Os seios frontais são comumente usados na estimativa sexual por serem únicos para cada indivíduo, devido à variação considerável em tamanho, forma e número. Estudos anteriores apresentaram média acurácia mensurando área, altura e profundidade do seio frontal, porém, autores têm associado tais medidas com o índice do seio frontal, obtendo melhores resultados. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar dimorfismo sexual do seio frontal em adultos brasileiros. A amostra foi composta por 255 telerradiografias laterais, de indivíduos entre 20 e 40 anos, sendo 132 do sexo feminino e 123 do sexo masculino. Pautado na metodologia de Luo et al., 2018, foram mensuradas a área (S), a altura e a profundidade máximas do seio frontal (AB e EF, respectivamente) por meio de programa de desenho assistido por computador; e a razão entre AB e EF foi tida como índice do seio frontal (R). Aplicou-se, então, a função discriminante desenvolvida pelos autores para avaliar o dimorfismo sexual na população brasileira. Foram realizados os testes de Shapiro-Wilk para avaliar a normalidade das variáveis e os testes t de Student e Mann-Whitney para verificar se houve diferença entre os sexos. A confiabilidade do método foi calculada através do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) e o coeficiente de variação (CV), além do diagrama de Bland-Altman. Uma nova fórmula discriminante foi calculada com os dados do estudo e técnicas de machine learning foram utilizadas para melhorar a predição do sexo. O ICC foi acima de 0,90 para todas as variáveis e o CV abaixo de 5%. Na análise de Bland-Altman as medidas estavam dentro dos valores de confiança. Adesão à curva de normalidade para o sexo masculino foi observado apenas na variável EF. As variáveis apresentaram diferenças significantes em relação ao sexo e, com exceção de R, onde a média masculina foi 2,00 e a feminina, 2,40, todas as médias foram maiores para os homens. A fórmula original do estudo teve baixa acurácia, com nível de acerto de apenas 8,33% para o sexo feminino. No entanto, a fórmula calculada para brasileiros apresentou uma acurácia de 70,20%; das técnicas de machine learning, apenas a rede neural apresentou valor superior ao já obtido, de 73,30%. Concluindo, a nova fórmula apresentou uma acurácia de 70,20%, podendo ser aplicada como método auxiliar na avaliação do dimorfismo sexual do seio frontal em adultos brasileiros.
Forensic Anthropology , Forensic Dentistry , Frontal SinusABSTRACT
Introducción: El seno frontal es una estructura compleja y desafiante en términos quirúrgicos, siendo descritas numerosas técnicas para su abordaje. Dentro de ellas se destaca el abordaje endoscópico extendido de seno frontal: Draf IIB y Draf III, como una importante alternativa para resolución de patología refractaria de seno frontal. Objetivo: Describir las características de pacientes sometidos a abordaje endoscópico extendido de seno frontal en Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile (HCUCH). Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo. Se incluyeron a pacientes sometidos a abordaje endoscópico extendido de seno frontal entre los años 2013 y 2021. Se analizaron variables clínicas, intraoperatorias y de seguimiento. Resultados: Se registraron 118 pacientes, de los cuales 64 cumplieron criterios de inclusión al estudio, con una edad promedio de 48 años. La patología más frecuente fue la rinosinusitis crónica poliposa (42%) seguido del mucocele (20%). Del total de pacientes, el 68% fue sometido a cirugía Draf IIB y el resto a Draf III. Todos los pacientes fueron estudiados con endoscopía e imágenes, y seguidos con parámetros clínicos y endoscópicos. El porcentaje de estenosis postoperatoria se estimó en 10%. Conclusión: El abordaje endoscópico nasal extendido figura como una alternativa útil para manejo de patología de seno frontal refractario a tratamiento. En nuestra experiencia las indicaciones, tipos de cirugía y tasa de complicaciones son concordantes con la literatura internacional.
Introduction: The frontal sinus is a complex and challenging structure in surgical terms, numerous techniques have been described for its approach, among them the extended endoscopic approach: Draf IIB and Draf III, figures as an important alternative for the resolution of refractory pathology of frontal sinus. Aim: To describe the characteristics of patients who underwent an extended endoscopic approach to the frontal sinus at the Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile (HCUCH). Material and Method: A retrospective, descriptive study included patients who underwent an extended endoscopic approach to the frontal sinus between 2013 and 2021. Clinical, intraoperative, and follow-up variables were analyzed. Results: 118 patients were registered, of which 64 met the inclusion criteria for the study, with an average age of 48 years. The most frequent pathology was chronic polypous rhinosinusitis (42%), followed by mucocele (20%). Of the patients, 68% underwent Draf IIB surgery, while the rest received a Draf III type procedure. All patients were studied with endoscopy and images and followed up with clinical and endoscopic parameters. The percentage of post operatory stenosis was 10%. Conclusion: The extended nasal endoscopic approach appears as a valuable alternative for managing frontal sinus pathology refractory to treatment. In our experience, the indications, types of surgery, and rate of complications are consistent with the international literature.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Endoscopy/methods , Frontal Sinus/surgery , Severity of Illness Index , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Nasal Surgical ProceduresABSTRACT
O osso frontal integrante do esqueleto craniano e que integra o terço superior da face, tem papel importante na proteção do conteúdo encefálico. Fazendo parte dessa referência, encontra-se uma cavidade sinusal de dimensões variáveis, o seio frontal. A localização anatômica do seio frontal permite que ele contribua para proteção do lobo frontal agindo como barreira absorvedora de choque, além da fisiologia sinusal. As fraturas craniofaciais podem afetar a parede anterior e/ou posterior, com ou sem envolvimento do ducto nasofrontal (DNF). O planejamento do tratamento é baseado na relação clínico-imaginológica. A tomografia computadorizada (TC) tem grande importância no processo decisório do planejamento. O tratamento pode ser do tipo não cirúrgico, quando há patência dos DNF e comprometimento estético não crítico para o paciente, ou cirúrgico quando há comprometimento dos DNF e/ou comprometimento estético crítico, ou ainda quando há envolvimento da parede posterior e necessidade de cranialização e obliteração ductal. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar uma cranioplastia secundária à sequela de fratura fronto-orbitária, com emprego de fragmentos osteotomizados do próprio sítio de fratura, fixados com miniplacas do Sistema 1.5mm e ainda o emprego de retalho de pericrânio têmporo-parietal para camuflagem de tecido mole por preenchimento.
The frontal bone, part of the cranial skeleton and part of the upper third of the face has an essential role in protecting brain content. As part of this reference, there is a sinus cavity of variable dimensions, the frontal sinus. The anatomical location of the frontal sinus allows it to contribute to frontal lobe protection by acting as a shock-absorbing barrier in addition to sinus physiology. Craniofacial fractures can compromise the anterior and(or) posterior wall, with or without the involvement of the nasofrontal duct (NFD). Treatment planning is based on clinical and imaging evaluation. Computed tomography (CT) is essential for planning and decision-making process. The treatment can be non-surgical, when there is patency of the FND and aesthetic impairment that is not critical for the patient, or surgical when there is impairment of the FND and/or critical aesthetic impairment, or even when there is involvement of the posterior wall and the need for cranialization and ductal obliteration. The objective of this article is to report a cranioplasty secondary to the sequelae of a frontal-orbital fracture, using osteotomized fragments from the fracture site itself, fixed with miniplates (1.5mm System), and the use of a temporoparietal pericranium flap to camouflage tissue soft for filling.
Humans , Male , Adult , Skull Fractures , Fracture Fixation , Frontal Bone , Frontal Sinus , Orbit , Sinus PericraniiABSTRACT
Sinonasal inverted papilloma(SNIP) is a kind of benign tumor originating from the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, accounting for 70% of papillomas. The incidence of the disease is more common in males, with an average age of 50-60 years. It is most likely to occur in unilateral maxillary sinus and ethmoid sinus, followed by sphenoid sinus and frontal sinus.It has the characteristics of local invasion, high recurrence rate and malignant tendency, and most malignant transformation into squamous cell carcinoma. Endoscopic nasal resection and appropriate adjuvant therapy can help to reduce the recurrence rate and inhibit further deterioration. We report the results of a 10-year follow-up of a SNIP patient, including the clinical manifestations, recurrence course and treatment plan during the 10 years. The patient underwent multiple nasal endoscopic surgeries, and had a recurrence of multiple focal attachment pattern, and finally had direct invasion and distant metastasis. Tumor recurrence and further deterioration persisted despite the use of a comprehensive treatment.
Male , Humans , Middle Aged , Papilloma, Inverted , Follow-Up Studies , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , Head and Neck Neoplasms , Frontal SinusABSTRACT
Os seios frontais são comumente usados na estimativa sexual por serem únicos para cada indivíduo, devido à variação considerável em tamanho, forma e número. Estudos anteriores apresentaram média acurácia mensurando área, altura e profundidade do seio frontal, porém, autores têm associado tais medidas com o índice do seio frontal, obtendo melhores resultados. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar dimorfismo sexual do seio frontal em adultos brasileiros. A amostra foi composta por 255 telerradiografias laterais, de indivíduos entre 20 e 40 anos, sendo 132 do sexo feminino e 123 do sexo masculino. Pautado na metodologia de Luo et al., 2018, foram mensuradas a área (S), a altura e a profundidade máximas do seio frontal (AB e EF, respectivamente) por meio de programa de desenho assistido por computador; e a razão entre AB e EF foi tida como índice do seio frontal (R). Aplicou-se, então, a função discriminante desenvolvida pelos autores para avaliar o dimorfismo sexual na população brasileira. Foram realizados os testes de Shapiro-Wilk para avaliar a normalidade das variáveis e os testes t de Student e Mann-Whitney para verificar se houve diferença entre os sexos. A confiabilidade do método foi calculada através do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) e o coeficiente de variação (CV), além do diagrama de Bland-Altman. Uma nova fórmula discriminante foi calculada com os dados do estudo e técnicas de machine learning foram utilizadas para melhorar a predição do sexo. O ICC foi acima de 0,90 para todas as variáveis e o CV abaixo de 5%. Na análise de Bland-Altman as medidas estavam dentro dos valores de confiança. Adesão à curva de normalidade para o sexo masculino foi observado apenas na variável EF. As variáveis apresentaram diferenças significantes em relação ao sexo e, com exceção de R, onde a média masculina foi 2,00 e a feminina, 2,40, todas as médias foram maiores para os homens. A fórmula original do estudo teve baixa acurácia, com nível de acerto de apenas 8,33% para o sexo feminino. No entanto, a fórmula calculada para brasileiros apresentou uma acurácia de 70,20%; das técnicas de machine learning, apenas a rede neural apresentou valor superior ao já obtido, de 73,30%. Concluindo, a nova fórmula apresentou uma acurácia de 70,20%, podendo ser aplicada como método auxiliar na avaliação do dimorfismo sexual do seio frontal em adultos brasileiros.
Forensic Anthropology , Frontal Sinus , Forensic DentistryABSTRACT
The present article focuses on the analysis of the nasal cavity's anatomy succinctly and descriptively. This essay was carried out through a bibliographic review, directed to the detailed anatomy of the nasal cavity, and the structures that form its sinuses. We have identified the need formore studies directed to the related anatomical area so that the improved knowledge of this region ensures a nasoendoscopic treatment with better effectiveness and no complications.
Nasal Cavity/anatomy & histology , Nasal Cavity/surgery , Paranasal Sinuses/anatomy & histology , Sphenoid Sinus/anatomy & histology , Turbinates/anatomy & histology , Ethmoid Bone/anatomy & histology , Pterygopalatine Fossa/anatomy & histology , Frontal Sinus/anatomy & histology , Nasal Mucosa/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
Objective: To assess the efficacy of a bioabsorbable steroid-eluting sinus stent in improving surgical outcomes when placed in the frontal sinus ostium (FSO) following full endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) in patients with whole group chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). Methods: Patients with whole group CRSwNP who had similar lesions on bilateral sinus between September 2019 and March 2020 in Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Shanghai Changhai Hospital were chosen. Patients with CRSwNP who underwent extended ESS were randomly assigned to receive a steroid-eluting sinus stent in one FSO whereas the contralateral side received surgery alone. Endoscopic evaluations recorded at 30, 90 days postoperative were graded by an independent assessment panel to assess the need for interventions in the FSO. Semi-quantitative data with CT and endoscopic score were performed by rank sum test. The need for postoperative intervention and the patency rate of FSO were analyzed using the McNemar test. Results: Thirty-one patients with whole group CRSwNP met all eligible criteria, including 17 males and 14 females, with the age of (44.5±11.8) years(x¯±s). Stents were successfully placed in one FSO of all patients. At 30 days post-ESS, the assessment panel reported that steroid-eluting stents reduced the need for postoperative interventions by 41.0% (χ2=5.314,P=0.021), the need for oral steroid interventions by 40.0% (χ2=4.133,P=0.042) and the need for surgical interventions by 74.8% (χ2=4.292,P=0.038) compared to control sinuses with no stents. Clinical surgeons also reported greater diameter of FSO compared to control sinuses at 30 days post-ESS (74.2% vs 48.4%, χ2=4.351, P=0.037). These results at 90 days post-ESS were consistent with those at 30 days post-ESS. Conclusion: Bioabsorbable steroid-eluting sinus stents in the FSO can reduce polyp formation, adhesion, and the need for postoperative interventions in FSO of CRSwNP patients and improve the early postoperative outcomes.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Absorbable Implants , China , Chronic Disease , Endoscopy , Frontal Sinus/surgery , Nasal Polyps/complications , Paranasal Sinuses , Rhinitis/complications , Stents , Steroids , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Frontal sinus imaging is an important research object in forensic individual identification due to the highly specific irregular air cavity shape of frontal sinus, the stability of its shape after maturity, and the wide clinical application of radiology technology. The use of frontal sinus imaging for individual identification has significance in the court. When the application of traditional individual identification methods such as fingerprint identification and DNA analysis are limited or cannot be effectively carried out, or when the corresponding dental records are lacking and in other special cases, individual identification with frontal sinus imaging comparison is an effective alternative. Various types of image data can be used for individual identification with frontal sinus, mainly based on artificial visual comparing. With limitations such as, high professional requirements, low efficiency and small application range, the methods cannot be used in mass disasters. In recent years, some computer image recognition techniques have been used in identification of frontal sinus imagings and can significantly improve the efficiency of recognition. Difficulties such as low manual recognition efficiency may be overcomed. This study summarizes the reports on forensic individual identification using frontal sinus imaging, to review the research progress on individual identification with frontal sinus imaging, to provide a reference for further research on frontal sinus imaging, and to provide ideas for exploration and establishment of a faster, more efficient and more accurate individual identification system.
Diagnostic Imaging , Forensic Anthropology , Forensic Medicine , Frontal Sinus/diagnostic imaging , TorsoABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze computed tomography scans of paranasal sinuses of a series of patients with coronavirus disease 2019, and correlate the findings with the disease. Methods: Computed tomography scans of 95 adult patients who underwent a polymerase chain reaction test for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 were analyzed. Clinical data were obtained from patients' records and telephone calls. Paranasal sinus opacification was graded and compared according to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positivity. Results: Of the patients 28 (29.5%) tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (median age 52 [range 26-95] years) and 67 were negative (median age 50 [range 18-95] years). Mucosal thickening was present in 97.4% of maxillary sinuses, 80% of anterior ethmoid air cells, 75.3% of posterior ethmoid air cells, 74.7% of frontal sinuses, and 66.3% of sphenoid sinuses. Minimal or mild mucosal thickening (score 1)and normally aerated sinuses (score 0) corresponded to 71.4% and 21.3% of all paranasal sinuses, respectively. The mean score of each paranasal sinus among severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive and negative patients was 0.85±0.27 and 0.87±0.38, respectively (p=0.74). Median paranasal sinus opacification score among severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive patients was 9 (interquartile range 8-10) compared to 9 (interquartile range 5-10) in negative patients (p=0.89). There was no difference in mean score adjusted for age and sex. Nasal congestion was more frequent in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positive than negative patients (p=0.05). Conclusion: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection was associated with patient recall of nasal congestion, but showed no correlation with opacification of paranasal sinuses.
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar imagens de tomografia computadorizada de seios paranasais de pacientes com a doença por coronavírus 2019, e correlacionar os achados com a doença. Métodos: Foram analisadas imagens de tomografia computadorizada de 95 pacientes submetidos a teste de reação em cadeia da polimerase para coronavírus 2 da síndrome respiratória aguda grave. Os dados clínicos foram obtidos por meio dos prontuários dos pacientes e de ligações telefônicas. A opacificação dos seios paranasais foi graduada e comparada entre pacientes positivos e negativos para coronavírus 2 da síndrome respiratória aguda grave. Resultados: Vinte e oito (29,5%) dos pacientes tiveram resultado positivo para coronavírus 2 da síndrome respiratória aguda grave (idade mediana de 52 [26-95] anos) e 67, resultado negativo (idade mediana de 50 [18-95] anos). O espessamento mucoso estava presente em 97,4% dos seios maxilares, 80% das células etmoidais anteriores, 75,3% das células etmoidais posteriores, 74,7% dos seios frontais e em 66,3% dos seios esfenoidais. Mínimo ou discreto espessamento mucoso (pontuação 1) e seios com aeração normal (pontuação 0) corresponderam a 71,4% e 21,3% de todos os seios paranasais, respectivamente. A nota média de cada seio paranasal entre pacientes positivos e negativos para coronavírus 2 da síndrome respiratória aguda grave foi de 0,85±0,27 e 0,87±0,38, respectivamente (p=0,74). A nota mediana de opacificação dos seios paranasais entre pacientes positivos para coronavírus 2 da síndrome respiratória aguda grave foi de 9 (intervalo interquartil de 8 a 10), comparada a 9 (intervalo interquartil de 5 a 10) em pacientes negativos (p=0,89). Não houve diferença na nota média ajustada para idade e sexo. A congestão nasal foi mais frequente em pacientes positivos para coronavírus 2 da síndrome respiratória aguda grave que naqueles com resultados negativos (p=0,05). Conclusão: A infecção pelo coronavírus 2 da síndrome respiratória aguda grave apresentou associação com congestão nasal, mas não mostrou correlação com espessamento mucoso dos seios paranasais.
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Sphenoid Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Frontal Sinus/diagnostic imaging , COVID-19/diagnostic imaging , Maxillary Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Introducción: La anatomía ósea de las cavidades paranasales presenta múltiples variantes, que pueden ser causa o factor predisponente de enfermedad rinosinusal, entre las que se encuentran las asimetrías y las agenesias. Éstas pueden ser reparos de gran importancia en la cirugía endoscópica nasal y demandan atención médica con frecuencia. Objetivo: Determinar las variaciones anatómicas de los senos frontales en los pacientes con cráneos braquicéfalos y que no presentaron diagnóstico de enfermedad rinosinusal. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, donde fueron estudiados los diámetros transversales y longitudinales de los senos frontales a través de radiografías de cráneo AP en 28 pacientes con cráneos braquicéfalos, en el servicio de imagenología del Hospital Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso en los meses de enero y febrero de 2019. Resultado: Se identificaron las principales variaciones de los senos frontales a través de radiografías de cráneo y su comportamiento según variables epidemiológicas. Conclusiones: Predominó los enfermos (9) en el rango etáreo de 19-29 años, lo que representa un 32,1 por ciento, hubo un ligero predominio de los hombres con respecto a las mujeres, 10 (35,7 por ciento) pacientes presentaron agenesia bilateral y 3 (10,7 por ciento) agenesia unilateral izquierda. Las magnitudes de las cavidades derechas fueron mayores que las izquierdas y los senos frontales estudiados son asimétricos por su tamaño y posición(AU)
Introduction: The bone anatomy of paranasal cavities presents a large number of variants which may be the cause of or predisposing factor for rhinosinus disease, among which are asymmetry and agenesis. These may be very important hurdles in nasal endoscopic surgery and often require medical care. Objective: Determine the anatomical variations in the frontal sinuses of patients with brachycephalic skulls not diagnosed with rhinosinus disease. Methods: A cross-sectional observational descriptive study was conducted of frontal sinus longitudinal and transverse diameters of frontal sinuses based on AP skull radiographs of 28 patients with brachycephalic skulls attending the imaging service of Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Hospital from January to February 2019. Result: Identification was made of the main frontal sinus variations in skull radiographs and their behavior according to epidemiological variables. Conclusions: The 19-29 years age group prevailed, with 9 patients (32.1 percent). There was a slight predominance of men versus women. Ten (35.7 percent) patients had bilateral agenesis and 3 (10.7 percent) had unilateral left agenesis. The magnitudes for right cavities were greater than those for left cavities. The frontal sinuses studied were asymmetrical in terms of size and position(AU)
Craniosynostoses/complications , Frontal Sinus/anatomy & histology , Skull/diagnostic imaging , Epidemiologic Factors , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The big data provided by Health Insurance Review and Assessment (HIRA) contains data from nearly all Korean populations enrolled in the National Health Insurance Service. We aimed to identify the incidence of facial fractures and its trends in Korea using this big data from HIRA.METHODS: We used the Korean Standard Classification of Disease and Cause of Death 6, 7 for diagnosis codes. A total of 582,318 patients were included in the final analysis. All statistical analyses were performed using SAS software and SPSS software.RESULTS: The incidence of facial fractures consistently declined, from 107,695 cases in 2011 to 87,306 cases in 2016. The incidence of facial fractures was the highest in June 2011 (n = 26,423) and lowest in January 2014 (n = 10,282). Nasal bone fractures were the most common, followed by orbit and frontal sinus fractures. The percentage of nasal bone fractures declined, whereas those of orbital fractures increased from 2011 to 2016 (P < 0.001). Among orbital fractures, inferior wall fractures were the most common, followed by medial wall fractures. Among mandibular fractures, angle fractures were the most common, followed by condylar process and symphysis fractures. Although it was difficult to predict the most common type of zygomatic and maxilla fractures, their incidence consistently declined since 2011.CONCLUSION: We observed trends in facial fractures in Korea using big data including information for nearly all nations in Korea. Therefore, it is possible to predict the incidence of facial fractures. This study is meaningful in that it is the first study that investigated the incidence of facial fractures by specific type.
Humans , Cause of Death , Classification , Diagnosis , Facial Bones , Fractures, Bone , Frontal Sinus , Incidence , Insurance, Health , Korea , Mandibular Fractures , Maxilla , Nasal Bone , National Health Programs , Orbit , Orbital FracturesABSTRACT
Objetivos: La cirugía endoscópica del seno frontal es quizá uno de los procedimientos más complejos en el manejo endoscópico de los senos paranasales debido a su localización y a las múltiples variantes anatómicas que pueden encontrarse durante su disección. Es indispensable conocer al detalle la anatomía quirúrgica de esta región en nuestra población, para optimizar la planeación quirúrgica de los pacientes. Actualmente en nuestro país se desconoce la frecuencia de estas variaciones. El objetivo del proyecto es evaluar la frecuencia de las variables anatómicas del seno frontal y realizar un estudio radio-anatómico en una muestra de pacientes en Colombia. Diseño del estudio: Observacional, descriptivo de tipo transversal. Métodos: Muestra aleatorizada de 406 tomografías computarizadas de senos paranasales que incluyeron 812 senos frontales recolectados durante el año 2018 Resultados: La celdilla suprabular fue la más comúnmente reportada con una frecuencia de 59.61%. La segunda celdilla fue la supra agger nasi con una frecuencia de 57.88%, seguido de la celdilla supra agger frontal (25.12%), celdilla suprabular frontal (22.17%), celdillas supraorbitarias (34.98%) y las celdilla frontal intersinusal (24,14%). La arteria etmoidal anterior se reportó colgante en un 31.28% y el diámetro AP más frecuente fue entre 5 -10 milímetros. Conclusiones: Para realizar una sinusotomía frontal endoscópica de forma adecuada es necesario conocer al detalle la anatomía del receso del seno frontal. Las diferentes variantes radio-anatómicas son muy frecuentes en el grupo poblacional estudiado. Creemos que este trabajo permitirá a los cirujanos un mejor entendimiento de esta región de difícil acceso quirúrgico en nuestra población. Palabras clave: Seno frontal, senos paranasales, seno clasificación frontal, cirugia endoscopica nasosinusal
Objectives: Endoscopic frontal sinus surgery is perhaps, one of the most complex procedures in the endoscopic sinus surgery, due to its anatomical location and the multiple anatomical variants that can be found. It is essential to know in detail the anatomy of this region in order to obtain a better understanding for the surgical planning. Currently, the frequency of these anatomical variations remains unknown in our country. Therefore, the objective of the study is to evaluate the frequency of the anatomical variants of the frontal sinus and to carry out a radio-anatomic study in a sample of patients from Colombia. Study design: Observational, cross-sectional descriptive. Methods: Randomized sample of 406 CT scan of the paranasal sinuses that included 812 frontal sinuses collected during the year 2018. Results: The supra bulla cell was the most frequently reported with a frequency of 59.61%. The second cell was the supra agger (57.88%) followed by supra agger frontal cell (25.12%), supra bulla frontal cell (22.17%), supraorbital ethmoid cells (34,98%) and frontal septal cell (24,14%) . The anterior ethmoidal artery was found hanging in 31.28% and the most frequent AP diameter was between 5 -10 mm. Conclusions: To perform an appropriate endoscopic frontal sinusotomy, it is necessary to know in detail the anatomy of the frontal sinus recess. The different radio-anatomical variants of the frontal sinus are very frequent in the population group studied. We believe that this study will allow surgeons to obtain a better understanding of this anatomical region of difficult surgical access.
Humans , Frontal Sinus , Paranasal SinusesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Lipoma is a usually painless benign adipose tumor. Nevertheless, it can cause compression of adjacent structures, depending on its location. Mucoceles are benign cystic lesions in the frontal-ethmoidal region, caused by chronic obstruction of the paranasal sinus and consequent inflammatory processes. The increase of mucocele diameter caused by inflammation often results in bony degradation and reabsorption, increasing pressure on adjacent structures, including the orbit and the base of the skull, leading to possibly serious consequences. Here we report a case of lipoma mimicking a frontal mucocele, managed surgically at the Ophthalmological Hospital of Anapolis.
RESUMO O lipoma é um tumor do tecido adiposo de caráter benigno, usualmente indolor, porém que pode gerar compressão de estruturas adjacentes, dependendo da sua localização. A mucocele consiste em uma lesão cística de caráter benigno, na região fronto-etmoidal, devido à obstrução crônica dos óstios dos seios paranasais e consequente processo inflamatório. O aumento do diâmetro da mucocele por inflamação muitas vezes causa degradação e reabsorção ósseas, o que pode elevar a pressão em estruturas adjacentes como órbita e base de crânio, causando intercorrências possivelmente graves. Neste estudo relatamos um caso de lipoma simulando mucocele frontal, com propedêutica cirúrgica.
Humans , Female , Aged , Facial Neoplasms/surgery , Lipoma/surgery , Mucocele , Orbit/surgery , Frontal SinusABSTRACT
The pneumatization area in the crista galli region of the ethmoid bone can be called Sinus Crista Galli (SCG). The authors would like to recommend the terminology as sinus crista galli for pneumatized crista galli. Our aims in this study are to determine SCG on three dimensional Computerized Tomography (CT) images, to investigate its frequency, dimension and to emphasize their clinical significance in children and adults. A total of 360 adult images (160 female, 200 male) and 68(43 female, 25 male) pediatric images were examined. The presence SCG was recorded with axial and coronal paranasal sinus CT images. The height, width, anterposterior diameter of the sinus was measured. All the data we obtained from this study were analyzed using the SPSS 18.0 program. Descriptive statistics are shown as mean ± Sdt. Sinus crista galli was found in 17 examined images of the 360 (4.72 %) in adult group. Chronic pansinusitis was detected in 7 of 17 cases. Frontal sinusitis findings were detected in 7 cases. Sinusitis was not observed in 3 cases. The incidence of SCG was found in 4 pediatric images out of 68 (5.88 %). In 1 out of 4 cases, infection was detected in SCG. We did not observe SCG in the pediatric group with 0-7 years of age. Sinus crista galli was found at low rates in adult and pediatric age group. However; relationship was found between these variation and chronic rhinosinusitis. Additionally, detection of SCG in paranasal sinus CT can be provided better results and reduce complications in anterior cranial fossa surgery.
El área de neumatización en la crista galli del etmoides se puede denominar sinus crista galli (SCG). Los autores recomiendan incluir en la terminología anatómica el término sinus crista galli para la crista galli neumatizada. Los objetivos del estudio fueron determinar la SCG en imágenes tridimensionales de tomografía computarizada (TC), investigar su frecuencia, dimensión y enfatizar su importancia clínica en niños y adultos. Se examinaron un total de 360 imágenes de adultos (160 mujeres, 200 hombres) y 68 (43 mujeres, 25 hombres) en imágenes pediátricas. La presencia de SCG se registró con imágenes de tomografía axial y axial del seno paranasal. Se midió la altura, anchura y diámetro anteroposterior del seno del proceso crista galli. Todos los datos obtenidos se analizaron mediante el programa SPSS 18.0. Las estadísticas descriptivas se muestran como media ± DS. El seno crista galli se encontró en 17/360 (4,72 %) de las imágenes examinadas en el grupo de adultos. Se detectó pansinusitis crónica en 7 de 17 casos. Se detectaron hallazgos de sinusitis frontal en 7 casos. Sinusitis no se observó en 3 casos. La incidencia de SCG se encontró en 4 imágenes pediátricas de 68 (5,88 %). En 1 de cada 4 casos, se detectó infección en SCG. No observamos SCG en el grupo pediátrico con 0-7 años de edad. El seno crista galli se encontró en bajas tasas en adultos y en niños. Sin embargo, se encontró relación entre estas variaciones y la rinosinusitis crónica. Además, la detección de SCG en la tomografía computarizada del seno paranasal puede proporcionar mejores resultados y reducir las complicaciones en la cirugía de la fosa craneal anterior.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Ethmoid Bone/abnormalities , Ethmoid Bone/diagnostic imaging , Frontal Sinus/abnormalities , Frontal Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Paranasal Sinuses/abnormalities , Paranasal Sinuses/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
Introduction: Human identification is a challenging task, especially when the available information detected during the dental autopsy is scarce. In this context, distinctive morphological information may play a valuable role as additional and alternative identifiers. Objective: To report a case of human identification aided by the morphological analysis of the frontal sinus through anteroposterior radiographs of the skull with the mento-naso technique. Material and methods: The body of an edentulous adult male highly decomposed was referred to the local medico-legal institute for identification. The alleged relatives of the victim provided the comparative antemortem data (AM) consisting of an anteroposterior (AP) skull radiograph taken with mento-naso projection. A postmortem AP radiograph of the deceased was taken in order to reproduce the AM data and to enable a comparative procedure. Results: The morphological information of the frontal sinuses converged between AM and PM radiographs both for metric and non-metric evidences. Conclusion: The analysis of the frontal sinus may be an additional and alternative approach for human identification especially for edentulous victims
Introdução: O processo de identificação humana é uma tarefa desafiadora, especialmente quando as informações disponíveis durante o exame cadavérico são escassas. Neste contexto, características morfológicas distintivas podem exercer um papel importante como fontes adicionais e alternativas para a identificação. Objetivo: Relatar um caso pericial de identificação humana realizada com o auxílio da análise das características morfológicas do seio frontal em radiografias anteroposteriores do crânio com incidência mento-naso. Materiais e métodos: O corpo de um adulto edêntulo em avançado estágio de decomposição foi encaminhado para o instituto médico-legal local visando identificação. Os supostos pais da vítima providenciaram material comparativo antemortem (AM) o qual consistia de uma radiografia anteroposterior do crânio obtida com incidência mento-naso. Uma radiografia postmortem (PM) anteroposterior foi obtida do cadáver para viabilizar a comparação. Resultados: As características morfológicas dos seios frontais da vítima convergiram entre os dados AM e PM tanto para fatores métricos como para não-métricos. Conclusão: A análise do seio frontal pode ser uma ferramenta adicional e alternativa para a identificação humana especialmente em vítimas edêntulas
Humans , Male , Aged , Radiology , Forensic Anthropology , Forensic Dentistry , Frontal Sinus , AnatomyABSTRACT
Introduction: Human identification is the process by which the identity of an individual is established by comparing data recorded at different times. In the case of the human skull, the most used areas for the individualization are the Turkish Chair, the sphenoid bone, the mastoid cells, and the frontal sinus. Objective: The aim of the present work was to identify and describe the main techniques developed for human identification through a literature review, based on imaging of the frontal sinuses, due to the potential contribution of dental radiology in this context. Sources of data: For this, a bibliographic search was performed in PUBMED, using the following terminologies: frontal sinus, radiology, and forensic. Articles published between 2007 and 2017 were included, literature articles, letters, and case reports were excluded. Synthesis of data: A total of twenty-three articles were selected, the sample was analyzed for the nationality, homogeneity, sex, and age of the individuals, as well as for the types of imaging tests that constituted this sample, whether of radiographic or tomographic origin and their different projections and modalities. In addition, the literature was classified as to the different techniques and parameters used for identification, whether quantitative or morphological. Conclusion: After this research, it was possible to conclude that the profile of the world scientific research aimed at human identification through imaging of the frontal sinuses, consists of homogenous samples, of both sexes, and a wide age group, using mostly posteroanterior extraoral radiographic examination and qualitative and quantitative parameters for identification.
Introdução: A identificação humana é o processo pelo qual se estabelece a identidade de um indivíduo por meio da comparação entre dados registrados em momentos diferentes. Tratando-se do crânio humano, as regiões mais utilizadas na individualização do mesmo são as áreas da sela túrcica, no osso esfenoide, as células mastoides e o seio frontal. Objetivo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, através de uma revista da literatura, identificar e descrever as principais técnicas desenvolvidas para a identificação humana, a partir de exames de imagens dos seios frontais, em virtude da contribuição em potencial da radiologia odontológica nesse contexto. Fonte de dados: Para isso, foi realizada uma busca bibliográfica, no PUBMED, a partir do uso das seguintes terminologias: frontal sinus, radiology e forensic . Foram incluídos os artigos publicados entre 2007 e 2017 e excluídos artigos de revisão de literatura, cartas e relatos de caso. Síntese dos dados: Em um total de vinte e três artigos selecionados analisou-se a amostra quanto à nacionalidade, homogeneidade, sexo e faixa etária dos indivíduos, além dos tipos de exames de imagem que constituíram essa amostra, seja de origem radiográfica ou tomográfica, e suas diferentes projeções e modalidades. Além disso, classificou-se a literatura quanto às diferentes técnicas e parâmetros empregados para a identificação, sejam eles quantitativos ou morfológicos. Conclusão: Através desta busca, conclui-se que o perfil da pesquisa científica mundial, voltada para a identificação humana através de exames de imagem dos seios frontais, utiliza amostras homogêneas, de ambos os sexos e ampla faixa etária, empregando-se majoritariamente a Radiografia Extra-oral Póstero- Anterior e parâmetros qualitativos e quantitativos para a identificação.
Forensic Dentistry , Radiology , Forensic Anthropology , Frontal SinusABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: El Draf III es una técnica quirúrgica que permite el abordaje endoscópico de los senos frontales. Fue descrita como un procedimiento de rescate para la rinosinusitis crónica (RSCr) frontal en que falla la cirugía estándar. Actualmente, su uso se ha extendido a otras aplicaciones. Objetivo: (1) Revisar las indicaciones del abordaje Draf III, (2) Revisar si el abordaje permitió el manejo adecuado de la patología y (3) Evaluar la permeabilidad de los senos frontales. Material y método: Estudio retrospectivo descriptivo. Se evaluaron los registros de pacientes sometidos a un abordaje Draf III entre los años 2013-2016 (n =11). Se revisaron las indicaciones quirúrgicas, utilidad del Draf III para manejar la patología, permeabilidad de los senos frontales y complicaciones quirúrgicas. Resultados: Indicaciones quirúrgicas incluyeron la RSCr con pólipos, osteoma frontoetmoidal, mucocele frontal, papiloma invertido y estesioneuroblastoma. En todos los casos, el abordaje permitió un adecuado manejo de la patología. Todos los pacientes presentaron permeabilidad adecuada del Draf III al último control. Un paciente debió ser reoperado a los 15,5 meses por recidiva de papiloma invertido. Ningún paciente requirió cirugía de revisión por estenosis crítica del Draf III. No hubo complicaciones quirúrgicas. Discusión: El Draf III fue útil para manejar la RSCr, patologías benignas del seno frontal, y como parte de un abordaje extendido a la fosa craneal anterior. Conclusión: En nuestra serie, el Draf III resultó ser una excelente opción quirúrgica para el tratamiento de diversas patologías del seno frontal.
ABSTRACT Introduction: The Draf III procedure is an effective approach for the management of frontal sinus disorders. It was originally described as a rescue procedure for the treatment of refractory frontal sinusitis. Currently, it can be used to treat a variety of other disorders. Aim: (1) To review the indications for the Draf III procedure, (2) To evaluate if it enabled appropriate management of the disease, and (3) To evaluate frontal sinus patency. Material and Method: Retrospective descriptive study. Clinical records of patients who underwent a Draf III procedure between the years 2013-2016 (n=11) were reviewed. Surgical indications, the appropriateness of the approach to manage the frontal sinus disease, frontal sinus patency, and complications were analyzed. Results: Surgical indications included chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps, frontoethmoidal osteoma, frontal mucocele, inverted papilloma and esthesioneuroblastoma. In all cases, the approach allowed adequate management of the pathology. All patients had adequate patency of the Draf III at their last follow-up. One patient required a revision Draf III at 15.5 months follow-up because of an inverted papilloma recurrence. No patient required revision surgery for critical stenosis of the Draf III. No surgical complications were observed. Discussion: The Draf III procedure was useful for the management of chronic rhinosinusitis, for benign frontal sinus pathologies, and as part of an extended approach to the anterior cranial fossa. Conclusion: In our series, the Draf III procedure was an excellent surgical option for the management of a variety of frontal sinus pathologies.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Nose Neoplasms/surgery , Endoscopy/methods , Frontal Sinus/surgery , Permeability , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Chile , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Frontal Sinus/pathology , Frontal Sinus/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Woake's syndrome (WS) is a recurrent nasal polyposis, accompanied by broadening of the nose, frontal sinus aplasia, dyscrinia, and bronchiectasis. There has been no previous report on anesthetic management in patients with WS. CASE: We describe a case involving a 13-year-old male patient with WS who was scheduled for septorhinoplasty for necrotic ethmoiditis. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with propofol and remifentanil using a target-controlled infusion device. The anesthetic considerations of this rare syndrome and the advantages of an intravenous infusion method over local and volatile anesthesia for these patients are discussed. We report on caveats, such as pulmonary dysfunction during the anesthetic management, and nasal structural problems encountered in WS patients. CONCLUSIONS: Given that conventional inhaled anesthesia reduces ciliary movement and that local anesthesia with sedative has several disadvantages, perioperative control and precautions against respiratory infections by using antibiotics, and preventing cilio-depressant actions, are important for anesthetic management.
Adolescent , Humans , Male , Anesthesia , Anesthesia, Local , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Bronchiectasis , Frontal Sinus , Infusions, Intravenous , Methods , Nasal Polyps , Nose , Propofol , Respiratory Tract InfectionsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: Forehead deformities are often caused by lack of treatment or incorrect restoration of the frontal buttress, so the underlying frontal buttress should be restored to its previous position to ensure that the previous forehead contour is restored in cases of complex depressed skull fractures. However, since brain injuries from skull fractures could have fatal consequences, the clinical concern in primary surgery has been to save the patient's life, and cosmetic concerns have always been secondary. We retrospectively reviewed fronto-orbital fracture patients who underwent primary restoration with primary bone fragments or an alloplastic implant and compared the surgical outcomes of autologous bone (group 1) and artificial materials (group 2). METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted of 47 patients with fronto-orbital fractures between March 2012 and January 2018. The patients underwent primary reconstruction with primary bone fragments or an alloplastic implant. The surgical results were evaluated by the incidence of infection and cosmetic satisfaction of patients. RESULTS: Infections occurred in one patient (5%) in group 1 and in two patients (15.3%) in group 2, which was not a statistically significant difference. In contrast, at 6 months after surgery, patient satisfaction showed a statistically significant between-group difference (group 1: 4.32 points, group 2: 3.54 points, p=0.001). CONCLUSION: Primary reconstruction using fractured bone fragments is an effective and preferable method that could result in better surgical outcomes than restoration using an alloplastic implant.