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Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(6): 1184-1189, dic. 2022. tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1427287


Diversos factores de riesgos pueden condicionar las prevalencias de parasitosis intestinales en niños. Como objetivo se propuso determinar los factores de riesgo y parasitosis intestinal en niños menores de 10 años de la Olla Común ubicada en Villa Mara del Triunfo-Perú durate el año 2022. La investigación fue descriptiva-experimental y correlativa con una muestra de 160 niños <10 años de ambos sexos. Como instrumento de recolección se aplicó un cuestionario con preguntas dicotómicas para conocer las prácticas de higiene de los niños y se efectuó la recolección y procesamiento de muestras con técnicas de Solución Salina S.S.F al 85%, Lugol, Método de Kato y Método de concentración-Flotación de Faust. Para analizar los datos se utilizó Microsoft Excel y el software SPSS, estadística descriptica y hallar tablas de frecuencias y porcentajes y Prueba de correlación entre los elementos de riesgo y la frecuencia de signos de los parásitos. Como resultado, el cálculo estadístico con el método de Spearman mostró una concordancia positiva con el coeficiente de correlación 0,725 y con un valor de 0,001<0,05; donde los niveles de factores de riesgo en los infantes mostraron que el 31,3% se encontraban en riesgo bajo con un nivel bajo de síntomas y sin evidencia de parásitos intestinales, el 18,8% en riesgo medio y el 12,5% en riesgo alto y un nivel alto de síntomas y parasitosis intestinal confirmado; la mayoría de los niños se encuentran en un entorno de bajo riesgo. Se hace necesario e indispensable continuar con invesigaciones en zonas adyacentes(AU)

Various risk factors can condition the prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in children. The objective was to determine the risk factors and intestinal parasitosis in children under 10 years of age from the Common Pot located in Villa Mara del Triunfo-Peru during the year 2022. The research was descriptive-experimental and correlative with a sample of 160 children <10 years of both sexes. As a collection instrument, a questionnaire with dichotomous questions was applied to know the hygiene practices of the children and the collection and processing of samples was carried out with techniques of Saline Solution S.S.F at 85%, Lugol's, Kato's Method and Concentration-Flotation Method. of Faust. To analyze the data, Microsoft Excel and the SPSS software were used, descriptive statistics and finding tables of frequencies and percentages and a correlation test between the risk elements and the frequency of signs of the parasites. As a result, the statistical calculation with the Spearman method showed a positive agreement with the correlation coefficient 0.725 and with a p value of 0.001<0.05; where the levels of risk factors in infants showed that 31.3% were at low risk with a low level of symptoms and no evidence of intestinal parasites, 18.8% at medium risk and 12.5% at high risk and a high level of symptoms and confirmed intestinal parasitism; most children are in a low-risk environment. It is necessary and essential to continue with investigations in adjacent areas(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic/epidemiology , Peru/epidemiology , Giardia lamblia , Blastocystis , Ascaris lumbricoides , Endolimax , Entamoeba , Entamoeba histolytica
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 69(2): 129-142, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1395016


RESUMEN Dientamoeba fragilis es un protozoário que parasita el intestino grueso del hombre y animales domésticos. Hasta el momento, aún no son claros aspectos de su ciclo de vida, como el rango de hospedadores, reservorios, mecanismo de infección, entre otros. Se postula que el cerdo es un hospedador natural para este protozoario y que, debido a su cercanía con el humano, podría facilitar una transmisión zoonótica. En Colombia no existen a la fecha estudios sobre la presencia de D. fragilis en hospedadores animales, incluidos los cerdos, y los datos sobre la prevalencia de otros protozoarios intestinales en estos animales son escasos. El objetivo fue determinar la frecuencia de protozoarios intestinales, incluyendo D. fragilis, en cerdos de una granja tecnificada de una zona rural de Medellín (región Andina de Colombia). Se recolectaron muestras de materia fecal de 70 cerdos en etapa de preceba, que fueron evaluadas mediante examen directo, tinción tricrómica y Ziehl-Neelsen modificado. Se realizaron análisis univariados con medidas de frecuencia relativa y tendencia central y análisis bivariados para la exploración de factores de riesgo. Se detectó la presencia de D. fragilis en un 13% de las muestras y de otros parásitos como Entamoeba spp. (66%), Blastocystis spp. (64%), Balantioides coli (36%), Cryptosporidium spp. (36%), Iodamoeba butschlii (17%), coccidias (4%) y Giardia spp. (1,4%). En este primer reporte de D. fragilis en cerdos en Colombia se observó la alta prevalencia de otros protozoarios patógenos, lo que corrobora el papel de los cerdos como importantes reservorios de infecciones humanas. Estudios sobre la presencia de este protozoario tanto en cerdos como en el personal encargado de su manejo contribuirían al conocimiento sobre su dinámica de transmisión.

ABSTRACT Dientamoeba fragilis is a protozoan that parasitizes the large intestine of humans and domestic animals. To date, some aspects regarding D. fragilis life cycle, including hosts, reservoirs, infection mechanism, among others, are not yet clear. Swine are considered natural hosts for this protozoan, therefore their close contact with humans promotes its zoonotic transmission. In Colombia there are no studies on the presence of D. fragilis in animal hosts, including pigs, and data about other intestinal protozoa are scarce. The objective was to determine the prevalence of intestinal protozoan, including D. fragilis, in pigs raised in a farm from a rural area of Medellin (Andean region of Colombia). Fecal samples from 70 pigs in prefattening stage were collected. Direct fecal smear examination, trichrome and modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain were used in the study. Univariate analysis (frequency distribution and central tendency measures) and bivariate analysis were used to explore risk factors. Dientamoeba fragilis was found in 13% of the evaluated fecal samples. Other parasites detected included: Entamoeba spp. (66%), Blastocystis spp. (64%), Balantioides coli (36%), Cryptosporidium spp. (36%), Iodamoeba butschlii (17%), coccidias (4%), and Giardia spp. (1,4%). This is the first report of D. fragilis in swine in Colombia, and the high prevalence of other pathogen protozoa was also observed, which corroborates the role of pigs as important reservoirs for human infections. Studies focused on the evaluation of both swine and swine-exposed farm workers should be done in order to know the dynamics of transmission of this parasite.

Animals , Parasites , Protozoan Infections, Animal , Swine , Disease Reservoirs , Zoonoses , Risk Factors , Dientamoeba , Intestine, Large , Animals, Domestic , Water Reservoirs , Entamoeba , Infections
Rev. patol. trop ; 51(3): 1-12, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418002


The juice consumption with detoxifying properties has increased in the last few years, but inadequately produced food may transport pathogens. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of parasitological and microbiological contamination in fruit juices and fruit pulp used for detoxifying purposes. Twenty samples were analyzed, 10 of fruit pulp and 10 juices from July to August 2018. Thermotolerant coliform, mold, and yeast were counted. Parasitological analysis was performed by spontaneous sedimentation method and sedimentation by centrifugation techniques. Results showed that 20% and 60% of the fruit pulp and juice samples exhibited thermotolerant coliform counts above 1 log CFU/mL, respectively. The results showed that 60% of the pulp samples presented mold and yeast counts above 3 log CFU/mL. The protozoa found in the samples were Endolimax nana, Entamoeba coli, and E. histolytica/E. dispar cysts. The presence of thermotolerant coliforms in juices is an indicator of the presence of enteropathogens, mainly Escherichia coli. The high mold and yeast populations and the presence of protozoa in the fruit pulp and juices indicate hygienic and sanitary failures in the food processing. It may be concluded that there is a need for supervision and training in Good Manufacturing Practices by health agencies, aiming at the food safe production.

Parasitology , Yeasts , Entamoeba , Environmental Pollution , Escherichia coli , Juices , Coliforms , Food Handling , Fruit , Population
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-8, 2022. map, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468577


Present study was conducted among school children to recognize the prevalence of IPIs in rural communities of district Dir Lower, Pakistan. A sum of 324 samples of stool were collected (210 boys and 114 girls). Used direct smear method and formol ether sedimentation concentration technique for processing the samples. The result shows that 82% (n=266) were found infected comprised 64.8% male and 35.1% females. Children of the age group 10 to 12 years were found extremely infected 94.2% while 4-6 year age group were having minimum ratio of infection 72%. Current study shows mono parasitism in 50.6% of the students while 22.2% were infected with 2 species and 7.40% were infected with three species of parasites. Seven species of intestinal parasites were reported include Ascaris lumbricoid in male (n=122) 58.0% and in female (n=65) 57.0% followed by Hook worm (n=88) 41.9% and (n=44) 38.5%; Tania saginata (n=44) 20.9% and (n=24) 21.0%; Entrobius vermicularis (n=32) 15.2% and (n=16) 14.0%; Trichuris trichura (n=25) 11.9% and (n=22) 19.2%; Hymenolepis nana (n=24) 11.4% and (n=18) 15.7% and Entameoba histolytica (n=16) 7.61% and (n=14) 12.2% in male and females respectively. The study indicates that most occurring intestinal parasite in the current study were Ascaris lumbricoides 58.0% (n=122) followed by hookworms 41.9% (n=88). Male students were more infected than females in the present study.

O presente estudo foi conduzido entre crianças em idade escolar para reconhecer a prevalência de IPIs em comunidades rurais do distrito de Dir Lower, Paquistão. Foram coletadas 324 amostras de fezes (210 meninos e 114 meninas). Método de esfregaço direto usado e técnica de concentração de sedimentação de formol éter para processar as amostras. O resultado mostra que 82% (n = 266) dos infectados eram 64,8% do sexo masculino e 35,1% do feminino. Crianças da faixa etária de 10 a 12 anos foram encontradas extremamente infectadas 94,2%, enquanto a faixa etária de 4 a 6 anos apresentava proporção mínima de infecção de 72%. O estudo atual mostra monoparasitismo em 50,6% dos alunos, enquanto 22,2% estavam infectados com 2 espécies e 7,40% estavam infectados com três espécies de parasitas. Sete espécies de parasitas intestinais foram relatadas incluindo Ascaris lumbricoid em machos (n = 122) 58,0% e em fêmeas (n = 65) 57,0% seguido por anzol (n = 88) 41,9% e (n = 44) 38,5%; Tania saginata (n = 44) 20,9% e (n = 24) 21,0%; Entrobius vermicularis (n = 32) 15,2% e (n = 16) 14,0%; Trichuris trichura (n = 25) 11,9% e (n = 22) 19,2%; Hymenolepis nana (n = 24) 11,4% e (n = 18) 15,7% e Entameoba histolytica (n = 16) 7,61% e (n = 14) 12,2% em homens e mulheres, respectivamente. O estudo indica que os parasitas intestinais que mais ocorreram no presente estudo foram Ascaris lumbricoides 58,0% (n = 122), seguidos por ancilóstomos 41,9% (n = 88). Estudantes do sexo masculino foram mais infectados do que do sexo feminino no presente estudo.

Male , Female , Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Ascaris , Entamoeba , Hymenolepis , Parasites/pathogenicity , Taenia saginata , Trichuris
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(3): 397-402, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1395380


La mayor proporción de individuos afectados por la parasitosis intestinal corresponde a la población infantil, debido a su inmadurez inmunológica y poco desarrollo de hábitos higiénicos y la práctica de jugar con tierra. Los estudios realizados en zonas rurales a nivel internacional sobre prevalencia de parasitosis intestinales en niños, reportan cifras que varían entre el 30 y 90 %. En los países afectados, entre los que figura notablemente Ecuador, las infecciones parasitarias intestinales están estrechamente relacionadas a los procesos de desarrollo económico y social. Ochenta y un escolares de zonas semirrurales (20%) cumplieron con los criterios diagnósticos de parasitosis intestinal. La Blastocystis sp. (10%), fue la especie parasitaria más comúnmente encontrada, en segundo lugar E. nana (3,7%) y en tercer lugar Complejo Entamoeba (2,5%). Específicamente en la población infantil de zonas semirrurales no se han realizado estudios de pesquisaje recientes en el contexto ecuatoriano y se ignora qué consecuencias pudo tener la pandemia de COVID-19 para la prevalencia de estas infecciones. Se desarrolló una investigación sobre los antecedentes y prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal en escolares de zonas semirrurales de Ecuador a fin de aportar información empírica al respecto(AU)

The largest proportion of individuals affected by intestinal parasitosis corresponds to the child population, due to their immunological immaturity and little development of hygienic habits and the practice of playing with dirt. - Studies carried out in rural areas at the international level on the prevalence of intestinal parasites in children, report figures that vary between 30% and 90%. In the affected countries, including notably Ecuador, intestinal parasitic infections are closely related to the processes of economic and social development. Eighty-one schoolchildren from semi-rural areas (20%) met the diagnostic criteria for intestinal parasitosis. The Blastocystis sp. (10%), was the most commonly found parasitic species, in second place E. nana (3.7%) and in third place Entamoeba Complex (2.5%). Specifically, in the child population of semi-rural areas, no recent screening studies have been carried out in the Ecuadorian context and the consequences the COVID-19 pandemic could have had on the prevalence of these infections are unknown. An investigation was developed on the background and prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in schoolchildren from semi-rural areas of Ecuador in order to provide empirical information in this regard(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Students , Child , Blastocystis Infections , Entamoeba , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic , Parasitic Diseases , Social Conditions , Albendazole , Rural Areas , Hygiene , Habits
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e237839, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249225


Agroecological production represents a new reality in vegetable farming. Thus, the study aimed to search for the presence of pesticides in agroecological samples and microbiological and parasitological contamination in Lactuca sativa L. of agroecological and conventional fairs in Alagoas. Thirty-two samples were collected, a hygienicsanitary checklist was performed, along with coliform, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus research and Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) for pesticide research; using two methodologies for parasitological studies. Thirty-two samples were analyzed, with a sanitary adequacy level at 45% and 38% for fairs (agroecological and conventional) respectively, with three samples (9.4%) in total, being adequate to the microbiological pattern according to RDC no. 12/2001. Among the 23 samples which were tested positive for parasites, 69.5% originated from samples extracted at conventional fairs, and 53% of every positive samples presented Entamoeba coli as the main contaminant. All together, no traces of deltamethrin were detected, but in two of the samples a peak retention for diphenoconazole was detected. In conclusion, the fairs represent an adequate environment for human pathogens and indicators. Therefore greater hygiene training of vegetable traders and consumers in the state of Alagoas is required, especially in conventional fairs, which presented more critical microbiological and parasitological indexes comparing to fairs with agroecological products; however, the presence of difenoconazole in two samples of agricultural fairs suggests accidental contamination or indiscriminate use of this chemical in the production of Lactuca sativa, however, products with agroecological origin represents a better choice for the consumers.

A produção agroecológica representa uma nova realidade no cultivo das hortaliças. Assim, o estudo teve como objetivo verificar a presença de agrotóxicos em amostras agroecológicas e analisar a contaminação microbiológico e parasitológico em Lactuca sativa L. de feiras agroecológicas e convencionais de Alagoas. Foram coletadas 32 amostras, realizando checklist higiênico-sanitário, análises de coliformes, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus e Cromatografia Gasosa com Espectrômetro de Massas (GC-MS) para pesquisa de agrotóxicos; utilizando-se duas metodologias para estudos parasitológicos. Foram analisadas 32 amostras, com nível de adequação sanitária de 45% e 38% para feiras (agroecológicas e convencionais) respectivamente, sendo três amostras no total (9,4%) adequadas a padrão microbiológico segundo RDC n° 12//2001; Dentre as 23 amostras positivas para parasitos, 69,5% teve origem em amostras de feiras convencionais, e 53% de todas as amostras positivas apresentaram Entamoeba coli como principal contaminante, juntamente, não foi detectado traços de deltametrina, porem foi visualizado em duas amostras, pico de retenção para padrão de difenoconazol. Concluindo-se que as feiras representam um ambiente adequado para patógenos humanos e indicadores, necessitando de uma maior higienização e treinamento dos comerciantes e consumidores de hortaliças do estado de Alagoas, principalmente em feiras convencionais, que apresentaram índices microbiológicos e parasitológicos mais críticos em relação a feiras com produtos agroecológicos; mas, a presença de difenoconazole em duas amostras de feiras agroecológicas sugerem contaminação acidental ou uso indiscriminado deste químico em produção da Lactuca sativa L., todavia os produtos de origem agroecológica representam uma melhor escolha para o consumidor.

Humans , Pesticide Residues/analysis , Entamoeba , Vegetables , Food Contamination/analysis , Lactuca , Agriculture
Rev. Méd. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 59(5): 368-376, oct. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357929


Introducción: las enfermedades relacionadas con enteroparásitos son un grave problema de salud pública. Objetivo: evaluar la prevalencia de enteroparásitos en el Perú y su relación con el Índice de desarrollo humano (IDH). Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio coproparasitológico por el método directo en niños y adultos de las comunidades de Pamplona Alta en Lima, de la provincia de San Sebastián de Quera, Castillo Grande, Pillco Marca y Puelles en Huánuco, Llupa-Huaraz en Ancash y Machaguay en Arequipa, Perú, de 2012 a 2016. Resultados: se analizaron 864 muestras y se encontró una prevalencia total del 23.03% (199 casos). El protozoario no patógeno Entamoeba coli con 10.42% (90 casos) y el nematodo Ascaris lumbricoides con 6.37% (55 casos) fueron los más prevalentes. La prevalencia de protozoos fue mayor que la de los helmintos. No se observó asociación entre el IDH frente a la prevalencia total ni frente a las cuatro especies de enteroparásitos más frecuentes. El análisis PERMANOVA a partir de las prevalencias de enteroparásitos en áreas urbanas y rurales de Perú mostró diferencias entre las comunidades. La prevalencia total de las comunidades urbanas fue similar que la de las rurales. Conclusiones: la enteroparasitosis en el Perú no se relaciona con el IDH. Sin embargo, los niveles de infestación por enteroparásitos variaron entre las diferentes comunidades y se relacionaron con las características bioecológicas de los parásitos.

Background: Diseases related to enteroparasites are a serious public health problem. Objective: To assess the prevalence of enteroparasites in Peru and its relationship with the Human Development Index (HDI). Material and methods: A coproparasitological study using the direct method from children and adults from the communities of Pamplona Alta in Lima, the province of San Sebastián de Quera, Castillo Grande, Pillco Marca and Puelles in Huánuco, Llupa-Huaraz in Ancash, and Machaguay in Arequipa, Peru was carried out from 2012 to 2016. Results: 864 samples were analyzed, and a total prevalence of 23.03% (199 cases) was found. The non-pathogenic protozoan Entamoeba coli, with 10.42% (90 cases), and the nematode Ascaris lumbricoides, with 6.37% (55 cases), were the most prevalent. PERMANOVA analysis based on the prevalences of enteroparasites in urban and rural areas of Peru showed differences among communities. The overall prevalence of urban communities was similar to that of rural ones. Conclusions: Enteroparasitosis in Peru are not related to HDI. However, the levels of infestation by enteroparasites varied between the different communities, and they were related to the bioecological characteristics of parasites.

Humans , Male , Female , Public Health , Ascaris lumbricoides , Entamoeba , Coliforms , Helminthiasis , Parasites , Peru , Rural Areas , Urban Area , Development Indicators
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 20(2): 286-295, set 29, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354489


Introdução: os parasitos gastrintestinais são causas de morbidade em crianças, podendo determinar quadros de anemia e diarréria. Podem estar associados as condições socioeconômicas, de saneamento básico e práticas de higiene. Objetivo: o objetivo desta investigação foi identificar as parasitoses intestinais e os fatores de risco associados em crianças menores de 12 anos cadastradas em duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde do município de Caxias, estado do Maranhão. Metodologia: neste estudo transversal 422 exames coproparasitológicos pela técnica de Hoffman, Pons e Janner foram realizados. Para comparar as proporções utilizou-se o teste Qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher. Empregou-se análises univariadas e multivariadas por regressão logística para avaliar a associação entre a infecção por enteroparasitos e os fatores de risco. Resultados: a frequência de parasitos intestinais foi 49,05%, sendo predominante o Ascaris lumbricoides (68,18%) e a Entamoeba sp. (65,38%). Conforme a análise estatística, ingerir água sem tratamento domiciliar e não lavar as mãos antes das refeições podem ser considerados como fatores de risco para as enteropatias parasitárias. Conclusão: ressalta-se a necessidade de implementar políticas públicas que visem reduzir as altas taxas destes parasitos, e que contribuam para melhorar a qualidade de vida dessa população.

Introduction: intestinal parasites are cause of morbidity in children and can determine anemia and diarrhea. It can be associated to social economical conditions, basic sanitation and hygiene. Objective: the objective of this research was to identify tne intestinal parasitosis and the risk factors associated in children less than 12 years old registered in two Basic Health Units in Caxias municipality, state of Maranhão. Metodology: in this cross-sectional study 422 fecal exams were performed by the technique of Hoffman, Pons and Janner in 422 children. To compare the proportions, the chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used. Univariate and multivariate analyzes were used by logistic regression to evaluate the association between enteroparasite infection and risk factors. Results: the frequency of intestinal parasites was 49.05%, being predominant Ascaris lumbricoides (68.8%) and Entamoeba sp. (65.38%). According to statistical analysis, drinking water without home treatment and not washing hands before meals, can be considered as risk factors for parasitic enteropathies. Conclusion: It's necessary to implement public policies aimed at reducing the high rates of intestinal parasites, which contributes to improve the quality of life of this population.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Parasitic Diseases , Child , Risk Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Ascaris lumbricoides , Diarrhea , Entamoeba , Anemia
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 20(1): 14-21, maio 5, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354767


Introdução: as parasitoses intestinais constituem-se um importante problema de saúde pública mundial. Estas infecções são mais prevalentes em regiões tropicais impactando na morbimortalidade e aumento nos custos para o sistema de saúde. Objetivo: avaliar a prevalência das enteroparasitoses e sua associação com as condições socioeconômicas, sanitárias, ambientais e hábitos de vida em uma comunidade costeira do Nordeste brasileiro. Metodologia: estudo epidemiológico, descritivo e transversal, realizado de modo não probabilístico entre março a junho de 2017, com 105 moradores da Ilha de Boipeba, localizada no Sul da Bahia. O exame parasitológico de fezes foi realizado pelos métodos de sedimentação espontânea, Baermann-Moraes e FAUST. Um questionário foi aplicado para avaliar o perfil sociodemográfico da população. Resultados: do total de indivíduos avaliados, 52,4% eram do sexo feminino e 57,1% tinham entre 15 a 59 anos. Todos os indivíduos possuíam água encanada, porém não tratada, enquanto 91,4% referiu ingerir vegetais crus e 45,7% não higienizavam as mãos antes as refeições. Sintomas gastrointestinais foram relatados em 82,8% dos indivíduos e infecções enteroparasitárias foram diagnosticadas em 69,6%. Os parasitos mais frequentemente encontrados foram Ancilostomídeo (18,1%) e Entamoeba coli (43,8%). O principal fator de risco potencial para contrair a infecção por ancilostomídeos foi a não existência de poço artesiano na residência (RP=4,35), enquanto para Trichuris trichiura foi não dispor de pia no banheiro (RP=3,82). Conclusão: a comunidade analisada apresentou elevada prevalência de enteroparasitoses. Os hábitos precários de higiene e de acesso à água tratada, associados às condições ambientais e climáticas do local, podem ter contribuído para a elevada transmissão de geohelmintos observada.

Introduction: Intestinal parasitic infections are an important public health problem worldwide. They are more prevalent in tropical regions impacting in morbidity and mortality and costs for the health system. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of enteroparasitosis and its association with socioeconomic, sanitary and environmental conditions and lifestyle habits in a coastal community in the Northeast Brazil. Methodology: This is an epidemiological, descriptive and cross-sectional study, carried out in a non-probabilistic manner between March and June 2017, with 105 residents of Boipeba Island in the Southern Bahia. The parasitological examination of feces was carried out by the methods of spontaneous sedimentation, Baermann-Moraes and FAUST. A questionnaire was applied to assess the sociodemographic profile of the population. Results: Of the total of individuals evaluated, 52.4% were female and 57.1% were between 15 and 59 years old. All individuals had piped, but untreated water, while 91.4% reported eating raw vegetables and 45.7% did not wash their hands before meals. Gastrointestinal symptoms were observed in 82.8% individuals and 69.6% were diagnosed with enteroparasitic infections. The most frequent parasites were the hookworm (18.1%) and Entamoeba coli (43.8%). The main potential risk factor for hookworm infection was the non-existence of an artesian well in the residence (PR=4.35) and Trichuris trichiura it was not having a sink in the toilet (PR=3.82). Conclusion: The analyzed community has a high prevalence of enteroparasitosis, in addition to environmental and climatic conditions that contribute to the transmission of these infections.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Parasitic Diseases , Sanitation , Epidemiology , Epidemiologic Studies , Demography , Hygiene , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Sanitary Profiles , Entamoeba
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 41(supl.1): 23-34, mayo 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285447


Resumen | Introducción. Las amebas no patógenas Entamoeba dispar, Entamoeba moshkovskii y Entamoeba bangladeshi son morfológicamente idénticas a Entamoeba histolytica, parásito responsable de la amebiasis, por lo cual se necesitan técnicas moleculares para diferenciarlas. Objetivo. Determinar la frecuencia de las diferentes especies de Entamoeba mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR) en muestras fecales de niños menores de cinco años con diarrea, provenientes de Maracaibo (Venezuela). Materiales y métodos. Se recolectó una muestra fecal por individuo en 75 niños con diarrea (grupo de casos) y en 25 niños sin diarrea (grupo control). Las heces se evaluaron mediante examen microscópico, método de concentración de formól-éter y PCR múltiple anidada en una sola ronda para identificar E. histolytica, E. dispar y E. moshkovskii. Además, se hizo una encuesta en la que se recopilaron los datos demográficos, signos, manifestaciones clínicas y estrato socioeconómico de los niños. Resultados. El 48 % de los participantes (38 del grupo de casos y 10 del grupo de control) tenían enteroparásitos. Solo en las muestras de cuatro de los niños, se encontraron quistes del complejo Entamoeba (tres en el grupo de casos y uno en el de control). Mediante PCR se amplificaron nueve muestras (9 %) para la detección de las amebas estudiadas. En el grupo de casos se registraron tres (28,13 %) de E. histolytica, cuatro (30,50 %) de E. dispar y una (9,37 %) de E. moshkovskii, en tanto que solo una (25 %) muestra amplificó para E. dispar en el grupo de control. Conclusión. En general, predominó E. dispar; sin embargo, todos los infectados con E. histolytica se detectaron en el grupo de niños con diarrea y se detectó el primer caso de E. moshkovskii en la región.

Abstract | Introduction: Entamoeba histolytica is an amebiasis-producing parasite. However, Entamoeba dispar, Entamoeba moshkovskii, and Entamoeba bangladeshi are non-pathogenic amoebae morphologically identical to it and, therefore, molecular techniques are required for their differentiation. Objective: To determine the frequency of Entamoeba species by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in fecal samples from children under five years with diarrhea from Maracaibo (Venezuela). Materials and methods: A fecal sample per individual was collected from 75 children with diarrhea (case group) and 25 children without diarrhea (control group). Stools were evaluated by microscopic examination, formol-ether concentration method, and nested-multiplex PCR in a single round for the identification of E. histolytica, E. dispar, and E. moshkovskii. In addition, a survey was conducted in which demographic data, signs, clinical manifestations, and socioeconomic status were registered. Results: In total, 48% of the children (38 from the case group and 10 from the control group) had intestinal parasites. Only four children presented cysts of the Entamoeba complex in their samples (three from the case group and one from the control group). By means of PCR, nine samples (9%) amplified for the studied amoebae. In the case group, three (28.13%) amplified for E. histolytica, four (30.50%) for E. dispar, and one (9.37%) for E. moshkovskii while only one (25%) sample amplified for E. dispar in the control group. Conclusion: In general, E. dispar predominated. Nevertheless, all those infected with E. histolytica were detected within the group of children with diarrhea and we reported the first case of E. moshkovskii in the region.

Child , Entamoeba , Venezuela , Diarrhea , Entamoeba histolytica , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction
Rev. cientif. cienc. med ; 24(2): 90-94, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372708


INTRODUCCIÓN: la anemia es uno de los principales problemas de salud pública en los países en desarrollo; donde los niños en etapa preescolar, mujeres embarazadas y adulto mayor son los más afectados. OBJETIVO: evaluar la prevalencia de anemia entre los años 2014-2017. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio de corte transversal; la muestra estuvo conformada por todos los pacientes atendidos del Centro Poblado San Juan de Lacamaca, Cajamarca-Perú, que constaban de 2034 pacientes entre 0 y 57 años. RESULTADOS: del total de la población 1022 pacientes (50 %) pertenecían al sexo femenino y 1012 (50 %) al sexo masculino. De toda la población en estudio 1960 pacientes (96 %) no presentaban anemia y 74 (4 %) si presentaron. En cuanto a la presencia de parásitos 1365 (65 %) de la población no presentaba una infección parasitaria y 709 (35 %) si la presentaban; el parásito más encontrado fue Entamoeba coli en 340 pacientes (48 %) seguido de Giardia lamblia con 201 (28 %) en la primera muestra, mientras que en la segunda muestra el más encontrado fue Giardia lamblia con 14 (33 %). Conclusión: Se encontró una correlación positiva entre anemia y parasitismo(AU)

INTRODUCTION: anemia is one of the main public health problems in developing countries, where preschool children, pregnant women, and the elderly are the most affected. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the prevalence of anemia between the years 2014-2017. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample was made up of all the patients treated at the San Juan de Lacamaca Population Center, Cajamarca-Peru, which consisted of 2034 patients between 0 and 57 years of age from the San Juan de Lacamaca Population Center, Cajamarca, Peru. RESULTS: of the total population, 1022 patients (50%) belonged to the female sex and 1012 (50%) to the male sex. Of the entire study population, 1960 patients (96%) did not present anemia and 74 (4%) did. Regarding the presence of parasites, 1,365 (65%) of the population did not present a parasitic infection and 709 (35%) did; the most found parasite was Entamoeba coli in 340 patients (48%) followed by Giardia lamblia with 201 (28%) in the first sample, while in the second sample the most found was Giardia lamblia with 14 (33%). CONCLUSION: a positive correlation was found between anemia and parasitism(AU)

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Middle Aged , Parasitic Diseases , Anemia , Cross-Sectional Studies , Giardia lamblia , Entamoeba
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 67(3): 230-238, sep.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1251918


RESUMEN La parasitosis intestinal en mamíferos silvestres es una de las principales complicaciones debido a las condiciones exógenas del cautiverio; predisponen al animal a complicaciones fisiológicas o infecciones secundarias que impiden su rehabilitación y reintroducción. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la presencia de parásitos gastrointestinales en mamíferos silvestres del Centro de Atención y Valoración de Fauna silvestre del Centro de Educación Ambiental San Emigdio, San Emigdio, Palmira (Colombia). Se tomaron muestras fecales de 25 animales cautivos en el Centro de Atención y Valoración y fueron analizadas mediante dos técnicas: a) montaje con solución salina al 0,85 % y solución de lugol al 1% y b) técnica de flotación por solución saturada (Sheather) con densidad de 1.28g/ml, encontrando un 36% de positividad. Se encontró Enterobius vermicularis, Fasciola sp., Entamoeba sp. y Ancylostoma sp. El grupo de primates no humanos presentó cargas parasitarias más altas con respecto a felinos, caninos y demás mamíferos del estudio. Los microorganismos identificados son reconocidos como parásitos causantes de complicaciones en animales cautivos y en libertad; al igual, son catalogados como posibles riesgos zoonóticos.

ABSTRACT Intestinal parasitosis in wild mammals is one of the main complications due to the exogenous conditions of captivity. They predispose the animal to physiological complications or secondary infections that prevent its rehabilitation and reintroduction. The objective is to determine the presence of gastrointestinal parasites in wild mammals from the Wildlife Care and Valuation Center of the San Emigdio Environmental Education Center, San Emigdio, Palmira (Colombia). Fecal samples were taken from 25 captive animals in Care and Valuation Center being analyzed using two techniques: a) assembly with 0.85% saline solution and 1% lugol solution and b) saturated solution flotation technique (Sheather) with a density of 1.28g/ml, with a 36% of positivity. Enterobius vermicularis, Fasciola sp., Entamoeba sp. and Ancylostoma sp. were found. The group of non-human primates had higher parasitic intensity compared to felines, canines and other mammals in the study. The identified microorganisms are recognized as parasites causing complications in captive animals and in free life; likewise, they are classified as possible zoonotic risks.

Animals , Parasites , Trematoda , Zoonoses , Wilderness , Infections , Mammals , Nematoda , Parasitic Diseases , Toxoplasma , Sarcocystis , Entamoeba , Fasciola , Isospora
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 23(2, cont.): e2307, jul-dez. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1141374


As hortaliças folhosas são ricas em vitaminas, sais minerais e fibras alimentares, proporcionando importantes benefícios para a saúde, o que acaba atraindo os consumidores, que costumam ingeri-las na forma crua, ficando expostos à contaminação por enteroparasitas. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a possível presença de enteroparasitas em alfaces (Lactuca sativa) comercializadas em três mercados municipais de Rio Branco, Acre. Foram analisadas 26 amostras de alfaces, onde as folhas das alfaces foram lavadas, em uma solução contendo 250 mL de água destilada e cinco gotas de detergente. O líquido foi filtrado em gazes de oito dobras e deixado sedimentar por 24 horas, à temperatura ambiente. Após o tempo decorrido o sobrenadante foi descartado, foram preparadas lâminas, que foram analisadas ao microscópio óptico. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo evidenciaram contaminação em 96,2% do total de amostras de alfaces analisadas. As principais estruturas parasitárias encontradas foram: Ascaridia sp., Eimeria sp., Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba histolytica, Ancylostoma sp., Strongyloides stercoralis, Enterobius vermicularis, Dipylidium caninum, Trichuris trichiura, Diphillobothrium latum e Balantidium sp. O enteroparasita mais abundante foi Ascaridia sp., tendo sido encontrados 164 (430) exemplares nas amostras, representando 38,14% do total de enteroparasitas encontrados. Ascaridia sp. foi também o enteroparasita mais frequente, sendo encontrada em 42,3% do total de amostras analisadas. Nesse contexto, a ingestão de alfaces cruas, provenientes dos mercados municipais estudados, pode representar risco potencial para os consumidores, caso elas não sejam higienizadas corretamente. Isto demonstra a importância de uma boa limpeza e desinfecção das folhas de alface antes do consumo.(AU)

Leafy vegetalizes are reich in vitaminas, mineral and. deitar febres, providing important health benefits, which ends up attracting consumers, who usually eat them in the raw form, being exposed to contamination by enteroparasites. The objective of the study was to verify the possible presence of enteroparasites in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) sold in three municipal markets in Rio Branco, Acre. 26 samples of lettuce were analyzed, where the lettuce leaves were washed, in a solution containing 250 mL of distilled water and. five drops of detergent. The liquid was filtered through eight-fold gauze and. left to settle for 24 hours at room temperature. After the elapsed time, the supernatant was discarded, slides were prepared and. analyzed under an optical microscope. The results obtained in this study showed contamination in 96.2% of the total samples of lettuce analyzed. The main parasitic structures found were: Ascaridia sp., Eimeria sp., Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba histolytica, Ancylostoma sp., Strongyloides stercoralis, Enterobius vermicularis, Dipylidium caninum, Trichuris trichiura, Diphillobothrium latum e Balantidium sp. The most abundant enteroparasite was Ascaridia sp., 164 (430) specimens were found in the samples, representing 38.14% of the total enteroparasites found. Ascaridia sp. was also the most common enteroparasite, was found in 42.3% of the total samples analyzed. In this context, ingestion of raw lettuce from the municipal markets studied may pose a potential risk to consumers if they are not properly sanitized. This demonstrates the importance of good cleaning and disinfection of lettuce leaves before consumption.(AU)

Las verduras de hoja son ricas en vitaminas, minerales y fibras dietéticas, aportando importantes beneficios para la salud, lo que acaba atrayendo a los consumidores, que suelen consumirlas crudas, quedando expuestas a la contaminación por enteroparásitos. El objetivo del estudio fue verificar la posible presencia de enteroparásitos en lechugas (Lactuca sativa) vendidas en tres mercados municipales de Rio Branco, Acre. Se analizaron 26 muestras de lechuga, donde se lavaron las hojas de lechuga, en una solución que contenía 250 mL de agua destilada y cinco gotas de detergente. El líquido se filtró a través de una gasa de ocho veces y se dejó reposar durante 24 horas a temperatura ambiente. Transcurrido el tiempo, se descartó el sobrenadante, se prepararon los portaobjetos y se analizaron al microscopio óptico. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio mostraron contaminación en el 96,2% del total de muestras de lechuga analizadas. Las principales estructuras parasitarias encontradas fueron: Ascaridia sp., Eimeria sp., Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba histolytica, Ancylostoma sp., Strongyloides stercoralis, Enterobius vermicularis, Dipylidium caninum, Trichuris trichiura, Diphillobothrium latum y Balantidium sp. El enteroparásito más abundante fue Ascaridia sp., Se encontraron 164 (430) ejemplares en las muestras, lo que representa el 38,14% del total de enteroparásitos encontrados. Ascaridia sp. también fue el enteroparásito más frecuente, encontrándose en el 42,3% del total de muestras analizadas. En este contexto, la ingesta de lechuga cruda, de los mercados municipales estudiados, puede representar un riesgo potencial para los consumidores, si no se higienizan adecuadamente. Esto demuestra la importancia de una buena limpieza y desinfección de las hojas de lechuga antes del consumo.(AU)

Ascaridia , Lactuca/parasitology , Eimeria , Entamoeba , Ancylostoma
Odovtos (En línea) ; 22(2)ago. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386474


Abstract: The objective was to analyze the periodontal condition severity and the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity of an adult population of an Afrodescent Community of northeastern Brazil. This is an observational and cross- sectional study performed through an oral clinical examination, using a standardized clinical record. For the subjects with periodontal disease, the bacterial biofilm was collected in a Petri dish containing 0.9% physiological solution to detect the presence of microorganisms Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax, and later observed under an optical microscope. Statistical analysis was performed by calculating the prevalence of periodontal disease and the frequency of the protozoa in the bacterial biofilm. Statistical significance of the relationships researched was verified by Fisher's exact test. It was evaluated 29 subjects pertaining to the Quilombola Patioba community, aged 35 to 44 years. The results showed that among the adults of the community, there was a high prevalence of periodontal disease (75.86%), being higher in the 1st and 6th sextants of the Community Periodontal Index (CPI). E. gingivalis positivity occurred in most sextants affected by gingivitis, while in the condition of periodontitis, this microorganism was not present in the 3rd, 4th and 6th sextants. In all sextants affected by periodontal disease, T. Tenax was observed when associated with gingivitis. It is worth mentioning the begging of the elaboration of health policies, social and professional commitment that foster a greater promotion of oral health and quality of life for the quilombolas of northeastern Brazil.

Resumen: El objetivo fue analizar la severidad de la condición periodontal y la aparición de microorganismos patógenos en la cavidad oral de una población adulta de una comunidad afrodescente del noreste de Brasil. Este es un estudio observacional y transversal realizado a través de un examen clínico oral, utilizando un registro clínico estandarizado. Para los sujetos con enfermedad periodontal, la biopelícula bacteriana se recogió en una placa de Petri que contenía una solución fisiológica al 0,9% para detectar la presencia de microorganismos Entamoeba gingivalis y Trichomonas tenax, y luego se observó bajo un microscopio óptico. El análisis estadístico se realizó calculando la prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal y la frecuencia de los protozoos en la biopelícula bacteriana. La significación estadística de las relaciones investigadas se verificó mediante la prueba exacta de Fisher. Se evaluaron 29 sujetos pertenecientes a la comunidad Quilombola Patioba, de 35 a 44 años. Los resultados mostraron que entre los adultos de la comunidad, hubo una alta prevalencia de enfermedad periodontal (75.86%), siendo mayor en el sexto sexto y sexto del Índice periodontal comunitario (IPC). La positividad de E. gingivalis se produjo en la mayoría de los sextantes afectados por gingivitis, mientras que en la condición de periodontitis, este microorganismo no estaba presente en los sextantes tercero, cuarto y sexto. En todos los sextantes afectados por enfermedad periodontal, se observó T. Tenax cuando se asoció con gingivitis. Vale la pena mencionar el inicio de la elaboración de políticas de salud, compromiso social y profesional que promuevan una mayor promoción de la salud oral y la calidad de vida de las quilombolas del noreste de Brasil.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Porphyromonas gingivalis , Entamoeba , Periodontal Diseases , Trichomonas , Brazil
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 24(1): 41-45, jan-abr. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095991


As doenças causadas por parasitos intestinais estão entre os mais frequentes agravos do mundo, pois é um problema de saúde pública que atinge a maioria da população. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a prevalência de parasitos em crianças de 4 a 6 anos de uma escola municipal de Moreira Sales, PR. A pesquisa foi composta por inquérito parasitológico e epidemiológico em crianças matriculadas em uma escola municipal em julho de 2017. O critério para inclusão no estudo foi: coletar a amostra de fezes, responder o questionário socioepidemiológico e ter o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE) assinado pelos pais e/ou responsáveis. Participaram do estudo 42 crianças com idades entre 4 e 6 anos, das quais 66,7% eram meninas. Dos participantes, dez crianças (23,8%) apresentaram infecção por Balantidium coli, sendo que destas, duas apresentaram infecção mista por Entamoeba coli. Foi observado que a maioria dos infectados possuíam animais de estimação (60%), roíam unhas (60%), consumiam hortaliças (80%) e todas as crianças brincavam na terra, sendo esses alguns fatores de risco para a infecção. Diante dos resultados apresentados, é possível perceber que existem vários fatores que podem estar associados à infecção por Balantidium coli, sendo os principais: falta de saneamento básico e os hábitos de higiene inadequado. Portanto, fatores importantes para se promover a conscientização e ação profilática da população, com o intuito de minimizar as parasitoses, principalmente nas crianças.

Diseases caused by intestinal parasites are among the most frequent ones in the world, since it is a public health issue affecting most of the population. The purpose of this study was to verify the prevalence of parasites in children aged 4 to 6 years at a school in the municipality of Moreira Sales, in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The study was comprised by the parasitological and epidemiological investigation in children enrolled in a school in the city in July 2017. The criteria for inclusion in the study was to collect the stool sample, answer the socio-epidemiological questionnaire and sign a Free and Clarified Consent Form. A total of 42 children took part in this study, with ages ranging between 4 and 6 years, of which 66.7% were female. From the participants, ten children (23.8%) presented infection by Balantidium coli, and among which, two of them presented mixed infection by Entamoeba coli. It was observed that most of the infected children had pets (60%), bit their nails (60%), consumed vegetables (80%) and all children played on dirt, which are some of the risk factors for infection. Considering the results, it is possible to observe that there are several factors that can be associated to infection by Balantidium coli, among which: basic sanitation and hygiene habits. Therefore, raising awareness and presenting prophylactic action to the population is essential in order to minimize intestinal parasitosis, especially in children.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Balantidium/parasitology , Child, Preschool , Parasites/parasitology , Parasitic Diseases/parasitology , Protozoan Infections/parasitology , Vegetables/parasitology , Water Pollution , Epidemiology , Entamoeba/parasitology , Feces/parasitology , Nail Biting
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 78: e1771, dez. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489604


As infecções parasitárias intestinais são amplamente distribuídas em todo o mundo e a população infantil é a mais afetada. A prevalência das infecções parasitárias intestinais materna e infantil de pacientes atendidos em uma unidade de saúde pública do município de Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais foi avaliada pela técnica de centrífugo sedimentação em formol-éter. A positividade foi de 41,7% para gestantes, 37,3% para mães e 35,7% em crianças. Endolimax nana (17,1%) e Giardia intestinalis (17,1%) foram os parasitos mais frequentemente detectados em crianças com idade inferior a dois anos e em gestantes (33,3%). Para as mães, G. intestinalis (20,3%) foi o parasito mais prevalente seguido de Entamoeba coli (17%). A infecção simultânea de mãe e filho foi detectada em 7 das 25 crianças infectadas. Apesar das ações de educação em saúde, melhoria no nível educacional e acesso a serviços médicos, a frequência de infecções por endoparasitas permanece alta. A literatura é escassa em relação ao tema e acredita-se que a deficiência na aplicação de medidas de educação sanitária possa fazer com que mães infectadas possam contribuir para a infecção parasitária de seus filhos, assim como os filhos podem ser fonte de infecção para suas mães.

Intestinal parasitic infections are widely distributed throughout the world and children are the most affected population. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of parasitic maternal and infant intestinal infection of patients attended at a public health unit in the municipality of Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais. The centrifugal-sedimentation in formol-ether was the technica used for stool analysis. Positivity was observed in 41.7% for pregnant women, 37.3% for mothers and 35.7% for children. Endolimax nana (17.1%) and Giardia intestinalis (17.1%) were the most frequently detected parasites in children under two-years old and pregnant women (33.3%). For mothers, G. intestinalis (20.3%) was the most prevalent parasite followed by Entamoeba coli (17%). Simultaneous infection of mother and child was detected in 7 of 25 infected children. Despite health educations actions, improvement in educational level, and access to medical services, the frequency of endoparasite infections remains high. Literature is scarce in relation to the present theme and it is believed that infected mothers can contribute for parasitic infection of their kids, just as children can be a source of infection for their mothers.

Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Parasitic Diseases/epidemiology , Protozoan Infections/epidemiology , Intestines/parasitology , Brazil , Endolimax , Entamoeba , Giardia lamblia , Public Health
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741763


OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with intestinal parasites in the population of San Juan Cosala, Jalisco, Mexico. METHODS: A total of 277 samples from 104 participants were analysed using direct smear, flotation, formaldehyde/ethyl acetate, and modified Kinyoun’s acid-fast stain methods. The Graham method was applied only for samples from children under 12 years of age for the diagnosis of Enterobius vermicularis. RESULTS: The prevalence of parasite infections in the study population was 77.9% including: Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar/E. moshkovskii/E. bangladeshi (37.5%), Giardia intestinalis (11.5%); commensals: Endolimax nana (44.2%), Entamoeba coli (27.9%), Chilomastix mesnili (6.7%) and Iodamoeba bütschlii, (2.9%); emerging intestinal protozoans: Blastocystis spp. (49%), Cryptosporidium spp. (7.7%) and Cyclospora cayetanensis (2.9%); and helminths: Enterobius vermicularis (18.3%) and Ascaris lumbricoides (5.8%). The results also showed that 58.64% of the studied population presented polyparasitism. A significant association was found between protozoan infections and housewives, and houses that were not built with concrete ceilings, brick walls and cement floors (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Polyparasitism was observed in over half the study population. The most prevalent parasite was Blastocystis spp, whilst the prevalence of helminths was less than that of protozoans. The risk factors for infection to intestinal parasites were being a housewife and not having solid brick, cement and concrete materials for house construction.

Adult , Child , Humans , Ascaris lumbricoides , Blastocystis , Cryptosporidium , Cyclospora , Diagnosis , Endolimax , Entamoeba , Enterobius , Giardia lamblia , Helminths , Methods , Mexico , Parasites , Prevalence , Protozoan Infections , Retortamonadidae , Risk Factors
Braz. j. biol ; 78(3): 574-578, Aug. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951569


Abstract Intestinal parasitic infections in immunocompromised patients can lead to serious complications when not diagnosed and treated early. This study aimed to investigate the frequency of intestinal parasites in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in the South of Brazil. Three fecal samples collected from each patient (73 individuals) were processed by Ritchie and Faust techniques and submitted to specific staining methods for intestinal protozoa. A 61.6% parasite and/or commensal positivity was found. Helminths identified were Ascaris lumbricoides (33.3%), Taenia spp. (6.6%), Strongyloides stercoralis (4.4%) and Trichuris trichiura (2.2%). Among protozoans, Giardia lamblia (26.6%), Cryptosporidium spp. (13.3%) and Cystoisospora belli (4.4%) were identified. The presence of Entamoeba coli, Endolimax nana and Entamoeba hartmanni was also recorded. The results obtained warn of the importance of fecal parasitological diagnosis and the use of specific staining methods for the detection of intestinal parasites in cancer patients. These exams should be regularly requested at the patient's first clinic visit, given the high prevalence found in this study and the possible severity of such conditions for these individuals.

Resumo As parasitoses intestinais em pacientes imunocomprometidos podem levar a graves complicações se não diagnosticadas e tratadas precocemente. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a frequência de parasitos intestinais em pacientes oncológicos submetidos ao tratamento quimioterápico. Foram coletadas três amostras de fezes de cada paciente, sendo processadas pelas técnicas de Ritchie e Faust e submetidas à métodos de coloração específicos para protozoários intestinais. Foi encontrada positividade de 61,6% para parasitos e/ou comensais. Os helmintos identificados foram Ascaris lumbricoides (33,3%), Taenia spp. (6,6%), Strongyloides stercoralis (4,4%) e Trichuris trichiura (2,2%). Dentre os protozoários, foram identificados Giardia lamblia (26,6%), Cryptosporidium spp. (13,3%) e Cystoisospora belli (4,4%). Também foi registrada presença de Entamoeba coli, Endolimax nana e Entamoeba hartmanni. Os resultados encontrados alertam para a importância do diagnóstico parasitológico de fezes junto à utilização de colorações específicas para parasitos intestinais em pacientes oncológicos, sendo que os mesmos deveriam ser requeridos como conduta já na primeira consulta clínica destes pacientes, dada à elevada prevalência aqui constatada e a possível severidade que tais moléstias podem acarretar nestes indivíduos.

Animals , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic/epidemiology , Neoplasms/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Comorbidity , Prevalence , Giardia lamblia/isolation & purification , Cryptosporidium/isolation & purification , Entamoeba/isolation & purification , Feces/parasitology , Helminths/isolation & purification
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760477


This study aimed to survey the status of quality control (QC) assurance for stool examinations at clinical laboratories in Korea. We sent a questionnaire related to QC practices in stool examination by electronic mail to Korean clinical laboratories that performed stool examination. Overall, 20 of the 39 laboratories (51.3%) reported performing stool concentration methods, and 28 (71.8%) examined the slides using only saline. A large proportion (74.4%) of respondents did not check the internal QC because of the restriction of appropriate control materials. Only four laboratories (10.3%) checked the reactivity of the dye solution routinely. For appropriate external QC systems, QC slides (43.6%) were preferred, followed by QC materials (30.8%), virtual slides (17.9%), and a combination of the above options (7.7%). The most commonly observed parasites in stool samples at the clinical laboratories were Clonorchis sinensis (75%), followed by Endolimax nana, Enterobius vermicularis, and Entamoeba coli. The present study describes the difficulties in internal QC assessment due to the absence of standardized QC materials and systems. We hope the findings of this report will provide a foundation for a QC assessment program for stool examinations in the near future.

Clonorchis sinensis , Electronic Mail , Endolimax , Entamoeba , Enterobius , Hope , Korea , Parasites , Quality Control , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742225


Intestinal parasitic infections remain a major public health problem in many parts of Thailand, particularly in rural areas. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections and associated risk factors among the people living in Huai Sai sub-district, Bang Khla district, Chachoengsao Province, central Thailand. A cross-sectional survey was carried out from June 2017 to August 2017 which included a total of 224 participants. Stool samples were examined using a simple direct smear and formalin ethyl acetate concentration technique. Association between risk factors and intestinal parasitic infections was assessed using multivariate logistic regression analysis. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections was 16.1%. Soil-transmitted helminth infections (14.3%) were more common than protozoan infections (1.8%). The most common intestinal parasites were hookworms (6.7%) followed by Strongyloides stercoralis, (5.0%), Ascaris lumbricoides (1.3%) and Trichuris trichiura (1.3%). Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (1.0%), Giardia intestinalis (0.4%), and Blastocystis hominis (0.4%) were the protozoans identified. A high prevalence of infections was found in male participants of ≥40 years who raised dogs in the households and did not wear boots while working fields. Multivariate analysis showed a significant association of intestinal parasitic infections with gender with the adjusted odds ratio (OR) of 2.4 and 95% confidence interval (CI) of 1.1–5.2 (P=0.020). The results showed a high prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infections among adults in rural communities which were particularly apparent regarding the skin-penetrating species of nematodes. A greater focus on intervention is required by improving sanitation and personal hygiene to prevent the spread of intestinal parasitic infections.

Adult , Animals , Dogs , Humans , Male , Ancylostomatoidea , Ascaris lumbricoides , Blastocystis hominis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Entamoeba , Entamoeba histolytica , Family Characteristics , Formaldehyde , Giardia lamblia , Helminths , Hygiene , Logistic Models , Multivariate Analysis , Odds Ratio , Parasites , Prevalence , Protozoan Infections , Public Health , Risk Factors , Rural Population , Sanitation , Strongyloides stercoralis , Thailand , Trichuris