El escorbuto es una enfermedad producida por déficit de vitamina C. Aunque es poco frecuente, en los últimos años observamos un incremento de casos en niños con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Sus manifestaciones son variadas, ya que esta vitamina actúa como cofactor en numerosos procesos, como la síntesis de colágeno. Las manifestaciones cutáneas características son las petequias, equimosis e hiperqueratosis. El compromiso mucoso se manifiesta como gingivitis con hipertrofia, hemorragias y pérdida de piezas dentarias. El diagnóstico es clínico y puede confirmarse mediante la determinación de la vitamina C plasmática. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir una cohorte de pacientes diagnosticados en los últimos años, manifestaciones clínicas y hallazgos en relación con su conducta alimentaria y trastornos del neurodesarrollo.
Scurvy is a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. Although rare, in recent years, the number of scurvy cases in children with eating disorders has increased. Its manifestations are varied because vitamin C is a cofactor in numerous processes, such as collagen synthesis. The typical skin manifestations include petechiae, bruising, and hyperkeratosis. Mucosal involvement manifests as gingivitis with hypertrophy, bleeding, and loss of teeth. The diagnosis is based on clinical findings and may be confirmed by measuring plasma vitamin C levels. The objective of this study was to describe a cohort of patients diagnosed with scurvy in recent years, its clinical manifestations, and findings in relation to their eating behavior and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Scurvy/complications , Scurvy/etiology , Feeding and Eating Disorders/complications , Feeding and Eating Disorders/etiology , Food PreferencesABSTRACT
Introducción. Las preparaciones tradicionales típicas incluyen ingredientes mínimamente procesados, provenientes de la agricultura local, raíces y tradiciones de un territorio. A nivel mundial la población ha cambiado sus patrones dietéticos, incorporando alimentos ultraprocesados impactando la salud poblacional y planetaria. Objetivo. Identificar la sostenibilidad y la prevalencia de consumo de preparaciones tradicionales típicas chilenas en hogares de una región de la zona centro-sur de Chile. Materiales y Métodos. Diseño transversal descriptivo, con una muestra de 104 hogares mediante muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se identificó la sostenibilidad de 34 preparaciones tradicionales típicas chilenas, aplicando el sistema NOVA de clasificación de los alimentos según grado y tipo de procesamiento. Las preparaciones se clasificaron en sostenibles (>60% de ingredientes del grupo 1), medianamente sostenibles (50-60%) y no sostenibles (<50%). El estudio contó con la aprobación del Comité de Bioética de la Universidad del Bío-Bío. El análisis de datos consideró frecuencias, porcentajes e IC95% en STATA 17.0. Resultados. El 64% de las preparaciones fueron clasificadas como sostenibles, el 23% medianamente sostenibles y un 13% como no sostenibles. Las preparaciones sostenibles son las más consumidas por los hogares, especialmente aquellas que incluyen legumbres. Las preparaciones no sostenibles consumidas en los hogares se basan en harina refinada, manteca vegetal hidrogenado y/o aceites. Conclusiones. La sostenibilidad de las preparaciones tradicionales típicas chilenas depende de sus ingredientes. Las preparaciones sostenibles son las más consumidas por los hogares de esta región, y se basan en alimentos naturales o poco procesados(AU)
Introduction. Typical traditional preparations include minimally processed ingredients from local agriculture, roots and traditions of a territory. Globally, the population has changed its dietary patterns, incorporating ultra-processed foods, impacting population and planetary health. Objective. To identify the sustainability and prevalence of consumption of typical Chilean traditional preparations in households in central-southern Chile. Materials and Methods. Descriptive cross-sectional design, with a sample of 104 households using non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The sustainability of 34 typical Chilean traditional preparations was identif ied, applying the NOVA food classif ication system according to degree and type of processing. The preparations were classif ied as sustainable (>60% of group 1 ingredients), moderately sustainable (50- 60%) and non-sustainable (<50%). The Bioethics Committee of the Universidad del Bío-Bío approved the study. Data analysis considered f requencies, percentages and 95%CI in STATA 17.0. Results. 64% of the preparations were classif ied as sustainable, 23% moderately sustainable, and 13% non-sustainable. Sustainable preparations are the most consumed by households, especially those that include pulses. Unsustainable preparations households consume are based on ref ined flour, hydrogenated vegetable shortening and/or oils. Conclusions. The sustainability of typical Chilean traditional preparations depends on their ingredients. Sustainable preparations are the most consumed by households in this region and are based on natural or minimally processed foods(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Nutritional Transition , Food , Food Preferences , Food, Processed , Whole Foods , Plant Tubers , Regional Food , FabaceaeABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the food preferences and explore the potential association between dietary knowledge and food preferences in residents aged 18 and over in China,so as to provide a basis for promoting healthy diets.Methods The latent class analysis was carried out with the 2015 cross-sectional data of China health and nutrition survey to categorize the food preferences among 8 783 residents aged 18 and over.Multinomial Logistic regression was adopted to assess the association between and dietary knowledge and food preferences.Results The food preferences of the residents aged 18 and over in China were classified into preference for less vegetable(3.28%),lack of preference(11.20%),diverse preferences(4.19%),and preference for healthy diets(81.33%).The proportion of the adults with dietary knowledge was 36.87%(3 238/8 783).The dietary knowledge varied in the adults with different food preferences(all P<0.001).After adjusting for gender,age,urban and rural distribution,education background,and annual household income,for each point increase in the dietary knowledge score,there was an estimated reduction of 22% in the probability of preferring less vegetables(OR=0.78,95%CI=0.76-0.80, P<0.001),13% in the probability of lacking preference(OR=0.87,95%CI=0.86-0.89, P<0.001),and 3% in the probability of having diverse preferences(OR=0.97,95%CI=0.94-1.00, P=0.030).Compared with those lacking dietary knowledge,the individuals with dietary knowledge had a 77% less probability of preferring less vegetables(OR=0.23,95%CI=0.16-0.32, P<0.001),a 55% less probability of lacking preference(OR=0.45,95%CI=0.39-0.53, P<0.001),and a 23% less probability of having diverse preferences(OR=0.77,95%CI=0.61-0.96, P=0.023).Conclusions The residents aged 18 and over in China presented four food preferences,including preference for less vegetables,lack of preference,diverse preferences,and preference for healthy diets,the last of which had the highest proportion.The individuals with lower levels of dietary knowledge have higher probability of preferring unhealthy food.
Adult , Humans , Adolescent , Food Preferences , Latent Class Analysis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diet , Nutrition Surveys , ChinaABSTRACT
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (WHO, 2017), and mental health is defined as not only the absence of mental illness, but also the presence of psychological well-being. An expanding body of evidence highlights the relationship between nature (such as urban greenspace) and health (Li et al., 2019; Flaxman et al., 2020). However, human development and subsequent effects such as climate change and epidemic disease (COVID-19) lead to altered living environments and lifestyles. Expanding cities and urban residents have inequitable access to nature, particularly in areas of greater depriv‑ation, where both public and private greenspaces are less available (Feng et al., 2021). In addition, young people spend more than 80% of their time indoors due to constant use of electronic devices for work, study, and entertainment (Klepeis et al., 2001). Mobile phones, personal computers, and video-game devices have become the main means for them to release stress. Excessive use of these electronic devices may affect normal brain activity, increasing the risk of Internet addiction and producing a range of physical and mental problems (Tran et al., 2017). These signal the pressing need for scientific investigation of efficient and convenient ways to increase contact with nature, or alternatively, to better regulate emotions indoors.
Adolescent , Humans , East Asian People , Plants, Edible , Food PreferencesABSTRACT
Abstract The present study describes the haematological profile, feeding preference, and comparison of morphometric characters of blue rock pigeon (Columba livia) breeding pairs. For this purpose, 25 pairs (25 samples per sex) were sampled through Mist nets from district Okara and Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Pakistan. Birds were then anaesthetized with a combination of ketamine HCL (10 mg/kg) and diazepam (0.2 mg/kg) and subjected to morphometric measurements. 5µL blood also was taken from the jugular vein of each anaesthetized bird for haematological analysis. Few pairs were also dissected to remove gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) for food preferences. Results revealed that there are no significant differences in the haematological parameters and feeding preference of breeding pairs of Columba livia. The gut analysis further revealed, the major portion of gut contents consisted of pea and corn in most of the pairs. Regarding the mensural measurements, significant differences were recorded in the body weight, length of the longest primary feather, and chest circumference, whereas the rest of the studied parameters remain nonsignificant between sexes. So, it is concluded that apart from 3 morphometric parameters (body weight, length of longest primary feather and chest circumference), both sexes are alike in term of morphometry, haematology and food preference.
Resumo O presente estudo descreve o perfil hematológico, a preferência alimentar e a comparação de caracteres morfométricos de casais reprodutores de pombo-rocha (Columba livia). Para tanto, 25 pares (25 amostras por sexo) foram amostrados por meio de redes de névoa do distrito de Okara e Bahawalnagar, Punjab, Paquistão. As aves foram então anestesiadas com uma combinação de cetamina HCL (10 mg/kg) e diazepam (0,2 mg/kg) e submetidas a medidas morfométricas; 5 µL de sangue também foram retirados da veia jugular de cada ave anestesiada para análise hematológica. Poucos pares também foram dissecados para remover o trato gastrointestinal (GITs) para preferências alimentares. Os resultados revelaram que não há diferenças significativas nos parâmetros hematológicos e na preferência alimentar dos casais reprodutores de Columba livia. A análise intestinal revelou ainda que a maior parte do conteúdo intestinal consistia em ervilha e milho na maioria dos pares. Em relação às medidas mensurais, foram registradas diferenças significativas no peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica, enquanto os demais parâmetros estudados permanecem não significativos entre os sexos. Assim, conclui-se que além de três parâmetros morfométricos (peso corporal, comprimento da pena primária mais longa e circunferência torácica), ambos os sexos são semelhantes em termos de morfometria, hematologia e preferência alimentar.
Animals , Columbidae , Food Preferences , Pakistan , Feathers , Plant BreedingSubject(s)
Humans , Sweetening Agents/adverse effects , Weight Loss , Chronic Disease/prevention & control , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Feeding Behavior , Patient Preference , Sweetening Agents/administration & dosage , World Health Organization , Risk Factors , Risk Assessment , Dietary Sucrose/adverse effects , Food Preferences , GRADE ApproachABSTRACT
As food preferences and eating habits form early in life, the development of healthy eating habits in early childhood is a way to prevent diet-related diseases. The dietary pattern approach examines the effect of an overall diet on health outcomes, instead of individual foods or nutrients, thereby presenting a comprehensive evaluation of children's dietary intake. This article reviews the current literature to summarize the main methods for assessing dietary patterns and explore relationships between children's dietary patterns and obesity, puberty onset, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodevelopment. The purpose of this review is to provide evidence-based support for reducing the risk of diet-related diseases in children and recommendations for future research directions.
Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Diet , Eating , Feeding Behavior , Food Preferences , Obesity/prevention & controlABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective This study characterized the degree of processing of the food items available at home and the routine of shopping for food in families with children and/or teenagers and whose meals are usually prepared at home. Methods Mixed methods (interview, questionnaires, and food inventory). Interview's transcripts were submitted to thematic analysis and the foods identified in the inventory were classified according to the degree of processing and analyzed for their availability and access in the home food environment. Results Results revealed the high availability of ultra-processed foods; that the supermarket was the main source of food acquisition; and that purchasing food is part of an organized routine where time and control of expenses are the most valued aspects. Conclusion Actions which focus on planning and executing the acquisition of unprocessed and minimally processed foods are needed to promote greater availability and increased intake of such foods, so that the composition of homemade meals may be in line with what is recommended by the national dietary guidelines.
RESUMO Objetivo O presente estudo caracterizou o grau de processamento dos alimentos disponíveis e a rotina de compra de alimentos de famílias com crianças e/ou adolescentes e que costumam preparar refeições em casa. Métodos Métodos mistos (entrevista, questionário e inventário de alimentos). As transcrições das entrevistas foram submetidas à análise temática e os alimentos identificados no inventário foram classificados segundo o grau de processamento e analisados quanto à disponibilidade e acessibilidade no ambiente alimentar domiciliar. Resultados Os resultados revelaram que a disponibilidade de alimentos ultraprocessados foi alta; que o supermercado foi o principal local de aquisição de alimentos e que a compra de alimentos faz parte de uma rotina previamente organizada em que o tempo e o controle de gastos são os aspectos mais valorizados. Conclusão Ações focadas no planejamento e execução da compra de alimentos in natura e minimamente processados são necessárias para promover maior disponibilidade domiciliar e, consequentemente, o consumo de alimentos in natura e minimamente processados, aproximando as refeições realizadas em casa do que é preconizado pelo Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Residence Characteristics , Food Preferences/ethnology , /methods , Consumer Behavior , Qualitative Research , Supermarkets , Minimally Processed FoodsABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: El consumo de edulcorantes no nutritivos (ENN) ha ido en aumento. A pesar de ello, se desconoce el efecto entre el consumo habitual de ENN y las preferencias alimentarias con parámetros bioquímicos en pacientes con resistencia a la insulina. OBJETIVO: Comparar la respuesta glicémica y de péptido C, según habitualidad de consumo de edulcorantes y preferencias alimentarias reportados por mujeres con resistencia a la insulina tras la ingesta de estevia y D-tagatosa. MÉTODOS: Treinta y tres mujeres con RI se sometieron a una encuesta de opción múltiple sobre preferencias alimentarias y ETCC modificada de edulcorantes. Aleatoriamente recibieron una precarga de control o experimental (estevia y D-tagatosa) donde se midió glicemia y péptido C en los tiempos -10, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180. RESULTADOS: Se encontró un ABC de péptido C más alto después de la ingesta de D-tagatosa (p = 0,02) en pacientes que prefieren alimentos ricos en proteínas en comparación con aquellos que prefieren alimentos ricos en grasas o en carbohidratos simples. Se observó un mayor ABC de péptido C (p = 0,04) para la prueba control en quienes prefieren el sabor salado y consumen menor cantidad de ENN, sin diferencias significativas entre quienes prefirieron sabor dulce. CONCLUSIONES: Al comparar las respuestas glicémicas e insulinémicas entre habitualidad de consumo de edulcorantes y preferencias alimentarias reportados por las pacientes tras la ingesta de agua, estevia y D-Tagatosa, no se obtuvieron diferencias significativas. Salvo en quienes preferían alimentos ricos en proteínas tras la ingesta de D- tagatosa y quienes preferían sabor salado con menor consumo habitual de ENN tras ingesta control.
INTRODUCTION: The consumption of non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) has been increasing. Despite this, the effect between the habitual consumption of ENN and food preferences with biochemical parameters in patients with insulin resistance is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To compare the glycemic and C-peptide response, according to the habitual consumption of sweeteners and food preferences reported by women with insulin resistance after ingesting stevia and D-tagatose. METHODS: Thirty-three women with IR underwent a multiple choice survey on food preferences and modified ETCC for sweeteners. They randomly received a control or experimental preload (stevia and D-tagatose) where glycemia and peptide C were measured at times -10, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180. RESULTS: A higher C-peptide AUC was found after ingestion of D-tagatose (p = 0.02) in patients who prefer foods rich in protein compared to those who prefer foods rich in fat or simple carbohydrates. A higher AUC of peptide C (p = 0.04) is performed for the control test in those who prefer a salty taste and consume a lower amount of ENN, without significant differences between those who prefer a sweet taste. CONCLUSION: When comparing the glycerol and insulin responses between the habitual consumption of sweeteners and the food preferences reported by the patients after the ingestion of water, stevia and D-Tagatose, no significant differences were obtained. Except in those who prefer foods rich in protein after ingesting D-tagatose and those who prefer salty taste with less habitual consumption of NNS after control intake.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Blood Glucose/drug effects , C-Peptide/drug effects , Insulin Resistance , Feeding Behavior , Non-Nutritive Sweeteners/pharmacology , Sucrose/pharmacology , Blood Glucose/analysis , C-Peptide/analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Stevia , Food Preferences , Hexoses/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Exposure to the hight-fat diet may alter the control of food intake promoting hyperphagia and obesity. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of this diet on dopamine receptors (drd1 and drd2), proopiomelanocortin (pomc), neuropeptideY (npy) genes expression, and preference food in adult rats. Wistar female rats were fed a hight-fat or control diet during pregnancy and lactation. The offspring were allocated into groups: Lactation - Control (C) and High-fat (H). Post-weaning Control Control (CC), offspring of mothers C, fed a control diet after weaning; Control Hight-fat (CH), offspring of mothers C, fed a hight-fat diet after weaning; Hight-fat Control (HC), offspring of mothers H, fed with control diet after weaning; and Hight-fat Hight-fat (HH), offspring of mothers H, fed a H diet after weaning. The groups CH and HH presented greater expression of drd1 in comparison to the CC. The drd2 of CH and HC presented higher gene expression than did CC. HH presented higher pomc expression in comparison to the other groups. HC also presented greater expression in comparison to CH. The npy of HH presented greater expression in relation to CH and HC. HH and HC have had a higher preference for a high-fat diet at 102º life's day. The high-fat diet altered the gene expression of the drd1, drd2, pomc and npy, and influencing the food preference for high-fat diet.
A exposição à dieta hiperlipídica pode alterar o controle da ingestão de alimentos, promovendo hiperfagia e obesidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos dessa dieta sobre a expressão gênica dos receptores de dopamina (drd1 e drd2), da proopiomelanocortina (pomc) e neuropeptídeo Y (npy), e preferência alimentar em ratos adultos. Ratas Wistar foram alimentadas com uma dieta hiperlipídica ou controle durante a gestação e lactação. Os descendentes foram alocados em grupos: Lactação Controle (C) e Hiperlipídica (H). Pós-desmame - Controle Controle (CC), descendentes das genitoras do grupo controle e alimentados com dieta controle após o desmame; Controle Hiperlipídica (CH), descendentes das genitoras do grupo controle e alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica após o desmame; Hiperlipídica Controle (HC), descendentes das genitoras do grupo hiperlipídica e alimentados com dieta controle após o desmame; Hiperlipídica Hiperlipídica (HH), descendentes das genitoras do grupo hiperlipídica e alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica após o desmame. Os grupos CH e HH apresentaram maior expressão de drd1 em comparação ao CC. O drd2 de CH e HC apresentou maior expressão gênica que o CC. HH apresentou maior expressão de pomc em comparação com os outros grupos. O HC também apresentou maior expressão de pomc em comparação ao CH. O npy do HH apresentou maior expressão em relação ao CH e HC. HH e HC tiveram uma preferência maior por uma dieta rica em gordura no 102º dia de vida. A dieta hiperlipídica alterou a expressão gênica dos drd1, drd2, pomc e npy e influenciou na preferência alimentar pela dieta hiperlipídica.
Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Rats , Pro-Opiomelanocortin/genetics , Diet, High-Fat/adverse effects , Body Weight , Neuropeptide Y/genetics , Gene Expression , Receptors, Dopamine/genetics , Rats, Wistar , Food PreferencesABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a autopercepção de adolescentes e jovens adultos sobre possíveis modificações em comportamentos relacionados à atividade física, ao tempo em atividades sedentárias e aos hábitos alimentares durante o período de distanciamento social provocada pela pandemia da Covid-19. Participaram do estudo 186 adolescentes e jovens adultos matriculados no ensino médio técnico-integrado de uma escola pública federal da cidade de Bagé/RS. Os participantes foram caracterizados em relação ao sexo, idade e nível socioeconômico. A autopercepção em relação aos três comportamentos durante o período de distanciamento social foi analisada através de respostas a um questionário eletrônico (Google Formulário) enviado para os estudantes por meio de uma rede social. Os resultados foram descritos utilizando-se os valores de média, desvio padrão, e frequências absolutas e relativas. A média de idade dos participantes foi de 17,9 (±1,16) anos, sendo a maioria do sexo masculino (51,6%) e com renda familiar inferior a três salários mínimo (72,6%). A maior parte dos participantes do estudo (89,8%) relatou alguma alteração desfavorável nos níveis de atividade física. Setenta por cento dos entrevistados relataram um decréscimo na prática de atividade física no âmbito geral; 72% relataram modificação desfavorável no nível de atividade física vigorosa; 76,9% rela taram permanecer mais tempo em atividades sedentárias, principalmente àquelas envolvendo smartphones e tablets. Em relação aos hábitos alimentares, as principais modificações desfavoráveis estiveram relacionadas ao consumo de doces e salgadinhos (36% dos participantes relataram essa elevação no consumo). O período de distanciamento social provocou alterações comportamentais desfavoráveis em adolescentes. O planejamento e orientação de rotinas mais saudáveis contemplando esses desfechos devem ser fomentados visando amenizar o impacto dessas alterações comportamentais. (AU)
The aim of this study was to describe the self-perception of adolescents and young adults about possible changes in behaviors related to physical activity, time in sedentary activities and eating habits during the period of social distance due the Covid-19 pandemic. 186 adolescents and young adults enrolled in the technical-integrated high school of a federal public school in the city of Bagé, Brazil participated in the study. Participants were characterized according gender, age and socioeconomic status. Self-perception regarding the three behaviors during the period of social distance was analyzed through responses to an electronic questionnaire (Google Form) sent to students through a social network. The results were described using mean, standard deviation, and absolute and relative frequencies. The participants mean of age was 17.9 (±1.16) years and most of them were male (51.6%) and from familiar income less than three minimum wages (72.6%). Most of the participants (89.8%) reported some unfavorable change in the physical activity level. Seventy percent of participants reported a decrease in physical activity in general; 72% reported an unfavorable change in the level of vigorous physical activity; 76.9% reported increase in time involving sedentary activities, especially those using smartphones and tablets. Regarding eating habits, the main unfavorable changes were related to the consumption of sweets and snacks (36% of participants reported consumption increase of these foods). The period of social distance is associated to unfavorable behavioral changes in adolescents. The planning and guidance of healthier routines contemplating these outcomes should be encouraged in order to mitigate the impact of these behavioral changes. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Self Concept , Exercise , Adolescent , Young Adult , Feeding Behavior , Sedentary Behavior , COVID-19 , Behavior , Candy , Comorbidity , Surveys and Questionnaires , Social Networking , Snacks , Smartphone , Food Preferences , Physical Distancing , IncomeABSTRACT
Resumo A conexão com a natureza pode favorecer o bem-estar e a adoção de práticas alimentares sustentáveis. Profissionais de saúde seriam agentes fundamentais nesta interface, promovendo a saúde ambiental. Estudo transversal com 146 profissionais da atenção primária avaliou a associação entre conexão com a natureza e os motivos para escolhas alimentares consideradas importantes à saúde humana e ambiental. Aplicou-se Escala de Conexão com a Natureza (ECN), contendo 14 itens que medem o quanto a pessoa se sente integrada ao meio ambiente, variando de 14 a 70 pontos; e o Questionário sobre Motivos para as Escolhas Alimentares (FCQ), com 36 itens distribuídos em nove fatores, dentre os quais elegeu-se para este estudo: "Saúde", "Conteúdo Natural" e "Preocupação Ética". A pontuação média na ECN foi de 53,8, (± 9). "Apelo Sensorial" e "Preço" foram os fatores mais pontuados; "Preocupação Ética" ocupou a última posição. Houve associação positiva significativa da ECN com a pontuação nos fatores "Saúde" (p = 0,031), "Conteúdo Natural" (p = 0,001) e "Preocupação Ética" (p < 0,001). Os resultados desta pesquisa inédita permitiram concluir que aumentar conexão com a natureza pode favorecer escolhas alimentares mais saudáveis e sustentáveis.
Abstract Connectedness to nature can boost well-being and lead to healthier and more sustainable food choices. Health professionals have the potential to be key agents in promoting environmental health. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 146 primary healthcare professionals to determine the association betweennature connectedness and food choicemotives considered important for human and environmental health. We used the 14-item Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS) and the Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ), consisting of 36 items distributed between nine factors, including "health", "natural content", and "ethical concern". The average CNS score was 53.8 (± 9). The highest scoring factors of the FCQ were sensory appeal and price.Ethical concern was ranked last. There was a significant positive association between degree of nature connectedness and scoring for the factors health (p = 0.031), natural content (p = 0.001), and ethical concern (p <0.001). The results of this unprecedented studyshow that increased connectedness to nature may lead to healthier and more sustainable food choices.
Food Preferences , Motivation , Primary Health Care , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Health PersonnelABSTRACT
Internet permitió expandir la promoción de alimentos/bebidas a diferentes medios. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar las estrategias de marketing en sitios web de marcas de alimentos y bebidas consumidos por niños/as y adolescentes, y clasificarlos según las recomendaciones de las Guías Alimentarias para la Población Argentina.Se seleccionaron los alimentos/bebidas más consumidos por la población infantojuvenil según la Encuesta Alimentaria Nutricional de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Se identificaron las páginas web de las marcas; se analizaron las estrategias de marketing y se clasificaron los alimentos/bebidas promocionados según las Guías.Se encontraron 80 páginas web, donde las estrategias más frecuentes fueron identificación de la marca, beneficios y declaraciones, y vínculos a páginas web y/o redes sociales. El 30 % de los sitios estaban dirigidos a niños/as/adolescentes, donde el 75 % de los alimentos/bebidas promocionados correspondieron al grupo de dulces y grasas, que incluye aquellos de bajo valor nutricional.
The Internet has allowed the expansion of food and beverage advertising in different media. The objective of this study was to identify the marketing strategies used in brand websites of foods and beverages consumed by children and adolescents, and classify them based on the Food Guidelines for the Argentinean Population.The foods and beverages most commonly consumed by the child and adolescent population as per the Survey on Nutritional Food Intake of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires were selected. Brand websites were identified; marketing strategies were analyzed and marketed foods and beverages were classified based on the Guidelines.A total of 80 websites were found; the most common strategies were brand identity, benefits and claims, and links to websites and/or social media. Also, 30 % of sites were aimed at children and adolescents, and 75 % of marketed foods and beverages corresponded to the group of sweets and fats, including those of low nutritional value
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Advertising/methods , Information Dissemination/methods , Marketing/methods , Persuasive Communication , Argentina , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Food and Beverages , Internet , Food Preferences/psychologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the performance and perception of five models of front-of-package nutrition labeling (FOPNL) among Brazilian consumers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study, which applied an online questionnaire to 2,400 individuals, allocated randomly into six study groups: a control group and five others exposed to FOPNL (octagon, triangle, circle, magnifier and traffic light), applied to nine products. We evaluated the understanding of nutritional content, the perception of healthiness, the purchase intention and the perception of Brazilian consumers on the models. RESULTS: All FOPNL models increased the understanding of the nutritional content and reduced the perception of healthiness and purchase intention, when compared with the control group (41.3%). FOPNL warning models — octagon (62.4%), triangle (61.9%) and circle (61.8%) — performed significantly better than the traffic light (55.0%) regarding the understanding of the nutritional content. The performance of the magnifier (59.5%) was similar to the other four tested models, including the traffic light (55.0%), for understanding nutritional content. The individual analysis of the products suggests a better performance of warnings in relation to the magnifier and the traffic light for the perception of healthiness and purchase intention. Consumers were favorable to the presence of FOPNL, perceiving it as reliable to increase the understanding to nutritional information. CONCLUSION: FOPNL must be implemented on food labels in Brazil, considering that it increases the nutritional understanding, reduces the perception of healthiness and the purchase intention of products with critical nutrients. Warnings showed a better performance when compared with other models.
RESUMO OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho e a percepção de cinco modelos de rotulagem nutricional frontal (RNF) entre consumidores brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, com aplicação de questionário online a 2.400 indivíduos, alocados de forma aleatória em seis grupos de estudo, sendo um controle e cinco expostos a modelos de RNF (octógono, triângulo, círculo, lupa e semáforo), aplicados a nove alimentos. Foi avaliado o entendimento do conteúdo nutricional, a percepção de saudabilidade, a intenção de compra e a percepção dos consumidores brasileiros sobre os modelos. RESULTADOS: Todos os modelos de RNF aumentaram o entendimento do conteúdo nutricional e reduziram a percepção de saudabilidade e a intenção de compra, quando comparados ao grupo controle (41,3%). Os modelos de RNF de advertência - octógono (62,4%), triângulo (61,9%) e círculo (61,8%) - apresentaram desempenho significativamente superior ao semáforo (55,0%) quanto ao entendimento do conteúdo nutricional. O desempenho do modelo da lupa (59,5%) não diferiu dos outros quatro modelos testados, inclusive do semáforo (55,0%), para o entendimento do conteúdo nutricional. A análise individual dos alimentos sugere melhor desempenho das advertências em relação à lupa e ao semáforo para a percepção de saudabilidade e a intenção de compra. Os consumidores manifestam-se favoráveis à presença da RNF, percebendo-a como confiável para aumentar o entendimento das informações nutricionais. CONCLUSÃO: A RNF deve ser implementada nos rótulos dos alimentos no Brasil, considerando que aumenta o entendimento nutricional, reduz a percepção de saudabilidade e a intenção de compra de alimentos com nutrientes críticos. As advertências apresentaram melhor desempenho quando comparadas aos demais modelos.
Humans , Choice Behavior , Food Preferences , Perception , Brazil , Health Behavior , Cross-Sectional Studies , Consumer Behavior , Food Labeling , Nutritive ValueABSTRACT
Introdução: Os ambientes alimentares podem ser entendidos como o contexto em que os indivíduos acessam e realizam suas escolhas alimentares, podendo favorecer ou não a alimentação saudável e adequada. Objetivo: Analisar as escolhas alimentares de consumidores urbanos na perspectiva de ambientes alimentares em Palmeira das Missões, no Rio Grande do Sul. Métodos: Estudo de abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou como técnica de pesquisa entrevista semiestruturada com consumidores residentes na área urbana no município. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo por categorias temáticas, a partir das dimensões física, econômica, política e sociocultural, as quais compõem os ambientes alimentares. Resultados e Discussões: As escolhas alimentares estão interseccionadas com a ampla disponibilidade e facilidade para encontrar mais alimentos ultraprocessados do que in natura, bem como com as condições econômicas, que se tornam limitadoras das escolhas alimentares pautadas na variedade e inclusão de alimentos in natura e minimamente processados. Constatou-se a importância do Programa Bolsa Família para a aquisição de alimentos, sobretudo para famílias de menores estratos socioeconômicos. Considerações finais: Os dados da pesquisa indicam que escolhas alimentares que incluem maior variedade e disponibilidade de alimentos in natura estão associadas principalmente às condições econômicas e à disponibilidade desses alimentos. Por isso, destaca-se a importância do fortalecimento de políticas públicas para a promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável, bem como a relevância da articulação de ações locais, tendo em vista o potencial agrícola do município. (AU)
Introduction: Food environments can be understood as the context in which individuals access and make their food choices, which may or may not favor healthy and adequate food. Objective: To analyze the food choices of urban consumers from the perspective of food environments in Palmeira das Missões, in Rio Grande do Sul. Methods: Qualitative approach research, based on semi-structured interviews with consumers living in the urban area of Palmeira das Missões. Data were analyzed through content analysis by thematic categories, from the physical, economic, political and sociocultural dimensions, both related to food environments. Results and Discussions: Food choices are intersected with the wide availability and ease of finding more ultra-processed foods than in natura, as well as with the economic conditions, which become limiting of food choices based on the variety and inclusion of fresh and minimal processed foods. The importance of the Bolsa Família Program for the purchase of food was verified, especially for families from lower socioeconomic strata. Final considerations: The research findings indicate that food choices based on greater variety and availability of fresh foods are mainly associated with economic conditions and availability of these foods. Therefore, the importance of strengthening public policies for the promotion of adequate and healthy food is highlighted, as well as the relevance of articulating local actions, considering the municipality's agricultural potential. (AU)
Humans , Feeding Behavior , Food Preferences , Diet, Healthy , Food Supply , Brazil , Rural Areas , Qualitative ResearchABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the factors associated with food neophobia in children through a systematic review. Data sources: This research was based on the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. The research was carried out in the PubMed, Science Direct, and Scientific Electronic Library Online databases, with the combination of health descriptors in English and Portuguese: ("Food Neophobia" OR "Feeding Behavior" OR "Food Preferences" OR "Food Selectivity") AND Child, from 2000 to 2019. Studies that evaluated factors associated with food neophobia in children were included. The quality of the studies was assessed using the Effective Public Health Practice Project: Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies (QATQS). Data synthesis: 19 studies were included in the systematic review. The prevalence of food neophobia ranged from 12.8 to 100%. The studies used three different scales to measure the level of food neophobia. The main factors associated with food neophobia were: parental influence on children's eating habits, children's innate preference for sweet and savory flavors, influence of the sensory aspect of the food, parents' pressure for the child to eat, parents' lack of encouragement and/or affection at mealtime, childhood anxiety, and diets with low variety and low nutritional quality. Conclusions: The factors associated with food neophobia permeate several areas of the child's life, thus, interprofessional follow-up becomes essential in the intervention process.
RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar os fatores associados à neofobia alimentar em crianças por meio de uma revisão sistemática. Fontes de dados: Esta pesquisa foi baseada nas recomendações do Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, ScienceDirect e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), com a conjugação dos descritores em saúde em português e inglês: ("Food Neophobia" OR "Feeding Behavior" OR "Food Preferences" OR "Food Selectivity") AND Child, no período de 2000 a 2019. Foram incluídos os estudos que avaliaram os fatores associados à neofobia alimentar em crianças. A qualidade dos estudos foi mensurada por meio da ferramenta Effective Public Health Practice Project: Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies (QATQS). Síntese dos dados: Dezenove trabalhos foram incluídos na revisão sistemática. A prevalência da neofobia alimentar variou de 12,8 a 100%. Os estudos utilizaram três diferentes escalas a fim de medir o nível de neofobia alimentar. Os principais fatores associados a esse quadro foram: influência parental nos hábitos alimentares da criança, preferência inata das crianças por sabores doces e salgados, influência do aspecto sensorial do alimento, pressão dos pais para a criança comer, falta de encorajamento e/ou afetividade dos pais no momento das refeições, ansiedade na infância, dietas pouco variadas e com baixa qualidade nutricional. Conclusões: Os fatores associados à neofobia alimentar permeiam diversos âmbitos da vida da criança, assim, o acompanhamento interprofissional torna-se essencial no processo de intervenção.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder , Anxiety/psychology , Parent-Child Relations , Severity of Illness Index , Risk Factors , Parenting/psychology , Feeding Behavior/psychology , Food Preferences/psychologyABSTRACT
El dramático aumento de la prevalencia e incidencia de la obesidad sugiere que factores ambientales y cambios en el estilo de vida contribuyen de forma importante a su tendencia epidémica. En humanos, se han reportado diferencias interindividuales en los umbrales de detección y preferencia del sabor dulce, lo que podría afectar la ingesta habitual de azúcares, y por ende al estado nutricional. Objetivo: El presente estudio busca determinar la relación entre el estado nutricional y la preferencia al sabor dulce en la comunidad de un establecimiento de educación superior. Método: Muestra fue constituida por estudiantes, funcionarios y docentes, entre 18 y 60 años, pertenecientes a la Universidad Mayor, Sede Temuco. Para determinar preferencia al sabor dulce se empleó prueba organoléptica que mide grado de satisfacción frente a solución dulce, junto a ello se realizaron mediciones de peso y talla para determinar el Índice de Masa Corporal. Resultados: Muestra final comprendió de 319 personas, de las cuales un 30,1% fueron hombres y 69,9% mujeres. No se observaron diferencias significativas en la preferencia hacia las soluciones con mayor concentración de sacarosa según el estado nutricional. Sin embargo, el modelo predictivo desarrollado arrojó que hombres prefieren las soluciones con mayor concentración de azúcar independiente de la edad y estado nutricional. Conclusiones: Es necesario desarrollar nuevos estudios que permitan aclarar si la preferencia al sabor dulce favorece el desarrollo de obesidad y sobrepeso, o si es la composición nutricional de los alimentos procesados o ultraprocesados, lo que está teniendo un mayor impacto negativo en el estado nutricional de la población(AU)
The dramatic increase in the prevalence and incidence of obesity seems to suggest that environmental factors and lifestyle changes are contributing significantly to the epidemic trend of this pathology. In humans, inter-individual differences in the thresholds of preference of sweet taste have been reported, which could affect habitual sugar intake, and therefore the nutritional status. Objective: The present study seeks to determine the relationship between nutritional status and the preference of sweet taste in the population of a higher education establishment. Method: Sample was constituted by students, officials and teachers between 18 and 60 years, belonging to the Universidad Mayor, Temuco. To determine the perception of the sweet taste, an organoleptic test was used that measures the degree of satisfaction with the sweet solution, along with this, weight and height measurements were made to determine the Body Mass Index. Results: Final sample comprised 319 people, of which 30.1% were men and 69.9% women. No significant differences were observed in the preference for solutions with a higher concentration of sucrose according to nutritional status. However, a predictive model developed showed that men prefer the solutions with the highest concentration of sugar regardless of age and nutritional status. Conclusions: It is necessary to develop new studies to clarify whether the preference for sweet taste favors the development of obesity and overweight, or if it is the nutritional composition of processed or ultraprocessed foods, which is having a greater negative impact on the nutritional status of the population.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Nutritional Status , Dietary Sucrose , Food Preferences , Dietary Sugars , Chronic Disease , ObesityABSTRACT
El deterioro de la calidad de la dieta está afectando la salud de los niños menores de dos años. Por tal motivo, es de vital importancia la identificación de factores relacionados con el desarrollo y establecimiento de preferencias alimentarias en etapas tempranas de la vida y brindar recomendaciones que faciliten su adopción. Esta revisión sistemática de la literatura tiene como objetivo resumir la evidencia existente sobre los factores asociados a formar y modelar las preferencias alimentarias en etapas tempranas de la vida. Para esto se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed de estudios que evaluaran la asociación entre la exposición prenatal y posnatal de sabores, introducción temprana de alimentos y habituación al sabor dulce, alimentación complementaria y diversidad dietética. Se incluyeron artículos publicados desde el 2000 hasta el 2019. Resultados de 39 artículos sugieren que la alimentación durante los primeros dos años de vida y el desarrollo de preferencias alimentarias en etapas tempranas de la vida tiene el potencial de modificar los patrones de alimentación y establecerse en etapas posteriores de la vida, por lo que, los primeros mil días de vida constituyen una ventana de oportunidad para formar preferencias alimentarias saludables y mejorar la calidad de dieta de los niños(AU)
Poor diets are damaging children's health. Therefore, it is urgent to identify factors related to the development and establishment of healthy food preferences early in life and to provide recommendations to enable their adoption. This systematic literature review aims to summarize the existing evidence on the factors identified on shaping food preferences early in life. For this, a search was conducted on PubMed about studies evaluating the association between prenatal and postnatal exposure of flavors and the development of food preferences, early food introduction, innate preference to sweet taste, complementary feeding and dietary diversity with the development of food preferences. Articles published from 2000 to 2019 were included. Results from 39 manuscripts suggest that the first 2 years of life are critical for the development of food preferences early in life. These food preferences have the potential to modify children's eating patterns and persist later in life. Therefore, the first 1000 days of life are a key window of opportunity to establish healthy food preferences and shape the quality of children's diet(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child Health , Child Nutrition , Food Preferences , Diet, Healthy , Feeding Behavior , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Infant Nutritional Physiological PhenomenaABSTRACT
RESUMEN Una política pública creada para abordar el problema de la obesidad en Chile, es la Ley de Alimentos del año 2016 y su Reglamento que incluye etiquetado frontal de advertencia. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar el reconocimiento, juicio de valor y utilización del etiquetado frontal de advertencia descrito en la reglamentación, en personas responsables de escolares de las comunas de La Serena y Coquimbo. En estudio transversal, se aplicaron 543 encuestas personales en 22 establecimientos educacionales seleccionados por muestreo probabilístico estratificado. Se utilizó prueba de Chi-cuadrado para bondad de ajuste y tablas de contingencia, se consideró significativo un valor p<0,05. El 98,7% reconoció los sellos de advertencia, principalmente en los envases. El 86,2% valoró como no saludable su presencia y 68,1%, como saludable su ausencia. La comparación de sellos fue realizada por el 67,5% de los encuestados, de los cuales un 97,4% eligió los alimentos con menor cantidad de sellos. El 91,3% señaló que disminuyó la cantidad de alimentos comprados con presencia de sellos en relación al período anterior a la vigencia de la Ley. Los sellos de advertencia son conocidos, entendidos y considerados en la selección de los alimentos.
ABSTRACT The Chilean Food Law of 2016 was a public policy created to address the problem of obesity in Chile and includes front-of-package warning labeling. The objective of the study is to evaluate the recognition, value judgment and use of the front-of-package warning labels described in the regulation, among caretakers of schoolchildren, in the districts of La Serena and Coquimbo, Chile. A cross-sectional study was conducted. A total of 543 personal surveys were applied in 22 educational establishments selected by stratified probability sampling. Chi-square goodness of fit test and contingency tables were used, a p value<0.05 was considered significant. Almost all caretakers surveyed (98.7%) recognized warning labels, mainly in packaging, 82% of the participants rated the presence of the labels as unhealthy and 68.1% reported the absence of the label indicated a healthy food. The label comparison was made by 67.5% of the respondents, of which 97.4% chose foods with fewer labels. 91.3% indicated that the quantity of food purchased with warning labels decreased in relation to the period before the law was launched. Warning labels are known, understood, and considered in food selection.