Introducción. Las duplicaciones gástricas son entidades congénitas poco frecuentes que se diagnostican principalmente en las etapas tempranas de la vida, y rara vez en pacientes adultos. El objetivo de este artículo fue presentar el caso de un adulto con esta patología, tratado exitosamente mediante cirugía. Caso clínico. Mujer de 26 años de edad con epigastralgia crónica refractaria a manejo médico, a quien durante endoscopia digestiva superior se le identificó una lesión quística sugestiva de tumor estromal gastrointestinal, confirmada por ultrasonido endoscópico. Resultados. Se realizó una resección quirúrgica laparoscópica asistida por endoscopia, con buena evolución postoperatoria. El estudio anatomo-patológico informó la presencia de un quiste de duplicación gástrica. Conclusiones. A pesar de las ayudas diagnósticas disponibles en la actualidad, esta patología representa un reto diagnóstico importante que, en muchas ocasiones solo puede ser confirmado mediante el estudio anatomo-patológico. En paciente asintomático, continúa la controversia entre observarlo o llevarlo a cirugía, por el riesgo de malignidad. Actualmente, el manejo de las duplicaciones gástricas en adultos se considera eminentemente quirúrgico. Las resecciones laparoscópicas y el uso de endoscopia intraoperatoria permiten garantizar la resección completa de la lesión, preservando la mayor cantidad de tejido sano adyacente y previniendo estenosis o deformidades gástricas que afecten su adecuado funcionamiento.
Introduction. Gastric duplications are rare congenital entities that are diagnosed primarily in early life, and rarely in adult patients. The objective of this article was to present the case of an adult with this pathology, successfully treated by surgery. Clinical case. A 26-year-old woman with chronic epigastralgia refractory to medical management, who during upper digestive endoscopy was identified with a cystic lesion suggestive of gastro-intestinal stromal tumor, confirmed by endoscopic ultrasound. Results. A laparoscopic surgical resection assisted by endoscopy was performed, with good postoperative evolution. The anatomopathological study reported the presence of a gastric duplication cyst. Conclusions. Despite the diagnostic adjuncts currently available, this pathology represents an important diagnostic challenge that, in many cases, can only be confirmed through pathology. In asymptomatic patients, the controversy continues between observing them or taking them to surgery due to the risk of malignancy. Currently, the management of gastric duplications in adults is considered eminently surgical. Laparoscopic resections and the use of intraoperative endoscopy ensure complete resection of the lesion, preserving the greatest amount of adjacent healthy tissue and preventing gastric stenosis or deformities that affect its proper functioning.
Humans , Digestive System Surgical Procedures , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Stomach , Laparoscopy , EndosonographyABSTRACT
Chronic pancreatitis is a persistent fibroinflammatory disease of the pancreas, more common in smokers or alcoho- lics. Genetic predisposition with mutations in various genes has also been documented. It typically presents with recurrent abdominal pain and endocrine and exocrine dysfunction, potentially progressing to pancreatic cancer and severe complications in later stages. In Chile, an annual incidence of 0.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants is estimated, with a prevalence of 6.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Early diagnosis is a current challenge for which endosonography has emerged as a sensitive and specific diagnostic tool, especially with the implementation of the Rosemont classification. Various studies have validated the utility of this classification. However, the limited availability of endosonography in some countries, such as Chile, establishes challenges for generalizing its appli- cation. It is expected that in the future, the Rosemont classification will become a standard for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis.
La pancreatitis crónica es una enfermedad fibroinflamatoria persistente del páncreas, más común en fumadores o alcohólicos. De igual forma se ha documentado predisposición genética con mutaciones de distintos genes. Usualmente se manifiesta con dolor abdominal recurrente y disfunción endocrina y exocrina, pudiendo llegar a desarrollar cáncer de páncreas y graves complicaciones en fases tardías. En Chile, se estima una incidencia anual de 0,8 casos por 100.000 habitantes, con una prevalencia de 6,1 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes. El diagnóstico temprano es un desafío para el cual la endosonografía ha destacado como una herramienta diagnóstica sensible y específica, especialmente con la implementación de la clasificación de Rosemont. Distintos estudios han validado la utilidad de esta clasificación. Sin embargo, la limitada disponibilidad de endosonografía en algunos países, como Chile, plantea desafíos para generalizar su aplicación. Se espera que en un futuro la clasificación de Rosemont se convierta en un estándar para el diagnóstico de pancreatitis crónica.
Humans , Early Diagnosis , Pancreatitis, Chronic/classification , Pancreatitis, Chronic/diagnostic imaging , Prognosis , Endosonography , ConsensusABSTRACT
Introducción: La tomografía de emisión de positrones es una técnica diagnóstica no invasiva que permite tomar imágenes del organismo que muestra el metabolismo de los órganos del cuerpo. Objetivo: Destacar el valor de la PET/CT en el diagnóstico imagenológico prequirúrgico del enfermo. Presentación de caso: Se presentó un paciente masculino de 39 años sin antecedentes de importancia, con un cuadro de hipoglucemias severas de 5 años de evolución, a pesar de los múltiples estudios imagenológicos se incluyó la ecoendoscopía digestiva, lo que no fue posible evidenciar la lesión tumoral. Se le realiza PET/CT cuyo resultado fue crucial para localizar el tumor, se le dio al paciente la oportunidad de un tratamiento quirúrgico y la demostración anatomopatológica de insulinoma. Conclusiones: Los insulinomas son tumores pancreáticos poco frecuentes que provocan hiperinsulinismo endógeno y son difíciles de visualizar debido a su tamaño por las técnicas de imágenes convencionales, por lo que el PET/CT es un estudio bastante efectivo para localizar la lesión tumoral, y así realizar un procedimiento quirúrgico(AU)
Introduction: Positron emission tomography is a non-invasive diagnostic technique, allowing images of the body to be taken that show the metabolism of the body's organs. Objective: To highlight the value of PET/CT in the pre-surgical imaging diagnosis of the patient. Case presentation: We report the case of a 39-year-old male patient with no significant medical history, but a 5-year history of severe hypoglycemia. Despite multiple imaging studies, digestive ultrasound endoscopy was included, which was not possible to demonstrate the tumor lesion. PET/CT was performed, the result of which was crucial in locating the tumor. The patient was given the opportunity for surgical treatment and the pathological demonstration of insulinoma. Conclusions: Insulinomas are rare pancreatic tumors that cause endogenous hyperinsulinism and are difficult to visualize due to their size using conventional imaging techniques, therefore PET/CT is a fairly effective study to locate the tumor lesion, and thus perform a surgical procedure(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Endosonography/methods , Positron-Emission Tomography/methods , Insulinoma/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
The biliary pathology, is undoubtedly one of the most frequent surgical pathologies in Chile, statistical data establish the incidence of biliary pathology in over 20 years 30% of women have biliary lithiasis, of these 10% will present some complication as it is coledocolithiasis. On the other hand, hepatic fascioliasis or dystomatosis is a disease caused by hepatic fasciola, or duela, sabuaypé or Distomun hepaticum, corresponds to a flatworm, trematode of the digenea class, with affinity to stay in liver tissue, which when performing the biological cycle of the parasite can be the cause of choledocholithiasis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis, among others. We present a clinical case of chronic intracholedocianfasciolitis diagnosed by ERCP3,4. METHODS: Descriptive observational study, in addition to a systematic review in databases such as Pub-Med/MEDLINE, Elsevier, Cochrane and manually through the Internet in journals and public bodies. This work seeks to collect information from different authors regarding its incidence, management and established treatments. RESULTS: Inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined to analyze the characteristics of the selected articles. We present the clinical case of a 47-year-old female patient, with a history of hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus and egg allergy who went to the Emergency Department due to a picture characterized by epigastralgia of 3 days of evolution. During endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP), 2 suggestive images of lyte are seen inside that finally result in 2 apparent live parasites.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Common Bile Duct Diseases/parasitology , Common Bile Duct Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Endosonography/methods , Fascioliasis/diagnostic imaging , Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde/methods , Common Bile Duct Diseases/drug therapy , Clinical Laboratory Techniques , Fasciola hepatica , Fascioliasis/drug therapyABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the risk factors for complications of endoscopic full-thickness resection (EFTR) of upper gastrointestinal submucosal tumors (SMTs). Methods: This was a retrospective observational study. The indications for EFTR included: (1) SMTs originating from the muscularis propria layer and growing out of the cavity or infiltrating the deep part of the muscularis propria layer; (2) SMTs diameter <5 cm; and (3) tumor identified as closely adherent to the serous layer during endoscopic submucosal dissection or endoscopic mucosal resection. This study included patients with SMTs originating from the muscularis propria layer in upper digestive tract, diagnosed preoperatively by endoscopic ultrasonography or computed tomography, who were successfully treated with EFTR. Those with incomplete clinical data were excluded. The clinical data of 154 patients with upper gastrointestinal SMTs who underwent EFTR at the Department of Gastroenterology, First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from January 2016 to January 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. Post-EFTR complications (such as delayed perforation, delayed bleeding, and postoperative infection, including electrocoagulation syndrome) were monitored and the risk factors for them were analyzed. Results: Among the 154 study patients, 33 (21.4%) developed complications, including delayed bleeding in three (1.9%), delayed perforation in two (1.3%), and postoperative infection in 28 (18.2%). One patient with bleeding was classified as having a major complication (hospitalized for more than 10 days because of complication). According to univariate analysis, complication was associated with tumor diameter >15 mm, operation time >90 minutes, defect closure method(purse string suture), and diameter of resected specimen ≥20 mm (all P<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that operation time >90 minutes (OR=6.252, 95%CI: 2.530-15.446, P<0.001) and tumor diameter >15 mm (OR=4.843, 95%CI: 1.985-11.817, P=0.001) were independent risk factors for complications after EFTR in patients with upper gastrointestinal SMTs. The independent risk factors for postoperative infection in these patients were operation time>90 minutes (OR=4.993, 95%CI:1.964-12.694, P=0.001) and purse string suture (OR=7.142, 95%CI: 1.953-26.123, P=0.003). Conclusion: Patients with upper gastrointestinal SMTs undergoing EFTR with tumor diameter >15 mm or operation time >90 minutes have a significantly increased risk of postoperative complications. Postoperative monitoring is important for these patients with SMTs.
Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Endoscopic Mucosal Resection/methods , Gastroscopy/methods , Retrospective Studies , Endosonography/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Treatment Outcome , Gastric Mucosa/surgeryABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: la punción con aguja fina guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica (PAF-USE) permite un diagnóstico de las lesiones sólidas del páncreas (LSP) con una sensibilidad de alrededor del 85 % en la literatura mundial y aún más baja en nuestro medio, por lo cual se requiere explorar nuevos accesorios (agujas) o técnicas tales como la elastografía, que mejoren esta sensibilidad. Esta última permite la cuantificación de la rigidez del tejido con altos grados de precisión y desde 2001 se ha aplicado al diagnóstico de tumores sólidos de diversos órganos como mama y tiroides, músculo, entre otros; y desde 2006 se ha empleado para las LSP y ha demostrado su utilidad como complemento a las herramientas diagnósticas disponibles, ya que mejora la precisión de la biopsia por PAF-USE al seleccionar el área más sospechosa para ser puncionada y también guía el manejo clínico cuando la PAF-USE es negativa o no concluyente. Objetivo: evaluar el rendimiento diagnóstico de la elastografía cuantitativa de strain ratio (SR) obtenida por ecoendoscopia en las LSP teniendo como patrón de oro el diagnóstico citopatológico. Métodos: 71 pacientes (rango de edad: 35-89, media: 62,2 años); de estos, 35 mujeres fueron sometidas a USE para la evaluación de LSP. El diseño del estudio fue de corte transversal, prospectivo y de un solo centro. La USE se realizó con un ecoendoscopio Pentax lineal y un procesador Hitachi-Noblus. La lesión (área A) y un área de referencia B se seleccionaron para calcular la relación de deformación (B/A, SR expresada en %). Se tomó como punto de corte SR para definir las lesiones malignas (duras) SR > 22 teniendo en cuenta la evidencia actualmente disponible; estos resultados se compararon con la citopatología de las muestras obtenidas por punción guiada por USE. Después de la aplicación de criterios de exclusión, se realiza el análisis estadístico de 56 pacientes y se considera el valor p < 0,05. Se calculó la sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo (VPP), valor predictivo negativo (VPN) y precisión diagnóstica comparando la elastografía SR con los diagnósticos finales por citopatología. Resultados: la elastografía cuantitativa SR (%) permite detectar las LSP malignas con sensibilidad del 94,6 % (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95 %: 85,4 %-98,2 %), especificidad del 89,3 % (IC 95 %: 78,5 %-95,0 %), VPP del 89,8 % (IC 95 %: 79,5 %-95,3 %); VPN del 94,3 % (IC 95 %: 84,6 %-98,1 %) y exactitud del 92,0 % (IC 95 %: 85,4 %-95,7 %). Conclusión: la elastografía cuantitativa SR por USE en LSP es un complemento útil que mejora la precisión de la PAF-USE al seleccionar el área más sospechosa para ser puncionada y guiar el manejo clínico cuando la PAF-USE es negativa o no concluyente, ya que tiene una alta sensibilidad y especificad en el diagnóstico de las LSP malignas.
Abstract Introduction: Endoscopic ultrasonography with fine-needle aspiration allows performing a diagnosis of solid pancreatic lesions with an approximate 85% sensitivity, as referenced in specialized literature, and even lower sensitivity as per local research. To yield better sensitivity and to improve the results, it is required to examine new elements (needles) and techniques like elastography. Elastography helps in the quantification of tissue stiffness with a high level of accuracy. Since 2001, elastography has been applied in diagnosing solid forms of cancer (tumors) that affect organs like breasts, the thyroid, and some muscles. This method which has been used to diagnose solid pancreatic lesions (SPL) since 2006 has proved to be useful as a complementary method to the existing diagnostic techniques. It improves the accuracy of the endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (EUS-FNA) by selecting the more suspicious area to be punctured, and it also guides the clinical treatment after getting a negative EUS-FNA or a non-conclusive result. Objective: To evaluate the diagnostical performance of the strain ratio (SR) quantitative elastography by ecoendoscopy in solid pancreatic lesions, considering the cytopathologic diagnostic as the gold standard. Methods: 71 patients (age range: 35-89 years old, mean: 62.2 years old); out of those 71 patients, The EUS to diagnose SPL, was performed on 35 women. This was a single-center, prospective cross-sectional study design. The EUS was performed with a Pentax linear endoscope and a Hitachi-Noblus ultrasound. The lesion (area A) and a reference area B were selected to calculate the deformation ratio (B/A, SR expressed as a percentage). SR > 22 was selected as a cut-off point to determine the malignant lesions (solid lesions), considering the evidence currently available. The results were compared with their cytopathology interpretation once that the EUS was performed. After the exclusion criteria was applied, a statistical analysis of 56 patients was performed, considering p < 0,05. The sensitivity, the specificity, the positive predictive value (PPV), the negative predictive value (NPV) and the diagnostic accuracy, were calculated, comparing the elastography SR with the final diagnostics with the cytopathology interpretation. Results: Quantitative elastography SR (%) allows to detect the malignant SPL with sensitivity 94.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 85.4%-98.2%), specificity of 89.3% (CI 95%: 78,5 %-95,0 %), PPV of 89.8% (CI 95 %: 79,5 %-95,3 %); NPV of 94.3% (IC 95 %: 84,6 %-98,1 %) and an accuracy of 92.0% (CI 95 %: 85,4 %-95,7 %). Conclusion: SR quantitative elastography by Endoscopic Ultrasound, EUS is a suitable complement method that improves the EUS-FNA accuracy, by selecting the most suspicious area to be punctured, and it also guides clinical treatment after getting a negative EUS-FNA or a non-conclusive result, due to its high sensitivity and specificity levels to diagnose malignant SPL.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Pancreas , Cross-Sectional Studies , Endosonography , Elasticity Imaging Techniques , Patients , Research , Sensitivity and Specificity , Diagnosis , Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle AspirationABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: en pacientes con obstrucción biliar distal maligna en quienes la derivación biliar mediante colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE) no sea factible o sea fallida, el drenaje biliar guiado por ultrasonido endoscópico mediante coledocoduodenostomía es una opción terapéutica viable, de la que se describen altas tasas de éxito técnico y clínico con una baja morbimortalidad. Adicionalmente, este método podría ser superior en la mejora de la calidad de vida en comparación con el manejo percutáneo o quirúrgico. Objetivo: describir la experiencia inicial con el drenaje biliar guiado por ultrasonido endoscópico en pacientes con obstrucción biliar maligna en un centro de referencia. Métodos: es una serie de casos retrospectiva de 6 pacientes con obstrucción biliar maligna a quienes se les realizó inicialmente una CPRE que fue fallida, por lo cual se procedió a realizar coledocoduodenostomía guiada por ultrasonografía endoscópica. Se describieron las tasas de éxito técnico, éxito clínico, eventos adversos, tasas de disfunción y tiempo de supervivencia de los pacientes. Resultados: se analizaron 6 casos, predominó el sexo femenino, con un promedio de edad de 71,8 ± 19,8 años; las indicaciones fueron adenocarcinoma de páncreas, tumor periampular y colangiocarcinoma distal. Se observó un éxito técnico en el 100 % de los casos y éxito clínico en 83,3 % de los casos. No se registraron eventos adversos graves. En el seguimiento de los casos se observó una supervivencia del 66,7 % a los 30 días. Conclusión: la coledocoduodenostomía es una alternativa terapéutica viable, segura y efectiva en pacientes con obstrucción biliar maligna en quienes la CPRE fue fallida, con una alta tasa de éxito técnico y clínico.
Abstract Introduction: Patients with malignant biliary distal obstruction who cannot be treated with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) or who had a failed ERCP, can find alternative treatment in endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage via choledochoduodenostomy. EUS-CDS performs with high rates of technical and clinical success and with low rates of morbimortality. Moreover, this method could have the potential to improve the patient's quality of life, compared with percutaneous or surgical means. Objective: This study aims to describe the initial experience with endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage in patients with malignant biliary distal obstruction in a reference center. Methods: Retrospective case review of six patients with malignant biliary obstruction and prior ERCP-placed and failed. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage via choledochoduodenostomy was performed as an alternative method. Technical and clinical success rates, adverse event rates, dysfunction rates, and patient survival time were described. Results: 6 cases were analyzed with a higher proportion of female patients, with a mean age of 71,8 ± 19,8 years. The symptoms were related to pancreas adenocarcinoma, periampullary tumor, and distal cholangiocarcinoma. The procedure was technically successful in 100% of cases and clinically successful in 83% of cases. Serious adverse events were nor reported. After 30 days, a survival rate of 66,7 % was observed. Conclusion: Choledochoduodenostomy is a viable, safe, and effective method in patients with malignant biliary obstruction who had a failed ERCP, and it has high rates of technical and clinical success.
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Referral and Consultation , Choledochostomy , Adenocarcinoma , Cholestasis, Intrahepatic , Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde , Endosonography , Pancreas , Drainage , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
RESUMEN La linfadenitis tuberculosa es la entidad más frecuente de la tuberculosis abdominal, que ocurre por reactivación de un foco latente. Su diagnóstico requiere un alto grado de sospecha, para lo cual requiere estudios endoscópicos, radiológicos e histopatológicos. En la evaluación de las linfadenopatías, la punción y aspiración guiada por ultrasonido endoscópico cumple un rol importante. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 22 años, quien ingresa a Emergencia del Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza por hemorragia digestiva alta secundaría a linfadenitis mesentérica tuberculosa que comprometió la pared gástrica. (AU)
ABSTRACT Tuberculous lymphadenitis is the most common entity of abdominal tuberculosis, which occurs due to reactivation of a latent focus. Its diagnosis requires a high degree of suspicion, for which it requires endoscopic, radiological, and histopathological studies. In the evaluation of lymphadenopathies, endoscopic ultrasound-guided aspiration puncture plays an important role. We present the case of a 22-year-old male patient who was admitted to the Emergency Department of the Arzobispo Loayza National Hospital due to upper gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to tuberculous mesenteric lymphadenitis that compromised the gastric wall. (AU)
Humans , Male , Young Adult , Tuberculosis , Endosonography , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage , Mesenteric LymphadenitisABSTRACT
Introducción: En la reestadificación del paciente con tumor de recto irradiado, la elastografía cualitativa por ultrasonido endoscópico puede identificar la fibrosis y diferenciarla del tumor residual. Objetivo: Determinar la utilidad de la elastografía cualitativa por ultrasonido endoscópico en la reestadificación del tumor de recto irradiado. Métodos: Estudio observacional y descriptivo (serie de casos), en 31 pacientes con tumor de recto irradiado, reestadificados mediante elastografía cualitativa por ultrasonido endoscópico. Para determinar la utilidad de la elastografía se calcularon: sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo, valor predictivo negativo, índice de Youden y concordancia diagnóstica según índice kappa, de la elastografía y del ultrasonido endoscópico por separado, estos resultados fueron comparados en ambas pruebas diagnósticas. El estudio histológico de la pieza quirúrgica fue el estándar de referencia. Resultados: El índice de concordancia del ultrasonido endoscópico (77,4 por ciento), por elastografía (87,1 por ciento). El ultrasonido endoscópico mostró mayor sensibilidad y valor predictivo negativo que la elastografía, por lo que la posibilidad de descartar presencia de tumor con un resultado negativo fue superior. La elastografía tuvo mayor especificidad (77,78 por ciento) y valor predictivo positivo (90,91 por ciento) que el ultrasonido endoscópico (22,22 y 75,86 por ciento); fue más útil para confirmar el diagnóstico de tumor. Conclusiones: La utilidad de la elastografía cualitativa asociada al ultrasonido endoscópico, en la reestadificación del tumor de recto irradiado, consiste en incrementar la especificidad del estudio y discernir mejor entre la fibrosis y el tumor residual(AU)
Introduction: Qualitative endoscopic ultrasound elastography can identify fibrosis and differentiate it from residual tumor in the re-staging of patients with irradiated rectal tumors. Objective: To determine the usefulness of qualitative endoscopic ultrasound elastography in the re-staging of the irradiated rectal tumor. Methods: An observational and descriptive study (series of cases) was carried out in 31 patients with irradiated rectal tumor, restaged by means of Qualitative elastography by endoscopic ultrasound. To determine the usefulness of elastography, the following were calculated: sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, Youden index and diagnostic agreement according to kappa, elastography and endoscopic ultrasound separately; these results were compared in both diagnostic tests. The histological study of the surgical specimen was the reference standard. Results: The concordance index of endoscopic ultrasound (77.4 percent), that obtained by elastography (87.1 percent). Endoscopic ultrasound showed greater sensitivity and negative predictive value than elastography, so the possibility of ruling out the presence of a tumor with a negative result was higher. Elastography had greater specificity (77.78 percent) and positive predictive value (90.91 percent) than endoscopic ultrasound (22.22 and 75.86 percent); it was most helpful in confirming the tumor diagnosis. Conclusions: The usefulness of qualitative elastography associated with endoscopic ultrasound, in the re-staging of the irradiated rectal tumor, consists in increasing the specificity of the study, thus allowing a better discernment between fibrosis and residual tumor(AU)
Humans , Rectal Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Predictive Value of Tests , Neoplasm, Residual , Endosonography/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Elasticity Imaging Techniques/methods , Neoplasm Staging/methodsABSTRACT
RESUMEN La resección gástrica atípica ha demostrado ser beneficiosa para tumores submucosos. La técnica pre senta mayor riesgo cuando estos se desarrollan próximos a la unión esófago-gástrica (UEG). Para esta limitación se propuso la resección intragástrica mediante una técnica mixta combinando laparoscopia y endoscopia. En nuestro medio no existen publicaciones al respecto. Se trata de una mujer de 42 años, con lesión subepitelial-subcardial de 2 cm, evaluada mediante videoendoscopia alta (VEDA), compa tible con tumor del estroma gastrointestinal (GIST) evaluado mediante ecoendoscopia. La lesión fue resecada mediante abordaje combinado laparoendoscópico. Bajo visión laparoscópica se introdujeron en cavidad abdominal trocares con balón, y bajo visión endoscópica intragástrica se introdujeron estos en el estómago y se fijó la pared gástrica a la pared abdominal insuflando dichos balones. Posterior mente se realizó la resección de la lesión con sutura mecánica. El abordaje combinado es seguro y eficaz, simple en manos entrenadas, pero constituye una opción reproducible en casos seleccionados.
ABSTRACT Atypical gastric resection has proved to be beneficial to treat submucosal tumors. The technique is more difficult when these tumors develop next to the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ). Intragastric resection combining endoscopic and laparoscopic approach was proposed to solve this limitation. There are no publications about this technique in our environment. A 42-year-old female patients with a 2-mm subepithelial tumor below the cardia evaluated by upper gastrointestinal (UGI) videoendoscopy and endoscopic ultrasound suggestive of a gastrointestinal stroma tumor (GIST) underwent resection using the combined laparo-endoscopic approach. Under laparoscopic guidance, balloon-tipped trocars were introduced in the abdominal cavity and then into the stomach using endoscopic view. The balloons were inflated to fix the gastirc wall to the abdominal wall. The lesion was resected using mechanical stapler. The combined approach is safe and efficient, and simple to perform for trained professionals, constituting a reproducible option in selected cases.
Laparoscopy , Esophagogastric Junction , Neoplasms , Patients , Stomach , Surgical Instruments , Vision, Ocular , Women , Wounds and Injuries , Cardia , Endosonography , Mechanics , Abdominal Cavity , Endoscopy , Environment , Hand , MethodsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Pancreatic pseudocysts (PPC) are fluid collections with a well-defined wall that persist for more than 4 weeks inside or around the pancreas as a result of pancreatic inflammation and/or a ductal lesion. PPC have been successfully treated with endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided drainage using different stents. This study aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of EUS-guided drainage of PPC using double-pigtail plastic stents in a tertiary hospital. METHODS: Patients with PPC referred for EUS-guided drainage between May 2015 and December 2019 were included in this case series. The primary endpoint was to evaluate the efficacy (clinical success) and safety (adverse events and mortality) of EUS-guided drainage of PPC. Secondary endpoints included technical success and pseudocyst recurrence. RESULTS: Eleven patients (mean age, 44.5±18.98 years) were included in this study. The etiologies for PPC were acute biliary pancreatitis, chronic alcoholic pancreatitis, and blunt abdominal trauma. The mean pseudocyst size was 9.4±2.69 cm. The clinical success rate was 91% (10/11). Adverse events occurred in three of 11 patients (27%). There were no cases of mortality. The technical success rate was 100%. Pseudocyst recurrence was identified in one of 11 patients (9%) at 12 weeks after successful clinical drainage and complete pseudocyst resolution. CONCLUSION: EUS-guided transmural drainage of PPC using double-pigtail plastic stents is safe and effective with high technical and clinical success rates.
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Pancreatic Pseudocyst/surgery , Pancreatic Pseudocyst/diagnostic imaging , Plastics , Stents , Drainage , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Ultrasonography, Interventional , Endosonography , Neoplasm Recurrence, LocalABSTRACT
Resumen La endosonografía es un método diagnóstico que viene revolucionando el abordaje de los pacientes con tumores del tracto gastrointestinal y de otros órganos y estructuras extradigestivas. En la actualidad, se viene posicionando como un método de elección en la evaluación de lesiones subepiteliales gastrointestinales y en la estadificación de muchos tumores gastrointestinales como de esófago, estómago, recto y páncreas. Por lo anterior pretendemos hacer una revisión de tema mostrando la evidencia de la endosonografía en indicaciones clásicas y aplicaciones actuales en tumores gastrointestinales.
Abstract Endosonography is a diagnostic method that has revolutionized the way to approach patients with tumors in the gastrointestinal tract and other extra-digestive organs and structures. Currently, it is a method of choice to assess subepithelial lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and to classify gastrointestinal tumors in the esophagus, stomach, rectum, and pancreas. Therefore, this literature review presents evidence on the classical indications of endosonography, as well as current applications to approach gastrointestinal tumors.
Humans , Endosonography , Gastrointestinal Tract , Neoplasms , Pancreas , Rectum , Stomach , Esophagus , MethodsABSTRACT
Resumen El tratamiento actual para la obstrucción biliar maligna es la derivación biliar no quirúrgica con propósito paliativo. La cirugía tiene indicaciones específicas en pacientes con patología maligna con propósito curativo. Sin embargo, la obstrucción duodenal y del conducto biliar intra o extrahepático no dilatado hace que esta cirugía y el procedimiento endoscópico guiado por ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) sean difíciles de realizar. Presentamos nuestra experiencia con el primer caso en Colombia, un país latinoamericano del tercer mundo. Consistió en una colecistogastrostomía guiada por USE, a partir de la utilización de una endoprótesis luminal (Lumen-apposing metal stents, LAMS) (HOT AXIOS stent, Xlumena Inc.; Mountain View, CA, Estados Unidos) de 15 mm × 10 mm, en un paciente masculino con cáncer pancreático inoperable e invasión duodenal con conducto colédoco dilatado. La colecistogastrostomía guiada por USE podría ser considerada como una opción de más importancia para la descompresión biliar que el drenaje percutáneo, ya que es superior en términos de viabilidad técnica, seguridad y eficacia en casos específicos de estenosis ampular e invasión duodenal. Además, puede ser realizada en países del tercer mundo, cuando se cuenta con el entrenamiento y los instrumentos adecuados. La endoprótesis metálica totalmente recubierta, aplicada a luz (HOT AXIOS stent, Xlumena Inc.; Mountain View, CA, Estados Unidos), es ideal para la colecistogastrostomía guiada por USE, a fin de minimizar complicaciones como fugas biliares. Se necesitan estudios comparativos adicionales para validar los beneficios de esta técnica.
Abstract The current treatment of malignant biliary obstruction is non-surgical biliary diversion with palliative intent. The surgery having specific indications in patients with malignant pathology with curative intent. However, duodenal obstruction and non-dilated intra- or extrahepatic bile duct make these surgical and endoscopic procedures guided by EUS difficult. We present our experience with the first case in Colombia, a third-world country in Latin America, of a cholecystogastrostomy guided by endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in a patient with unresectable pancreatic cancer and duodenal invasion with dilated common bile duct using a luminal stent (LAMS) (HOT AXIOS stent, Xlumena Inc.; Mountain View, CA, USA) 15 mm × 10 mm. EUS-guided cholecystogastrostomy should be considered as an option for biliary decompression of greater importance than percutaneous drainage since it is superior in terms of technical feasibility, safety and efficacy in specific cases of ampullary stenosis and duodenal invasion. In addition, it can be done in third world countries when it has the appropriate training and implements. The fully covered metal stent applied to light (HOT AXIOS stent, Xlumena Inc.; Mountain View, CA, USA) is ideal for EUS guided cholecystogastrostomy to minimize complications such as bile leakage. Additional comparative studies are needed to validate the benefits of this technique.
Humans , Male , Aged , Pancreatic Neoplasms , Therapeutics , Bile Ducts, Extrahepatic , Common Bile Duct , Endosonography , Methods , Drainage , Efficacy , DecompressionABSTRACT
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: EUS-guided gastroenterostomy (EUS-GE) is a novel procedure for palliation of malignant gastric outlet obstruction (GOO). Our aim was to evaluate the outcomes of this technique in our initial experience. METHODS: Patients with GOO from our institute were included. Technical success was defined as the successful creation of a gastroenterostomy. Clinical success was defined as the ability to tolerate a soft diet after the procedure. We assessed adverse events and diet tolerance 1 month after the procedure. RESULTS: Three patients were included. Technical and clinical success was achieved in all cases. There were no adverse events and good diet tolerance was observed 1 month after the procedure in the included patients. CONCLUSION: EUS-GE is a promising treatment for patients with GOO.
RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO: A gastroenterostomia ecoguiada é um novo procedimento para paliação da obstrução maligna gastroduodenal. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar os resultados dessa técnica em nossa experiência inicial. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos pacientes com obstrução maligna gastroduodenal de nossa instituição. O sucesso técnico foi definido como a realização adequada de uma gastroenterostomia. O sucesso clínico foi definido como boa aceitação de dieta pastosa durante a internação. Os eventos adversos e a aceitação alimentar foram avaliados um mês após o procedimento. RESULTADOS: Três pacientes foram incluídos. Os sucessos técnico e clínico foram alcançados em todos os casos. Não houve eventos adversos e a aceitação alimentar permaneceu adequada um mês após o procedimento nos pacientes incluídos. CONCLUSÃO: O EUS-GE é um tratamento promissor para pacientes com obstrução maligna gastroduodenal.
Humans , Gastroenterostomy , Endosonography , Brazil , Stents , Gastric Outlet Obstruction/surgery , Gastric Outlet Obstruction/etiology , Gastric Outlet Obstruction/diagnostic imaging , Tertiary Care CentersABSTRACT
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the value of EBUS-TBNA in the diagnosis of lung and mediastinal lesions. METHODS: Prospective cohort study that included 52 patients during a 2-year period (2016 to 2018) who underwent EBUS-TBNA. RESULTS: Among the 52 individuals submitted to the procedure, 22 (42.31%) patients were diagnosed with locally advanced lung cancer (N2 or N3 lymph node involvement). EBUS-TBNA confirmed the diagnosis of metastases from other extrathoracic tumors in the mediastinum or lung in 5 patients (9.61%), confirmed small cell lung cancer in 3 patients (5.76%), mediastinal sarcoidosis in 1 patient (1.92%), and reactive mediastinal lymph node in 8 patients (15.38%); insufficient results were found for 3 patients (5.76%). Based on these results, EBUS-TBNA avoided further subsequent surgical procedures in 39 of 52 patients (75%). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy were 86%, 100%, 100%, 77%, and 90%, respectively. No major complications were observed. CONCLUSIONS: EBUS-TBNA is a safe, effective, and valuable method. This technique can significantly reduce the rate of subsequent surgical procedures required for the diagnosis of lung and mediastinal lesions.
RESUMO OBJETIVO: Avaliar a importância da ecoendoscopia endobrônquica com punção por agulha fina (Ebus-TBNA) no diagnóstico das lesões pulmonares e mediastinais. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo e do tipo coorte, no qual foram incluídos 52 pacientes, durante o período de dois anos (2016 a 2018), submetidos ao procedimento de Ebus-TBNA. RESULTADOS: Do total de 52 indivíduos submetidos ao procedimento, 22 (42,31%) pacientes foram diagnosticados com neoplasia pulmonar localmente avançada (N2 ou N3). O método confirmou o diagnóstico de metástases de outros tumores extratorácicos no mediastino ou pulmão em cinco pacientes (9,61%), três pacientes (5,76%) com carcinoma de pequenas células, um paciente (1,92%) com sarcoidose, oito pacientes (15,38%) com linfonodomegalias reacionais/inflamatórias e resultado insuficiente em três pacientes (5,76%). O Ebus-TBNA evitou a realização de outros procedimentos cirúrgicos subsequentes em 39 de 52 (75%) pacientes. Foram calculados os valores de sensibilidade de 86%, especificidade de 100%, valor preditivo positivo de 100%, valor preditivo negativo de 77% e acurácia de 90%. Não foram observadas complicações maiores pelo método neste estudo. CONCLUSÃO: O Ebus-TBNA é um método seguro, eficaz e de relevante importância. Este exame pode reduzir significativamente o número de procedimentos invasivos subsequentes necessários para o diagnóstico das lesões pulmonares e mediastinais.
Humans , Endosonography , Mediastinum/diagnostic imaging , Prospective Studies , Ultrasonography, Interventional , Neoplasm StagingABSTRACT
SUMMARY Tubulovillous adenomas of the duodenal ampulla are rare neoplasms. The present report describes a case with radiological-endoscopic and pathological correlation in which the patient underwent duodenal pancreatectomy with good postoperative progression. With advanced imaging methods, especially magnetic resonance and endoscopic ultrasound, locoregional aspects and extraluminal, lymphovascular, and metastatic invasion have been increasingly discussed as contributors to therapeutic decision making. This progression improves lesion staging and is especially useful in selecting eligible candidates for endoscopic treatment.
RESUMO Os adenomas túbulo-vilosos da ampola duodenal são neoplasias raras. Neste trabalho apresentamos um caso com correlação radiológico-endoscópica e patológica, tendo a paciente sido submetida à duodenopancreatectomia com boa evolução pós-operatória. Com os avanços dos métodos de imagem, em especial da ressonância magnética e ultrassonografia endoscópica, aspectos locorregionais, além da invasão extraluminal, linfovascular e metastática, têm sido discutidos de maneira crescente como contribuintes na decisão terapêutica. Essa evolução contribui para o melhor estadiamento destas lesões e é especialmente útil para selecionar candidatos elegíveis ao tratamento endoscópico.
Humans , Adenoma/surgery , Radiography , Endosonography , Duodenal Neoplasms , EndoscopyABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: la coledocolitiasis (CDL) afecta al 10 % de los pacientes con cálculos en la vesícula biliar. La obstrucción del colédoco se asocia a pancreatitis, colangitis y ruptura del colédoco. Clásicamente, la obstrucción biliar es considerada cuando se aumentan la fosfatasa alcalina, la γ-glutamil-transpeptidasa (GGTP) y las bilirrubinas. En la última década, se ha encontrado que hasta un 10 % de los pacientes con CDL presentan elevaciones de las aminotransferasas. En Latinoamérica, no se ha estudiado esta alteración. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de la elevación de transaminasas y su evolución. Metodología: estudio de casos y controles. Se determinó la alanina aminotransferasa (ALT) al ingreso, a las 48 h y a las 72 h. Si la ecografía era normal, se realizó una colangiorresonancia o una ecoendoscopia, así como una colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE) cuando fue necesario. Resultados: se incluyeron 72 pacientes con CDL (casos) y 128 con colecistitis, sin CDL (controles). En los casos, el 83 % tuvo un aumento de ALT, mientras que el 56,9 % presentó una elevación de 2-9 veces, el 16 %, de 10-20 veces, y el 8,3 % mostró una elevación >20 veces. En contraste, a las 48 h, las ALT descendieron al 30 % y a las 72 h al 56 %. Entre tanto, en los controles hubo un aumento de ALT en el 27,3 %, mientras que en el 15,6 % se observó una elevación de 2-9 veces, en el 7,8 %, de 10-20 veces, y >20 veces en el 2,9 %. La combinación de cólico biliar y la elevación de ALT tuvo un valor predictivo positivo (VPP) para CDL del 72 %, así como un valor predictivo negativo (VPN) del 87,7 %. Conclusión: cuando hay un cólico biliar y una elevación de ALT es imperativo descartar una CDL, y si la ecografía es normal, es necesario realizar una colangiorresonancia o una ecoendoscopia biliopancreática.
Abstract Introduction: Choledocolithiasis (CLD) affects 10% of patients with gallstones. Bile duct obstruction is associated with pancreatitis, cholangitis, and rupture of the common bile duct. This condition usually presents with increased alkaline phosphatase, GGTP and bilirubin levels. In the last decade, it has been found that up to 10% of patients with CLD have elevated aminotransferases levels. In Latin America, this alteration has not been studied. The aim of the present work was to determine the prevalence of transaminase elevation and its evolution. Methodology: Case-control study. ALT was measured on admission, at 48 h and at 72 h. If ultrasound was normal, MRCP and/or echo-endoscopy and ERCP were performed, as appropriate. Results: A total of 72 patients with choledocholithiasis (CLD) (cases) and 128 with cholecystitis without choledocholithiasis (controls) were included. Among the cases, 83% had increased ALT levels, which was 2-9 times higher in 56.9%, 10-20 times higher in 16%, and more than 20 times higher in 8.3%. At 48 hours, those levels decreased by 30% and at 72 hours by 56%. In turn, in 27.3% of the controls, ALT was 2-9 times higher in 15.6%, 10-20 times higher in 7.8% and more than 20 times higher in 2.9%. The combination of biliary colic and ALT elevation had a positive predictive value (PPV) for CLD of 72% and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 87.7%. Conclusion: When biliary colic and ALT elevation are reported, it is imperative to rule out choledocholithiasis. If the ultrasound is normal, MRCP and/or biliopancreatic endoscopy should be performed.
Humans , Case-Control Studies , Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde , Lifting , Choledocholithiasis , Diagnosis , Alanine Transaminase , Transaminases , Colic , EndosonographyABSTRACT
RESUMEN La exploración mediastinal comienza desde la época de Galeno. Su desarrollo se alcanzó en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, utilizada para el estudio de los ganglios y tumores mediastinales. En la actualidad su uso se ha ampliado no solo como diagnóstico, sino con fines terapéuticos, al lograr realizar resecciones pulmonares. El objetivo es realizar una revisión actualizada de la literatura, acerca del uso de la mediastinoscopia en el diagnóstico del cáncer pulmonar. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura médica donde se utilizaron las bases de datos Scopus, Medline y Cochrane bajo los criterios de sus revisores. Se emplearon las palabras claves en idioma español e inglés. El método de análisis y síntesis se usó para la interpretación de la bibliografía. Se revisaron 173 artículos, de los cuales, se escogieron 58, que cumplían con los criterios de selección, entre ellos, 6 meta análisis, 11 artículos de revisión y 41 artículos originales. La videomediastinoscopía constituye una herramienta válida para el diagnóstico, así como para el estadiamiento de enfermedades dentro y fuera de la cavidad torácica y mediastino. Por otra parte, permite el tratamiento de algunas enfermedades(AU)
ABSTRACT The mediastinal exploration begins from the time of Galen. Its development was reached in the second half of the 20th century, used for the study of lymph nodes and mediastinal tumors. At present its use has been expanded not only as a diagnosis, but also for therapeutic purposes, by achieving lung resections. The objective is to carry out an updated review of the literature on the use of mediastinoscopy in the diagnosis of lung cancer. A review of the medical literature was carried out where the Scopus, Medline and Cochrane databases were used under the criteria of their reviewers. The keywords in Spanish and English were used. The method of analysis and synthesis was used for the interpretation of the bibliography. 173 articles were reviewed, of which 58 were chosen, which met the selection criteria, including 6 meta-analyzes, 11 review articles, and 41 original articles. Videomediastinoscopy is a valid tool for diagnosis, as well as for the staging of diseases inside and outside the thoracic cavity and mediastinum. On the other hand, it allows the treatment of some diseases(AU)
Humans , Endosonography/methods , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted/methods , Lung Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Mediastinoscopy/methods , Review Literature as TopicABSTRACT
El cáncer de pulmón es la principal causa de muerte por cáncer en todo el mundo. Los nódulos pulmonares ubicados en proximidad al mediastino, retrocardíacos, cercanos a grandes vasos o por delante de la columna vertebral pueden resultar de difícil acceso por vía percutánea o broncoscópica. La punción aspiración/biopsia con aguja fina guiada por ecoendoscopía transesofágica (EUS-FNA/FNB) es un método mini invasivo con baja morbilidad que permitiría acceder a estas localizaciones. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con nódulo pulmonar solitario, en el que se obtuvo el diagnóstico de cáncer de pulmón mediante EUS-FNA/FNB.
Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Pulmonary nodules located in the vicinity of the mediastinum, retrocardiac, near the aorta or pulmonary vessels, and in front of the spine, may be difficult to access through a percutaneous or bronchoscopic approach. Fine needle aspiration/biopsy guided by transesophageal echoendoscopy (EUS-FNA/FNB) is a minimally invasive method with low morbidity that could allow access to lesions in these places. We present the case of a patient with a solitary pulmonary nodule, in which the diagnosis of lung cancer was obtained by EUS-FNA/FNB.