SUMMARY: Barrett's esophagus is a condition where the distal third of the esophagus changes its epithelial lining from non- keratinized stratified squamous to simple columnar. This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted to characterize the esophageal mucosa in the third trimester of pregnancy and determine possible variants in its development and was carried out in the Morphology Laboratory of the Health Faculty of the Industrial University of Santander, Colombia, with 45 human fetuses in the third trimester of gestation (weeks 25-40). A section of the distal esophagus and the first portion of the cardial region of the stomach were obtained, and the histological sections were subjected to a fixation process with 5 % formaldehyde solution. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and were evaluated for the presence of epithelial change or glands in the esophageal lamina propria. The change from non- keratinized stratified squamous epithelium to simple columnar epithelium was observed in the esophageal mucosa in five fetuses (11.1 %). In 15 cases (33.3 %), the presence of mucous glands underlying the epithelium was determined. In two fetuses, simple columnar epithelium was observed in the esophageal mucosa and underlying submucosal glands (4.4 %). The lack of replacement of the columnar epithelium by squamous epithelium in the distal third of the esophagus and the presence of mucous glands in the last third of gestation may suggest the presentation of Barret's esophagus in adulthood and thus, a predisposition to develop esophageal adenocarcinoma.
El esófago de Barrett es una afección en la que el tercio distal del esófago cambia su revestimiento epitelial de escamoso estratificado no queratinizado a columnar simple. Este estudio descriptivo de corte transversal tiene como objetivo caracterizar la mucosa esofágica en el tercer trimestre del embarazo y determinar posibles variantes en su desarrollo y se realizó en el laboratorio de Morfología de la Facultad de Salud de la Universidad Industrial de Santander-Colombia, con 45 fetos humanos en el tercer trimestre de gestación (semanas 25-40). Se obtuvo una sección del esófago distal y la primera porción de la región cardial del estómago y las secciones histológicas se sometieron a un proceso de fijación con solución de formaldehído al 5 %. Los cortes se tiñeron con hematoxilina y eosina y se evaluaron determinando la presencia de cambio epitelial y glándulas en la lámina propia del esófago. El cambio de epitelio escamoso estratificado no queratinizado a epitelio cilíndrico simple se observó en la mucosa esofágica en cinco fetos (11,1 %). En 15 casos (33,3 %) se determinó la presencia de glándulas mucosas subyacentes al epitelio. En dos fetos se observó epitelio cilíndrico simple en la mucosa esofágica y glándulas submucosas subyacentes (4,4 %). La falta de reemplazo del epitelio cilíndrico por epitelio escamoso en el tercio distal del esófago y la presencia de glándulas mucosas en el último tercio de la gestación pueden sugerir la presentación de esófago de Barrett en la edad adulta y una predisposición a desarrollar adenocarcinoma de esófago.
Humans , Barrett Esophagus/etiology , Esophageal Mucosa/pathology , Barrett Esophagus/complications , Esophageal Neoplasms/etiology , Adenocarcinoma/etiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epithelium/pathology , Fetus , Metaplasia/pathologyABSTRACT
As lesões odontogênicas epiteliais benignas constituem um grupo heterogêneo de lesões. A proteína CLIC4 atua na regulação dos processos de parada de crescimento e apoptose, participando também do processo de transdiferenciação dos fibroblastos em miofibroblastos que passam a expressar α-SMA. Além disso, a expressão de CLIC4 pode interferir no processo de transição epitélio-mesenquima (TEM) em neoplasias. Este trabalho avaliou a imunoexpressão de CLIC4, α-SMA, E-caderina e Vimentina em ameloblastomas (AM) (n = 16), ceratocistos odontogênicos (n = 20) e tumores odontogênicos adenomatóides (TOA) (n = 8). A análise da expressão imunoistoquímica das proteínas CLIC4, E-caderina e vimentina no componente epitelial das lesões e de CLIC4 e α-SMA no tecido conjuntivo foi realizada de forma semi-quantitativa por um avaliador previamente calibrado. A expressão no componente epitelial de CLIC4 foi analisada separadamente no núcleo e no citoplasma, bem como a marcação de E-caderina que foi avaliada na membrana e no citoplasma. As comparações dos percentuais de imunorreatividade em relação aos grupos estudados foram realizadas por meio dos testes não paramétricos de Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney. Possíveis correlações entre a expressão de CLIC4, α-SMA, E-caderina e Vimentina foram avaliadas por meio do teste de correlação de Spearman. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5% (p < 0,05). Foram observados diferentes padrões de marcação entre os grupos analisados, observando-se que a imunoexpressão exclusivamente citoplasmática da CLIC4 no componente epitelial dos AM (p < 0,001) e TOA (p < 0,001) foi significativamente superior a dos CO, não demonstrarando significância estatística entre os AM e TOA. A imunoexpressão (nuclear e citoplasmática) da CLIC4 no revestimento epitelial CO foi significativamente superior à encontrada no componente epitelial dos AM (p < 0,001) e dos TOA (p < 0,001). A imunoexpressão estromal de CLIC4 foi significativamente superior nos AM (p = 0,009) e CO (p = 0,004) quando comparados aos TOA. A imunoexpressao de α-SMA significativamente maior em AM (p = 0,016) e CO (p = 0,034) quando comparados aos TOA. Para a imunoexpressão membranar da E-caderina em CO foi significativamente superior em comparação à encontrada nos AM (p = 0,009) e nos TOA (p = 0,024). Foi observada maior imunoexpressão de E-caderina (membranar e citoplasmática) nos COs, quando comparados aos AM (p < 0,001) e aos TOAs (p < 0,001). A expressão de Ecaderina citoplasmática foi significativamente maior nos AM e TOA (p < 0,001) quando comparados aos CO. Observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa na imunoexpressão de vimentina entre os casos de AM e os casos de TOA (p = 0,038) e CO (p < 0,001), bem como entre o TOA e CO (p < 0,001). As correlações testadas entre os escores das proteínas estudadas evidenciou que no grupo dos AM foi possível evidenciar moderada correlação positiva e estatisticamente significativa (r = 0,527; p = 0,036) entre a expressão citoplasmática da CLIC4 e a expressão citoplasmática da E-caderina. Também foi verificada fraca correlação negativa e estatisticamente significativa (r = -0,499; p = 0,049) entre a expressão núcleo-citoplasmática da CLIC4 e a expressão citoplasmática da E-caderina nos AM. Além disso, uma moderada correlação positiva e estatisticamente significativa entre a expressão estromal da CLIC4 e a expressão da α-SMA nos AM (r = 0,648; p = 0,007) e nos CO (r = 0,541; p = 0,014). Foi observada forte correlação negativa e estatisticamente significativa (r = -0,813; p < 0,001) entre a expressão da E-caderina e a expressão da vimentina nos AM. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem um potencial envolvimento de CLIC4 no processo de transdiferenciação de miofibroblastos, e que a presença destas células é mais frequentemente associada a lesões de comportamento biológico mais agressivo como os AM e CO, além de uma possível atuação desta proteína na regulação do ciclo celular e na TEM nas lesões estudadas (AU).
Benign epithelial odontogenic lesions constitute a heterogeneous group of lesions. the CLIC4 protein acts in the regulation of growth arrest and apoptosis processes, also participating in the process of transdifferentiation of fibroblasts Into myofibroblasts that begin to express α-SMA. Furthermore, CLIC4 expression can interfere with the epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT) process in neoplasms. This work evaluated the immunoexpression of CLIC4, α-SMA, e-cadherin and vimentin in ameloblastomas (AM) (n = 16), odontogenic keratocysts (OK) (n = 20) and adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (AOT) (n = 8). The analysis of the immunohistochemical expression of the proteins CLIC4, ecadherin and vimentin in the epithelial component of the lesions and of CLIC4 and α-SMA in the connective tissue was carried out in a semi-quantitative way by a previously calibrated evaluator. Expression in the epithelial component of CLIC4 was analyzed separately in the nucleus and cytoplasm, as well as e-cadherin labeling, which was evaluated in the membrane and cytoplasm. Comparisons of the percentages of immunoreactivity in relation to the studied groups were carried out using the nonparametric kruskal-wallis and mann-whitney tests. Possible correlations between the expression of CLIC4, α-SMA, e-cadherin and vimentin were evaluated using the spearman correlation test. The significance level was set at 5% (p < 0.05). Different staining patterns were observed between the groups analyzed, observing that the exclusively cytoplasmic immunoexpression of CLIC4 in the epithelial component of AM (p < 0.001) and AOT (p < 0.001) was significantly higher than that of OK, not demonstrating statistical significance between the AM and AOT. The immunoexpression (nuclear and cytoplasmic) of CLIC4 in the co epithelial lining was significantly higher than that found in the epithelial component of AM (p < 0.001) and AOT (p < 0.001). Stromal CLIC4 immunoexpression was significantly higher in AM (p = 0.009) and OK (p = 0.004) when compared to AOT. The immunoexpression of α-SMA is significantly higher in AM (p = 0.016) and OK (p = 0.034) when compared to AOT. For e-cadherin membrane immunoexpression in co was significantly higher compared to that found in AM (p = 0.009) and AOT (p = 0.024). Greater immunoexpression of e-cadherin (membrane and cytoplasmic) was observed in OK, when compared to AM (p < 0.001) and AOT (p < 0.001). Cytoplasmic ecadherin expression was significantly higher in AM and AOT (p < 0.001) when compared to OK. A statistically significant difference in vimentin immunoexpression was observed between cases of AM and cases of AOT (p = 0.038) and OK (p < 0.001), as well as between AOT and OK (p < 0.001). The correlations tested between the scores of the proteins studied showed that in the am group it was possible to demonstrate a moderate positive and statistically significant correlation (r = 0.527; p = 0.036) between the cytoplasmic expression of clic4 and the cytoplasmic expression of e-cadherin. A weak and statistically significant negative correlation (r = -0.499; p = 0.049) was also found between the nucleus-cytoplasmic expression of clic4 and the cytoplasmic expression of e- cadherin in AM. Furthermore, a moderate positive and statistically significant correlation between the stromal expression of CLIC4 and the expression of α-SMA in AM (r = 0.648; p = 0.007) and OK (r = 0.541; p = 0.014). Additionally, a strong negative and statistically significant correlation (r = -0.813; p < 0.001) was observed between the expression of ecadherin and the expression of vimentin in AM. The results of this study suggest a potential involvement of CLIC4 in the myofibroblast transdifferentiation process, and that the presence of these cells is more frequently associated with lesions with more aggressive biological behavior such as AM and OK, in addition to a possible role of this protein in the regulation of cell cycle and EMT in the lesions studied (AU).
Ameloblastoma/pathology , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Cadherins/metabolism , Epithelium/injuries , Vimentin/metabolism , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Retrospective Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Myofibroblasts/pathology , Epithelial-Mesenchymal TransitionABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the clinicopathological characteristics of esophageal carcinoma with gland duct differentiation. Methods: The clinical, morphologic and immunohistochemical (IHC) features of eight cases of esophageal carcinoma with gland duct differentiation diagnosed from 2012 to 2022 at the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University were summarized. Results: There were four males and four females, with a mean age of 68.5 (range 59-82) years. Two tumors were located in middle esophagus, five in the lower esophagus, and one in the cardia. The mean diameter was 2.4 cm (range 0.6-4.5 cm). The tumor had a bilayer epithelial structure, including the inner luminal epithelium and the outer basal epithelium. Immunohistochemistry showed that CK7 (8/8) and CK18 (8/8) were positive in the inner epithelium. p40 (8/8), p63 (8/8) and CK5/6 (8/8) were positive in the outer epithelium. SMA, calponin and CD117 were all negative. p53 mutants were found in all eight cases (strong and diffuse positivity in 6/8; complete loss of expression in 2/8). No columnar metaplasia, intestinal metaplasia and ectopic gastric mucosa were observed in the surface squamous epithelium in the cases. The mean follow-up time was 21.5 months (range 5-51 months). Seven patients survived and one patient died 31 months after surgery due to recurrence and liver metastasis. Conclusion: Esophageal carcinoma with esophageal gland duct differentiation is a rare tumor with unique histologic and IHC characteristics.
Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Esophageal Neoplasms/pathology , Epithelium/pathology , Metaplasia/metabolism , Carcinoma/pathologyABSTRACT
Molecular knowledge of human gastric corpus epithelium remains incomplete. Here, by integrated analyses using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), spatial transcriptomics, and single-cell assay for transposase accessible chromatin sequencing (scATAC-seq) techniques, we uncovered the spatially resolved expression landscape and gene-regulatory network of human gastric corpus epithelium. Specifically, we identified a stem/progenitor cell population in the isthmus of human gastric corpus, where EGF and WNT signaling pathways were activated. Meanwhile, LGR4, but not LGR5, was responsible for the activation of WNT signaling pathway. Importantly, FABP5 and NME1 were identified and validated as crucial for both normal gastric stem/progenitor cells and gastric cancer cells. Finally, we explored the epigenetic regulation of critical genes for gastric corpus epithelium at chromatin state level, and identified several important cell-type-specific transcription factors. In summary, our work provides novel insights to systematically understand the cellular diversity and homeostasis of human gastric corpus epithelium in vivo.
Humans , Epigenesis, Genetic , Gastric Mucosa/metabolism , Chromatin/metabolism , Stem Cells , Epithelium/metabolism , Fatty Acid-Binding Proteins/metabolismABSTRACT
Introducción: Las células de Hürtle fueron descritas por Max Askanazy en 1898, aunque su denominación inapropiada ha permanecido en el léxico. Pueden observarse en una amplia variedad de lesiones tiroideas, desde afecciones no neoplásicas hasta francamente malignas. Caso clínico: Femenina de 62 años de edad, asmática e hipertensa controlada, alérgica al yodo y a la penicilina, quien inicia enfermedad actual 1 año previo al presentar aumento de volumen en región anterior del cuello. Ecografía tiroidea reportó glándula aumentada de tamaño, con nódulo tiroideo derecho, complejo de 4 cm; y nódulo tiroideo izquierdo, complejo de 2 cm, TI-RADS 4C. Tomografía computarizada reportó lesión ocupantne de espacio del lóbulo tiroideo derecho de 6 cm y nódulos tiroideos izquierdos de 3 y 2 cm. Pruebas tiroideas sin alteraciones. Se realizó tiroidectomía total. Diagnóstico histopatológico: adenoma de células de Hürtle. Conclusión: En la actualidad, el término correcto es neoplasia de células oncocíticas, bien sea para el adenoma o para el carcinoma. Este tipo de tumores se presenta con mayor frecuencia en mujeres de mediana edad y con un tamaño considerable al momento del diagnóstico. Es necesario establecer un protocolo de acción ante el diagnóstico presuntivo mediante punción por aspiración por aguja fina, debido a la dificultad para diferenciar entre patología benigna y maligna, con la finalidad de garantizar una conducta terapeútica adecuada(AU)
Introduction: Hürtle cells were described by Max Askanazy in 1898, although their inappropriate name has remained in the lexicon. They can be seen in a wide variety of thyroid lesions, from non-neoplastic to frankly malignant conditions. Clinical case: A 62-year-old female, asthmatic and controlled hypertensive, allergic to iodine and penicillin, who started the current disease 1 year before presenting volume increase in the anterior region of the neck. Thyroid ultrasound reported an enlarged gland, with a 4-cm complex right thyroid nodule; and left thyroid nodule, 2 cm complex, TI-RADS 4C. Computed tomography reported a 6 cm space-occupying lesion of the right thyroid lobe and 3 and 2 cm left thyroid nodules. Thyroid tests without alterations. Total thyroidectomy was performed. Histopatological diagnosis: Hürtle cell adenoma. Conclusion: Currently, the correct term is oncocytic cell neoplasm, either for adenoma or for carcinoma. This type of tumors occurs more frequently in middle-aged women and with a considerable size at the time of diagnosis. It is necessary to establish a protocol of action before the presumptive diagnosis by means of fine needle aspiration procedure, due to the difficulty to differentiate between benign and malignant pathology, with the purpose of guaranteeing an adequate therapeutic conduct(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Thyroid Gland/pathology , Thyroid Neoplasms , Thyroid Nodule , Epithelium , IodineABSTRACT
Introdução: embora o câncer seja um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública enfrentados mundialmente, diversas substâncias presentes no meio, como os fármacos, não estão muito bem elucidadas sobre seu possível potencial carcinogênico. Entre eles, estão os benzodiazepínicos, fármacos que possuem crescente aumento do consumo desde o século XX e, principalmente, na segunda década do século XXI, por suas ações ansiolíticas, sedativas e anticonvulsivantes. Objetivo: avaliar o efeito carcinogênico do bromazepam por meio do teste para detecção de tumores epiteliais (ETT) em Drosophila melanogaster. Metodologia: para realização do ETT foram utilizadas duas linhagens mutantes de D. melanogaster: wts (fêmeas) e mwh (machos). As larvas descendentes desse cruzamento foram tratadas isoladamente com cinco concentrações de bromazepam, sendo elas: 0,0375; 0,075; 0,15; 0,30 e 0,60 mM. A Doxorrubicina foi utilizada como controle positivo e a água ultrapura como controle negativo. Após tratamento, coleta e armazenamento, as moscas foram analisadas, identificando-se as frequências tumorais, por região corporal, em cada concentração testada. Resultados: o bromazepam não apresentou efeito carcinogênico em nenhuma das concentrações experimentadas neste estudo, não havendo diferença estatisticamente significativa nas frequências tumorais observadas nos indivíduos tratados com bromazepam quando comparadas à frequência obtida nos indivíduos tratados com o controle negativo. Conclusão: Nas presentes condições experimentais, o bromazepam não apresentou atividade carcinogênica, no entanto, há a necessidade de novos estudos, com diferentes metodologias e diferentes organismos testes, para a maior compreensão da ação do bromazepam no organismo.
Introduction: although cancer is one of the biggest public health problems faced worldwide, several substances present in the environment, such as drugs are not very well understood about its possible carcinogenic potential. Among them are benzodiazepines, drugs that have increased their consumption since the 20th century and, mainly, in the second decade of the 21st century, due to their anxiolytic, sedative and anticonvulsant actions. Objective: Evaluate the carcinogenic effect of bromazepam through the test to detect epithelial tumor clones (ETT) in Drosophila melanogaster. Methodology: to perform the ETT, two mutant strains of D. melanogaster were used: wts (female) and mwh (male). The descending larves of this cross were treated separately with five concentrations of bromazepam, namely: 0.0375; 0.075; 0.15; 0.30 and 0.60 mM. Doxorubicin was used as a positive control and ultrapure water as a negative control. After treatment, collection and storage, the flies were analyzed, identifying the tumor frequencies, by body region, at each concentration tested. Results: bromazepam did not have a carcinogenic effect at any of the concentrations experienced in this study, with no statistically significant difference in tumor frequencies observed in individuals treated with bromazepam when compared to the frequency obtained in individuals treated with the negative control. Conclusion: In the present experimental conditions, bromazepam did not show carcinogenic activity, however, there is a need for further studies with different methodologies and different test organisms to better understand the action of bromazepam in the body.
Animals , Male , Female , Bromazepam , Carcinoma , Drosophila melanogaster , Carcinogenesis , Larva , EpitheliumABSTRACT
El neuroblastoma olfativo, también conocido como estesioneuroblastoma, es un tumor derivado de la capa basal del epitelio olfativo. Se presenta como una masa de tejido blando en la porción superior de la cavidad nasal que involucra las células de aire etmoides anteriores y medias en un lado y se extiende a través de la placa cribiforme en la fosa craneal anterior, es poco frecuente y representa menos del 3 % de las neoplasias intranasales. De acuerdo con la evolución epidemiológica, su distribución por edades es bimodal con un pico en pacientes adultos en la segunda década de la vida y otro en los quinta y sexta, sin existir predilección por género reconocida
Olfactory neuroblastoma, also known as esthesioneuroblastoma, is a tumor derived from the basal layer of the olfactory epithelium. It presents as a soft tissue mass in the upper portion of the nasal cavity that involves the anterior and middle ethmoid air cells on one side and extends through the cribriform plate in the anterior cranial fossa, it is rare and represents less 3% of intranasal neoplasms. According to the epidemiological evolution, its age distribution is bimodal with a peak in adult patients in the second decade of life and another in the fifth and sixth, with no recognized gender predilection
Olfactory Mucosa , Esthesioneuroblastoma, Olfactory , Epithelium , Nasal Cavity , Patients , Air , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
A gengiva oral pode ser dividida em inserida ou livre. A gengiva inserida é queratinizada e apresenta grande importância na proteção do periodonto contra inflamações, sendo importante na proteção mecânica durante à escovação e ao acúmulo de biofilme. Uma faixa de gengiva queratinizada aderida é importante para a saúde dos tecidos periodontais. Os tecidos peri-implantares tem aspecto e estruturas parecidas com o epitélio ao redor dos dentes. A faixa de mucosa queratinizada ao redor da área peri-implantar de 1 a 2mm pode diminuir o acúmulo de placa e consequentemente a peri-implantite que é um dos fatores responsáveis pela perda de implantes. Diversas técnicas têm sido utilizadas para se ter um aumento dessa faixa de mucosa queratinizada favorecendo um aumento da taxa de sucesso instalações de implantes como: enxertos gengivais livres, de tecido conjuntivo, de matriz dérmica acelular, de matriz de colágeno, membranas e implantes imediatos ao invés da técnica comum. O objetivo do estudo foi discutir as características anatômicas da mucosa aderida ao redor de implantes e sua importância para saúde peri-implantar. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo proposto de revisão da literatura, foram realizadas pesquisas em diferentes plataformas de bases de dados bibliográficos sendo: Scielo (scientific Eletronic Library online), PubMed e Google Acadêmico e livros de referência na área da Periodontia. Com base, na revisão crítica realizada, conclui-se que, quando há a presença de uma mucosa queratinizada aderida ao redor do implante maior que 1mm, os implantes apresentam melhor selamento biológico, menor acúmulo de biofilme e baixo risco para a peri-implantite.
The oral gingiva can be divided into attached or free. The attached gingiva is keratinized and is of great importance in protecting the periodontium against inflammation, being also important in mechanical protection during brushing and biofilm accumulation. A range of keratinized mucosa is important for the health of periodontal tissues. Peri-implant tissues have an appearance and structures similar to the epithelium around the teeth. The keratinized mucosa range around the peri-implant area of ââ1 to 2 mm can reduce plaque accumulation and consequently peri-implantitis, which is one of the factors responsible for implant loss. Several techniques have been used to increase this range of keratinized gingiva, favoring an increase in the success rate of implant installations such as: free gingival grafts, connective tissue, acellular dermal matrix, collagen matrix, membranes, and immediate implants. instead of the common technique. The aim of the present study was to discuss, based on the scientific literature, the anatomical characteristics of the keratinized attached mucosa around implants and their importance for peri-implant health. For the development of the proposed study of literature review, searches were carried out on different platforms of bibliographic databases, namely: Scielo (scientific Electronic Library online), PubMed and Google Scholar and reference books in ââPeriodontics. Based on the critical review performed, it was concluded that when there is a keratinized mucosa adhered around the implant greater than 1mm, the implants present better biological sealing, less biofilm accumulation and low risk for peri-implantitis.
Epithelium , Peri-Implantitis , Gingiva , Mucous MembraneABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the clinicopathological, immunophenotypic, and molecular genetic features of bronchial sialadenoma papilliferum (BSP). Methods: Four cases of BSP collected at the Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital from May 2018 to June 2021 were retrieved and analyzed. These cases were evaluated for their clinical, histological, immunohistochemical (IHC) and genomic features. The patients were followed up and relevant literature was reviewed. Results: All four patients were male, aged from 55 to 75 years (mean 62 years), with tumor diameter of 6 to 21 mm (mean 13.5 mm), and lesions were located in the left lower lobe (n=2), right lower lobe (n=1), and trachea (n=1). They were characterized by a combination of surface exophytic endobronchial papillary proliferation and an endophytic two-cell layered ductal structure. IHC staining showed that CK7 and EMA were strongly positive in ductal epithelium; p63, p40, CK5/6 were positive in ductal and papillary basal cells; SOX10 was positive in ductal epithelium and basal cells; S-100 was positive in basal cells and ductal epithelium in two cases. Next generation sequencing showed that two cases harbored BRAF V600E mutation. Conclusions: BSP is an extremely rare primary lung tumor arising from the salivary gland under bronchial mucosa. The primary treatment choice of this tumor is complete surgical resection. The diagnosis and differential diagnosis of this tumor depend on classic histomorphologic and IHC features, and BRAF V600E gene mutation can be detected.
Aged , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , China , Epithelium/pathology , Immunohistochemistry , Neoplasms, Glandular and Epithelial/pathology , Salivary Gland Neoplasms/surgeryABSTRACT
The dorsal lingual epithelium, which is composed of taste buds and keratinocytes differentiated from K14+ basal cells, discriminates taste compounds and maintains the epithelial barrier. N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most abundant mRNA modification in eukaryotic cells. How METTL3-mediated m6A modification regulates K14+ basal cell fate during dorsal lingual epithelium formation and regeneration remains unclear. Here we show knockout of Mettl3 in K14+ cells reduced the taste buds and enhanced keratinocytes. Deletion of Mettl3 led to increased basal cell proliferation and decreased cell division in taste buds. Conditional Mettl3 knock-in mice showed little impact on taste buds or keratinization, but displayed increased proliferation of cells around taste buds in a protective manner during post-irradiation recovery. Mechanically, we revealed that the most frequent m6A modifications were enriched in Hippo and Wnt signaling, and specific peaks were observed near the stop codons of Lats1 and FZD7. Our study elucidates that METTL3 is essential for taste bud formation and could promote the quantity recovery of taste bud after radiation.
Animals , Mice , Epithelium/metabolism , Homeostasis , Methylation , Methyltransferases/metabolism , RNA , Taste Buds/metabolismABSTRACT
Objective@#miR-663a has been reported to be downregulated by X-ray irradiation and participates in radiation-induced bystander effect via TGF-β1. The goal of this study was to explore the role of miR-663a during radiation-induced Epithelium-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT).@*Methods@#TGF-β1 or IR was used to induce EMT. After miR-663a transfection, cell migration and cell morphological changes were detected and the expression levels of miR-663a, TGF-β1, and EMT-related factors were quantified.@*Results@#Enhancement of cell migration and promotion of mesenchymal changes induced by either TGF-β1 or radiation were suppressed by miR-663a. Furthermore, both X-ray and carbon ion irradiation resulted in the upregulation of TGF-β1 and downregulation of miR-663a, while the silencing of TGF-β1 by miR-663a reversed the EMT process after radiation.@*Conclusion@#Our findings demonstrate an EMT-suppressing effect by miR-663a via TGF-β1 in radiation-induced EMT.
Down-Regulation , Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition , Epithelium/metabolism , MicroRNAs/metabolism , Transforming Growth Factor beta1/pharmacologyABSTRACT
The aim of this study is to examine the dorsal lingual epithelium of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) of the family Falconidae. The tongue in its dorsal, lateral and ventral surfaces is covered with a non-keratinized multilayered stratified squamous epithelium. Lamina propria is present beneath the epithelial layers. Morphometrically, thickness of the apex tongue epithelium is more than that in the tongue body. Thickness of the ventral surface of the tongue is less than that in the dorsal one. Thickness of the lateral surface of the tongue was thicker than that in the ventral one and tongue body. Large and small conical papillae appeared on the posterior dorsal surface of the lingual body. There are lingual glands in certain areas of tongue body with numerous openings through the dorsal surface.
O objetivo deste estudo é examinar o epitélio lingual dorsal do falcão peregrino (Falco peregrinus) da família Falconidae. A língua em suas superfícies dorsal, lateral e ventral é coberta por um epitélio escamoso estratificado de múltiplas camadas não queratinizado. A lâmina própria está presente abaixo das camadas epiteliais. Morfometricamente, a espessura do epitélio do ápice da língua é maior do que a do corpo da língua. A espessura da superfície ventral da língua é menor do que a dorsal. A espessura da face lateral da língua foi mais espessa do que na ventral e no corpo da língua. Papilas cônicas grandes e pequenas apareceram na superfície posterior dorsal do corpo lingual. Existem glândulas linguais em certas áreas do corpo da língua com numerosas aberturas na superfície dorsal.
Animals , Falconiformes , Tongue , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , EpitheliumABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to evaluate the topical application of alcoholic extracts of Dipteryx alata Vogel almonds and bark in skin wound healing in mice. Fifty-four C57BL/6 mice were equally distributed into three groups: Control, Almond, and Bark. A 9 mm skin fragment was resected from the dorsal region of the animals' thorax. The wounds were submitted to topical application of base cream (vehicle), 10% hydroalcoholic almond extract, or bark extract twice a day. Macroscopic, histological, and immunohistochemical evaluations were conducted on the 7th, 14th, and 21st postoperative days. No significant difference was observed regarding skin wound area among groups, with the parameter presenting only a temporal effect on healing (p>0.05). The almond and control groups exhibited more intense collagenization than the bark group (p<0.05). Dipteryx alata Vogel showed to be inert in the wound healing process in mice.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a aplicação tópica do extrato alcoólico da semente e da casca da Dipteryx alata Vogel na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas, em camundongos. Um total de 54 camundongos C57BL/6 foram utilizados neste estudo, distribuídos em três grupos de 18 animais (controle, semente e casca). Em todos os animais, um fragmento de pele foi ressecado da região dorsal do tórax utilizando-se instrumento de punção de 9mm de diâmetro, após o qual foi realizada aplicação tópica de creme base (veículo), extrato hidroalcoólico 10% de semente ou casca, duas vezes ao dia. As avaliações macroscópica, histológica e imuno-histoquímica foram realizadas no sétimo, 14º e 21º dias de pós-operatório. Não foi observada diferença significativa quanto à área da ferida cutânea entre os grupos, apenas um efeito temporal na cicatrização (P>0,05), indicando estágio possivelmente mais avançado desse processo. Porém, na avaliação histológica, os grupos semente e controle apresentaram colagenização mais intensa que o grupo casca (P<0,05). Dipteryx alata Vogel mostrou-se inerte no processo de cicatrização de feridas em camundongos.(AU)
Animals , Mice , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Dipteryx/chemistry , Epithelium/injuries , Re-Epithelialization , Phytotherapy/veterinaryABSTRACT
Squamous metaplasia of the rete ovarii is an ovarian pathologic change characterized by replacement of the normal single layered cuboidal epithelium of the rete ovarii by a stratified squamous keratinized epithelium. Uterus and ovaries from a local slaughterhouse pregnant crossbreed cow were evaluated through ultrasound, macroscopically and histologically. Grossly, there were multiple cysts in both ovaries, which were histologically characterized as rete ovarii cysts with squamous metaplasia and intraluminal accumulation of keratinized material. Squamous metaplasia of the rete ovarii has been previously reported in cows, however this is the first report of this condition in a pregnant animal, demonstrating that this ovarian change is compatible with pregnancy.(AU)
A metaplasia escamosa da rete ovarii é uma patologia ovariana caracterizada pela substituição do epitélio simples cuboidal normal da rete ovarii por um epitélio estratificado escamoso queratinizado. Útero e ovários de uma vaca mestiça gestante, proveniente de abatedouro, foram avaliados por ultrassonografia, macroscopia e histologia. Verificaram-se vários cistos em ambos os ovários, histologicamente caracterizados como cistos de rete ovarii com metaplasia escamosa, com acúmulo intraluminal de material queratinizado. Metaplasia escamosa da rete ovarii foi relatada anteriormente em vacas, porém este é o primeiro relato em que essa alteração ovariana é compatível com manutenção da ciclicidde ovariana e gestação na vaca.(AU)
Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Cattle , Ovary/pathology , Teratoma/veterinary , Pregnancy, Animal/physiology , Estrous Cycle/physiology , Epidermal Cyst/veterinary , Epithelium/pathology , Metaplasia/veterinaryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Acute retinal pigment epitheliitis (ARPE) is an idiopathic, self-limiting inflammatory retinal disorder that particularly affects healthy young individuals. The characteristic fundoscopic appearance of the acute retinal pigment epitheliitis includes a fine pigment stippling surrounded by a yellow-white hypopigmented halos in the macula. Although the exact pathogenesis of the disease remains unknown, some reports have suggested a relationship between a viral infection and acute retinal pigment epitheliitis. Acute retinal pigment epitheliitis is a rare disorder, and only single case reports or case series are found in the literature. The clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with this disease are not fully understood because of its rarity. In this study, we searched the literature to collect clinical and demographic features of the reported cases. We detail the characteristics of acute retinal pigment epitheliitis were pointed and discuss the pathogenesis of the disease.(AU)
RESUMO A epitelite pigmentar retiniana aguda (EPRA) é uma doença inflamatória idiopática e autolimitada da retina, que afeta especialmente indivíduos jovens e saudáveis. À fundoscopia, a aparência característica dessa entidade é de um pontilhado fino do pigmento, cercado de halos hiperpigmentados branco-amarelados na mácula. A patogênese exata da doença ainda é desconhecida, mas alguns relatos apontam uma relação entre epitelite pigmentar retiniana aguda e infecções virais. A epitelite pigmentar retiniana aguda é uma condição rara e na literatura há apenas relatos de casos individuais ou séries de casos. As características clínicas e demográficas da doença não são totalmente compreendidas, devido à sua raridade. Para este relato, foi feita uma busca na literatura para coletar os dados clínicos e demográficos dos casos relatados. Finalmente, são apontadas as características da epitelite pigmentar retiniana aguda e discute-se a patogênese da doença.(AU)
Humans , Retinitis Pigmentosa/pathology , Epithelium/pathology , Retinal Pigments , Visual Acuity , Retinal Photoreceptor Cell Outer Segment , Circadian Clocks , c-Mer Tyrosine KinaseABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To observe the effect of acupoint thread-embedding on tight junction of intestinal mucosal epithelial barrier in rats with ulcerative colitis (UC) under the state of "deficiency and stasis", and to explore its mechanism.@*METHODS@#Sixty male SD rats were randomly divided into a control group (@*RESULTS@#Compared with the control group, in the model group the body weight was decreased (@*CONCLUSION@#The thread-embedding could repair the tight junction of intestinal mucosa epithelium and reduce the permeability of intestinal mucosa epithelium, which may be related to the decrease of the expression of CaMKⅡ, MLCK and other protein kinases.
Animals , Male , Rats , Acupuncture Points , Colitis, Ulcerative/therapy , Epithelium , Intestinal Mucosa , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Tight JunctionsABSTRACT
Abstract: Inflammatory periapical lesions are characterized by infiltration of different immune cell types, the functions of which depend on an effective vascular network. This study aimed to evaluate the mast cells density (MCD) in inflamatory odontogenic cysts capsules concerning microvascular density (MVD), microvascular area (MVA), and microvascular perimeter (MVP), and correlate such findings with the type of lesion, intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate, and thickness of the epithelial lining. Twenty inflamatory dentigerous cysts (IDCs), twenty radicular cysts (RCs), and twenty residual radicular cysts (RRCs) were submitted to immunohistochemical analysis using anti-tryptase and anti-CD34 antibodies. RCs exhibited the highest MCD, MVD, MVA, and MVP indexes (p = < 0.001, p = 0.008, p = 0.003 and p = < 0.001, respectively), and lesions with inflammatory infiltrate grade III showed the highest MVD (p = 0.044). Considering epithelial thickness, a higher MVP index was identified in lesions with hyperplastic epithelium (p = 0.018). In IDCs, RCs, and RRCs, a strong positive correlation was observed between MVA and MVP (r = 0.950 and p = < 0.001; r = 0.914 and p = < 0.001; r = 0.713 and p = < 0.001, respectively). In IDCs, a moderate correlation was observed between MCD and both MVA and MVP (r = 0.660 and p = 0.002; r = 0.634 and p = 0.003, respectively). These results suggest that tryptase-positive mast cells might play an important role in the angiogenic activity of IDCs, while RCs had the highest indexes. Our findings also confirmed that the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate and epithelial thickness influence angiogenesis.
Humans , Odontogenic Cysts , Radicular Cyst , Epithelium , Tryptases , Mast CellsABSTRACT
Les odontomes sont des tumeurs bénignes des maxillaires composées de dérivés de l'épithélium odontogène et de l'ectomésenchyme. Ils sont divisés en deux groupes: odontome composé et odontome complexe. L'odontome composé est constitué de nombreuses dents rudimentaires, de très petite taille, groupées dans un sac dont la paroi conjonctive est identique à celle du follicule dentaire normal. Il s'agit d'une jeune patiente qui s'est présentée à la consultation pour une tuméfaction maxillaire antérieure évoluant depuis 4 ans. La patiente a rapporté qu'elle a subi un traumatisme à l'enfance. L'évolution de la tuméfaction était asymptomatique. L'examen exobuccal était sans spécificité. L'examen endobuccal a montré la présence au niveau de la muqueuse vestibulaire du maxillaire antérieur, d'une tuméfaction dure à la palpation et indolore. La muqueuse de recouvrement était d'aspect normal. La TDM a montré des images radiopaques entourées d'un halo radioclaire au niveau du secteur maxillaire antérieur droit autour de la racine de la 11, avec une rupture de la corticale externe et sans envahissement des fosses nasales. Les données cliniques et radiologiques ont orienté vers un odontome composé. Une exérèse chirurgicale des odontomes a été réalisée. L'odontome fait partie des tumeurs odontogéniques benignes épithélio-mésenchymateuses mixtes. L'étiologie de l'odontome est inconnue. Il peut apparaître suite à un ancien traumatisme. Les odontomes composés sont asymptomatiques et découverts au cours d'un examen radiographique de routine. Le traitement consiste à l'extraction chirurgicale de l'odontome seule ou suivi d'un traitement orthodontique en cas d'inclusion d'une dent
Odontomas are benign jaw tumors composed of derivatives of odontogenic epithelium and ectomesenchyme. They are divided into two groups: compound odontoma and complex odontoma. A compound odontoma is made up of many rudimentary teeth, very small, grouped in a sac whose connective wall is identical to that of the normal tooth follicle. A young patient presented for the consultation for an anterior maxillary swelling that has progressed for 4 years. The patient reported that she suffered trauma as a child. The progression of the swelling was asymptomatic. The extra oral examination was unspecific. Intraoral examination showed the presence in the vestibular mucosa of the anterior maxilla, a swelling that was hard on palpation and painless. The covering mucosa was normal in appearance. CT showed radiopaque images surrounded by a radiolucent halo in the right anterior maxillary sector around the root of 11, with a rupture of the external cortex and without invasion of the nasal cavity. Clinical and radiological data have pointed to a compound odontoma. Surgical removal of the odontomas was performed. Odontoma is one of the benign mixed epithelial-mesenchymal odontogenic tumors. The etiology of odontoma is unknown. It can appear following an old trauma. Compound odontomas are asymptomatic and discovered during routine radiographic examination. Treatment consists of surgical extraction of the odontoma alone or followed by orthodontic treatment in the event of inclusion of a tooth.
Odontoma , Epithelium , Mandible , MaxillaABSTRACT
RESUMO - RACIONAL: A etiopatogenia da colite por desuso (DC) ainda não foi totalmente elucidada. As principais teorias consideram que a doença pode estar relacionada ao aumento de bactérias anaeróbias, falta de suprimento de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC) e distúrbios imunológicos que se desenvolvem em segmentos colorretais desprovidos de trânsito fecal. OBJETIVO: Verificar se a aplicação de infliximabe modifica o conteúdo tecidual das proteínas E-caderina e claudina-3 no epitélio cólico de ratos sem trânsito intestinal. MÉTODOS: Vinte dois ratos foram submetidos a derivação do trânsito intestinal pelo procedimento de Hartmann. Eles permaneceram com o ostoma por 12 semanas para permitir o desenvolvimento da colite de exclusão. Em seguida, foram divididos em três grupos experimentais: seis animais receberam 2,0 ml de solução salina/semana, oito infliximabe na dose de 5 mg/Kg/semana e, os demais, infliximabe na dose de 10 mg/Kg/semana por 5 semanas consecutivas. Em seguida, os animais foram eutanasiados e os segmentos cólicos com e sem trânsito intestinal foram removidos. A colite por desuso foi diagnosticada pelas alterações histológicas definidas por uma escala previamente validada. Expressão tecidual de E-caderina e claudina-3 foi avaliada por imuno-histoquímica, e o conteúdo tecidual de ambas as proteínas foi quantificado por análise de imagem assistida por computador. RESULTADOS: Segmentos cólicos exclusos de trânsito fecal apresentaram maior grau de inflamação do que os expostos ao trânsito fecal. Inflamação foi menor nos animais tratados com infliximabe, independente da dose utilizada. Níveis de E-caderina e claudina-3 estavam reduzidos no cólon excluso. O tratamento com infliximabe aumentou os níveis das proteínas em segmentos do cólon sem trânsito intestinal, principalmente nos animais que receberam a dose de 10mg/kg/semana. CONCLUSÃO: Infliximabe reduz inflamação nos segmentos do cólon excluso e aumenta o conteúdo tecidual de E-caderina e claudina-3, especialmente na concentração de 10mg/kg/semana.
ABSTRACT - BACKGROUND: The etiopathogenesis of disuse colitis (DC) has not yet been fully elucidated. The main theories consider that the disease may be related to an increase in anaerobic bacteria, the lack of short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) supply, and immunological disorders that develop in the colorectal segments devoid of fecal transit. AIM: The aim of this study was to verify whether the application of infliximab modifies the tissue content of E-cadherin and claudin-3 proteins in colonic epithelium of rats devoid of intestinal transit. METHODS: A total of 22 rats underwent intestinal transit bypass using Hartmann's procedure. They remained with the shunt for 12 weeks to allow the development of DC. Later, they were divided into three experimental groups: six animals received 2.0 mL saline solution/week, eight received infliximab at a dose of 5 mg/kg/week, and eight received infliximab at a dose of 10 mg/kg/week for 5 consecutive weeks. At the end of this period, the animals were euthanized, and the colonic segments with and without intestinal transit were removed. DC was diagnosed based on the histological changes defined by a previously validated scale. The tissue expression of E-cadherin and claudin-3 was assessed by immunohistochemistry, and the tissue content of both proteins was quantified by computer-aided image analysis. RESULTS: The colonic segments excluded from fecal transit showed a higher degree of inflammation than those exposed to fecal transit. The degree of inflammation was lower in animals treated with infliximab, regardless of the dose used. The levels of E-cadherin and claudin-3 were reduced in the excluded colon. Treating animals with infliximab increased the levels of both proteins in the colonic segments without intestinal transit, especially in animals receiving a dose of 10 mg/kg/week. CONCLUSION: Infliximab therapy reduces inflammation in the colonic segments excluded from intestinal transit and increases the tissue content of E-cadherin and claudin-3 proteins, especially when used at a concentration of 10 mg/kg/week.
Animals , Rats , Colitis/chemically induced , Colitis/drug therapy , Cadherins , Rats, Wistar , Epithelium , Claudin-3 , Infliximab/therapeutic use , Models, TheoreticalABSTRACT
A reprogramação metabólica de células do câncer é apontada como uma característica essencial para o desenvolvimento da doença (cancer hallmark). Estudos mostram que mutações na enzima fumarato hidratase levam ao aumento da concentração intra e extracelular de fumarato, o que ocorre paralelamente à indução da transformação maligna. Neste trabalho, a fim de entender se o excesso de fumarato extracelular pode propiciar a transformação de células normais, foram quantificados alguns endpoints relacionados aos efeitos do fumarato e à transformação maligna, além de alterações metabólicas em células imortalizadas de epitélio brônquico humano normal (BEAS-2B) expostas ao fumarato. Uma vez que fumarato nas concentrações de 0,1 a 10 mM ao longo de 144 h não foi citotóxico, foram selecionadas as concentrações de 1 mM, 5 mM e 10 mM para as incubações. Fumarato induziu a formação de colônias em soft-agar após o período de sete dias (168 h) de exposição, o que indica a indução de transformação celular. Fumarato é um oncometabólito que inibe enzimas que dependem de α-cetoglutarato como co-substrato, dentre as quais as enzimas ten eleven translocation (TET) que catalisam a formação de 5-hidroximetilcitosina (5-hmC) a partir de 5-metilcitosina (5-mC), o primeiro passo da sequência de reações que levam à desmetilação do DNA. Os níveis totais de 5-hmC estavam diminuídos no DNA das células expostas. Colônias retiradas do soft-agar (controle, 1, 5 e 10 mM de fumarato) foram cultivadas e, após 90 dias em cultura, as células foram submetidas ao ensaio de invasão e migração em câmara de Boyden (transwell), tendo sido observada maior capacidade de migração/invasão das células anteriormente expostas ao fumarato. Foi observada indução de estresse redox nas células expostas ao fumarato. A partir da quantificação de metabólitos intracelulares por HPLC-ESI-MS/MS e HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF, verificamos que as células BEAS-2B absorveram o fumarato adicionado ao meio de cultura, o qual foi convertido intracelularmente a malato, aspartato, argininosuccinato, citrato, succinato e glutamato. O oncometabólito 2-L-hidroxiglutarato foi detectado em níveis aumentados nas células expostas a fumarato, assim como adenosina, enquanto que NAD+ e NADP+ apareceram diminuídos. As alterações metabólicas na presença de fumarato contribuíram para a manutenção do balanço energético das células, ou mesmo para um saldo positivo de energia. A exposição das células a [13C4]fumarato permitiu a análise do fluxo inicial do fumarato absorvido pelas células. A partir dessa análise verificamos que o fumarato absorvido entra no ciclo de Krebs, gerando malato, que é em grande parte desviado para reações externas ao ciclo, como a geração de aspartato e argininosuccinato. Citrato proveniente das reações de [13C4]fumarato no ciclo de Krebs foi detectado em níveis inferiores aos endógenos. O uso de [13C4]fumarato permitiu a visualização da geração de [13C4]succinato, que tem como possível fonte a atividade reversa da succinato desidrogenase. Verificamos também a geração de [13C3]glutamato. Supõe-se que as alterações metabólicas induzidas pelo fumarato absorvido pelas células BEAS-2B contribuam para a modulação da expressão de genes e da atividade de proteínas que favorecem o processo tumorigênico
The metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells is identified as an essential feature for the development of the disease (a cancer hallmark). Studies show that mutations in the enzyme fumarate hydratase lead to increased intra- and extracellular fumarate concentration, which occurs in parallel with the induction of malignant transformation. In this work, in order to understand if excess extracellular fumarate can lead to the transformation of normal cells, some endpoints related to the effects of fumarate and malignant transformation were quantified, as well as metabolic alterations in the immortalized normal human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B exposed to fumarate. Since fumarate at concentrations from 0.1 to 10 mM over 144 h was not cytotoxic, the concentrations of 1 mM, 5 mM and 10 mM were selected for incubations. Fumarate induced colony formation in soft agar after the seven day (168 h) exposure period, which indicates the induction of cell transformation. Fumarate is an oncometabolite that inhibits α-ketoglutarate-dependent enzymes, among which are ten eleven translocation (TET) enzymes that catalyze the formation of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) from 5-methylcytosine (5-mC), the first step in the sequence of reactions leading to DNA demethylation. Total 5-hmC levels were decreased in the DNA of exposed cells. Colonies removed from the soft-agar (control, 1, 5 and 10 mM fumarate) were cultured and after 90 days in culture the cells were subjected to the Boyden chamber (transwell) invasion and migration assay, and a greater capacity for migration/invasion of cells previously exposed to fumarate was observed. Redox stress induction was observed in cells exposed to fumarate. From the quantification of intracellular metabolites by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS and HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF, we found that BEAS-2B cells absorbed the fumarate added to the culture medium, which was intracellularly converted to malate, aspartate, argininosuccinate, citrate, succinate and glutamate. The oncometabolite 2-L-hydroxyglutarate was detected at increased levels in cells exposed to fumarate, as well as adenosine, while NAD+ and NADP+ appeared decreased. Metabolic changes in the presence of fumarate contributed to the maintenance of the energy balance of the cells, or even to a positive energy balance. Exposure of cells to [13C4]fumarate allowed the analysis of the initial flow of the fumarate absorbed by the cells. From this analysis we found that the absorbed fumarate entered the Krebs cycle, generating malate, which was largely diverted to reactions outside the cycle, such as the generation of aspartate and argininosuccinate. Citrate from the reactions of [13C4]fumarate in the Krebs cycle was detected at levels lower than endogenous. The use of [13C4]fumarate allowed the detection of [13C4]succinate, which has as its possible source the reverse activity of succinate dehydrogenase. We also observed the generation of [13C3]glutamate. The metabolic changes induced by the absorbed fumarate are supposed to contribute to the modulation of gene expression and protein activity that favor the tumorigenic process