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Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 374-382, abr. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440333


El objetivo de registrar los movimientos mandibulares es obtener parámetros relevantes que permitan evaluar el estado de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM) y de los músculos involucrados en la masticación. El movimiento mandibular se debe a un conjunto complejo de rotaciones y traslaciones tridimensionales realizadas por la ATM, limitado por los ligamentos y las superficies articulares de estas, y por la morfología y la alineación de los dientes, cuando la mandíbula se desplaza sobre estos límites, se llaman movimientos bordeantes mandibulares. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una descripción actualizada de los movimientos mandibulares a través de articulografía electromagnética. Los movimientos mandibulares bordeantes se clasifican según el plano del espacio en que se muevan, de esta manera tenemos movimientos bordeantes en el plano sagital, en el plano horizontal y el plano frontal, y en cada plano dibujan un polígono distinto, llamados polígonos de Posselt. Estos polígonos pueden ser registrados mediante Articulografía electromagnética, gracias a esta tecnología también se pueden extraer algunos parámetros interesantes, como por ejemplo: la trayectoria total recorrida por la mandíbula al describir cada polígono, rangos de desplazamiento en cada plano, área total de cada polígono de Posselt. La apertura mandibular se mide como la distancia entre los márgenes incisales de los incisivos centrales superiores e inferiores en apertura máxima más la sobremordida. El análisis de esta es una parte importante del examen clínico en odontología, ya que una apertura limitada puede ser resultado de trastornos en la articulación temporomandibular, fibrosis oral submucosa, enfermedad reumática o trauma facial. Las mediciones tridimensionales que se obtienen gracias a la Articulografía electromagnética, son apropiados para determinar los rangos normales de apertura, su exactitud permite la realización de investigaciones en el área, abriendo un amplio campo en el análisis de los movimientos mandibulares.

SUMMARY: The objective of recording mandibular movements is to obtain relevant parameters that allow the evaluation of the state of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and of the muscles involved in mastication. Mandibular movement is due to a complex set of three-dimensional rotations and translations performed by the TMJ, limited by the ligaments and their articular surfaces, and by the morphology and alignment of the teeth, when the mandible moves over these limits, they are called mandibular border movements. The aim of this article is to provide an updated description of mandibular movements through electromagnetic articulography. Mandibular border movements are classified according to the plane of space in which they move, thus we have border movements in the sagittal plane, in the horizontal plane and the frontal plane, and in each plane they draw a different polygon, called Posselt polygons. These polygons can be recorded by electromagnetic articulography, thanks to this technology some interesting parameters can also be extracted, such as: the total trajectory covered by the mandible when describing each polygon, displacement ranges in each plane, total area of each polygon of Posselt. Mandibular opening is measured as the distance between the incisal edges of the upper and lower central incisors at maximum opening plus the overbite. The analysis of mandibular opening is an important part of the clinical examination in dentistry as a preliminary evaluation, since limited opening can be the result of temporomandibular joint disorders, submucous oral fibrosis, rheumatic disease or facial trauma. The three-dimensional measurements that are obtained thanks to the electromagnetic Articulography, are appropriate to determine the normal ranges of opening, its accuracy allows the realization of investigations in the area, opening a wide field in the analysis of mandibular movements. Analysis of mandibular opening is an important part of the clinical examination in dentistry, since limited opening can be the result of temporomandibular joint disorders, oral submucous fibrosis, rheumatic disease, or facial trauma. Analysis of mandibular opening is an important part of the clinical examination in dentistry, since limited opening can be the result of temporomandibular joint disorders, oral submucous fibrosis, rheumatic disease, or facial trauma. The three-dimensional measurements that are obtained thanks to the electromagnetic Articulography, are appropriate to determine the normal ranges of opening, its accuracy allows the realization of investigations in the area, opening a wide field in the analysis of mandibular movements.

Humans , Temporomandibular Joint/physiology , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Mandible/physiology
Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer ; (12): 119-134, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971187


BACKGROUND@#The incidence and mortality of lung cancer have always been at the forefront of malignant tumors. With the development of lung cancer detection techniques, more peripheral pulmonary lesions (PPLs) have been detected. The diagnostic accuracy of procedures for PPLs keeps controversial. This study aims to systematically evaluate the diagnostic value and the safety of electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB) in the diagnosis of PPLs.@*METHODS@#The relevant literatures in the diagnostic yield of PPLs by ENB were systematically retrieved from Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Embase, PubMed, Cochrane Library and Web of Science. The software of Stata 16.0, RevMan 5.4 and Meta-disc 1.4 were used to conduct the meta-analysis.@*RESULTS@#A total of 54 literatures with 55 studies were included in our meta-analysis. The pooled sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio, negative likelihood ratio and diagnostic odds ratio of ENB in the diagnosis of PPLs were 0.77 (95%CI: 0.73-0.81), 0.97 (95%CI: 0.93-0.99), 24.27 (95%CI: 10.21-57.67), 0.23 (95%CI: 0.19-0.28) and 104.19 (95%CI: 41.85-259.37), respectively. The area under curve (AUC) was 0.90 (95%CI: 0.87-0.92). Meta-regression and subgroup analyses indicated that the potential heterogeneity resulted from study type, additional localization techniques, sample size, lesion size and type of sedation. The use of additional localization techniques and general anesthesia have improved the diagnostic efficiency of ENB in PPLs. The incidence of adverse reactions and complications associated with ENB was very low.@*CONCLUSIONS@#ENB provides well diagnostic accuracy and safety.

Humans , Bronchoscopy , Lung Neoplasms , Anesthesia , China , Electromagnetic Phenomena
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971298


Due to the need to achieve precise operations during surgery, in order to prevent hand tremors and poor surgical field of view, more and more surgical robots are used in surgical operations combined with navigation technology to meet the requirements for surgical accuracy. Open surgery such as orthopaedics, joint replacement and neurosurgery on the market generally use optical navigation systems to guide robots to achieve precise positioning, but optical navigation systems cannot be used for operations in areas with small surgical space. Therefore, a robotic surgical system based on electromagnetic navigation technology that can be applied to the craniofacial area was proposed. By using this robot, the problems of difficult operation and low precision caused by the narrow craniofacial space can be solved. Key techniques and considerations are studied. The function of the developed prototype is verified through model tests. The test results show that the surgical robot under the electromagnetic navigation technology can achieve precise surgical operations improve the success rate of the doctor's surgery and reduce postoperative complications.

Humans , Robotics , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Postoperative Complications
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008910


Electromagnetic stimulation is an important neuromodulation technique that modulates the electrical activity of neurons and affects cortical excitability for the purpose of modulating the nervous system. The phenomenon of inverse stochastic resonance is a response mechanism of the biological nervous system to external signals and plays an important role in the signal processing of the nervous system. In this paper, a small-world neural network with electrical synaptic connections was constructed, and the inverse stochastic resonance of the small-world neural network under electromagnetic stimulation was investigated by analyzing the dynamics of the neural network. The results showed that: the Levy channel noise under electromagnetic stimulation could cause the occurrence of inverse stochastic resonance in small-world neural networks; the characteristic index and location parameter of the noise had significant effects on the intensity and duration of the inverse stochastic resonance in neural networks; the larger the probability of randomly adding edges and the number of nearest neighbor nodes in small-world networks, the more favorable the anti-stochastic resonance was; by adjusting the electromagnetic stimulation parameters, a dual regulation of the inverse stochastic resonance of the neural network can be achieved. The results of this study provide some theoretical support for exploring the regulation mechanism of electromagnetic nerve stimulation technology and the signal processing mechanism of nervous system.

Action Potentials/physiology , Computer Simulation , Models, Neurological , Stochastic Processes , Neurons/physiology , Electromagnetic Phenomena
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982261


OBJECTIVE@#To improve the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) quality of medical devices, improve the efficiency of EMC testing, and promote the speed of market approval.@*METHODS@#The unqualified cases of EMC test items of medical devices in recent years were statistically analyzed, and the reasons of low EMC quality of medical devices were analyzed from the perspective of test.@*RESULTS@#Based on the analysis of the reasons, the suggestions were given from the perspectives of medical device manufacturers and testing organizations.@*CONCLUSIONS@#In order to ensure the quality of EMC of medical devices, medical device manufacturers, regulatory authorities and inspection and testing institutions should strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of medical device electromagnetic compatibility, to ensure the safety of products work together to promote the development of the medical device industry healthily and orderly.

Electromagnetic Phenomena , Industry , Electromagnetic Fields
Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer ; (12): 118-123, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928788


Lung cancer ranks the first cancer-related morbidity and mortality in China. With the development and penetration of imaging technology, increasing small pulmonary peripheral Nodules (SPPNs) have been detected. However, precise location and diagnosis of SPPNs is still a tough problem for clinical diagnosis and treatment in department of thoracic surgery. With the development of electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB), it provides a novel minimally invasive method for the diagnosis and treatment of SPPNs. In this review, we summarized the application and progress of ENB in preoperative positioning, diagnosis, and local treatment, then, discussed the clinical application of ENB in the hybrid operating room.

Humans , Bronchoscopy/methods , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Lung Neoplasms/surgery , Multiple Pulmonary Nodules/diagnosis , Thoracic Surgery
Int. j. morphol ; 39(3): 935-940, jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385402


RESUMEN: Diversos estudios reportan que el tipo de alimento influye directamente en los patrones cinemáticos de la masticación. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar y comparar los ciclos masticatorios de participantes adultos y completamente dentados durante la masticación de alimentos de diferente textura y dureza (maní y zanahoria) utilizando articulografía electromagnética 3D. Se evaluaron 11 participantes sanos (5 hombres; 6 mujeres), de 31,9 ± 5,2 años de edad. Mediante articulografía electromagnética 3D, se registró la masticación de dos alimentos de prueba (maní y zanahoria). Los datos de movimiento mandibular fueron procesados con MATLAB® y obteniendo diferentes parámetros-frecuencia masticatoria en ciclos por segundo, velocidad de descenso y ascenso mandibular, área de las proyecciones de cada ciclo masticatorio en los tres planos del espacio-que fueron comparados según tipo de alimento y género de los participantes. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las áreas de los ciclos masticatorios en el plano horizontal según tipo de alimento, siendo mayor para la masticación de zanahoria (P=,003). Así mismo, se detectaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las áreas sagitales de los ciclos entre hombres y mujeres, siendo mayor en mujeres (P=,042). Nuestros resultados concuerdan con otros estudios que afirman que la textura del alimento influye en las características cinemáticas de los ciclos masticatorios.

SUMMARY: Several studies report that the type of food directly influences the kinematic patterns of mastication. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the chewing cycles of adult and fully dentate participants during the mastication of foods of different texture and hardness (peanuts and carrots) using 3D electromagnetic articulography. Eleven healthy participants (5 men; 6 women), 31.9 ± 5.2 years old, were evaluated. By means of 3D electromagnetic articulography, the mastication of two test foods (peanuts and carrots) was recorded. The data associated to mandibular movement were processed with MATLAB® obtaining different parameters-masticatory frequency in cycles per second, mandibular descent and ascent rate, area of the projections of each masticatory cycle in the three planes of space-which were compared according to type of food and sex of the participants. Statistically significant differences were found between the areas of the masticatory cycles in the horizontal plane according to type of food, being greater for carrots (P=.003). Likewise, statistically significant differences were detected between the sagittal areas of the cycles between men and women, being greater in women (P=.042). Our results agree with other studies that affirm that the texture of the food influences the kinematic characteristics of the masticatory cycles.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Hardness , Mastication/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Electromagnetic Phenomena
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64: e21200301, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278443


Abstract Rhamnolipid is a potent biodegradable surfactant, which frequently used in pharmaceutical and environmental industries, such as enhanced oil recovery and bioremediation. This study aims to engineer Escherichia coli for the heterologous host production of rhamnolipid, to characterize the rhamnolipid product, and to optimize the production using autoinduction medium and POME (palm oil mill effluent). The construction of genes involved in rhamnolipid biosynthesis was designed in two plasmids, pPM RHLAB (mono-rhamnolipid production plasmid) and pPM RHLABC (di-rhamnolipid production plasmid). The characterization of rhamnolipid congeners and activity using high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) and critical micelle concentration (CMC). In order to estimate rhamnolipid yield, an oil spreading test was performed. HRMS and CMC result show E. coli pPM RHLAB mainly produced mono-rhamnolipid (Rha-C14:2) with 900 mg/L and 35.4 mN/m of CMC and surface tension value, whereas E. coli pPM RHLABC mainly produced di-rhamnolipid (Rha-Rha-C10) with 300 mg/L and 34.3 mN/m of CMC and surface tension value, respectively. The optimum condition to produce rhamnolipid was at 20 h cultivation time, 37 oC, and pH 7. In this condition, the maximum rhamnolipid yield of 1245.68 mg/L using autoinduction medium and 318.42 mg/L using 20% (v/v) of POME. In conclusion, the characteristics of the rhamnolipid by recombinant E. coli is very promising to be used in industries as the most economical way of producing rhamnolipid.

Palm Oil , Escherichia coli , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Glycosylation
Int. j. morphol ; 38(4): 983-989, Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124886


Las articulaciones temporomandibulares y la musculatura asociada, permiten que la mandíbula se desplace en los tres planos del espacio (sagital, frontal y horizontal), de esta forma la mandíbula puede realizar movimientos mandibulares complejos. Hace varias décadas que los movimientos bordeantes mandibulares son estudiados, sin embargo, en un principio los estudios se realizaban en dos dimensiones (2D). En la actualidad, gracias al articulógrafo electromagnético (EMA) 3D es posible realizar el estudio de la cinemática mandibular en tres dimensiones (3D). El objetivo del siguiente estudio es analizar los movimientos mandibulares bordeantes (sagital, frontal y horizontal), por medio de la articulografía electromagnética 3D. En el estudio, participaron 11 personas de 31,9 ± 5,7 años en promedio (mujeres 30,2 ± 2,9 y hombres 34,0 ± 7,8) completamente dentados de primer molar a primer molar, sin trastornos temporomandibulares ni tratamiento previo de ortodoncia. Los archivos fueron procesados mediante scripts, desarrolladas en MATLAB®. Entre los resultados más relevantes, se encontró diferencia estadística entre hombres y mujeres en relación al área Frontal del polígono de Posselt, y los resultados del área del polígono sagital de todos los participantes, fue mayor que en estudios previos.

The temporomandibular joints and associated muscles allow the mandible to move in the three planes (sagittal, frontal and horizontal), in this way the jaw can perform complex mandibular movements. For several decades, mandibular border movements have been studied. However, studies were initially carried out in two dimensions (2D). At the present time, it is possible to analyze mandibular kinematics in three dimensions (3D), with the 3D electromagnetic articulograph (EMA). The objective of the study is to evaluate the mandibular border movements (sagittal, frontal and horizontal), using 3D electromagnetic articulation. In this analysis, 11 subjects 31.9 ± 5.7 years of age on average, participated (women 30.2 ± 2.9 and men 34.0 ± 7.8) completely dentate patients, from first to first molar, with no temporomandibular disorders or orthodontic pretreatment. Files were processed using scripts, developed in MATLAB®. Among the most relevant results, a statistical difference was found between men and women in relation to the Frontal area of Posselt polygon, and results of the sagittal polygon area of all the participants were greater than those reported in previous studies.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Denture, Complete , Mandible/diagnostic imaging , Temporomandibular Joint , Biomechanical Phenomena , Sex Factors , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Mandible/physiology , Movement/physiology
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(2): 198-204, June 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090675


La masticación se ha estudiado desde diferentes puntos de vista, utilizando alimentos de prueba naturales y artificiales. La evidencia es escasa cuando se analizan alimentos a base de cereales, que van desde cereales para el desayuno hasta barras de granola. El investigar este tipo de alimentos, se vuelve importante para entender el comportamiento de la masticación frente a alimentos con diferentes composiciones y texturas, y como estas características pueden influir en el proceso masticatorio. Se analizó la masticación desde un punto de vista cinemático, en sujetos jóvenes dentados. El alimento de prueba utilizado fue granola prototipo y maní, este último se ha estudiado en sujetos con rehabilitación protésica y su consumo se recomienda en esta población. Se analizaron las características cinemáticas de la masticación como numero de ciclos, frecuencia masticatoria, velocidad de masticación de ascenso y descenso, y el área de masticación en los tres planos del espacio. Se relacionaron los movimientos masticatorios con los movimientos mandibulares bordeantes que conformaron el polígono de Posselt, este también se analizó en los tres planos espaciales. En todas las variables analizadas la granola presento valores mayores, excepto en el número de ciclos masticatorios, sólo se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p= 0,03) al comparar la velocidad (ascenso y descenso) y el área de masticación en el plano horizontal.

Chewing has been studied from different points of view, using natural and artificial foods test. When analyzing cereal-based foods, from breakfast cereals to granola bars, the evidence is scarce. Investigate this type of food is important to understand the behavior of chewing, with foods of different compositions and textures, and how these characteristics can influence the chewing process. Chewing was analyzed from a cinematic point of view, in young subjects complete dental. The test food used was prototype granola and peanuts, last one has been studied in subjects with prosthetic rehabilitation and its consumption is recommended in this population. The kinematic characteristics of chewing were analyzed: number of cycles, chewing frequency, ascent and descent chewing speed, and the chewing area in the three planes of space. The masticatory movements were related to the bordering mandibular movements, that formed the Posselt polygon, which was also analyzed in the three spatial planes. In all the variables analyzed, granola showed higher values, except in the number of chewing cycles, only statistically significant differences (p = 0.03) were found when comparing speed (ascent and descent) and the chewing area in the horizontal plane.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Biomechanical Phenomena , Mandible/physiology , Mastication/physiology , Arachis , Edible Grain , Electromagnetic Phenomena
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(2): 205-212, June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090676


Mapudungun is a language used by Mapuche people in some regions of Chile and Argentina. The aim of this study was to describe the vowel phonemes with regard to the articulatory parameters (position of the tongue with respect to the palate and jaw opening) and acoustic parameters (f0, F1, F2 and F3) in Mapudungun speakers in the Region of La Araucanía. The vocalic phonemes of Mapudungun are six, where the first five are similar to those used in Spanish (/a e i o u/), to which is added a sixth vowel (/ɨ/) with its vocalic allophones (/ɨ/) and [Ә]. Three Mapudungun speakers were evaluated. The tongue movements were collected by Electromagnetic Articulography 3D and the data were processed with MATLAB and PRAAT software. It was possible to describe the trajectory of each third of the tongue during the production of the vowels. It was observed that the sixth vowel /Ә/ had minimal jaw opening during its pronunciation. In addition, the characteristic of /Ә/ as an unrounded mid-central vowel was corroborated. In this study, the tongue of mapudungun speakers was in a more posterior position than the found in other studies.

El Mapudungun es un lenguaje utilizado por los mapuches en algunas regiones de Chile y Argentina. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los fonemas vocálicos respecto a los parámetros articulatorios (posición de la lengua respecto al paladar y apertura mandibular) y los parámetros acústicos (f0, F1, F2 y F3) en hablantes de Mapudungun en la Región de La Araucanía, los fonemas vocálicos de Mapudungun son seis, donde los primeros cinco son similares a los utilizados en español (/a e i o u /), a los que se agrega una sexta vocal (/ɨ/) con sus alófonos vocálicos [ɨ] y [Ә]. Se evaluaron tres hablantes de Mapudungun. Los movimientos de la lengua fueron registrados por Articulografía Electromagnética 3D y los datos fueron procesados con el software MATLAB y PRAAT. Fue posible describir la trayectoria de cada tercio de la lengua durante la producción de las vocales. Se observó que la sexta vocal /Ә/ tenía una apertura mínima de la mandíbula durante su pronunciación. Además, se corroboró la característica de /Ә/ como vocal central media no redondeada. En este estudio, la lengua de los hablantes de mapudungun estaba en una posición más posterior que la encontrada en otros estudios.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Speech Production Measurement/instrumentation , Tongue/physiology , Phonetics , Indians, South American , Jaw/physiology , Speech Acoustics , Pilot Projects , Electromagnetic Phenomena
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 13(4): 466-474, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056486


RESUMEN: Tanto la limitación del movimiento mandibular como el auto reporte de síntomas de trastornos témporomandibulares (TTM) son utilizados como elementos para el diagnóstico de pacientes en la clínica. Sin embargo, la relación entre la presencia de síntomas y el movimiento mandibular no está del todo clara. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue relacionar la presencia de síntomas asociados a TTM con el movimiento mandibular en una muestra de sujetos adultos jóvenes y sanos. En este estudio exploratorio participaron 40 estudiantes de Odontología, médicamente sanos, con arco dentario maxilar y mandibular continuo y completo (hasta el primer molar). A cada uno se les solicitó responder un cuestionario de auto-reporte de síntomas asociados a TTM recomendado por la American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP). También se realizó un registro y análisis de sus movimientos mandibulares utilizando articulografía electromagnética 3D, con el objetivo de correlacionar la presencia de síntomas con el rango y trayectoria de apertura, y el área comprendida en lo que se describe como polígono de Posselt en el plano frontal y sagital. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las respuestas a cada pregunta entre hombres y mujeres. De acuerdo a las respuestas y según Delcanho (1994), 12 participantes resultaron necesitar una evaluación más exhaustiva. En este grupo se encontró que el área del polígono de Posselt en el plano frontal, fue significativamente menor que el de aquellos participantes que no requieren una evaluación más exhaustiva (p=0,003). Los valores de la trayectoria de apertura mandibular varían según de que síntoma se trate. Los principales síntomas que afectarían los valores de los movimientos bordeantes son la "dificultad para abrir la boca" y el "ruido en las articulaciones mandibulares". Con este estudio, hemos puesto de manifiesto que la limitación del movimiento mandibular como signo de TTM debe evaluarse con cautela, debido a que según la presencia de determinados síntomas y otras características de los sujetos (como el sexo), su valor podría variar.

ABSTRACT: Both the limitation of mandibular movement and the self-report of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are used for the diagnosis of patients in clinical diagnosis. However, the relationship between the symptoms and mandibular movement is not entirely clear. Therefore, the objective of this study was to relate the presence of symptoms associated with TMD with mandibular movement in a sample of young and healthy adult subjects. This exploratory study involved 40 medically healthy dentistry students with a continuous and complete maxillary and mandibular arch (up to the first molar). Each subject was asked to answer a self-report questionnaire for symptoms associated with TTM recommended by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP). We also recorded and analyzed their mandibular movements using 3D electromagnetic articulography, with the aim of correlating the presence of symptoms with the range and trajectory of opening, and the area included in what is described as a polygon of Posselt in the frontal and sagittal plane. No significant differences were found between the answers to each question between men and women. According to the responses and to Delcanho, 12 participants turned out to need a more exhaustive evaluation. In this group it was found that the area of the Posselt polygon in the frontal plane was significantly smaller than that of those participants who did not require a more extensive evaluation (p = 0.003). The values of the mandibular opening path vary depending on the symptom involved. The main symptoms that would affect the values of the bordering movements are the "difficulty to open the mouth" and "noise in the mandibular joints". With this study, we have shown that the limitation of mandibular movement as a sign of TMD should be assessed with caution, as, according to the presence of certain symptoms and other characteristics of subjects (such as sex), its value may vary.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Temporomandibular Joint/pathology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/diagnosis , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Mandible , Masticatory Muscles/physiology , Mouth/anatomy & histology , Mouth/physiology , Movement
Medisan ; 22(4)abr. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-894715


Se efectuó una revisión bibliográfica para determinar el impacto de la mecatrónica en el sector de la salud. Se valoró el desarrollo de esta desde la visión de diferentes investigadores, lo cual ha permitido su inserción en dicho sector. También se comprobó que la robótica y el procesamiento digital de imágenes y señales tienen mayor incidencia en la medicina. Asimismo, se hizo un análisis de la mecatrónica aplicada a esta ciencia, el cual demostró que las áreas quirúrgica y terapéutica son las más favorecidas y se nutren de técnicas innovadoras, que resultan más fiables y menos invasivas para el paciente

A literature review was carried out to determine the impact of mechatronic in the health sector. Its development was evaluated from the point of view of different investigators, which has allowed its insertion in this sector. It was also proven that robotics and digital processing of images and signs have higher incidence in medicine. Also, an analysis of mechatronic applied to this science was carried out, which demonstrated that the surgical and therapeutical areas are the most favored and receive nourishment through innovative techniques that are more reliable and less invasive for the patient

Humans , Male , Female , Robotics/methods , Electronics, Medical/instrumentation , Electrical Equipment and Supplies , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Health Systems , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Wearable Electronic Devices/statistics & numerical data
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-774490


ISO 14708-3 "Implants for surgery-active implantable medical devices-Part 3:implantable neurostimulators" 2017 version and 2008 version are compared, and changes in the standard are interpreted combined with the characteristics of the neurostimulator. The new version of the standard for the first time in the introduction mentioned a new type of non-electrode or extension's neurostimulator. Key issues that have significant impact on safety concerns such as wireless charging temperature rise, MRI acceptance criteria, etc., are given for the first time in the new version. New requirements to the wireless communication section are added, and the electromagnetic compatibility part is greatly adjusted. With more miniature non-electrode or extension's neurostimulator entering the market, standards such as electromagnetic compatibility and MRI, there will be greater adjustments.

Electromagnetic Phenomena , Implantable Neurostimulators , Reference Standards , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Prostheses and Implants , Reference Standards
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-774504


This paper realized an electromagnetic tracking system based on electrically-controlled rotating magnetic field. A tracking system using the digital signal processor (DSP) as the control processing device was developed, including a controllable constant current source module, a magnetic field source module, a three-axis magnetic sensor and ADC interface circuit. The experimental results verified that each time the system could be stable positioning, average error of position was 0.282 cm, the average error of orientation was 0.696o, the positioning time was 1.572 s. Through calibration and further improvement of the hardware circuit, the performance of the system is expected to further improve.

Calibration , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Equipment Design , Magnetic Fields
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-689814


This paper introduces ISO 14708-3:2017, the new edition of the international standard for implantable neurostimulator, and emphasizes the new requirements in the clause of protection from RF electromagnetic interference. To meet this new requirements, this paper presents a design of torso simulator for the testing of implantable neurostimulator. The design includes volume conductor, electrodes and grids, which can simulate the actual operating environment of implantable neurostimulator in RF electromagnetic interference testing. The torso simulator is verified by performance in the last part of the paper.

Electromagnetic Fields , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Implantable Neurostimulators , Reference Standards , Torso
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-689819


Magnetic anchor technique can reduce the number of trocar in laparoscopic surgery. The laparoscopic magnetic anchor system consists of an external anchor magnet and the magnetic clutch system. Electromagnetic control laparoscopic surgery clutch system includes the internal grasper and the operating forceps. In this design, a permanent magnet is set at the tail of the internal grasper, and an electromagnetic device is installed at the head of the operating forceps. The magnetic field direction of the electromagnetic device can be changed by switching the positive pole and the negative pole of the electromagnetic device, so as to control the separation and combination of the operating forceps and the internal grasper. The design of this system is ingenious, easy to manufacture and the operation is simple.

Electromagnetic Phenomena , Equipment Design , Laparoscopy , Magnetics , Surgical Instruments
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 26(3): 387-392, mayo 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1129140


La Broncoscopia es sin duda el ámbito de medicina respiratoria que más ha sufrido cambios en los últimos 30 años. Principalmente dado por los avances tecnológicos que han permitido llegar, ver y hacer mucho más de lo que se pensó que era factible por vía endoscópica.

The most evolved area in the respiratory medicine in the last 30 years, is without any doubt the Bronchoscopy. This are the results of the tecnological advances, that let us go, see and do, further than we thougth by endoscopy.

Humans , Respiratory Tract Diseases/surgery , Respiratory Tract Diseases/diagnosis , Bronchoscopy/methods , Bronchoscopy/trends , Video Recording , User-Computer Interface , Bronchoscopy/instrumentation , Ultrasonography , Microscopy, Confocal , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Fluorescence
Journal of Biomedical Engineering ; (6): 1384-1388, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-266745


Along with the development of computer technologies and digitization of human body's information, the digital human entered into a new stage of modelling physical features from the stage of reconstructing anatomical structures. By summarizing domestic and abroad relevant documents, we in this paper present the general scheme of digital human and the location of physical human as well as its conception and applied value. We especially analyze the modeling process of physical human, core technologies and its research and applications in four main fields: electromagnetic radiation, ultrasound propagation, bioimpedance measurements and biomechanical analysis. We also analyze and summarize existing problems of present physical human model and point out the future development trends of physical human.

Humans , Biomechanical Phenomena , Electric Impedance , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Models, Anatomic , Software , Ultrasonics
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-259921


A new system of blood flow block for control of bleeding in abdominal operation is composed of an abdominal magnetic blocking unit, an abdominal external electromagnet unit and other non-magnetic operation instrument. The abdominal external electromagnetic unit is placed in advance in the operation bed. The abdominal magnetic blocking unit can be placed directly on the ventral of the large vessels when need to blocking the abdominal large vessels during the operation. According to the non-contact suction characteristics of magnetic materials, the two magnetic units will attract each other and compression the vessels. Using this system for vascular occlusion does not need clear exposure and without separating vessel. There is the advantage of rapid, accurate and reliable for the system.

Abdomen , Blood Loss, Surgical , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Equipment Design , Surgical Equipment