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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253731, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355871


Abstract Petroleum water soluble fraction (WSF) impairs organisms, but damages may vary among cell and tissue levels. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the acute (24 h, 48 h, 72 h) and subchronic effects (36 days) of WSF (0%, 25% and 100%) in juveniles of the Neotropical top predator fish Hoplias aff. malabaricus. The effects of WSF were evaluated at a molecular level using the comet assay and micronucleus test for genome damage; and at a morphological level through histological identification of liver pathologic lesions. In both acute and subchronic exposure we found low levels of DNA damage (< 10% of comet tail) and non-significant frequency of micronucleus in WSF exposed fish. The most significant liver lesions in WSF exposed fish were fatty vacuolization, hypertrophy and focal necrosis. Since these tissue injuries were progressive and persistent, their irreversibility may negatively affect fish recruitment, even in a such resistant top predator.

Resumo A fração solúvel de petróleo (WSF) prejudica os organismos, porém os danos podem variar entre os níveis celular e tecidual. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito agudo (24 h, 48 h e 72 h) e subcrônico (36 dias) da WSF (0%, 25% e 100%) em juvenis do peixe neotropical predador topo Hoplias aff. malabaricus. Os efeitos da WSF foram avaliados no nível molecular utilizando o ensaio do cometa e o teste do micronúcleo para o dano genômico e no nível morfológico através da identificação histológica de lesões patológicas no fígado. Em ambas exposições (aguda e subcrônica) encontramos baixos níveis de dano no DNA (< 10% de DNA na cauda do cometa) e frequência de micronúcleos não significativa em peixes expostos a WSF. As lesões mais significativas no fígado dos peixes expostos a WSF foram a vacuolização lipídica, hipertrofia e focos de necroses. Como estas lesões foram progressivas e persistentes, sua irreversibilidade pode afetar negativamente o recrutamento dos peixes, mesmo sendo um predador topo resistente.

Animals , Water Pollutants, Chemical/toxicity , Petroleum/toxicity , Characiformes , Fresh Water , Liver
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e256905, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360212


During present study, the copper (Cu) mediated oxidative stress was measured that induced DNA damage by concentrating in the tissues of fish, Catla catla (14.45±1.24g; 84.68±1.45mm) (Hamilton,1822). Fish fingerlings were retained in 5 groups for 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 days of the exposure period. They were treated with 2/3, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5 (T1-T4) of 96h lethal concentration of copper. Controls were run along with all the treatments for the same durations. A significant (p < 0.05) dose and time dependent concentration of Cu was observed in the gills, liver, kidney, muscles, and brain of C. catla. Among organs, the liver showed a significantly higher concentration of Cu followed by gills, kidney, brain, and muscles. Copper accumulation in these organs caused a significant variation in the activities of enzymes viz. superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD). The SOD activity varied significantly in response to the exposure time of Cu as 56 > 70 > 42 > 84 > 28 > 14 days while CAT activity exhibited an inverse relationship with the increase in Cu concentration. POD activity showed a significant rise with an increase in Cu exposure duration. Comet assay exhibited significant DNA damage in the peripheral erythrocytes of Cu exposed C. catla. Among four exposure concentrations, 2/3rd of LC50 (T1) caused significantly higher damage to the nuclei compared to control. Increased POD and SOD activity, as well as a decrease in CAT activity in response to Cu, demonstrates the involvement of a protective mechanism against reactive oxygen species (ROS), whereas increased ROS resulted in higher DNA damage. These above-mentioned molecular markers can be efficiently used for the biomonitoring of aquatic environments and conservation of edible fish fauna.

Durante o presente estudo, o estresse oxidativo mediado pelo cobre (Cu) foi medido que induziu danos ao DNA por concentração nos tecidos de peixes, Catla catla (14,45 ± 1,24g; 84,68 ± 1,45mm) (Hamilton, 1822). Os alevinos foram retidos em 5 grupos por 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 e 84 dias do período de exposição. Eles foram tratados com 2/3, 1/3, 1/4 e 1/5 (T1-T4) de 96h de concentração letal de cobre. Os controles foram executados junto com todos os tratamentos para as mesmas durações. Uma significativa (p <0,05) concentração dependente do tempo e da dose de Cu foi observada nas brânquias, fígado, rim, músculos e cérebro de C. catla. Entre os órgãos, o fígado apresentou uma concentração significativamente maior de cobre, seguido por guelras, rins, cérebro e músculos. O acúmulo de cobre nesses órgãos causou uma variação significativa nas atividades das enzimas viz. superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) e peroxidase (POD). A atividade de SOD variou significativamente em resposta ao tempo de exposição de Cu como 56> 70> 42> 84> 28> 14 dias, enquanto a atividade de CAT exibiu uma relação inversa com o aumento na concentração de Cu. A atividade POD mostrou um aumento significativo com um aumento na duração da exposição ao Cu. O ensaio do cometa exibiu dano significativo ao DNA induzido por Cu nos eritrócitos periféricos de C. catla. Entre as quatro concentrações de exposição, 2/3 do LC50 (T1) causou danos significativamente maiores aos núcleos em comparação com o controle. O aumento da atividade de POD e SOD, bem como uma diminuição na atividade de CAT em resposta ao Cu, demonstra o envolvimento de um mecanismo protetor contra espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS), enquanto o aumento de ROS resultou em maior dano ao DNA. Esses marcadores moleculares mencionados acima podem ser usados ​​de forma eficiente para o biomonitoramento de ambientes aquáticos e conservação da ictiofauna comestível.

Animals , Copper , Fishes , Fresh Water , Bioaccumulation
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e257144, 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364506


Pseudomonas fluorescens is one of the main causes of septicemic diseases among freshwater fish, causing severe economic losses and decreasing farm efficiency. Thus, this research was aimed to investigate the occurrence of P. fluorescens in Nile Tilapia (O. niloticus) fish in Egypt, gene sequencing of 16SrDNA gene, and antimicrobial susceptibility. P. fluorescens strains were detected in 32% (128/400) of apparently healthy (9%; 36/400) and diseased (23%; 92/400) Nile tilapia fish. The highest prevalence was observed in gills of fish, 31.3% followed by intestine 26.9%, liver 24.2%, and kidneys 17.6%. The PCR results for the 16SrDNA gene of P. fluorescens showed 16SrDNA gene in 30% of examined isolates. Moreover, Homogeny and a strong relationship between strains of P. fluorescens was confirmed using 16SrDNA sequences. Beside the responsibility of 16SrDNA gene on the virulence of P. fluorescens. The results of antimicrobial susceptibility tests revealed that all strains were resistant to piperacillin (100%), followed by ceftazidime (29.7%), and cefepime (25.8%). The strains of P. fluorescence were highly sensitive to cefotaxime (74.2%), followed by ceftriaxone and levofloxacin (70.3% each). Interestingly, 29.7% of strains of P. fluorescens were multiple antimicrobial-resistant (MAR).

Pseudomonas fluorescens é uma das principais causas de doenças septicêmicas em peixes de água doce, causando graves perdas econômicas e diminuindo a eficiência da fazenda. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a ocorrência de P. fluorescens em peixes de tilápia-do-nilo (O. niloticus) no Egito, sequenciamento do gene 16S rDNA e suscetibilidade antimicrobiana. Cepas de P. fluorescens foram detectadas em 32% (128/400) de peixes tilápia-do-nilo aparentemente saudáveis ​​(9%; 36/400) e doentes (23%; 92/400). A maior prevalência foi observada nas brânquias dos peixes, 31,3%, seguida pelo intestino 26,9%, fígado 24,2% e rins 17,6%. Os resultados da PCR para o gene 16SrDNA de P. fluorescens mostraram o gene 16SrDNA em 30% dos isolados examinados. Além disso, a homogeneidade e uma forte relação entre cepas de P. fluorescens foi confirmada usando sequências de 16SrDNA. Além da responsabilidade do gene 16SrDNA na virulência de P. fluorescens. Os resultados dos testes de suscetibilidade antimicrobiana revelaram que todas as cepas foram resistentes à piperacilina (100%), seguida pela ceftazidima (29,7%) e cefepima (25,8%). As cepas de P. fluorescens foram altamente sensíveis à cefotaxima (74,2%), seguida pela ceftriaxona e levofloxacina (70,3% cada). Curiosamente, 29,7% das cepas de P. fluorescens eram multirresistentes a antimicrobianos (MAR).

Animals , Pseudomonas fluorescens , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Aquaculture , Fishes , Fresh Water
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003602


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the performance of recombinase-aided amplification (RAA) assay in detection of Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae in freshwater fish samples, so as to provide insights into standardization and field application of this assay.@*METHODS@#Wild freshwater fish samples were collected in the rivers of administrative villages where C. sinensis-infected residents lived in Jiangyan District, Xinghua County and Taixing County of Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province from June to September 2022. Genomic DNA was extracted from six freshwater fish specimens (5 g each) containing 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 C. sinensis metacercariae for fluorescent RAA assay, and the diagnostic sensitivity was evaluated. Fluorescent RAA assay was performed with genomic DNA from C. sinensis, Metorchis orientalis, Haplorchis pumilio and Centrocestus formosanus metacercariae as templates to evaluate its cross-reactions. In addition, the detection of fluorescent RAA assay and direct compression method for C. sinensis metacercariae was compared in field-collected freshwater fish samples.@*RESULTS@#Positive amplification was found in fresh-water fish specimens containing different numbers of C. sinensis metacercariae, and fluorescent RAA assay was effective to detect one C. sinensis metacercaria in 5 g freshwater fish specimens within 20 min. Fluorescent RAA assay tested negative for DNA from M. orientalis, H. pumilio and C. formosanus metacercariae. Fluorescent RAA assay and direct compression method showed 5.36% (93/1 735) and 2.88% (50/1 735) detection rates for C. sinensis metacercariae in 1 735 field-collected freshwater fish samples, with a statistically significant difference seen (χ2 = 478.150, P < 0.001). There was a significant difference in the detection of C. sinensis metacercariae in different species of freshwater fish by both the direct compression method (χ2 = 11.20, P < 0.05) and fluorescent RAA assay (χ2 = 20.26, P < 0.001), and the detection of C. sinensis metacercariae was higher in Pseudorasbora parva than in other fish species by both the direct compression method and fluorescent RAA assay (both P values < 0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Fluorescent RAA assay has a high sensitivity for detection of C. sinensis metacercariae in freshwater fish samples, and has no cross-reactions with M. orientalis, H. pumilio or C. formosanus metacercariae. Fluorescent RAA assay shows a higher accuracy for detection of C. sinensis infections in field-collected freshwater fish than the direct compression method.

Animals , Clonorchis sinensis/genetics , Metacercariae/genetics , Recombinases , Fresh Water , Fishes , DNA , Fish Diseases/diagnosis
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 69(1): 19-32, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1389164


RESUMEN En muchos países la fasciolosis y la paramfistomosis representan un grave problema para la salud del sector pecuario. En Colombia hay registros de ambas distomatosis en bovinos, la mayoría en el trópico alto andino, las cuales generan pérdidas econômicas anuales cercanas a 40 000 000 000 COP. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la prevalencia de fasciolosis y paramfistomosis en vacunos de la hacienda La Candelaria, Caucasia (Colombia), y la presencia de caracoles hospederos intermediarios. Para cumplirlo, se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se recolectaron heces de los animales y se hizo el diagnóstico mediante la técnica modificada de Dennis. Se establecieron las prevalencias de los digeneos de acuerdo con el sexo, peso, edad y raza. Se recolectaron caracoles dulciacuícolas en la zona estudiada y se identificaron por morfologia. Se analizaron 466 muestras fecales de 178 bovinos, de las razas Cebú (Bos indicus), BON (blanco orejinegro) y del cruce entre ellas. Se diagnosticaron F. hepatica y Paramphistomidae con prevalencias del 2,2% y 30,9%, respectivamente. En el 1,1% de los vacunos se diagnosticó coinfección. Ambas trematodosis prevalecieron en las hembras (p = 0,03). Se identificaron moluscos dulciacuícolas Ampullariidae, Physidae y Planorbidae sin estadios larvarios de digeneos. Se concluyó que los bovinos de doble propósito de la hacienda La Candelaria están expuestos a F. hepatica y Paramphistomidae, y, probablemente, se infectan en los predios de la hacienda. Paramphistomidae es más prevalente que F. hepatica, lo cual concuerda con lo descrito en algunos estudios realizados en hatos del trópico alto andino colombiano. Paramphistomidae se encontró en todos los grupos etarios.

ABSTRACT Fasciolosis and paramphistomosis are a major health problem for the livestock economy worldwide. In Colombia, both distomatosis are reported in cattle, particularly in high Andean tropics, with annual economic losses close to COP 40 billion. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of fasciolosis and paramphistomosis in cattle from La Candelaria farm, Caucasia (Colombia), and the presence of intermediate host snails. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with non-probability convenience sampling. Stool samples were collected from the animals and the diagnosis was made using the modified Dennis technique. Digenea prevalence were determined according to sex, weight, age, and race. Freshwater snails were collected in the studied area and were identified by morphology. 400 and 66 fecal samples from 178 bovines of the Zebu (Bos indicus), BON (white-eared white) breeds and the cross between them were analyzed. Fasciola hepatica and Paramphistomidae were diagnosed with a prevalence of 2,2% and 30,9%, respectively. Coinfection was diagnosed in 1,1% of the cattle. Both trematodosis were most frequent in females (p = 0,03). Freshwater molluscs Ampullariidae, Physidae and Planorbidae without digenea larval stages were identified. It was concluded that dual-purpose cattle from La Candelaria farm are exposed to F. hepatica and Paramphistomidae and are probably infected on the farm grounds. Paramphistomidae was more prevalent than F. hepatica, which agrees with other studies in herds from the Colombian high Andean tropics. Paramphistomidae was found in all age groups.

Animals , Cattle , Cattle , Tropical Ecosystem , Fasciola hepatica , Livestock , Coinfection , Fresh Water , Mollusca , Research , Snails , Records , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diagnosis
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e238096, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278519


Pakistan is the country with mega freshwater fish diversity of native and alien species. In the presence of enormous native fishes varies species of exotic fishes have been introduced into the freshwater bodies of Pakistan which are competing with native freshwater fish fauna and making them deprive of food and habitat as well. Intentional or accidental introductions of animals, plants and pathogens away from their native niche is considered as major leading problem for biodiversity of invaded habitat. Three years study (from January 2017 to December 2019) was conducted in freshwater bodies of Province Punjab, Pakistan. Study was designed to know exotic species impacts on the distribution of native species of fishes. During current survey a total of 68 (indigenous and exotic) fish species belonging to 14 families were recorded from head Qadirabad, head Baloki, Islam headworks and Rasul barrage. Statistical analysis showed that Shannon-Wiener diversity index was the highest (1.41) at both Rasul barrage and Islam headworks but, invasive species were present in very less number in these study sites i.e. Oreochromis mozambicus, O. niloticus, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, Carassius auratus, Ctenophryngdon idella, Cyprinus carpio and H. molitrix. The diversity index showed that comparatively low diversity was present in both area head Qadirabad (1.30) and head Baloki (1.4) due to high pressure of invasive species. Direct observation of species and statistical analysis showed that aliens' species produced negative impact on the local fish fauna diversity, evenness, and numbers. It is concluded that many factors are impacts on the diversity of native fishes, but alien (invasive) species also play a major role to reduction of native species, because aliens' species produce competition for native species. So it is urgent need to analysis the aliens and native food web and roosting sites in Pakistan, in future.

O Paquistão é um país com ampla diversidade de espécies nativas e exóticas de peixes de água doce. Contudo, diversas espécies de peixes exóticos estão sendo introduzidas nos corpos de água doce paquistanês, as quais estão competindo com a fauna nativa de peixes, tornando-os privados de alimento e habitat. A introdução intencional ou acidental de animais, plantas e patógenos fora de seu nicho nativo é considerada o principal problema da biodiversidade do habitat recém-invadido. Assim, foi realizado um estudo de três anos, de janeiro de 2017 a dezembro de 2019, em corpos de água doce na província de Punjab, Paquistão. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida para conhecer os impactos de espécies exóticas na distribuição de espécies nativas de peixes. Durante a pesquisa, foi registrado um total de 68 espécies de peixes (nativas e exóticas), pertencentes a 14 famílias, nas nascentes dos rios Qadirabad, Baloki e Islam e na barragem de Rasul. A análise estatística mostrou que o índice de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener foi mais alto (1,41) na barragem Rasul (RB) e na nascente do rio Islam (IH); e que a maioria das espécies introduzidas estava presente em um número muito menor, isto é, Oreochromis mossambicus, Oreochromis niloticus, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, Carassius auratus, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Cyprinus carpio e Hypophthalmichthy smolitrix nessa área de estudo. Por outro lado, o índice Shannon-Wiener mostrou que a diversidade estava baixa nas nascentes dos rios Qadirabad (1,30) e Baloki (1,4) em razão da alta pressão de espécies invasoras. A observação direta das espécies e a análise estatística indicaram que as espécies invasoras produziram impacto negativo na diversidade, uniformidade e números de peixes da fauna local. Conclui-se que muitos fatores impactam na diversidade de peixes nativos, mas as espécies exóticas (invasoras) também desempenham um papel importante na redução das espécies nativas, em razão da competição existente entre elas. Portanto, é urgente uma análise futura das espécies invasoras e da teia alimentar nativa no Paquistão.

Animals , Carps , Introduced Species , Pakistan , Ecosystem , Biodiversity , Fishes , Fresh Water
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-9, 2022. ilus, map, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468514


The release of water from the reservoir hypolimnion, lower concentration of oxygen and the anthropogenic regulation of the river flow, could affect the reproduction of fish, especially migratory species. However, little is known about the effects of these changes in water on non-migratory species. In this sense, the reproduction of Acestrohynchus lacustris was evaluated in two sections of São Francisco River, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Section 1, located immediately downstream from Três Marias Dam (18°09'31.65"S and 45°13'36.00"W) and section 2, located at the confluence of the São Francisco and the Abaeté Rivers (18°02'47.78"S and 45°1057.95"W). For this, we obtained the physico-chemical parameters of water of each study section. Additionally, biometric data and biological indices ofall specimens were measured. Fecundity and follicles diameters were measured in females. Temperature, dissolvedoxygen and flow showed lower values in section 1. Fish captured in this section, had lower values of GSI in bothsexes, and females presented decreased values of fecundity and follicles diameter. This species showed reproductiveactivity in the two sections analyzed, however, in section 1 where the temperature and dissolved oxygen presentedsignificant lower values, the reproductive capacity of A. lacustris, was negatively affected.

A liberação de água do hipolímnio do reservatório, baixa concentração de oxigênio e a regulação antropogênica do fluxo do rio podem afetar a reprodução de peixes, principalmente espécies migradoras. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos dessas mudanças nas condições da água em espécies não migradoras. A reprodução de Acestrohynchus lacustris foi avaliada em duas seções do rio São Francisco. Seção 1, localizada imediatamente a jusante da barragem de Três Marias e seção 2, localizada na confluência dos rios São Francisco e Abaeté. Para isso, foram obtidos os parâmetros físico-químicos da água de cada seção do estudo. Além disso, dados biométricos e índices biológicos de todos os peixes capturados foram obtidos. Adicionalmente, nas fêmeas foram medidos os diâmetros dos folículos vitelogênicos e a fecundidade. Temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido e fluxo apresentaram valores mais baixos na seção 1. Os peixes capturados nesta seção apresentaram menores valores de IGS em ambos os sexos, e as fêmeas apresentaram menores valores de fecundidade e diâmetro dos folículos. Essa espécie apresentou atividade reprodutiva nas duas seções analisadas, porém, na seção 1, onde os parâmetros da água apresentam piores condições para o processo reprodutivo de peixes, a capacidade reprodutiva de A. lacustris foi afetada negativamente.

Animals , Characiformes/growth & development , Sexual Behavior, Animal , Fertility , Fresh Water/chemistry , Water/analysis , Dams
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e232805, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153457


One of the biological indicators most used to determine the health of a fluvial ecosystem are the benthic macroinvertebrates. The presence of recurrent species in a wide gradient of latitudes, dominates the biogeographic pattern of the benthic macroinvertebrates in Chilean fresh waters, nevertheless the knowledge on the communitarian ecology of these in the Chilean rivers continues to be scarce. Null models became a powerful statistical tool for describing the ecological mechanisms that drive the structure of an ecological community and the underlying patterns of diversity. The objective of this study was to determine the community structure of benthic invertebrates in the Allipén River by describing their composition, richness and abundance of species through richness models and null models based on presence/absence. The results reveal a high family richness and low diversity, three phyla, five classes, 11 orders and 28 families were identified in the study area during the four seasons of the year. The Arthropoda phylum was the most representative in abundance and richness. Regarding to richness, Trichoptera (7 families) and Diptera (6 families) followed by Ephemeroptera (3 families) were the orders that showed the greatest diversity of families, however, a low diversity with a H'≤ 1.5 nit was registered in the study area. We demonstrated through the null models, the randomization in the species associations corresponding to the three analyzed sites. The information provided here contributes to the understanding of the ecological patterns of the invertebrate communities in the Allipén River, establishing the basis for more complex ecological studies.

Um dos indicadores biológicos mais utilizados para determinar a saúde de um ecossistema fluvial são os macroinvertebrados bentônicos. A presença de espécies recorrentes em um amplo gradiente de latitudes domina o padrão biogeográfico dos macroinvertebrados bentônicos nas águas doces do Chile; no entanto, o conhecimento sobre a ecologia comunitária destes nos rios chilenos continua escasso. Os modelos nulos se tornaram uma poderosa ferramenta estatística para descrever os mecanismos ecológicos que orientam a estrutura de uma comunidade ecológica e os padrões subjacentes da diversidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a estrutura da comunidade de invertebrados bentônicos no rio Allipén, descrevendo sua composição, riqueza e abundância de espécies através de modelos de riqueza e modelos nulos baseados na presença / ausência. Os resultados revelam alta riqueza de espécies e baixa diversidade, sendo identificados três filos, cinco classes, 11 ordens e 28 famílias na área de estudo durante as quatro estações do ano. O filo de Arthropoda foi o mais representativo em abundância e riqueza. Em relação à riqueza, Trichoptera (7) e Diptera (6) seguidos por Ephemeroptera (3) foram as ordens que mostraram a maior diversidade de famílias, no entanto, uma baixa diversidade com H'≤ 1,5 nit foi registrada na área de estudo. Demonstramos através dos modelos nulos, a randomização nas associações de espécies correspondentes aos três locais analisados. As informações aqui fornecidas contribuem para a compreensão dos padrões ecológicos das comunidades de invertebrados no rio Allipén, estabelecendo a base para estudos ecológicos mais complexos.

Humans , Animals , Ecosystem , Rivers , Chile , Environmental Monitoring , Fresh Water , Invertebrates
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e233780, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153469


Hematological and blood biochemical reference information is important to establish physiological status of freshwater stingray populations and improve care and management protocols in artificial environments. Here, we used a commercial freshwater stingray with high mortality rates in the market (Potamotrygon magdalenae), as an example to understand how artificial environments and handling protocols influence physiological status of captive freshwater stingrays. To this purpose, blood from five adult males and six adult females was collected to perform complete blood counts and blood chemistry analyses. All sampled animals showed good body condition with no differences between sexes. Differences between sexes were only found for the differential count of lymphocytes. Red blood results were consistent with previously studied potamotrygonids while white blood results showed higher values of leukocytes, thrombocytes, heterophils and lymphocytes in P. magdalenae compared to other Potamotrygonids. All types of leukocytes described for elasmobranchs were found except neutrophils and basophils. Blood metabolites showed an influence of ex situ diet in total protein, triglycerides and cholesterol. Glucose results were consistent while urea showed lower levels than those recorded for other freshwater stingrays. These results highlight the importance of physical, physiological and health analysis in freshwater stingrays as a part of welfare assessment to improve monitoring protocols and survival rates in public or private aquaria.

A informação de referência hematológica e bioquímica do sangue é importante para estabelecer o estado fisiológico das populações de arraias de água doce e melhorar os protocolos de cuidado e manejo em ambientes artificiais. Aqui, usamos uma espécie comercial de arraia de água doce com elevadas taxas de mortalidade no mercado (Potamotrygon magdalenae) como espécie exemplo para compreender de que modo os ambientes artificiais e os protocolos de manipulação influenciam o estado fisiológico das arraias de água doce em cativeiro. Para este fim, foi coletado sangue de cinco machos adultos e seis fêmeas adultas para realizar contagens completas de células sanguíneas e análises bioquímicas de sangue. Todos os animais amostrados mostraram boa condição corpórea, sem diferenças entre os sexos. Diferenças entre os sexos foram encontradas só na contagem diferencial de linfócitos. Os resultados de células sanguíneas vermelhas foram consistentes com potamotrigonídeos previamente estudados, enquanto o leucograma revelou valores mais elevados de leucócitos, trombócitos, heterófilos e linfócitos em P. magdalenae, em comparação com outros potamotrigonídeos. Todos os tipos de leucócitos descritos para elasmobrânquios foram encontrados, exceto para neutrófilos e basófilos. Todos os tipos de leucócitos descritos para elasmobrânquios foram encontrados, exceto para neutrófilos e basófilos. Os metabólitos do sangue mostraram influência da dieta ex situ nas proteínas totais, triglicerídeos e colesterol. Os resultados da glicose foram consistentes, enquanto a ureia mostrou níveis mais baixos do que os registrados para outras espécies de arraias de água doce. Os resultados da glicose foram consistentes, enquanto a ureia mostrou níveis mais baixos em P. magdalenae. Estes resultados enfatizam a importância da análise física, fisiológica e de saúde em arraias de água doce como parte da avaliação do bem-estar para melhorar os protocolos de monitoramento e as taxas de sobrevivência em aquários públicos ou privados.

Animals , Male , Female , Skates, Fish , Elasmobranchii , Hematology , Fresh Water
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(3): e005722, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1394895


Abstract This paper investigated information on monogenean species using 312 scientific papers, to search for infection and geographic distribution patterns in native freshwater fish from Brazil. We used 1,698 samples of 296 fish species of 28 families distributed into Characiformes, Siluriformes, Cichliformes, Gymnotiformes, Perciformes, Mugiliformes, Osteoglossiformes and Clupeiformes, in addition to four hybrid fish. Among the hosts of the different orders and families, the greatest numbers of parasite-host associations were found for species of the families Serrasalmidae, Characidae, Loricariidae, Curimatidae and Anostomidae. The 578 species of monogeneans used in parasite-host interactions were distributed in 86 genera of six five families (Dactylogyridae, Gyrodactylidae, Diplectanidae, Microcotylidae, Ancylodiscoididae and Ancyrocephalidae), but with great predominance of Dactylogyridae species. There was variation in prevalence, intensity and abundance levels of monogeneans species among host fish species, as well as in infection sites that occurred predominantly in external organs. Positive correlations of prevalence, intensity and abundance with body length of hosts were observed. There was geographic distribution pattern of monogeneans limited mostly to two hydrographic basins those being the Amazon River and Paraná River. Just approximately 6% of potential monogeneans have been explored thus far, showing a clear need for further studies on this interesting group of parasites.

Resumo Este estudo investigou informações sobre espécies de monogenéticos, usando 312 artigos científicos para buscar padrões de infecção e distribuição geográfica em peixes nativos de água doce do Brasil. Foram utilizadas 1.698 amostras de 296 espécies de peixes de 28 famílias, distribuídas em Characiformes, Siluriformes, Cichliformes, Gymnotiformes, Perciformes, Mugiliformes, Osteoglossiformes e Clupeiformes, além de quatro peixes híbridos. Entre os hospedeiros das diferentes ordens e famílias, os maiores números de associações parasito-hospedeiro foram encontrados para espécies das famílias Serrasalmidae, Characidae, Loricariidae, Curimatidae e Anostomidae. As 578 espécies de monogenéticos, utilizadas nas interações parasito-hospedeiro, foram distribuídas em 86 gêneros de seis famílias (Dactylogyridae, Gyrodactylidae, Diplectanidae, Microcotylidae, Ancylodiscoididae e Ancyrocephalidae), mas com grande predominância de espécie de Dactylogyridae. Houve variação nos níveis de prevalência, intensidade e abundância das espécies de monogenéticos entre as espécies de peixes hospedeiros, bem como nos locais de infecção que ocorreram predominantemente em órgãos externos. Correlações positivas de prevalência, intensidade e abundância com o comprimento corporal dos hospedeiros foram observadas. Houve padrão de distribuição geográfica dos monogenéticos limitados principalmente a duas bacias hidrográficas, sendo elas o Rio Amazonas e Rio Paraná. Apenas aproximadamente 6% dos potenciais monogenéticos são conhecidos até agora, mostrando uma clara necessidade de mais estudos sobre esse interessante grupo de parasitos.

Animals , Platyhelminths/physiology , Animal Distribution/physiology , Fishes/parasitology , Fresh Water/parasitology , Host-Parasite Interactions/physiology , Platyhelminths/classification , Species Specificity , Trematode Infections/veterinary , Trematode Infections/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Fish Diseases/parasitology , Fish Diseases/epidemiology , Fishes/classification , Nematode Infections/veterinary , Nematode Infections/epidemiology
Int. j. morphol ; 40(4): 1134-1146, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405239


SUMMARY: The postmortem diagnosis of death by drowning is one of the most difficult issues in forensic pathology. We investigated possible evidence differentiating saltwater drowning from freshwater drowning by histopathological changes in brain, heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys tissues. A cross section descriptive study was carried out on eighteen 12-week-old male Wistar rats; they were divided equally into 3 groups. Group 1: control group; Group 2: death by drowning in freshwater; Group 3: death by drowning in saltwater. Immediately after death, all tested organs were removed and fixed for histopathological examination. The brain of freshwater group depicted degenerated neurocytes with dystrophic changes in the form of shrunken cell, pyknotic nuclei and deeply eosinophilic cytoplasm. The heart showed clear evidence of myocyte injuries in saltwater drowning compared to the control and freshwater groups. The kidneys of rats drown in saltwater revealed more glomerular destruction with no differences in tubulo-interstitial changes in comparison with those drown in freshwater. In the lungs, the changes in freshwater were restricted to the alveoli, and the bronchial changes were more distinctive in saltwater. No disturbed liver architecture was seen in both test groups, however hydropic degeneration, congested vessels, and sinusoids were more distinct in saltwater group. In conclusion, diagnostic differentiation between fresh and saltwater drowning was reliable in rats' lungs and heart with minimal differentiation in liver, kidneys, and brain. Further studies of drowning with different staining techniques will help to clarify the potential role of histopathological changes in body organs as indicator of drowning.

RESUMEN: El diagnóstico post mortem de muerte por ahogamiento es uno de los temas más difíciles de la patología forense. Investigamos la posible evidencia que diferencia el ahogamiento en agua salada del ahogamiento en agua dulce por cambios histopatológicos en los tejidos del cerebro, el corazón, los pulmones, el hígado y los riñones. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en dieciocho ratas Wistar macho de 12 semanas de edad; se dividieron por igual en 3 grupos. Grupo 1: grupo control; Grupo 2: muerte por ahogamiento en agua dulce; Grupo 3: muerte por ahogamiento en agua salada. Inmediatamente después de la muerte, se extirparon todos los órganos analizados y se fijaron para el examen histopatológico. El cerebro del grupo de agua dulce mostró neurocitos degenerados con cambios distróficos en forma de células encogidas, núcleos picnóticos y citoplasma profundamente eosinofílico. El corazón mostró una clara evidencia de lesiones de miocitos en los ahogamientos en agua salada en comparación con los grupos de control y de agua dulce. Los riñones de ratas ahogadas en agua salada revelaron una mayor destrucción glomerular sin diferencias en los cambios túbulo-intersticiales en comparación con las ahogadas en agua dulce. En los pulmones, los cambios en agua dulce se restringieron a los alvéolos y los cambios bronquiales fueron más distintivos en agua salada. No se observó una arquitectura hepática alterada en ambos grupos de prueba, sin embargo, la degeneración hidrópica, los vasos congestionados y los sinusoides fueron más distintos en el grupo de agua salada. En conclusión, la diferenciación diagnóstica entre ahogamiento en agua dulce y salada fue confiable en los pulmones y el corazón de las ratas con una diferenciación mínima en el hígado, los riñones y el cerebro. Estudios adicionales de ahogamiento con diferentes técnicas de tinción ayudarán a aclarar el papel potencial de los cambios histopatológicos en los órganos del cuerpo como indicador de ahogamiento.

Animals , Male , Rats , Saline Waters , Drowning/pathology , Fresh Water , Brain/pathology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Rats, Wistar , Forensic Medicine , Kidney/pathology , Liver/pathology , Lung/pathology
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(1): e020421, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365762


Abstract Betta rubra is an ornamental freshwater fish endemic to northern Sumatra, Indonesia. The B. rubra population has decreased in recent decades, and is classified as an endangered species in the IUCN Red List. This study aims to report for the first time infection by L. cyprinacea in B. rubra harvested from the Aceh Besar region of Indonesia. The fish samples were obtained from the Cot Bira tributaries, Aceh Besar District, Indonesia from January to December 2020. The results showed that the parasite infected 6 out of 499 samples in August and September, with a prevalence and intensity rate of 1% and 2 parasites/fish, respectively. The eyes and pectoral fins were the common infection sites. Despite B. rubra is not an optimal host (small size) for the parasite, this parasite might serve as additional threatening factors for the endangered B. rubra fish population.

Resumo Betta rubra é um peixe de água doce ornamental endemico da região norte Sumatra, Indonesia. A população de Betta rubra diminuiu ao longo dos anos, sendo classificada como espécie em extinção na Lista Vermelha da IUCN. Este estudo tem como objetivo relatar pela primeira vez infecção por L. cyprinacea em B. rubra coletados na região de Aceh Besar na Indonésia. As amostras de peixes foram obtidas nos afluentes Cot Bira, distrito de Aceh Besar, Indonésia de janeiro a dezembro de 2020. Os resultados mostraram que o parasito infectou 6 das 499 amostras em agosto e setembro, com uma prevalência e taxa de intensidade de 1% e 2 parasitas/peixes, respectivamente. Os olhos e as nadadeiras peitorais foram os sítios de infecção mais comuns. Apesar de B. rubra não ser um hospedeiro ideal (pequeno tamanho) para o parasita, este parasita pode servir como fator de ameaça adicional para a população de peixes B. rubra, ameaçada de extinção.

Animals , Copepoda , Acetone/analogs & derivatives , Fishes/parasitology , Fresh Water , Hydrazones , Indonesia/epidemiology
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e201158, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420464


Abstract Quality of groundwater is threatened due to pollution by industrial, domestic and agricultural waste. A large number of populations are residing in rural areas which are unable to afford high cost water purifiers due to their low income as well as limited awareness. However, limited availability of fresh water has become a critical issue in developing countries. Around 1.2 billion population is deprived of affordable and safe water for their domestic need. Additionally, chemical coagulants which are nowadays being used for water purification pose severe and numerous health hazards to human. Thus utilization of easily accessible natural coagulant for water purification might offer a sustainable, practical and cost effective solution to the current alarming situation in developing countries. Several experimental findings have shown strong efficiency of Moringa oleifera plant extracts obtained from different solvents in the improvement of water quality parameters including physicochemical (such as pH, hardness, turbidity, metallic impurities, total dissolved solid) and biological (E.coli count) parameter. We have also highlighted the limitations and advantages of chemical coagulation in water purification. Altogether, this review summarizes one such miracle tree which has shown significant potential as a natural coagulant and its associated underlying mechanism in water purification process.

Plants/anatomy & histology , Coagulants (Water Treatment) , Water Purification/instrumentation , Moringa oleifera/adverse effects , Drinking Water/analysis , Plant Extracts/adverse effects , Costs and Cost Analysis/classification , Environmental Pollution/analysis , Fresh Water/analysis
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e247073, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249224


In Northern Tunisia, seasonal streams, called wadi, are characterized by extreme hydrological and thermal conditions. These freshwater systems have very particular features as a result of their strong irregularity of flow due to limited precipitation runoff regime, leading to strong seasonal hydrologic fluctuations. The current study focused on the spatio-temporal distribution of chironomids in 28 sampling sites spread across the Northern Tunisia. By emplying PERMANOVA, the results indicated a significant spatio-temporal variation along various environmental gradients. The main abiotic factors responsible for noted differences in the spatial distribution of chironomids in wadi were the conductivity and temperature, closely followed by altitude, pH, salinity, talweg slope and dissolved oxygen, identified as such by employing distance-based linear models' procedure. The Distance-based redundancy analysis ordination showed two main groups: the first clustered the Bizerte sites, which were characterized by high water conductivity, sodium concentration and salinity. The second main group comprised sites from the Tell zone and was characterized by low temperatures, neutral pH, low conductivity and nutrients content. The subfamily TANYPODIINAE (e.g., Prochladius sp., Prochladius choerus (Meigen, 1804) and Macropelopia sp.) was the dominant group at Tell zone, whereas species such as Diamesa starmachi (Kownacki et Kownacha, 1970) and Potthastia gaedii (Meigen, 1838) were found only in Tell Wadis. In contrast, chironomid species such as Diamesa starmachi (Kownacki et Kownacha, 1970), Potthastia gaedii (Meigen, 1838), Procladius choreus (Meigen, 1804) were specific for Tell Mountain. Cap Bon wadis region was dominated by genus Cladotanytarsus sp. The results of this survey liked the taxonomic composition of chironomid assemblages to the variation of hydromorphological and physic-chemical gradients across the northern Tunisia wadis.

No norte da Tunísia, riachos sazonais chamados wadi são caracterizados por condições hidrológicas e térmicas extremas. Esses sistemas de água doce têm características muito particulares como resultado de sua forte irregularidade de fluxo devido ao regime de escoamento de precipitação limitado, levando a fortes flutuações hidrológicas sazonais. O estudo atual enfocou a distribuição espaço-temporal dos quironomídeos em 28 locais de amostragem espalhados pelo norte da Tunísia. Ao aplicar PERMANOVA, os resultados indicaram uma variação espaço-temporal significativa ao longo de vários gradientes ambientais. Os principais fatores abióticos responsáveis pelas diferenças observadas na distribuição espacial dos quironomídeos no wadi foram a condutividade e a temperatura, seguidos de perto por altitude, pH, salinidade, declive do talvegue e oxigênio dissolvido, identificados como tais empregando o procedimento de modelos lineares baseados na distância. A ordenação da análise de redundância baseada em distância mostrou dois grupos principais: o primeiro agrupou os sítios Bizerte, que foram caracterizados por alta condutividade da água, concentração de sódio e salinidade. O segundo grupo principal compreendia locais da zona de Tell e era caracterizado por baixas temperaturas, pH neutro, baixa condutividade e conteúdo de nutrientes. A subfamília Tanypodiinae (por exemplo, Prochladius sp., Prochladius choerus [Meigen, 1804] e Macropelopia sp.) era o grupo dominante na zona de Tell, enquanto espécies como Diamesa starmachi (Kownacki et Kownacha, 1970) e Potthastia gaedii (Meigen, 1838) foram encontradas apenas em Tell Wadis. Em contraste, espécies de quironomídeos, como Diamesa starmachi (Kownacki et Kownacha, 1970), Potthastia gaedii (Meigen, 1838), Procladius choreus (Meigen, 1804), eram específicas para Tell Mountain. A região de Cap Bon wadis foi dominada pelo gênero Cladotanytarsus sp. Os resultados desta pesquisa gostaram da composição taxonômica das assembleias de quironomídeos com a variação dos gradientes hidromorfológicos e físico-químicos nos wadis do norte da Tunísia.

Animals , Chironomidae , Temperature , Tunisia , Rivers , Fresh Water
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e236345, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249281


A first checklist of Rotifera species in freshwater environments in Bahia State, in northeastern Brazil, is provided. The list includes sampling data from 26 aquatic environments (lotic and lentic) undertaken from 2010 to 2016. One hundred and fifty-five species were recorded, with 68 new records for the state. The family Brachionidae and Lecanidae were the most representative (54.8%). The greatest richness was recorded in the Colônia River (57 species). Those results reflect the low numbers of studies previously undertaken in the region, indicating more research needs to be focused on Rotifera biodiversity in Bahia, the fifth largest state in Brazil (567,295 km2) with large numbers of freshwater bodies.

É fornecida uma primeira lista de verificação das espécies de Rotifera em ambientes de água doce no Estado da Bahia, nordeste do Brasil. A lista de espécies inclui dados de amostragem de 26 ambientes aquáticos (lóticos e lênticos) de 2010 a 2016. Cento e cinquenta e cinco espécies foram registradas, com 68 novos registros para o estado. As famílias Brachionidae e Lecanidae foram as mais representativas (54,8%). A maior riqueza foi registrada no rio Colônia (57 espécies). Esses resultados provavelmente refletem o número de estudos na região, sugerindo mais pesquisas sobre a biodiversidade de Rotifera na Bahia, o quinto maior estado do Brasil (567.295 km2) com grande número de corpos aquáticos de água doce.

Animals , Rotifera , Brazil , Biodiversity , Rivers , Fresh Water
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 73(2): e588, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1347483


Introducción: El proceso de adherencia es fundamental en el desarrollo de la mayoría de las infecciones ocasionadas por Escherichia coli. Para los patotipos de esta especie se describen tres patrones de adherencia diferentes: adherencia localizada, adherencia difusa y adherencia agregativa, los cuales se relacionan con los procesos patogénicos específicos que ocasiona en la clínica. Sin embargo, son pocos los estudios en relación con los fenotipos de adherencia in vitro de E. coli aisladas del ambiente. Objetivo: Determinar los fenotipos de adherencia de cepas de E. coli aisladas de ecosistemas dulceacuícolas de La Habana. Métodos: Se analizaron 108 cepas de E. coli aisladas de los ríos Almendares, Quibú y Luyanó de La Habana. Se determinó el patrón de adherencia mediante ensayos de adherencia en cultivo celular de la línea HEp-2 así como el serotipo de cada cepa. Resultados: El 25 por ciento de las cepas de E. coli aisladas fueron adherentes y el 75 por ciento fueron no adherentes. Veintidós cepas mostraron el típico patrón de adherencia difusa y cinco cepas mostraron una adherencia agregativa. Se encontraron cepas de los dos patrones de adherencia en los tres ríos evaluados. Las cepas presentaron 24 serotipos diferentes. Conclusiones: Se demostró que las cepas de E. coli ambientales circulantes en estos ecosistemas presentan características adherentes, cuya patogenicidad implica un riesgo potencial para la salud humana, especialmente en edades pediátricas(AU)

Introduction: Adherence is crucial to the development of most Escherichia coli infections. Three different adherence patterns have been described for pathotypes of this species: localized, diffuse and aggregative adherence, based on the specific clinical pathogenic processes they bring about. However, few studies have been conducted about in vitro adherence phenotypes of E. coli isolated from the environment. Objective: Determine the adherence phenotypes of E. coli strains isolated from freshwater ecosystems in Havana. Methods: An analysis was conducted of 108 E. coli strains isolated from the rivers Almendares, Quibú and Luyanó in Havana. Determination was made of the adherence pattern by adherence assays in HEp-2 cell line cultures, as well as of the serotype for each strain. Results: Of the E. coli strains isolated, 25 percent were adherent and 75 percent were not. Twenty-two strains displayed the typical diffusely adherent pattern and five displayed aggregative adherence. Strains exhibiting the two adherence patterns were found in the three rivers evaluated. The strains contained 24 different serotypes. Conclusions: The environmental E. coli strains circulating in these ecosystems were found to have adherent characteristics whose pathogenicity implies a potential risk to human health, particularly in childhood(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Ecosystem , Escherichia coli Infections , Fresh Water
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 73(2): e577, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1347481


Introducción: Las cepas de Escherichia coli productoras de β-lactamasas de espectro extendido son patógenos multirresistentes y una de las bacterias que más contribuyen con la resistencia antibiótica bacteriana en la clínica. Sin embargo, se aíslan cada vez con más frecuencia de ambientes naturales, tales como los ecosistemas acuáticos en los cuales se emplea como un indicador de contaminación fecal. Objetivo: Evaluar la susceptibilidad a los antibióticos y la producción de enzimas ß-lactamasas de espectro extendido de aislados de Escherichia coli procedentes de ecosistemas dulceacuícolas de La Habana. Métodos: Se analizaron 43 aislados de E. coli provenientes de los ríos Almendares, Quibú y Luyanó de La Habana. Se determinó la susceptibilidad a 18 antibióticos y la producción fenotípica de ß-lactamasas de espectro extendido según las normas del Instituto de Estándares para el Laboratorio Clínico. La detección molecular de las enzimas se realizó mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa. Se calculó el índice de multirresistencia a los antibióticos y los patrones de resistencia de cada aislado de E. coli- ß-lactamasas de espectro extendido. Resultados: El 65 por ciento de los aislados de E. coli fueron resistentes al menos a un antibiótico y el 35 por ciento fueron sensibles a todos los antibióticos. El fenotipo ß-lactamasas de espectro extendido fue detectado en siete aislados; de estos, cuatro fueron portadores del gen bla CTX-M-1 y tres presentaron bla TEM. El 37 por ciento de los aislados de E. coli mostraron valores de índices de multirresistencia a los antibióticos menores que 0,22; el 16 por ciento de 0,22; el 9,3 por ciento mayor que 0,5; y el 5 por ciento mayor que 0,7. Los aislados de E. coli-BLEE mostraron corresistencia a las familias de las tetraciclinas, quinolonas, aminoglucósidos y macrólidos. Conclusiones: La presencia de aislados ambientales multirresistentes de E. coli productores de ß-lactamasas de espectro extendido en ecosistemas dulceacuícolas de La Habana destaca la necesidad de implementar estrategias de control para prevenir la diseminación de estos aislados en los ambientes naturales(AU)

Introduction: Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli strains are multiresistant pathogens and one of the bacteria contributing most greatly to bacterial antibiotic resistance in clinical practice. However, they are increasingly isolated from natural environments, such as aquatic ecosystems, where they are used as fecal pollution indicators. Objective: Evaluate antibiotic susceptibility and extended-spectrum ß-lactamase enzyme production in Escherichia coli isolates from freshwater ecosystems in Havana. Methods: An analysis was conducted of 43 E. coli isolates from the rivers Almendares, Quibú and Luyanó in Havana. Determination was made of susceptibility to 18 antibiotics and phenotypic production of extended-spectrum ß-lactamases according to standards from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Molecular detection of the enzymes was performed by polymerase chain reaction. Estimation was carried out of the antibiotic multiresistance index and the resistance patterns of each extended-spectrum E. coli ß-lactamase isolate. Results: Of the E. coli isolates studied, 65 percent were resistant to at least one antibiotic, whereas 35 percent were sensitive to all antibiotics. The extended-spectrum ß-lactamase phenotype was detected in seven isolates, of which four were carriers of the gene bla CTX-M-1 and three contained bla TEM. 37 percent of the E. coli isolates displayed antibiotic multiresistance index values below 0.22, 16 percent of 0.22, 9.3 percent above 0.5 and 5 percent above 0.7. ESBL E. coli isolates displayed co-resistance to the families tetracyclines, quinolones, aminoglycosides and macrolides. Conclusions: The presence of multiresistant extended-spectrum ß-lactamase-producing environmental E. coli isolates in Havana freshwater ecosystems highlights the need to implement control strategies aimed at preventing the spread of these isolates in natural environments(AU)

Humans , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Ecosystem , Disease Susceptibility , Environmental Pollution , Escherichia coli , Fresh Water , Reference Standards , Pollution Indicators
Electron J Biotechnol ; 49: 34-41, Jan. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291638


BACKGROUND: This work studied how the exposure to an unusual substrate forced a change in microbial populations during anaerobic fermentation of crude glycerol, a by-product of biodiesel production, with freshwater sediment used as an inoculum. RESULTS: The microbial associations almost completely (99.9%) utilized the glycerol contained in crude glycerol 6 g L 1 within four days, releasing gases, organic acids (acetic, butyric) and alcohols (ethanol, n-butanol) under anaerobic conditions. In comparison with control medium without glycerol, adding crude glycerol to the medium increased the amount of ethanol and n-butanol production and it was not significantly affected by incubation temperature (28 C or 37 C), nor incubation time (4 or 8 d), but it resulted in reduced amount of butyric acid. Higher volume of gas was produced at 37 C despite the fact that the overall bacterial count was smaller than the one measured at 20 C. Main microbial phyla of the inoculum were Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. During fermentation, significant changes were observed and Firmicutes, especially Clostridium spp., began to dominate, and the number of Actinobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria decreased accordingly. Concentration of Archaea decreased, especially in medium with crude glycerol. These changes were confirmed both by culturing and culture-independent (concentration of 16S rDNA) methods. CONCLUSIONS: Crude glycerol led to the adaptation of freshwater sediment microbial populations to this substrate. Changes of microbial community were a result of a community adaptation to a new source of carbon.

Bacteria/isolation & purification , Geologic Sediments/microbiology , Fresh Water/microbiology , Glycerol/metabolism , Bacteria/metabolism , Adaptation, Biological , Biofuels , Fermentation , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Anaerobiosis
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(3): e210134, 2021. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1346608


Neotropical Ichthyology promotes the Special Issue (SI) "Human impacts and the loss of Neotropical freshwater fish diversity" with the purpose of publishing relevant scientific articles on the current biodiversity crisis and the loss of Neotropical freshwater fishes in the Anthropocene. The SI is composed of 22 publications, being two review articles and 20 original articles. A total of 107 researchers contributed to these papers, involving 44 institutions based in Brazil and six other countries. Published articles investigated main anthropic activities and their impacts on fish diversity, with special focus on river regulation, mining, land use changes, aquaculture, and fisheries. Studies provided evidence about the loss of fish diversity in the Neotropics, including fish kill events, demographic changes, contamination, changes in assemblage structure, loss of taxonomic and functional diversity, besides the degradation of ecosystem functions and services, and the lack of effective protection and conservation. Studies were conducted in rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs from different Neotropical systems. The studies published in this SI represent a relevant sample of the current worrisome situation of freshwater fishes in the Neotropical region and call for urgent revision in environmental policies, management and conservation initiatives, and socioeconomic priorities.(AU)

A revista Neotropical Ichthyology lança o Volume Especial (SI) "Human impacts and the loss of Neotropical freshwater fish diversity" com o objetivo de publicar artigos científicos relevantes sobre a atual crise da biodiversidade e a perda de diversidade de peixes de água doce Neotropicais no Antropoceno. O SI é composto por 22 publicações, sendo dois artigos de revisão e 20 artigos originais. Um total de 107 pesquisadores contribuíram com esses artigos, envolvendo 44 instituições sediadas no Brasil e em seis outros países. Os artigos publicados investigaram as principais atividades antrópicas e seus impactos sobre a diversidade de peixes, com foco especial na regulação dos rios, mineração, mudanças no uso do solo, aquicultura e pesca. Os estudos forneceram evidências sobre a perda de diversidade de peixes na região Neotropical, incluindo eventos de mortandade, alterações demográficas, contaminação, mudanças na estrutura das assembleias, perda de diversidade taxonômica e funcional, além da degradação de funções e serviços ecossistêmicos, e falta de ações efetivas de proteção e conservação. Os estudos foram conduzidos em rios, riachos, lagos e reservatórios de diferentes sistemas Neotropicais. Os estudos publicados neste SI representam uma amostra relevante da atual situação dos peixes de água doce na região Neotropical, reforçando a necessidade de revisão das políticas ambientais, ações de manejo e conservação, e prioridades socioeconômicas.(AU)

Animals , Biodegradation, Environmental , Water Reservoirs , Aquaculture , Biodiversity , Fishes , Environment , Fresh Water