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Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 60(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530095


Introducción: Las piezas dentarias luego de tratamiento de endodoncia aumentan su susceptibilidad a la fractura, lo que está asociado, principalmente, con la pérdida de la estructura dental. Objetivo: Evaluar in vitro, la resistencia a la fractura de premolares superiores con tratamientos de endodoncia mediante acceso tradicional, conservador y conservador Ninja, con restauración provisoria y final. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo de diseño experimental longitudinal con 42 premolares superiores donados, separados en 3 grupos según el tipo de acceso de endodoncia a aplicarse y luego cada uno en dos subgrupos según el tipo de restauración, y un grupo control, al cual no se le realiza endodoncia. Luego de realizar el tratamiento y la restauración, se evaluó la resistencia a la fractura mediante carga compresiva oblicua (45°), en una máquina de carga universal. Las cargas requeridas para la fractura se registraron en newtons y fueron comparadas estadísticamente. Resultados: Las piezas tratadas mediante acceso conservador Ninja con restauración provisoria y final, requirieron una carga promedio para la fractura de 513,45 N y 638,13 N, respectivamente. Fuerzas significativamente mayores a las resistencias ofrecidas por los otros tratamientos con p 0,05. Conclusiones: En la endodoncia in vitro, el diseño del acceso a la cavidad, tipo conservador Ninja, afectó significativamente la resistencia a la fractura de los premolares superiores, adquiriendo un comportamiento biomecánico similar al de las piezas control(AU)

Introduction: Tooth pieces, after endodontic treatment, increase their susceptibility to fracture, a phenomenon mainly associated with loss of tooth structure. Objective: To evaluate, in vitro, the resistance to fracture of upper premolars with endodontic treatment by traditional, conservative and conservative ninja access, with temporary and final restoration. Methods: A prospective study of longitudinal experimental design was carried out with 42 donated upper premolars, separated into three groups, according to the type of endodontic access to be applied; in turn, each was then divided into two subgroups, according to the type of restoration, and a control group, not performed endodontic treatment. After treatment and restoration, fracture resistance was evaluated using oblique compressive loading (45°) in a universal loading machine. The loads required for fracture were recorded in newtons and statistically compared. Results: The parts treated by conservative ninja access with provisional and final restoration required an average fracture load of 513.45 N and 638.13 N, respectively; this forces were significantly higher than the resistance values offered by the other treatments, with p < 0.05. Likewise, there were no significant differences in the resistance values obtained between the cases of conservative access and traditional access, nor when comparing the types of applied restoration, with P<0.05. Conclusions: In in vitro endodontics, the design of the access to the cavity of conservative ninja type significantly affected the resistance to fracture of the upper premolars, acquiring a biomechanical behavior similar to that of the control pieces(AU)

Humans , Endodontics/methods
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010709


Digital guided therapy (DGT) has been advocated as a contemporary computer-aided technique for treating endodontic diseases in recent decades. The concept of DGT for endodontic diseases is categorized into static guided endodontics (SGE), necessitating a meticulously designed template, and dynamic guided endodontics (DGE), which utilizes an optical triangulation tracking system. Based on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images superimposed with or without oral scan (OS) data, a virtual template is crafted through software and subsequently translated into a 3-dimensional (3D) printing for SGE, while the system guides the drilling path with a real-time navigation in DGE. DGT was reported to resolve a series of challenging endodontic cases, including teeth with pulp obliteration, teeth with anatomical abnormalities, teeth requiring retreatment, posterior teeth needing endodontic microsurgery, and tooth autotransplantation. Case reports and basic researches all demonstrate that DGT stand as a precise, time-saving, and minimally invasive approach in contrast to conventional freehand method. This expert consensus mainly introduces the case selection, general workflow, evaluation, and impact factor of DGT, which could provide an alternative working strategy in endodontic treatment.

Humans , Consensus , Endodontics/methods , Tooth , Printing, Three-Dimensional , Dental Care , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Root Canal Therapy
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1516449


Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou a influência do método de visualização e análise do exame de tomografia computa-dorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) no diagnóstico de afecções endodônticas. Materiais e métodos: Vinte casos clínicos contendo doze diferentes afecções endodônticas foram ana-lisados por dois especialistas em radiologia odontológica e um especialista em endodontia. Inicialmente, os avaliadores visualizaram os casos em Portable Document Format (PDF) contendo uma seleção de imagens digitais e, por consenso, descreveram suas hipóteses diagnósticas para cada caso. Após uma semana, os avaliadores reavaliaram os casos, desta vez utilizando reconstrução multiplanar em um visualizador de imagens no formato Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM). Novamente, por consenso, eles indicaram suas hipóteses diagnósticas. Resultados: Em 10% dos casos, houve discrepância entre os diagnósticos realizados utili-zando as seleções de imagens digitais em PDF e utilizando a reconstrução multiplanar. A visualização das imagens em PDF obteve sensibilidade de 0.714, especificidade de 0.966, e acurácia de 90%. Discussão: Na maioria destes casos, as afecções endodônticas identificadas utilizando o visuali-zador de imagens DICOM (reconstrução multiplanar) não foram detectadas quando visualizados os PDF de imagens pré-selecionadas. Conclusão: Embora mais estudos sejam necessários, os autores reiteram que a utilização de recons-truções multiplanares sempre são preferíveis comparadas à outras formas de análise da TCFC, para que se atinja o máximo potencial diagnóstico do exame de imagem.

Aim: This study evaluated the influence of the method used for visualization and analysis of cone-beam com-puted tomography (CBCT) on the diagnosis of endodontic conditions. Materials and methods: Twenty clinical cases containing twelve different endodontic conditions were analyzed by two specialists in dental radiology and one specialist in endodontics. Initially, the evaluators viewed the cases in Portable Document Format (PDF) containing a selection of digital images and, by consensus, described their diagnostic hypotheses for each case. One week la-ter, the evaluators reassessed the cases, this time using multiplanar reconstructions with a Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) format image viewer. Once more, by consensus, they recorded their diagnostic hypotheses. Results: In 10% of the cases there was a discrepancy between the diagnoses made using preselected digital images in PDFs and by viewing multiplanar reconstructions. The visualization of the PDF images obtained a sensitivity of 0.714, specificity of 0.966, and 90% accuracy. Discussion: In the majority of these cases, endodontic conditions identified using the DICOM image viewer (multiplanar reconstruction) were not detected using the PDFs of preselected images. Conclusion: Although more studies are needed, the au-thors reiterate that using multiplanar reconstructions should always be preferred to other forms of analysis for CBCT, so that the maximum diagnostic potential of the imaging exam can be achieved.

Diagnosis , Endodontics/methods , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 41(1): 71-91, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526578


Introdução: O estabelecimento do comprimento de trabalho (CT) é uma etapa fundamental para o sucesso do tratamento endodôntico, principalmente na dentição decídua. O exame radiográfico é um dos principais meios de definir o CT. A mensuração desse comprimento também pode ser obtida por meio de dispositivos eletrônicos. Objetivo: Revisar a literatura acerca da concordância entre a medida de CT por radiografia e localizadores eletrônicos foraminais (LEFs) na dentição decídua. Metodologia: A busca bibliográfica foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane Library e BVS, seguindo uma estratégia de combinação de palavras-chave, filtrando apenas pesquisas clínicas. A seleção dos artigos foi realizada em duas etapas: através da leitura dos títulos e resumos e, em seguida, por meio da obtenção e leitura dos artigos completos selecionados. Resultados: sete artigos foram selecionados, publicados entre 2011 e 2020. Todos foram analisados quanto à qualidade metodológica e à caracterização como tamanho da amostra, objetivo, metodologia, resultados e conclusão. Todos possuíam os dados necessários para contemplar o objetivo desta pesquisa. O uso dos LEFs mostrou-se tão preciso quanto o método radiográfico (n=6), e, em um estudo, o método eletrônico foi superior ao radiográfico para determinação do CT. Conclusão: O método eletrônico possui eficácia na determinação do CT durante o tratamento endodôntico de dentes decíduos sendo comparável ao radiográfico.

Introduction: To establish the working length (CT) is a fundamental step toward the suc-cess of endodontic treatment. Also, the radiographic examination is one of the most important means of determining CT. This length can also be measured by electronic devic-es. Objective: To review the literature on the agreement between the CT measurement by radiography and electronic foraminal locators (LEF) in the primary dentition. Methodology: A bibliographic search was performed on PubMed, Cochrane Library, and BVS, using a keyword combination strategy and filtering only clinical research. The selection of the articles occurred in two stages: by reading the titles and abstracts, and by obtaining and reading the selected full articles. Results: Seven articles, published between 2011 and 2020, were selected and analyzed for methodological quality and characterized for sample size, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusion. They had the essential data to contemplate the purpose of this research. The use of LEF proved to be as accurate as of the radiographic method (n=6), and in one study, the electronic method was superior to the radiographic method for determining TC. Conclusion: The electronic method is effective in determining the CT during the endodontic treatment of primary teeth and is comparable to the radiographic one.

Endodontics/methods , Pulpectomy/methods , Tooth, Deciduous , Radiography, Dental, Digital , Endodontics
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 14(1): 67-72, abr. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385190


RESUMEN: Introducción: El éxito del tratamiento endodóntico requiere de la desinfección completa del sistema de canales radiculares. Convencionalmente este procedimiento se realiza a través de maniobras de instrumentación rotatoria o manual e irrigación química. Dentro de las diferentes técnicas de instrumentación, la de tipo rotatoria ha surgido como una alternativa a la instrumentación manual, cuyos beneficios en comparación a ésta aún deben ser dilucidados. Métodos: Realizamos una búsqueda en Epistemonikos, la mayor base de datos de revisiones sistemáticas en salud, la cual es mantenida mediante el cribado de múltiples fuentes de información, incluyendo MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, entre otras. Extrajimos los datos desde las revisiones identificadas, analizamos los datos de los estudios primarios, realizamos un metanálisis y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Resultados y conclusiones: Identificamos cinco revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyeron 15 estudios primarios, de los cuales, 10 corresponden a ensayos aleatorizados. Concluimos que el uso de instrumentación rotatoria en comparación a instrumentación manual probablemente disminuye la incidencia del dolor postoperatorio. Además, la instrumentación rotatoria podría disminuir el uso de analgésicos post tratamiento endodóntico. Sin embargo, podría resultar en poca o nula diferencia en la intensidad del dolor, pero la certeza de la evidencia es baja. Además, no es posible establecer con claridad si el uso de instrumentación rotatoria en comparación a la instrumentación manual aumenta la reparación apical debido a que la certeza de la evidencia existente ha sido evaluada como muy baja.

ABSTRACT: Introduction: Successful root canal therapy (endodontic treatment) requires complete disinfection of the root canal system. Traditionally, disinfection of the root canal system involves rotary or manual instrumentation and chemical irrigation. Various rotary instrumentation techniques have emerged as an alternative to manual instrumentation, but its benefits against manual techniques need to be clarified. Methods: We searched in Epistemonikos, the largest database of systematic reviews in health, which is maintained by screening multiple information sources, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, among others. We extracted data from the systematic reviews, reanalyzed data of primary studies, conducted a meta-analysis and generated a summary of findings table using the GRADE approach. Results and conclusions: We identified five systematic reviews that together included 15 primary studies, of which 10 correspond to randomized trials. We conclude that the use of rotary instrumentation compared to manual instrumentation probably reduces the incidence of pain. Also, rotatory instrumentation may reduce the use of postoperative analgesics. However, it could result in little or no difference in pain intensity, but the certainty of the evidence is low. Furthermore, it is not possible to clearly establish whether the use of rotary instrumentation increases apical repair as the certainty of the evidence has been assessed as very low.

Humans , Endodontics/instrumentation , Endodontics/methods , Root Canal Therapy/instrumentation , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Dental Instruments
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 40(3): 61-82, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524802


O acesso à cavidade pulpar é a etapa do tratamento endodôntico que tem como objetivo expor a embocadura dos canais radiculares. Por muito tempo, o formato ideal da cavidade era aquele que proporcionasse a criação de uma trajetória reta ao canal, com a remoção completa do teto da câmara pulpar. Porém, nas últimas décadas, foi investigado um desgaste excessivo de dentina que possibilita a redução da resistência do dente. Então, propuseram novo formato de cavidade de acesso, que permite a preservação máxima possível das estruturas de suporte, objetivando aumentar a resistência de dentes tratados endodonticamente. Apesar das vantagens, supostamente atribuídas aos acessos minimamente invasivos, esse formato tem sido questionado por dificultar a visibilidade da entrada dos canais, localização, e possibilidade de deixar áreas intocadas nas paredes dos canais. Diante disso, este trabalho realizou um levantamento bibliográfico a fim de verificar se há consistência científica quanto à interferência do acesso coronário na resistência dentária. Concluiu-se que o acesso minimamente invasivo não apresentou diferença quanto ao aumento da resistência à fratura de dentes tratados endodonticamente quando comparado ao acesso tradicional, entretanto, o tema ainda é relevante e os benefícios dessa técnica devem ser investigados clinicamente a longo prazo.

Access to the pulp cavity is the stage of endodontic treatment that aims to expose the mouth of the root canals. For a long time, creating a straight path to the canal, with the complete removal of the pulp chamber roof, was the ideal cavity format. However, in recent decades, excessive dentin wear, which makes it possible to reduce tooth strength, has been investi-gated. So, a new access cavity format, which allows the maximum possible preservation of the support structures, was proposed to increase the resistance of endodontically treated teeth. Despite the advantages supposedly attributed to minimally invasive accesses, this format has been questioned for hindering the visibility of the entrance to the channels, the location, and the possibility of leaving untouched areas on the walls of the channels. Therefore, this work carried out a bibliographical survey to verify the scientific consistency regarding the interference of coronary access in dental resistance. The minimally inva-sive access showed no difference regarding increased fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth compared to the traditional access. However, the topic is still relevant, and its benefits, in the long term, should be clinically investigated.

Root Canal Therapy/trends , Root Canal Therapy , Dental Pulp Cavity/surgery , Endodontics/methods
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 13(3): 132-134, dic. 2020. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385160


ABSTRACT: Introduction: Sodium hypochlorite and ultrasonic activation have a synergistic and improving effect on canal disinfection. Some authors found irrigant decrease after activation with ultrasonic, while others described an increased concentration in later stages. The aim of this study was to determine if activation of sodium hypochlorite by passive ultrasonic irrigation reduces its concentration compared to a technique without activation. Materials and methods: A ex-vivo descriptive study was conducted with teeth, randomized into two groups: 10 controls and 20 experimental. The hypochlorite of groups undergoing endodontic treatment was collected, and the post-irrigation residual with saline was gathered. The activation by ultrasonic was performed in stage 4.5 with Ultrasonic Scaler NSK®, three cycles of 20 seconds each per tooth. Irrigant concentration was measured by spectrophotometry. Results. In the first 4 stages, there were no concentration differences between groups. Stage 4.5 demonstrated a significant difference between the treated and control group. At saline irrigation stages, there was only a significant difference in stage E5. When activation was performed, the sodium hypochlorite curve maintained concentration values close to 5% in more stages in comparison to the control group. Conclusions: Passive ultrasonic activation demonstrated higher significant concentration of sodium hypochlorite, compared to a technique without activation.

Humans , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Sodium Hypochlorite/therapeutic use , Ultrasonic Therapy/methods , Therapeutic Irrigation/methods , Root Canal Irrigants/therapeutic use , Sodium Hypochlorite/analysis , Spectrophotometry , Prospective Studies , Endodontics/methods
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 13(3): 217-223, dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385156


RESUMEN: Introducción: El tratamiento endodóntico corresponde a un procedimiento común en la práctica odontológica y su éxito depende de una serie de factores, entre los cuales se ha planteado que existe una diferencia entre los resultados de los tratamientos realizados en una o múltiples visitas. Métodos: Realizamos una búsqueda en Epistemonikos, la mayor base de datos de revisiones sistemáticas en salud, la cual es mantenida mediante el cribado de múltiples fuentes de información, incluyendo MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, entre otras. Extrajimos los datos desde las revisiones identificadas, analizamos los datos de los estudios primarios, realizamos un meta análisis y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Resultados y conclusiones: Identificamos 10 revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyeron 46 estudios primarios, de los cuales, 26 corresponden a ensayos aleatorizados que evalúan el tratamiento endodóntico en dientes vitales y no vitales. Concluimos que el tratamiento endodóntico en una sesión podría resultar en poca o nula diferencia sobre el dolor a corto plazo e infecciones postoperatorias, pero la certeza de la evidencia es baja. Además, podría reducir levemente el riesgo de exodoncias dentarias, también podría aumentar el uso de analgésicos y flare-ups, pero la certeza de la evidencia es baja. Finalmente, no está claro el efecto del tratamiento endodóntico en una sesión sobre el dolor a mediano plazo, debido a que la certeza de la evidencia existente ha sido evaluada como muy baja.

ABSTRACT: Introduction: Endodontic treatment is a common procedure in dentistry and its success depends on several factors. It has been suggested that there is a difference in terms of effectiveness on endodontic treatments performed in one compared to those performed in multiple visits. Methods: We searched in Epistemonikos, the largest database of systematic reviews in health, which is maintained by screening multiple information sources, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, among others. We extracted data from the systematic reviews, reanalyzed data of primary studies, conducted a meta-analysis and generated a summary of findings table using the GRADE approach. Results and conclusions: We identified 10 systematic reviews including 46 studies overall, of which 26 were randomized trials. We concluded that single versus multiple visits for endodontic treatment in permanent teeth may make little or no difference to short-term pain and postoperative infection, but the certainty of the evidence has been assessed as low. Also, single visit treatment may reduce the risk of extraction due to endodontic problem, increased the risk of painkiller use and flare-ups, but the certainty of the evidence has been assessed as low. We are uncertain about the effect of single visit treatment on medium-term pain, as the certainty of the evidence has been assessed as very low.

Humans , Office Visits , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Treatment Outcome , Episode of Care , Endodontics/methods
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 39(3): e689, jul.-set. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1138939


Introducción: Resulta fundamental la remoción por completo del hidróxido de calcio previo a la obturación del canal radicular que podría impedir la penetración de los selladores en los túbulos dentinarios. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad de la eliminación de la medicación con hidróxido de calcio del canal radicular de dientes utilizando diferentes sistemas de irrigación. Métodos: Se irrigaron con hipoclorito de sodio 148 conductos radiculares rectos de dientes humanos. Se utilizó Ca(OH)2 mezclado con tinta negra para rellenar los canales radiculares y facilitar la visualización. Los dientes se dividieron en 5 grupos de acuerdo al protocolo de eliminación. En cada uno de los grupos, la extrusión apical se midió durante la etapa de irrigación por el método Huang X, después de la eliminación del Ca(OH)2, se seccionaron longitudinalmente y luego, en un portaobjetos, se observaron las muestras bajo un microscopio óptico. Finalmente, se analizó el contenido para cuantificar el grado de extrusión causado durante el procedimiento clínico. Se utilizó el test de ANOVA para el análisis estadístico Resultados: Se encontró diferencias significativas entre los grupos 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 y 1-5. El promedio de remanecía fue superior (66,4 por ciento). Los grupos 2 (41,6 por ciento) y 5 (34,8 por ciento) obtuvieron mayor eficacia en la remoción. ANOVA (α = 0,05) determina que no existieron diferencias significativas entre los 5 grupos. Conclusiones: Los dispositivos de activación ultrasónica mostraron una mayor eliminación de la medicación con hidróxido de calcio desde las paredes dentinarias a las técnicas manuales, sin embargo, demostró ser una terapia más invasiva debido a una mayor extrusión de detritus(AU)

Introduction: Root canal sealing should indispensably be preceded by complete calcium hydroxide removal, otherwise the latter might prevent the penetration of the sealers into the dentinal tubules. Objective: Determine the effectiveness of eliminating calcium hydroxide medication from the root canal of teeth using various irrigation systems. Methods: Preparation was conducted of 148 straight root canals of human teeth irrigating with sodium hypochlorite. The root canals were filled with Ca(OH)2 mixed with black ink to facilitate visualization. The teeth were divided into 5 groups in compliance with the removal protocol. Apical extrusion was measured in each group during the irrigation stage using the Huang X method. After Ca(OH)2 removal they were sectioned longitudinally and placed on a slide for observation of the samples under an optical microscope. Finally the content was analyzed to quantify the degree of extrusion obtained during the clinical procedure. The ANOVA test was used for statistical analysis. Results: Significant differences were found between the groups 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 and 1-5. Average remanence was above 66.4 percent. Groups 2 (41.6 percent) and 5 (34.8 percent) displayed higher removal efficacy. ANOVA (α = 0.05) did not determine any significant differences between the 5 groups. Conclusions: Ultrasonic activation obtained greater calcium hydroxide removal from the dentinal walls than manual techniques. However, it proved to be a more invasive therapy due to the greater detritus extrusion(AU)

Humans , Root Canal Filling Materials/analysis , Calcium Hydroxide/analysis , Therapeutic Irrigation/methods , Endodontics/methods
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(2): e1508, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126504


RESUMEN Introducción: La microfiltración coronal causada por los materiales de restauración temporal es considerada una de las causas del fracaso de los tratamientos endodónticos. A raíz de ello, en los últimos años se ha buscado crear un material de restauración temporal que sea capaz de evitar este problema. Objetivo: Comparar in vitro la microfiltración coronal de un cemento experimental y cuatro materiales de restauración temporal usados en endodoncia. Métodos: Se realizaron cavidades clase I en 90 premolares, divididos en 10 grupos (n= 9) y evaluados en dos periodos de tiempo (1 y 2 semanas). Se realizó la elaboración del cemento experimental, posteriormente se llevó a cabo el sellado coronal de las piezas dentales con el cemento experimental, Clip F (VOCO), Eugenato (MOYCO), Ketac™ Molar Easymix 3M (ESPE) y Coltosol® F. Los especímenes fueron sumergidos en tinta china (Pelikan) durante 1 y 2 semanas. Se evaluó la microfiltración en la interfase pared dentinaria-restauración temporal utilizando un esteromicroscopio (Leica Microsystems LAS EZ versión 2.0.0). La medición se realizó en milímetros en el programa LAS EZ versión 2.0.0. Resultados: Se encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,05) al comparar la microfiltración coronal de los cinco materiales de restauración temporal, según el tiempo de exposición en tinta (1 y 2 semanas). Conclusiones: El cemento experimental presentó menor microfiltración que el Coltosol® F y Ketac™ Molar EasyMix 3M (ESPE); sin embargo, ninguno de los cuatro materiales fue capaz de prevenir la microfiltración en su totalidad(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Coronal microleakage caused by temporary restorative materials is viewed as one of the reasons for endodontic failure. Efforts have been made in recent years to create a temporary restorative material capable of preventing that problem. Objective: Compare in vitro coronal microleakage of an "experimental cement" and four temporary restorative materials used in endodontics. Methods: Class I cavities were made in 90 premolar teeth divided into 10 groups (n= 9) and evaluated at two time periods (1 and 2 weeks). The "experimental cement" was prepared and then coronal sealing of the teeth was performed with the experimental Cement, F (VOCO), Eugenato (MOYCO), Ketac™ Molar Easymix 3M (ESPE) and Coltosol® F. The pieces were submerged in India ink (Pelikan)for 1 and 2 weeks. Microleakage was evaluated on the interface dentin wall / temporary restoration using a stereo microscope (Leica Microsystems LAS EZ version 2.0.0). Measurement was made in millimeters using the software LAS EZ version 2.0.0. Results: Statistically significant differences were found (p < 0.05) when comparing coronal microleakage in the five temporary restorative materials according to exposure time in ink (1 and 2 weeks). Conclusions: The experimental cement had less microleakage than Coltosol® F and Ketac™ Molar EasyMix 3M (ESPE). However, none of the four materials was capable of completely preventing microleakage(AU)

Humans , Dental Restoration Failure , Dental Leakage/etiology , Endodontics/methods , Dental Cementum
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 39(4): 1093-1110, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411720


Introdução: A remoção do tecido pulpar, seguida da restauração do canal radicular com material sintético inerte, costuma ser um procedimento rotineiro na prática clínica para terapia endodôntica, porém esses materiais não substituem a função biológica, a vitali-dade e propriedades mecânicas do tecido original. Nesse contexto, a possibilidade de induzir a regeneração do complexo dentino-pulpar com o uso de células-tronco de origem dental tem sido cada vez mais estudada, e a expectativa é gerar o retorno da vitalidade pulpar e sua capacidade de reparo. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão bibliográfica com o intuito de investigar a tríade formada por células tronco, fato-res de crescimento e arcabouço a fim de analisar a sua aplicabilidade na regeneração endodôntica. Materiais e métodos: Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica de estudos publicados nos últimos 5 anos (2015-2020) por meio da busca nas bases de dados: PubMed/Medline. Para a pesquisa foram utilizados os seguintes descritores: Células-tronco (Stem cells), Endodontia (Endodontics) e Regeneração endodôntica (endodonticregeneration). Após criteriosa filtragem, foram sele-cionados 25 artigos. Revisão de literatura: Pesquisas envolvendo a engenharia tecidual com o uso de células-tronco têm auxiliado a te-rapia regenerativa dos tecidos dentários, como o complexo dentino--pulpar. Para a completa restauração estrutural e funcional do dente são necessários um conjunto de elementos: as células-tronco; fatores de crescimento/diferenciação ou citocinas; fatores de migração/ho-ming e o microambiente: arcabouço (scaffold) e matriz extracelular. Conclusão: A regeneração do complexo dentino-pulpar por meio da engenharia tecidual baseada em fatores de crescimento e arcabou-ços é uma abordagem promissora para substituir estruturas dentárias danificadas e restaurar suas funções biológicas. No entanto, por se tratar de uma nova abordagem, seus estudos ainda são incipientes, necessitando de mais base científica para comprovar sua eficácia.

Introduction: The removal of pulp tissue followed by the restoration of the root canal with inert synthetic material is usually a routine procedure in clinical practice for endodontic therapy; however, these materials do not replace the biological function, the vitality, and mechanical properties of the original tissue. In this context, the possibility of inducing the regeneration of the dentin-pulp complex by using stem cells of dental origin has been increasingly studied, and the expectation is to generate the return of the pulp vitality and its repair capacity. Objective: To carry out a literature review to investigate the triad comprised by stem cells, growth factors, and framework to analyze its applicability in endodontic regeneration. Materials and methods: A bibliographic review of studies published in the last 5 years (2015-2020) was carried out by searching the databases: PubMed / Medline. he following descriptors were used: Stem cells, Endodontics, and Endodontic regeneration. After a careful filtering, 25 articles were selected. Literature review: Research involving tissue engineering with the use of stem cells has supported regenerative therapy of dental tissues, such as the dentin-pulp complex. For the complete structural and functional restoration of the tooth, a set of elements are needed: stem cells; growth/differentiation factors or cytokines; migration/homing factors, and the microenvironment: scaffold and extracellular matrix. Conclusion: The regeneration of the dentin-pulp complex through tissue engineering based on growth factors and frameworks is a promising approach to replace damaged dental structures and restore their biological functions. However, since it is a new approach, studies on this subject are still incipient and more scientific basis is necessary to prove its effectiveness.

Regenerative Endodontics/trends , Endodontics/methods
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(1): e1926, ene.-mar. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003864


Introducción: La preparación biomecánica es determinante para el éxito del tratamiento endodóntico, pues el tope apical y el límite de obturación son etapas operatorias fundamentales para garantizar el ensanchamiento del conducto manteniendo al mismo tiempo la configuración preoperatoria inicial. Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia de la técnica de instrumentación paso-atrás en tratamientos de endodoncia en una sesión. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de intervención terapéutica en 30 pacientes mayores de 12 años de la Clínica Estomatológica Dr. Salvador Allende, municipio Cerro, La Habana, en el periodo comprendido entre diciembre de 2015 y junio de 2017. Se analizaron como variables: dolor posoperatorio, inflamación, exámenes radiográficos, éxito y fracaso de los tratamientos teniendo en cuenta condición pulpar y tipo de diente tratado. La presentación de la información se realizó mediante tablas de contingencia de dos entradas, utilizando como medida de resumen el tanto por ciento. Resultados: El 90 por ciento de los pacientes no padeció dolor posoperatorio; el 96,67 por ciento de los tratamientos fueron eficaces al no existir signos de inflamación; y el 3,3 por ciento de los exámenes radiográficos evolutivos mostró imágenes de procesos inflamatorios crónicos. Conclusiones: La técnica de instrumentación paso-atrás en el tratamiento de endodoncia en una sesión fue eficaz en la mayoría de los casos. El mayor porcentaje de pacientes tratados no refirió dolor posoperatorio ni presentó inflamación(AU)

Introduction: Biomechanical preparation is crucial for the success of endodontic treatment, since the apical top and the obturation limit are fundamental operational stages to ensure appropriate broadening of the duct maintaining the initial preoperative configuration. Objective: Determine the effectiveness of the step-back instrumentation technique in single-visit endodontic treatment. Methods: A therapeutic intervention study was conducted of 30 patients aged over 12 years at Dr. Salvador Allende Dental Clinic in the municipality of Cerro, Havana, from December 2015 to June 2017. The variables analyzed included postoperative pain, swelling, radiographic examination, success and failure of treatment based on pulp condition and type of tooth treated. Data were presented in two-entry contingency tables, with percentage as the measure of summary. Results: 90 percent of the patients did not have any postoperative pain, 96.67 percent of the treatments were effective in that there were no signs of swelling, and 3.3 percent of the evolutionary radiographic tests showed images of chronic inflammatory processes. Conclusions: The step-back instrumentation technique in single-visit endodontic treatment was found to be effective in most cases. The highest percentage of patients treated did not report any postoperative pain or swelling(AU)

Humans , Treatment Outcome , Endodontics/instrumentation , Endodontics/methods
Univ. odontol ; 38(80): 1-12, 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-994841


Antecedentes: La morfología radicular en molares superiores presenta menos variabilidad anatómica, sin embargo, es muy importante tener en cuenta que existen alteraciones anatómicas, y que aun no están bien fundamentadas, se asocia a hiperactividad en la vaina epitelial de Hertwig o bien asociados a factores externos durante la odontogénesis. Descripción del caso: El presente artículo relata un caso de un segundo molar superior derecho con pulpitis irreversible sintomática, en el examen radiográfico se observa la existencia de una raíz supernumeraria palatina. Se realizó tratamiento endodontico con ProtaperNext® y se obturó con técnica lateral modificada con ultrasonido. Conclusión: Los molares con raíces supernumerarias requieren del conocimiento y experiencia del clínico para integrar los métodos de diagnóstico tales como exámenes radiográficos, tomográficos, de microscopía así como técnicas para el tratamiento endodóntico.

Background: Radiographic examination in upper molars is often deficient in order to diagnose abnormalities in the root canal system and to be able to choose the ideal treatment. Description of the case: This article shows the clinical case of a second right upper molar with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis. An accessory root on the palatal is observed in a radiographic examination. A therapy of the canal was carried out with ProtaperNext ® and the sealing was made by cold lateral condensation with ultrasonic condensation. Conclusión: It is very important to know the root canal system morphology of the tooth to be treated in order to offer the patient an adequate treatment.

Antecedentes: O exame radiográfico em molares superiores é frequentemente deficiente para diagnosticar anormalidades no sistema de canais radiculares e para poder escolher o tratamento ideal. Descrição do caso: Este artigo mostra o caso clínico de um segundo molar superior direito com pulpite irreversível sintomática. Uma raiz acessória no palato é observada em um exame radiográfico. A terapia do canal foi realizada com ProtaperNext ® e a vedação foi feita por condensação lateral fria com condensação ultra-sônica. Conclusão: É muito importante conhecer a morfologia do sistema de canais radiculares do dente a ser tratado, a fim de oferecer ao paciente um tratamento adequado.

Humans , Endodontics/methods , Dentistry/methods , Anatomy
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2019. 67 p. il., tab., graf..
Thesis in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1016765


Na prática clínica odontológica é comum observarmos dentes que apresentem lesões endodôntico-periodontais. Apesar das respostas inflamatórias nos dois tecidos poderem ocorrer de maneira isolada, o não-tratamento e a evolução dessas infecções pode levar a formação de lesão combinada, denominada lesão endo-perio. A falta de abordagem eficaz aumenta a possibilidade de possível perda do dente acometido pela lesão. O objetivo desse estudo foi a realização de 3 séries de casos clínicos em 44 dentes com lesão endoperio, utilizando o mesmo protocolo endodôntico e variandose a terapia periodontal proposta - G1 (n=15): debridamento periodontal (RAR), G2 (n=16): antibioticoterapia (RAR + AB) e G3 (n=13): acesso cirúrgico (AC), analisando os dados clínicos de Profundidade de Sondagem (PS), Nível de Inserção Clínico (NIC), Recessão Gengival (RG), mobilidade, Sangramento a Sondagem (SS) e Índice de Placa (IP) nos períodos baseline, 30 dias 3 e 6 meses; além da análise do comprimento linear das lesões em radiografias periapicais e do volume das lesões em tomografias de baseline e 6 meses. Os dados clínicos nos períodos analisados e as avaliações radiográficas e tomográficas prévias e de controle dos tratamentos foram submetidos a análise estatística (Shapiro-Wilk e ANOVA) e evidenciaram melhora nos 3 grupos, considerando os diferentes tratamentos propostos. O G2 apresentou maior diminuição do volume da lesão na análise volumétrica tomográfica bem como na análise radiográfica, de forma estatisticamente significante em relação ao G1 e G3. Os dados clínicos de PS, NIC, RG e mobilidade mostraram melhora nos 3 grupos, sendo G2 melhor que os demais e quanto a SS houve melhora em 3 e 6 meses para os 3 grupos; e IP sem diferença. A partir dessas 3 séries de casos, sugere-se que o protocolo combinado endodôntico até a medicação intracanal (MIC) e terapia periodontal seguida de troca da MIC para posterior obturação endodôntica, resultou em melhora no quadro clínico, radiográfico e tomográfico dos padrões avaliados nos 3 tipos de terapia periodontal realizada nos tempos propostos, sendo que a raspagem e antibioticoterapia (G2) mostrou os melhores resultados no tratamento de lesões endo-perio

In current dental practice it is common to observe teeth with endodontic-periodontal lesions. Although inflammatory responses in both tissues may occur in an isolated manner, non-treatment, and consequently, the evolution of these infections may lead to develop a combined lesion, referred as endo-perio lesion. The lack of an effective approach, besides of making the prognosis of the treatment uncertain, increases the possibility of a possible tooth loss affected by this lesion. The aim of this study was to perform 3 series of clinical cases in 44 teeth with endo-periodontal lesion, using the same endodontic protocol and varying the proposed periodontal therapy, G1 (n = 15): periodontal debridement, G2 (n = 16): antibiotic therapy and G3 (n = 13): surgical access; analysing Probe Depth (PD), clinical atachment level (CAL), gengival ressection (GR), mobility, bleeding on probing (BP), and plaque index at baseline, 30 days, 3 and 6 months, besides the analysis of the linear length of the lesions in periapical radiographic and volume of the lesions in baseline and 6-month CBCTs. clinical data in the analyzed periods and previous radiographic and tomographic evaluations and control of the treatments were submitted to statistical analysis (Shapiro-Wilk and ANOVA) and showed improvement in the 3 groups, considering the different treatments proposed. G2 presented a greater reduction in lesion volume in tomographic volume analysis as well as in radiographic analysis, statistically significant in relation to G1 and G3.The results of PD, CAL, GR and mobility showed improvement in the 3 groups, G2 being better than the others, and in BP there was improvement at 3 and 6 months for the 3 groups; and PI without difference. From these three series of cases, it is suggested that the combined endodontic protocol up to intracanal medication (MIC) and periodontal therapy followed by change of the intracanal medication for later endodontic obturation, resulted in an improvement in the clinical, radiographic and tomographic scores evaluated for the 3 types of periodontal therapy performed at the proposed times, and scalling and antibiotic therapy (G2) showed the best results in the treatment of endo-perio lesions(AU)

Humans , Tooth Injuries/complications , Dental Scaling/adverse effects , Endodontics/methods
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 7(4): 150-154, abr. 27, 2018. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120823


Undergraduate dental student's eligibility and ability to treat difficult endodontic cases is a new area open for debate. a fifth year undergraduate dental student managed to perform a successful root canal treatment (RCT) on a 42 year old male patient diagnosed as a rare case of mandibular first molar with five root canals. as an educational case report, in a country like Sudan, close supervision and clinical training of undergraduate students in treating difficult endodontic cases is recommended.

Humans , Male , Adult , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Dental Pulp Cavity/abnormalities , Molar/abnormalities , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Endodontics/methods , Mandible
Dent. press endod ; 8(1): 51-57, Apr-Jun. 2018. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-883722


Objetivo: analisar as possíveis causas do insucesso de um tratamento de revascularização, incluindo as complicações derivadas da técnica e a adequada seleção do caso. Métodos: o seguinte relato de caso descreve o insucesso da revascularização de um segundo pré-molar inferior com ápice imaturo apresentando fístula e lesão periapical. A irrigação foi realizada com NaOCl, solução salina estéril e clorexidina, e uma pasta antibiótica composta por ciprofloxacina, metronidazol e cefaclor foi utilizada como medicamento intracanal. Uma vez que a fístula desapareceu, a hemorragia foi induzida pelo periápice. Como havia um sangramento residual, uma esponja de colágeno banhada de sangue foi colocada no canal e o acesso à cavidade foi selado com MTA. Resultados: após uma semana, a fístula reapareceu e uma cirurgia periapical foi realizada, com excisão da lesão. O diagnóstico final foi de uma lesão cística inflamatória. Após 12 meses, a regeneração óssea estava completa. Conclusões: o insucesso desse tratamento de revascularização pode ter sido devido à presença de uma lesão cística inflamatória. Ao se propor esse tipo de tratamento, o tamanho e o tempo de duração da lesão devem ser levados em consideração, informando ao paciente que a cirurgia periapical pode ser necessária.

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Endodontics/methods , Odontogenic Cysts , Oral Surgical Procedures , Root Canal Therapy , Surgery, Oral/methods , Tooth Abnormalities
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 18(1): 4075, 15/01/2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-966889


Objective: To determine the pattern and frequency of root canal treatments (RCTs) performed among patients seen at a tertiary hospital in North-eastern Nigeria. Material and Methods: A retrospective epidemiological survey using hospital records of patients that had RCTs done over a 5-year period. Case record forms (CRFs) were used as tools of data collection from patient records to record demographic and clinical information such as age, gender, tooth involved, diagnosis and tooth treated. Students t test and One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to compare mean root-treated teeth by gender and age group respectively. Results: A total of 321 RCTs were carried out on 256 patients, ranging from 1 to 4 teeth (mean, 1.3 ± 0.6 [SD]) teeth per patient. The frequency and mean number of RCTs carried out were not significant for age (p = 0.16) and gender (p = 0.78). The lower first molar was the most root-treated tooth (20.9%), and overall, dental caries (84.4%) was the most predominant etiology of pulpal and periradicular disease necessitating RCT. Forty-two percent of the RCTs were carried out due to acute apical periodontitis. Conclusion: Gender and age group did not affect the frequency of RCTs performed, and majority of the root canal treatments were due to dental caries and its sequelae.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Medical Records , Adult , Dental Caries/etiology , Endodontics/methods , Nigeria , Analysis of Variance , Health Surveys/methods
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 18(1): 3767, 15/01/2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-965605


Objective: To compare the amount of extruded debris in primary molars after manual instrumentation or WaveOne system. Material and Methods: Twenty-five primary molar roots with mild and moderate root angulation (between 10 to 20º), having at least two thirds of root length, no pathological reabsorption (internal or external) or furcation perforation, were selected for this study. Roots were standardized at 6 mm in length, inserted and stabilized in individual acrylic resin blocks with random distribution into two groups: G1 (n=12): Instrumentation with crown-down manual technique; and G2 (n=13): instrumentation with WaveOne system. Blocks with roots were weighed before and after instrumentation, allowing the calculation of extruded debris using both mechanical preparations. Data analysis was performed by Bioestat 4.0 statistical software using Mann Whitney test. Results: The mean weight of extruded debris in manual instrumentation and WaveOne system have no significant difference (p=0.8704). Conclusion: Manual crown-down instrumentation or WaveOne system does not influence the amount of extruded debris after mechanical preparation, suggesting that both techniques were effective in canals clean causing similar extrused debris, however more studies with largest sample should be done to better validate this evidence.

Humans , Tooth, Deciduous , Radiography, Dental/instrumentation , Dental Pulp Cavity , Endodontics/methods , Brazil , Statistics, Nonparametric
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 18(1): 4115, 15/01/2018. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-966913


Objective: To compare lateral compaction obturation with carrier-based gutta-percha and downpack-backfill. Material and Methods: Ninety tooth with single root canal were prepared with rotary Protaper and divided into 3 groups: Group 1 obturated with lateral heated compaction (LHC), Group 2 with carrier-based gutta-percha (CP) and Group 3 with downpack-backfill (DB). The apical one-third adaptation was determined by examining the dye penetration between obturation material and root canal wall on the horizontal cut samples. The data received was analyzed using SPSS 17 software. Chi-square statistical test was done with level of significance (α) of 0.05. Results: The DB group had the highest amount of score of 0, followed by CP group and LHC group. The DB group had 28 samples (93.3%) with score of 0, which was the largest compared to the CP and LHC group. All groups had some score 2, and score 3 and 4 were only examined in the LHC group Adaptation of the apical one-third on DB group had the best result, followed by CP and LHC group (p>0.05). Conclusion: The adaptation of apical one-third by downpack-backfill was the best among the three groups, but there was no statistically significant difference among those groups.

Humans , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Root Canal Therapy , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Endodontics/methods , Gutta-Percha , Chi-Square Distribution , Tooth Apex , Indonesia