Objective:To investigate the classification of head shaking nystagmus(HSN) and its clinical value in vestibular peripheral diseases. Methods:Clinical data of 198 patients with peripheral vestibular disorders presenting with HSN were retrospectively analyzed. Video Nystagmograph(VNG) was applied to detect spontaneous nystagmus(SN), HSN, and Caloric Test(CT). The intensity and direction of SN and HSN as well as the unilateral weakness(UW) and direction preponderance(DP) values in caloric test was analyzed in patients. Results:Among the 198 patients with vestibular peripheral disease, there were 105 males and 93 females, with an average age of(49.1±14.4) years (range: 14-87 years). One hundred and thirty seven patients were diagnosed as Vestibular Neuritis(VN), 12 as Meniere's Disease(MD), 41 as sudden deafness(SD) and 8 as Hunt's syndrome accompanied by vertigo. Among them, there were 116 patients in the acute phase, including 68 cases(58.6%) with decreased HSN, 4 cases(3.4%) with increased HSN, 5 cases(4.3%) with biphasic HSN, 38 cases(32.8%) with unchanged HSN, and 1 case(0.9%) with perverted HSN. There were 82 cases in the non-acute phase, 51 cases(62.2%) with decreased HSN, 3 cases(3.6%) with increased HSN, 9 cases(11.0%) with biphasic HSN, and 19 cases(23.2%) with unchanged HSN. In biphasic HSN, the intensity of phase I nystagmus was usually greater than that of phase II, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.01). There was no correlation between HSN type and course of disease or DP value. The intensity of HSN was negatively correlated with the course of disease(r=-0.320, P<0.001) and positively correlated with DP value(r=0.364, P<0.001), respectively. The intensity of unchanged nystagmus and spontaneous nystagmus were(8.0±5.7) °/s and(8.5±6.4)°/s, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the intensity of nystagmus before and after shaking the head. Conclusion:HSN can be classified into five types and could be regarded as a potential SN within a specific frequency range (mid-frequency). Similarly, SN could also be considered as a common sign of unilateral vestibular impairment at different frequencies. HSN intensity can reflect the dynamic process of vestibular compensation, and is valuable for assessing the frequency of damage in peripheral vestibular diseases and monitoring the progress of vestibular rehabilitation.
Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Vestibular Function Tests , Retrospective Studies , Nystagmus, Pathologic/diagnosis , Vertigo/diagnosis , Electronystagmography , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosisABSTRACT
Introducción: en la actualidad, se reconocen cuadros vestibulares periféricos y centrales que pueden ser diagnosticados mediante la videonistagmografía (VNG). Los avances en la tecnología han provocado en los profesionales una constante actualización en el uso e interpretación de las distintas pruebas que conlleven, en su lectura cruzada, un diagnóstico acertado y a tratamientos de rehabilitación exitosos. El objetivo fue describir las interpretaciones de los resultados de las pruebas oculomotoras, posicionales y calóricas de la VNG para lograr un diagnóstico detallado de las disfunciones vestibulares. Materiales y métodos: revisión documental obtenida de 40 fuentes reportadas en la literatura científica entre 2010 a 2020 tomadas de bases de datos, tesis de grado y libros. Discusión: dentro de la revisión se encontraron tres categorías (pruebas oculomotoras, posicionales y calóricas) y siete subcategorías (nistagmo espontáneo, nistagmo evocado por la mirada, rastreo, sacadas, optocinético, Dix-Hallpike y roll test). Conclusión: los diversos elementos encontrados en la presente revisión son relevantes ya que precisan no solo el tipo de vértigo, sino también su localización topográfica, lo que favorece el proceso de evaluacióndiagnóstico en la población en general.
Introduction: At present, peripheral and central vestibular frames are recognized that can be diagnosed by videonystagmography (VNG). Advances in technology have caused professionals to constantly update the use and interpretation of the different tests that lead, in their cross-reading, to an accurate diagnosis and successful rehabilitation treatments. The objective was to describe the interpretations of the results of the oculomotor, positional and caloric tests of the VNG, for a detailed diagnosis of the vestibular dysfunctions. Materials and method: Documentary review obtained from 40 sources reported in the scientific literature between 2010 and 2020, taken from databases, thesis and books. Discussion: Within the review, three categories were found (oculomotor, positional and caloric tests) and seven subcategories (spontaneous nystagmus, gaze-evoked nystagmus, tracking, saccades, optokinetic, Dix-Hallpike and roll test). Conclusion: The various elements found in this review are relevant in that they specify not only the type of vertigo but also its topographic location, favoring the evaluation-diagnosis process in the general population.
Humans , Nystagmus, Pathologic , Caloric Tests , Electronystagmography , Eye MovementsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: this study aimed to verify the occurrence of abnormal vectoelectronystagmography findings in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Methods: in this cross-sectional study, patients diagnosed with TMDs underwent an otorhinolaryngological examination, audiological evaluation, and balance and vestibular function examinations, using vectoelectronystagmography. The tests performed were 1) spontaneous nystagmus, 2) saccadic movements, 3) pendular tracking, 4) optokinetic nystagmus gain and velocity, 5) rotational chair testing, and 6) post-caloric vertigo and the direction and velocity of the slow component of nystagmus. Results: thirty patients were selected (22 females and 8 males) with mean age of 30.8(14.9 years. Sensorineural hearing loss was seen in four patients (13.3%); the other patients (86.7%) had results within the normal range at all frequencies. Five patients (16.7%) showed abnormalities on the Romberg test and seven (23.3%) on the Tandem test. Abnormalities on the caloric test were seen in 40.0% of patients. More prevalence of headache (p<0.0001) and tinnitus (p<0.0001) was observed in patients with unilateral hyperreflexia, and dizziness, depression, anxiety, gait imbalance and falls in patients with bilateral hyperreflexia. Conclusion: patients with TMDs may present vectoelectronystagmography abnormalities characterized by unilateral or bilateral hyperreflexia and unilateral hyporeflexia of post-caloric nystagmus.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/physiopathology , Electronystagmography/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cohort StudiesABSTRACT
La vestibulopatía bilateral es poco frecuente, se caracteriza principalmente por inestabilidad al caminar o al estar de pie, visión borrosa inducida por el movimiento u oscilopsia al caminar o al realizar movimientos rápidos de la cabeza o del cuerpo, empeoramiento de la estabilidad en la oscuridad o terrenos irregulares, reducción de los síntomas al estar en condiciones estáticas, ganancia del reflejo vestíbulo-ocular angular reducida de forma bilateral, entre otros. Existen múltiples causas. Dentro de las causas identificables, se describen principalmente medicamentos ototóxicos, meningitis y enfermedad de Ménière. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 64 años diagnosticada con vestibulopatía bilateral posterior a tratamiento intramuscular con gentamicina por sobreinfección bacteriana cutánea de las manos. La evaluación vestibular complementada con videonistagmografía y prueba de impulso cefálico asistida por video confirman el diagnóstico y se inicia tratamiento con rehabilitación vestibular enfocada en promover la compensación central a través de estrategias de sustitución principalmente; además de habituación y adaptación vestibular, favoreciendo la estabilización de la mirada, mantención del equilibrio, control postural, marcha y reducción de los síntomas.
Bilateral vestibulopathy is infrequent, and it is characterized mostly by unstable walking or when standing, blurred vision induced by movement, or oscillopsia when walking or performing fast movements; worsening of the stability in darkness or uneven ground, but with lack of symptoms in static conditions. Other symptoms may include bilateral reduction of the oculo-vestibular reflex. Among the identifiable causes, there is the use of ototoxic medication, meningitis, Ménière's disease, although it can be idiopathic or have a neurological cause. We hereby describe the case of a 64-year-old woman, diagnosed with bilateral vestibulopathy secondary to intramuscular treatment with gentamicin due to a bacterial hand infection. Vestibular assessment was complemented with video-nystagmography and video head impulse test which confirmed the diagnosis, and therapy was started with vestibular rehabilitation focused on promoting central compensation mainly, through substitution strategies. Also, habituation exercise and vestibular adaptation strategies were used, thus promoting sight stabilization, balance maintenance, postural control, walking, and reduction of the symptoms.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Gentamicins/adverse effects , Bilateral Vestibulopathy/chemically induced , Bilateral Vestibulopathy/rehabilitation , Anti-Bacterial Agents/adverse effects , Audiometry , Superinfection , Electronystagmography , Head Impulse Test , Bilateral Vestibulopathy/diagnosis , Bilateral Vestibulopathy/physiopathologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Changes in postural balance and visual complaints are frequent consequences of stroke. We aimed to investigate the symptoms and the vestibular and oculomotor functions of patients with dizziness post ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke and compare the results among them. Methods: Fifty patients with dizziness after stroke were evaluated through a clinical anamnesis and computerized vector electronystagmography: calibration of ocular movements, spontaneous nystagmus, semi-spontaneous nystagmus, pendular tracking, optokinetic nystagmus, rotary chair testing, and the caloric test. Results: All patients complained of dizziness, especially imbalance. Ischemic stroke in the carotid territory was the prevalent type. Visual complaints were reported by 56% of the sample and were related to abnormalities in oculomotor and caloric tests. Conclusion: The occurrence of visual symptoms was related to some abnormalities in the vector electronystagmography tests, being more frequent in cases of stroke in the vertebrobasilar system, and with oscillopsia and reduced visual acuity as symptoms.
RESUMO Alterações no equilíbrio postural são consequências frequentes no acidente vascular cerebral (AVC). O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os sintomas e as funções vestibular e oculomotora de sujeitos com tontura após AVC isquêmico e hemorrágico, comparando seus resultados. Métodos: Foram avaliados 50 sujeitos com tontura após AVC, por meio de anamnese clínica e vectoeletronistagmografia computadorizada (VENG): calibração dos movimentos oculares; nistagmo espontâneo e semi-espontâneo; rastreio pendular; nistagmo optocinético; prova rotatória pendular decrescente e prova calórica com estímulo a ar. Resultados: Todos relataram tontura, principalmente do tipo desequilíbrio. O AVC isquêmico e no sistema carotídeo foi o mais frequente. Sintomas visuais pós-AVC foram referidos por 56% da amostra, os quais tiveram relação com alterações nas provas oculomotoras e calórica da VENG. Conclusão: A ocorrência de sintomas visuais relacionou-se a alterações em alguns testes. Essas alterações foram mais frequentes nos casos de AVC da circulação posterior, naqueles com oscilopsia e diminuição da acuidade visual.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Vestibular Function Tests , Stroke/complications , Stroke/physiopathology , Dizziness/etiology , Dizziness/physiopathology , Oculomotor Nerve/physiopathology , Vision Disorders/etiology , Vision Disorders/physiopathology , Caloric Tests , Visual Acuity/physiology , Nystagmus, Pathologic/etiology , Nystagmus, Pathologic/physiopathology , Vestibule, Labyrinth/physiopathology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Electronystagmography/methodsABSTRACT
Las pruebas rotatorias han sido utilizadas durante más de un siglo para el estudio de la función vestibular por ser un estímulo fisiológico controlado muy efectivo sobre el laberinto posterior, habitualmente son los conductos semicirculares horizontales los que se exploran, pues se afectan con más frecuencia y son más fáciles de estudiar, sin embargo en ocasiones son los verticales los lesionados y por tanto deben emplearse otras alternativas para llegar a un diagnóstico certero. Se presenta un caso donde se evalúa la función fisiológica de los conductos semicirculares verticales a través de la electronistagmografía con estimulación rotatoria, empleando la técnica de estimulación tiempo-velocidad, con fases sucesivas de aceleración, velocidad constante, desaceleración y parada brusca, con una silla rotatoria computarizada, acoplada a un electronistagmógrafo. Se obtuvo arreflexia del canal vertical anterior derecho. A velocidades inferiores a 1 Hz es posible evaluar el reflejo vestíbulo ocular en los conductos semicirculares verticales, a pesar de que la frecuencia del estímulo está por debajo del nivel en que este reflejo funciona en las actividades diarias(AU)
Rotatory tests have been used for over a century for the study of vestibular function because it is a very effective physiological controlled stimulus on the posterior labyrinth, usually the horizontal semicircular ducts that are explored, since they are affected more frequently and are more easy to study, however sometimes the injured are vertical and therefore other alternatives must be used to arrive at a correct diagnosis. The aim of this study is to evaluate the range of physiological function of vertical semicircular ducts using electronystagmography and rotary stimulation. The method used was the technique of time - speed stimulation, with successive phases of acceleration, constant speed, deceleration and abrupt stop, with a computerized rotating chair. Vestibulo-ocular arreflexia of the right anterior vertical channel. It was shown that at speeds lower than 1 Hz it is possible to evaluate the Ocular Lobe Reflex in the vertical semicircular ducts, although the frequency of the stimulus is below the level at which this reflex works in daily activities(AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Vestibular Function Tests/adverse effects , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular/physiology , Electronystagmography/methods , Audiometry/methodsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The suppression head impulse (SHIMP) test has emerged as one of the new vestibular function tests. The SHIMP test is an analysis of anti-compensatory saccadic movements in gazing moving targets as the head moves. In this study, we investigated the accuracy and sensitivity of the test. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: We analyzed the results of SHIMP test (gain, amplitude, and latency) in 24 cases, which included normal, vestibular neuritis, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meniere's disease, bilateral vestibular function loss, temporal bone fracture, tuberculosis meningitis and acoustic schwannoma patients. We also carried out a physical exam, audiologic study, video electronystagmography (vENG) and a conventional video head impulse test to evaluate the feasibility of SHIMP test in cases of vesitibulopathy. RESULTS: In patients with vestibulopathy, the analysis of SHIMP test indicated high sensitivity and accuracy, which were supported by accompanying audio-vestibular studies. Patients suspected with BPPV, vestibular neuronitis and Meniere's disease showed low vestibulo ocular reflex (VOR) gain and delayed anticompensatory saccade with smaller and more scattered amplitudes than the control. Patients with bilateral vestibular function loss, temporal bone fracture, tuberculosis meningitis, and acoustic schwannoma showed delayed latency, and small amplitude or few anticompensatory saccades. Finally, changes in the SHIMP test values might be a hint that patients had recovered from vestibular neuronitis and tuberculosis meningitis. CONCLUSION: We found the feasibility of SHIMP test in detecting the pathologic condition of VOR in vestibulopathy patients. We argue that the usefulness of SHIMP test might be extended to evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation.
Humans , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo , Electronystagmography , Head Impulse Test , Head , Meniere Disease , Methods , Neuroma, Acoustic , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular , Rehabilitation , Saccades , Temporal Bone , Tuberculosis, Meningeal , Vestibular Function Tests , Vestibular NeuronitisABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Interdisciplinary research has contributed greatly to an improved understanding of the vestibular system. To date, however, very little research has focused on the vestibular system's somatosensory afferents. To ensure the diagnostic quality of vestibular somatosensory afferent data, especially the extra cranial afferents, stimulation of the vestibular balance system has to be precluded. Objective Sophisticated movements require intra- and extra cranial vestibular receptors. The study's objective is to evaluate an investigation concept for cervico-vestibular afferents with respect to clinical feasibility. Methods A dedicated chair was constructed, permitting three-dimensional trunk excursions, during which the volunteer's head remains fixed. Whether or not a cervicotonic provocation nystagmus (c-PN) can be induced with static trunk excursion is to be evaluated and if this can be influenced by cervical monophasic transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (c-TENS) with a randomized test group. 3D-video-oculography (VOG) was used to record any change in cervico-ocular examination parameters. The occurring nystagmuses were evaluated visually due to the small caliber of nystagmus amplitudes in healthy volunteers. Results The results demonstrate: no influence of placebo-controlled c-TENS on the spontaneous nystagmus; a significant increase of the vertical nystagmus on the 3Dtrunk- excursion chair in static trunk flexion with cervical provocation in all young healthy volunteers (n = 49); and a significant difference between vertical and horizontal nystagmuses during static trunk excursion after placebo-controlled c-TENS, except for the horizontal nystagmus during trunk torsion. Conclusion We hope this cervicotonic investigation concept on the 3D trunk-excursion chair will contribute to new diagnostic and therapeutic perspectives on cervical pathologies in vestibular head-to-trunk alignment.
Humans , Manipulation, Spinal , Nystagmus, Pathologic , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation , Brachiocephalic Trunk/physiology , ElectronystagmographyABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Even today, the treatment of intractable vertigo remains a challenge. Vestibular ablation with intratympanic gentamicin stands as a good alternative in the management of refractory vertigo patients. Objective: To control intractable vertigo through complete saccular and horizontal canal vestibular ablation with intratympanic gentamicin treatment. Methods: Patients with refractory episodic vertigo were included. The inclusion criteria were: unilateral ear disease, moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss, and failure to other treatments. Included patients underwent 0.5-0.8 mL of gentamicin intratympanic application at a 30 mg/mL concentration. Vestibular ablation was confirmed by the absence of response on cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials and no response on caloric tests. Audiometry, electronystagmography with iced water, and vestibular evoked myogenic potentials were performed in all patients. Results: Ten patients were included; nine patients with Meniere's disease and one patient with (late onset) delayed hydrops. Nine patients showed an absent response on vestibular evoked myogenic potentials and no response on caloric tests. The only patient with low amplitude on cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials had vertigo recurrence. Vertigo control was achieved in 90% of the patients. One patient developed hearing loss >30 dB. Conclusions: Cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials confirmed vestibular ablation in patients treated with intratympanic gentamicin. High-grade vertigo control was due to complete saccular and horizontal canal ablation (no response to iced water in electronystagmography and no response on cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials).
Resumo Introdução: Ainda hoje, o controle da vertigem intratável permanece um desafio. A ablação vestibular com gentamicina intratimpânica permanece como uma boa alternativa no tratamento de pacientes com vertigem refratária. Objetivo: Controlar a vertigem intratável por meio de ablação vestibular completa dos canais sacular e horizontal com gentamicina intratimpânica como tratamento. Método: Pacientes com vertigem refratária episódica foram incluídos. Os critérios de inclusão foram doença unilateral da orelha, perda auditiva neurossensorial de moderada a profunda e fracasso com outros tratamentos. Os pacientes incluídos receberam uma aplicação de 0,5-0,8 mL de gentamicina intratimpânica com concentração de 30 mg/mL. A ablação vestibular foi confirmada pela ausência de resposta no teste de potencial evocado miogênico vestibular cervical (PEMVc) e nenhuma resposta nas provas calóricas. Audiometria, eletronistagmografia com água gelada e potencial evocado miogênico vestibular foram realizados em todos os pacientes. Resultados: Ao todo, dez pacientes foram incluídos: nove com doença de Ménière e um com hidropisia tardia. Nove pacientes apresentaram ausência de resposta no teste de potencial evocado miogênico vestibular e nenhuma resposta na prova calórica. O único paciente com baixa amplitude no PEMVc apresentou recorrência da vertigem. O controle da vertigem foi obtido em 90% dos pacientes. Um paciente desenvolveu perda auditiva > 30 dB. Conclusões: O PEMVc confirmou ablação vestibular nos pacientes tratados com gentamicina intratimpânica. O alto grau de controle da vertigem foi devido à ablação completa do sáculo e canal horizontal (sem resposta à água gelada na eletronistagmografia e ausência de resposta no PEMVc).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Tympanic Membrane , Gentamicins/administration & dosage , Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials/drug effects , Meniere Disease/drug therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Severity of Illness Index , Caloric Tests , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , ElectronystagmographyABSTRACT
Introducción: las oscilaciones oculares involuntarias en la infancia pueden comprometer la agudeza visual del niño; de ahí la importancia de manejarlas adecuadamente. Objetivo: describir el tipo de nistagmos y el tratamiento indicado en cada paciente con síndrome de nistagmos infantil. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, de una serie de 60 pacientes con diagnóstico síndrome de nistagmos infantil. Se analizaron la edad, los tipos de nistagmos, los defectos refractivos asociados y los tratamientos indicados en cada caso. Se procesaron con el programa informático para análisis estadístico SPSS para Window, versión 2.1, y se utilizó la media y la mediana como medidas de tendencia central, y la desviación estándar y el rango intercuartílico como medidas de dispersión. Resultados: la edad promedio de los pacientes estudiados fue de 5,8 años. Predominaron los pacientes del sexo masculino (56,7 por ciento vs. 43,3 por ciento). El nistagmos sensorial fue el encontrado con mayor frecuencia (80,0 por ciento) y la mediana fue de 4 años 6 meses. La causa más frecuente de este tipo de nistagmos fue la hipoplasia papilar (20,8 por ciento), en uno y otro sexos. El astigmatismo hipermetrópico fue el defecto refractivo hallado con mayor frecuencia en estos pacientes. El tratamiento farmacológico fue el más utilizado (65,0 por ciento), en particular con dorzolamida 2 por ciento colirio (94,9 por ciento). El tratamiento quirúrgico se empleó en el 20,0 por ciento de los pacientes y la técnica más empleada fue la recesión de los 4 rectos horizontales. Conclusiones: los nistagmos sensoriales son los más frecuentes y se manejan fundamentalmente con tratamiento farmacológico(AU)
Introduction: the involuntary eye movements in childhood may compromise the child´s visual acuity; hence it is important to properly manage them. Objectives: to describe the type of nystagmus and the prescribed treatment for each patient suffering the infantile nystagmus syndrome. Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted in 60 patients with diagnosis of infantile nystagmus syndrome. Age, types of nystagmus, associated refractive defects and prescribed treatments in each case were analyzed and processed with statistical analysis software SPSS for Windows, version 2.1. Mean and median; and standard deviation and interquartile range were used as central tendency and as dispersion measures, respectively. Results: the average age of the studied patients was 5,8 years. Men predominated (56,7 percent vs. 43,3 percent). The sensorial nystagmus was the most frequent (80 percent) and the median was 4 years and 6 months. The most common cause in this nystagmus type was papillary hypoplasia (20,8 percent) in both sexes. The hypermetropic astigmatism was the most found refractive defect in these patients. The drug treatment was the most used (65 percent), particularly 2 percent dorzolamide eyedrop (94,9 percent). The surgical treatment was used in 20 percent of the patients and the most used technique was recession of the 4 horizontal rectus muscle. Conclusions: sensorial nystagmus is the most frequent and they are fundamentally managed with drug treatment(AU)
Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Electronystagmography/adverse effects , Nystagmus, Pathologic/diagnosis , Nystagmus, Pathologic/drug therapy , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Observational Study , Refractive Surgical Procedures/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Introduction In Vestibular Testing (VT), caloric tests allow evaluation of unilateral weakness (UW) and directional preponderance (DP), where different criteria of normality are adopted in Brazil and worldwide. The Brazilian version of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (Brazilian DHI) evaluates the impact of dizziness on the quality of life of an individual. Objectives The objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of dizziness on the quality of life of patients undergoing VT, and to relate these findings to the results obtained according to national and international criteria. Methods Cross-sectional analytic study of 235 patients referred for VT in two hospitals. The authors performed the Brazilian DHI, history, static, and dynamic balance tests, positional nystagmus, and the Dix-Hallpike maneuver, as well as vectoelectronystagmography. Subjects were divided into three groups according to UW and DP values. Descriptive statistics and comparisons between groups were performed, considering a significance level of 5% in all analyses. Results Patients groups had 20.9% men, and 79.1% women. There was no significant difference between groups for the scores obtained in the Brazilian DHI. There was, however, a statistically significant difference in the redistribution of individuals according to the UWand DP values. Conclusion There was no relationship between VT results and the impact of dizziness in the quality of life. A review of normal values for UW and DP adopted in Brazil is suggested, as well as the application of the Brazilian DHI as an additional tool to evaluate the impact of dizziness on quality of life in all patients undergoing VT.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Dizziness , Postural Balance , Quality of Life , Brazil , Caloric Tests , ElectronystagmographyABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar os movimentos oculares de sácadas, perseguição e o nistagmo optocinético em adultos, analisando o efeito da idade e das alterações visuais. Métodos Foram avaliados 40 sujeitos de ambos os gêneros, com faixa etária de 20 a 49 anos de idade, sem queixas auditivas ou vestibulares e que apresentaram avaliação audiológica básica dentro dos padrões da normalidade e ausência de nistagmo espontâneo de olhos abertos, nistagmo semi-espontâneo e nistagmo espontâneo de olhos fechados maior que 6º/s. Todos os participantes foram submetidos às provas de nistagmo espontâneo, nistagmo optocinético, movimentos sacádicos fixos, aleatórios e rastreio pendular, por meio da vectoeletronistagmografia computadorizada. Os achados foram analisados segundo as variáveis idade e presença de alteração visual, do tipo ametropias. Os resultados passaram por análise estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados Não houve diferença nas provas de nistagmo optocinético, sacádico fixo, aleatório e rastreio pendular, quando analisadas com relação à idade. Quanto à variável alteração visual, a preponderância direcional do nistagmo, observada na prova do nistagmo optocinético, foi maior em indivíduos com alterações visuais. Nos movimentos sacádicos aleatórios, também se observou diferença em relação à velocidade máxima, sendo maior em indivíduos sem alterações visuais. Conclusão As provas oculomotoras não sofreram influência do fator idade na faixa etária pesquisada, porém, a presença de alterações visuais exerceu influência em alguns dos parâmetros das provas oculomotoras.
ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate saccadic and pursuit ocular movements and optokinetic nystagmus in adults, analyzing the effect of age and visual alterations. Methods We evaluated 40 subjects of both genders, aged 20-49 years, with no auditory or vestibular complaints and who presented a normal basic audiology evaluation, absence of spontaneous nystagmus with open eyes, semi-spontaneous nystagmus, and spontaneous nystagmus with eyes closed greater than 6º/s. All participants underwent the tests of spontaneous nystagmus, optokinetic nystagmus, fixed and random saccadic movements, and pendular tracking using computerized vectoelectronystagmography. The findings were analyzed according to age and visual changes (ametropias). The results underwent a descriptive and inferential analysis. Results There was no difference in the tests of optokinetic nystagmus, fixed and random saccadic movement, and pendular tracking when analyzed with regard to age. As for the variable presence of visual alteration, directional preponderance of nystagmus, observed in the optokinetic nystagmus test, was higher in individuals with visual alterations. In the random saccadic movement, there was also a difference in relation to the maximum velocity, which was higher in individuals with no visual alterations. Conclusion The oculomotor tests were not affected by the age factor in the studied age group, but the presence of visual alterations exerted influence on some of the parameters of the oculomotor tests.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Saccades , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular , Nystagmus, Physiologic , Nystagmus, Optokinetic , Vision Disorders , Electronystagmography , Postural Balance , Age FactorsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze and summarize nystagmus of patients with posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) in positioning test,and to improve the diagnosis and treatment of posterior canal BPPV (PSC-BPPV).@*METHOD@#The present study was conducted on 175 patients who had unilateral BPPV of the posterior semicircular canal (PSC). Their positional nystagmus recorded by videnonystagmography in Dix-Hallpike test,roll test and roll over test were analyzed to summarize the characteristics of nystagmus on nystagmograph of PSC-BP-PV.@*RESULT@#Of the 175 patients, lesion was located in the left PSC in 69 (39.4%) patients,the right PSC in 106 (60. 6%)patients. The nystagmus of patients with PSC-canalithiasis showed upward on the vertical phase of nystagmograph and orientated the different side on horizontal phase in the head hangging position. The horizontal phase pointed to the contralateral side in 47(26. 9%) patients, the ipsilateral contralateral side in 100(57. 1%) patients,no significant reverse ingredients in 28(16.0%) patients. When these patients returned to sit,139(79.4%) patients showed down beating positioning nystagmus, whereas 36 (20. 6%) patients with no nystagmus only had a short vertigo or dizziness. The horizontal phase of the 139 patients pointed to the contralateral side in 40(22. 9%) patients,the ipsilateral contralateral side in 68(38. 9%) patients,no significant reverse ingredients in 31(17. 7%) patients. In roll test,12 patients of the right PSC-BPPV presented an up-beating rotatory nystagmus when the head turned to right,and 5 patients of the left PSC-BPPV presented a down-beating rotatory nystagmus when the head turned to left. When the patients changed body from the left lateral position to the right lateral position in the roll over test, 74(42. 3%) patientsshowed vertical positioning nystagmus. In 30 patients who presented an up-beating nystagmus, there were 25(83. 3%) patientscame from the right PSC-BPPV. In 44 patients who presented a down-beating nystagmus, there were 36(81. 8%) patientscame from the left PSC-BPPV. The direction of the vertical nystagmus was highly correlated with the judgment about the side of the PSC-BPPV in roll over test (P<0. 01).@*CONCLUSION@#The patient with PSC-canalithiasis showed an uncertain direction in torsional nystagmus in Dix-Hallpike test,the diagnosis was mainly concern with the vertical nystagmus. When we found a rotatory nystagmus with much more up-beating nystagmus in roll test, it might be PSC-BPPV. We also can use the roll over test to diagnose the location of the otolith in which side of the PSC-BPPV.
Humans , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo , Dizziness , Electronystagmography , Face , Head , Nystagmus, Physiologic , Otolithic Membrane , Patient Positioning , Semicircular Canals , Vertigo , Vestibular Function TestsABSTRACT
Introduction: Fishing, one of the oldest productive activities, is an important sector of the national and world economy. Aim: To evaluate the vestibular behavior in a population of fishermen. Methods: In a retrospective and cross-sectional study, 13 fishermen (mean 45.0), between 33 and 62 years of age, were submitted to anamnesis, otorhinolaryngological evaluation, and vestibular exam through the vector electronystagmography. Results: The most evident otoneurologic symptoms were hearing loss (76.9%), tinnitus (61.7%), dizziness (46.1%), and headache (46.1%). The most evident clinical symptoms were fatigue (46.1%), depression (23.0%), anxiety (15.3%), insomnia (7.7%), and agitation during sleep (7.7%). There were alterations in the vestibular exam in 5 fishermen (38.5%) discovered in the caloric test. There was a prevalence of alteration in the peripheral vestibular system. There was a major frequency of the peripheral vestibular irritative syndrome. Conclusion: The otoneurologic complaints were frequent in the population studied to verify the importance of allowing labyrinth exams and the need for adopting preventive measures relating to noise exposure as well as carbon monoxide exposure, because they can cause and/or enhance various manifestations of labyrinthine vestibular impairment that can affect the quality of life of these workers...
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Dizziness , Hearing Loss , Occupational Health , Vestibular Function Tests , Electronystagmography , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: A literatura é discordante com relação à interferência do IC sobre o equilíbrio corporal. Sendo assim, resolvemos avaliar o equilíbrio corporal de pacientes surdos pós-linguais, submetidos a implante coclear unilateral. OBJETIVO: Observar o equilíbrio corporal pré e pós-implante coclear (IC) ao longo de 1 ano. CASUÍSTICA E METODOLOGIA: Estudo prospectivo observacional realizado com 24 pacientes adultos, surdos pós-linguais submetidos à avaliação vestibular antes e depois da cirurgia de implante coclear unilateral. A avaliação vestibular contou com um questionário sobre vertigem, prova calórica (PC), cadeira rotatória (CR) e posturografia dinâmica computadorizada (PDC) aplicados no pré-operatório, 60, 120, 180 dias e 1 ano após a cirurgia de IC. RESULTADOS: A tontura foi referida por 13 (54,2%) pacientes pré-IC, enquanto 11 (45.8%) não apresentaram a queixa. Ao final do estudo 11 sujeitos (84,6%) referiram melhora da tontura, em 1 (7,7%) permaneceu inalterada e em 1 (7,7%) piorou. Dos 24 pacientes apenas 5 indivíduos (20,8%) desenvolveram tontura no pós-operatório imediato com resolução completa após um mês. A prova calórica identificou 7 (29,2%) sujeitos normorreflexos, 8 (33,3%) com hiporreflexia ou arreflexia unilateral , 3 (12,5%) com hiporreflexia bilateral e 6 (25%) com arreflexia vestibular bilateral (AVB).Houve interferência do estímulo elétrico em ambas as orelhas e na evolução da recuperação postural após ativação do IC, que promoveu a melhora significativa dos índices da PDC ao longo de um ano de acompanhamento. Ao final do estudo, as médias numéricas das condições avaliadas pela PDC mostraram-se superiores nos indivíduos que apresentaram resposta à prova calórica em relação àqueles que possuíam AVB. CONCLUSÃO: Foi decisiva a presença ou não de resposta pós-calórica na evolução do equilíbrio corporal ao longo de 1 ano. A ausência de resposta pós-calórica na avaliação pré-operatória implicou em pior prognóstico na...
INTRODUCTION: There is no consensus in the literature with regard to the effects of cochlear implantation (CI) on vestibular function and balance in patients with deafness. Because of this fact we decided to assess vestibular function before and after unilateral cochlear implantation (CI) in patients with postlingual deafness. OBJECTIVE: To assess balance before and after cochlear implantation (CI) over the course of 1 year. PATIENTS AND METHODS: prospective, observational study sought to assess balance in 24 postlingually deaf adults undergoing vestibular evaluation before and after cochlear implantation (CI). Vestibular assessment consisting of a vertigo questionnaire, caloric tests (CT), rotary chair testing (RC), and computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) was performed preoperatively and at 60, 120, 180 days and 1 year after CI. RESULTS: Overall, 13 patients (54.2%) reported preoperative dizziness and 11 (45.8%) did not have the symptom pre-CI. At the end of the study dizziness ameliorated in 11 (84.6%), remained unchanged in 1 (7.7%) and worsened in 1 (7.7%). Only 5 of the 24 patients (20.8%) developed immediate postoperative dizziness, which resolved within a month. The caloric tests identified 7 (29.2%) patients with normal reflexes, 8 (33.3%) with unilateral areflexia or hyporeflexia, 3 (12.5%) with bilateral hyporeflexia, and 6 (25%) with bilateral vestibular loss (BVL). Electrical stimulation affected both ears and interfered with the progression of postural recovery after CI activation, which led to a significant improvement in CDP values over the course of 1 year of follow-up. At the end of the study, the mean values of the conditions assessed by CDP were higher in individuals who had responded to caloric tests than in individuals with BVL. The better postural performance of subjects with BVL may be due to better use of visual information. CONCLUSION: The presence or absence of CT response was a decisive determinant of balance...
Humans , Male , Female , Cochlear Implantation , Electronystagmography , Vertigo , Vestibular DiseasesABSTRACT
O objetivo do estudo foi verificar os benefícios da reabilitação vestibular (RV) com realidade virtual, por meio de avaliação pré e pós-aplicação da Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg (EEB), em quatro casos de ataxia espinocerebelar (AEC). Os casos foram submetidos aos seguintes procedimentos: anamnese, inspeção otológica, avaliação vestibular e aplicação da EEB pré e pós-RV, com a realidade virtual representada por meio da utilização de jogos do equipamento Wii Fit. Os casos retratam quatro pacientes com diagnóstico genético de AEC (dois tipo 2, um tipo 3 e um em investigação), sendo três do gênero feminino e um do gênero masculino, na faixa etária de 30 a 62 anos. Os pacientes referiram sintomas otoneurológicos e, no exame vestibular, observou-se a presença de nistagmo semiespontâneo com características centrais, ausência de nistagmo pós-rotatório, hiporreflexia e preponderância direcional do nistagmo assimétrica à prova calórica. Nos casos 1 e 2, os pacientes referiram melhora na coordenação dos movimentos e do equilíbrio corporal, independente do escore na EEB ter demonstrado médio risco para queda, antes e após a realização dos exercícios. No caso 3, o paciente apresentou melhora do escore na EEB, bem como do equilíbrio, apresentando baixo risco para queda. O caso 4 não evidenciou melhora na avaliação após a execução dos exercícios. Este estudo de caso demonstrou a possibilidade da aplicação dos exercícios de RV com estímulos virtuais na AEC, com melhora da coordenação motora e do equilíbrio postural.
The purpose of this study was to verify the benefits of the vestibular rehabilitation (VR) with virtual reality through the assessment before and after the application of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) in four cases of spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA). The cases were underwent the following procedures: anamnesis, ear inspection, vestibular assessment and application of the BBS before and after VR with virtual reality using games from Wii Fit device. The cases describe four patients that were diagnosed with genetically inherited SCA (two type 2, one type 3 and one still under investigation), three of them were female and one was male, with ages ranging from 30 to 62 years. The patients presented otoneurological symptoms and the vestibular test showed the presence of semi-spontaneous nystagmus, absence of post-rotational nystagmus, hyporeflexia, and asymmetric directional preponderance of the nystagmus in the caloric test. Patients from cases 1 and 2 have showed an improvement in motor coordination and in body balance, even though the score presented by the BBS had demonstrated medium risk for falling before and after the exercises. In case 3, the patient's loss of balance and BBS score have improved, presenting low risk of falling; whereas the patient in case 4 did not show any improvement in the assessment after the exercises. This case study shows the applicability of VR exercises with virtual stimuli in SCA with improved motor coordination and postural balance.
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Spinocerebellar Ataxias/rehabilitation , Spinocerebellar Degenerations/rehabilitation , Vestibular Function Tests , Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy , Diagnostic Techniques, Otological , Electronystagmography , Medical History Taking , Postural Balance , Psychomotor Performance , Scala VestibuliABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To discuss the objective characteristics and mechanism of nystagmus direction, intensity and time in horizontal semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (HSC-BPPV) .</p><p><b>METHODS</b>A total of 233 patients with HSC-BPPV, whereas 179 horizontal semicircular canalithasis (HSC-Can) and 54 horizontal semicircular cupulolithiasis (HSC-Cup) were involved respectively. The induced nystagmus in roll tests recorded by video-nystagmograph(VNG) , whose direction, intensity and time characteristics were compared in various BPPV.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Horizontal nystagmus was both induced by turning left or right in HSC-BPPV roll tests. The direction of the induced nystagmus was the same with turning in HSC-Can. The latency, duration time and intensity ([AKx(-)D] ± s) turning to lesion and normal side were (1.922 ± 1.501)s and (1.447 ± 0.855)s, (25.620 ± 10.409)s, and (22.110 ± 10.931)s, (56.441 ± 33.168)°/s and (24.239 ± 13.892) °/s in HSC-Can. The latency, duration time and intensity turning to lesion side were larger than normal side (t = 3.715, 15.219 and 4.070, P < 0.01) , the difference was statistically significant, and the intensity rate was about 2: 1. The direction of the induced nystagmus was opposite to turning in HSC-Cup. The intensity turning to normal side was larger than lesion side obviously. The intensity rate was about 2: 1, the difference was statistically significant (t = -7.634, P < 0.01) . While the latency and intensity of turning to lesion side in HSC-Can were larger than turn to normal side in HSC-Cup, and the difference detected no statistically significant difference (t = 1.554 and 0.305, P > 0.05).</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>The induced nystagmus intensity of head to two sides in roll tests for HSC-BPPV both follow Ewald's law, and the ratio between stronger and weaker are both 2: 1. These nystagmus parameters of VNG in roll tests are an objective guideline for BPPV diagnosis.</p>
Humans , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo , Diagnosis , Electronystagmography , Head , Nystagmus, Pathologic , Diagnosis , Semicircular Canals , VertigoABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To quantify the posture control ability of patients with peripheral vertigo by computed dynamic posturography (CDP).@*METHODS@#Ninety-one subjects diagnosed with peripheral vertigo by caloric test were divided into unilateral vestibular dysfunction group (unilateral group) and bilateral vestibular disorder dysfunction group (bilateral group). CDP tests including sensory organization test (SOT) and motor control test (MCT) were performed on all subjects. The CDP results were compared with the normal data by t-test.@*RESULTS@#In unilateral group, there was no statistically significant difference in SOT compared with normal data (P > 0.05). In bilateral group, the composite equilibrium score was lower than the normal data, especially during the moving of the platform and the changes of visual stimulation (P < 0.05). In MCT test, the latencies of both groups showed no statistically significant difference compared with normal data (P > 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#During the non-acute period of peripheral vertigo, patients could maintain static equilibrium. Compared with normal people, dynamic equilibrium function is normal in patients with unilateral vestibular dysfunction, but declined in patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction.
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Electronystagmography , Motor Activity/physiology , Photic Stimulation , Postural Balance/physiology , Posture/physiology , Vertigo/physiopathology , Vestibular Diseases/physiopathology , Vestibular Function Tests/methodsABSTRACT
Poucos trabalhos desde a década de 70 foram realizados a fim de elucidar a prova calórica em alterações da orelha média, apesar de inúmeras controvérsias que este exame pode trazer em estruturas anatômicas tão distintas. Na mastoidectomia radical, estes estudos são mais escassos. OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os achados da estimulação calórica a ar em indivíduos com mastoidectomia radical unilateral sem queixas de tontura. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo, realização da estimulação calórica a ar em 36 indivíduos sem queixas vestibulares, sendo 21 com cirurgia de mastoidectomia aberta unilateral e 15 sem nenhuma alteração na orelha média ou externa. RESULTADOS: 80,95% dos indivíduos apresentaram respostas assimétricas na prova calórica frias, sendo as respostas maiores do lado da mastoidectomia aberta. Em 72,73%, o mesmo efeito ocorreu com a prova calórica quente. Na análise das quatro estimulações, encontrou-se assimetria das provas quente e frias em 81,82% dos casos. Em 47,61%, foi encontrada estimulação paradoxal da prova calórica quente. CONCLUSÃO:As respostas nistágmicas do lado da mastoidectomia aberta foram maiores se comparadas com o lado saudável. A estimulação paradoxal da prova calórica quente foi um achado frequente. Não foram encontradas respostas hipofuncionantes.
Since the 1970s, few studies have been conducted to elucidate the use of caloric tests on middle ear disorders, despite the many controversies that this test may produce in anatomical structures that are so distinct. In cases of mastoidectomy, such studies are even rarer. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze the findings from air caloric stimulation done in individuals submitted to unilateral radical mastoidectomy without complaints of dizziness. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Thirty-six individuals without vestibular complaints were enrolled in this prospective study. Air caloric stimulation was offered to all subjects. Twenty-one individuals had undergone unilateral open mastoidectomy and 15 did not present any middle or outer ear abnormalities. RESULTS: 80.95% of the individuals presented asymmetrical responses in the cold caloric test, with greater response on the side of the open mastectomy. In 72.73% of the subjects the same effect was observed in the hot caloric test. The four stimulation modes revealed asymmetries in both hot and cold tests in 81.82% of the cases. Paradoxical stimulation was observed in 47.61% of hot caloric tests. CONCLUSION: Nystagmic responses on the side of the open mastoidectomy were greater than on the healthy side. Paradoxical stimulation in caloric tests was a frequent finding. No hypofunctioning responses were found.