the school year. No statistically significant differences were detected in the overall analysis and by dimensions of the CE variation between the two intakes.

Educational Status , Perception , Schools , Child
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 28: 1-9, mar. 2023. tab, quad
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551613


O presente estudo teve como objetivo examinar os impactos de um programa de 12 semanas envol-vendo jogos e brincadeiras na cognição e no desempenho escolar de crianças. Trata-se de um estudo quase-experimental, com grupos de crianças do quarto ano do ensino fundamental, com idades entre 8 e 11 anos. O "Grupo de Intervenção (n = 27)" participou das atividades de Jogos e Brincadeiras, en-quanto o "Grupo Controle (n =24)" não participou. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos a avaliações abrangendo dados de caracterização, atenção visual (TAVIS-4), flexibilidade cognitiva (Teste das Trilhas), bem como habilidades em aritmética, leitura e linguagem (Teste de Desempenho Escolar), antes e após a intervenção. O programa de intervenção estruturado a partir de jogos e brincadeiras ocorreu três vezes por semana, com duração de 50 minutos cada encontro, durante 12 semanas. Alguns exemplos de jogos e brincadeiras realizados ao longo da intervenção incluíram: "queimado xadrez", "pega-pega" e "dono da rua". Referente à análise estatística foi utilizada a ANOVA two-way para verificar a diferença entre os grupos antes e após o programa de intervenção. Os jogos e brin-cadeiras geraram efeito na diminuição dos erros por omissão no teste de atenção seletiva. Também apresentou diminuição do tempo despendido na tarefa "B" do Teste de Trilhas, além do aumento no escore Total do Teste de Desempenho Escolar. Podemos concluir que um programa de intervenção com jogos e brincadeiras gerou efeitos positivos na cognição e no desempenho escolar destas crianças

This article investigates the effects of a 12-week program involving play on the cognition and school perfor-mance of children. This was a quasi-experiment study, involving groups of fourth-grade elementary school children, aged between 8 and 11 years. The "Intervention Group (n = 27)" participated in Play activities, while the "Control Group (n = 24)" did not. Both groups were submitted to assessments encompassing demo-graphic data, visual attention (TAVIS-4), cognitive flexibility (Trails Test), as well as arithmetic, reading and language skills (School Performance Test), before and after the intervention. The structured interven-tion program based on play occurred three times a week, with each session lasting 50 minutes, over a span of 12 weeks. Some examples of games conducted during the intervention included "chess-dodgeball ", "tag" and "owner of the street". Concerning the statistical analysis, a two-way ANOVA was applied to examine differ-ences between the groups before and after the intervention program. The play activities resulted in a decrease in omission errors in the selective attention test. There was also a reduction in the time spent on Task "B" of the Trails Test, in addition to an increase in the total score of the School Performance Test. In conclusion, it can be stated that an intervention program involving play generated positive effects on the cognition and school performance of these children

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Play and Playthings , Cognition , Exercise , Educational Status
Psico USF ; 28(1): 1-12, Jan.-Mar. 2023. tab, graf, il
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1431097


The aim of the study was to demonstrate a relationship between the math anxiety (MA) of parents and teachers and the MA of children and the effects on the children's performance in arithmetic. 286 children aged between 7 and 10 years and their parents and mathematics teachers participated in the study. The instruments used were: Math Anxiety Questionnaire; School Performance Test - Arithmetic subtest; Mathematical Anxiety Scale; and Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices. The results showed that advanced age of the teacher was a predictor of high levels of MA, which influenced the children's performance in arithmetic. Low parental education was associated with high MA, however, there were no correlations between parents' and children's MA. A significant difference was found between the MA mean scores for girls and boys, with the girls presenting higher levels of MA. (AU)

O objetivo do estudo foi evidenciar a relação entre a ansiedade matemática (AM) dos pais e dos professores com a AM das crianças e o desempenho destas em aritmética. Participaram do estudo 286 crianças com idade entre 7 e 10 anos e seus respectivos pais e professores de matemática. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Questionário de Ansiedade Matemática, Teste de Desempenho Escolar - Subteste de Aritmética, Escala de Ansiedade Matemática e Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven. Os resultados mostraram que a idade avançada dos professores é um fator preditor para altos níveis de AM, o que influencia no desempenho das crianças em aritmética. A baixa escolaridade dos pais está associada a alta AM, porém não foram encontradas correlações significativas entre AM de pais e crianças. Também foi encontrada uma diferença significativa entre as médias de AM para o sexo feminino e masculino, evidenciando que meninas possuem maiores níveis de AM. (AU)

El objetivo del estudio fue resaltar la relación entre la ansiedad matemática (AM) de padres y docentes con la AM de los niños y su desempeño en aritmética y de los niños. Participaron en el estudio 286 niños entre 7 y 10 años y sus respectivos padres y profesores de matemáticas. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: Cuestionario de AM; Prueba de Rendimiento Escolar: Subprueba aritmética; Escala de AM; Matrices Progresivas Escala Coloreada de Raven. Los resultados mostraron que la edad avanzada de los docentes es un factor predictivo para altos niveles de AM, lo que influye en el rendimiento de los niños en aritmética. La baja educación de los padres se asocia con un alto AM, pero no se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre AM de padres e hijos. Asimismo, se encontró una diferencia significativa entre las medias de AM de niñas y niños, lo que demuestra que las niñas tienen niveles más altos de AM. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Anxiety , Mathematics , Parents , Students , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sex Distribution , Fujita-Pearson Scale , Education, Primary and Secondary , Educational Status , Evaluation Studies as Topic , School Teachers , Academic Performance , Gender Stereotyping , Mediation Analysis , Statistical Inference , Intelligence Tests
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969667


Genetic testing has the power to identify individuals with increased predisposition to disease, allowing individuals the opportunity to make informed management, treatment and reproductive decisions. As genomic medicine continues to be integrated into aspects of everyday patient care and the indications for genetic testing continue to expand, genetic services are increasingly being offered by non-genetic clinicians. The current complexities of genetic testing highlight the need to support and ensure non-genetic professionals are adequately equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide services. We describe a series of misdiagnosed/mismanaged cases, highlighting the common pitfalls in genetic testing to identify the knowledge gaps and where education and support is needed. We highlight that education focusing on differential diagnoses, test selection and result interpretation is needed. Collaboration and communication between genetic and non-genetic clinicians and integration of genetic counsellors into different medical settings are important. This will minimise the risks and maximise the benefits of genetic testing, ensuring adverse outcomes are mitigated.

Humans , Missed Diagnosis , Genetic Testing , Educational Status , Diagnosis, Differential , Genotype
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971198


BACKGROUND@#Health screening is a preventive and cost-effective public health strategy for early detection of diseases. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has decreased health screening participation. The aim of this study was to examine regional differences in health screening participation between before and during COVID-19 pandemic and vulnerabilities of health screening participation in the regional context.@*METHODS@#Administrative data from 229 districts consisting of 16 provinces in South Korea and health screening participation rate of each district collected in 2019 and 2020 were included in the study. Data were then analyzed via descriptive statistics and geographically weighted regression (GWR).@*RESULTS@#This study revealed that health screening participation rates decreased in all districts during COVID-19. Regional vulnerabilities contributing to a further reduction in health screening participation rate included COVID-19 concerns, the population of those aged 65+ years and the disabled, lower education level, lower access to healthcare, and the prevalence of chronic disease. GWR analysis showed that different vulnerable factors had different degrees of influence on differences in health screening participation rate.@*CONCLUSIONS@#These findings could enhance our understanding of decreased health screening participation due to COVID-19 and suggest that regional vulnerabilities should be considered stringent public health strategies after COVID-19.

Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , Pandemics , Republic of Korea/epidemiology , Educational Status , Disabled Persons
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971199


BACKGROUND@#There is substantial evidence on the association between lower education and unhealthy behaviors. However, the mechanism underlying this association remains unclear. This study aimed to examine whether income, health literacy, and social support mediate the association between education and health-related behaviors.@*METHODS@#A questionnaire survey was conducted in metropolitan areas in Japan from 2010 to 2011 among residents aged 25-50 years. Data from 3663 participants were used in this study. Health literacy was measured using the Communicative and Critical Health Literacy scale. Health-related behaviors were current smoking, poor dietary habits, hazardous drinking, and lack of exercise. Poisson regression analyses with robust variance estimators were conducted to examine the associations between education and these health-related behaviors. Multiple mediation analyses were conducted to estimate the magnitudes of the mediating effects of income, health literacy, and social support on these associations.@*RESULTS@#Less educated participants had higher risks of all unhealthy behaviors. Income mediated the associations of education with smoking (6.4%) and exercise (20.0%). Health literacy mediated the associations of education with dietary habits (15.4%) and exercise (16.1%). Social support mediated the associations of education with dietary habits (6.4%) and exercise (7.6%). The education-drinking association was mediated by income in the opposite direction (-10.0%). The proportions of the total effects mediated by income, health literacy, and social support were 9.8% for smoking, 24.0% for dietary habits, -3.0% for drinking, and 43.7% for exercise.@*CONCLUSIONS@#These findings may provide clues for designing effective interventions to reduce educational inequalities in health-related behaviors.

Humans , Japan , Health Behavior , Educational Status , Exercise , Surveys and Questionnaires , Health Literacy , Cognition
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971378


OBJECTIVES@#Clinical research plays a vital role in disease research and population health. The public is the main source of clinical research volunteers. Understanding the public's cognition of clinical research plays a decisive role in the development of clinical research. This study aims to understand the Chinese public's cognition for clinical research and the influencing factors.@*METHODS@#The questionnaire based on Chinese-translated Public Awareness of Research for Therapeutic Advancements through Knowledge and Empowerment (PARTAKE) was used to investigate the public's cognition for clinical research.@*RESULTS@#Of the 2 513 valid respondents, 91.84% had heard of "clinical research", 91.76% of the respondents believed that clinical research was beneficial to society, 65.90% were willing to participate in clinical research, 87.50% believed that confidentiality was a very important thing, 73.70% believed that their personal information had been protected when participating in clinical research, and, 46.40% did not know whether volunteers participating in clinical research could receive adequate compensation. Educational levels, employment status, and annual income impacted in public perceptions of willingness to participate in clinical research, especially in privacy protection, informed consent, whether clinical research is intended for society, compensation for clinical research, and safety of clinical research (all P<0.01).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The Chinese public's cognition level for clinical research is acceptable, but there is still a lot of room for improvement in privacy protection, informed consent, and compensation. By designing a reasonable knowledge training program for clinical research and using the multimedia, improving access to the relevant knowledge, more public will know about clinical research recruitment information, which is of great significance for the development of clinical research in China.

Humans , China , East Asian People , Educational Status , Surveys and Questionnaires , Public Opinion , Knowledge , Biomedical Research
Singapore medical journal ; : 302-306, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984218


INTRODUCTION@#In this study, we aimed to identify the differences in sociodemographic variables and reasons for termination of pregnancy (TOP) between married women and single/divorced women. We hope that this study can guide future policies and interventions to reduce the incidence of unsupported pregnancies in this profile group of women.@*METHODS@#We retrospectively evaluated the sociodemographic data of 802 women who underwent an abortion for social reasons at our institution in Singapore from January 2016 to September 2018. We compared the sociodemographic variables, reasons for and methods of TOP between married and single/divorced women.@*RESULTS@#We analysed data from 524 married women (65.3%) and 278 single/divorced women (34.7%). Married women were more likely to be of older age (29.5 years vs. 24.5 years, P < 0.001), had more living children and higher educational qualifications. The top two cited reason for abortions among married women were having enough children (42.0%) and the inability to afford another child (18.7%). Multivariate analysis showed that women aged >19 years and having more living children were independently associated with recurrent TOPs. Having a tertiary education was noted to be associated with less recurrent TOPs.@*CONCLUSION@#The most common reasons married women cited for having TOP include having enough children and the lack of financial capacity to afford another child. Recommendations to support women ought to be personalised and comprehensive in addressing their needs rather than offering a standardised support method. Greater emphasis should be placed on post-TOP family planning counselling to reduce repeated TOP.

Pregnancy , Child , Female , Humans , Retrospective Studies , Singapore/epidemiology , Abortion, Induced , Hospitals, University , Educational Status
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009867


OBJECTIVES@#To study the impact of the home literacy environment on children's emotional regulation skills and the mediating role of the parent-child relationship between them.@*METHODS@#A stratified cluster sampling approach was employed to select 1 626 preschool children from five kindergartens in Nanjing. Questionnaires were used to collect detailed information on the home literacy environment, children's emotional regulation skills, and the parent-child relationship. A mediation model was established using the Process program in SPSS macro, and the significance of the mediation effect was tested using the Bootstrap method.@*RESULTS@#The findings revealed a positive correlation between the home literacy environment and children's emotional regulation skills (r=0.217, P<0.001), as well as parent-child intimacy (r=0.065, P<0.01). Conversely, a negative correlation was found between the home literacy environment and parent-child conflict (r=-0.129, P<0.001). Additionally, parent-child conflict demonstrated a negative correlation with children's emotional regulation skills (r=-0.443, P<0.001), while parent-child intimacy exhibited a positive correlation (r=0.247, P<0.001). The home literacy environment exerted a significant direct effect on children's emotional regulation skills (β=0.162, P<0.001), and the mediating effect of the parent-child relationship accounted for 25.54% of the total effect.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The home literacy environment significantly influences children's emotional regulation skills, with the parent-child relationship partially mediating this relationship.

Child, Preschool , Humans , Literacy , Reading , Emotional Regulation , Parent-Child Relations , Educational Status
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e255712, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529208


Com o advento da covid-19, foi declarado estado de emergência de saúde pública e decretadas medidas de isolamento e distanciamento social para conter a propagação da doença. O Conselho Federal de Psicologia, considerando a importância do acolhimento seguro durante a pandemia, publicou a Resolução CFP nº 4/2020, permitindo que serviços psicológicos aconteçam de maneira remota. O presente estudo visa, através do Método da Cartografia, apresentar a construção de um setting on-line para intervenções grupais e os desafios na oferta de acolhimento e atendimento remoto. Foram ofertados grupos terapêuticos, por meio da plataforma Google Meet, para estudantes da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Um diário de bordo foi produzido para acompanhar as forças que atravessavam e constituíam o território e a experiência grupal remota. Compreendemos que o território-espaço-grupal-on-line era composto pelo espaço virtual em que nos reuníamos, pelos espaços individuais de cada integrante e pelas forças que os atravessavam. Observamos que nem sempre os participantes dispunham de um lugar privado, mas estiveram presentes no encontro com câmeras e áudios abertos e/ou fechados e/ou através do chat da videochamada. A participação no grupo funcionou como alternativa no momento de distanciamento social, sendo uma possibilidade para o atendimento psicológico em situações de dificuldade de encontros presenciais; entretanto, se mostrou dificultada em diversos momentos, pela falta de equipamentos adequados e instabilidade na internet, fatores que interferiram nas reuniões e impactaram na possibilidade de falar e escutar o que era desejado.(AU)

With the advent of COVID-19, a state of public health was declared, and measures of isolation and social distance to contain the spread of the disease was decreed. The Federal Council of Psychology, considering the importance of safe reception during the pandemic, published CFP Resolution No. 4/2020, allowing psychological services to happen remotely. This study narrates, via the Cartography Method, the experience of inventing an Online Setting for group reception. Therapeutic groups were offered, via Google Meet Platform, to students at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. A logbook was produced to accompany the forces that crossed and constituted the territory and the remote group experience. We understand that the territoryspace-group-online was composed by the virtual-space that we gathered, by the individualspaces of each member and by the forces that crossed them. We observed that the participants did not always have a private place, but they were present at the meeting with open and/or closed cameras and audio and/or through the video call chat. Participation in the group worked as an alternative at the time of social distancing, being a possibility for psychological care in situations of difficulty in face-to-face meetings, however, it proved to be difficult at various times, due to the lack of adequate equipment and instability on the internet, factors that interfered in meetings and impacted the possibility of speaking and listening to what was desired.(AU)

La llegada de la COVID-19 produjo un estado de emergencia de salud pública, en el que se decretaron medidas de confinamiento y distanciamiento físico para contener la propagación de la enfermedad. El Consejo Federal de Psicología, considerando la importancia de la acogida segura durante la pandemia, publicó la Resolución CFP nº 4/2020, por la que se permite la atención psicológica remota. Este estudio tiene por objetivo presentar, mediante el método de la Cartografía, la elaboración de un escenario en línea para la intervención grupal y los desafíos en la oferta de acogida y atención remota. Grupos terapéuticos se ofrecieron, en la plataforma Google Meet, a estudiantes de la Universidad Federal Rural de Río de Janeiro. Se elaboró un diario para acompañar a las fuerzas que atravesaron y constituyeron el territorio y la experiencia remota del grupo. Entendemos que el territorio-espacio-grupo-en línea estaba compuesto por el espacio-virtual que reunimos, por los espacios individuales de cada integrante y por las fuerzas que los atravesaban. Observamos que los participantes no siempre tenían un lugar privado y que estaban presentes en la reunión con cámaras y audio abiertos y/o cerrados y/o por el chat de la videollamada. La participación en el grupo funcionó como una alternativa en el momento del distanciamiento físico y revela ser una posibilidad de atención psicológica en situaciones de dificultad en los encuentros presenciales, sin embargo, se mostró difícil en varios momentos, ya sea por la falta de medios adecuados o por inestabilidad en Internet, factores que interferían en las reuniones e impactaban en la posibilidad de hablar y escuchar lo que se deseaba.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology , Attitude , Answering Services , Internet-Based Intervention , Teleworking , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Personal Satisfaction , Preceptorship , Professional Practice Location , Psychoanalysis , Psychology, Social , Quality of Life , Safety , Social Identification , Social Values , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Speech , Students , Teaching , Unemployment , Universities , Work , Behavior , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Work Hours , Attitude to Computers , Medical Informatics Applications , Bereavement , Single Parent , Family , Catchment Area, Health , Cell Adhesion , Cell Communication , Quarantine , Communicable Disease Control , Mental Health , Life Expectancy , Universal Precautions , Infection Control , Employment, Supported , Communication , Mandatory Testing , Confidentiality , Privacy , Imagery, Psychotherapy , Psychotherapeutic Processes , Internet , Crisis Intervention , Personal Autonomy , Death , Trust , Codes of Ethics , Depression , Air Pollution , Educational Status , Disease Prevention , Centers of Connivance and Leisure , Professional Training , Faculty , Family Relations , Fear , Emotional Intelligence , Return to Work , Hope , Social Skills , Emotional Adjustment , Optimism , Healthy Lifestyle , Work-Life Balance , Mentoring , Sadness , Respect , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Social Integration , Transtheoretical Model , Psychosocial Intervention , Listening Effort , Social Cohesion , Belonging , Cognitive Training , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Psychological Well-Being , Household Work , Humanities , Individuality , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Interpersonal Relations , Learning , Life Change Events , Motivation , Object Attachment