Objective: To explore the association between the consumption of chemical fertilizers and the risk of low birth weight (LBW), to provide references for prevention programs on LBW and to improve the birth outcomes. Methods: Stratified multivariate logistic regression method was used in this study involving 153 preterm LBW infants, 179 term LBW infants and 204 normal control infants that were randomly selected from the birth monitoring data between October 2007 and September 2012 in Pingding county, Shanxi province. Associations between the risk of LBW and maternal exposure to chemical fertilizers during pregnancy were identified. A normal control group was set up to compare results between preterm and term LBW groups. Results: Totally, 18 749 infants were born between 2007 and 2012, with the total incidence rates of LBW as 48.5‰, preterm LBW as 19.4‰, and term LBW as 29.1‰. Concerning the case control study on preterm LBW, after adjustment for confounding factors, the risk of preterm LBW appeared 2.51 (95%CI: 1.05-5.99) times higher in villages with annual consumption of chemical fertilizer ≥100 tons than those villages that using chemical fertilizer less than 50 tons. No significant statistical associations were found between the amounts of household chemical fertilizer consumption and the risks of preterm LBW. Regarding the case control study on term LBW, after adjustment for confounding factors, in villages with ≥100 tons annual consumption of chemical fertilizers, the risk of term LBW was 4.03 (95%CI: 1.63-9.92) times of the risk in villages where the annal use of chemical fertilizers was less than 50 tons. There was no significant association between household consumption of chemical fertilizers and the risk of term LBW. Conclusions: Maternal exposure to chemical fertilizers during pregnancy was associated with the risk of LBW. Our findings suggested that the amount of chemical fertilizer consumption in rural areas seemed also associated with the risks of other adverse pregnancy outcomes. Women should avoid the chance of exposure to chemical fertilizers during pregnancy and the consumption of chemical fertilizers should be carefully managed.
Adult , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Case-Control Studies , Environmental Exposure/adverse effects , Fertilizers/adverse effects , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Maternal Exposure , Premature Birth/epidemiology , Random Allocation , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Resumo OBJETIVO Identificar alterações no sistema respiratório em trabalhadores portuários por meio de exames radiográficos e de função pulmonar; identificar o uso de equipamentos de proteção individual durante as atividades portuárias; e relacionar a idade, tempo de trabalho, exposição a substâncias como os fertilizantes e uso de equipamentos de proteção individual, durante as atividades portuárias, às alterações no sistema respiratório em trabalhadores portuários. MÉTODO Descritivo e exploratório em um porto marítimo sul brasileiro, de julho de 2014 a janeiro de 2015. Realizou-se análise retrospectiva, quantitativo do resultado da radiografia de tórax e espirometria de 695 prontuários de trabalhadores e análise prospectiva de 66 trabalhadores. RESULTADOS a maioria dos trabalhadores não apresentou alterações radiográficas 98,7% e 11,4% apresentaram alterações ventilatórias. Identificou-se correlação positiva para as variáveis, idade, tempo de trabalho e resultado da espirometria. CONCLUSÃO Houve alteração da função respiratória de trabalhadores portuários avulsos, que pode estar relacionada à exposição aos fertilizantes.
RESUMEN OBJETIVO Identificar alteraciones en el sistema respiratorio en trabajadores portuarios por medio de exámenes radiográficos y de función pulmonar; identificar el uso de equipos de protección individual durante las actividades portuarias; y relacionar la edad, el tiempo de trabajo, la exposición a sustancias como los fertilizantes y el uso de equipos de protección individual, durante las actividades portuarias, a las alteraciones en el sistema respiratorio en trabajadores portuarios. MÉTODO Descriptivo y exploratorio, realizado en un puerto maritmo sur brasileño, de julio de 2014 a enero de 2015. Realizó un análisis retrospectivo, cuantitativo de la radiografía de tórax y la espirometría 695 registros de los trabajadores del puerto y la realización de análisis prospectivo de 66 trabajadores. RESULTADOS la mayoría de los trabajadores no se muestran las radiografías 98,7% y el 11,4% mostraron cambios ventilatorios. Se identificó una correlación positiva para las variables, la edad, el tiempo de trabajo y espirometría. CONCLUSIÓN Hubo un cambio de la función respiratoria de los estibadores temporales, que se puede asociar con un tratamiento de fertilizantes.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify alterations in the respiratory system in port workers through radiographic and pulmonary function tests; to identify the use of personal protective equipment during port activities; and to relate age, working time, exposure to substances such as fertilizers and the use of personal protective equipment during port activities, to changes in the respiratory system in port workers. METHOD Descriptive and exploratory study, in south Brazilian maritime port, from July of 2014 to January of 2015. A retrospective quantitative analysis of the results of chest x-ray and spirometry of 695 port workers' chart and prospective analysis of 66 workers were performed. RESULTS Most of the workers did not present radiographs 98.7% and 11.4% presented ventilatory alterations. A positive correlation was identified for the variables age, working time and spirometry results. CONCLUSION There was a change in the respiratory function of single port workers, which may be related to the exposure to fertilizers.
Humans , Male , Adult , Aged , Respiration Disorders/epidemiology , Commerce , Air Pollutants, Occupational/adverse effects , Occupational Diseases/epidemiology , Respiration Disorders/etiology , Respiration Disorders/physiopathology , Respiration Disorders/diagnostic imaging , Respiratory Protective Devices , Spirometry , Brazil/epidemiology , Radiography, Thoracic , Edible Grain/adverse effects , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , Occupational Exposure , Agrochemicals/adverse effects , Dust , Particulate Matter/adverse effects , Fertilizers/adverse effects , Middle Aged , Occupational Diseases/diagnosis , Occupational Diseases/etiology , Occupational Diseases/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Relatar a experiência no tratamento de queimadura decorrente de exposição a fertilizante, comparando o uso de creme de ácido hialurônico (AH) e ácidos graxos essenciais (AGE), em paciente atendido pelo programa Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) de Jaguariúna, SP. Relato de caso: P.C.M., sexo masculino, 46 anos, com queimaduras de 2o grau superficial e pequenas áreas de 2o grau profundo nas duas mãos, decorrentes do uso de fertilizante, sem sinais de infecção ou demais complicações. Foi atendido em Unidade de ESF, onde foi iniciado protocolo de limpeza diária das lesões com soro fisiológico 0,9%. Na mão direita, foi aplicada fina camada de AH 0,2% e, na mão esquerda, AGE, na mesma frequência de uso do AH. Os curativos foram feitos pela enfermeira e técnica da ESF. A evolução da reparação da lesão foi acompanhada e avaliada diariamente por esses profissionais. Resultados: Após 60 dias de uso tópico de creme contendo AH 0,2%, ocorreu a completa cicatrização da mão direita. Na mesma data de avaliação, a mão esquerda ainda apresentava fissuras e descamação, não demonstrando total cicatrização. Com a piora do quadro da mão esquerda, optou-se por suspender o uso do AGE e iniciar o uso de AH uma vez ao dia. Após 39 dias, foi verificado que a lesão estava completamente cicatrizada. Conclusão: Os resultados demonstraram que o uso de AH proporcionou cicatrização de forma mais rápida e efetiva para queimadura decorrente da exposição a fertilizante, em comparação ao AGE.
Objective: To report the experience in treating a burn victim due to fertilizer exposure comparing hyaluronic acid (HA) cream and essential fatty acids (EFA), who was treated by Health Family Strategy (HFS) of Jaguariuna, SP. Case report: P.C.M., male, 46 years old, with superficial second-degree burn injuries and small areas with deep second degree burn on both hands, caused by fertilizer exposure. There were no signs of infection or other complications. He was treated at HFS Unit where a protocol to clean the wound with saline solution 0.9% was initialized. On his right hand was applied HA 0.2% and on his left hand was applied EFA following the same routine in both hands. A nurse and a technical nurse of the HFS Unit did all the dressings and evaluated the wounds daily. Results: The complete reparation of the injury on the right hand was achieved after 60 days applying HA 0.2%. In the same period, the left hand was still not fully recovered and presented fissure and peeling, with this result the nurses decided to suspend the EFA and start using HA on the left hand once a day. After 39 days, the left hand was entirely recovered. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the use of HA provided healing more quickly and effectively to burn due to exposure to fertilizer, as compared to the EFA.
Objetivo: Presentar la experiencia en el tratamiento de quemaduras debido a la exposición a fertilizante, comparando el uso de la crema de ácido hialurónico(AH) y ácidos grasos esenciales(AGE),en pacientes atendidos por el Estratégia Saúde da Família(ESF) en la ciudad de Jaguariúna, São Paulo. Relato de caso: P.C.M., varón, de 46 años, con quemaduras de segundo grado superficiales y pequeñas áreas de segundo grado profundo en ambas manos, como resultado del uso de fertilizantes, sin signos de infección u otras complicaciones. El paciente fue tratado en la Unidad ESF, donde se inició el protocolo de limpieza diaria de las lesiones con solución salina al 0,9%. En su mano derecha se aplicó una capa fina de AH 0,2% y en la mano izquierda, AGE, en la misma frecuencia del uso de AH. Las curaciones fueron realizadas por la enfermera y la técnica de enfermería de ESF. La evolución del reparo de la lesión fue acompañada y evaluada diariamente por esos profesionales. Resultados: Después de 60 días de utilización de AH 0,2% em crema, se observó completa cicatrización de la mano derecha. En la misma data, la mano izquierda aún presentaba grietas y descamación, no siendo observado cicatrización completa. Con la imagen de la izquierda empeoramiento, se decidió suspender el uso del AGE y comenzar a usar AH una vez al día. Después de 39 días, se encontró que la lesión se curó completamente. Conclusión: Estos resultados demuestran que el uso de HA proporciona una curación más rápida y efectiva para quemaduras debido a la exposición a fertilizantes en comparación con la AGE.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Burns/therapy , Fatty Acids, Essential/pharmacology , Fertilizers/adverse effects , Hyaluronic Acid/pharmacology , Wound Healing/drug effects , Chemical Compound ExposureABSTRACT
It has been established that a decrease in the population of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus associated with sugarcane occurs after nitrogen fertilization. This fact could be due to a direct influence of NH4NO3 on bacterial cells or to changes in plant physiology after fertilizer addition, affecting bacterial establishment. In this work, we observed that survival of G. diazotrophicus was directly influenced when 44.8 mM of NH4NO3 (640 mg N/plant) was used for in vitro experiments. Furthermore, micropropagated sugarcane plantlets were inoculated with G. diazotrophicus and used for split root experiments, in which both ends of the system were fertilized with a basal level of NH4NO3 (0.35 mM; 10 mg N/plant). Twenty days post inoculation (dpi) one half of the plants were fertilized with a high dose of NH4NO3 (6.3 mM; 180 mg N/plant) on one end of the system. This nitrogen level was lower than that directly affecting G. diazotrophicus cells; however, it caused a decrease in the bacterial population in comparison with control plants fertilized with basal nitrogen levels. The decrease in the population of G. diazotrophicus was higher in pots fertilized with a basal nitrogen level when compared with the corresponding end supplied with high levels of NH4NO3 (100 dpi; 80 days post fertilization) of the same plant system. These observations suggest that the high nitrogen level added to the plants induce systemic physiological changes that affect the establishment of G. diazotrophicus.
La población de Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus asociada a la caña de azúcar disminuye después de la fertilización nitrogenada, lo cual podría ocurrir por la influencia directa del NH4NO3 sobre la supervivencia bacteriana, o por cambios en la fisiología de las plantas, que impiden el establecimiento bacteriano. En el presente trabajo se observó que en experimentos in vitro la supervivencia de G. diazotrophicus fue influenciada por 44,8 mM de NH4NO3 (640 mg N/plant). Además, G. diazotrophicus fue inoculado en plántulas micropropagadas de caña de azúcar, que fueron usadas para realizar experimentos de raíz dividida, en las que ambos extremos de los sistemas se fertilizaron con un nivel basal de NH4NO3 (0,35 mM; 10 mg N/planta). A los 20 días posteriores a la inoculación (dpi), la mitad de plantas fueron fertilizadas en uno de sus extremos con una dosis elevada de NH4NO3 (6,3 mM; 180 mg of N/plant). Este nivel fue menor al que afectó directamente a las células de G. diazotrophicus; sin embargo, provocó una disminución de la población bacteriana en comparación con plantas testigo fertilizadas con niveles basales de nitrógeno. La disminución de la población fue mayor para raíces fertilizadas con un nivel basal de nitrógeno en comparación con las raíces fertilizadas con altos niveles del mismo sistema de plantas (100 dpi; 80 días posfertilización). Estas observaciones indican que el alto nivel de nitrógeno añadido a las plantas inducen cambios fisiológicos sistémicos que afectan el establecimiento de G. diazotrophicus.
Plant Physiological Phenomena , Gluconacetobacter/drug effects , Fertilizers/adverse effects , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Saccharum/growth & development , Saccharum/physiology , Fertilizers/analysisABSTRACT
Con el objetivo de incrementar y acelerar el proceso de germinación de las semillas y obtener una alta producción y homogeneidad de plántulas de Carica papaya variedad Maradol en vivero, se evaluó el efecto de tres biofertilizantes aplicados solos o en combinación (Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillum brasilense y Glomus intraradices), y un biorregulador del crecimiento vegetal, el ácido giberélico (AG3), en la germinación y el crecimiento vegetal. Se realizó un experimento bajo un diseño completamente al azar con ocho tratamientos y tres repeticiones. A las semillas se les aplicó un pretratamiento germinativo con alternancia de temperatura para superar la dormancia. Los tratamientos simples con A. chroococcum y A. brasilense, incrementaron el porcentaje de germinación a 90,28 y 88,89% respectivamente. Además, con la aplicación de los biofertilizantes y el AG3, la velocidad de germinación se incrementó y el tiempo medio de germinación se redujo. La doble aplicación en semillas y foliar de los biofertilizantes y el AG3 en plántulas mejoró el crecimiento vegetal. La población de A. chroococcum fue mayor cuando se inoculó en combinación con G. intraradices. La prevalencia de colonización de las plántulas inoculadas con G. intraradices varió de 18,53 a 26,67%, con el mayor valor registrado para el tratamiento combinado con A. brasilense. Finalmente, aplicando esta metodología se logró acelerar la germinación, obteniéndose una mayor homogeneidad en la emergencia de las plántulas, disminuyendo así el tiempo de permanencia en el vivero.
In order to increase and accelerate the process of seed germination and obtain a high yield and homogeneity of papaya seedlings cv. Maradol in nurseries, we evaluated the effect of three biofertilizers applied single or in combination (Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillum brasilense and Glomus intraradices) and a plant growth bioregulator, the gibberellic acid 3 (AG3), on the germination and subsequent growth of papaya seedlings. An experimental design completely random with eight treatments and three replications were used. The application of a pre-germinal treatment with alternating temperature had to be applied to seeds to overcome dormancy. Single biofertilization with A. chroococcum and A. brasilense, promoted the germination percentage 90.28 y 88.89% respectively. Germination rate could be enhanced and the mean germination time was reduced with the application of biofertilizer and AG3. Both applications on seeds and leaves of biofertilizers and AG3, had a positive effect on plant growth. The population of A. chroococcum was higher in the combined inoculation with G. intraradices. The prevalence of colonization of plants inoculated with G. intraradices ranged from 18.53 to 26.67%, with the greatest values recorded for the treatment involving combined inoculation with A. brasilense. Finally, with the application of this methodology the seed germination rate was improved, as well as the uniformity of seedlings emergence...
Carica/growth & development , Carica/embryology , Carica/physiology , Carica/genetics , Carica/microbiology , Carica/chemistry , Fertilizers/analysis , Fertilizers/adverse effects , Fertilizers/microbiology , Azospirillum brasilense/isolation & purification , Azospirillum brasilense/growth & development , Azospirillum brasilense/physiology , Azospirillum brasilense/genetics , Azospirillum brasilense/immunology , Azospirillum brasilense/chemistryABSTRACT
Vietnamese farmers' health-risk awareness, knowledge, and practices related to their use of wastewater and human excreta was investigated in an anthropological study by a multidisciplinary team in peri-urban Hanoi and Nghe An Province. Farmers identified health risks associated with their use of excreta and wastewater, but they viewed these as unavoidable risks related to production. They perceived the health risks as different for the use of wastewater and human feces. They perceived health risks from wastewater as non-serious because it remained on the skin and only caused skin problems, but they considered health risks from non-composted smelly feces serious because it entered the body through 'polluted' air. Most farmers were more aware of threats to health from 'dirt' entering the domestic environment than of the health risks during their work. The concept of 'dirt' should be separated from understanding of germs, viruses, and parasites so that it is understood that things that carrying health risks cannot always be identified by their 'dirtiness' or smell. Farmers mainly considered hygiene and health as women's issues. Men's responsibility for the health and hygiene of the family should therefore be emphasized.
Agricultural Workers' Diseases/prevention & control , Aquaculture , Feces , Female , Fertilizers/adverse effects , Focus Groups , Gardening , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Humans , Male , Protective Clothing/statistics & numerical data , Sewage/adverse effects , Vietnam , Waste Disposal, Fluid/methodsABSTRACT
This study .evaluated the effect of temperature, molluscicides [Copper sulphate and Niclosamide], fertilizers [Superphosphate and Ammonium sulphate] on the hatchability of Fasciola gigantica eggs. The results showed that hatchability decreased to 4% when eggs were incubated in bile secretion at 37°C for 5 days and to 1.4% for 10 days, but few eggs incubated in water at 37°C hatched. Bile secretion at 37°C was a poor medium for in-vitro egg preservation. But, hatching occurred only when eggs were transferred to water at 26°C. Temperature fluctuation from 26-4°C or from 32- 4°C had an inhibitory effect on embryos development [35.2% and 32.3%, respectively] as compared to controls [60% and 63.9%, respectively]. The incubation period [19 and 17 days] was higher than controls [14 and 12 days, respectively]. The LC50 and LC9o of Copper sulphate and Niclosamide against Biomphalaria alexandrina and Lymnaea natalenesis had no toxic effect on Fasciola eggs. The higher concentrations of Copper sulphate [30ppm] and Niclosamide [Ippm] slightly lower eggs hatchability rate than controls. The rate decreased by increasing the exposure time from 3 to 6 hours with both molluscicides. Ammonium sulphate had a lethal effect on eggs, but Superphosphate had some inhibitory effect on egg development, which increased by increasing Superphosphate concentration or with the prolongation of the exposure time
Ovum , Temperature , Molluscacides/adverse effects , Copper Sulfate/adverse effects , Niclosamide/adverse effects , Fertilizers/adverse effects , Ammonium Sulfate , Biomphalaria , LymnaeaABSTRACT
In pesticides and fertilizer formulation and packaging processes, workers may be exposed to toluene, benzene, xylene, carbon monoxide emissions as well as noise and reduced illumination during milling, mixing, loading, packaging and storage operations. Occupational hazards are associated with exposure to mixtures containing high proportions of active ingredients, and exposure to carriers/fillers and additives. The present study was designed to assess occupational exposure to chemicals, physical, hazards and safety practice in the pesticides and fertilizers packing industry. It was conducted in pesticide and fertilizer packing industry. Occupational exposure to organic solvents as toluene, benzene, xylene and carbon Monoxide as well as noise and illumination levels were carried out using calibrated instruments. Safety practice was done using safety questionnaire. Analyzed data revealed high significance increase levels of toluene, benzene, xylene, and carbon Monoxide as well as in the levels of noise and illumination in fertilizers and pesticides packing departments in comparison with administrative area. Nevertheless, the conditions of many of the safety practice are not satisfactory while the others are satisfactory and adequate, It was concluded that there are great needs for improvement, including identifying and controlling the hazards. providing information, training, monitoring and also legislative requirements that need to be met
Fertilizers/adverse effects , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Hazardous Substances/toxicity , Safety , Industry , Carbon Monoxide/adverse effects , Benzene/adverse effects , Xylenes/adverse effectsSubject(s)
Adult , Animals , Cattle , Child , Humans , Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli/pathogenicity , Escherichia coli Infections/complications , Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome/epidemiology , Abattoirs/standards , Animal Husbandry/methods , Argentina/epidemiology , Disease Reservoirs , Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Escherichia coli Infections/etiology , Escherichia coli Infections/prevention & control , Escherichia coli Infections/transmission , /isolation & purification , /pathogenicity , Feces/microbiology , Fertilizers/adverse effects , Fertilizers/microbiology , Food Contamination/prevention & control , Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome/etiology , Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome/prevention & control , Meat/adverse effects , Meat/microbiology , Occupational Diseases/epidemiology , Occupational Diseases/microbiology , Occupational Diseases/prevention & control , Virulence , Vegetables/adverse effects , Vegetables/microbiologyABSTRACT
Dentre os diversos agentes existentes no meio ambiente que podem nos expor a diferentes riscos e efeitos, há a radiação ionizante cujo conhecimento da dose é de importância para o efetivo controle e prevenção dos seus possíveis danos aos seres humanos e ao ambiente. A transferência de radionuclídeos dos adubos para/e dos solos para os alimentos podem resultar em incremento na dose interna ao serem consumidos pelo ser humano. Este trabalho avalia a contribuição dos fertilizantes para o aumento da dose de radiação ionizante no meio ambiente e no ser humano. Amostras de fertilizantes, de solos e de hortaliças produzidas em solos adubados foram analisadas através da espectrometria gama com o uso de um detector semicondutor de germânio hiperpuro. Medidas de dose ambiente também foram realizadas com dosímetros termoluminescentes. Nas amostras de solos adubados foram obtidos valores de atividades específicas de 36 a 342 Bq/kg para K-40, de 42 a 142 Bq/kg para U-238 e de 36 a 107 Bq/kg para Th-232. Nas hortaliças os valores variaram de 21 a 118 Bq/kg para K-40 e para os elementos da série do urânio e tório os valores foram menores que 2 Bq/kg. Para fertilizantes o valor máximo obtido foi de 5800 Bq/kg para K-40, 430 Bq/kg para U-238 e 230 Bq/kg para Th-232. As médias dos valores de fator de transferência solo-planta não foram significativamente diferentes entre os tipos de hortaliças analisados. A dose efetiva comprometida anual de 0,882 µSv devido à ingestão de K-40 das espécies estudadas é bem pequena em relação ao valor de referência de 170 µSv dada pela United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR, 2000). A dosimetria termoluminescente forneceu valores de taxa de equivalente de dose ambiente anual entre 1,5 e 1,8 mSv, sem diferenças entre locais cultivados e não cultivados. Através dos resultados obtidos, não foi observada uma transferência significativa de radionuclídeos dos fertilizantes para os alimentos e para os solos nas condições adotadas neste trabalho e conseqüentemente não há incremento de dose de radiação devido à prática da adubação.
Fertilizers/adverse effects , Radiation, Ionizing , Radioisotopes , Environmental Exposure , Food Contamination, Radioactive , Occupational Exposure , Plants , Radiation Measurement , Radiation Risks , Soil Pollutants, RadioactiveABSTRACT
A field trial was conducted during two consecutive seasons [2004/2005 and 2005/2006] at the Exerimental Nursery of the Ornamental Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt, to investigate the effect of fertilization with NPK, organic and biofertilizers on growth, flowering and composition of Jasminum sambac plants. NPK [N: P205: K2O] at the rate of 40 g/pot/season was applied at 5 g/pot for eight months. Three different kinds of organic fertilizers were applied namely, compost at a rate of 175 cm[3]/pot/season. Camel manure at a rate of 175 cm[3]pot/season, biogas at a rate of 60 kg/N/feddan/season Biofertilizer [Biogramina] was applied at a rate of 75 ml/pot/season. NPK fertilizer caused significant increases in vegetative growth parameters. NPK alone or in combination with organic fertilizer lenanced root parameers, chlorophyll-a, b and carotenoids content. Biogas combined with biofertilizer [Biogramina] gave the best results of flowering parameters while, total carbohydrates, N, P and K contents were increased by organic fertilizer. It could be concluded that biofertilizer [Biogramina] alone delayed flowering
Fertilizers/adverse effects , Plant Structures , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Plant Oils , Plant LeavesABSTRACT
Effect of the fertilizers [ammonium nitrate, potassium sul- phate and urea] on molluscicides [copper sulphate, niclosamide and mollutox] against B. alexand-rina and L. natalensis was investigated. The molluscicides were more potant than fertilizers. Snails were exposed for 24 hr to a fertilizers using LC0 [1/10 and LC50] than, to molluscicides. Per- exposure to potassium sulphate caused a synergistic action with copper sulphate, niclosamide and mollutox on L. natalen-sis. Pre-exposure to urea caused an additive effect with niclo-samide and mollutox against L. natalensis and B. alexandrina res- pectively. Pre-exposure to ammonium nitrate caused an additive action to niclosamide on L. natalensis. Snails exposed for 24hr to one molluscicide, then exposed to fertilizers, showed that pre-exposure to niclosamide or mollutox caused an additive effect with ammonium nitrate and potassium sulphate. Pre-expo-sure to mollutox caused an additive effect with urea on the two snails' sp. Juvenile or adult B. alexandrina were ex-posed to LC0 of molluscicde-fertilizer mixture, showed that urea when mixed with each molluscicides showed greatly reduced on the growth rate percent, survival rate and snail fecundity mollus-cicides and fertilizers mixed at ratios of LC [40:10,30:20, 25:25, 20:30 and 10:40], the toxicity of the mixtures cau-sed antagonistic effect on adult B. alexandrina, but a mixture of niclosamide-ammonium nitrate caused a potent effect [syner-gism or additive] except at ratio 20:30 which showed an antago-nism on L. natalensis. Mixtures of copper sulphatepotassium sulphate [10:40], niclosamide-potassium sulphate [20:30], moll-utox-ammonium nitrate [25:25] revealed an additive effect on L. natalensis.
Fertilizers/adverse effects , Quaternary Ammonium Compounds , Potassium Compounds , Urea , /adverse effects , Biomphalaria , Lymnaea , Copper Sulfate , Survival Rate , FertilityABSTRACT
Concern over agricultural diffuse pollution sources in integrated water quality management has been growing recently. High nitrogen fertilizers application rates may increase the potential groundwater pollution. These effects were investigated in Andimeshk and Susa plains that cover an area of 1100 km2 between the Dez and Karkhe rivers in north of Khozestan-Iran. This region divided to 4 sub-regions A, B, C, and D. Additionally 168 groundwater samples were collected from 42 water wells during the months April, May, August, and September of 2004. The Hack-spectrophotometer nitrate test was used to measure the NO3- concentration in water samples. Information about further nitrate data was obtained. A questionnaire procedure was used for collection N-fertilizers application rate data in studied area. The results demonstrated that all of the groundwater samples have NO3- concentration below the EPA MCL [44.27 mg/l] and WHO guideline [50 mg/l]. The mean nitrate concentrations are 16.1, 19.5, 13.3, and 7.9 mg/l in sub-regions A, B, C, and D respectively. There are different amount of N-fertilizers applied in sub-regions A, B, C, and D. Correlation between NO3- concentrations and N-fertilizers rate suggests a inverse correlation between N-fertilizers application rate and ground waters nitrate concentrations in studied area [r=-0.69]
Fertilizers/adverse effects , Nitrates/analysis , Nitrates/adverse effects , Surveys and Questionnaires , Environmental MonitoringABSTRACT
The effect of dry yeast and complete fertilizer [sengral] on Ricinus communis L. plant during two successive seasons of 2000 and 2001 was studied. Four concentrations of foliar spraying with active dry yeast and complete fertilizer [sengral] were used [0, 1, 2 and 3 g/l]. The results showed that spraying active dry yeast and complete fertilizer [sengral] gave the highest values of vegetative growth, fruits and seeds yield as well as fixed oil of the seeds by using the highest concentration of the dry yeast and sengral [3 g/L.]. GLC analysis of oil seed showed that it contains palmetic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic and recinoleic acids. Active dry yeast or complete fertilizer [sengral] spraying at 3 g/l. On coster bean plants, three times was recommended to obtain fixed oil of high quality and safe of environmental pollution
Castor Oil/analysis , Fertilizers/adverse effects , Ricinoleic Acids , Chromatography, GasABSTRACT
300 workers emloyed in ammonium nitrate fertilizer plant were examined. The investigations showed that 180 workers [60%] suffer from respiratory diseases. Chronic bronchitis [30%], acute bronchitis [12%], asthmatic bronchitis [7%] were the commonest respiratory diseases. Pulmonary tuberculosis was discovered in 3% of workers. The different distribution of each respiratory disease among different departments of the fertilizer plant was explained by the difference in ammonia, nitrous oxide and nitrogen dioxide concentrations in each individual department