Los postbióticos fueron definidos en 2021 por la Asociación Científica Internacional de Probióticos y Prebióticos (ISAPP) como "una preparación de microorganismos inanimados y/o sus componentes celulares capaces de conferir un efecto benéfico al hospedador". El campo de los postbióticos es un área nueva dentro de la familia de los bióticos; se han desarrollado ya numerosos productos con aplicaciones clínicas, como la estimulación inmunológica, el manejo de diarreas en niños y adultos, el abordaje del intestino irritable, además de tres fórmulas infantiles. En particular, las fórmulas infantiles con postbióticos obtenidos a partir de la fermentación de la leche con Bifidobacterium breve C50 y Streptococcus thermophilus O65, y sus metabolitos, incluido el oligosacárido 3'-GL, han demostrado seguridad y contribución al desarrollo de la microbiota intestinal y el sistema inmune asociado al intestino. Estas modificaciones contribuyen a la prevención y el manejo de los trastornos funcionales digestivos del lactante.
Postbiotics were defined in 2021 by the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) as a "preparation of inanimate microorganisms and/or their cellular components that confers a health benefit to the host." The field of postbiotics is a new area within the biotics family; numerous products have already been developed for clinical applications, such as immune stimulation, the management of diarrhea in children and adults, the management of irritable bowel syndrome, and 3 infant formulas. In particular, infant formulas with postbiotics obtained from milk fermented with Bifidobacterium breve C50 and Streptococcus thermophilus O65 and their metabolites, including the oligosaccharide 3'-GL, have demonstrated to be safe and to contribute to the development of the gut microbiota and the gutassociated immune system. These modifications help to prevent and manage functional gastrointestinal disorders in infants.
Humans , Infant , Probiotics , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/microbiology , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/therapy , Infant Formula , Streptococcus thermophilus , Diarrhea/microbiology , Diarrhea/therapy , Prebiotics/administration & dosage , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Bifidobacterium breve , Gastrointestinal Diseases/microbiology , Gastrointestinal Diseases/therapyABSTRACT
Introducción. La neumatosis quística intestinal se describe como la presencia de gas dentro de la pared intestinal. Es una entidad poco frecuente, con una incidencia del 0,03 % en la población global. Aparece con predilección en el género masculino después de los 45 años yse localiza principalmente en el intestino delgado (42 %) y el colon. Se puede asociar a varias condiciones que en ocasiones requieren manejo quirúrgico. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso de un hombre 75 años, con antecedente de hipertensión arterial, quien consultó por un cuadro de 15 días de evolución consistente en distensión abdominal, dolor y estreñimiento. En urgencias se solicitó una radiografía de tórax que mostró neumoperitoneo y varios niveles hidroaéreos, por lo que el cirujano de turno consideró una posible ruptura de víscera hueca. Resultados. Fue llevado a laparotomía exploratoria, donde se identificó neumatosis quística intestinal y estómago muy aumentado de tamaño, compatible con gastroparesia. Como resultado del tratamiento brindado, el paciente tuvo un desenlace satisfactorio logrando alta médica, apoyado con cuidados básicos de enfermería. Conclusiones. Si bien los casos de neumatosis quística intestinal son de presentación inusual, se puede encontrar en pacientes con hallazgos imagenológicos de neumoperitoneo. Por eso, se debe realizar un análisis concienzudo de cada paciente e individualizar el caso para el correcto diagnóstico.
Introduction. Cystic pneumatosis intestinalis is described as the presence of gas within the intestinal wall. It is a rare entity, with an incidence of 0.03% in the global population. It appears with a predilection in the male gender after 45 years of age and is located mainly in the small intestine (42%) and the colon. It can be associated with several conditions that sometimes require surgical management. Clinical case. The case of a 75-year-old man with a history of high blood pressure is presented, who consulted for a 15-day history consisting of abdominal distention, pain and constipation. In the emergency room, a chest x-ray was requested, which showed pneumoperitoneum and several air-fluid levels. The surgeon on call considered a possible rupture of the hollow viscus. Results. The patient was taken to exploratory laparotomy, where intestinal cystic pneumatosis and a greatly enlarged stomach were identified, compatible with gastroparesis. As a result of the treatment provided, the patient had a satisfactory outcome, achieving medical discharge, supported with basic nursing care. Conclusions. Although cases of intestinal cystic pneumatosis have an unusual presentation, it can be found in patients with imaging findings of pneumoperitoneum. Therefore, a thorough analysis of each patient must be carried out and the case individualized for the correct diagnosis.
Humans , Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis , Pneumoperitoneum , Gastroparesis , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Intestine, Small , LaparotomyABSTRACT
El presente estudio es una comparación del dolor abdominal producido por trastornos gastrointestinales, aliviado por Ageratina ligustrina , entre los grupos maya Tzeltal, Tzotzil y Q Ìeqchi Ì, el cual integró un enfoque etnomédico, etnobotánico y transcultural, comparando estudios previos con el presente trabajo de campo. Para evaluar la eficacia de Ageratina para aliviar el dolor abdominal, se realizó un inventario de las moléculas reportadas en esta especie, así como de su actividad farmacológica, a través de una revisión bibliográfica. Los resultados mostraron que la epidemiología del dolor producido por TGI, su etnobotánica y el modelo explicativo del dolor abdominal fueron similares entre grupos étnicos. Asimismo, se identificaron 27 moléculas con efectos antiinflamatorios y antinociceptivos, lo que podría explicar por qué esta especie es culturalmente importante para los pobladores maya Tzeltal, Tzotzil y Q Ìeqch i Ì para el alivio del dolor abdominal, mientras que, desde el punto de vista biomédico, es una especie con potencial para inhibir el dolor visceral.
The current study is a comparison of the abdominal pain conception produced by gastrointestinal disorders, relieved by Ageratina ligustrina , among inhabitants of the Mayan Tzeltal, Tzotzil, and Q'eqchi' groups ethnomedical, ethnobotanical, and cross -cultural approaches were used to compare previous studies with the present field work. To evaluate the efficacy of A. ligustrina to relieve pain, also through a bibliographic review an inventory of the molecules present in this species was performed, as well as their pharmacological activity. The results showed that the epidemiology of pain produced by GID, its ethnobotany, and the explanatory model of abdominal pain are similar among ethnic groups. Likewise, 27 molecules with anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effects were identified, which could explain why this species is culturally important for the Mayan Tzeltal, Tzotzil, and Q'eqchi' groups for the relief of abdominal pain, while, from a biomedical point of view, it is a species with potential to inhibit visceral pain.
Humans , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Indians, Central American , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Ethnopharmacology , Ageratina/chemistry , Ethnobotany , Gastrointestinal Diseases/drug therapy , MexicoABSTRACT
Introducción. Las duplicaciones gástricas son entidades congénitas poco frecuentes que se diagnostican principalmente en las etapas tempranas de la vida, y rara vez en pacientes adultos. El objetivo de este artículo fue presentar el caso de un adulto con esta patología, tratado exitosamente mediante cirugía. Caso clínico. Mujer de 26 años de edad con epigastralgia crónica refractaria a manejo médico, a quien durante endoscopia digestiva superior se le identificó una lesión quística sugestiva de tumor estromal gastrointestinal, confirmada por ultrasonido endoscópico. Resultados. Se realizó una resección quirúrgica laparoscópica asistida por endoscopia, con buena evolución postoperatoria. El estudio anatomo-patológico informó la presencia de un quiste de duplicación gástrica. Conclusiones. A pesar de las ayudas diagnósticas disponibles en la actualidad, esta patología representa un reto diagnóstico importante que, en muchas ocasiones solo puede ser confirmado mediante el estudio anatomo-patológico. En paciente asintomático, continúa la controversia entre observarlo o llevarlo a cirugía, por el riesgo de malignidad. Actualmente, el manejo de las duplicaciones gástricas en adultos se considera eminentemente quirúrgico. Las resecciones laparoscópicas y el uso de endoscopia intraoperatoria permiten garantizar la resección completa de la lesión, preservando la mayor cantidad de tejido sano adyacente y previniendo estenosis o deformidades gástricas que afecten su adecuado funcionamiento.
Introduction. Gastric duplications are rare congenital entities that are diagnosed primarily in early life, and rarely in adult patients. The objective of this article was to present the case of an adult with this pathology, successfully treated by surgery. Clinical case. A 26-year-old woman with chronic epigastralgia refractory to medical management, who during upper digestive endoscopy was identified with a cystic lesion suggestive of gastro-intestinal stromal tumor, confirmed by endoscopic ultrasound. Results. A laparoscopic surgical resection assisted by endoscopy was performed, with good postoperative evolution. The anatomopathological study reported the presence of a gastric duplication cyst. Conclusions. Despite the diagnostic adjuncts currently available, this pathology represents an important diagnostic challenge that, in many cases, can only be confirmed through pathology. In asymptomatic patients, the controversy continues between observing them or taking them to surgery due to the risk of malignancy. Currently, the management of gastric duplications in adults is considered eminently surgical. Laparoscopic resections and the use of intraoperative endoscopy ensure complete resection of the lesion, preserving the greatest amount of adjacent healthy tissue and preventing gastric stenosis or deformities that affect its proper functioning.
Humans , Digestive System Surgical Procedures , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Stomach , Laparoscopy , EndosonographyABSTRACT
This study aims at reporting the indigenous knowledge of the medicinal flora from the inhabitants of surroundings of the World's largest artificial planted forest "Changa Manga", Pakistan. Data were collected by direct interviews and group meetings from 81 inhabitants including 32 local healers having information regarding the use of indigenous medicinal plants over a period of one year. Different statistical tools were applied to analyze the data including Frequency citation (FC), Relative frequency citation (RFC), Use Value, Factor of informants consensus and fidelity level. This study reported 73 plant species belonging to 37 plant families and 46 genera. The majority of plant species belong to compositae family. The most commonly used medicinal plants were P. hysterophorus L., P. dactylifera L., S. indicum L, P. harmala L., P. emblica L., and A. indica A.Juss. The greatest number of species was used to cure gastrointestinal disorders. The highest fidelity level (68.18%) was of E. helioscopia to cure gastrointestinal disorders. Maximum fresh uses (17) were reported by C. dactylon (L.) Pars. While the highest number of species reporting fresh uses in similar number was 13. In this study, five novel plants are being reported for the first time in Pakistan for their ethnomedicinal worth. Our data reflect unique usage of the medicinal plants in the study area. The statistical tools used in the study proved useful in pointing the most important and disease category specific plants. High use value plant and the new reported medicinal plants might prove an important source of the isolation of pharmacologically active compounds.
Este estudo tem como objetivo relatar o conhecimento indígena sobre a flora medicinal dos habitantes do entorno da maior floresta artificial plantada do mundo, a Changa Manga, no Paquistão. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas diretas e reuniões em grupo de 81 habitantes, incluindo 32 curandeiros locais, com informações sobre o uso de plantas medicinais indígenas durante o período de um ano. Diferentes ferramentas estatísticas foram aplicadas para analisar os dados, incluindo citação de frequência (FC), citação de frequência relativa (RFC), valor de uso, fator de consenso dos informantes e nível de fidelidade. Este estudo relatou 73 espécies de plantas pertencentes a 37 famílias de plantas e 46 gêneros. A maioria das espécies de plantas pertence à família Compositae. As plantas medicinais mais utilizadas foram P. hysterophorus L., P. dactylifera L., S. indicum L., P. harmala L., P. emblica L. e A. indica A. Juss. O maior número de espécies foi usado para curar distúrbios gastrointestinais. O maior nível de fidelidade (68,18%) foi de E. helioscopia para cura de distúrbios gastrointestinais. Os usos máximos em fresco (17) foram relatados por C. dactylon (L.) Pars. enquanto o maior número de espécies relatando usos frescos em número semelhante foi de 13. Neste estudo, cinco novas plantas estão sendo relatadas pela primeira vez no Paquistão por seu valor etnomedicinal. Nossos dados refletem o uso exclusivo das plantas medicinais na área de estudo. As ferramentas estatísticas utilizadas no estudo mostraram-se úteis para apontar as plantas mais importantes e específicas da categoria de doença. Plantas de alto valor de uso e as novas plantas medicinais relatadas podem ser uma importante fonte de isolamento de compostos farmacologicamente ativos.
Humans , Plants, Medicinal , Forests , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Indigenous Peoples , Medicine, Traditional , PakistanABSTRACT
Obesity is a very common pathology worldwide. Among the management alternatives are glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogues, a hormone secreted mainly by the intestine. Apart from its effects as an incretin, effects on gastrointestinal motility have been described, which seem to be fundamental for its effect on obesity, but also the cause of its most frequent potential adverse effects. There is discussion regarding the large number of case reports in relation to the retention of gastric contents at the time of endoscopy. There is currently insufficient evidence to state categorically that they produce a significant change in gastric emptying. Nevertheless, it is recommended to inquire about the use of these drugs before endoscopic procedures that require sedation and, in the presence of symptoms, to suggest changes in the preparation
La obesidad es una patología muy frecuente a nivel global. Dentro de las alternativas del manejo están los análogos del péptido 1 similar al glucagón (GLP-1), hormona secretada principalmente por el intestino. Aparte de sus efec- tos como incretina, se han descrito efectos sobre la motilidad gastrointestinal, los que parecen ser fundamentales para su efecto sobre la obesidad, pero también los causales de sus potenciales efectos adversos más frecuentes. Existe discusión en relación con la gran cantidad de reportes de casos en relación con la retención de contenido gástrico al momento de una endoscopia. Actualmente no existe evidencia suficiente para afirmar categóricamente que producen un cambio significativo en el vaciamiento gástrico. No obstante, se recomienda indagar sobre el uso de estos fármacos antes de procedimientos endoscópicos que requieran sedación y, ante la presencia de síntomas, sugerir cambios en la preparación.
Humans , Glucagon-Like Peptide 1/adverse effects , Gastrointestinal Diseases/physiopathology , Gastrointestinal Motility/drug effects , Obesity/drug therapy , Constipation/etiology , Constipation/chemically induced , Obesity/complicationsABSTRACT
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma has increased its incidence in recent years. In approximately half of the cases, the diagnosis is made when the disease is in the metastatic stage. In advanced stages, treatment with immunotherapy is included with promising results. Histopathological diagnosis is required for the administra - tion of chemotherapy. Endosonography biopsy has benefits due to its high sensitivity and specificity, absence of the need for hospitalization, and low adverse events. Fine biopsy needles are classified according to two characteristics: diameter (19, 22 and 25 G) and tissue acquisition mechanism (FNA and FNB). The emergence of immunotherapy guided by tumor oncogenetics requires an increase in sample size. There are no significant differences between the presence of the pathologist in taking the sample (rapid on-side evaluation, ROSE) over the macroscopic visualization of the biopsy by the endosonographer (macroscopic on-side evaluation, MOSE). The use of FNB for biopsy is recommended over FNA with ROSE when it is necessary to make a diagnosis or genetic study and it is not possible to perform it with the ROSE modality. The factors that determine an adequate sample collection are the location of the biopsy (pancreas 54.3% vs. lymph nodes/metastasis 76.5%) and the diameter/type of needle.
El adenocarcinoma ductal pancreático ha presentado un aumento de su incidencia en los últimos años En aproximadamente la mitad de los casos se realiza el diagnóstico cuando la enfermedad se encuentra en etapa metastásica. En etapas avanzadas se incluye el tratamiento con inmunoterapia con resultados promisorios. Para la administración de quimioterapia se requiere el diagnóstico histopatológico. La biopsia por endosonografía presenta beneficios debido a su alta sensibilidad y especificidad, ausencia de necesidad de hospitalización y bajos eventos adversos. Las agujas finas de biopsia se clasifican según dos características: diámetro (19, 22 y 25 G) y mecanismo de adquisición del tejido (FNA y FNB). La aparición de la inmunoterapia guiada por la oncogenética tumoral requiere un incremento del tamaño de las muestras. No existen diferencias significativas entre la presencia del anatomopatólogo en la toma de la muestra ( rapid on-side evaluation, ROSE) por sobre la visualización macroscópica de la biopsia por parte del endosonografista (macroscopic on-side evaluation, MOSE). Se recomienda el uso de FNB para toma de biopsia por sobre FNA con ROSE cuando es necesario hacer diagnóstico, estudio genético y no es posible realizarlo con modalidad ROSE. Los factores que determi - nan una toma de muestra adecuada son la localización de la biopsia (páncreas 54,3% vs. linfonodos/metástasis 76,5%) y el diámetro/tipo de aguja
Biopsy/methods , Cell Transformation, Neoplastic/genetics , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal/methods , Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal/pathology , Immunotherapy/methods , Pancreatic Neoplasms/pathology , Endoscopes, Gastrointestinal , Gastrointestinal Diseases/pathologyABSTRACT
Introduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most prevalent cancer in the world, and the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) can be mentioned among the CRC screening methods based on the detection of occult blood in the feces, which may indicate upper gastrointestinal (UGI) malignancies; therefore, patients with a positive FIT but normal colonoscopy may be considered for a UGI endoscopy. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted on patients with a positive FIT who were submitted to colonoscopy with normal results. They subsequently underwent endoscopy for the detection of UGI disorders. Results: We included 121 patients (64.5% of women and 35.5% of men; average age: 58.85 ± 12.93 years), 72.7% of whom were positive for Helicobacter pylori. The predominant result of the UGI endoscopy was normal, followed by erythema of the gastric mucosa, and anemia and dyspepsia were the most common clinical findings. The most common pathological result was chronic gastritis, followed by acute gastritis. Only one patient presented stomach cancer (adenocarcinoma). Conclusion: Considering the small prevalence of cancer in the UGI endoscopies of patients with positive FIT and normal colonoscopy, to the performance of UGI endoscopy in these patients may not be necessary. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Colonoscopy , Gastrointestinal Diseases/diagnosis , Occult Blood , Colorectal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Helicobacter Infections , EndoscopySubject(s)
Humans , Male , Female , Gastrointestinal Diseases/surgery , Gastrointestinal Neoplasms/surgerySubject(s)
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Breast Feeding , Gastrointestinal Diseases/therapyABSTRACT
El consumo de probióticos, prebióticos y posbióticos, o su combinación, puede contribuir a mantener una microbiota intestinal saludable ya que permite la regulación de su disbiosis en el caso de algunas enfermedades o trastornos, principalmente en los trastornos gastrointestinales funcionales (TGIF). El microbioma intestinal es protagonista esencial en la fisiopatología de los TGIF a través de sus funciones metabólicas y nutricionales, el mantenimiento de la integridad de la mucosa intestinal y la regulación de la respuesta inmunitaria. Las investigaciones realizadas hasta la fecha indican que los probióticos, prebióticos y posbióticos pueden tener efectos inmunomoduladores directos y clínicamente relevantes. Existen pruebas del uso de esta familia de bióticos en individuos sanos para mejorar la salud general y aliviar los síntomas en una serie de enfermedades como los cólicos infantiles. La colonización y establecimiento de la microbiota comienza en el momento del nacimiento; los primeros 2-3 años de vida son fundamentales para el desarrollo de una comunidad microbiana abundante y diversa. Diversos estudios científicos realizados mediante técnicas tradicionales dependientes de cultivo y más recientemente por técnicas moleculares han observado diferencias en las poblaciones bacterianas de bebés sanos y aquellos que sufren TGIF, estos últimos caracterizados por un aumento de especies patógenas y una menor población de bifidobacterias y lactobacilos, en comparación con los primeros. En tal contexto, se considera que la microbiota intestinal como protagonista en el desarrollo de esos trastornos, entre ellos los cólicos infantiles, a través de sus funciones metabólicas, nutricionales, de mantenimiento de la integridad de la mucosa intestinal y regulación de la respuesta inmunitaria. Esto ha abierto la puerta al estudio de la utilización de prebióticos, probióticos y posbióticos en el tratamiento y/o prevención de los TGIF infantiles. El parto vaginal y de término así como la lactancia son fundamentales en la constitución de una microbiota saludable. Como herramientas de apoyo, existen estudios de eficacia que sustentan la administración de esta familia de bióticos, principalmente en los casos en que la lactancia no sea posible o esté limitada. (AU)
The consumption of probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics, or a combination of them, can contribute to maintaining a healthy intestinal microbiota as it allows the regulation of its dysbiosis in the case of some diseases or disorders, mainly in functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs). The gut microbiome is an essential player in the pathophysiology of FGIDs through its metabolic and nutritional functions, the maintenance of intestinal mucosal integrity, and the regulation of the immune response. Research results thus far indicate that probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics may have direct and clinically relevant immunomodulatory effects. There is evidence regarding the prescription of this family of biotics in healthy individuals to improve overall health and alleviate symptoms in many conditions like infantile colic. The colonization and microbiota establishment begins at birth; the first 2-3 years of life are critical for developing an abundant and diverse microbial community. Several scientific studies performed by traditional culture-dependent techniques and more recently by molecular techniques have observed differences in the bacterial populations of healthy infants and those suffering from FGIDs, the latter characterized by an increase in pathogenic species and a lower population of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, compared to the former. In this context, the intestinal microbiota plays a leading role in the onset of these disorders, including infantile colic, through its metabolic and nutritional functions, maintenance of the integrity of the intestinal mucosa, and regulation of the immune response. That has opened the door to the study of prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics usage in the treatment and or prevention of infantile FGIDs. Vaginal and term delivery and breastfeeding are fundamental in the constitution of a healthy microbiota. As supportive tools, there are efficacy studies that support the administration of this family of biotics, mainly in cases where lactation is not possible or is limited.
Humans , Colic/microbiology , Probiotics , Prebiotics , Synbiotics , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Gastrointestinal Diseases/microbiology , Lactation , Colic/diet therapy , Colic/physiopathology , Colic/prevention & control , Functional Food , Gastrointestinal Diseases/diet therapy , Gastrointestinal Diseases/physiopathology , Gastrointestinal Diseases/prevention & controlABSTRACT
Oxidative stress is a key cause of gastrointestinal disorders, primarily stomach ulcers. Multiple intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms caused the body to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). The body's antioxidant defense system protects against these reactive species. When the degree of ROS production exceeds the normal range, the body's natural defense system fails to neutralize these dangerous free radicals, necessitating need for an exogenous source of natural antioxidants. Natural herbal remedies have been widely employed as antioxidants to relieve oxidative stress in gastric ulcers. Polyphenols, tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, notably quercetin, carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin A, and minerals are among the molecules of immense interest in bioassays due to their significant antioxidant effects. In the present review, several natural anti-ulcer medicinal plants along with their antioxidative mechanism have been reported. Electronic databases including PubMed, Google Scholar and Scopus were explored to identify the antioxidant and gastroprotective potential of all the plants.
El estrés oxidativo es una causa clave de trastornos gastrointestinales, principalmente úlceras estomacales. Múltiples mecanismos intrínsecos y extrínsecos hacen que el cuerpo produzca especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS). El sistema de defensa antioxidante del cuerpo protege contra estas especies reactivas. Cuando el grado de producción de ROS excede el rango normal, el sistema de defensa natural del cuerpo no logra neutralizar estos peligrosos radicales libres, lo que requiere de una fuente exógena de antioxidantes naturales. Los remedios herbales naturales se han empleado ampliamente como antioxidantes para aliviar el estrés oxidativo en las úlceras gástricas. Los polifenoles, los taninos, los aceites esenciales, los flavonoides, en particular la quercetina, los carotenoides, la vitamina C, la vitamina A y los minerales se encuentran entre las moléculas de mayor interés en los bioensayos debido a sus importantes efectos antioxidantes. En la presente revisión se han reportado varias plantas medicinales naturales antiulcerosas junto con su mecanismo antioxidante. Se exploraron bases de datos electrónicas como PubMed, Google Scholar y Scopus para identificar el potencial antioxidante y gastroprotector de todas las plantas.
Plants, Medicinal , Stomach Ulcer/drug therapy , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Databases, Bibliographic , Gastrointestinal Diseases/drug therapy , Medicine, TraditionalABSTRACT
Los avances tecnológicos y del conocimiento hicieron que un mayor número de pacientes con enfermedad crónica gastrointestinal pasen de ser atendidos por el pediatra al control por los médicos de adultos durante una de las etapas más vulnerables de la vida: la adolescencia. El Grupo de Trabajo de Transición del Comité de Gastroenterología de la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría realizó una búsqueda de literatura exhaustiva y convocó a especialistas referentes del país, con el objeto de unificar los criterios basados en la evidencia y la experiencia. De esta manera, se proponen una serie de recomendaciones para todo el equipo de salud (pediatra, gastroenterólogo infantil, nutricionista, gastroenterólogo de adultos, psicólogo, enfermería), incluso para pacientes y familias, que faciliten el proceso de transición y optimicen el seguimiento, el control, la prevención de complicaciones y la calidad de vida de los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas gastrointestinales
Technological advances and the globalization of knowledge have led to a considerable increase in the number of patients with chronic gastrointestinal disease who transition from pediatric to adult care during one of the most vulnerable life stages: adolescence. The Transition Working Group of the Gastroenterology Committee of the Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría conducted an exhaustive literature search and summoned leading specialists in the most frequent chronic pathologies from all over the country to unify criteria based on evidence and experience. As a result, a series of recommendations are proposed for the whole health team (pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist, nutritionist, adult gastroenterologist, psychologist, and nurse) including patients and families, to facilitate the transition process, optimize follow-up, prevent complications, and improve the quality of life of patients with chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases , Transition to Adult Care , Gastroenterology , Gastrointestinal Diseases/therapy , Quality of Life , Chronic DiseaseABSTRACT
PONTOS-CHAVE O misoprostol é um análogo da prostaglandina E1 (PGE1) que consta na Lista de Medicamentos Essenciais da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) desde 2005 O Brasil possui uma das regulações mais restritivas do mundo relacionadas ao uso do misoprostol, estabelecendo que o misoprostol tem uso hospitalar exclusivo, com controle especial, e venda, compra e propaganda proibidas por lei Atualmente, o misoprostol é a droga de referência para tratamento medicamentoso nos casos de aborto induzido, tanto no primeiro trimestre gestacional quanto em idades gestacionais mais avançadas O misoprostol é uma medicação efetiva para o preparo cervical e indução do parto O misoprostol é um medicamento essencial para o manejo da hemorragia pós-parto
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Misoprostol/adverse effects , Misoprostol/pharmacokinetics , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Abortion, Legal , Carcinogenic Danger , Parturition/drug effects , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Postpartum Hemorrhage/drug therapyABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Cadmium (Cd) is the industrial and environmental toxic heavy metal which is found in air, water and soil. Cd, adversely affects many organs in humans such as kidney, intestine, liver, testis and lungs. L-carnitine (LC) is an important agent that plays essential role in energy metabolism. In our study, we aimed to work out whether LC application has any protective effect on intestinal contractility and morphologic damage of prepubertal rat duodenum on Cd-induced toxicity. Twenty eight prepubertal female Wistar rats were divided into four groups. The first group is control (C), second group; Cd group; Cadmium chloride was given 2 mg/kg 28 days with a one-day break by i.p. The third group; Cd+LC, which cadmium chloride was given 2 mg/kg i.p. and LC was given orally by gastric lavage. The LC dose was given as 75 mg/kg. The fourth group; LC, which only LC was given orally. The intestinal segments were isolated and suspended in tissue bath. Contractile responses were induced by acetylcholine (ACh) and relaxation was achieved with phenylephrine. Also the segments were examined for histological changes by light microscopy. Ach-induced contractions were higher in Cd+LC, LC, and control group compared to the Cd group in duodenal segments. The phenylephrine-induced relaxations were lower in Cd groups as compared with Control, Cd+LC and LC group in duodenal segments. In Cd group intestinal morphology was observed to be severely damaged whereas in Cd+LC group the damage was noticeably lower. Cd administration caused severe cellular damage and decreased gastrointestinal motility. Treatment with the LC has affected the gastrointestinal contractility and reduced the damage in intestinal morphology, which occured after Cd application.
El cadmio (Cd) es el metal pesado tóxico industrial y ambiental que se encuentra en el aire, el agua y el suelo. El Cd afecta negativamente a muchos órganos humanos, como los riñones, los intestinos, el hígado, los testículos y los pulmones. La L-carnitina (LC) es un agente importante que juega un rol esencial en el metabolismo energético. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si la aplicación de LC tiene algún efecto protector sobre la contractilidad intestinal y el daño morfológico del duodeno de rata prepuberal sobre la toxicidad inducida por Cd. Veintiocho ratas Wistar hembras prepúberes se dividieron en cuatro grupos. El primer grupo control (C), segundo grupo; grupo cd; Se administró cloruro de cadmio 2 mg/kg durante 28 días con un descanso de un día por vía i.p. El tercer grupo; Cd+LC, al que se administró cloruro de cadmio 2 mg/kg i.p. y LC se administró por vía oral mediante lavado gástrico. La dosis de LC se administró como 75 mg/kg. El cuarto grupo; LC, al cual solo LC se administraba por vía oral. Los segmentos intestinales fueron aislados y suspendieron en baño de tejido. Las respuestas contráctiles fueron inducidas por acetilcolina (ACh) y la relajación se logró con fenilefrina. También se examinaron los segmentos en busca de cambios histológicos mediante microscopía óptica. Las contracciones inducidas por Ach fueron mayores en Cd+LC, LC y el grupo control en comparación con el grupo Cd en los segmentos duodenales. Las relajaciones inducidas por fenilefrina fueron menores en los grupos Cd en comparación con el grupo Control, Cd+LC y LC en los segmentos duodenales. En el grupo Cd se observó que la morfología intestinal estaba severamente dañada mientras que en el grupo Cd+LC el daño fue notablemente menor. La administración de Cd causó daño celular severo y disminución de la motilidad gastrointestinal. El tratamiento con LC afectó la contractilidad gastrointestinal y redujo el daño en la morfología intestinal, que ocurría después de la aplicación de Cd.
Animals , Female , Rats , Cadmium/toxicity , Carnitine/administration & dosage , Gastrointestinal Diseases/chemically induced , Gastrointestinal Diseases/prevention & control , Gastrointestinal Motility/drug effects , Rats, Wistar , Gastrointestinal Tract/drug effects , Gastrointestinal Tract/pathology , Muscle Contraction/drug effectsABSTRACT
Gastrointestinal involvement in SLE has been reported in up to 50%, generally secondary to the adverse effects of treatment. Intestinal pseudo-obstruction is caused by hypomotility related to ineffective propulsion. The case of a 51-year-old patient with intestinal obstruction is presented. She was taken to surgical management due to suspicion of adhesions, with a stationary clinical course; the control tomography documented loop dilation and bilateral hydroureteronephrosis, associated with markers of lupus activity. It was managed as an intestinal pseudo-obstruction due to SLE with resolution of her symptoms. High diagnostic suspicion results in timely treatment and the reduction of complications.
El compromiso gastrointestinal en lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) ha sido reportado hasta en un 50%, generalmente secundario a los efectos adversos del tratamiento. La pseudoobstrucción intestinal es causada por hipomotilidad relacionada con una propulsión inefectiva. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 51 arios, con obstrucción intestinal por sospecha de bridas, que fue llevada a manejo quirúrgico y tuvo una evolución clínica estacionaria. La tomografía de control documentó dilatación de asas e hidroureteronefrosis bilateral, en tanto que los paraclínicos mostraron actividad lúpica. Se manejó como una pseudoobstrucción intestinal por LES con resolución del cuadro. La alta sospecha diagnóstica favorece el tratamiento oportuno y la disminución de las complicaciones.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Digestive System Diseases , Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction , Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases , Connective Tissue Diseases , Gastrointestinal Diseases , Intestinal Obstruction , Lupus Erythematosus, SystemicABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To observe the clinical effect of electroacupuncture (EA) for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) complicated with gastrointestinal dysfunction.@*METHODS@#A total of 100 patients with AECOPD complicated with gastrointestinal dysfunction were randomly divided into an EA group (50 cases, 2 cases dropped off, 1 case excluded) and a medication group (50 cases). Both groups were treated with symptomatic and supportive treatment such as low flow oxygen, nebulized inhalation of short-acting β2 agonist (SABA) or short-acting muscarinic antagonist (SAMA) combined with inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). The EA group was treated with EA at Zusanli (ST 36), Yinlingquan (SP 9), Zhongwan (CV 12), Shuifen (CV 9), Tianshu (ST 25), Chize (LU 5) and Lieque (LU 7), with discontinuous wave, 2 Hz in frequency, 30 min each time, once a day. In the medication group, oral mosapride citrate tablets were given, 3 times a day, 5 mg each time. Both groups were treated for 5 d. Before and after treatment, the gastrointestinal symptom rating scale (GSRS) score was observe, serum procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein (CRP), and plasma oxygenation index (PaO2/FiO2) were detected, and patient satisfaction degree was evaluated in the two groups.@*RESULTS@#Compared with before treatment, except for diarrhea dimension in the medication group, the total scores and each dimension scores of GSRS were decreased (P<0.05), serum PCT and CRP were decreased (P<0.05), plasma PaO2/FiO2 was increased (P<0.05) in the two groups after treatment. After treatment, in the EA group, the total score and abdominal pain, dyspepsia, constipation and diarrhea scores of GSRS were lower than those in the medication group (P<0.05), meanwhile serum PCT and CRP were lower and plasma PaO2/FiO2 was higher than those in the medication group (P<0.05). The improvement of gastrointestinal symptoms, life quality and overall satisfaction degree in the EA group were superior to those in the medication group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#EA could improve the symptoms of patients with AECOPD complicated with gastrointestinal dysfunction, reduce inflammatory response, improve oxygenation and patient satisfaction degree.
Humans , Electroacupuncture , Gastrointestinal Diseases/therapy , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/therapy , Diarrhea , Abdominal Pain , C-Reactive ProteinABSTRACT
To provide proof of the evidence-based medicine and decision-making information for the clinical decision of functional gastrointestinal disorders(FGIDs), this study evaluated and compared the efficacy, safety, and economy of four oral Chinese patent medicines(CPMs) in the treatment of FGIDs using the method of rapid health technology assessment. The literature was systematically retrieved from CNKI, Wanfang, VIP, SinoMed, EMbase, PubMed, Cochrane Library and ClinicalTrials.gov from the establishment of the databases to May 1, 2022. Two evaluators screened out the literature, extracted data, evaluated the quality of the literature, and descriptively analyzed the results according to the prepared standard. Eventually, 16 studies were included, all of which was rando-mized controlled trial(RCT). The results showed that Renshen Jianpi Tablets, Renshen Jianpi Pills, Shenling Baizhu Granules, and Buzhong Yiqi Granules all had certain effects on the treatment of FGIDs. Renshen Jianpi Tablets treated FGIDs and persistent diarrhea. Shenling Baizhu Granules treated diarrhea with irritable bowel syndrome and FGIDs. Buzhong Yiqi Granules treated diarrhea with irritable bowel syndrome, FGIDs, and chronic diarrhea in children. Renshen Jianpi Pills treated chronic diarrhea. The four oral CPMs all have certain effects on the treatment of FGIDs and have specific advantages for specific patients. Compared with other CPMs, Renshen Jianpi Tablets have higher clinical universality. However, there are problems such as insufficient clinical research evidence, generally low quality of evidence, lack of comparative analysis among medicines, and lack of academic evaluation. More high-quality clinical research and the economic research should be carried out in the future, so as to provide more evidence for the evaluation of the four CPMs.
Child , Humans , Irritable Bowel Syndrome , Technology Assessment, Biomedical , Gastrointestinal Diseases , DiarrheaABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics and related factors of corticosteroid induced adrenal crisis (AC) in children with primary nephrotic syndrome (NS). Methods: Case control study. The case group included 7 children aged 1 to 18 years with NS combined with AC hospitalized in Peking University First Hospital from January 2016 to May 2021 (AC group). According to the ratio of case group: control group 1: 4, 28 children aged 1 to 18 years who were diagnosed with NS without AC during the same period were matched as controls (non-AC group). Clinical data were collected. The clinical characteristics of AC were described. The clinical parameters were compared between the 2 groups by t test, Mann-Whitney U test or Fisher's test. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to analyze the cutoff values of clinical parameters for prediction of AC. Results: The AC group included 4 boys and 3 girls aged 6.9 (4.6, 10.8) years. The non-AC group included 20 boys and 8 girls aged 5.2 (3.3, 8.4) years. All AC events occurred during the relapse of NS with infection. Seven children had gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Six children had poor mental state or impaired consciousness. No significant differences in NS course, corticosteroid treatment course, corticosteroid type, steroid dosage, steroid medication interval, the proportion of gastroenteritis and fever existed between the two groups (all P>0.05). Compared with the non-AC group, the duration from the onset of the relapse of NS until hospitalization in the AC group was significantly shorter (0.2 (0.1, 0.6) vs. 1.0 (0.4, 5.0) month,U=25.50, P=0.005). The 24 h urinary total protein (UTP) level was significantly higher in the AC group (193 (135, 429) vs. 81 (17, 200) mg/kg, U=27.00,P=0.036) than the non-AC group. The serum albumin level in the AC group was significantly lower((13.1±2.1) vs. (24.5±8.7) g/L,t=-6.22,P<0.001) than the non-AC group. There were significantly higher total white blood cell counts ((26±9)×109 vs. (11±5)×109/L,t=4.26,P=0.004), percentage of neutrophils (0.71±0.08 vs. 0.60±0.19,t=2.56,P=0.017) and the proportion of children with C reactive protein level≥8 mg/L (3/7 vs. 0,P=0.005) in the AC group than in the non-AC group. ROC curve analysis showed that the cutoff value of 24 h UTP was 122 mg/(kg·d) with a sensitivity of 100.0% and specificity of 70.4%. The cutoff value of serum albumin was 17.0 g/L with a sensitivity of 100.0% and specificity of 82.1%. Conclusions: Gastrointestinal symptoms and poor mental state were prominent manifestations of AC in children with NS. High 24 h UTP level, low serum albumin level, high peripheral white blood cell counts, high neutrophils percentage, and high C-reactive protein level during the early stage of NS relapse may be related to the occurrence of AC in children with NS.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Male , Female , Nephrotic Syndrome/drug therapy , Gastrointestinal Diseases/diagnosis , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Nausea/chemically induced , Vomiting/chemically induced , Abdominal Pain/chemically induced , Mental Processes/drug effects , ChinaABSTRACT
Endoscopy is a common tool for the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in children. The presence of bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract is one of the important factors affecting the clarity of endoscopic visual field, and the application of defoamers can significantly reduce bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract, improve the quality of gastrointestinal preparation, and further increase disease detection rate. Various studies have been conducted on gastrointestinal preparation before endoscopy in children, but there still lacks a uniform protocol for the application of defoamers. This article summarizes the use of defoamers in children before digestive endoscopy and related research advances and points out that existing studies on defoamers have a small sample size and that there are still controversies over the selection and timing of administration, so as to provide a reference for in-depth research on defoamers in the future.