Las lesiones cutáneas asociadas a la humedad (LESCAH) pueden ocasionar daños como quemaduras y heridas abiertas que complican la recuperación de los pacientes. Objetivo: desarrollar un protocolo de enfermería para la valoración y manejo integral de las LESCAH. Metodología: estudio cualitativo y descriptivo con revisión de la literatura para la creación de protocolo institucional tras encuesta de conocimientos del personal del Hospital Manuel Uribe Ángel. Resultado: 91,7% mujeres encuestadas, edad media de 35 años, 52,2% personal de hospitalización, mayor participación de auxiliares de enfermería (47,8%). Mejoría del reconocimiento de LESCAH en el 21,7% del personal. Conclusión: la vigilancia constante y la valoración rigurosa de enfermería es la mejor estrategia para la prevención de las lesiones cutáneas asociadas a la humedad en comparación con el manejo convencional.
Moisture-associated skin injuries (LESCAH) can cause damage such as burns and open wounds that complicate the recovery of patients. Objective: to develop a nursing protocol for the assessment and comprehensive management of LESCAH. Methodology: qualitative and descriptive with a review of the literature for the creation of an institutional protocol after a knowledge survey of the staff of the Manuel Uribe Ángel Hospital. Result: 91.7% women surveyed, mean age 35 years, 52.2% hospitalization staff, greater participation of nursing assistants (47.8%). Improvement in the recognition of LESCAH in 21.7% of the staff. Conclusion: constant vigilance and rigorous nursing testing is the best strategy for prevention of moisture-associated skin lesions compared to conventional management.
Humans , Male , Female , Facial Injuries/nursing , Pressure Ulcer , Dermatitis, Contact/nursing , Humidity , Nursing CareABSTRACT
Objetivo: Relatar um caso clínico de um paciente com fratura zigomático orbitária vítima de tiro de bala de borracha e mostrar a importância de um planejamento adequado. Relato de caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, 19 anos de idade, deu entrada no Hospital de Urgências de Teresina, relatando ter sofrido uma agressão por bala de borracha durante uma manifestação. Foi observado no exame clínico: aumento de volume, equimose palpebral superior e dificuldade de abertura bucal. Na imagem foi observado, projétil de borracha na região zigomática esquerda, fraturas de zigoma com comunicação na região de pilar zigomático, fratura com deslocamento na região de margem Infraorbital e fratura na sutura fronto-zigomática. Foi proposto para o caso clínico, cirurgia sob anestesia geral com acesso intrabucal para fixação do pilar zigomático com placa do sistema 2.0mm, acesso superciliar para fixação da sutura fronto-zigomática com placa 1.5mm, e reconstrução do assoalho orbitário com malha de titânio. Conclusão: No pós-operatório o paciente não apresenta relato de enoftalmia, distopia ou diplopia, ausência de dor e déficits visuais.
Objective: To report a clinical case of a patient with zygomatic-orbital fracture, victim of rubber bullet shooting and show the importance of an adequate planning. Case Report: A 19-year-old male patient was admitted to the Teresina Emergency Hospital, reporting having suffered an aggression by rubber bullet during a demonstration. On clinical examination was observed: increased volume, upper eyelid ecchymosis and difficulty opening the mouth. In the image it was observed, rubber bullet in the left zygomatic region, zygoma fractures with communicationin the region of the zygomatic pillar, fracture with displacement in the region of infraorbital margin and fracture in the fronto-zygomatic suture. It was proposed for the clinical case, surgery under general anesthesia with intraoral access for fixation of the zygomatic pillar with a 2.0 mm plate, superciliary access for fixation of the fronto-zygomatic suture with a 1.5 mm plate, and reconstruction of the orbital floor with titanium mesh. Conclusion: Postoperatively, the patient did not report enophthalmia, dystopia or diplopia, absence of pain and visual deficits.
Objetivo: Informar de un caso clínico de un paciente confractura zigomática-orbital víctima de un disparo de bala de goma y mostrar la importancia de una planificación adecuada. Reporte de caso: Paciente masculino, de 19 años, fue admitido enel Hospital de Urgencias de Teresina, informando haber sufrido una agresión por bala de goma durante una manifestación. Se observó en elexamen clínico: aumento de volumen, equimosis del párpado superior y dificultad para abrir la boca. En la imagen se observó, bala de goma en la región cigomática izquierda, fractura del cigoma con comunicación en la región del pilar cigomático, fractura con desplazamiento en la región del margen infraorbitario y fractura en la sutura fronto-cigomática. Se propuso para el caso clínico, cirugía bajo anestesia general conacceso intraoral para fijacióndel pilar cigomáticocon sistema de placas de 2,0 mm, acceso superciliar para fijación de la sutura fronto-cigomática de placas de 1,5 mm, y reconstrucción del suelo orbitario con malla de titanio. Conclusión: En el post operatorio, la paciente no presentó informes de enoftalmia, distopía o diplopía, ausencia de dolor y déficit visual.
Humans , Male , Adult , Young Adult , Wounds, Gunshot , Facial Injuries , Gun ViolenceABSTRACT
As lesões na face decorrentes de mordedura humana estão entre os tipos de trauma causados por violência interpessoal. Injúrias causadas nesta região podem gerar uma série de morbidades como perdas teciduais importantes, infecções, além de cicatrizes irreversíveis quando a ferida é passível de reparo, portanto, os cuidados pós-trauma devem visar à minimização de cura, além da funcionalidade, buscando o máximo de estética possível. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso clínico de mordida humana em região de dorso nasal, com avulsão da ponta nasal, atendida no Hospital da Restauração Governador Paulo Guerra, Recife-PE, pelo serviço de Cirurgia Buco-Maxilo-Facial. Procedeu-se com reparo primário e antibioticoterapia profilática, no qual o resultado do tratamento foi considerado satisfatório, boa cicatrização tecidual e sem queixas funcionais e estéticas... (AU)
Injuries to the face resulting from human bite are among the types of trauma caused by interpersonal violence. The injuries caused in this region, can generate a series of morbidities such as major tissue loss, infection, and irreversible scarring when the wound is repairable, therefore, posttrauma care should aim to minimize healing, in addition to functionality, seeking maximum aesthetics as possible. This paper aims to report a clinical case of human bite in the nasal dorsum region, with avulsion of the nasal tip, attended at the Hospital da Restauração Governador Paulo Guerra, Recife-PE, by the service of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. It was proceeded with primary repair and prophylactic antibiotic therapy, in which the result of the treatment was considered satisfactory, good tissue healing and without functional and aesthetic complaints... (AU)
Las lesiones faciales producidas por mordeduras humanas se encuentran entre los tipos de traumatismos causados por la violencia interpersonal. Las lesiones causadas en esta región pueden generar una serie de morbilidades como la pérdida de tejidos importantes, la infección y la cicatrización irreversible cuando la herida es reparable, por lo tanto, los cuidados posttrauma deben tener como objetivo minimizar la cicatrización, además de la funcionalidad, buscando la máxima estética posible. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo reportar un caso clínico de mordedura humana en la región del dorso nasal, con avulsión de la punta nasal, atendido en el Hospital da Restauração Governador Paulo Guerra, Recife-PE, por el servicio de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial. Se procedió a la reparación primaria y a la terapia antibiótica profiláctica, en la que el resultado del tratamiento se consideró satisfactorio, con buena cicatrización de los tejidos y sin quejas funcionales y estéticas... (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Violence , Wound Healing , Nose/injuries , Antibiotic Prophylaxis , Facial InjuriesABSTRACT
Introdução:Mulheres têm sido subjugadas pela violência em prol da identidade machista e domínio viril do homem. Objetivo: analisar os atendimentos de emergência em mulheres vítimas de violência na região de cabeça e pescoço. Metodologia:Análise de dados do inquérito de Vigilância e Acidentes em 25 capitais e no Distrito Federal no ano de 2011 por meio de amostra de 351 atendimentos de mulheres entre 15 e 49 anos em relação à ocorrência de violência na região de cabeça e pescoço. Resultados:A ocorrência da violência foi predominante em mulheres pretas (70,8%),jovens (68,3% 20-29 anos)e com pouca escolaridade (< 8 anos de estudo), sendo mais frequentes no domicílio (45,5%), cometida de forma intencional (86,9%) por um agressor do sexo masculino (77,4%), identificado como parceiro ou ex-parceiro íntimo (44,5%), sendo aface (87,0%) a região de cabeça/pescoço mais atingida. Conclusões:A violência contra a mulher perpassa a discussão das desigualdades de gênero, interseccionalidade e capital social. O importante não é o gênero em si, mas a junção do gênero, raça e classe socioeconômica. Isto requer políticas públicas intersetoriais e mobilização social em prol do capital social. Para tanto, o modelo de Redes de Atenção, com a consequente multiprofissionalidade, intersetorialidade e transdisciplinaridadeé fundamental. Isto pressupõe, inclusive, a maior inserção do cirurgião-dentista na identificação e acolhimento das vítimas para posteriores encaminhamentos (AU).
Introduction:Women have been subjugated by violence in favor of the male identity and virile dominance of men. Objective:to analyze emergency care for women victims of violence in the head and neck region. Methodology:Analysis of data from the Surveillance and Accident Survey in 25 state capitals and the Federal District in 2011 througha sample of 351 visits to women between 15 and 49 years old regarding the occurrence of violence in the head and neck region. Results:The occurrence of violence was predominant in black women (70.8%), young (68.3% 20-29 years) and with little schooling (< 8 years of study), being more frequent at home (45.5 %), committed intentionally (86.9%) by a male aggressor (77.4%), identified as a partner or former intimate partner (44.5%), with the face (87.0%) the most affected head/neck region. Conclusions:Violence against women permeates the discussion of gender inequalities, intersectionality and social capital. What is important is not gender per se, but the combination of gender, race and socioeconomic class. This requires intersectoral public policies and social mobilization in favor of social capital. Therefore, the model of Care Networks, with the consequent multiprofessionality, intersectoriality and transdisciplinarity is fundamental. This presupposes, including, greater involvement of the dental surgeon in the identification and reception of victims for subsequent referrals (AU).
Introducción:Las mujeres han sido subyugadas por la violencia a favor de la identidad masculina y el dominio viril de los hombres. Objetivo:analizar la atención de emergencia a mujeres víctimas de violencia en la región de cabeza y cuello. Metodología:Análisis de datos de la Encuesta de Vigilancia y Accidentalidad en 25 capitales de estado y Distrito Federal en 2011 a través de una muestra de 351 visitas a mujeres entre 15 y 49 años sobre la ocurrencia de violencia en la región de cabeza y cuello. Resultados: Predominó la ocurrencia de violencia en mujeres negras (70,8 %), jóvenes (68,3 % 20-29 años) y con poca educación(< 8 años de estudio), siendo más frecuente en el hogar (45,5 %), cometida intencionalmente (86,9%) por un agresor masculino (77,4%), identificado como pareja o ex pareja íntima (44,5%), siendo el rostro (87,0%) la región de cabeza/cuello más afectada. Conclusiones:La violencia contra las mujeres permea la discusión sobre las desigualdades de género, la interseccionalidad y el capital social. Lo importante no es el género per se, sino la combinación de género, raza y clase socioeconómica. Esto requiere políticas públicas intersectoriales y movilización social a favor del capital social. Por ello, es fundamental el modelo de Redes de Atención, con la consiguiente multiprofesionalidad, intersectorialidad y transdisciplinariedad. Esto presupone incluso una mayor inserción del cirujano dentista en la identificación y recepción de las víctimas para su posterior derivación (AU).
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Dentists , Emergency Medical Services/statistics & numerical data , Violence Against Women , Facial Injuries , Brazil/epidemiology , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
Introdução:A violência doméstica, um fenômenoconstante na vida de muitas mulheres, possui dimensões globais. Esse infortúnio que assombra o sistema de saúde se intensificou ainda mais com as medidas de restrição social e o confinamento das vítimas com seus agressores por um longo período, no cenário de pandemia da Covid-19. Objetivo:Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar a conduta dos cirurgiões-dentistas frente à violência contra a mulher, por meio de uma revisão integrativa.Metodologia:A busca dos estudos foi realizada nas plataformas de bancos de dados da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde e da National Library of Medicine. Foram selecionados os textos completos, disponíveis em português, referentes aos últimos cinco anos (2017-2022) e utilizando os descritores "Violência contra as mulheres", "Saúde bucal", "Autoimagem" e "Traumatismos da Face", combinados com o operador booleano "and". Resultados:Foram recuperados 51 estudos, dos quais utilizaram-se 13, pois esses satisfizeram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, demonstrando que o tema de maior destaque foi a violência contra a mulher associada com a autoestima, autoimagem e predominantemente estudos transversais. Observou-se que o impacto emocional ultrapassa os danos físicos provenientes da violência contra a mulher. A face, principalmente a boca, é a área mais afetada pela violência doméstica. O uso do álcool e de drogas pelos agressores aumentam as chances de violência contra a mulher. Ainda, os dados encontrados não contemplaram completamente a indagação sobre o papel do cirurgião-dentista diante do acolhimento das vítimas da violência doméstica. Conclusões:Os cirurgiões-dentistas como profissionais de saúde, inseridos diariamente no manejo das lesões de cabeça e pescoço, fazem parte do acolhimento das vítimas de violência doméstica e devem estarcapacitadosno cuidado integral à saúdepara lidar com as demandas necessárias (AU).
Introduction:Domestic violence, a constant phenomenonin the lives of many women, has global dimensions. Social distancing measures and house confinement of victims with their aggressors for long periods in the scenario of the Covid-19 pandemic has further escalated this misfortune with which the health systemhas to deal. Objective:This study sought to identify the attitudes of dental surgeons towards violence against women through an integrative review.Methodology:A search of studies was conducted in the Virtual Health Library and National Library of Medicine databases. The descriptors "Violence against women", "Oral health", "Self-image" and "Facial trauma" were used, combined with the Boolean operator "AND". Full texts available in Portuguese published in the last five years (2017-2022) were selected.Results:Fifty-one studies were retrieved and 13 were selected after application of inclusion and exclusion criteria. They were predominantly cross-sectional studies and showed that the most prominent theme was violence against women associated with self-esteem andself-image. It was observed that the emotional impact goes beyond the physical damage resulting from violence against women. The face, especially the mouth, is the area most affected by domestic violence. The use of alcohol and drugs by aggressors increases the chances of violence against women. The data found did not fully cover the question about the role of dental surgeons in the support for victims of domestic violence. Conclusions:As health professionals involved with daily management of cases of head and neck injuries, dental surgeons have a role in the care and support for victims of domestic violence and must be trained in comprehensive health care to deal with the necessary demands (AU).
Introducción: La violencia doméstica, un fenómeno constante en la vida de muchas mujeres, tiene dimensiones globales. Esta desgracia que acecha al sistema de salud se ha recrudecido aún más con las medidas de restricción social y el confinamiento de las víctimas con sus agresores durante un largo periodo en el escenario de la pandemia del Covid-19. Objetivo: Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar el comportamiento de los odontólogos frente a la violencia contra la mujer. Metodología: La búsqueda de estudios se realizó en las plataformas de bases de datos de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina. Fueron seleccionados textos completos, disponibles en portugués, referidos a los últimos cinco años (2017-2022) y utilizando los descriptores "Violencia contra la mujer", "Salud bucal", "Autoimagen" y "Trauma facial", combinado con el operador booleano "AND". Resultados: Fueron recuperados 51 estudios, de los cuales 13 fueron utilizados, ya que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, demostrando que el tema más destacado fue la violencia contra la mujer asociada a la autoestima, la autoimagen y estudios predominantemente transversales. Se observó que el impacto emocional va más allá del daño físico derivado de la violencia contra las mujeres. La cara, especialmente la boca, es la zona más afectada por la violencia doméstica. El uso de alcohol y drogas por parte de los agresores aumenta las posibilidades de violencia contra las mujeres. Aun así, los datos encontrados no contemplaron en su totalidad la pregunta sobre el papel del odontólogo en la acogida de víctimas de violencia doméstica.Conclusiones: Los cirujanos dentistas como profesionales de la salud, insertos cotidianamente en el manejo de traumatismos de cabeza y cuello, forman parte del cuidado de víctimas de violencia doméstica y deben estar capacitados en atención integral de salud para hacer frente a las demandas necesarias (AU).
Dentists , Violence Against Women , Facial Injuries , COVID-19 , Oral Health , Cross-Sectional Studies/methodsABSTRACT
Introdução: A Incidência da violência urbana afeta o mundo como um todo e as lesões decorrentes de projeteis de arma de fogo (PAF), são consideradas dentro do segmento da violência, aumentando a ocorrência de morte e ferimentos graves. Objetivos: O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal apresentar de forma coerente/coesa a região mandibular como um dos locais de grande incidência ao trauma facial por arma de fogo com base na literatura, descrevendo sua classificação, diagnóstico e tratamento. Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, através de uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa de artigos selecionados nas bases de dados PubMed, SciELO, Google Acadêmico e livros, utilizando os descritores: "Armas de fogo", "Mandíbula" e "Traumatismos faciais", selecionando estudos dos últimos dez anos publicados em português e inglês. Resultados: Os estudos apontam um aumento significativo na ocorrência do trauma facial nos últimos tempos, principalmente associado ao osso mandibular. Há uma infinidade de causas para as injúrias mandibulares, que podem resultar em lesões complicadas pela perda significativa de sangue, proveniente da presença de lesões em artérias, veias e nervos, ainda somado a perda de estruturas ósseas e cavitações. As fraturas decorrentes por armas de fogo seguem o mesmo princípio da classificação geral das fraturas mandibulares. O atendimento a esses pacientes deve ser sistematizado e multidisciplinar, a fim de propiciar sequência correta de tratamento e de não haver negligência a possíveis fraturas nos traumas. De modo geral, as duas principais propostas para o tratamento de fraturas mandibulares são por meio da redução fechada e o tratamento cirúrgico. Conclusões: A escolha da conduta ideal é baseada na experiência do profissional, decorrendo de acordo com o tipo da fratura ocorrida, à qual será diagnosticada a partir de um exame clínico bem detalhado, associado ao exame de imagem.
Introduction: The incidence of urban violence affects the world as a whole and injuries resulting from firearm projectiles (FAP) are considered within the segment of violence, increasing the occurrence of death and serious injuries. Objectives: The main objective of the present study was to present the mandibular region in a coherent/cohesive way as one of the places with a high incidence of facial trauma by firearms, based on the literature, describing its classification, diagnosis and treatment. Methods: A qualitative and descriptive research was carried out, through a narrative bibliographic review of articles selected from PubMed, SciELO, Google Scholar and books databases, using the descriptors: "Firearms", "Jaw" and "Facial injuries", selecting studies from the last ten years published in Portuguese and English. Results: Studies point to a significant increase in the occurrence of facial trauma in recent times, mainly associated with the mandibular bone. There are a myriad of causes for mandibular injuries, which can result in lesions complicated by significant blood loss, resulting from the presence of lesions in arteries, veins and nerves, in addition to the loss of bone structures and cavitations. Fractures resulting from firearms follow the same principle as the general classification of mandibular fractures. The care for these patients must be systematized and multidisciplinary, in order to provide the correct sequence of treatment and to avoid neglecting possible fractures in trauma. In general, the two main proposals for the treatment of mandibular fractures are through closed reduction and surgical treatment. Conclusion: The choice of the ideal conduct is based on the professional's experience depend on the type of fracture that has occurred, which will be diagnosed from a very detailed clinical examination, associated with the imaging exam.
Firearms , Facial Injuries , MandibleABSTRACT
The socioeconomic context and population vulnerability are directly associated with violence in the country. In Brazil, the Criminal Code provides the illicit act and punishes the aggressor who offends the physical aggression from a person. Interpersonal violence is an illegal act and is associated with the vulnerability of victims. Therefore, the study of the epidemiological profile of victims of interpersonal violence is needed to alert the population about their susceptibility. The present study aimed to design the epidemiological profile of victims of bodily injury from interpersonal violence in the region of Maringá, in the state of Paraná, and to study the characterization of dental injuries in terms of permanent weakness and deformity. Four thousand nine hundred sixty-two reports performed between 2018 and 2020 were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Data collected included: sex, age, marital status, the region affected by the bodily injury, type of dental trauma, and responses to "weakness" or/and "permanent deformity". During the period studied, there was a prevalence of female victims (57.8%), white skin color (80.2%), aged between 21 and 30 years (24.9%), single (54.9%), and the most affected region was the upper limbs (32.1%). Regarding bodily injuries with dental involvement, 67 cases were reported, male victims were prevalent (60.3%), and dental fracture was highlighted with 54.4% of examined injuries.The implementation of the Forensic Dentistry Centre took place in August 2019 at the Medico-Legal Institute of Maringá. Also, with the interruption of expert activities in 2020 - due to the COVID-19 pandemic relevant outcomes regarding permanent weakness were observed. The epidemiological profile of victims is characterized by the female sex, white skin color, the age group from 21 to 30 years old, and singles. Regarding dental trauma, male victims, and dental fractures were prevalent. Furthermore, there was an increase in the classification of "permanent weakness", as well as a slight increase in cases of "further assessment required" for permanent deformity (AU).
O contexto socioeconômico e a vulnerabilidade da população estão diretamente associados à violência no país. No Brasil, o Código Penal (CP) prevê o ato ilícito e pune o agressor que atentar contra a integridade física de outrem. A violência interpessoal constitui um ato ilícito e está associada à vulnerabilidade das vítimas. Sendo assim, o estudo do perfil epidemiológico de vítimas de violência interpessoal se faz necessário para alertar a população quanto à suscetibilidade dessas. O presente estudo objetivou traçar o perfil epidemiológico de vítimas de lesão corporal por violência interpessoal na região de Maringá, no estado do Paraná, e estudar a caracterização das lesões dentais quanto à debilidade e deformidade permanente. Foram analisados 4.962 laudos pertencentes aos anos de 2018 a 2020 por estatística descritiva. Dados coletados incluíram: sexo, idade, estado civil, região afetada pela lesão corporal, tipo de trauma dental e respostas para "debilidade" ou/e "deformidade permanente". Durante o período estudado, houve prevalência de vítimas do sexo feminino (57,8%), cor de pele branca (80,2%), com idade entre 21 e 30 anos (24,9%), solteiros (54,9%), e a região mais afetada foi a dos membros superiores (32,1%). Em relação às lesões corporais com envolvimento dental, 67 casos foram relatados. Vítimas do sexo masculino foram prevalentes (60,3%) e a fratura do elemento obteve destaque com 54,4% das lesões periciadas. A implementação do Núcleo de Odontologia Legal ocorreu em agosto de 2019 e, ainda com a interrupção das atividades periciais no ano de 2020 devido à pandemia da COVID-19 resultados quanto à debilidade permanente foram evidentes. O perfil epidemiológico das vítimas é caracterizado pelo sexo feminino, cor de pele branca, faixa etária de 21 a 30 anos e solteiros. Quanto aos traumas dentais, vítimas do sexo masculino e fraturas dentais foram prevalentes. Além disso, houve um aumento na classificação de "debilidade permanente", bem como um leve aumento nos casos de "necessidade de avaliação complementar" para deformidade permanente (AU).
Humans , Violence/prevention & control , Tooth Injuries/epidemiology , Facial Injuries/epidemiology , Forensic Dentistry , Social VulnerabilityABSTRACT
La fractura orbitaria por estallido o fractura en "blow out" es una de las fracturas más comunes a nivel facial por lo que su importancia reside en saber identificarlas por el enmascaramiento clínico que podría o no, estar presente. Es de vital importancia complementar la valoración clínica con estudios de imagenología que confirmen las sospechas clínicas. De no hacerlo si el paciente no consulta a un servicio médico quirúrgico la pérdida de la capacidad funcional o la debilitación persistente en la salud ocasionada por la fractura no podrá ser validada en un Dictamen Médico Legal de Secuelas.
The orbital blow out fracture is one of the most common fractures at facial level, so its importance lies in knowing how to identify them due to the clinical masking that may or may not be present. It is of vital importance to complement the clinical evaluation with imaging studies to confirm the clinical suspicions. Otherwise, if the patient does not consult a surgical medical service, the loss of functional capacity or the persistent debilitation in health caused by the fracture cannot be validated in a Forensic Medical Report of Sequelae.
Humans , Male , Adult , Orbital Fractures/diagnosis , Diplopia , Facial Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Costa Rica , Forensic MedicineABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To present the profile of hospitalizations due to transport accidents in individuals aged 0-19 years in a reference hospital for urgent and emergency traumatology care. Material and Methods: This retrospective study is grounded on analyzing medical records of children and adolescents hospitalized due to transport accidents in 2016 and 2017. The bivariate analyses included Chi-square and Fischer's exact tests and binary logistic regression, with a 5% significance level. Results: Four hundred and seventy-five (43.7%) of the 1,088 medical records investigated corresponded to transport accidents, and accidents involving motorcycles were the most frequent (68.3%), affecting adolescents (81.3%), while children were more involved in accidents as pedestrians (57.1%). Advancing age increases the likelihood of the outcome, with a significant association in the multivariate analysis (p<0.001). The mandible was most frequently affected in maxillofacial fractures. Conclusion: Transport accidents predominantly affect male adolescents, involving motorcycles, and the lower limbs are the most affected. The mandible was the most affected bone in maxillofacial fractures.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Accidents, Traffic , Child , Adolescent , Facial Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Traffic Victims , Hospitalization , Chi-Square Distribution , Logistic Models , Medical Records , Multivariate Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Hospitals, Packaged , Maxillary FracturesABSTRACT
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of physical violence and head and neck injuries among children and adolescents who suffered physical aggression, firearm aggression, and white gun aggression referred to the Legal Medical Department in a southern city in Brazil. Methods: This study was performed at Legal Medical Department in the city of Pelotas, RS, Brazil, from January 2011 to December of 2015. Data were collected from medical reports of children and adolescents (0-19 years old). Demographic information such as sex, age, and skin color was collected. Data were submitted to Chi-square test and multivariate Poisson regression analysis. Results: In this study, 2,716 physical examination reports were analyzed, with a total of 2,171 exams resulting from violence; lesions that had physical aggression as their etiology (1,951) had a higher prevalence. The analysis of the exams revealed that the majority were adolescents (90,05%), white (84.09%), and female (50.21%). The head and neck regions were affected in most cases of violence (57.90%). In the adjusted model, the occurrence of injuries in the head and neck region was higher in males (PR 1.16, CI 95% 1.08 - 1.25), among adolescents (PR 1.28, CI 95% 1.10 - 1.48) and in victims of physical aggression compared to victims of the firearm (2.81, CI 95% 1.79 - 4.40). Conclusion: The results revealed a high prevalence of head and face injuries in victims of violence and that there was a greater prevalence of physical violence among adolescents compared to children and males
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Wounds, Stab/epidemiology , Child Abuse , Medical Records , Neck Injuries/epidemiology , Facial Injuries/epidemiology , Gun Violence , Craniocerebral Trauma/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Se conocen varios colgajos locales basados en la arteria facial al momento de reconstruir unidades estéticas faciales. Levantar estos colgajos basados en las ramas perforantes de la arteria facial, los hace más finos, móviles, fiables, y adaptables, y la posibilidad de realizarlos en un solo tiempo quirúrgico. El propósito de este estudio es demostrar nuestra experiencia con el colgajo perforante de la arteria facial en reconstrucciones faciales de defectos hasta tamaño de 5x4cm, utilizando su pedículo superior o su pedículo inferior. Método. Realizamos un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo con 15 pacientes de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre 40 a 60 años, a quienes se realizó el colgajo perforante facial en un solo tiempo quirúrgico. Los defectos faciales tratados fueron de tamaño pequeño a mediano, localizados en subunidades de la mejilla, nariz, pliegue nasolabial, labios superior e inferior. Resultados. De los 15 pacientes de nuestro estudio, 13 evolucionaron sin complicaciones (84.6%); 1 paciente concurrió con leve dehiscencia de herida (7.7%) y 1 paciente al que se le realizó un colgajo de 5x4cm concurrió con una mínima necrosis en la parte distal del colgajo (7.7%). Estas complicaciones fueron leves y con resolución ambulatoria, sin requerir otro tiempo quirúrgico. Conclusiones: Gracias a su libertad de movimiento, este colgajo nos permite reconstruir varias unidades estéticas, y por su delgado espesor, mínimas complicaciones y una cicatriz de la zona dadora que se camufla en el surco nasogeniano, los resultados tanto funcionales como estéticos son superiores comparados con los tradicionales colgajos locales miocutáneos nasolabiales.
Several local flaps based on the facial artery are well known when reconstructing facial aesthetic units. Making these flaps based on the perforating branches of the facial artery makes them thinner, more mobile, reliable, and adaptable, and the possibility of performing them in a single surgical time. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate our experience with the perforating vessel of the facial artery flap, in facial reconstructions of defects up to a size of 5x4 cm, using its upper or lower pedicle. Method. We carried out a retrospective longitudinal study with 15 patients of both sexes, aged between 40 and 60 years, who underwent the facial artery perforator flap in a single surgical time. The facial defects treated were small to medium in size, located in subunits of the cheek, nose, nasolabial fold, upper and lower lips. Results. The complications that we obtained when doing this flap were hematoma, partial dehiscence of the suture and slight venous congestion. All of these were mild and with outpatient resolution, without requiring another surgical time. Conclusions. Due to its freedom of movement, this flap allows us to reconstruct several aesthetic units, and due to its thin thickness and with minimal complications, both functional and aesthetic results are superior compared to traditional nasolabial myocutaneous flaps.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Facial Injuries/surgery , Nasolabial Fold , Perforator Flap/transplantationABSTRACT
RESUMEN Antecedentes: el trauma maxilofacial corresponde a toda lesión traumática del macizo facial. Actualmente representa uno de los problemas de salud más importantes en el mundo. Nuestro objetivo es realizar un análisis de nuestra experiencia en las intervenciones realizadas en pacientes internados y sus complicaciones. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y observacional de 205 pacientes con fracturas maxilofaciales desde el año 2011 hasta el año 2019. Resultados: el 81,46% fueron hombres (n: 167) y el rango etario más afectado osciló entre los 21 y 30 años con el 38,54% (n:79). El accidente de tránsito 56,1% (n:115) fue el mecanismo de trauma más frecuente. Los tipos de fracturas faciales fueron: panfaciales 12,2% (n: 25), tercio superior 1,46% (n:3), tercio medio 72,2% (n:148) y tercio inferior 14,15% (n:29). Dentro del tercio superior, el 66,67% (n:2) fueron fracturas del seno frontal asociadas al hueso frontal, en el tercio medio las combinadas en un 54,73% (n:81) y en el tercio inferior, las complejas en el 34,48% (n:10). Fueron intervenidos 199 pacientes (97,07%). Solo el 11,56% (n:23) presentó alguna complicación. No se observaron complicaciones graves. Discusión: según nuestra serie, la mayoría de los pacientes fueron hombres jóvenes; la causa más frecuente, el accidente de tránsito, y el tercio medio, el más afectado, resultados estos similares a los de otros estudios publicados. El tratamiento quirúrgico fue principalmente reducción abierta y fijación con material de osteosíntesis de titanio, un procedimiento seguro y fiable, que permite restablecer la funcionalidad previa al traumatismo, con un índice muy bajo de complicaciones posoperatorias.
ABSTRACT Background: Maxillofacial trauma corresponds to all traumatic injuries affecting the facial bones. Nowadays, it represents one of the main healthcare issues worldwide. The aim of this study is to analyze our experience in the interventions performed in hospitalized and their complications. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective and observational study of 205 patients with maxillofacial fractures from 2011 to 2019. Results: 81.46% were men (n = 167) and 38.54% (n = 79) of the patients were between 21 and 30 years of age. Traffic collision was the most common mechanism of trauma (56,1%, n = 115). The types of facial fractures were panfacial (12.2%; n = 25), of the upper-third (1.43%; n = 3), of the middle-third (72.2%; n = 148) and of the lower third (14.15%; n = 29). In the upper third of the face frontal sinus fractures associated with the frontal bone were the most common (66.67%; n =2); in the middle-third combined fractures were most prevalent (54.73%; n = 81) while complex fractures were most frequent in the lower third (34,48%; n = 10). One-hundred and ninety-one patients were operated on (97.07%). Complications occurred in only 11.56% (n = 23) and were not serious. Discusion: In our series, most patients were young men, traffic collisions were the most common cause of trauma, and the middle third of the face was the most affected region. These results are similar to our publications. Surgical management, mostly by open reduction and fixation with titanium-based osteosynthesis material, is an effective, safe and reliable procedure, which allows the restoration of pre-trauma function, with very low rate of postoperative complications.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Postoperative Complications , Facial Bones/injuries , Maxillofacial Injuries/surgery , Wounds, Gunshot , Accidents, Traffic , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Maxillofacial Prosthesis Implantation/adverse effects , Facial Injuries , Fistula , Maxillofacial Injuries/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Introducción: La región maxilofacial es vulnerable al trauma. Se utilizan herramientas para evaluar la gravedad del trauma maxilofacial. Objetivo: Caracterizar el comportamiento y gravedad del trauma maxilofacial en los pacientes atendidos en el servicio de urgencias de cirugía maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García". Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal en pacientes que acudieron al servicio de urgencias de cirugía maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García", desde septiembre de 2018 hasta marzo de 2021. El universo fue de 57 pacientes. Se aplicó la escala de severidad de lesiones faciales. Variables analizadas: edad, sexo, etiología, diagnósticos, exámenes complementarios, gravedad del trauma maxilofacial, procederes terapéuticos inmediatos. Resultados: Prevaleció la fractura mandibular como diagnóstico (66,7 por ciento). La etiología más frecuente fue la violencia interpersonal (29,8 por ciento). Predominó la gravedad leve del trauma maxilofacial (71,9 por ciento). La extracción de cuerpos extraños de la vía aérea, tracción lingual, inserción de cánula orofaríngea, intubación orotraqueal (5,3 por ciento), y sutura (64,9 por ciento), fueron los procederes terapéuticos inmediatos más utilizados. Conclusiones: Prevalecen los pacientes del sexo masculino y del grupo de edad de 19 a 30 años. Predomina la fractura mandibular como diagnóstico. Los exámenes complementarios más utilizados son, la tomografía computarizada, el hemograma completo y el coagulograma. Impera la violencia interpersonal como etiología. Prevalece la gravedad leve del trauma maxilofacial. Los procederes terapéuticos inmediatos más empleados son, extracción de cuerpos extraños de la vía aérea, tracción lingual, inserción de cánula orofaríngea, intubación orotraqueal y sutura(AU)
Introduction: The maxillofacial region is vulnerable to trauma. Tools are used to assess the severity of maxillofacial trauma. Objective: To characterize maxillofacial trauma and its severity in patients cared for at the maxillofacial surgery emergency department of General Calixto García University Hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study was carried out in patients attending the maxillofacial surgery emergency department at General Calixto García University Hospital, from September 2018 to March 2021. The study universe was 57 patients. The facial injury severity scale was applied. The analyzed variables were age, sex, etiology, diagnoses, complementary examinations, severity of maxillofacial trauma, immediate therapeutic procedures. Results: Mandibular fracture prevailed as a diagnosis (66.7 percent). The most frequent etiology was interpersonal violence (29.8 percent). Mild severity of maxillofacial trauma predominated (71.9 percent). Extraction of foreign bodies from the airway, tongue traction, insertion of oropharyngeal cannula, orotracheal intubation (5.3 percent) and suturing (64.9 percent) were the most frequently used immediate therapeutic procedures. Conclusions: There is a prevalence of male patients and the age group 19 to 30 years. Mandibular fracture predominates as a diagnosis. The most frequently used complementary tests are computed tomography, complete blood count and coagulogram. Interpersonal violence prevails as an etiology. Mild severity of maxillofacial trauma prevails. The most commonly used immediate therapeutic procedures are extraction of foreign bodies from the airway, tongue traction, insertion of oropharyngeal cannula, orotracheal intubation and suturing(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Facial Injuries/epidemiology , Mandibular Fractures/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational StudyABSTRACT
Traumas na região da face são comuns devido a sua topografia e à grande exposição do local. As lesões na região maxilofacial são normalmente causadas devido a traumas por acidentes de trânsito, agressão física, acidentes cotidianos como queda da própria altura e de nível. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso clínico de trauma facial com a presença de corpo estranho impactado na face, bem como o tratamento cirúrgico empregado. Paciente do sexo feminino, 17 anos, foi regulada para o Hospital Geral Cleristón Andrade com histórico de queda de cavalo, cursando com fragmento de madeira (galho de arbusto) tranfixado em região maxilofacial. A paciente foi encaminhada ao centro cirúrgico para a remoção do galho de arbusto transfixado. O procedimento foi rápido, e sua remoção se deu por meio do movimento contrário ao mecanismo de trauma. Lesão como esta possui aspectos singulares e devem ser avaliados multidisciplinarmente na emergência. A remoção desses objetos deve ser realizada de forma a preservar as estruturas dentro do possível, levando em consideração também os fatores estéticos e funcionais envolvidos(AU)
Traumas in the face region are common due to its topography and the great exposure of the place. Injuries in the maxillofacial region are usually caused due to trauma from traffic accidents, physical aggression, everyday accidents such as falling from height and level. The aim of this paper is to report a clinical case of facial trauma with the presence of a foreign body impacted on the face, as well as the surgical treatment used. A 17-year-old female patient was treated at the Cleristón Andrade General Hospital with a history of falling from a horse, taking a wood fragment (shrub branch) transfixed in the maxillofacial region. The patient was referred to the operating room for removal of the transfixed bush branch. The procedure was quick, and its removal took place through a movement contrary to the trauma mechanism. Injuries like this have unique aspects and must be evaluated multidisciplinary in an emergency. The removal of these objects must be carried out in order to preserve the structures as much as possible, also taking into account the aesthetic and functional factors involved(AU)
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Maxillofacial Injuries/surgery , Maxillofacial Injuries/therapy , Surgery, Oral , Facial Injuries , Maxillofacial InjuriesABSTRACT
Objetivo: Describir la incidencia, la causa, el patrón y el tratamiento de fracturas maxilofaciales en sujetos que solici- taron atención en un Servicio de Urgencias Odontológicas del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Materiales y métodos: Se analizaron las historias clíni- cas de los individuos que concurrieron al Servicio de Urgencias y Orientación de Pacientes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (SUyOP) en el período compren- dido entre marzo de 2018 y diciembre de 2019. Se registró la fre- cuencia de consultas vinculadas con diagnóstico de algún tipo de fractura del esqueleto maxilofacial y en el caso de estos pacien- tes, se registraron sexo, edad, etiología, ubicación y tratamiento. Resultados: Durante el periodo evaluado asistieron al SUyOP un total de 13.919 pacientes por algún tipo de urgen- cia odontológica, entre los cuales 47 (0,33%) se presentaron con traumatismos en la región bucomaxilofacial; 39 fueron del sexo masculino (83%). En total fueron diagnosticadas 66 frac- turas. La edad media se extendió entre los 30 y los 51 años. Las fracturas se encontraron con mayor frecuencia en la mandíbu- la (95,45%). La agresión interpersonal fue la principal causa (53,19%). El tratamiento realizado con mayor frecuencia fue el bloqueo intermaxilar en el 57,44% de los pacientes. Conclusión: Las fracturas de maxilar inferior fueron las que se registraron con mayor frecuencia. Si bien estas fracturas no ponen en riesgo la vida del paciente, la falla en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento apropiados puede derivar en la pérdida de fun- ciones del sistema estomatognático, y desarrollar deformidades secundarias que requieren de un tratamiento más complejo (AU)
Aim: To describe the incidence, etiology, pattern and treat- ment of maxillofacial fractures in a dental emergency department of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area. Materials and methods: A study was conducted, re- cording sex, age, etiology, location and treatment of maxillofa- cial fractures in patients who visited the Emergency and Patient Orientation Service of the School of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires (SUyOP) from March 2018 to December 2019. Data were obtained from dental medical records. Results: During the evaluated period, a total 13,919 pa- tients visited the SUyOP for dental emergencies, of whom 47 (0.33%) presented with trauma in the oral-maxillofacial region, and 39 were male (83%). Age range was 30 to 51 years. Over- all, 66 fractures were diagnosed. Fractures were most frequent in the mandible (95.45%). Interpersonal aggression was the most prevalent cause (53.19%). The most frequent treatment was inter- maxillary fixation, which was performed in 57.44% of the cases. Conclusion: Fractures of the lower jaw were the most fre- quently reported. Although these fractures are not life-threaten- ing, failure to diagnose and treat them properly can lead to loss of function of the stomatognathic system and development of sec- ondary deformities requiring more complex treatment (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Oral Surgical Procedures , Emergencies/epidemiology , Emergency Service, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Jaw Fractures/epidemiology , Argentina/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Age and Sex Distribution , Facial Injuries/epidemiology , Jaw Fractures/surgery , Jaw Fractures/etiologyABSTRACT
As fraturas de face são um problema de saúde pública que afeta a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos que sofreram esse agravo. Sabendo-se da importância dos estudos epidemiológicos para o enfrentamento desse problema, este trabalho teve como objetivo traçar o perfil epidemiológico das fraturas de face, contribuindo assim, para a elaboração de políticas públicas mais eficazes e tratamento adequado. Para isso foi ralizada uma revisão de literatura nas principais bases de dados, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online (MEDLINE) e Bibliografia Brasileira de Odontologia (BBO) através da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e diretamente pela interface da Literature Analysis (PubMed/MEDLINE), nos últimos 20 anos, contemplando populações, culturas e faixas etárias heterogêneas. Observou-se que o sexo masculino foi o mais acometido e sua incidência foi maior entre os jovens, as principais etiologias foram às agressões físicas e os acidentes de transito sobretudo com o envolvimento de motocicletas associado ao uso de álcool e drogas. Os ossos nasais e a mandíbula foram as estruturas que sofreram mais fraturas e o tratamento mais utilizado foi a redução fechada. Neste contexto, faz-se necessário medidas ao combate às desigualdades sociais e desemprego, incentivo à educação e intensificação das leis de trânsito.
Face fractures are a public health problem that affects the quality of life of individuals who have suffered this condition. Knowing the importance of epidemiological studies to face this problem, this study aimed to outline the epidemiological profile of facial fractures, thus contributing to the development of more effective public policies and adequate treatment. For this, a literature review was carried out in the main databases, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online (MEDLINE) and Brazilian Bibliography of Dentistry (BBO) through the Library Virtual Health (VHL) and directly through the Literature Analysis interface (PubMed / MEDLINE), in the last 20 years, covering heterogeneous populations, cultures and age groups. It was observed that the male gender was the most affected and its incidence was higher among young people, the main etiologies were physical aggressions and traffic accidents, especially with the involvement of motorcycles associated with the use of alcohol and drugs. The nasal bones and the mandible were the structures that suffered the most fractures and the most used treatment was closed reduction. In this context, measures are needed to combat social inequality and unemployment, encourage education and intensify traffic laws.
Quality of Life , Facial Injuries/epidemiology , Health PolicyABSTRACT
O surgimento do novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19) teve início em dezembro de 2019 na China e rapidamente se espalhou gerando mudanças por todo o planeta. Mudanças drásticas no estilo de vida das pessoas e que afetaram o comportamento da população, inclusive no atendimento dos serviços de saúde. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os dados epidemiológicos do serviço de cirurgia e traumatologia bucomaxilofacial de um hospital de referência, analisando o impacto da pandemia nas agressões físicas contra as mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo comparativo no período dos doze meses anteriores ao início da declaração de pandemia no Brasil e os doze meses após o início das restrições. Os resultados mostraram que a idade das pacientes agredidas passou de 29.58 para 32 (valor p= 0,24) no período pré-pandemia para pandemia respectivamente. O índice de violência doméstica cresceu 337% (valor p= 0,02), passando de 8 para 27 registros. Houve diferença no número de ossos fraturados nas agressões (p=0,04), sendo a fratura dos ossos nasais a região mais acometida, com variação entre as posições seguintes. Durante a pandemia aumentou o índice de intervenções cirúrgicas de 37,5% para 44,44% (valor p= 0,57). Sendo assim, o perfil epidemiológico das pacientes agredidas não obteve mudanças durante a pandemia, porém, a violência doméstica aumentou significativamente neste período e as agressões ficaram mais graves, necessitando de um maior número de intervenções cirúrgicas(AU)
The emergence of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19) started in December 2019 in China and quickly spread and generated changes all over the planet. Drastic lifestyle changes have affected the behavior of the population and even impacted the care of healthcare services. The present study aimed to evaluate epidemiological data from the oral and maxillofacial surgery and traumatology service of a reference hospital to analyze the impact of the pandemic on physical aggression against female victims of domestic violence. A retrospective study was developed comparing the period of twelve months before the beginning of the pandemic declaration in Brazil and the twelve months after the start of the restrictions. Results show that the age of battered patients increased from 29.58 to 32 (p value= 0.24) in the pre-pandemic and pandemic period respectively. The rate of domestic violence increased by 337% (p-value= 0.02), from 8 to 27 records. There was a difference in the number of fractured bones in the assaults (p=0.04), with nasal bone fracture being the most affected region, with variation among the following positions. During the pandemic, the rates of surgical interventions increased from 37.5% to 44.44% (pvalue=0.57). The epidemiological profile of battered patients did not change during the pandemic. However, domestic violence increased significantly in the pandemic period, and assaults became more severe, requiring a greater number of surgical interventions(AU)
Humans , Female , Domestic Violence , Facial Injuries , COVID-19 , Violence Against Women , Facial Injuries/epidemiologyABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Facial trauma constitutes a challenge in perioperative management, since this anatomical zone possesses com- plex vital structures such as important vessel and nerve bundles, as well as the beginning of the upper airway. That is why an injury in this region requires rapid and effective diagnosis and management since ventilation can be seriously compromised by airway obstruction, either due to the object of trauma, or inflammatory reaction and edema; bruises, burns, or direct breaka- ge. The vascular lesion can cause profuse bleeding, as well as aspiration of blood and fragments of tissues that were injured. Choosing the anesthesia technique is usually a challenge when a priori structures such as the mouth and nose are compromised. METHOD: A clinical case and bibliographic review are presented. CONCLUSION: Regional facial and neck anesthesia techniques together with adequate sedation are an alternative in the initial management of mild facial trauma.
INTRODUCCIÓN: El trauma facial constituye un reto en el manejo perioperatorio, ya que esta zona anatómica posee complejas estructuras vitales como paquetes vasculares y nerviosos, así como el inicio de la vía aérea superior. Es por ello que toda lesión en esta región requiere de un diagnóstico y manejo rápido y eficaz, puesto que la ventilación puede comprometerse gravemente por obstrucción de la vía aérea, ya sea por el objeto del trauma, reacción inflamatoria y edema; hematomas, quemaduras o rotura directa. La lesión vascular puede ocasionar sangrado profuso, así como aspiración de sangre y fragmentos de los tejidos que fueron lesionados. Elegir la técnica anestésica suele ser un reto cuando a priori estructuras como la boca y nariz se encuentran comprometidas. MÉTODO: Se presenta un caso clínico y revisión bibliográfica. CONCLUSIONES: Las técnicas de anestesia regional de cara y cuello junto a sedación adecuada son una alternativa en el manejo inicial del trauma facial leve.
Humans , Female , Young Adult , Facial Injuries/surgery , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosage , Dexmedetomidine/administration & dosage , Airway Obstruction/etiology , Facial Injuries/complications , Cervical Plexus Block , Remifentanil/administration & dosage , Hypnotics and Sedatives/administration & dosage , Anesthesia, Conduction , Mandible/innervationABSTRACT
Aim: Verify the accuracy of objective assessments compared to subjective tests in detecting changes in somatosensory perception in individuals affected by maxillofacial trauma. Methods: The review (PROSPERO n ° CRD42019125546) used the databases: MEDLINE, Cochrane, EMBASE, LILACS and other bibliographic resources. Prospective and retrospective studies that used objective and subjective methods of assessing facial sensitivity in maxillofacial fractures were included. There was no restriction on language or publication date. Risk of bias was assessed using the QUADAS-2. Data extraction and analysis were performed using a form developed for the study. Results: 21 studies were included. The clinical objective examination mainly includes assessments of: tactile sensitivity (95.24%) and nociceptive sensitivity (57.14%). The subjective assessment was based on the patient's report, spontaneously (61.90%), guided by structured questionnaires (33.33%) and/or using scales (9.52%) to measure the degree of impairment. In risk of bias assessment, were observed no adequate interpretation and classification of changes in subjective sensitivity, subject to inappropriate analysis of the data. In addition, the studies bring several instruments without standardization for assessing sensory modalities. Conclusion: The objective assessment is a complement to the subjective assessment, using the touch assessment as the main parameter in the profile of the facial peripheral integrity, associated or not with nociceptive assessment. Lack of consensus on the indication of specific instruments for testing is a limiting factor. Thus, based on the studies, is proposed a minimum battery of sensitivity assessment to obtain an overview of the patient's peripheral nervous situation
Zygomatic Fractures , Sensation Disorders , Somatosensory Disorders , Facial Injuries , Systematic Reviews as Topic , Jaw FracturesABSTRACT
As fraturas faciais em crianças são raras, já que os ossos faciais pediátricos têm maior elasticidade, menos pneumatização, tecido adiposo circundante mais espesso e mais estabilização da mandíbula e maxila pelos dentes não irrompidos. Em geral, lesões nos tecidos moles são mais comuns em crianças do que fraturas esqueléticas. Entre as fraturas faciais pediátricas, as fraturas da mandíbula são as mais comuns, sendo o côndilo a área mais acometida em pacientes pediátricos. O côndilo é considerado o principal centro de crescimento da mandíbula em crianças, assim é de suma importância a definição do tratamento adequado, pautado em diversos critérios de avaliação, com o intuito de erradicar possíveis complicações advindas da fratura condilar. Assim o objetivo deste estudo é relatar um caso de fratura de côndilo unilateral em uma criança, na qual realizou-se abordagem cirúrgica com fixação interna, afim de elucidar e discutir as possíveis condutas terapêuticas acerca de tratamentos a serem aplicados, visto que esses ainda são bastante controversos na literatura e os resultados das diversas condutas são os mais diversos, apresentando variados aspectos que interferem na evolução dos pacientes(AU)
Facial fractures in children are rare, since pediatric facial bones have greater elasticity, less pneumatization,thicker surrounding adipose tissue and more stabilization of the jaw and jaw by unerupted teeth.In general, soft tissue injuries are more common in children than skeletal fractures.Among pediatric facial fractures, mandible fractures are the most common, with condyl being the most affected area in pediatric patients.The condyl is considered the main center of mandible growth in children, so it is of Paramount importance to define the appropriate treatment, based on several evaluationcriteria, in order to eradicate possible complications resulting from the condilar fracture.Thus, the aim of this study is to report a case of unilateral condyl fracture in a child, in which a surgical approach with internal fixation was performedin order to elucidate and discuss the possible therapeutic approaches about treatments to be applied, since these are still quite controversial in the literature and the results of the various behaviors are the most diverse,presenting several aspects that interfere in the evolution of patients(AU)