El síndrome compartimental agudo requiere de la descompresión quirúrgica, mediante fasciotomía, esta técnica debe ser urgente y será clave para evitar la instauración de graves secuelas. El posterior abordaje de estas heridas de difícil y lenta cicatrización suponen un reto para los profesionales de la salud y un problema para la salud pública debido a los altos costes y elevada morbilidad. La terapia de presión negativa (TPN) o cura por vacío (VAC, "vacuum assisted closure") es un tratamiento no invasivo que consigue la curación de las heridas favoreciendo la vascularización, la aparición del tejido de granulación y eliminación del exceso de exudado[AU]
Acute compartment syndrome requires surgical decompression by fasciotomy, this technique must be urgent and will be key to avoid the establishment of serious sequels. The subsequent approach to these wounds, which are difficult and slow to heal, is a challenge for health professionals and a problem for public health due to high costs and high morbidity. Negative pressure therapy (NPWT) or vacuum assisted closure (VAC) is a non-invasive treatment that achieves wound healing by promoting vascularization, the appearance of granulation tissue and elimination of excess exudate[AU]
A síndrome compartimental aguda requer descompressão cirúrgica, por fasciotomia, esta técnica deve ser urgente e será fundamental para evitar o estabelecimento de sequelas graves. O tratamento subsequente destas feridas difíceis e de cicatrização lenta é um desafio para os profissionais de saúde e um problema desaúde pública devido aos elevados custos e à elevada morbilidade. A terapia por pressão negativa (NPWT) ou o encerramento assistido por vácuo (VAC) é um tratamento não invasivo que permite a cicatrização de feridas através da promoção da vascularização, do aparecimento de tecido de granulação e da remoção do excesso de exsudado[AU]
Humans , FasciotomyABSTRACT
Se describen las características sobre el phoneutrismo a propósito de un caso. El phoneutrismo es el término con el que se conoce al accidente ocasionado por la mordedura de la araña phoneutria spp, la cual tiene una relevancia clínica dada por las características tóxicas de su veneno. Se presenta un caso de mordedura de la araña phoneutria spp de un paciente atendido en un hospital de alta complejidad de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, con manifestaciones cardiovasculares y hallazgos compatibles con un síndrome compartimental, lo cual es inusual en este tipo de arañas, por lo que se necesitó vigilancia en unidad de alta dependencia y fasciotomía cutánea. En Colombia este tipo de accidentes no son de reporte obligatorio, por tanto existe un alto riesgo de subregistro. Lo llamativo de este caso está en las manifestaciones cardiovasculares y la presencia de síndrome compartimental que no se ha descrito en la literatura con este subespecie de arañas.
The characteristics of phoneutrism are described in relation to a case. Phoneutrism is the term with which the accident caused by the bite of the phoneutria spp spider is known, which has clinical relevance given by the toxic characteristics of its venom. We present a case of a bite by the phoneutria spp spider in a patient treated at a high-complexity hospital in the city of Medellín, Colombia, with cardiovascular manifestations and findings compatible with compartment syndrome, which is unusual in this type of spiders, and required surveillance in a high dependency unit and cutaneous fasciotomy. In Colombia reporting this type of accident is not mandatory; therefore, there is a high risk of underreporting. What is striking about this case is the cardiovascular manifestations and the presence of compartment syndrome that has not been described in the literatura with this genre of spiders.
As características do fonutrismo são descritas em um relatório de um caso. Fonutrismo é o termo usado para descrever o acidente causado pela mordida da aranha Phoneutria spp, que é clinicamente relevante devido às características tóxicas de seu veneno. Apresentamos um caso de mordida de aranha por uma aranha Phoneutria em um paciente tratado em um hospital de alta complexidade na cidade de Medellín, Colômbia, com manifestações cardiovasculares e achados compatíveis com a síndrome compartimental, o que é incomum neste tipo de aranha, exigindo vigilância em uma unidade de alta de-pendência e fasciotomia cutânea. Na Colômbia, este tipo de acidente não é obrigatório, portanto, há um alto risco de subnotificação. O que é impressionante neste caso são as manifestações cardiovasculares e a presença da síndrome compartimental, que não foi descrita na literatura com esta subespécie de aranha.
Humans , Animals , Spiders , Poisons , Venoms , Bites and Stings , FasciotomyABSTRACT
Mujer de 59 años, con antecedentes de diverticulosis de colon, que acude por dolor en la región inguinal y en el miembro inferior izquierdo de dos meses de evolución. En una primera instancia, la paciente se presentó con clínica de sepsis y se objetivó un eritema en el miembro inferior izquierdo, asociado a celulitis y crepitación subcutánea. La TC mostraba una colección hidroaérea en psoas y retroperitoneal que asciende hasta la cavidad abdominal hallándose una diverticulitis perforada. El tratamiento quirúrgico se basó en el drenaje de la colección retroperitoneal y sigmoidectomía, seguido de una fasciotomía, desbridamiento y lavado del muslo. La perforación de un divertículo puede formar un absceso intraperitoneal desarrollando una peritonitis o un absceso retroperitoneal, derivando en una translocación bacteriana hacia la extremidad inferior, debido a la comunicación existente en el anillo crural, generando una fascitis necrotizante del miembro.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Fasciitis, Necrotizing/therapy , Lower Extremity/pathology , Debridement , Diverticulitis, Colonic/diagnostic imaging , Fasciotomy , Therapeutic Irrigation , Fasciitis, Necrotizing/etiology , Diverticulitis, Colonic/complicationsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To describe the epidemiological and clinical profile of patients with Dupuytren disease treated by selective fasciectomy and the factors associated with the severity of the disease. Methods Retrospective descriptive observational study involving 247 patients with Dupuytren disease, from 2013 to 2019. Multivariate logistic regression was performed for data analysis. Results Most patients were male (83.8%), self-declared white (65.2%), alcoholics (59.6%) and 49% were smokers, with a mean age of 66 ± 9 years old, with 77.2% presenting symptoms of the disease after the age of 51 years old. Approximately 51.9, 29.6 and 17.3%, respectively, had arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia comorbidities. Bilateral involvement of the hands was observed in 73.3% of the patients. The rate of intra- and post-selective fasciectomy complications was of 0.6 and 24.3%, respectively, with 5.2% of the patients needing reintervention after 1 year of follow-up. After multivariate analysis, males were associated with bilateral involvement of the hands (odds ratio [OR] = 2.10; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.03-4.31) and with a greater number of affected rays (OR = 3.41; 95% CI: 1.66-7.03). Dyslipidemia was associated with reintervention (OR = 5.7; 95% CI = 1.03-31.4) and bilaterality with a higher number of complications (35.7 versus 19.7%). Conclusion A low rate of reintervention and operative complications was observed in patients with Dupuytren disease treated by selective fasciectomy. Male gender was associated with severe disease (bilaterality and more than two affected rays), and dyslipidemia with reintervention.
Resumo Objetivo Descrever o perfil epidemiológico e clínico dos pacientes com doença de Dupuytren tratados por fasciectomia seletiva e os fatores associados com a gravidade da doença. Metodologia Estudo observacional descritivo retrospectivo envolvendo 247 pacientes com doença de Dupuytren, no período de 2013 a 2019. Foi realizada regressão logística multivariada para análise dos dados. Resultados A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino (83,8%), autodeclarados brancos (65,2%), etilistas (59,6%), e 49% eram tabagistas. A média de idade foi de 66 ± 9 anos, sendo que 77,2% apresentaram os sintomas da doença após os 51 anos. Aproximadamente 51,9, 29,6, e 17,3%, respectivamente, apresentaram hipertensão arterial, diabetes mellitus e dislipidemia. O acometimento bilateral das mãos foi observado em 73,3% dos pacientes. A taxa de complicações intra- e pós-fasciectomia seletiva foi de 0,6 e 24,3%, respectivamente, sendo que 5,2% dos pacientes necessitaram de reintervenção após 1 ano de acompanhamento. Após análise multivariada, o sexo masculino foi associado com acometimento bilateral das mãos (odds ratio [OR] = 2,10; intervalo de confiança [IC] 95%: 1,03-4,31) e com maior número de raios acometidos (OR = 3,41; IC 95%: 1,66-7,03). A dislipidemia foi associada com a reintervenção (OR = 5,7; CI 95%: 1,03-31,4) e a bilateralidade com maior número de complicações (35,7% versus 19,7%). Conclusão Foi observada uma baixa taxa de reintervenção e complicações operatórias nos pacientes com doença de Dupuytren tratados por fasciectomia seletiva. O sexo masculino foi associado com o quadro grave da doença (bilateralidade e mais de dois raios acometidos), e a dislipidemia com a reintervenção.
Humans , Postoperative Complications , Risk Factors , Dupuytren Contracture , FasciotomyABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome compartimental es una complicación infrecuente pero severa que puede aparecer ante una posición de litotomía prolongada y el uso de perneras. OBJETIVO: Presentar un caso de síndrome compartimental bilateral tras posición de litotomía prolongada asociada con el uso de perneras. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Paciente varón de 43 años sometido a una cirugía urológica en posición habitual de litotomía durante un periodo de 6 horas. A las 2 horas de finalizar la cirugía, el paciente presentó dolor intenso y endurecimiento de compartimento anterior y lateral de ambas piernas, junto con una elevación de la creatina quinasa sérica (valor inicial de 109 U/L que se elevó hasta 7.689 U/L a las 12 horas) y una imposibilidad para la flexión dorsal pasiva de ambos tobillos. El paciente no sentía dolor en el resto de los compartimentos. RESULTADOS: Ante la sospecha de un síndrome compartimental anterolateral, se realizó fasciotomía bilateral urgente, y se observó una disminución de la perfusión muscular y mejoría de la misma tras apertura de la fascia. Se realizaron curas periódicas cada 48 horas, y se observó viabilidad del tejido hasta su cierre definitivo a los 4 días. A las 2 semanas, el paciente presentó fatiga ligera para la deambulación sin ayuda, con tumefacción en el compartimento lateral de ambas piernas. A los 10 meses de evolución, el paciente caminaba sin ayuda y con función muscular completa. CONCLUSIONES: El conocimiento de la asociación del síndrome compartimental y la cirugía laparoscópica prolongada es esencial para un diagnóstico precoz y un tratamiento quirúrgico inmediato, para evitar graves secuelas. Los buenos resultados de nuestro paciente se deben a la rápida actuación, ya que normalmente se suele demorar. Para evitar su aparición o disminuir su incidencia, la posición de litotomía debería limitarse a aquellos momentos de la cirugía en los que sea imprescindible, modificando la posición de las piernas cada dos horas en caso de cirugías prolongadas, para prevenir dicha complicación.
Compartment syndrome is a rare but severe complication resulting from a prolonged lithotomy position and the use of leg loops. PURPOSE: To present a case of bilateral compartment syndrome after prolonged lithotomy position associated with the use of leg loops. METHODS: A 43-year-old man underwent urological surgery in the usual lithotomy position for a 6-hour period. Two hours after the end of the surgery, the patient presented severe pain and stiffening of the anterior and lateral compartments of both legs, elevated serum creatine kinase levels (the baseline value of 109 U/L increased to 7,689 U/L at 12 hours), and inability for passive dorsiflexion of both ankles. The patient reported no pain in the other compartments. RESULTS: Suspicion of an anterolateral compartment syndrome resulted in an urgent bilateral fasciotomy; muscle perfusion was decreased, and it improved after fascial opening. Dressings were changed every 48 hours, and tissue viability was observed until the final closure at 4 days. At two weeks, the patient presented slight fatigue when walking with no assistance, in addition to swelling in the lateral compartment of both legs. Ten months after surgery, the patient walked with no assistance and with complete muscle function. CONCLUSION: Knowledge of the association between compartment syndrome and prolonged laparoscopic surgery is essential for an early diagnosis and immediate surgical treatment to avoid serious sequelae. In our patient, the good outcomes resulted from quick action, since diagnosis is often delayed. Limiting the lithotomy position to those surgical moments in which it is essential and changing the position of the legs every 2 hours during prolonged procedures can reduce the occurrence and incidence of compartment syndrome, preventing this complication.
Humans , Male , Adult , Compartment Syndromes/surgery , Fasciotomy/methods , Urologic Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Supine Position , Leg/blood supplyABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: El síndrome compartimental del miembro inferior tiene el potencial de causar morbilidad devastadora en los pacientes y altos riesgos médico-legales para los médicos involucrados en su tratamiento. Una vez instaurado, la fasciotomía se constituye como el único tratamiento efectivo. La pérdida de la extremidad afectada es su complicación con mayor carga de enfermedad. Existen pocas descripciones sobre factores de riesgo para la necesidad de amputación de miembro inferior luego de haber sido sometido a fasciotomía en pacientes con lesiones traumáticas. Materiales y Método: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, observacional, analítico en el cual se recolectó información de pacientes con traumatismo de miembro inferior que requirieron fasciotomía de muslo o pierna durante un periodo de 10 años en busca de factores que pudieron influir en la pérdida de la extremidad. Resultados: 21 pacientes cumplían los criterios de inclusión de los cuales 6 (28,57%) fueron amputados y 2 fallecieron (9,52%). La mayoría de los individuos fueron menores de 30 años y casi la totalidad del sexo masculino. Encontramos que el porcentaje de amputación parece verse afectado de manera estadísticamente significativa por factores como un International Severity Score (ISS) elevado (media de 24), las parestesias al ingreso, la realización de fasciotomía tardía (> 6 h), la reactividad muscular al momento de la cirugía, la infección del sitio operatorio y la reintervención por trombosis del injerto vascular. Conclusiones: Existen factores de riesgo que pueden indicar la pérdida de la extremidad inferior luego de ser sometido a fasciotomía en el contexto de trauma. Un seguimiento prospectivo y un mayor número de pacientes podrían permitir dilucidar más de dichos factores.
Introduction: The lower limb compartment syndrome has the potential to cause devastating morbidity in patients and high legal medical risks for doctors involved in its treatment. Once established, fasciotomy is the only effective treatment. The loss of the affected limb is the complication with a greater burden of disease. There are few descriptions of risk factors for the need for lower limb amputation after having undergone fasciotomy in patients with traumatic injuries. Materials and Method: A retrospective, observational, analytical study was conducted in which information was collected from patients with lower limb trauma that required thigh or leg fasciotomy for a period of 10 years in search of factors that could influence limb loss. Results: 21 patients met the inclusion criteria of which 6 (28.57%) were amputated and 2 died (9.52%). The majority of the individuals were under 30 years old and almost all of the male sex. We found that the percentage of amputation seems to be affected statistically significantly by factors such as a high ISS (mean of 24), paresthesia at admission, performing late fasciotomy (> 6 h), muscle reactivity at the time of surgery, postoperative SSI and reintervention by vascular graft thrombosis. Conclusions: We found risk factors that may indicate the loss of the lower limb after being subjected to fasciotomy in the context of trauma. A prospective follow-up and a greater number of patients could make it possible to elucidate more of these factors.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Lower Extremity/surgery , Fasciotomy/adverse effects , Fasciotomy/methods , Risk Factors , Compartment Syndromes/surgery , Compartment Syndromes/etiologyABSTRACT
El síndrome compartimental agudo del miembro inferior es una urgencia médica, que puede conllevar una importante morbilidad para el paciente y que puede tener implicaciones medico legales para el personal médico. Afecta cerca de 3,1 por 100.000 habitantes en el mundo occidental, con predominio de hombres y jóvenes. Debido a una alteración de la perfusión tisular, por la disposición de los músculos de las extremidades en compartimientos compactos, con poca tolerancia a variaciones en la presión, puede causar isquemia, con cambios irreversibles a nivel muscular y nervioso, falla multiorgánica y la muerte, de no tratarse oportunamente. El trauma de la extremidad inferior asociado a fractura es la principal causa del síndrome compartimental agudo. El diagnóstico puede realizarse por evaluación clínica, mediante las clásicas seis "P" de la isquemia, o de manera objetiva, al medir la presión intracompartimental con dispositivos especializados. La fasciotomía descompresiva es un procedimiento quirúrgico mediante el cual se inciden las fascias de los compartimientos musculares, permitiendo la disminución de las presiones a ese nivel, y se constituye en el único tratamiento eficaz para el síndrome compartimental agudo. Las complicaciones posquirúrgicas no son infrecuentes, siendo la perdida de la extremidad la más grave de todas. Un correcto conocimiento y aplicación de la técnica quirúrgica evitará procedimientos inadecuados, que impliquen mayor riesgo de resultados adversos. Presentamos una revisión de los aspectos fundamentales de esta patología potencialmente catastrófica
Acute compartment syndrome of the lower limb is a medical emergency, which can entail significant morbidity for the patient and which may have medico-legal implications for medical personnel. It affects about 3.1 per 100,000 inhabitants in the Western world, with a predominance of men and young people. Ischemia can be caused after an alteration of tissue perfusion, due to the arrangement of the muscles of the extremities in compact compartments, with little tolerance to variations in pressure, with irreversible changes at the muscular and nervous level, and multiorgan failure and death if not treated promptly. Trauma to the lower extremity associated with fracture is the main cause of acute compartment syndrome. Diagnosis can be made by clinical evaluation, using the classic six "P" of ischemia, or objectively by measuring intracompartmental pressure with specialized devices. Decompressive fasciotomy is a surgical procedure by which the fasciae of the muscle compartments are incised, allowing the pressure to be reduced at that level, and it is the only effective treatment for acute compartment syndrome. Postoperative complications are not uncommon, limb loss being the most serious of all. A correct knowledge and application of the surgical technique will avoid inappropriate procedures, which imply a greater risk of adverse results. We present a review of the fundamental aspects of this potentially catastrophic pathology
Humans , Compartment Syndromes , Fasciotomy , Amputation, Surgical , IschemiaABSTRACT
Resumo O diagnóstico da síndrome compartimental em regiões que não são frequentemente afetadas, por possuírem uma boa relação continente-conteúdo, pode se tornar difícil, uma vez que o cirurgião terá dificuldades em alcançar um diagnóstico apenas por um sinal ou sintoma isolado. Assim, muitas vezes, pode-se protelar a conduta adequada, desencadeando danos ao paciente. A paciente era uma mulher, de 29 anos, que foi atendida com dor em mão esquerda por queimadura, com lesão em região anterior à tabaqueira anatômica de tamanho significativo. A paciente já havia sido submetida a cirurgia na sua cidade de origem com desbridamento de pele e tecido subcutâneo há 30 dias, com evolução sem melhora do quadro doloroso. Estava em uso de antibioticoterapia (ceftriaxona 1 g de 12 em 12 horas) e analgesia com dose terapêutica de morfina de 8 em 8 horas.
Abstract In areas that are not commonly affected by compartment syndrome because they have a good content/container ratio, diagnosis of the condition can be a challenge, since surgeons will find it difficult to make a diagnosis on the basis of an isolated sign or symptom. As a result, the correct treatment can very often be delayed, causing harm to the patient. In this case, the patient was a 29-year-old woman who was seen for a painful left hand secondary to a large burn injury to the area anterior of the anatomical snuffbox. She had already undergone surgery in her home town 30 days previously, with debridement of skin and subcutaneous tissue, but the pain had not improved. She was on antibiotic therapy (ceftriaxone, 1g every 12 hours) and analgesia, with therapeutic morphine doses every 8 hours.
Humans , Female , Adult , Compartment Syndromes/surgery , Compartment Syndromes/physiopathology , Burns/surgery , Compartment Syndromes/diagnosis , Fasciotomy , HandABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Descrever a evolução clínica e nutricional de paciente queimado fasciotomizado com uso de terapia nutricional imunomoduladora. RELATO DO CASO: Estudo do tipo relato de caso, realizado durante 52 dias na Unidade de Tratamento de Queimados do Hospital da Restauração Governador Paulo Guerra, em Recife-PE. Paciente do sexo masculino, adulto, 27 anos, proveniente do interior de Pernambuco, sem comorbidades, queimado por eletricidade de alta voltagem após acidente de trabalho, evoluindo com síndrome compartimental do membro superior esquerdo e submetido a fasciotomia. Prescrita dieta por via oral associada à suplementação imunomoduladora de característica hipercalórica, hiperproteica, contendo arginina e alto teor de oligoelementos e micronutrientes. Durante o internamento, o paciente apresentou manutenção do estado nutricional, com adesão de novos hábitos alimentares que contribuíram para a cicatrização do membro afetado. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia nutricional imunomoduladora individualizada beneficiou a reparação tecidual, cicatrização e redução do risco de amputação em paciente queimado fasciotomizado.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical and nutritional evolution of a burn patient submitted to fasciotomy and immunomodulating nutritional therapy. CASE REPORT: A case-report study was conducted over a 52-day period at the Burn Treatment Unit of Governador Paulo Guerra Restauração Hospital in the city of Recife, Brazil. A 27-year-old male patient, brown skin color, from the instate region of the state of Pernambuco, without comorbidities, suffered a high-voltage electrical burn after a work accident, developing compartment syndrome of the left upper limb, and was submitted to fasciotomy. An orally diet was prescribed associated with immunomodulatory supplementation with a hypercaloric, hyper protein character, with arginine and high content of trace elements and micronutrients. During hospitalization, the patient's nutritional status was maintained with the adherence to new dietary habits, which contributed to the healing of the affected limb. CONCLUSIONS: Individualized immunomodulating nutritional therapy benefits the tissue repair and healing processes, reducing the risk of amputation in burn patients submitted to fasciotomy.
Humans , Male , Adult , Body Composition , Burns, Electric , Immunomodulation , Fasciotomy/instrumentationABSTRACT
Abstract Chronic compartment syndrome is a common and often underdiagnosed exercise-induced condition, accounting on average for a quarter of cases of chronic exertional pain in the leg, second only to the fracture/tibial stress syndrome spectrum. It traditionally occurs in young runner athletes, although more recent studies have demonstrated a considerable prevalence in low-performance practitioners of physical activity, even in middle-aged or elderly patients. The list of differential diagnoses is extensive, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish them only by the clinical data, and subsidiary examinations are required. The diagnosis is classically made by the clinical picture, by exclusion of the differential diagnoses, and through the measurement of the intracompartmental pressure. Although needle manometry is considered the gold standard in the diagnosis, its use is not universally accepted, since there are some important limitations, apart from the restricted availability of the needle equipment in Brazil. New protocols of manometry have recently been proposed to overcome the deficiency of the traditional ones, and some of them recommend the systematic use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the exclusion of differential diagnoses. The use of post-effort liquid-sensitive MRI sequences is a good noninvasive option instead of needle manometry in the diagnosis of chronic compartment syndrome, since the increase in post-exercise signal intensity is statistically significant when compared with manometry pressure values in asymptomatic patients and in those with the syndrome; hence, the test can be used in the diagnostic criteria. The definitive treatment is fasciotomy, although there are less effective alternatives.
Resumo A síndrome compartimental crônica é uma condição comum e frequentemente subdiagnosticada, induzida pelo exercício, que corresponde em média a um quarto dos casos de dor crônica na perna relacionada ao exercício, e que perde em frequência apenas para o espectro fratura/reação ao estresse tibial. Tradicionalmente ocorre em jovens atletas corredores, embora estudos mais recentes tenham demonstrado uma prevalência considerável em praticantes de atividade física de baixo rendimento, mesmo em pacientes de meia-idade ou idosos. A lista de diagnósticos diferenciais é extensa, e por vezes é difícil fazer a distinção apenas pelos dados clínicos, sendo necessários exames subsidiários. Classicamente, o diagnóstico é feito pelo quadro clínico, pela exclusão dos diferenciais, e pela medida pressórica intracompartimental. Embora a manometria por agulha seja considerada o padrão-ouro no diagnóstico, seu uso não é universalmente aceito, visto que existem algumas limitações importantes, além da disponibilidade restrita do equipamento com agulha no Brasil. Recentemente, novos protocolos de manometria têm sido propostos a fim suplantar a deficiência dos tradicionais, com algum deles inclusive recomendando o uso sistemático da ressonância magnética (RM) na exclusão dos diagnósticos diferenciais. O uso de sequências de RM sensíveis a líquido pós-esforço é uma ótima opção não invasiva à manometria por agulha no diagnóstico da síndrome compartimental crônica, uma vez que o aumento da intensidade de sinal pós-exercício é estatisticamente relevante quando comparados os valores pressóricos de manometria em pacientes com a síndrome e assintomáticos; portanto, o exame pode ser usado no critério diagnóstico. O tratamento definitivo é a fasciotomia, embora existam alternativas menos eficazes.
Humans , Pain , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Exercise , Fractures, Stress , Compartment Syndromes , Diagnosis, Differential , Fractures, Bone , Athletes , Chronic Pain , Fasciotomy , Motor ActivityABSTRACT
Resumen El síndrome compartimental agudo (SCA) es el aumento de la presión en un espacio osteofascial cerrado. Esto reduce la presión capilar bajo el nivel necesario para la viabilidad de los tejidos del compartimento. El SCA de mano como complicación de un loxoscelismo cutáneo (LC) de predominio edematoso es muy poco frecuente. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 22 años que presentó un SCA de la mano secundario a un LC y que requirió tratamiento quirúrgico de urgencia mediante una fasciotomía dorsal y palmar.
Abstract Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) is the increase of pressure in a closed osteofascial space. This reduces capillary perfusion below the level necessary for tissue viability. Injury could be irreversible if proper treatment is not performed. Hand ACS secondary to cutaneous loxoscelism with edematous predominance is extremely infrequent. We present a clinical case of a 22-year-old patient who started a hand compartment syndrome secondary to cutaneous loxoscelism (CL), requiring emergency surgical treatment with dorsal and palmar fasciotomy.
Humans , Young Adult , Compartment Syndromes , Edema , Fasciotomy , HandABSTRACT
ABSTRACT This is a case report of a previously healthy athlete who did not use oral anticoagulant, suffered a rupture of the distal biceps brachii tendon, and evolved with arm compartment syndrome. An emergency fasciotomy and the repair of the tendon were performed. After surgery the patient had a good recovery of the paresthesia and sensibility. This complication is rare and, when reported, is usually associated with patients who use anticoagulant therapy. Due to growth of rupture of distal biceps tendon cases, physicians should be aware that this complication must be treated as an emergency.
RESUMO Relato de caso de paciente atleta, previamente hígido e que não utilizava anticoagulantes orais, com lesão do tendão distal do músculo bíceps braquial, que evoluiu com síndrome compartimental do braço. Realizaram-se fasciotomia de emergência e reparo cirúrgico do tendão, apresentando bom seguimento com recuperação da parestesia e sensibilidade. Essa complicação é bastante rara e, quando relatada, geralmente é associada a pacientes em uso de medicamentos anticoagulantes orais. Contudo, com o aumento da incidência de rupturas do tendão do músculo bíceps braquial, é preciso estar atento à tal complicação que deve ser conduzida como emergência.
Humans , Male , Aged , Tendon Injuries/complications , Compartment Syndromes/etiology , Arm Injuries/surgery , Arm Injuries/complications , Athletic Injuries/surgery , Athletic Injuries/complications , Rupture , Tendon Injuries/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Compartment Syndromes/surgery , Elbow Joint/surgery , Elbow Joint/injuries , Fasciotomy/methodsABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Vascular trauma is a low frequency event and is related to a high burden of morbidity and mortality. Vascular trauma of the upper limb is of different etiology. More frequent, secondary to closed trauma. It is usually associated with other lesions, soft tissue and nerves. OBJECTIVES: To present a case of complex vascular trauma of the upper limb and its multidisciplinary management. METHOD: Description of the clinical case and literature review. The information was obtained from the patient's clinical record, review and analysis of the published literature was performed using search engines. CASE REPORT: Young man, fall with upper limb in extension, results in elbow dislocation associated with acute ischemia. AngioTAC confirms stop in brachial. Emergency surgery: brachio-radial saphenous bridge. It evolves with absence of pulses. It is reexplored finding incomplete fasciotomy, brachial artery bridge to cephalic vein with inverted saphenous. Elbow dislocated, unstable. Arterial bridge, external fixation and fasciotomy is completed. Coming out with radial pulse. He undergoes multiple surgeries and surgical toilets, achieving skin closure at 45 days. Then traumatology removes external tutors. Electromyography confirms incomplete lesion of median, radial and ulnar. Currently in the process of rehabilitation. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Vascular trauma of the upper limb is of low incidence. However, they are associated with a high burden of morbidity and mortality, generally occurring in young men. The diagnostic pillar is through the medical history and physical examination. its surgical management.
Humans , Male , Arteries/surgery , Upper Extremity/surgery , Vascular System Injuries/surgery , Brachial Artery , Medical Records , Brachiocephalic Veins , Treatment Outcome , FasciotomyABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: El síndrome compartimental se genera por aumento de presión compartimental que sobrepasa a la de perfusión. Es una entidad rara en contexto posangioplastía coronaria. Requiere alta sospecha y medidas rápidas. Caso clínico: Hombre de 41 años con diagnóstico de infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM) con supradesnivel ST (SDST) que fue trombolizado y derivado para angioplastía, que sufre sangrado en antebrazo derecho posprocedimiento y evoluciona con síndrome compartimental que requiere de fasciotomía en volar y medial. Discusión: La entidad clínica es rara en este contexto, por ende, requiere alta sospecha basándose principalmente en dolor de inicio súbito con aumento de volumen. El tratamiento es fasciotomía de urgencias. De no pesquisarse a tiempo puede evolucionar con severas alteraciones neuromusculares llevando a trastornos de la anatomía de la mano.
Introduction: The compartment syndrome is caused by an increase on the compartment pressure that exceed the perfusion pressure. In coronary postangioplasty context it is a rare entity. Requires a high suspicion and to take fast steps. Clinical case: Forty-one years old man with a STEMI thrombolysed and derived to angioplasty suffered a post-procedure bleeding on his right forearm and evolved with a compartment syndrome that required a volar and medial fasciotomy. Discussion: The clinical entity is rare in this context, so require a high suspicion based basically on sudden pain with an increase of volume. The treatment is the urgent fasciotomy. To not diagnose it at time could evolve with severe neuromuscular disorders and hand anatomy disorders.
Humans , Male , Adult , Compartment Syndromes/surgery , Compartment Syndromes/complications , Postoperative Complications , Angioplasty/adverse effects , Fasciotomy/methodsABSTRACT
El síndrome compartimental crónico inducido por el ejercicio o el uso excesivo raramente afecta a los miembros superiores y se ha relacionado con actividades deportivas o laborales. Describimos un caso de un paciente con diagnóstico de síndrome compartimental crónico de antebrazo, de características poco habituales, tratado con fasciotomía mínimamente invasiva. Este síndrome debe sospecharse incluso en pacientes que no practiquen actividades de riesgo y que sufran dolor compartimental inespecífico. La fasciotomía con técnica mínimamente invasiva es una opción eficaz para curar este cuadro. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS) of the forearm is uncommon and has been described in association with sport and work-related activities. We describe the uncommon presentation of a patient with CECS of the forearm who was treated through a minimally invasive fasciotomy. CECS of the forearm must be suspected in patients with pain in a specific area (compartment), even if they do not practice risk activities. Minimally invasive fasciotomy is an effective treatment option for this condition. Level of Evidence: IV
Adult , Compartment Syndromes , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Fasciotomy , ForearmABSTRACT
Acute compartment syndrome of the lower extremities after urological surgery in the lithotomy position is a rare but potentially devastating clinical and medicolegal problem. We report the case of a 67-year-old male who underwent laparoscopic prostatectomy surgery to treat cancer, spending 180 minutes in surgery. Postoperatively, the patient developed acute compartment syndrome of both legs, needing emergency bilateral four-compartment fasciotomies, with repeated returns to the operating room for second-look procedures. The patient also exhibited delayed wound closure. He regained full function within 6 months, returning to unimpaired baseline activity levels. This report aims to highlight the importance of preoperative awareness of this severe complication which, in conjunction with early recognition and immediate surgical management, may mitigate long-term adverse sequelae and improve postoperative outcomes
A síndrome compartimental aguda dos membros inferiores após cirurgia urológica na posição de litotomia é um problema clínico e médico-legal raro, mas potencialmente devastador. Reportamos o caso de um homem de 67 anos submetido a uma prostatectomia laparoscópica por câncer. A cirurgia durou 180 min. No pós-operatório, o paciente desenvolveu síndrome compartimental aguda de ambos os membros inferiores, necessitando de fasciotomias de urgência, com retornos repetidos à sala de cirurgia para procedimentos adicionais. O paciente também apresentou fechamento tardio da ferida. Ele recuperou a função completa dentro de 6 meses e retornou a um nível de atividade basal irrestrito. Este artigo tem a importância de ressaltar a consciência pré-operatória desta grave complicação que, em conjunto com o reconhecimento precoce e o tratamento cirúrgico imediato, pode mitigar sequelas adversas em longo prazo e melhorar os resultados pós-operatórios
Humans , Male , Aged , Postoperative Complications/diagnosis , Urologic Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Urologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Compartment Syndromes , Lower Extremity , Prostatectomy/methods , Prostatic Neoplasms , Blood Pressure , Risk Factors , Laparoscopy/methods , Fascia , Patient Positioning/methods , Fasciotomy/methodsABSTRACT
Dupuytren's disease is the abnormal and progressive proliferation of the palmar fascia, its etiology remains unknown. Percutaneous needle fasciotomy is a minimally invasive procedure, where hypodermic needles are used as a scalpel blade to break the pathological cord in Dupuytren's disease. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of percutaneous needle fasciotomy in patients with 3-year follow-up METHODS: Percutaneous needle fasciotomy was performed in patients from the regional hospital of Talca from January 2014 to January 2017, pre and post-procedure contracture measurement was performed, followed up at 6 weeks, 3 months and annually up to three years. there was a registry of complications, recurrence and functional results with the QuickDASH scale. RESULTS: Of the 17 patients chosen, 13 completed the follow-up. 15 fingers (5 little fingers, 9 ring fingers, 1 middle) and 23 joints. The metacarpophalangeal joints achieved an immediate correction of 89%, maintaining a correction of 48% at three years. The proximal interphalangeal joint achieved a correction of 62%, maintaining 32% at the end of the follow-up. The QuickDash managed to descend from 39.4 to 21.5 points. There was recurrence of 35.7% in the metacarpophalangeal joints and 42.8% in proximal interphalangeal joints. We found that percutaneous fasciotomy is a treatment option.
Humans , Male , Female , Dupuytren Contracture/surgery , Fasciotomy , Needles , Recurrence , Range of Motion, Articular/physiology , Treatment Outcome , Dupuytren Contracture/physiopathology , Metacarpophalangeal JointABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Acute compartment syndrome in athletes is a rare orthopedic emergency associated with strenuous exercise. It is often diagnosed late and can lead to severe complications and high morbidity. This report describes the case of a young soccer player with acute compartment syndrome with no history of trauma, diagnosed and treated 24 h after the onset of symptoms, through minimally invasive decompressive fasciotomy, with good postoperative evolution.
RESUMO A síndrome de compartimento aguda não traumática em atletas é uma emergência ortopédica rara associada ao exercício físico extenuante. Apresenta diagnóstico difícil, frequentemente tardio, pode levar a complicações graves e alta morbidade. Os autores relatam o caso de uma atleta de futebol juvenil com uma síndrome compartimental aguda sem história de trauma, diagnosticada e tratada 24 horas após início dos sintomas, através de fasciotomia descompressiva minimamente invasiva, com boa evolução pós-operatória.