Pancreatoscopy is an advanced endoscopic technique that allows direct observation of the main pancreatic duct, facilitating both diagnosis and treatment of various pancreatic conditions. It enables biopsies and assessment of lesion malignancy. This procedure is performed under deep sedation or anesthesia, with non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs recommended for prophylaxis. It is primarily used in diagnosing pancreatic duct strictures and intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms. Within treatment, its utility is highlighted in intraductal lithotripsy, especially in cases of chronic pancreatitis. The most common adverse effect is acute post-procedural pancreatitis, though estimated in less than 5% of cases. Proper technique, saline administration control, and placement of stents at the end of procedure help minimize complications. Despite being reserved as second-line therapy for pancreatic lithiasis, it offers several advantages over traditional techniques, and it is anticipated that with some advancements in the future, it will become a first-line therapeutic option.
La pancreatoscopia es una técnica endoscópica que permite la observación directa del conducto pancreático prin- cipal, facilitando tanto el diagnóstico como el tratamiento de diversas afecciones pancreáticas. Permite realizar biopsias y evaluar la malignidad de las lesiones. Este procedimiento se realiza bajo sedación profunda o anestesia, y se recomienda la administración de antiinflamatorios no esteroidales en forma de profilaxis. Se utiliza princi- palmente en el diagnóstico de estenosis del conducto pancreático y neoplasias mucinosas papilares intraductales. En el tratamiento, se destaca su utilidad en la litotricia intraductal, especialmente en casos de pancreatitis crónica. El efecto adverso más común es la pancreatitis aguda posprocedimental, aunque se estima en menos del 5% de los casos. Una adecuada técnica, control del suero y la colocación de prótesis al final del procedimiento ayudan a minimizar las complicaciones. A pesar de reservarse como segunda línea en el tratamiento de litiasis pancreáti- cas, presenta diversas ventajas sobre técnicas tradicionales, y se espera que con algunos avances en un futuro se convierta en una opción de primera línea terapéutica.
Humans , Pancreatic Diseases/therapy , Pancreatic Ducts/surgery , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Pancreatic Ducts/pathology , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: The pancreatic pseudocyst is one of the late local complications of acute pancreatitis. For managing a giant pancreatic pseudocyst, there are multiple strategies. Aim: To present the case of a patient with a giant pancreatic pseudocyst managed by endoscopic cystogastrostomy. Clinical case: A 41-year-old woman developed a giant pancreatic pseudocyst as a complication of acute pancreatitis that was managed by endoscopic cystogastrostomy without endoscopic ultrasound guidance, with good evolution. Conclusions: Endoscopic cystogastrostomy, with or without the help of ultrasound endoscopy or lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS), is a viable, safe, effective, and economical therapeutic option for selected patients with a giant pancreatic pseudocyst.
Resumen Introducción: el pseudoquiste pancreático es una de las complicaciones locales tardías de la pancreatitis aguda. Para el manejo del pseudoquiste pancreático gigante existen múltiples estrategias. Objetivo: presentar el caso de una paciente con pseudoquiste pancreático gigante manejado mediante cistogastrostomía endoscópica. Caso clínico: mujer de 41 años que desarrolló un pseudoquiste pancreático gigante como complicación de una pancreatitis aguda y se manejó mediante cistogastrostomía endoscópica sin guía ecoendoscópica, con una adecuada evolución. Conclusiones: la cistogastrostomía endoscópica, con la ayuda o no de ecoendoscopia ni stent de aposición luminal (LAMS), es una opción terapéutica viable, segura, efectiva y económica para pacientes seleccionados con pseudoquiste pancreático gigante.
Humans , Female , Adult , Pancreatic Pseudocyst/surgery , Pancreatitis/complications , Drainage/methods , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Pancreatic Pseudocyst/etiology , Pancreatic Pseudocyst/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 40 años de edad, con estreñimiento de un año de evolución y antecedentes de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico, se realiza endoscopia digestiva alta y baja y se realiza diagnóstico sincrónico de adenocarcinoma de estómago, recto y colon descendente, realizamos tomografía por emisión de positrones con tomografía computarizada pre quirúrgico y cirugía como tratamiento primario. Mostramos una descripción del caso y una revisión de la bibliografía.
We present the case of a 40-year-old man with a one year evolution constipation and a history of GERD. An upper and lower digestive endoscopy was performed and a synchronous diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of the stomach, rectum and descending colon was established. A PET-CT pre-surgical was performed and the surgery was carried out as primary treatment. We show a description of the case and a bibliographic review.
Humans , Male , Adult , Colorectal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Colorectal Neoplasms/pathology , Colorectal Neoplasms/epidemiology , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary/pathology , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary/epidemiology , Prognosis , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Incidence , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Colon, Descending , Positron-Emission Tomography , Informed Consent , Neoplasm StagingABSTRACT
Introducción: La infección por H. pylori es considerada como la enfermedad bacteriana crónica más prevalente en el ser humano, pues infecta a más del 50 por ciento de la población mundial. Objetivo: Describir las características clínico epidemiológicas de la infección por H. pylori en pacientes con diagnóstico endoscópico de úlcera péptica. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo realizado en el Policlínico Camilo Cienfuegos; durante el año 2018, en 42 pacientes de 18 y más años, con diagnóstico endoscópico de úlcera péptica e informe del resultado de estudio histológico para el diagnóstico de infección por H. pylori. Se revisaron las historias clínicas y se confeccionó una planilla de recolección de datos que incluyó las variables: grupo de edades, sexo, manifestaciones clínicas, tipo de úlcera, número de lesiones, úlcera activa y metaplasia intestinal. Se utilizó la media y la desviación estándar (DE) y se identificaron los límites de clases superior e inferior. Se calcularon los porcentajes con IC = 95 por ciento. Se estimó la prevalencia general y específica de infección por H. pylori por grupo de edades y sexo. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 46,7 años ± 12,02 años. La prevalencia fue de 59,5 por ciento, superior en mayores de 65 años y en hombres. Conclusiones: El estudio permitió describir las características clínico epidemiológicas de la infección por H. pylori en pacientes con diagnóstico endoscópico de úlcera péptica. Fue más frecuente la presencia de síndrome dispéptico, con una única úlcera duodenal en fase activa y sin metaplasia intestinal(AU)
Introduction: Helicobacter pylori infection is considered the chronic bacterial disease most prevalent in humans, since it infects more than 50% of the world population. Objective: To describe the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of H. pylori infection in patients with an endoscopic diagnosis of peptic ulcer. Methods: Descriptive study carried out at Camilo Cienfuegos Polyclinic, during 2018. The study included 42 patients aged 18 and over who had an endoscopic diagnosis of peptic ulcer and a histological study result positive for H. pylori infection. The medical records were reviewed and a data collection form was prepared, which included the following variables: age group, sex, clinical manifestations, type of ulcer, number of lesions, active ulcer, and intestinal metaplasia. The mean and standard deviation (SD) were used, and the upper and lower class limits were identified. The percentages were calculated, with confidence interval at 95 percent. The general and specific prevalence of H. pylori infection was estimated by age group and sex. Results: The mean age was 46.7 years ± 12.02 years. The prevalence was 59.5 percent, higher among those over 65 years of age and among men. Conclusions: The study permitted to describe the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of H. pylori infection in patients with an endoscopic diagnosis of peptic ulcer. The presence of dyspeptic syndrome was more frequent, with a single duodenal ulcer in the active phase and no intestinal metaplasia(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Peptic Ulcer/complications , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Helicobacter Infections/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional StudiesSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Aged , Esophageal and Gastric Varices/therapy , Sclerotherapy/methods , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Polyethylene Glycols/therapeutic use , Pulmonary Embolism/etiology , Sclerosing Solutions/adverse effects , Sclerosing Solutions/therapeutic use , Chest Pain/etiology , Esophageal and Gastric Varices/diagnosis , Esophageal and Gastric Varices/etiology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Sclerotherapy/adverse effects , Ethiodized Oil , Cyanoacrylates/administration & dosage , Dyspnea/etiologyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: en los últimos años, se aprecia a nivel global un aumento del cáncer gástrico. La mayoría de los tumores gástricos primarios son malignos. En Matanzas, existe un incremento de esta patología. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento clínico, endoscópico e histológico del cáncer gástrico diagnosticado. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y prospectivo en el Departamento de Gastroenterología del Hospital "Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy", de la ciudad de Matanzas, en el período de enero del 2017 a octubre del 2019. El universo fue 25 pacientes que presentaron cáncer gástrico por diagnóstico endoscópico e histológico. Resultados: el grupo de edad más afectado correspondió a los pacientes entre 61 y 70 años, (44 %). El sexo masculino predominó en un 68 %. Los factores de riesgo de mayor incidencia, fueron la dieta inadecuada y el hábito de fumar. Las manifestaciones clínicas más relevantes fueron: epigastralgia, plenitud gástrica y pérdida de peso. La variedad hística que predominó fue el adenocarcinoma difuso y la localización el antro. Conclusiones: el cáncer gástrico constituye un problema de salud que, al actuar sobre los factores de riesgo se puede disminuir su incidencia; con un diagnóstico precoz se logrará disminuir la mortalidad (AU).
ABSTRACT Introduction: an increase of gastric cancer is appreciated in the world in the last years. Most of the primary gastric tumors are malignant. There is an increase of this disease also in Matanzas. Objective: to determine the histological, endoscopic and clinical behavior of the diagnosed gastric cancer. Materials and methods: a prospective, descriptive and observational study was carried out in the Department of Gastroenterology of the Hospital "Mario Munoz Monroy, of Matanzas, in the period from January 2017 to October 2019. The universe were 25 patients presenting gastric cancer by histologic and endoscopic diagnosis. Results: The most affected age group was the one of patients among 61 and 70 years old (44 %). Male sex predominated in 68 %. The risk factors having higher incidence were an inadequate diet and smoking. The more relevant clinical manifestation were epigastralgia, gastric fullness and weight loss. The predominating tissue variety was the diffuse adenocarcinoma and antrum location. Conclusions: gastric cancer is a health problem the incidence of which could be reduced when acting on its risk factors; with a precocious diagnosis mortality will be reduced (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Stomach Neoplasms/epidemiology , Health Behavior , Signs and Symptoms , Stomach Neoplasms/complications , Stomach Neoplasms/diagnosis , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Risk Factors , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methodsABSTRACT
Resumen: Introducción: Las últimas guías clínicas conjuntas de NASPGHAN y ESPGHAN en relación a la infección por H. pylori publicadas el año 2016, contienen 20 afirmaciones que han sido cuestionadas en la práctica respecto a su aplicabilidad en Latinoamérica (LA); en particular en relación a la preven ción del cáncer gástrico. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis crítico de la literatura, con especial énfasis en datos de LA y se estableció el nivel de evidencia y nivel de recomendación de las afirmaciones mas controversiales de las Guías Conjuntas. Se realizaron 2 rondas de votación de acuerdo a la técnica Delfi de consenso y se utilizó escala de Likert (de 0 a 4) para establecer el "grado de acuerdo" entre un grupo de expertos de SLAGHNP. Resultados: Existen pocos estudios en relación a diagnóstico, efectividad de tratamiento y susceptibilidad a antibióticos de H. pylori en pacientes pediátricos de LA. En base a estos estudios, extrapolaciones de estudios de adultos y la experiencia clínica del panel de expertos participantes, se realizan las siguientes recomendaciones. Recomendamos la toma de biopsias para test rápido de ureasa e histología (y muestras para cultivo o técnicas moleculares, cuando estén disponibles) durante la endoscopia digestiva alta sólo si en caso de confirmar la infección por H. pylori, se indicará tratamiento de erradicación. Recomendamos que centros regionales seleccio nados realicen estudios de sensibilidad/resistencia antimicrobiana para H. pylori y así actúen como centros de referencia para toda LA. En caso de falla de erradicación de H. pylori con tratamiento de primera línea, recomendamos tratamiento empírico con terapia cuádruple con inhibidor de bomba de protones, amoxicilina, metronidazol y bismuto por 14 días. En caso de falla de erradicación con el esquema de segunda línea, se recomienda indicar un tratamiento individualizado considerando la edad del paciente, el esquema indicado previamente y la sensibilidad antibiótica de la cepa, lo que implica realizar una nueva endoscopía con extracción de muestra para cultivo y antibiograma o es tudio molecular de resistencia. En niños sintomáticos referidos a endoscopía que tengan antecedente de familiar de primer o segundo grado con cáncer gástrico, se recomienda considerar la búsqueda de H. pylori mediante técnica directa durante la endoscopia (y erradicarlo cuando es detectado). Con clusiones: La evidencia apoya mayoritariamente los conceptos generales de las Guías NASPGHAN/ ESPGHAN 2016, pero es necesario adaptarlas a la realidad de LA, con énfasis en el desarrollo de centros regionales para el estudio de sensibilidad a antibióticos y mejorar la correcta selección del tratamiento de erradicación. En niños sintomáticos con antecedente familiar de primer o segundo grado de cáncer gástrico, se debe considerar la búsqueda y erradicación de H. pylori.
Abstract: Introduction: The latest joint H. pylori NASPGHAN and ESPGHAN clinical guidelines published in 2016, contain 20 statements that have been questioned in practice regarding their applicability in Latin America (LA); in particular in relation to gastric cancer prevention. Methods: We conduc ted a critical analysis of the literature, with special emphasis on LA data and established the level of evidence and level of recommendation of the most controversial claims in the Joint Guidelines. Two rounds of voting were conducted according to the Delphi consensus technique and a Likert scale (from 0 to 4) was used to establish the "degree of agreement" among a panel of SLAGHNP ex perts. Results: There are few studies regarding diagnosis, treatment effectiveness and susceptibility to antibiotics of H. pylori in pediatric patients of LA. Based on these studies, extrapolations from adult studies, and the clinical experience of the participating expert panel, the following recom mendations are made. We recommend taking biopsies for rapid urease and histology testing (and samples for culture or molecular techniques, when available) during upper endoscopy only if in case of confirmed H. pylori infection, eradication treatment will be indicated. We recommend that selected regional centers conduct antimicrobial sensitivity/resistance studies for H. pylori and thus act as reference centers for all LA. In case of failure to eradicate H. pylori with first-line treatment, we recommend empirical treatment with quadruple therapy with proton pump inhibitor, amoxi cillin, metronidazole, and bismuth for 14 days. In case of eradication failure with the second line scheme, it is recommended to indicate an individualized treatment considering the age of the pa tient, the previously indicated scheme and the antibiotic sensitivity of the strain, which implies performing a new endoscopy with sample extraction for culture and antibiogram or molecular resistance study. In symptomatic children referred to endoscopy who have a history of first or se cond degree family members with gastric cancer, it is recommended to consider the search for H. pylori by direct technique during endoscopy (and eradicate it when detected). Conclusions: The evidence supports most of the general concepts of the NASPGHAN/ESPGHAN 2016 Guidelines, but it is necessary to adapt them to the reality of LA, with emphasis on the development of regional centers for the study of antibiotic sensitivity and to improve the correct selection of the eradication treatment. In symptomatic children with a family history of first or second degree gastric cancer, the search for and eradication of H. pylori should be considered.
Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Endoscopy, Digestive System/standards , Helicobacter pylori/isolation & purification , Helicobacter Infections/diagnosis , Helicobacter Infections/pathology , Helicobacter Infections/prevention & control , Helicobacter Infections/drug therapy , Proton Pump Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Pediatrics/methods , Pediatrics/standards , Stomach/pathology , Stomach/diagnostic imaging , Biopsy , Microbial Sensitivity Tests/standards , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Delphi Technique , Treatment Outcome , Drug Therapy, Combination , Latin AmericaABSTRACT
Si bien no se encuentra entre las principales causas de disfagia u odinofagia, la lesión de la mucosa del esófago a causa de la medicación administrada como píldoras debe ser tenida en cuenta, en particular en algún grupo etario con patologías crónicas. Presentamos el caso de una mujer con dolor retroesternal de confuso diagnóstico y buena evolución con tratamiento conservador. El mecanismo preciso por el cual se producen las lesiones no está bien claro. La videoendoscopia digestiva alta es la herramienta clave para observar las lesiones producidas y realizar diagnóstico diferencial; además puede resolver algunas complicaciones. En la mayoría de los casos, el tratamiento es médico. Esta situación debe tenerse presente para realizar un correcto interrogatorio y examen endoscópico.
Dysphagia and odynophagia should be considered as symptoms of pill-induced esophageal injury, particularly in age groups with chronic diseases. We report a case of a female patient with retrosternal chest pain of unclear diagnosis and favorable outcome with conservative treatment. The precise mechanism of esophageal injury remains uncertain. Upper gastrointestinal videoendoscopy is the essential tool to examine the lesions, make differential diagnosis and treat some complications. Medical treatment is useful in most cases. This condition should be kept in mind for proper interrogation and endoscopic examination.
Humans , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Esophageal and Gastric Varices/diagnosis , Esophagitis/diagnosis , Valsartan/adverse effects , Esophageal and Gastric Varices/pathology , Esophageal and Gastric Varices/drug therapy , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions/diagnosis , Hypertension/complicationsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background: Upper digestive endoscopy is important for the evaluation of patients submitted to fundoplication, especially to elucidate postoperative symptoms. However, endoscopic assessment of fundoplication anatomy and its complications is poorly standardized among endoscopists, which leads to inadequate agreement. Aim: To assess the frequency of postoperative abnormalities of fundoplication anatomy using a modified endoscopic classification and to correlate endoscopic findings with clinical symptoms. Method: This is a prospective observational study, conducted at a single center. Patients were submitted to a questionnaire for data collection. Endoscopic assessment of fundoplication was performed according to the classification in study, which considered four anatomical parameters including the gastroesophageal junction position in frontal view (above or at the level of the pressure zone); valve position at retroflex view (intra-abdominal or migrated); valve conformation (total, partial, disrupted or twisted) and paraesophageal hernia (present or absent). Results: One hundred patients submitted to fundoplication were evaluated, 51% male (mean age: 55.6 years). Forty-three percent reported postoperative symptoms. Endoscopic abnormalities of fundoplication anatomy were reported in 46% of patients. Gastroesophageal junction above the pressure zone (slipped fundoplication), and migrated fundoplication, were significantly correlated with the occurrence of postoperative symptoms. There was no correlation between symptoms and conformation of the fundoplication (total, partial or twisted). Conclusion: This modified endoscopic classification proposal of fundoplication anatomy is reproducible and seems to correlate with symptomatology. The most frequent abnormalities observed were slipped and migrated fundoplication, and both correlated with the presence of symptoms.
RESUMO Racional: A endoscopia digestiva alta é importante ferramenta para a avaliação de pacientes submetidos à fundoplicatura, principalmente para elucidar os sintomas pós-operatórios. Entretanto, a avaliação endoscópica da sua anatomia e complicações é atualmente pouco padronizada entre os endoscopistas, o que leva à disparidade de laudos e condutas. Objetivo: Avaliar a frequência de anormalidades pós-operatórias da fundoplicatura através de uma classificação endoscópica e correlacionar os achados endoscópicos com os sintomas clínicos. Método: Este é estudo observacional prospectivo, realizado em um único centro. Os pacientes foram submetidos a um questionário para coleta de dados. A avaliação endoscópica da fundoplicatura foi realizada de acordo com a classificação em estudo, que considerou quatro parâmetros anatômicos, incluindo a posição da junção gastroesofágica em vista frontal (acima ou no nível da zona de pressão); posição da válvula na visão retroflexa (intra-abdominal ou migrada); conformação valvar (total, parcial, desgarrada ou torcida) e hérnia paraesofágica (presente ou ausente). Resultados: Foram avaliados 100 pacientes submetidos à fundoplicatura, 51% homens (idade média: 55,6 anos). Quarenta e três por cento relataram sintomas pós-operatórios. Anormalidades endoscópicas da anatomia da fundoplicatura foram relatadas em 46% dos pacientes. Junção gastroesofágica acima da zona de pressão (fundoplicatura deslizada) e fundoplicatura migrada foram significativamente correlacionadas com a ocorrência de sintomas pós-operatórios. Não houve correlação entre sintomas e conformação da fundoplicatura (total, parcial ou torcida). Conclusão: Essa classificação endoscópica modificada proposta para avaliar a anatomia da fundoplicatura é reprodutível e parece correlacionar-se com a sintomatologia. As anormalidades mais frequentes observadas foram fundoplicaturas migradas e deslizadas, e ambas se correlacionaram com a presença de sintomas.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Gastroesophageal Reflux/surgery , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Laparoscopy , Fundoplication/adverse effects , Hernia, Hiatal/surgery , Postoperative Complications , Prospective Studies , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Transnasal esophagoscopy (TNE) is a widely used tool both in the diagnosis and treatment of patients presenting complaints within the head and the neck. This is because this investigative adjunct examination provides the advantage of visualizing above the level of the cricopharyngeus muscle when compared to the more widely used esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). Objectives We have assessed if the implementation of TNE within a district general hospital (DGH) was feasible, and investigated if the resources of our patients could be better directed away from other investigations such as barium swallow and EGD in favor of this novel technique. The TNE technique has been largely applied in central teaching hospitals within the United Kingdom, but there are still no published reports of a DGH investigating its applicability in this smaller-sized clinical environment. Method We have analyzed our theater database to find all the patients who had undergone TNE, and recorded their reason for presenting, the preceding investigations, and the procedural findings. Results Inmost cases, the TNEwas conducted without technical issues, and we were able to identify positive findings in 43% of the patients who underwent Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD).Wewere able to treat patients successfully during the investigationwhen a cricopharyngeal stricture or narrowing was found. A normal EGD did not preclude further investigations with TNE. All but one of our patients were treated as day-case procedures. Conclusion Transnasal esophagoscopy can be successfully delivered within a DGH. A previous EGD does not mean that the TNE will not reveal positive findings due to its superior visualization of the pharynx and the upper esophagus. (AU)
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Esophagoscopy/methods , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Data Collection , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Dilatation/methods , Hospitals, GeneralABSTRACT
L'objectif de cette revue était de rapporter les effets hallucinatoires survenus chez un sujet de 30 ans, au réveil d'une sédation au propofol pour endoscopie digestive. Le propofol est un hypnotique intraveineux d'utilisation courante lors des anesthésies pour gestes de courte durée comme les procédures diagnostiques en radiologie et en endoscopie. Le réveil post-anesthésie est qualifié « de très bonne qualité », cependant des effets hallucinatoires et psychodysleptiques ont fait l'objet de quelques écrits dans la littérature. Nous rapportons un cas d'accès d'euphorie post-anesthésique après sédation au propofol pour une endoscopie digestive
Anesthesia Recovery Period , Deep Sedation , Endoscopy, Digestive System/adverse effects , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Euphoria , Mali , Propofol/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Background: Pancreatic fluid collections (PFC) are associated with severe acute pancreatitis. After maturation (after 4 weeks) they are classified as pancreatic pseudocyst (PP) and walled-off necrosis (WON). Endoscopic management is associated with lower morbidity and mortality compared with surgery. Aim: To describe the experience of EUS-guided drainage PFC drainage using plastic stent (PS) or metal stent (lumen apposing metal stents, or "LAMS"). Methods: Retrospective, observational study, between 2016-2019. Results: 17 patients in total. 8 cases were symptomatic PP and 9 were WON. Age 12-72 years. 12 cases in men. Indications: abdominal pain 5 cases and infection 11. The 8 cases of PFC were drained successfully using PS, without adverse effects. Regarding WON drainage, 3 cases were managed with PS and 6 with LAMS. In 5 cases, complementary endoscopic necrosectomy was required. A patient with LAMS required complementary surgical cleaning ("step-up") to treat collections far from the LAMS. Complications: one case of PS presented pigment occlusion with superinfection and another case presented migration to the stomach. Regarding LAMS, one case presented self-limited bleeding, another case presented obstruction of the stent with infection, which was managed endoscopically and with antibiotics. Conclusion: The endoscopic management of PFC is effective and safe, with plastic and metal stent (LAMS). The choice of type of stent depends on the characteristics of PFC (liquid vs solid), center experience and costs.
Introducción: Las colecciones pancreáticas (CP) se asocian a pancreatitis agudas graves. Luego de su maduración (después de las 4 semanas) se clasifican en pseudoquistes (PQ) y necrosis encapsulada (NE). El manejo endoscópico se asocia a menor morbimortalidad comparado con el quirúrgico. Objetivo: Describir la experiencia del drenaje de CP mediante el uso de prótesis plásticas (PP) o metálicas (lumen apposing metal stents, o "LAMS") mediante endosonografía. Método: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, entre 2016-2018. Resultados: 17 pacientes en total. Ocho casos fueron PQ sintomáticos y 9 NE. Edad 12-72 años (12 casos en hombres). Indicaciones: dolor abdominal 5 casos e infección 11. Los 8 casos de PQ fueron drenados exitosamente con PP, sin efectos adversos. En relación con el drenaje de NE, 3 casos fueron manejados con PP y 6 con LAMS. En 5 casos se requirió necrosectomía endoscópica complementaria. Un paciente con LAMS requirió aseo quirúrgico complementario por colecciones alejadas al LAMS. En relación con las complicaciones, un caso de PP presentó oclusión del pigtail con sobreinfección y otro presentó migración al estómago. Respecto a LAMS, un caso presentó sangrado autolimitado y otro caso obstrucción de la prótesis con sobreinfección, que fue manejada endoscópicamente y con antibióticos. Conclusión: El manejo endoscópico de las CP es efectiva y segura, tanto con prótesis plásticas como metálicas (LAMS). La elección de la prótesis depende de las características de la lesión (líquido vs sólido), experiencia del centro y costos.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Pancreatic Diseases/surgery , Drainage/methods , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Ultrasonography, Interventional , Pancreatic Juice , Pancreatic Pseudocyst , Plastics , Stents , Drainage/instrumentation , Retrospective Studies , MetalsABSTRACT
Lesões do esôfago são descritas como complicação da ablação por radiofrequência da fibrilação atrial. Os trabalhos que avaliaram a formação das lesões esofágicas em ablações de fibrilação atrial tiveram como padrão de fonte de energia a radiofrequência em modo unipolar, utilizando o cateter irrigado. Atualmente está disponível o cateter circular multipolar (PVAC-GOLD®), que utiliza ciclos de aplicação de energia em fases (Duty-Cycled Phased RF). Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a ocorrência de lesão esofágica em pacientes submetidos a ablação de fibrilação atrial utilizando-se o cateter PVAC-GOLD®. Método: Entre agosto de 2014 e agosto de 2017, foram incluídos pacientes submetidos a ablação de fibrilação atrial sintomática com uso do cateter PVAC-GOLD®. Por meio da realização de endoscopia digestiva alta no pós-operatório, buscou-se determinar a ocorrência de lesão esofágica térmica associada ao procedimento. Resultados: O estudo incluiu um total de 117 pacientes (74% com fibrilação atrial paroxística), com média de idade de 54,8 anos, e predominantemente do sexo masculino. Destes, apenas 2 apresentaram lesões esofágicas térmicas diagnosticadas por meio da endoscopia digestiva alta. Conclusão: A lesão esofágica parece ser um achado incomum em pacientes submetidos a isolamento elétrico das veias pulmonares com o cateter circular multipolar (PVAC-GOLD®)
Esophageal lesions are described as a complication after ablation for atrial fibrillation. The studies evaluating the development of esophageal lesions in ablation due to atrial fibrillation had unipolar mode radiofrequency energy source using an irrigated catheter. A multipolar pulmonary vein ablation catheter (PVAC-GOLD®) is currently available, which uses phase-in cycles of energy (Duty-Cycled Phased RF). This study aims to evaluate the occurrence of esophageal lesions in patients undergoing ablations due to atrial fibrillation using the PVAC-GOLD® catheter. Method: Between August 2014 and August 2017, patients undergoing ablation due to symptomatic atrial fibrillation with the use of the PVAC-GOLD® catheter were included in the study. Upper digestive endoscopy was performed in the postoperative period to determine the presence of thermal esophageal lesions associated to the procedure. Results: A total of 117 patients, with mean age of 54.8 years, predominantly males, were included in the study. Of these patients, only 2 presented thermal esophageal lesions diagnosed by endoscopy. Conclusion: Esophageal lesion seems to be an unusual finding in patients undergoing electrical isolation of the pulmonary veins using the multipolar pulmonary vein ablation catheter (PVAC-GOLD®)
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Atrial Fibrillation , Catheter Ablation/methods , Esophageal Fistula/complications , Echocardiography, Transesophageal/methods , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Esophageal Perforation , Esophagus/injuries , Heart Atria/diagnostic imaging , Prospective Studies , Pulmonary Veins , Radio Waves/therapeutic use , Data Interpretation, StatisticalABSTRACT
Introducción: Las dilataciones endoscópicas constituyen la primera opción terapéutica para eliminar las estenosis esofágicas benignas y mejorar los síntomas y la calidad de vida de los pacientes que las presentan. Objetivo: Describir los resultados de las dilataciones endoscópicas en pacientes con estenosis esofágicas benignas, atendidos en el Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso, durante enero de 2015 a diciembre de 2016. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional longitudinal de serie de casos, en 59 pacientes con estenosis esofágicas benignas. Las dilataciones se efectuaron con Bujías de Savary-Gilliard y balones. Resultados: La edad media fue de 52,5 años, predominaron los hombres con 37 (62,7 por ciento) pacientes. Las etiologías más frecuentes fueron la postquirúrgicas, pépticas y caústicas con 25, 14 y 6 casos respectivamente. Predominaron las estenosis cortas en 51 casos. En 48 pacientes se utilizaron bujías, con un total de 149 dilataciones, con una media de 3,1 dilataciones/pacientes, 47,5 por ciento corrigió la estenosis con 1-3 sesiones; 11 casos se dilataron con balón, con una media de 1,3 dilataciones/pacientes. En el grupo de los dilatados con Bujías de Savary-Guilliard, 4 pacientes mostraron refractariedad y ocurrieron una perforación y 2 sangrados. Posterior a las dilataciones, en 93,2 por ciento de los pacientes, mejoró o desapareció la disfagia. Conclusiones: La terapéutica endoscópica mediante dilataciones en las estenosis esofágicas benignas demostró ser una buena alternativa, al lograr su corrección con pocas sesiones de dilataciones, bajo número de complicaciones y mejoría de la disfagia(AU)
Introduction: Endoscopic dilatation is the first therapeutic option to eliminate benign esophageal stenosis and improve the symptoms and the quality of life of those patients who suffer from it. Objective:To describe the results of endoscopic dilatation in patients with benign esophageal stenosis treated in the National Center for Endoscopic Surgery from January 2015 to December 2016. Material and Methods:A case series longitudinal observational study was conducted in 59 patients with benign esophageal stenosis. Dilatations were done with Savary-Gilliard bougie and balloons. Results:The mean age was 52,5 years, and the condition predominated in 37 male patients (62,7 percent). Post-surgical, peptic, and caustic were the most frequent etiologies with 25, 14, and 6 cases, respectively. Short stenosis predominated in 51 cases. Bougies were used in 48 patients for a total of 149 dilatations, corresponding to a mean of 3,1 dilatations/ patients. Correction of the stenosis was made in 1-3 sessions in 47 percent of patients; 11 cases were dilated with balloon, corresponding to a mean of 1- 3 dilatations/ patients. Four patients from the group that were dilated with Savary-Gilliard bougies showed refractoriness. A perforation, and two bleedings occurred. After the dilatations, dysphagia improved or disappeared in 93,2 percent of patients. Conclusions:Endoscopic therapy through dilatation of benign esophageal stenosis indicated to be a good alternative method in achieving corrections in a few dilatation sessions, with a low number of complications, and an improvement of the dysphagia(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Dilatation/methods , Esophageal Stenosis/therapy , Longitudinal Studies , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methodsABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción El carcinoma gástrico de células en anillo de sello (CGCAS) es un tipo histopatológico, que tiene menor respuesta a la quimioterapia (QT) y un peor pronóstico en los pacientes con cáncer gástrico (CG) avanzado. Se desconoce los valores diagnósticos de la presencia de células en anillo de sello (CAS) en la biopsia endoscópica, para el diagnóstico de CGCAS. Objetivo Determinar los valores diagnósticos de la presencia de CAS en la biopsia endoscópica para el diagnóstico de CGCAS en la biopsia de la pieza operatoria. Material y Método Estudio retrospectivo de pruebas diagnósticas. Se incluyeron los pacientes con CG operados en forma consecutiva entre 1996-2016. Se calculó los valores diagnósticos de la presencia de CAS en la biopsia endoscópica para el diagnóstico de CGCAS en la biopsia definitiva. Se utilizaron intervalos de confianza (IC) del 95%. Resultados Se incluyeron 851 pacientes. Un 16,3% tuvieron CAS en la biopsia endoscópica y la prevalencia de CGCAS fue de 16,4%. Los valores diagnósticos de la presencia de CAS de la biopsia endoscópica para el diagnóstico de CGCAS fueron: Valor predictivo positivo (VPP) de 56,1% (IC 95%, 47,8-64,1%); Valor predictivo negativo (VPN) de 91,3% (IC 95%, 89-93,1%); sensibilidad de 55,7% (IC 95%, 47,4-63,7%); especificidad de 91,4% (IC 95%, 89,1%-93,3%); Likelihood ratio (LR) positivo de 6,5 (IC 95%, 4,9-8,6); LR negativo de 0,48 (IC 95%, 0,4-0,6); probabilidad post-test positivo fue de 56,1% (IC 95%, 47,8-64,1%) y probabilidad post-test negativo fue de 8,7% (IC 95%, 6,9-11%). Conclusiones La presencia de CAS en la biopsia endoscópica es insuficiente para el diagnóstico de un CGCAS. La ausencia de CAS en la biopsia endoscópica tiene un alto valor predictivo negativo.
Introduction Signet-ring cell carcinoma (SRCC) of the stomach is a histopathological type that has less response to chemotherapy and worse prognosis in patients with advanced gastric cancer, than other types of gastric carcinomas. Diagnostic value of the presence of signet-ring cells (SRC) in the endoscopic biopsy for the diagnosis of SRCC of the stomach, are unknown. Objectives To calculate the diagnostic values of the presence of SRC in endoscopic biopsy for the diagnosis of SRCC of the stomach in a definitive surgical specimen biopsy. Materials and Methods Retrospective diagnostic test study to determine the value of the presence of SRC in the endoscopic biopsy for the diagnosis of SRCC of the stomach in the surgical specimen biopsy. Inclusion criteria: Patients who underwent gastric surgery between 1996-2016. We calculated positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV), sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative likelihood ratio (LR+ and LR−) of the presence of SRC in the endoscopic biopsy that predicts the diagnosis of SRCC of the stomach in the definitive biopsy. Confidence intervals (CI) of 95% were defined. Results The diagnostic values of the presence of SRC in endoscopic biopsy to diagnose SRCC of the stomach in the surgical specimen biopsy were: PPV of 56.1% (95% CI, 47.8-64.1%), NPV of 91.3% (95% CI, 89-93.1%), sensitivity of 55.7% (95% CI, 47.4-63.7%), specificity of 91.4% (95% CI, 89.1-93.3%), LR+ of 6.5 (95% CI, 4.9-8.6) and LR- of 0.48 (95% CI, 0.4-0.6), a positive post-test probability of 56.1% (95% CI, 47.8-64.1%), and a negative post-test probability of 8.7% (95% CI, 6.9-11%). Conclusions The presence of SRC in the endoscopic biopsy is not sufficient to diagnose SRCC of the stomach. The absence of SRC in the endoscopic biopsy has a high negative predictive value.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Biopsy/methods , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Carcinoma, Signet Ring Cell/pathology , Biopsy/instrumentation , Predictive Value of Tests , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and SpecificityABSTRACT
Introduction: Cholangioscopy is a test that allows the evaluation of the biliary epithelium. It is used for diagnosis and management of biliary diseases. Objectives: Determine the success rate of complete removal of difficult stones with the use of laser lithotripsy through cholangioscopy as well as its complications. Determine the visual impression accuracy of bile duct injuries. Materials and methods: This is a prospective and descriptive study. We included 39 patients between July 2016 and July 2017 with diagnosis of difficult stones in the biliary tract and indeterminate stenosis of the biliary tract that were submitted to cholangioscopy. Results: Success rate of complete removal of difficult stones was 65.3%, there was one complication. Two laser sessions were required in 4 of the 17 patients who obtained complete removal of the stones. The visual impression accuracy of lesions in the bile duct to determine malignancy coincided in all cases with the final diagnosis of the patient. Conclusions: Laser lithotripsy allows a safe and effective treatment of the difficult stones of the bile duct. Precession of visual impression of lesions in the bile duct is very high.
Introducción: La colangioscopía es un examen que permite evaluar la luz biliar, el epitelio biliar y sirve para diagnóstico y manejo de enfermedades de la vía biliar. Objetivos: Determinar la tasa de éxito de remoción completa de cálculos difíciles con el uso de litotripcia con láser a través de la colangioscopía asi como las complicaciones de ésta. Determinar la precisión de impresión visual de lesiones de la vía bilar. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, descriptivo. Se incluyeron a 39 pacientes entre Julio 2016 a Julio 2017 con diagnóstico de cálculo difícil en la vía biliar y estenosis indeterminada de la vía biliar que fueron sometidos a colangioscopía. Resultados: La tasa de éxito de remoción completa de cálculos difíciles fue de 65,3% con una complicación. Se requirió de dos sesiones con láser en 4 de los 17 pacientes que obtuvieron remoción completa de cálculos. La precisión de impresión visual de lesiones en la vía biliar para determinar malignidad coincidió en todos los casos con el diagnóstico final del paciente. Conclusiones: La colangioscopía con uso de litotripcia con láser permite un tratamiento seguro y eficaz en los cálculos difíciles de la vía biliar. La precesión de la impresión visual de lesiones en la vía biliar es muy alta.
Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cholelithiasis/surgery , Cholelithiasis/diagnosis , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Sphincterotomy, Endoscopic , Lithotripsy, Laser , Peru , Biliary Tract/pathology , Prospective Studies , Constriction, Pathologic , Choledocholithiasis/surgery , Choledocholithiasis/diagnosis , Lasers, Solid-StateABSTRACT
El neumomediastino espontáneo se caracteriza por la presencia de aire en el mediastino. Es una enfermedad generalmente benigna y autolimitada, no asociada a causa directa conocida. Es de infrecuente ocurrencia. Se presenta principalmente con dolor torácico, disnea y enfisema subcutáneo. El diagnóstico se realiza sobre la base del cuadro clínico y radiografía o tomografía axial computarizada de tórax. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 17 años de edad, atleta de alto rendimiento, que comienza de forma súbita con dolor torácico, disnea y enfisema subcutáneo. Se le realizó radiografía de tórax en la que se observa la presencia de aire en el mediastino, y se corrobora el diagnóstico de neumomediastino mediante tomografía axial computarizada de tórax. Recibió tratamiento conservador con mejoría evidente. Aunque la literatura reporta que no es habitual la recurrencia, en el paciente que se presenta hubo recidiva del neumomediastino a los tres meses del primer evento. Se presenta este caso por lo infrecuente de esta enfermedad y su recurrencia(AU)
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is characterized by the presence of air in the mediastinum. It is a generally benign and self-limiting disease, not associated with known direct cause. It is of infrequent occurrence. It presents mainly with chest pain, dyspnea and subcutaneous emphysema. The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture and chest X-ray or computed tomography. It is presented a male patient of 17 years old, a high performance athlete, who started suddenly with chest pain, dyspnea and subcutaneous emphysema. A chest x-ray was performed and the presence of air in the mediastinum was observed, confirming the diagnosis of pneumomediastinum by means of computerized tomography of the thorax. He received conservative treatment with obvious improvement. Although the literature reports that recurrence is not common, there was a recurrence of the pneumomediastinum three months after the first event. This case is presented because of the infrequence of this condition and its recurrence(AU)
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Chest Pain/diagnostic imaging , Mediastinal Emphysema/diagnosis , Mediastinal Emphysema/drug therapy , Bronchoscopy/methods , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: la hemorragia digestiva alta constituye un problema frecuente de salud en el mundo; así se comporta en Cuba, en la provincia Matanzas y en el hospital de estudio. Actualmente es considerada como causa mayor de morbimortalidad. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento de la hemorragia digestiva alta en el Hospital Militar de Matanzas. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva, en un periodo de cinco años que incluyó a todos los pacientes ingresados con ese diagnóstico, y los que durante su ingreso por otra causa presentaron episodios de hemorragia. El índice de Rockall permitió evaluar la necesidad de cirugía, recidiva y mortalidad. Resultados: la mayoría de los pacientes pertenecieron al grupo de riesgo intermedio. Los hombres fueron los más afectados, el grupo de tercera edad presentó mayor incidencia. La gastritis hemorrágica fue la primera causa de sangrado. La hipertensión arterial resultó ser el factor de riesgo relevante y el tabaquismo el hábito tóxico más frecuente. Conclusiones: como beneficio relevante se demostró la importancia de la endoscopia precoz para el diagnóstico de la causa, tratamiento y pronóstico de la hemorragia. Se observó una buena correlación entre el pronóstico del paciente al ingreso y su estado al final del tratamiento (AU).
Introduction: the high digestive hemorrhage is a frequent health problem in the world; it behaves the same in Cuba, in the province of Matanzas and in the hospital where the study was carried out. Currently it is considered a major cause of morbi-mortality. Objective: to determine the behavior of the high digestive bleeding in the Military Hospital of Matanzas. Materials and Methods: a descriptive research was carried out in a five-year period. It included all the patients admitted with that diagnosis and those who presented episodes of hemorrhage even if they were admitted by any other cause. The Rockall index allowed to assess the necessity of surgery, the recidivism and mortality. Results: most of the patients belonged to the intermediate risk group. Male patients were the most affected one; the group of elder people showed higher incidence. Hemorrhagic gastritis was the first cause of bleeding. Arterial hypertension was the relevant risk factor and smoking the most frequent toxic habit. Conclusions: as a relevant benefit it was showed the importance of precocious endoscopy for the diagnosis of the hemorrhage cause, treatment and prognosis. It was observed a good correlation between the patient´s prognosis at the admission and his status at the end of the treatment (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Hematemesis/pathology , Digestive System/pathology , Hemorrhage/epidemiology , Hematemesis/complications , Hematemesis/blood , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods , Gastric Mucosa/injuries , Hemorrhage/complications , Hemorrhage/diagnosis , Hemorrhage/mortality , Hemorrhage/prevention & control , Hemorrhage/bloodABSTRACT
Summary Necrotizing pancreatitis with fluid collections can occur as a complication of acute pancreatitis. The management of these patients depends on the severity and involves multiple medical treatment modalities, as clinical intensive care and surgical intervention. In this article, we show a severe case of walled-off pancreatic necrosis that was conducted by endoscopic drainage with great clinical outcome.
Resumo Pancreatite necrosante com coleções pode ocorrer como complicação da pancreatite aguda. O manejo desses pacientes depende da gravidade e envolve múltiplas modalidades médicas de tratamento, como terapia clínica intensiva e intervenção cirúrgica. Neste artigo, mostramos um caso grave de necrose pancreática com ótima resolução clínica após drenagem endoscópica.