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Actual. Sida Infectol. (En linea) ; 32(114): 46-62, 20240000. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552221


Las infecciones asociadas a cuidados de la salud (IACS) son una de las complicaciones más importantes que presentan los pacientes gran quemados. Aumentan su morbimortalidad, la duración de su estadía, el consumo de antimicrobianos y los costos hospitalarios. Las tasas reportadas de IACS son muy variables entre los distintos países y centros de atención.El ánimo de esta publicación es brindar el material necesa-rio y actualizado de las medidas de control de infecciones que se deben implementar en la atención de los quemados ya que no es fácil disponer de información sobre este tema.En la presente revisión se analizaron estudios de distin-tas poblaciones, adultos y niños, con diferentes tipos que-maduras y diversos lugares de atención. Se utilizó como material de referencia las recomendaciones vigentes de la Sociedad Internacional de injurias por Quemaduras (ISBI, por su sigla inglés) y se adicionaron publicaciones y expe-riencias de grupos de trabajo local e internacional referen-tes en el tema.Se describen cinco tipos de medidas de control y preven-ción de IACS: medidas generales, medidas de higiene am-biental, prevención de la infección de los lechos de las que-maduras, profilaxis antibiótica y medidas de prevención de neumonía, infecciones asociadas a catéteres vasculares y vesicales en quemados. Es esencial implementar un enfoque proactivo y multidisci-plinario del control de infecciones en la atención de estos pacientes, generando recomendaciones adaptadas a la realidad de cada centro de salud, destinadas a disminuir las transmisión cruzada de microorganismos, utilizar los antimicrobianos tópicos y sistémicos en forma adecuada, disminuir la multirresistencia, reducir las IACS y su mor-talidad

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are one of the most important complications of severe burn patients. They increase their morbidity and mortality, length of stay, antimicrobial consumption, and hospital costs. Re-ported rates of IACS vary widely across countries and care settings.The purpose of this publication is to provide the nec-essary and up-to-date material on the infection control measures that should be implemented in the care of burn patients, since it is not easy to have information on this subject.In this review, we analysed studies of different popula-tions, adults and children, with different types of burns and different places of care. The current recommenda-tions of the International Society of Burn Injuries (ISBI) were used as reference material, and publications and experiences of local and international working groups on the subject were added. Five types of IACS control and prevention measures are described: General mea-sures, Environmental hygiene measures, Prevention of infection of burn injuries, Antibiotic prophylaxis and pre-vention measures for pneumonia, infections associated with vascular and bladder catheters in burn patients.Conclusion: It is essential to implement a proactive and multidisciplinary approach to infection control in the care of these patients, generating recommendations adapted to the reality of each health center, aimed at reducing cross-transmission of microorganisms, using typical and systemic antimicrobials appropriately, reduc-ing multiresistance, reducing HAIs and their mortality

Humans , Male , Female , Burns/mortality , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Infection Control/methods , Antibiotic Prophylaxis
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 60: e23664, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533992


Abstract For places where non-sterile drug production occurs, regulatory bodies recommend monitoring of the environmental bioburden. This procedure provides information regarding possible microbiological risks to which the products may be exposed, so that subsequent action measures may be implemented. The aim of the present work was to quantify and characterize the microorganisms present in Grade D (ISO 8) cleanrooms of a Brazilian pharmaceutical industry, identifying any possible seasonal climatic influences on these environments. Sampling was performed by surface and air monitoring, over 12 months during the year 2019, in rooms that were in operation. For both sampling methods, no statistically significant differences in bacteria and fungi counts were found between months or seasonal periods. Microorganisms that presented higher incidence included Staphylococcus epidermidis (15%) and Micrococcus spp. (13%), common to the human microbiota, and the fungi Cladosporium sp. (23%) and Penicillium sp. (21%), typical of the external environment. The results showed that microbial contamination in the Grade D cleanrooms was within the permissible maximum levels and remained similar throughout the year. Microbiological quality control in the clean areas of the pharmaceutical industry investigated was considered effective, with regular maintenance being necessary to keep bioburden levels controlled.

Bacteria/classification , Environmental Monitoring/instrumentation , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Drug Industry/instrumentation , Environmental Pollution/prevention & control , Microbiota/immunology , Fungi/classification
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 488-499, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970387


Microplastics pollution has attracted worldwide attention. Compared with the status quo of microplastics pollution in marine environment and other major rivers and lakes, the relevant data of the Yellow River basin is relatively inadequate. The abundance, types, and spatial distribution characteristics of microplastic pollution in the sediments and surface water of the Yellow River basin were reviewed. Meanwhile, the status of microplastic pollution in the national central city and Yellow River Delta wetland was discussed, and the corresponding prevention and control measures were put forward. The results showed that the spatial distribution of microplastics pollution in sediments and surface water of the Yellow River basin increased from upstream to downstream, especially in the Yellow River Delta wetland. There are obvious differences between the types of microplastics in sediment and surface water in the Yellow River basin, which is mainly related to the materials of microplastics. Compared with similar regions in China, the microplastics pollution levels in national key cities and national wetland parks in the Yellow River basin are in the medium to high degree, which should be taken seriously. Plastics exposure through various ways will cause serious impact on aquaculture and human health in the Yellow River beach area. To control microplastic pollution in the Yellow River basin, it is necessary to improve the relevant production standards, laws and regulations, and improve the capacity of biodegradable microplastics and the degradation capacity of plastic wastes.

Humans , Microplastics , Plastics , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Water , China
Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi ; Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi;(12): 213-216, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970740


Objective: To analyze the level of PCDD/Fs exposure of occupational workers in the waste incineration industry and explore the risk of occupational exposure. Methods: In September 2021, literature on environmental PCDD/Fs exposure in waste incineration plants published from the establishment of the database to February 10, 2021 was retrieved from CNKI database. A total of 1365 literatures were retrieved, and 7 met the criteria for inclusion. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) inhalation risk model was used to assess and analyze carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks of PCDD/Fs exposure among occupational workers in the waste incineration industry. Results: A total of 86 sampling sites were included in incineration plants in 7 regions. The study of Wuhan area showed that the concentration of working environment near the waste incinerator in the same factory was the highest, followed by the rest and office area in the factory. The concentration of PCDD/Fs in waste incinerators was the highest in Southwest China (4880.00-24880.00 pg TEQ/m(3)), and the lowest in Shenzhen (0.02-0.44 pg TEQ/m(3)). According to the cancer risk assessment, with the increase of exposure years, the risk of cancer increased. The highest risk of cancer was found in the waste incineration plants in Southwest China. When the exposure period was 1 year, the risk was moderate (22.40×10(-6)-114.20×10(-6)). When the exposure time was more than 5 years, the risk of cancer was high. In Jinan, workers working near the incinerator had a moderate risk of cancer after five years of exposure. In Zhejiang, workers were at medium risk of cancer after exposure for more than 20 years. Workers in Wuhan, Shanghai, Zhejiang Province, Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta were still at low risk of cancer after 40 years of occupational exposure. HQ>1 of workers working near the waste incinerators in Jinan, Zhejiang Province and Southwest China, and the qualitative evaluation results showed that the non-carcinogenic risk was unacceptable. Conclusion: There are great differences in PCDD/Fs of occupational exposure in waste incineration industry, and the occupational exposure exceeding the occupational exposure limit has higher carcinogenic and non carcinogenic risks.

Humans , Dibenzofurans , Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins/analysis , Air Pollutants/analysis , Incineration , Dibenzofurans, Polychlorinated/analysis , China/epidemiology , Benzofurans , Occupational Exposure/analysis , Carcinogens , Risk Assessment , Neoplasms , Environmental Monitoring/methods
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(5): 1110-1115, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1435129


La actual propuesta metodológica se enmarca en los dos primeros objetivos del Plan Nacional de la Lucha contra el Dengue, que son promover, coordinar y facilitar la implementación de estrategias eficaces y oportunas para el control y tratamiento del dengue, con especial énfasis en las zonas geográficas del país que presentan alto riesgo potencial epidémico de dicha enfermedad, y gestionar la cooperación técnica destinada al control y manejo del dengue. En la fase inicial, se determinaron las actividades y variables sensibles a monitoreo, en base a los objetivos e indicadores identificados dentro del marco técnico y normativo vigente en el Perú y el marco sanitario establecido por la OMS, correspondientes a la vigilancia, prevención y control, pero, además, a la promoción de prácticas saludables. Luego, se definieron los requerimientos no funcionales de la plataforma de monitoreo para el desarrollo de un aplicativo accesible a través de un navegador en cualquier dispositivo con acceso a internet, a ser alojado en la plataforma de Cloud Computing. Posteriomente, se realizó el flujograma para el monitoreo de la clasificación de escenarios epidemiológicos y estratificación de riesgo entomológico de las enfermedades transmitidas por el Aedes aegypti. Finalmente, tanto la estratificación de riesgo como los indicadores obtenidos en cada localidad son escalados a la unidad notificante, encarcada de la ratificación, análisis y toma de desiciones jurisdiccionales. Se realizó una prueba piloto en 50 distritos de la jurisdicción de Lima Metropolitana. Se encontró que once distritos fueron estratificados en escenario II, y cuatro distritos en escenario III(AU)

The current methodological proposal is part of the first two objectives of the National Plan to Fight Dengue, which are to promote, coordinate and facilitate the implementation of effective and timely strategies for the control and treatment of dengue, with special emphasis on geographical areas. of the country that present a high potential epidemic risk of this disease and manage technical cooperation for the control and management of dengue. In the initial phase, the activities and variables sensitive to monitoring were determined, based on the objectives and indicators identified within the technical and regulatory framework in force in Peru and the health framework established by the WHO, corresponding to surveillance, prevention, and control; but also, to the promotion of healthy practices. Then, the non-functional requirements of the monitoring platform were defined for the development of an application accessible through a browser on any device with Internet access, to be hosted on the Cloud Computing platform. Subsequently, the flowchart was made to monitor the classification of epidemiological scenarios and entomological risk stratification of diseases transmitted by Aedes aegypti. Finally, both the risk stratification and the indicators obtained in each locality are escalated to the notifying unit, in charge of the ratification, analysis and making of jurisdictional decisions. A pilot test was carried out in 50 districts of the jurisdiction of Metropolitan Lima. It was found that eleven districts were stratified in stage II, and four districts in stage III(AU)

Humans , National Health Strategies , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Aedes , Dengue/epidemiology , Epidemiological Monitoring , Peru/epidemiology , Software , Pilot Projects , Environmental Monitoring/legislation & jurisprudence , Risk Assessment , Dengue/prevention & control
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(4): 620-632, dic. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1395693


El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar la calidad microbiológica del aire en seis áreas de la Microestación Biológica-Zoocriadero de la Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva-Tingo María-Perú; procediéndose de la siguiente manera: Se seleccionaron seis áreas de muestreo (A1: Boletería, A2: Caseta gallito de las rocas, A3: Zona de las tortugas, A4: Caseta del otorongo, A5: Caseta de los monos y A6: Cocina), de los cuales para la determinación de los parámetros físicos (PAS, temperatura, humedad relativa, precipitación y rosa de viento) se obtuvo información de la estación meteorológica de la UNAS y de lecturas directas en campo, para la determinación de las PAS se realizó por el método pasivo obteniéndose la mayor concentración de PAS en el área 1 "Boletería" (12.61 t/km2/mes, 11.08 t/km2/mes y 8.4 t/km2/mes) y la más baja en el área 5 "caseta de los monos" (2.80 t/km2/mes, 2.80 t/km2/mes y 3.2 t/km2/mes); para el análisis microbiológico se realizó por el método de borboteo en líquidos, identificándose 27 géneros entre bacterias y hongos, siendo las bacterias más frecuentes Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Enterobacter agglomerans, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter hafniae y algunas bacterias patógenas para el hombre como Streptococcus sp., Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus anthracis. Los hongos de mayor frecuencia son Penicillium sp., Aspergillius sp., Geotrichum sp., algunos hongos patógenos identificados: Microsporum sp., Epirophyton sp. Por otro lado, para la percepción del público como trabajadores se aplicó encuestas, donde indicaron que la calidad microbiológica del aire en la Microestación Biológica-Zoocriadero es regular(AU)

The objective of this research paper is to assess the microbiological quality of the air in six areas of the Biologial Micro-station and animal breeding farm of the Peruvian Univeristy "Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva in Tingo María, Perú", proceeding as follows: Six sampling areas were selected (A1: Ticket Office, A2: Cock-of-the-Rock hut, A3: Turtle area, A4: Otorongo hut, A5: Monkey hut, A6: Kitchen), of wich for the determination of the phisical parameters (SBP, temperature, relative humidity, precipitation and wind rose) information was obtained from the UNAS meteorological station and direct readings in the field. For the determination of SBP was performed by the passive method obtaining the high concentration of SBP in area 1 "Ticket Office" (12.61 t/km2/month, 11.08 t/km2/month and 8.4 t/km2/month) and the lowest in area 5 "monkey house" (2.80 t/km2/month, 2.80 t/km2/month and 3.2 t/km2/month); microbiological analysis was performed by the liquid bubbling method, identifying 27 genera incluiding bacteria and fungi, with the most frequent bacteria being Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Enterobacter agglomerans, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter hafniae and some bacteria pathogenic for humans such as Streptococcus sp., Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus anthracis. The most frequent fungi are Penicillium sp., Aspergillius sp. and Geotrichum sp.; some pathogenic fungi identified: Microsporum sp., Epirophyton sp. On the other hand,regarding the perception of the public and workers, surveys were applied, wich indicated that the microbiologial quality of the air in the Biological Micro-station and animal breeding farm is regular(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Climatologic Station , Air Microbiology , Air Pollution/analysis , Penicillium , Peru , Staphylococcus , Streptococcus , Bacillus , Bacillus anthracis , Microbiological Techniques/methods , Clostridium perfringens , Enterobacter , Geotrichum , Klebsiella pneumoniae , Microsporum , Occupational Groups
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 7(1): 39-44, ene.-mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380375


Medir la concentración del polen en la atmósfera se ha convertido en objeto de interés a nivel mundial debido al aumento de las enfermedades alérgicas, ya que en muchas personas es causa de polinosis. Objetivos: se centró en la elaboración de un calendario de polen del olivo, basado en medir su concentración en las ciudades de Tacna (desde 2015 al 2018) y Arica (periodo 2018), y determinar la prevalencia de resultados positivos para extracto alergénico de polen del olivo en pacientes con síntomas de rinitis y/o asma provenientes de las ciudades de Tacna y Arica (periodo 2015-2018). Métodos: Se midió la concentración de polen, mediante el método volumétrico tipo Hirst, según estándares establecidos por el comité de aerobiología de la Sociedad Española de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica (SEAIC). Se incluyó una muestra total de 350 sujetos con síntomas respiratorios (200 de Tacna y 150 de Arica). Resultados: En Tacna, en 2015, 2016, 2017 y 2018, la concentración máxima de polen de olivo fue de 246 granos/m3 ; 110 granos/m3 ; 78 granos/ m3 y 688 granos/m3 respectivamente. En Arica en 2018, la concentración máxima de polen del olivo fue de 318 granos/ m3 . Se encontró que un 34% (68/200) y un 28% (42/150) de sujetos con síntomas respiratorios estaban sensibilizados u obtuvieron pruebas positivas al extracto de polen del olivo en sujetos de las ciudades de Tacna y Arica respectivamente. Conclusión: En ambas ciudades las concentraciones máximas de polen del olivo se encontraron principalmente entre los meses de septiembre a noviembre, siendo octubre el mes de mayores conteos. Se identificó sujetos alérgicos por test cutáneo al polen del olivo en las ciudades de Tacna y Arica.

The measurement of the concentration of pollen in the atmosphere has become an object of interest worldwide for the increase of allergy diseases, since in many people it is the cause of pollinosis. Objectives: focused on the elaboration of a calendar of olive tree pollen based on the measurement of the pollen concentration in Tacna (since 2015 to 2018) and Arica (period 2018) cities, and to determine the prevalence of positive results for allergenic extract of olive pollen in patients with symptoms of rhinitis and / or asthma, who came from Tacna and Arica cities (period 2015 to 2018). Methods. The pollen concentration was measured using the volumetric method according to standards established by the Aerobiology Committee of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC), we included 350 subjects (200 from Tacna and 150 from Arica). Results: In Tacna, in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, the maximum concentration of olive pollen was 246 grains/m3; 110 grains/m3; 78 grains/m3 and 688 grains/m3 respectively. In Arica in 2018, the maximum concentration of olive pollen was 318 grains/m3. We found 34% (68/200) and 28% (42/150) were sensitized or results positive test to the olive pollen extract in subjects with respiratory symptoms from Tacna and Arica cities respectively. Conclusion: The olive pollen in the atmosphere of Tacna and Arica is mainly concentrated in the months of September to November, being October the month with higher count. Allergic subjects were identified by skin test to olive pollen in Tacna and Arica cities.

Pollen , Allergens/analysis , Olea , Air Pollutants/analysis , Chile , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam;54(2): 145-150, jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130589


Conocer el rol del medio ambiente es fundamental para evitar las infecciones intra-hospitalarias. Con ese objetivo, se planteó evaluar la prevalencia de contaminación ambiental por microorganismos multirresistentes (MMR) antes y después de la limpieza terminal de habitaciones de pacientes colonizados y establecer si la aparatología de uso común actuaba como reservorio de estos en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UTI). Se obtuvieron muestras ambientales de las habitaciones, 48 h posteriores a la detección de colonización y luego de las limpiezas. Los resultados mostraron que luego de ambos procedimientos de limpieza se logró reducir de 28,2% a 2,6% la contaminación por Acinetobacter spp. multirresistente (AMR). También, se tomaron muestras de aparatología de uso común encontrándose entre 1,8 y 5,4% de contaminación por MMR. La limpieza y desinfección reducen significativamente la contaminación ambiental. Sin embargo, la colonización de equipos por MMR y el incumplimiento de precauciones universales representan una posibilidad de transmisión cruzada.

It is essential to understand the role of the environment in order to avoid intrahospital infections. To achieve this objective, this research proposes to assess the prevalence of the environmental contamination caused by multi-resistant microorganisms (MRM) before and after terminal disinfection in rooms with colonized patients, but also to establish whether the commonly used device acts as a reservoir of those micro-organisms in an intensive care unit (ICU). Environmental samples were obtained from the rooms, 48 hours after detecting colonization and also after the first and second final cleaning. The results showed that after both procedures, there was a reduction from 28.2% to 2.6% of contamination caused by multi-resistant Acinetobacter spp. (AMR). Samples from appliances and supplies were taken as well, in which case, between 1.8 and 5.4% of contamination levels induced by MMR were found. Cleaning and disinfecting significantly reduce environmental contamination. However, both MMR bacterial colonization and the lack of universal precautions enforcement represent a possibility of cross-transmission.

É essencial conhecer o papel do meio ambiente para evitar as infecções intra-hospitalares. Com esse objetivo, planejou-se avaliar a prevalência de contaminação ambiental por microorganismos multirresistentes (MMR) antes e depois da limpeza final dos quartos de pacientes colonizados e estabelecer se os aparelhos de uso comum atuavam como um reservatório deles na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI). Obtiveram-se amostras ambientais dos quartos 48 horas após a detecção da colonização e logo após as limpezas finais. Os resultados mostraram que depois dos dois procedimentos de limpeza se obteve uma redução de 28,2% para 2,6% da contaminação por Acinetobacter spp. multirresistente (AMR). Foram obtidas também amostras de aparelhos de uso comum onde se encontraram entre 1,8% e 5,4% de contaminação por MMR. A limpeza e a desinfecção reduzem significativamente a contaminação ambiental. Contudo, a colonização de equipamentos por MMR e o não cumprimento de providências universais representam uma possibilidade de transmissão cruzada.

Humans , Acinetobacter , Acinetobacter/pathogenicity , Disinfection , Environmental Pollution , Environmental Pollution/prevention & control , Housekeeping, Hospital , Housekeeping, Hospital/ethics , Intensive Care Units , Research , Role , Patients' Rooms , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Prevalence , Environment , Housekeeping, Hospital/standards , Infections , Methods
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 19(supl.1): e3318, 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126915


Introducción: En el proceso de cuidados de paciente con sospecha de infección por el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) se incluyen elementos que deben ser considerados en las estrategias de prevención de la transmisión. Objetivo: Describir, a partir de la presentación de un caso confirmado con COVID-19, la cronología de los cuidados del paciente sospechoso o confirmado con la enfermedad y la necesidad de optimizar los tiempos de diagnóstico en la prevención de su transmisión. Presentación de caso: Paciente masculino de 59 años de edad con antecedentes de Hipertensión arterial y gota, y de profesión taxista. Siete días anteriores al ingreso comienza con los síntomas clínicos y se le realiza prueba rápida para COVID-19, la cual resultó negativa. Al quinto día de ingreso de aislamiento en habitación privada se le realiza PCR y se confirma la infección por coronavirus. Se traslada a institución dedicada a la atención de estos pacientes donde presenta recuperación sin complicaciones. Se describen los intervalos de tiempo en relación con los cuidados en especial énfasis a la demora diagnóstica. Conclusiones: Se requiere un monitoreo de la dinámica de los cuidados de los pacientes sospechosos de COVID-19 con un especial enfoque en el fortalecimiento de la prevención de la transmisión nosocomial y en la comunidad(AU)

Introduction: In the process of caring for patients with suspected coronavirus infection (COVID-19), elements that must be considered in transmission prevention strategies are included. Objective: To describe, based on the presentation of a case confirmed with COVID-19, the chronology of patients suspected or confirmed with the disease and the need to optimize diagnosis times in the transmission prevention. Case presentation: Fifty-nine-year-old male patient with a history of high blood pressure and gout, working as a taxi driver. Seven days before admission, he began with symptoms. A rapid test for COVID-19 was performed, which was negative. On the fifth day of isolation in a private room, PCR was performed and coronavirus infection was confirmed. He was moved to an institution dedicated to the care of these patients where he recovered without complications. Time intervals concerning care are described with special emphasis on diagnostic delay. Conclusion: Monitoring of the care dynamics of patients suspected of COVID-19 is required with a special focus on strengthening the prevention of nosocomial transmission and the prevention of the spreading of the disease in the community(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Coronavirus Infections/transmission , COVID-19/prevention & control , Health Strategies , COVID-19/diagnosis
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;79(4): 659-664, Nov. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001473


Abstract The Doce River basin has suffered the largest environmental accident ever occurred in Brazil with the influx of tailings from Fundão and Santarém, belonging to Samarco mining company, due to the disaster in Mariana. A spill between 50 and 60 million m3 of tailings was estimated by the company. According to Samarco, the wastewater was composed mainly of clay, silt and heavy metals like iron, copper and manganese. Thereby, the objective of the present study was evaluated the genotoxic damage in juvenile of Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy e Gaimard, 1824) exposed to Doce river water before (DRWBA - Doce River water before acident) and after (DRWAA - Doce River water after acident) the influx of tailings from the Germano and Santarém Dam disasters in Mariana, MG, Brazil. For this, 24 individuals of the species G. brasiliensis (obtained on IFES/ALEGRE fish culture) were submitted to a bioassay with three treatments and eight replicates. The treatments were: 1) Control water (water from the urban water supply system, filtered with a 0.45 µm membrane), 2) DRBA and 3) DRAA. After 96 h, these fishes were anesthetized to remove blood for evaluation of genotoxic damage (micronucleus and comet). For the bioassay, a total of 80 L of The Doce River water were collected before the influx of tailings and after the influx and then submitted to metal quantification analysis. Fish exposed to DRWBA and DRWAA treatments showed a significant increase in both the number of erythrocyte micronuclei and the DNA damage index in relation to the control fish; however, they did not present any differences between the two treatments. The results demonstrate that the DRWBA treatment was already genotoxic for the fish, mainly due to dissolved Cu concentrations in the water. The DRWAA treatment probably presented genotoxicity due to the increase in the dissolved fraction and synergistic effects of several metals found in the tailings of the Mariana accident.

Resumo A bacia do Rio Doce sofreu o maior acidente ambiental com o influxo de rejeitos de Fundão e Santarém, pertencentes à empresa de mineração Samarco, devido ao desastre em Mariana. Um derramamento entre 50 e 60 milhões de m3 de rejeitos foi estimado pela empresa. De acordo com a Samarco, o rejeito despejado era composto principalmente de argila, silte e alguns metais pesados como ferro, cobre e manganês. Com isso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os danos genotóxicos em juvenis de Geophagus brasilienses expostos a água do rio Doce antes (DRWAA - água do Rio Doce antes do acidente) e depois (DRWBA- água do Rio Doce depois do acidente) da chegada dos rejeitos do rompimento das barragens de Germano e Santarém em Mariana, MG, Brasil. Para isso, 24 indivíduos da espécie G. brasilienses (obtidos na piscicultura do IFES/ALEGRE) foram submetidos a um bioensaio com três tratamentos e oito réplicas. Os tratamentos eram: 1) Controle (com água do abastecimento urbano, filtrada com filtro analítico de 0,45 µm); 2) DRWBA e 3) DRWAA. Após um período de 96 h, esses peixes foram anestesiados para retirada de sangue para avaliação dos danos genotóxicos (micronúcleo e cometa). Para a realização do bioensaio, um total de 80 L de água do Rio Doce foram coletados antes da chegada dos rejeitos e outros 80 L foram coletados depois da chegada dos rejeitos e ambas foram submetidas a análises de quantificação de metal. Os peixes expostos ao DRWBA e ao DRWAA apresentaram um aumento significativo na quantidade de micronúcleos eritrocitários e no índice de danos do DNA em relação aos peixes controle, no entanto não apresentaram diferenças entre si. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a DRWBA já era genotóxica para os peixes, principalmente, em função das concentrações de Cu dissolvido na água. A DRWAA apresentou genotixicidade, provavelmente, em função do aumento da fração dissolvida e do efeito sinérgico de diversos metais presentes nos rejeitos do acidente de Mariana.

Animals , DNA Damage/drug effects , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Metals, Heavy/classification , Cichlids/physiology , Cichlids/genetics , Disasters , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/classification , Water Pollutants, Chemical/toxicity , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Metals, Heavy/toxicity , Rivers/chemistry , Fresh Water/chemistry , Mining
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;79(4): 712-712, Nov. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001480


Abstract Bisphenol A (BPA) is an emerging contaminant, regularly detected in aquatic ecosystems, considered as an endocrine disrupting compound (EDC). Caffeine is another chemical related to human activity, often found in surface waters. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ecotoxicological risk due to BPA and caffeine in water samples from the Sinos River basin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Water samples were collected at three sites monthly from May 9 th, 2016 to April 11th, 2017 (n = 36). BPA concentrations in water samples collected were in the range of not detected to 517 ng L-1 and caffeine concentrations in the range of 41.7 to 28,439.6 ng L-1. The concentration of BPA in the analyzed samples had a moderate correlation with caffeine (rs = 0.402). High ecotoxicological risk for BPA was characterized in 77.77% of samples, with 11.11% presenting medium and 11.1% presenting low risk. For caffeine 13.9%, 50% and 36.11% of the samples presented high, medium and low risk, respectively. Caffeine concentrations in water can be used as predictors of BPA concentrations above 10 ng L-1, the lower concentration of ecotoxicological risk, with specificity of 66.7% and sensitivity of 70.4%. The assessment of aquatic risks has shown that both investigated compounds pose risks to organisms in the studied surface waters, mouth of the Pampa stream, mouth of the Luiz Rau stream and catchment point for public supply in Lomba Grande.

Resumo Bisfenol A (BPA) é um contaminante emergente regularmente detectado em ecossistemas aquáticos, é considerado um agente modificador endócrino (EDC). Além disso, outro produto químico relacionado com atividade humana, encontrado com frequência nas águas superficiais, é a cafeína. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de risco ecotoxicológico devido a BPA e cafeína em amostras de água da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Sinos, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram coletadas amostras de água em três locais mensalmente no período de 9 de maio de 2016 a 11 de abril de 2017 (n = 36). As concentrações de BPA em amostras de água coletadas estavam na faixa de não detectada a 517 ng L-1 e concentrações de cafeína na faixa de 41,7 a 28,439,6 ng L-1. A concentração de BPA nas amostras analisadas apresentou correlação moderada com a cafeína (rs = 0,402). Alto risco ecotoxicológico para BPA foi caracterizado em 77,77% das amostras, com 11,11% apresentando médio e 11,1% apresentando baixo risco. Para cafeína 13,9%, 50% e 36,11% das amostras apresentaram risco alto, médio e baixo, respectivamente. Concentrações de cafeína em água podem ser utilizadas como preditoras de concentrações de BPA acima de 10 ng L-1, menor concentração de risco ecotoxicológico, com especificidade de 66,7% e sensibilidade de 70,4%. A avaliação dos riscos aquáticos revelou que ambos os compostos investigados representam risco para os organismos nas águas superficiais estudadas, foz do arroio Pampa, foz do arroio Luiz Rau e ponto de captação para abastecimento público em Lomba Grande.

Humans , Phenols/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Benzhydryl Compounds/analysis , Caffeine/analysis , Rivers/chemistry , Brazil/epidemiology , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Risk Assessment/methods , Endocrine Disruptors/analysis
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;79(4): 722-734, Nov. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001488


Abstract Small hydroelectric power plants (SHP) have been considered as an alternative for the generation of electricity with reduced environmental impacts. Nevertheless, no studies have addressed changes in a particular kind of river macrohabitat commonly affected by SHPs, the knickzones. This study aimed to assess the impact of a SHP construction on the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna associated with two basaltic knickzones located in Sapucaí-Mirim River, Southeast Brazil. The first, considered as a functional knickzone, follows the natural dynamics of the river flow and preserves the original rock substrate. The second, considered as non-functional knickzone, was permanently flooded after the SHP construction and the consolidated rock substrate was changed by fine sediment. Sampling was carried out in two seasonal periods and the data were analysed through multivariate analysis. It was observed differences in composition and structure of the macroinvertebrates community between the knickzones and periods. The functional knickzone exhibited a much higher richness, 72 taxa compared to 44 in the non-functional, as well as a large number of exclusive taxa (38, being only nine exclusive to the non-functional). Diversity, equitability and density mean values were also higher in the functional knickzone. The limnological parameters varied significantly between dry and rainy seasons but not between the distinct knickzones. This kind of macrohabitats and its potential role for the rivers biodiversity is practically unknown. In the scenery of fast SHP expansion, further studies and protection measures are necessary.

Resumo Atualmente, a instalação de pequenas centrais hidrelétricas (PCHs) tem sido a alternativa mais visada quando a questão é suprir a demanda energética, considerando-se os menores impactos ambientais possíveis. Contudo, são escassos os trabalhos que avaliam as alterações causadas por esses empreendimentos, principalmente no que se diz respeito a um tipo de macro-habitat de rios, os pedrais. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto da construção de uma PCH na fauna de macroinvertebrados aquáticos associada a dois pedrais basálticos, localizados no rio Sapucaí-Mirim, no Sudeste do Brasil. O primeiro, considerado como um pedral funcional, segue a dinâmica natural do fluxo do rio e possui o substrato rochoso original. O segundo, considerado como pedral não funcional, foi permanentemente inundado após a construção da PCH e o substrato consolidado foi alterado por sedimentos finos. A amostragem foi realizada em dois períodos sazonais e os dados foram analisados através de análise multivariada. Foram observadas diferenças na composição e estrutura da comunidade de macroinvertebrados entre os pedrais e períodos. O pedral funcional apresentou uma riqueza muito maior, 72 táxons em comparação com 44 no não funcional, bem como um grande número de táxons exclusivos (38, sendo apenas nove exclusivos do não-funcional). Os valores médios da diversidade, equitabilidade e densidade também foram maiores no pedral funcional. Os parâmetros limnológicos variaram significativamente entre as estações seca e chuvosa, mas não entre os diferentes pedrais. Este tipo de macro-habitat e seu potencial papel para a biodiversidade dos rios são praticamente desconhecidos. Assim, mais estudos e medidas de proteção são necessários, principalmente diante do atual cenário de rápida expansão das PCHs.

Animals , Power Plants , Biota/physiology , Rain , Seasons , Brazil/epidemiology , Limnology/methods , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Rivers , Floods , Ecological Parameter Monitoring/methods , Invertebrates/classification , Invertebrates/physiology
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;79(4): 678-685, Nov. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001492


Abstract Considering that area and edge effects are the most important factors that lead to landscape changes from the fragmentation of terrestrial communities, the present study aimed to analyze changes in the structure of vegetation classes of a fragmented landscape. The methodology employed was based on a model of patch dynamics for the years between 1979 and 2015. The analysis was performed with quantitative (area, shape and edge effect) and qualitative (low declivity of the terrain, fire resistance and tolerance to variation in light) variables of the classes of vegetation. Processes of retraction and expansion of the vegetation classes were identified, as well as the alteration of the structure of the fragments, which resulted in the intensification of the edge effect.

Resumo Considerando que os efeitos de área e os efeitos de borda são os mais importantes fatores que levam às alterações na paisagem através da fragmentação de comunidades terrestre, o presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar as mudanças em área e estrutura das classes de vegetação de uma paisagem fragmentada. Para tanto, a metodologia foi baseada no modelo de dinâmica de manchas entre os anos de 1979 e 2015 e a análise por meio de variáveis quantitativas (área, formato e efeito de borda) e qualitativas (baixa declividade do terreno, resistência ao fogo e tolerância à variação de luz) das classes de vegetação. O presente estudo identificou processos de retração e expansão das classes de vegetação e a alteração na estrutura dos fragmentos resultando na intensificação do efeito de borda.

Forests , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Brazil
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);24(8): 3079-3088, ago. 2019. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011896


Resumo A poluição do ar em ambientes fechados é agravada pela queima de lenha em fogões rústicos e ambientes pouco ventilados. A exposição aos poluentes emitidos por este tipo de combustível resulta no aumento da morbidade e da mortalidade. No Brasil, os estudos e as estimativas são escassos. Visando entender esta problemática, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o uso de lenha utilizando as séries de dados das agências governamentais para estimar o número de pessoas expostas. Os resultados apontam que a lenha é o segundo combustível mais usado para cozinhar, sendo utilizada por uma parcela significativa da população, em torno de 30 milhões de brasileiros. Um fator decisivo no maior uso deste combustível é o nível socioeconômico da população associada ao preço do gás liquefeito de petróleo (GLP). Os estudos realizados no país registraram concentrações altas de partículas durante a queima da lenha, excedendo os limites sugeridos pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Também foram observadas associações entre a exposição aos poluentes gerados pela queima e o agravamento dos mais diversos problemas de saúde, dentre eles doenças respiratórias e câncer. A substituição da lenha e outros combustíveis sólidos por combustíveis mais limpos deve ser a meta do governo para minimizar custos com a saúde.

Abstract Indoor air pollution is exacerbated by the burning of firewood in rustic stoves and poorly ventilated environments. Exposure to the pollutants emitted by this type of fuel results in increased morbidity and mortality. In Brazil, studies and estimates regarding these conditions are scarce. In order to understand this problem, the objective of this work was to investigate the use of firewood using the data series of government agencies to estimate the number of exposed people. The results indicated that firewood is the second most used fuel for cooking, being used by a significant portion of the population, more than 30 million Brazilians. A decisive factor in the increased use of this fuel is the socioeconomic level of the population associated with the price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The studies carried out in the country recorded high concentrations of particles during firewood burning, exceeding the limits suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO). Associations were also observed between the exposure to the pollutants generated by the burning and the aggravation of health problems, among them respiratory diseases and cancer. Replacing fuelwood and other solid fuels with cleaner fuels should be the government's goal to minimize health costs.

Humans , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Air Pollution, Indoor/analysis , Cooking/statistics & numerical data , Environmental Exposure/analysis , Respiratory Tract Diseases/etiology , Respiratory Tract Diseases/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Ventilation/standards , Wood , Brazil/epidemiology , Air Pollution, Indoor/adverse effects , Environmental Exposure/adverse effects , Neoplasms/etiology , Neoplasms/epidemiology
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 32(3): 282-289, Mai.-Jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1010810


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a correlação entre cultura microbiológica, teste de ATP por bioluminescência e inspeção visual na monitorização da eficiência da limpeza e da desinfecção de superfícies de uma unidade ambulatorial e determinar o valor de corte de ATP-bioluminescência capaz de indicar superfície limpa em relação à avaliação microbiológica. Métodos Estudo exploratório, longitudinal e correlacional. Foram realizadas 720 avaliações em cinco superfícies antes e após a limpeza e a desinfecção. Nos resultados, foram realizadas análises de duas proporções, a correlação de Spearman e a curva ROC. Resultados Ocorreram proporções semelhantes (p≥0,05) entre as taxas de reprovação apenas entre ATP-bioluminescência e contagem de colônias aeróbias (CCA) quando somadas as avaliações de todas as superfícies antes e depois da limpeza e da desinfecção. Houve correlação significativa entre os métodos de quantificação de ATP e a contagem microbiana para o balcão da recepção e a maca. A análise ROC indicou que a quantificação de ATP apresentou resultado significativo na comparação com a CCA (p=0,044). Conclusão Embora discreta, houve correlação significativa entre os métodos de quantificação de ATP e contagem microbiana para duas superfícies. Sugere-se que superfícies que apresentam valores ≤49 unidades relativas de luz estão limpas.

Resumen Objetivo Analizar la correlación entre cultivo microbiológico, prueba de ATP por bioluminiscencia e inspección visual en el monitoreo de la eficiencia de la limpieza y desinfección de superficies en una unidad ambulatoria y determinar el valor de referencia de ATP-bioluminiscencia que indique que la superficie está limpia con relación a la evaluación microbiológica. Métodos Estudio exploratorio, longitudinal y correlacional. Se realizaron 720 evaluaciones en cinco superficies antes y después de la limpieza y desinfección. En los resultados, se realizaron análisis de dos proporciones: la correlación de Spearman y la curva ROC. Resultados Hubo proporciones semejantes (p≥0,05) entre los índices de reprobación solo entre ATP-bioluminiscencia y recuento de colonias aerobias (RCA) cuando se sumaron las evaluaciones de todas las superficies antes y después de la limpieza y desinfección. Hubo una correlación significativa entre los métodos de cuantificación de ATP y el recuento microbiano en el mostrador de la recepción y la camilla. El análisis ROC indicó que la cuantificación de ATP presentó un resultado significativo en la comparación con el RCA (p=0,044). Conclusión Hubo una correlación significativa, aunque discreta, entre los métodos de cuantificación de ATP y recuento microbiano en dos superficies. Se sugiere que las superficies que presentan valores ≤49 unidades relativas de luz están limpias.

Abstract Objectives To evaluate the correlation among microbiological culture, ATP bioluminescence assay, and visual inspection in monitoring the effectiveness of surface cleaning and disinfection in an outpatient facility and determine the ATP bioluminescence cutoff capable of indicating a clean surface regarding microbiological evaluation. Methods Exploratory, cross-sectional, and correlation study consisting of 720 evaluations in five surfaces before and after cleaning and disinfection. The results were used to run two-proportions tests, calculate Spearman's correlation, and plot the receiver operating characteristic curve. Results Similar proportions (p≥0.05) occurred for non-approval rates between ATP-bioluminescence and aerobic colony count only when the evaluations of all the surfaces before and after cleaning and disinfection were put together. There was a significant correlation between the ATP quantification and microbial count methods for the reception desk and the stretcher. Receiver operating characteristic analysis indicated that ATP quantification showed a significant result in comparison with aerobic colony count (p=0.044). Conclusion There was a discrete correlation between the ATP quantification and microbial count methods for two surfaces. It is suggested that surfaces showing values ≤49 relative light units are clean.

Humans , Disinfection , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Infection Control , Delivery of Health Care , Ambulatory Care , Hospitals , Laboratory and Fieldwork Analytical Methods , Disinfectants , Organic Matter
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);24(4): 1517-1526, abr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001752


Resumo A exposição ocupacional ao mercúrio (Hg) foi avaliada em 4 cooperativas de materiais recicláveis por meio de amostragens de ar em 9 áreas (monte de triagem, balança, prensa, sala de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos-REEE, refeitório, escritório, empilhadeira, esteira e pátio externo). Das 83 amostras, apenas 14,5% apresentaram concentrações acima do limite de quantificação (LQ) e 53% entre o LD (limite de detecção) e LQ. A maioria dos valores > LQ ocorreu na cooperativa A, no monte (0,032 µg.m -3 ) e balança (0,029 µg.m -3 ). Nos dias de amostragem houve descarregamento de lâmpadas fluorescentes, o que pode explicar os maiores teores de Hg nessa cooperativa. Na cooperativa B a concentração foi 0,033 µg.m -3 na esteira e < 0,003 µg.m -3 nas outras áreas. Nas cooperativas C e D todos os valores foram < 0,007 µg.m -3 . As áreas de REEE apresentaram baixas concentrações, provavelmente devido ao baixo volume de REEE e forma de processamento do material. Os resultados estiveram abaixo dos valores de referência ocupacional, indicando que os trabalhadores não estão expostos ao Hg. No entanto, o desenho amostral pode não ter sido abrangente devido à intermitência no processamento de REEE e à imprevisibilidade da ocorrência de lâmpadas fluorescentes no material reciclável .

Abstract The occupational exposure to mercury (Hg) was assessed in four cooperatives of recyclable materials by air sampling in nine areas (recyclable materials pile, scale, baling press machine, e-waste room, cafeteria, office, forklift, conveyor belt, and outside patio). Of the 83 samples, only 14.5% showed concentrations above the limit of quantification (LOQ) while 53% were between the LOD (limit of detection) and LOQ. Most values > LOQ occurred at Cooperative A, at the pile (0.032 μg.m-3) and scale (0.029 μg.m-3). The higher values recorded at this Cooperative might be associated with the unloading of fluorescent lamps on the day of sampling. In cooperative B, the concentration was 0.033 μg.m-3 on the conveyor belt and < 0.003 µg.m-3 in other areas. In cooperatives C and D, all samples showed values < 0.007 μg.m-3. The Hg concentrations were low in areas of e-waste handling and storage, probably due to the small amount of material and way of processing. The results were below the occupational reference values, showing that the workers are not exposed to Hg. However, the sampling design might not have been comprehensive due to the discontinuity of the e-waste processing and the unpredictable occurrence of fluorescent lamps mixed with recyclable materials .

Humans , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Occupational Exposure/analysis , Recycling , Mercury/analysis , Brazil
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 29(4)oct.-dic. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-991006


La gestión de información es importante para las instituciones de salud. Por eso, el objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar los productos de información obtenidos desde un sistema de información georreferenciado, utilizando como ejemplo la distribución espacial de las personas mordidas por perros en la ciudad de Temuco, para mostrar productos útiles para la toma de decisiones. Los productos de información asociados a su componente geográfico permitieron visualizar elementos ambientales que los productos clásicos como informes dificultan representar. Mediante un sistema de información georreferenciado e imágenes satelitales pudimos indicar que existen dos zonas de alta concentración de personas mordidas por perros: Pedro De Valdivia y Pueblo Nuevo, con el 36,8 y el 1,4 por ciento respectivamente. También pudimos evaluar los eventos de interés particulares en relación con las fuentes fijas de información y determinar los componentes ambientales involucrados. Por último, utilizando datos basados en un sistema de información georreferenciado, se generaron múltiples productos de información que serían dependientes de las necesidades de información requerida. Los sistemas de información georreferenciados son herramientas de gran ayuda en dar respuesta a las necesidades, cada vez más demandantes, por productos de información inmediatos, económicos y sencillos. Los productos obtenidos a través del sistema de información georreferenciado permiten a los epidemiólogos consolidar e integrar información, conocer la distribución y la densidad, así como realizar los análisis de acuerdo con las necesidades que los eventos de interés patológico requieren y que se resumen en el monitoreo, el control y su posible erradicación(AU)

Information management is important for health institutions. Therefore, as the objective, information products obtained from a georeferenced information system are examined, using as an example the spatial distribution of people bitten by dogs in the city of Temuco, to show useful products for decision making. Information products associated with its geographic component allow the visualization of environmental elements that classic products such as reports make difficult to represent. Using a geo-referenced information system and satellite images, we can indicate that there are two areas of high concentration of people bitten by dogs: Pedro De Valdivia and Pueblo Nuevo, with 36.8 percent and 1.4 percent respectively. We can also evaluate the events of particular interest associated with the fixed sources of information and determine the environmental components involved. Finally, using data based on a geo-referenced information system, multiple information products can be generated that will be dependent on the information needs required. Geo-referenced information systems are very helpful tools in responding to the increasingly demanding needs for immediate, economic and simple information products. The products obtained through georeferenced information systems allow epidemiologists to consolidate and to integrate information, to know the distribution and density, as well as to perform the analyses according to the needs required by the events of pathological interest and that are summarized by monitoring, control and possible eradication(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Bites and Stings/epidemiology , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Information Management , Dogs
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;78(3): 548-555, Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951567


Abstract Imposex is the development of male sexual characteristics caused by the toxic effects of some chemicals that acts as an endocrinal disruptor. Antifouling paints contain these chemicals. Cartagena lacks studies to indicate the extent of imposex in its coastal waters. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of imposex in the gastropod Stramonita haemastoma in Cartagena, Colombia. Specimens were collected during 2013 from locations of high and low influence of port activity. Morphometric measurements and the frequency of the occurrence of imposex were registered. The comparison among morphometric variables showed statistically significant differences between the two sites studied. Furthermore, the females of the S. haemastoma species presented an imposex frequency of 93.1% in Birds' Island, Cartagena Bay, compared to 31.8% in La Bocana. The relative penis size index or RPLI (10.145 and 3.231) and vas deferens sequence index or VDSI (2.83 and 1.16), showed possible contamination by organotin compounds in both places.

Resumo Imposex é o desenvolvimento de características sexuais masculinas causadas por poluentes tóxicos de alguns produtos químicos que atuam como desreguladores endócrinos. Tintas anti-incrustantes são as que contêm estes produtos químicos. Cartagena carece de estudos para indicar a extensão do imposex nas suas águas costeiras. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência de imposex no gastrópode Stramonita haemastoma em Cartagena, Colômbia. Os espécimes foram coletados durante 2013 de locais de alta e baixa influência da atividade portuária. Foram registradas as medidas morfométricas e a frequência da ocorrência do imposex. A comparação entre as variáveis morfométricas mostrou diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os dois locais estudados. Além disso, as fêmeas da espécie S. haemastomaapresentaram uma frequência de imposex de 93,1% na Ilha das Aves, Baía das Cartagena, em comparação com 31,8% em La Bocana. O índice do comprimento relativo do pênis ou RPLI (10,145 e 3,231) e o índice da sequência do vaso deferente ou VDSI (2,83 e 1,16), mostraram possível contaminação por compostos organoestânicos em ambos os locais.

Animals , Male , Female , Organotin Compounds/toxicity , Paint/toxicity , Disorders of Sex Development/chemically induced , Water Pollutants, Chemical/toxicity , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Gastropoda/drug effects , Vas Deferens/drug effects , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Colombia
Rev. méd. Chile ; 146(12): 1384-1389, dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-991347


Background: Measuring the carbon footprint (CF) makes it possible to estimate the contribution of clinical activity to global warming. Aim: To measure the emitter components of CO2 equivalents (CO2e) at the Hospital Base, Puerto Montt (HBPM). Material and methods: Descriptive study with data collected retrospectively between January and December 2016 from the HBPM database. The data analyzes direct and indirect emissions as well as other indirect emissions beyond the organizational limits. Results: Of the 9,660.3 tons of CO2e emitted by the HBPM in 2016, 46% were derived from consumption of electricity, 29% derived from the generation of residues, and 10% from clinical gas consumption, of which Sevoflurane was the greatest contributor. Conclusions: Clinical gases are a significant source of CO2e emissions. Sevoflurane alone is in fourth place in CO2e emissions at the HBPM. Estimating the CF produced by HBPM is the first step in the discussion of measures to reduce the environmental impact of our activity.

Humans , Greenhouse Effect/statistics & numerical data , Carbon Footprint/statistics & numerical data , Gases/chemistry , Hospitals/statistics & numerical data , Chile , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Retrospective Studies
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;78(4): 625-635, Nov. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951589


Abstract The water quality is related to the hydrologic and limnologic properties of ground and surface water, and significant efforts have been made to monitor water sources to understand the effects of land use changes in agricultural areas, with significant socioeconomic activities. The objective of this study was to evaluate the qualitative aspects of surface water in subbasins related to land use. Samples were analyzed in terms of physical and chemical parameters on monthly discrete water quality sampling in four representative sites at first order subbasin streams, located at the Polo Regional Centro Norte, Pindorama County, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The land use classification was made by visual detection technique in a multispectral satellite data obtained from LandSat8- spectral bands of the OLI sensor. The watershed was classified into major land cover/use classes and overlay maps generated in ArcGIS 10 indicated a significant shift from natural vegetation to agriculture activities. Water quality monitoring was according to the brazilian protocol and the results were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA). The values obtained differ significantly at each sampling point - subbasins, reflecting the effects of land use on water quality. Soil conservation management is important to optimize soil use in order to contribute to the control of water pollution and the formulation of a public policy is necessary for the conservation of water and soil resources.

Resumo A qualidade da água está relacionada com as propriedades hidrológicas e limnológicas das águas subterrâneas e superficiais, e esforços significativos devem ser realizados para monitorar as nascentes no intuito de compreender os efeitos das mudanças no uso da terra em áreas agrícolas, com atividades socioeconômicas significativas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os aspectos qualitativos das águas superficiais de bacias hidrográficas e correlacionar com o uso do solo. As amostras foram analisadas em termos dos parâmetros físicos e químicos na amostragem mensal discreta da qualidade da água, em quatro locais representativos de nascentes em microbacias de primeira ordem, localizadas no Polo Regional Centro Norte, Pindorama, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A classificação do uso do solo foi feita por técnica de detecção visual em uma imagem multiespectral de satélite LandSat8- bandas espectrais, sensor OLI. O uso do solo foi classificado nas principais classes de uso e os mapas de sobreposição gerados no ArcGIS 10 indicaram uma mudança significativa da vegetação natural para as atividades agrícolas. O monitoramento da qualidade da água foi realizado de acordo com o protocolo brasileiro e os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA). Os valores obtidos diferem significativamente em cada ponto de amostragem, refletindo os efeitos do uso do solo sobre a qualidade da água. A gestão do solo e da água é importante para aperfeiçoar as práticas agrícolas, no intuito de contribuir para o controle da poluição da água e para a formulação de uma política pública necessária para a conservação dos recursos hídricos e do solo.

Soil/chemistry , Water Pollutants/chemistry , Water Quality/standards , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Conservation of Natural Resources , Rivers/chemistry , Policy Making , Urbanization , Water Movements , Water Pollution , Brazil , Ecosystem , Agriculture , Industry