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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(63): 168-179, jan-abr. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567021


The flexural resistence is one of the most used test in researchs of mechanical characterization of resin composites for dental restoration. ISO 4049 photopolymerization technique performed static application stages of light tip. To polymerize the entire area of the specimen some areas must receive extra radiation. These areas with extra radiation are called overlap areas. In an attempt to remedy this problem, this research compared the ISO method with a new method using constant movement (CM) during photopolymerization. Twenty specimens (SPs) were produced with 25 x 2 x 2 mm, for each group, 10 specimens being polymerized by the static technique recommended by the ISO-4049 and 10 specimens polymerized by the CM technique for each LED curing light used. After Tukey's statistical analysis, it was found that there was no statistical difference in relation to flexural strength (FS) and for the flexural modulus of elasticity (EF). However, the standard deviation of both FS and EF were much lower in MC than in ISO. Therefore, the photopolymerization by CM of the samples for the flexural strength test proved to be a possible solution to the problem of overlap of the technique proposed by ISO.

O teste de flexão é um dos mais utilizados em pesquisa de caracterização mecânica de compósitos resinosos para restauração dentária. A técnica ISO 4049 é feita em etapas com aplicação estática da luz. Para que toda a área do corpo de prova receba esta radiação é preciso que outras áreas recebam radiação extra. Na tentativa de sanar tal problema, esta pesquisa comparou o método da ISO com um método que utiliza um movimento constante (MC) durante a fotopolimerização. Foram produzidos 20 corpos de provas (CPs) com 25 x 2 x 2 mm, para cada grupo, sendo 10 polimerizados pela técnica estática recomendada pela normativa ISO-4049 e 10 polimerizados pela técnica de movimentação contínua (MC) para cada fotopolimerizador LED utilizado. Após análise estatística de Tukey apurou-se que não houve diferença estatística em relação à resistência à flexão (RF) e para o módulo de elasticidade em flexão. Porém, percebe-se, que o desvio padrão tanto da RF quanto do EF foram bem menores em MC do que em ISO. Sendo assim, a fotopolimerização em movimentação constante (MC) das amostras para o teste de resistência à flexão se mostrou como uma possível solução para o problema de sobreposição na técnica proposta pela ISO.

Composite Resins , Curing Lights, Dental , Elastic Modulus , Flexural Strength
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(63): 29-38, jan-abr. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566795


The choice of retaining material that will replace the lost properties of the tooth, in which it is fragile and with loss of dentin structure, is important. The success of the treatment will depend on the qualities presented in it. Therefore, the objective of this work, through a literature review, is to present the advantages and disadvantages observed in the use of fiberglass post intraradicular retainer. This paper reviews the most relevant articles on the specificities presented in the fiberglass post retaining material, published in the period (2003 to 2020). The bibliographic search was performed in PubMed, Lilacs, Scielo, Google Scholar databases. In view of the selected articles on the subject, it is possible to observe the authors' acceptance of the application of the use of retainers, highlighting that in the treatment of cases with extensive coronary destruction, the aim is to have the functional and retentive capacity returned, in addition to the tension resistance. Therefore, theThe use of fiberglass posts in weakened teeth is effective as the material of choice. In cases that require reconstruction and return of tissue integrity, it has sufficient advantages for its selection. Despite the disadvantages it has, these do not outweigh the benefits to the point of making its use unfeasible. However, knowing when, where and how to treat is always important in any procedure for a satisfactory final outcome.

A escolha do material retentor que irá substituir as propriedades perdidas do dente, no qual este se apresenta de forma fragilizada e com perca de estrutura dentinária é importante. O sucesso do tratamento irá depender das qualidades apresentadas no mesmo. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho por meio de uma revisão de literatura é apresentar as vantagens e desvantagens observadas no uso do retentor intrarradicular de pino de fibra de vidro. Este trabalho revisa os artigos mais relevantes sobre as especificidades apresentadas no material retentor de pino de fibra de vidro, publicadas no período (2003 até 2020). A busca bibliográfica foi realizada nos bancos de dados PubMed, Lilacs, Scielo, Google Scholar. Diante dos artigos selecionados referentes ao tema, pode-se observar a aceitação dos autores sobre a aplicação do uso de retentores, destacando-se que no tratamento de casos com destruição coronária extensa o intuito é dispor da devolução da capacidade funcional, retentiva, além da resistência a tensão. Portanto, a utilização de pinos de fibra de vidro em dentes fragilizados apresenta efetividade como material de escolha. Em casos que necessitam de reconstrução e devolução de sua integridade tecidual, possui consigo vantagens suficientes para sua seleção. Apesar das desvantagens que possui, essas não se sobrepõem aos benefícios a ponto de tornarem inviáveis ao seu uso. Entretanto, saber quando, onde e como tratar é sempre importante em qualquer procedimento para um desfecho final satisfatório.

Dental Materials , Dental Pins , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Flexural Strength
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e243158, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1527026


Aim: In recent years, great advances have been made in the use of CAD/CAM to prepare fixed restorations. The marginal and internal fit of these restorations is a principal determinant for their clinical success. In addition, the nature of the oral environment affects the mechanical properties of these restorations. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of aging process under conditions that simulate the oral environment on the marginal adaptation, and, fracture resistance of crowns fabricated from polyether ether ketone (PEEK) using CAD/CAM methods. Methods: Twenty identical crown restorations were fabricated by using CAD/CAM methods to mill polyether ether ketone (PEEK) material. These crowns were produced by using a software design of an epoxy resin replica of the prepared maxillary first premolar tooth. All PEEK crowns were cemented and randomly divided into two equal groups (A, B). Each group was divided into subgroups (A1, A2 and B1, B2). Group A1 and A2 were used to measure marginal adaptation and fracture resistance, respectively, before aging, while group (B1 and B2) were measured after aging. The cemented crowns were mounted in resin molds to facilitate the sectioning process. The measurements of the marginal gap were performed after sectioning at four points using a stereomicroscope. The fracture resistance of the crowns was investigated using a universal testing machine. A statistical analysis was performed using the GraphPad Prism® software version and unpaired Student's t-test. Results: The results revealed that aging affected the marginal gap, and the fracture resistance of the PEEK crowns. While aging, negatively affected the conditions under investigation, however the least significant difference of marginal gap was found in the margin region. Conclusions: PEEK-CAD/CAM is considered as a good alternative prosthodontic material for fixed prostheses. The CAD/CAM technique used to make PEEK crown restorations in our study offers the advantages of high marginal accuracy and fracture resistance for long-term performance in the oral environment

Polymers , Aging , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Marginal Adaptation , Crowns , Flexural Strength , Ketones
Odovtos (En linea) ; 25(1)abr. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1422193


The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the biomechanical and chemical behavior of various bioactive materials in class II MOD restorations. Forty- eight standardized class II MOD cavities were prepared in sound extracted human molar teeth. The specimens were divided into four groups according to the restorative material: Group 1 (Filtek™ Z350 XT), Group 2 (Biodentine™ as a liner, and then restored with Filtek™ Z350 XT), Group 3 (Cention N™), and Group 4 (Activa™ Bioactive-Restorative). The samples were tested for fracture resistance by subjecting them to a compressive load in a Universal testing Machine. The failure modes of each specimen were evaluated. The alkalinizing potential and calcium ion release of the materials were measured. SEM-EDAX analyses were also performed for all materials. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and post hoc Tukey test (p<0.05). Group 1 showed the higher fracture resistance (p<0.05). Group 3 had greater fracture resistance values but no statistical difference from Group 4. Biodentine™ showed greater biomineralization potential. Class II MOD restorations of Group 1 displayed the higher fracture resistance; however, it was highly associated with catastrophic failure. Conversely, Biodentine™ presented a more significant bioactivity potential, and its use, as in Group 2, promoted the most favorable failure mode.

El objetivo de este estudio, in vitro, fue evaluar el desempeño biomecánico y químico de varios materiales bioactivos en restauraciones clase II MOD. Se prepararon cuarenta y ocho cavidades clase II MOD estandarizadas en dientes molares humanos extraídos. Las muestras se dividieron en cuatro grupos según el material de restauración: Grupo 1 (Filtek™ Z350 XT), Grupo 2 (Biodentine™ como base y luego restaurado con Filtek™ Z350 XT), Grupo 3 (Cention N™) y Grupo 4 (Activa™ Bioactivo-Reparador). La prueba de resistencia a la fractura fue realizada en una máquina de ensayo universal Instron. Se evaluaron los modos de falla de cada espécimen. Se midió el pH y la liberación de iones de calcio de los materiales. Se realizaron análisis SEM-EDAX. Los datos se analizaron mediante ANOVA y la prueba post hoc de Tukey (p<0,05). El grupo 1 mostró la mayor resistencia a la fractura (p<0,05). El Grupo 3 tuvo mayores valores de resistencia a la fractura que el Grupo 4, pero sin diferencia estadística. Biodentine™ mostró un mayor potencial de biomineralización. Las restauraciones Clase II MOD del Grupo 1 mostraron la mayor resistencia a la fractura; sin embargo, estuvo altamente asociado con fallas irreparables. Por el contrario, Biodentine™ presentó un potencial de bioactividad más significativo y su uso, como en el Grupo 2, promovió el modo de falla más favorable.

Biomedical and Dental Materials/analysis , Composite Resins/analysis , Flexural Strength
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 52: e20230006, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1442091


Introduction: with the technological advance in dentistry, light-polymerized three-dimensional (3D) printing resins had become an alternative for the manufacture of occlusal splint splints. Objective: the present study aimed to analyze the flexural strength of a resin for 3D printing compared to conventional acrylic resins (chemically activated and thermally activated), under the influence of thermocycling. Material and method: 60 specimens were made, which were distributed in six experimental groups (n = 10), according to the resin employed (chemically activated acrylic resin, thermally activated acrylic resin and 3D printing resin) and the treatment received (control and thermocycling). The specimens were submitted to flexural strength by the three-point flexural test. Result: data analysis showed that the material factor (<0.0001) and the thermocycling factor (p = 0.0096) influenced flexural strength, however, the interaction between the two factors did not (p = 0.9728). Conclusion: it was concluded that 3D printing resins presented the lowest flexural resistance to acrylic resins, especially when submitted to thermocycling.

Introdução: com o avanço tecnológico dentro da odontologia, as resinas fotopolimerizáveis para impressão tridimensional (3D) se tornaram uma alternativa para a fabricação de dispositivos interoclusais. Objetivo: o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a resistência flexural de uma resina para impressão tridimensional comparada com resinas acrílicas convencionais (quimicamente ativada e termicamente ativada), sob a influência da termociclagem. Material e método: foram confeccionados 60 corpos de prova, que foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em seis grupos experimentais (n=10), de acordo com a resina utilizada (resina acrílica ativada quimicamente, resina acrílica ativada termicamente e resina para impressão 3D) e com o tratamento recebido (controle e termociclagem). Os corpos de prova foram submetidos ao ensaio de flexão de três pontos para determinação da resistência flexural. Resultado: a análise dos dados demonstrou que o fator material (<0.0001) e o fator termociclagem (p=0.0096) influenciaram a resistência flexural, entretanto, a interação entre os dois fatores não (p=0.9728). Conclusão: deste modo podemos concluir que a resina para impressão 3D apresentou desempenho inferior às resinas acrílicas, especialmente quando submetida a termociclagem.

Acrylic Resins , Occlusal Splints , Resins , Printing, Three-Dimensional , Flexural Strength
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e237338, Jan.-Dec. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1397295


Aim: Endocrown restorations are commonly used to rehabilitate endodontically treated posterior teeth and their use is well-founded in these cases. However, to date, there is little scientific evidence of their behavior in anterior teeth. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the compressive strength of upper central incisors teeth, restored with glass-ceramic total crowns by the conventional anatomical core technique, and compare them to teeth restored with endocrowns with and without the presence of ferrule. Methods: Thirty teeth were randomly distributed into three groups: GE2 - endocrown group with 2 mm ferrule, GE0 - endocrown group without a ferrule, and GC - conventional crown with intraradicular post group. Crowns were cemented and teeth submitted to the 45o compression test until the fracture happened. Fractured specimens were analyzed to determine the fracture pattern. Descriptive analysis of the variables was performed and one-way analysis of variance was utilized to analyze the data for significant differences at p < 0.05. Results: The results of the control group (284.5 ± 201.05N) showed the highest fracture resistance value, followed by the 2mm group (274.54 ± 199.43N) and by the 0mm group (263.81 ± 80.05N). There was no statistically significant difference between all the groups (p = 0.964). Conclusions: The absence of a cervical enamel necklace favored a debonding of the pieces and endodontically treated anterior teeth could be restored with endocrown, which could be considered a conservative and viable treatment option

Computer-Aided Design , Crowns , Endodontics , Flexural Strength
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e210155, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1507020


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the mechanical properties of mini-implants (MIs) manufactured from stainless steel and compare them with conventional titanium-aluminum-vanadium alloy MIs. Material and Methods: The following groups were formed: G1 (n=24), 8×1.5 mm steel MIs; G2 (n=24), 12×2.0 mm steel MIs; and G3 (n=24), 10×1.5 mm titanium MIs. The 72 MIs were inserted in the infra zygomatic crest region of the maxilla and retromolar trigone in the jaw of 10 pigs. Pull-out, insertion torque, fracture and percussion tests were performed in order to measure the tensile strength, primary stability and fracture strength of MIs. A digital torque gauge was used to measure insertion and fracture torque, a universal mechanical testing machine was used for pull-out testing and a periotest device was used to measure the micromovement of MIs. For morphological and MI component evaluation, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed. D'Agostino & Pearson, Kruskal-Wallis, and Dunn post-hoc and normality tests were used. Results: G2 insertion and fracture torques were significantly higher than G1 and G3 insertion and fracture torques (p<0.05). The pull-out and percussion tests presented similar values among the groups. SEM revealed that the fracture point was predominantly on the fourth thread for steel MIs (G1 and G2) and on the seventh thread for titanium-aluminum-vanadium MIs (G3). Conclusion: The mechanical properties of stainless steel MIs are superior to those of titanium-aluminum-vanadium alloy MIs.

Animals , Stainless Steel/chemistry , Tensile Strength , Titanium , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/instrumentation , Swine , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning/instrumentation , Statistics, Nonparametric , Flexural Strength , Mechanical Tests
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e231377, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1519248


The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the quantity and positioning of feldspathic ceramic specimens inside the furnace on their flexural strength and translucency. The tested hypotheses were that the arrangement of specimens in the furnance would not influence 1) the translucency or 2) the biaxial strength of the porcelain. Methods: Ninety porcelain specimens were made (1.2 mm thickness and 13.5 mm diameter) and assigned into two main groups (n=15): G1 group - 15 firing cycles containing only one specimen each, always at the center of the refractory; and G5 group - 15 firing cycles containing five specimen each, where one specimen was at the center of the refractory and four specimens positioned equidistantly on the periphery. The translucency test was performed using a spectrophotometer, followed by the flexural strength test, according to ISO 6872:2015. T-student test was performed for both the mechanical and optical obtained data. Results: The flexural strength of the porcelain was not affected by the positioning (center x periphery) of the specimens inside the furnace (p =0.08), but the translucency was affected (periphery > center; p =0.009). Regarding to the number of feldspathic ceramic specimens, the biaxial flexural strength was affected (p =0.025), as well as the translucency (p <0.05). Conclusion: A higher quantity of feldspathic ceramic specimens for each firing cycle decreased its biaxial flexural strength and translucency. Also, specimens positioned at the center of the refractory became less translucent than those positioned at the periphery.

Humans , Thermodynamics , Dental Porcelain/chemistry , Absorption, Physicochemical , Flexural Strength , Light , Spectrophotometry , Temperature , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Fractographic Analysis
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(4): 1-8, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1512140


Objective: To evaluate the biaxial flexural strength (BFS) of lithium disilicate (L), cemented on different substrates (epoxy resin - E and metal - M) with dual-cure resin cement (Rc) and zinc phosphate cement (Zc), not aged, thermally aged (TC) or thermo-mechanical aged (TC/MC). Material and Methods: Disks of L, E, and M were fabricated, and the cementation was performed according to the following groups: ERc (L+E+Rc); MRc (L+M+Rc); MZc (L+M+Zc); EZc (L+E+Zc). Ten samples from each described group were tested in BFS, ten more samples were subjected to TC (1×104 cycles between 5 ºC and 55 ºC water), and the last 10 samples were subjected to TC/MC (MC: 1.2×106 cycles, 50 N, 3.8 Hz). The BFS test was performed and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to evaluate the failure mode. The effect of the cementation strategy (cement/substrate) was compared in each aging method and the effect of the aging method was evaluated for each cementation strategy by one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test (α=0.05). Results: The strength values were highest to M (237.8 ~ 463.9 MPa), in comparison to the E (41.03 ~ 66.76 MPa), despite aging and luting agent. Flexural strength data decreased after TC and TC/MC in groups cemented with Zc, but was stable when cemented with Rc. SEM analysis indicated that failure origins were located at the tensile surface of the L. Conclusion: Lithium disilicate discs cemented to the metallic substrate presented the highest biaxial flexural strength. The cementation with dual-cure resin cement did not decrease BFS after aging (AU)

Objetivo: Avaliar a resistência à flexão biaxial (BFS) do dissilicato de lítio (L), cimentado sobre diferentes substratos (resina epóxi - E e metal - M) com cimento resinoso dual (Rc) e cimento de fosfato de zinco (Zc), não envelhecido, submetido ao envelhecido térmico (TC) ou ao envelhecido térmico-mecânico (TC/MC). Material e Métodos: Foram confeccionados discos de L, E e M, e a cimentação foi realizada de acordo com os seguintes grupos: ERc (L+E+Rc); MRc (L+M+Rc); MZc (L+M+Zc); EZc (L+E+Zc). Dez amostras de cada grupo descrito foram testadas em BFS, mais dez amostras foram submetidas à TC (1×104 ciclos de imersão em água entre 5 ºC e 55 ºC), e as últimas 10 amostras foram submetidas à TC/MC (MC: 1.2 ×106 ciclos, 50 N, 3.8 Hz). Foram realizados os testes de BFS e a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) para avaliar o modo de falha. O efeito da estratégia de cimentação (cimento/substrato) foi comparado em cada método de envelhecimento e o efeito do método de envelhecimento foi avaliado para cada estratégia de cimentação por ANOVA a um fator e teste post-hoc de Tukey (α=0,05). Resultados: Os valores de resistência foram maiores para M (237.8 ~ 463.9 MPa), em comparação com E (41.03 ~ 66.76 MPa), independentemente do envelhecimento e do agente cimentante utilizado. Os dados de resistência à flexão diminuíram após TC e TC/MC nos grupos cimentados com Zc, mas se mantiveram estáveis quando cimentados com Rc. A análise MEV indicou que a origem das falhas estava localizada na superfície de tração do L. Conclusão: Os discos de dissilicato de lítio cimentados ao substrato metálico apresentaram maior resistência à flexão biaxial. A cimentação com cimento resinoso dual não diminuiu o BFS após o envelhecimento (AU)

Aging , Cementation , Flexural Strength
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e238439, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1512207


Various forms of temporary resins are offered on the market; however, the properties of temporary resins obtained by milling and 3D printing have not been fully examined. This study aimed to compare the flexural strength and Vickers hardness of milled and 3D-printed resins. Methods: Three resins were tested: Evolux PMMA (milled resin), Cosmos Temp (3D-printed resin), and Structur 2 SC (bis-acrylic resin, group control). Specimens were prepared with rectangular shapes (n = 12) for flexural strength measurements and disc shapes (n = 9) for Vickers hardness tests. Flexural strength tests were performed at a crosshead speed of 0.75 mm/min, and the Vickers hardness was measured under a load of 20 N for 10 s. The obtained data were subjected to the Kruskal­Wallis test. Results: A significant difference (p < 0.05) in flexural strength was observed among the three sample groups: Evolux PMMA (111.76 MPa), Structur 2 SC (87.34 MPa), and Cosmos Temp (56.83 MPa). No significant difference (p < 0.05) was observed between the Vickers hardness values of Structur 2 SC (33.37 VHN) and Evolux PMMA (29.11 VHN); however, both materials were statistically superior to Cosmos Temp (10.90 VHN). Conclusion: While the mechanical properties of the milled resin were superior or similar to those of the bisacrylic resin, the 3D-printed resin was statistically inferior to both the milled and bis-acrylic resins

Computer-Aided Design , Dental Restoration, Temporary , Resins , Flexural Strength , Hardness Tests
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e239056, Jan.-Dec. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1443592


Aim: This review investigated the effect of applying an adhesive after surface treatment of glass-ceramics on the bonding, mechanical or clinical behavior. Methods: Studies comparing the adhesive, mechanical or clinical behavior of glass-ceramics, with or without adhesive application after surface treatment, were included. Searches were performed in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Sciences databases (January 2022), resulting in 15 included studies. Results: Regarding the evaluated outcomes, 13 studies assessed bond strength, 2 studies assessed biaxial flexural strength and 1 study assessed fatigue failure load, while no study evaluating clinical outcomes was included. It was possible to observe that the adhesive application after ceramic surface treatment was unfavorable or did not influence the evaluated outcomes. Conclusion: Most of the evidence available in the literature shows that the adhesive application after surface treatment does not improve the adhesive and mechanical behavior of glass-ceramics

Ceramics , Dental Cements , Flexural Strength
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e210059, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529136


ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the tobacco effect on flexural properties and the microhardness of three acrylic resins. Material and Methods: Three resins were tested: two thermo-polymerizable acrylic resins (RMB 20 and BMS 014) and one autopolymerized acrylic resin. The 3-point bending and microhardness tests were carried out with a universal tensile-compression machine and a micro-Vickers hardness tester. The acrylic resin specimens have been exposed for 21 days to cigarette smoke in a smoking room. Their mechanical strength was compared to unexposed samples. Statistical analysis was performed using the data processing software SPSS Statistics 21.0. Results: The flexural properties of the resins were affected by cigarette smoke only in the case of Major Base 20® (drop in strength with p= 0.02; 0.6; 0.7 and in elastic modulus with p= 0.86; 0.74 and 0.85 for Major Base 20®, BMS 014® and Major Repair®). The cigarette smoke affected significantly microhardness for all groups (p<0.001). Conclusion: Cigarette smoking does not affect the flexural properties of the acrylic resin (BMS 014® and Major Repair® unlike Major Base 20®), but it does reduce the microhardness.

Dentures , Cigarette Smoking/adverse effects , Flexural Strength , Surface Properties , Analysis of Variance
Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e226036, jan.-dez. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1393321


Dental implants could give back function, esthetics and quality of life to patients. The correct choice of the implant, especially in borderline cases, is essential for a satisfactory result. Aim: Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the mechanical behavior of Morse taper implants with two different prosthetic interfaces. Methods: Twenty self-locking Morse taper implants, 2.9 mm in diameter (FAC), and 20 Morse taper implants, 3.5 mm in diameter (CM) were divided into two groups (n=10), and submitted to strength to failure test, optical microscopic evaluation of fracture, metallographic analysis of the alloy, finite element analysis (FEA) and strain gauge test. A Student's t test (α = 0.05) was made for a statistical analysis. Results: For the strength to failure test, a statistically difference was observed (p <0.001) between FAC (225.0 ± 19.8 N) and CM (397.3 ± 12.5 N). The optical microscopic evaluation demonstrated a fracture pattern that corroborated with FEA ́s results. The metallographic analysis determined that the implants of the FAC group have titanium-aluminum-vanadium alloy in their composition. In the strain gauge test, there was no statistical difference (p = 0.833) between CM (1064.8 ± 575.04 µS) and FAC (1002.2 ± 657.6 µS) groups. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained in this study, ultra-narrow implants (FAC) should ideally be restricted to areas with low masticatory effort

Tensile Strength , Dental Implantation , Flexural Strength
Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e225757, jan.-dez. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1366215


Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of frozen storage on the physical properties of a silicone-based test food material, highly used to evaluate the masticatory performance in research settings. Methods: A total of 1,666 silicone cubes of Optosil Comfort® with 5.6-mm edges were shaped and stored at -18°C. The cubes were subsequently tested for flexural strength (maximum force, displacement, stress, and strain) before breaking (n = 136), changes in weight and size (n = 170), and masticatory performance (n = 1360) at eight timepoints: immediately after cube preparation (baseline, no freezing), and 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks, and 2, 4 and 6 months after frozen storage. The cubes were thawed 8 h before each assessment. Results: The maximum force, stress, maximum displacement, and deformation values for the cubes were not affected by freezing (P > 0.05). At all of the time points, the cubes exhibited similar weight (P = 0.366) and size (identical values). The masticatory performance for the cubes also showed no differences from baseline through 6 months (P = 0.061). Conclusion: Freezing Optosil Comfort® silicone cubes did not alter the physical and mechanical properties of the material, being suitable to optimize the assessment of masticatory parameters for research purposes

Humans , Male , Adult , Silicone Elastomers , Materials Testing/methods , Freezing , Flexural Strength , Mastication , Time Factors
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(6): 1-9, nov. 3, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437585


Background: This study evaluated the effects of using different root canal sealers and protocols for cleaning intraradicular dentin on the bond strength of a composite resin used to reinforce weakened roots. Material and Methods: Sixty-four roots of extracted human maxillary canines were weakened, prepared and filled with two different endodontic sealers (Endofill and AH Plus). In half of the sample, set aside for each respective sealer, excess filling material was cleaned. In the other half, the weakened areas were not cleaned, and the excess of sealer was spread on the intraradicular dentin. Intentionally worn areas inside each root were restored with a microhybrid light-cure composite resin (Z100) to reinforce them, with and without acid etching. Prefabricated metal posts were fixed with a dual resin cement (RelyX ARC), and the specimens were submitted to a pull-out test. Statistical analysis was performed by means of Shapiro-Wilk, analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and Tukey-Kramer tests (p<0.05). Results: The groups filled with Endofill (GI, GII, GIII, GIV) had the lowest bond strength values, which were similar among each other (p>0.05).The greatest bond strength values were observed in roots filled with AH Plus (GV, GVI, GVII, GVIII), mainly without cleaning of the weakened areas, and followed by acid etching (GVII), and also with cleaning of the weakened areas, however, with no acid etching (GVI) (p<0.05). Conclusion: The greatest bond strength values were observed in roots filled with AH Plus; (1) without cleaning of the weakened areas and with acid etching, and; (2) with cleaning of the weakened areas, but without acid etching.

Antecedentes: este estudio evaluó los efectos del uso de diferentes selladores de conductos radiculares y protocolos para limpiar la dentina intrarradicular sobre la fuerza de unión de una resina compuesta utilizada para reforzar las raíces debilitadas. Material y Métodos: Sesenta y cuatro raíces de caninos maxilares humanos extraídos fueron debilitadas, preparadas y rellenadas con dos selladores endodónticos diferentes (Endofill y AH Plus). En la mitad de la muestra, reservada para cada sellador respectivo, se limpió el exceso de material de relleno. En la otra mitad, las áreas debilitadas no se limpiaron y el exceso de sellador se esparció sobre la dentina intrarradicular. Las áreas desgastadas intencionalmente dentro de cada raíz se restauraron con una resina compuesta fotopolimerizable microhíbrida (Z100) para reforzarlas, con y sin grabado ácido. Los postes metálicos prefabricados se fijaron con un cemento de resina dual (RelyX ARC) y los especímenes se sometieron a una prueba de extracción. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante Shapiro-Wilk, análisis de varianza (ANOVA de una vía) y pruebas de Tukey-Kramer (p<0,05). Resultados: Los grupos rellenos con Endofill (GI, GII, GIII, GIV) presentaron los valores más bajos de fuerza de unión, los cuales fueron similares entre sí (p>0,05). Los mayores valores de fuerza de unión se observaron en raíces rellenas con AH Plus (GV, GVI, GVII, GVIII), principalmente sin limpieza de las áreas debilitadas, seguido de grabado ácido (GVII), y también con limpieza de las áreas debilitadas aunque sin grabado ácido (GVI) (p<0.05). Conclusión: Los mayores valores de fuerza de unión se observaron en las raíces rellenas con AH Plus; (1) sin limpieza de las áreas debilitadas y con grabado ácido, y; (2) con limpieza de las áreas debilitadas, pero sin grabado ácido.

Humans , Root Canal Filling Materials , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Dentin/drug effects , Flexural Strength , Treatment Outcome , Dental Pulp Cavity/drug effects
Rev. ADM ; 79(5): 284-291, sept.-oct. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428520


Introducción: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de conocer, analizar y comparar los diferentes tipos de adhesivos de octava generación que se encuentran en el mercado y la diferencia que existe entre cada uno. Los adhesivos universales han demostrado mejoras en su resistencia, sobre todo en las técnicas de aplicación y en las propiedades de estos materiales, al mejorar la fuerza adhesiva para que el odontólogo pueda brindar tratamientos restaurativos exitosos. Objetivo: conocer, analizar y comparar los diferentes tipos de adhe- sivos de la octava generación empleados en odontología. Material y métodos: se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, BVS, Redalyc y ScienceDirect. Se utilizaron 32 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios predeterminados y la especificidad reque- rida para la pregunta de investigación. Conclusiones: se demostró que la tecnología cada día avanza, sobre todo en el área de los adhesivos, ya que éstos son de mucha utilidad en el día a día del odontólogo; es importante conocer cada uno de éstos, puesto que es un poco complejo seleccionar el correcto, mas no el uso. En la actualidad, existen diversas opciones por las que el odontólogo puede optar, es por ello que el pro- fesional debe estar capacitado sobre cada una de las diferentes marcas existentes y, de acuerdo al tratamiento, debe elegir cuál es mejor utilizar en una rehabilitación. Es importante para el odontólogo conocer estos materiales, ya que esto lo beneficiará al momento de llevar un plan de tratamiento restaurador (AU)

Introduction: a bibliographic review was carried out to learn about, analyze, and compare the different types of eighth-generation adhesives on the market and the difference between each one. Universal adhesives have demonstrated improvements in their resistance, especially in the application techniques and properties of these materials, improving the adhesive strength so that the dentist can provide successful restorative treatments. Objective: to know, analyze and compare the different types of eighth-generation adhesives used in dentistry. Material and methods: a search was made of the following electronic databases: PubMed, BVS, Redalyc, ScienceDirect. Finally, 32 articles that met the predetermined criteria and the specificity required for the research question were used. Conclusions: it was demonstrated that technology is advancing every day, especially in the area of adhesives since these are very useful in the daily life of the dentist. It is important to know each one of these since it is a little complex at the moment of selecting the correct one, but not the use. Currently, there are several options that the dentist can choose, which is why the professional must be trained on each of the various existing brands and according to the treatment which is the best to use at the time of rehabilitation. The dentist needs to know these materials since they will benefit him/her when carrying out a restorative treatment plan (AU)

Technology, Dental/trends , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Surface Properties , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Compressive Strength , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Shear Strength , Dentin/drug effects , Nanoparticles , Flexural Strength
Natal; s.n; 28 set. 2022. 70 p. tab, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1532747


O aprimoramento da tecnologia CAD/CAM permitiu a confecção de placas estabilizadoras digitais, no entanto, há lacunas acerca do comportamento desses dispositivos frente a variáveis mecânicas e biológicas ainda desconhecidas. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar se as resinas utilizadas na tecnologia digital das placas fresadas e impressas são capazes de influenciar na resistência à fratura e na adesão de micro-organismos em detrimento das resinas empregadas na confecção das placas termopolimerizáveis convencionais e se as propriedades testadas se relacionam com a variação da espessura desses dispositivos. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo in vitro que contou com as fases mecânica e microbiológica, sendo cada uma composta pelos grupos Convencional (GC) (n=30), Fresado (GF) (n=30) e Impresso (GI) (n=30), de acordo com o método de confecção, possuindo cada um três subgrupos (n=10) que variaram a espessura dos espécimes de 1 a 3 mm. Na fase mecânica, as amostras, com formato de barras de 65 mm, foram testadas quanto à resistência à fratura na máquina de ensaios universal, com célula de carga de 500 kgf e velocidade de 1 mm/min; na microbiológica, a forma foi de discos com 15 mm de diâmetro, submetidos à adesão de micro-organismos à superfície com a exposição a Streptococcus mutans e mantidos por 24h a 35 °C em estufa para sucessiva contagem de UFC, com controle positivo. Os testes foram feitos em triplicata e os dados foram armazenados no SPSS 22.0 e a análise estatística contou com a ANOVA e o pósteste de Tukey. Nos resultados da fase mecânica, o ANOVA identificou diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos (p≤0,005), mostrando que GC e GF apresentaram melhores resultados. O pós-teste de Tukey considerou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre GF e GI (p=0,031), elencando GF como superior. Para a fase microbiológica, não foram verificadas diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos (p>0,005) em nenhuma das análises. Observou-se que para a resistência a fraturas, as resinas do modo fresado descreveram resultados superiores e/ou próximos aos da técnica convencional; e que as resinas da técnica digital e convencional, quanto à adesão superficial de micro-organismos, não diferiram entre si (AU).

CAD/CAM technology allowed the stabilizing splints manufacture, however there are gaps about these devices' behavior in face of mechanical and biological variables that are still unknown. Thus, the objective of this project was to verify if the resins used in digital technology of milled and printed stabilizer splints can influence fracture resistance and microorganism adhesion, in detriment of the resin applied in manufacture of conventional thermopolymerizable splints and if the tested properties are related to thickness variation of these devices. The method included mechanical and microbiological steps, each one composed by Conventional (CG) (n=30), Milled (MG) (n=30) and Printed (PG) (n=30) groups, according to the method of preparation, each one having three subgroups (n=10) that varied the specimen thickness from 1 to 3 mm. In the mechanical step, the samples, in the form of 65 mm bars, were tested for fracture resistance in a universal testing machine, with load cell of 500 kgf and speed of 1 mm/min; in the microbiological step, the shape was in form of 15 mm diameter discs, subjected to microorganism adhesion to the surface with exposure to Streptococcus mutans and kept for 24 hours at 35 °C in oven for successive CFU counting, with positive control. The tests were performed in triplicate and data were stored in SPSS 22.0 and statistical analysis used ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc. In the results of mechanical step ANOVA had identified statistically significant differences between the groups (p≤0,005), showing CG and MG had presented better results. Tukey´s post hoc had considered statistically significant difference between MG and PG (p=0,031), listing MG as superior. For the microbiological step, they did not show statistical differences between the groups (p>0.005) in any analysis. It was observed milled resins described superior results and/or close to the conventional technique one, for fracture resistance; and resins of digital and conventional technique, regarding the microorganism adhesion to the surface, did not differ from each other (AU).

Computer-Aided Design/instrumentation , Flexural Strength , Cell Adhesion , Analysis of Variance , Focal Adhesions/microbiology
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 43(1): 45-50, jan.-abr. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1361713


O objetivo deste relato de caso foi descrever em detalhes a técnica de transfixação de pino de fibra de vidro no sentido horizontal e restauração de resina composta em um dente molar tratado endodonticamete. Paciente, sexo feminino, 51 anos de idade, buscou o Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha (FSG ­ Caxias do Sul ­ Rio Grande do Sul) com a necessidade de realizar tratamento endodôntico do elemento molar número 26. Após a avaliação inicial, foi realizada a endodontia. O elemento havia pouca sustentação das paredes vestibular e palatina, então foi proposto a colocação de pino intrarradicular seguido de coroa, entretanto, por questões financeiras a paciente não aceitou. Logo, foi proposto a técnica de transfixação horizontal de pino de fibra de vidro associado a uma restauração de resina composta de forma direta. O procedimento foi realizado em sessão única e foi utilizado um pino de fibra de vidro número 1 disposto transversalmente entre as paredes mesiopalatina e distovestibular. A restauração foi realizada com resina composta Filtek Z350, devolvendo estética e função ao elemento dentário. Pode-se concluir que a técnica de transfixação horizontal de pino de fibra de vidro associado à resina composta é uma alternativa restauradora que possibilita maior resistência aos dentes tratados endodonticamente, apresenta resultados funcionais e estéticos satisfatórios, além de possibilitar uma maior sobrevida aos mesmos(AU)

The purpose of this case report was to describe in detail the technique of horizontal transfixion of a fiberglass post into an endodontically treated tooth. Female patient, 51 years old, sought the University Center of Serra Gaúcha (FSG - Caxias do Sul ­ Rio Grande do Sul) with the need to perform the endodontic treatment of molar element number 26. After the initial evaluation, endodontics was performed. The element had little support for the buccal and palatal walls, so an intraradicular postplacement followed by a crown was proposed, for financial reasons the patient did not accept it. Therefore, the technique of horizontal transfixion of a fiberglass pin was proposed, associated with a restoration of direct composite resin. The procedure was performed in a single session and a number 1 fiberglass post was fixed crosswise between the mesiopalatal and distobuccal walls. The restoration was carried out with composite resin Filtek Z350, restoring aesthetics and function. It can be concluded that the horizontal transfixion of a fiberglass post associated with composite resin technique is a restorative alternative that allows greater resistance to endodontically treated teeth, provides satisfactory esthetics and better survival rates(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Composite Resins , Tooth, Nonvital , Dental Pins , Molar , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Therapy , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Flexural Strength
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 59(1)mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED, BNUY-Odon, BNUY | ID: biblio-1408375


Introducción: Las diferencias en las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales cerámicos y a base de resina plantean la interrogante sobre cuál puede tener un mejor desempeño a largo plazo. Objetivos: Evaluar la resistencia flexural y estabilidad de color de diferentes materiales restauradores estéticos indirectos. Métodos: Los materiales seleccionados fueron Filtek™ Z250 XT (3M ESPE), Ceramage (SHOFU Dental), VITA VM® LC y VITA ENAMIC® (VITA Zahnfabrik), IPS e.max® (Ivoclar-Vivadent) y Zolid FX (Amann Girrbach AG). El ensayo de resistencia flexural (n = 10) fue realizado en una máquina universal de ensayos mecánicos. Las lecturas de color (n = 5) se midieron en un espectrofotómetro VITA Easyshade V®. Resultados: Los materiales totalmente cerámicos mostraron un mejor desempeño mecánico (p < 0,001). Los resultados de estabilidad de color muestran que Ceramage, IPS e.max® y Zolid FX, mostraron una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p ≤ 0,002) con Filtek Z250 XT, VITA VM® LC y VITA ENAMIC®. Conclusiones: Los materiales totalmente cerámicos presentaron una mayor resistencia flexural y estabilidad de color que los materiales de base polimérica. A pesar de ello, los materiales estéticos indirectos con polímeros en su composición, como Ceramage, se presentan como una alternativa válida, ya que además de tener propiedades mecánicas adecuadas, poseen una estabilidad de color semejante a los materiales cerámicos(AU)

Introduction: Differences in the mechanical properties of ceramic and resin-based materials pose the question of which of the two will perform better in the long run. Objectives: Evaluate the flexural resistance and color stability of different indirect esthetic restorative materials. Methods: The materials selected were Filtek™ Z250 XT (3M ESPE), Ceramage (SHOFU Dental), VITA VM® LC and VITA ENAMIC® (VITA Zahnfabrik), IPS e.max® (Ivoclar-Vivadent) and Zolid FX (Amann Girrbach AG). The flexural resistance assay (n = 10) was conducted in a universal mechanical testing machine. Color readings (n = 5) were taken with a VITA Easyshade V® spectrophotometer. Results: All-ceramic materials had better mechanical performance (p < 0.001). Color stability results show that Ceramage, IPS e.max® and Zolid FX displayed a statistically significant difference (p ≤ 0.002) with respect to Filtek Z250 XT, VITA VM® LC and VITA ENAMIC®. Conclusions: All-ceramic materials exhibited greater flexural resistance and color stability than polymer-based materials. However, indirect esthetic materials with polymers in their composition, such as Ceramage, are presented as a valid alternative, due to their appropriate mechanical properties and their color stability, which is similar to that of ceramic materials(AU)

Humans , Spectrophotometers , Color , Dental Materials/adverse effects , Composite Resins/therapeutic use , Flexural Strength , Mechanical Tests
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2022. 104 p. tab, ilus, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1396533


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar in vitro a influência de um novo dispositivo fotopolimerização e pino de fibra de vidro nas propriedades mecânicas, físicoquímicas e adesão dos cimentos resinosos. Foram utilizados oitenta dentes bovinos, submetidos ao tratamento endodôntico, distribuídos em 5 grupos (n=16): CD (Pino fibra vidro e cimento dual); PF (Pino perfurado e cimento fotoativado); PD (Pino perfurado e cimento dual); POF (Pino perfurado iluminador de fibra óptica e cimento fotoativado); POD (Pino perfurado iluminador de fibra óptica e cimento dual). Os dentes foram preparados para colocação de um protótipo de pino em fibra de vidro que possui um canal interno de diâmetro regular e com conicidade progressiva. A perfuração permite a inserção da fibra óptica ao longo da extensão do pino a fim de possibilitar a ação da luz ao longo de todo o comprimento do conduto radicular. Após a cimentação, os espécimes foram seccionados perpendicularmente, e obtida 1 fatia de 2 mm de espessura do terço apical, médio e cervical. A avaliação mecânica foi realizada através do ensaio de push-out para determinação da resistência adesiva nos terços cervical, médio e apical seguido pela análise da fratura em estereomicroscópio. Os retentores intrarradiculares foram também submetidos ao teste de flexão de 3 pontos para análise do material preenchedor do pino de fibra (n=10). As análises físico - químicas foram realizadas através da determinação do grau de conversão dos cimentos (RAMAN) e análise em espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS) dos monômeros presentes. A adesão foi analisada pela interface de cimentação pelo MEV e reconstrução 3D do novo sistema através do Micro-CT. Os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente pelo ANOVA (um e dois fatores) e comparação múltipla de Tukey, (p<0,05). Os resultados de resistência adesiva evidenciaram que o terço apical obteve o maior valor de resistência adesiva em comparação ao terço médio (p<0,001), o grupo POD do terço apical foi estatisticamente significante em relação ao grupo CD do terço médio (p<0,001). Na analise individual de cada terço, não houve diferença entre os grupos experimentais e o controle (p>0,05). A falha adesiva entre cimento e dentina foi a mais predominante entre todos os grupos e terços. O pino de fibra de vidro (controle) obteve o maior valor de resistência à flexão (p<0,001), seguido do pino de fibra de vidro perfurado preenchido com cimento resinoso (p<0,001). Os maiores valores de GC foram alcançados pelo grupo POD com 82,3% (cervical) 69,9 % (médio) e 76,21% (apical) e o EDS comprovou a presença de componentes químicos adequados. A análise da adesão do novo pino de fibra de vidro comprova uma excelente adaptação no interior do canal radicular nas regiões cervical, médio e apical. Portanto o novo dispositivo com fibra óptica e pino de fibra de vidro experimental aumentaram as propriedades mecânicas, físico-químicas e adesão do cimento resinoso (AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the influence of a new light curing device with optical fiber and experimental glass fiber post on the physicochemical, mechanical, and adhesion properties of resin cements. Eighty bovine teeth were used, submitted to an endodontic treatment, distributed in 5 groups (n=16): CD (Glass fiber post and dual cement); PF (Perforated post and light-cured cement); PD (Perforated post and dual cement); POF (Fiber optic illuminating with a perforated post and lightcured cement); POD (Fiber optic illuminating with a perforated post and dual cement). The teeth were prepared for placement of a glass fiber post prototype, which has an internal canal of regular diameter and progressive taper. The internal perforation extension allows the insertion of the optical fiber along the entire length of the post in order to allow the action of light along the entire length of the root canal.The specimens were sectioned perpendicularly for the tests, and 1 slice approximately 2 mm thick was obtained from the apical, middle and cervical thirds. The mechanical evaluation was carried out through the push-out test to determine the adhesive bond strength, in the cervical, middle and apical thirds, followed by the fracture analysis under a stereomicroscope, the intraradicular post were also submitted to the 3-point bending test for material analys of the fiber post filler (n=10). The physicochemical analyzes were performed by determining the degree of conversion of the cements (RAMAN) of each sample and the analysis of energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) of the monomers present. Adhesion was analyzed by the cementation interface and 3D reconstruction of the new system through micro-CT, and finally, SEM analysis of the adhesive interface. The data obtained were analyzed for normality and statistically by ANOVA (one and two ways) and Tukey's multiple comparison (p<0.05). The adhesive bond strength results showed that the apical third had the highest value of adhesive strength compared to the middle third (p<0.001), and the POD group of the apical third was statistically significant in relation to the CD group of the middle third (p<0.001). In the individual analysis of each third, there was no difference between the experimental and control groups (p>0.05). Adhesive failure between cement and dentin was the most prevalent among all groups and thirds. The conventional post (control) had the highest flexural strength value (p<0.001), followed by the perforated fiberglass post filled with resin cement (p<0.001). The POD group achieved the highest GC values with 82.3% (cervical), 69.9% (medium), and 76.21% (apical) and EDS confirmed the presence of adequate chemical components. The analysis of the adhesion of the new fiberglass post proves an excellent adaptation inside the root canal in the cervical, middle and apical regions. Therefore, the new light curing device with optical fiber and experimental glass fiber post improved the resin cement's mechanical, phycochemical, and adhesion. (AU)

Animals , Cattle , Analysis of Variance , Post and Core Technique , Resin Cements , Curing Lights, Dental , Flexural Strength , Mechanical Tests