Introducción. Los datos de frecuencia de los adenovirus entéricos, sapovirus y astrovirus en casos de gastroenteritis aguda esporádica en Argentina son escasos. Métodos. Diseño descriptivo sobre una selección de muestras de heces de menores de 5 años con diarrea remitidas durante el período 2010-2021, con resultado previo negativo para rotavirus y norovirus. Se estudió la presencia de adenovirus entéricos, sapovirus y astrovirus por métodos moleculares, con posterior genotipificación de las muestras positivas. Resultados. De 574 muestras seleccionadas, en 226 (39,4 %) se identificó al menos uno de los virus estudiados. En particular, se detectaron adenovirus, sapovirus y astrovirus en el 30,7 %, el 5,6 % y el 3,1 %, respectivamente. El adenovirus 41, los sapovirus GI.1 y GI.2, y el astrovirus 1 fueron los más frecuentemente detectados. Se identificaron dos muestras con astrovirus no clásicos. Conclusiones. A pesar de ser menos frecuentes, estos enteropatógenos son responsables de un número considerable de episodios de diarrea esporádica. Por lo tanto, su estudio y vigilancia contribuye significativamente a reducir la brecha de casos no diagnosticados.
Introduction. Data on the frequency of enteric adenoviruses, sapoviruses, and astroviruses in cases of sporadic acute gastroenteritis in Argentina are scarce. Methods. Descriptive design of a selection of fecal samples of children with diarrhea younger than 5 years referred between 2010 and 2021, with a previous negative result for rotavirus and norovirus. The presence of enteric adenovirus, sapovirus, and astrovirus was tested by molecular methods, with subsequent genotyping of positive samples. Results. At least 1 of the tested viruses was detected in 226 (39.4%) of the 574 selected samples. Specifically, adenovirus, sapovirus, and astrovirus were detected in 30.7%, 5.6%, and 3.1% of the samples, respectively. The most frequent viruses detected were adenovirus 41, sapoviruses GI.1 and GI.2, and astrovirus 1. Non-classic astroviruses were detected in 2 samples. Conclusions. Despite being less frequent, these enteropathogens are responsible for a large number of sporadic diarrhea events. Therefore, their study and surveillance contribute significantly to reduce the gap of undiagnosed cases.
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Diarrhea/epidemiology , Diarrhea/virology , Gastroenteritis/epidemiology , Gastroenteritis/virology , Argentina/epidemiology , Astroviridae/isolation & purification , Astroviridae/genetics , Sapovirus/isolation & purification , Sapovirus/genetics , Feces/virology , GenotypeABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#Links between alterations in gut microbiota composition and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) have previously been reported. This study aimed to examine the microbiota in the nasal cavity of ALS.@*METHODS@#Sixty-six ALS patients and 40 healthy caregivers who live in close proximity with patients were enrolled. High throughput metagenomic sequencing of the 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) gene V3-V4 region of nasal microbiota was used to characterize the alpha and beta diversity and relative abundance of bacterial taxa, predict function, and conduct correlation analysis between specific taxa and clinical features.@*RESULTS@#The nasal microbiome of ALS patients showed lower alpha diversity than that of corresponding healthy family members. Genera Gaiella , Sphingomonas , Polaribacter _1, Lachnospiraceae _NK4A136_group, Klebsiella , and Alistipes were differentially enriched in ALS patients compared to controls. Nasal microbiota composition in ALS patients significantly differed from that in healthy subjects (unweighted UniFrac P = 0.001), while Linear discriminant analysis Effect Size (LEfSe) analysis indicated that Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes dominated healthy nasal communities at the phylum level, whereas Actinobacteria was the predominant phylum and Thermoleophilia was the predominant class in ALS patients. Genus Faecalibacterium and Alistipes were positively correlated with ALS functional rating scale revised (ALSFRS-R; rs = 0.349, P = 0.020 and rs = 0.393, P = 0.008), while Prevotella -9 and Bacteroides operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were positively associated with lung function (FVC) in ALS patients ( rs = 0.304, P = 0.045, and rs = 0.300, P = 0.048, respectively). Prevotella -1 was positively correlated with white blood cell counts (WBC, rs = 0.347, P = 0.021), neutrophil percentage (Neu%, rs = 0.428, P = 0.004), and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR, rs = 0.411, P = 0.006), but negatively correlated with lymphocyte percentage (Lym%, rs = -0.408, P = 0.006). In contrast, Streptococcus was negatively associated with Neu% ( rs = -0.445, P = 0.003) and NLR ( rs = -0.436, P = 0.003), while positively associated with Lym% ( rs = 0.437, P = 0.003). No significant differences in nasal microbiota richness and evenness were detected among the severe and mild ALS patients.@*CONCLUSIONS@#ALS is accompanied by altered nasal microbial community composition and diversity. The findings presented here highlight the need to understand how dysbiosis of nasal microbiota may contribute to the development of ALS.
Humans , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/microbiology , Feces/microbiology , Microbiota/genetics , Gastrointestinal Microbiome/genetics , Bacteria/genetics , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/geneticsABSTRACT
Objective: To study the complete genome characterization of Human Astrovirus (HAstV) in Shandong Province. Methods: Stool samples from acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance in Shandong Province from 2020 to 2022 were collected, and HAstV nucleic acid was examined by real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR). Next-generation sequencing (NGS) was conducted for the positive samples to obtain complete genome sequences and identify the genotype. Homology comparison and phylogenetic analysis were performed by using BioEdit and Mega software. Results: A total of 667 samples were examined by qPCR, of which 14 were HAstV-positive (2.1%), including HAstV-1 (n=6), MLB1 (n=6), MLB2 (n=1), and VA2 (n=1). The complete genome sequences were obtained from 11 samples. The six HAstV-1 sequences of this study had 98.2% to 99.9% nt similarities with each other and 87.6% to 98.6% with those from other regions. The four MLB1 sequences of this study had 99.1% to 99.9% nt similarities with each other and 92.2% to 99.4% with those from other regions. The VA2 sequence of this study had 96.0% to 96.3% nt similarities with those from other regions. Phylogenetic analysis based on ORF2 region showed that the local HAstV-1 sequences were most closely related to Japanese strains, and had distinct topology with phylogenies based on ORF1a and ORF1b regions. Conclusion: The complete genome sequences of 11 HAstV strains are obtained, and the VA2 complete genome is found.
Humans , Mamastrovirus/genetics , Phylogeny , Astroviridae Infections/epidemiology , Feces , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Genotype , Real-Time Polymerase Chain ReactionABSTRACT
Objective: To study the complete genome characterization of Human Astrovirus (HAstV) in Shandong Province. Methods: Stool samples from acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance in Shandong Province from 2020 to 2022 were collected, and HAstV nucleic acid was examined by real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR). Next-generation sequencing (NGS) was conducted for the positive samples to obtain complete genome sequences and identify the genotype. Homology comparison and phylogenetic analysis were performed by using BioEdit and Mega software. Results: A total of 667 samples were examined by qPCR, of which 14 were HAstV-positive (2.1%), including HAstV-1 (n=6), MLB1 (n=6), MLB2 (n=1), and VA2 (n=1). The complete genome sequences were obtained from 11 samples. The six HAstV-1 sequences of this study had 98.2% to 99.9% nt similarities with each other and 87.6% to 98.6% with those from other regions. The four MLB1 sequences of this study had 99.1% to 99.9% nt similarities with each other and 92.2% to 99.4% with those from other regions. The VA2 sequence of this study had 96.0% to 96.3% nt similarities with those from other regions. Phylogenetic analysis based on ORF2 region showed that the local HAstV-1 sequences were most closely related to Japanese strains, and had distinct topology with phylogenies based on ORF1a and ORF1b regions. Conclusion: The complete genome sequences of 11 HAstV strains are obtained, and the VA2 complete genome is found.
Humans , Mamastrovirus/genetics , Phylogeny , Astroviridae Infections/epidemiology , Feces , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Genotype , Real-Time Polymerase Chain ReactionABSTRACT
Los murciélagos son mamíferos vertebrados presentes en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, estimándose una población de 4 animales por habitante. Son portadores de varias enfermedades importantes y además empeoran las condiciones respiratorias de enfermos crónicos. En el campo cumplen una interesante función, ya que se alimentan de insectos perjudiciales para las siembras. El guano puede ser útil en el abono de la tierra debido al aporte de carbono y nitrógeno. En las ciudades su presencia tiene consecuencias diferentes. Se encuentran en los taparrollos de las habitaciones, así como también en todas las oquedades de muros, árboles, grietas, etc. Se exponen aquí los peligros y los cuidados que deben tenerse en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires ante la invasión de estos quirópteros. (AU)
Bats are vertebrate mammals present in the City of Buenos Aires, with an estimated population of 4 animals per inhabitant. They are carriers of several important diseases and also worsen the respiratory conditions of the chronically ill. In rural areas they fulfill an interesting function, since they feed on insects harmful to crops. Guano can be useful in soil fertilization due to its contribution of carbon and nitrogen. In cities their presence has different consequences. They are found in the roll covers of the rooms as well as in all the hollows of walls, trees, cracks, etc. The dangers and precautions to be taken in the city of Buenos Aires in the face of the invasion of these chiroptera are described here. (AU)
Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Chiroptera/immunology , Rhinitis, Allergic, Perennial/etiology , Antigens, Dermatophagoides , Dander/immunology , Argentina , Immunoassay/methods , Urban Health , Cities , Feces/chemistryABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La diarrea aguda continúa siendo una de las principales causas de morbilidad en niños; sin embargo, el diagnóstico etiológico presenta limitaciones dada la baja sensibilidad de los métodos tradicionales. OBJETIVO: Describir los microorganismos identificados en niños que acudieron al Servicio de Urgencia (SU) de un hospital universitario en Santiago, Chile, por diarrea aguda y a los que se le solicitó panel molecular gastrointestinal. MÉTODOS: Se revisaron fichas clínicas y resultados de panel gastrointestinal realizados entre junio de 2017 y marzo de 2020. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 198 pacientes, edad promedio de 54,5 meses y 60,6% (120/198) de sexo masculino. La positividad del panel fue de 78,8% (156/198) con 35,3% (55/156) de las muestras polimicrobianas. Se identificaron 229 microorganismos, de los cuales 72,9% (167/229) corresponden a bacterias, 25,8% (59/229) a virus y 1,3% (3/229) a parásitos. Destacaron Campylobacter spp. y Escherichia coli enteropatógena (ECEP) como las bacterias más frecuentemente identificadas. Los pacientes con detección de Campylobacter spp. presentaron con mayor frecuencia fiebre (p = 0,00). ECEP se aisló principalmente (82,5%) en muestras polimicrobianas. DISCUSIÓN: Los resultados enfatizan el potencial que poseen los estudios moleculares para mejorar el diagnóstico etiológico de la diarrea, pero a la vez llevan a cuestionar el rol patogénico de algunos microorganismos identificados.
BACKGROUND: Acute diarrhea continues to be one of the main causes of morbidity in children, however the etiologica diagnosis presents limitations given the low sensitivity of traditional methods. AIM: To describe the microorganisms identified in children who attended the emergency department (ED) in Santiago, Chile, due to acute diarrhea and to whom a gastrointestinal panel was requested as part of their study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Clinical records and results of the gastrointestinal panel carried out between June 2017 and March 2020 were reviewed. RESULTS: 198 patients were included, the average age was 54.5 months and 60.6% (120/198) were males. Positivity was 78.8% (156/198) with 35.3% (55/156) of the samples being polymicrobial. 229 microorganisms were identified, of which 72.9% (167/229) corresponded to bacteria, 25.8% (59/229) to viruses, and 1.3% (3/229) to parasites. Campylobacter spp. and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) were the most frequently identified bacteria. Patients with detection of Campylobacter spp. presented a higher frequency of fever (p = 0.00). EPEC was isolated in 82.5% of the cases in polymicrobial samples. DISCUSSION: The results emphasize the potential of molecular studies to improve the etiological diagnosis of diarrhea and at the same time lead to question the pathogenic role of some microorganisms.
Humans , Male , Female , Diarrhea/diagnosis , Feces/microbiology , Parasites/isolation & purification , Seasons , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Viruses/isolation & purification , Chile , Retrospective Studies , Diarrhea/etiology , Diarrhea/epidemiology , Emergency Service, Hospital , Feces/parasitologySubject(s)
Phenotype , Rabbits , DNA, Fungal , Feces/microbiology , South America , Chile , Fungi/geneticsABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the effects of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) on neurobehavior and gut microbiota of arsenic-exposed offspring rats. Methods: In April 2021, Thirty-six SPF SD rats aged 8 weeks were seleted, rats were ranked by weight and divided into four groups according to randomized block design, namely control group, arsenic exposure group (As group) , arsenic+normal saline group (As+NaCl group) and As+FMT group, 6 females and 3 males in each group. Fecal microbiota fluid were provided by feces of rats in control group. Rats drank tap water containing 75 mg/L sodium arsenite for one week and then were caged together. The arsenic exposure was terminated until the pups were born. Female rats with vaginal plug were treated with fecal microbiota fluid via gavage during neurodevelopmental teratogenic window period. The volume of gavage was 1 ml/100 g with once every two days, for a total of three times. Weight alterations of offspring rats were recorded every week after weaning, and when offspring rats grew up for 6 weeks, Morris test and open field experiment was used to observe learning and memory abilities, as well as neurobehavioral performance of autonomous exploration and tension, respectively. 16S rDNA sequencing technology was used to detect microbiota diversities in fecal samples of rats in As group and As+FMT group. Results: Compared with the control group, the ratio of swimming distance and staying time in the target quadrant and the times of crossing the platform of rats in As group decreased significantly, and the motor distance, times entering central zone and the number of grid crossing of rats decreased significantly (P<0.05) . Compared with As group, the ratio of swimming distance in target quadrant, the motor distance in central zone and times entering central zone of rats in As+FMT group were evidently increased (P<0.05) . The analysis of fecal microbiota diversities showed that, at the phyla level, the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes in feces of rats in As+FMT group was higher than that in As group (68.34% vs 60.55%) , while the relative abundance of Firmicutes was lower than that in As group (28.02% vs 33.48%) . At the genus level, the relative abundance of Prevotella in As+FMT group was significantly higher than that in As group, becoming the dominant genus (42.08% vs 21.78%) . Additionally, compared with As group, a total of 22 genus were increased with 21 decreased genus in As+FMT group (P<0.05) . LEfSe analysis showed that dominant genuses in As+FMT group were Prevotella and UCG_005, and their relative abundance was significantly higher than that of As group (P<0.05) . Conclusion: FMT may alleviate the impaired learning and memory ability and anxiety like behavior of the offspring rats exposed to arsenic, and improve the disrupted gut microbiota.
Male , Rats , Animals , Female , Fecal Microbiota Transplantation , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Arsenic , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , FecesABSTRACT
As a single-center retrospective study, we analyzed the results of rotavirus and human adenovirus antigens in stool samples with colloidal gold immunochromatography method in children with acute gastroenteritis under the age of five who were treated in our hospital from 2019 to 2022. After excluding nonconforming cases and duplicate cases, 2 896 cases were included, of which 559 cases were detected with at least one viral antigen. According to the test results, they were divided into RV positive group, HAdV positive group and RV & HAdV double positive group. The gender, age, seasonal distribution, clinical symptoms and related laboratory tests were compared and analyzed with χ2 test, analysis of variance and nonparametric test. Among the single samples from 2 896 children, the positive rate of RV antigen was 6.21% (180/2 896), the positive rate of HAdV antigen was 10.91% (316/2 896), and the double positive rate of RV & HAdV was 2.18% (63/2 896). The positive rate of HAdV antigen in 2021 was 16.11%, a significant increase compared with 6.20% in 2020. RV infection has obvious seasonality, and spring and winter are the seasons with high incidence of infection (χ2=74.018, P<0.001), while HAdV infection has no obvious seasonality (χ2=2.110, P=0.550), showing sporadic infection throughout the year. The proportions of fever and vomiting symptoms in children with RV infection were significantly higher than those in the HAdV infection group (χ2=40.401, P<0.001; χ2=32.593, P<0.001), but the positive rate of white blood cells in the stool was significantly lower than that in the HAdV infection group (χ2=13.741,P<0.01). In summary, paying attention to the epidemiological changes of RV and HAdV is of great significance for clinical diagnosis and treatment and disease prevention and control.
Child , Humans , Infant , Rotavirus , Retrospective Studies , Gastroenteritis/epidemiology , Hospitals , Feces , Adenoviruses, Human , Adenovirus Infections, Human/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the short-term effect of individual atmospheric PM2.5 exposure on the diversity, enterotype, and community structure of gut microbiome in healthy elderly people in Jinan, Shandong province. Methods: The present panel study recruited 76 healthy elderly people aged 60-69 years old in Dianliu Street, Lixia District, Jinan, Shandong Province, and followed them up five times from September 2018 to January 2019. The relevant information was collected by questionnaire, physical examination, precise monitoring of individual PM2.5 exposure, fecal sample collection and gut microbiome 16S rDNA sequencing. The Dirichlet multinomial mixtures (DMM) model was used to analyze the enterotype. Linear mixed effect model and generalized linear mixed effect model were used to analyze the effect of PM2.5 exposure on gut microbiome α diversity indices (Shannon, Simpson, Chao1, and ACE indices), enterotype and abundance of core species. Results: Each of the 76 subjects participated in at least two follow-up visits, resulting in a total of 352 person-visits. The age of 76 subjects was (65.0±2.8) years old with BMI (25.0±2.4) kg/m2. There were 38 males accounting for 50% of the subjects. People with an educational level of primary school or below accounted for 10.5% of the 76 subjects, and those with secondary school and junior college or above accounting for 71.1% and 18.4%. The individual PM2.5 exposure concentration of 76 subjects during the study period was (58.7±53.7) μg/m3. DMM model showed that the subjects could be divided into four enterotypes, which were mainly driven by Bacteroides, Faecalibacterium, Lachnospiraceae, Prevotellaceae, and Ruminococcaceae. Linear mixed effects model showed that different lag periods of PM2.5 exposure were significantly associated with a lower gut α diversity index (FDR<0.05 after correction). Further analysis showed that PM2.5 exposure was significantly associated with changes in the abundances of Firmicutes (Megamonas, Blautia, Streptococcus, etc.) and Bacteroidetes (Alistipes) (FDR<0.05 after correction). Conclusion: Short-term PM2.5 exposure is significantly associated with a decrease in gut microbiome diversity and changes in the abundance of several species of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes in the elderly. It is necessary to further explore the underlying mechanisms between PM2.5 exposure and the gut microbiome, so as to provide a scientific basis for promoting the intestinal health of the elderly.
Aged , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Female , Feces/microbiology , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Particulate Matter , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/geneticsABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the characteristics of viral infections in children with diarrhea in Beijing from 2018 to 2022. Methods: Real-time PCR and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were used to detect viral nucleic acid of Norovirus (NoV), Sappovirus (SaV), Astrovirus (AstV), Enteric Adenovirus (AdV) or antigen of Rotavirus (RV) in 748 stool samples collected from Beijing Capital Institute of Pediatrics from January 2018 to December 2021. Subsequently, the reverse transcription PCR or PCR method was used to amplify the target gene of the positive samples after the initial screening, followed by sequencing, genotyping and evolution analysis, so as to obtain the characteristics of these viruses. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using Mega 6.0. Results: From 2018 to 2021, the overall detection rate of the above five common viruses was 37.6%(281/748)in children under 5 years old in Beijing. NoV, Enteric AdV and RV were still the top three diarrhea-related viruses, followed by AstV and SaV, accounting for 41.6%, 29.2%, 27.8%, 8.9% and 7.5%, respectively. The detection rate of co-infections with two or three diarrhea-related viruses was 4.7% (35/748). From the perspective of annual distribution, the detection rate of Enteric AdV was the highest in 2021, while NoV was predominant in the other 4 years. From the perspective of genetic characteristics, NoV was predominant by GⅡ.4, and after the first detection of GⅡ.4[P16] in 2020, it occupied the first two gene groups together with GⅡ.4[P31]. Although the predominant RV was G9P[8], the rare epidemic strain G8P[8] was first detected in 2021. The predominant genotypes of Enteric AdV and AstV were Ad41 and HAstV-1. SaV was sporadic spread with a low detection rate. Conclusion: Among the diarrhea-related viruses infected children under 5 years of age in Beijing, the predominant strains of NoV and RV have changed and new sub-genotypes have been detected for the first time, while the predominant strains of AstV and Enteric AdV are relatively stable.
Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Beijing/epidemiology , Diarrhea/epidemiology , Feces , Norovirus/genetics , Phylogeny , Rotavirus/genetics , Virus Diseases/epidemiology , Viruses/geneticsABSTRACT
Blastocystis is a common unicellular intestinal protozoa in humans and animals, and the most common clinical manifestations of infections include abdominal pain and diarrhea. Based on the sequence of the small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene, 28 subtypes of B. hominis (ST1 to ST17, ST21 and ST23 to ST32) have been characterized. Previous studies have demonstrated that B. hominis infection is strongly associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other intestinal diseases, which threatens the health and quality of life among patients with B. hominis infection and is considered as an important public health problem. This review summarizes the progress of researches on B. hominis infection among IBD and IBS patients during the past 20 years, so as to provide insights into management of blastocystosis in China.
Animals , Humans , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/parasitology , Blastocystis Infections/complications , Quality of Life , Blastocystis hominis/genetics , Feces/parasitology , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/parasitologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the prevalence of Echinococcus infections in wild carnivores in Serthar County, Sichuan Province, so as to provide insights into echinococcosis control in local areas.@*METHODS@#Stool samples were collected from wild carnivores in Serthar County, Sichuan Province in May 2021, and the host sources of stool samples and Echinococcus infections were identified using PCR assays. The prevalence of E. multilocularis, E. granulosus and E. shiquicus infections was estimated in different hosts.@*RESULTS@#A total of 583 stool samples were collected from wild carnivores, including 147 stool samples from fox, 154 from wolf, 227 from wild dogs and 11 from lynx. The overall prevalence of E. multilocularis, E. granulosus and E. shiquicus infections was 5.68%, 0.19% and 14.20% in canine stool samples, and no E. granulosus infection was detected in fox stool samples, while the prevalence of E. multilocularis and E. shiquicus infections was 0.68% and 47.62% in fox stool samples (χ2 = 88.41, P < 0.001). No E. granulosus or E. shiquicus infection was detected in wolf stool samples, and the prevalence of E. multilocularis infection was 10.39% in wolf stool samples. The prevalence of E. multilocularis, E. granulosus and E. shiquicus infections was 5.73%, 0.44% and 2.20% in canine stool samples (χ2 = 12.13, P < 0.01). In addition, the prevalence of E. multilocularis infections was significantly higher in wolf stool samples than in canine and fox stool samples (χ2 = 13.23, P < 0.01), and the prevalence of E. shiquicus infections was significantly higher in fox stool samples than in canine and wolf stool samples (χ2 = 187.01, P < 0.001). No Echinococcus infection was identified in 11 lynx stool samples.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The prevalence of Echinococcus infections is high in wild canines in Serthar County, Sichuan Province. Wolf, wild dog and fox all participate in the wild life cycle of E. multilocularis in Serthar County, and wolf and wild dogs may play a more important role.
Animals , Dogs/microbiology , China/epidemiology , DNA, Helminth/genetics , Echinococcosis/veterinary , Feces , Foxes/microbiology , Lynx/microbiology , Prevalence , Wolves/microbiology , Carnivora/microbiologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the prevalence and subtype distribution of Blastocystis sp. in pigs in Anhui Province.@*METHODS@#A total of 500 stool samples were collected from large-scale pig farms in Bozhou, Anqing, Chuzhou, Hefei, Fuyang, and Lu'an cities in Anhui Province from October to December 2015. Blastocystis was detected in pig stool samples using a PCR assay based on the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene, and positive samples were subjected to sequencing and sequence analysis. Blastocystis subtypes were characterized in the online PubMLST database, and verified using phylogenetic tree created with the neighbor-joining algorithm in the Meta software.@*RESULTS@#The prevalence of Blastocystis infection was 43.2% (216/500) in pigs in 6 cities of Anhui Province, and all pig farms were tested positive for Blastocystis. There was a region-specific prevalence rate of Blastocystis (17.2% to 50.0%) (χ2 = 26.084, P < 0.01), and there was a significant difference in the prevalence of Blastocystis sp. among nursery pigs (39.6%), preweaned pigs (19.1%), and growing pigs (62.3%) (χ2 = 74.951, P < 0.01). Both online inquiry and phylogenetic analysis revealed ST1, ST3, and ST5 subtypes in pigs, with ST5 as the predominant subtype.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The prevalence of Blastocystis sp. is high in pigs in Anhui Province, with three zoonotic subtypes identified, including ST1, ST3, and ST5.
Animals , Swine , Blastocystis/genetics , Phylogeny , Blastocystis Infections/veterinary , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Prevalence , Feces , Genetic VariationABSTRACT
Many natural products can be bio-converted by the gut microbiota to influence pertinent efficiency. Ginsenoside compound K (GCK) is a potential anti-type 2 diabetes (T2D) saponin, which is mainly bio-transformed into protopanaxadiol (PPD) by the gut microbiota. Studies have shown that the gut microbiota between diabetic patients and healthy subjects are significantly different. Herein, we aimed to characterize the biotransformation of GCK mediated by the gut microbiota from diabetic patients and healthy subjects. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing, the results indicated the bacterial profiles were considerably different between the two groups, especially Alistipes and Parabacteroides that increased in healthy subjects. The quantitative analysis of GCK and PPD showed that gut microbiota from the diabetic patients metabolized GCK slower than healthy subjects through liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The selected strain A. finegoldii and P. merdae exhibited a different metabolic capability of GCK. In conclusion, the different biotransformation capacity for GCK may impact its anti-diabetic potency.
Humans , Gastrointestinal Microbiome/genetics , Chromatography, Liquid/methods , Healthy Volunteers , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S , Feces/microbiology , Tandem Mass Spectrometry , Biotransformation , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/drug therapyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is an independent risk factor for colorectal cancer (CRC), and the patients with CRC and T2DM have worse survival. The human gut microbiota (GM) is linked to the development of CRC and T2DM, respectively. However, the GM characteristics in patients with CRC and T2DM remain unclear.@*METHODS@#We performed fecal metagenomic and targeted metabolomics studies on 36 samples from CRC patients with T2DM (DCRC group, n = 12), CRC patients without diabetes (CRC group, n = 12), and healthy controls (Health group, n = 12). We analyzed the fecal microbiomes, characterized the composition and function based on the metagenomics of DCRC patients, and detected the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and bile acids (BAs) levels in all fecal samples. Finally, we performed a correlation analysis of the differential bacteria and metabolites between different groups.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the CRC group, LefSe analysis showed that there is a specific GM community in DCRC group, including an increased abundance of Eggerthella , Hungatella , Peptostreptococcus , and Parvimonas , and decreased Butyricicoccus , Lactobacillus , and Paraprevotella . The metabolomics analysis results revealed that the butyric acid level was lower but the deoxycholic acid and 12-keto-lithocholic acid levels were higher in the DCRC group than other groups ( P < 0.05). The correlation analysis showed that the dominant bacterial abundance in the DCRC group ( Parvimonas , Desulfurispora , Sebaldella , and Veillonellales , among others) was negatively correlated with butyric acid, hyodeoxycholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid, glycochenodeoxycholic acid, chenodeoxycholic acid, cholic acid and glycocholate. However, the abundance of mostly inferior bacteria was positively correlated with these metabolic acid levels, including Faecalibacterium , Thermococci , and Cellulophaga .@*CONCLUSIONS@#Unique fecal microbiome signatures exist in CRC patients with T2DM compared to those with non-diabetic CRC. Alterations in GM composition and SCFAs and secondary BAs levels may promote CRC development.
Humans , Gastrointestinal Microbiome/genetics , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Microbiota , Bacteria/genetics , Fatty Acids, Volatile , Colorectal Neoplasms/metabolism , Butyrates , Feces/microbiologyABSTRACT
This study investigated the differences in excretion kinetics of three alkaloids and their four metabolites from Simiao Pills in normal and type 2 diabetic rats. The diabetes model was established in rats by injection of streptozotocin, and the alkaloids in urine, feces, and bile of normal and diabetic rats were detected by LC-MS/MS to explore the effect of diabetes on alkaloid excretion of Simiao Pills. The results showed that 72 h after intragastric administration of the extract of Simiao Pills, feces were the main excretion route of alkaloids from Simiao Pills. The total excretion rates of magnoflorine and berberine in normal rats were 4.87% and 56.54%, which decreased to 2.35% and 35.53% in diabetic rats, which had statistical significance(P<0.05). The total excretion rates of phellodendrine, magnoflorine, and berberine in the urine of diabetic rats decreased significantly, which were 53.57%, 60.84%, and 52.78% of those in normal rats, respectively. After 12 h of intragastric administration, the excretion rate of berberine in the bile of diabetic rats increased significantly, which was 253.33% of that of normal rats. In the condition of diabetes, the excretion rate of berberine metabolite, thalifendine significantly decreased in urine and feces, but significantly increased in bile. The total excretion rates of jateorrhizine and palmatine in the urine increased significantly, and t_(1/2) and K_e changed significantly. The results showed that diabetes affected the in vivo process of alkaloids from Simiao Pills, reducing their excretion in the form of prototype drug, affecting the biotransformation of berberine, and ultimately increasing the exposure of alkaloids in vivo, which would be conducive to the hypoglycemic effect of alkaloids. This study provides references for the clinical application and drug development of Simiao Pills in diabetes.
Rats , Animals , Bile/metabolism , Chromatography, Liquid/methods , Berberine , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/metabolism , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Tandem Mass Spectrometry/methods , Feces , Alkaloids/metabolism , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/metabolismABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effects of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) on intestinal microbiome and organism in patients with severe pneumonia during the convalescence period.@*METHODS@#A prospective non-randomized controlled study was conducted. From December 2021 to May 2022, patients with severe pneumonia during the convalescence period who received FMT (FMT group) and patients with severe pneumonia during the convalescence period who did not receive FMT (non-FMT group) admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University were enrolled. The differences of clinical indicators, gastrointestinal function and fecal traits between the two groups were compared 1 day before and 10 days after enrollment. The 16S rDNA gene sequencing technology was used to analyze the changes of intestinal flora diversity and different species in patients with FMT before and after enrollment, and metabolic pathways were analyzed and predicted by Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database (KEGG). Pearson correlation method was used to analyze the correlation between intestinal flora and clinical indicators in FMT group.@*RESULTS@#The level of triacylglycerol (TG) in FMT group was significantly decreased at 10 days after enrollment compared with before enrollment [mmol/L: 0.94 (0.71, 1.40) vs. 1.47 (0.78, 1.86), P < 0.05]. The level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in non-FMT group was significantly decreased at 10 days after enrollment compared with before enrollment (mmol/L: 0.68±0.27 vs. 0.80±0.31, P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in other clinical indexes, gastrointestinal function or fecal character scores between the two groups. Diversity analysis showed that the α diversity indexes of intestinal flora in FMT group at 10 days after enrollment were significantly higher than those in non-FMT group, and β diversity was also significantly different from that in non-FMT group. Differential species analysis showed that the relative abundance of Proteobacteria at the level of intestinal flora in FMT group at 10 days after enrollment was significantly lower than that in non-FMT group [8.554% (5.977%, 12.159%) vs. 19.285% (8.054%, 33.207%), P < 0.05], while the relative abundance of Fusobacteria was significantly higher than that in non-FMT group [6.801% (1.373%, 20.586%) vs. 0.003% (0%, 9.324%), P < 0.05], and the relative abundance of Butyricimonas, Fusobacterium and Bifidobacterium at the genus level of the intestinal flora was significantly higher than that in non-FMT group [Butyricimonas: 1.634% (0.813%, 2.387%) vs. 0% (0%, 0.061%), Fusobacterium: 6.801% (1.373%, 20.586%) vs. 0.002% (0%, 9.324%), Bifidobacterium: 0.037% (0%, 0.153%) vs. 0% (0%, 0%), all P < 0.05]. KEGG metabolic pathway analysis showed that the intestinal flora of FMT group was changed in bisphenol degradation, mineral absorption, phosphonate and phosphinate metabolism, cardiac muscle contraction, Parkinson disease and other metabolic pathways and diseases. Correlation analysis showed that Actinobacteria and prealbumin (PA) in intestinal flora of FMT group were significantly positively correlated (r = 0.53, P = 0.043), Bacteroidetes was positively correlated with blood urea nitrogen (BUN; r = 0.56, P = 0.029) and complement C3 (r = 0.57, P = 0.027), Firmicutes was positively correlated with BUN (r = 0.56, P = 0.029) and complement C3 (r = 0.57, P = 0.027), Fusobacteria was significantly positively correlated with immunoglobulin M (IgM; r = 0.71, P = 0.003), Proteobacteria was significantly positively correlated with procalcitonin (PCT; r = 0.63, P = 0.012) and complement C4 (r = 0.56, P = 0.030).@*CONCLUSIONS@#FMT can reduce TG level, reconstruct intestinal microecological structure, change body metabolism and function, and alleviate inflammatory response by reducing the relative abundance of harmful bacteria in patients with severe pneumonia during the convalescence period.
Humans , Fecal Microbiota Transplantation , Complement C3 , Convalescence , Prospective Studies , FecesABSTRACT
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the gastrointestinal tract, with a global incidence increasing year by year, and the incidence of IBD in developing countries has been increasing since the end of the last century. The pathogenesis of IBD remains unclear, which is the combined result of genetic, immune, diet, environmental and other factors. There is no gold standard for the diagnosis of IBD. Colonoscopy and mucosal biopsy are the preferred clinical tests, but these invasive and time-consuming methods are not conducive to early screening and frequent monitoring. Therefore, convenient, fast, non-invasive and reliable methods are urgently needed to assist the clinical diagnosis and evaluation of IBD. This paper aims to elaborate the laboratory diagnosis and monitoring methods of IBD based on fecal and blood indicators, which can provide ideas for the prevention, screening, diagnosis and monitoring of IBD, and help reduce its burden on people's living standards, public health and society.
Humans , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/pathology , Colonoscopy , Diet , FecesABSTRACT
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the gastrointestinal tract, with a global incidence increasing year by year, and the incidence of IBD in developing countries has been increasing since the end of the last century. The pathogenesis of IBD remains unclear, which is the combined result of genetic, immune, diet, environmental and other factors. There is no gold standard for the diagnosis of IBD. Colonoscopy and mucosal biopsy are the preferred clinical tests, but these invasive and time-consuming methods are not conducive to early screening and frequent monitoring. Therefore, convenient, fast, non-invasive and reliable methods are urgently needed to assist the clinical diagnosis and evaluation of IBD. This paper aims to elaborate the laboratory diagnosis and monitoring methods of IBD based on fecal and blood indicators, which can provide ideas for the prevention, screening, diagnosis and monitoring of IBD, and help reduce its burden on people's living standards, public health and society.