OBJETIVO Evaluar el resultado quirúrgico de fracturas de las zonas 2 y 3 de la base del quinto metatarsiano usando tornillos de esponjosa de diámetro de 4,0 mm con rosca parcial. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS Evaluación retrospectiva de pacientes operados entre 2010 a 2019. Incluimos todos los casos sintetizados con este dispositivo con seguimiento mínimo de tresmeses, y excluimos casos operados con otros dispositivos y seguimiento menor a tres meses. Evaluamos la consolidacioÌ n y la presencia de complicaciones. Determinamos el largo del tornillo, el diaÌmetro del canal endomedular, la distancia entre el borde proximal de la tuberosidad y la fractura, y la distancia de paso de la rosca sobre el rasgo de la fractura en radiografías anteroposterior (AP) y oblicua del pie. RESULTADOS Evaluamos 39 casos, y la muestra tenía una edad promedio de 27 años, y predominio del sexo masculino. El largo de tornillo más usado fue el de 45 mm, y los diámetros promedios del canal endomedular medidos en las radiografías AP y oblicua fueron de 4,6 mm y 3,96 mm, respectivamente. La distancia del borde de la tuberosidad hasta la fractura fue de 25,8 mm, y la distancia de paso de la rosca sobre el rasgo de la fractura fue en promedio de 24 mm. Hubo 100% de consolidación, en un promedio de 9,4 semanas, y 3 casos de retardo de consolidación, 2 de retroceso de tornillo, 1 de rosca intrafoco, y 1 de fractura cortical superior. No hubo retiros de tornillos a la fecha. DISCUSION No existe consenso respecto al tornillo ideal. La literatura internacional recomienda dispositivos intramedulares de diámetro de al menos 4,5 mm. Existen pocos reportes del uso de tornillos de diámetro de 4,0 mm. CONCLUSIONES El tornillo de esponjosa de diámetro de 4,0 mm con rosca parcial es una alternativa eficaz, segura y con baja tasa de complicaciones para el manejo de estas fracturas en nuestra población.
OBJETIVE To evaluate the surgical result of zone-2 and -3 fractures of the base of the fifth metatarsal bone using partially-threaded cancellous screws with a diameter of 4.0 mm. MATERIALS AND METHODS A retrospective evaluation of patients submitted to surgery between 2010 and 2019. We included all of the cases synthesized with this device with a minimum follow-up of three months, and excluded the cases operated on with other devices and follow-up shorter than three months. We evaluated the consolidation and the presence of complications, and determined, screw length, diameter of the endomedullary canal, the distance between the proximal edge of tuberosity and the fracture, and thread pitch over the fracture line on anteroposterior (AP) and oblique radiographs. RESULTS We evaluated 39 cases, and the sample had an average age of 27 years and male predominance. The most used screw length was 45 mm, and the average diameters of the medullary canal measured on the AP and oblique radiographs were of 4.6 mm and 3.96 mm respectively. The distance from the edge of the tuberosity to the fracture was of 25.8 mm, and the thread pitch over the fracture line was on average 24 mm. The rate of consolidation was of 100%, occurring in an average of 9.4 weeks, and there were 3 cases of consolidation delay, 2 of screw recoil, 1 of intrafocus thread, and 1 of superior cortex fracture. To date, there have been no cases of screw removal. DISCUSSION There is no consensus regarding the ideal screw. The international literature recommends intramedullary devices with a diameter of at least 4.5 mm. There are few reports of the use of screws with 4.0 mm in diameter. CONCLUSIONS The partially-threaded cancellous screw with a diameter of 4.0 mm is an effective and safe option, with a low complication rate for the management of these fractures.
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Metatarsal Bones/surgery , Metatarsal Bones/diagnostic imaging , Foot Injuries/surgery , Foot Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Bone Screws , Fracture Fixation, InternalABSTRACT
Introducción: La enfermedad tromboembólica es una de las complicaciones serias en la cirugía ortopédica. La tromboprofilaxis para las cirugías de tobillo y pie no está estandarizada, porque la incidencia es baja, según la bibliografía. El objetivo de este estudio es aportar un algoritmo de prevención para la trombosis venosa profunda y una revisión de la bibliografía. Materiales y Métodos: Se llevó a cabo una revisión de las historias clínicas de los pacientes operados entre 2011 y 2017. La muestra estaba integrada por 696 hombres (28,98%) y 1706 mujeres (71,02%), con un promedio de edad de 51 años (rango 20-82). Se realizaron 2402 procedimientos, 575 (23,94%) fueron por patologías traumáticas y 1827 (76,06%), por patologías ortopédicas. Resultados: Nueve pacientes (0,37%) presentaron trombosis venosa profunda y solo dos, tromboembolismo pulmonar (0,08%). Los procedimientos en los que ocurrieron fueron: artroscopia, reparación aguda del tendón de Aquiles, hallux valgus y fractura del 5.° metatarsiano. Conclusiones: Se recomienda un enfoque multimodal para la profilaxis de la trombosis venosa profunda. Esto incluye abordar los factores de riesgo modificables, mediante la profilaxis mecánica, la movilización temprana y la profilaxis química. La heparina de bajo peso molecular es eficaz para reducir la tasa de trombosis venosa profunda y tromboembolismo pulmonar. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Introduction: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a major complication in orthopedic surgery. According to the literature, thromboprophylaxis in foot and ankle surgery is not a standardized practice due to the low incidence of DVT. Materials and Methods: We reviewed the medical records of surgical patients. Between 2011 and 2017, 1591 surgeries were performed, 6 of them due to symptomatic DVT. Results: The incidence of DVT in major orthopedic surgeries, such as knee and hip, is well documented, but there are only a few reports about its incidence in foot and ankle surgery. It is considered a relatively rare complication in many published studies; thus, preventive drug therapy is not routine practice. Conclusions: A multimodal approach to DVT prophylaxis for high-risk patients is recommended. All risk factors should be addressed, such as mechanical prophylaxis, early mobilization, and the use of chemoprophylaxis. Low molecular weight heparin is effective in reducing the rate of clinically significant DVT and is also likely to reduce the rate of pulmonary embolism. Level of Evidence: IV
Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Ankle Injuries/surgery , Ankle Injuries/complications , Foot Injuries/surgery , Foot Injuries/complications , Venous Thrombosis/prevention & control , Venous Thrombosis/therapyABSTRACT
Las roturas del extensor propio del hallux son poco frecuentes, más aún aquellas espontáneas o por traumas indirectos. Se pueden producir en cualquier parte del recorrido del tendón, pero las lesiones más frecuentes son las secciones tendinosas por heridas cortantes. No existe una técnica quirúrgica específica descrita para la reinserción distal del tendón. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar a un paciente de 35 años que, por un traumatismo indirecto, sufrió la rotura del extensor propio del hallux a nivel de la inserción distal. Se describen la técnica quirúrgica, la rehabilitación y los resultados según el puntaje de la AOFAS preoperatorio y posoperatorio. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Extensor hallucis longus ruptures are infrequent, mainly those due to spontaneous or indirect traumas. Ruptures can occur anywhere along the tendon course, but the most frequent injuries are tendinous sections due to sharp wounds. There is no specific surgical technique described for distal reinsertion of the tendon. The objective of this paper is to present a 35-year-old patient who suffered an indirect trauma in forefoot, causing the rupture of extensor hallucis longus at the level of the distal insertion. Surgical technique, rehabilitation program, and results according to the pre- and post-surgery AOFAS score are described. Level of Evidence: IV
Adult , Rupture , Hallux/surgery , Hallux/injuries , Foot Injuries/surgeryABSTRACT
Las lesiones del pie son difíciles de tratar por la complejidad anatómica de la región y por su infraestimación diagnóstica y terapéutica. Por lo general, se producen por traumas de alta energía. Se presenta un paciente del sexo masculino, blanco, de 56 años de edad, que llegó al cuerpo de guardia de emergencia con múltiples traumas producto de un accidente automovilístico. Se diagnosticó una luxofractura tarsometatarsiana asociada a luxación mediotarsiana y luxación subastragalina. Con criterio de tratamiento quirúrgico de urgencia fue llevado al salón de operaciones y se le realizó la reducción cerrada de la articulación mediotarsiana y subastragalina, y la estabilización con clavo de Steimann. La evolución fue satisfactoria tras el tratamiento quirúrgico(AU)
Foot injuries are difficult to treat due to the anatomical complexity of the region and the diagnostic and therapeutic underestimation. Generally, high-energy trauma produced this kind of injuries. We present a 56 year-old, white, male patient, who arrived at the emergency room with multiple traumas resulting from a car accident. The diagnosis was a tarsometatarsal luxo-fracture associated with midtarsal dislocation and subtalar dislocation. He underwent an emergency surgical treatment to closed reduce of the midtarsal and subtalar joint, and stabilization was achieve with Steinmann Pins. The evolution was satisfactory after the surgical treatment(AU)
Les lésions du pied sont difficiles à traiter due à la complexité anatomique de cette région et à leur faible estimation diagnostique et thérapeutique. En général, ces lésions résultent des traumatismes à haute énergie. Le cas d'un patient âgé de 56 ans, blanc, arrivé au service d'urgence avec plusieurs traumatismes causés dans un accident de route, est présenté. Une fracture-luxation tarsométatarsienne, associée à une luxation médiotarsienne et une luxation sous-astragalienne, a été diagnostiquée. Répondant à un critère d'urgence chirurgicale, il a subi une réduction fermée de l'articulation médiotarsienne et sous-astragalienne et une stabilisation par clou de Steinmann. Son évolution a été satisfaisante après ce geste chirurgical(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Ankle Injuries/surgery , Fracture Dislocation/diagnosis , Foot Injuries/surgeryABSTRACT
La articulación de Chopart o transversa del tarso está constituida por la articulación calcaneocuboidea y la astragaloescafoidea. Las lesiones que ocurren en estas articulaciones se conocen como luxo-fractura de Chopart y son extremadamente raras. Entre las causas más frecuentes se encuentran los accidentes en motocicletas y las caídas de altura. El tratamiento es la reducción anatómica y fijación estable. La necrosis avascular del astrágalo, así como la artritis postraumática son las complicaciones más temidas. Con este trabajo se pretende describir la conducta y evolución perioperatoria de dos pacientes con luxo-fractura de Chopart, atendidos en el Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital Militar Central Dr Luis Díaz Soto. Fueron diagnosticados tempranamente y se les realizó reducción abierta más fijación interna con una recuperación en los primeros tres meses. La baja prevalencia de la luxo-fractura de Chopart requiere un diagnóstico adecuado y correcto para lograr un buen resultado clínico(AU)
The Chopart joint or transverse tarsus is constituted by the calcaneocuboid and the astragaloescafoidea joints. The injuries that occur in these joints are known as Chopart luxo-fracture and are extremely rare. Motorcycle accidents and falls from heights are among the most frequent causes of Chopart luxo-fractures. The treatment is the anatomical reduction and stable fixation. The avascular necrosis of the talus, as well as post-traumatic arthritis are the most feared complications. This paper aims to describe the behavior and perioperative evolution of two patients with Chopart luxo-fracture, treated in the Emergency Service at Dr Luis Díaz Soto Central Military Hospital. They were early diagnosed and underwent open reduction and internal fixation. They recovered in the first three months. The low prevalence of Chopart luxo-fracture requires adequate and correct diagnosis to achieve good clinical results(AU)
L'articulation de Chopart, ou médio-tarsienne, est constituée de deux articulations distinctes: l'articulation calcanéo-cuboïdienne et l'articulation astragalo-scaphoïdienne. Les lésions produites dans ces articulations sont connues comme des fractures-luxations de l'articulation de Chopart, et sont assez rares. Parmi les causes les plus fréquentes, on peut trouver les accidents du trafic (surtout, de moto) et les chutes de haut. Le traitement consiste généralement à une réduction anatomique et une fixation stable. La nécrose avasculaire de l'astragale et l'arthrite post-traumatique sont les complications les plus souvent à craindre. Le but de ce travail est de décrire le comportement et l'évolution péri-opératoire de deux patients atteints d'une fracture-luxation de l'articulation de Chopart, et traités au service d'urgence de l'hôpital militaire Dr Luis Díaz Soto. Ils sont rapidement diagnostiqués, et traités par réduction ouverte et fixation interne. Leur récupération est réussie en trois mois. La faible prévalence de la fracture-luxation de l'articulation de Chopart exige un diagnostic précis pour atteindre de bons résultats cliniques(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Clinical Evolution , Foot Injuries/surgery , Fracture Dislocation/surgery , Calcaneus/injuries , Metatarsus/injuries , Talus/injuriesABSTRACT
Introdução: As reconstruções complexas da região do pé são planejadas com base nas subunidades anatômicas acometidas e pelo fator etiológico da lesão. Para coberturas de defeitos de dorso de pé, temos várias opções, desde as mais simples como enxertia local e retalhos locais ao acaso e retalhos pediculados locorregionais e as complexas com retalhos livres. Este trabalho tem por objetivo relatar um caso, cuja tática cirúrgica inédita na literatura utilizou um retalho plantar medial de fluxo retrógrado na reconstrução dorso-distais do pé. Sua originalidade consiste na passagem do retalho da planta para o dorso através do primeiro espaço intermetatársico. Métodos: Paciente 20 anos, sexo feminino, vítima de acidente de moto com trauma no pé, com perda de substância de dorso ao nível de 1 ao 5 metatarso, com exposição de osso e tendão. Foi utilizado um retalho plantar medial de fluxo retrógrado, com transposição para o dorso do pé. Resultados: A reconstrução da região distal do antepé e dedos são desafios. Os enxertos não são ideais para defeitos profundos e com exposição de estruturas nobres. Retalhos locais não são acessíveis para defeitos de dedos. E os retalhos livres são bem indicados para defeitos grandes. Os retalhos de fluxo reverso da artéria plantar medial está indicado e consagrado para a região do antepé e alguns autores modificaram para região de dorso do primeiro metatarso. Conclusão: Este retalho se mostra útil também para lesões de dorso de pé por meio dessa nova tática cirúrgica inédita na literatura, com a originalidade da passagem do pedículo da planta para o dorso através do primeiro espaço intermetatársico.
Introduction: Complex reconstructions of the foot region are planned based on the anatomical subunits affected by the etiological factors of lesions. We have several options for covering defects of the back of the feet, from the simpler ones, such as local graft and local flap at random and locoregional pedicled flaps, to the more complex ones, such as free flaps. Here, we report a case in which an unpublished technique using a retrograde flow medial plantar flap in the reconstruction of dorso-distal structures of the foot was used. Its originality consisted in the passage of the flap of the plant to the back through the first intermetatarsal space. Methods: The patient was a 20-year-old woman who had a motorcycle accident, wherein she sustained foot trauma with loss of back substance at the first to fifth metatarsal level, with bone and tendon exposure, and retrograde flow medial plantar flap was used, with transposition to the back of the foot. Results: The reconstruction of the distal region of the forefoot and fingers is a challenge. Grafts are not ideal for deep defects and exposure of noble structures. Local flaps are inaccessible for finger defects. Furthermore, the free flaps are well indicated for large defects. The flaps of the medial plantar artery are indicated and consecrated to the forefoot region, and some authors have modified to the dorsum region of the first metatarsal. Conclusion: This flap is useful for reconstruction of feet with dorsal lesions through this new technique that is unpublished in the literature, with the originality of the passage of the pedicle from the plant to the back through the first intermetatarsal space.
Humans , Female , Adult , History, 21st Century , Surgical Flaps , Foot Injuries , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Perforator Flap , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Foot Injuries/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/instrumentation , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Perforator Flap/surgeryABSTRACT
Introducción: Los traumatismos de alta energía en miembros inferiores se asocian, con frecuencia, a defectos de partes blandas y su reconstrucción puede presentarse como una tarea desafiante. En el extremo distal de la pierna y el pie, los colgajos de perforantes representan la mejor opción de cobertura. El motivo de este trabajo es comunicar el resultado del tratamiento de lesiones de partes blandas de pierna distal, tobillo y talón utilizando exclusivamente el colgajo de perforantes fasciocutáneo sural. Materiales y Métodos: Entre marzo de 2008 y febrero de 2016, en nuestro Hospital, se realizaron 37 colgajos fasciocutáneos surales en 35 pacientes. El criterio de inclusión fue todo paciente con defecto tegumentario en el tercio distal de tibia y talón con exposición ósea, tendinosa o defecto de la almohadilla plantar. La edad promedio fue de 49.6 años y el seguimiento promedio, de 18 meses. Resultados: Se logró la cobertura completa de defecto de tejidos blandos en 29 casos. Se detectaron tres colgajos con necrosis parcial y cinco con necrosis completa; cuatro de estos pacientes tenían antecedentes de enfermedad vascular. El tamaño del defecto fue de 9,6 x 6,7 cm (15 x 9). Conclusiones: Aunque esta serie no es extensa, los resultados coinciden con los publicados. Creemos que este colgajo es una alternativa viable para lesiones distales de pierna y pie, con una baja tasa de complicaciones y de morbilidad en el miembro afectado, y con resultados satisfactorios. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Introduction: High energy injuries in lower limbs are frequently associated with soft tissue defect and soft tissue reconstruction can be a challenge. Perforator flaps are the best option to cover soft tissue defects in the lower leg, ankle and foot. The objective of this paper is to report the results after the use of a distally-based reverse fasciocutaneous sural flap in the reconstruction of soft tissue loss around the distal leg, ankle and foot. Methods: A total of 37 fasciocutaneous pedicled reverse sural flaps were performed in 35 patients between March 2008 and February 2016, in our Hospital. The inclusion criterium was a soft tissue defect of the lower third of the leg, ankle and heel in which bone, tendons and sole are exposed. Average age: 49.6 years and average follow-up: 18 months. Results: Complete soft tissue defect coverage was achieved in 29 cases. Three flaps with partial necrosis and five with complete necrosis were observed; four of these patients had history of vascular disease. Defect size averaged 9.6 x 6.7 cm (15 x 9). Conclusions: Although this series is not extensive, results are consistent with those reported in the literature. We consider that this flap is a valid alternative for lesions involving the distal leg, ankle and foot, with a low rate of complications and morbidity, and satisfactory results. Level of Evidence: IV
Adult , Surgical Flaps , Ankle Injuries/surgery , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Foot Injuries/surgery , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Introdução: A cobertura do pé e especialmente da região do calcâneo são desafios técnicos para o cirurgião devido ao alto grau de especialização dos tecidos envolvidos e à relativa imobilidade dos tecidos próximos. Métodos: No presente estudo, apresentamos nossa experiência com uso do retalho baseado na artéria plantar medial para cobertura de defeitos teciduais no pé, especialmente na região de apoio plantar no calcâneo. Doze retalhos da artéria plantar medial feitos de 2001 a 2013 no Hospital Regional da Asa Norte, Brasília, DF, foram incluídos. Resultados: Dos 12 pacientes, 10 eram homens e dois eram mulheres. As indicações foram perda traumática do coxim do calcâneo em 10 pacientes e dorso do pé em dois casos. Todos os retalhos foram elevados como retalhos pediculados fasciocutâneos baseados na artéria plantar medial. Todos os retalhos cicatrizaram sem maiores complicações, exceto um caso com perda parcial. A área doadora foi coberta com enxerto de pele parcial e houve um caso de perda parcial do enxerto. Os retalhos apresentaram uma sensibilidade protetora levemente inferior ao lado normal. Conclusão: De acordo com os resultados, o retalho plantar medial é uma boa opção para cobertura do pé, especialmente do calcâneo. A versatilidade do retalho permite a cobertura de defeitos no calcâneo sobre o tendão de Aquiles e apoio plantar, assim como o dorso do pé. A cobertura da região de apoio plantar com pele de textura similar e sensibilidade protetora confere a esse retalho uma grande vantagem sobre outros retalhos para reconstrução dessa região.
Introduction: Reconstructive coverage of foot defects, especially those of the calcaneus region, is a unique technical challenge for the surgeon due to the high degree of specialization of the tissues involved and the relative immobility of the proximal tissues. Methods: In the present study, we present our experience with the use of the flap based on the medial plantar artery to cover tissue defects in the foot, especially in the region of the calcaneal fat pad. Twelve medial plantar artery flaps constructed from 2001 to 2013 at the As a Norte Regional Hospital, Brasília, DF, were included. Results: Of the 12 patients with the medial plantar artery flaps, 10 were men and 2 were women. The indications were traumatic tissue loss of the plantar fat pad in 10 patients and of the dorsum of the foot in two cases. All flaps were elevated as fasciocutaneous pedicle flaps based on the medial plantar artery. All the flaps healed without major complications, except one case that involved partial loss . The donor area was covered with a partial skin graft and there was one case of partial graft loss. The flap displayed a slightly lower protective sensitivity than the normal side. Conclusion: According to the results, the medial plantar flap is a good option for covering traumatic foot defects, especially those affecting the calcaneus. The versatility of the flap allows the coverage of defects of the calcaneus (e.g., the Achilles tendon and plantar fat pad regions), as well as those affecting the dorsum of the foot. The coverage of the plantar fat pad region with skin of similar texture and protective sensitivity confers to the medial plantar flap a large advantage over other flaps for reconstruction of this region.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Surgical Flaps , Transplantation , Wounds and Injuries , Calcaneus , Retrospective Studies , Foot Injuries , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Free Tissue Flaps , Transplantation/methods , Wounds and Injuries/surgery , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Calcaneus/surgery , Calcaneus/injuries , Foot Injuries/surgery , Foot Injuries/therapy , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Free Tissue Flaps/surgeryABSTRACT
Analizar las indicaciones de la astragalectomía y evaluar sus resultados radiográficos y funcionales en cuatro pacientes. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluaron los resultados funcionales (puntaje de la AOFAS) y radiológicos de cinco astragalectomías en cuatro pacientes con diferentes etiologías: Casos 1 y 4, osteonecrosis infectada secundaria a fracturas expuestas de astrágalo; Caso 2, osteonecrosis asociada a equino varo y retropié rígido, secuela de fractura expuesta grave de tibia; y Caso 3, equino varo y retropié rígido neurológico bilateral. Todos los pacientes eran hombres, con una edad promedio de 32.5 años (rango 19-56). Se utilizaron los siguientes procedimientos: abordaje anteroexterno en pie y tobillo, astragalectomía y fijación en posición de corrección con dos clavos de Steinmann de 3 mm, tenotomía del Aquiles u otros, según necesidad. Resultados: Seguimiento de 38 meses (rango 15-84), sin signos de osteoartrosis, o signos leves y sin dolor. Puntaje de la AOFAS 81,4 (puntaje prequirúrgico 17), una discrepancia de longitud del miembro <2 cm y un rango de flexo-extensión de 18° en promedio (variancia entre 10° y 45°). Dos varos leves del retropié y tres alineaciones neutras asintomáticos. Conclusiones: Se observa una buena correlación entre la sintomatología de los pacientes, la alineación adecuada y los escasos signos por imágenes de artrosis tibiocalcánea o en el resto del pie. Si es imposible realizar la técnica de artrodesis o artroplastia de tobillo, la astragalectomía es un método de rescate para pacientes con deformidades muy graves o déficit de stock óseo e infecciones recalcitrantes de la articulación del tobillo. Nivel de Evidencia: IV...
Objectives: To analyze the indications for talectomy and evaluate the radiographic and functional results in four patients. Methods: Functional (AOFAS score) and radiological (X-rays and MR) of five talectomies in four patients with different etiologies: Cases 1 and 4, septic osteonecrosis secondary to open fractures of the talus; Case 2, osteonecrosis associated with rigid equinovarus hindfoot, sequelae of severe open tibia fracture, and Case 3, neurological rigid equinovarus hindfoot, bilateral. All patients were men, with an average age of 32.5 years (range 19-56). We performed the following procedures as needed: anterolateral approach for the foot and ankle, talectomy and fixation in corrected position with two 3 mm Steinmanns pins, Achilles tenotomy or others.Results: At 38-month follow-up (range 15-84) there were no signs of osteoarthritis, or mild signs and absence of pain. AOFAS score of 81.4 points (preoperative score 17), a length discrepancy of lower limb <2 cm, and a range of flexion and extension of 18° on average (variance between 10° and 45°). Two mild varus hindfoot and three asymptomatic and neutral alignments. Conclusions: There is a good correlation among the patients symptoms, proper alignment and few imaging signs of osteoarthritis in the ankle or other joints in the foot. If treatmet with an arthrodesis or an ankle replacement is not possible, the talectomy is an acceptable salvage procedure for patients with severe deformities, bone stock deficiency and recalcitrant infections in the ankle. Level of Evidence: IV...
Adult , Young Adult , Osteonecrosis/surgery , Talus , Foot Injuries/surgery , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Pseudoaneurysms of the medial plantar artery are rare. The authors describe a case of a pseudoaneurysm of the medial plantar artery of a child who had suffered a penetrating laceration injury. Diagnosis can be confirmed using Doppler ultrasound and magnetic resonance angiography. As an alternative to the conventional surgery technique, percutaneous Doppler ultrasound-guided thrombin injection is a safe and effective treatment.
O pseudoaneurisma da artéria plantar medial é raro. Os autores relatam um caso de pseudoaneurisma da artéria plantar medial após lesão perfurocortante em criança. O diagnóstico pode ser confirmado por ultrassom com Doppler e angiorressonância magnética. Em contraponto à técnica cirúrgica convencional, o tratamento pode ser feito de maneira efetiva e segura com a injeção percutânea de trombina assistida pelo ultrassom com Doppler.
Humans , Male , Child , Tibial Arteries/injuries , Aneurysm, False , Foot Injuries/surgery , Echocardiography, Doppler/methods , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/methods , Thrombin/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Total talar extrusion without a soft tissue attachment is an extremely rare injury and is rarely reported. Appropriate treatment remains controversial. We describe the long-term outcomes of two patients who had complete talar extrusion without remaining soft tissue attachment treated with arthrodesis. Both of our patients had complications such as infection and progressive osteolysis. We suggest reimplantation of the extruded talus after thorough debridement as soon as possible as a reasonable option unless the talus is contaminated or missing, because an open wound may arise from inside to outside.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Arthrodesis , Debridement , Foot Injuries/surgery , Replantation , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Surgical Flaps , Talus/injuries , Therapeutic IrrigationABSTRACT
El colgajo supramaleolar lateral es un colgajo fasciocutáneo que se realiza en el tercio distal lateral de la pierna, y que tiene como pedículo vascular la rama perforante de la arteria peronea y también es irrigada por la arteria maleolar anterolateral, la arteria tarsal del pie, por medio de sus anastomosis amplias. El objetivo de estudio es identificar las características anatómicas del colgajo, su vascularización, arco de rotación y áreas de cobertura habiéndose realizado la disección de 15 piezas anatómicas que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión en el estudio. Los resultados del estudio se halló la presencia constante de la rama perforante de la arteria peronea, a nivel del ángulo tibioperoneo. Siendo la longitud de la rama perforante de la arteria peronea de 0.86±0.14cm, la longitud promedio de la arteria maleolar anterolateral de 2.9cm, la longitud promedio de la arteria lateral tarsal es de 5.2cm, siendo el número de ramas superiores de la rama perforantes de la arteria peronea como promedio de 2.1cm, la longitud promedio del mismo es de 3.7cm, el número promedio de ramas inferiores de la rama perforante de la arteria peronea es de 1.4, siendo su longitud promedio de 4.5cm. La distancia promedio del maléolo externo a la emergencia de la rama perforante de la arteria perones es de 4.7cm, la distancia promedio de la rama perforante de la arteria peronea al ángulo tibio peroneo es de 1.2cm, siendo la longitud promedio del pedículo de flujo directo de 0.86cm, la longitud del pedículo con flujo inverso preservando la arteria maleolar anterolateral es de 4.5cm, y preservando la arteria lateral tarsal en promedio es de 8.5cm, siendo la distancia de la rama perforante de la arteria peronea a la arteria maleolar anterolateral de 4.5cm y de la arteria maleolar anterolateral a la arteria lateral tarsal de 1.76 cm. Los resultados concuerdan con los encontrados por Masquelet en su trabajo, por lo que se mantiene el concepto de la escasa variación anatómica en...
The lateral supramalleolar flap is an fasciocutaneus flap that takes place in the distal third part of the leg, and whose vascularized by branches of a perforating branch of the peroneal artery, and also is vascularized by antero lateral maleollarartery, by tarsal lateral artery, throught its wide anastomoses. The objective of the study is to identify the anatomical characteristics of the flap, its vascularization, are rotation, the pivot point, and coverage areas, having performed anatomical dissection of 15 pieces that meet the criteria for inclusion in the study. Study results in the constant presence of the perforating branch of the peroneal artery, emerging in tibioperoneal angle. The length of the perforating branch of the dorsal peroneal artery was 0.86±0.14cm, the average lenght of the anterolateral malleolar artery 2.9cm, the average lenght of the tarsal lateral artery was de 5.2cm, and the average number of ascending branches of the perforating branch of the dorsal peroneal artery was 2.1,and its average lenght was 3.7cm, the average number of lower branches of the perforating branch of the peroneal artery is 1.4 ,and its average length 4,5cm. The average distance between external side malleolar and perforating branch of peroneal artery is 4.7cm, the average distance between the perforating branch of peroneal artery and tibioperoneal angle is 1.2cm, and the average lenght of the pedicle of direct flow is 0.86cm, the average lenght of the backflow pedicle, preserving the anterolateral malleolar artery is 4.5cm, and preserving the tarsal lateral artery in average is 8.5cm, being the distance between the perforating branch of peroneal artery and the anterolateral malleolar artery of 4.5cm, and between the anterolateral malleolar artery and tarsallateral artery of 1.76 cm. The results agree with those found by Masquelet at work so the concept of the limited variation in anatomical dissection of the lateral supramalleolar flap is maintained.
Male , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Surgical Flaps , Leg Injuries/surgery , Foot Injuries/surgery , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar los resultados obtenidos con la utilización del colgajo fasciocutáneo sural de base distal para la reconstrucción de defectos de partes blandas alrededor de la tibia distal, el tobillo y el pie. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluaron, en forma retrospectiva, 20 colgajos pediculados fasciocutáneos surales inversos realizados entre 2007 y 2013. la edad promedio de los pacientes era de 42 años (rango 6-79); 14 hombres y 5 mujeres. las causas de los defectos fueron: postraumáticas (17 casos, un caso bilateral) y secundarias a resecciones oncológicas (2 casos). la muestra incluyó tres pacientes diabéticos, una mujer obesa y ocho pacientes tabaquistas. en 10 casos, las heridas presentaban exposición tendinosa y, en 10 casos, exposición ósea. el diámetro promedio de los defectos fue de 8,9 x 5,75 cm. Resultados: El seguimiento promedio fue de 16 meses. se logró una exitosa cobertura completa del defecto en los 20 casos. el tiempo promedio de internación fue de 3.15 días. tres colgajos presentaron necrosis parcial superficial, en un caso el colgajo sufrió necrosis en su tercio distal y, en un paciente, se decidió amputar la extremidad por persistencia de la osteomielitis. Conclusiones: Pese a que se han descrito múltiples opciones de cobertura en defectos de tejidos blandos alrededor de la tibia distal, el tobillo y el pie, el colgajo sural inverso es, en la actualidad, uno de los procedimientos más frecuentes para cubrir estos defectos. se evaluaron 20 colgajos surales inversos y se logró la cobertura completa de los defectos de tejidos blandos, tanto en defectos postraumáticos como en los resultantes de resecciones oncológicas.
Background: The objective of this paper is to evaluate the results after the use of distally-based reverse fasciocutaneous sural flap in the reconstruction of soft-tissue loss around the distal tibia, ankle and foot. Methods: Twenty fasciocutaneous pedicled reverse sural flaps performed between 2007 and 2013 were retrospectively evaluated. Average age of the patients: 42 years (range 6-79), 14 were male and 5 were female. soft-tissue loss was post-traumatic in 17 cases (one bilateral) and secondary to oncologic resections in two cases. the series included three diabetic patients, one obese woman, and eight smokers. ten cases had exposed tendons and ten had bony exposure. defect size averaged 8.9 x 5.75 cm. Results: Follow-up averaged 16 months. complete soft tissue defect coverage was achieved in all 20 cases. Hospital stay averaged 3.15 days. three flaps had superficial necrosis, one flap suffered necrosis of its distal third, and the lower extremity was amputated in a patient due to persistent osteomyelitis. Conclusions: Although multiple coverage options have been described for soft-tissue coverage around the distal tibia, ankle and foot, the reverse sural flap is one of the most frequently used procedures to cover these defects. We evaluated 20 reverse sural flaps, achieving complete soft-tissue coverage in post-traumatic lesions as well as in those defects resulting from oncologic resections.
Adult , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Leg , Foot Injuries/surgery , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Ankle Injuries/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Retrospective Studies , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Introducción: La luxación de la articulación interfalángica del hallux (LIFH) es una patología poco frecuente y en la bibliografía mundial se describen sólo algunos casos. Miki estableció una clasificación que la divide en dos tipos según su aspecto clínico y radiográfico. En ambos tipos la placa volar se encuentra avulsionada de sus inserciones óseas permitiendo su migración intraarticular e impidiendo la reducción por métodos ortopédicos, lo que obliga a recurrir a la reducción quirúrgica. Materiales y métodos: Entre 1995 y 2008 se evaluaron 8 pacientes, todos varones, de entre 21 y 46 años. En todos los casos se intentó la reducción ortopédica bajo anestesia local sin lograr resultados satisfactorios, por lo cual se debió recurrir al tratamiento quirúrgico para restaurar la congruencia articular. Resultados: En todos los casos se obtuvo la reducción de la articulación en forma completa. La movilidad articular en el posoperatorio alejado fue nula en 6 casos y en los 2 restantes varió entre 10° Y 20° de flexión, sin relación con la vía de abordaje utilizada. Conclusiones: La LIFH es una patología poco frecuente, que en la mayoría de los casos exige maniobras quirúrgicas para lograr la reducción. El resultado es independiente de la vía de abordaje utilizada.
Young Adult , Toe Joint/surgery , Toe Joint/injuries , Hallux/injuries , Sesamoid Bones/injuries , Joint Dislocations/surgery , Foot Injuries/surgery , Foot Injuries/pathology , Joint Dislocations/classification , Range of Motion, Articular , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Report the quality of reduction and results of percultaneously operated Lisfranc fracture patients: Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 10 patients with low energy Lisfranc fractures operated between July 2007 and March 2009. There were 6 men and 4 women with an average age of 32,3 years and an average follow up 11,6 months. We evaluated reduction quality in digital x rays, functional results and subjective satisfaction. Results: Quality of reduction was anatomic in 100 percent of cases. Time to return to work was at an average of 7,2 weeks, sports 7,6 weeks, daily life activities at 7,2 weeks. Overall subjective satisfaction was 100 percent. No patient reported persistent edema or pain. 5 patients had mild pain after strenuous physical activities. Conclusion: In these selected low energy Lisfranc fracture patients the result after a reproducible technique are excellent with minimal persistent symptoms. We strongly believe that adequate reduction can be obtained through a percutaneous approach in almost every Lisfranc fracture case.
Objetivo: Mostrar la calidad de la reducción y resultados funcionales a corto y mediano plazo de pacientes operados de luxofractura de Lisfranc vía percutánea. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de una serie consecutiva de 10 pacientes operados de luxofractura de Lisfranc vía percutánea entre Julio de 2007 y Marzo de 2009. Seis hombres y 4 mujeres, promedio de edad de 32,3 años. El tiempo de seguimiento promedio fue de 11,6 meses. Se revisaron protocolos quirúrgicos, fichas clínicas y se contactaron vía telefónica. Se evalúo los resultados funcionales, grado de satisfacción con la cirugía y calidad de la reducción mediante radiografías digitales. Resultados: La reducción fue anatómica en los 10 pacientes. El tiempo promedio de retorno laboral fue de 7,2 semanas. Ningún paciente refirió edema o dolor con las actividades de la vida diaria y 5 pacientes dolor leve tras realizar actividad física. Ningún paciente refirió uso actual de ortesis. El grado de satisfacción con la cirugía fue favorable en los 10 pacientes. Conclusión: En este grupo seleccionado de pacientes, con el diagnostico de luxofractura de Lisfranc tras un tratamiento de baja energía, es factible de una reducción anatómica mediante técnica percutánea. Creemos que la técnica percutánea no sacrifica la calidad de la reducción.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Metatarsal Bones/surgery , Tarsal Bones/surgery , Foot Injuries/surgery , Bone Screws , Follow-Up Studies , Patient Satisfaction , Recovery of Function , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Introdução: O calcanhar exerce importante função em suportar o peso do organismo e propiciara deambulação. As lesões nesta área são graves e de difícil reconstrução, implicandogeralmente em longos períodos de internação hospitalar, altos custos hospitalares e prejuízosfuncionais significantes para as vítimas. A reconstrução de partes moles do calcâneo representaum desafio devido ao alto grau de especialização dos tecidos envolvidos, escassez epouca mobilidade relativa dos tecidos vizinhos. Método: Didaticamente, as lesões do calcâneoforam classificadas basicamente em duas: lesão anterior ou plantar e lesão posterior.As lesões anteriores foram reconstruídas preferencialmente pelo retalho em ilha baseado naartéria plantar medial e nas outras foi utilizado preferencialmente o retalho sural reverso.Resultados: Em um total de onze casos, oito foram submetidos a reconstrução pelo retalhosural reverso e quatro pelo retalho plantar medial. As lesões foram na maioria dos casosdevido a acidente automobilístico. Apenas um caso foi devido à ressecção neoplásica. Conclusão:Os retalhos fasciocutâneos regionais em ilha se mostraram bastantes eficazes parao uso proposto, além de exigirem menor tempo cirúrgico e melhor relação custo/benéfico,se comparado a reconstrução microcirúrgica.
Introduction: The heel has the important function of supporting the weight of the personand to propitiate the ability of walking. The lesions in this area are serious and difficultto reconstruction properly, usually implicating in long periods of internment in a hospital,high hospital costs and significant functional damages for the victims. The reconstructionof soft parts of the heel represents a challenge due to the high degree of specialization ofthe involved tissue and relative immobility of the surrounding tissue. Method: The lesionswere classified basically in two: anterior lesions or plantar lesions and posterior lesions.The anterior lesions were rebuilt preferentially using the plantar medial flap based on theplantar medial artery and the posterior lesions was used the reverse sural flap preferentially.Results: In a total of eleven cases, eight were submitted to reconstruction with reversesural flap and four with plantar medial flap. The lesions were in most of the cases due tocar accident. Only one case was due to the neoplasic resection. Conclusion: The regionalfascio-cutaneous flaps in island were shown plenty effective for the proposed use, besidesthey demand smaller surgical time and better relationship cost/beneficial compared to amicrosurgical reconstruction.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Calcaneus/surgery , Calcaneus/injuries , Epidermolysis Bullosa , Lower Extremity/surgery , Lower Extremity/innervation , Intraoperative Complications , Skin Transplantation , Surgical Flaps , Foot Injuries/surgery , Accidents, Traffic , Methods , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Skin Tests , Diagnostic Techniques and ProceduresABSTRACT
Os autores descrevem o caso de uma paciente que nasceu com sindactilia e polidactiliaem pé esquerdo com sete dedos, evidenciando prejuízo sociofuncional para a criança. Foitratada com extirpação dos dedos extranumerários (dois) e fusão entre a epífise do primeiroe a diáfise do segundo metatarso.
The authors describe a case of a patient born with sindactylism and polydactylism - sevenfingers left foot. The child had an important social-functional harm. The child had both extrafingers extirpated and subsequent fusion of first metatarsus epiphysis along with secondmetatarsus diaphysis.
Humans , Female , Congenital Abnormalities , Fingers/abnormalities , Fingers/surgery , Foot Deformities, Congenital , Polydactyly/surgery , Syndactyly/surgery , Foot Injuries/surgery , Methods , Patients , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Diagnostic Techniques and ProceduresABSTRACT
La fractura de calcáneo es la más frecuente del tarso; producidas por caída vertical sobre el talón, generalmente intraarticulares 6,3, asociadas a fracturas de columna y lesiones viscerales 1,2,3,6,7. El examen clínico debe complementarse con radiografías. El tratamiento puede ser cerrado, reducción incruenta con o sin fijación y reducción abierta y fijación interna. Las fracturas intraarticulares producen incapacidad. Se presenta paciente masculino de 42 años, posterior a caída de 3 metros de altura, de pie, presenta factura polifragmentaria de ambos calcáneos y de astrágalo derecho. Se realizó reducción incruenta (Método Essex-Lopresti). Obteniéndose consolidación e integridad sin secuelas postraumáticas.
Humans , Male , Adult , Calcaneus/surgery , Calcaneus/injuries , Fracture Fixation/methods , Fractures, Bone/diagnosis , Fractures, Bone , Fractures, Bone/therapy , Tarsal Bones/injuries , Bone Nails , Edema/etiology , Orthopedics , Radiography/methods , Traumatology , Heel/injuries , Foot Injuries/surgeryABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Marjolin's ulcer forms part of a group of neoplasms that originate in a burn scar, a phenomenon associated with superficial tissue trauma. The frequency of Marjolin's ulcer is low and represents between 2 and 5% of all squamous cell carcinomas of the skin. This condition is found three times more frequently in men than in women and is thought to be more aggressive than conventional squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. CLINICAL CASES: We present two cases of squamous cell carcinoma that originated on a burn scar. 41 year old woman with gasoline burn on the left foot, 3 months old, in whom an exofitic ulcerated lesion on the right calcaneum region has evolved since she was 32 years old. Left transtibial amputation was decided. Another woman who started its suffering 9 years after a thorax burn with a progressive fungus lesion on the scar area. For its size and as it was a high degree neoplasia, surgical resection and radiotherapy to the zone of the primary with 50 Gy in 25 fractions was decided. CONCLUSIONS: Marjolin's ulcer usually occurs in old burn sites that were not skin grafted and were left to heal secondarily. Although it is believed that there is a latency period of 25-40 years after burn injury before the occurrence of malignancy, this may occur in a period as short as 3 months. Recurrence after radical surgery is 14.7%. Nonetheless, because of the aggressive behavior of this type of cancer, appropriate radical treatment allows an adequate control of the disease. Early grafting of the burn site can prevent the formation a malignant neoplasm. This condition should be suspected in a non-healing chronic ulcer on a burn scar.