Root rot is a microbial disease that is difficult to control and can result in serious losses in the planting of most Chinese medicinal materials. As high as 87.6% of roots or rhizomes of Chinese medicinal materials are susceptible to root rot, which seriously affects the cultivation development of Chinese medicinal materials. Trichoderma fungi, possessing biological control functions, can induce plants to improve their resistance to microbial diseases, promote plant growth, and effectively reduce the losses caused by various microbial diseases on cultivation. At present, Trichoderma is rarely used in the cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials, so it has great application potential for the prevention and control of root rot diseases in farmed Chinese medicinal materials. Based on the above situation, after comparison and discussion, it is believed that compared with chemical control and physical control, biological control of root rot diseases of Chinese medicinal materials is more efficient and meets the development needs of Chinese medicinal materials ecological planting in China. This paper reviewed the progress in the research and application of Trichoderma in the control of root rot diseases in the root and rhizome of farmed Chinese medicinal materials in the past 10 years and found that most of the current research on the biological control of root rot diseases in Chinese medicinal materials was mostly limited to the verification of the inhibitory effect of Trichoderma strains on the growth of the pathogenic microbes. Studies on the induction effect of Trichoderma on Chinese medicinal materials are not in depth. Studies on the responding mechanisms of most Chinese medicinal materials to Trichoderma are highly absent. Moreover, there are few reports on field experiments, which indicates that there is a long way to go before Trichoderma is widely applied in the farming practice of Chinese medicinal materials. To sum up, this paper aimed to link the present and the future and advocated further relevant research and more experiments on the application of Trichoderma in the farming of Chinese medicinal materials.
Agriculture , Farms , Plant Diseases/microbiology , Rhizome , TrichodermaABSTRACT
The evaluation of the bioavailability of pollutants in soil is crucial to accurately assess the pollution risk, and whole-cell biosensor is one of the important tools for such evaluation. This study aimed to develop a novel whole-cell biosensor for the detection of methyl parathion in soil using. First, a whole-cell biosensor was constructed by the screened methyl parathion hydrolase mpd gene, the existing specific induction element pobR, and the pUC19 plasmid skeleton. Then, the detection method of methyl parathion in soil extracts was established using 96-well microtiter plate as carrier and five whole-cell biosensors as indicator. The method was applied in the detection of methyl parathion in tested and field soil extracts. Taking E. coli DH5α/pMP-AmilCP with the best detection performance as an example, this biosensor had a detection limit of 6.21-6.66 µg/L and a linear range of 10-10 000 µg/L for methyl parathion in four soil extracts. E. coli DH5α/pMP-RFP and E. coli DH5α/pMP-AmilCP methods have good detection performance for the analysis of methyl parathion in soil extract samples. This biosensor method can help to quickly assess the bioavailability of methyl parathion in soil, and thus help to understand the risk of soil pollution caused by organophosphorus pesticide methyl parathion.
Methyl Parathion/analysis , Pesticides/analysis , Organophosphorus Compounds , Escherichia coli/genetics , Soil , Farms , Biosensing TechniquesABSTRACT
Objetivou-se descrever o perfil dos sistemas de criação de caprinos e ovinos da Ilha de São Luís no estado do Maranhão. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo descritivo, exploratório e quali-quantitativo com 80 produtores rurais selecionados pela técnica Snowball, no período de fevereiro a abril de 2021. Em relação ao perfil do produtor rural, verificou-se predominância do gênero masculino (93,8%), apresentando faixa etária entre 25 a 60 anos (86,2%). A maioria dos produtores apresentavam ensino médio completo (23,8%) ou ensino superior completo (23,8%) e 88,8% dos produtores não estavam vinculados a organizações coletivas, associações, cooperativas ou sindicatos. Nas propriedades rurais o sistema de criação predominante era o semi-extensivo (73,8%) com presença de apriscos (76,2%) e as criações eram consorciadas com caprinos e ovinos (58,8%). A principal causa de morte nos animais verificada foi a verminose (58,8%). Conclui-se que se faz necessário o estabelecimento de medidas de estímulo às criações na Ilha de São Luís por meio de políticas públicas voltadas aos produtores locais, requerendo, sobretudo, assistência técnica, orientações zootécnicas, educação sanitária e acesso ao crédito, para, assim, deixar de ser apenas uma atividade de subsistência e passar a gerar maiores rendas para as famílias produtoras.
The objective of this research was to describe the profile of the goat and sheep rearing systems on the Island of São Luís in the state of Maranhão. For this, a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative-quantitative study was carried out with 80 rural producers selected by the Snowball technique, from February to April 2021. Regarding the profile of the rural producer, there was a predominance of males (93.8%), aging between 25 and 60 years (86.2%). Most producers had completed high school (23.8%) or higher education (23.8%) and 88.8% were not members of collective organizations, associations, cooperatives or unions. In rural properties, the predominant rearing system was semi-extensive (73.8%) with the presence of sheepfolds (76.2%) and mutual goats and sheep farming (58.8%). The main cause of death of animals was warm infections (58.8%). In conclusion, it is necessary to establish measures to support sheep and goat farming on the Island of São Luís through public policies focused on local producers, which require, above all, technical assistance, zootechnical guidelines, health education and access to credit in order to the farms stop being just a subsistence activity and start generating higher incomes for producing families.
Animals , Ruminants , Sheep , Rural Economy , Farmers/statistics & numerical data , Farms/organization & administration , Animal Husbandry/organization & administrationABSTRACT
This article presents the results of the level of feeding and the health status of dairy cows in a commercial dairy farm on the content of the main components in milk (fat, protein, urea). The aim of the research was to study the milk productivity and composition of milk of cows, to analyze the level of feeding and the content of basic nutrients in the diet of the farm. The farm breeds purebred Holstein cattle with a high genetic potential for productivity. The milking herd was formed in 2009 on the basis of 600 heads of Holstein-Friesian heifers imported from Hungary, as well as 65 heads of Holsteinized heifers of Ukrainian selection from Ukraine in 2015. Today the livestock numbers about 1,500 head of cattle, of which there are about 900 breeders. On the territory of the farm there are: 3 cowsheds for keeping cows, an insemination room, a milking parlor with a parallel installation of the Delaval company, in which 48 cows are milked for one milking, the ABK, where the manager's office, livestock technician, accounting is located, and a mini-hotel with dining room and lounges. Dairy bases are equipped with auto-drinkers, ventilation, plumbing, electric lighting, manure removal mechanisms, and a milking installation. The object of the research was Holstein cows in the amount of 483 heads of Aina Dairy Farm LLP. The studies were carried out according to generally accepted zootechnical methods using modern equipment for conducting analyzes and interstate and state standards. The research results showed that the milk productivity of cows averaged 19.5 kg per day, the fat content 4.3%, the protein 3.9%, the number of somatic cells 230.5 thousand units / ml, urea 45.3 mg / 100 ml respectively. Analyzing the level of urea in milk can suggest a high crude protein content in the diet. The ration of feeding dairy cows on the farm is concentrate-silage-haylage and there is an excess of dry matter by 16.2%, crude protein by 9.8%, starch by 29.4%, respectively.
Este artigo apresenta os resultados do nível de alimentação e do estado de saúde de vacas leiteiras em uma fazenda comercial leiteira sobre o conteúdo dos principais componentes do leite (gordura, proteína, ureia). O objetivo da pesquisa foi estudar a produtividade e composição do leite de vacas, analisar o nível de alimentação e o teor de nutrientes básicos na dieta da fazenda. A fazenda produz gado holandês de raça pura com alto potencial genético de produtividade. O rebanho leiteiro foi formado em 2009 com base em 600 cabeças de novilhas Holstein-Friesian importadas da Hungria, bem como 65 cabeças de novilhas holsteinizadas da seleção ucraniana em 2015. Hoje o gado totaliza cerca de 1.500 cabeças de gado, das quais existem cerca de 900 criadores. No território da fazenda existem: 3 estábulos para criação de vacas, uma sala de inseminação, uma sala de ordenha com instalação paralela da empresa Delaval, na qual são ordenhadas 48 vacas para cada ordenha, a ABK, onde fica o escritório do gestor, pecuária técnica, a contabilidade está localizada, e um mini-hotel com refeitório e salões. As bases leiteiras são equipadas com bebedouros automáticos, ventilação, encanamento, iluminação elétrica, mecanismo de remoção de esterco e instalação de ordenha. O objeto da pesquisa foram vacas da raça holandesa no valor de 483 cabeças da Aina Dairy Farm LLP. Os estudos foram realizados de acordo com métodos zootécnicos geralmente aceitos, utilizando equipamentos modernos para a realização de análises e padrões interestaduais e estaduais. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que a produtividade do leite das vacas era em média 19,5 kg por dia, o teor de gordura 4,3%, a proteína 3,9%, o número de células somáticas 230,5 mil unidades / ml, ureia 45,3 mg / 100 ml respectivamente. A análise do nível de ureia no leite pode sugerir alto teor de proteína bruta na dieta. A ração para alimentação das vacas leiteiras na fazenda é concentrado-silagem-silagem-silagem e há excesso de matéria seca em 16,2%, proteína bruta em 9,8% e amido em 29,4%, respectivamente.
Animals , Female , Lactation , Milk , Cattle , Diet , FarmsABSTRACT
A significant level of yield losses in the vegetable and fruit farms are attributed to the weed populations of the area. This study was conducted for eighteen months during 2019-2020 to assess the presence of various weed families, related species, and their densities in the vegetable (CROP A) and fruit (CROP B) farms of Taif, Saudi Arabia. During the study, fourteen and ten weed families were noted in the vegetable and fruit farms of the studied area, respectively. Poaceae family weeds (729) were significantly higher in numbers followed by the families Asteraceae (414), Chenopodiaceae (338), and Gisekiaceae (153). In the vegetable farms, two weed species of the family Poaceae including Setaria viridis (437) and Eleusine indica ssp (277) were present in the higher numbers followed by Chenopodium murale (166) of the Chenopodiaceae family. In the fruit farms, the weed species Cynodon dactylon of the family Poaceae represented the highest weed density (172) followed by Gisekia pharnaceoides L. species (153) of family Gisekiaceae and Portulaca oleracea (59) belonging to the family Portulacaceae. The vegetable and fruit farms of the Taif region face severe weed pressure that affects the cultivated crops. This study depicts a comprehensive picture of weed diversity and density in the vegetable and fruit farms of the area. The results of this study will be beneficial in developing effective weed management practices for better crop production.
Um nível significativo de perdas de rendimento nas fazendas de hortaliças e frutas é atribuído às populações de ervas daninhas da área. Este estudo foi conduzido por dezoito meses durante 2019-2020 para avaliar a presença de várias famílias de ervas daninhas, espécies relacionadas e suas densidades nas fazendas de vegetais (CROP A) e frutas (CROP B) de Taif, Arábia Saudita. Durante o estudo, catorze e dez famílias de plantas daninhas foram observadas nas fazendas de hortaliças e frutas da área estudada, respectivamente. As plantas daninhas da família Poaceae (729) foram significativamente maiores em número, seguidas pelas famílias Asteraceae (414), Chenopodiaceae (338) e Gisekiaceae (153). Nas hortas, duas espécies de plantas daninhas da família Poaceae, incluindo Setaria viridis (437) e Eleusine indica ssp (277), estavam presentes em maior número, seguidas por Chenopodium murale (166) da família Chenopodiaceae. Nas fruticulturas, a espécie de plantas daninhas Cynodon dactylon da família Poaceae representou a maior densidade de plantas daninhas (172) seguida das espécies Gisekia pharnaceoides L. (153) da família Gisekiaceae e Portulaca oleracea (59) pertencentes à família Portulacaceae. As fazendas de hortaliças e frutas da região de Taif enfrentam uma forte pressão de ervas daninhas que afeta as culturas cultivadas. Este estudo apresenta um quadro abrangente da diversidade e densidade de plantas daninhas nas fazendas de hortaliças e frutas da região. Os resultados deste estudo serão benéficos no desenvolvimento de práticas eficazes de manejo de plantas daninhas para uma melhor produção das culturas.
Vegetables/growth & development , Plant Weeds/growth & development , Farms , Fruit/growth & development , Saudi ArabiaABSTRACT
The objective of this study was to determine the types of calve housing used in dairy farms, the prevalence of umbilical disorders and related risk factors. The 16 farms studied were visited to characterize the types of installation and possible risk factors, as well as information obtained from a questionnaire applied to the farmers. 806 Holstein calves were physically examined, in addition to collecting blood samples for the evaluation of Failures in Passive Immunity Transfer (FPIT), in animals that manifested inflammatory omphalopathies, and were also submitted to ultrasound examination. The prevalence of omphalopathies was assessed by Fisher's test, and multivariate logistic regression to assess risk factors. Eight types of installation were found: tropical house, suspended cage, collective stall, collective picket, Argentinean type, single-story cage, individual stall, and collective picket with chain. Omphalopathies accounted for 6.45% of the calves. Small size farms (up to 99 lactation cows) had high risk for umbilical disorders, ground floor collective calves, without side protection, with sand floor, in closed sheds and without heatstroke were considered risk factors for omphalopathies. Adequate colostrum and umbilical antisepsis are not associated with disease, its appearance being related to the housing conditions of the animals.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os tipos de alojamento para bezerros leiteiros, a prevalência de onfalopatias e os fatores de risco relacionados. As 16 fazendas estudadas foram visitadas buscando-se caracterizar os tipos de instalação e os possíveis fatores de risco, além de informações obtidas de um questionário aplicado aos fazendeiros. Foram examinados fisicamente 806 bezerros da raça Holandesa, além da coleta de amostras de sangue, para avaliação da falha de transferência de imunidade passiva (FTIP), nos animais que manifestaram onfalopatias inflamatórias, sendo submetidos também ao exame ultrassonográfico. A prevalência das onfalopatias foi avaliada por teste de Fisher, e foi feita regressão logística multivariada a fim de se avaliarem os fatores de risco. Verificou-se oito tipos de instalação: casinha tropical, gaiola suspensa, baia coletiva, piquete coletivo, bezerreiro tipo argentino, gaiola térrea, baia individual e piquete coletivo com corrente. As onfalopatias corresponderam a 6,45% dos bezerros. Os bezerreiros coletivos térreos, sem proteções laterais, com piso de areia, borracha, concreto ou madeira, em galpões fechados, sem insolação, com alta densidade animal, antissepsia umbilical realizada por três dias e FTIP acima de 50% foram considerados fatores de risco para onfalopatias e possuem relação com o bezerreiro, sendo decisivas para evitar essas condições a colostragem e a antissepsia umbilical adequadas.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Umbilicus/pathology , Colostrum/immunology , Sheltering , Hernia, Umbilical/veterinary , Sunstroke/prevention & control , Floors and Floorcoverings/standards , Farms/organization & administrationABSTRACT
Cortisol is a steroid hormone, one of the glucocorticoids, made in the cortex of the adrenal glands and then released into the blood, which transports it in the entire body. Almost every cell contains receptors for cortisol and so cortisol can have lots of different actions depending on which sort of cells it is acting upon. These effects include controlling the body's blood sugar levels and thus regulating metabolism, acting as an anti-inflammatory product, controlling salt and water balance and influencing blood pressure. The study was conducted over a period of 3 months, between March-August 2020, in 2 swine farms in Iasi county, Romania, on a total of 46 pigs, 3 to 4 months old, both males and females, in order to investigate stress levels in finishing facilities. The study revealed higher levels of cortisol while eosinophil counts severely decreased, changes which are associated with a strong reaction to stress for individuals that were housed in finishing facilities.(AU)
O cortisol é um hormônio esteroide, um dos glicocorticoides, produzido no córtex das glândulas suprarrenais e, em seguida, liberado no sangue, que o transporta por todo o corpo. Quase todas as células contêm receptores para o cortisol e, portanto, ele pode ter muitas ações diferentes, dependendo do tipo de célula sobre a qual atua. Esses efeitos incluem controlar os níveis de açúcar no sangue do corpo e, assim, regular o metabolismo, atuando como um produto anti-inflamatório, controlando o equilíbrio de sal e água e influenciando a pressão arterial. O presente estudo foi realizado durante um período de três meses, entre março-agosto de 2020, em duas granjas de suínos no condado de Iasi, Romênia, em um número total de 46 porcos, de três a quatro meses de idade, machos e fêmeas, a fim de investigar níveis de estresse nas instalações de acabamento. O estudo revelou níveis mais elevados de cortisol, enquanto a contagem de eosinófilos diminuiu severamente, mudanças que são consideradas associadas a uma forte reação ao estresse para indivíduos que foram alojados em instalações de acabamento.(AU)
Animals , Stress, Psychological/diagnosis , Swine/physiology , Hydrocortisone/analysis , Eosinophils , Leukocyte Count/veterinary , Romania , FarmsABSTRACT
O presente relato apresenta um caso de anafilaxia tardia ao carboidrato alfa-gal em um adolescente da cidade de Belém, na Paraíba, Brasil. O paciente desenvolveu reação tardia à ingesta de carne e vísceras de animais. Ele mora em fazenda e tem contato próximo com animais potencialmente contaminados por carrapatos. Essa causa de reação alérgica é nova, e estudos começaram a atribuí-la a casos antes ditos idiopáticos. A anafilaxia é uma reação potencialmente fatal, que deve ser prontamente diagnosticada e tratada. Sendo assim, a descoberta de seu fator desencadeante é um dos principais itens que direcionam o tratamento. No Brasil, nenhum caso de anafilaxia por alfa-gal foi antes descrito na literatura local.
This report presents a case of late anaphylaxis to alpha-gal carbohydrate in a teenager living in the city of Belém, Paraíba, Brazil. The patient developed a late reaction to eating meat and offal of animals; he lives on a farm and has close contact with animals potentially contaminated by ticks. This cause of allergic reaction is new, and studies have started to attribute it to cases previously said to be idiopathic. Anaphylaxis is a potentially fatal reaction that must be promptly diagnosed and treated. Thus, the discovery of its triggering factor is one of the main items that guide treatment. In Brazil, no case of alpha-gal anaphylaxis had been described in the local literature.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Ticks , Viscera , Carbohydrates , Food Hypersensitivity , Anaphylaxis , Meat , Therapeutics , Eating , FarmsABSTRACT
The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of electrical and thermal systems optimization on energy consumption in broiler farms. Experiments were conducted in 4 different climates (cold, hot, dry, and temperate) with four treatments (4 broiler farms in each region) and 5 iterations (5 rearing periods per farm) on the Ross 308 strain of broiler chicken in a completely randomized basic design. The results showed that the solutions applied in cold and dry climates had a significant effect on reducing energy consumption (P<0.05). In the hot climate, although the reduction in energy consumption was observed after the application of the solutions, the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Also, the application of solutions in temperate climates created a significant difference in the specific amount of thermal energy consumption per kilo of meat and total energy (P<0.05). Overall, the results of the present experiment showed that optimizing the electrical and thermal systems of broiler houses could reduce energy consumption in all climates.(AU)
O presente estudo foi realizado para investigar o efeito da otimização de sistemas elétricos e térmicos no consumo de energia em fazendas de frangos de corte. Foram realizadas experiências em 4 climas diferentes (frio, quente, seco e temperado) com quatro tratamentos (4 granjas de frangos de corte em cada região) e 5 iterações (5 períodos de criação por granja) na cepa Ross 308 de frangos de corte em um projeto básico completamente aleatório. Os resultados mostraram que as soluções aplicadas em climas frios e secos tiveram um efeito significativo na redução do consumo de energia (P<0,05). No clima quente, embora a redução no consumo de energia tenha sido observada após a aplicação das soluções, a diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa (P>0,05). Além disso, a aplicação de soluções em climas temperados criou uma diferença significativa na quantidade específica de consumo de energia térmica por quilo de carne e energia total (P<0,05). Em geral, os resultados do presente experimento mostraram que a otimização dos sistemas elétricos e térmicos das casas de frangos de corte poderia reduzir o consumo de energia em todos os climas.(AU)
Animals , Chickens/physiology , Thermal Energy/methods , Energy Consumption/methods , Energy Consumption/prevention & control , Process Optimization/methods , Farms/organization & administrationABSTRACT
Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la seroprevalencia de Neospora caninum en los bovinos de los tambos del Valle del Lerma (Salta, Argentina) y los factores de riesgo asociados a la transmisión de este parásito en esta región. Se tomaron muestras de suero de aproximadamente 40 vacas en cada tambo, que fueron analizadas por ELISA indirecto para detectar anticuerpos contra N. caninum. También se discriminó entre infecciones crónicas y agudas midiendo la avidez de dichos anticuerpos. Todos los tambos presentaron al menos un bovino seropositivoy la media fue de 35,3 ± 14,9% de animales positivos. También se detectaron anticuerpos específicos en caninos presentes en 9 de los 16 tambos, con un valor de seropositi- vidad del 71,7 ± 19,9%. El 56,3% de los bovinos seropositivos cursaban infecciones agudas. Se halló una asociación negativa entre la seroprevalencia y el índice de avidez de los anticuerpos específicos, lo que indica que la presencia de animales con infecciones agudas se asocia a mayor seroprevalencia. Los campos con pastoreo presentaron mayor cantidad de infecciones recien tes. Estos resultados revelan por primera vez la importancia de este parásito en los tambos de la región y la necesidad de propiciar el desarrollo de programas de control considerando los distintos factores de riesgo que afectan la situación epidemiológica de la enfermedad.
Abstract The objective of this work was to determine the seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in cattle in Valle de Lerma, province of Salta, Argentina, and the risk factors associated with the disease. Serum samples were taken from 40 cows in each dairy herd, which were analyzed by indirect ELISA to detect antibodies against N. caninum. Chronic and acute infections were discriminated by measuring the avidity of these antibodies. All the herds exhibited at least one seropositive animal, the mean being 35.3 ± 14.9% of positive animals. Specific antibodies were also detected in dogs present in 9of the herds, which showed a seropositivity value of 71.7% ± 19.9%. Among the seropositive animals, 56.3% showed acute infections. A negative association was found between seroprevalence and the avidity index of specific antibodies, indicating that the presence of animals with acute infections is associated with higher seroprevalence. Fields with grazing showed more recent infections. These results show for the first time the importance of this parasite in this particular region and the need to promote the development of control programs considering the different risk factors that affect the epidemiological situation of the disease.
Animals , Cattle , Dogs , Female , Cattle Diseases , Coccidiosis , Neospora , Argentina/epidemiology , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Antibodies, Protozoan , Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Risk Factors , Coccidiosis/veterinary , Coccidiosis/epidemiology , FarmsABSTRACT
Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de animais soro reagentes à brucelose bovina em fazendas localizadas no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, por meio de exame sorológico utilizando o Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT) e discutir as possíveis diferenças entre as soroprevalências de fêmeas e machos. Foram avaliados, a partir do teste de triagem com Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT), 724 bovinos da raça Nelore, sendo 274 machos e 450 fêmeas, provenientes de oito propriedades com histórico de problemas reprodutivos. O teste foi procedido conforme o protocolo determinado pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Os resultados demonstraram baixa soroprevalência da doença nos bovinos testados, sendo detectada prevalência para a doença de 1,10% nos machos e 2,88% nas fêmeas.Quando se considera o touro isoladamente nos rebanhos, pode-se perceber que a fertilidade é muito mais importante nos machos do que nas fêmeas individualmente, uma vez que os touros podem se acasalar com um número muito maior de fêmeas, seja na monta natural ou na inseminação artificial, demonstrando a importância do inquérito epidemiológico na população geral, principalmente nos machos. A maior frequência da doença foi encontrada nas fêmeas podendo estar relacionada à infecção por Brucella spp. no ambiente decorrente de parto ou aborto tornando as fêmeas transmissoras permanentes da doença.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of seroreactive animals to bovine brucellosis in farms located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, by means of a serological examination using the Acidified Buffered Antigen (AAT) and to discuss the possible differences between the seroprevalence of females and males. A total of 724 Nellore cattle, 274 males and 450 females, from eight farms with a history of reproductive problems, were evaluated using the screening test with Acidified Buffered Antigen (AAT). The test was carried out according to the protocol determined by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA).The results showed a low seroprevalence of the disease in the tested cattle, with a prevalence of 1.10% in males and 2.88% in females.When considered the bull alone in herds, it can be shown that fertility is much more important in males than in females individually, since bulls can mate with a much larger number of females, either in natural mating or in artificial insemination, demonstrating the importance of epidemiological survey in the general population, especially in males. The highest frequency of the disease was found in females and may be related to infection by Brucella spp. in the environment from childbirth or abortion making females permanent transmitters of the disease.
Male , Female , Animals , Cattle , Abortion, Veterinary/microbiology , Cattle/microbiology , Farms , Serologic Tests/veterinary , Brucella , Zoonoses/diagnosisABSTRACT
Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de animais soro reagentes à brucelose bovina em fazendas localizadas no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, por meio de exame sorológico utilizando o Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT) e discutir as possíveis diferenças entre as soroprevalências de fêmeas e machos. Foram avaliados, a partir do teste de triagem com Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT), 724 bovinos da raça Nelore, sendo 274 machos e 450 fêmeas, provenientes de oito propriedades com histórico de problemas reprodutivos. O teste foi procedido conforme o protocolo determinado pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Os resultados demonstraram baixa soroprevalência da doença nos bovinos testados, sendo detectada prevalência para a doença de 1,10% nos machos e 2,88% nas fêmeas.Quando se considera o touro isoladamente nos rebanhos, pode-se perceber que a fertilidade é muito mais importante nos machos do que nas fêmeas individualmente, uma vez que os touros podem se acasalar com um número muito maior de fêmeas, seja na monta natural ou na inseminação artificial, demonstrando a importância do inquérito epidemiológico na população geral, principalmente nos machos. A maior frequência da doença foi encontrada nas fêmeas podendo estar relacionada à infecção por Brucella spp. no ambiente decorrente de parto ou aborto tornando as fêmeas transmissoras permanentes da doença.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of seroreactive animals to bovine brucellosis in farms located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, by means of a serological examination using the Acidified Buffered Antigen (AAT) and to discuss the possible differences between the seroprevalence of females and males. A total of 724 Nellore cattle, 274 males and 450 females, from eight farms with a history of reproductive problems, were evaluated using the screening test with Acidified Buffered Antigen (AAT). The test was carried out according to the protocol determined by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA).The results showed a low seroprevalence of the disease in the tested cattle, with a prevalence of 1.10% in males and 2.88% in females.When considered the bull alone in herds, it can be shown that fertility is much more important in males than in females individually, since bulls can mate with a much larger number of females, either in natural mating or in artificial insemination, demonstrating the importance of epidemiological survey in the general population, especially in males. The highest frequency of the disease was found in females and may be related to infection by Brucella spp. in the environment from childbirth or abortion making females permanent transmitters of the disease.
Animals , Cattle , Brucella abortus/pathogenicity , Brucellosis, Bovine/diagnosis , Serologic Tests/veterinary , Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Health Surveys/methods , Abortion, Veterinary/pathology , FarmsABSTRACT
Aims@#Linezolid has become a decisive therapy in treating infections with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE). Currently, the emergence of linezolid-resistant Enterococcus further complicates the therapeutic options and leads to global health threat not only in hospital setting but in the community. The study aimed at antimicrobial pattern of Enterococcus isolated from 6 poultry farms in Kelantan, Malaysia.@*Methodology and results@#Between February and December 2019, 300 broiler cloacal swab sample (Gallus gallus domesticus) were collected and screened for linezolid-resistant enterococci (LRE) using a standard biochemical and antimicrobial susceptibility tests. Among all the samples, 32.3% (n=97/300) grew Enterococcus, 71.1% (n=69/97) of it were identified Enterococcus casseliflavus by molecular identification, whilst remaining isolates 28.9% (n=28/97) were further identified as Enterococcus gallinarum by 16S rRNA sequencing. None of the isolates were found to exhibit high-level resistance to vancomycin. However, 3/97 (3.1%) were exhibit resistance to high-level gentamicin based on Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion test. Whereas 48/97 (49.5%) of isolates were observed to be resistant to ampicillin, 28/97 (28.9%) were resistant to penicillin. Surprisingly, among the two strains isolated, 18.6% (n=18/97) of it were resistant to linezolid. Isolates showed resistance to linezolid by disk diffusion test were verified by VITEK-2 automated system (bioMérieux, USA) with MIC ≥8 µg/mL. All antimicrobial susceptibility test and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) results were interpreted according to Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI). @*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#In conclusion, this study has reported the prevalence of linezolid resistant Enterococcus (LRE) in highly intrinsic antibiotic resistant of E. casseliflavus and E. gallinarum in Malaysia poultry farms, alongside with the truancy of vanA strains. The emergence of LRE strains is an alarming problem to the animal husbandry and healthcare setting worldwide. This could lead to potentially untreatable and life-threatening enterococcal infections. Even more worrying is the spread of LRE to geographical regions where these strains were previously unreported, which may pose a global health threat. Antimicrobial surveillance in poultry husbandry is thus, dimly necessary to prevent wide spread of multidrug-resistant bacteria.
Linezolid , Enterococcus , FarmsABSTRACT
Abstract Cattle are an important source of zoonotic species of Cryptosporidium for humans. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of Cryptosporidium, identify the species and determine the risk factors relating to environment, animals and management among dairy calves in eight Brazilian states. A total of 408 fecal samples from calves aged 1-60 days were analyzed. An epidemiological questionnaire was completed. Sample screening was performed using Ziehl-Neelsen technique and the positive samples were subjected to nested PCR. Cryptosporidium species were identified by means of the PCR-RFLP technique, using SSPI, ASEI and MBOII enzymes. The Ziehl-Neelsen technique showed that 89.7% (35/39) of the farms and 52.9% (216/408) of the samples were positive. Through nested PCR, these protozoa were detected in 54.6% of the samples. The 56 samples subjected to PCR-RFLP presented Cryptosporidium parvum. There was higher prevalence of the parasite in animals aged 7 to 28 days (62.6%). Diarrhea, ages between seven and 28 days and a spring water source were factors associated with the risk of infection. The calf hutch-type management system was associated with reduced infection. These findings demonstrate the high level of Cryptosporidium spp. circulation in cattle herds and the predominance of the species C. parvum.
Resumo O gado é uma fonte importante de espécies zoonóticas de Cryptosporidium para o homem. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a presença de Cryptosporidium, identificar a espécie e determinar os fatores de risco relacionados ao meio ambiente, aos animais e ao manejo em bezerros leiteiros em oito estados brasileiros. Um total de 408 amostras fecais de bezerros, com idade entre 1 e 60 dias, foram analisadas. Um questionário epidemiológico foi preenchido. A triagem das amostras foi realizada pela técnica de Ziehl-Neelsen, e as amostras positivas foram submetidas à "nested" PCR. As espécies de Cryptosporidium foram identificadas pela técnica de PCR-RFLP, utilizando-se as enzimas SSPI, ASEI e MBOII. A técnica de Ziehl-Neelsen mostrou que 89,7% (35/39) das fazendas e 52,9% (216/408) das amostras foram positivas. Por meio de nested PCR, esses protozoários foram detectados em 54,6% das amostras. As 56 amostras submetidas à PCR-RFLP apresentaram Cryptosporidium parvum. Houve maior prevalência do parasita em animais de 7 a 28 dias (62,6%). Diarreia, idade entre sete e 28 dias, e fonte de água mineral foram fatores associados ao risco de infecção. O sistema de manejo do tipo "casinha" para bezerros foi associado à redução da infecção. Esses achados demonstram o alto nível de Cryptosporidium spp. em circulação nos rebanhos bovinos e o predomínio da espécie C. parvum.
Animals , Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Cryptosporidiosis/genetics , Cryptosporidiosis/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cattle , Prevalence , Feces , FarmsABSTRACT
Abstract Ectoparasitic infestation in dairy cattle, the most common being Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, causes significant loss in production. The control of ectoparasites often occurs incorrectly, resulting in resistance to the active ingredients and residues in milk. To understand of acaricide use in the microregion of Alfenas, Minas Gerais (Brazil), questionnaires were applied to the owners of 100 dairy farms in the region and were selected randomly. Dairy farms were allocated according to production scale: up to 150 liters/day, 151-400 liters/day and more than 400 liters/day. The interviewees were asked about production characteristics, acaricide management and active ingredients. The interview answers were subjected to descriptive analysis. Results showed that all properties, independent of production-scale, used acaricides. The most cited was: Cypermethrin Chlorpyrifos Citronellal (31%), Fluazuron (18.6%) and Fipronil (17%). Among the interviewed, 41,1% use drugs that have restrictions that are not allowed in legislation for use in lactating dairy cows (fluazuron, fipronil, ivermectin). 15% affirmed they weren't aware of the "withdrawal period" of medication and 73% change in the active ingredient used. In order to revert this antiparasitic drug's resistance situation and contamination of milk with drug residues, it is necessary to focus on the awareness of milk producers and training of labor.
Resumo A infestação por ectoparasitas em bovinos leiteiros, sendo o mais comum o Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, causa prejuízos significativos na produção. No entanto, o controle dos ectoparasitas geralmente ocorre incorretamente, resultando em resistência aos princípios ativos e presença de resíduos no leite. Para entender os padrões de uso de acaricidas na microrregião de Alfenas, Minas Gerais, Brasil, foram aplicados questionários aos proprietários de 100 fazendas leiteiras que foram classificadas de acordo com uma escala de produção: até 150 litros/dia, de 151 a 400 litros/dia e mais de 400 litros/dia. Os entrevistados foram questionados sobre características da produção, manejo do acaricida de gado e conhecimento sobre os princípios ativos. Todas as propriedades, independentemente da escala de produção, usavam acaricidas. Foram citados com maior frequência: Cipermetrina + Clorpirifós + Citronelal (31%), Fluazuron (18.6%) e Fipronil (17%). Entre os produtores entrevistados, 41,1 % fazem uso de drogas com restrição que não são atualmente permitidas na legislação para uso em vacas em lactação (fluazuron, fipronil, ivermectina). 15% dos produtores de leite afirmaram não estar cientes do "período de carência" dos medicamentos; outros relatam trocas constantes do princípio ativo utilizado. Para reverter a situação do uso indiscriminado de antiparasitários, é necessário focar na conscientização dos produtores de leite e na formação do trabalho.
Animals , Female , Tick Infestations/veterinary , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Cattle Diseases , Rhipicephalus , Acaricides , Brazil , Lactation , Cattle , FarmsABSTRACT
Abstract This study aimed to determine the intensity, seasonality, and distribution by genera of, as well as to identify phenotypic markers of susceptibility to, gastrointestinal parasites among sheep on farms within the Brazilian savanna (cerrado) biome. We evaluated 1271 sheep, on seven farms, during the rainy season (in December 2017 and December 2018) and dry season (in July 2018 and July 2019). Parasitological evaluation was based on culture and EPG. We calculated hematocrit, as well as the body condition score and feces score. Of the sheep evaluated, 34.15% had moderate-to-severe parasitic infection. The factors of herds' phenotypic characterization about helminth infections were (p ≤ 0.05 for all): anemia (OR = 5.72); leanness (OR = 1.80); loose stools or diarrhea (OR = 1.54); breed other than Santa Inês (OR = 2.31); "weaned lamb" category (OR = 4.76); "lambing ewe" category (OR = 4.66); and dry season (OR = 2.37). Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum, and Cooperia accounted for 76.40%, 20.23%, 2.89%, and 0.47%, respectively, of the helminth genera identified, with their proportional distributions being comparable between the rainy and dry seasons. Changes in health management, with regard to helminth infection control, are urgently needed in order to combat the disease more effectively and sustainably.
Resumo A presente pesquisa objetivou determinar a intensidade, sazonalidade, predominância de gêneros e marcadores fenotípicos às parasitoses gastrointestinais em fazendas de criação de ovinos do Distrito Federal, no bioma cerrado brasileiro. Foram avaliados 1.271 ovinos oriundos de sete propriedades, durante os períodos chuvoso (dezembro de 2017 e dezembro de 2018) e seco (julho de 2018 e julho de 2019). Procedeu-se a avaliação parasitológica por coprocultura e OPG, dosagem de hematócrito, escore de condição corporal e de fezes. Dos indivíduos avaliados, 34,15% deles apresentaram infecção parasitária moderada a grave. Os fatores de caracterização fenotípica dos rebanhos quanto às infecções helmínticas (p ≤ 0,05), foram: anemia (OR = 5,72),magreza (OR = 1,80), fezes pastosas/diarreicas (OR = 1,54), raças distintas à raça Santa Inês (OR = 2,31), categorias de produção animal "jovens" (OR = 4,76) e "fêmeas paridas" (OR = 4,66), e período seco (OR = 2,37). Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum e Cooperia foram os gêneros de helmintos observados nas seguintes proporções: 76,40%, 20,23%, 2,89% e 0,47%, respectivamente, sem distinção em sua distribuição entre os períodos chuvoso e seco. Mudanças no manejo sanitário com relação às helmintoses são urgentemente necessárias, para um controle da doença de forma mais eficaz e sustentável.
Animals , Female , Sheep Diseases/diagnosis , Sheep Diseases/epidemiology , Helminths , Parasite Egg Count/veterinary , Seasons , Brazil/epidemiology , Sheep , Ecosystem , Feces , FarmsABSTRACT
The epidemiology of salmonellosis in poultry is complex, which makes it difficult to identify the origin and spread of this disease in poultry farms. The aims of this study were to characterize the spatial distribution of Salmonella enterica in epidemiological units in Paraná, Brazil; and to investigate correlations between this microorganism and associated factors. Among the epidemiological units, 78 of 243 (32.10%) were positive. Spatially, the northwestern and western regions had higher concentrations of positive cases than the other regions. In bivariate analyses, the presence of other animal species in the epidemiological unit (prevalence ratio, PR = 0.64; 95% confidence interval, CI = 0.430.95; p = 0.022) and proximity to establishments at risk (PR = 0.51; 95% CI = 0.320.81; p = 0.001) did not influence positivity, but the average population per poultry shed (between 30,501 and 32,500; PR = 2.57; 95% CI = 1.723.83; p = 0.001) was associated with Salmonella positivity. Multiple logistic regression demonstrated that the average population per poultry shed, presence of surrounding risk-posing establishments and presence of surrounding poultry sheds produced a significant multiple model for S. enterica. The results indicated that the presence of S. enterica may be related to higher density broiler in poultry sheds, presence of surrounding poultry sheds, proximity between positive and negative epidemiological units and altitude of the municipality. The information obtained showed that some factors were related to positivity for this microorganism and emphasizes the importance of serotyping to obtain other epidemiological data.
Poultry , Salmonella Infections/epidemiology , Salmonella enterica , Birds , Serotyping , Retrospective Studies , Prevalence Ratio , FarmsABSTRACT
The objective of this work was to evaluate the topical, residual and agronomic effects of the insecticides Voliam Targo, Benevia, Lorsban 480 BR, Curbix 200 SC, Sperto, Verismo, Polytrin 400/40 CE, Curyom 550 EC, Polo 500 SC and Vertimec 18 EC in the control of the berry borer of coffee (H. hampei). The experimental design was completely randomized and four replicates were used in the trials. In the laboratory, a direct spray was sprayed on the insect (topical effect) and applied to the fruits of the coffee (residual contamination). In both experiments, each plot consisted of a Petri dish lined with filter paper, 10 fruits in the green stage and 10 adult females of the berry borer, originating from artificial breeding. Two field experiments were carried out at Campus Glória Experimental Farm. The first one was carried out with the objective of evaluating the residual effect of the insecticides on artificial infestation of the berry borer after applying the products to fruits at the beginning of maturation. The number of perforated fruits, dead females, number of eggs and larvae were evaluated in laboratory and field experiments. The second field experiment had as objective to evaluate the effectiveness in controlling the natural population of the berry borer. Two applications were performed with a 30-day interval, using a motorized turbocharger. The number of fruits bored in 50 fruits per plot and percentage of seeds bored in a sample of 250 seeds per replicate were evaluated. In the laboratory, all insecticides provided mortality higher than 80% in topical application and greater than 73% by residual contamination, except the insecticide Polo 500 SC, which provided a 55% mortality. In the field experiment with artificial infestation, all the insecticides differed from the control, maintaining residual control until 30 days after application and with mortality higher than 70%, reaching up to 100% of mortality. In the test with natural berry borer females infestation the insecticides differed from the control in all evaluated parameters, showed efficacy higher than 75% at 35 days after the second application. The insecticides Voliam Targo, Lorsban 480 BR, Curbix 200 SC, Sperto, Polytrin 400/40 CE and Verismo presented the best control results, being indicated for use in the management of the berry borer of coffee.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar em laboratório e em campo os efeitos tópicos, residuais e de eficiência agronômica dos inseticidas Voliam Targo, Benevia, Lorsban 480 BR, Curbix 200 SC, Sperto, Verismo, Polytrin 400/40 CE, Curyom 550 EC, Polo 500 SC e Vertimec 18 EC no controle da broca do café (H. hampei). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado e quatro repetições foram utilizados nos ensaios. No laboratório foi feita uma pulverização direta sobre o inseto (efeito tópico) e uma aplicação nos frutos do café (contaminação residual). Em ambos os experimentos, cada parcela consistiu de uma placa Petri forrada com papel de filtro, 10 frutos no estágio verde e 10 fêmeas adultas da broca, originários de criação artificial. Dois experimentos de campo foram realizados na Fazenda Experimental Campus Glória. O primeiro foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito residual dos inseticidas em infestação artificial da broca após a aplicação dos produtos em frutos no início da maturação. Foram avaliados o número de frutos perfurados, fêmeas mortas, número de ovos e larvas nos experimentos de laboratório e campo. O segundo experimento de campo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia no controle da população natural da broca. Foram realizadas duas aplicações com intervalo de 30 dias, utilizando-se um turbo pulverizador motorizado. Foram avaliados o número de frutos perfurados em 50 frutos por parcela e porcentagem de sementes brocadas em uma amostra de 250 sementes por repetição. No laboratório, todos os inseticidas proporcionaram mortalidade superior a 80% em aplicação tópica e maior de 73% por contaminação residual, exceto o inseticida Polo 500 SC, que proporcionou 55% de mortalidade. No experimento de campo com infestação artificial, todos os inseticidas diferiram da testemunha, mantendo o controle residual até 30 dias após a aplicação e com mortalidade superior a 70%, chegando a até 100% de mortalidade. No teste com infestação natural da broca os inseticidas diferiram da testemunha em todos os parâmetros avaliados, mostraram eficácia superior a 75% aos 35 dias após a segunda aplicação. Os inseticidas Voliam Targo, Lorsban 480 BR, Curbix 200 SC, Sperto, Polytrin 400/40 CE e Verismo apresentaram os melhores resultados de controle, sendo indicados para uso no manejo da broca do café.
Coleoptera , Farms , InsecticidesABSTRACT
RESUMEN La rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina (IBR) es una enfermedad ampliamente difundida en el mundo con gran repercusión socio-económica en las ganaderías bovinas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de IBR en 100 hatos del departamento del Caquetá, para lo cual, se muestrearon 960 bovinos mayores de 36 meses entre enero y marzo de 2016 en predios seleccionados a partir de los criterios: a) tamaño (50-180 hectáreas), b) con más de 10 vacas en ordeño, c) disponibilidad de los productores para cooperar y d) accesibilidad de las vías. Las muestras de suero sanguíneo se remitieron al Laboratorio de Diagnóstico Clínico Veterinario del ICA y se analizaron a través la prueba Elisa de bloqueo (BHV-1) gB. Los sueros con porcentaje de bloqueo superior al 55% se consideraron positivos a anticuerpos para IBR. Se encontró alta seroprevalencia (73,13%), mayor además en machos que en hembras (p < 0,05). A nivel municipal la seroprevalencia fue mayor en los municipios de El Doncello, Puerto Rico y San Vicente del Caguán y se encontró diferencia significativa (p < 0,05) entre los nueve municipios analizados. A nivel de hatos, la prevalencia fue del 99%. En conclusión, la prevalencia del virus de la rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina (IBR) en bovinos de doble propósito del departamento del Caquetá fue muy alta.
ABSTRACT Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) is a disease widely spread throughout the world with great socio-economic impact on bovine livestock. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of IBR in 100 herds in Caqueta department, for which 960 cattle older than 36 months between January and March 2016 were sampled in farms selected from the criteria: a) size (50-180 hectares), b) with more than 10 cows in milking, c) availability of producers to cooperate and d) accessibility of roads. Blood serum samples were sent to the ICA veterinary clinical diagnostic laboratory and analyzed using the Elisa blocking test (BHV-1) gB, where sera with blocking percentage greater than 55% were considered as positive for IBR antibodies. High seroprevalence was found (73.13%), being higher in males than in females (p < 0.05). At municipal level, seroprevalence was greater in El Doncello, Puerto Rico and San Vicente del Caguán municipalities, significant difference (p<0.05) was found between the nine municipalities analyzed. At herd level prevalence was of 99%. In conclusion the prevalence of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus in dual-purpose cattle of Caquetá department was very high.
Viruses , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Disease , Prevalence , Herpesvirus 1, Bovine , Amazonian Ecosystem , Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis , Cattle , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Clinical Diagnosis , Censuses , Serum , Livestock , Farms , Dry Needling , LaboratoriesABSTRACT
Abstract The main destination of manure is the application to croplands near livestock farms as nutrient source to enhance crop production. The aim of this study was to define the dairy liquid manure (DLM) dose, complementary to the mineral fertilizer, for higher crops yield, in rotation black oat-maize-wheat-soybean, and to identify the soil chemical variables improved by the manure that most affect the yield, in long-term. The experiment was conducted from 2006 to 2015, in no-tillage system, at Paraná State, Brazil. The soil was a Latossolo Bruno Distrófico típico, clayey texture. The treatments consisted by doses of DLM (0, 60, 120 and 180 m3 ha-1 year-1), complementary to the mineral fertilizer (applied in the same amount for all DLM doses). Crops yield and soil chemical variables were evaluated at six depths (0-10; 10-20; 20-30; 30-40; 40-50 and 50-60 cm). The DLM application increased the yield of all crops, but not in all harvests. The DLM even applied at soil surface improved the soil chemical variables in deep layers, resulting in high positive correlation between yield and exchange bases, P, Zn and Mn contents, and high negative correlation with Ca/Mg ratio and potential acidity at depth 0-10 cm. The DLM dose, complementary to the mineral fertilization, that provided higher soybean and wheat yield was about 130 m3 ha-1 year-1, while for maize this dose was equal to or greater than 180 m3 ha-1 year-1. This effect was not attributed to a single chemical variable but the improvement of all chemical variables evaluated.