Objective: To analyze the ultrasonic manifestations, clinical features, high risk factors and key points of pregnancy management in prenatal diagnosis of umbilical artery thrombosis (UAT). Methods: The data of 31 pregnant women of UAT diagnosed by prenatal ultrasonography and confirmed after birth from July 2017 to July 2022 at the Women's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine were retrospectively analyzed, including the maternal characteristics, pregnancy outcomes and fetal complications. In addition, the baseline data and pregnancy outcomes were compared in 21 patients who continued pregnancy after diagnosis of UAT. Of the 21 UAT cases that continued pregnancy, 10 cases were treated with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH; LMWH treatment group), while the other 11 patients had expectant treatment(expectant treatment group). Results: The age of the 31 pregnant women was (30.2±4.7) years, of which 5 cases (16%,5/31) were advanced age pregnant women. The gestational age at diagnosis was (32.9±4.0) weeks, and the gestational age at termination of pregnancy was (35.6±2.9) weeks. In 31 fetuses with UAT, 15 cases (48%) had fetal distress, 11 cases (35%) had fetal growth restriction, and 3 cases (10%) had intrauterine stillbirth. There were 28 cases of live births, including 26 cases by cesarean section and 2 cases by vaginal delivery. There were also 3 stillbirths, all delivered vaginally. Four neonates had mild asphyxia and two newborns had severe asphyxia. Among the 31 cases, 10 cases were terminated immediately after diagnosis, the gestational age at diagnosis was (35.9±2.9) weeks. Another 21 pregnancies continued, and their gestational age at diagnosis was (31.4±3.7) weeks. The median prolonged gestational age in LMWH treatment group was 7.9 weeks (4.6-9.4 weeks), and all were live births. The median prolonged gestational age in the expectant treatment group was 0.6 weeks (0.0-1.0 weeks), and 2 cases were stillbirths. There was a statistically significant difference in prolonged gestational age (P=0.002). Conclusions: Ultrasound is the preferred method for prenatal detection of UAT. Clinicians need to be vigilant for UAT when a newly identified single umbilical artery is detected by ultrasound in the second or third trimesters. The decision to continue or terminate the pregnancy depends on the gestational age and the condition of fetus. Attention should be paid to fetal movements as the pregnancy continues. The treatment of LMWH as soon as possible after diagnosis of UAT may improve the pregnancy outcome.
Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Female , Humans , Adult , Infant , Stillbirth , Cesarean Section , Umbilical Arteries/diagnostic imaging , Asphyxia , Retrospective Studies , Heparin, Low-Molecular-Weight/therapeutic use , Pregnancy Outcome , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/methods , Gestational AgeSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Consensus , Fetal Growth Retardation/diagnosis , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , ChileABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the protective effect of electroacupuncture (EA) at "Zusanli" (ST 36) in pregnant rats on lung dysplasia of newborn rats with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) induced by maternal food restriction.@*METHODS@#Twenty-four female SD rats were randomly divided into a control group, a control+EA group, a model group and a model+EA group, 6 rats in each group. From the 10th day into pregnancy to the time of delivery, the rats in the model group and the model+EA group were given with 50% dietary restriction to prepare IUGR model. From the 10th day into pregnancy to the time of delivery, the rats in the control+EA group and the model+EA group were treated with EA at bilateral "Zusanli" (ST 36), once a day. The body weight of offspring rats was measured at birth, and the body weight and lung weight of offspring rats were measured on the 21st day after birth. The lung function was measured by small animal lung function detection system; the lung tissue morphology was observed by HE staining; the content of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (PPARγ) in lung tissue was detected by ELISA.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the control group, the body weight at birth as well as the body weight, lung weight, lung dynamic compliance (Cdyn) and PPARγ at 21 days after birth in the model group were significantly decreased (@*CONCLUSION@#EA at "Zusanli" (ST 36) may protect the lung function and lung histomorphology changes by regulating the level of PPARγ of lung in IUGR rats induced by maternal food restriction.
Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Rats , Acupuncture Points , Electroacupuncture , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , Lung , Rats, Sprague-DawleyABSTRACT
La Restricción Selectiva del Crecimiento Intrauterino se produce en 10 a 19% de los gemelos monocoriónicos, y se asocia con un aumento importante de la mortalidad y la morbilidad perinatal. La evolución clínica está dada en gran parte por la presencia de anastomosis vaculares y la distribución placentaria asimétrica. Se propuso una clasificación en tres tipos según el Doppler de la arteria umbilical del gemelo más pequeño, la que sé que se correlaciona con distintos comportamientos clínicos y características de la placenta, lo que ayuda en el asesoramiento y conducta obstétrica. Los del tipo I tienen un pronóstico favorable por el resultado perinatal satisfactorio por lo que se recomienda un seguimiento cercano por ecografía y Doppler. Los de tipo II tienen un mal pronóstico y el tipo III un pronóstico intermedio e impredecible. En estos dos últimos se puede realizar un manejo expectante hasta que se observe deterioro del feto pequeño, considerando la posibilidad de la coagulación con láser o la oclusión del cordón (feticidio selectivo). Ambas conductas aparentemente aumentan las posibilidades de supervivencia del feto de peso normal.
Selective intrauterine growth restriction occurs in 10-19% of monochorionic twins, and is associated with increased mortality important and perinatal morbidity. The clinical course is given largely by the presence of placental vascular anastomosis and asymmetric distribution. It classified into three types according to the proposed Doppler umbilical artery smaller twin, the one that correlates with different clinical behaviors and characteristics of the placenta, which helps in counseling and obstetric conduct. The type I have a favorable prognosis for satisfactory perinatal outcome so closely monitored by ultrasound and Doppler is recommended. The type II has a poor prognosis and type III intermediate and unpredictable prognosis. In these last two you can make an expectant management until deterioration of the small fetus is observed, considering laser coagulation or cord occlusion (selective feticide). Both behaviors appear to increase the chances of survival of the fetus of normal weight.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Fetal Growth Retardation/diagnosis , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , Pregnancy, Twin , Arteriovenous Anastomosis , Twins, Monozygotic/classification , Umbilicus/blood supply , Follow-Up Studies , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Pulsed , Fetal Growth Retardation/physiopathologyABSTRACT
ANTECEDENTES: La restricción del crecimiento intrauterino (RCIU) es una entidad de origen multifactorial que puede ser causada por una gran variedad de patologías a nivel materno, fetal o placentario, y que representa altas tasas de morbimortalidad materna y perinatal. Es importante realizar un diagnóstico certero de esta patología con el fin de llevar a cabo un enfoque de seguimiento y de manejo que pueda disminuir todas las complicaciones asociadas a la enfermedad. OBJETIVO: Realizar una revisión detallada y actualizada de la etiopatogenia, criterios diagnósticos, seguimiento con ecografía Doppler y manejo de la restricción del crecimiento intrauterino. MÉTODO: Se realizó una búsqueda de literatura publicada en inglés y español en bases de datos como PubMed/MEDLINE, Ovid, MDconsult utilizando las palabras clave: restricción del crecimiento intrauterino, feto pequeño para la edad gestacional, circulación fetal, ecografía Doppler, además de la búsqueda de estadísticas relacionadas con RCIU, de los resultados obtenidos se seleccionaron 61 artículos. La información obtenida fue clasificada y utilizada como soporte para la realización de esta revisión. RESULTADOS: Se presentan los estudios disponibles, las revisiones y artículos recomendados para la evaluación de pacientes con RCIU, adicionalmente aquellos que brindan nueva información con respecto al diagnóstico, evaluación de circulación fetal, seguimiento y manejo de esta entidad clínica. CONCLUSIÓN: La restricción del crecimiento intrauterino es una patología que presenta altas tasas de morbimortalidad perinatal. La identificación temprana de estos fetos y el seguimiento adecuado mediante la evalución Doppler permiten disminuir los resultados adversos y las secuelas a corto y largo plazo.
BACKGROUND: Intrauterine growth restriction has a multifactorial origin and can be caused by a variety of pathologies in the mother, fetus or placenta, representing high rates of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Therefore, it is important to accurately diagnose this condition in order to focus in the follow and management, which can reduce the complications associated with the disease. OBJECTIVE: To perform a detailed and up to date review of the etiology, diagnostic criteria, follow up with Doppler ultrasonography and management of intrauterine growth restriction. METHODS: A literature search was done in English and Spanish in databases such us PubMed/MEDLINE, Ovid, MDconsult using the following key words: intrauterine growth restriction, small for gestational age fetus, fetal circulation, Doppler ultrasonography. Also national statistics for intrauterine growth restriction were used, obtaining 61 documents. The information obtained was classified and used in the development of this review. RESULTS: The available studies are presented, and recommended revisions to the evaluation of patients with IUGR, additionally those that provide new information regarding the diagnosis, evaluation of fetal circulation, monitoring and management of this clinical entity. CONCLUSION: Intrauterine growth restriction is a pathology with a frequent diagnosis an represents high rates of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Early identification of these fetuses and adequate monitoring by Doppler evaluation allow reducing adverse outcomes and consequences in the short and long term.
Humans , Female , Fetal Growth Retardation/etiology , Fetal Growth Retardation/diagnostic imaging , Gestational Age , Ultrasonography, Doppler , Fetal Growth Retardation/classification , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , Fetus/blood supplyABSTRACT
Se estima que la prevalencia real de la restricción del crecimiento intrauterino es entre el 3 por ciento y el 10 por ciento de los embarazos, lo que convertiría a esta patología fetal en uno de los problemas obstétricos más frecuentes junto al parto prematuro y la rotura prematura de membranas. La importancia del diagnóstico correcto, que se describe en este artículo, radica en que esta patología tiene riesgos asociados de gravedad.
It is estimated that the true prevalence of intrauterine growth restriction is 3-10 percent of all pregnancies, making this fetal condition one of the most frequent obstetric problems, together with premature labor and premature rupture of membranes. The article stresses the importance of early diagnosis because of the associated risks.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Fetal Growth Retardation/diagnosis , Fetal Growth Retardation/etiology , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , Prognosis , Fetal Growth Retardation/classification , Severity of Illness IndexABSTRACT
Antecedentes: El embarazo de gemelos monocoriales tienen un mayor riesgo de mortalidad y morbilidad perinatal, que la gestación única y el embarazo gemelar bicorial. Objetivos: Estudiar la incidencia y el manejo de las complicaciones fetales propias de las gestaciones gemelares monocoriales biamnióticas. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de 94 embarazos gemelares monocoriales biamnióticos, seguidos en las Consultas de Tocología de Alto Riesgo del Hospital Universitario La Paz de Madrid, entre 2008 y 2010. Resultados: Se recogieron 94 gestaciones monocoriales biamnióticas. Aparecieron complicaciones fetales en el 23,4 por ciento de las mismas: síndrome de transfusión feto-fetal en el 9,57 por ciento de los casos, retraso del crecimiento intrauterino selectivo en el 11,7 por ciento, muerte fetal intrauterina en el 2,1 por ciento, y malformaciones fetales en el 7,4 por ciento. Conclusiones: Las gestaciones monocoriales biamnióticas son un tipo de embarazo gemelar de alto riesgo, asociado con más complicaciones fetales y muerte perinatal. Se recomienda un estrecho seguimiento ecográfico cada 2 semanas, desde la semana 16, para diagnosticar y tratar precozmente las complicaciones fetales.
Background: The monochorionic twin pregnancy has a higher risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity, than the single gestation and the dichorionic twin gestation. Objectives: To detail the incidence and management of specific fetal complications of monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of monochorionic diamniotic pregnancies followed in the High Risk Obstetrics Unit of the University Hospital La Paz, Madrid, between 2008-2010. Results: We collected 94 monochorionic diamniotic pregnancies. Fetal complications occurred in 23.4 percent of them: feto-fetal transfusion syndrome in 9.57 percent of cases, selective intrauterine growth retardation in 11.7 percent, stillbirth in 2.1 percent, and fetal malformations in 7.4 percent. Conclusions: Monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies are a high-risk type of twin pregnancy, associated with an increased risk of death and perinatal complications. Ultrasound monitoring is recommended for uncomplicated monochorionic pregnancies every 2 weeks from week 16, to detect and treat fetal complications.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy, Multiple , Diseases in Twins/epidemiology , Diseases in Twins , Twins , Amnion , Congenital Abnormalities/epidemiology , Congenital Abnormalities/therapy , Chorion , Maternal Age , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Retrospective Studies , Incidence , Fetal Death , Fetal Growth Retardation/epidemiology , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , Fetofetal Transfusion/epidemiology , Fetofetal Transfusion/therapy , Ultrasonography, PrenatalSubject(s)
Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , Fetal Growth Retardation/epidemiology , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Infant Mortality , Child Welfare , Maternal Welfare , Folic Acid Deficiency/complications , Vitamin B 12 Deficiency/complications , Anemia/complications , Malnutrition/complications , Hyperhomocysteinemia/complicationsABSTRACT
To evaluate the value of ultrasound in the diagnosis and management strategies of intrauterine growth retardation. Design: A descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: Radiology Department, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, from April 1998 to August 1999. Patients and The study population comprised of 206 subjects evaluated for suspected intrauterine growth retardation. Grey scale as well as Doppler ultrasound findings were evaluated and compared against post-natal outcome. One hundred and eight out of 206 subjects showed positive imaging results with 40 false positive and 20 false negative subjects. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive and negative predictive values were 77.8%, 66.1%, 55.6%, and 45.1% respectively. Forty subjects showed false positive results on imaging [low biophysical profile score and Grey scale biometry discrepancy] while 20 of the subjects showed false negative results [normal on US imaging] when compared with postnatal neonatal body weight criteria. Twenty-two subjects had oligohydramnios with amniotic fluid index below 5 percentile for their respective gestational ages [20%] out of 108. Obstetric and Doppler ultrasound is an accurate method for diagnosis and management of fetal growth retardation
Humans , Female , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , Umbilical Arteries/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy , Aorta/diagnostic imaging , Disease ManagementSubject(s)
Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Fetal Growth Retardation/etiology , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapyABSTRACT
This study included 50 pregnant women suspected to have intra-uterine Growth Retardation [IUGR]. Various clinical methods and investigations were used to determine if IUGR is present and If so, whether there is any etiological factor and to identify the fetus at risk. In 32 patients [64%] there was no obvious cause of IUGR Pre-eclampsia was present in 12 patients [24%] and chronic renal disease was present in 4 patients [8%]. One patient was a heavy smoker. Daily Fetal movements recording showed reduction in 37 patients [74%], out of these only 28 patients delivered small for gestational age babies. Out of these 20 babies had good Apgar score. The symphysis - Fundus measurements were subnormal in all cases [100%], however, only 31 patients [62%] delivered small for gestational age babies. A reactive Cardio-Tocography [C. T. G.] was effective in predicting good birth condition in 45 patients [90%]. Thirty patients [60%] had subnormal growth pattern by ultrasound examination, but 18 patients [34%] delivered small for gestational age babies. The incidence of Caesarian section was relatively high [32%]. There were 3 perinatal deaths, 1 still birth and 2 early neonatal deaths. The diagnosis of IUGR is not easy and often elusive until delivery, but it is important as it is one of the major causes of perinatal death
Humans , Female , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , Gestational Age , Infant, Small for Gestational AgeABSTRACT
Objetivo: Describir los resultados del tratamiento anti-agregante plaquetario en un grupo de pacientes con auto-anticuerpos y antecedentes de aborto recurrente (AR) y/o retardo de crecimiento intrauterino (RCIU). Material y Métodos: Diecisiete pacientes que consultaron por AR y/o RCIU, mala historia obstétrica o antecedentes de VDRL falso positivo, en cuyo estudio inmunológico se detectaron autoanticuerpos, constituyen el material del presente trabajo. A las pacientes que tenían como antecedente un RCIU, una vez descartados todos los cuadros clínicos que pudieran ocasionarlo, se les efectuó determinación de anticuerpos. Las parejas que consultaban por AR eran sometidas a estudio para descartar un factor uterino, infeccioso, endocrinológico, metabólico, genético, innmunológico y espermático. En algunas pacientes se realizó una laparoscopia para descartar endometriosis. Todas las pacientes fueron tratadas con Acido Acetilsalicílico (AAS) 80 mg diarios, a partir del momento de la detección de autoanticuerpos. A una sola paciente se le administró además heparina subcutánea durante dos embarazos. Resultados: De las diecisiete pacientes en las que se detectaron autoanticuerpos, catorce embarazaron, algunas de ellas en más de una oportunidad, sumando un total de 24 embarazos. De ellos, 5 concluyeron en aborto espontáneo y dieciocho concluyeron en el tercer trimestre con recién nacido vivo. De éstos, siete presentaron un crecimiento fetal normal, mientras que los once restantes desarrollaron RCIU. La vía de terminación fue vaginal en seis casos y abdominal en los doce restantes. Un embarazo se encuentra en evolución al momento de la presente comunicación
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Abortion, Habitual/therapy , Autoimmunity/drug effects , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapy , Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Abortion, Habitual/physiopathology , Antibodies, Antiphospholipid , Aspirin/therapeutic use , Infertility/physiopathologyABSTRACT
El retardo del crecimiento fetal intrauterino es el resultado de múltiples condiciones maternas y fetales. Su existencia se asocia con aumento de la morbimortalidad perinatal, lo que jsutifica intentar el diagnóstico precoz. Se describen dos tipos de retardo: Simétrico y Asimétrico. El retardo simétrico surge como consecuencia de patologías maternas preexistentes o alteraciones que están presentes desde el comienzo de la gestación. El retardo asimétrico tiene como causas más frecuentes, las patologías que aparecen tardíamente en la gestación como la Preeclampsia eclampsia. El diagnóstico se basa primordialmente en datos de la historia y el examen clínico, utilizado como prueba confirmatoria el ultrasonido. El tratamiento ideal es la finalización del embarazo una vez se han analizado factores tales como la edad gestacional, la madurez fetal y la posible causa determinante
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Fetal Growth Retardation/diagnosis , Fetal Growth Retardation/etiology , Fetal Growth Retardation/prevention & control , Fetal Growth Retardation/therapyABSTRACT
El propósito del presente estudio ha sido analizar las alteraciones del lecho placentario, evaluando las características de las arterias espiraladas, en embarazadas con retardo de crecimiento idiopático y coincidentes con hipertensión arterial, comparando dichas alteraciones con las características normales de gestantes sanas. A tal efecto se realizó biopsia del lecho placentario mediante la obtención de un cono a bisturí de la decidua basal y miometrio, así como de la decidua corial. La población estudiada estuvo constituída por tres embarazadas normales, tres crecimientos fetales disminuídas de etiología idiopática y tres crecimientos intrauterinos retardados coincidentes con hipertensión arterial. El material fue estudiado con microscopía electrónica. Se describe la ultraestructura del lecho capilar de la placenta a término en el embarazo normal. En el crecimiento fetal disminuído idiopático la imagen ultraestructural fue semejante a la de las embarazadas normales. En contraste se observaron francas alteraciones en las arterias espiraladas del lecho capilar uterino.