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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009226


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the role and importance of fibular fixation in tibiofibular fractures by Meta-analysis.@*METHODS@#The literature related to the comparison of the efficacy of fixation of the fibula with or without fixation on the treatment of tibiofibular fractures was searched through the databases of China Knowledge Network, Wipu, Wanfang, The Cochrane Library, Web of science and Pubmed, and statistical analysis was performed using RevMan 5.3 software. The rates of malrotation, rotational deformity, internal/external deformity, anterior/posterior deformity, non-union, infection, secondary surgery and operative time were compared between the fibula fixation and non-fixation groups.@*RESULTS@#A total of 11 publications were included, six randomised controlled trials and five case-control trials, eight of which were of high quality. A total of 813 cases were included, of which 383 were treated with fibula fixation and 430 with unfixed fibulae.Meta-analysis results showed that fixation of the fibulae in the treatment of tibiofibular fractures reduced the rates of postoperative rotational deformity[RR=0.22, 95%CI(0.10, 0.45), P<0.000 1] and internal/external deformity[RR=0.34, 95%CI(0.14, 0.84), P=0.02] and promoted fracture healing [RR=0.76, 95%CI(0.58, 0.99), P=0.04]. In contrast, the rates of poor reduction [RR=0.48, 95% CI(0.10, 2.33), P=0.36], anterior/posterior deformity[RR=1.50, 95%CI(0.76, 2.96), P=0.24], infection[RR=1.43, 95%CI(0.76, 2.72), P=0.27], secondary surgery[RR=1.32, 95%CI(0.82, 2.11), P=0.25], and operative time[MD=10.21, 95%CI(-17.79, 38.21), P=0.47] were not statistically significant (P>0.05) for comparison.@*CONCLUSION@#Simultaneous fixation of the tibia and fibula is clinically more effective in the treatment of tibiofibular fractures.

Humans , Fibula/surgery , Fractures, Bone/complications , Tibia/surgery , Fracture Healing , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Treatment Outcome
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1527679


Introducción: La enfermedad de Caffey es una patología ósea inflamatoria, rara, autolimitada, casi exclusiva de lactantes. Objetivos: Jerarquizar el abordaje diagnóstico de una patología poco frecuente. Caso clínico: 4 meses 22 días, varón, consulta por irritabilidad y edema de miembro inferior izquierdo de 4 días de evolución. Sin traumatismos ni fiebre. Examen físico: edema indurado en tercio medio e inferior de pierna izquierda, no rubor ni calor local. Dolor a la palpación de cara anterior y lateral de tibia y peroné. Limitación funcional, no resaltos óseos. Radiografía: engrosamiento del periostio en tibia y peroné a nivel diafisario. Hemograma: Glóbulos blancos 15.380 KU/L, Hemoglobina 10,8 g/dL, Plaquetas 816.400 10/ul, proteína C reactiva 13,90 mg/dl. Con planteo de probable infección osteoarticular se inicia clindamicina ( gentamicina e ingresa a cuidados moderados. Dada la persistencia de edema e irritabilidad, al quinto día se solicita resonancia magnética: hallazgos sugerentes de un probable proceso inflamatorio- infeccioso de partes blandas con compromiso óseo. Completa 14 días de clindamicina y 7 días de gentamicina intravenosa, hemocultivo negativo. Persiste con edema, irritabilidad y dolor. A los 21 días, se revalora la presentación clínica-imagenológica, se plantea enfermedad de Caffey. Se inicia anti-inflamatorio con buena evolución. Conclusiones: La enfermedad de Caffey es una colagenopatía rara, que afecta lactantes. El diagnóstico es clínico - radiológico (irritabilidad, tumefacción de partes blandas y alteraciones radiológicas). El pronóstico a largo plazo suele ser favorable. Es importante considerar el diagnóstico en lactantes que se presentan con esta sintomatología para evitar retrasos diagnósticos e instauración de tratamientos innecesarios.

Introduction: Caffey's disease is a rare disease that is reported almost exclusively in infants. Objective: Describe the case of a rare pathology, prioritizing the diagnostic approach. Clinical case: 4 month -old, healthy male. Consultation due to irritability and edema of the left lower limb for 4 days. No trauma or fever. Physical examination: indurated edema in the left leg, no redness or local heat. Pain on palpation of the anterior and lateral aspect of the tibia and fibula. Functional limitation, no bony protusions. Leg x-ray: thickening of the periosteum in the tibia and fibula at the diaphyseal level. Hemogram: White Blood Cells 15,380 KU/L Hemoglobin: 10.8 g/dL. Platelets: 816,400 10/ul, C-reactive protein: 13.90 mg/dl. He was admitted with a suggestion of probable osteoarticular infection. Clindamycin ( gentamicin is started. Given the persistence of edema and irritability despite treatment, on the fifth day an MRI was requested: findings suggestive of a probable inflammatory-infectious process of soft tissues with bone involvement. Completed 14 days of clindamycin and 7 days of intravenous gentamicin, blood culture negative. It persists with edema, irritability and pain. After 21 days, the clinical-imaging presentation was reassessed and Caffey's disease was considered. Anti-inflammatory begins with good evolution. Conclusions: Caffey's disease is a rare collagenopathy, that affects infants. The diagnosis is clinical - radiological (irritability, soft tissue swelling and radiological alterations). The long-term prognosis is usually favorable. It is important to consider the diagnosis in infants who present with these symptoms to avoid diagnostic delays and initiation of unnecessary treatments.

Introdução: A doença de Caffey é uma patologia óssea inflamatória rara, autolimitada, quase exclusiva de lactentes. Objetivos: Priorizar a abordagem diagnóstica de uma patologia rara. Caso clínico: 4 meses 22 dias, sexo masculino, consulta por irritabilidade e edema do membro inferior esquerdo de 4 dias de evolução. Sem trauma ou febre. Exame físico: edema endurecido em terço médio e inferior da perna esquerda, sem vermelhidão ou calor local. Dor à palpação das faces anterior e lateral da tíbia e fíbula. Limitação funcional, sem saliências ósseas. Radiografia: espessamento do periósteo na tíbia e fíbula ao nível diafisário. Hemograma: Glóbulos brancos 15.380 KU/L, Hemoglobina 10,8 g/dL, Plaquetas 816.400 10/ul, Proteína C reativa 13,90 mg/dl. Com sugestão de provável infecção osteoarticular, foi iniciada clindamicina + gentamicina e internado em cuidados moderados. Dada a persistência do edema e da irritabilidade, no quinto dia foi solicitada ressonância magnética: achados sugestivos de provável processo inflamatório-infeccioso de partes moles com envolvimento ósseo. Completou 14 dias de clindamicina e 7 dias de gentamicina intravenosa, hemocultura negativa. Persiste com edema, irritabilidade e dor. Após 21 dias, o quadro clínico-imagem foi reavaliado e considerada doença de Caffey. O antiinflamatório começa com uma boa evolução. Conclusões: A doença de Caffey é uma colagenopatia rara que afeta lactentes. O diagnóstico é clínico-radiológico (irritabilidade, edema de partes moles e alterações radiológicas). O prognóstico a longo prazo é geralmente favorável. É importante considerar o diagnóstico em lactentes que apresentam esses sintomas para evitar atrasos no diagnóstico e início de tratamentos desnecessários.

Humans , Male , Tibia/pathology , Hyperostosis, Cortical, Congenital/diagnostic imaging , Fibula/pathology , Pain/etiology , Edema/etiology , Inflammation/etiology , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use
Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao ; (6): 156-159, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971289


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the difference in sensitivity between X-ray and three-dimensional reconstruction of computed tomography (3D-CT) for the diagnosis of distal fibular avulsion fracture, and the radiographic presentation of the ossicle.@*METHODS@#From January to October 2018, 92 patients with distal fibular avulsion fracture were visited for surgical treatment in Department of Sports Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital, and 60 cases were finally enrolled according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Intraoperative detection was regarded as the gold standard, and the diagnostic sensitivity of preoperative ankle X-ray and 3D-CT for the distal fibular avulsion fractures was statistically determined. The ossicle maximum diameter as well as the degree of its displacement were also measured. On 3D-CT, the distance from the ossicle center point to the anterior fibular tuberosity (a), the distance to the fibular tip (b), and the a/b value was used to present the ossicle displacement.@*RESULTS@#Among the 60 patients, 36 and the 52 patients were correctly detected by X-ray and 3D-CT, respectively, and the sensitivities was 60.0% and 86.7%, respectively (P=0.004). The mean diameter of the ossicle on X-ray and 3D-CT was (9.2±3.9) mm and (10.5±3.2) mm, respectively. The mean distance from the ossicle center to the anterior fibular tuberosity (a) was (17.5±3.6) mm and the mean distance to the fibular tip (b) was (17.4±4.8) mm, with mean a/b values of 1.1±0.7. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for each measurement ranged from 0.891-0.998 with a high degree of consistency.@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with X-ray, 3D-CT has higher sensitivity in diagnosing distal fibular avulsion fractures, can help clinicians evaluate ossicle's location and choose surgical methods, and is recommended to be performed in patients with suspected distal fibula avulsion fractures in clinical practice.

Humans , Fibula/surgery , Fractures, Avulsion , Ankle , X-Rays , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Ankle Fractures , Ankle Joint , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981102


Jaw defects caused by various reasons often seriously affect appearance and function. The goal of the treatment of oral and maxillofacial tumors should include the cure of the tumor and the restoration of premorbid function. The development of microsurgery and digital surgery technology has promoted the development of jaw reconstruction with vascularized free bone flap. Good appearance and improved predictability could be obtained with the help of preope-rative visual design. How to rehabilitate occlusal function on the reconstructed jaw and improve the quality of life of patients has become an important research direction. This article discusses the challenge of jaw reconstruction, the selection of vascularized bone flap, the choice of implant timing, the treatment of peri-implant soft tissue, and the influence of radiotherapy on implants after jaw reconstruction.

Humans , Dental Implants , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Free Tissue Flaps/surgery , Quality of Life , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Fibula/surgery , Bone Transplantation , Mandibular Reconstruction
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981670


OBJECTIVE@#To establish the finite element model of varus-type ankle arthritis and to implement the finite element mechanical analysis of different correction models for tibial anterior surface angle (TAS) in supramalleolar osteotomy.@*METHODS@#A female patient with left varus-type ankle arthritis (Takakura stage Ⅱ, TAS 78°) was taken as the study object. Based on the CT data, the three-dimensional model of varus-type ankle arthritis (TAS 78°) and different TAS correction models [normal (TAS 89°), 5° valgus (TAS 94°), and 10° valgus (TAS 99°)] were created by software Mimics 21.0, Geomagic Wrap 2021, Solidworks 2017, and Workbench 17.0. The 290 N vertical downward force was applied to the upper surface of the tibia and 60 N vertical downward force to the upper surface of the fibula. Von Mises stress distribution and stress peak were calculated.@*RESULTS@#The finite element model of normal TAS was basically consistent with biomechanics of the foot. According to biomechanical analysis, the maximum stress of the varus model appeared in the medial tibiotalar joint surface and the medial part of the top tibiotalar joint surface. The stress distribution of talofibular joint surface and the lateral part of the top tibiotalar joint surface were uniform. In the normal model, the stress distributions of the talofibular joint surface and the tibiotalar joint surface were uniform, and no obvious stress concentration was observed. The maximum stress in the 5° valgus model appeared at the posterior part of the talofibular joint surface and the lateral part of the top tibiotalar joint surface. The stress distribution of medial tibiotalar joint surface was uniform. The maximum stress of the 10° valgus model appeared at the posterior part of the talofibular joint surface and the lateral part of the top tibiotalar joint surface. The stress on the medial tibiotalar joint surface increased.@*CONCLUSION@#With the increase of valgus, the stress of ankle joint gradually shift outwards, and the stress concentration tends to appear. There was no obvious obstruction of fibula with 10° TAS correction. However, when TAS correction exceeds 10° and continues to increase, the obstruction effect of fibula becomes increasingly significant.

Humans , Female , Tibia/surgery , Finite Element Analysis , Ankle , Arthritis , Fibula/surgery , Ankle Joint/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009127


OBJECTIVE@#To explore curative effect of conservative treatment of supination-lateral rotation (SER) with type Ⅲ and Ⅳ ankle fracture by bone setting technique.@*METHODS@#From January 2017 to December 2019, 64 patients diagnosed with SER with type Ⅲ and Ⅳ ankle fracture were treated with manipulative reduction and conservative treatment (manipulation group) and surgical treatment with open reduction and internal fixation (operation group), 32 patients in each group. In manipulation group, there were 17 males and 15 females, aged from 15 to 79 years old with an average of (51.42±13.68) years old;according to Lauge-Hansen classification, there were 8 patients with supination external rotation type Ⅲ and 24 patients with type Ⅳ. In operation group, there were 13 males and 19 females, aged from 18 to 76 years old with an average of (47.36±15.02) years old;7 patients with type Ⅲ and 25 patients with type Ⅳ. Displacement of ankle fracture was measured by Digimizer software, and compared before treatment, 3 and 12 months after treatment between two groups. Lateral medial malleolus displacement, lateral medial malleolus displacement, lateral malleolus displacement, lateral malleolus displacement, lateral malleolus contraction displacement and posterior malleolus displacement were measured and compared between two groups. Mazur score was used to evaluate ankle joint function.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up from 12 to 36 months with an average of (17.16±9.36) months. There were statistical differences in lateral medial malleolus displacement, lateral medial malleolus displacement, lateral malleolus displacement, lateral malleolus displacement, lateral malleolus contraction displacement and posterior malleolus displacement in manipulation group before and after reduction(P<0.05). Compared with operation group, there were no statistically significant differences in lateral malleolus shift, lateral malleolus shift, lateral malleolus contraction shift(P>0.05), while there were statistically significant differences in lateral malleolus shift, posterior malleolus shift up and down (P<0.05). Mazur scores of ankle joint at 3 months after treatment in manipulation group and operation group were 68.84±13.08 and 82.53±7.31, respectively, and had statistical differences(P<0.05), while there was no difference in evaluation of clnical effect(P>0.05). There were no differences in Mazur score and evaluation of clnical effect between two groups at 12 months after treatment (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Bone setting technique could effectively correct lateral displacement of medial malleolus, lateral displacement of medial malleolus, lateral displacement of lateral malleolus and lateral contraction displacement of lateral malleolus in supination lateral rotation type Ⅲ and Ⅳ ankle fracture, and has good long-term clinical effect, which could avoid operation for some patients and restore ankle function after fracture.

Female , Male , Humans , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Conservative Treatment , Ankle Fractures/surgery , Supination , Fibula , Ankle Joint/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009167


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the short-term efficacy of proximal fibula osteotomy in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, and to analyze the effect of osteotomy on the tension of the lateral knee soft tissue of patients and verify the reliability of the Arch string theory.@*METHODS@#A total of 71 patients with varus knee osteoarthritis from December 2019 to March 2022 were included, 3 patients dropped out, and 68 patients completed all trials, collected 27 males and 41 females, aged from 51 to 79 years old, with an average of (68.0±7.0 ) years old. The follow-up time ranged from 4 to 12 weeks, with an average of (3.76±1.94) weeks. After admission, the patient underwent Proximal fibula osteotomy, and the tension of lateral knee soft tissue, visual analogue scale (VAS) of pain, the western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and other indicators were recorded before surgery and 1 month after surgery in the weight-bearing state.@*RESULTS@#According to the VAS, the curative effect of a single index was evaluated by referring to the score before and after treatment by Bao Zongzhao. Thirty seven cases were markedly effective, 27 cases were effective, and 4 cases were ineffective. After surgery, 3 patients presented with weakness of dorsalis pedis extension and 1 presented with paresthesia of dorsalis pedis, which disappeared after symptomatic treatment . The VAS and WOMAC score at 1 month after operation were lower than those before operation, and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.001). The tension of lateral knee soft tissue 1 month after operation was lower than that before operation, and the difference had statistical significance(P<0.001).@*CONCLUSION@#Proximal fibula osteotomy is safe and effective in the treatment of varus knee osteoarthritis in the short term. One month after osteotomy, the tension of lateral knee soft tissue increases under weight-bearing state, but the long-term changes still need further observation and follow-up.

Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Osteoarthritis, Knee/surgery , Fibula/surgery , Reproducibility of Results , Tibia/surgery , Knee Joint/surgery , Osteotomy , Treatment Outcome , Retrospective Studies
Chin. j. traumatol ; Chin. j. traumatol;(6): 344-350, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009502


Bosworth fracture and dislocation is relatively rare, accounting for about 1% of ankle fractures. It is characterized by the proximal fibula fracture embedded in the posterolateral distal tibia. Due to an insufficient understanding of this fracture, it is easy to cause missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis in clinical practice. Due to the insertion of the fracture, it is challenging to perform closed reduction, and improper treatment is easy to cause complications. Surgical treatment is recommended for this type of fracture. In order to improve the understanding of orthopedic surgeons about Bosworth fracture and dislocation, this paper reports the diagnosis and treatment of 2 cases of Bosworth fracture and dislocation, and reviews the literature on Bosworth fracture's mechanism, diagnosis, classification, complications, and treatment options in recent years.

Humans , Ankle Fractures/surgery , Joint Dislocations/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Fibula , Tibia
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1523935


Introducción: El autoinjerto vascular de peroné se presenta como una muy buena opción en la reconstrucción de grandes defectos óseos en huesos largos gracias a sus características estructurales y propiedades biológicas. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo y retrospectivo que incluyó a todos los pacientes operados con un injerto vascular de peroné aislado o asociado a injerto estructural (técnica de Capanna) desde el 1 de enero de 2014 hasta el 1 de enero de 2021 en nuestro hospital. Resultados: Se realizaron 26 cirugías mediante un injerto vascular de peroné; en 8 de ellas, se utilizó el colgajo vascularizado de peroné para la reconstrucción del defecto óseo en hueso largo. El tamaño medio del defecto era de 7,7 cm. El origen del defecto era postraumático en 5 casos y tumoral en el resto. Se consiguió la consolidación completa en todos los pacientes. Los resultados clínicos y funcionales en las escalas de valoración fueron mejores en pacientes operados en el miembro inferior. Conclusiones: El uso de un colgajo vascularizado de peroné asociado o no a aloinjerto estructural es una estrategia útil en la reconstrucción de grandes defectos óseos (≥5 cm), independientemente de la causa de la lesión; la supervivencia del injerto y la función son buenas, con una tasa de complicaciones aceptable. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Background: Given its biological and structural qualities, vascular fibular autograft is a good option for the reconstruction of large defects in long bones. Materials and Methods: A descriptive and retrospective observational study was conducted. We included all cases of patients who underwent surgery in our hospital between January 1, 2014, and January 1, 2021, and who had a vascular fibula autograft either standalone or in combination with a structural graft (Capanna technique). Results:There were 26 documented vascular fibula autograft procedures. Eight of the procedures involved the reconstruction of a long bone defect. The bone defect was an average of 7.7 cm in length. In five of the cases, the origin of the bone defect was post-traumatic, and in the remaining cases, it was tumoral. In all cases, complete consolidation was achieved. Surgical procedures performed on the lower extremities yielded better clinical and functional outcomes. Conclusions:Vascular fibula autograft either on its own or in combination with a structural graft, as described in the Capanna technique, is an excellent alternative for the reconstruction of bone defects ≥ 5 cm. Radiological, clinical and functional outcomes are good, with an acceptable rate of complications. Level of Evidence: IV

Surgical Procedures, Operative , Bone Transplantation , Fibula/transplantation , Autografts
Rev. chil. ortop. traumatol ; 63(3): 215-219, dic.2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437157


ANTECEDENTES El peroné flotante tras un traumatismo de alta energía es una entidad muy poco frecuente. Este es el primer reporte de caso asociado a luxación del tendón bicipital. OBJETIVO Presentar un caso de peroné flotante tras luxación divergente de tobillo asociado a luxación peronea proximal. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS Mujer de 17 añ que, tras accidente de tráfico, sufrió caída y presentó dolor y deformidad del tobillo izquierdo, junto con dolor e impotencia funcional de la rodilla ipsilateral. En las radiografías, se apreció una luxación pura divergente del tobillo izquierdo de tipo IV. Se realizó reducción cerrada en urgencias. El estudio se complementó con una resonancia magnética que mostró una rotura completa de la sindesmosis y del ligamento deltoideo, así como una fractura no desplazada de la meseta tibial externa, junto con un desgarro de la cápsula tibioperonea proximal y desprendimiento completo del ligamento lateral externo y del tendón bicipital desde su inserción en la cabeza del peroné. Se realizó reanclaje de la sindesmosis y del ligamento deltoideo, así como del ligamento lateral externo y del tendón bicipital mediante anclajes óseos metálicos y reducción de peroné tanto proximal como distalmente, mediante sistema de sutura tipo botón. Se inmovilizó con férula cruropédica por cuatro semanas. RESULTADOS La paciente presentó recuperación completa de la fuerza a los cinco meses de seguimiento, con movilidad completa del tobillo y de la rodilla. CONCLUSIÓN El peroné flotante es muy poco frecuente; sólo se ha descrito un caso en la literatura. Implica la disrupción de la articulación tibioperonea proximal y distal, lo que puede provocar inestabilidad en la rodilla y en el tobillo. Por tanto, ante un traumatismo de alta energía en el tobillo, es necesaria la exploración minuciosa de la rodilla ipsilateral.

BACKGROUND Floating fibula after high-energy trauma is a very uncommon entity. The present is the first report of a case associated with avulsion of the bicipital tendon. PURPOSE To present a case of floating fibula after divergent ankle dislocation associated with proximal peroneal dislocation. MATERIALS AND METHODOS A 17-year-old woman who fell after a traffic accident and presented pain and deformity of the left ankle with pain and functional impotence in the ipsilateral knee. The radiographs showed a pure divergent type-IV left-ankle dislocation. Closed reduction was performed in the emergency room. The study was complemented with a magnetic resonance imaging scan which showed complete rupture of the syndesmosis and the deltoid ligament, as well as a non-displaced fracture of the external tibial plateau together with a tear of the proximal tibiofibular capsule and complete detachment of the external lateral ligament and bicipital tendon from its insertion in the peroneal head. The syndesmosis and deltoid ligament were reanchored, as well as the external lateral ligament and the bicipital tendon, using metallic bone anchors and fibula reduction both proximally and distally, using a suture-button system. The patient was immobilized with a long-leg splint for four weeks. RESULTS The patient presented complete recovery of strength at five months of follow-up. CONCLUSSION Floating fibula is a rare entity, with only one case described in the literature. It involves a disruption of the proximal and distal tibiofibular joint, which can lead to knee and ankle instability. Therefore, in cases of high-energy trauma to the ankle, a careful examination of the ipsilateral knee is necessary.

Humans , Female , Adult , Ankle Injuries/surgery , Ankle Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Fibula/injuries , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Treatment Outcome , Orthopedic Procedures
Chin. j. traumatol ; Chin. j. traumatol;(6): 177-180, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928469


Proximal tibiofibular instability is a rare condition for which treatment is poorly codified. A 21-year-old patient, a leisure sportswoman, presented a post-traumatic anterolateral instability of the proximal tibiofibular articulation without cartilage lesion. We propose an original surgical technique based on a review of the literature that combines an anatomical ligamentoplasty of the proximal tibiofibular joint and a proximal fibular diaphyseal osteotomy to reduce the distal tibiofibular mechanical stresses. This original technique allows a favorable evolution with recovery of professional and sports activities at 6 months.

Adult , Humans , Young Adult , Fibula , Knee Joint/surgery , Osteotomy/methods , Tibia/surgery
Actual. osteol ; 18(1): 53-54, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1396086
Rev. venez. cir. ortop. traumatol ; 53(1): 35-41, jun. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1252919


El acortamiento y la rotación del peroné son las deformidades más frecuentemente encontradas cuando se presentan maluniones postraumáticas del tobillo resultando en ensanchamiento de la mortaja e inestabilidad astragalina, con consecuentes cambios artrósicos. Los pacientes acuden por presentar dolor y limitación en sus actividades diarias y deportivas. En el presente estudio retrospectivo se hace una evaluación de los resultados clínicos y radiológicos de 9 pacientes que se sometieron a tratamiento quirúrgico posterior a maluniones de fracturas de peroné, en los cuales se realizaron osteotomías de alargamiento y desrotación para reconstrucción del tobillo, en la Unidad de Cirugía de Pie y Tobillo del Hospital Universitario de Caracas, entre junio de 2014 y agosto del 2019. Se realizaron mediciones radiológicas pre y postoperatorias de los ángulos de inclinación astragalina, talocrural y bimaleolar, y se reportaron los cambios degenerativos articulares. Para la evaluación clínica y funcional se aplicó la Escala Análoga Visual (VAS) para el dolor, y la Escala AOFAS de retropié, evidenciándose mejoría en cuanto a dolor, función y alineación. El objetivo del tratamiento fue restituir la longitud inicial del peroné, mediante osteototomías oblicuas en el sitio de la fractura anterior, o transversas suprasindesmales, con lo cual también se corrige la alineación del astrágalo, y de esta manera prevenir o disminuir los síntomas y signos inherentes a degeneración articular progresiva(AU)

The shortening and rotation of the fibula are the most frequent deformities found when post-traumatic ankle malunions occur, resulting in widening of the mortise and talus instability, with consequent arthritic changes. Patients have pain and limitation in their daily activities and sports. In the present retrospective study, an evaluation of the clinical and radiological results of 9 patients who underwent surgical treatment after fibular fracture malunions was performed, in which osteotomies of lengthening and de-rotation were performed for reconstruction of the ankle, in the Unit of Foot and Ankle Surgery at the University Hospital of Caracas, between June 2014 and August 2019. Pre and postoperative radiological measurements of the astragaline, talocrural and bimaleolar inclination angles were performed, and degenerative joint changes were reported. For the clinical and functional evaluation, the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was applied for pain, and the AOFAS Hindfoot Scale, evidencing improvement in pain, function, and alignment. The objective of the treatment was to restore the initial length of the fibula by means of oblique osteotomies at the site of the previous fracture or suprasindesmal transverse osteotomy, which also corrects the alignment of the talus and thus prevents or decreases the symptoms and signs inherent to joint progressive degeneration(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Osteotomy , Bone Lengthening , Fractures, Malunited , Traumatology , Fractures, Bone , Fibula/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888310


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the short-term clinical effect of double channel decompression and bone grafting through the greater trochanter combined with allograft fibula propping in the treatment of osteonecrosis of femoral head (ONFH).@*METHODS@#Twenty two patients (23 hips) with osteonecrosis of the femoral head were included from November 2017 to February 2019. According to Association Research Cirulation Osseous(ARCO) staging, there were 13 hips at stageⅡgroup, aged from 20 to 48 years old with an average of(32.5±8.5)years old;10 hips at stageⅢgroup, aged from 18 to 45 years old with an average of(32.7±8.6) years old. A single approach through the greater trochanterwas used for decompression, bone grafting and fibula support. Harris scoring system was used to evaluate the function of hip joint before and after implantation, and the anteroposterior and lateral X-ray films of hip joint were taken at 3, 6, 12 and 18 months after implantation to observe and analyze the progress of femoral head necrosis and regeneration.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up, and the duration ranged from 12 to 18 months with an average of (14.6±2.1) months. Harris score of stageⅡand stageⅢpatients increased from 73.2± 5.5 and 66.5±3.4 to 87.6±8.7(@*CONCLUSION@#The effect of double trochanteric decompression and bone grafting combined with fibular allograft propping in the treatment of early and middle stage avascular necrosis of the femoral head is good, especially suitable for young and middle aged patients with ARCOⅡstage avascular necrosis of the femoral head.

Adolescent , Adult , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Allografts , Bone Transplantation , Decompression , Femur Head , Femur Head Necrosis , Fibula , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921903


OBJECTIVE@#To measure anatomical data of calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), relevant data of CFL attachment to provide an anatomical basis for CFL reconstruction.@*METHODS@#Twenty-seven adult ankle specimens were selected, including 11 males and 16 females, aged from 22 to 71 years old with an average of (41.6±17.2) years old;9 cases on the left side and 18 cases on the right side. The specimens reserved at least 20 cm above ankle joint and a complete foot, and exclude deformities, fractures, incomplete development and degenerative lesions. CFL was performed detailed anatomical observation, morphological parameters of CFL was measured, and coordinates of fibula side and calcaneal side of CFL in the coordinate axis were measured. The distance between fibula insertion of CFL and fibula tip, distance between calcaneal insertion of CFL and lateral calcaneal nodule, and Angle between CFL and long axis of fibula were also measured.@*RESULTS@#In these 27 specimens, CFL cases were all single bundles and the length of CFL was (32.83 ± 8.19) mm. The center point of fibula attachment in CFL was(2.87± 1.21) mm proximal with a coefficient of variation of 42.16% and (2.08±1.34) mm anteriorly with a coefficient of variation of 64.42%. The center point of calcaneal attachment region of CFL was located on coordinate axis on the distal end (15.32±5.33) mm, with a coefficient of variation of 34.79%, and the posterior part (6.38±2.15) mm, with a coefficient of variation of 33.86%. The distance between center point of fibula attachment and fibula tip was (4.81±0.82) mm. The distance between center point of calcaneal attachment area of CFL and lateral calcaneal nodules was(17.25±3.12) mm. Angle between CFL and fibula axis is (43 ±18)° .@*CONCLUSION@#According to anatomical studies, we could locate the fibula and calcaneal attachment of CFL by anatomical markers around ankle joint. However, the location of CFL attachment has a large variation, and the anatomical characteristics need to be considered in anatomical reconstruction.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Ankle Joint/surgery , Cadaver , Calcaneus/surgery , Fibula/surgery , Lateral Ligament, Ankle/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942551


Objective: To analyse the quality of life of patients receiving repair of bone defect with folded fibula flap after removal of mandibular ameloblastoma. Methods: The case data of 39 patients with ameloblastoma admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from August 2013 to April 2016 were retrospectively analysed, including 21 males and 18 females, from 18 to 58 years old. 3D printing and digital technology were used in flap preparation before surgery in all patients. The folded fibular flaps were used to repair mandibular defects and the implants were placed between 6-9 months after surgery. The short form-36 health survey questionnaire (SF-36) and the university of Washington quality of life questionnaire (UW-QOL) were applied to evaluate the quality of life of patients before surgery and at 6 months and 24 months after surgery. The higher the score, the better the condition. SPSS 20.0 was adopted for statistical analysis. Results: The SF-36 survey showed that the mean score of body role before surgery (72.4±11.7) was significantly higher than that at 6 months after surgery (39.6±11.1, t=23.580, P<0.05) or that at 24 months after surgery (59.8±6.4, t=8.358, P<0.001). Compared with the preoperative mean scores of Physical Pain (73.0±11.0), General Health (73.4±10.4) and Health Changes (79.2±3.9) before surgery, the mean scores Physical Pain (53.1±7.7), General Health (53.5±7.5) and Health Changes (63.9±11.7) at 6 months after surgery were decreased significantly respectively (t=13.068, 13.756 and 10.880, respectively, all P<0.05), but the mean scores Physical Pain (78.8±14.0), General Health (80.9±12.6) and Health Changes (84.4±4.6) at 24 months after surgery were increased significantly respectively (t=-2.904, -4.027 and -7.586, respectively, all P<0.05), with significant differences in the mean scores of Physical Pain, General Health and Health Changes between 6 and 24 months after surgery (t=-14.241, -16.490, -14.294, respectively, all P<0.001). The UW-QOL survey showed that the mean scores of chewing, language and taste functions decreased at 6 months after surgery (53.1±6.7, 53.0±7.7 and 62.2±9.9, respectively), but improved at 24 months after surgery (67.9±3.9, 63.9±2.9 and 68.4±11.1, respectively), with statistically significant difference (t=-16.765, -11.675 and 2.498, respectively, all P<0.001). Conclusion: The application of folded fibula flaps to repair bone defects after sugery of mandibular ameloblastoma can better meet the needs of language and chewing functions and improve the quality of life of patients.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Ameloblastoma/surgery , Bone Transplantation , Fibula/surgery , Free Tissue Flaps , Mandible/surgery , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Quality of Life , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Retrospective Studies
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 28(2): 171-174, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1282684


La inestabilidad de la articulación tibioperonea proximal puede presentarse con una luxación, con escasos síntomas laterales de la rodilla, dolor, malestar e incomodidad durante distintas actividades o síntomas relacionados con la irritación del nervio peroneo común. Un preciso diagnóstico prequirúrgico es imperativo, así como el tratamiento conservador con inmovilización y kinesiología por cuatro a seis semanas. En la población adolescente, el planeamiento prequirúrgico puede ser dificultoso por la presencia de los cartílagos abiertos, por lo tanto, se debe tomar precaución en la realización de los túneles y en la colocación de implantes en relación con la fisis abierta. El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es presentar el caso de un niño de once años con inestabilidad tibioperonea proximal recurrente, además mostrar detalles de la técnica quirúrgica, protocolo postoperatorio y sus excelentes resultados

Instability of the proximal tibiofibular joint (PTFJ) can present as dislocations, vague symptoms of lateral knee pain, discomfort during activity, or symptoms related to irritation of the common peroneal nerve. An accurate preoperative diagnosis is imperative and should include a trial of taping of the PTFJ for a 4- to 6-week time frame before surgical reconstruction is indicated. In the adolescent population, surgical planning can be complicated by the presence of open physes; therefore, caution must be taken to avoid drilling through or placing screw fixation across the physes. Potential complications include growth arrest and limb length discrepancy. Therefore, the purpose of this case report is to describe the surgical technique for addressing PTFJ instability in adolescent patients. The aim of this case report is to present a case of instability of the proximal tibiofibular joint (PTFJ) treated surgically in an eleven-year-old male soccer player, focused on technical tips, strict rehab protocol with excellent results

Child , Tibia/surgery , Fibula/surgery , Growth Plate/surgery , Joint Instability , Knee Joint/surgery
Rev. colomb. ortop. traumatol ; 35(1): 62-66, 2021. ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1378527


Introducción El estándar de manejo para las fracturas del peroné distal es la reducción abierta más fijación interna con placa y tornillos (bloqueados o no), sin embargo, existen complicaciones asociadas a este tipo de intervención. En pacientes ancianos con mala calidad de tejidos blandos o en quienes presentan traumas de alta energía como etiología de las fracturas en el tobillo, la tasa de complicaciones previamente mencionadas aumenta, por lo que el manejo de las fracturas de peroné distal con tornillos percutáneos representa una alternativa con menor riesgo de complicaciones y con desenlaces similares al manejo convencional. Materiales y métodos Se realiza una serie de casos de pacientes con fractura de peroné manejados de forma percutánea. Se obtuvo una muestra de 17 pacientes por un año, a quienes se les realizó seguimiento sobre tasa de consolidación, funcionalidad y complicaciones postoperatorias. Resultados Diez (62,5%) fueron hombres, con una media de edad de 59 años (rango entre 24 y 90). El 100% fueron secundarios a traumas de alta energía, 10 (62,5%) fueron izquierdas, 14 (87,5%) se clasificaron como Weber B y 7 casos (56,25%) se presentaron concomitantemente con fracturas abiertas. Conclusiones Con el fin de evitar complicaciones, se debe considerar este abordaje en pacientes con comorbilidades, de edad avanzada o con tejidos blandos lesionados severamente o de mala calidad

Background The standard management for distal fibula fractures is open reduction plus internal fixation with plate and screws (blocked or not), however, there are complications associated with this type of intervention. In elderly patients with poor soft tissue quality or in those with high-energy trauma as the etiology of ankle fractures, the rate of previously mentioned complications increases, so that the management of distal fibula fractures with percutaneous screws represents a alternative with lower risk of complications and similar outcomes to conventional management. Methods A series of cases of patients with fibula fracture managed percutaneously was carried out. A sample of 17 patients was obtained for one year, who were followed up on consolidation rate, functionality, and postoperative complications. Results 10 (62.5%) were men, with a mean age of 59 years (range between 24 and 90). 100% were secondary to high-energy trauma, 10 (62.5%) were left, 14 (87.5%) were classified as Weber B and 7 cases (56.25%) presented concomitantly with open fractures. Discussion In order to avoid complications, this approach should be considered in patients with comorbidities, the elderly, or those with severely injured or poor-quality soft tissues.

Humans , Fibula , Skin Absorption , Fractures, Bone , Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary
Actual. osteol ; 17(2): 78-91, 2021. graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1370190


La concepción original del mecanostato como un regulador de la rigidez estructural ósea orientado a mantener un determinado 'factor de seguridad' en todos los esqueletos parece no corresponder por igual a cualquier hueso y para cualquier tipo de estímulo. Hemos descubierto que la estructura cortical diafisaria del peroné humano manifiesta un comportamiento ambiguo del sistema, referido al uso del pie. La diáfisis peronea, además de ser insensible al desuso, se rigidiza, como sería de esperar, por entrenamientos en disciplinas deportivas que rotan o revierten el pie (hockey, fútbol, rugby); pero, llamativamente, se flexibiliza en su mitad proximal por entrenamiento en carrera larga, que optimiza el rendimiento del salto que acompaña a cada paso. La referida rigidización robustecería la región peronea de inserción de los músculos que rotan o revierten el pie, favoreciendo la locomoción sobre terrenos irregulares o 'gambeteando', propia de especies predadoras como los leopardos. La 'inesperada' flexibilización proximal, pese a reducir la resistencia a la fractura por flexión lateral (poco frecuente en el hombre), favorecería la absorción elástica de la energía contráctil de la musculatura inserta, optimizando el rendimiento del salto al correr, condición vital para especies presas como las gacelas. La falta de analogía de estas respuestas de la estructura peronea a distintos entrenamientos, incompatible con el mantenimiento de un factor de seguridad, sugiere su vinculación preferencial con la optimización de aptitudes esqueléticas con valor selectivo. Esto ampliaría el espectro regulatorio del mecanostato a propiedades esqueléticas 'vitales', más allá del control de la integridad ósea. Su manifestación en el hombre, ajena a connotaciones selectivas (quizá resultante del mantenimiento de genes ancestrales), permitiría proponer la indicación de ejercicios orientados en direcciones preferenciales a este respecto, especialmente cuando estas coincidieran con las de las fuerzas que podrían fracturar al hueso. (AU)

The original notion of the mechanostat as a regulator of bone structural rigidity oriented to maintain a certain 'safety factor' in all skeletons does not seem to correspond equally to every bone and for any type of stimulus. We have discovered that the diaphyseal cortical structure of the human fibula shows an ambiguous behavior of the system, with reference to the use of the foot. The peroneal shaft, in addition to being insensitive to disuse, becomes stiffened, as might be expected, by training in sport disciplines that involve rotating or reversing the foot (hockey, soccer, rugby); but, remarkably, it becomes more flexible in its proximal half by long-distance running training, which optimizes the performance of the jump that accompanies each step. The stiffening would strengthen the peroneal region of insertion of the muscles that rotate or reverse the foot, favoring locomotion on uneven terrain or 'dribbling', typical of predatory species such as leopards. The 'unexpected' proximal flexibilization, despite reducing the resistance to lateral flexion fracture (rare in human), would favor the elastic absorption of contractile energy from the inserted muscles, optimizing jumping performance when running, a vital condition for prey species such as gazelles. The lack of analogy of these responses of the peroneal structure to different training, incompatible with the maintenance of a safety factor, suggests its preferential link with the optimization of skeletal aptitudes with selective value. This would expand the regulatory spectrum of the mechanostat to 'vital' skeletal properties, beyond the control of bone integrity. Its manifestation in humans, oblivious to selective connotations (perhaps resulting from the maintenance of ancestral genes), would make it possible to propose the indication of exercises oriented in preferential directions, especially when they coincide with the direction of the forces that could fracture the bone. (AU)

Humans , Animals , Sports/physiology , Bone and Bones/physiology , Exercise/physiology , Fibula/physiology , Foot/physiology , Soccer/physiology , Track and Field/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Fractures, Bone/prevention & control , Fibula/anatomy & histology , Football/physiology , Hockey/physiology
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 34(2): e231, jul.-dic. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1156596


RESUMEN Introducción: Las fracturas abiertas del tercio distal de tibia o pilón son poco frecuentes, en nuestro medio se producen por traumas de alta energía como los accidentes de tránsito, y pueden ser de distintos grados según su envergadura. Entre las complicaciones frecuentes están la seudoartrosis, deformidades y artritis postraumática. Cuando el dolor es refractario a los analgésicos están indicadas las artrodesis. Objetivo: Presentar los resultados del tratamiento realizado en un paciente con seudoartrosis distal de tibia y artritis postraumática del tobillo, dolorosa, con gran lesión de partes blandas, por lo que fue imposible realizar los procedimientos quirúrgicos habituales. Presentación del caso: Se realizó artrodesis de las articulaciones tibio-peronea-astragalina-calcánea, mediante un injerto libre del peroné autólogo, compresión, y estabilización con un fijador externo RALCA®; se asoció un campo electromagnético pulsátil para acelerar la formación del callo óseo y disminuir el dolor posquirúrgico. Durante dos años se le hizo seguimiento. Conclusiones: Se logró el objetivo del tratamiento al fusionar la articulación tibiotarsiana, comenzar el apoyo precoz y su capacidad funcional. Los resultados demuestran además los beneficios de la compresión realizada con los fijadores externos en las artrodesis; el uso del campo electromagnético asociado aceleró la osteogénesis, se consiguió la consolidación ósea, la estabilización, disminuyó el edema y el dolor, además la reincorporación del paciente a la sociedad. No se encontró en la bibliografía revisada otra técnica quirúrgica similar(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Open fractures of the distal third of the tibia or pilon are rare, in our environment they are caused by high-energy traumas such as traffic accidents, and can be of different degrees depending on their size. Common complications include nonunion, deformities, and post-traumatic arthritis. When pain is refractory to analgesics, arthrodesis is indicated. Objective: To report the results of the treatment carried out in a patient with distal tibial pseudoarthrosis and post-traumatic arthritis of the ankle, painful, with a large soft tissue injury, which made it impossible to perform the usual surgical procedures. Case report: Arthrodesis of the tibiofibular-talar-calcaneal joints was performed, using a free graft of the autologous fibula, compression, and stabilization with a RALCA® external fixator. A pulsatile electromagnetic field was associated to accelerate bone callus formation and reduce postoperative pain. This patient was followed up for two years. Conclusions: The treatment objective was achieved by fusing the tibiotarsal joint, by starting early support and functional capacity. The results also prove the benefits of compression performed with external fixators in arthrodesis. The use of the associated electromagnetic field accelerated osteogenesis, bone consolidation and stabilization were achieved, edema and pain decreased, as well as the patient's reincorporation into society. No other similar surgical technique was found in the reviewed literature(AU)

Arthrodesis/methods , Pseudarthrosis/surgery , Fibula/transplantation , Fractures, Open/surgery