Diante dos desafios com que a prática psicanalítica se depara no contexto da pandemia atual, um dos mais notáveis diz respeito à comunicação. A mediação das sessões por mídias técnicas tornou-se ubíqua. Este artigo propõe um diálogo entre a psicanálise e a teoria das materialidades da comunicação para esboçar um olhar mídia-psicanalítico sobre alguns destes desafios, que ensejam também renovadas discussões teóricas. Após um breve panorama das teses de alguns autores de destaque no campo das materialidades (McLuhan, Flusser, Kittler), procuramos delimitar a rediscussão à luz da tese de que o sentido da comunicação emerge sempre no seio de um agenciamento material específico de alguns pontos teóricos fundamentais da teoria psicanalítica, em especial as noções de setting e cena analítica. Estabelecem-se, assim, linhas iniciais para um debate que já se demonstra frutífero entre a psicanálise e as teorias comunicacionais que desnaturalizam a relação entre homem e técnica (AU)
Faced with the challenges set before the psychoanalytic practice in the context of the current pandemic, one of the most pronounced concerns communication. Mediation of sessions by means of technical media has become ubiquitous. This paper proposes a dialogue between psychoanalysis and the theory of the materialities of communication in order to outline a media-psychoanalytic look over some of these challenges, which also include renewed theoretical discussions. After a brief overview of the theses of some prominent authors in the field of materialities (McLuhan, Flusser, Kittler), we try to frame the rediscussion based on the idea that the meaning of communication always emerges within the core of a specific material agency of some seminal theoretical points of the psychoanalytic theory, especially the concepts of setting and analytical scene. Initial threads are thus established for a debate that is already fruitful between psychoanalysis and the theories of communication that denaturalize the relationship between man and technique
Ante los desafíos a los que se enfrenta la práctica psicoanalítica en el contexto de la pandemia actual, uno de los más destacables se refiere a la comunicación. La mediación de sesiones por medios técnicos se ha vuelto ubicua. Este artículo propone un diálogo entre el psicoanálisis y la teoría de las materialidades de la comunicación para esbozar una mirada media-psicoanalítica sobre algunos de estos desafíos, que también dan lugar a renovadas discusiones teóricas. Tras una breve reseña de las tesis de algunos autores destacados en el campo de las materialidades (McLuhan, Flusser, Kittler), buscamos definir la rediscusión a la luz de la tesis de que el sentido de la comunicación siempre emerge en el seno de una gestión material específica de algunos puntos teóricos fundamentales de la teoría psicoanalítica, especialmente las nociones de setting y escena analítica. Así, se establecen las líneas iniciales de un debate que ya se presenta fructífero entre el psicoanálisis y las teorías comunicacionales que desnaturalizan la relación entre hombre y técnica
Psychoanalysis , Communication Barriers , Psychoanalytic Theory , Environment, Controlled , PandemicsABSTRACT
Los objetivos de este proyecto fueron desarrollar un sistema telemático de monitoreo y control de variables microambientales para un invernadero y estación acuícola, aplicando tecnología LoraWan y e-Agricultura, en beneficio de la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura ENA. Para ello se establecieron los requerimientos funcionales para un correcto análisis y desarrollo del sistema telemático aplicando e-Agricultura y se procedió a desarrollar un software de análisis de datos por medio de Inteligencia de Negocios para una correcta interpretación de datos y toma de decisiones. Se realizó un estudio de requerimientos para la selección de las herramientas óptimas del proyecto, estableciendo Laravel como framework de desarrollo, Javascript y PHP.
The objectives of this project were to develop a telematic system for the monitoring and control of microenvironmental variables for a greenhouse and aquaculture station, applying LoraWan technology and e-Agriculture, for the benefit of the Escuela Nacional de Agricultura ENA. For this, the functional requirements for a correct analysis and development of the telematics system were established and it proceeded to develop data analysis software through Intelligence Businesses for a correct interpretation of data and decision making. A study of requirements for the selection of the optimal project tools were performed, proposing Laravel as Development framework, Javascript and PHP.
Environment, Controlled , Greenhouses , Aquaculture , Agriculture , Crop ProductionABSTRACT
Shading screens are widely used to control excessive solar radiation, thereby changing plant growth. Thus, through physiological indices the objective was to evaluate the growth of three cultivars of minitomatoes under colored meshes. The experiment was conducted from April to July in the DTCS / UNEB experimental field in experiment DBC with subdivided plots, and four replicates, comprised of three shaded environments and the control treatment, three cultivars, and seven plant sampling seasons. For growth analysis, we used the destructive method, total dry matter was determined after drying it in an oven at 65°C. The total leaf area (LAI) was obtained using the software QUANT. Results showed that there was no interaction between environments and the other factors. Regarding leaf area index, cvs. Shani and Sweet Million stood out in all environments, whereas cv. Red Sugar had a similar behavior in all environments. Shani obtained the best indices in open sun environment and in the environment covered with red shading screen, and Sweet Million obtained the best index under gray shading screen. Red Sugar had the lowest LAI, and consequently, the lowest SLA and LAR. On the other hand, it showed the highest RPF, since it obtained the highest dry matter in leaves compared to the other cultivars. Cvs. Shani and Sweet Million showed the best: TAL, TCR, TCA and TCC.
As telas de sombreamento são utilizadas para controlar a radiação solar excessiva, podendo alterar o crescimento das plantas. Desse modo, objetivou-se por meio de índices fisiológicos avaliar o crescimento de três cultivares de mini tomates sob malhas coloridas. O experimento foi conduzido no período de abril a julho no campo experimental do DTCS/UNEB em delineamento experimental DBC, com parcelas subsubdivididas, com quatro repetições, compostos de três ambientes sombreados além do controle, três cultivares e sete épocas de amostragens. Para análise de crescimento, utilizou-se o método destrutivo e as massas secas totais obtidas após secagem em estufa a 65°C. A área foliar total foi obtida usando-se o software QUANT. Os resultados mostraram que não houve interação entre os ambientes e os demais fatores. Quanto as cvs., para índice de área foliar (LAI), destacaram-se as cvs. Shani e Sweet Million dentro de cada ambiente, tendo a cultivar Red Sugar comportamento similar nos ambientes. A cv. Shani obteve os melhores índices no ambiente a céu aberto e com tela vermelha e a cv. Sweet Million o melhor índice na tela cinza. A cv. Red Sugar apresentou o menor LAI, e consequentemente à menor AFE e RAF, em contrapartida apresentou a maior RPF, uma vez que obteve a maior massa seca nas folhas quando comparada as outras cultivares. As cvs. Shani e Sweet Million apresentaram as melhores: TAL, TCR, TCA e TCC.
Solanum lycopersicum , Environment, Controlled , Physiological Phenomena , Solar Radiation , GrowthABSTRACT
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a new zoonotic agent that emerged in December 2019, causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This infection can be spread by asymptomatic, presymptomatic, and symptomatic carriers. SARS-CoV-2 spreads primarily via respiratory droplets during close person-to-person contact in a closed space, especially a building. This article summarizes the environmental factors involved in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, including a strategy to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a building environment. SARS-CoV-2 can persist on surfaces of fomites for at least 3 days depending on the conditions. If SARS-CoV-2 is aerosolized intentionally, it is stable for at least several hours. SARS-CoV-2 is inactivated rapidly on surfaces with sunlight. Close-contact aerosol transmission through smaller aerosolized particles is likely to be combined with respiratory droplets and contact transmission in a confined, crowded, and poorly ventilated indoor environment, as suggested by some cluster cases. Although evidence of the effect of aerosol transmission is limited and uncertainty remains, adequate preventive measures to control indoor environmental quality are required, based on a precautionary approach, because COVID-19 has caused serious global damages to public health, community, and the social economy. The expert panel for COVID-19 in Japan has focused on the "3 Cs," namely, "closed spaces with poor ventilation," "crowded spaces with many people," and "close contact." In addition, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan has been recommending adequate ventilation in all closed spaces in accordance with the existing standards of the Law for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings as one of the initial political actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, specific standards for indoor environmental quality control have not been recommended and many scientific uncertainties remain regarding the infection dynamics and mode of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in closed indoor spaces. Further research and evaluation are required regarding the effect and role of indoor environmental quality control, especially ventilation.
Humans , Aerosols , Air Pollution, Indoor/prevention & control , Betacoronavirus/physiology , COVID-19 , Coronavirus Infections/transmission , Crowding , Environment, Controlled , Pandemics/prevention & control , Pneumonia, Viral/transmission , SARS-CoV-2 , VentilationABSTRACT
Introducción: Paraguay, con alto desarrollo de agricultura extensiva, es potencialmente vulnerable a situaciones relacionadas con manejo inadecuado, falta de prevención y riesgos para la salud individual, comunitaria y ambiental, por incumplimiento de buenas prácticas en la selección, manipulación y gestión de plaguicidas. Objetivo: Diseñar e implementar un método de vigilancia con carga de datos del sistema público para detectar, jerarquizar y mapear eventos relacionados al manejo inadecuado de plaguicidas; establecer posibles asociaciones con causas de morbilidad y mortalidad; y seguimiento para evaluar riesgos relativos. Métodos: Con la creación del Sistema de Información Georreferenciado de Evaluación de Casos de afecciones a la Salud (SIGEC), método web que recolecta información del monitoreo comunitario de manejo y posibles efectos de plaguicidas en pequeños productores y empresas agrícolas, y de parcelas de plantaciones en el territorio nacional, se realizó un estudio de vigilancia epidemiológica sobre condiciones de vida, variables ambientales y riesgo de exposición a plaguicidas. Resultados: Al relacionar datos del egreso hospitalario de enfermedades trazadoras (EH) 2011 - 2015, en mapas por Departamentos, Regiones del Estudio Piloto y por Distritos, se observó una concentración de las mismas en 3 a 4 regiones relacionadas al uso de plaguicidas, repitiéndose dicha situación en patologías con concentraciones altas (color rojo) o intermedias (color amarillo), con posible asociación casual o causal. Los demás distritos de estas regiones observadas que se encuentran coloreadas de verde, no implica ausencia de casos registrados, sino que se encuentran en el tercio inferior del total registrado (tabla a la izquierda de los mapas). La poligonización valora el grado de exposición de personas en riesgo y brinda georreferenciamiento de las variables del Monitoreo Comunitario, además permite seguimiento mediante gráficos de puntos, útiles para los tomadores de decisiones en salud. Las herramientas propuestas son amigables y similares a las del Censo Comunitario realizado por estadígrafos regionales en las USF. Conclusiones: La vigilancia epidemiológica basada en el SIGEC complementa la visión parcial de los actuales sistemas de seguimiento del MSP y BS mediante la información en gráficos georreferenciados, visualiza datos del problema de salud planteado, en un territorio específico, utiliza variables ambientales y laborales con posible relación a exposición de plaguicidas, en formato de lectura fácil, convirtiéndola en herramienta útil para el posterior seguimiento a través de investigaciones con diseño pertinente, utilizando modelos estadísticos apropiados, para la posterior aplicación de políticas públicas. Palabras-clave: Exposición a plaguicidas; vigilancia del ambiente del trabajo; monitoreo epidemiológico; programas informáticos
Introduction: Paraguay, with high development of extensive agriculture, is potentially vulnerable to situations related to inadequate management, lack of prevention and risks to individual, community and environmental health, due to non-compliance with good practices in the selection, handling and management of pesticides. Objective: Design and implement a surveillance method with data loading of the public system to detect, prioritize and map events related to the inadequate handling of pesticides; establish possible associations with causes of morbidity and mortality; and monitoring to assess relative risks. Methods: With the creation of the Georeferenced Information System for the Evaluation of Cases of Health Conditions (SIGEC), a web method that collects information on community monitoring of management and possible effects of pesticides on small producers and agricultural companies, and on plantation plots In the national territory, an epidemiological surveillance study was conducted on life conditions, environmental variables and risk of exposure to pesticides. Results: When relating hospital discharge data of tracer diseases (EH) 2011 - 2015, in maps by Departments, Regions of the Pilot Study and by Districts, a concentration of them was observed in 3 to 4 regions related to the use of pesticides, repeating this situation in pathologies with high concentrations (red color) or intermediate (yellow color), with possible causal or casual association. The other districts of these observed regions that are colored green, does not imply absence of registered cases, but they are in the lower third of the total registered (table on the left of the maps). Poligonization assesses the degree of exposure of people at risk and provides georeferencing of the Community Monitoring variables, and also allows monitoring through point charts, useful for health decision-makers. The proposed tools are friendly and similar to those of the Community Census conducted by regional statisticians at the USF. Conclusions: The epidemiological surveillance based on the SIGEC complements the partial vision of the current monitoring systems of the MSP and BS through the information in georeferenced graphs, visualizes data of the health problem raised, in a specific territory, uses environmental and labor variables with possible relation to exposure of pesticides, in easy reading format, making it a useful tool for subsequent monitoring through relevant design investigations, using appropriate statistical models, for the subsequent application of public policies. Key words: Exposure to pesticides; monitoring of the work environment; epidemiological monitoring; Software
Environmental Health Surveillance , Information Technology , Pesticides , Working Conditions , Environment, ControlledABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to describe the types of diseases that developed in semiconductor workers who have registered with the Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service (KWCWS) and to identify potential common occupational characteristics by the type of claimed disease. METHODS: A total of 55 semiconductor workers with cancer or rare diseases who claimed to the KWCWS were compared based on their work characteristics and types of claimed diseases. Leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and aplastic anemia were grouped into lymphohematopoietic (LHP) disorder. RESULTS: Leukemia (n = 14) and breast cancer (n = 10) were the most common complaints, followed by brain cancer (n = 6), aplastic anemia (n = 6), and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (n = 4). LHP disorders (n = 24) accounted for 43%. Sixty percent (n = 33) of registered workers (n = 55) were found to have been employed before 2000. Seventy-six percent (n = 42) of registered workers and 79% (n = 19) among the registered workers with LHP (n = 24) were found to be diagnosed at a relatively young age, ≤40 years. A total of 18 workers among the registered semiconductor workers were finally determined to deserve compensation for occupational disease by either the KWCWS (n = 10) or the administrative court (n = 8). Eleven fabrication workers who were compensated responded as having handled wafers smaller than eight inches in size. Eight among the 18 workers compensated (44 %) were found to have ever worked at etching operations. CONCLUSION: The distribution of cancer and rare diseases among registered semiconductor workers was closely related to the manufacturing era before 2005, ≤8 inches of wafer size handled, exposure to clean rooms of fabrication and chip assembly operations, and etching operations.
Anemia, Aplastic , Brain Neoplasms , Breast Neoplasms , Compensation and Redress , Environment, Controlled , Korea , Leukemia , Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin , Occupational Diseases , Rare Diseases , Semiconductors , Workers' CompensationABSTRACT
Microorganisms play important roles in obesity; however, the role of the gut microbiomes in obesity is controversial because of the inconsistent findings. This study investigated the gut microbiome communities in obese and lean groups of captive healthy cynomolgus monkeys reared under strict identical environmental conditions, including their diet. No significant differences in the relative abundance of Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Prevotella were observed between the obese and lean groups, but a significant difference in Spirochetes (p < 0.05) was noted. Microbial diversity and richness were similar, but highly variable results in microbial composition, diversity, and richness were observed in individuals, irrespective of their state of obesity. Distinct clustering between the groups was not observed by principal coordinate analysis using an unweighted pair group method. Higher sharedness values (95.81% ± 2.28% at the genus level, and 79.54% ± 5.88% at the species level) were identified among individual monkeys. This paper reports the association between the gut microbiome and obesity in captive non-human primate models reared under controlled environments. The relative proportion of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes as well as the microbial diversity known to affect obesity were similar in the obese and lean groups of monkeys reared under identical conditions. Therefore, obesity-associated microbial changes reported previously appear to be associated directly with environmental factors, particularly diet, rather than obesity.
Bacteroidetes , Diet , Environment, Controlled , Firmicutes , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Haplorhini , Macaca fascicularis , Methods , Microbiota , Obesity , Prevotella , Primates , SpirochaetalesABSTRACT
Abstract Improving infrastructural conditions of the in vitro fertilization laboratory, such as the air quality, has profound positive effects on embryo culture. Poor environmental conditions reduce the rate of embryo formation and, therefore, of pregnancy. This review article presents important publications regarding the impact of air quality in human reproduction laboratories on embryo quality, pregnancy success, and live births. The studies demonstrate that the replacing the air filtration system improves significantly the environmental air quality, and, consequently, improves laboratory parameters, such as the fertilization rate, the number of blastocysts, the embryo implantation rate, and the number of live births. On the other hand, improving air quality decreases the number of abortions. Therefore, environmental parameters that improve embryo quality and increase healthy child birth ratesmust be themain targets for the assisted reproduction laboratory quality control.
Resumo Melhorar as condições de infraestrutura do laboratório de fertilização in vitro, com influência na qualidade do ar, tem efeitos positivos profundos na qualidade do embrião. As más condições ambientais do ar reduzem a taxa de sucesso na formação de embriões e a taxa de gravidez. Este artigo de revisão apresenta importantes publicações sobre o impacto da qualidade do ar dentro do laboratório de reprodução humana na qualidade do embrião, no sucesso de gravidez e no número de nascidos vivos. Os estudos demonstram que a troca do sistema de filtração de ar melhora significativamente a qualidade do ar ambiente, e consequentemente, melhora os parâmetros laboratoriais, tais como a taxa de fertilização, o número de blastocistos, a taxa de implantação e o número de nascidos vivos. Por outro lado,amelhora da qualidade do ar diminui o número de abortos. Portanto, os parâmetros ambientais que melhoram a qualidade do embrião e aumentam as taxas de nascimentos de crianças saudáveis devem ser os principais alvos para o controle de qualidade do laboratório de reprodução assistida.
Humans , Fertilization in Vitro/standards , Embryo Culture Techniques/standards , Environment, Controlled , Air Filters , Filtration/standards , Quality Control , LaboratoriesABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: caracterizar o ambiente físico e a prática de atividades físicas (AF) em unidades básicas de saúde (UBS) da zona urbana de Guarapuava-PR, Brasil, em 2011-2012. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo com entrevistas às coordenadoras das 27 UBS do município sobre violência, criminalidade e condições dos espaços físicos e de segurança para a prática de AF dentro e fora das UBS; as ruas ao redor do quarteirão foram percorridas para avaliação de fatores ambientais categorizados como favoráveis ou desfavoráveis à implantação/prática de AF. RESULTADOS: os locais mais comuns para AF foram gramados (n=18) e igrejas (n=24); três quintos das UBS apresentaram fatores favoráveis à implantação e prática de AF; no entorno das UBS, a ausência de calçadas (14 UBS) ou irregularidades nas existentes (13 UBS) são condições que poderiam prejudicar a prática de caminhadas. CONCLUSÃO: apesar da identificação de fatores favoráveis à prática de AF, os gestores de saúde devem-se ocupar dos fatores desfavoráveis à prática de AF nas UBS.
OBJECTIVE: to characterize the physical environment and physical activity (PA) in Primary Health Care Units (PHU) in the urban area of Guarapuava-PR, Brazil, 2011-2012. METHODS: this is a descriptive study in which the coordinators of the municipality's 27 PHUs were interviewed about violence, crime and physical space and safety conditions for PAs inside and outside the PHUs; the streets surrounding the area were visited to evaluate environmental factors categorized as favorable or unfavorable to PA deployment and practice. RESULTS: the most common places for PA were grass areas (n=18) and churches (n=24); three fifths of PHUs presented factors favorable to PA deployment/practice; lack of sidewalks (14 PHUs) or uneven sidewalks (13 PHUs) surrounding the PHUs are conditions that could jeopardize the practice of walking. CONCLUSION: despite the identification of favorable factors for PA practice, at PHUs should be focused by health service managers.
OBJETIVO: caracterizar el ambiente físico y la práctica de actividades físicas (AF) en Unidades Básicas de Salud (UBS) de la zona urbana de Guarapuava-PR, Brasil, 2011-2012. MÉTODOS: fueron entrevistadas coordinadoras de 27 UBS del municipio sobre violencia, criminalidad y condiciones de espacio físico y seguridad para la práctica de AF dentro y fuera de las UBS; las calles aledañas fueron recorridas para la evaluación del ambiente físico; las variables ambientales fueron categorizadas como favorables o desfavorables a la implantación/practica de AF. RESULTADOS: los locales más comunes para AF fueron áreas verdes (n=18) e iglesias (n=24), respectivamente; tres quintos de las UBS presentaron factores favorables a la implantación/practica de AF; alrededor de las UBS, la ausencia de veredas (14 UBS) o irregularidades en las existentes (13 USB) son condiciones desfavorables para la práctica de caminadas. CONCLUSIÓN: a pesar del predominio de factores favorables, los gestores en salud deben ocuparse de los factores desfavorables para la practica de AF en las UBS.
Humans , Male , Female , Exercise , Health Centers , Environment , Environment, Controlled , Health Facility Environment , Unified Health System , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Public Sector , Urban AreaABSTRACT
Abstract:Ochradenus baccatus is a perennial glycophyte growing in Middle East and it is one of the most important food sources for many animal species in desert regions. The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of seed storage, light, temperature and gibberellic acid (GA3) on germination of O. baccatus seeds. We also investigated the germination characteristics of O. baccatus seeds under different saline concentration and their capability to recover germination once they were transferred to distilled water. Seeds were stored at room temperature (20 ± 2 ºC) and at -18 ºC. Germination tests were conducted at alternating temperatures of 15/25, 20/30 and 25/35 ºC in either continuous darkness or photoperiod of 12-h dark/12-h light. To study the effect of GA3 on germination of O. baccatus seeds, freshly-collected seeds and stored seeds were soaked for 24 h in a GA3 water solution (1 g/L) before sowing. To assess the salinity tolerance during germination, seeds were germinated under different salinity levels (100, 200 and 400 mM NaCl). Stored seeds at room temperature and -18 ºC germinate equally well at different temperature regimes and light conditions. However, freshly matured seeds were not able to germinate even when they were treated with GA3. On the contrary, stored seeds at room temperature and -18 ºC treated with GA3 increase the final germination percentages. These results indicated that O. baccatus seeds have physiological dormancy and they need to be stored in order to break their dormancy. In the present study, one year of storage did not show a significant variation in germination between the two storage conditions assayed. Therefore, further research is needed to know about the maximum storage period for O. baccatus seeds under different storage conditions. Very few O. baccatus seeds (less than 5 %) germinated at the tested lowest concentration of NaCl. However, ungerminated seeds were able to germinate when salinity stress was alleviated. In conclusion, O. baccatus seeds have physiological dormancy, and seed storage (at room temperature and at -18 ºC) for one year is effective for breaking this dormancy. In addition, O. baccatus seeds present ability to remain viable in saline conditions and they will be able to germinate once the salinity level decrease. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (3): 965-974. Epub 2016 September 01.
ResumenOchradenus baccatus es un glicófito perenne que crece en oriente Medio y es una de las fuentes de alimentación más importantes para muchas especies animales de regiones desérticas. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue investigar los efectos del almacenamiento de semillas, luz, temperatura y ácido giberélico (GA3) en la germinación de semillas de O. baccatus. También se ha investigado la germinación de semillas de O. baccatus bajo diferentes concentraciones salinas y su capacidad para recuperar la germinación una vez que fueron transferidas a agua destilada. Las semillas se conservaron a temperatura ambiente (20 ± 2 ºC) y a -18 ºC. Los ensayos de germinación se realizaron a temperaturas alternas de 15/25, 20/30 y 25/35 ºC bajo oscuridad continua o fotoperiodo de 12-h oscuridad/12-h luz. Para estudiar el efecto del GA3 en la germinación de semillas de O. baccatus, semillas recién recolectadas y semillas almacenadas se sumergieron durante 24 h en una solución acuosa de GA3 (1 g/L) antes de la siembra. Para evaluar la tolerancia a la salinidad durante la germinación, la semillas fueron germinadas bajo diferentes niveles de salinidad (100, 200 y 400 mM ClNa). Las semillas conservadas a temperatura ambiente y a -18 ºC germinaron igualmente bien en los diferentes regímenes de temperatura y condiciones de iluminación. Sin embargo, las semillas recién maduradas fueron incapaces de germinar incluso cuando se trataron con GA3. Por el contrario, las semillas almacenadas tratadas con GA3 incrementaron los porcentajes finales de germinación. Estos resultados indican que las semillas de O. baccatus tienen dormición fisiológica y necesitan ser almacenadas para romperla. En este estudio, un año de conservación no supuso una variación significativa en la germinación entre las dos condiciones de conservación ensayadas. Por lo tanto, se precisan investigaciones adicionales para conocer cuáles son los periodos máximos de almacenamiento de semillas de O. baccatus bajo diferentes condiciones de conservación. Muy pocas semillas de O. baccatus (menos del 5 %) germinaron a la concentración más baja de ClNa. Sin embargo, las semillas no germinadas fueron capaces de germinar cuando el estrés salino fue aliviado. En conclusión, las semillas de O. baccatus tienen dormición fisiológica y el almacenamiento de las mismas (a temperatura ambiente y a -18 ºC) durante un año es eficaz para romper dicha dormición. Además, las semillas de O. baccatus presentan capacidad para permanecer viables en condiciones salinas y serán capaces de germinar una vez que el nivel de salinidad disminuya.
Seeds/physiology , Temperature , Germination/physiology , Resedaceae/physiology , Plant Dormancy/physiology , Light , Reference Values , Time Factors , Water/physiology , Analysis of Variance , Desert Climate , Environment, Controlled , Salinity , Middle EastABSTRACT
Introducción: La actividad física (AF) es un factor de protección ante múltiples enfermedades. Las recomendaciones mundiales para la AF están bien establecidas y son difundidas en todos los escenarios posibles, pero el ambiente construido podría presentar múltiples barreras para seguir dichas recomendaciones. Objetivo: Analizar algunas barreras del ambiente construido para la actividad física por niveles de marginación en la ciudad de Cuernavaca, México. Materiales y métodos: Empleando el programa Atlas ti 5.0, se categorizaron los datos obtenidos de 170 guías de observación. Se realizó el análisis de un acervo fotográfico de 341 imágenes de 20 AGEBS de la ciudad de Cuernavaca, utilizando un análisis de imágenes fijas connotativo, denotativo y por 3 categorías (Calzadas, tránsito y espacios deportivos). Se utilizó el programa Stata 12.0 para obtener frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: Se identificaron deficiencias en el diseño y uso de espacios como las banquetas, falta de señalización e inseguridad de las vías públicas. Se encontró carencia de espacios para la práctica de la actividad física. Solo hay una presencia del 10% de espacios deportivos en los 20 AGEBS estudiados. Se encontró que el 82.86% de las calles está en deficiente estado. La deficiente iluminación vial, carencia de ciclovías y grafitis con porcentajes importantes también se identificaron como barreras para la AF. Discusión: En Cuernavaca las posibilidades de acceso a espacios seguros, presentan múltiples barreras y por ende esta tendencia afecta de forma negativa la salud de los habitantes de la ciudad, además que no es congruente con las recomendaciones mundiales para la actividad física. Conclusiones: La identificación y abolición de las barreras deben estar dentro las prioridades de las políticas de salud públicas y las intervenciones deben procurar dicha transformación, de esta forma se superará la tendencia de solamente informar sobre los beneficios de la actividad física que predominan en la gran mayoría de las recomendaciones e intervenciones.
Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is a factor of protection against multiple diseases. Global recommendations for PA are well established and are spread in all possible scenarios, but the built environment could present multiple barriers to follow these recommendations. Objective: To Analyze some built environment barriers for physical activity by levels of marginalization in the city of Cuernavaca, Mexico. Material and methods: Using the software Atlas ti 5.0, data from 170 observation guides and were categorized. The analysis of a photographic collection of 341 images of 20 AGEBS of Cuernavaca was performed using an analysis connotative and denotative by 3 categories (roadways, traffic and sports areas). Stata 12.0 software was used to obtain frequencies and percentages. Results: Deficiencies in the design and use of spaces such as sidewalks, lack of signage and insecurity of public roads were identified. Lack of spaces for the practice of physical activity was found. There is only one presence of 10% of sports facilities in the 20 AGEBS studied. It was found that 82.86% of the streets are in poor condition. Poor street lighting, lack of bicycle paths and graffiti with significant percentages were also identified as barriers to PA. Discussion: In Cuernavaca the possibilities of access to safe spaces for FA have multiple barriers, this negatively affects the health of the habitants of the city, and that is not consistent with global recommendations for physical activity. Conclusions: Identifying and abolishing barriers must be within the priorities of public health policies and interventions should seek this transformation, to improve the tendency to only report on benefits of physical activity prevailing in the vast majority of programs.
Humans , Socioeconomic Factors , Exercise , Environment, Controlled , Mexico , Photograph , ObesityABSTRACT
Transmission of tuberculosis (TB) is a recognized risk to patients and healthcare workers in healthcare settings. The literature review suggests that implementation of combination control measures reduces the risk of TB transmission. Guidelines suggest a three-level hierarchy of controls including administrative, environmental, and respiratory protection. Among environmental controls, installation of ventilation systems is a priority because ventilation reduces the number of infectious particles in the air. Natural ventilation is cost-effective but depends on climatic conditions. Supplemented intervention such as air-cleaning methods including high efficiency particulate air filtration and ultraviolet germicidal irradiation should be considered in areas where adequate ventilation is difficult to achieve. Personal protective equipment including particulate respirators provides additional benefit when administrative and environmental controls cannot assure protection.
Humans , Delivery of Health Care , Environment, Controlled , Filtration , Infection Control , Personal Protective Equipment , Tuberculosis , Ventilation , Ventilators, MechanicalABSTRACT
The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of enriched environment on spatial memory acquisition in mice of three different age groups. Weanling, young, and young adult female Swiss mice were housed in a standard control or enriched environment for 50 days, and their spatial memory was tested with the Morris Water Maze. We did not observe an experimental effect for spatial memory acquisition, and there was neither an effect of time of analysis nor an interaction between experimental group and time of analysis. Regarding effects of experimental group and training day in relation to latency in finding the hidden platform, we did find an effect in the experimental young adult mice group (p = 0.027), but there was no interaction between these factors in all three groups. Based on these findings environmental enrichment did not enhance spatial memory acquisition in female Swiss mice in the tested age groups.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência do ambiente enriquecido na aquisição da memória espacial de camundongos em três diferentes faixas etárias. Camundongos fêmeas Swiss recém-desmamados, jovens e adultos jovens foram alojados em ambiente controle ou em ambiente enriquecido durante 50 dias, e sua memória espacial foi testada por meio do Labirinto Aquático de Morris. Não houve efeito do grupo experimental na aquisição de memória espacial, do momento de análise, tampouco da interação entre o grupo experimental e o momento de análise. Quanto aos efeitos do grupo experimental e do dia de treino em relação à latência para encontrar a plataforma escondida, houve efeito do grupo experimental apenas para o grupo experimental adulto jovem (p = 0,027), com menor latência do grupo controle, porém sem interação entre esses fatores para todos os grupos. O enriquecimento ambiental não interferiu na aquisição de memória espacial de camundongos fêmeas Swiss nas faixas etárias analisadas.
Animals , Female , Mice , Environment, Controlled , Spatial Memory/physiology , Age Factors , Models, Animal , Maze Learning/physiology , Random Allocation , Reference Values , Task Performance and Analysis , Time FactorsABSTRACT
Purpose: To measure the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) and carbon dioxide (PCO2) and the pH of aqueous humor (AH) and arterial blood samples from rabbits using a blood gas analyzer. Methods: Twenty New Zealand rabbits were anesthetized intramuscularly with ketamine and xylazine and were then allowed to breathe room air. Using a gas blood analyzer, arterial blood and AH samples were analyzed for PO2, PCO2, and pH. Results: The mean arterial blood pressure was 87.14 ± 15.0 mmHg. The mean blood and AH PO2 were 95.18 ± 11.76 mmHg and 88.83 ± 9.92 mmHg, the mean blood and AH PCO2 were 25.86 ± 5.46 mmHg and 29.50 ± 5.36 mmHg, and the mean blood and AH pH were 7.38 ± 0.06 and 7.33 ± 0.09, respectively. Conclusion: Conclusions: The blood gas analyzer was easily employed to evaluate the aqueous humor in rabbits. When comparing the results of studies evaluating aqueous PO2, care should be taken to determine the methods used in these studies. .
Objetivo: Medir a pressão parcial de oxigênio (PO2) e dióxido de carbono (PCO2), e o pH de humor aquoso (AH) e de amostras de sangue arterial de coelhos. Método: Vinte coelhos New Zealand foram anestesiados por via intramuscular com cetamina e xilazina, em seguida, foram liberados a respirar o ar ambiente. Utilizando um analisador sanguíneo de gás, amostras de sangue arterial e AH foram analisadas para PO2, PCO2, e pH. Resultados: A pressão arterial média foi de 87,14 ± 15,0 mmHg. A PO2 média do sangue e AH foi 95,18 ± 11,76 mmHg e 88,83 ± 9,92 mmHg; a PCO2 média do sangue e AH foi de 25,86 ± 5,46 mmHg e 29,50 ± 5,36 mmHg; o pH médio do sangue e AH foi 7,38 ± 0,06 e 7,33 ± 0,09, respectivamente. Conclusões: O analisador de gases no sangue foi facilmente empregadas para avaliar o humor aquoso em coelhos. Quando se comparam os resultados de estudos que avaliaram PO2 do humor aquoso, deve ser tomado cuidado para determinar os métodos utilizados nestes estudos. .
Humans , Air Microbiology , Bone Marrow Transplantation , Cross Infection/prevention & control , Environmental Monitoring , Hospital Units , Colony Count, Microbial , Environment, ControlledABSTRACT
To determine the correlation between the working environment and the health status of employees in solar greenhouse, 1171 employees were surveyed. The results show the 'Greenhouse diseases' are affected by many factors. Among general uncomforts, the morbidity of the bone and joint damage is the highest and closely related to labor time and age. Planting summer squash and wax gourd more easily cause skin pruritus. Asthma-related cough, eye disease, and skin pruritus are significantly correlated with the cultivation of wax gourd. The application of inorganic fertilizer and fertigation dramatically induce the bone and joint damage. The smell of covering film greatly influence skin pruritus. Personal protection is badly scanty and normative occupational health and safety need to be completed.
Adult , Humans , Middle Aged , Asthma , Cough , Crops, Agricultural , Educational Status , Environment, Controlled , Eye Diseases , Fertilizers , Toxicity , Nose Diseases , Occupational Exposure , Pesticides , Toxicity , Pruritus , Risk Factors , Stomach Diseases , WorkplaceABSTRACT
There is evidence that brain temperature (Tbrain) provides a more sensitive index than other core body temperatures in determining physical performance. However, no study has addressed whether the association between performance and increases in Tbrain in a temperate environment is dependent upon exercise intensity, and this was the primary aim of the present study. Adult male Wistar rats were subjected to constant exercise at three different speeds (18, 21, and 24 m/min) until the onset of volitional fatigue. Tbrain was continuously measured by a thermistor inserted through a brain guide cannula. Exercise induced a speed-dependent increase in Tbrain, with the fastest speed associated with a higher rate of Tbrain increase. Rats subjected to constant exercise had similar Tbrain values at the time of fatigue, although a pronounced individual variability was observed (38.7-41.7°C). There were negative correlations between the rate of Tbrain increase and performance for all speeds that were studied. These results indicate that performance during constant exercise is negatively associated with the increase in Tbrain, particularly with its rate of increase. We then investigated how an incremental-speed protocol affected the association between the increase in Tbrain and performance. At volitional fatigue, Tbrain was lower during incremental exercise compared with the Tbrain resulting from constant exercise (39.3±0.3 vs 40.3±0.1°C; P<0.05), and no association between the rate of Tbrain increase and performance was observed. These findings suggest that the influence of Tbrain on performance under temperate conditions is dependent on exercise protocol.
Animals , Male , Body Temperature/physiology , Brain/physiology , Environment, Controlled , Fatigue/physiopathology , Physical Conditioning, Animal/physiology , Physical Exertion/physiology , Body Temperature Regulation/physiology , Brain/anatomy & histology , Exercise Test , Physical Conditioning, Animal/methods , Rats, Wistar , Statistics as Topic , Volition/physiologyABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To determine the change in lacrimal gland (LG) acinar cells induced by in vivo dry eye (DE). METHODS: Six to 8-week-old (C57BL/6) mice were placed in a controlled environment chamber at <20% humidity for 2 weeks, and a control group was bred in a normal environment. After these 2 weeks of dry eye (DE) induction, the mice were sacrificed and their LGs were collected. Lacrimal gland acinar cell organelle structures were observed with Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). TEM images were analyzed using the Image J program. RESULTS: The size of the LGs of DE-induced mice decreased compared to those of normal mice. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP Nick End Labeling (TUNEL) staining was negative in DE-induced LGs. Under the TEM, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen was dilated and the lumen density increased in DE-induced mice. Additionally, cell organelles were surrounded by elongated ER lumens. The mitochondrial structure was destroyed and the number of vacuoles increased in the LGs of DE-induced mice. CONCLUSIONS: Structural changes of the LG developed due to DE induction. This suggests that the detailed mechanisms of these changes were ER stress and autophagy. However, there were no definite signs of apoptosis in the acinar cells of the DE-induced LGs. These findings are regarded as an important clue of the pathogenesis of non-Sjogren-type dry eye.
Animals , Mice , Acinar Cells , Apoptosis , Autophagy , DNA Nucleotidylexotransferase , Endoplasmic Reticulum , Environment, Controlled , Humidity , Lacrimal Apparatus , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Organelles , VacuolesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To measure the prevalence of dry eye syndrome (DES) among clean room (relative humidity < or =1%) workers from 2011 to 2013. METHODS: Three annual DES examinations were performed completely in 352 clean room workers aged 20-40 years who were working at a secondary battery factory. Each examination comprised the tear-film break-up test (TFBUT), Schirmer's test I, slit-lamp microscopic examination, and McMonnies questionnaire. DES grades were measured using the Delphi approach. The annual examination results were analyzed using a general linear model and post-hoc analysis with repeated-ANOVA (Tukey). Multiple logistic regression was performed using the examination results from 2013 (dependent variable) to analyze the effect of years spent working in the clean room (independent variable). RESULTS: The prevalence of DES among these workers was 14.8% in 2011, 27.1% in 2012, and 32.8% in 2013. The TFBUT and McMonnies questionnaire showed that DES grades worsened over time. Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that the odds ratio for having dry eyes was 1.130 (95% CI 1.012-1.262) according to the findings of the McMonnies questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: This 3-year trend suggests that the increased prevalence of DES was associated with longer working hours. To decrease the prevalence of DES, employees should be assigned reasonable working hours with shift assignments that include appropriate break times. Workers should also wear protective eyewear, subdivide their working process to minimize exposure, and utilize preservative-free eye drops.
Dry Eye Syndromes , Environment, Controlled , Humidity , Linear Models , Logistic Models , Odds Ratio , Ophthalmic Solutions , PrevalenceABSTRACT
PURPOSE: The study aimed to compare the physical activity of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) patients with healthy people (HP). METHODS: The research design of this study was cross sectional and, descriptive study. It was conducted from January 26th to May 22nd, 2013. We matched HSCT patients to HP based on age and gender, and measured physical activity using a pedometer. Patient's clinical information were gathered by the medical record reviews. RESULTS: The number of steps was significantly less in HSCT patients (HSCT: 214 (7~3,373) vs HP: 7,921 (3,180~17,539), p<.001). Physical activity time was significantly less in HSCT patients (HSCT: 840 (680~1,320)min vs HP: 990 (540~1,090)min, p<.001). Step count showed a significant relationship with platelet count (r=.40, p=.004). CONCLUSION: HSCT patients perform very low intensity of physical activities. The study shows the necessity to apply programs to promote physical activities in isolation rooms for patients undergoing HSCT.