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Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(3): 27-34, set.-dez. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553117


O objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar um relato de caso de Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM) dolorosa de origem muscular, tratado por meio de Agulhamento Seco (AS) e Massagem Facial (MF). Paciente do sexo feminino, M.R.B.A., de 47 anos, com diagnóstico de dor miofascial com referência do lado esquerdo e deslocamento de disco com redução do lado esquerdo, de acordo com os Critérios de Diagnóstico e Tratamento das Disfunções Temporomandibulares (DC/TMD). A paciente foi submetida a cinco sessões de AS e MF, executadas por fisioterapeuta experiente. Na primeira consulta, foi realizada a anamnese e exame físico para a obtenção de informações sobre qualidade, frequência, duração e intensidade da dor, bem como fatores de melhora, fatores de piora, fatores acompanhantes, fatores desencadeantes e tratamentos prévios. A intensidade da dor foi avaliada através de escala visual analógica e as intervenções com agulhamento seco foram iniciadas a partir da segunda consulta. Ao final das sessões, a paciente foi orientada quanto à continuidade de exercícios de relaxamento muscular e ao uso de placa interoclusal. Com base na escala adotada, o quadro doloroso geral da paciente teve evolução positiva de 6 a 0 após o tratamento, com destaque observado em seus pontos gatilhos de 10 e 8 para 6 e 3, para os lados esquerdo e direito respectivamente. Concluise que, após a aplicação da terapia proposta, a paciente obteve melhora com redução significativa em sua sintomatologia dolorosa em ambos os lados(AU)

The objective of this work is to present a case report of Dysfunction Painful temporomandibular joint (DTM) of muscular origin, treated with needling Dry (AS) and Facial Massage (MF). Female patient, M.R.B.A., 47 years old, with a diagnosis of myofascial pain with reference on the left side and displacement of disc with reduction on the left side, according to the Diagnostic and Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD). The patient underwent five sessions of AS and MF, performed by an experienced physiotherapist. At the first consultation, anamnesis and physical examination were carried out to obtain information on quality, frequency, duration and intensity of pain, as well as improvement factors, worsening factors, accompanying factors, triggering factors and previous treatments. The intensity of pain was assessed using a visual analogue scale and interventions with needling dry were started from the second consultation. At the end of the sessions, the patient was guided regarding the continuation of muscle relaxation exercises and the use of interocclusal splint. Based on the adopted scale, the patient's general painful condition was positive evolution of 6 to 0 after treatment, with emphasis on its points triggers from 10 and 8 to 6 and 3, for the left and right sides respectively. It is concluded that, after applying the proposed therapy, the patient improved with reduction significant in its painful symptoms on both sides

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome , Dry Needling , Massage , Pain , Facial Pain , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders , Musculoskeletal Manipulations , Myofascial Pain Syndromes
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1364-1371, oct. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521035


SUMMARY: The salivary glands in pathological conditions produce countless different clinical presentations, and due to their complex neuroanatomy, their pain symptoms vary widely. However, in the literature to date, few studies characterize salivary gland pain. The aim of this study was to conduct a literature review concerning the clinical characteristics of pain in various salivary gland pathologies. A literature review was done through a systematic search of scientific articles in the Web of Science (WoS), MEDLINE, Scopus, and Elton B. Stephens Company (EBSCO) databases. The free terms "salivary gland", "parotid gland", "submaxillary gland", "sublingual gland", and "pain" were used along with the Boolean operators OR and AND. The search yielded a total of 1896 articles, of which 60 fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were ultimately included in this review. It is described that pain is a nonspecific symptom of a glandular pathology and is characterized mainly by the location of the pain, which is correlated with the anatomical location of the affected salivary gland. Among the painful salivary gland pathologies, we found inflammatory disorders, including infections, obstructions, disorders secondary to hyposalivation; systemic autoimmune diseases; neoplasms, and neuropathic pain disorders. The diagnosis and management of salivary gland pain require knowledge of the causes and mechanisms of the pain, and it is to recognize the signs and symptoms of salivary gland disorders to be able to diagnose and treat them.

Las glándulas salivales en condiciones patológicas producen un sinfín de presentaciones clínicas diferentes, y debido a su compleja neuroanatomía generan variaciones en su sintomatología dolorosa. Sin embargo, en la literatura hasta ahora son escasos los estudios que caracterizan el dolor de glándulas salivales. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión de la literatura respecto a las características clínicas del dolor en diversas patologías de glándulas salivales. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura, a través de la búsqueda sistemática de artículos científicos en las bases de datos Web of Science (WoS), MEDLINE, Scopus y Elton B. Stephens Company (EBSCO). A través de los términos libres: "salivary gland", "parotid gland", "submaxillary gland", "sublingual gland", "pain", junto con los operadores booleanos OR y AND. La búsqueda arrojó un total de 1896 artículos, de los cuales 60 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y fueron finalmente incluidos en esta revisión. Se describe que el dolor es un síntoma poco específico para la patología glandular y está caracterizado principalmente por la localización del dolor, el cual se correlaciona con la ubicación anatómica de la glándula salival afectada. Dentro de las patologías dolorosas de glándulas salivales encontramos los trastornos inflamatorios, incluidas infecciones, obstrucciones, trastornos secundarios a hiposalivación; enfermedades sistémicas autoinmunes; neoplasias y trastornos de dolor neuropático. El diagnóstico y manejo del dolor de glándulas salivales requiere del conocimiento de las causas y mecanismos del dolor, siendo necesario reconocer los signos y síntomas de los trastornos de glándulas salivales para ser capaces de diagnosticarlos y tratarlos.

Humans , Salivary Gland Diseases/pathology , Salivary Glands/pathology , Facial Pain
RFO UPF ; 28(1)20230808. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1516306


Objetivo: Apresentar as modalidades de tratamentos conservadoras e minimamente invasivas mais usadas disponíveis no arsenal terapêutico das desordens temporomandibulares (DTM). Revisão da literatura: Os objetivos do tratamento invariavelmente incluem redução da dor, diminuição das atividades parafuncionais e restauração da função. Dentre as alternativas conservadoras e minimamente invasivas, podemos citar os dispositivos interoclusais, exercícios terapêuticos, eletrofototermoterapia, agulhamento seco e infiltração de anestésicos locais em pontos gatilho, injeção de sangue autógeno para controle da luxação mandibular, terapia cognitivo comportamental, toxina botulínica, viscossuplementação, controle farmacológico da dor aguda e crônica. As DTMs afetam uma proporção significativa da população. Somente após o fracasso das opções não invasivas é que devem ser iniciados tratamentos mais invasivos e irreversíveis. No entanto, algumas condições, como a anquilose e neoplasias, por exemplo, são essencialmente tratadas cirurgicamente e tentativas de tratamentos conservadores podem trazer piora na qualidade de vida ou risco de morte. Considerações finais: Uma abordagem de equipe multidisciplinar para o manejo é essencial no cuidado fundamental de todos os pacientes com DTM, para que o tratamento possa ser especificamente adaptado às necessidades individuais do paciente.

Aim: To present the most widely used conservative and minimally invasive treatment modalities available in the therapeutic arsenal for temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Literature review: Treatment goals invariably include pain reduction, reduction of parafunctional activities and restoration of function. Among the conservative and minimally invasive alternatives, we can mention interocclusal devices, therapeutic exercises, electrophototherapy, dry needling and infiltration of local anesthetics in trigger points, autogenous blood injection to control mandibular dislocation, cognitive behavioral therapy, botulinum toxin, viscosupplementation, pharmacological control of acute and chronic pain. TMD affects a considerable proportion of the population. Only after non-invasive options have failed should more invasive and irreversible treatments be initiated. However, some conditions, such as ankylosis and neoplasms, for example, are treated surgically and attempts at conservative treatments can lead to worsening quality of life or risk of death. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary team approach to management is essential in the fundamental care of all TMD patients, so that treatment can be specifically tailored to the patient's individual needs.

Humans , Facial Pain/therapy , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/therapy , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/physiopathology , Occlusal Splints , Viscosupplementation/methods , Conservative Treatment/methods , Dry Needling/methods
RFO UPF ; 28(1)20230808. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1516328


Objetivo: Apresentar as modalidades de tratamentos cirúrgicas mais usadas disponíveis no arsenal terapêutico das desordens temporomandibulares (DTMs). Revisão da literatura: As DTMs são muito frequentes e são responsáveis ​​por dor e desconforto em um número importante de pacientes. A avaliação e o diagnóstico são as chaves para determinar um plano de manejo adequado dessas doenças. Embora o tratamento conservador seja bem-sucedido na maioria dos pacientes, os tratamentos cirúrgicos podem ser a única opção para aqueles que não respondem ao tratamento conservador ou para casos com indicação cirúrgica inicial como, por exemplo, algumas neoplasias articulares. Dentre as alternativas cirúrgicas, podemos citar a artrocentese, artroscopia, reposicionamento do disco articular por cirurgia aberta, discectomia e tratamentos cirúrgicos para hipermobilidade e anquilose da articulação temporomandibular. Considerações finais: A seleção adequada dos casos é requisito obrigatório para uma intervenção cirúrgica bem-sucedida, a fim de alcançar o resultado desejado do tratamento, como alívio dos sintomas e melhora da função.

Aim: To present the most commonly used surgical treatment modalities available in the therapeutic arsenal for temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Literature review: TMD is very common and is responsible for pain and dysfunction in a significant number of patients. Assessment and diagnosis are key to determining a management plan for these diseases. Although conservative treatment is successful in most patients, surgical treatments may be the only option for those who do not respond to conservative treatment or for some cases with an initial surgical indication, such as some joint neoplasms. Surgical alternatives include arthrocentesis, arthroscopy, repositioning of the articular disc by open surgery, discectomy and surgical treatments for temporomandibular joint hypermobility and ankylosis. Conclusions: Proper case selection is the mandatory requirement for successful surgical intervention in order to achieve the desired treatment outcome, such as symptom relief and improved function.

Humans , Facial Pain/surgery , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/surgery , Arthroscopy/methods , Temporomandibular Joint/surgery , Diskectomy/methods , Arthrocentesis/methods
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(2): 142-154, jun. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440352


The present study proposed to describe, through a literature review, the use of new therapeutic management which allows for offering a better quality of life to individuals affected by these pathologies. A bibliographic search was conducted in the main health databases PUBMED ( and Scholar Google (, in which studies published from 1987 to 2023 were collected. In the first stage, the list of retrieved articles was examined by reading the titles and abstracts. In the second stage, the studies were selected by reading the full contents. Two authors (JDMM and DAQ) performed stages 1 and 2. Experimental, clinical, case-control, randomized controlled, and laboratory cohort studies, case reports, systematic reviews, and literature reviews, which were developed in living individuals, were included. Therefore, articles that did not deal with the subject in question, letters to the editor, opinion articles, duplicated literature in databases, and literature that did not address the variables under study, we re excluded. Contemporary dentistry uses alternative treatments capable of improving the patient's condition since a cure is not always possible. Therefore, the possibility of improving the quality of life becomes an important point to be reached. Evidence-based healthcare has made great advances in recent decades, especially in the areas of orofacial pain, TMD, and occlusion, especially related to orthodontic, prosthetic, and restorative care.

En el presente estudio se propuso describir, a través de una revisión bibliográfica, el uso de nuevos manejos terapéuticos que permitan brindar una mejor calidad de vida a los individuos afectados por estas patologías. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos de salud PUBMED ( y Scholar Google (, en las que se recopilaron estudios publicados entre 1987 y 2023. En la primera etapa, se examinó la lista de artículos recuperados mediante la lectura de los títulos y resúmenes. En la segunda etapa, los estudios fueron seleccionados mediante la lectura del contenido completo. Dos autores (JDMM y DAQ) realizaron las etapas 1 y 2. Se incluyeron estudios de cohortes experimentales, clínicos, de casos y controles, controlados aleatorios y de laboratorio, informes de casos, revisiones sistemáticas y revisiones de la literatura, que se desarrollaron en individuos vivos. Por lo tanto, se excluyeron artículos que no trataran el tema en cuestión, cartas al editor, artículos de opinión, literatura duplicada en bases de datos y literatura que no abordara las variables en estudio. La odontología contemporánea utiliza tratamientos alternativos capaces de mejorar el estado del paciente, ya que no siempre es posible la curación. Por lo tanto, la posibilidad de mejorar la calidad de vida se convierte en un objetivo importante. La atención médica basada en la evidencia ha logrado grandes avances en las últimas décadas, especialmente en las áreas de dolor orofacial, TMD y oclusión, especialmente en relación con la atención de ortodoncia, prótesis y restauración.

Humans , Facial Pain/therapy , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/therapy , Acupuncture Therapy/methods , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation/methods
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(61): 59-68, maio-ago. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1562619


A dor é a queixa principal dos pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular ­ DTM- e seu controle deve ter prioridade absoluta no tratamento das DTM. A intervenção farmacológica tem sido utilizada por muitos anos. A escolha de um medicamento para o alívio da dor está diretamente relacionada ao estágio e a intensidade relatada pelo paciente, determinando que classes de drogas são eficazes, o período de utilização e efeitos colaterais. As principais classes medicamentosas utilizadas incluem: analgésicos, relaxantes musculares, anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais (AINES), antidepressivos, ansiolíticos, anticonvulsivantes, corticosteroides. O objetivo desta revisão é de abordar os principais agentes farmacológicos utilizados como coadjuvantes no tratamento de pacientes com sintomatologia dolorosa decorrente da DTM, além de analisar o raciocínio farmacológico envolvido na prescrição de cada classe de fármaco em cada tipo dor. Artigos entre 1955 e 2021, foram selecionados através das principais bases de dados como BV Salud, Scielo e Pubmed. Foram incluídos na lista de elegibilidade, artigos relacionados ao tema terapia medicamentosa no controle de dor em pacientes com DTM, dando ênfase às classes medicamentosas anteriormente mencionadas. Artigos que não possuíam texto completo ou o resumo não se referia diretamente ao tema foram excluídos. Em síntese, essa análise serve como forma de agregar conhecimento do ponto de vista teórico e auxiliar o prescritor na escolha do melhor fármaco para cada paciente, levando em consideração o tipo, duração e intensidade de cada caso, para que posteriormente, haja uma tratativa definitiva do caso.

Pain is the main complaint in patients with temporomandibular disorders - TMD - and its control should have absolute priority in the treatment of TMD. Pharmacological intervention has been used for many years. The choice of medication that will be used for pain relief is directly related to the stage and intensity reported by the patient, and these will determine which classes of drugs are effective, the period of use and the adverse effects. The usual drug classes used includes: analgesics, muscle relaxants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antidepressants, anxiolytics, anticonvulsants, corticosteroidsThe objective of this eview is to approach the most common pharmacological agents used as adjuncts in the treatment of patients with painful symptoms resulting from TMD, and further to analyze the pharmacological logic. Articles between 1955 and 2021 were selected through the BV Salud, Scielo and Pubmed databases. Articles related to the topic "drug therapy in pain control in patients with TMD" will be included in the eligibility list, emphasizing the previously mentioned drug classes. Articles that didn't have full text or the abstract didn't directly refered to the topic were excluded. In this way, this literature review serves as a way of adding knowledge from a theoretic point of view and help the prescriber on choosing the best drug for each patient, taking into account the type, duration and intensity of each case, so that later, there is a definitive treatment of the case.

Facial Pain , Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome , Medication Therapy Management
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 12(1): 182-194, abr. 4, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516522


Aim: To determine the effects of e-cigarette use on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQOL) in young people in Metropolitan Lima. Materials and Methods: This observational, analytical and cross-sectional study was performed with 189 individuals (age, 18­29 years) who used electronic cigarettes. The OHIP-Sp5 instrument was used to assess OHRQOL. Results: The use of e-cigarettes was higher among male participants (47.79%) than that among the female participants (26.32%). The mean OHRQOL scores of individuals who did and did not use e-cigarettes were 3.17 (2.26) and 3.12 (2.47), respectively These scores for people who did and did not use mouthwash were 2.92 (2.34) and 3.57 (2.43), respectively. Regarding orofacial pain 2.65% participants frequently re-ported "painful discomfort" and 7.41% of the young people presented such discomfort of orofacial aspect "frequently." Conclusions: Recording e-cigarette uses and frequency in patients' medical records is important, as well as incorporating educational strategies to reduce e-cigarette consumption and avoiding harmful effects on general health.

Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto en la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud oral del uso de cigarrillos electrónicos en los jóvenes de Lima Metropolitana. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico y transversal en un total de 189 jóvenes con edades comprendidas de 18 a 29 años que son usuarios de cigarrillos electrónicos. Para evaluar la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud oral se utilizó el instrumento "OHIP-Sp5". Resultados: Se determinó que los participantes del sexo masculino (47.79%) son los que más utilizan el cigarrillo electrónico en comparación a las participantes del sexo femenino (26.32%). Se observó una calidad de vida relacionada a la salud oral media de 3,17 (2,26) para los usuarios de cigarrillos electrónicos, mientras que para los no usuarios de cigarrillos electrónicos la media fue de 3,12 (2,47). Asimismo, para los que usan enjuagues bucales se encontró una media de 2.92(2.34), a diferencia de los que no hacían uso del mismo que presentaban peor calidad de vida relacionada con la salud oral con una media de 3.57(2.43). En cuanto a dolor orofacial el 2.65% de los participantes referían "molestias dolorosas" a menudo y el 7.41% de los jóvenes presentaban dicho disconfort de la apariencia orofacial "a menudo". Conclusión: El registro del uso y frecuencia del cigarrillo electrónico en la historia clínica de los pacientes es de suma importancia, así como incorporar estrategias educativas para reducir el consumo de los vapeadores y evitar efectos nocivos en la salud general.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Peru/epidemiology , Facial Pain/etiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Mouthwashes
Medwave ; 23(1): e2648, 28-02-2023.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419219


Los trastornos temporomandibulares son complejos trastornos multisistémicos para los que, lamentablemente, siguen prevaleciendo los enfoques tradicionales odontocéntricos comunes de la investigación y la atención. Un comité designado por las Academias Nacionales de Ciencias, Ingeniería y Medicina de los Estados Unidos de América resumió importantes recomendaciones relativas a la urgente necesidad de transformar, desde el modelo predominantemente biomédico, la investigación, la educación/formación profesional y la atención al paciente para los trastornos temporomandibulares en el modelo biopsicosocial que es estándar en el resto de la medicina del dolor. La publicación del informe del estudio de consenso identifica once recomendaciones de corto y largo plazo respecto a brechas y oportunidades orientadas a la situación en Estados Unidos, que son igualmente aplicables a la situación en Chile. Las primeras cuatro recomendaciones se centran en la investigación básica y traslacional, la investigación en salud pública y el fortalecimiento de la investigación clínica. Las tres recomendaciones siguientes se refieren a la evaluación de riesgos, el diagnóstico y la difusión de guías de práctica clínica y métricas asistenciales para mejorar la atención de los pacientes y ampliar su acceso. Las recomendaciones octavas a décima proponen centros de excelencia para el tratamiento de los trastornos temporomandibulares y el dolor orofacial, la mejora de la formación en los centros profesionales y la ampliación de la formación continua especializada para los profesionales sanitarios. La undécima recomendación se centra en la educación de los pacientes y la reducción del estigma. Este artículo destaca las recomendaciones publicadas y aborda lo que debiesen considerar los profesionales chilenos, como primer paso hacia un gran esfuerzo por cambiar los paradigmas de investigación, tratamiento y educación sobre los trastornos temporomandibulares para los próximos años.

Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are complex multi-system disorders for which common traditional dental-centric approaches to research and care unfortunately continue to prevail. A committee appointed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NAM) of the United States of America summarized important recommendations regarding the urgent need to transform, from the predominantly biomedical model, the research, professional education/training, and patient care for TMDs into the biopsychosocial model that is standard in the rest of pain medicine. The release of the Consensus Study Report identifies eleven short-term and long-term recommendations regarding gaps and opportunities oriented towards the situation in the US, which are equally applicable to the situation in Chile. The first four recommendations focus on basic and translational research, public health research and strengthening clinical research. The next three recommendations concern risk assessment, diagnostics, and dissemination of clinical practice guidelines and care metrics to improve patient care and expand its access. Recommendations eight to ten propose Centers of Excellence for Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain Treatment, improving professional school education, and expanding specialized continuing education for healthcare providers. The eleventh recommendation focuses on patient education and stigma reduction. This article highlights the published recommendations and addresses what should be considered by Chilean professionals, as a first step of a major effort to shift TMD research, treatment, and education paradigms for the years to come.

Humans , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/psychology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/therapy , United States , Facial Pain/therapy , Chile , Pain Management
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010713


Chronic Painful Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) are challenging to diagnose and manage due to their complexity and lack of understanding of brain mechanism. In the past few decades' neural mechanisms of pain regulation and perception have been clarified by neuroimaging research. Advances in the neuroimaging have bridged the gap between brain activity and the subjective experience of pain. Neuroimaging has also made strides toward separating the neural mechanisms underlying the chronic painful TMD. Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming various sectors by automating tasks that previously required humans' intelligence to complete. AI has started to contribute to the recognition, assessment, and understanding of painful TMD. The application of AI and neuroimaging in understanding the pathophysiology and diagnosis of chronic painful TMD are still in its early stages. The objective of the present review is to identify the contemporary neuroimaging approaches such as structural, functional, and molecular techniques that have been used to investigate the brain of chronic painful TMD individuals. Furthermore, this review guides practitioners on relevant aspects of AI and how AI and neuroimaging methods can revolutionize our understanding on the mechanisms of painful TMD and aid in both diagnosis and management to enhance patient outcomes.

Humans , Facial Pain/diagnostic imaging , Artificial Intelligence , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/diagnostic imaging , Neuroimaging/methods , Pain Measurement/methods
Rev. Headache Med. (Online) ; 14(1): 59-64, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531833


Introduction: Trigeminal neuralgia and Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform Headache with Conjunctival injection and Tearing (SUNCT)/Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform Headache Attacks with Cranial Autonomic Symptoms (SUNA) are characterized by similar clinical manifestations, which may lead to diagnostic confusion. However, the transformation of trigeminal neuralgia into SUNCT/SUNA is a rare phenomenon. This report describes a case of trigeminal neuralgia transformation into SUNCT/SUNA due to neurovascular compression and reviews all previously published cases of trigeminal neuralgia to SUNCT/SUNA transformation in the literature. Case presentation: A 49-year-old Thai male patient presented with progressive right facial pain for a period of three months. One year prior, he developed trigeminal neuralgia along the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve, characterized by electrical shock-like pain in the right upper molar, exacerbated by eating. His symptoms were effectively managed with carbamazepine. Nine months later, he began experiencing recurrent electrical shock-like pain along the ophthalmic division of the right trigeminal nerve, accompanied by lacrimation, which failed to respond to continued treatment with carbamazepine. Three months prior to presentation, his symptoms evolved into SUNCT/SUNA, characterized by electrical shock-like pain in the right periorbital area and conjunctival injection, lacrimation. Neuroimaging revealed high-grade neurovascular compression of the right trigeminal nerve by the right superior cerebellar artery. The patient's symptoms resolved following microvascular decompression. Conclusion: Clinicians should be aware that patients with longer disease duration of trigeminal neuralgia who develop new neuralgic pain in the ophthalmic branch division with mild autonomic symptoms may be at risk for transformation into SUNCT/SUNA.

Introduction: Trigeminal neuralgia and Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform Headache with Conjunctival injection and Tearing (SUNCT)/Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform Headache Attacks with Cranial Autonomic Symptoms (SUNA) are characterized by similar clinical manifestations, which may lead to diagnostic confusion. However, the transformation of trigeminal neuralgia into SUNCT/SUNA is a rare phenomenon. This report describes a case of trigeminal neuralgia transformation into SUNCT/SUNA due to neurovascular compression and reviews all previously published cases of trigeminal neuralgia to SUNCT/SUNA transformation in the literature. Case presentation: A 49-year-old Thai male patient presented with progressive right facial pain for a period of three months. One year prior, he developed trigeminal neuralgia along the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve, characterized by electrical shock-like pain in the right upper molar, exacerbated by eating. His symptoms were effectively managed with carbamazepine. Nine months later, he began experiencing recurrent electrical shock-like pain along the ophthalmic division of the right trigeminal nerve, accompanied by lacrimation, which failed to respond to continued treatment with carbamazepine. Three months prior to presentation, his symptoms evolved into SUNCT/SUNA, characterized by electrical shock-like pain in the right periorbital area and conjunctival injection, lacrimation. Neuroimaging revealed high-grade neurovascular compression of the right trigeminal nerve by the right superior cerebellar artery. The patient's symptoms resolved following microvascular decompression. Conclusion: Clinicians should be aware that patients with longer disease duration of trigeminal neuralgia who develop new neuralgic pain in the ophthalmic branch division with mild autonomic symptoms may be at risk for transformation into SUNCT/SUNA

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Arteries/diagnostic imaging , Disease/classification , Headache/diagnosis , Therapeutics/adverse effects , World Health Organization/organization & administration , Facial Pain/classification , Confusion/therapy
Audiol., Commun. res ; 28: e2558, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513727


RESUMO Objetivo investigar a eficácia da associação entre a fotobiomodulação de baixa frequência e a terapia fonoaudiológica tradicional no tratamento do trismo, em pacientes tratados por câncer de boca ou orofaringe. Métodos ensaio clínico controlado, randomizado, longitudinal e prospectivo, realizado de acordo as normas da declaração CONSORT 2010. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizado o questionário sociodemográfico, a avaliação clínica, a mensuração da abertura de boca por paquímetro, o protocolo de dor McGuill e o protocolo de qualidade de vida WHOQOL-Bref. A amostra foi composta por 30 participantes, de ambos os gêneros na faixa etária de 35-75 anos, divididos em dois grupos, controle e experimental, de forma controlada, mediante sorteio igualitário no que tange aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Resultados por meio dos dados analisados, observou-se que houve aumento da amplitude vertical de mandíbula em ambos os grupos, GC: p<0,005 e GE: p<0,001. Não houve correlação estatística entre os grupos na comparação da abertura de boca, p>0,19, assim como em relação à dor orofacial e à qualidade de vida, p= 0,72, ambas as avaliações após a intervenção fonoaudiológica, porém, com melhores resultados para o GE, p<0,001. Conclusão Conclui-se pela eficácia da intervenção fonoaudiológica tradicional e a associação com a fotobiomodulação de baixa frequência no tratamento do trismo. Para a dor orofacial e qualidade de vida, o tratamento associado é mais benéfico.

ABSTRACT Purpose to investigate the effectiveness of the association between low-frequency photobiomodulation and traditional speech therapy in the treatment of trismus in patients treated for oral or oropharyngeal cancer. Methods controlled, randomized, longitudinal and prospective clinical trial, carried out in accordance with the norms of the CONSORT 2010 declaration. For data collection, a sociodemographic questionnaire, clinical evaluation, measurement of mouth opening by caliper, the protocol of McGuill pain and the WHOQOL-Bref quality of life protocol. The sample consisted of 30 participants, of both genders, aged between 35-75 years, divided into two groups, control and experimental, in a controlled manner, through an equal draw with regard to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results through the analyzed data, it was observed that there was an increase in the vertical amplitude of the mandible in both groups, CG: p0.19, as well as in relation to orofacial pain and quality of life, p= 0.72, both assessments after the speech therapy intervention, however, with better results for the EG, p<0.001. Conclusion It is concluded that the traditional speech therapy intervention and its association with low-frequency photobiomodulation are effective in the treatment of trismus. For orofacial pain and quality of life, associated treatment is more beneficial.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Phototherapy/methods , Trismus/rehabilitation , Trismus/therapy , Myofunctional Therapy/methods , Quality of Life , Facial Pain , Mouth Neoplasms , Oropharyngeal Neoplasms , Case-Control Studies
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(4): 1-11, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1523131


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and sustainability of using low level LASER therapy and CAD/CAM Michigan splint on improving the range of mandibular movements, muscle activity and reducing the pain. Material and Methods: 56 female patients were randomly divided into two groups. Group A: Patients received applications of low-level LASER therapy using semiconductor InGaAsp diode LASER type 940 nm with continuous mode of operation, applied for 180 sec per session for 12 sessions. Group B: Patients received Michigan splint of 2 mm thickness constructed on their upper teeth, the splint was 3D digitally printed. Electromyography was used to evaluate muscle activity, visual analogue scale was used to evaluate the pain intensity, ARCUS digma facebow was used to evaluate range of mandibular movements, and maximum mouth opening was taken using a millimeter ruler. They were measured before the beginning of the treatment, and at three and six month follow-up periods. Results: The results revealed that both low-level LASER therapy and Michigan splint reduce the myofascial pain, improved the range of the mandibular movements, and the muscles activity, but the effect of the low-level LASER therapy was more profound and sustainable. After 6 months from the beginning of the treatment, changes in masseter muscle activity (P= 0.001; effect size= 1.757), pain intensity (P= 0.003; effect size= 3), and range of mandibular movement (P= 0.001, effect size= 1.729) differed significantly between the two groups. Conclusions: Low-level LASER therapy had a better and more sustainable effect on reducing the pain intensity and improving the muscle activity as well as the mandibular movement when compared to Michigan splint (AU)

Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia e a durabilidade do uso da terapia LASER de baixa potência e da placa de Michigan CAD/CAM na melhora da amplitude dos movimentos mandibulares, atividade muscular e redução da dor. Material e Métodos: 56 pacientes do sexo feminino foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Grupo A: os pacientes receberam aplicações de terapia LASER de baixa potência utilizando diodo semicondutor InGaAsp LASER tipo 940 nm em modo contínuo de operação, aplicado por 180 segundos por sessão durante 12 sessões. Grupo B: os pacientes receberam a placa de Michigan com uma espessura de 2 mm confeccionada sobre a arcada superior, a placa foi impressa digitalmente em 3D. A eletromiografia foi utilizada para avaliar a atividade muscular, a escala visual analógica foi utilizada para avaliar a intensidade da dor, o arco facial ARCUS digma foi utilizado para determinar a amplitude dos movimentos mandibulares e a abertura máxima da boca foi medida com uma régua milimétrica. Todas as medidas foram realizadas antes do início do tratamento e nos períodos de acompanhamento de três e seis meses. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram que tanto a terapia LASER de baixa potência como a placa de Michigan reduziram a dor miofascial, aumentaram a amplitude dos movimentos mandibulares e melhoraram a atividade muscular, mas o efeito da terapia LASER de baixa potência foi mais profundo e duradouro. Após 6 meses do início do tratamento, as alterações na atividade do músculo masseter (P= 0. 001; tamanho do efeito= 1,757), intensidade da dor (P= 0,003; tamanho do efeito= 3), e amplitude de movimento mandibular (P= 0,001, tamanho do efeito= 1,729) diferiram significativamente entre os dois grupos. Conclusão: A terapia com LASER de baixa potência teve um efeito melhor e mais duradouro na redução da intensidade da dor e na melhora da atividade muscular, bem como do movimento mandibular, quando comparada à placa de Michigan(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Facial Pain/radiotherapy , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/radiotherapy , Occlusal Splints , Low-Level Light Therapy , Pain Measurement , Range of Motion, Articular , Electromyography , Masticatory Muscles/physiopathology
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529132


ABSTRACT Objective: To construct, validate, and apply a questionnaire to assess and characterize the practice of self-medication performed by parents or children's guardians undergoing dental care. Material and Methods: A questionnaire was constructed, validated, and applied through personal interviews in the teaching clinics of two higher education institutions in the Federal District. Absolute and relative frequencies of categorical variables were calculated using descriptive statistics. Quantitative data were presented as mean and standard deviation. The chi-square test measured the association between the studied variables and self-medication. Results: One hundred and five participants were interviewed between August 2019 and November 2020. The average age of the participants was 37 (± 9) years, and most were mothers of the children who attended (78%) and users of the public health system (94.2%). The average family income was 1.88 minimum wage, and the most prevalent educational level was complete high school (40%). Conclusion: Despite the high level of knowledge about medication safety in children, self-medication was practiced in 50% of them. Difficulty in accessing dental treatment was mentioned by most as a justification. Self-medication was associated with dental pain, continuous medication use, and family self-medication habits.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Self Medication , Toothache , Child , Dental Care , Socioeconomic Factors , Facial Pain/etiology , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Prevalence Ratio
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(1): 1-7, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1425145


Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a term that covers a number of clinical problems involving the masticatory muscles, TMJ and all associated structures leading to signs and symptoms such as jaw pain, otalgia, headaches and limitation of function. In this context, TMD has been related to facial type and there are three distinct facial types (euryprosopic, mesoprosopic, and leptoprosopic). Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between myofascial pain and facial types classified by the RDC/TMD Axis I. Material and Methods: this study was composed of 64 women aged between 12 and 49 years, using data obtained from two institutions. We used the anthropometric methodology, which meets the criteria of simplicity and reliability. We also applied the Brugsh Facial Index. The individuals were classified as euryprosopic (51.56%), mesoprosopic (12.50%) and leptoprosopic (35.94%), without statistical significance among the groups (p=0,3492). Results: there is no statistical difference between the age groups (p=0.2976) and no association between facial type and age range. Conclusion: this study found that there was a correlation between myofascial pain and facial types, with the predominance of euryprosopic faced women aged between 20 and 29 years when compared with other facial types and other age groups. (AU)

A Disfunção Temporomandibular é um termo que cobre uma série de problemas clínicos envolvendo os músculos mastigatórios, ATM e todas as estruturas associadas que levam a sinais e sintomas como dor na mandíbula, otalgia, dores de cabeça e limitação de função. Nesse contexto, a DTM tem sido relacionada ao tipo facial que são classificados em três tipos distintos (euryprosopo, mesoprosopo e leptoprosopo). Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a correlação entre a dor miofascial e os tipos faciais classificados pelo RDC/TMD Eixo I. Material e Métodos: este estudo foi composto por 64 mulheres com idade entre 12 e 49 anos, utilizando dados obtidos em duas instituições. Utilizou-se a metodologia antropométrica, que atende aos critérios de simplicidade e de confiabilidade. Também foi utilizado o Índice Facial de Brugsh. Os indivíduos foram classificados em euriprosopo (51,56%), mesoprosopo (12,50%) e leptoprosopo (35, 94%), sem significância estatística entre os grupos (p = 0,3492). Resultados: não houve diferença estatística entre as faixas etárias (p = 0,2976) e nenhuma associação entre tipo facial e faixa etária. Conclusão: este estudo constatou que houve correlação entre dor miofascial e tipos faciais, com predomínio de mulheres euriprosopo com idade entre 20 a 29 anos quando comparadas com outros tipos faciais e outras faixas etárias.(AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Facial Pain , Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome , Myofascial Pain Syndromes
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 10(1): 1-4, 01/jan./2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411396


The Canalis Sinuosus is a structure of the maxilla that allows the passage of the anterosuperior alveolar nerve and has a neurovascular activity. To visualize this structure, Conical Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is best recommended. This article aimed to report a case of facial pain after the insertion of a dental implant due to compression of the Canalis Sinuosus. Thus, the implant was removed, followed by the insertion of a bone graft. After that, the facial pain stopped. In conclusion, the identification of anatomical structures in preoperative examinations is essential in surgical dental procedures.

O Canalis Sinuosus é uma estrutura da maxila, que permite a passagem do nervo alveolar anterosuperior e tem uma atividade neurovascular. Para visualizar essa estrutura, a Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (TCFC) é melhor recomendada. Este artigo teve como objetivo relatar um caso de dor facial após a inserção de um implante dentário, devido à compressão do Canalis Sinuosus. Assim, o implante foi removido, seguido pela inserção de um enxerto ósseo. Depois disso, a dor facial foi interrompida. Em conclusão, a identificação de estruturas anatômicas em exames pré-operatórios é essencial em procedimentos odontológicos cirúrgicos.

Dental Implants , Facial Pain , Tomography , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Maxilla
Dolor ; 32(75): 10-15, nov. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443113


Introducción: El Dolor Orofacial (DOF) es una forma frecuente de dolor percibido en la cara y/o cavidad bucal. Puede ser causado por enfermedades o trastornos de las estructuras regionales, disfunción del sistema nervioso o por derivación de fuentes distantes." (International Association for the Study of Pain, s. f.) Esta condición presenta una alta prevalencia, y la literatura internacional demuestra una deficiencia en el conocimiento de los profesionales en DOF. Objetivo General: Determinar el conocimiento en Dolor Orofacial en los docentes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Finis Terrae en el año 2021. Material y Método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con componente analítico, utilizando un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia de voluntarios, a quienes se les realizó una encuesta validada de la literatura científica que fue adaptada a la lengua española, evaluando parámetros sociodemográficos, percepción y conocimiento respecto al diagnóstico, signos y síntomas clínicos de afecciones de DOF. Resultados: Se pudo observar un conocimiento aceptable de los participantes, en donde el 60% respondió al menos cinco enunciados de forma correcta. Se concluyó que el conocimiento de los docentes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Finis Terrae fue superior a los registros encontrados en la literatura científica. Si bien este estudio cuenta con algunas limitaciones, permite entregar una base para próximas investigaciones, fomentando la instauración de cursos actualizados en DOF, otorgando un nuevo enfoque a la odontología, en donde se desarrollen profesionales integrales y capaces de diagnosticar, tratar o manejar estas condiciones.

Introduction: Orofacial pain (OFP) is a common form of perceived pain in the face and/or oral cavity. It may be caused by disease or disorders of regional structures, dysfunction of the nervous system, or by referral from distant sources."(International Association for the Study of Pain, s. f.) This condition presents a high prevalence, and the international literature demonstrates a deficiency in the knowledge of OFP professionals. General Objective: To determine the knowledge of Orofacial Pain in the teachers of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Finis Terrae University in the year 2021. Material and Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study with an analytical component was carried out, using a non- probabilistic convenience sampling of volunteers, who were given a validated survey from the scientific literature that was adapted to the Spanish language, evaluating sociodemographic parameters, perception and knowledge regarding diagnosis, clinical signs and symptoms of OFP conditions. Results: It was possible to observe an acceptable knowledge of the participants, where 60% of them answered at least five statements correctly. It was concluded that the knowledge of the teachers of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad Finis Terrae was superior to the records found in the scientific literature. Although this study has some limitations, it provides a basis for future research, encouraging the establishment of updated courses in OFP, providing a new approach to dentistry, in which comprehensive professionals capable of diagnosing, treating or managing these conditions are developed

Humans , Facial Pain , Pain Management/statistics & numerical data , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Health Care Surveys
Odovtos (En línea) ; 24(2)ago. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386589


Abstract Evidence has been reported that shows that somatosensory perception can be altered by a trigeminal injury resulting from maxillofacial surgical procedures. However, the surgical procedures that most frequently cause trigeminal lesions and the risk factors are unknown. In the same way, there is little information on what has been determined in preclinical models of trigeminal injury. This article integrates relevant information on trigeminal injury from both clinical findings and primary basic science studies. This review shows that the age and complexity of surgical procedures are essential to induce orofacial sensory alterations.

Resumen Se han reportado evidencias que demuestran que la percepción somatosensorial puede ser alterada por la lesión trigeminal producto de procedimientos quirúrgicos maxilofaciales. Sin embargo, se desconoce cuáles son los procedimientos quirúrgicos que más frecuentemente producen lesiones trigeminales, y los factores de riesgo. De la misma forma hay poca información sobre lo que se ha determinado en modelos preclínicos de lesión trigeminal. El objetivo de este artículo es integrar información relevante sobre la lesión trigeminal desde los hallazgos clínicos como los principales estudios de ciencia básica. Esta revisión demuestra que la edad y el tipo de procedimiento son fundamentales para inducir alteraciones sensoriales orofaciales, así como los procesos neurobiológicos que subyacen a estos padecimientos.

Humans , Surgery, Oral , Somatosensory Disorders , Facial Pain , Trigeminal Nerve Injuries
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1516316


Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship be-tween the presence of primary headaches and myofascial pain in orofacial patients. Materials and methods: Six hundred and ninety-nine records of patients seeking treatment in a specialized orofacial pain clinic were assessed. The primary diagnostic categories of heada-che and myofascial pain were recorded. Data analyses were carried out by Pearson Chi-square and Logistic Regression, with a p-value of 0.05. Results: Average age of patients was 34.6 years. Females constituted 82.8% of the sample. A relationship between the presence of tension-type headache and myofascial pain was found (p=0.00); however, this relationship was not found for the presence of migraine and myofascial pain (p>0.05). Discussion: Tension-type headaches may be triggered or perpetuated by trigger points in orofacial structures. Conclusion: It can be concluded that trigger points in myofascial pain patients can play an important role in the genesis of tension-type headache.

Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou a relação entre a presença de cefaleia primária e dor miofascial em pacientes orofaciais. Materiais e métodos: Foram avaliados 699 prontuários de pacientes que buscavam atendimento em clínica especiali-zada em dor orofacial. As categorias diagnósticas primárias de cefaleia e dor miofascial foram registradas. A análise dos dados foi realizada pelo Qui-quadrado de Pearson e Regressão Logística, com valor de p=0,05. Resultados: A idade média dos pacientes foi de 34,6 anos. O sexo feminino constituiu 82,8% da amostra. Foi encontrada relação entre a presença de cefaleia do tipo tensional e dor miofascial (p = 0,00); en-tretanto, essa relação não foi encontrada para a presença de enxaqueca e dor miofascial (p> 0,05). Discussão: As cefaleias primárias do tipo tensionais podem ser desencadeadas ou perpetuadas por pontos-gatilhos nas estruturas orofaciais. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que os pontos-gatilhos em pacientes com dor miofascial podem desempenhar um papel importante na gênese da cefaleia do tipo tensional.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Facial Pain , Tension-Type Headache , Migraine Disorders , Medical Records
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(1): 1-12, may. 11, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398536


Objective: This study aimed to compare the effect of ibuprofen and low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on the reduction of pain after the placement of initial archwire in orthodontic patients. Material and Methods: This double-blind clinical trial study was carried out on 60 female candidates for fixed orthodontic treatment referring to the Orthodontic Department of School of Dentistry in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, during 2015-2016. The subjects were divided into four groups of ibuprofen, LIPUS, placebo, and mock LIPUS. A questionnaire and a rectangular and flexible cubic silicone were given to each patient to record the severity of pain based on the visual analog scale at specified time points (i.e., 2 h, 6 h, at bedtime, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th days after archwire placement) when biting the silicone block with the anterior and posterior teeth and without biting at all. Repeated measures analysis of variance was used in order to compare the pain severity at different time points. Results: The comparison of pain severity at various time points showed that the highest and lowest mean scores of pain were reported at bedtime and seven days after the intervention (p<0.001). In each of the three conditions (i.e., biting the silicone block with the anterior and posterior teeth and without biting the teeth) at six time points (i.e., 2 h, 6 h, at bedtime, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th days following archwire placement), no significant difference was observed in the severity of pain (p>0.05). Conclusion: In conclusion, LIPUS (with a frequency of 1 MHz and an intensity of 100 mW) and ibuprofen have no significant effects on reduction of the pain severity at different time points and various conditions in orthodontic patients.

Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar el efecto del ibuprofeno y el ultrasonido pulsado de baja intensidad (LIPUS) en la reducción del dolor después de la colocación del arco inicial en pacientes de ortodoncia. Material y Métodos: Este estudio de ensayo clínico doble ciego se llevó a cabo en 60 candidatas a tratamiento de ortodoncia fija referidas al Departamento de Ortodoncia de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Mashhad, Mashhad, Irán, durante 2015-2016. Los sujetos se dividieron en cuatro grupos: ibuprofeno, LIPUS, placebo y LIPUS simulado. Se entregó un cuestionario y un bloque de silicona cúbica rectangular y flexible a cada paciente para registrar la intensidad del dolor según la escala analógica visual en puntos de tiempo específicos (es decir, 2 h, 6 h, hora de acostarse, 2do, 3er y 7mo día después de la colocación del arco) al morder el bloque de silicona con los dientes anteriores y posteriores, y sin morder en absoluto. Se utilizó el análisis de varianza de medidas repetidas para comparar la intensidad del dolor en diferentes momentos.Resultados: La comparación de la intensidad del dolor en varios puntos de tiempo mostró que las puntuaciones medias de dolor más altas y más bajas se informaron a la hora de acostarse y siete días después de la intervención (p<0,001). En cada una de las tres condiciones (es decir, al morder el bloque de silicona con los dientes anteriores y posteriores, y sin morder) en seis momentos (2 h, 6 h, antes de acostarse 2do, 3er y 7mo día después de la colocación del arco), no se observó diferencia significativa en la severidad del dolor (p>0.05).Conclusión: En conclusión, LIPUS (con una frecuencia de 1 MHz y una intensidad de 100 mW) y el ibuprofeno no tienen efectos significativos en la reducción de la severidad del dolor en diferentes puntos de tiempo y diversas condiciones en pacientes de ortodoncia.

Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Orthodontics , Ultrasonic Therapy , Facial Pain , Ibuprofen/administration & dosage , Orthodontic Wires/adverse effects , Pain Measurement , Double-Blind Method , Surveys and Questionnaires