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Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;27(2): 156-160, Apr.-June 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280058


ABSTRACT Introduction: The assessment of body composition in female athletes of different sports is important for health monitoring. Objective: To compare body composition in university athletes of different team sports (indoor soccer, flag football and volleyball). Methods: A cross-sectional study carried out with 45 female athletes, aged 18 to 35 years (22.8 ± 3.55). The dependent variables were body fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) measured by air displacement plethysmography. Bone mineral content, adjusted for height (BMC/height) and bone mineral density (BMD), were measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. The independent variable was sport [flag football (n = 12); indoor soccer (n = 20); volleyball (n = 13)] and the covariates were age (complete years), training volume (minutes per week) and length of time playing the sport (complete years). Analysis of covariance was used. Results: Adjusting the model for covariates, volleyball athletes (19.27 kg ± 2.20) presented higher FM values compared to the flag football (16.00 kg ± 1.70) and indoor soccer players (12.20 kg ± 1.30). There was no significant difference in FFM, BMC/height and total BMD between sports, even after adjusting for covariates. Conclusion: Volleyball athletes presented higher FM compared to flag football and indoor soccer athletes. There were no differences in FFM, BMC/height and BMD among the players of the different team sports. This study can help coaches and other sports professionals to prevent injuries to athletes in sports such as higher FM (volleyball), or to prevent diseases such as menstrual irregularities, which are common in athletes who may have low levels of body fat (indoor soccer players), this being one of the risk factors for the female athlete triad (eating disorders, menstrual irregularities and low BMD). Level of evidence III; Retrospective comparative study .

RESUMEN Introducción: La evaluación de la composición corporal en atletas del sexo femenino de diferentes modalidades deportivas es importante para la monitorización de la salud. Objetivos: Comparar la composición corporal de atletas universitarias, de diferentes modalidades colectivas (fútbol de salón, flag football y vóleibol). Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado con 45 atletas del sexo femenino, con edades entre 18 y 35 años (22,8 ± 3,55). Las variables dependientes fueron la masa grasa (MG) y masa magra (MM) medida por pletismografía por desplazamiento de aire. El contenido mineral óseo ajustado para estatura (CMO/estatura) y densidad mineral ósea (DMO) fueron medidos por absorciometría por doble emisión de rayos X. Las variables independientes fueron los deportes [flag football (n = 12); fútbol de salón (n = 20); vóleibol (n = 13)] y las covariables fueron edad (años completos), volumen de entrenamiento (minutos por semana) y tiempo de práctica (años completos). Fue utilizado el análisis de covariancia. Resultados: Al ajustar el modelo por las covariables, las atletas de vóleibol (19,27 kg ± 2,20) presentaron valores mayores de MG con relación a las de flag football (16,00 kg ± 1,70) y de fútbol de salón (12,20 kg ± 1,30). No hubo diferencia significativa en la MM, CMO/estatura y DMO total entre los deportes, incluso después del ajuste para las covariables. Conclusiones: Las atletas de vóleibol presentaron mayor MG en comparación con los atletas de flag football y fútbol de salón. No hubo diferencias en MM, CMO/estatura y DMO entre las jugadoras de diferentes modalidades colectivas. Este estudio puede ayudar a entrenadores y otros profesionales del deporte a prevenir lesiones en atletas con mayor MG (vóleibol) o prevenir enfermedades como irregularidades menstruales, comunes en atletas con bajos niveles de grasa corporal (fútbol de salón), que es uno de los factores de riesgo para el síndrome de la tríada de la atleta femenina (disturbios alimentarios, irregularidades menstruales y baja DMO). Nivel de evidencia III; Estudio retrospectivo comparativo .

RESUMO Introdução: A avaliação da composição corporal em atletas do sexo feminino de diferentes modalidades esportivas é importante para o monitoramento da saúde. Objetivos: Comparar a composição corporal de atletas universitárias, de diferentes modalidades coletivas (futebol de salão, flag football e voleibol). Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado com 45 atletas do sexo feminino, com idades entre 18 e 35 anos (22,8 ± 3,55). As variáveis dependentes foram a massa gorda corporal (MG) e a massa magra (MM) medida por pletismografia por deslocamento de ar. O conteúdo mineral ósseo ajustado para estatura (CMO/estatura) e densidade mineral óssea (DMO) foram medidos por absorciometria por dupla emissão de raios X. As variáveis independentes foram os esportes [flag football (n = 12); futebol de salão (n = 20); voleibol (n = 13)] e as covariáveis foram idade (anos completos), volume de treinamento (minutos por semana) e tempo de prática (anos completos). A análise de covariância foi utilizada. Resultados: Ao ajustar o modelo pelas covariáveis, as atletas de voleibol (19,27 kg ± 2,20) apresentaram valores maiores de MG com relação às de flag football (16,00 kg ± 1,70) e de futebol de salão (12,20 kg ± 1,30). Não houve diferença significativa na MM, CMO/estatura e DMO total entre os esportes, mesmo depois do ajuste para as covariáveis. Conclusões: As atletas de voleibol apresentaram maior MG em comparação com as atletas de flag football e futebol de salão. Não houve diferenças em MM, CMO/estatura e DMO entre os jogadoras de diferentes modalidades coletivas. Este estudo pode ajudar treinadores e outros profissionais do esporte a prevenir lesões em atletas com maior MG (voleibol) ou prevenir doenças como irregularidades menstruais, comuns em atletas com baixos níveis de gordura corporal (futebol de salão), que é um dos fatores de risco para a síndrome da tríade da atleta feminina (distúrbios alimentares, irregularidades menstruais e baixa DMO). Nível de evidência III; Estudo retrospectivo comparativo .

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Body Composition/physiology , Athletes , Team Sports , Soccer/physiology , Students , Universities , Anthropometry , Cross-Sectional Studies , Volleyball/physiology , Football/physiology
Actual. osteol ; 17(2): 78-91, 2021. graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1370190


La concepción original del mecanostato como un regulador de la rigidez estructural ósea orientado a mantener un determinado 'factor de seguridad' en todos los esqueletos parece no corresponder por igual a cualquier hueso y para cualquier tipo de estímulo. Hemos descubierto que la estructura cortical diafisaria del peroné humano manifiesta un comportamiento ambiguo del sistema, referido al uso del pie. La diáfisis peronea, además de ser insensible al desuso, se rigidiza, como sería de esperar, por entrenamientos en disciplinas deportivas que rotan o revierten el pie (hockey, fútbol, rugby); pero, llamativamente, se flexibiliza en su mitad proximal por entrenamiento en carrera larga, que optimiza el rendimiento del salto que acompaña a cada paso. La referida rigidización robustecería la región peronea de inserción de los músculos que rotan o revierten el pie, favoreciendo la locomoción sobre terrenos irregulares o 'gambeteando', propia de especies predadoras como los leopardos. La 'inesperada' flexibilización proximal, pese a reducir la resistencia a la fractura por flexión lateral (poco frecuente en el hombre), favorecería la absorción elástica de la energía contráctil de la musculatura inserta, optimizando el rendimiento del salto al correr, condición vital para especies presas como las gacelas. La falta de analogía de estas respuestas de la estructura peronea a distintos entrenamientos, incompatible con el mantenimiento de un factor de seguridad, sugiere su vinculación preferencial con la optimización de aptitudes esqueléticas con valor selectivo. Esto ampliaría el espectro regulatorio del mecanostato a propiedades esqueléticas 'vitales', más allá del control de la integridad ósea. Su manifestación en el hombre, ajena a connotaciones selectivas (quizá resultante del mantenimiento de genes ancestrales), permitiría proponer la indicación de ejercicios orientados en direcciones preferenciales a este respecto, especialmente cuando estas coincidieran con las de las fuerzas que podrían fracturar al hueso. (AU)

The original notion of the mechanostat as a regulator of bone structural rigidity oriented to maintain a certain 'safety factor' in all skeletons does not seem to correspond equally to every bone and for any type of stimulus. We have discovered that the diaphyseal cortical structure of the human fibula shows an ambiguous behavior of the system, with reference to the use of the foot. The peroneal shaft, in addition to being insensitive to disuse, becomes stiffened, as might be expected, by training in sport disciplines that involve rotating or reversing the foot (hockey, soccer, rugby); but, remarkably, it becomes more flexible in its proximal half by long-distance running training, which optimizes the performance of the jump that accompanies each step. The stiffening would strengthen the peroneal region of insertion of the muscles that rotate or reverse the foot, favoring locomotion on uneven terrain or 'dribbling', typical of predatory species such as leopards. The 'unexpected' proximal flexibilization, despite reducing the resistance to lateral flexion fracture (rare in human), would favor the elastic absorption of contractile energy from the inserted muscles, optimizing jumping performance when running, a vital condition for prey species such as gazelles. The lack of analogy of these responses of the peroneal structure to different training, incompatible with the maintenance of a safety factor, suggests its preferential link with the optimization of skeletal aptitudes with selective value. This would expand the regulatory spectrum of the mechanostat to 'vital' skeletal properties, beyond the control of bone integrity. Its manifestation in humans, oblivious to selective connotations (perhaps resulting from the maintenance of ancestral genes), would make it possible to propose the indication of exercises oriented in preferential directions, especially when they coincide with the direction of the forces that could fracture the bone. (AU)

Humans , Animals , Sports/physiology , Bone and Bones/physiology , Exercise/physiology , Fibula/physiology , Foot/physiology , Soccer/physiology , Track and Field/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Fractures, Bone/prevention & control , Fibula/anatomy & histology , Football/physiology , Hockey/physiology
Actual. osteol ; 16(1): 26-34, Ene - abr. 2020. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130074


La expansión modeladora de la geometría cortical de un hueso inducida por su entorno mecánico podría ser difícil de modificar por estímulos ulteriores con diferente direccionalidad. Este estudio, que por primera vez combina datos tomográficos del peroné (pQCT) y dinamométricos de la musculatura peronea lateral, intenta demostrar que, en individuos jóvenes no entrenados, el entrenamiento en fútbol produce cambios geométricos peroneos expansivos, similares a los del rugby, que podrían interferir en los efectos de un entrenamiento ulterior direccionalmente diferente (carrera larga). Confirmando la hipótesis, los resultados indican, con evidencias originales, 1) la relevancia creciente del uso del pie (rotación externa y eversión provocadas por los peroneos laterales) para la determinación de la geometría peronea (incremento del desarrollo de los indicadores de masa y de diseño óseos), evidenciada por la secuencia creciente de efectos: carrera < fútbol < rugby; 2) la predominancia de esos efectos sobre el desarrollo centro-proximal del peroné para resistir a la flexión lateral, y en la región distal para resistir el buckling (principal sitio y causa de fractura del hueso) y 3.) la relevancia de la anticipación de esos efectos para interferir en la manifestación de los cambios producidos por un entrenamiento ulterior (carrera), cuando los del primero (fútbol) afectan la modelación cortical de modo expansivo. Esta última deducción demuestra, en forma inédita, que un cambio modelatorio expansivo tempranamente inducido sobre la estructura cortical ósea 'delimitaría el terreno'para la manifestación de cualquier otro efecto ulterior por estímulos de distinta direccionalidad. (AU)

The modeling-dependent, geometrical expansion of cortical bone induced by the mechanical environment could be hard to modify by subsequent stimulations with a different directionality. The current study aimed to demonstrate that in young, untrained individuals, training in soccer or rugby enhances the geometric properties of the fibula cortical shell in such a way that the geometrical changes could interfere on the effects of a second training in which the loads are induced in a different direction, e.g. long-distance running. The original findings reported herein confirm our hypothesis and support 1) The relevance of the use of the foot (external rotation and eversion produced by peroneus muscles) to determine fibula geometry (improved development of indicators of bone mass and design) as evidenced by the increasing nature of the effects induced by running < soccer < rugby trainings; 2) The predominance of those effects on the ability of the fibula to resist lateral bending in the centralproximal region (insertion of peroneus muscles), and to resist buckling in the distal region (the main cause and site of the most frequent bone fractures), and 3) The interaction of the effects of a previous training with those of a subsequent training with a different orientation of the loads when the former induced a modeling-dependent expansion of the cortex. Our results support the proposed hypothesis with original arguments by showing that a first, expansive effect induced on cortical bone modeling would set the stage the manifestation of any subsequent effect derived from mechanical stimuli. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Exercise/physiology , Fibula/growth & development , Running/physiology , Soccer/physiology , Sports/physiology , Tomography , Bone Density , Fractures, Bone/prevention & control , Muscle Strength/physiology , Muscle Strength Dynamometer , Fibula/diagnostic imaging , Cortical Bone/diagnostic imaging , Foot/growth & development , Foot/physiology , Foot/diagnostic imaging , Football/physiology
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 18(2): 166-176, Mar.-Apr. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-783911


Abstract The aim of this study was to develop an upper limb muscle power (PUL) prediction model using the Medicine Ball Throw Test (MBT) in rugby players. Eighteen amateur rugby players underwent the MBT test and the guided bench press exercise at 30, 40, 50 and 60% of 1. Myotest® accelerometer was positioned on the bench press bar to estimate muscle power. Linear regression was used to derive the upper limb muscle power prediction equation from the MBT distance. The residue analysis estimated the residual error of the predicted values using values obtained by Myotest®. Bland-Altman plots were used to verify agreement between actual and predicted upper limb muscle power, both in absolute Watts (W) and relative terms (W/kg of fat-free mass). There were significant correlations between actual and predicted upper limb muscle power (r = 0.834, 0.854, and 0.872) for intensities of 30%, 40% and 50%, respectively. Absolute bias of predicted values was -1.87 W (p <0.05). For muscle power predicted relative to fat-free mass, bias was 0.782 W/kg (p <0.05). Conclusion: The MBT test has high correlation with actual PUL values and it was found that the equation developed in this study has high accuracy to predict PUL in rugby players of both sexes.

Resumo Objetivou-se verificar a concordância e predição da potência muscular de membros superiores (PMS) a partir da distância do teste de Arremesso de Medicine Ball (AMB) em jogadores de rugby. Participaram do estudo 18 jogadores amadores de rugby (11 homens) os quais realizaram o teste AMB e o exercício de supino reto na barra guiada com acelerômetro Myotest® nas intensidades de 30%, 40%, 50% e 60% de 1RM. A regressão linear foi utilizada para derivar a equação de predição da potência a partir da distância no AMB. A análise de resíduo estimou o erro residual dos valores preditos, utilizando os valores obtidos pelo Myotest® como referência. O método leave-one-out foi adotado para aferir o erro da equação em subconjuntos da amostra. O modelo de Bland-Altman verificou a concordância entre potência predita pelo AMB e valores obtidos do Myotest® de forma absoluta Watts (W) e relativa à massa isenta de gordura (W/kg). Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre os métodos (r=0,834, 0872 e 0,854) para as intensidades de 30%, 40% e 50% de 1RM, respectivamente. O viés de medida na análise absoluta foi de -1,87 W (p<0,05). Na análise relativa, foi verificado o viés de 0,782 W/kg (p<0,05). Pode-se concluir que o teste de AMB possui alta concordância com os valores reais da PMS e também verificou-se que a equação elaborada no estudo possui alta acurácia para predizer a PMS em jogadores de rugby de ambos os sexos.

Humans , Male , Female , Exercise Test/methods , Football/physiology , Anthropometry , Athletic Performance/physiology
Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 14(4): 296-302, jul.-ago. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-560711


OBJETIVOS: Verificar possível associação entre ângulo quadriciptal (ÂQ) e distribuição de pressão plantar em jogadores de futebol, comparando-os com indivíduos não praticantes da modalidade. MÉTODOS: Cento e vinte e um participantes do sexo masculino foram selecionados: 50 jogadores de futebol (JF) e 71 sujeitos para o grupo controle (GC). Avaliaram-se concomitantemente o ÂQ, por meio do Software para Avaliação Postural (SAPO), e a pressão plantar, pela plataforma F-Scan/F-Mat System. Para verificar correlação entre o ÂQ e os valores de picos de pressão em quatro segmentos do pé (antepé medial e lateral, médio-pé e retropé), utilizou-se o Coeficiente de Pearson (r) para análises paramétricas. O teste t independente foi empregado para comparar isoladamente essas mesmas variáveis entre os grupos. A normalidade dos dados foi verificada pelos valores de skewness, adotando nível de significância de 5 por cento. RESULTADOS: Encontrou-se correlação negativa e fraca (r=-0,32) somente entre ÂQ e médio-pé direito. Os grupos diferiram quanto ao ÂQ bilateralmente, sendo que o grupo JF teve média de 11,36º, e GC, de 13,80º à direita e de 11,03º contra 13,96º à esquerda, respectivamente. Em relação à pressão plantar, o JF teve maior média de força nas faces laterais do antepé direito (0,77 contra 0,63 kg/cm²) e esquerdo (0,65 e 0,54 kg/cm²), enquanto o GC apresentou maior pico de pressão no médio-pé esquerdo (JF: 0,37 e GC: 0,46 kg/cm²). CONCLUSÕES: Não houve relação entre os valores de ÂQ na distribuição da pressão plantar nos jogadores de futebol. Os atletas apresentaram, porém, ÂQ diminuído e maiores picos de pressão nas faces laterais de ambos os pés, o que sugere alinhamento em varo dos joelhos e distribuição supinada das bases plantares.

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether there is an association between the Q-angle (Q) and the distribution of plantar pressure in football players, and to compare the characteristics of these athletes with non-practitioners of this sport. METHODS: 121 male participants were selected: 50 football practitioners (FP) and 71 non-practitioners (NP). We concurrently evaluated the Q-angle and the plantar pressure through the software of postural assessment (SPA) and the F-Mat System, respectively. To verify the correlation between the Q-angle and peak pressure values in four segments of the foot (medial and lateral forefoot, medium-foot and hind-foot), the Pearson coefficient (r) for parametric analysis was used. The independent t-test was used to compare these variables between the groups. Data normality was verified by the skewness values, adopting a significance level of 5 percent. RESULTS: A negative and weak correlation was found (r=-0.32) between the Q-angle and the plantar pressure in the right medium-foot. The groups differed with regards to the right Q-angle (11.36º in FP versus 13.80º in NP) and the left Q-angle (11.03º in FP versus 13.96º in NP). Plantar pressure was also different between the groups, with FP showing higher mean values for the right side and for the left side of the forefoot (0.77 kg/cm² in FP versus 0.63 kg/cm² in NP, and 0.65 kg/cm² in FP versus 0.54 kg/cm² in NP, respectively). However, mean peak pressure values for the left medium-foot were higher among NP (0.37 kg/cm² in FP versus 0.46 kg/cm² in NP). CONCLUSIONS: There was no evidence of an association between the Q-angle and the distribution of plantar pressure in FP. The athletes showed reduced Q-angle values and higher mean peak pressure values for the right and left aspects of the forefoot, suggesting a varus malalignment and a supine distribution of plantar bases.

Adolescent , Adult , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Foot/physiology , Football/physiology , Quadriceps Muscle/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Cross-Sectional Studies , Pressure , Young Adult
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2001 Jan; 45(1): 63-70
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-107165


Evidence suggests that Reaction time (RT) is affected by human behaviour in that stimuli are processed and conducted faster and more accurately when they are presented directly to the specialised hemisphere and responded to more quickly when stimulus and response are mediated by the same hemisphere. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effect of laterality using one parameter-reaction time (RT) on ipsilateral reactions to monuaural latralized stimuli. Twenty-four undergraduate polytechnic students and 10 representative level Rugby players participated in the study by reacting unilaterally to single and choice RT using simple and complicated sensor motor reactions (SMR). Results Shorter reaction times by the dominant hand while testing simple and complicated audio SMR, without reference to sex and sport skills results have been explained in terms of specialisation of left hemisphere in different aspects of information processes mechanisms, geared towards programming of the movement.

Acoustic Stimulation/methods , Adolescent , Adult , Analysis of Variance , Female , Football/physiology , Functional Laterality/physiology , Hand/physiology , Humans , Male , Movement/physiology , Reaction Time/physiology