Introducción. La infección por el virus del Chikunguña (CHIKV) se presenta típicamente como una enfermedad febril aguda que es autolimitada y se caracteriza predominantemente por poliartralgia y mialgias graves. Objetivo. el propósito de este estudio fue describir las características clínicas de la infección aguda por el virus del Chikunguña en una población adulta. Materiales y Método. Este fue un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. La población de estudio incluyó adultos de una región específica de Paraguay durante la epidemia de CHIKV en 2022-2023. Los criterios de inclusión abarcaron a todos los pacientes que se presentaron el Hospital Regional dentro de los cinco días posteriores al desarrollo de síntomas típicos de CHIKV, confirmados por RT-PCR, y tras excluir dengue y Zika. Resultados. Se incluyeron un total de 803 adultos, con una edad media de 45,13 ± 18.63 años y una proporción de género masculino/femenino de 1:1.79. En las semanas epidemiológicas 8, 10 y 11 se documentaron 78, 120 y 132 casos, respectivamente. Las manifestaciones clínicas más comunes fueron fiebre en el 97% de los casos (n=583), artralgia y artritis en el 86,03% (n=653), mialgias en el 77,08% (n=585) y cefalea en el 73,91% (n=561). Hubo 6 muertes (0,75% del total de casos). Conclusión. La presentación clínica de CHIKV durante la epidemia 2023 en Paraguay es consistente con descripciones previas en otras regiones. La enfermedad generó un número significativo de consultas médicas y llevó a la saturación del sistema de salud pública, siendo fatal en un pequeño porcentaje de casos. Palabras clave: fiebre chikunguña; epidemias; sintomatología; adulto
Introduction. Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection typically presents as an acute febrile illness that is self-limiting and predominantly characterized by severe polyarthralgia and myalgia. Objective.The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics of acute chikungunya virus infection in an adult population. Materials and Methods.This was a descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study. The study population included adults from a specific region of Paraguay during the CHIKV epidemic in 2022-2023. Inclusion criteria encompassed all patients who presented to the hospital within five days after developing typical symptoms of acute CHIKV infection, confirmed by RT-PCR, and after excluding the presence of dengue and Zika. Results. A total of 803 adults were included, with an average age of 45.13 ± 18.63 years and a male/female ratio of 1:1.79. At epidemiological weeks 8, 10, 11, 78, 120, and 132 cases were documented, respectively. The most common clinical manifestations were fever in 97% of the cases (n=583), arthralgia and arthritis in 86.03% (n=653), myalgias in 77.08% (n=585), and headache in 73.91% (n=561). There were 6 deaths (0.75% of the total cases). Conclusion. The clinical presentation of CHIKV during the 2023 epidemic in Paraguay is consistent with previous descriptions in other regions. The disease generated a significant number of medical consultations and led to saturation of the public health system, which was fatal in a small percentage of cases. Key words: chikungunya fever; epidemic;symptomatology;adult
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Symptomatology , Chikungunya Fever , Adult , EpidemicsABSTRACT
A incidência da dengue, doença viral transmitida pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti, vem crescendo em Porto Alegre ao longo dos anos, com recorde de casos registrados em 2022. Epidemias da doença parecem ocorrer de forma cíclica no município, com registros a cada três anos. Dada a influência de fatores climáticos no ciclo de vida do vetor, este trabalho buscou analisar a influência de determinantes meteorológicos na periodicidade de epidemias de dengue na capital gaúcha entre 2010 e 2022. Análises descritivas foram realizadas para averiguar o padrão dos indicadores climáticos e dos casos de dengue ao longo dos anos, ao passo que análises estatísticas foram feitas para avaliar a correlação entre os fatores climáticos e os casos autóctones registrados entre 2016 e 2022. Os resultados obtidos não apontaram padrões meteorológicos que se repetem a cada três anos e que poderiam explicar a ciclicidade observada. Ainda, não foram constatadas correlações entre temperatura, umidade e pluviosidade com casos autóctones de dengue no município, ao menos em nível quadrimestral. Para além destas análises, constatou-se expressivo aumento de casos em 2022, apesar dos esforços de controle desempenhados pelo poder público, o que aponta a necessidade de maior investimento em educação em saúde para a população. (AU)
The incidence of dengue, a viral disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, has been increasing in Porto Alegre over the years, with a record number of cases reported in 2022. Epidemics of the disease seem to occur cyclically in the city, with reports every three years. Given the influence of climatic factors on the vector's life cycle, this study aimed to analyze the influence of meteorological determinants on the periodicity of dengue epidemics in Porto Alegre between 2010 and 2022. Descriptive analyses were used to investigate the pattern of climatic indicators and dengue cases over the years, while statistical analyses were performed to evaluate the correlation between climatic factors and autochthonous cases registered between 2016 and 2022. The results did not point out meteorological patterns that repeat every three years and could explain the observed cyclicity. Furthermore, no correlations were found between temperature, humidity and rainfall and autochthonous dengue cases in the city, at least on a four-monthly basis. Beyond these analyses, a significant increase in dengue cases was observed in 2022, despite the efforts of the public authorities to control the disease, which highlights the need for greater investment in health education for the population. (AU)
Climate , Aedes , Dengue , Meteorology , EpidemicsABSTRACT
Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of the local cluster of COVID-19 in the logistic park of Yuhang District in Hangzhou in March 2022. The cluster epidemic was detected by a case who actively visited the fever clinic. The epidemic lasted for 8 days, and a total of 58 cases (53 workers, 2 students, 1 farmer, 1 teacher and 1 unemployed) were found, including 40 males and 18 females. The age was (33.29±12.22) years. There cases were mainly in Yuhang District (48 cases, 82.77%) and Shangcheng District (7 cases, 12.07%) of Hangzhou. The real-time regeneration number peaked at 2.31 on March 10th and decreased to 0.37 on March 15th. The sequencing result of the indicated case was 100% homologous with the sequence uploaded from South Korea on March 4th, 2022.
Female , Male , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Epidemics , Ambulatory Care Facilities , COVID-19 , Farmers , FeverABSTRACT
Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of the local cluster of COVID-19 in the logistic park of Yuhang District in Hangzhou in March 2022. The cluster epidemic was detected by a case who actively visited the fever clinic. The epidemic lasted for 8 days, and a total of 58 cases (53 workers, 2 students, 1 farmer, 1 teacher and 1 unemployed) were found, including 40 males and 18 females. The age was (33.29±12.22) years. There cases were mainly in Yuhang District (48 cases, 82.77%) and Shangcheng District (7 cases, 12.07%) of Hangzhou. The real-time regeneration number peaked at 2.31 on March 10th and decreased to 0.37 on March 15th. The sequencing result of the indicated case was 100% homologous with the sequence uploaded from South Korea on March 4th, 2022.
Female , Male , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Epidemics , Ambulatory Care Facilities , COVID-19 , Farmers , FeverABSTRACT
Resumo O artigo analisa as reações dos católicos vinculados às associações leigas na cidade do Salvador, no período da gripe espanhola (1918) e da varíola (1919). Os jornais foram as principais fontes utilizadas para a identificação das festas e dos ritos, tanto dos praticados para pedir a intercessão dos santos quanto daqueles que foram suspensos em função da necessidade de isolamento social. Apesar de ambas as doenças serem transmissíveis e do curto espaço de tempo entre as duas epidemias, a análise das fontes evidenciou diferentes reações dos fiéis quanto às medidas de proteção e busca da cura.
Abstract This article analyzes the reactions of Catholics linked to lay associations in the city of Salvador, in the period of the Spanish flu (1918) and smallpox (1919). Newspapers were the main sources used to identify the festivals and rites, both those practiced to ask for the intercession of the saints, and those that were suspended due to the need for social isolation. In spite of both diseases being transmissible and the short interval between the two epidemics, the analysis of the sources showed different reactions from the faithful regarding the measures of protection and the search for a cure.
Smallpox/history , Catholicism , Faith Healing , Influenza, Human/history , Epidemics/history , Religion and Medicine , Brazil , History, 20th CenturyABSTRACT
Resumo Este ensaio objetiva discutir as investigações de surtos e epidemias, desde os primeiros relatos disponíveis na literatura científica do século XVIII até o momento atual, utilizando para sua construção artigos científicos e livros sobre a temática. O principal argumento desenvolvido é a passagem de abordagens qualitativas da epidemiologia, predominantes nos períodos iniciais, para a abordagem quantitativa, que inicialmente convive com a qualitativa, mas se torna dominante a partir da segunda metade do século XIX. Conclui-se com uma breve reflexão sobre o momento atual de enfrentamento da epidemia da covid-19.
Abstract This essay aims to discuss the investigation of outbreaks and epidemics, from the first reports available in scientific literature from the 18th century to the present time, using scientific articles and books on the subject for its construction. The main argument developed is the transition from qualitative approaches of epidemiology, which predominated in the early periods, to the quantitative approach, which initially coexists with the qualitative one but became dominant from the second half of the 19th century. It concludes with a brief reflection on the current moment of confronting the COVID-19 epidemic.
Disease Outbreaks , Epidemics , Epidemiological InvestigationABSTRACT
Objetive: To evaluate the quality of prenatal care during the outbreak of Zika virus infection in endemic and non-endemic vector-borne regions in Colombia. Materials and methods: A descriptive study of prenatal care supplemented by interviews to explore personal experiences during the epidemic. A total of 40 pregnant women in endemic areas and 44 in nonendemic areas participated. Information collected included previous pregnancies, reasons for starting prenatal care, information about Zika, prenatal care (activities of doctors, nurses, laboratories, and images), and perceptions of quality. Then, 8 interviews were conducted with pregnant women diagnosed with Zika. Questioned about knowledge of Zika and the quality of medical care services. Results: Problems with laboratories and diagnostic images were found in both regions and dehumanizing treatment in the endemic region. Women from the endemic region received news and communications about the effects of Zika during pregnancy, causing anxiety and fear among some women. The quality of health care was not what the women expected and they thought they would receive more care from doctors and nurses. Discussion: Our findings show deficiencies in education provided in health institutions. The experience during prenatal control in the endemic regions was imprecise and the information came from other sources, different from the health sector. Adittionally, support and follow-up was deficient as well. It's possible that health professionals have few knowledge about information management, which generated confusion, fear and uncertainty among the pregnant women about the adverse effects on the newborns. Conclusions: Findings suggest deficiencies in the technical quality of the prenatal care provided, particularly in the region that was endemic for vector-borne diseases. Reproductive health services and the technical quality of prenatal care need to be strengthened, especially during a sanitary crisis.
Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de la atención prenatal durante la epidemia de Zika en regiones endémicas y no endémicas de infecciones trasmitidas por vectores en Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de la atención prenatal complementado con entrevistas, con el fin de explorar experiencias personales durante la epidemia. Participaron 40 gestantes en zona endémica y 44 en no endémicas. La información recolectada incluyó embarazos previos, razones para iniciar control prenatal, información sobre Zika, control prenatal (actividades de médicos, enfermeras, laboratorios e imágenes) y percepción de calidad. Luego se realizaron 8 entrevistas a gestantes con diagnóstico de Zika. Se interrogó sobre conocimiento del Zika y calidad de los servicios de atención médica. Resultados: Se encontraron problemas con laboratorios e imágenes diagnósticas en ambas regiones y trato deshumanizado en la región endémica. Las gestantes en la región endémica recibieron noticias y comunicados sobre los efectos de Zika durante el embarazo, lo que causó ansiedad y miedo en algunas mujeres. La calidad de la atención medica no era la deseada y pensaron que recibirían mejor atención de médicos y enfermeras. Discusión: Nuestros hallazgos demuestran educación deficiente en las instituciones de salud. La experiencia durante el control prenatal en las regiones endémicas fue imprecisa y venía de fuentes diferentes al sector salud. Además, el soporte y seguimiento fue deficiente. Es probable que el personal de salud tenga poco conocimiento sobre cómo manejar la información, lo cual generó confusión, miedo e incertidumbre entre las gestantes sobre los efectos adversos en los bebes. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos sugieren deficiencia en la calidad técnica de la atención prenatal, particularmente en la región endémica. Es necesario fortalecer los servicios de salud reproductiva y la calidad técnica de la atención prenatal, especialmente durante crisis sanitaria.
Humans , Female , Prenatal Care , Quality of Health Care , Epidemics , Zika Virus , Zika Virus Infection , Pregnancy , Health Education , MicrocephalyABSTRACT
La viruela fue una de las enfermedades epidémicas más temidas desde la antigüedad debido a su alta mortalidad y a las secuelas que dejaba en aquellos que lograban sobrevivir. En el presente trabajo se abordará el ingreso de esta enfermedad en nuestro continente, así como su manifestación a través de epidemias, brotes y focos endémicos. Al mismo tiempo se verá qué reacciones provocó dentro del ámbito médico durante los años del Virreinato del Río de la Plata. Se analizarán los problemas que surgieron con el uso de la vacuna importada, así como el hallazgo de nuestra vacuna local, finalizando con los comienzos de la organización de los servicios de vacunación obligatoria. (AU)
Smallpox was one of the most feared epidemic diseases since ancient times due to its high mortality and the sequelae caused in those that managed to survive. In the present work, the introduction of this disease into our continent will be addressed as well as its manifestation through epidemics, outbreaks, and endemic foci. At the same time, the reactions this disease caused inside the medical field during the years of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata will be observed. The problems that arose from the usage of the imported vaccine and the discovery of our local vaccine will be analyzed, and it will finish with the beginnings of the organization of the mandatory vaccination services. (AU)
History, 16th Century , History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , Smallpox/history , Smallpox/epidemiology , Smallpox Vaccine/history , Americas , Smallpox/prevention & control , Mass Vaccination/organization & administration , Disease Outbreaks/history , Vaccination/history , Epidemics/historyABSTRACT
No presente artigo, tecemos reflexões e apresentamos conceitos que têm orientado uma pesquisa nos registros de arquivos sobre a febre amarela e a gripe espanhola, nos acervos da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, da Biblioteca Nacional e do Arquivo Nacional. A pesquisa é centrada na busca dos rastros e das ruínas desses eventos epidêmicos, mediante o método da montagem e com a perspectiva do limiar. Buscamos, por meio dessas materialidades, criar intervalos, experimentar e tecer brechas que prefiguram outros possíveis. Defendemos que, ao manejar, por meio da fabulação crítica, as formas como uma epidemia se faz aparecer, habilitamos a elaboração de uma imaginação política capaz de conferir ao futuro outras possibilidades e outros agenciamentos que não sejam a catástrofe e a melancolia
In this article we reflect on the presented concepts that have guided research in the archival records of Yellow Fever and Spanish Flu in the collections of the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation), the Biblioteca Nacional (National Library), and the Arquivo Nacional (National Archive). The research is centered on the search for the traces and ruins of those epidemic events, through the method of montage and from the perspective of the threshold. We seek, by means of these materialities, to create intervals, to experiment, and to weave gaps that prefigure other possibilities. We argue that, by coping with, through critical fabulation, the ways in which an epidemic makes itself appear, we enable the elaboration of a political imagination capable of giving the future other possibilities and arrangements that are not the catastrophe and the melancholy
En el presente artículo hacemos reflexiones y presentamos conceptos que han guiado una investigación sobre los registros archivísticos de la fiebre amarilla y la gripe española en los acervos de la Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fundación Oswaldo Cruz), de la Biblioteca Nacional (Biblioteca Nacional y del Arquivo Nacional (Archivo Nacional). La investigación se centra en la búsqueda de los rastros y las ruinas de esos eventos epidémicos, mediante el método del montaje y la perspectiva del umbral. Buscamos, por medio de estas materialidades, crear intervalos, experimentar y tejer brechas que prefiguren otras posibilidades. Argumentamos que manejando, a través de la fabulación crítica, las formas en que se hace aparecer una epidemia, posibilitamos la elaboración de una imaginación política que dé al futuro otras posibilidades y disposiciones que no sean la catástrofe y la melancolía
Humans , Archives , Yellow Fever , Influenza Pandemic, 1918-1919 , Research , Documentation , EpidemicsABSTRACT
El cólera es una toxoinfección alimentaria ocasionada por la ingesta de agua y alimentos contaminados por el Vibrio cholerae. Es una de las enfermedades más antiguas de la humanidad y las primeras descripciones corresponden a Hipócrates. La primera epidemia documentada, sucedió en la India en 1817 y se extendió a Turquía y a los países árabes. En nuestro país, el primer brote ocurrió en 1856 en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, asociada a la llegada de navíos con enfermos y a las deficientes condiciones sanitarias de la ciudad. Los sucesivos brotes se acompañaron de una alta mortalidad, a tal punto que el Dr. José María Penna señaló que costó más vidas a la nación que la guerra con Paraguay. En el presente artículo se analizan los sucesivos brotes de cólera en nuestro país
Cholera is a food poisoning caused by the ingestion of food and water contaminated by Vibrio cholerae. It is one of the oldest diseases of humanity and the first descriptions correspond to Hippocrates. The first documented epidemic occurred in India in 1817 and spread to Turkey and the Arab countries. In our country, the first outbreak occurred in 1856 in the city of Bahía Blanca, associated with the arrival of ships with patients and poor sanitary conditions in the city. The successive outbreaks were accompanied by high mortality, to the point that Dr. José María Penna pointed out that it cost the nation more lives than the war with Paraguay. This article analyzes the successive outbreaks of cholera in our country
Humans , Male , Female , Cholera/history , Cholera/epidemiology , Epidemics/historyABSTRACT
A resenha analisa o filme Os primeiros soldados, de Rodrigo de Oliveira (Brasil, 2021). A película apresenta a vida de três personagens, ao longo do ano de 1983, no Brasil, às voltas com a descoberta da aids em suas vidas. Mostram-se suas redes de relações, seus planos, e particularmente as estratégias de compreensão e enfrentamento da doença. Na tradição de produções cinematográficas que enfocam os modos pelos quais a população LGBTQIAP+ enfrentou a aids, o filme recorta três pessoas comuns, que não lideram movimentos sociais, mas fazem esforços para compreender o que é a doença e como podem com ela aprender. Ao narrar esse enfrentamento, o filme valoriza os afetos construídos, as estratégias de cuidado, as tentativas de obter conhecimento pela observação da trajetória da doença, e as novas percepções que os personagens têm em torno da precariedade da vida e de sua vulnerabilidade na sociedade
This review analyzes the film Os primeiros soldados, by Rodrigo de Oliveira (Brazil, 2021). The film presents the lives of three characters throughout 1983, in Brazil, dealing with the discovery of AIDS in their lives. Their networks of relationships, their plans, and particularly the strategies for understanding and coping skills with the disease are shown. In the tradition of cinematographic productions that focus on the ways in which the LGBTQIAP+ population faced AIDS, the film features three common people, who do not lead social movements, but make efforts to understand what the disease is and how they can learn from it. When narrating this confrontation, the film values the constructed affections, the care strategies, the attempts to gain knowledge by observing the trajectory of the disease, and the new perceptions that the characters have around the precariousness of life and their vulnerability in society.
La reseña analiza la película Os primeiros soldados, de Rodrigo de Oliveira (Brasil, 2021). La película pre-senta la vida de tres personajes a lo largo de 1983, en Brasil, lidiando con el descubrimiento del SIDA en sus vidas. Se muestran sus redes de relaciones, sus planes y, en particular, las estrategias de comprensión y afrontamiento de la enfermedad. En la tradición de las producciones cinematográficas que se enfocan en las formas en que la población LGBTQIAP+ enfrentó el SIDA, la película presenta a tres personas comunes, que no lideran movimientos sociales, pero se esfuerzan por comprender qué es la enfermedad y cómo pueden aprender de ella. Al narrar este enfrentamiento, la película valora los afectos construidos, las estrategias de cuidado, los intentos de conocimiento a través de la observación de la trayectoria de la enfermedad y las nuevas percepciones que tienen los personajes en torno a la precariedad de la vida y su vulnerabilidad en la sociedad
Humans , Public Health , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Motion Pictures , Education , EpidemicsABSTRACT
Introducción: desde la aparición del COVID-19 a principios de diciembre del año 2019, en la ciudad China de Wuhan, esta enfermedad respiratoria empezó a avanzar a nivel mundial. El 30 de enero de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud declaró a esta enfermedad con carácter epidémico y como una situación de emergencia a nivel mundial. El propósito de este estudio es presentar información de la variante ómicron BW.1 o Xibalbá. Conclusión: México está en un proceso de transición de pandemia hacia endemia, pero no quiere decir que no seguirán apareciendo nuevas variantes como ocurrió en la quinta ola (ómicron BA.5) o con subvariantes que emergieron como BW.1 «Xibalbá¼, BQ.1 «perro del infierno¼ y XBB «pesadilla¼. La población y los gobiernos deberán continuar con las medidas preventivas establecidas desde el inicio de la pandemia como son el uso de cubrebocas, el correcto lavado de manos y de ropa, los hábitos de higiene, limpieza, desinfección personal y de nuestro entorno, el aislamiento precoz ante alguna sintomatología y la vacunación (ya sea la primera o sus refuerzos subsecuentes).(AU)
Introduction: since the appearance of COVID-19 in early December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan, this respiratory disease began to spread worldwide. On the thirtieth of January of the year two thousand and twenty, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared this disease to be epidemic and with a worldwide emergency situation. The purpose of the study is to present information on the Omicron BW.1 or Xibalba variant. Conclusion: Mexico is in a process of transition from pandemic to endemic but this does not mean that new variants will not continue to appear as they did in the fifth wave (omicron BA.5) or subvariants that emerged such as: BW.1 or «Xibalbá¼, BQ.1 «hellhound¼ and XBB «nightmare¼. The population and governments should continue with the preventive measures established since the beginning of the pandemic, such as: use of masks, proper hand and clothing washing, hygiene habits, personal and environmental cleaning and disinfection, early isolation in case of any symptomatology, and vaccination, either first or subsequent boosters.(AU)
Humans , COVID-19 , Mexico/epidemiology , World Health Organization , Communicable Disease Control/methods , Epidemics , COVID-19 Vaccines/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Introdução: De acordo com a literatura científica, diagnósticos clínicos diferenciais de arboviroses representam uma dificuldade no que tange à dengue, na medida em que está no Brasil há muitos anos, o que acarreta em ser a arbovirose mais conhecida no país. As notificações de arboviroses se tornaram obrigatórias para inserção no SINAN, possibilitando a construção de perfis demográficos e o cálculo de incidências a partir de informações específicas para estas doenças. No que tange à dengue, a epidemia deste agravo ocorre no país desde 1986, evidenciando falhas na prevenção, relacionadas a aspectos socioeconômicos e ambientais. Objetivo: analisar perfis das notificações de dengue e febre de chikungunya dos casos notificados no município de Cabo Frio. Metodologia: Trata-se de estudo transversal e descritivo, com uso de dados secundários do SINAN referentes a casos de arboviroses no município de Cabo Frio/RJ. Foram observadas variáveis relacionadas ao sexo, escolaridade, raça/cor e critérios de confirmação, além do grau de completude. Resultados: Foram notificados 8.777 casos suspeitos de arboviroses, incluindo-se 1.367 notificações (15,57%) referentes à febre de chikungunya e 1.986 (22,63%), à dengue. Em relação ao desfecho, 1186 casos (51,45%) foram fechados como inconclusivos e 344 destes (14,92%) foram descartados como arboviroses. Dentre os inconclusivos, 943 (79,51%) eram referentes à notificação de dengue, idem para os 277 casos descartados (80,52%). Conclusão: Observou-se baixa taxa de completude nas fichas de notificação, explicada pelo baixo número de recursos humanos e pela insuficiente infraestrutura. Sugere-se a interação de diferentes profissionais e pesquisadores, facilitando a compreensão da complexa dinâmica das arboviroses em questão.
Introduction: According to the scientific literature, differential clinical diagnoses of arboviruses represent a difficulty with regard to dengue, as it has been present in Brazil for many years, which makes it the most well-known arbovirus in the country. Notifications of arboviruses became mandatory for inclusion in SINAN, enabling the construction of demographic profiles and the calculation of incidences based on specific information for these diseases. With regard to dengue, the epidemic of this disease has occurred in the country since 1986, showing failures in prevention, related to socioeconomic and environmental aspects. Objective: to analyze profiles of notifications of dengue and chikungunya fever of cases notified in the municipality of Cabo Frio. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study, using secondary data from SINAN regarding cases of arboviruses in the municipality of Cabo Frio/RJ. Variables related to sex, education, race/color and confirmation criteria were observed, in addition to the degree of completeness. Results: 8,777 suspected cases of arboviruses were reported, including 1,367 reports (15.57%) referring to chikungunya fever and 1,986 (22.63%) to dengue fever. Regarding the outcome, 1186 cases (51.45%) were closed as inconclusive and 344 of these (14.92%) were discarded as arboviruses. Among the inconclusive ones, 943 (79.51%) were related to dengue notification, the same for the 277 discarded cases (80.52%). Conclusion: A low completeness rate was observed in the notification forms, explained by the low number of human resources and insufficient infrastructure. It is suggested the interaction of different professionals and researchers, facilitating the understanding of the complex dynamics of the arboviruses in question.
Introducción: Según la literatura científica, los diagnósticos clínicos diferenciales de los arbovirus representan una dificultad con respecto al dengue, ya que está presente en Brasil desde hace muchos años, lo que lo convierte en el arbovirus más conocido en el país. Las notificaciones de arbovirus pasaron a ser obligatorias para su inclusión en el SINAN, lo que permitió la construcción de perfiles demográficos y el cálculo de incidencias a partir de información específica de estas enfermedades. Con respecto al dengue, la epidemia de esta enfermedad se presenta en el país desde 1986, mostrando fallas en la prevención, relacionadas con aspectos socioeconómicos y ambientales. Objetivo: analizar perfiles de notificaciones de dengue y fiebre chikungunya de los casos notificados en el municipio de Cabo Frio. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio transversal y descriptivo, utilizando datos secundarios del SINAN sobre casos de arbovirus en el municipio de Cabo Frio/RJ. Se observaron variables relacionadas con el sexo, escolaridad, raza/color y criterios de confirmación, además del grado de completitud. Resultados: se notificaron 8.777 casos sospechosos de arbovirus, de los cuales 1.367 (15,57%) se referían a fiebre chikungunya y 1.986 (22,63%) a dengue. En cuanto al resultado, 1186 casos (51,45%) se cerraron como no concluyentes y 344 de estos (14,92%) se descartaron como arbovirus. Entre los inconclusos, 943 (79,51%) estaban relacionados con la notificación de dengue, lo mismo para los 277 casos descartados (80,52%). Conclusión: Se observó un bajo índice de completitud en los formularios de notificación, explicado por el bajo número de recursos humanos y la infraestructura insuficiente. Se sugiere la interacción de diferentes profesionales e investigadores, facilitando la comprensión de la compleja dinámica de los arbovirus en cuestión.
Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Socioeconomic Factors , Health Profile , Dengue/epidemiology , Chikungunya Fever/prevention & control , Arbovirus Infections/epidemiology , Epidemics/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the global epidemic status of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) and assess the importation risk into China.@*METHODS@#Data from World Health Organization reports were used. We described the global epidemic status of EVD from 1976-2021, and assessed and ranked the importation risk of EVD from the disease-outbreaking countries into China using the risk matrix and Borda count methods, respectively.@*RESULTS@#From 1976-2021, EVD mainly occurred in western and central Africa, with the highest cumulative number of cases (14,124 cases) in Sierra Leone, and the highest cumulative fatality rate (85%) in the Congo. Outbreaks of EVD have occurred in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Guinea since 2018. The importation risk into China varies across countries with outbreaks of disease. The Democratic Republic of the Congo had an extremely high risk (23 Borda points), followed by Guinea and Liberia. Countries with a moderate importation risk were Nigeria, Uganda, Congo, Sierra Leone, Mali, and Gabon, while countries with a low importation risk included Sudan, Senegal, and Co
Humans , Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola/prevention & control , Epidemics , Disease Outbreaks/prevention & control , Guinea/epidemiology , Sierra Leone/epidemiology , China/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Medical supply is a key resource for responding to public health emergencies and maintaining people's lives and health. As the medical equipment management department, the medical devices department is mainly responsible for the procurement, supply, technical support, management and coordination of medical equipment and medical consumables, playing an important role in epidemic prevention and control. Through the analysis of the expansion cases of designated hospitals, the experience of emergency management of medical equipment has been accumulated, which has strong practicability and replicability.
Humans , Public Health , Emergencies , Hospitals , EpidemicsABSTRACT
To explore the characteristics of big data of patients with allergic rhinitis, including the time, population and spatial distribution of allergic rhinitis in Beijing from 2016 to 2021, so as to provide reference for the prevention and treatment of this disease. Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the distribution (including gender, age and location)and trend of allergic rhinitis patients in 30 pilot hospitals from January 2016 to December 2021, T test and Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test were used to test the statistical differences. The results showed that the number of patients with allergic rhinitis in 30 hospitals increased year by year from 2016 to 2019, with an increase of 97.9%. In 2020, the number of patients decreased. In 2021, the number of visits returned to the pre-epidemic level (461 332); The number of patients with allergic rhinitis was the highest in September, with a seasonal index of 177.6%, while the lowest number was in February, accounting for only 47.2%; a significant difference was observed in the number of patients in different age groups(H=45 319.48, P<0.05), and patients under 15 years old accounted for the highest proportion(819 284 visits); There were significant differences between patients of different genders in the 45-59 year old group (t=-4.26, P<0.05).There were relatively more patients with allergic rhinitis in Dongcheng District(31.1%) than in Huairou District and Miyun District (0.4%). In conclusion, since 2016, the number of patients increased significantly, with a varied trend in different seasons. Most patients were children. There were more patients in the central urban area than in the outer suburbs.
Child , Humans , Female , Male , Adolescent , Middle Aged , Beijing/epidemiology , Big Data , Epidemics , Hospitals , Rhinitis, Allergic/epidemiologyABSTRACT
With the outbreak of infectious diseases, more and more attention has been paid to surveillance and early warning work. Timely and accurate monitoring data is the basis of infectious diseases prevention and control. Effective early warning methods for infectious diseases can improve the timeliness and sensitivity of early warning work. This paper briefly introduces the intelligent early warning model of infectious diseases, summarizes the emerging surveillance and early warning methods of infectious diseases, and seeks the possibility of diversified surveillance and early warning in different epidemic stages and different outbreak scenarios of infectious diseases. This paper puts forward the idea of constructing a diversified method system of infectious diseases surveillance and early warning based on multi-stages and multi-scenarios and discusses the future development trend of infectious diseases surveillance and early warning, in order to provide reference for improving the construction level of infectious diseases surveillance and early warning system in China.
Humans , Population Surveillance/methods , Communicable Diseases/epidemiology , Disease Outbreaks/prevention & control , Epidemics , China/epidemiologyABSTRACT
To explore the characteristics of big data of patients with allergic rhinitis, including the time, population and spatial distribution of allergic rhinitis in Beijing from 2016 to 2021, so as to provide reference for the prevention and treatment of this disease. Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the distribution (including gender, age and location)and trend of allergic rhinitis patients in 30 pilot hospitals from January 2016 to December 2021, T test and Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test were used to test the statistical differences. The results showed that the number of patients with allergic rhinitis in 30 hospitals increased year by year from 2016 to 2019, with an increase of 97.9%. In 2020, the number of patients decreased. In 2021, the number of visits returned to the pre-epidemic level (461 332); The number of patients with allergic rhinitis was the highest in September, with a seasonal index of 177.6%, while the lowest number was in February, accounting for only 47.2%; a significant difference was observed in the number of patients in different age groups(H=45 319.48, P<0.05), and patients under 15 years old accounted for the highest proportion(819 284 visits); There were significant differences between patients of different genders in the 45-59 year old group (t=-4.26, P<0.05).There were relatively more patients with allergic rhinitis in Dongcheng District(31.1%) than in Huairou District and Miyun District (0.4%). In conclusion, since 2016, the number of patients increased significantly, with a varied trend in different seasons. Most patients were children. There were more patients in the central urban area than in the outer suburbs.
Child , Humans , Female , Male , Adolescent , Middle Aged , Beijing/epidemiology , Big Data , Epidemics , Hospitals , Rhinitis, Allergic/epidemiologyABSTRACT
With the outbreak of infectious diseases, more and more attention has been paid to surveillance and early warning work. Timely and accurate monitoring data is the basis of infectious diseases prevention and control. Effective early warning methods for infectious diseases can improve the timeliness and sensitivity of early warning work. This paper briefly introduces the intelligent early warning model of infectious diseases, summarizes the emerging surveillance and early warning methods of infectious diseases, and seeks the possibility of diversified surveillance and early warning in different epidemic stages and different outbreak scenarios of infectious diseases. This paper puts forward the idea of constructing a diversified method system of infectious diseases surveillance and early warning based on multi-stages and multi-scenarios and discusses the future development trend of infectious diseases surveillance and early warning, in order to provide reference for improving the construction level of infectious diseases surveillance and early warning system in China.