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Rev. Headache Med. (Online) ; 15(1): 13-17, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538397


OBJECTIVE: To diagnose fibromyalgia in patients with migraine and assess the quality of life of these patients. METHODS: A prospective, cross-sectional study was carried out, comparing groups, in a non-randomized sample, consisting of patients diagnosed with migraine. The sample was evaluated using the Widespread Pain Index (WPI) and Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) questionnaires to diagnose fibromyalgia. Quality of life and level of depression were assessed, respectively, using the Headache Impact Test-6 (HIT-6) and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). RESULTS: We interviewed 100 patients (5 men and 95 women) diagnosed with migraine, with a mean age of 37.1±11.0 years, ranging from 19 to 64 years. Thirty-four patients (34%) had migraine and fibromyalgia concomitantly. Migraine predominated in females, both in the presence and absence of fibromyalgia. In both groups, there was no difference in headache characteristics. In the group with fibromyalgia, there was a predominance of allodynia and a higher PHQ-9 score (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with migraine are more predisposed to depression when there is an association with fibromyalgia

OBJETIVO: Diagnosticar fibromialgia em pacientes com enxaqueca e avaliar a qualidade de vida desses pacientes. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo, transversal, comparando grupos, em uma amostra não randomizada, composta por pacientes com diagnóstico de enxaqueca. A amostra foi avaliada por meio dos questionários Widespread Pain Index (WPI) e Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) para diagnóstico de fibromialgia. A qualidade de vida e o nível de depressão foram avaliados, respectivamente, por meio do Headache Impact Test-6 (HIT-6) e do Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). RESULTADOS: Foram entrevistados 100 pacientes (5 homens e 95 mulheres) com diagnóstico de enxaqueca, com idade média de 37,1±11,0 anos, variando de 19 a 64 anos. Trinta e quatro pacientes (34%) apresentavam enxaqueca e fibromialgia concomitantemente. A enxaqueca predominou no sexo feminino, tanto na presença como na ausência de fibromialgia. Em ambos os grupos, não houve diferença nas características da dor de cabeça. No grupo com fibromialgia houve predomínio de alodinia e maior escore no PHQ-9 (p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes com enxaqueca estão mais predispostos à depressão quando há associação com fibromialgia

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life/psychology , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Depression/therapy , Headache/complications , Health/classification
ABCS health sci ; 48: e023225, 14 fev. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518574


INTRODUCTION: Studies have suggested using thermography as a resource to diagnose fibromyalgia, although there has been no evidence confirming this hypothesis so far. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of computerized infrared thermography as an auxiliary method for diagnosing fibromyalgia. METHODS: It is a diagnostic accuracy studywith cross-sectional design. One hundred and three individuals were evaluated for global pain using the Visual Analogue Scale. The measurement of pain at tender points was assessed by algometry, and skin temperature was assessed by thermography. To evaluate sensitivity and specificity, the analysis was performed using the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve, measured by the area under the curve with their respective confidence intervals. RESULTS: Thermography has not been very sensitive or specific for pain (tender points) and diagnosis of fibromyalgia, according to the evaluation of the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve, with an area under the curve equal to or lower than 0.75. CONCLUSION: In this study the thermography was not sensitive and specific as a tool for diagnosing the fibromyalgia syndrome. This study highlights important clinical implications concerning the current methods for diagnosing it, which, despite all efforts, are still subjective and poorly reproducible.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Thermography , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Sensitivity and Specificity , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936147


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of Pollard' s classification criteria(2010) for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients withfibromyalgia (FM) in Chinese patients, and to assess the clinical features and psychological status of RA-FM patients in a real-world observational setting.@*METHODS@#Two hundred and two patients with rheumatoid arthritis were enrolled from the outpatients in Rheumatology and Immunology Department in Peking University People' s Hospital. All the patients were evaluated whether incorporating fibromyalgia translation occured using the 1990 American College of Rheumatolgy (ACR)-FM classification criteria. Forty two RA patients were concomitant with FM, while the other one hundred and sixty RA patients without FM were set as the control group.@*RESULTS@#There was no significant difference in general demography between the two groups (P>0.05). In this study, the Pollard' s classification criteria (2010) for RA-FM in Chinese patients had a high sensitivity of 95.2% and relatively low specificity of 52.6%. Compared with those patients without FM, RA patients with FM (RA-FM patients) had higher Disease Activity Scale in 28 joints (DAS-28) score (5.95 vs. 4.38, P=0.011) and much more 28-tender joint counts (TJC) (16.5 vs.4.5, P < 0.001).RA-FM patients had worse Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) score (1.24 vs. 0.66, P < 0.001) and lower SF-36 (28.63 vs. 58.22, P < 0.001). Fatigue was more common in RA-FM patients (88. 1% vs. 50.6%, P < 0.001) and the degree of fatigue was significantly increased in RA-FM patients (fatigue VAS 5.55 vs. 3.55, P < 0.001). RA-FM patients also had higher anxiety (10 vs.4, P < 0.001) and depression scores (12 vs.6, P < 0.001). erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), morning stiffness time and 28-swollen joint counts (SJC) showed no difference between these two groups.@*CONCLUSION@#The Pollard' s classification criteria (2010) for RA-FM are feasible in Chinese rheumatoid arthritis patients. The Pollard' s classification criteria is highly sensitive in clinical application, while the relativelylow specificity indicates that various factors need to be considered in combination. RA patients with FM result in higher disease activity, worse function aland psychological status. RA patients with FM also have poorer quality of life. DAS-28 scores may be overestimated in RA patients with FM. In a RA patient thatdoes not reach remission, the possibility of fibromyalgia should be con-sidered.

Humans , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/diagnosis , Fatigue/etiology , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Quality of Life , Severity of Illness Index
Acta sci., Health sci ; 43: e49846, Feb.11, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368509


Fibromyalgia is a disorder of the central nervous system, with the presence of chronic generalized pain, fatigue, morning stiffness, anxiety and depression symptoms. Higher amplitudes of the frequency band alpha2 have been associated with higher relaxationin this population. In the present study, we analysed the association between pain, anxiety, and the spectral power of alpha2 frontal in women with fibromyalgia. Thirty-one women diagnosed with fibromyalgia, for at least three months, took part in the study. Results revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between pain and anxiety levels. However, we found no association between the spectral power of alpha2 in the frontal cortex and the measures between anxiety and pain in the patients. Present findings emphasize the importance of understanding the cortical activity and the central control mechanisms in fibromyalgia.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Pain/diagnosis , Women/psychology , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Frontal Lobe/pathology , Anxiety/psychology , Spectrum Analysis/instrumentation , Depression/psychology , Electroencephalography/instrumentation
Rev. chil. salud pública ; 25(1): 41-50, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367467


INTRODUCCIÓN: El presente artículo propone una revisión del proceso de recepción y construcción del diagnóstico de fibromialgia al interior del discurso médico chileno. Se plantea que, derivado de las discusiones que previamente se instalan en torno al fenómeno del dolor crónico, la amplia penetración de la fibromialgia entre los profesionales de la salud chilenos puede ser entendida en función de su estrecha ligazón a la noción de calidad de vida. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se revisó ochenta y un artículos editados en Chile en revistas especializadas del ámbito médico desde 1953 a 2018, tres libros y una guía clínica cuyo tema principal es el dolor crónico y la fibromialgia. Se realizó un análisis de contenidos utilizando una codificación abierta en tres etapas mediante el programa Atlas.ti RESULTADOS: La información obtenida permite desprender tres discusiones principales: factores biológicos involucrados en el dolor crónico y la fibromialgia, los aspectos subjetivos de quienes los padecen, y el ámbito interpersonal que se ve concernido en torno a dichos diagnósticos. DISCUSIÓN: Se constata que, al ser un diagnóstico que no presenta una clara etiología alojada en la biología de quien lo padece, la fibromialgia se transforma en el indicador de quienes no se adecúan a los comportamientos esperables según una adecuada calidad de vida. Aquello habilita al profesional tratante a intervenir buscando la modificación de comportamientos en diversos ámbitos de la vida del paciente, bajo el supuesto que aquello conducirá a una reducción del dolor. (AU)

INTRODUCTION: The present work offers a revision of the construction and reception process of the fibromyalgia diagnosis in the Chilean medical discourse. It argues that, derived from previous discussions about chronic pain, the wide-ranging expansion of fibromyalgia diagnosis among Chilean health professionals could be understood in the context of quality of life considerations. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eighty-three papers edited in Chilean medical journals were reviewed, from 1953 to 2018, as well as three books and one clinical guide whose principal subjects were chronic pain and fibromyalgia.RESULTS: The information was divided into four periods from which is possible to draw conclu-sions about key points in discussions concerning the construction of chronic pain and fibromyalgia, involving biological considerations, subjective aspects of those diagnosed with it, and interpersonal elements involved in these diagnoses.DISCUSSION: The information shows that, fibromyalgia, as a diagnosis without a clear etiology located inside the patient ́s biology, becomes the designated diagnosis of those whose beha-viors do not fit with what defined as a good quality of life. This allows the health professional to suggest a range of behavioral modifications in the life of the fibromyalgia sufferer, assuming that behavioral modification will eventually lead to pain relief. (AU)

Humans , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Quality of Life , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Fibromyalgia/history , Chronic Pain , Chile
Adv Rheumatol ; 61: 10, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152740


Abstract Background: Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal symptoms, primarily attributed to sensitization of somatosensory system carrying pain. Few reports have investigated the impact of fibromyalgia symptoms on cognition, corticomotor excitability, sleepiness, and the sleep quality — all of which can deteriorate the quality of life in fibromyalgia. However, the existing reports are underpowered and have conflicting directions of findings, limiting their generalizability. Therefore, the present study was designed to compare measures of cognition, corticomotor excitability, sleepiness, and sleep quality using standardized instruments in the recruited patients of fibromyalgia with pain-free controls. Methods: Diagnosed cases of fibromyalgia were recruited from the Rheumatology department for the cross-sectional, case-control study. Cognition (Mini-Mental State Examination, Stroop color-word task), corticomotor excitability (Resting motor threshold, Motor evoked potential amplitude), daytime sleepiness (Epworth sleepiness scale), and sleep quality (Pittsburgh sleep quality index) were studied according to the standard procedure. Results: Thirty-four patients of fibromyalgia and 30 pain-free controls were recruited for the study. Patients of fibromyalgia showed decreased cognitive scores (p = 0.05), lowered accuracy in Stroop color-word task (for color: 0.02, for word: 0.01), and prolonged reaction time (< 0.01, < 0.01). Excessive daytime sleepiness in patients were found (< 0.01) and worsened sleep quality (< 0.01) were found. Parameters of corticomotor excitability were comparable between patients of fibromyalgia and pain-free controls. Conclusions: Patients of fibromyalgia made more errors, had significantly increased reaction time for cognitive tasks, marked daytime sleepiness, and impaired quality of sleep. Future treatment strategies may include cognitive deficits and sleep disturbances as an integral part of fibromyalgia management.(AU)

Humans , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Cognition , Chronic Pain , Sleep Hygiene , Cortical Excitability , Reaction Time , Pain Measurement/instrumentation , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Stroop Test , Observational Study
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 18(2): 78-91, abril/jun 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361355


Objetivo: Avaliar pacientes com fibromialgia e dor lombar, bus- cando características clínicas de espondiloatrites axiais. Méto- dos: Neste estudo transversal, cem pacientes com fibromialgia e idades entre 18 e 65 anos foram avaliados. A avaliação consis- tiu em um questionário baseado no braço clínico dos critérios Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society para diag- nóstico de espondiloatrites axiais e um questionário de impacto da fibromialgia (Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire). Re- sultados: Quando o braço clínico da Assessment of Spondyloar- thritis International Society foi aplicado em pacientes com fibro- mialgia e dor lombar, 80% dos pacientes preencheram os critérios para diagnóstico de espondiloatrites axiais. As principais carac- terísticas de espondiloatrite axial foram dor lombar inflamatória, boa resposta a drogas anti-inflmatórias não esteroidais, artrite e entesite. Pacientes com critérios de espondiloatrites axiais posi- tivos apresentaram maiores níveis séricos de proteína C-reativa (p=0,00035). O valor médio do Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Ques- tionnaire para todos os pacientes avaliados foi 63,6, e não houve di- ferença entre os pacientes que preencheram os critérios e aqueles que não preencheram. Conclusão: Pacientes com fibromialgia e dor lombar frequentemente apresentam características clínicas de espondiloatrite axial, e aqueles que preencheram os crité- rios clínicos para espondiloatrites axiais também apresentaram maiores níveis séricos de proteína C-reativa.

Objective: To evaluate patients with fibromyalgia and back pain for clinical features of axial spondyloarthritis. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, one hundred fibromyalgia patients between 18 and 65 years old were assessed. The assessment consisted of a questionnaire based on the clinical arm ofthe Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society criteria for the diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis and a questionnaire on the impact of fibromyalgia (Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire). Re- sults: When the clinical arm of the Assessment of Spondyloarthri- tis International Society was applied in patients with fibromyal- gia and back pain, 80% of the patients met the clinical criteria for diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis. The main features of axial spondyloarthritis in fibromyalgia patients were inflammatory back pain, good response to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), arthritis, and enthesitis. Patients with positive axial spondyloarthritis criteria presented with higher C- reac- tive protein levels (p=0.00035). The mean value of the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire for all patients assessed was 63.6 and there was no difference between patients that met the criteria for axial spondyloarthritis and those who did not. Con- clusion: Patients with fibromyalgia and back pain often present clinical features of axial spondyloarthritis, and those who met the clinical criteria for axial spondyloarthritis also presented with higher levels of C-reactive protein.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Low Back Pain/diagnosis , Axial Spondyloarthritis/epidemiology , Arthritis , Psoriasis , Uveitis , C-Reactive Protein/analysis , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/therapeutic use , Chronic Disease/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Diagnosis, Differential , Chronic Pain/drug therapy , Chronic Pain/epidemiology , Hand-Foot Syndrome , Enthesopathy , Axial Spondyloarthritis/diagnosis , Medical History Taking/statistics & numerical data
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20180734, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132202


Abstract Fibromyalgia (FM) is a nonarticular rheumatic syndrome that leads to diffuse myalgia, sleep disturbances and morning stiffness. Balneotherapy has been shown an effective strategy to improve the health conditions of patients; however, the treatment follow-up is based on patient report due to the lack of biomarkers. Thus, this study evaluated the application of cytokines and phosphoglycerate mutase I (PGAM-I) to monitoring FM patient underwent to balneotherapy treatment. Eleven healthy and eleven women with FM were submitted to daily sessions of balneotherapy during 10 days. Clinical and quality of life parameters were assessed through a FIQ questionnaire. Blood levels of TNF-(, interleukins (IL-1, IL-2 and IL-10) and PGAM-I expression in patients' saliva were also evaluated. Patients with FM showed significant improvements in their clinical status after treatment. Also, FM patients has IL-10 levels lower than healthy women and the balneotherapy increased the expression of this cytokine in both groups, concomitantly to pain relief. Although inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-2 and TNF-() were more expressed in FM patients than healthy patients their levels did not reduce after treatment. A slight increase of PGAM-I expression was observed. In conclusion, IL-10 levels could be a useful biomarker to balneotherapy follow-up of FM patients. However, these findings must be analyzed in a larger number of patients in order to validate IL-10 as an effective biomarker.

Humans , Female , Biomarkers , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Interleukin-10/blood , Quality of Life , Saliva , Balneology , Fibromyalgia/therapy , Case-Control Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Interleukin-1/blood , Interleukin-2/blood , Phosphoglycerate Mutase/blood
Rev. medica electron ; 41(1): 196-202, ene.-feb. 2019.
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1023610


Introducción: la fibromialgia es una enfermedad que no encuentra prueba orgánica aparente para explicar un dolor intenso y difuso, acompañado por una gran cantidad de síntomas como son: sueño no reparador, fatiga, síntomas de depresión y ansiedad, rigidez por las mañanas, síndrome de colon irritable. Desde el psico- ballet se trabaja con el cuerpo, con el movimiento, y con la expresión. Objetivo: evaluar los efectos a nivel psíquico y emocional del arte en movimiento. Materiales y métodos: se desarrolló un estudio preliminar con un grupo de 27 mujeres diagnosticadas de fibromialgia y en tratamiento farmacológico, de una media de edad de 41 años. Antes de empezar el proceso y al terminarlo se les hicieron varias entrevistas clínicas y se aplicaron diferentes pruebas de evaluación psicológica. Se les aplica el Test STAI de Spielberg, el de Autoestima de Rosenberg y el POMS. Recibieron veinte sesiones de 90 minutos de duración (60 minutos de psico ballet y 30 minutos de técnicas cognitivas), a razón de una sesión semanal durante 5 meses. Resultados: indican reducción de la fatiga, de la ansiedad, de la depresión y de la percepción del dolor y un aumento del vigor, mejora de la autoimagen y de la autoestima. Conclusiones: la actividad físico artística que aporta el psico-ballet mejora la calidad de vida de este tipo de pacientes, fortaleciendo su capacidad de comunicación, mejorando la autoestima y el vigor, reduciendo la fatiga y la percepción del dolor. (AU)

Introduction: fibromyalgia is a disease in which no apparent proof is found to explain an intense diffuse pain accompanied by a great quantity of symptoms like un-restful sleep, fatigue, depression and anxiety, stiffness in the morning, and irritable bowel syndrome. The body, movement and expression are trained using psycho-ballet. Objective: to assess the effects of the art of movement at the psychical and emotional level, paying attention to pain, with the pretension that the patient explore it through his body and his movement in a secure space and accompanied by people in the same situation, what facilitates communication. Material and methods: the study was carried out with a group of 27 women averagely aged 41 years, diagnosed with fibromyalgia under pharmacological treatment. Before the beginning of the treatment, and after finishing it, they answered to several clinical interviews and applied different tests of psychological evaluation: Spielberg´s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Rosenberg's self-steem scale, and mood states profile test. They underwent 20 sessions of 90 minutes (60 minutes of Psycho-ballet and 30 minutes of cognitive techniques), one session weekly during 5 months. Results: patients report the reduction of fatigue, anxiety, depression and pain perception, a vitality increase, and improvement of self-image and self-steem. Conclusions: physic-artistic activity provided by psycho-ballet improves life quality in this kind of patients, strengthens their communication ability, improves self-steem and vitality, and reduces fatigue and pain perception. (AU)

Humans , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Fibromyalgia/therapy , Dance Therapy/methods , Patient Health Questionnaire , Fibromyalgia/psychology , Fibromyalgia/drug therapy , Journal Article
ABCS health sci ; 43(3): 148-155, 20 dez. 2018. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-967913


INTRODUÇÃO: Ao buscarem assistência médica, pacientes com fibromialgia buscam alívio para seus sintomas, mas também uma "legitimação" do seu padecimento como real e, portanto, sua experiência precisa ser considerada sob uma perspectiva fenomenológica. OBJETIVO: Analisar os itinerários terapêuticos construídos por pessoas com diagnóstico de fibromialgia (FM) ao percorrer o sistema de saúde até chegar a um centro de reabilitação na cidade de João Pessoa, Paraíba. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, baseada na técnica de análise de conteúdo, a partir de entrevistas abertas com pacientes atendidas no Centro de Reabilitação e Tratamento da Dor. Para a interpretação, foram utilizados dois referenciais teóricos interrelacionados: o Sistema de Cuidado à Saúde e o conceito de Itinerários Terapêuticos (IT). RESULTADOS: Foram entrevistadas 15 mulheres de 44 a 60 anos, em cujos discursos identificaram-se três núcleos semânticos ou IT: a percepção do problema através dos sintomas e do seu impacto; o processo diagnóstico, que demorou, em média, 10 anos; o conjunto de experiências sucessivamente frustradas no sistema de saúde até chegar ao centro de reabilitação, cujo acesso foi demorado, e marcado por experiências negativas na relação médico-paciente. CONCLUSÃO: As narrativas evidenciaram o sofrimento relacionado à FM e seus itinerários na busca de diagnóstico e tratamento, com um difícil acesso ao serviço especializado e de reabilitação, assim como denotaram um desafio pela busca de muitos médicos, com resultados geralmente frustrantes. Estas evidências podem subsidiar o planejamento de atenção mais adequada à pessoa fibromiálgica.

INTRODUCTION: When seeking medical care, patients with fibromyalgia seek relief for their symptoms, but also a "legitimization" of their suffering as real, and therefore their experience needs to be considered from a phenomenological perspective. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the therapeutic itineraries constructed by people diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM) as they go through the health system until they reach a rehabilitation center in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba. METHODS: A qualitative, descriptive study based on the content analysis technique was carried out based on open interviews with patients attended at the Center for Rehabilitation and Pain Treatment. For interpretation, two interrelated theoretical references were used: the Health Care System and the Therapeutic Itineraries (IT) concept. RESULTS: Fifteen women between the ages of 44 and 60 were interviewed, whose speeches identified three semantic nuclei or IT: the perception of the problem through the symptoms and their impact; the diagnostic process, which took an average of 10 years; the set of experiences successively frustrated in the health system until reaching the rehabilitation center, whose access was delayed, and marked by negative experiences in the doctor-patient relationship. CONCLUSION: The narratives evidenced the suffering related to FM and its itineraries in the search for diagnosis and treatment, with difficult access to the specialized and rehabilitative service, as well as denoting a challenge for the search of many physicians, with generally frustrating results. These evidences may support the planning of more adequate attention to the people with fibromyalgia.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Rehabilitation Centers , Fibromyalgia , Women's Health , Qualitative Research , Chronic Pain , Health Systems , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Health Centers
Rev. bras. med. fam. comunidade ; 13(40): 1-9, jan.-dez. 2018. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-969413


A síndrome da dor miofascial (SDM) é causa de dor e limitações, sendo bastante prevalente na população. Seu diagnóstico se dá pela apresentação clínica e exame físico, sendo a dor no local o principal sintoma, que conta com uma irradiação característica conforme o músculo acometido. Devido a esta irradiação, a condição pode mimetizar outras situações clínicas comuns e deve ser lembrada como diagnóstico diferencial. Sua identificação e tratamento podem ser feitos de forma simples e o profissional da atenção primária está apto a realizá-los, no entanto, ainda é muito negligenciada, por ser condição pouco estudada. Seu tratamento inclui fármacos, mudanças de estilo de vida, técnicas de fisioterapia e de agulhamento, sendo que este pode ser a seco ou com injeção de substâncias. O agulhamento com infiltração anestésica parece ser técnica eficaz na desativação de pontos-gatilho musculares e aparenta ser superior às demais em alguns estudos, com a vantagem de ser menos doloroso em sua realização. O objetivo deste estudo é realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre a SDM, levando em conta o quadro clínico, o diagnóstico e o tratamento, retratando resultados com diversas técnicas de agulhamento e comparando-as entre si e com demais técnicas.

Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) causes pain and limitations, being quite prevalent in the population. The diagnosis is due to the clinical presentation and physical examination, being the local pain the main symptom, which counts with a characteristic irradiation according to the affected muscle. Due to this irradiation, the condition may mimic other common clinical situations and should be remembered as a differential diagnosis. Its identification and treatment can be done in a simple way and the primary care professional is able to perform them, however, it is still neglected, being a poorly studied condition. Treatment includes drugs, lifestyle changes, physiotherapy and needling techniques, which can be dry or injected. Needling with anesthetic infiltration seems to be an effective technique in the deactivation of muscle trigger points and seems to be superior to others in some studies, with the advantage of being less painful in its accomplishment. The objective of this study is to perform a literature review on MPS, taking into account the clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment, portraying results with several needling techniques and comparing them with each other and with other techniques.

El síndrome del dolor miofascial (SDM) es causa de dolor y limitaciones, siendo bastante prevalente en la población. Su diagnóstico se da por la presentación clínica y examen físico, siendo el dolor en el lugar el principal síntoma, que cuenta con una irradiación característica conforme el músculo acometido. Debido a esta irradiación, la condición puede mimetizar otras situaciones clínicas comunes y se debe recordarla como diagnóstico diferencial. Su identificación y tratamiento se pueden hacer de forma sencilla y el profesional de la atención primaria es capaz de realizarlos, sin embargo, todavía es muy descuidada, por ser una condición poco estudiada. El tratamiento incluye fármacos, cambios de estilo de vida, técnicas de fisioterapia y de aguja, siendo que éste puede ser en seco o con inyección de sustancias. El punzonado con infiltración anestésica parece ser técnica eficaz en la desactivación de puntos-gatillo musculares y parece ser superior a las demás en algunos estudios, con la ventaja de ser menos doloroso en su realización. El objetivo de este estudio es realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre la SDM, teniendo en cuenta el cuadro clínico, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento, retratando resultados con diversas técnicas de punzonado y comparándolas entre sí y con otras técnicas.

Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Fibromyalgia/therapy , Trigger Points , Pain Management , Injections , Acupuncture , Physical Therapy Specialty , Saline Solution , Lidocaine
Rev. medica electron ; 40(5): 1507-1535, set.-oct. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-978685


RESUMEN La fibromialgia es una enfermedad crónica, definida por dolor generalizado, a menudo acompañado de fatiga y alteraciones del sueño, la cual afecta a uno de cada 20 pacientes en la atención primaria. Aunque la mayoría de los pacientes con fibromialgia se manejan en la atención primaria, el diagnóstico y tratamiento continúan presentando un desafío, y los pacientes se envían a menudo las consultas de otros especialistas. Las investigaciones exhaustivas, la prescripción de múltiples drogas para tratar los diferentes síntomas, los retrasos en el diagnóstico, y el aumento de la invalidez, necesita de un conocimiento más profundo y un tratamiento basado en el médico de la atención primaria. Se hizo una revisión de diferentes publicaciones actualizadas sobre la epidemiología, patofisiología y tratamiento de la fibromialgia aparecidas en PubMed, Scielo, Hinari y Medline, además de artículos pertinentes, hasta comienzos del año 2017, de donde se seleccionaron diferentes artículos en base a la calidad, relevancia e importancia en cuanto a las nuevas directrices de esta enfermedad. La aplicación de novedosos sistemas de diagnóstico y enfrentamiento al dolor crónico aplicable en la atención primaria disminuiría el tiempo de diagnóstico, costosas pruebas, demora en el diagnóstico y mejores resultados terapéuticos en estos pacientes. El tratamiento centrado en el paciente desde la atención necesita de un grupo multidisciplinario con una alta preparación en esta enfermedad. Aunque se mantienen algunas barreras para la aplicación de un sistema de atención médica de la fibromialgia, esto permitiría un cambio muy favorable en el tratamiento de esos pacientes (AU).

ABSTRACT Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder defined by widespread pain, frequently accompanied by fatigue and sleep disturbance, affecting up to one in 20 patients in the primary care. Although most of the patients with fibromyalgia are managed in the primary care, its diagnosis and treatment are still a challenge and the patients are often referred to the consultation of other specialists. The exhaustive research, the prescription of several drugs to treat the different symptoms, the diagnosis retardation, and the increase of disability, require deeper knowledge and a treatment led by the health professional of the primary care. We reviewed the epidemiology, pathophysiology and management of fibromyalgia by searching PubMed, Scielo, Hinari and Medline, and references from relevant articles published until the beginning of 2017, choosing them on the basis of quality, relevance to the illness and importance in illustrating current management pathways and the potential for future improvements. The implementation of a framework for diagnosis and chronic pain management in the primary care would reduce diagnostic time consumption, costly tests, and diagnostic delays, and will achieve better therapeutic outcomes in these patients. The patient-centred treatment from the primary care needs a multi disciplinary team highly trained in this disease. Although there are still several barriers for the application of a medical care system in fibromyalgia, It would allow a favourable change in the treatment of these patients (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care/methods , Fibromyalgia/epidemiology , Patients , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Fibromyalgia/prevention & control , Fibromyalgia/drug therapy , Fibromyalgia/rehabilitation , Chronic Disease/drug therapy , Chronic Disease/rehabilitation , Physicians, Primary Care
Evid. actual. práct. ambul ; 21(3): 92-93, oct. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1016268


A partir de una viñeta clínica, la autora describe los resultados de dos revisiones sistemáticas que evaluaron la eficacia y la seguridad de la pregabalina para el alivio del dolor en pacientes con fibromialgia. (AU)

Based on a clinical vignette, the author describes the results of two systematic reviews that evaluated the efficacy and safety of pregabalin for pain relief in patients with fibromyalgia. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Fibromyalgia/drug therapy , Pregabalin/therapeutic use , Pain/prevention & control , Pain/drug therapy , Placebos , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Fibromyalgia/etiology , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Pregabalin/administration & dosage , Pregabalin/adverse effects , Systematic Reviews as Topic
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(9): 3085-3094, set. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-952755


Resumen El trabajo tiene puesto su foco de atención en el proceso de construcción de conocimientos sobre enfermedades. El objetivo general es analizar ese proceso a partir de dos enfermedades en clave comparada: el Síndrome Urémico Hemolítico y la fibromialgia. Se reflexiona sobre cómo la construcción de conocimientos biomédicos modela el diseño de las políticas de salud. Nuestra estrategia de investigación se basó en el análisis de la literatura científica y de los programas de salud y proyectos de ley de Argentina. El análisis se basó en el modelo axial de categorías diagnósticas (semiológicas, morfológicas, explicativas y epidemiológicas) desarrollado por Camargo Jr. con el fin de detectar cómo se traducen los rasgos propios de la esfera biomédica en la esfera política. La investigación demostró que es decisiva la jerarquía otorgada a cada eje de definición de categoría diagnóstica al momento de diseñar una política de salud y reveló que cuando el campo biomédico no logra definir a la enfermedad en función de su raciocinio clínico-epidemiológico se invierten los roles entre la biomedicina y la política. Entonces es la política la que reconoce a la enfermedad otorgando esa legitimidad que los pacientes necesitan.

Abstract The article deals with the construction of knowledge about diseases. The general objective is to analyze the process of constructing scientific knowledge of two diseases in comparative perspective: Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. The work reflects on the construction of biomedical knowledge and health policies, specifically how scientific knowledge impacts on the design of policies. Our research strategy was based on the analysis of scientific literature, health programs and bills of Argentina. The analysis was based on the axial model of diagnostic categories (semiological, morphological, explanatory and epidemiological) developed by Camargo Jr in order to detect how the distinctive features of biomedical sphere is translated into the political sphere. The investigation showed that the hierarchy given to each axis when a disease is defined at the moment of designing health policies is curcial. It also revealed that when biomedicine can not define the disease, based on their clinical and epidemiological reasoning, the roles are reversed. Then it is politics that recognizes the disease and gives the legitimacy that patients need.

Humans , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Health Policy , Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome/diagnosis , Argentina , Politics , Fibromyalgia/epidemiology , Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome/epidemiology
Saúde Soc ; 27(2): 448-463, abr.-jun. 2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-962583


Abstract In this article, we present the development of a methodological diagnostic tool for the field of public health from an interdisciplinary perspective that articulates the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of human health from a post-structuralist and feminist perspective and epistemology. In prior research, we have developed a methodology for the study of chronic pain without an organic cause, or fibromyalgia (FM), that we call the psychosocial diagnosis of gender. That work addresses the analysis of the research object itself and, above all, a critical reconceptualization of health in general. We have also used qualitative fieldwork methods (life stories, discussion groups, and documentary material) in our study of people diagnosed with FM. Here, we present the actual tool we use in the Psychosocial Diagnosis of Gender, using a case study that enacts a displacement of the clinical diagnosis of FM towards its articulation with the psychosocial diagnosis of gender.

Resumo Neste artigo apresentamos o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de diagnóstico metodológico para o campo da saúde pública a partir de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar que articula as dimensões biológica, psicológica e social da saúde humana com base em epistemologia e um ponto de vista pós-estruturalista e feminista. Em pesquisa anterior desenvolvemos metodologia para o estudo da dor crônica sem causa orgânica ou fibromialgia (FM), a que chamamos "diagnóstico psicossocial de gênero". Esse trabalho aborda a análise do objeto de estudo em si e, acima de tudo, busca uma nova concepção crítica de saúde em geral. Também utilizamos métodos qualitativos do trabalho de campo (histórias de vida, grupos de discussão e material documental) em nosso estudo de pessoas diagnosticadas com FM. Aqui apresentamos a ferramenta que usamos na diagnóstico psicossocial de gênero, usando um estudo de caso que encena um deslocamento do diagnóstico clínico de FM para a sua articulação com o diagnóstico psicossocial do gênero.

Humans , Male , Female , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Gender and Health , Chronic Pain , Cost of Illness
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 23: e2308, 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1098497


RESUMEN. El objetivo de esta investigación fue comprender las implicaciones del dolor crónico en la calidad de vida de un grupo de mujeres diagnosticadas con fibromialgia. Para ello, se realizó un estudio cualitativo de diseño fenomenológico interpretativo en el que participaron 15 mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre los 23 y los 60 años. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el apoyo del programa Atlas.Ti. Los resultados indican que la intensidad de los síntomas, la interferencia del dolor crónico en actividades cotidianas, las alteraciones emocionales y las cogniciones negativas influyeron en su vida personal, familiar, social y laboral. Las estrategias de afrontamiento que asumieron las participantes facilitaron u obstaculizaron la aceptación de la enfermedad. Se concluye que el impacto de la fibromialgia en la calidad de vida depende más de las estrategias de afrontamiento que de los síntomas de la enfermedad. Las redes de apoyo facilitan el desarrollo de estrategias activas para afrontar la enfermedad.

RESUMO. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender as implicações da dor crônica na qualidade de vida de um grupo de mulheres diagnosticadas com fibromialgia. Para isso, se realizou um estudo qualitativo de cunho fenomenológico interpretativo e envolvendo 15 mulheres, com idades compreendidas entre os 23 e os 60 anos. A análise dos dados se realizou com o apoio do programa Atlas.Ti. Os resultados indicam que a intensidade dos sintomas, a interferência da dor crónica em atividades cotidianas, as alterações emocionais e as cognições negativas influentes em sua vida pessoal, familiar, social e laboral. As estratégias de enfrentamento que assinalaram os participantes em matéria de impedir a aceitação da doença. Se conclui que o impacto da fibromialgia na qualidade de vida depende das estratégias de enfrentamento dos sintomas da doença. As facilidades de acesso ao sistema de saúde, a qualidade de atendimento dos especialistas e o acompanhamento de redes de apoio facilitam o desenvolvimento de estratégias ativas para enfrentar a enfermidade.

ABSTRACT. The aim of this research was to understand the impact of chronic pain on the quality of life of a group of women diagnosed with fibromyalgia. For this, a qualitative study of phenomenological interpretative design was carried out in which 15 women, aged between 23 and 60 years participated. Data analysis was performed with the support of the Atlas.Ti program. The results indicate that the intensity of symptoms, the interference of chronic pain in daily activities, the emotional alterations and the negative cognitions influenced his personal, family, social and work life. The coping strategies assumed by the participants facilitated or hampered the acceptance of the disease. It is concluded that the impact of fibromyalgia on quality of life depends more on coping strategies than on the symptoms of the disease. The support networks facilitate the development of active strategies to confront the disease.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Quality of Life/psychology , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Chronic Pain/psychology , Social Support , Activities of Daily Living , Adaptation, Psychological , Exercise/psychology , Cognition , Pain Management/psychology , Medical Chaperones/psychology
Rev. bras. reumatol ; 57(5): 425-430, Sept.-Oct. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-899446


Abstract Introduction: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain syndrome characterized by generalized pain. It is known that obese patients have more skeletal muscle pain and physical dysfunction than normal weight patients. Therefore, it is important that the early diagnosis of FM be attained in obese patients. Objective: To determine the prevalence of FM in a group of obese patients with indication of bariatric surgery. Materials and methods: The patients were recruited from the Bariatric Surgery outpatient clinic of Hospital de Clínicas of UFPR (HC-UFPR) before being submitted to surgery. Patient assessment consisted in verifying the presence or absence of FM using the 1990 and 2011 ACR criteria, as well as the presence of comorbidities. Results: 98 patients were evaluated, of which 84 were females. The mean age was 42.07 years and the BMI was 45.39. The prevalence of FM was 34% (n = 29) according to the 1990 criteria and 45% (n = 38) according to the 2011 criteria. There was no difference in age, BMI, Epworth score and prevalence of other diseases among patients who met or not the 1990 criteria. Only depression was more common in patients with FM. (24.14% vs. 5.45%). The same findings were seen in patients that met the 2011 criteria. Conclusions: The prevalence of FM in patients with morbid obesity is extremely high. However, BMI does not differ in patients with or without FM. The presence of depression may be a risk factor for the development of FM in these patients.

Resumo Introdução: Fibromialgia (FM) é uma síndrome de dor crônica caracterizada por dor generalizada. Sabe-se que pacientes obesos têm mais dor músculo esquelética e disfunção física do que pacientes de peso normal. Portanto, é importante que o diagnóstico precoce da FM seja feito em pacientes obesos. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de FM em um grupo de pacientes obesos com indicação de cirurgia bariátrica. Materiais e métodos: Os pacientes foram captados do ambulatório de Cirurgia Bariátrica do Hospital de Clínicas da UFPR (HC-UFPR), antes de serem submetidos à cirurgia. A avaliação dos pacientes consistia em constatar a presença ou ausência de FMG pelos critérios ACR 1990 e 2011 e também a presença de comorbidades. Resultados: Foram avaliados 98 pacientes, 84 mulheres. A idade média foi de 42,07 anos e o IMC de 45,39. A prevalência de FM foi de 34% (n = 29) pelos critérios de 1990 e de 45% (n = 38) pelos de 2011. Não houve diferença em idade, IMC, escala de Epworth e prevalência de outras doenças entre pacientes que preenchiam ou não os critérios de 1990. Apenas depressão foi mais comum nas pacientes com FM (24,14% vs. 5,45%). Os mesmos achados foram vistos nas pacientes que preenchiam os critérios de 2011. Conclusões: A prevalência de FM em pacientes com obesidade mórbida é extremamente alta. Porém o IMC não difere nos pacientes com ou sem FM. A presença de depressão pode ser um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de FM nesses pacientes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Obesity, Morbid/complications , Fibromyalgia/etiology , Outpatient Clinics, Hospital , Obesity, Morbid/surgery , Brazil , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Fibromyalgia/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Depression/complications , Depression/diagnosis , Bariatric Surgery , Ambulatory Surgical Procedures , Middle Aged
Rev. bras. reumatol ; 57(3): 197-203, May-June 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-899415


ABSTRACT We aimed to assess the impact of social support on symptoms in Brazilian women with FM. An observational, descriptive study enrolling 66 women who met the 1990 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria. Social support was measured by the Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS), functionality was evaluated using the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), depression was assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), anxiety was measured using the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAS), affectivity was measured by Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), and algometry was carried out to record pressure pain threshold (PPth) and tolerance (PPTo) at 18 points recommended by the ACR. Patients were divided into normal (NSS) or poor social support (PSS) groups with PSS defined as having a MOS-SSS score below the 25th percentile of the entire sample. Mann-Whitney or Unpaired t-test were used to compare intergroup variables and Fisher's for categorical variables. Analysis of covariance and Pearson correlation test were used. No differences in sociodemographic variables between PSS and NSS were found. Differences between NSS and PSS groups were observed for all four subcategories of social support and MOS-SSS total score. Significant differences between NSS and PSS on depression (p = 0.007), negative affect (p = 0.025) and PPTh (p = 0.016) were found. Affectionate subcategory showed positive correlation between pain and positive affect in PSS. Positive social interaction subcategory showed a negative correlation between FIQ and depression state. Therefore social support appears to contribute to ameliorate mental and physical health in FM.

RESUMO Objetivou-se avaliar o impacto do apoio social sobre os sintomas de mulheres brasileiras com fibromialgia (FM). Trata-se de um estudo observacional descritivo que selecionou 66 mulheres que atendiam aos critérios do Colégio Americano de Reumatologia (ACR) de 1990. O apoio social foi medido com o Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS), a funcionalidade com o Questionário do Impacto da Fibromialgia (FIQ), a depressão com o Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI), a ansiedade com a Escala de Ansiedade de Hamilton (HAS), a afetividade com o Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Panas) e foi feita algometria para registrar o limiar da dor à pressão (LDP) e a tolerância álgica à pressão (TAP) nos 18 pontos recomendados pelo ACR. Os pacientes foram divididos nos grupos apoio social normal (ASN) ou ruim (ASR); o ASR foi definido como uma pontuação nos MOS-SSS abaixo do percentil 25 da amostra total. Usou-se o teste de Mann-Whitney ou o teste t não pareado para comparar variáveis intergrupos e o de Fisher para as variáveis categóricas. Usaram-se a análise de covariância e o teste de correlação de Pearson. Não houve diferença nas variáveis sociodemográficas entre os grupos ASN e ASR. Observaram-se diferenças entre os grupos ASN e ASR para todas as quatro subcategorias de apoio social e pontuação total do MOS-SSS. Encontraram-se diferenças significativas entre o ASN e o ASR na depressão (p = 0,007), afeto negativo (p = 0,025) e LDP (p = 0,016). A subcategoria apoio afetivo mostrou correlação positiva entre a dor e o afeto positivo no grupo ASR. A subcategoria interação social positiva mostrou uma correlação negativa entre o FIQ e o estado de depressão. Portanto, o apoio social parece contribuir para a melhoria na saúde mental e física na FM.

Humans , Female , Adult , Aged , Social Support , Fibromyalgia/psychology , Anxiety/etiology , Anxiety/prevention & control , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Quality of Life/psychology , Severity of Illness Index , Brazil , Fibromyalgia/complications , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Pain Threshold/psychology , Depression/etiology , Depression/prevention & control , Middle Aged
Rev. bras. reumatol ; 57(2): 129-133, Mar.-Apr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-844217


Abstract Introduction: EpiFibro (Brazilian Epidemiological Study of Fibromyalgia) was created to study Fibromyalgia patients. Patients were included since 2011 according to the 1990 American College of Rheumatology Classification Criteria for Fibromyalgia (ACR1990). Objectives: To determine how many patients still fulfill the ACR1990 and the ACR2010 criteria in 2014; to determine the correlation between the impact of FM and to describe data on the follow-up evaluation. Methods: This is a cross sectional study in a multicenter cohort of patients. The data was collected between 2013 and 2015. Physician included patients that fulfilled the ACR1990 criteria on the date of entry. The follow-up data were considered only for patients with at least two evaluations. A minimally significant change was considered to be a 30% variation of parameters scores. Results: 810 patients’ data were analyzed. Patients presented a mean age of 51.8 ± 11.5 years old. There were 786 female. Most patients met both criteria. There was a greater fulfilling of the ACR2010. There was a moderate correlation between Polysymptomatic Distress Scale and Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire. Three hundred fourteen patients with more than one assessment were found, but 88 patients were excluded. Thus, 226 patients with one follow-up monitoring parameter were considered (Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire: 222; Polysymptomatic Distress Scale: 199; both: 195). The mean follow-up time was 9.1 ± 7.5 months (1–44). Most patients became stable. Conclusion: InEpiFibro, most patients fulfill simultaneously the ACR1990 and ACR2010. A larger number of patients fulfill the ACR2010 at the time of the evaluation. There was a moderate correlation between the Polysymptomatic Distress Scale and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire. Most patients remained stable over time.

Resumo Introdução: O EpiFibro (Estudo Epidemiológico Brasileiro de Fibromialgia) foi criado para estudar pacientes com fibromialgia. Foram incluídos pacientes desde 2011 de acordo com os critérios de classificação para a fibromialgia do American College of Rheumatology de 1990 (ACR1990). Objetivos: Determinar quantos pacientes ainda atendem aos critérios ACR1990 e ACR2010 em 2014; determinar a correlação entre o impacto da FM medido pelo Questionário de Impacto da Fibromialgia (FIQ) e pela Polysymptomatic Distress Scale (PDS) e descrever dados sobre a avaliação de seguimento. Métodos: Estudo transversal em uma coorte multicêntrica de pacientes. Os dados foram coletados entre 2013 e 2015. O médico incluiu pacientes que atenderam aos critérios ACR1990 no momento da entrada. Consideraram-se os dados de seguimento apenas dos pacientes com pelo menos duas avaliações. Uma variação de 30% nos escores dos parâmetros foi considerada uma alteração minimamente significativa. Resultados: Analisaram-se os dados de 810 pacientes. Os pacientes apresentaram média de 51,8 ± 11,5 anos. Havia 786 mulheres. A maior parte dos pacientes atendeu a ambos os critérios. Houve um maior atendimento aos critérios ACR2010. Houve uma correlação moderada entre a PDS e o FIQ. Encontraram-se 314 pacientes com mais de uma avaliação, mas 88 pacientes foram excluídos. Assim, foram considerados 226 pacientes com um parâmetro de monitoramento no seguimento. (FIQ: 222; PDS: 199; ambos: 195). O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 9,1 ± 7,5 meses (1 a 44). A maior parte dos pacientes tornou-se estável. Conclusão: No EpiFibro, a maior parte dos pacientes atendia simultaneamente ao ACR1990 e ao ACR2010. Uma maior quantidade de pacientes atendia ao ACR2010 no momento da avaliação. Houve uma correlação moderada. A maior parte dos pacientes manteve-se estável ao longo do tempo.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Rheumatology/standards , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Registries/standards , Severity of Illness Index , Pain Measurement , Brazil/epidemiology , Fibromyalgia/classification , Fibromyalgia/physiopathology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Diagnosis, Differential , Middle Aged
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 80(1): 4-8, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-838772


ABSTRACT Purpose: To ınvestigate frequency of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) among patients with central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR). Methods: The study included 83 patients with CSCR and 201 age- and sex-matched healthy controls; the mean age was 47.5 ± 11.3 years in the CSCR group (18 women; 21.7%) and 47.2 ± 11.2 years in the control group (44 women; 21.9%). All participants were assessed for FMS based on 2010 American College of Rheumatology diagnostic criteria and for depression and anxiety with the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results: FMS was diagnosed in 35 patients (42.2%) from the CSCR group and in 21 individuals (10.4%) from the control group (p<0.001). It was found in 77.77% of the women (14/18) and 32.3% of the men (21/65) in the CSCR group and in 22.7% of the women (10/44) and 7.0% of the men (11/157) in the control group. Familial stress, BDI and BAI scores were higher in the patients with FMS than in those without. When independent risk factors were evaluated by logistic regression analysis, it was found that only the presence of familial stress was a significant risk factor for FMS. Conclusions: Patients with CSCR should be assessed for the presence of FMS, and this should be taken into consideration when developing a treatment plan. Further studies with a larger sample size are needed to clarify the relationship between FMS and CSCR.

RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar a frequência da fibromialgia (FMS) entre os pacientes com coriorretinopatia serosa central (CSCR). Métodos: O estudo incluiu 83 pacientes com CSCR e 201 controles saudáveis pareados por idade e sexo. Todos os participantes foram avaliados com base nos critérios de diagnóstico de FMS do American College of Rheumatology de 2010 (ACR), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) e Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Resultados: A idade média foi 47,53 ± 11,33 anos no grupo CSCR (18 mulheres; 21,7%) e 47,19 ± 11,19 anos (44 mulheres; 21,9%) no grupo controle. FMS foi diagnosticada em 35 pacientes (42,2%) do grupo CSCR e em 21 indivíduos (10,4%) do grupo controle (p<0,001). FMS foi encontrado em 77,77% das mulheres (14/18) e 32,3% dos homens (21/65) no grupo CSCR e em 22,7% das mulheres controles (10/44) e 7,0% dos homens controles (11/157). Estresse familiar, BDI e BAI foram maiores nos pacientes com FMS em comparação com aqueles sem FMS. Quando os fatores de risco independentes foram avaliados por análise de regressão logística, verificou-se que apenas a presença de estresse familiar foi um fator de risco significativo para FMS. Conclusões: Os pacientes com CSCR devem ser avaliados para presença de FMS e a FMS deve ser levada em consideração durante o desenvolvimento de um plano de tratamento. São necessários mais estudos com maior tamanho da amostra para esclarecer relações entre FMS e CSCR.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Fibromyalgia/diagnosis , Central Serous Chorioretinopathy/complications , Socioeconomic Factors , Fibromyalgia/complications , Fibromyalgia/physiopathology , Case-Control Studies , Sex Factors , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors