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Ortodoncia ; 88(174): 60-70, ene.-jun. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567514


La dimensión vertical (DV) usualmente disminuye con el paso del tiempo y es uno de los objetivos más complicados en resolver en los casos de Ortodoncia, ya sea con brackets o con alineadores. Esta disminución de la DV tiene una influencia directa en el funcionamiento de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM). Las patologías de la ATM, que surgen por la pérdida de la DV, son usualmente tratadas en la fase I con placas que restablecen la posición articular y la función muscular. Luego de corregida la patología de la ATM, en la fase II hay que tratar en lo posible la oclusión, devolviendo al paciente un soporte fisiológico posterior. Aquí se presenta un caso clínico atendido con una Placa Neurofisiológica (PN) en la fase I, y en la fase II, el traslado de esta altura a los overlays (O) y su erupción posterior dentaria con alineadores. Controlando cada paso electromiográficamente para el restablecimiento y control de la función muscular.

The vertical dimension usually decreases over time and is one of the most complicated objectives to solve in Orthodontic cases, whether with braces or aligners. This decrease in vertical dimension has a direct influence on the physiology of the temporomandibular joint. TMJ pathologies that arise from the loss of vertical dimension are usually treated in Phase I with splints that restore joint position and muscle function. After correcting the TMJ pathology, in Phase II, the occlusion should be treated as much as possible, returning the patient to a physiological posterior support. A clinical case is presented involving treatment with a Neurophysiological Splint in the first phase, and in the second phase, the transfer of this height to overlays and subsequent dental eruption with aligners. Each step is electromyographically monitored for the restoration and control of muscle function.

Humans , Male , Adult , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable , Vertical Dimension , Occlusal Splints , Electromyography , Neurophysiology , Overbite
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 79-89, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010684


Sensory conflict impacts postural control, yet its effect on cortico-muscular interaction remains underexplored. We aimed to investigate sensory conflict's influence on the cortico-muscular network and postural stability. We used a rotating platform and virtual reality to present subjects with congruent and incongruent sensory input, recorded EEG (electroencephalogram) and EMG (electromyogram) data, and constructed a directed connectivity network. The results suggest that, compared to sensory congruence, during sensory conflict: (1) connectivity among the sensorimotor, visual, and posterior parietal cortex generally decreases, (2) cortical control over the muscles is weakened, (3) feedback from muscles to the cortex is strengthened, and (4) the range of body sway increases and its complexity decreases. These results underline the intricate effects of sensory conflict on cortico-muscular networks. During the sensory conflict, the brain adaptively decreases the integration of conflicting information. Without this integrated information, cortical control over muscles may be lessened, whereas the muscle feedback may be enhanced in compensation.

Humans , Muscle, Skeletal , Electromyography/methods , Electroencephalography/methods , Brain , Brain Mapping
Cienc. Salud (St. Domingo) ; 8(1): [8], 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551343


Introducción: Las distrofias musculares son trastornos miogénicos hereditarios caracterizados por una atrofia muscular progresiva y una debilidad de distribución y gravedad variable. La población de Republica Dominicana es fruto de una mezcla de etnias, haciéndola portadora de una herencia cromosómica y ADN diverso, siendo susceptibles a poder presentar cualquier desorden de carácter hereditario. Material y métodos: Con una muestra de 17 pacientes obtenidos entre septiembre 2019- marzo 2020, se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y transversal, en el cual se hizo una revisión de los expedientes de la clínica de miopatías en la consulta de neurología pediátrica del Hospital Infantil Doctor Robert Reid Cabral, para describir el perfil clínico de los pacientes con distrofia muscular y los hallazgos de electromiografía en los casos que la misma. Resultados: se encontró que la distribución de la edad correspondió a 5-9 años en un 53%, siendo el sexo masculino, el más frecuente. En el 70.59% presentaron antecedentes familiares de distrofia muscular. Los principales motivos de consulta fueron cansancio y caídas frecuentes. Conclusión: En los hallazgos de electromiografía, el porcentaje de pacientes que presentó esta prueba con alteraciones fue de 88.24% y sin alteraciones el 11.76%. Esto nos demuestra, la gran utilidad de dicho estudio en el diagnóstico de las distrofias musculares en países donde no se cuenta con estudio molecular, siendo una de las pruebas esenciales en el abordaje diagnóstico de los pacientes con sospecha clínica de dichas patologías.

Introduction: Muscular dystrophies are hereditary myogenic disorders characterized by progressive muscular atrophy and weakness of variable distribution and severity. The population of the Dominican Republic is the result of a mixture of ethnic groups, making it the bearer of a diverse chromosomal inheritance and DNA, being susceptible to presenting any hereditary disorder. Methods: With a sample of 17 patients obtained between September 2019-March 2020, a retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study, in which a review of the files of the myopathies clinic was made in the pediatric neurology consultation of the Children's Hospital Doctor Robert Reid Cabral, to describe the clinical profile of patients with muscular dystrophy and the electromyography findings in the cases with the same. Results: The age distribution corresponded to 5-9 years; 53%, being the masculines, the most frequent sex. In 70.59%, there was a family history of muscular dystrophy. The main reasons for consultation were fatigue and frequent falls. Conclusion: In the electromyography findings, the percentage of patients who presented this test with alterations was 88.24% and 11.76% without alterations. This result shows us the great utility of said study in the workup of muscular dystrophies in countries with no availabilities for molecular studies, being one of the essential tests in the diagnostic approach of patients with clinical suspicion of said pathologies.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Prednisone , Muscular Dystrophies , Patients , Pediatrics , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Electromyography
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1556238


Introducción: A partir del Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire, se desarrolló una escala corta de 6 ítems llamada Six-Item Car-pal Tunnel Symptoms Scale (CTS-6). Objetivo: Evaluar la CTS-6 para detectar pacientes con neuropatía periférica del nervio mediano con criterio quirúrgico. materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo observacional en un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de síndrome del túnel carpiano. Se utilizó la CTS-6, y se corroboró el diagnóstico mediante electromiografía. Posteriormente, los pacientes fueron operados. Se analizaron las diferencias en el puntaje de la CTS-6 entre los distintos niveles de gravedad determinados por electromiografía. Resultados: Se analizaron 106 pacientes. El 20,75% tenía síndrome del túnel carpiano bilateral. Se evaluaron 126 manos. La mediana del puntaje de la CTS-6 fue de 21 (mín. 16,5; máx. 26). Según los resultados de la electromiografía, el 24,22% de los casos de síndrome del túnel carpiano eran graves. Al comparar el puntaje de la CTS-6 según la gravedad del síndrome del túnel carpiano evaluada por electromiografía, la mediana del puntaje de la CTS-6 fue de 16,5 en los casos leves, de 21 en los casos moderados y de 26 en los casos graves. Conclusiones: El puntaje de la CTS-6 fue mayor en los pacientes con síndrome del túnel carpiano grave según la electromiografía. Esto plantea la hipótesis de que podría ser útil como herramienta diagnóstica no invasiva en el síndrome del túnel carpiano para definir pacientes que se beneficien con el tratamiento quirúrgico. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: The Six-Item Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Scale (CTS-6) is a a short 6-item scale based on the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ). Objective: To evaluate the CTS-6 to identify patients with peripheral neuropathy of the median nerve us-ing surgical criteria. materials and methods: A prospective descriptive observational study was conducted on a group of patients diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. The CTS-6 was employed, and the diagnosis was confirmed with electromyography. The patients then underwent surgery. The differences in the CTS-6 score between the various severity levels measured by electro-myography were examined. Results: 106 patients were analyzed and a total of 126 hands were evaluated. 20.75% had bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. The median CTS-6 score was 21 (min. 16.5; max. 26). According to electromyography results, 24.22% of CTS cases were severe. When comparing the CTS-6 score according to the severity of carpal tunnel syndrome assessed by electromyography, the median CTS-6 score was 16.5 in mild cases, 21 in moderate cases, and 26 in severe cases. Conclusions: Electromyography revealed a higher CTS-6 score in patients with severe carpal tunnel syndrome. This raises the possibility that it could be used as a noninvasive diagnostic tool in carpal tunnel syndrome to determine which patients would benefit from surgical therapy. Level of Evidence: IV

Adult , Pain Measurement , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/diagnosis , Electromyography
Rev. CEFAC ; 26(1): e6923, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535108


ABSTRACT Purpose: to verify if there is an electromyographic difference during maximal (maximum) voluntary contraction of the masseter and temporalis muscles in patients with temporomandibular disorders, before and after speech therapy intervention with and without the use of therapeutic elastic bandages. Methods: an analysis of secondary data from a clinical intervention study, carried out with 17 adult volunteers, diagnosed with temporomandibular muscle dysfunction with or without disc displacement with reduction. The Bandage Group received manual therapy associated with elastic bandages and the No Bandage Group received only manual therapy. Surface electromyography was performed to record the Maximum Voluntary Contraction before and after four weeks of speech therapy intervention. For exploratory analysis, the Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon paired tests were used, with P<0.05. Results: in the Bandage Group, there was a statistically significant decrease in electrical activity during Maximum Voluntary Contraction in the masseter and temporalis muscles on the left side at the post-therapeutic moment. Comparing the pre- and post-intervention between Bandage Group and No Bandage Group, a statistical difference was found in the electrical activity values of the Maximum Voluntary Contraction in the left temporal muscle. Conclusion: manual myofunctional speech therapy, associated or not with the use of therapeutic elastic bandages, impacts the muscle activity of the masseter and temporal muscles during Maximum Voluntary Contraction, whether the values demonstrate relaxation and/or equivalence of the electromyographic values of the masticatory muscles.

RESUMO Objetivo: verificar se há diferença eletromiográfica durante contração voluntária máxima dos músculos masseter e temporal de pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular, antes e após intervenção fonoaudiológica com e sem uso de bandagem elástica terapêutica. Métodos: foi realizada a análise de dados secundários de estudo do tipo intervenção clínica, com 17 voluntárias, adultas, com diagnóstico de disfunção temporomandibular muscular com ou sem deslocamento de disco com redução. O Grupo Bandagem recebeu terapia manual associada à bandagem elástica e o Grupo Sem Bandagem recebeu apenas terapia manual. Foi realizada eletromiografia de superfície para registro da contração voluntária máxima antes e após quatro semanas de intervenção fonoaudiológica. Para análise exploratória foram utilizados os testes: Mann Whitney e Wilcoxon Pareado, com p<0,05. Resultados: no Grupo Bandagem, houve diminuição estatisticamente significante da atividade elétrica durante a Contração Voluntária Máxima nos músculos masseter e temporal do lado esquerdo no momento pós-terapêutico. Na comparação do pré e pós-intervenção entre Grupo Bandagem e Grupo Sem Bandagem, constatou-se diferença estatística nos valores da atividade elétrica de Contração Voluntária Máxima no músculo temporal esquerdo. Conclusão: a terapia fonoaudiológica miofuncional manual, associada ou não ao uso da bandagem elástica terapêutica, impacta a atividade muscular dos músculos masseter e temporal durante a Contração Voluntária Máxima, sejam os valores demonstrando relaxamento e/ou equivalência dos valores eletromiográficos da musculatura mastigatória.

Mandibular Diseases/therapy , Electromyography , Therapeutics , Health
Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1775-1780, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528801


SUMMARY: The Innervation Zones (IZ) correspond to clusters of neuromuscular junctions. The traditional method of locating IZs through voluntary muscle contractions may not be feasible in individuals with motor disorders. Imposed contractions by electrostimulation are an alternative. However, there is limited evidence regarding the factors that affect inter-evaluator concordance and the number of localized IZs when using imposed contraction. The main objective of this research was to determine the effect of the amplitude of compound motor action potentials (CMAPs) containing the M-wave on inter-evaluator agreement. As a secondary objective, was investigate the effect on the number of detected IZs. Twenty-four healthy volunteers (age: 21.2 ± 1.5years, weight: 67.4 ± 13.2kg, height: 1.68 ± 0.80m) participated in the study. Electrostimulation was applied to the tibial nerve to induce contraction of the medial gastrocnemius. The IZ were identified based on the M-wave recorded through multichannel electromyography. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was conducted to assess sensitivity and specificity in detecting the IZs. Inter-rater agreement was evaluated using a two-way mixed effects test to determine the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). A p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The ROC analysis revealed that for both evaluators, a specificity of 95% was achieved with an amplitude ≥30 %. The area under the ROC curve was 0.980 [0.964, 0.996], indicating a strong influence of CMAP amplitude on detection of IZs. The highest level of agreement (ICC = 0.788 [0.713, 0.844]) among the evaluators was observed with CMAP amplitudes equal to or greater than 80 % of the maximum M-wave. The findings of this study demonstrate that both the number and the inter-evaluator concordance for detecting IZs using imposed contractions are strongly influenced by the amplitude of the M-wave. Higher M-wave amplitudes were associated with improved concordance and increased IZ detection, making it crucial to standardize amplitude settings for reliable outcomes.

Las Zonas de Inervación (IZ) corresponden a grupos de uniones neuromusculares. El método tradicional para localizar IZs mediante contracciones musculares voluntarias puede no ser factible en personas con trastornos motores. Las contracciones impuestas mediante electro estimulación son una alternativa. Sin embargo, existe poca evidencia sobre los factores que afectan la concordancia entre evaluadores y el número de IZs localizadas al usar este tipo de contracciones. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el efecto de la amplitud de los potenciales de acción motores compuestos (PAMCs) que contienen la onda M sobre la concordancia entre evaluadores. Como objetivo secundario, se investigó el efecto sobre el número de IZs detectadas. Veinticuatro voluntarios sanos (edad: 21.2 ± 1.5 años, peso: 67.4 ± 13.2 kg, altura: 1.68 ± 0.80 m) participaron en el estudio. Se aplicó electroestimulación al nervio tibial para inducir la contracción del gastrocnemio medial. Las IZs se identificaron según la onda M registrada mediante electromiografía multicanal. Se realizó un análisis de curva de las característica del receptor (ROC) para evaluar la sensibilidad y especificidad en la detección de las IZs. La concordancia entre evaluadores se evaluó utilizando una prueba de efectos mixtos de dos vías para determinar los coeficientes de correlación intraclase (ICC). Se consideró un valor de p menor que 0.05 como estadísticamente significativo. El análisis ROC reveló que para ambos evaluadores se logró una especificidad del 95% con una amplitud ≥30 %. El área bajo la curva ROC fue de 0.980 [0.964, 0.996], lo que indica una fuerte influencia de la amplitud del CMAP en la detección de las IZs. El nivel más alto de concordancia (ICC = 0.788 [0.713, 0.844]) entre los evaluadores se observó con amplitudes de CMAP iguales o mayores al 80 % de la onda M máxima. Los hallazgos de este estudio demuestran que tanto el número como la concordancia entre evaluadores para detectar IZs mediante contracciones impuestas están fuertemente influenciados por la amplitud de la onda M. Las amplitudes más altas de la onda M se asociaron con una concordancia mejorada y un aumento en la detección de IZs, lo que hace crucial estandarizar los ajustes de amplitud para obtener resultados confiables.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Muscle, Skeletal/innervation , Observer Variation , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity , Electromyography/methods , Muscle Contraction
Distúrb. comun ; 35(3): e57872, 25/10/2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517690


Objetivo: A pesquisa tem por objetivo verificar os limiares de repouso eletromiográfico dos músculos masseter e temporal em pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) antes e após intervenção fonoaudiológica com e sem a utilização de bandagem elástica terapêutica. Métodos: A coleta contou com 14 participantes do sexo feminino, com idade entre 18 e 40 anos, com diagnóstico de DTM muscular ou mista. As pacientes foram divididas entre dois grupos classificados em: pacientes com bandagem associada à terapia tradicional (CB) e grupo de terapia tradicional (SB). As pacientes inicialmente foram avaliadas pelo exame de eletromiografia de superfície nas situações de contração voluntária máxima e repouso, e após quatro semanas de intervenção, foi realizada nova avaliação com os mesmos instrumentos. A análise dos dados ocorreu de forma quantitativa e qualitativa. Resultados:No grupo SB o músculo masseter direito apresentou aumento dos valores de repouso com significância, foi observado que o mesmo ocorreu para todos os músculos deste grupo, influenciando no equilíbrio da musculatura ipsilateral e contralateral, no entanto sem evidência estatística. O grupo CB não demonstrou valores estatísticos significativos, porém qualitativamente os valores de repouso muscular diminuíram e equilibraram-se de forma contralateral. Conclusão: Não foram observadas mudanças estatisticamente significantes nos limiares eletromiográficos durante repouso dos músculos masseter e temporal em ambos os grupos. Qualitativamente houve aumento dos valores eletromiográficos após terapia manual tradicional em todos os músculos do grupo SB. Com relação ao grupo CB, houve diminuição dos valores do repouso eletromiográfico após terapia, embora sem evidências estatísticas. (AU)

Purpose: Objective: The research aims to verify the electromyographic rest thresholds of the masseter and temporal muscles in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) before and after speech therapy intervention with and without the use of therapeutic elastic bandage. Methods: The collection included 14 female participants, aged between 18 and 40 years, who had a diagnosis of muscular or mixed TMD. The patients were divided into two groups: with traditional therapy (CB) bandage and traditional therapy (SB) only group. The patients underwent initial evaluation, as well as surface electromyography in situations of maximum voluntary contraction and rest and at the end of the four weeks of intervention, a new evaluation was performed with the same instruments. Data analysis occurred quantitatively and qualitatively. Results: In the SB group, the right masseter muscle showed a significant increase in resting values. It was observed that the same occurred for all muscles in this group, influencing the balance of the ipsilateral and contralateral muscles, although without statistical evidence. The CB group did not show statistically significant values, but qualitatively the muscle rest values decreased and balanced in a contralateral way. Conclusion: No statistically significant changes were observed in the resting electromyographic thresholds of the masseter and temporalis muscles in both groups. Qualitatively, there was an increase in electromyographic values after traditional manual therapy in all muscles in the SB group. Regarding the CB group, there was a decrease in electromyographic resting values after therapy, although without statistical evidence. (AU)

Objetivo: La investigación tiene como objetivo verificar los umbrales electromiográficos de reposo de los músculos masetero y temporal en pacientes con trastornos temporomandibulares (TMD) antes y después de la terapia del habla con y sin el uso de venda elástica terapéutica. Métodos: La colección incluyó a 14 participantes mujeres, con edades entre 18 y 40 años, diagnosticadas con TTM muscular o mixta. Los pacientes fueron divididos en dos grupos clasificados en: pacientes con vendaje asociado a terapia tradicional (CB) y grupo de terapia tradicional (SB). Los pacientes fueron inicialmente evaluados mediante electromiografía de superficie en situaciones de máxima contracción voluntaria y reposo, luego de cuatro semanas de intervención se realizó una nueva evaluación con los mismos instrumentos. El análisis de datos se llevó a cabo cuantitativa y cualitativamente. Resultados: En el grupo SB, el músculo masetero derecho presentó un aumento significativo en los valores de reposo, se observó que lo mismo ocurrió para todos los músculos de este grupo, influyendo en el equilibrio de los músculos ipsilaterales y contralaterales, sin embargo, sin evidencia estadística. El grupo CB no mostró valores estadísticamente significativos, pero cualitativamente los valores de descanso muscular disminuyeron y se equilibraron contralateralmente. Conclusión: No se observaron cambios estadísticamente significativos en los umbrales electromiográficos en reposo de los músculos masetero y temporal en ambos grupos. Cualitativamente, hubo un aumento de los valores electromiográficos después de la terapia manual tradicional en todos los músculos del grupo SB. En cuanto al grupo CB, hubo una disminución de los valores electromiográficos de reposo después de la terapia, aunque sin evidencia estadística. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Electromyography , Masticatory Muscles , Muscle Relaxation/physiology , Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome/therapy , Musculoskeletal Manipulations , Athletic Tape , Controlled Before-After Studies
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(2): 132-136, ago. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514259


Objetivo: Describir las características craneofaciales, dentoalveolares, de tejido blando, vía aérea y el patrón de actividad muscular determinadas a través de los estudios cefalométricos y electromiográficos de individuos incompetentes labiales y con presencia de anomalías dentomaxilares de 7 a 12 años de edad. Materiales y método: Cuarenta y seis participantes con incompetencia labial fueron sometidos a una toma de radiografía lateral de perfil para el análisis cefalométrico. Para el estudio electromiográfico se consideró el patrón de actividad de los músculos Orbicular superior de los labios, orbicular inferior de los labios y temporal anterior en funciones: reposo, fonoarticulación, deglución, máximo apriete labial. Resultados: Se observó clase II esqueletal y molar, retrusión mandibular, biprotrusión incisal, biprotrusión labial, disminución de vía aérea superior. La mayor actividad muscular fue observada en máximo apriete labial. Conclusión: Los niños y niñas con incompetencia labial y anomalías dentomaxilares presentan alteraciones en las características craneofaciales, dentoalveolares, de tejido blando, vía aérea y actividad muscular determinadas a través de los estudios cefalométricos y electromiográficos.

Objective: To describe craniofacial, dentoalveolar, soft issue and airway features, and the muscular activity, determined through a cephalometric and electromyographic study in individuals with lip incompetence and dentomaxillary anomalies aged 7 to 12 years. Methods: Forty-six participants with lip incompetence underwent lateral profile radiography for cephalometric analysis. For the electromyographic study, the activity of the superior orbicularis oris, inferior orbicularis oris and anterior temporalis muscles was considered in the following functions: rest, speaking, swallowing, and reciprocal compression of the lips. Results: Skeletal and molar class II, mandibular retrusion, labial biprotrusion, incisal biprotrusion, and upper airway dysfunction were found. The highest muscular activity was observed in reciprocal compression of the lips. Conclusion: Children with lip incompetence and dentomaxillary anomalies have alterations in the craniofacial, dentoalveolar, soft issue, and airway features, and in the muscular activity , determined through a cephalometric and electromyographic study.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Tooth Abnormalities , Cephalometry , Electromyography , Lip , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Observational Study
Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1184-1190, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514361


SUMMARY: Peripheral nerve damage is a significant clinical problem that can lead to severe complications in patients. Regarding the regeneration of peripheral nerves, it is crucial to use experimental animals' nerves and use different evaluation methods. Epineural or perineural suturing is the gold standard in treating sciatic nerve injury, but nerve repair is often unsuccessful. This study aimed to investigate the neuroregenerative effects of magnetotherapy and bioresonance in experimental animals with sciatic nerve damage. In this study, 24 female Wistar rats were divided into 7 groups (n=6) as follows: Group 1 (Control), Group 2 (Axonotmesis control), Group 3 (Anastomosis control), Group 4 (Axonotmesis + magnetotherapy), Group 5 (Anastomosis + magnetotherapy), Group 6 (Axonotmesis + bioresonance), Group 7 (Anastomosis + bioresonance). Magnetotherapy and bioresonance treatments were applied for 12 weeks. Behavioural tests and EMG tests were performed at the end of the 12th week. Then the rats were sacrificed, and a histopathological evaluation was made. The statistical significance level was taken as 5 % in the calculations, and the SPSS (IBM SPSS for Windows, ver.21) statistical package program was used for the calculations. Statistically significant results were obtained in animal behaviour tests, EMG, and pathology groups treated with magnetotherapy. There was no statistically significant difference in the groups treated with bioresonance treatment compared to the control groups. Muscle activity and nerve repair occurred in experimental animals with acute peripheral nerve damage due to 12 weeks of magnetotherapy, and further studies should support these results.

El daño a los nervios periféricos es un problema clínico importante que puede conducir a complicaciones graves en los pacientes. En cuanto a la regeneración de los nervios periféricos, es crucial utilizar los nervios de los animales de experimentación y diferentes métodos de evaluación. La sutura epineural o perineural es el gold estándar en el tratamiento de lesiones del nervio ciático, pero la reparación del nervio a menudo no tiene éxito. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar los efectos neuroregenerativos de la magnetoterapia y la biorresonancia en animales de experimentación con daño del nervio ciático. En el estudio, 24 ratas hembras Wistar se dividieron en 7 grupos (n=6) de la siguiente manera: Grupo 1 (Control), Grupo 2 (Control de axonotmesis), Grupo 3 (Control de anastomosis), Grupo 4 (Axonotmesis + magnetoterapia), Grupo 5 (Anastomosis + magnetoterapia), Grupo 6 (Axonotmesis + biorresonancia), Grupo 7 (Anastomosis + biorresonancia). Se aplicaron durante 12 semanas tratamientos de magnetoterapia y biorresonancia. Las pruebas de comportamiento y las pruebas de EMG se realizaron al final de la semana 12. Luego se sacrificaron las ratas y se realizó una evaluación histopatológica. El nivel de significación estadística se tomó como 5 % en los cálculos, y se utilizó el programa de paquete estadístico SPSS (IBM SPSS para Windows, ver.21). Se obtuvieron resultados estadísticamente significativos en pruebas de comportamiento animal, EMG y grupos de patología tratados con magnetoterapia. No hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa en los grupos con tratamiento de biorresonancia en comparación con los grupos controles. La actividad muscular y la reparación nerviosa, se produjeron en animales de experimentación con daño nervioso periférico agudo, debido a 12 semanas de magnetoterapia.Estudios adicionales deberían respaldar estos resultados.

Animals , Female , Rats , Sciatic Nerve/injuries , Peripheral Nerve Injuries/therapy , Nerve Regeneration , Sciatic Nerve/physiology , Rats, Wistar , Electromyography , Magnetic Field Therapy , Peripheral Nerve Injuries/physiopathology , Bioresonance Therapy
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(2): 290-294, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449802


Abstract Objective Given the divergence of opinions on the need for complementary tests such as ultrasonography (US) and electroneuromyography (ENMG) for the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), we aimed to elucidate which of them presents greater accuracy for the confirmation of the presence or not of this condition. Methods A total of 175 patients from a hand surgery outpatient clinic were clinically evaluated, and the results of clinical trials (Tinel, Phalen and Durkan), US (normal or altered), and ENMG (normal, mild, moderate and severe) were noted, crossed, and submitted to a statistical analysis to verify the agreement between them. Results with the sample had a mean age of 53 years, with a prevalence of female patients (159 cases). Of the patients with positive clinical test, 43.7% had normal US and 41.7% had no alterations on the ENMG. Negative results were found on the Tinel in 46.9%, on the Phalen in 47.4%, and on the Durkan in 39.7%. In the crossing between the results of the ENMG and those of the other diagnostic methods, there was little statistical agreement between them. Conclusion There was no agreement between the results of the clinical examinations, the US and the ENMG in the diagnosis of CTS, and there is no clinical or complementary examination for CTS that accurately determines the therapeutic approach. Level of Evidence IV, Case Series.

Resumo Objetivo Diante da divergência sobre a necessidade de exames complementares, como ultrassonografia (US) e eletroneuromiografia (ENMG) para o diagnóstico da síndrome do túnel do carpo (STC), objetivamos elucidar qual deles apresenta maior precisão na confirmação da presença ou não desta afecção. Métodos Um total de 175 pacientes de um ambulatório de cirurgia da mão foram avaliados clinicamente, e os resultados dos testes clínicos (Tinel, Phalen e Durkan), da US (normal ou alterada) e da ENMG (normal, leve, moderada e grave) foram anotados, cruzados, e submetidos a análise estatística para verificar a concordância entre eles. Resultados A idade média da amostra era de 53 anos, sendo prevalente o sexo feminino (159 casos). Dos pacientes com teste clínico positivo, 43,7% apresentavam US normal, e 41,7%, ENMG sem alterações. Foram encontrados resultados negativos no Tinel em 46,9% no Phalen em 47,4%, e no Durkan em 39,7%. No cruzamento entre a ENMG e os demais métodos diagnósticos, houve pouca concordância estatística. Conclusão Não houve concordância entre os resultados dos exames clínicos, da US e da ENMG no diagnóstico da STC, e não há exame clínico ou complementar para STC que determine a conduta terapêutica com precisão. Nível de Evidência IV, Série de Casos.

Humans , Paresthesia , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/diagnosis , Median Neuropathy/diagnosis , Electromyography
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982223


Based on the joint analysis of EMG spectrum and amplitude method (JASA), a study on muscle fatigue assessment of spinal surgical instruments based on surface EMG signals was carried out, and a comparative evaluation of the operating comfort before and after the optimization of spinal surgical instruments was completed. A total of 17 subjects were recruited to collect the surface EMG signals of their brachioradialis and biceps. Five surgical instruments before and after optimization were selected for data comparison, and the operating fatigue time proportion of each group of instruments under the same task was calculated based on the RMS and MF eigenvalues. The results showed that when completing the same operation task, the operation fatigue time of the surgical instruments before optimization was significantly higher than that after optimization (P<0.05); there was no significant difference in the fatigue status of brachioradialis and biceps when operating the same instrument (P>0.05). These results provide objective data and reference for the ergonomic design of surgical instruments and fatigue damage protection.

Humans , Muscle Fatigue/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal , Electromyography , Ergonomics
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971303


In this study, a surface electromyography (sEMG) and blood oxygen signal real-time monitoring system is designed to explore the changes of physiological signals during muscle fatigue, so as to detect muscle fatigue. The analysis method of sEMG and the principle of blood oxygen detection are respectively introduced, and the system scheme is expounded. The hardware part of the system takes STM32 as the core. Conditioning module composition; blood oxygen signal acquisition is based on near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), specifically including light source, light source driving, photoelectric conversion, signal conditioning and other modules. The system software part is based on the real-time uC/OS-III software system. The characteristic parameters of sEMG were extracted by isometric contraction local muscle fatigue experiment; the relative changes of oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) and deoxyhemoglobin (Hb) were calculated in the forearm blocking experiment, thereby verifying that the system collects two signals effectiveness.

Muscle, Skeletal , Oxygen , Electromyography , Muscle Fatigue/physiology , Computers
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974062


@#Vitamin B12 deficiency has long been known to present with various neurological manifestations, but only rarely presents as movement disorders, especially in adults. We present the case of a 30-year-old vegan male presenting with tremors on both legs when standing which was relieved by vitamin B12 supplementation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documented case of slow orthostatic tremor or pseudo-orthostatic tremor caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B 12 Deficiency , Vitamin B 12 , Vegans , Movement Disorders , Tremor , Electromyography
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986059


Objective: To study the protective effect of parachute ankle brace on ankle joint during simulated parachuting landing. Methods: In August 2021, 30 male paratroopers were selected as the test subjects by simple random sampling method. They jumped from the 1.5 m and 2.0 m height platforms respectively with and without parachute ankle brace, and landed on the sandy ground in a semi-squat parachute landing position. The experiment was divided into 1.5 m experimental group and control group and 2.0 m experimental group and control group. Angle sensor and surface electromyograph were used to measure and analyze the coronal tilt range of the ankle joint and the percentage of maximal voluntary contraction (MVE%) of the muscles around the ankle joint, respectively, to evaluate the protective effect of the parachute ankle brace. Results: At the same height, the tilt range of coronal plane of ankle in experimental group was significantly reduced compared with control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Under the same protection state, the tilt range of the coronal plane of the ankle in the 1.5 m group was significantly reduced compared with that in the 2.0 m group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The coronal plane inclination range of the ankle in 2 m experimental group was significantly lower than that in 1.5 m control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Compared with 1.5 m control group, MVE% of right tibialis anterior muscle and bilateral lateral gastrocnemius decreased in 1.5 m experimental group, while MVE% of bilateral peroneus longus increased, with statistical significance (P<0.05). Compared with 2.0 m control group, the MVE% of bilateral tibialis anterior muscle and right lateral gastrocnemius decreased in 2.0 m experimental group, while the MVE% of bilateral peroneus longus increased, with statistical significance (P<0.05). The MVE% of bilateral tibialis anterior muscle, bilateral lateral gastrocnemius muscle and right peroneus longus muscle in 1.5 m experimental group decreased compared with 2.0 m experimental group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Compared with 2.0 m control group, the MVE% of bilateral tibialis anterior muscle, right lateral gastrocnemius muscle and right peroneus longus muscle in 1.5 m control group decreased, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05) . Conclusion: Wearing parachute ankle brace can effectively limit the coronal plane inclination range of ankle joint, improve the stability of ankle joint and reduce the load on the muscles around ankle joint by landing. Reducing the height of the jumping platform can reduce the coronal plane incline range of the ankle and the muscle load around the ankle during landing.

Humans , Male , Ankle , Ankle Joint/physiology , Lower Extremity/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal/physiology , Electromyography
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986896


Objective: To investigate the characteristics of electromyography (EMG) signals and the starting threshold voltages of the orbicularis oris muscles (OOM) in healthy rhesus monkeys under different muscle movement conditions. Methods: The EMG signals and the starting threshold voltages at different time points in 4 healthy rhesus monkeys were acquired and recorded with EMG device and evoked potentiometer. The voltage amplitude variation of EMG signals was analyzed, and the voltage amplitude range of EMG signals at the beginning of OOM contraction was established. The data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA. Results: The EMG of OOM in healthy monkeys in the quiet, natural and continuous mouth-closed state was linear and relatively stable, and the absolute value fluctuated between 15 and 50 μV. The EMG waveform increased rapidly during the natural lip contraction movement, and its amplitude fluctuated greatly, with the highest absolute value of the peak value reaching hundreds of microvolts. The amplitude of EMG induced by continuous mouth closure was more than thousands of microvolts. There was no significant difference in EMG amplitudes of OOM in the healthy rhesus monkey under quiet and continuous lip closure at different time points (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in threshold voltages in the state of natural lip contraction of bilateral OOM at different time points (average range: 57.17-57.47 μV) in the healthy rhesus monkeys (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in threshold voltages of OOM induced by bilateral OOM at different time points(average range: 55.38-55.99 μV) in the healthy rhesus monkeys(P>0.05). There were significant differences in the absolute values of EMG amplitudes of OOM between the three lip movement modes: (30.67±8.72) μV in quiet and natural continuous lip closure (475.12±54.72) μV in natural lip contraction, and (921.22±312.79) μV in the induced persistent lip closure, with t values of -8.48, -9.35 and -5.01 respectively, all P<0.001. Conclusions: The EMG signals of OOM show different characteristics under different muscle movement conditions, which can be used as a basis for computer to judge and recognize the movement conditions of OOM. The upper limits of the EMG threshold voltage values of OOM under different motion states are 55-60 μV.

Animals , Lip , Macaca mulatta , Facial Muscles , Electromyography
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981538


Closed-loop transcranial ultrasound stimulation technology is based on real-time feedback signals, and has the potential for precise regulation of neural activity. In this paper, firstly the local field potential (LFP) and electromyogram (EMG) signals of mice under different intensities of ultrasound stimulation were recorded, then the mathematical model of ultrasound intensity and mouse LFP peak/EMG mean was established offline based on the data, and the closed-loop control system of LFP peak and EMG mean based on PID neural network control algorithm was simulated and built to realize closed-loop control of LFP peak and EMG mean of mice. In addition, using the generalized minimum variance control algorithm, the closed-loop control of theta oscillation power was realized. There was no significant difference between the LFP peak, EMG mean and theta power under closed-loop ultrasound control and the given value, indicating a significant control effect on the LFP peak, EMG mean and theta power of mice. Transcranial ultrasound stimulation based on closed-loop control algorithms provides a direct tool for precise modulation of electrophysiological signals in mice.

Mice , Animals , Deep Brain Stimulation , Algorithms , Electromyography
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 137-143, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981847


OBJECTIVES@#To explore the changes of elbow flexor muscle strength after musculocutaneous nerve injury and its correlation with needle electromyography (nEMG) parameters.@*METHODS@#Thirty cases of elbow flexor weakness caused by unilateral brachial plexus injury (involving musculocutaneous nerve) were collected. The elbow flexor muscle strength was evaluated by manual muscle test (MMT) based on Lovett Scale. All subjects were divided into Group A (grade 1 and grade 2, 16 cases) and Group B (grade 3 and grade 4, 14 cases) according to their elbow flexor muscle strength of injured side. The biceps brachii of the injured side and the healthy side were examined by nEMG. The latency and amplitude of the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) were recorded. The type of recruitment response, the mean number of turns and the mean amplitude of recruitment potential were recorded when the subjects performed maximal voluntary contraction. The quantitative elbow flexor muscle strength was measured by portable microFET 2 Manual Muscle Tester. The percentage of residual elbow flexor muscle strength (the ratio of quantitative muscle strength of the injured side to the healthy side) was calculated. The differences of nEMG parameters, quantitative muscle strength and residual elbow flexor muscle strength between the two groups and between the injured side and the healthy side were compared. The correlation between elbow flexor manual muscle strength classification, quantitative muscle strength and nEMG parameters was analyzed.@*RESULTS@#After musculocutaneous nerve injury, the percentage of residual elbow flexor muscle strength in Group B was 23.43% and that in Group A was 4.13%. Elbow flexor manual muscle strength classification was significantly correlated with the type of recruitment response, and the correlation coefficient was 0.886 (P<0.05). The quantitative elbow flexor muscle strength was correlated with the latency and amplitude of CMAP, the mean number of turns and the mean amplitude of recruitment potential, and the correlation coefficients were -0.528, 0.588, 0.465 and 0.426 (P<0.05), respectively.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The percentage of residual elbow flexor muscle strength can be used as the basis of muscle strength classification, and the comprehensive application of nEMG parameters can be used to infer quantitative elbow flexor muscle strength.

Humans , Elbow , Electromyography , Musculocutaneous Nerve , Elbow Joint/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal , Muscle Strength , Peripheral Nerve Injuries
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008887


This paper studies the active force characteristics of the neck muscles under the condition of rapid braking, which can provide theoretical support for reducing the neck injury of pilots when carrier-based aircraft blocks the landing. We carried out static loading and real vehicle braking experiments under rapid braking conditions, collected the active contraction force and electromyography (EMG) signals of neck muscles, and analyzed the response characteristics of neck muscle active force response. The results showed that the head and neck forward tilt time was delayed and the amplitude decreased during neck muscle pre-tightening. The duration of the neck in the extreme position decreased, and the recovery towards the seat direction was faster. The EMG signals of trapezius muscle was higher than sternocleidomastoid muscle. This suggests that pilots can reduce neck injury by pre-tightening the neck muscles during actual braking flight. In addition, we can consider the design of relevant fittings for pre-tightening the neck muscles.

Neck Muscles , Neck , Electromyography , Head
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008919


An in-depth understanding of the mechanism of lower extremity muscle coordination during walking is the key to improving the efficacy of gait rehabilitation in patients with neuromuscular dysfunction. This paper investigates the effect of changes in walking speed on lower extremity muscle synergy patterns and muscle functional networks. Eight healthy subjects were recruited to perform walking tasks on a treadmill at three different speeds, and the surface electromyographic signals (sEMG) of eight muscles of the right lower limb were collected synchronously. The non-negative matrix factorization (NNMF) method was used to extract muscle synergy patterns, the mutual information (MI) method was used to construct the alpha frequency band (8-13 Hz), beta frequency band (14-30 Hz) and gamma frequency band (31-60 Hz) muscle functional network, and complex network analysis methods were introduced to quantify the differences between different networks. Muscle synergy analysis extracted 5 muscle synergy patterns, and changes in walking speed did not change the number of muscle synergy, but resulted in changes in muscle weights. Muscle network analysis found that at the same speed, high-frequency bands have lower global efficiency and clustering coefficients. As walking speed increased, the strength of connections between local muscles also increased. The results show that there are different muscle synergy patterns and muscle function networks in different walking speeds. This study provides a new perspective for exploring the mechanism of muscle coordination at different walking speeds, and is expected to provide theoretical support for the evaluation of gait function in patients with neuromuscular dysfunction.

Humans , Walking Speed , Muscle, Skeletal/physiology , Electromyography , Gait/physiology , Walking/physiology
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(4): 1-11, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1523131


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and sustainability of using low level LASER therapy and CAD/CAM Michigan splint on improving the range of mandibular movements, muscle activity and reducing the pain. Material and Methods: 56 female patients were randomly divided into two groups. Group A: Patients received applications of low-level LASER therapy using semiconductor InGaAsp diode LASER type 940 nm with continuous mode of operation, applied for 180 sec per session for 12 sessions. Group B: Patients received Michigan splint of 2 mm thickness constructed on their upper teeth, the splint was 3D digitally printed. Electromyography was used to evaluate muscle activity, visual analogue scale was used to evaluate the pain intensity, ARCUS digma facebow was used to evaluate range of mandibular movements, and maximum mouth opening was taken using a millimeter ruler. They were measured before the beginning of the treatment, and at three and six month follow-up periods. Results: The results revealed that both low-level LASER therapy and Michigan splint reduce the myofascial pain, improved the range of the mandibular movements, and the muscles activity, but the effect of the low-level LASER therapy was more profound and sustainable. After 6 months from the beginning of the treatment, changes in masseter muscle activity (P= 0.001; effect size= 1.757), pain intensity (P= 0.003; effect size= 3), and range of mandibular movement (P= 0.001, effect size= 1.729) differed significantly between the two groups. Conclusions: Low-level LASER therapy had a better and more sustainable effect on reducing the pain intensity and improving the muscle activity as well as the mandibular movement when compared to Michigan splint (AU)

Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia e a durabilidade do uso da terapia LASER de baixa potência e da placa de Michigan CAD/CAM na melhora da amplitude dos movimentos mandibulares, atividade muscular e redução da dor. Material e Métodos: 56 pacientes do sexo feminino foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Grupo A: os pacientes receberam aplicações de terapia LASER de baixa potência utilizando diodo semicondutor InGaAsp LASER tipo 940 nm em modo contínuo de operação, aplicado por 180 segundos por sessão durante 12 sessões. Grupo B: os pacientes receberam a placa de Michigan com uma espessura de 2 mm confeccionada sobre a arcada superior, a placa foi impressa digitalmente em 3D. A eletromiografia foi utilizada para avaliar a atividade muscular, a escala visual analógica foi utilizada para avaliar a intensidade da dor, o arco facial ARCUS digma foi utilizado para determinar a amplitude dos movimentos mandibulares e a abertura máxima da boca foi medida com uma régua milimétrica. Todas as medidas foram realizadas antes do início do tratamento e nos períodos de acompanhamento de três e seis meses. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram que tanto a terapia LASER de baixa potência como a placa de Michigan reduziram a dor miofascial, aumentaram a amplitude dos movimentos mandibulares e melhoraram a atividade muscular, mas o efeito da terapia LASER de baixa potência foi mais profundo e duradouro. Após 6 meses do início do tratamento, as alterações na atividade do músculo masseter (P= 0. 001; tamanho do efeito= 1,757), intensidade da dor (P= 0,003; tamanho do efeito= 3), e amplitude de movimento mandibular (P= 0,001, tamanho do efeito= 1,729) diferiram significativamente entre os dois grupos. Conclusão: A terapia com LASER de baixa potência teve um efeito melhor e mais duradouro na redução da intensidade da dor e na melhora da atividade muscular, bem como do movimento mandibular, quando comparada à placa de Michigan(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Facial Pain/radiotherapy , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/radiotherapy , Occlusal Splints , Low-Level Light Therapy , Pain Measurement , Range of Motion, Articular , Electromyography , Masticatory Muscles/physiopathology