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Coluna/Columna ; 23(1): e279688, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557649


ABSTRACT: Traumatic atlanto-occipital dislocation is a rare, severe, and usually fatal injury. In this paper, we report the case of a 28-year-old patient with multiple trauma, who suffered an atlanto-occipital dislocation (AOD) associated with rotatory dislocation at C1-C2, condyle fracture and traumatic brain injury resulting from a car accident, with a cardiopulmonary arrest at the accident site. The patient had motor and sensory deficits, suffering other complications of clinical severity during hospitalization. After two years of surgical treatment follow-up, the patient had a complete recovery of neuromotor and sensory functions. This case demonstrates that neurological recovery with minimal sequelae is possible, even after an unfavorable prognosis resulting from a severe injury with a high risk of death as this kind of trauma. It is essential for health professionals to have the ability to identify and treat AOD, ensuring improved clinical outcomes, reducing mortality and morbidity, and providing a better life to affected patients. Level of Evidence IV; Cases Series.

RESUMO: A luxação traumática atlanto-occipital (LTAO) é uma lesão rara, grave e com alto índice de mortalidade. Neste artigo relatamos o caso de um paciente de 28 anos, politraumatizado, que sofreu uma LTAO associada à luxação rotatória em C1-C2, à avulsão de côndilo e ao traumatismo crânio encefálico decorrente de acidente automobilístico, com relato de uma parada cardiorrespiratória no local do acidente. O paciente deu entrada no serviço com déficit motor e sensitivo, sofrendo outras intercorrências de gravidade clínica durante a internação. Após dois anos do tratamento cirúrgico, o paciente evoluiu favoravelmente com completa recuperação das alterações neuromotoras e sensitivas. O caso apresentado demonstra que é possível a recuperação neurológica com sequelas mínimas, mesmo após um prognóstico desfavorável decorrente de uma lesão grave e o elevado risco de morte decorrente desse tipo de trauma. É essencial que os profissionais de saúde estejam aptos a identificar e tratar a LTAO, garantindo uma melhorar dos resultados clínicos, redução da mortalidade e morbidade, além de proporcionar uma melhor qualidade de vida aos pacientes afetados. Nível de Evidência IV; Série de casos.

RESUMEN: La luxación traumática atlanto-occipital (LTAO) es una lesión grave, poco frecuente y con una elevada tasa de mortalidad. En este artículo presentamos el caso de un paciente politraumatizado de 28 años que sufrió una LTAO asociada a luxación rotatoria en C1-C2, a la avulsión de cóndilos y traumatismo craneoencefálico como consecuencia de un accidente de tráfico, con parada cardiorrespiratoria en el lugar del accidente. El paciente presentaba déficits motores y sensoriales y sufrió otras complicaciones clínicas graves durante su hospitalización. Luego de dos años de tratamiento quirúrgico, el paciente evoluciona favorablemente con recuperación completa de las alteraciones neuromotoras y sensitivas. El caso presentado demuestra que la recuperación neurológica con mínimas secuelas es posible, incluso después de un pronóstico desfavorable debido a una lesión grave y al alto riesgo de muerte derivado de este tipo de traumatismos. Es esencial que los profesionales sanitarios sean capaces de identificar y tratar la LTAO, garantizando mejores resultados clínicos, una reducción de la mortalidad y la morbilidad, y una mejor calidad de vida para los pacientes afectados. Nivel de Evidencia IV; Series de casos.

Male , Adult , Atlanto-Occipital Joint , Fracture Dislocation , Spine
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970850


Femoral head and ipsilateral femoral neck fractures are serious and complicated injuries, which usually yield unsatisfactory results using conventional hip-preserving surgery. The key point of the management and prognosis mainly lies in femoral neck fractures. An apparent and consecutive relationship exists between femoral neck fractures and femoral head fracture-hip dislocation in such injuries. It is believed that disastrous triad of femoral head (DTFH) could summarize these specific injuries, and reflect the injury mechanism and prognostic characteristics. Based on our clinical observation and literature review, DTFH could be divided into three subgroups:TypeⅠ, common DTFH, in which femoral neck fractures occur following femoral head fractures-hip dislocation due to the same trauma; TypeⅡ, iatrogenic DTFH, in which femoral neck fractures come out in the caring process of femoral head fractures-hip dislocation; Type Ⅲ, stressed DTFH, in which femoral neck fractures occur after the management of femoral head fractures-hip dislocation. In the scenario, the line of femoral neck fractures locates distally to the femoral head fractures. Herein, we will discuss clinical characteristics of these types of DTFH.

Humans , Femoral Fractures/complications , Femoral Neck Fractures/complications , Femur Head/injuries , Fracture Dislocation , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Hip Dislocation/surgery , Prognosis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009046


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the biomechanical differences among the five internal fixation modes in treatment of Day type Ⅱ crescent fracture dislocation of pelvis (CFDP), and find an internal fixation mode which was the most consistent with mechanical principles.@*METHODS@#Based on the pelvic CT data of a healthy adult male volunteer, a Day type Ⅱ CFDP finite element model was established by using Mimics 17.0, ANSYS 12.0-ICEM, Abaqus 2020, and SolidWorks 2012 softwares. After verifying the validity of the finite element model by comparing the anatomical parameters with the three-dimensional reconstruction model and the mechanical validity verification, the fracture and dislocated joint of models were fixed with S 1 sacroiliac screw combined with 1 LC-Ⅱ screw (S 1+LC-Ⅱ group), S 1 sacroiliac screw combined with 2 LC-Ⅱ screws (S 1+2LC-Ⅱ group), S 1 sacroiliac screw combined with 2 posterior iliac screws (S 1+2PIS group), S 1 and S 2 sacroiliac screws combined with 1 LC-Ⅱ screw (S 1+S 2+LC-Ⅱ group), S 2-alar-iliac (S 2AI) screw combined with 1 LC-Ⅱ screw (S 2AI+LC-Ⅱ group), respectively. After each internal fixation model was loaded with a force of 600 N in the standing position, the maximum displacement of the crescent fracture fragments, the maximum stress of the internal fixation (the maximum stress of the screw at the ilium fracture and the maximum stress of the screw at the sacroiliac joint), sacroiliac joint displacement, and bone stress distribution around internal fixation were observed in 5 groups.@*RESULTS@#The finite element model in this study has been verified to be effective. After loading 600 N stress, there was a certain displacement of the crescent fracture of pelvis in each internal fixation model, among which the S 1+LC-Ⅱ group was the largest, the S 1+2LC-Ⅱ group and the S 1+2PIS group were the smallest. The maximum stress of the internal fixation mainly concentrated at the sacroiliac joint and the fracture line of crescent fracture. The maximum stress of the screw at the sacroiliac joint was the largest in the S 1+LC-Ⅱ group and the smallest in the S 2AI+LC-Ⅱ group. The maximum stress of the screw at the ilium fracture was the largest in the S 1+2PIS group and the smallest in the S 1+2LC-Ⅱ group. The displacement of the sacroiliac joint was the largest in the S 1+LC-Ⅱ group and the smallest in the S 1+S 2+LC-Ⅱ group. In each internal fixation model, the maximum stress around the sacroiliac screws concentrated on the contact surface between the screw and the cortical bone, the maximum stress around the screws at the iliac bone concentrated on the cancellous bone of the fracture line, and the maximum stress around the S 2AI screw concentrated on the cancellous bone on the iliac side. The maximum bone stress around the screws at the sacroiliac joint was the largest in the S 1+LC-Ⅱ group and the smallest in the S 2AI+LC-Ⅱ group. The maximum bone stress around the screws at the ilium was the largest in the S 1+2PIS group and the smallest in the S 1+LC-Ⅱ group.@*CONCLUSION@#For the treatment of Day type Ⅱ CFDP, it is recommended to choose S 1 sacroiliac screw combined with 1 LC-Ⅱ screw for internal fixation, which can achieve a firm fixation effect without increasing the number of screws.

Adult , Male , Humans , Finite Element Analysis , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Pelvis , Spinal Fractures/surgery , Fracture Dislocation/surgery , Joint Dislocations/surgery , Biomechanical Phenomena
Rev. bras. ortop ; 57(4): 619-628, Jul.-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394868


Abstract Objective The treatment of Colles fracture can deform the wrist. Some studies claim the resulting deformity rarely hinders daily activities, whereas others report the opposite; thus, anatomical reduction is desirable. Our objective was to analyze the anatomical and functional results of Colles fracture to find out the values of individual parameters corresponding to the best functional outcome. Methods The present prospective study included 70 elderly patients with Colles fracture. All patients were managed conservatively. The anatomical parameters were evaluated by measuring dorsal angulation, radial inclination, and radial height, and they were assessed as per Stewart et al. The functional result was assessed by the Mayo wrist score. The results were analyzed using the chi-squared test of association, and a p-value < 0.001 was considered statistically significant and to examine strengths of associations; we computed odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results Excellent and good results were obtained in 68.5% of the cases anatomically and 78.5% functionally, which was statistically significant (p= 0.0009). Out of the three anatomical parameter dorsal angulation < 10° and loss of radial inclination < 9° showed statistically significant association with functional results (p= 0.0006), but loss of radial height < 6 mm did not (p= 0.0568), which became significant when loss of radial height was kept < 4 mm (p= 0.00062). Conclusion Fractures with anatomical reduction have better functional results. The acceptable borderline anatomical parameters for obtaining excellent or good functional results are dorsal angulation < 10°, loss of radial inclination < 9°, and loss of radial height < 4 mm.

Resumo Objetivo O tratamento da fratura de Colles pode deformar o pulso. Alguns estudos afirmam que essa deformidade raramente dificulta as atividades diárias, enquanto outros relatam o contrário; assim, a redução anatômica é desejável. Nosso objetivo foi analisar os resultados anatômicos e funcionais da fratura de Colles para descobrir os valores de parâmetros individuais correspondentes ao melhor desfecho funcional. Métodos Este estudo prospectivo incluiu 70 pacientes idosos com fratura de Colles. Todos os pacientes foram tratados de forma conservativa. Os parâmetros anatômicos foram a angulação dorsal, a inclinação radial e a altura radial, avaliados de acordo com Stewart et al. O resultado funcional foi avaliado segundo a tabela de pontuação de pulso Mayo. Os resultados foram analisados por meio do teste de associação do qui-quadrado, considerando o valor de p< 0,001 estatisticamente significativo. A força das associações foi analisada por razões de possibilidades com intervalos de confiança de 95%. Resultados Excelentes e bons resultados anatômicos e funcionais foram obtidos em 68,5% e 78,5% dos casos, respectivamente, com diferença estatística significativa (p= 0,0009). Dos três parâmetros anatômicos, a angulação dorsal inferior a 10° e a perda da inclinação radial inferior a 9° apresentaram associação estatisticamente significativa com os resultados funcionais (p= 0,0006), mas não a perda de altura radial inferior a 6 mm (p= 0,0568); no entanto, a perda da altura radial inferior a 4 mm foi associada de forma significativa aos desfechos funcionais (p= 0,00062). Conclusão As fraturas com redução anatômica apresentam melhores desfechos funcionais. Os parâmetros anatômicos limítrofes aceitáveis para a obtenção de resultados funcionais excelentes ou bons são angulação dorsal inferior a 10°, perda da inclinação radial inferior a 9° e perda da altura radial inferior a 4 mm.

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Congenital Abnormalities , Activities of Daily Living , Chi-Square Distribution , Prospective Studies , Fractures, Bone , Fracture Dislocation/surgery
Rev. int. sci. méd. (Abidj.) ; 24(2): 151-156, 2022. tables, figures
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1397052


Introduction. Les luxations temporo-mandiblaires sont peu fréquentes au CHU de Bouaké, mais elles sont invalidantes. Les objectifs étaient de : Distinguer les aspects épidémiologiques, et d'identifi er les formes cliniques et les aspects thérapeutiques. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective et descriptive qui s'est déroulée du 1er janvier 2018 au 30 décembre 2019 dans le service d'odontostomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale du Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire de Bouaké. Résultats. Quarante et un (41) cas ont été colligés soit une fréquence hospitalière de 5%. L'âge moyen était de 40,18 ans avec des extrêmes de 11 ans et 77 ans. Le sex-ratio était de 0,78. Le délai moyen de consultation était de 3 jours. Le bâillement représentait 48,78% des causes et avait pour facteur favorisant l'édentation partielle postérieures dans 90% des cas. Les luxations isolées de l'articulation temporo mandibulaire étaient observées dans 85,37% des cas, et étaient toutes antérieures. Parmi ces luxations isolées, 88,57% étaient bilatérales et 11,43% unilatérales. La luxation supérieure a été retrouvée dans 4,88% de cas, et elle était toujours associée à une fracture de la symphyse mandibulaire. Dans 80,49% des cas, le traitement a été orthopédique. L'évolution a été favorable dans 82,93% des cas. Conclusion. Les luxations temporo-mandibulaires sont des affections très invalidantes. Les absences dentaires constituent le principal facteur prédisposant d'où la nécessité d'une bonne réhabilitation dentaire prothétique afi n d'éviter les récidives.

Temporomandibular Joint Disc , Hospitals, Teaching , Therapeutics , Fracture Dislocation
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(4): 190-197, out./dez. 2021. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363199


As lesões decorrentes de atropelamento são as principais causas de fraturas e luxações vertebrais, ocasionando graus variáveis de injúrias vertebrais e medulares. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a ocorrência de lesão traumática em coluna vertebral de cão sem raça definida, com quatro anos de idade, resultando em luxação T11-12, com exposição de T11 e secção medular, estando o paciente paraplégico, com sinais de lesão em neurônio motor superior e ausência de nocicepção profunda em membros pélvicos. O tratamento de escolha foi a vertebrectomia de T11, associada ao alinhamento de T10-12 com introdução de pinos e fixação com polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) associado à ceftriaxona. Em decorrência de lesão na pleura parietal no trans-cirúrgico, optou-se pela toracostomia para introdução de tubo torácico, o qual permaneceu no paciente por quatro dias. No pós-operatório, o paciente apresentou recuperação satisfatória, sendo recomendado aos tutores a confecção de cadeira de rodas a fim de facilitar sua locomoção. A técnica mostrou-se satisfatória para minimizar as infecções passíveis de ocorrência em fraturas expostas, bem como melhorar a qualidade de vida do paciente, evitando-se dores crônicas.

Injuries resulting from being run over are the leading causes of vertebral fractures and dislocations, causing varying vertebral and spinal injuries. The present study aims to report the occurrence of traumatic injury to the spine of a mixed breed dog, aged four years, resulting in a T11-12 dislocation, with T11 exposure and spinal section, with the patient showing paraplegia, signs of an upper motor neuron lesion and absence of deep nociception in pelvic limbs. The treatment of choice was T11 vertebrectomy, associated with the alignment of T10-12 with the introduction of pins and fixation with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) associated with ceftriaxone. Due to a lesion in the parietal pleura during the surgery, thoracostomy was chosen to introduce a chest tube, which remained in the patient for four days. In the postoperative period, the patient presented a satisfactory recovery, and it was recommended that tutors make a wheelchair to facilitate their mobility. The technique proved to be satisfactory for minimizing infections that could occur in open fractures and improving the patient's quality of life, avoiding chronic pain.

Animals , Spinal Cord Injuries/veterinary , Surgery, Veterinary , Spinal Fractures/veterinary , Paraplegia/veterinary , Thoracostomy/veterinary , Fracture Dislocation/veterinary
Rev. int. sci. méd. (Abidj.) ; 23(1): 43-48, 2021. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1397442


Contexte. Les luxations traumatiques du coude de l'enfant sont des lésions peu fréquentes. Elles nécessitent une prise en charge en urgence afi n d'éviter les complications fonctionnelles. Le but de cette étude était de décrire les aspectsépidémiologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective descriptive et analytique des luxations récentes traumatiques du coude. Elle a concerné les patients de moins de 15 ans. Elle a été réalisée du 1er janvier 2016 au 31 décembre 2019 aux urgences de chirurgie. Les données étudiées étaient : les aspects épidémiologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs. Un test exact de Fisher a été réalisé pour rechercher les facteurs pouvant infl uencer le résultat fonctionnel. Résultats. Dix-huit luxations traumatiques du coude ont été colligéesdans le service des urgences chirurgicales. Elles représentaient 0,08 % des traumatismes du coude. L'âge moyen était de 10±3,1ans (7-12 ans).Les accidents de jeu étaient l'étiologie la plus fréquente (n=15). La forme convergente postéro-latérale était observée dans tous les cas. La fracture de l'épicondyle médiale (n=3) et la parésie du nerf ulnaire (n=1) étaient associées. Le délai moyen du traitement était de 150±6,8 minutes (60- 360min).Le traitement a été orthopédique. La durée moyennecontention plâtrée était de 25±4,6 jours (21-45 jours).Les résultats fonctionnels globaux selon les critères de Robert étaient excellents dans 14 cas au recul moyen de 06 ±4,7 mois (3-13 mois).Il n'existait aucun lien entre le résultat fonctionnel, le délai de réduction et la présence ou non de lésions associées. Conclusion. Les luxations traumatiques du coude étaient peu fréquentes. La réduction en urgence a donné un bon pronostic fonctionnel.

Humans , Elbow , Fracture Dislocation , Therapeutics , Child , Orthopedic Procedures
Rev. colomb. ortop. traumatol ; 35(2): 210-214, 2021. ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1378667


La incidencia de las fracturas de la cabeza humeral es aproximadamente del 6% de todas las fracturas con mayor afectación a las mujeres quienes tienen tres veces más probabilidad de presentar este tipo de fracturas que los hombres. Las fracturas de humero proximal que involucren tres o más fragmentos representan un alto riesgo y altas tasas de necrosis de la cabeza humeral. El objetivo de este reporte de caso es mostrar el éxito de la reconstrucción en una luxo fractura de humero proximal compleja con preservación de la cabeza. Paciente masculino de 35 años de edad quien sufre luxo fractura multifragmentada de la cabeza del húmero Neer IV y fractura de platillos tibiales schatzker IV por accidente de tránsito en motocicleta. Con una evolución favorable y satisfactoria.

The incidence of humeral head fractures is approximately 6% of all fractures with greater involvement in women who are three times more likely to have this type of fracture than men. Proximal humerus fractures involving three or more fragments represent a high risk and high rates of humeral head necrosis. The objective of this case report is to show the success of the reconstruction in a complex proximal humerus luxofracture with preservation of the head. Herein we present a 35-year-old male patient with a multifragmented luxofracture of the humerus head (Neer IV) and fracture of the tibial plateau Schatzker IV due to motorcycle traffic accident with a favorable and satisfactory evolution.

Humans , Humerus , Shoulder , Fractures, Bone , Fracture Dislocation , Necrosis
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(6): 2252-2258, Nov.-Dec. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1142281


Twelve dogs with traumatic hip luxation were selected for surgical intervention with a modified iliofemoral suture technique using an anchor screw to substitute the passage of suture material through a perforated tunnel in the ilium. Six procedures were performed with non-absorbable suture and other six with absorbable suture materials. These cases were evaluated at 15, 30, 60, and 90 days after surgery by performing an ambulation analysis and palpation of the joint. In all cases, there was a return of partial and total limb support in an average of 3 and 19 postoperative, respectively. The fixation strategy of the suture material in the ilium using an anchor screw proved to be efficient with a smaller surgical approach and lesser surgical difficulty, maintaining joint congruence in acute as chronic luxation cases. The use of absorbable and non-absorbable sutures had excellent clinical results, but there was a subjective superiority of the first ones, once 4 dogs of the non-absorbable group presented some discomfort during the postoperative palpation of the joint, 90 days after surgery.(AU)

Doze cães com luxação coxofemoral traumática foram submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica de sutura iliofemoral modificada com uso de parafuso âncora substituindo a passagem de fio através de túnel perfurado no ílio. Seis procedimentos foram realizados com fio não absorvível, e outros seis com fio absorvível. Os casos foram avaliados aos 15, 30, 60 e 90 dias após a cirurgia, por meio de análise de deambulação e palpação articular. Em todos os casos, houve retorno de suporte parcial e total do peso no membro operado, em média, aos três e 19 dias de pós-operatório, respectivamente. A estratégia de fixação do fio de sutura no ílio com parafuso âncora se mostrou eficaz, permitindo uma abordagem cirúrgica menos invasiva, com menor dificuldade na execução, garantindo manutenção da congruência articular tanto em quadros de luxação aguda como crônica. O uso de fio absorvível e não absorvível teve bons resultados clínicos, porém houve uma superioridade subjetiva do primeiro, uma vez que quatro pacientes do grupo fio inabsorvível mostraram desconforto à palpação da articulação aos 90 dias após a cirurgia.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Femoral Fractures/veterinary , Femur/injuries , Fracture Dislocation/veterinary , Ilium/injuries , Suture Techniques/veterinary
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 34(1): e192, ene.-jun. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1139111


RESUMEN Las fracturas-luxaciones carpianas son lesiones poco frecuentes que ocurren tras traumatismos de alta energía y que, inicialmente, muchas veces pasan desapercibidas. Se presenta un paciente de 32 años de edad, masculino, que había sido atendido seis semanas antes en la consulta de trauma tras caer de una altura aproximada de 6 metros. Se diagnosticó luxación aislada del semilunar y se le realizó carpectomía parcial. La evolución fue satisfactoria, el paciente se incorporó a su vida social activa a las 16 semanas del acto operatorio. Tras un año de evolución presentó dolor leve y ocasional(AU)

ABSTRACT Carpal fracture-dislocations are rare injuries that occur after high-energy trauma and that, initially, often go unnoticed. A case of a 32-year-old male patient is reported, he had been treated six weeks earlier in the trauma clinic after falling from a six meter height approximately. An isolated lunate dislocation was diagnosed and partial carpectomy was performed. The evolution was satisfactory, the patient joined his active social life 16 weeks after the operation. After a year of evolution, he showed mild and occasional pain(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Lunate Bone/injuries , Wrist Injuries/surgery , Fracture Dislocation/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-828243


OBJECTIVE@#To explore clinical effect of internal and external fixation combined with second-stage perforator fiap for the treatment of ankle fracture dislocation of Gustilo-Anderson types ⅢB and ⅢC.@*METHODS@#From May 2014 to July 2017, 20 patients with Gustilo-Anderson types ⅢB and ⅢC ankle fracture dislocation were treated with internal and external fixation combined with second-stage perforator fiap, including 14 males and 6 females, aged from 18 to 58 years old with an average of (39.0±9.7) years old;17 patients were type ⅢB and 3 patients were type ⅢC according to Gustilo-Anderson classification;4 patients were type A, 7 patients were type B, and 9 patients were type C according to AO classification. The size of wound ranged from 4 cm×3 cm to 20 cm×9 cm. Second-stage perforator flap, 11 patients were performed with posterior tibial artery perforator flap, 5 patients were performed with fibular artery perforator flap, 1 patient was performed with anterior ankle flap, and 3 patients were performed with posterior tibial artery perforator flap combined with fibular artery perforator flap. Postoperative wound healing, flap survival and fracture healing were observed, AOFAS score was used to evaluate at the latest follow up.@*RESULTS@#All limbs were preserved successfully without amputation. Nine patients occurred superficial infection without deep infection and osteomyelitis occurring. The flaps of 19 patients survived. All patients were followed up for 6 to 18 months with an average of (12.0±2.9) months. The flaps healed well without sinus tract, bone exposure and bone disunion occurring. Fracture healing time ranged from 4 to 10 months with an average of (6.6±1.7) months. PostoperativeAOFAS score was 76.7± 16.4, among which 4 patients got excellent result, 11 patients good, 3 patients fair, and 2 poor.@*CONCLUSION@#Internal and external fixation combined with second stage perforator fiap for the treatment of ankle fracture dislocation of Gustilo-Anderson types ⅢB and ⅢC could effectively close the wound, improve fracture healing and restore appearance and function of limbs to the maximum.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Ankle , Fracture Dislocation , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Perforator Flap , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Skin Transplantation , Soft Tissue Injuries , General Surgery , Treatment Outcome
Rev. colomb. ortop. traumatol ; 34(2): 189-193, 2020. ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372867


Reportamos el caso de un hombre de 61 años de edad quien presentó una luxación palmar divergente del escafoides y semilunar de la muñeca derecha secundario a trauma por caída de una escalera en su casa, quien fue atendido a las 24 horas del accidente, se le realizó una resección de los dos huesos (desvascularizados completamente), y se redujo el hueso grande en la fosa semilunar del radio más reparación de la cápsula articular y los ligamentos palmares radiocarpales. Al control del primer año el resultado ha sido satisfactorio, con un buen desempeño de su actividad laboral, y con una congruencia de la articulacion radio hueso grande y estabilidad completa de la muñeca. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

We report the case of a 61-year-old man who presented a Palmar divergent dislocation of the scaphoid and lunate of the right wrist secondary to trauma due to the fall of a ladder in his house, who was seen 24hours after the accident, he underwent a resection of the two bones (completely devascularized), and the Capitate bone was reduced in the lunate fossa of the radius by adding a repair of the joint capsule and the radiocarpal palmar ligaments. After the first year of follow up the result has been broadly satisfactory, with good performance of his working activity, and with a congruence of the Radial-Capitate joint with complete stability of the wrist. Evidence Level: IV

Humans , Fracture Dislocation , Lunate Bone , Scaphoid Bone
Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 51(4): 343-348, Septiembre 26, 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092265


Resumen Las fracturas de la epitróclea representan el 11 al 20% de las lesiones en codo en población pediátrica y aproximadamente el 50% se asocia a luxación en el codo, siendo la incarceración menos frecuente. El objetivo del trabajo es describir los resultados funcionales de una serie de pacientes con fractura de epitróclea. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo y retrospectivo de pacientes pediátricos con fracturas de epitróclea, atendidos en un hospital pediátrico. Se revisaron las historias clínicas y los datos fueron analizados en Excel. El estudio fue aprobado por el comité de ética del hospital. Se tomaron 42 casos de los cuales 39 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La edad media fue 11.3 años (4-16 años). El 77% fueron operados y la fractura se asoció a luxación del codo en el 25.6%. El 7.6% de los casos tuvieron neuroapraxia de nervio cubital con recuperación espontánea. La fractura de la epitróclea se observa en población pediátrica involucrada en actividades de alto rendimiento. Puede ocurrir falla en diagnóstico debido a la compleja osificación del codo y también a la superposición de imagen de la epitróclea con la tróclea humeral. Se asocia con luxación del codo entre un 25 a 50% de los casos. El tratamiento de esta fractura es ortopédico o quirúrgico. Las tasas de consolidación en ambos tratamientos son similares.

Abstract Medial epicondyle fractures represent 11-20% of elbow injuries in the pediatric population. Approximately 50% is associated with dislocation in the elbow. Incarceration is less frequent. The objective of this study is to describe the functional results of a cases of patients with medial epicondyle fracture and to review the subject. It is a descriptive and retrospective observational study of pediatric patients with medial epicondyle fracture, attended in a pediatric hospital. The medical records were reviewed and the data were analyzed in an Excel table. The study was approved by the hospital ethics committee. 39 of 42 cases, met the inclusion criteria. The average age was 11.3 years (4-16 years). 77% were operated and the fracture was associated with dislocation of the elbow in 25.6%. The 7.6% of the cases had ulnar nerve neuroapraxia that they recovered spontaneously. The medial epicondyle fracture is observed in the pediatric population involved in high performance activities. Subdiagnosis can occur due to the complex ossification of the elbow and also to the superimposition of the medial epicondyle image with the humeral trochlea. It is associated with dislocation of the elbow between 25 to 50% of cases. The treatment of this fracture is orthopedic or surgical. The consolidation rates in both treatments are similar.

Humans , Humeral Fractures , Ulnar Nerve , Child , Elbow , Fracture Dislocation , Fractures, Avulsion
Chinese Journal of Traumatology ; (6): 120-124, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771644


Bosworth ankle fracture-dislocation is rare, known to be an irreducible type of ankle injury, with a high incidence of complication. We present two cases of even rarer variants of Bosworth ankle fracture-dislocation. The first case is a type of supination external rotation adduction, and the second case is a type of supination external rotation adduction. These types have not been described before. In both of the cases we failed to achieve close reduction, and therefore proceeded with emergency surgeries, with open reduction and internal fixation. Both of the cases were performed with a postero-lateral approach to reduce the dislocations, and fix the fractures successfully. Unfortunately in one of the cases, acute compartment syndrome developed post-surgically. However, both cases showed good functional outcomes.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Acute Disease , Ankle Fractures , General Surgery , Ankle Injuries , General Surgery , Compartment Syndromes , Fracture Dislocation , General Surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Methods , Open Fracture Reduction , Methods , Postoperative Complications , Recovery of Function , Rotation , Supination , Treatment Outcome
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1271848


Les accidents du travail (AT) sont fréquents et s'accompagnent souvent de lourdes conséquences pour l'individu, la communauté et l'employeur, occasionnant dans certains cas des séquelles dont il faut déterminer le taux d'incapacité permanente partielle (IPP). L'étude était transversale et analytique. Elle s'est déroulée sur une période de cinq années allant de 2012 à 2016, et a concerné tous les dossiers complets d'accidents du travail avec Incapacité Permanente Partielle AT/IPP enregistrés à la Direction régionale de Ouagadougou de la Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale. Les résultats descriptifs ont été présentés sous forme univariée et bivariée. L'échantillon était constitué de 221 cas d'AT/IPP extraits parmi les dossiers d'AT déclarés à Ouagadougou, soit un taux de 4,49 % (221/4922). L'échantillon était constitué de 54 femmes (24,4 3%) et 167 hommes (75,57 %). L'âge moyen était de 40,09 ± 8,8 ans (16 - 62 ans), avec une sinistralité plus fréquente dans le secteur des « services fournis à la collectivité, services sociaux et services personnels » (38,46 %). Plus de 2/3 des cas étaient des « employés » (67,42 %). Les accidents de trajet constituaient la majorité des sinistres (62 %). Ils survenaient en matinée entre 6 heures et 8 heures (45,25 %) et le véhicule de transport était le principal élément agent matériel causal (64,71 %). Les AT/IPP ont causé des fractures des membres (48,88 %) et entrainé 110 cas d'impotence fonctionnelle (49 %) et en moyenne 103 journées de travail perdues (3 - 848 jours). La prévention des AT/IPP devra intégrer des modules sur la sécurité routière

Accidents, Occupational/prevention & control , Accidents, Occupational/statistics & numerical data , Accidents, Traffic , Burkina Faso , Fracture Dislocation , Professional Impairment , Social Security
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1263833


Introduction : Dans les pays à ressources limitées, la broche de Kirschner est un implant de choix dans le traitement des fractures de la clavicule. L'objectif de cette étude rétrospective était de décrire les résultats de la fixation centromédullaire par broche de Kirschner des fractures de la clavicule de l'adulte. Patients et Méthode : Cette étude a concerné 21 patients (22 fractures). L'âge moyen était de 32 ans. Les fractures étaient fermées (n=19) et ouvertes (n=3). L'ostéosynthèse a été réalisée dans un délai de13 jours à foyer ouvert de manière rétrograde sans amplificateur de brillance. Une broche de Kirschner de 2 à 3 mm de diamètre a été utilisée par foyer de fracture. L'évaluation des résultats a concerné la réduction de la fracture, la cicatrisation de la plaie opératoire, la consolidation, les complications selon Millet, et les résultats définitifs selon Constant. Résultats : La réduction était satisfaisante (n=20). Il persistait une comminution initiale (n=2). La cicatrisation a été obtenue chez tous les patients dans un délai moyen de 3 semaines (2-4). La consolidation a été obtenue chez tous les patients avec un délai moyen de 3 mois (2-5). L'ablation de la broche a été réalisé à 2 mois chez tous les patients sous anesthésie locale en ambulatoire. Les complications notées étaient mineures. Au recul moyen de 2 ans (1-4), 15 patients (16 épaules) ont été revus. Le résultat fonctionnel final moyen selon le score de Constant était de 90 (88- 96). Conclusion : Cette étude suggère que la fixation centromédullaire par broche de Kirchner à foyer ouvert de manière rétrograde des fractures de la clavicule de l'adulte donne de bons résultats anatomiques et fonctionnels. Cette technique est simple. Elle n'est pas onéreuse

Bone Wires , Bone Wires/statistics & numerical data , Clavicle , Cote d'Ivoire , Fracture Dislocation
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1263835


Introduction : Dans les pays à ressources limitées la couverture des pertes de substance des parties molles associées à une exposition osseuse et/ou d'un implant est souvent tardive. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient de préciser les indications des lambeaux pédiculés réalisés et d'analyser les résultats obtenus. Patients et méthodes : Cette étude rétrospective a porté sur les dossiers de 34 patients ayant une perte de substance des parties molles de la jambe. Les lésions initiales étaient une fracture fermée ou ouverte. Quarante-deux lambeaux pédiculés ont été réalisés. Les variables étudiées étaient le délai de consultation en chirurgie plastique, les indications thérapeutiques, le type de lambeau et son délai de réalisation, et les résultats évalués selon les critères modifiés de d'Avila. Résultats : Le délai moyen de consultation était de 24 jours (5-42). Les indications étaient une exposition secondaire osseuse et/ou d'un implant (n=14), une fracture ouverte type III (n=12), et la couverture d'une reconstruction osseuse lors du premier temps de la technique de la membrane induite (n=8). Les lambeaux pédiculés ont été réalisés dans un délai moyen de 38 jours (7-76). Il s'agissait de lambeaux fasciocutanés en ilôt homolatéral (n=16) ou hétérolatéral (n=6), péninsulaires à pédicule proximal (n=4) ou distal (n=2), autonomisés (n=2), ou de lambeaux musculaires (n=12). Au recul moyen de 18 (4-34) mois, 29 patients (36 lambeaux) ont été revus. La cicatrisation a été complète (n= 25). Les résultats finaux étaient excellents (n=16 ; 55%), bons (n=4 ; 14 %), passables (n=3; 10%), et mauvais (n=6 ; 21%). Conclusion : Cette étude suggère que la couverture tardive des pertes de substance des parties molles de la jambe est possible avec des lambeaux locorégionaux musculaires ou fasciocutanés. Ce travail insiste sur la collaboration entre orthopédistes et plasticiens dès l'étape initiale du traitement des fractures ouvertes. Il souligne la nécessité de la formation des orthopédistes aux techniques de couverture des parties molles

Fracture Dislocation , Leg , Leg Injuries
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1263840


Introduction : Les méthodes thérapeutiques des fractures du radius distal sont variées. Les buts de cette étude étaient de décrire la technique de l'embrochage selon Kapandji sans amplificateur de brillance et d'évaluer les résultats obtenus. Patients et Méthodes : Les patients ont été opérés entre mars 2009 et décembre 2012 pour une fracture du radius distal extra- articulaire à bascule postérieure. L'âge moyen était de 38 (18-75) ans. Il s'agissait de fractures fermées ou ouvertes de type I de Gustilo-Anderson. L'embrochage de Kapandji a été réalisé en ambulatoire sans garrot au bras. L'anesthésie était locale (n=52 ; 76%) et générale (n=16 ; 24%). La fracture était réduite par la technique de Judet et ou de « démonte pneu ». La qualité de la réduction était appréciée par la correction de la bascule postérieure et la restitution de la ligne bi- styloïdienne. Soixante-huit patients ont été retenus au contrôle final. Les évaluations fonctionnelle et radiologique ont été faites selon les critères de Castaing. Le recul moyen était de 15,6 mois. Résultats : Les fractures ont consolidé en 44 jours (42-49). Le résultat radiologique en post opératoire était très bons (n=22; 32%), bons (n=28 ;41%), moyens (n=14 ;21%) et mauvais (n=4 ;6%). Au dernier recul, les résultats fonctionnels étaient très bons (n=40 ;59%), bons (n=22 ;32%), moyens (n=6 ;9%), et mauvais (n=0). Les résultats radiologiques étaient très bons (n=20 ;29%), bons (n=30 ;44%), moyens (n=12 ;18%) et mauvais (n=6 ;9%). Les complications étaient une infection superficielle (n=14), le déplacement secondaire (n=22), la migration des broches (n=18), une lésion de la branche sensitive du nerf radial (n=6). Les facteurs de bon pronostic étaient l'âge< 60ans, la lésion métaphysaire M1M2, l'articulation radio-ulnaire intacte, la physiothérapie, et l'absence de syndrome complexe douloureux régional. Conclusion : L'embrochage de Kapandji des fractures extra-articulaires à déplacement postérieure sans l'utilisationde l'amplificateur de brillance donne de bons résultats. Cette méthode peut être appliquée dans les centres dont le plateau technique est limité

Africa South of the Sahara , Fracture Dislocation , Patients , Radius Fractures
Rev. bras. ortop ; 53(5): 643-646, Sept.-Oct. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-977887


ABSTRACT This report and review of the literature aims to recognize the complete enucleation beyond stage IV of the classification proposed by Mayfield. The addition of a fifth category is proposed, added for complete ligament injuries that lead to nonexistent circulation for the radiolunate ligament, preventing surgical reconstruction, thus influencing surgical treatment.

RESUMO Esse relato e revisão na literatura tem como objetivo reconhecer a enucleação total além do estágio IV da classificação proposta por Mayfield. Propõe-se a adição de uma quinta categoria, para lesões ligamentares completas que levam a uma circulação inexistente do ligamento radiolunar, impedem a reconstrução cirúrgica e influenciam, assim, o tratamento cirúrgico.

Adult , Carpal Bones , Fractures, Bone , Fracture Dislocation