Las infecciones del sistema nervioso central son potencialmente mortales, causadas por patógenos, como bacterias, virus y hongos. Para llegar hasta el cerebro, los microorganismos utilizan diversas vías y formas. Este patogeno es una bacteria grampositiva corta, flagelar e intracelular, con la capacidad de inducir su internalización en células fagocíticas (monocitos/macrófagos) y no fagocíticas (células endoteliales). Al infectar los macrófagos, estos microorganismos se valen de su capacidad de fijación, adhesión y migración transendotelial, para cruzar la barrera hematoencefálica, finalmente, generando meningitis bacteriana. En esta revisión describimos el mecanismo de caballo de Troya usado por Listeria monocytogenespara invadir el cerebro en el desarrollo de enfermedades infecciosas e incorporamos nuevos conocimientos sobre moléculas que intervienen en dicho mecanismo(AU)
Central nervous system infections are life-threatening, caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. To access the brain, microorganisms use various mechanisms. Listeria monocytogenes is a short, flagellar and intracellular gram-positive bacterium, with the ability to induce its internalization in phagocytic (monocytes/macrophages) and non-phagocytic (endothelial cells) cells. By infecting macrophages, these microorganisms take advantage of their binding, adhesion, and transendothelial migrationcapacity to cross the blood-brain barrier, finally generating bacterial meningitis. In this review we describe the Trojan horse mechanism used by Listeria monocytogenesto invade the brain in the development of infectious diseases and we incorporate new knowledge about molecules that intervene in this mechanism(AU)
Blood-Brain Barrier , Central Nervous System , Meningitis, Bacterial , Listeria monocytogenes , Encephalitis, ViralABSTRACT
Introduction@#Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is currently a global health crisis and is caused by a new strain of coronavirus. However, emerging literature of case reports noted possible extrapulmonary manifestations of the disease. Because COVID 19 is a relatively new disease, at present, little existing literature tackles the diagnosis and therapeutic management of COVID‐19‐related conditions outside the pulmonary system.@*Case@#A 24-year-old male presented with sudden stiffening of all extremities but non-contrast computed tomography (CT) scan was unremarkable. Chest X-ray revealed interstitial pneumonia and SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR (OPS/NPS) was positive. Electrocardiogram (ECG) findings showed supraventricular tachycardia and had elevated Troponin I levels. Pertinent physical findings noted were slurring of speech, dysmetria, and vertical nystagmus. The patient was initially treated as a case of Bacterial Abscess versus Viral encephalitis. Pericardial ultrasound revealed small pericardial effusion and was started on Colchicine. Repeat cranial CT scan noted unremarkable results but due to persistence of symptoms, the patient was started with Dexamethasone. On Day 16 of illness, the patient was noted to have full resolution of symptoms. Rapid antibody testing was done which revealed positive for both IgG and IgM hence the patient was discharged with the final diagnosis of Viral Myopericarditis resolved, Viral encephalitis resolved, COVID-19 pneumonia recovered.@*Conclusion@#Extrapulmonary manifestations have been reported increasingly as an atypical presentation of COVID 19 infection. Early recognition of viral myopericarditis and viral encephalitis as a manifestation of COVID 19 can lead to the initiation of proper treatment and management. More reports on these cases can aid future studies on diagnostics and therapeutic approaches during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 , Encephalitis, Viral , SARS-CoV-2 , Coronavirus InfectionsABSTRACT
Introduction@#The etiology of encephalitis involves an enormous range and can be classified as infectious or immune-mediated. There are several factors influencing its prognosis and has been associated with significant morbidity and mortality. This study aims to evaluate the clinico-epidemiologic characteristics and outcomes of infectious and immune-mediated encephalitis among pediatric patients.@*Methodology@#Retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study that included patients aged 6 months to 17 years old with encephalitis in a tertiary hospital between January 2010 to December 2020@*Results@#A total of 23 cases were reviewed and 60.87% were infectious while that of immune-mediated was 39.13%. Among those with identified infectious cause, Mycoplasma pneumonia was the most common (28.57%). Infectious encephalitis was more common among younger males (35.71%) while immune-mediated affected female adolescents more (55.56%). The most common neurologic manifestation was altered mental status and/or behavioral changes. Treatment such as antibiotics (78.26%), anticonvulsant therapy (78.26%), and steroids (43.48%) were given. All immune-mediated cases received steroids. More than half of patients had complete recovery (56.52%). @*Conclusion@#Pediatric encephalitis should be considered among patients with neurologic dysfunction with or without systemic involvement. Behavioral changes in an apparently well child should prompt clinicians to consider anti-NMDAR encephalitis, especially if viral studies are negative and with no other known cause. Viruses remain to be the most common etiology, but other possible causes should be highly considered such as anti-NMDAR and Mycoplasma. A normal CSF analysis, imaging and/or encephalography (EEG) may not totally exclude encephalitis. Prognosis is relatively good hence an early diagnosis and initiation of appropriate management is important.
Encephalitis , Infectious Encephalitis , Encephalitis, Viral , MycoplasmaABSTRACT
The present objective was to investigate the presence of anti-equine viral encephalomyelitis (EVE) antibodies and the possible risk factors for its dissemination in horses raised in the East and West Potiguar mesoregions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Serological diagnosis for neutralizing antibodies against Eastern (EEEV), Western (WEEV) and Venezuelan (VEEV). Equine viral encephalomyelitis was performed using a seroneutralization technique on 811 blood samples from horses from ninety properties and sixteen municipalities between July 2018 and February 2019. Factors associated with EVE were evaluated using an investigative epidemiological questionnaire, and the data were statistically analyzed using the Epi Info 3.5.2 software with a confidence level of 95%. The seroprevalence of anti-EVE antibodies was 14.2% (115), with 10.36% (84) for EEEV, 6.9% (56) for WEEV, and null for EVE. When analyzing risk factors, it can be concluded that horses raised in properties that do not clean installations and/or rent out their pasture are more likely to have anti-EVE antibodies. These results show evidence that horses raised in the East and West Potiguar mesoregions were exposed to EEEV and WEEV, thus reinforcing the importance of vaccination and serological survey of nonvaccinated horses as a means of monitoring the disease.
Animals , Encephalomyelitis, Equine/epidemiology , Horse Diseases/diagnosis , Horses/virology , Brazil , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Encephalitis, Viral/veterinaryABSTRACT
We present a patient with laboratory-confirmed coronavirus disease who subsequently developed encephalopathy. The patient was brought to a primary care center due to slight symptoms, however the patient presented a seizure with generalized tonic-clonic movements with respiratory depression and reversible cardiorespiratory arrest, requiring orotracheal intubation and midazolam. After that the patient was transferred to the NICU where he was admitted with signs of dehydration, and he presented another reversible cardiac arrest. Given an inadequate response to weaning from mechanical ventilation, troponin increasing and chest X-ray suggestive of a pneumonic process, ampicillin sulbactam was considered. and took a tracheal secretion cultures and COVID-19 test, finding and methicillin sensitive , as well as a COVID-19 positive PCR test antibiotic management for bacterial pneumonia was started. It is to highlight the importance of recognizing that acute encephalitis is one of the most serious complications of pediatric viral infections, since it can lead to motor and intellectual sequelae, and even epilepsy in some cases.
Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 6 meses que presentó cuadro clínico de emesis, convulsiones tónico-clónicas generalizadas y dos paradas cardiorrespiratorias, requiriendo intubación orotraqueal y soporte inotrópico en la UCIN. Se obtuvo prueba de PCR COVID-19 positiva, se realizó el diagnóstico de encefalitis viral aguda y se inició manejo con antiepiléptico intravenoso, sedoanalgesia, soporte inotrópico, corticoide intravenoso, inmunoglobulina humana, N-acetilcisteína y tromboprofilaxis. Debido a la instauración atípica de la infección por COVID-19 en este grupo de edad, discutimos el espectro de presentación de la encefalitis viral en pediatría y su manejo desafiante.
Humans , Male , Infant , Encephalitis, Viral/complications , Encephalitis, Viral/drug therapy , COVID-19/complications , Seizures , Encephalitis, Viral/diagnostic imaging , COVID-19 Drug Treatment , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic useABSTRACT
RESUMO: Introdução: A encefalite viral é uma condição com altas taxas de morbimortalidade, e um melhor entendimento de sua epidemiologia pode colaborar para a construção de estratégias de prevenção e controle. Diante disso, este estudo se propôs a traçar um perfil epidemiológico para a encefalite viral no Brasil no ano de 2018 a partir de dados de internações hospitalares no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Métodos: Estudo ecológico de análise espacial. Os dados estudados foram relativos às internações hospitalares por encefalite viral no SUS em 2018, estratificadas por unidade da federação (UF), sexo e faixa etária. A distribuição geográfica foi abordada exploratoriamente, já as variáveis sexo e faixa etária foram abordadas analiticamente. Resultados: Foram registradas 2075 internações, com taxa de 0,99/105 habitantes. As taxas para cada UF foram representadas a partir de um mapa colorimétrico, enquanto as taxas para cada sexo e faixa etária foram representadas em uma tabela comparativa univariada. Discussão: Observou-se ampla variação numérica das taxas de internação dentre as UF, sendo Pernambuco o estado com maior incidência (4,13/105 habitantes) e Paraíba o estado com menor (0,29/105 habitantes). Foi constatada associação significativa com o risco de internação hospitalar por encefalite viral para o sexo masculino e para as faixas etárias de 1 a 4 anos (RR: 3,28) e menores de 1 ano (RR: 6,02). Conclusão: UF, gênero e faixa etária foram determinantes importantes da taxa de internação hospitalar por encefalite viral. Todavia, carecem de estudos atuais no Brasil e no mundo para a melhor caracterização da epidemiologia da encefalite viral. (AU)
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Viral encephalitis is a condition with high morbidity and mortality rates, and a better understanding of its epidemiology may contribute to the construction of prevention and control strategies. For this reason, this study aimed to draw an epidemiological profile for viral encephalitis in Brazil in 2018 from data on hospitalizations in the Unified Health System (SUS). Methods: Ecological study of spatial analysis. The data studied were hospi-talizations for viral encephalitis in SUS in 2018, stratified by federation unit (FU), gender, and age group. The geographical distribution was approached in an exploratory way, whereas gender and age variables were analytically addressed. Results: There were 2075 hospitalizations, with a rate of 0.99/105 inhabitants. The rates for each FU were represented in a colorimetric map, whereas the rates for each sex and age group were exemplified in a univariate comparative table. Discussion: There was a wide numerical variation in hospitalization rates among the FUs, with Pernambuco being the state with the highest incidence (4.13/105 inhabitants) and Paraíba with the lowest (0.29/105 inhabitants). A significant association was found with the risk of hospitalization for viral encephalitis for males and the ages from 1 to 4 years (RR: 3.28) and under one year (RR: 6.02). Conclusion: FU, gender, and age group were important determinants of the hospitalization rate due to viral encephalitis. However, current studies are needed in Brazil and worldwide to better characterize the epidemiology of viral encephalitis.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Public Health , Encephalitis, Viral , Hospitalization , Age GroupsABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives To review the diagnostic criteria for encephalitis and encephalopathy of presumed infectious etiology, as well as the diagnostic workup for viral encephalitis and its treatment approaches. The authors also intended to summarize relevant information on specific viruses frequently found in Brazil. Source of data Literature search on Pubmed/MEDLINE using the following keywords: "viral", "encephalitis", "child", or "adolescents", filtering for articles on humans and in English. Summary of data Viral encephalitis is the most common cause of encephalitis and is responsible for high rates of morbidity, permanent neurologic sequelae, and according to the virus, may have high mortality rates. The most common etiologies are herpesviruses 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2), non-polio enterovirus, and arboviruses (in Brazil, dengue, Zika, and chikungunya). Other relevant etiologies are seasonal influenza, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), and the re-emergent measles. Conclusion Clinical data, laboratory results, and neuroimaging findings support the diagnosis of encephalitis and the specific viral etiology. To increase the likelihood of etiologic confirmation, it is important to know the best approach to collecting samples and to choose the best identification technique for each virus. The differential diagnosis of viral encephalitis includes other infections and immune-mediated inflammatory central nervous system disorders.
Resumo Objetivos Revisar os critérios diagnósticos para encefalite e encefalopatia de etiologia infecciosa presumida, assim como a investigação diagnóstica para encefalite viral e suas abordagens terapêuticas. Além disso, pretendemos resumir tópicos relevantes sobre os vírus específicos frequentemente encontrados no Brasil. Fonte de dados Pesquisa bibliográfica feita nos bancos de dados Pubmed/Medline utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave: "viral", "encephalitis", "child" ou "adolescents", limitando os artigos a estudos em humanos e escritos em inglês. Resumo dos dados A encefalite viral é a causa mais comum de encefalite e é responsável por altas taxas de morbidade, sequelas neurológicas permanentes e, de acordo com o vírus, altas taxas de mortalidade. As etiologias mais comuns são herpes vírus 1 e 2 (HSV-1 e HSV-2), enterovírus não pólio e arbovírus (no Brasil, Dengue, Zika e Chikungunya). Outras etiologias relevantes são a influenza sazonal, o citomegalovírus (CMV), o vírus Epstein-Barr (EBV), o herpes vírus humano 6 (HHV-6) e o sarampo reemergente. Conclusão Dados clínicos, resultados laboratoriais e de neuroimagem apoiam o diagnóstico de encefalite e a etiologia viral específica. Para aumentar a probabilidade de confirmação etiológica, é importante conhecer a melhor abordagem para coletar amostras e escolher a melhor técnica de identificação para cada vírus. O diagnóstico diferencial de encefalite viral inclui outras infecções e distúrbios inflamatórios do sistema nervoso central imunomediados.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Encephalitis, Viral/diagnosis , Encephalitis, Viral/therapy , Brazil , Herpesvirus 6, Human , Herpesvirus 4, Human , Cytomegalovirus , Zika Virus , Zika Virus InfectionABSTRACT
Neuron-specific enolase (NSE) is a biomarker of neuronal cell lysis, which demonstrates stability in extracellular fluids such as blood and cerebrospinal fluid. To the authors knowledge there is no research information comparing the use of NSE in dogs with and without encephalitis, putting in evidence the importance of that biomarker to detect neuronal damage in dogs. The objective was to compare the serum NSE levels in dogs with and without encephalitis, and to determine the serum NSE levels in normal dogs. Thirty eight dogs were evaluated, 19 dogs with encephalitis (EG Group) and 19 dogs without encephalitis (CG Group). The criteria for inclusion in the EG Group were presence of neurological signs in more than one part of the CNS (multifocal syndrome) and positive molecular diagnosis for canine distemper virus; for the CG Group were an age between 1 to 7 years and be clinically normal; NSE were measured in serum using an ELISA assay, and the results were compared. In the EG Group the NSE values were higher with significant difference (P=0.0053) when compared with the CG Group. NSE is a biomarker that can be measured in serum samples of dogs to monitor neuronal lesions in encephalitis.(AU)
Enolase neuronal específica (NSE) é um biomarcador de lise de neurônios, que demonstra estabilidade em fluidos extracelulares como sangue e líquido cerebrospinal. Para o conhecimento dos autores, não há informações de pesquisa que comparem o uso de NSE em cães com e sem encefalite, evidenciando a importância desse biomarcador para detectar danos neuronais em cães. O objetivo foi comparar os níveis séricos de NSE em cães com e sem encefalites, e determinar os níveis séricos de NSE em cães saudáveis. Trinta e oito cães foram avaliados, 19 cães com encefalites (Grupo EG) e 19 cães sem encefalite (Grupo CG). O critério para inclusão no Grupo EG foi presença de sinais neurológicos em mais de uma estrutura do SNC (síndrome multifocal) e positividade no diagnóstico molecular para o vírus da cinomose canina; para o Grupo CG foi idade entre 1 e 7 anos e ser clinicamente normal; NSE foram mensuradas em amostras séricas usando o método de ELISA, e os resultados comparados. No Grupo EG os valores de NSE foram altos com diferença significativa (P=0.0053) quando comparado com o Grupo CG. NSE é um biomarcador que pode ser mensurado em amostras séricas de cães para monitorar lesões neuronais em encefalites.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Phosphopyruvate Hydratase/biosynthesis , Encephalitis, Viral/diagnosis , Encephalitis, Viral/veterinary , Distemper/diagnosis , Distemper Virus, Canine , DogsABSTRACT
La encefalitis es una entidad rara con manifestaciones clínicas variables. En los niños es usualmente leve y autolimitada. En 30 a 75% se desconoce la etiología y cuando el patógeno se identifica por PCR (reacción en cadena de la polimerasa), el 80% son enterovirus. En América Latina no están disponibles métodos específicos de diagnóstico. En nuestro país muy pocos centros realizan el examen y tampoco están disponibles estadísticas reales de su incidencia. Objetivo: correlacionar la etiología con los síntomas, resultados de laboratorio, imagen y electroencefalograma. Métodos: estudio transversal; de enero a diciembre de 2016 se revisaron las historias clínicas de 63 niños de 0 a 18 años hospitalizados con sospecha de encefalitis. Una vez identificado el enterovirus por PCR, se correlacionó con los hallazgos de los exámenes de laboratorio e imagen. Resultados: se confirmó encefalitis viral en 35 pacientes, enterovirus en 49%, predominio en la edad preescolar. Síntomas más comunes: fiebre, cefalea, signos meníngeos y síntomas digestivos, 24% alteraciones de la conciencia. Biometría hemática normal en 71%, proteina C reactiva alterada en 71%. De los pacientes con estudios de imagen, 6% tuvo resultado anormal y en aquellos con electroencefalograma 80% fue anormal. Se utilizó la U de Mann Whitney para el análisis estadístico, la relación entre enterovirus y alteración de estado de conciencia y síntomas digestivos fue significativa (p=0.029). Conclusión: en los pacientes con diagnóstico de encefalitis que presenten síntomas digestivos y alteración del estado de conciencia, se debe sospechar que el enterovirus es el agente etiológico.
Encephalitis is a rare entity with variable clinical manifestations. In children it is usually mild and self-limited. In 30-75% of cases, the etiology is unknown and when the pathogen is identified by PCR (polymerase chain reaction), 80% are enteroviruses. In Latin America specific diagnostic methods are not available. In our country very few centers carry out the specific test, real statistics of their incidence are not available Objective: To correlate etiology with symptoms, laboratory results, imaging and electroencephalogram. Methods: Cross-sectional study, clinical records of 63 children between 0 and 18 years hospitalized with suspected encephalitis from January to December 2016 were reviewed. Once Enterovirus was identified by PCR, it was correlated with the findings of laboratory and imaging tests. Results: Viral encephalitis was confirmed in 35 patients, Enterovirus in 49%, predominance in pre-school age. Most common symptoms: fever, headache, meningeal signs and digestive symptoms, 24% alterations of consciousness. Normal blood count in 71%, Protein C Reactive altered in 71%. In patients with imaging studies, 6% had an abnormal result and in those who underwent electroencephalography, 80% were abnormal. The Mann Whitney U was used for the statistical analysis, the relationship between enterovirus and alteration of consciousness and digestive symptoms was significant (p: 0.029) Conclution: In patients with a diagnosis of encephalitis presenting digestive symptoms and altered state of consciousness, Enterovirus should be suspected as an etiologic agent.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Enterovirus , Encephalitis, Viral , Central Nervous System Viral Diseases , Encephalitis , Pediatrics , Signs and Symptoms, Digestive , ConsciousnessABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción. La encefalitis viral aguda se define como un proceso inflamatorio asociado a disfunción neurológica con desenlace fatal o daño grave permanente. En México no se han hecho estudios de identificación directa de los agentes etiológicos causales de la encefalitis viral aguda. Objetivo. Identificar mediante PCR en tiempo real los principales agentes virales causantes de encefalitis viral aguda en México. Materiales y métodos. Se obtuvo el líquido cefalorraquídeo de pacientes con sospecha de encefalitis viral que ingresaron al servicio de urgencias del Hospital Civil Fray Antonio Alcalde. Se extrajeron ácidos nucleicos para identificar los patógenos mediante PCR y PCR con transcripción inversa en tiempo real. Resultados. Se captaron un total de 66 pacientes entre el 2011 y el 2014. En 16 de los casos (24 %) se identificó el agente viral y se encontró que el principal agente causal fue el enterovirus, con ocho casos (50 %), seguido del virus del herpes simple (HSV: 37 %), con seis casos, y el citomegalovirus (CMV: 12,5 %), con dos casos. El promedio de edad fue de 25 años (0-70 años). Los casos positivos predominaron en los varones (63,3 %) y se estableció un predominio estacional en otoño (37,5 %). La mayoría de los pacientes presentó fiebre (48,4 %) o cefalea (36,3 %) y, en menor proporción, convulsiones, confusión y debilidad muscular (30,3 %) seguidas de desorientación (28,75 %) y apatía (25,7 %). En dos de los casos se observó el signo de Kerning (3 %) y en otros dos, el signo de Brudzinski (3 %). Conclusiones. La PCR en líquido cefalorraquídeo es una técnica de diagnóstico adecuada para la identificación de virus causales de encefalitis viral, lo cual permite prescribir los medicamentos específicos.
Abstract Introduction: Viral encephalitis is a well-known inflammatory process associated with neurological dysfunction that might derive into severe brain damage or a fatal outcome. In México there is no epidemiological data that describes the prevalence of viral agents responsible for acute encephalitis. Objective: To identify the main viral agents by real time PCR involved in acute encephalitis in Mexico. Materials and methods: We obtained cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) samples from all patients with suspected viral encephalitis admitted to the emergency service of the Hospital Civil de Guadalajara "Fray Antonio Alcalde". To identify pathogens, we performed nucleic acid extraction using real-time PCR and RT-PCR. Results: Sixty-six patients were diagnosed with acute encephalitis from 2011 to 2014. A definitive viral etiological diagnosis was established in 16 patients (24%); the main causative agents were enteroviruses in 50% of the 16 positive samples, followed by herpes simplex virus (37%) and cytomegaloviruses (12.5%). Patients with encephalitis were predominantly male (63.3%) and a seasonal predominance was observed during autumn (37.5%). The main clinical characteristics in the acute encephalitis phase were fever (48.45) and cephalea (36.3), followed by seizures, disorientation, and muscular weakness (30.3%). Kerning sign was present in two cases (3%) and other two cases presented Brudzinski's sign (3%). Conclusions: CSF PCR is a suitable diagnostic technique for the identification of viral encephalitis caused by viral infections that allows an appropriate antiviral therapeutic treatment.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Encephalitis, Viral/virology , Encephalitis Viruses/isolation & purification , Time Factors , Acute Disease , Encephalitis, Viral/cerebrospinal fluid , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , MexicoABSTRACT
La principal manifestación clínica del herpesvirus 6 es el exantema súbito (también conocido como roséola o sexta enfermedad) y el síndrome febril. Las manifestaciones en el sistema nervioso central no son infrecuentes en la infección por herpesvirus 6, y su fisiopatología no está esclarecida, pero precisan diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano para evitar secuelas potencialmente graves. Se presenta el caso de una niña inmunocompetente de 2 años con cuadro de encefalitis como complicación de infección por herpesvirus 6. Se destaca la importancia del diagnóstico oportuno a fin de instaurar un adecuado tratamiento y seguimiento para evitar complicaciones secundarias a la afectación del sistema nervioso central.
The main clinical manifestation of human herpesvirus 6 is exanthema subitum (also known as roseola infantum) and febrile syndrome. Central nervous system manifestations are not unusual in herpesvirus 6 infection, and even though the pathophysiology is not clear, they need to be early diagnosed and treated in order to avoid potentially serious damage. We present the case of an immunocompetent 2-year-old girl with encephalitis as a complication of herpesvirus 6 infection. We want to emphasize the significance of an early diagnosis and treatment in order to prevent further complications due to the central nervous system extension.
Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Herpesvirus 6, Human/isolation & purification , Encephalitis, Viral/diagnosis , Exanthema Subitum/diagnosis , Encephalitis, Viral/virology , Exanthema Subitum/complicationsABSTRACT
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a mosquito-borne, zoonotic flavivirus causing viral encephalitis in humans and reproductive disorder in swine. JEV is prevalent throughout China in human; however, spatiotemporal analysis of JEV in Chinese swine herds has not been reported previously. Herein, we present serological and molecular epidemiological results and estimates of prevalence of JEV infections among swine herds in various regions of China. The results suggest that JEV infections are widespread and genotype I and III strains co-exist in the same regions. Therefore, there is an urgent need to monitor JEV infection status among swine herds in China.
Humans , Asian People , China , Encephalitis Virus, Japanese , Encephalitis, Japanese , Encephalitis, Viral , Flavivirus , Genotype , Molecular Epidemiology , Prevalence , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , SwineABSTRACT
Viral encephalitis can lead to serious neurological sequelae and death among younger children. It is also known that the mortality rate in encephalitis with cerebral edema or transtentorial brain herniation is higher. A 4-year-old boy visited our emergency department exhibiting mental change. The patient had a high fever for four and a whole-body rash for three days prior to his visit. He had displayed irritable symptoms and been vomiting for six hours before his visit, accompanied by seizure. After 13 hours of admission, the patient's right pupil became fixed and fully dilated, and the left pupil also became fixed and fully dilated within 30 minutes. Brain computed tomography (CT) was performed immediately, and severe brain swelling with transtentorial brain herniation was found. The mannitol dose was increased and dexamethasone was also added. Hyperventilation was performed through intubation to reach PaCO₂ levels of 25 to 30mmHg. Fifteen hours later, pupillary reflex was observed and the cerebral edema and transtentorial brain herniation was found to be improving in follow-up brain CT. He was transferred to a general ward after 11 days and discharged on the thirteenth hospital day without any neurological sequelae. Human herpesvirus type 6 (HHV-6) was detected in the serological polymerase chain reaction (PCR) examination.
Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Male , Brain , Brain Edema , Dexamethasone , Emergency Service, Hospital , Encephalitis , Encephalitis, Viral , Exanthema , Fever , Follow-Up Studies , Hyperventilation , Intubation , Mannitol , Mortality , Patient Rights , Patients' Rooms , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Pupil , Reflex, Pupillary , Seizures , VomitingABSTRACT
A decompressive craniectomy is a therapeuticmodality not commonly used in cases of refractory intracranial hypertension due to viral encephalitis. In this article the authors present two cases of patients with viral encephalitis that have undergone decompressive craniectomy to control intracranial pressure. Both evolved with Glasgow outcome score of 4. The main clinical data for the surgical decision are Glasgow coma scale and the pupils of the patient associated with the imaging tests showing a large necrotic area and perilesional edema. The evolution of the patients undergoing decompression was satisfactory in 92.3% of cases.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Encephalitis, Viral/surgery , Intracranial Hypertension/surgery , Decompressive Craniectomy , Acyclovir/administration & dosage , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Glasgow Coma Scale , Encephalitis, Viral/complications , Encephalitis, Viral/drug therapy , Intracranial Hypertension/etiologyABSTRACT
There have been significant efforts towards the development of more efficient vaccines for animal health. A strategy that may be used to improve vaccine efficacy is the use of probiotics to enhance the immune response of the host, leading to increased immunogenicity of antigen preparations. Bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5) is an example of an important animal pathogen for which vaccines have provided only limited protection. In this study, we examined the use of the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii (Sb) as a potential adjuvant to improve vaccine efficiency. We found that the supplemented animals exhibited an enhanced systemic IgG antibody response toward a Th1 response in favor of IgG2a and increased mRNA expression levels of the cytokines IFN-y, IL-12, IL-17 and IL-10 in the spleen. These results suggest that Sb supplementation may provide a promising means for improving the efficiency of vaccines, particularly those that rely on a cell-mediated immune response.(AU)
Esforços significativos têm sido realizados para o desenvolvimento de vacinas mais eficientes em saúde animal. Uma estratégia que pode ser usado para melhorar a eficácia da vacina é o uso de probióticos para melhorar a resposta imune do hospedeiro, conduzindo ao aumento da imunogenicidade de preparações de antígenos. Herpesvírus bovino 5 (BoHV-5) é um exemplo de um importante patógeno animal para os quais vacinas têm fornecido apenas uma protecção limitada. Neste estudo, examinou-se o uso do probiótico Saccharomyces boulardii (Sb) como um adjuvante potencial para melhorar a eficiência da vacina. Verificou-se que os animais suplementados apresentaram uma produção de anticorpos IgG superior e com desvio para Th1 em favor de IgG2, além do aumento dos níveis de expressão de mRNA para as citocinas IFN-γ, IL-12, IL-17 e IL-10. Esses resultados sugerem que a suplementação de Sb pode fornecer um meio promissor para melhorar a eficiência de vacinas, particularmente aquelas que dependem de uma resposta imune mediada por células.(AU)
Encephalitis, Viral , Herpesviridae Infections , Herpesvirus 5, Bovine/immunology , Meningoencephalitis , Saccharomyces boulardii/classificationABSTRACT
Resumen El citomegalovirus (CMV) es uno de los microorganismos oportunistas con mayor prevalencia en pacientes inmunocomprometidos, aunque su reactivación ha descendido después de la introducción de la terapia antirretroviral altamente activa (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy, HAART). En las coinfecciones, la encefalitis se ha reportado como una de las condiciones más frecuentes. Se presenta el caso de un paciente adulto joven con infección por virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV) que tuvo un rápido deterioro neurológico evidenciado en síntomas y signos clínicos clásicos del síndrome de Wernicke-Korsakoff y que no presentaba factores de riesgo para deficiencia de tiamina. En las imágenes de la resonancia magnética cerebral, se detectaron hallazgos típicos del síndrome, y se identificó citomegalovirus (CMV) en el líquido cefalorraquídeo. Con el tratamiento específico para el CMV, se logró el control de los síntomas, aunque hubo secuelas neurológicas que mejoraron. Este es uno de los pocos casos reportados a nivel mundial de síndrome de Wernicke secundario a encefalitis por citomegalovirus.
Abstract Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of the opportunistic microorganisms with the highest prevalence in immunocompromised patients. Reactivation has decreased after the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Encephalitis has been reported in the coinfection as one of the most frequent presentations. We present the case of a young adult patient with HIV infection and rapid neurological deterioration due to classic clinical symptoms and signs of the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, with no risk factors for thiamine deficiency, with images by nuclear magnetic resonance typical of the syndrome, and identification of cytomegalovirus in cerebrospinal fluid. The specific treatment for CMV managed to control the symptoms with neurological sequelae in progression towards improvement. This is one of the few cases reported in the literature of Wernicke syndrome secondary to cytomegalovirus encephalitis.
Adult , Humans , Male , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/complications , Cytomegalovirus Infections/complications , Encephalitis, Viral/complications , Korsakoff Syndrome/etiology , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Respiratory Insufficiency/etiology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Tracheostomy , Gastrostomy , Deglutition Disorders/surgery , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Ganciclovir/therapeutic use , Cerebrospinal Fluid/virology , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/drug therapy , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/virology , Cytomegalovirus Infections/cerebrospinal fluid , Cytomegalovirus Infections/drug therapy , Encephalitis, Viral/cerebrospinal fluid , Encephalitis, Viral/drug therapy , Abducens Nerve Diseases/etiology , Cytomegalovirus/isolation & purification , Diplopia/etiology , Latent Tuberculosis/complicationsABSTRACT
Resumen Los virus chikungunya (CHIKV) y dengue (DENV) son arbovirus transmitidos por el mosquito Aedes. La infección por ambos virus es casi privativa de regiones tropicales y subtropicales , pero en los últimos años han aparecido casos en la mayoría de los países, lo que ha aumentado el interés en estos virus. En esta revisión se describe las manifestaciones neurológicas de CHIKV y DENV. Los cuadros neurológicos observados en pacientes infectados por estos virus son en la mayoría de los casos encefalitis y encefalopatía. También hay cuadros de mielitis y encefalomielitis aguda diseminada(ADEM) post infecciosas. Más infrecuentemente se observa compromiso periférico: síndrome de Guillain Barré(SGB) y mononeuritis. La miositis y la parálisis periódica se observan aunque raramente en la infección por DENV. El diagnóstico se realiza por serología Ig M específica o por detección de ARN viral en suero y LCR. El tratamiento es de sostén pues no hay tratamiento específico. Los pacientes con cuadros post infecciosos/inmunomediados se tratan con inmunoglobulina(IG) EV o plasmaféresis(SGB)y con metilprednisolona/IG en pacientes con ADEM. Es fundamental realizar el diagnóstico precoz de la infección por DENV y CHIKV para tratar a tiempo las complicaciones sistémicas y neurológicas, en especial las encefalitis y cuadros postinfecciosos.
Abstract Chikungunya (CHIKV) and dengue (DENV) viruses are arboviruses transmitted by the Aedes mosquito. Infection by both viruses is almost deprived of tropical and subtropical regions, but in recent years cases have appeared in most countries, which has increased the interest in these viruses. This review describes the neurological manifestations of CHIKV and DENV. The neurological pictures observed in patients infected by these viruses are in most cases encephalitis and encephalopathy. There are also post-infectious myelitis and disseminated acute encephalomyelitis (ADEM). Peripheral involvement is more rarely observed: Guillain Barré syndrome (GBS) and mononeuritis. Myositis and periodic paralysis are seen but rarely in DENV infection. The diagnosis is made by specific IgM serology or by detection of viral RNA in serum and CSF. The treatment is supportive as there is no specific treatment. Patients with post-infectious / immunomediated squares are treated with immunoglobulin (IG) EV or plasmapheresis (GBS) and with methylprednisolone / GI in patients with ADEM. Early diagnosis of infection by DENV and CHIKV is essential to treat systemic and neurological complications, especially encephalitis and postinfectious disease.
Humans , Chikungunya virus , Dengue Virus , Encephalitis, Viral , Encephalomyelitis, Acute DisseminatedABSTRACT
Abstract INTRODUCTION: The incidence of dengue has increased throughout the 2000s with a consequent global increase in atypical clinical forms. METHODS: This study reports a series of cases of neurological dengue out of 498 confirmed cases of laboratory dengue in Goiânia, Brazil. Cases were confirmed based on viral RNA detection via polymerase chain reaction or IgM antibody capture. RESULTS: Neurological symptoms occurred in 5.6% of cases, including paresthesia (3.8%), encephalitis (2%), encephalopathy (1%), seizure (0.8%), meningoencephalitis (0.4%), and paresis (0.4%). DENV-3 was the predominant circulating serotype (93%). CONCLUSIONS: We reported dengue cases with neurological manifestations in endemic area.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Paresthesia/virology , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Encephalitis, Viral/virology , Dengue/complications , Dengue/epidemiology , Meningoencephalitis/virology , Paresthesia/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , RNA, Viral/genetics , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Encephalitis, Viral/epidemiology , Dengue Virus/genetics , Dengue Virus/immunology , Meningoencephalitis/epidemiology , Middle Aged , Antibodies, Viral/bloodABSTRACT
Abstract Chikungunya, an alphavirus infection presenting with fever, rash, and polyarthritis, is most often an acute febrile illness. Neurologic complications of chikungunya infection have been reported. Here we report the clinical and neuroimaging data of 2 patients with chikungunya-associated encephalitis during the recent Brazilian epidemic.