Abstract Objective To analyze the muscle trophism and expression of interleukin-6 in the biceps brachii muscle of rats with incomplete cervical spinal cord injury treated with neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). Methods Adult rats underwent C5-C7 spinal cord hemisection and a 5-week NMES protocol. Trophism of the biceps brachii was assessed using muscle weight/body weight ratio and histological analysis. Interleukin-6 expression from biceps brachii was measured using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique. Results Preservation of the biceps brachii muscle trophism was found in the NMES treated group, along with prevention of interleukin-6 level reduction. Conclusion Spinal cord injury causes muscle atrophy and decreases interleukin-6 levels. These alterations are partially prevented by NMES. The results suggest a possible NMES action mechanism and underscore the clinical use of this therapeutic tool.
Resumo Objetivo Analisar o trofismo muscular e a de interleucina-6 no músculo bíceps braquial de ratas com lesão medular cervical incompleta tratados com estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (EENM). Métodos Ratas adultas foram submetidas à hemissecção da medula espinal em C5-C7 e a um protocolo de EENM de 5 semanas. O trofismo do bíceps braquial foi avaliado pela relação peso muscular/peso corporal e análise histológica. A expressão de interleucina-6 no bíceps braquial foi medida usando ensaio de imunoabsorção enzimática. Resultados O grupo tratado com EENM apresentou preservação do trofismo muscular, assim como prevenção da redução dos níveis de interleucina-6. Conclusão A lesão da medula espinal causa atrofia muscular e diminui a expressão de interleucina-6. Essas alterações são parcialmente prevenidas pela EENM. Os resultados sugerem um possível mecanismo de ação da EENM e ressaltam o uso clínico desta ferramenta terapêutica.
Animals , Rats , Paralysis , Spinal Cord Injuries , Rehabilitation , Muscular Atrophy/rehabilitation , Electric Stimulation Therapy , Interleukin-6ABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To show the experience of a Latin American public hospital, with SNM in the management of either OAB, NOUR or FI, reporting feasibility, short to medium-term success rates, and complications. Methods: A retrospective cohort was conducted using data collected prospectively from patients with urogynecological conditions and referred from colorectal surgery and urology services between 2015 and 2022. Results: Advanced or basic trial phases were performed on 35 patients, 33 (94%) of which were successful and opted to move on Implantable Pulse Generator (GG) implantation. The average follow-up time after definitive implantation was 82 months (SD 59). Of the 33 patients undergoing, 27 (81%)reported an improvement of 50% or more in their symptoms at last follow-up. Moreover, 30 patients (90%) with a definitive implant reported subjective improvement, with an average PGI-I "much better" and 9 of them reporting to be "excellent" on PGI-I. Conclusion: SNM is a feasible and effective treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction. Its implementation requires highly trained groups and innovative leadership. At a nation-wide level, greater diffusion of this therapy among professionals is needed to achieve timely referral of patients who require it.
Humans , Female , Urinary Bladder , Electric Stimulation Therapy , Urinary Bladder, Overactive , Fecal Incontinence , Lumbosacral PlexusABSTRACT
Introducción: La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia recurrente más habitual en la práctica clínica. Su prevalencia se multiplica en la población actual y tiene diferentes causas fisiopatológicas que la convierten en una pandemia mundial. Objetivos: Diseñar un modelo predictivo de fracaso de la terapia eléctrica en pacientes con fibrilación auricular paroxística. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles, con 33 casos y 66 controles. Variables predictoras: edad, fracción de eyección ≤ 40 por ciento, volumen de aurícula izquierda ≥ 34 mL/m2. A partir de la regresión logística se obtuvo un modelo en el que fueron incluidos el valor predictivo positivo, valor predictivo negativo, la sensibilidad y especificidad. Resultados: Los factores de riesgo predictores fueron: edad ≥ 55 años (p= 0,013; odds ratio (OR)= 3,58; intervalo de confianza -IC- 95 por ciento: 1,33-9,67); la fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo (FEVI) ≤ 40 por ciento se observó en 20 pacientes (22,7 por ciento) (p= 0,004; OR= 4,45; IC95 por ciento: 1,54-12,8); presión de aurícula izquierda elevada, volumen de aurícula izquierda elevado (p= 0,004; OR= 3,11; IC95 por ciento: 1,24-8,77), según el modelo de regresión logística. Se realizó la validación interna por división de datos; se confirmó que el modelo pronostica bien los que van a tener éxito en el resultado terapéutico. Conclusiones: El modelo predictivo elaborado está compuesto por los predictores edad > 55 años, FEVI; volumen de aurícula izquierda; presenta un buen ajuste y poder discriminante, sobre todo valor predictivo positivo(AU)
Introduction: Atrial fibrillation is the most common recurrent arrhythmia in clinical practice. Its prevalence is multiplying in the current population and has different pathophysiological causes that make it a global pandemic. Objectives: To design a predictive model for failure of electrical therapy in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Methods: A case-control study was carried out with 33 cases, and 66 controls. Predictor variables: age, ejection fraction ≤ 40 percent, left atrial volume ≥ 34 mL/m2. From logistic regression, a model was obtained in which the positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity and specificity were included. Results: The predictive risk factors were: age ≥ 55 years (p= 0.013; odds ratio (OR)= 3.58; 95 percent confidence interval -CI-: 1.33-9.67); left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤ 40 percent was observed in 20 patients (22.7 percent) (p= 0.004; OR= 4.45; 95 percent CI: 1.54-12.8); elevated left atrial pressure, elevated left atrial volume (p= 0.004; OR= 3.11; 95 percent CI: 1.24-8.77), according to the logistic regression model. Internal validation was carried out by data division; It was confirmed that the model predicts very well those who will be successful in the therapeutic result. Conclusions: The predictive model developed is composed of the predictors age > 55 years, LVEF; left atrial volume; It presents a good fit and discriminating power, especially positive predictive value(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Atrial Fibrillation/diagnosis , Electric Countershock/methods , Electric Stimulation Therapy/methods , Forecasting/methods , Case-Control Studies , Mathematics/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: La fibromialgia afecta el movimiento corporal. Provoca dolor en puntos claves, causa molestias musculoesqueléticas y limita la actividad de las personas. Se ha descrito que la fisioterapia mejora de calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Objetivo: Identificar los test de evaluación y los procesos de intervención fisioterapéutica utilizados en la fibromialgia. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de literatura en PubMed, ScientsDirect, SciELO y LILLACS, con la terminología MeSH y DeCS, entre 2017 y 2022. Resultados: La escala visual análoga y la algometría por presión son los test utilizados para el dolor. La hidroterapia, el cupping, la punción seca, el masaje sueco, los ejercicios respiratorios y los aeróbicos resultan los métodos de intervención con más uso. Conclusiones: Los procesos de intervención se deben plantear según las evaluaciones del dolor y la funcionalidad en la persona. El tratamiento fisioterapéutico de la fibromialgia debe tener un componente de ejercicio físico aérobico y fuerza para disminuir la fatiga; devolverle al músculo su funcionalidad y aumentar la capacidad aeróbica(AU)
Introduction: Fibromyalgia affects body movement. It causes pain in key points, it causes musculoskeletal discomfort and it limits the persons's activity. It has been described that physiotherapy improves the quality of life of these patients. Objective: To identify the evaluation tests and physiotherapy intervention processes used in fibromyalgia. Methods: A literature review was carried out in PubMed, ScientsDirect, Scielo and LILLACS, with the terminology MeSH and DeCS, from 2017 to 2022. Results: The visual analogue scale and pressure algometry are the tests used for pain. Hydrotherapy, cupping, dry needling, Swedish massage, breathing exercises and aerobics are the most commonly used intervention methods. Conclusions: Intervention processes should be planned according to the evaluations of pain and functionality in the person. The physiotherapy treatment of fibromyalgia must have a component of aerobic physical exercise and strength to reduce fatigue, to return the muscle to its functionality and increase aerobic capacity(AU)
Humans , Middle Aged , Fibromyalgia/rehabilitation , Hydrotherapy/methods , Electric Stimulation Therapy/methods , Magnetic Field Therapy/methods , Musculoskeletal Pain/rehabilitation , Pain Management , Cupping Therapy/methods , Dry Needling/methodsABSTRACT
Objective: Few studies have addressed the use of sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) in the treatment of patients with multiple pelvic floor dysfunctions (PFD). So, we evaluated the functional outcomes and level of satisfaction with SNS in selected patients with one or multiples PFD. Methods: A prospective database was used to collect information on eligible patients treated for PFD with SNS, and severity of symptoms was assessed with scores and satisfaction rates by visual analogue scale (VAS) at baseline and by the end of follow-up. Results: We recruited 70 patients, 98.6% of whom responded positively during the evaluation period (Global Response Assessment ≥ 50% for at least one type of PFD), resulting in the implantation of a permanent SNS device. Additionally, 49 of the patients (71%) had a single PFD (fecal incontinence [FI] = 38; constipation/obstructed defecation syndrome [C/ODS] = 11), while 20 (29%) had more than one PFD (double incontinence/n = 12; double incontinence + C/ODS/n = 8). All scores improved significantly between baseline (pre-SNS) and the end of follow-up (post-SNS), as did VAS in all groups (single and multiple PFD). The pre-SNS scores were higher in patients with a single PFD, including FI (Cleveland clinic Florida incontinence score [CCF-FI]) and C/ODS (Cleveland clinic constipation score [C-CCF] and the Renzi ODS score). The pre-SNS impact of VAS scores was similar in all groups (single and multiple PFD), but the VAS (post-SNS) was significantly lower (better response) for FI alone compared with multiple PFD. Conclusion: The SNS technique is an effective and safe option for patients with one or more PFD refractory to conservative measures. Response was positive for at least two PFD, based on reduced correspondent scores and satisfaction rate. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Patient Satisfaction , Pelvic Floor Disorders/therapy , Electric Stimulation Therapy , Surveys and Questionnaires , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
A artroplastia total de quadril é um procedimento para substituir um quadril "doente", por meio de articulações artificiais (próteses), sendo considerada uma das maiores cirurgias e avanços no tratamento de doenças ortopédicas e, é uma das cirurgias mais realizadas no mundo. São utilizadas várias técnicas para colaborar para o sucesso da cirurgia, trazendo maior conforto ao paciente, principalmente no pós cirúrgico, como é o caso da eletroterapia, que pode ser definida basicamente como o uso de corrente elétrica como agente terapêutico. Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa que demonstra os impactos do uso da eletroterapia nos pacientes de pós operatório que foram submetidos a artroplastia total de quadril e identifica qual a melhor forma de uso dos recursos eletroterapêuticos no pós operatório da artroplastia total de quadril. A cinesioterapia precoce acelera a recuperação funcional após artroplastia total do quadril e devemos sempre estimulá-la, porém, com a estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (EENM) demonstrou melhorarias na dor e no desempenho em relação a aceleração da recuperação. A estimulação elétrica muscular de baixa frequência associada à fisioterapia tradicional é superior à fisioterapia isolada no aumento da força dos músculos, o que é acompanhado por uma restauração do melhor equilíbrio muscular entre os membros cirúrgicos e não cirúrgicos. As técnicas e protocolos de fisioterapia para o tratamento da ATQ são diversos e têm demonstrado resultados positivos clínicos significativos na literatura.
Total hip arthroplasty is a procedure to replace a "diseased" hip, through artificial joints (prostheses), being considered one of the greatest surgeries and advances in the treatment of orthopedic diseases and is one of the most performed surgeries in the world. Some techniques are used to contribute to the success of the surgery, bringing greater comfort to the patient, especially in the postoperative period, as is the case of electrotherapy, which can be basically defined as the use of electric current as a therapeutic agent. This is a narrative review that demonstrates the impacts of the use of electrotherapy in postoperative patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty and identifies the best way to use electrotherapeutic resources in the postoperative period of total hip arthroplasty. Early kinesiotherapy accelerates functional recovery after total hip arthroplasty. study with neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) showed improvements in pain and performance in relation to recovery acceleration. Low-frequency electrical muscle stimulation associated with traditional physical therapy is superior to physical therapy alone in increasing muscle strength, which is accompanied by a restoration of better muscle balance between the surgical and non-surgical limbs. Physical therapy techniques and protocols for the treatment of THA are diverse and have shown significant positive clinical results in the literature.
Humans , Electric Stimulation Therapy , Physical Therapy Modalities , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Muscle StrengthABSTRACT
RESUMO A Paralisia Cerebral (PC) também denominada como encefalopatia crônica não-progressiva da infância é consequência de lesões não progressivas que aconteceram no cérebro imaturo no período pré, peri ou pós-natal, afetando o sistema nervoso central em fase de maturação estrutural e funcional. O presente trabalho trata-se de um estudo de caso com características de Pesquisa Experimental, Intervencional, onde foi realizado um protocolo de duas sessões semanais, com tempo de atendimento de 40 minutos, num total de 20 (vinte) sessões. O protocolo terapêutico consistiu de estimulação transcraniana e teve como objetivo geral investigar os efeitos da ETCC, associada à cinesioterapia e ativação dos neurônios espelhos, na reabilitação de uma criança com paralisia cerebral, sexo masculino, 54 meses de idade cronológica, grau moderado de hipotonia muscular em membros inferiores, movimentos voluntários com debilidade de força muscular; escoliose dorso-lombar e pontuação zero na Escala de Mobilidade Funcional e Asworth Modificada. O Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grossa (GMFCS) apresentou-se com classificação nível V, limitação na habilidade de manter as posturas anti-gravitacionais da cabeça e tronco e de controlar os movimentos de braços e pernas. Índice de Barthel Modificado com pontuação 11- classificação de dependência severa. A escala Denver II com prejuízos significativos nos domínios: pessoal-social, motor fino adaptativo, linguagem e motor grosso.
RESUMEN La parálisis cerebral (PC) también denominada como encefalopatía crónica no progresiva de la infancia es consecuencia de lesiones no progresivas que ocurrieron en el cerebro inmaduro en el periodo pre, peri o post-natal, afectando el sistema nervioso central en la fase de maduración estructural y funcional. El presente trabajo trata de un estudio de caso con características de investigación experimental, intervencional, donde fue realizado un protocolo de dos sesiones semanales de cuarenta minutos, con un total de veinte (20) sesiones. El protocolo terapéutico consistió en una estimulación transcraniana y tuvo como objetivo general, investigar los efectos de la ETCC, asociada a la cinesioterapia y activación de las neuronas espejo, en la rehabilitación de un niño con parálisis cerebral de 54 meses de edad cronológica, grado moderado de hipertonía muscular en miembros inferiores, movimientos voluntarios con debilidad de fuerza muscular; escoliosis dorsolumbar y puntuación cero en la escala de Movilidad Fun.
ABSTRACT Cerebral Palsy (CP) also known as chronic non-progressive encephalopathy of childhood is a consequence of non-progressive lesions that occurred in the immature brain in the pre, peri or postnatal period, affecting the central nervous system in a phase of structural maturation and functional. The present work is a case study with characteristics of Experimental, Interventional Research, where a protocol of two weekly sessions was carried out, with a service time of 40 minutes, in a total of 20 (twenty) sessions. The therapeutic protocol consisted of transcranial stimulation and aimed to investigate the effects of tDCS, associated with kinesiotherapy and activation of mirror neurons, in the rehabilitation of a 54-month-old male child with cerebral palsy, moderate degree of muscular hypotonia in the lower limbs, voluntary movements with weak muscular strength; dorsolumbar scoliosis and zero score on the Functional Mobility and Modified Asworth Scale. The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) has a level V classification, limiting the ability to maintain antigravity postures of the head and trunk and to control arm and leg movements. Modified Barthel Index with score 11- severe dependency rating. The Denver II scale with significant impairments in the following domains: personal-social, adaptive fine motor, language and gross motor.
Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Rehabilitation , Cerebral Palsy , Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation , Brain Damage, Chronic , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation , Electric Stimulation Therapy/methods , Muscle StrengthABSTRACT
A reabilitação animal na medicina veterinária é um campo recente, porém crescente a cada dia. Neste sentido, a fisioterapia veterinária atua trazendo inúmeros benefícios, como melhoria dos movimentos, redução da dor, edema e outras. Interfere ainda no tempo de recuperação, redução de custos para o proprietário, podendo ser hoje utilizada como um tratamento na recuperação pós-cirúrgica. Desta forma, objetivou-se relatar o uso da fisioterapia em uma bezerra com poliartrite e paresia neuromuscular. O animal apresentou um aumento de volume nas articulações cárpicas e társicas após histórico de onfalite, permanecendo em decúbito esternal por vários dias. O proprietário resolveu aplicar ferro dextrano na região glútea do animal, o que causou uma lesão de nervo isquiático. Foram instituídos protocolos medicamentosos e fisioterápicos, que culminaram no estímulo da marcha, propriocepção, além de hipertrofia muscular. Porém, em virtude de complicações resultantes de onfalite, o animal veio a óbito.(AU)
Animal rehabilitation in veterinary medicine is a recent field, but growing every day. In this sense, veterinary physiotherapy works bringing numerous benefits, such as improved movements, reduced pain, edema and others. Reducing the recovery time, reducing costs for the owner, and today it can be used as a treatment in post-surgical recovery. In this sense, the objective was to report the use of physiotherapy in a heifer with polyarthritis and neuromuscular paresis. The animal showed an increase in volume in the carpal and tarsal joints after a history of omphalitis, remaining in sternal decubitus for several days. The owner decided to apply iron dextran to the animal's gluteal region, which caused an injury to the sciatic nerve. Medicinal and physical therapy protocols were instituted, which culminated in the stimulation of gait, proprioception, in addition to muscle hypertrophy. However, due to complications resulting from omphalitis, the animal died.(AU)
La rehabilitación animal en medicina veterinaria es un campo reciente, pero en crecimiento cada día. En este sentido, la fisioterapia veterinaria actúa aportando numerosos beneficios, como mejora de los movimientos, reducción del dolor, edemas y otros. Disminución del tiempo de recuperación, reducción de costos para el propietario, pudiendo ser utilizado hoy en día como tratamiento en la recuperación posquirúrgica. En ese sentido, el objetivo fue reportar el uso de fisioterapia en una vaquilla con poliartritis y paresia neuromuscular. El animal presentó un aumento de volumen en las articulaciones del carpo y del tarso tras un antecedente de onfalitis, permaneciendo en decúbito esternal durante varios días. El propietario decidió aplicar hierro dextrano en la región glútea del animal, lo que provocó una lesión en el nervio ciático. Se instauraron protocolos farmacológicos y de fisioterapia, que culminaron con estimulación de la marcha, propiocepción, además de hipertrofia muscular. Sin embargo, debido a complicaciones derivadas de la onfalitis, el animal falleció.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Paresis/therapy , Arthritis/therapy , Physical Therapy Modalities/veterinary , Electric Stimulation Therapy/methods , Kinesiology, Applied/methods , Neuromuscular Manifestations , Hyperthermia, Induced/methods , Massage/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: La neuroestimulación intraoperatoria constituye una técnica esencial durante la cirugía del plexo braquial, pues permite la identificación específica de las estructuras neurales. En determinadas circunstancias, la intensidad precisa de la estimulación nerviosa y la respuesta motora evocada, las cuales son fundamentales para la toma de decisiones críticas durante el acto quirúrgico. Objetivo: Describir la utilización de un neuroestimulador de anestesia regional para la localización neural intraoperatoria durante la cirugía del plexo braquial en dos pacientes. Presentación de casos: Caso 1: paciente con diagnóstico de lesión del fascículo lateral del plexo braquial derecho y lesión alta del nervio radial homolateral. La estimulación neural, con estímulos graduales y progresivos, permite la diferenciación adecuada de los nervios mediano, cubital, musculocutáneo y cutáneo braquial lateral, el fascículo motor del nervio cubital que inerva el músculo cubital anterior, y el fascículo motor del nervio musculocutáneo que inerva el bíceps, lo que posibilita la neurotización entre ambos fascículos. Caso 2: paciente con diagnóstico de lesión total del plexo braquial izquierdo, posganglionar. Luego de la exploración y neurólisis, se identificó el tronco superior, se efectuó la estimulación eléctrica gradual, lo que requirió una elevada intensidad, y se registó, únicamente, como respuesta motora evocada la contracción débil del músculo pectoral mayor ipsilateral. Conclusiones: La utilización de un neuroestimulador de anestesia regional para la localización neural durante la cirugía del plexo braquial, presenta ventajas prácticas relevantes en relación con los neuroestimuladores desechables, así como una relación costo-beneficio apropiada para su implementación en entornos y naciones de recursos limitados(AU)
Introduction: Intraoperative neurostimulation is an essential technique during brachial plexus surgery, as it allows the specific identification of neural structures. In certain circumstances, the precise intensity of nerve stimulation and the evoked motor response are fundamental for making critical decisions during the surgical act. Objective: Describe the use of a neurostimulator of regional anaesthesia for intraoperative neural localization during brachial plexus surgery in two patients. Case presentation: Case 1: patient diagnosed with lesion of the lateral fasciculus of the right brachial plexus and high lesion of the homolateral radial nerve. Neural stimulation, with gradual and progressive stimuli, allows the adequate differentiation of the median, ulnar, musculocutaneous and lateral brachial cutaneous nerves, the motor fasciculus of the ulnar nerve that innervates the anterior ulnar muscle, and the motor fasciculus of the musculocutaneous nerve that innervates the biceps, which enables neurotization between both fascicles. Case 2: patient diagnosed with total lesion of the left brachial plexus, postganglionic. After the exploration and neurolysis, the upper trunk was identified, the gradual electrical stimulation was carried out, which required a high intensity, and the weak contraction of the ipsilateral pectoralis major muscle was recorded only as an evoked motor response. Conclusions: The use of a neurostimulator of regional anesthesia for neural localization during brachial plexus surgery presents relevant practical advantages in relation to disposable neurostimulators, as well as an appropriate cost-benefit ratio for their implementation in environments and nations of limited resources(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Brachial Plexus/surgery , Electric Stimulation TherapyABSTRACT
Introdução: A eletroestimulação é reconhecida como uma das terapias fundamentais na reeducação esfincteriana e do períneo, ao promover a contração dos músculos e permitir ao paciente tomar consciência de si mesmo. Ela induz a contração dos MAP até o restabelecimento da voluntariedade do comando contrátil e ganho de força muscular, garantindo um bom funcionamento das fibras estriadas do esfíncter uretral externo, proporcionando a continência urinária. Objetivo: Identificar a frequência mais utilizada na eletroestimulação para a recuperação da incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE) em mulheres e homens; verificar a eficácia da eletroestimulação no tratamento da incontinência urinária de esforço. Métodos: Realizou-se uma busca nas bases de dados US National Library of Medicine (Medline), Scientific Eletronic Library Online (Scielo), Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Cochrane Library, Lilacs, Web of Science, Scopus, Cinahl e Sport Discus, com os descritores incontinência urinária, eletroestimulação e estimulação elétrica, por experimentos controlados randomizados (ECR). Foram incluídos estudos com pacientes homens e mulheres de qualquer idade com IUE, que foram submetidos a eletroestimulação, selecionados pela escala Jadad e avaliado o risco de viés pela ferramenta da Colaboração Cochrane. Dos estudos foram extraídos a idade e sexo dos pacientes, n dos grupos, frequência utilizada na eletroestimulação, duração da sessão, quantidade de sessões, duração do tratamento, avaliação da IUE e o resultado da IUE. Foi utilizado para avaliar o nível de evidência da metanálise o sistema GRADE. Foram metanalisados 8 estudos utilizando-se o RevMan 5.3. Resultados: A frequência mais utilizada na eletroestimulação foi de 50 Hz em mulheres e em homens. Foram identificados 172 ECR, dos quais 26 ECR foram revisados e 8 ECR foram metanalisados. Seis ECR eram com mulheres e apresentaram heterogeneidade (I2 = 48%), redução da IUE de -12,08 g, IC 95% de -14,08 - 10,08 g, P < 0,00001. Para homens, 2 ECR que apresentaram heterogeneidade (I2 = 0%), redução da IUE de -151,28 g, IC de -236,64 - 65,92 g, P < 0,0005. Conclusão: A frequência mais utilizada na eletroestimulação para recuperar a continência urinária de mulheres com IUE e homens com IU pós-prostatectomia foi a de 50 Hz e se mostrou eficaz na recuperação da continência. Entretanto, recomenda-se atenção em relação aos resultados obtidos com os homens, devido ao muito baixo nível de evidência encontrado. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Urinary Incontinence, Stress/therapy , Electric Stimulation Therapy , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Introdução: As estrias são as lesões elementares de pele que acometem mais o sexo feminino. Podem ser decorrentes de múltiplas etiologias, como fatores genéticos, hormonais e mecânicos. As principais formas de tratamento incluem as técnicas de microagulhamento, galvanopuntura e peeling químico. Objetivo: Comparar a influência da utilização do microagulhamento e da microcorrente galvânica associada ao peeling químico sobre a aparência de estrias albas na região glútea de mulheres jovens. Métodos: Realizou-se em 11 mulheres de fototipo de pele II a V de acordo com Fitzpatrick, com idade média de 22,18 ± 2,04 anos, com estrias albas na região do glúteo, as quais foram divididas em dois grupos: microagulhamento (GM) (N = 6) e microcorrente galvânica associada ao peeling químico (GMgP) (N = 5) e foram avaliadas por imagens do pré e pós-tratamento. Resultados: Foi possível observar melhora do aspecto das estrias em ambos os grupos, contudo, avaliando qualitativamente, o grupo GM obteve melhores resultados. Conclusão: Foi possível perceber melhores resultados utilizando a técnica de microagulhamento, tanto em relação a tolerância da dor e adesão ao tratamento, quanto em relação a aparência e textura das estrias. (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Chemexfoliation , Electric Stimulation Therapy , Striae Distensae/therapy , Dry Needling , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Qualitative ResearchABSTRACT
Objetivo: Descrever a importância da intervenção fisioterapêutica para mulheres com vaginismo. Fonte de dados: Foram utilizadas as bases de dados SciELO, PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS) e Literatura Cinza, incluindo artigos nacionais e internacionais, sem delimitação temporal. Foram propostas para as buscas as seguintes palavras-chave e operadores boleanos: [("vaginismus") AND ("physiotherapy" OR "intervention" OR "efficiency")], sendo esses posteriormente adequados para as demais bases que foram utilizadas nesta revisão sistemática. Seleção dos estudos: A seleção dos estudos foi realizada por três examinadores independentes. Coleta de dados: Inicialmente foram excluídos estudos com base no título, em seguida os resumos foram analisados e, dos 353 artigos encontrados inicialmente, quatro foram elegíveis para esta revisão. Síntese dos dados: Os artigos incluídos descreveram que o tratamento fisioterapêutico é de extrema importância para as mulheres com vaginismo, pois aumenta a força e o controle sobre a musculatura do assoalho pélvico, diminuindo os sintomas do vaginismo e promovendo o incremento da satisfação sexual. Conclusão: A intervenção fisioterapêutica é imprescindível para mulheres que apresentam vaginismo, tendo em vista que suas técnicas têm efetividade na prevenção e tratamento do vaginismo, além de promover melhora importante na qualidade de vida e na satisfação sexual das mulheres.(AU)
Objective: To describe the importance of physical therapy intervention for women with vaginismus. Data source: The SciELO, PubMed, Virtual Health Library (BVS) and Gray Literature databases were used, including national and international articles, without temporal delimitation. The following keywords and Boolean operators were proposed for the searches: [("vaginismus") AND ("physiotherapy" OR "intervention" OR "efficiency")], which were later suitable for the other bases that were used in this systematic review. Study selection: Study selection was performed by three independent examiners. Data collection: Initially, studies were excluded based on the title, then the abstracts were analyzed and of the 353 articles found initially, 4 were eligible for this review. Data synthesis: The articles included described that physical therapy treatment is extremely important for women with vaginismus, as it increases strength and control over the pelvic floor muscles, decreasing the symptoms of vaginismus and promoting increased sexual satisfaction. Conclusion: Physical therapy intervention is essential for women who have vaginismus, considering that its techniques are effective in preventing and treating vaginismus, in addition to promoting an important improvement in women's quality of life and sexual satisfaction.(AU)
Humans , Female , Pelvic Pain/therapy , Vaginismus/therapy , Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Electric Stimulation Therapy/methods , Pelvic Floor/physiopathology , Musculoskeletal Manipulations/methodsABSTRACT
Introduction: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), interferential current therapy (IFC) and photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) have been used in the management of cancer-related pain in adults. However, there are still some controversy regarding the effects of this therapy on tumor cells that may remain after cancer treatment. Objective: To evaluate the risk of recurrence of breast cancer in rats when using TENS, IFC or PBMT. Method: An experimental, randomized, controlled and cross-sectional study. With 90 days of age, 7,12-dimetylbenz(a)anthracene (7,12-DMBA) was administered to rats by gastric gavage to induce mammary cancer. After 120 days the mammary glands of the rats belonging to the group with mammary cancer were removed. Results: 39 female Sprague-Dawley rats were studied: 9 rats without induction of mammary carcinoma; 9 rats with induction of mammary carcinoma and without surgery; 9 rats with induction of mammary carcinoma with surgery and placebo application of TENS, IFC, PBMT; 9 rats with induction of mammary carcinoma, surgery and the application of TENS, IFC and PBMT. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that there was local recurrence of tumors in rats that were stimulated with TENS or IFC, however no evidence of local recurrence with PBMT
Introdução: Estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (TENS), corrente interferencial (IFC) e fotobiomodulação (PBMT) são usadas no tratamento da dor relacionada ao câncer em adultos. No entanto, ainda existem algumas controvérsias sobre os efeitos dessa terapia nas células tumorais que podem permanecer após o tratamento do câncer. Objetivo: Avaliar o risco de recorrência de câncer de mama em ratos ao usar TENS, IFC ou PBMT. Método: Estudo experimental, randomizado, controlado e transversal. Com 90 dias de idade, 7,12-dimetilbenz(a)antraceno (7,12-DMBA) foi administrado em ratos por gavagem gástrica para induzir câncer mamário. Após 120 dias, as glândulas mamárias das ratas pertencentes ao grupo com câncer mamário foram retiradas. Resultados: Foram estudados 39 ratos-fêmeas Sprague-Dawley: nove ratos sem indução de carcinoma mamário; nove ratos com indução de carcinoma mamário e sem cirurgia; nove ratos com indução de carcinoma mamário com cirurgia e placebo, aplicação de TENS, IFC, PBMT; nove ratos com indução de carcinoma mamário, cirurgia e aplicação de TENS, IFC e PBMT. Conclusão: Este estudo demonstrou que houve recorrência local de tumores em ratos que foram estimulados com TENS ou IFC, no entanto, nenhuma evidência de recorrência local com PBMT
Introducción: Estimulación nerviosa eléctrica transcutánea (TENS), interferencial corriente (IFC) y la terapia de fotobiomodulación (PBMT) en el tratamiento del dolor relacionado con el cáncer en adultos. Sin embargo, todavía quedan algunas controversias sobre los efectos de esta terapia en las células tumorales que pueden permanecer después del tratamiento del cáncer. Objetivo: Evaluar el riesgo de recurrencia del cáncer de mama en ratos cuando se usa TENS, IFC o PBMT. Método: Estudio experimental, aleatorizado, controlado y transversal. Con 90 días de edad, se administró 7,12-dimetilbenz(a)antraceno (7,12-DMBA) a ratos por sonda gástrica para inducir cáncer de mama. Después de 120 días, las glándulas mamarias de las ratas pertenecientes al grupo con cáncer de mama fueron extraídas. Resultados: Se estudiaron 39 ratos-hembras Sprague-Dawley: nueve ratos sin inducción de carcinoma de mama; nueve ratos con inducción de carcinoma mamario y sin cirugía; nueve ratos con inducción de carcinoma mamario con cirugía y placebo aplicación de TENS, IFC, PBMT; nueve ratos con inducción de carcinoma mamario, cirugía y la aplicación de TENS, IFC y PBMT. Conclusión: Este estudio demostró que hubo recurrencia local de tumores en ratos que fueron estimulados con TENS o IFC, sin embargo, no hay evidencia de recurrencia local con PBMT
Animals , Female , Rats , Breast Neoplasms , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation , Electric Stimulation Therapy , Physical Therapy Modalities , Low-Level Light TherapyABSTRACT
Introduction: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), interferential current therapy (IFC) and photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) have been used in the management of cancer-related pain in adults. However, there are still some controversy regarding the effects of this therapy on tumor cells that may remain after cancer treatment. Objective: To evaluate the risk of recurrence of breast cancer in rats when using TENS, IFC or PBMT. Method: An experimental, randomized, controlled and cross-sectional study. With 90 days of age, 7,12-dimetylbenz(a)anthracene (7,12-DMBA) was administered to rats by gastric gavage to induce mammary cancer. After 120 days the mammary glands of the rats belonging to the group with mammary cancer were removed. Results: 39 female Sprague-Dawley rats were studied: 9 rats without induction of mammary carcinoma; 9 rats with induction of mammary carcinoma and without surgery; 9 rats with induction of mammary carcinoma with surgery and placebo application of TENS, IFC, PBMT; 9 rats with induction of mammary carcinoma, surgery and the application of TENS, IFC and PBMT. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that there was local recurrence of tumors in rats that were stimulated with TENS or IFC, however no evidence of local recurrence with PBMT
Introdução: Estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (TENS), corrente interferencial (IFC) e fotobiomodulação (PBMT) são usadas no tratamento da dor relacionada ao câncer em adultos. No entanto, ainda existem algumas controvérsias sobre os efeitos dessa terapia nas células tumorais que podem permanecer após o tratamento do câncer. Objetivo: Avaliar o risco de recorrência de câncer de mama em ratos ao usar TENS, IFC ou PBMT. Método: Estudo experimental, randomizado, controlado e transversal. Com 90 dias de idade, 7,12-dimetilbenz(a)antraceno (7,12-DMBA) foi administrado em ratos por gavagem gástrica para induzir câncer mamário. Após 120 dias, as glândulas mamárias das ratas pertencentes ao grupo com câncer mamário foram retiradas. Resultados: Foram estudados 39 ratos-fêmeas Sprague-Dawley: nove ratos sem indução de carcinoma mamário; nove ratos com indução de carcinoma mamário e sem cirurgia; nove ratos com indução de carcinoma mamário com cirurgia e placebo, aplicação de TENS, IFC, PBMT; nove ratos com indução de carcinoma mamário, cirurgia e aplicação de TENS, IFC e PBMT. Conclusão: Este estudo demonstrou que houve recorrência local de tumores em ratos que foram estimulados com TENS ou IFC, no entanto, nenhuma evidência de recorrência local com PBMT
Introducción: Estimulación nerviosa eléctrica transcutánea (TENS), interferencial corriente (IFC) y la terapia de fotobiomodulación (PBMT) en el tratamiento del dolor relacionado con el cáncer en adultos. Sin embargo, todavía quedan algunas controversias sobre los efectos de esta terapia en las células tumorales que pueden permanecer después del tratamiento del cáncer. Objetivo: Evaluar el riesgo de recurrencia del cáncer de mama en ratos cuando se usa TENS, IFC o PBMT. Método: Estudio experimental, aleatorizado, controlado y transversal. Con 90 días de edad, se administró 7,12-dimetilbenz(a)antraceno (7,12-DMBA) a ratos por sonda gástrica para inducir cáncer de mama. Después de 120 días, las glándulas mamarias de las ratas pertenecientes al grupo con cáncer de mama fueron extraídas. Resultados: Se estudiaron 39 ratos-hembras Sprague-Dawley: nueve ratos sin inducción de carcinoma de mama; nueve ratos con inducción de carcinoma mamario y sin cirugía; nueve ratos con inducción de carcinoma mamario con cirugía y placebo aplicación de TENS, IFC, PBMT; nueve ratos con inducción de carcinoma mamario, cirugía y la aplicación de TENS, IFC y PBMT. Conclusión: Este estudio demostró que hubo recurrencia local de tumores en ratos que fueron estimulados con TENS o IFC, sin embargo, no hay evidencia de recurrencia local con PBMT
Animals , Rats , Breast Neoplasms , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation , Electric Stimulation Therapy , Physical Therapy Modalities , Low-Level Light TherapyABSTRACT
Advances in the treatment of critically ill patients have led to increased survival rates. However, survivors often experience significant consequences associated with the conventional model of care, in which patients tend to remain inactive, particularly during treatment with mechanical ventilation (MV) and prolonged use of sedation. This can result in mental, psychological, speech and swallowing disorders, and/or physical sequelae, including muscle weakness and consequent physical disability, which in many cases persist after discharge. Current evidence suggests that neuromuscular electrical stimulation has a positive effect on the mass and strength of the stimulated muscles, and may also induce systemic pro-myogenic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects, which could influence a decrease in MV time among other benefits. These effects could impact outcomes relevant to decision-makers, such as reduced intensive care unit length of stay and total hospitalization time.
Los avances en el tratamiento de pacientes críticamente enfermos han llevado a una mayor tasa de supervivencia. Sin embargo, los sobrevivientes a menudo experimentan consecuencias significativas asociadas al modelo convencional de atención, en el cual los pacientes tienden a permanecer inactivos, particularmente durante el tratamiento con ventilación mecánica (VM) y uso prolongado de sedación. Esto puede determinar trastornos mentales, psicológicos, del habla y deglución, y/o secuelas físicas, entre las que destacan la debilidad muscular y la consecuente discapacidad física, la que en muchos casos persisten tras el alta. La evidencia actual sugiere que la estimulación eléctrica neuromuscular tiene un efecto positivo sobre la masa y fuerza de los músculos estimulados, pudiendo además inducir efectos sistémicos promiogénicos, antiinflamatorios y regenerativos, que podrían influir en una disminución del tiempo de VM entre otros beneficios. Estos efectos podrían impactar desenlaces relevantes para los tomadores de decisiones, como la disminución de la estadía en unidades de cuidados intensivos y el tiempo de hospitalización total.
Humans , Electric Stimulation Therapy/methods , Muscle Weakness/therapy , Critical Care , Intensive Care UnitsABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the regulatory effects of bio-intensity electric field on the transformation of human skin fibroblasts (HSFs). Methods: The experimental research methods were used. HSFs were collected and divided into 200 mV/mm electric field group treated with 200 mV/mm electric field for 6 h and simulated electric field group placed in the electric field device without electricity for 6 h. Changes in morphology and arrangement of cells were observed in the living cell workstation; the number of cells at 0 and 6 h of treatment was recorded, and the rate of change in cell number was calculated; the direction of cell movement, movement velocity, and trajectory velocity within 3 h were observed and calculated (the number of samples was 34 in the simulated electric field group and 30 in 200 mV/mm electric field group in the aforementioned experiments); the protein expression of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) in cells after 3 h of treatment was detected by immunofluorescence method (the number of sample was 3). HSFs were collected and divided into simulated electric field group placed in the electric field device without electricity for 3 h, and 100 mV/mm electric field group, 200 mV/mm electric field group, and 400 mV/mm electric field group which were treated with electric fields of corresponding intensities for 3 h. Besides, HSFs were divided into simulated electric field group placed in the electric field device without electricity for 6 h, and electric field treatment 1 h group, electric field treatment 3 h group, and electric field treatment 6 h group treated with 200 mV/mm electric field for corresponding time. The protein expressions of α-SMA and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were detected by Western blotting (the number of sample was 3). Data were statistically analyzed with Mann-Whitney U test, one-way analysis of variance, independent sample t test, and least significant difference test. Results: After 6 h of treatment, compared with that in simulated electric field group, the cells in 200 mV/mm electric field group were elongated in shape and locally adhered; the cells in simulated electric field group were randomly arranged, while the cells in 200 mV/mm electric field group were arranged in a regular longitudinal direction; the change rates in the number of cells in the two groups were similar (P>0.05). Within 3 h of treatment, the cells in 200 mV/mm electric field group had an obvious tendency to move toward the positive electrode, and the cells in simulated electric field group moved around the origin; compared with those in simulated electric field group, the movement velocity and trajectory velocity of the cells in 200 mV/mm electric field group were increased significantly (with Z values of -5.33 and -5.41, respectively, P<0.01), and the directionality was significantly enhanced (Z=-4.39, P<0.01). After 3 h of treatment, the protein expression of α-SMA of cells in 200 mV/mm electric field group was significantly higher than that in simulated electric field group (t=-9.81, P<0.01). After 3 h of treatment, the protein expressions of α-SMA of cells in 100 mV/mm electric field group, 200 mV/mm electric field group, and 400 mV/mm electric field group were 1.195±0.057, 1.606±0.041, and 1.616±0.039, respectively, which were significantly more than 0.649±0.028 in simulated electric field group (P<0.01). Compared with that in 100 mV/mm electric field group, the protein expressions of α-SMA of cells in 200 mV/mm electric field group and 400 mV/mm electric field group were significantly increased (P<0.01). The protein expressions of α-SMA of cells in electric field treatment 1 h group, electric field treatment 3 h group, and electric field treatment 6 h group were 0.730±0.032, 1.561±0.031, and 1.553±0.045, respectively, significantly more than 0.464±0.020 in simulated electric field group (P<0.01). Compared with that in electric field treatment 1 h group, the protein expressions of α-SMA in electric field treatment 3 h group and electric field treatment 6 h group were significantly increased (P<0.01). After 3 h of treatment, compared with that in simulated electric field group, the protein expressions of PCNA of cells in 100 mV/mm electric field group, 200 mV/mm electric field group, and 400 mV/mm electric field group were significantly decreased (P<0.05 or P<0.01); compared with that in 100 mV/mm electric field group, the protein expressions of PCNA of cells in 200 mV/mm electric field group and 400 mV/mm electric field group were significantly decreased (P<0.05 or P<0.01); compared with that in 200 mV/mm electric field group, the protein expression of PCNA of cells in 400 mV/mm electric field group was significantly decreased (P<0.01). Compared with that in simulated electric field group, the protein expressions of PCNA of cells in electric field treatment 1 h group, electric field treatment 3 h group, and electric field treatment 6 h group were significantly decreased (P<0.01); compared with that in electric field treatment 1 h group, the protein expressions of PCNA of cells in electric field treatment 3 h group and electric field treatment 6 h group were significantly decreased (P<0.05 or P<0.01); compared with that in electric field treatment 3 h group, the protein expression of PCNA of cells in electric field treatment 6 h group was significantly decreased (P<0.01). Conclusions: The bio-intensity electric field can induce the migration of HSFs and promote the transformation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, and the transformation displays certain dependence on the time and intensity of electric field.
Humans , Actins/biosynthesis , Cell Differentiation/physiology , Cell Movement/physiology , Electric Stimulation Therapy , Electricity , Fibroblasts/physiology , Myofibroblasts/physiology , Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen/biosynthesis , Skin/cytologySubject(s)
Humans , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic , Electric Stimulation Therapy , Sacrum , Lumbosacral PlexusABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: A corrente interferencial é uma modalidade bastante utilizada, porém, apresenta como fator limitante a quantidade de acomodações, o que é comum em eletroestimulação. Apesar de possuir alguns recursos que visam reduzir a adaptação fisiológica, não é totalmente eficaz; neste sentido, pode haver diferenças devido à técnica de uso. Assim, o presente estudo pretendeu analisar se há diferenças na adaptação para as formas bipolar ou tetrapolar em indivíduos com dor lombar crônica não específica. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico cruzado, composto por 15 voluntárias com dor lombar crônica não específica, as quais receberam terapia bipolar ou tetrapolar em semanas subsequentes. Foi explicado sobre a adaptação à corrente e o que deveria avisar quando ocorresse, e, desta forma, foi computado o número de vezes em que o fenômeno ocorreu, o tempo necessário até ocorrer a primeira adaptação, a intensidade inicial da corrente utilizada e o quanto aumentou-se após a primeira adaptação. RESULTADOS: Para nenhuma das variáveis analisadas, foi observada diferença significativa entre as duas técnicas (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: As técnicas analisadas não mostraram diferenças na adaptação em mulheres jovens com dor lombar não específica.
INTRODUCTION: The interferential current is a widely used modality; however, it presents as a limiting factor the amount of accommodation, which is common in electrostimulation. Despite having some resources that aim to reduce physiological adaptation, it is not fully effective in this sense, but there may be differences due to the technique of use. Thus, the present study aimed to analyze whether there are differences in the accommodation for bi- or tetrapolar forms in individuals with chronic nonspecific low back pain. METHODS: Crossover clinical study, consisting of 15 volunteers with chronic nonspecific low back pain, who received bipolar or tetrapolar therapy in subsequent weeks. They were explained about the current accommodation and that they should be told when it occurred, and in this way, the number of times that the phenomenon occurred, the time needed until the first accommodation occurred, the initial intensity of the current used, and how much it increased after the first accommodation were computed. RESULTS: None of the variables analyzed had a significant difference between the two techniques (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The techniques analyzed showed no differences in accommodation in young women with nonspecific low back pain.