ABSTRACT A 12-year-old boy with Donnai-Barrow syndrome diagnosed intra-uterus presented esotropia, high myopia, nystagmus, and optic disk staphyloma in an ophthalmologic examination. The patient had associated Fanconi syndrome and sensorineural hearing loss as well as facial manifestations as hypertelorism, downward slanting of palpebral fissures and low ear implantation. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed agenesis of the corpus callosum. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case associated with esotropia, nystagmus, and optic disk staphyloma.
RESUMO Paciente do sexo masculino, 12 anos, com diagnóstico intrauterino de síndrome de Donnai-Barrow, apresentava ao exame oftalmológico esotropia, alta miopia, nistagmo e estafiloma de disco óptico. Associado ao quadro, apresentava síndrome de Falconi e perda auditiva neurossensorial, além de alterações faciais, como hipertelorismo, inclinação inferior das fissuras palpebrais e implantação baixa das orelhas. Ressonância magnética revelou agenesia de corpo caloso. Ao nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro caso relatado associando esotropia, nistagmo e estafiloma de disco óptico.
Humans , Male , Child , Abnormalities, Multiple , Optic Nerve Diseases/physiopathology , Esotropia/physiopathology , Nystagmus, Pathologic/physiopathology , Myopia/physiopathology , Renal Tubular Transport, Inborn Errors , Syndrome , Acidosis, Renal Tubular , Retinal Detachment , Cryptorchidism , Fanconi Syndrome/physiopathology , Agenesis of Corpus Callosum/physiopathology , Hernias, Diaphragmatic, Congenital , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural , Hypertelorism/physiopathologyABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar um novo tipo de gancho muscular (gancho milimetrado de Felício) e sua eficácia em cirurgias de estrabismo. Métodos: Buscando uma abordagem independente, com a mínima participação do auxiliar, o novo instrumento foi usado em cirurgias de retrocesso e ressecção, para comparar sua eficácia e segurança com a técnica tradicional. Participaram do estudo 14 pacientes divididos em dois grupos. Resultados: O grupo operado por meio da técnica tradicional teve média de idade foi de 14,7 anos, e o grupo que usou o novo gancho teve média de 17 anos. Ambos os grupos obtiveram redução semelhante do estrabismo inicial, sendo, em média, de 87,84% no grupo tradicional e de 93,04% com o novo gancho, porém sem relevância estatística (p=0,274). Conclusão: O gancho milimetrado de Felício mostrou-se opção útil ao cirurgião na realização da cirurgia de estrabismo com redução da importância do auxiliar, de forma segura e reprodutível.
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate a new type of muscle hook (Felício's millimeter hook) and its effectiveness in strabismus surgeries. Methods: Seeking an independent approach, with minimal assistance from the assistant, the new instrument was used in retrocession and resection surgeries, to compare its efficacy and safety with the traditional technique. Results: 14 patients participated in the study, divided into two groups. The group who underwent surgery with the traditional technique had a mean age of 14.7 years and the group using the new hook, 17 years. Both groups obtained a similar reduction in initial strabismus, with an average of 87.84% in the traditional group and 93.04% with the new hook, but without statistically significant difference (p=0.274). Conclusion: Felicio's millimeter hook proved to be a useful option for the surgeon in performing strabismus surgery with a reduction in the importance of the assistant, in a safe and reproducible way.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures/instrumentation , Strabismus/surgery , Oculomotor Muscles/surgery , Anthropometry , Esotropia/surgery , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar los resultados de la cirugía mínimamente invasiva en pacientes con estrabismos horizontales. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo de una serie de 19 pacientes (16 ojos derechos, 17 izquierdos) atendidos en el Servicio de Oftalmología Pediátrica del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer", en el periodo comprendido entre junio de 2018 y julio de 2019, a quienes se les realizó cirugía mínimamente invasiva de estrabismo y fueron seguidos por 6 meses. Se evaluaron las variables: tipo de desviación, agudeza visual, signos posoperatorios, ángulo de desviación pre- y posquirúrgico, éxito quirúrgico, fusión, estereopsis y complicaciones. Resultados: El 73,7 por ciento de los pacientes presentaba esotropías; la media de agudeza visual pre- y posoperatoria entre los dos ojos fue muy similar; el signo posoperatorio más frecuente fue la hiperemia conjuntival ligera (75 por ciento ojos derechos y 64,5 por ciento ojos izquierdos) a las 24 horas. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas (p < 0,001) en el ángulo de desviación horizontal en dioptrías prismáticas, pre- y poscirugía, con el 84,2 por ciento de éxito quirúrgico. El 78,6 y el 80 por ciento de los pacientes con esotropía y exotropías alcanzaron fusión, pero solo lograron estereopsis el 28,5 y el 60 por ciento de ellos respectivamente. La frecuencia de complicaciones ocurrió en el 15,8 por ciento de los pacientes. Conclusiones: Se alcanzaron buenos resultados motores, así como aceptables en los sensoriales en pacientes operados de estrabismos horizontales por cirugía mínimamente invasiva(AU)
Objective: Determine the results of minimally invasive surgery in patients with horizontal strabismus. Methods: A prospective longitudinal descriptive study was conducted of a series of 19 patients (16 right eyes, 17 left eyes) attending the Pediatric Ophthalmology Service at Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from June 2018 to July 2019. These patients underwent minimally invasive strabismus surgery and were followed up for six months. The variables considered were deviation type, visual acuity, postoperative signs, pre- and postoperative angle of deviation, surgical success, fusion, stereopsis and complications. Results: Of the patients studied, 73.7 percent presented esotropias; mean pre- and postoperative visual acuity was very similar in the two eyes; the most common postoperative sign was slight conjunctival hyperemia (75 percent right eyes and 64.5 percent left eyes) at 24 hours. Statistical differences (p < 0.001) were found in the horizontal angle of deviation in pre- and postoperative prism diopters, with 84.2 percent surgical success. 78.6 percent and 80 percent of the patients with esotropia and exotropia achieved fusion, but only 28.5 and 60 percent of them, respectively, achieved stereopsis. Complications occurred in 15.8 percent of the patients. Conclusions: Good motor results were obtained, as well as acceptable sensory results in patients undergoing minimally invasive horizontal strabismus surgery(AU)
Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Esotropia/etiology , Strabismus/etiology , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods , Depth Perception , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal StudiesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purposes: To evaluate the relationship of changes in hypermetropia and ocular alignment in patients with accommodative esotropia. Methods: The medical records of consecutive patients diagnosed with refractive accommodative esotropia (esotropia eliminated or decreased to within 10 D with full hyperopic correction) were retrospectively reviewed. Cycloplegic refractions culled from medical records were converted into spherical equivalents. Presence of amblyopia, changes in refractive error and ocular alignment at admission and after the follow-up period were evaluated. Results: Seventy patients (mean age: 6.01 ± 5.41 years; female: 60.6%; mean follow-up: 5.8 ± 3 years) had corrected esotropia of 40 ± 20 prismatic diopters at admission. The average decrease per year in near and distance deviations with glasses was 1.71 ± 3.96 prismatic diopters/year and 1.09 ± 3.25 prismatic diopters/year, respectively. The total myopic shift of the right and left eyes was 1.08 ± 1.35 D and 1.20 ± 1.40 D, respectively. Myopic shift/year was 0.22 D/year and 0.26 D/year, respectively. The correlation between the rate of myopic shift and rate of change in corrected near deviation was weak. The correlation for the rate of myopic shift was not high for the right and left eyes (r=0.18; p=0.15). Conclusion: The amount of deviation and hypermetropia gradually decreased in accommodative esotropia during follow-up. On the other hand, it may be incorrect to assure patients that the amount of deviation will decrease in parallel with the refractive error.(AU)
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre alterações na hipermetropia e o alinhamento ocular em pacientes com esotropia acomodativa. Métodos: Foram analisados retrospectivamente prontuários médicos de pacientes consecutivos diagnosticados com esotropia acomodativa refrativa (com esotropia eliminada ou reduzida a menos de 10 D com correção completa da hipermetropia). As medidas de refração em cicloplegia obtidas dos prontuários foram convertidas em equivalentes esféricos. Avaliaram-se ainda a presença de ambliopia, alterações do erro refrativo e o alinhamento ocular à admissão e depois do período de acompanhamento. Resultados: Setenta pacientes (média de idade=6,01 ± 5,41 anos, 60,6% do sexo feminino, acompanhamento médio de 5,8 ± 3 anos) apresentaram esotropia de 40 ± 20 dioptrias prismáticas (DP) para perto à admissão. A diminuição média anual no desvio para perto e para longe com o uso de óculos foi de 1,71 ± 3,96 DP/ano e 1,09 ± 3,25 DP/ano, respectivamente. Os desvios miópicos totais dos olhos direito e esquerdo foram de 1,08 ± 1,35 D e 1,20 ± 1,40 D, respectivamente. Os desvios miópicos anuais foram de 0,22 D/ano e 0,26 D/ano para os olhos direito e esquerdo, respectivamente. A correlação entre a taxa de desvio miópico e a taxa de alteração do desvio para perto corrigido foi fraca. A correlação da taxa de desvio miópico não foi alta para os olhos direito e esquerdo (r=0,18, p=0,15). Conclusão: A quantidade de desvio e a hipermetropia diminuem gradualmente na esotropia acomodativa durante o acompanhamento. Por outro lado, pode não ser apropriado garantir aos pacientes que o desvio diminuirá em paralelo ao erro refrativo.(AU)
Humans , Refraction, Ocular , Esotropia/physiopathology , Accommodation, Ocular , Hyperopia/etiology , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Objective@#To compare the postoperative alignment of patients surgically corrected for esotropia or exotropia 6 weeks and 6 months after surgery.@*Method@#This retrospective study reviewed clinical records of patients who underwent horizontal muscle surgery at the University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital from 2010 to 2014. The changes in alignment from 1 week to 6 weeks and from 1 week to 6 months after surgery were compared for overcorrection, undercorrection, and adequate correction groups. ANOVA and Pearson correlation were used.@*Results@#Twenty two esotropia and 10 exotropia patients were included. Overcorrected esotropia patients had an esotropic change in alignment (15.50+13.44 PD after 6 weeks, p=0.026; 25+18.38 PD after 6 months, p=0.008). Under corrected esotropia patients had an exotropic change in alignment (-1.25+5.91 PD after 6 weeks, p=0.026;-4.38+14.16 PD after 6 months, p=0.008). Undercorrected exotropia patients had an esotropic change in alignment (6.67+6.35 PD after 6 weeks, p=0.028; 6+9.85 PD after 6 months, p=0.024). The presence of vertical deviations in esotropia caused an exotropic change in alignment after 6 months (p=0.03).@*Conclusion@#Although an exotropic drift is more commonly reported, fusional vergences may account for postoperative alignment changes towards orthotropia.
Esotropia , ExotropiaABSTRACT
RESUMEN La deficiencia monocular de la elevación se define como la limitación de la elevación del ojo afectado desde cualquier posición de la mirada, con ducciones normales en todas las demás posiciones. La pseudoptosis se puede presentar en posición primaria de la mirada; sin embargo, el 25 por ciento de los casos puede mostrar una ptosis verdadera. Se presenta un paciente masculino de 11 años de edad con antecedentes de estrabismo hacia adentro desde que nació, quien llevó tratamiento con oclusiones y cristales desde el primer año de edad. Al examen oftalmológico presentaba una agudeza visual mejor corregida de 1,0/0,4; a 6 metros en el ojo derecho 30 ∆ b externa ~18 ∆ b superior y en el ojo izquierdo 30 ∆ b externa ~18 ∆ b inferior; a 33 centímetros en el ojo derecho 30 ∆ b externa ~25 ∆ b superior y en el ojo izquierdo 30 ∆ b externa ~25 ∆ b inferior y limitación de la elevación en todas las posiciones horizontales de la mirada en el ojo derecho. Se realizó la prueba de ducción forzada y se encontró una restricción del recto inferior derecho, por lo que se decidió retroinsertar este músculo y ambos rectos medios. Se indicó la corrección óptica y la rehabilitación con oclusiones que mejoró la visión a 1,0/0,7. La cirugía correctiva logró la ortotropía y la mejoría de la agudeza visual(AU)
ABSTRACT Monocular elevation deficiency is defined as a limitation in the elevation of the affected eye from any position of gaze with normal ductions in all other positions. Pseudoptosis may occur in the primary position of gaze, but 25 percent of the cases are true ptosis. A case is presented of a male 11-year-old patient with a history of inward strabismus since birth, treated with occlusions and lenses as of his first year of life. At ophthalmological examination, best corrected visual acuity was 1.0/0.4; at 6 meters in the right eye 30 ∆ b outer ~18 ∆ b upper, and in the left eye 30 ∆ b outer ~18 ∆ b lower; at 33 centimeters in the right eye 30 ∆ b outer ~25 ∆ b upper, and in the left eye 30 ∆ b outer ~25 ∆ b lower, and elevation limitation in all horizontal gaze positions of the right eye. The forced duction test revealed a restriction in the lower right rectus muscle. It was thus decided to insert back the right rectus muscle and both medial rectus muscles. Optical correction and rehabilitation with occlusions improved the patient's vision to 1.0/0.7. Corrective surgery achieved orthotropy and improved visual acuity(AU)
Humans , Male , Child , Blepharoptosis/therapy , Amblyopia/rehabilitation , Esotropia/surgery , Strabismus/etiologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the results of the surgical technique described by Crouch in the correction of lateral rectal paralysis (LR) esotropia. Methods: A study conducted of six patients with VI cranial nerve palsy, with more than three months, and associated contracture of the medial rectus muscle. The causes of paralysis varied in traumatic, congenital and neuropathic. The patients underwent surgical correction, performed with a technique consisting of the instillation of the superior rectus muscle (SR) and its suture above the insertion of the LR muscle, completed with Foster´s suture (suture joining, 8mm of the muscle insertion, the body of the SR and LR). The patients were followed for six months. Results: Five patients presented preoperative deviation between 30 and 50 prismatic diopter (PD), and one patient presented a deviation greater than 100 PD, and therefore, the patient required surgical reintervention due to residual deviation. The other five patients presented postoperative orthoppy, with better visual acuity and no vertical deviations. Conclusion: The surgery proposed by Crouch has been shown to be a good alternative to conventional techniques, such as Carlson-Jampolsky surgery, being a technically simpler procedure with good results.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar resultados da técnica cirúrgica descrita por Crouch na correção de esotropia por paralisia do reto lateral (RL). Métodos: Estudo realizado com seis pacientes diagnosticados com paralisia de IV par craniano, com mais de três meses, e com contratura associada do musculo reto medial. As causas da paralisia variaram em traumática, congênita e neuropática. Os pacientes foram submetidos à correção cirúrgica, realizada com técnica que consiste na desinserção do músculo reto superior (RS) e sua sutura acima da inserção do músculo RL, completada com ponto de Foster (sutura unindo, a 8mm da inserção muscular, o corpo do RS e RL). Os pacientes foram seguidos por seis meses. Resultados: Cinco pacientes apresentaram, no pré-operatório, desvio entre 30 e 50 dioptrias prismáticas (DP), e um paciente apresentava desvio maior que 100DP, sendo, portanto o paciente que necessitou de reintervenção cirúrgica, por desvio residual. Os outros cinco pacientes apresentaram ortotropia no pós-operatório, com melhor da acuidade visual e sem desvios verticais. Conclusão: A cirurgia proposta por Crouch demostrou-se uma boa alternativa às técnicas convencionais, como cirurgia de Carlson-Jampolsky, sendo um procedimento tecnicamente mais simples e com bons resultados.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Esotropia/surgery , Abducens Nerve Diseases/surgery , Oculomotor Muscles/surgery , Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Esotropia/diagnosis , Prospective Studies , Suture TechniquesABSTRACT
Resumo O presente trabalho relata o caso de um paciente, masculino, 38 anos, com estrabismo incomitante e consequente diplopia, submetido à cirurgia debilitadora com recuo e fortalecimento com ressecção do músculo reto inferior direito. O objetivo desta técnica cirúrgica é a correção do desvio em sua posição de maior incomitância, sem prejudicar o alinhamento ocular na posição primária do olhar (PPO). O resultado satisfatório, em concordância com os dados da literatura atual, contribui para fazer desta técnica uma opção no tratamento de estrabismos incomitantes de difícil manejo.
Abstract The present study reports a case of a patient, 38-year-old man, with incomitant strabismus and consequent diplopia, submitted to debilitating surgery with recession and strengthening resection of the right inferior rectus muscle. This surgical technique aims to correct the deviation in its greater incomitence position, without impairing the ocular alignment in the primary position of the eye (PPO). The satisfactory result, in agreement with data of current literature, contributes to make this technique an option in the treatment of challenging incomitant strabismus.
Humans , Male , Adult , Esotropia/surgery , Diplopia/diagnosis , Eye Movements , Oculomotor Muscles/surgeryABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: To describe factors affecting the prognosis after operation for recurrent intermittent exotropia (X[T]) in children. METHODS: Clinical records of 50 patients who underwent operation for recurrent X(T) by a single surgeon were reviewed. The age at diagnosis of X(T), and first and second operations, deviation angle at distance and near, surgical method, concurrent vertical strabismus, stereoacuity, and Worth's Four Dot (W4D) examination before reoperation were analyzed, along with the postoperative deviation angle. A successful surgical outcome was defined as orthophoria, esodeviation ≤ 5 prism diopters, or exodeviation ≤ 10 prism diopters at distance. RESULTS: Among the 50 recurrent exotropes who underwent surgery and were followed up for more than 1 year postoperatively, 13 showed recurrent exotropia and 1 showed consecutive esotropia. The mean age at reoperation was 8.49 ± 2.19 years, and the mean duration of postoperative follow-up was 27.78 ± 12.02 months. Good near fusion before reoperation was a significant factor in the success of surgery (P = 0.006). Smaller postoperative deviation angle measured immediately and 2 months after surgery were related to smaller final deviation angle (P = 0.027 and P = 0.022, respectively). CONCLUSION: Peripheral suppression lowers the success rate of operation for recurrent X(T) in children. Overcorrection rather than orthotropia should be the target of immediate postoperative deviation angle. Peripheral suppression status and immediate and 2-month postoperative deviation angle may be important clues for predicting the final result of operation for recurrent X(T).
Child , Humans , Diagnosis , Esotropia , Exotropia , Follow-Up Studies , Methods , Prognosis , Reoperation , StrabismusABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To evaluate the outcomes of modified medial rectus (MR) resection using a lowered amount of MR resection for recurrent exotropia after bilateral lateral rectus (LR) recessions. METHODS: Fifty-six patients, who underwent MR resection from 2003 to 2017 for recurrent exotropia after bilateral LR recessions, were included. MR resection was performed using modified MR resection with a smaller amount of resection than the standard of 4 mm resection at 20 prism diopters (PD) of exotropia. Postoperative surgical results at 1 month, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years were classified as a success (5 PD esotropia [ET]-10 PD exotropia [XT]), overcorrection (>5 PD ET), and undercorrection (>10 PD XT). The clinical factors affecting surgical results at postoperative 6 month and 2 years were also evaluated. RESULTS: The success rate was 78.2% at postoperative 1 month and 87.5% at postoperative 6 months. The overcorrection rate was 21.8% and the undercorrection rate was 0% at postoperative 1 month. At postoperative 6 months, the overcorrection rate decreased to 0% and the undercorrection rate was 12.5%. The success rate was 85.7% at postoperative 1 year and 66.6% at postoperative 2 years. There was no clinical factor affecting the surgical outcomes except the ocular alignment at postoperative 1 month. The deviation at postoperative 1 month was more esotropic in patients with success at postoperative 6 months and 2 years than that in patients with undercorrection (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The modified MR resection showed favorable results of 87.5% at postoperative 6 months and 85.7% at 1 year. The angle of deviation at postoperative 1 month was an indicator of subsequent surgical outcomes.
Humans , Esotropia , ExotropiaABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical effects of medial orbital decompression in patients with thyroid orbitopathy. METHODS: Forty-three orbits of 28 patients who underwent medial orbital decompression for cosmetic purposes between January 2014 to January 2017 were retrospectively reviewed. Changes in visual acuity, intraocular pressure, exophthalmos, strabismus, and diplopia were checked before, 3 months, and 1 year after surgery. RESULTS: The average exophthalmos reduction was −2.99 ± 0.96 mm at postoperative 3 months and −3.07 ± 1.24 mm after 1 year (both, p < 0.001). In patients who underwent unilateral orbital decompression, the mean difference in exophthalmometry between the two eyes was significantly reduced from 3.06 ± 0.78 mm to 0.38 ± 0.44 mm after 3 months, and to 0.50 ± 0.46 mm after 1 year (p = 0.011 and p = 0.012, respectively). After surgery, the final postoperative intraocular pressure decreased significantly at postoperative 3 months and 1 year (both, p < 0.001). The mean preoperative horizontal deviation was 0.88 ± 4.85 prism diopters (PD) and 5.50 ± 6.74 PD at postoperative 3 months, which demonstrated significant esodeviation postoperatively (p = 0.007). Three patients had new onset esotropia (8.33%), but no surgical treatment was needed. CONCLUSIONS: Medial orbital decompression is a less invasive and safe surgical procedure for patients with asymmetric or mild thyroid-associated orbitopathy, which can be beneficial for reducing proptosis.
Humans , Decompression , Diplopia , Esotropia , Exophthalmos , Intraocular Pressure , Orbit , Retrospective Studies , Strabismus , Thyroid Gland , Visual AcuityABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical features of children with high hyperopia weaning with age. METHODS: The medical records of 203 children wearing spectacles due to hyperopia of +4.00 diopters (D) or greater in at least one eye based on the cycloplegic refraction and with follow-up for 3 years or more were reviewed. The patients were divided into those who showed a decrease in the spherical equivalent (SE) of 1.50 D or greater and those who maintained. The age of wearing spectacles, the magnitude of hyperopia, the angle of deviation, the ratio of accommodative-convergence to accommodation (AC/A), and the frequency of amblyopia and anisometropia were compared. RESULTS: Forty seven patients with decreased hyperopia and 156 patients with sustained hyperopia were included. The decreased-group started to wear spectacles later than the sustained-group (5.0 ± 2.3 years vs. 4.1 ± 2.4 years). The mean SE of the hyperopic eye in the decreased-group was significantly greater at the initial visit than in the sustained-group (6.29 ± 2.18 D vs. 5.47 ± 1.38 D); was identical at the 1 year follow-up (4.83 ± 1.72 D vs. 4.89 ± 1.55 D); and significantly lower at the last follow-up (3.15 ± 1.72 D vs. 4.65 ± 1.56 D). In the decreased-group, the mean hyperopia of 3.14 ± 2.02 D decreased during a mean period of 3.9 years, especially during the first year after spectacle correction. At baseline, the frequency and angle of esotropia at both distant and near with/without hyperopic correction was significantly larger in the sustained-group. The frequency of amblyopia and anisometropia and the AC/A were identical between the two groups, while the frequency of amblyopia at the last follow-up was significantly lower in the decreased-group. CONCLUSIONS: Some patients with hyperopia of +4.00 D or greater who had none or a small angle of esotropia and improved amblyopia showed a decrease in hyperopia with age.
Child , Humans , Amblyopia , Anisometropia , Emmetropia , Esotropia , Eyeglasses , Follow-Up Studies , Hyperopia , Medical Records , WeaningABSTRACT
PURPOSE: We report a patient with delayed-onset abducens nerve palsy and Horner syndrome after endovascular treatment of traumatic carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF). CASE SUMMARY: A 68-year-female visited our ophthalmic department complaining of gradual-onset ptosis of the left eye and horizontal diplopia. She had undergone endovascular treatment to treat left-sided traumatic CCF after a car accident 10 years before; she had been told at that time that the treatment outcome was favorable. The left-sided ptosis gradually developed 6 years after the procedure, accompanied by diplopia. The left eye exhibited miosis and the extent of anisocoria increased in dim light. An extraocular examination revealed 30 prism diopters of left esotropia in the primary gaze and a −4 abduction limitation of the left eye. CCF recurrence was suspected; however, magnetic resonance imaging with magnetic resonance angiography of brain did not support this. The esotropia did not improve during the 6-month follow-up and strabismus surgery was performed. CONCLUSIONS: Delayed-onset abducens nerve palsy and Horner syndrome can develop even after successful endovascular treatment of CCF. Strabismus surgery should be considered in patients whose diplopia does not spontaneously improve.
Humans , Abducens Nerve Diseases , Abducens Nerve , Anisocoria , Brain , Carotid-Cavernous Sinus Fistula , Diplopia , Esotropia , Fistula , Follow-Up Studies , Horner Syndrome , Magnetic Resonance Angiography , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Miosis , Recurrence , Strabismus , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To investigate the recovery period of overcorrection and related factors after surgery in pediatric patients with basic intermittent exotropia (XT). METHODS: Retrospective chart reviews of the medical records of patients who underwent bilateral lateral rectus recession for basic XT were analyzed. Preoperative age, sex, angle of deviation (prism diopters [PD]), and suppression at distance were measured. Patients were observed every week when the angle of deviation was > 2 PD of overcorrection at postoperative day 1. Recovery of overcorrection was defined as improvement of overcorrection with orthotropia. Patients were divided into two groups according to age: younger (group 1) and older (group 2) than 10 years of age. Success was defined as an angle of deviation between 10 PD of exodeviation and 5 PD of esodeviation at the final visit. RESULTS: A total of 88 patients were included. At postoperative day 1, the angle of deviation at distance was −6.9 ± 2.2 PD, and the near angle of deviation was −6.9 ± 2.4 PD. Esodeviation presented as a minus value. The recovery period of overcorrection was 1.9 ± 3.9 weeks and the success rate was 80.7% (71 patients). The success rates of group 1 and group 2 were not statistically significant (p = 0.51). The recovery period of overcorrection in group 2 (2.7 ± 5.9 weeks) was significantly longer than in group 1 (1.8 ± 3.4 weeks) (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: In pediatric adolescents with basic XT, the surgical success rates did not differ significantly according to age, but recovery of overcorrection after strabismus surgery took longer in patients ≥ 10 years of age.
Adolescent , Humans , Esotropia , Exotropia , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies , StrabismusABSTRACT
PURPOSE: We report the outcomes of two- or three-muscle surgery on patients with large-angle exotropia exceeding 45 prism diopters (PDs). METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed data on 45 exotropia patients (> 45 PDs) who underwent two- or three-muscle surgery. We excluded patients with paralytic or restrictive strabismus, A- or V-pattern strabismus, a coexistent oblique dysfunction or nystagmus, and/or a history of prior extraocular muscle surgery. Only patients for whom at least 6 months of follow-up data were available were included. Successful surgery was defined as postoperative esotropia ≤ 5 PD, orthophoria, and exotropia ≤ 10 PD at the last visit. RESULTS: We included 45 patients, of whom 22 and 23 underwent two- and three-muscle surgery, respectively. The mean postoperative deviations were 9.5 and 2.7 PD in the two- and three-muscle groups, respectively; the overall success rates were 54.55% (12/22) and 91.30% (21/23). Subgroup analyses revealed that the surgical success rate of two-muscle operations was 66.67% (12/18) in 45–55 PD patients and 0% (0/4) in ≥ 55 PD patients; the success rates of three-muscle operations were 100% (7/7) and 87.50% (14/16). The success rate did not differ significantly between those with postoperative deviations of 45–55 PD (p = 0.137), but did between those who underwent two- and three-muscle operations to treat postoperative deviations of ≥ 55 PD (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Satisfactory results can be achieved via two-muscle surgery in patients with exotropia 55 PD, three-muscle surgery is superior to two-muscle surgery. Therefore, large-angle exotropia is optimally treated via three-muscle surgery.
Humans , Esotropia , Exotropia , Follow-Up Studies , Retrospective Studies , StrabismusABSTRACT
Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a rare multisystemic disorder that is characterized by mental retardation, prenatal and postnatal growth retardation, limb anomalies, and distinctive facial features, which include arched eyebrows that often meet in the middle (synophrys), long eyelashes, low-set ears, small and widely spaced teeth, and a small and upturned nose. Ophthalmic manifestations include long eyelashes, nasolacrimal duct obstruction, myopia, ptosis, and strabismus. There has been no report of surgical treatment for esotropia and unilateral ptosis in patients with CdLS in Korea. I report a patient with CdLS who underwent surgical treatment for esotropia and unilateral ptosis with a good surgical outcome.
Humans , De Lange Syndrome , Ear , Esotropia , Extremities , Eyebrows , Eyelashes , Intellectual Disability , Korea , Myopia , Nasolacrimal Duct , Nose , Strabismus , ToothABSTRACT
RESUMO Introdução: A dificuldade na obtenção de resultados previsíveis é um grande desafio atual da cirurgia corretiva de estrabismo. Os resultados não desejados podem ocorrer em cerca de 51% dos procedimentos e a dificuldade pode ser devida ao fato da cirurgia ser realizada sobre tecidos perioculares bastante moles e com difícil referência para a localização anatômicas das estruturas. Objetivo: Identificar e analisar as principais causas responsáveis por reoperações nos usuários submetidos à cirurgia corretiva de estrabismo, atendidos no Centro de Oftalmológico do HUUFMA, em São Luís-MA. Métodos: Estudo do tipo pesquisa documental retrospectiva dos registros institucionais, por meio da coleta de dados dos prontuários físicos e eletrônicos no sistema ambulatorial interno do HUUFMA. Resultados: A taxa de reoperação analisada foi de 7,31%. Foram operados 89 pacientes menores de 15 anos (72,35%), 23 na faixa de 15 a 30 anos (18,69%) e 11 pacientes maiores de 30 anos (8,94%). A média da idade dos 123 operados foi de 10,32 anos. O sexo feminino foi prevalente na população (58,53%). Conclusão: O desvio Esotrópico (ET) foi o tipo de desvio mais comum no grupo de reoperados. Os resultados inesperados e os maiores desvios foram nos pacientes com relatos de comorbidades e/ou síndromes associadas ao estrabismo, assim como o desvio horizontal congênito (Dhc) foi prevalente entre as queixas apresentadas. A anestesia geral foi mais relatada em pacientes de menor faixa etária. O tempo médio decorrido entre a primeira e a segunda cirurgia foi de 10,54 meses e houve relativa prevalência das subcorreções nas reoperações.
ABSTRACT Introduction: The difficulty in obtaining predictable results is a great challenge on the strabismus surgery field. Procedures can lead to an undesirable development in about 51% of patients, and this difficulty may be due to surgery being perfomed on soft periocular tissues in which anatomical structure can be tricky to locate. Objective: Identify and analyse the main causes of reoperation on strabismus surgery patients treated at Centro Oftamológico do HUUFMA, in São Luís-MA. Methods: A retrospective documental research based on institutional registries, through data collection from physical and eletronic patient records of HUUFMA's ambulatorial internal system. Results: The analysed reoperation rates were in about 7,31%. 89 patients under 15-year-old (72,35%), 23 patients aged between 15 to 30 (18,69%), and 11 patients over the age of 30 (8,94%) were submitted to surgery, with total number of 123 patients and mean age of 10,32 years. Female patients have prevailed in the population (58,53%). Conclusion: Esotropic deviation was the most common deviation in the reoperated group. The unexpected results and greatest deviations occurred on patients with reported comorbidities and/or syndromes associated with strabismus, such as dissociated horizontal deviation (DHD), which was prevalent among the presented complaints. General anesthesia was most reported in lower age patients. The average time elapsed between the first and the second procedure was 10,54 months, and a relative prevalence of the undercorrections occurred on reoperations procedures.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Reoperation/statistics & numerical data , Esotropia/surgery , Strabismus/surgery , Medical Records , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To conduct a 10-year follow-up on the surgical correction of large-angle esotropia using monocular surgery, verifying surgical stability over time in both adults and children, and investigating the presence of consecutive exotropia among reviewed patients. Methods: The angles of deviation in primary position were measured using prism cover testing in patients with good vision in both eyes and the Krimsky method in those with severe amblyopia. Among the 46 patients who underwent surgery, 40 were evaluated 10 years post-surgery. Student's t-test and McNemar's test were used for statistical analyses. Results: No significant differences in the angles of deviation in primary position were found between measurements taken 6 months and 10 years post-surgery (p=0.922), as well as between children and adults (p=0.767). Among the 40 reviewed patients, only five presented with exotropia, all of which were small (the largest being XT 15Δ). Therefore, large consecutive exotropia over time was not observed. Conclusion: Our results suggest that monocular surgery to correct large-angle esotropia using large medial rectus recessions and broad lateral rectus resections was viable and safe in both adults and children over short and long terms.
RESUMO Objetivo: Conduzir um acompanhamento de 10 anos de correção cirúrgica de esotropias de grande ângulo com cirurgia monocular, verificando a estabilidade cirúrgica ao longo do tempo em adultos e crianças, investigando a presença de exotropias consecutivas entre os pacientes revisados. Métodos: Os ângulos de desvio em posição primária foram medidos usando teste de cobertura prismática em pacientes com boa visão em ambos os olhos e o método de Krimsky naqueles com ambliopia severa. Entre os 46 pacientes operados, 40 foram avaliados 10 anos após a cirurgia. O teste t-Student e o de McNemar foram usados para análises estatísticas. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nos ângulos de desvio em posição primária entre as medidas realizadas 6 meses e 10 anos pós-operatórios (p=0,922, assim como entre crianças e adultos (p=0,767). Entre os 40 pacientes revisados, apenas cinco apresentaram exotropias, todas pequenas (sendo o maior XT 15Δ). Portanto grandes exotropias consecutivas ao longo do tempo não foram observadas. Conclusão: Nossos resultados sugerem que a cirurgia monocular para corrigir a esotropias de grande ângulo usando amplos recuos do reto medial e grandes ressecções do reto lateral foi viável e segura tanto em adultos quanto em crianças em curto como a longo prazo.
Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Esotropia/surgery , Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Time Factors , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Oculomotor Muscles/surgeryABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To evaluate the anterior segment biometric parameters of non-accommodative and accommodative refractive accommodative esotropia (RAE). METHODS: Eighty-one eyes of 81 patients were included in this prospective, case-control study. The patients were divided into three groups as follows: the RAE group (n = 31), the hypermetropia group (n = 25), and the emmetropia group (n = 25). Measurements were obtained in the non-accommodative (0.0 diopters) and accommodative status (-5.0 diopters) using a Pentacam HR. The anterior chamber depth (ACD), anterior chamber volume (ACV), pupil diameter (PD), and anterior chamber angle (ACA) were evaluated at all four quadrants. RESULTS: The ACD, ACV and PD values in the RAE group were lower than those of the other groups in both states (p < 0.05). The ACD values were lower in the hypermetropia group than in the emmetropia group for the non-accommodative status (p = 0.024) but were similar for the accommodative status (p = 0.225). PD and ACV values were lower in the hypermetropia group than in the emmetropia group in both states (non-accommodative status, p = 0.011 and p = 0.022; accommodative status, p = 0.026 and p = 0.034, respectively). Changes in ACD, ACV and PD during accommodation (Δ) were not significant in the RAE group but were significant for the other groups (hypermetropia: ΔACD, p = 0.001; ΔACV, p = 0.001; ΔPD, p = 0.002; emmetropia: ΔACD, p < 0.001; ΔACV, p = 0.001; ΔPD, p < 0.001). These changes were significantly lower in the hypermetropia group than in the emmetropia group (ΔACD, p = 0.012; ΔACV, p = 0.031; ΔPD, p = 0.034). CONCLUSIONS: The anterior chamber in RAE patients was shallower and the increase in convexity of the anterior surface or forward movement of the crystalline lens was more limited during accommodation in RAE.